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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 89

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[What's Pixelmon?]
"It's Pokemon in Minecraft. Build houses and make your pets fight each other." ~anon
"Have to travel around different biomes to find different pokemon." ~anon
"Able to battle other people." ~anon

Don't grief

[Helpful Links]
Pixelmon Wiki: http://pixelmonmod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
Crayfish Recipes: http://mrcrayfishs-furniture-mod.wikia.com/wiki/Crafting_Recipes
Can I grief?
>only rule is not to grief
>can i grief
yes. obviously
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follow your dreams
guys tell me two nicknames for two groudons
uggo and huggo
ill use huggo and groudong
if you catch a kyogre it better be snuggo
and rayquaza fuggo.
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Ill try to fill the ranch with 6 groundons
>not using the op from the pastebin
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U called?
Step it up senpai
holy shit, pixelmon is back?

I remember playing this a fuckton a year or two back on here. Everything went to shit when the biomes were added, and owner refused to server wipe for it, though.

How big is the group at so far? I'm tempted to restart and play again.
19-25~ players a day, weekends goes past 30
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Bumping with dusty falls aesthetic propaganda
fuck, that's more than when I had started. What's the transport/location/map stuff like? I remember there was the massive stink about getting to other cities and settlements easily, always had to either follow these long as fuck paths marked with random stones or use the boats.
honestly all the big stuff was built off route 1
Things OP left out:

[Discord link]
Bump the thread!
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Have you ever seen anything so comfy?>>28819891
It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to walk anywhere, the paths aren't that bad. If you're extremely lazy just follow route 1 for like 2 minutes but make sure your PC can handle the fps drop that is 15 houses in one small valley
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Feels good being aesthetic desu
Stuff is pretty far apart and most people use home teleports. There are stone paths as you said, but that's about it. In gen4 we had a big-ass railway system running through the nether which was cool.
Tbh I'm thinking of building 1 for my town
So this time people actually followed a mostly established route? That's nice. It was hell trying to get from the spawn to the snowy mountain place when I played before I got a flier.

About when was the Gen4? I stopped when the multiple biomes/fantasy biome stuff was added, and the creator didn't want to reset server. Only remember boats and requesting TPs to other people/
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>He doesn't have a pokemart/center in one
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Theres about 3 paths branching from spawn, route 1 splits into 2 more paths and one of those splits again. Route 20 splits off into a couple of paths. The unmarked route to dusty falls has a few houses along it and leads to 2 towns.
That was gen3. The biomes o' plenty was causing more harm than good so they axed it for the forseeable future.
Good, biomes a plenty is shit
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>block duplication bug
>implying any block in the game is worth anything anyway
nigga, you know there are printers at spawn with fortune and shit, right? If you get a pokemon that knows dig with a high enough attack (at least 151) and speed, you can dig a 5x5 tunnel incredibly easily. If you get their attack over 300, it's 7x7

you have no excuse
So, what version of MC is the server on?
here you go


for tactical
duby'as resource pack
This is great shit desu, not only are the sprites better but I can actually stand being around my flygon now without turning animal sound off
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Game keeps crashing when this loads, any reason why?
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Extremely Small Hills.
watch out, an entei might spawn there one day
>my racism was caught on film
>X is now AFK

Pretty much sums up the server
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Fat bellybird.
he's naruto
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If that's Naruto then all Delibirds are chunin.
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Bumping with a question; what version of minecraft is everything on? Is it the newest or some other version number?
1.8.9, at the moment.
Nortia Town best town.
Thanks mates
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where is life going to take us?
That reminds me of that comfy snow village that started going up during my brief stint here. I'm guessing that was at least a map ago.

Currently redownloading. Might play a bit again.
How do I get here?
Invent a time machine
i feel dirty for doing it, but glass is such a pain to get
Craftable Lucky Egg when. Twice now the Macho Brace glitched and my egg turned into a brace.
Disconnect and relog. Held items are really glitchy.
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And now my Power Lens just became a Macho brace. How is this even happening?

P i x e l d e v s a s h i t
Any current towns similar to it?
lyrica and snowloft are both in the snow
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there are two that are similar if combined make what Nortia used to look like.
Industry look with a cabin feel in the buildings.
If you really want a Nortia 2.0 I'd honestly need to have some dedicated people since I'm not going to build it all alone again.. Not to rag on those that came to build 2-3 buildings there then left at all just don't wanna be lonely with hours put into a town again.
That's how people develop cabin fever.

it was and I haven't had the same motivation since then knowing it might go to waste again being alone.
That was that town?


