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Tomorrow is the day, may we pray for whatever comes after. Part 2

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Tomorrow is the day, may we pray for whatever comes after. Part 2
inb4 mods remove
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The other thread reached bump limit faggot
>piracy allowed
>talking about reviewers 'ruining their relationship with Nintendo' not allowed
I know but they've been removing threads like this since then
Going to get a copy from the GAME store I work at and upload the .cia tomorrow, hold on to that hope /vp/
why do you guys care about this game? it has very few OLD pokemon.

I actually work at GAME and we don't have any scheduled deliveries until the 9th

Not gonna give the exact store but I'm in the North East and boss man said shipment is tomorrow.
Here's your (You). Now, piss off, you troglodyte.
I think anon is referring to thread where the Gamestop employee posted the scan of the paper showing that they received the shipment with the SKU on it. That thread got quickly deleted.
You're the same faggot shitting it up in every other thread saying this, aren't you? Fuck off, don't make this shit a new meme.

Noice well good luck. Are you going to take your hacked 3ds to work?
If you aren't lying, put on a trip senpai.

was there a picture of said thread?, i think i missed it

I do every day anyway but I'm gonna do everything at home

I'd rather be as anonymous as possible.
how are you even going to get it out the shop?
Have you dumped CIAs before? Will it be a relatively painless experience for you?
Would we expect tomorrow evening, and where would you plan to dump it?
You can just take the cartridge in the bathroom to dump the CIA, and upload it once you get home. No risk of being caught then.
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There's a link to the archive somewhere, too lazy to look for it. But I did save the picture that the OP of said thread posted.
Not my first time taking a game before release date from the store

Never dumped a CIA but I used to dump PSP games, can't see it being too hard and I'll probably dump it on some upload site under a couple of proxies and then post a thread I guess.
How do you plan to get a copy? Won't they notice the plastic wrapping from one of the boxes is ripped?
It would be extremely painful
>talking about the game being leaked again
>seems legit

it's my pre-ordered copy, I've already paid for it.
I can't speak for the anon, but at the game store near me they can just wrap it back up in plastic with a machine
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If dubs, someone is leaking the .cia as we speak.

Shhhh keep your voices down!
masuda please
I used to work at an electronics store and I would just take the game from the store weeks early. When the game came out, I'd pick a new sealed copy off the shelves, buy it, and then just put it back in the storeroom.

I knew where the cameras were so it was really easy. Just tuck a game under my shirt to steal it and same thing to put one back.
Fuck off faggots. Jannies already deleted the other thread from the GameStop employee, and that seemed pretty legit.
Even if you did pay for it could you get caught still. But idk if you are a troll but if you are not good luck. Also which game is it, Sun or Moon? Also where you gonna post the CIA file if you get it?
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>Even if you did pay for it could you get caught still.

Yeah if my boss gave a shit

Game is Sun and I said a bit further up what I was going to upload it.
I'm just shitposting, I want the game as much as everyone else
>want moon
>sun will probably get leaked first

You remembered to have CFW right?

Cause if you do why not just dump a game or two so you know what it's like dumping 3DS .cias in advance.

Anon I'm probably a faggot for believing you but I really don't want you to screw it up.
It's not going to happen. People always say they will and it never happens. Stop believing him.
I just have the feeling that tomorrow the whole day will go by with absolutely nothing. Hopefully I'm wrong, and even if I'm not I hope we get it next week.
Yeah I feel like that's the truth deep down but I really need that .cia fast. Mainly for base stats since i ROM hack and play on showdown/cart online.
Must be a good boss lol and that is good, I want Sun to beat before I play on my Moon game so that is good lol. Good luck and hope you got everything ready to dump the game tomorrow.
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Just got the physical copy of Moon. Will upload when I get off work in five hours.

>Disk 1 of 3711
>disk 1 of 3711

So this is what hell looks like.
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Hold up. Windows 8 floppies actually exist? I thought that was some sort of joke.
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i can't believe they sent me a review copy LOL I only have 10k subs
Are you from europe or usa?
I'm not expecting the game to leak tomorrow, but I do expect it to leak before Corocoro drops on the 12th.

