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Wait. So they are version exclusive? But that wouldn't make

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Wait. So they are version exclusive? But that wouldn't make sense with the gimmick
Let's just wait on tomorrow before we pass judgment. If they really are version exclusives, it's going to be a dogshit move on GF's part, pun unintended.

Day/Night makes the most sense for the sake of continuity.
Literally Umbreon/Espeon
Doesn't Sun take place at day and Moon at night?
Guys it's fucking based on time of day, not version.
"The name of the Pokémon Rockruff evolves into is Lugarugan and has a different appearance based on if it evolves in Day or in Night. It notes that Rockruff becomes the Midday Form when bathed in the rays of the sun and when full of the night's power, it becomes the Midnight Form."
r e a d
I think this actually helps the idea of having a different version of the game. They did say they wanted to try to make the different versions give a completely unique atmosphere to that version. If the different versions have THAT many differences, it would be worth playing the other one. Similar to the Oracle games.

Not exactly. The clock is "rotated" by 12 hours for Moon, meaning it's dark at 1PM and light at 1AM.
Shut the fuck up
They're version exclusives
Fuck off retard, same shitty logic used by FE drones
There's a 12 hour difference meaning when it's morning in Sun, it's night in Moon. When it's night in Sun its morning in Moon or something like that?
Prove it
Maybe they are implying that since you play Moon version at night most of the time because of the 12hour shift, you'll most likely get the midnight form, so in a way its like they are version exclusives
>I'd rather buy 2 of the same game!
People have been fucking doing this since the god damn beginning of the series. Why not make them at least really different.
See >>28490855
This is all Serebii's fault the dolt, if he could have been a lot more literal with his post than we wouldn't be having this argument.
The wording Serebii uses is fucking confusing as all hell. Its either that the forms are version exclusive or that the magazine just happens to show the forms in seperate versions.
You don't even need both versions. Wi-Fi trading exists.
Every single person that reported these said the same thing about them being time of day, then all of them said they were version exclusive when the new pages appeared.

The two sets of pages translate to the info we were given. So the leakers/CoroCoro are the ones with confusing information, not the people reporting and translating it.
Everyone one is fucking stupid as fuck. The reason it shows sun and moon logos with each evolution sequence is probably to point out how you the exact same time playing Sun and Moon (in rl) you get the two different pokemon.

If they actually version exclusive thats fucking bullshit and yet another fuckover to integrate into every game going forward. What about in a third version, then what?

Also i still think the 12 hour ahead thing is fucking stupid as cock. I'm gonna just set my 3ds twelve hours ahead and play moon. Fucking stupid gimmicks.
espeon and umbreon weren't version exclusive you fucking mongoloid.
But these arent either.
^^^^^^^^ THIS
They're evolving at the same REAL time, but different in game times.

Ex) You have Sun, your brother has Moon. You're both playing at 1PM. Your game is currently in Day time. Your brothers game is currently in Night. You''l get Daywolf and he'll get Nightwolf.
Try for another week. It won't mention tomorrow, because the official vids never pull the rug out from Corocoro, which doesn't actually release for a few more days.
That doesn't prove it.
That's a Tyranitartube level assumption
This was me earlier, anon gets it.
Fuck you news were annouced on the 14th faggot. The Youtube recap will be posted tomorrow.
There isn't any "Corocoro exclusive" stamp like with stufful and sand ghosts this time around
This board is so utterly retarded and stubborn it hurts. All those threads with translators explaining what is written on the new scans and there are still stupid threads like these just because people don't like the outcome.
*clickbait intensifies*
>there are people in this thread who don't buy both versions

Step it up faggots.

>SM cia will be released sooner or latter
>paying ~90 bucks to play the same game twice
>being poor

Not my problem pirate faggot.
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I swear to god most players are dumb as a door, it's almost revolting.

They are version exclusive! First information was ambiguous, new information is clear as day. Here's the text so you can translate for yourself, even Google is able to translate something as simple as this: サン限定進化
>What about in a third version, then what?
Oh honey, it's obvious that we won't have 3rd versions ever again.
>San limited evolution
Yes that's really clear as day and unambiguous. "San" (sun?) cannot possibly be referring to the weather rather than the game name.
Is anyone else surprises TPC hasn't done damage control yet? The last few times things leaked early they had trailers up within 18 hours.
I did the translation too and the letter for moon looks nothing like the one in the picture.
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I'll drink all of your delicous moonfags tears when it's officially confirmed that they are version exclusive day/night evolutions and you desperately want best sun dogo
You guys really need to be spoon fed, huh?
サン限定進化 (Sun Limited/Exclusive Evolution).
ムーン限定進化 (Moon Limited/Exclusive Evolution).