What happened to that house across the ravine by the ocean?
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Nortia ColdStorage.png
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Are you talking of the house with the neather brick or something like that?
I saw it abandoned from what I could tell.
And yeah that was Nortia. Dunno the last time you've seen it but it grew a good amount as much as I could build.
>nether brick
No, it was just that ugly two story wood thing. I think it was technically like the 3rd or 4th house built there, but it was just out of city limits, I guess.
I know that feel, once people get set up it's hard to move. I honestly would live to build a snow town but all my shit is set up already in dusty falls. So with 3 towns being so close to spawn people just set up there and don't want to move.
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Got any image or better description? I feel like I know what you're talking about but it's been a while.
Well there's already two snow towns on the server, not sure how close they are to spawn but one seems populated and simple and the other is more industrial and just starting up with the Ice gym in it's town.
I'm gonna be building in both and might hide a bug gym in one of them. You can only guess where.
But yeah I know that feel tho it never hurts to be in different towns as well as the one you started in.
I don't have an images of it. There was like that main road that had the portal. If you just went straight from the portal there was like a hill, and everything that was there when I was, was mostly between the two. But if you kept going past the hill, there was like a peninsula with a ravine that ran through part of it. I built a bridge over the ravine to like a 50x50 plot of land that was cut off from the rest by the ravine and built my house on that.
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I actually never explored enough over there to know it was around, if you were vocal I'd let you build into the town more or connect your home to it at least.
It's late for it now but sorry anon for making you feel just as lonely as me.
Oh, I thought I'd showed it to the two or so that were around the town. It's cool, I was originally going to build in town, but I liked that spot better. I could still see the town from my roof, so that was fine with me.
I was only around for a week or so anyways, so no worries.
I'm running out of things to do.
But build what? More Big temples?
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Build a dungeon with level 30 mons for new players to go through
>lv 30
>new players
>tfw downloaded it earlier and went on for a half hour and the lowest level I could find was a 19 that kicked my shit in
I mean, I just need to get good, but.. Yea...
1. Magikarps at spawn

2. Nice quads
Only thing I found at spawn was a lv 53 Heracross and a lv 41 Electrode.


Maybe I'll try again later.
Just take a right at the bug noticeboard and head down to the pond with floaties
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Started work on a Pokemon memorial tower in Snowloft.
I am new to Minecraft, how can I make my game look better? Suggest some texture packs?
John Smith is my go-to pack of choice.
For dead Pokemon? I guess that can work.
Sometimes the game deletes your pokemon.
>have to type my info into the installer for it to work
it won't steal my account, r-right?
Aesthetic as fuck. I might play just to visit that.
better invent a time machine then
are you serious?
If you're that scared don't use the installer
So what is this?
what's the ip?
Check the pastebin
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>stole everything not nailed down from someone's qt building site
>don't even feel remorse
Was it near the world border?
Enjoy the ban, I guess?
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Post OCs to keep the thread alive! Here's mine: She is a demi queer omnipresent void entity
She is black and a woman cause shes a powerful
she has wolf ears cause she dolphin kin
That dress makes her look sexy, but its practical
And her penis, is in fact, feminine
Please don't steal XD. You can buy this OC just tell me your price!!!!! Have fun!11
Her eyes are yellow and blue
the yellow represents the struggles of asian people
and the blue is her favorite colour
Remember to donate to your local church!
depressed and want to die
guess my ign
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big guy
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I've been looking for a Pixelmon server ...

Maybe this one won't be absolute shit
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Well it's not absolute shit
>someone capped this
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This server could really use a good dungeon or two
Resourcepack name?
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chunk errors are pretty fucking neato
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the angled ocean
Is there an alt download for the shaders mod + SEUS? Because both have adfly blocks and I can't get it.

this will fix it
But now I'm too retarded to install
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Do YOU have a runway?
No my flying mons are competent enough for VTOL and don't need one.
b u m p
>You found it
Pixel perfection
Dont let the thread die you mongs
>all these comfy screenshots of towns built by other people
>my town will never look this good
why live?
sounds about right
So, minecraft potions work on pixelmon, right?
yes, its gonna be a pain in the ass to find the blaze rods though.
Slugma line has a 30% chance of dropping one blaze rod. Numel and Magmar have a 10% chance, Entei has a 90% chance of dropping 1-3.
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the fuck
whatever you do, do not break any of those blocks
Remember the early days of Minecraft when water could flow horizontally forever?
Shame oceans aren't made from that water
>Sand spawning hacks
>Infinitely flowing water
>Building dwarf forts with /tg/ full of dorf murals
>Building the SKYBLOTTER to kill all the grass on the map by blocking the sun