Hopefully atleast one of the people who gets the game super early, i.e. next week, will actually be capable of uploading the .cia so that the dataminers can do their work, but knowing out luck only normies will get the game super early and we'll have to wait until a couple of days before release until someone who knows what they're doing gets it.
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Yeah, sure.
It's in the archive if you care enough to want to see it.
PSA that if you browse this board and have access to an early copy, you are required to mod your 3DS and steal the game for the rest of us.
This isn't even about the individual anymore, this is about all of us. The bigger picture. A martyr for the good of the people.
TDLR: Stuff that shit in yo boxer shorts tomorrow
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Yep. They exist. I doubt someone is going to make a Windows 10 version, though.
Yes. A scanned paper with erased internal data
prove it's from nintendo
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>this shitty thread again
W-why??? Why does this exist???
Shut the fuck up obese and autistic motherfucker
For computers with no USB ports, disc drives, nor a way to install via network. Mostly for government and companies too cheap to provide better hardware.
But the game is most likely going to come from someone in retail. I have a friend who works at Grainger Games, their store is super casual, employees help themselves to games and fuck around all the time with almost no punishment for it. If I knew when they were getting their stock in, I'd probably be able to get my friend to nab a copy from behind the counter, dump it with my 3DS and put it back again without anyone knowing or giving a shit if it was gone at all. The games are going to leak some time next week in any case, it's inevitable.
dont be retarded

do it IN the store

i dont know what you britbongs do but here in the us our gamestores like gamestop open games and then reseal them and sell them as new

so you could just

1) cracketh open a copy of sun/moon
2) boot up decrypt9 and dump cia
3) when finished, deposit game cart back in box with none the wiser
4) ???
5) profit
I don't know their policy on unreleased games, but they're also allowed to take games home.
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The more you know

But seriously, who the fuck is that cheap to not get a computer model that has been around since the last decade?
It's for 3rd world countries mostly.

The PS2 didn't stop making games until about 2 years ago because of very poor regions.
I trust you man
I work at gamestop, we receive the games here tomorrow and I'm planning on playing one of the three copies we use for rentals
*dumping, and then playing
using Decrypt9 cmon
Well that is how you do it. Can't wait for this. If this thread gets deleted (most likely will) make a new post to let us know what is going on. I trust you but hey we can't know fore sure if you are trolling or not. So I expect to see some news tomorrow lol
I got a feeling we'll get nothing tomorrow.

Not a denialfag, I got cfw 3ds ready for cia.

It's just a hunch, I want to believe that we get it thought, it would be amazing.
review copies are out but someone has to dumperino them
Tomorrow is when the anticipation truly begins.
Hey guys, what if we put together a really legit looking letter from nintendo saying something along the lines of, "Congratulations on securing an early release copy of Pokémon Sun/Pokémon Moon, please take this notice to the closest retailer near you blah blah blah" and try it out on a walmart employee who looks new or something.
Worst they can do is tell you to fuck off.
Me too but I keep my mind thinking we will get it tomorrow but I know we might not but hey never know eh. This game might be soo anticipated someone might just leak it and we got the world and how many stores getting it tomorrow. We will find out but deffinatly next week is what I can see more of
That's not how it works, though.
Nintendo sends YOU the copies directly. Retailers have literally NO reason to believe you.
That's my main concern. Those people with review copies are either scared ass normies who won't dump shit because they're scared of Nintendo/GF or lust-filled, fame hungry faggots who rather tease on twitter than dump cia.

I guess I lost faith in people these days.

