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>gamefaqs >topic was "Least favorite gen?"

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>topic was "Least favorite gen?"
>I voted 6
>people outside of this board have taste
Color me surprised.
Well, it looks like people here are either 18+ or 30+.

My least favorite gen is 2. Guess my age, /vp/
Gen 2 is worst gen
and, if you want to know, I'm 20
Yes gen 5 tends to win both "least favorite" and "most favorite" polls. Nothing new here.
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Gen 5 BTFO yet again.
It looks like the average age there is hoennbaby age.
>gen five is most disliked
And yet I always see gen five being number one or two on most favorite gen polls
Wow, outside gen VI this list is literally the opposite of correct.
Seems accurate. It correlates with the game sales.
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>gen 3 has the least "least favorite" votes

Why the fuck are these people 18+ now?
Only on /vp/ where everyone is a contrarian, once Gen 7 is out everyone here will be shitting on it and claiming 6 was the best.
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>GameFaqs polls
Kek, never forget
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>ME 3
>Any Uncharted
>Vice City, instead of San Andreas
I miss when hoennbabies were most hated.

It was the first generation to be hated, to be "not my pokemon," now it's beloved because "nostalgia" and genwun/unovabortion faggotry filled the vacuum.

Like who the fuck seriously shits on gen 1/2 without being a hoennshitter themselves? It's disrespectful.
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>undertale beats super mario world and pokemon
>Sonic beating Portal
>New Leaf losing to anything
>red/blue beating anything

>>>>>Age of fucking Empires II losing
I hate kiddies
>Like who the fuck seriously shits on gen 1/2 without being a hoennshitter themselves? It's disrespectful
I do, and I started with Gen I. Gen 3 is better than both. Go back to your hugbox, faggot.
>FF8 beat Vice City
What the fuck? I love FF8, but that's always been the black sheep. No way it beat out VC. Did someone rig that one?
Link to the full poll if anyone wants it, but nothing was as big a shit show as the Undertale days
except gen V games were great and were packed with content. if gen VII is as empty as gen VI then people will hate it just as much
But DP sold much higher than RS
Gen 6 was packed with just as much content as 5 if not more.
Oh gen 6 stole the worst Hoenn. It's not a favorite, it's just meh
Wait, so is Gamefaqs full of underage b& or is their taste collectively shit?
And zinnia was a good character

I can lie too anon
Are you intentionally retarded or just new?
It's just shitty bait. This place has been retarded lately with continuous shitty bait and idiots falling for it.
Just because something isn't popular, doesn't mean it's not good. Especially on a casual site like Gamefaqs.
I was saying he was lying calling him out on the bait....
So let me get this straight, if they have shit taste
And they don't like gen 5

Doesn't that mean gen 5 is good then?
>Least favorite is gen 5

It's good to know we can blame the fanbase for the Gamefreak constantly pandering to Genwunners since BW
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>pr videos
>super training
>a better global link
>chain fishing
>friend safari
>improved breeding mechanics
>3d models
>fairy type
>sky battles
>horde battles
>inverse battles
>super secret bases
>mirage spots
Wow look at all that content.

>I don't agree with his opinions so I'll call it bait.

Not the best taste, to put it mildly. Sinnoh was, despite some bright spots, objectively the worst region, mostly just due to pacing if nothing else. And even though I like Hoenn, I'd say Gen III was probably the 'second worst' overall.
Gen 6 was the worst.
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I'll stay on Facebook if you stay on Reddit with your removed features, nigger.

But I really can't say that at least from a development standpoint, there hasn't been a clear linear progression in terms of game quality in Pokemon, so point taken. Yeah, sometimes the games are slow, sometimes pokemon are ugly, but there's always quality of life improvements to be found.
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>fairy type
>3D models
>breeding mechanics

Not to mention
>Maison (literally the subway with actual names/sets of trainers imported)
>mirage spots
>customization (SM)
Are all in other games

I can make one for gen 5 if you want anon

also sky battles have already been forgotten by gf
Let's see yours then so I can nitpick it.
Gen V was the best one overall, though. I'm completely failing to see what in it could make people dislike it so much, maybe how in B/W you're forced to use new mons? (Which was a great fucking idea, by the way)
And gen 3 loses both?
>hidden grottos
>shaking grass
>White tree hollow/Black city counterpart
>N rematches
>Abyssal ruins
>rotation battles
>hidden abilities *
>battle Subway*
>animated sprites*
>dream world
>joint avenue
>Origibal global link
>Royal Unova
>elite 4 rematch
>improved breeding mechanics*
>incentive to complete national dex for shiny charm
>7 sages quest
>minigame when transferring from gen 4
>multiple undiscovered routes after elite 4
>medal system
>New exp system*
>"dating system"
That's all of the top of my head