I miss those days
Hey Aloha

fuk u
the person who did this deserves to burn in eternal flames of hell.
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Did you allocate 2 Gigs of RAM?
fuck u brown man
Gud and Diyuk
i ban the person responsible
Not sure if one exists yet, but I'm trying to make an underground city. I call it Underhill and it situated near a nice ravine. It's located the other side of a tree laden hill between the invisocenter and a savannah biome. It has a bunch of apricots trees near by. Hard to miss those.
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>Gen 3: 55% Complete
>Gen 4: 45% Complete
>Gen 5: 34% Complete
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Is it just me or you can't surf on some mons you should be allowed to?
You can't surf on a feraligatr or empoleon, you can't fly on a drifblim or a yanmega
giving his pokemon a stern talking
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We drew our favorite pokemon in paint
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Did someone really clear an entire beach? Isn't there some kind of desert they could have used?
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5 mins on a trackpad
>5 mins on a trackpad

Forever in my heart
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where is zero
Did you draw this?
Man I just realized that a small path I made in some caves looks like place that was just mined
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now this is some extreme training
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togekiss a best
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p sweet
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>tfw apparently gotta update Windows 8 for this because its missing some type of plugin or update or some shit
>too lazy to bother with that and don't want jewsoft 10

Shame, would have been nice.
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Dunno who posted this but I tried again and spent more than 3 minutes on it
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This server makes me physically ill sometimes.
i can't remember the email i used for minecraft
Huh? I'm using Win7 and playing just fine
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Here's a little town map I put together really quickly for you guys.
It's missing a few towns, and the markers aren't perfect, but this is the gist of it.
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Who /comfy/
>can't get past the mojang screen
fuck my life
i was never destined to play this i suppose
allocate more ram

I want to cum on zoroarks paws
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world map 20k.jpg
1MB, 1252x1250px
here's a few things to add, if other people find chunk errors they should help add them to the map
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world map 20k.jpg
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unedited fullsize map
Yo anybody remember me? is this the same map or was there a reset?
It's a reset. New map, new pokemon, etc.
oh cool also checked.
The Glacial empire is the old, temporary name. The Continent is Glacies Terram, and the Imperial capital city at -445 -937 is Jotunnox. The castle in the city is also the ice-type gym, if their locations get added.
what version of pixelmon does this use? i think the pastebin is outdated
pixelmon 4.2.7 for minecraft 1.8.9
is the server down?
Seems to be.
It might be. I timed out like half an hour ago and haven't been able to connect since.
Should be up right now baby
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more shitty memes
Leaked Alola form Dugtrio. It's Ground/Flying
>windows 10
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I have no problems with windows 10 and all the FBI people watching my every movement, so I don't mind it. It's better than 8
is it fugging down again or is my internet a shit?
It booted me a minute ago and has been timing out ever since.
well shit, just as i finish an isaac run
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back on the last serb
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2016-10-01 14.42.32.jpg
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HA hunting is fun
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more things to add to the map
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>being this autistic and recording encounters
someone was really excited to complain about this after they were done, weren't they?
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ss (2016-06-09 at 05.57.08).png
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>tfw incedo will never force feed you again
>Playing pokeminecraft
>Not being autistic

Well no shit I wanted to see how many I had, shiny hunters do the same shit
what are the coords of qt island, also what the hell is qt island?
It seems to be the beginnings of a town on a tiny little island. Dunno the exact coords, but you can find it by flying directly east from Dusty Falls.
wew lad
speed boost venipede after like 20 encounters
>Feel so sad and empty inside that all I do is play pixelmon so it doesn't hurt as bad
>tfw literally gave up sex to play pixelmon

Feels good that I have my priorities straight
page 7
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ground gym open
>Not having badge already

4chan Pass user since March 2014.
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>tfw you're making a secret nefarious laboratory that nobody will visit, but you're cramming it full of lore anyway

this is a strange feeling
Keep the thread alive!
>What's you're favorite pokemon? Is it in pixelmon?

>What are you working on at the moment?

>What are you breeding at the moment?

>What's your current team?
fuck me silly
Totodile, yes.

In-game? Nothing. Just starting out and getting bearings.

See above.


Haven't had time to play today.
>What's you're favorite pokemon? Is it in pixelmon?
Mew and yes
>What are you working on at the moment?
Preparations to catch Articuno
>What are you breeding at the moment?
>What's your current team?
Shiny Charizard
Temporary Butterfree
Wonder trade mon
Banette, no thats gay

big booty island


slugma and 5 eggs

>What's you're favorite pokemon? Is it in pixelmon?
Noivern is my favorite, so no. That said, several pokemon I really like *are* in the game, so it could be worse.

>What are you working on at the moment?
I already built my main home, and ave several mining projects going on, so I'm currently diverting time and resources to building up Underhill and hanging in my ocean mine to try and get a Lugia spawn.

>What are you breeding at the moment?
LOL, I don't breed a damn thing in pixelmon.

>What's your current team?
T-tar, Bravest Birb, Volcarona, Bisharp, and my sixth is rotating until I find something I like.

>slugma and 5 eggs


>What are you breeding at the moment?
LOL, I don't breed a damn thing in pixelmon.