No one want to be a true hero.
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>tfw I'll be at work tomorrow receiving hundreds of copies of Sun/Moon because I work on inbound at TRU's online store
>not allowed to buy anything before street date because
a bad feel
Kaiji would steal it
This is literally one of the dumbest things I've read on this site so congratulations on doing that.
I really hope for this dump, I don't want to wait 20 more days (eufag)
Idk, in Arkansas, it's dumb enough to maybe work...
14, because worst case scenario we'll get USA cia on 18th, brother.
Do you even have 3DSs in Arkansas?
...Do you even have STORES in Arkansas?
Retail chains like WalMart can't break street date that early because they don't receive their shipments until a day or two before it's supposed to be sold. You'd have better luck trying it at Best Buy or something.
right, usa cias, but still, it's too much wait, i hate being teased like that
Of course we do!! Ride much!! Anyways, it wouldn't work at a GameStop here. The only reason it'd work at Wal-Mart is because most of the stupid hillbilly hicks work there.
>Buy different game
>Print Sun/Moon cover at home
>Replace cover in the newly bought game
>Replace the game with original Sun/Moon copy and get it home
>dump cia at home with decrypt9
>bring Sun/Moon game to work next day
>replace it with your fake
>no one will notice anything
This... could work!!!! Genius anon!!
My friends a gaming journalist lemme ask him if he got a copy
ok, waiting for response anon! hype
I've got high hopes because I actually helped the motherfucker get a job at nintendo after I had to turn it down
the games are region free
My dad works at Gamefreak lemme ask him if he got a copy
That is actually smart unless the workers are smart lol but good one
I'm John Gamefreak, let me get a copy.
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lol look at this big shitstorm started by some b8
yea, forgot about that
That's assuming the person who will replace the game is working tomorrow in some kind of store with Sun/Moon delivery. For normal customer it seem kinda impossible in my opinion.

So we need someone who works in store which is getting Sun/Moon copies tomorrow.
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Unfortunately, even if I wanted to do that, the games will most likely be shrink wrapped.

It would also be relocated into a bulk location (basically, locations that are high on the racks and require a forklift), like any other popular product until street date. We had to do with the fuckin hundreds of Hatchimals we got in.
wouldn't it not work because of the plastic seal being broken?
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Well, turns out he doesn't work for Nintendo anymore. So no go.
How many people will work tomorrow with you? Maybe it'll be possible to replace it and give it back when they order to put games on shelves?
Australia stores got them today iirc plz australa
We can stage a robbery.

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Like previously mentioned, the shrink wrapping is gonna be an issue.

That, and y'know, it'd get me fired for sure if I got caught.
As an Arkansan, can confirm we have stores, pardner
You can open it carefully and slip the game from plastic seal without getting it damaged or even leaving a mark.

You can cut the top part of plastic seal and open it carefully than use plastic tape. No one will notice and if customer decides to report it they won't be able to prove it because they already broke the seal themselves.
lol how can you autistics believe this shit
sneak into the bathroom with a copy and do this
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is there a youtube tutorial on how to steal video games from gamestop so i can do it for you guys
the risk is high but the reward is ethernal glory from community, I'd take my chances.

Best case scenario you'll get the game and keep the job.
Do you have a cool manager? And are there cameras that you can hide from while committing your crime of necessity?
what did it say?
nothing legitimate
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Why would anyone risk their jobs to break street date on a game that's coming out in exactly 2 weeks?
It was the screenshot of the chat with LeRay, but clover didn't post it so I posted it through the browser. Suddenly Clover decided to work and posted it anyway so I just deleted it since it wasn't relevant
original image!! xddd
To be nice.
Well Kaiji maybe if you didn't have that gambling addiction being fired wouldn't be as much of a concern
what you do is obtain a screwdriver

push it down into the depression on the top of the 3ds and run it along the length until it pierces it. if you can, slice a couple inches to the left and right so you can push the box out. afterwards remove box, dump game, then insert it and have the slitted portion of the shinkwrap facing down
Why would anyone risk their freedom robbing a bank? It's for the thrill of the moment.
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>the risk is high but the reward is ethernal glory from community, I'd take my chances.
No offense bros, but I think I love making money more than internet glory. As much as I'd love to be cool on a Chinese shitposting forum, I like buying things and services.

That, and basically tl;dr it'd be very difficult to do such a thing. Not even talking about the security (it's actually more lax than you'd think), just the plan itself is hard to carry out. I can't really explain it because it'd be long and no body wants to read it, but it would require me to work at a really specific shift (that coincidentally handles Sun/Moon a few days before release), doing a specific thing.
My manager is pretty chill and likes me. She probably wouldn't mind, it's just that TRU itself that would be the issue.