*if you call stuff like Maison/megas content I'm calling hidden abilities/subway content
Those answers are really close though. Besides Gen V
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looks like a tie
Don't forget the halved BP cost, ferris wheel, and your rival rematches
>Sonic Beat Portal
>RBY in second place
>all that bloat
>dead wi-fi so even more bloat

I'm so glad I never played BW2


Oh shit I forgot about keys

>memory link stories
>Events for legendaries such as Victini
>memory link battles
>challenge mode
>easy mode
And >>27798843

Also he called a typing content and repeated megas

This is true sadly
>>"dating system"
This better be what Lillie is in the game for. Regardless of player gender.

What if that's Rockruff's secret? It evolves when you max out your relationship
free shinies as well, and you can catch trade-evo pokemon later on without having to trade for them like kingdra
Gameplay mechanics and graphics aren't content.
>s-shit he posted actual content
>i know, i'll just call it bloat
>haha yeah that'll teach those unovabortions
>g-gen 6 forever
Well in that case I'll add
>terminus cave
>kiloude city
>battle resort
since apparently locations count

>shiny and egg charm
because you listed them

and I'll criticize
>join avenue
>global link (literally the dreamworld)
These features are all dead and can no longer be enjoyed.

>challenge and easy mode
Both rrequired you to beat the game to unlock, which made them pointless.
>event legondaries
No longer available, and if you can add them I can too. Gen 6 has had way more event giveaways than 5.

Play Emerald then, the Frontier is overrated anyway and is the most petty reason to hate ORAS.
I'd rather a dating system like that be for Serlimaid only, thanks but still regardless of player gender.
Hes not wrong in that a lot of content in BW and sequels is effectively removed by the lack of Wi-Fi.
Join Avenue, Dream World adventuring, Entralink in general, and several other features are pointless now all because Nintendo thought GameFly was going to last.
Yeah, that's kind of a shame. I'm actually wondering if homebrew will ever manage to boot it up again like how they did for Melee and Brawl ( I think for Brawl?).
You mean GameSpy? Isn't GameFly a rental service?
>>global link (literally the dreamworld)
And guess what, 3ds.pokemon-gl.com is where you play online minigames now so its not exclusively gen 5 material.

Also apparently theres a half-off Pokemiles thing running until the end of Gen 6. Nothing amazing from it, but if I remembered how to get Miles in the first place, could stock up on PP ups and Rare Candies, helpful for getting 'mons to 100 for Hyper Training next gen
>Remakes count for the gen they were remade during, not what they're based off of (So FRLG is Gen 3)
>Spin-offs count as bonus points, but don't hurt the gen if they're bad
Gen 3>Gen 5=Gen 4>Gen 1>Gen 2=Gen 6
My first game was Blue and my favorite game is BW2/HGSS.
This list would be totally different if it was just the main games of each gen.
>Both rrequired you to beat the game to unlock, which made them pointless.
Challenge Mode is still the best thing to have been added to a game. Literally just use cheat codes to unlock it and try replaying the game, you'll see how much better it becomes.
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>entralink taking up the whole damn center of the map
>even more useless now
I thought it was Fly, but youre right it was Gamespy.

Of fucking COURSE. IGN is indirectly responsible for the loss of ds Wifi function.
> In February 2013, IGN's new owner, Ziff Davis, shut down IGN's "secondary" sites, including GameSpy's network.
Fuck IGN so goddamn much
>>shiny and egg charm
>because you listed them

What both things fucking introduced in Gen 6?
You can't have more than one favorite game. You chose four.

I wish HGSS was made in gen 5 and had Crystal-tier animations.
Join Avenue is fine without WiFi. I filled it after the servers went down

Entralink was more about Infrared face to face stuff too.
Do you want me to add every route and town you can visit in postgame anon? It's not going to be pretty if you do

You can still use pass powers on yourself and do mission for entralink, as well as get your joint avenue up to max
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Gen 3 confirmed for patrician taste
Entralink and Join Avenue aren't dead at all, what?