I've seen it, Spaz

I tried to take a shit and ended up there
I'm not spaz
I had started one months ago but abandoned it since I got caught up playing the real games and was burnt out on minecraft projects.
I was going to give it a false sky on the ceiling made of stained-glass and wool with a fake sun made of redstone lamps that lights up during in-game day, and turns off during night.
The town would be reasonably sized and organized with plenty of lamps. A lab I'd use for a dojo with a big redstone reactor stated to be the town's power source. There would be a ravine full of lava with a bridge across it leading to a fucked up distortion world battle arena.
I called it "Downtown" since "Downside" was too similar to Dryside and "The Under" is an in-game location with no relation.
i'm not a robot
Aloha Go Home
I'm getting "Cannot load Pixpack information!" when trying to install the pixpack. Any tips?
I dunno what your talking about. Its just an ordinary outhouse, nothing secret or anything :^)
vote now
You guys are talking about that hole opened by trapdoor with pressure plate?
I though someone was just taking shit out of some new guy by building a toilet over his hole in ground
You know, I never got that the building in the middle of Fug was supposed to be a church.
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youre not supposed to let the thread die
Sorry Dad
what will we do if /vp/ gets deleted
cry ourselves to sleep.
Back to /v/ for us
what´s this place?, looks comfy
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Is there an up to date map file so we can play in singleplayer or make town map images?
cozy coast, just up north from spawn, i can get you sorted with materials if you wanna settle down.
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What mini map/ texture pack/ shaders/ general mods do you guys use?
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Personally I use Jolicraft with KUDA ultra shaders.
I think it looks pretty nice.

Other than that, just Xaeros Minimap.
I used to use a mod to show tool durability until I discovered F3+H.
>sildur's shaders
>loafcraft texture pack
Sorry bud.
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Bumping this so hard.
Mapping this shit out myself will take forever.
>some russian shithead child changed my username and now I need to wait 30 days to open my chests again

So why is there whole bunch of underwater buildings?
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you niggers need to talk in chat more
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I'm worried you niggards will find what I'm working on
Owner of Lotad town here.
been busy with college, but will hopefully start playing again tomorrow
bum p
Journey Map / A'therys Ascended / Slidur's Shaders
why no bump
oh so thats what that huge pac-man was >>28890295
b ump
still bumping
>the castle is bigger than all of the town of Fug
Who do I talk to about settling in Snowyloft?
Its finished now but yeah it was a bit bigger than expected.
teach me how to dupe blocks you niggers
make me :^)
Place block. Place piston behind block. Place [private] sign on top of block. Activate piston.
Hey where would I find Leather?
kill miltanks
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I need an idea for something interesting to put on Lotad Isle that will get people to actually visit it.
Any ideas?
A lotad building. Like what old Fug had.
Not a pokemon statue, just a good, hard, build.
Turn the outer perimeter of the island into a blue wall, then make a giant leafdish on top.
Assuming it's that round island with all them apricorns I stumbled on the other day.
How can I change the Optifine in the vp pixpack?
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Even just something simple can be a charming centerpiece. Especially since we can't all be creative gods.
Oh lord, that's kawaii
a pond in the shape of a lotad with a bunch of lilypads where the lotad's pad would be
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TM House.png
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Hey You. Yeah YOU.
Do you find yourself with doubles of TMs?
Do you find yourself without enought TMs?
Then come on down to the TM House.

Here you can give away your doubles or find new TMs for your collection.

Either way everyone's happy.

Come on down to the TM House located on Lotad Isle. (coords in pic related)
We're doing the same thing in Dusty Falls, btw
I'll never have the tourist trap I crave
Why she is fucking tiny?
Is this the same map from the summer? I got busy then left my town half finished.
No, we started from scratch.
But by now we've already built up a bunch of respectable towns as you can see in these maps here:
So does someone want to explain a working block duplication glitch? I can find nothing online, and nobody seems to want to explain it. Also, I can't get >>28900774 to work, so either they're shitting us, or it doesn't work with all blocks.
Do the starter Pokémon have a higher chance of being shiny?
They're always shiny.
Is there some way I can make them not shiny?
Find one in the wild. They're not rare.
theyre telling the truth and its all blocks
also just play the game, duping blocks won't make it a more enjoyable experience
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Cuz microbirds are Kawaii.
I mean, unless you're duping quartz. Fuck mining quartz.
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Slowly, but surely.
>what is a fortune pickaxe
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>tfw your house is visable from space
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don't die
Hey, the tree in my garden grew.
new thread when
after this diedes
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>looking through the skin database because I'm a retard and didn't save a backup
>mfw it's almost worse than looking through deviantart
Would anyone care if I added supports to all the bridges going over water. I need something to do.
it would look nicer, so go for it
That bridge I built heading to snowloft does need some supports, it'd be awesome if you added some.
an hero we need.
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