The online stores aren't actually TRU, just a third party company that handles it for them.
i want to read it
This is the basis:
>one inbound group (receiving) gets the product, verifies the quantity that both the manufacturing and shipping company have listed, and inputs it into the system. I'll be doing this
>after verification, they'll be temporarily stored into a bulk location until it's closer to street date, as there's no need for the product now
>(bulk location requires a forklift driver to access it)
>nearing release, inbound recollects the items and sorts them into different locations onto the actual floor
>each location has a specific quantity #, which they input on the warehouse's systems
>inbound crew physically moves those products into their respective floor locations, which requires verification to the system
>then outbound crew is responsible for picking those items, which yet again requires a verification in the system to make sure the quantity is correct
So yeah, it's hard for me to move a product after it's been placed in the bulk location, and I'd most likely wouldn't be working on those specific hours where they'd be moved onto the floor. Especially if the item in question is being tampered with, which can also be caught by the worker as they package it for the customer.
sounds logical
thanks senpai
Funny thing is this is the first time I am visiting this page and I am here for about 12 hours right now. Just wtf is wrong with me :D
what was part 1?
Already archived, same name though
bump, any news?
would she accept a bribe
whatsa happening here
What the fuck kind of computer can run windows 8 that doesn't have any ports other than a 5.25" floppy drive?
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It doesn't exist. Windows XP was the last version available on floppy.
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much thank senpai, may another anon shine down upon us
I got a Gateway card years ago since because this was before the time of cfw. Would it be worth it to do cfw instead of trying to get Gateway to work with Sun/Moon?
We pretty much have to hope that either shipments do arrive at several stores around the country tomorrow and some employee is brave enough to leak it, or the Poketubers and other people really are getting their review copies and one of them has the balls to release it.
CFW is superior in every way anon, go for it
This. Seriously. No computer can run this unless the computer was made in the last two decades, and if it was, it had a CD drive.
Not played a Pokemon game since White.

Gonna need to buy a 2DS with this, is it worth buying White 2/X&Y/RS remakes? Or should I just jump right into this?
White 2 is a sequel and better than White in everyway.
X/Y is pretty ok.
R/S remakes are R/S remakes, if you aren't asshurt about lack of Emerald content you'll be fine.
Anon if you can really get the game early, then do it and play it. Fuck everyone else.
Cheers, just gonna buy the Special Sun/Moon 2DS then and probably buy all of them too. Fucking loved Gen 3,

as long as these asshole games don't demand I change my Router password to WEP like White does

We can wait. Don't let anybody here tempt you.

Anytime. Have fun.
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When in doubt, just steal a copy.

Security can't be THAT tight at chain vidya and toy stores.
>But I'm an employee, I'll be one of the suspects
Then do it at a different location. Security protocol is consistent throughout most of the company, right?
>But what about the police investigation?
Preferably do it in a high crime area. The police there shouldn't be very concerned with a single missing Pokemon game. If they are then the ensuing shitstorm will cover for you.
>But Nintendo's wrath
Try to cover your digital tracks when uploading the prize. Be wary of showing it off here first as well.
If /pol/ can't bring the hammer down then I doubt /vp/ ever will, but it's better to be safe than sorry after Hiro's recent antics.
>Local store giving out free Volcanion codes today
>Worked up courage to go in
>Only a girl serving at the desk
>Lose nerve to go up and ask for one

G-guess I will do without
>Try to cover your digital tracks when uploading the prize. Be wary of showing it off here first as well.
Put it on a flash drive and upload it at a library or something.
as someone who also had a gw long before cfw was a thing, ditch that shit, get a9h and never look back
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those autistic roleplayers never fail to make me laugh
the floppy disks in this thread are actually fake, unfortunately. The newest OS I've heard of getting distributed on floppy disks was Windows XP. It was something like 300 disks.

I work at a government office in the US and we're stuck using Windows 98 still. Sometimes it's not a matter of being too cheap to upgrade but rather the shitty IT department refusing to cooperate. The software and programs these ancient machines are running just won't run on newer computers. Virtual machines are out of the question because there is always a chance something could go wrong with emulation.