You may as well say local battles are sead
I meant gen 5.....
Good taste my friend.
For me it goes...
4 = 5 > 3 > 2 > 6 = 1
Now I'm not saying Gen 1 is down there because of the pokemon, or characters, or Kanto, it's just why would you go back to those glitchy messes when you have FRLG?
Give me one reason I shouldn't nuke them.
>IGN (formerly Imagine Games Network) is a San Francisco-based games and entertainment media company
>I live near SF
Pls don't nuke me anon
absolutely based, my man
im replaying emerald right now and it's so hard resisting gen 4, because the leap in graphics makes it very hard for me to jump between the two
>you can still enjoy this feature, you just have to cheat to use it!

He listed things introduced before Gen 5 so why can't I?

No, just pointing out how ridiculous counting locations are as content. Yes you can still do entralink and join avenue but you either need another copy of the game or know someone else that plays, so they are basically dead since not that many people play it anymore.
>most agressive anon is wrong
Its not even as if its hard to fact check
See >>27799102
>He listed things introduced before Gen 5 so why can't I?
Literally where

Also you don't fucking need wifi to work either of those. You can do it yourself
>elite four rematches
>animated sprits
That's literally what I said. The way to activate it is extremely dumb indeed, but it's by far the best feature to have existed in a Pokemon game because it gives it a small semblance of challenge and makes the whole game much more interesting overall. Go compare the movesets of some NPCs and you'll see.
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i'll admit, i voted for undertale in every round it showed up in because i wanted to see how hard they would cry if it won

and it did.
I was refering to completely animated sprites. That's completely new for them to be constantly in motion

Ok. You can take away the elite 4 rematch, that my bad. I forgot ORAS had it when X and Y didn't as the first games since DP to not have them
Your fav games are in Gens V and 4 yet 3 is your fav?

Gen V=Gen 4>Gen 2>Gen 3>Gen 6>Gen 1
Literally me

Gen 2/3 is debatable personally
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Gen 5 didn't have any remakes and its spin-offs weren't very good. And DP were pretty bad on their own, taking down Gen 4.
>New Leaf losing to anything

Animal Crossing games are an exercise in tedium. They're actually incredibly shallow once you realize you're just grinding endlessly for no reward.
Not anyone you've been replying to but
>not counting locations as content
How is that not content? New places to explore is literally more gameplay.
I voted undertale for every single round.

I didn't even play it.
It was during the beginning of Undertale's release and the fandom hadn't become true cancer yet, so it won by sheer hype and popularity.
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You aren't the only one, the reactions were too good
Mfw when I'm actually an Undertale fag. I'll just got back to /utg/ then......
Listing all of Kalos and Unova would be stupid and cause debate on just how much content each place equals.
Nah. A bunch of socially-inept Tumblrinas kept voting for Undertale.
>third gen least liked
>including the shitloads of spinoff games, Colosseum, Gale of Darkness, contests, (Best) Battle Frontier, and E-Reader TCG compatibility shit, it had more content than any other gen.
The only good thing about those generals are the spider posters. Everything else is shit.

Regardless, Gamefaqs polls are still retarded.
Seems similar to that strawpoll that was posted here earlier today, though less hate for gen 6, and more for gen 5.
I see your point. But then, most of the gameplay is the region and the things it has to offer.
I'm pretty sure Gen 3 had the most spin off shit aside from gen 1 and possibly 2, right?
this! my nigga
What caused the gen 5 hate flip-flop? I remember it was beloved here.
Gen 6 kids just trying to hate the previous gen. Happens every time.
>Best gen is lowest %
>Worst gen is highest %
When the fuck did gamefaqs get taste?
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Gen 4 was fucking awful. Well at least for Diamond and Pearl.
>Use Close Combat on Blissey
>2 mins later
>Blissey fainted
Those games were dreadful
I've never hated gen 5 but it does seem to have a massive legion of cock suckers here so it's a bit annoying.
>Best gen is lowest
Gen 1 has 21 votes
Gen 1 is still pretty good
Gen 1 isn't the lowest
Yes it is
learn to read nerd the poll is most hated gen? meaning it's the least hated
Oh yeah there's less numbers so it's lower :^)
I think people are very aware of that, Anon. It might just be that they enjoy the casual tasks and the concept. Games don't require depth to be good.
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Not sure how to feel. My instinct says it was wasted.
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He has spoken.
How the fuck would anyone hate gen 5 over gen 6?
Because gen 5 was a boring mess.