And no, the SAN and MUUN in those images can not refer to weather because in this case they would use japanese words (太陽 and 月) for that, not the english ones which are used in the game titles.
Thank you
if they are version exclusives then why would it matter what time of day they evolve

at the moment the only sensible thing to do is say "it's not clear"
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This man knows it
But I like the moon version more.
Yeah, for all we know they might just be saying that at the same hour of the day in real life, the evolution is different in sun or moon.
It's both.
Evolves during day in Sun or during night in Moon. Can't evolve otherwise.
Both are true, so according to CoroCoro (can't be trusted) it's like that: >>28496515
this is what seems to be indicated but it's kind of annoying

if they are version exclusives how about just drop the goddamn time restraint?
So they can just make it time based in the next game, but still force you to trade now.
yeah this is probably entirely the case
No, you're an idiot.
Don't be retarded, their gimmick, besides version exclusivity, is being a werewolf and a normal wolf. It wouldn't make sense, in the classic Hollywood kind not general shapeshifter one, if the werewolf became one during the day.
That is the stupidest fucking thing. It's so fucking stupid that MUST be the truth. God damn.

God damn that is retarded. Fucking Troll Freak strikes again.
>Everyone one is fucking stupid
Next level denial.
Why is it the stupidest thing?
Version exclusive pokemon are fine.
Day/night evolution are fine.

What is wrong with both?
Just because you can't decide what game to pick?
Why would both be fine together? Why complicate things?

Might as well make it a trade evolution as well while holding a stone corresponding to the game version while also having max friendship.
Its not complicated.
Buy sun and get sun dogo during real-life day time. Buy moon you get moon dogo during real-life day time. Why do you think that is complicated?

I would be fine with that too
I just hope they've Arcanine or Lucario tier stats and not Raticate tier stats just because you get it early.
Because why not? It's really not that complicated anyway. If you really want the other version in your team just train your dog to the appropriate level, do a trade back with a rare candy and be done with it.
>le early route shitmon
Smogonbird wants a word with you.
So if starters do get split evos, won't this mean they'd also be version exclusive?
The trade item for each will only be found in the other game.
I think the 'exclusive' thing is just illustrating to the time difference between the two games. So like...

>During the day in Pokemon Sun, it is daytime, so you'll get Lugarugan Midday
>During the day in Pokemon Moon, it is nightime, so you'll get Lugarugan Midnight
>Mom, I posted it again!
Yes, and?
Sun is permanent day. Moon is permanent night.
Therefore, it's version exlusive.
Smogonbird got blessed with an impressive Hidden Ability.
No, Moon just has day and night swapped. So if you're playing at midnight (real time), it'll be noon in-game.
read this
No, the time of day in Moon is shifted by 12 hours, meaning its night time during the game when it's day time irl and vice versa
this really
night version looks fucking retarded
Fuck off TyranitarTube.
Moon is only 12 hours ahead so when it's day in real time it's night in the game.
In other words 12AM in real life is 12PM in game and vice versa.
How is this evolution method going to work in future games?
hello, newfriend. welcome to the leak season. I recommend that you lurk more so you don't look like a complete retard.

They'll scrap the exclusive part and make it day/night based like it should have been to begin with.
At what time?
September 14th at 10PM JST
So in 16 hours.
It's 23:00 where I live, so for me it's tomorrow at 15:00
1pm GMT. Figure it out in your local timezone.
>1pm GMT.
Man I'll probably miss the initial reveal then.
Yes and? Sundog already has a priority rock move, give him some passable stats and he will already shit on the bird, zard and the bugqueen. They shill him as the new Lucario/Zoroark so chances are not bad that he will get at least passable ones.
Stop being a crying bitch.
I hope so.
Too bad it's going to get Keen Eye and Vital Spirit
>Version Exclusive Evolution

That would be a step back in Gamefreak's part.
eh, my friend is getting sun so if they are version exclusive i'll just get him to evolve it for me
Version exclusives are fine, as is day/night evolutions. But seperating them is what's stupid. It doesn't make sense that my Rockruff evolves into a werewolf while the sun is out simply because I have the moon version.
You're kidding, right?
Yeah, because there was never a mon in the history of this franchise that changed its ability upon evolution, right?
Also those are both Rockruff's normal ones, we don't know its HA yet.
Yes it is you retard. Last Mid-August the update video was CoroCoro shit.
Of course there are, but most of them don't.
I mean, Lucario with Prankster doesn't make sense, but WolfDoge with Keen Eye and Vital Spirit actually does
>shitting on Vital Spirit