The original programmers and IT staff are still working there today so theoretically someone could take the time to redesign everything and take a look at the old software and modify it. But since they're the only ones who know how to do any of this, that means that they can't be fired. Instead of getting the office off of its shitty ~20 year old hardware, they just sit around jacking off during their 3 hour lunch breaks while still making $200K a year. In the meantime I'm an IT intern there and they're trying to get me fired for coming up with a 5 year long plan to transition from Windows 98 to Windows 10. Today I placed a hidden camera in my desk and caught one of them trying to stuff some CDs and ethernet cables into my bag and while I was in the bathroom. I have a disciplinary hearing with my supervisor and HR tomorrow and I'm probably getting fired.

fuck everything about government jobs. This is why everything is so shitty in the US. fuck technology fuck everything fuck

sorry for ranting
Tomorrow is the day that the Z episode will be proven real
he's a big guy
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At least there's a CHANCE for something to happen tomorrow. We don't need to expect much, but we can at least be optimistic.
I agree.
I'm not sure if I'd believe people in here saying they'll leak it tomorrow, but with each passing day the chances of it being leaked in a given day increases.

I for one would put my bets around the 10th.
I feel a lot of people will be disappointed.

the whole 4th thing has been misadvertised greatly. Yes that's when a good number of stores get shipments, but that doesn't mean it'll absolutely leak that day, it simple means its much more likely, with it getting even more likely from then on.
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godspeed anon
I think i'll just abandon /vp/ tomorrow and only return when the game launches. It has been fun guys, but i think i'll drop out of the hype train here.
Understandable, someone else in a better position will handle it, no use risking your job when someone in a much better situation can do it.
Sorry to hear that, can't you show them the video footage?
Anyone got a level 41 Furfrou. Willing to trade my Samurott
I feel that'd just have them fired for a different reason, can't risk having someone smart enough to record corruption in a government position. They'd give the offender a "warning", and then find a different reason to fire the recorder.
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My 3DS is FULL UPDATED, it's ded for the CIA?
Yes, unless you have a second 3DS with a CFW, or if you can hardmod.
Of course, corrupt fucks like those should just be executed.
I work in GAMING
Proof it
prove it
>15 days til release
Holy shit that was fast
Poor bastard
I am the game
and I am on some ANON hands
thanks guys. i haven't touched 3ds roms in about a year and a half, at least since ORAS, so i'm really out of the loop.
It's been dead for CIA for awhile unless you already had CFW on it or you have access to another 3DS with CFW.
A store actually called gaming lololol>>29642509
"Tomorrow never comes."
Grovyle said it like it is even back then.
what's the latest version that can get cfw? i'm an autist and have several 3ds systems, including a 9.2 that i never got around to doing anything with.
9.2 is absolutely fantastic, you get to skip a step, maybe even 2 if its an N3DS, but an O3DS works too.
>Be me
>N3DS is on 11.2
9.2 is perfect.
You can use it to hack the other systems, too.
>shrink wrapped
So I desperately crave the new Pokemon types, stats, abilities, moves, etc, but I also want to avoid story spoilers like the goddamn plague. When the game leaks/gets datamined/whatever, what's the best way/place to try and achieve that end?
you're gonna have to stay off the internet
But then how will I learn stats?

I need to get my minmax on, anon
Try smogon.
Hmm. Bulbapedia's National Pokedex page? Just make sure to not click on any Legendary's profiles.
Probably twitter, or better yet the dataminers directly. They organize their findings and the story stuff will be in its own section.
Bookmark a pokedex site like Serebii and don't click on any of the other links.
What's all this talk about the game leaking?
It's gonna leak in the next 9 days.

First possible day is tomorrow since people are getting review copies and stores are getting their shipment in starting tomorrow, next week it's going to leak for sure.
Games start hitting stores tomorrow.
Which means its incredibly more likely for the game to leak, be it due to an employee directly uploading it or via breaking street date.
Probably won't happen tomorrow exactly, but it becomes more likely with each passing day starting tomorrow.
For jew

I was planning on showing it to HR but after thinking about it, I think I would get in legal trouble. We handle sensitive data sometimes and by recording, technically I'm jeopardizing people's privacy. I looked over some paperwork I signed and there's a bit about no audio/video recorders. I'd rather just get fired for "thef" instead of going to jail. The CDs were just installation CDs (thank god they weren't data backups) and the cables were just regular ethernet cables. At least if they think I was planning on stealing them the items are mostly worthless.
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>14 days left
>thinking the game will leak in full online
I'll see you bastards in a week when we're dealing with some attention whore leaker doing one screenshot per hour.
Welp, good luck getting a better job, then. Maybe get a job at one of those stores so you can grab us S/M early.
I just got one question: is Silvally/Type:Null legendary?
Doesn't seem to be, no.
I personally hope it doesn't leak. It would seriously effect the sales.
>t. shareholder with shares on TPC and Nintendo
No it wouldn't.
You'll be able to pirate it at launch, so anyone who wouldn't buy the game due to being able to pirate it early probably wouldn't buy the game at all, thus the sale number would remain the same either way.
True that but it will soon but for now I go Moon from the pre-loaded from eShop free so I am going to get Sun once the CIA dumps so it will still be affected but I doubt it but idk we will see
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>mfw it doesn't get dumped until the following week
SO when it gets leaked or whatever will it be on the freeshop or do I have to don some some shit
Thank you, Anon. You are doing God's work.
No, the Freeshop is to get things off the eshop, as the name implies.

You'll need to manually install the CIA
Do I just put the cia on the root of my SD card or what? Also will I still be able to to transfer ash greninja to this?
pokemon showdown
You put the CIA in the CIA folder, and then use FBI.
You'll be able to transfer Ash Greninja assuming the demo is on the same 3DS.
Sorry man, mine is level 42.
will going online with the game be a problem? will nintendo ban everyone or something if they see you're playing it early?
I would highly suggest turning online off until at least the 17th.
You can't have it both ways because of Ultra Beasts
just the pokemon online or the 3ds online too?
are you 10? how dense can you be
I'd suggest turning the 3DS online off at first, until you can confirm you can turn off the SM online.
what did you mean by this
>are you 10?

Well this IS a pokemon board, so chances are he is, and you probably are as well.
Are you an idiot?
>he bought moon and preloaded it
>is getting sun cia later
At least I think that's what he said


Up your ass
historically, has nintendo ever done anything?
They have banned people's entire NNIDs for shitposting too hard on Miiverse in some cases.

But most games didn't use the NNID, so the ban didn't affect online play on Pokemon and such. I'm not aware if they ever did real console bans.
I'm unsure, but I sure as hell wouldn't risk it if you're doing it on your main 3DS
Sometime between tomorrow and the 12th
I actually got wii u console banned for shitposting too hard. best game on the wii u tbqh
no they haven't

you are severely overestimating nintendo's competency and capabilities

the only people that have ever gotten banned were people who used a flashcard to play online
how early was ORAS leaked before released?
About 11 years.
no really
Anyone in Arizona want to help me rob one of the delivery trucks?
Live in Sun City. Let's do it.

Live in Tempe
I'm game
Alright, I have a few grenades, do you have any guns? If not I know a guy.
People started to post evidence of having the game about a week before release, iirc, while for XY it was 2 weeks.

However, things are different now, Homebrew and CFW has spread like wildfire, and its much easier and safer to use a VPN and drop a CIA on a website than it is to try and post evidence of having the game without revealing things about yourself.
except most copies are tagged now so the reviewers will get in serious trouble if Nintendo finds one of the CIA's and scans it for said reviwer's Unique Identifer.
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Its a fucking video game
thats coming out in 2 weeks no less
I've done worse over less.
Same, once burned a house down after a break up. Best stress reliever ever
Jesus Christ i hope your recklessness gets you thrown in jail so you can finally control ya own ass
Two weeks too many.

It's not reckless if you kill all the witnesses (one truck driver, woopdy fucking doo)
Do we know anything new on the UBs? Such as do they have types?
chill you fucking sheltered simpleton sensationalist normtard
>literally killing a man over your kids colorful monster collecting game

just when i thought i had seen the lowest point of angry hairy manchildren
No one will miss him.
Ok, no. I'd rather wait until the release date than hear that a person died just because they were delivering a truck that contained copies of the game.
But he won't get to play the games anon
Why doesnt a truck driver just leak the game?
The trucks are gps'd and track speed, and location. If he makes an unregulated stop or opens the back hatch before he's supposed to it alerts dispatch
that would imply the truck driver knows what pokemon even is beyond pikachu
why kill him when you can just put a gun in his face
Every time I go to /vp/ Im so relieved to remember you fuckers are all snug in your basements instead of out in the real world literally shooting people over a game that comes out in 2 weeks. Please stay down there
what if he has to go pee. and is nintendo so autistic to put back hatch alerts?
Don't worry, that's not how it will be reported in the news.