Nigga, do you like getting put to sleep?
I like doing more then 10% damage with my moves.
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It literally says on this page that it needs the magical bullshit energy of the sun or the moon to evolve, also hinting that it might be due to the legendaries, your Moondog will still only evolve when it's night in-game.
What does that have to do with anything?
Reminder that the people who sag they're version exclusives are the same people who call Mallow a generic Hawaiian girl.
This. Vital Spirit Cross Chop Magmortar is a good unsuspecting switch in for when the opponent starts with predicable Dark Void/Spore Smeargle
But the corocoro says they're exclusive
Nice bullshit bait, mate. It's clearly written in the magazine. The people who still deny their version exclusive status are on the same level of retardation as the ones trying to deny Mallow's existence on the animation sheet. Sticking fingers in their ears because they don't like the outcome of a mon, or in this case the version they chose.
Exactly, the sun/moon effects what it evolves into. Makes no fucking sense that because I have moon, the sun magically doesn't have the effect anymore. And hold off on the assumptions dipshit, I was simply using the Sonic OC as an example.
The page even hints at the fucking legendaries, are you really too autistic to realize that they will probably use some bullshit excuse like the box legendary of the version influencing the sun/moon power and with that evolutions?
>The page even hints at the fucking legendaries
>blahblah seems like Rockruff's evo needs the energy of the sun/moon. Speaking of sun and moon, there are those legendary pokemon...
Bottom of the right side.
but rockruff will (allegedly) only evolve into werewolf form ON the actual moon cartridge or Lassie form On the sun cartridge
It's confirmed by the corocoro
>hurr durr I can use 4ch buzzwords,I'm probably the edgiest 14 year old at my school.

Ah, yes, because hinting at the legendaries means dick. Couldn't be that the legendaries have something to do with the fact the sun/moon is out when it is, nope it's definitely that they "probably" are hinting at version exclusive dogs. Clearly. Just like Type:Null is probably all the starters combined. And Ballio is "probably" the day evolution for Popplio. And the secret for the starters is "probably" Z Moves despite being lumped with Rockruff.

You're "probably" right.
So you either do a trade back with another anon or request the already evolved form on gts. Why do half of the retards in here and other threads make it sound like it's rocket science? Does even this small level of social interaction leave your neckbeard drenched from all the sweating?
Your argument consists of sticking fingers in your ear, ignoring that the fucking magazine literally calls them sun/moon exclusive, and making up shit to keep it alive. You're nearly as bad as those retarded Water Arcanine or generic Hawaiian girl retards.
You fucks get obvious proof thrown before your feet but because you don't like them you deny them to hell and back and come up with inane bullshit about japanese when you can't even read it yourself. Also nice try lumping me together with delusional Balliofags or the Type Null autist, when you're actually the one who ignores the big shiny letters in the official magazine that spells it out for you that they are exclusives.
And no, deliberately using the game names instead of the actually jap words for sun or moon doesn't mean it just needs sunlight/moonlight, you tremendous retard.
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All they're saying is that if you evolve them at the same time in real time, you'd get a different evo because moon is 12 hours off.
But it says they're exclusive
>ignoring that the fucking magazine literally calls them sun/moon exclusive
The same magazine saying that they're determined by time on a different page.

So who are you going to believe, Corocoro or Corocoro?
It's both you stupid fuck. Why can't you get this into your head? The Sundog will only evolve at day in Sun and the Moondog only at night in Moon. It's really not that hard to understand and they even did a wink wink nudge nudge thing on the other stupid page with the legendaries. Which you decided that they put just there for shits and giggles instead of actually hinting at something still hidden, because surely the magazine would just write this random paragraph because reasons.
I swear /vp/ must be the most retarded board on 4chan.
>It's both you stupid fuck.
I hope you realise how retarded it is to think that.
And why pray tell is that so, dear retarded faggot? Aside from the fact that it's not conforming to your predefined definition of what pokemon evos are allowed to do or not?
Keep in mind this stupid evo is called a brand new name, W evo, too, you know, like something that they never did before?
This is the correct answer. Everybody else is a goddamned idiot who just wants something to bitch about.

That's all this fucking board is. People find reasons to bitch about something, and other people wait for them to inevitably be "BTFO" because they got mad about something they fucking made up and was never true.

The image in CoroCoro is meant to illustrate that, depending on your version, even if you evolve them at the same real-world time, you'll get a different form because the in-game time is shifted by twelve hours.

Before you complain about something in seventeen fucking threads that you thought would be a stupid idea based on something YOU CAN'T EVEN READ, wait like, a day for confirmation.

Fucking hell, if you all legitimately buy into the whole "version exclusive evolution shit," I bet you believe Umbreon and Espeon will be version-exclusive as well, and that's just as fucking stupid.
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>this thread
But I can read it and know that you're full of bullshit already.
I know Japanese and it says that them are exclusive, I'm sorry
I think they are almost certainly version exclusives, HOWEVER, it wouldn't surprise me if they're only saying "exclusive" because of the time difference thing. Like, they assume everyone is playing in the day time so Sun gets day evo, Moon gets night evo.
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bottom right, its version exclusive, sadly.

gamefreak becomes worse and worse...
sorry I mean bottom left.
So what does that text say.
See >>28495607 >>28496339
That's bottom right, not bottom left.
Giving you a reason for two different versions of one game existing is worse?
That's not the text in the bottom left corner.
I have friends and enjoy playing pokemon with them
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>version exclusive starter forms
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