>stop the truck away from prying eyes
>order the driver out of the truck
>choke him out and stuff him into the trunk of our car
>steal one copy for ourselves
>blow up the rest along with the truck to make it look like a robbery gone wrong instead of a purposeful act of piracy
>if he's still alive shoot the driver execution style somewhere no one will find his body, make them think it was a gang murder

We take turns raping him first because we only stole one copy to avoid suspicion and we had to take turns playing as a result.
child. drop the autism and stop taking things so seriously and literally. if your first and only response to seeing something intentionally edgy on the internet is to outcry how low and reckless those people are, claiming that its an awful place and these are awful people, it shows how much you're inherently fucking simpleton. it says a lot more about your level of intelligence than you think it does when the only way you know how to react is to put yourself above everyone and delude yourself into thinking you're at moral higher ground for spouting how much you despise mundane ass obvious things that you don't even need to point out. you should be culled in place of the good truckman. kill yourself you fucking retarded ass autistic fucking faggot.
Please don't be stupid. We don't gut copies of games before they are released. If one of our unreleased games went missing and was unwrapped, that'd be a giant tumor of a red flag. Also, we can't take home games that are not back stock, let alone brand new releases, let alone stuff that isn't out.
What's going to happen today ?
nah, the trucking company
if he has to take a piss he'll inform them, and if the hatch is opened they'll inspect the cargo
>what if he has to go pee
Then he radios dispatch and hey confirm the location he requests to stop at. There's a reason they're always on their walkies.
A bitch truck driver dies.
GAME is only in the eu
How about you fucking chill. I know nobody is actually that fucking desperate for Pokemon.
Time to study up
i think you fail to understand the concept of stealing. you just fucking steal it my guy. it's not that fucking complicated.
I don't know why you're all getting so butthurt, it's just one guy.
>losing your fucking job over a game that's out in two weeks
then don't post moms-against-x tier sensationalist drivel. nobody's going to suck your dick, you just sound like a boring fucking idiot spouting how great and moral they think they are.
I mean, it's not like we're talking about raiding a factory or something.
again, i believe you fail to understand the concept. the problem isn't that you stole, it's that you got fucking caught you fucking cum sock.
Hey I never said no to stealing the games. Steal them by all means I dont care about morals there. Youre getting really worked up over nothing important right now.
>getting caught
It's not that hard to get away with stealing, do you honestly think people stay at minimum wage retail jobs without doing a little skmming?

You were being a pussy about someone shooting or bombing the driver.
I like Pokemon, you guys
im not worked up just because you're a sensationalist fucktard. it takes zero effort to be correct. get the fuck over yourself you self-righteous unfunny unrelatable insufferable fucking autist.
i think you replied to the wrong person.
thank you anon, that's the word i was looking for.
you're a fucking pussy.
I work at a movie/game store, and we usually get games and shit a week or two early. My manager doesn't understand game street dates, so she lets me do whatever I want. I'll be playing Sun or Moon the moment we get them in the store, then i'll just buy a copy and put it in the store. I'll probably have it by this Wednesday.
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oh my fucking god im dying over here. i never come on /vp/ except for hype season and i forget how fucking angry you faggots get. i can just imagine you spitting all over the screen in that last sentence
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Tfw /vp/ is literally conspiring to steal Pokémon
>"Youre getting really worked up over nothing important right now."
wew lad
this is precisely what youre being called a pussy for, how are you so self-unaware
Not just steal, but killing as well.
big difference between anger and laffs. you're being fucking mocked, it's not that fucking complicated.
the sensationalist strikes again
lrn 2 context
i think you either replied to the wrong person or think im that guy
I hope you all get raped in prison.
t. Truck driver
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no, the reply is specifically to that reply with the wario image, you yourself may have replied to the wrong person. for you to read my words and go "wow what an angry faggot" is to not understand how casual, easy, funny, and non-stressful Fucking Mocking People is. im not pussy dude, im replying to pussy dude.
That comfy feel when you can get the game early and don't dump it
cool story bro. are UB's catchable?
>casual, easy, funny, and non-stressful Fucking Mocking People is
guarantee you anon is crying rn
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hey man, 2016 has been a rough year
At this point, why *not* add "4chan pokemon board steals and leaks pokemon game, one victim reported" to the headlines while we're at it?
Lets just watch it all burn
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Reviewers are rarely the ones to leak these games anyways, its usually shops not giving a shit about street dates, or the employees of the shops themselves.
watch this be blown up to huge proportions to hide the fact some horrific violation of civil rights is being broken somewhere else
Sure why not, haven't seen any anons in the news this year anyways.

We need to do something to remind people we exist.

Seriously though, I have guns if you guys aren't too squeamish for armed robbery.
you're deluding yourself. you're a fucking pussy ass faggot, and we are all fucking laughing at you. it's not that fucking deep.
I've got about 5 swords if we need those too
its okay anon. do you need a hug? :3
you have autism buddy.
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Maybe instead of killing trick driver someone robs a train with SM and replaces it with copies of ORAS
I think you're the only one being laughed at
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No, if the driver is armed as well I'd hate to see one of our own losing his life trying to go for the kill with a melee weapon.
do you honestly believe this is a necessary or valid reply?
walk into a room acting like a fucking retard and you're going to get called a fucking retard, and to say that they are the ones who need help only further solidifies their easy to make surface level observation. seriously, it's not that fucking complicated, you're being fucking mocked. it says a whole fucking lot more about your insecurities to constantly suggest it yourself, a lot more than you seem to think it does.
I'm not the pussy anon crying about how immoral people are. You're misattributing who made what replies.
anon stop im running out of wario laughing pictures
i don't want to be the guy to break this to you, but technically there is no actual information that directly ties it to being used for UBs.. it looks more like its for solgaleo and lunala and or their preevolution.
Shouldn't have fucked wit me
If ya ass coulda ran you woulda
But you put that there aside
That's how my dick got between yo thighs
Now let's all ride
I got a 10 foot pole
That'll go in yo hole
Take yo soul
Make nut come out yo nose
Fall all on yo clothes
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Am I on the right fucking board
just stop now, tumblr faggot.
Are you gay?
if any of you fuckers go through with this, stay safe you glorious bastards
let's see....
>person calls an obvious faggot a faggot
>faggot calls THAT person a faggot, argument automatically won!
right board
Only for you.

Fuck me daddy.
so what if i saved an image from that site doesnt mean im a tumblr regular. god do i have to fucking rename all my files just so that no faggot anons fuse will go off?
literally yes?
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Good news Anons, we are hauling a whole fleet of the Pokemon Go games you so dearly love. Say, we heard some rumblings that some of you are conspiring to kill us for these games. You wouldn't kill us for these Pokemon, would you anon?
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Oh, right
that's nice, why don't you go reblog about it
>Pokemon Go
I'd kill you just to make sure those never make it to market
you're the obvious faggot in this situation you 15 year old transgender mentally ill tumblr furfag




you must be a karate master to be able to catch something so small.. amazing
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Don't do that anon, I have a beautiful family to go home to after a hard day of work. Besides, you're on a Pokemon go thread on a Pokemon go board. What's with the hate?
bad bait, too obvious, stop trying
so happy i got to derail this thread, i, the person posting tumblr reaction images and pussy ass complaints about how immoral everyone is compared to me. i love being better than everyone!
*gets called a fucking joke*
"y..you guys are the fucking jokes! youll see!"
>The game is already finished and there are stores around the country full of copies
>Still have to wait 2 more weeks to play it
That's why we were discussing robbing a truck.

We're in Arizona if you want to help,

Get ready boys, /tr/ - Team Rocket is back.
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Oh fuck guys the robbery went south!
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If you guys aren't using official Nintendo guns, you're small time.
I'm calling the cops.
Guys, lets just wait for 2 weeks.
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No fuck that bullshit, waiting is for schmucks.
It's a good thing you'll never get anyone pregnant cause that wait would drive you nuts
I could just slice the cunt's belly open after 5 months.
Looks like you already did
oh, hello, fellow Sun City anon

count me in too
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>Crashing this truck
>With no survivors
Hey Arizona Bros I just saw a Mom and Pop Shop that sells video games and shit, off University and Lindsay. I'm going to try it tomorrow morning see if they might break Street date for a little extra cash let you how it goes
Can't wait to see on the news the story about a 23yo man that killed a person while trying to steal a children's game and cops later found out his room was full of chinese cartoon merchandise, which experts say may be the cause for his sick behaviour.
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