I can understand why some people would not like gen 6 but I don't understand how people actually like gen 5.
Probably the story focus and things like how the elite 4 challenge is interupted by team plasma. A weak story is worse than a lack of story in most people's eyes.
Gen 5 has always been the most despised gen ever since it came out

Failed "reboot", bland region based on a hatable country, terrible pokemon designs...etc

Don't get fooled by this contrarian board where people try to use Gen 6 as a scapegoat to make forget Gen 5's shittiness, everywhere else Gen 5 is still recognized as the worst ever
>I'm completely failing to see what in it could make people dislike it so much

The region and the pokemon designs for a starter
"kiddies" wouldn't be voting for pokemon red/blue though
>Gen 3 has the least
>Gen 5 has yhe most
That shit ain't right
>No Red Dead Redemption or Ocarina of Time
>Weird as shot matchups
>Two mario games
>Flavor of the month game that was cute and good but not great is not only on there but wins
Cancer, cancer the lot of it
they only have shit taste if it doesn't match my agenda
ORAS release.
Overnationalistic amerifats and general contrarians constantly praising it on /vp/ must be the reason why some posters shit on it instead of ignoring it like it really deserves to be
> When more older is the game, more votes
> XY is the exception
> XY pandering to genwunner with Kanto starters and two Charizard

That community confirmed as genwunner
>People honestly think Gen 1 is better than any of the following Gens.
I'm not saying its complete shit but come the fuck on.
In terms of everything its worse than everything after it.
This is such a stupid fucking way of looking at it. The games are 20 years old, of course they're outclassed by the games that followed on a technical level. You have to factor in the context of when it was released - Red & Blue were amazingly innovative for the time.

So yes, Gen 1 are still the best games in the series. If the question was instead 'I'm new to Pokemon, which game should I play, I'd say Gen VI because it's the most recent and has an active community.

Oh, and Gen V sucked dick. The region was shit, and the Pokemon designs were terrible. On the other hand, Gen VI designs are some of the best in the series, so at least the artists came out of the rut with a vengeance.
I get that.

I also get that. Emerald and FRLG were pretty decent. I just really love Johto. But by right, two sets of games should beat one
anyone who thinks gen 3 is better than 6 is retarded
So I should be mad my favorite gen is the most hated on some irrelevant forum because..?
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>sky battles
Gen 6 and gen 3 are [spoilers] my favorite gens [/spoilers]
Everyone outside of here hates gen 5
>the same website where tumblrtale won GOAT
Fuck off.
I heard that the Undertale kiddies rigged the poll so they can win. At least it's something different from FF7 and OoT.
[citation needed]

Replaying Black at the moment and you are stopped every five minutes.

And Lenora's gym puzzle was a fucking joke. The game outright tells you where the answers are. Why bother with the puzzle at all?

Not to mention both gyms so far stopped me at the entrance to give me a the fresh water and tell me some good Pokemon to go catch first before starting.

And I know BW2 was just as bad about this shit. I just want to explore and play dammit.
There are retards of all ages!
How is any of this worse than gen 6?

I didn't say shit about gen VI you over sensitive child. It's just as bad though honestly.
>The region was shit, and the Pokemon designs were terrible.
There are people who actually believe this.
>Gen 1 are still the best games in the series
No, it's not.
You can't ask, "Which game is the best in the series" and then list all of the features for each generation, good and bad, and then put a asterisk next to Gen 1 that says
>Gen 1 gets a special pass because they're 20 years old and the 1st games so they automatically win.
The best Gen is the one that still, to this day, holds up despite how old it is.
Gen 1 does NOT hold up.
Even the remakes show their age.
It says "Division III" right there. OoT still lost to undertale on the finals
Your favorite gen is hated everywhere but on this board m8...
Unovabortions will always bring Gen 6 on the table because they like to use it as a scapegoat to try and make people forget how bad Gen 5 was
They're the ones who keep pushing the Gen 6 hates here
Because they are fucking crybabies.

This guy is right.
>the past shouldn't be an issue
>you have to judge these games against the newer ones
That's fucking retarded m8, this was the first game, it had some pretty big flaws on its own but you can't compare it to later games where they got to look back on previous work.
>Preferring Gen 6 over Gen 5
>Preferring Gen 6 over anything
Anyone who argues for gen 5 not being the worst has no room to insult other games.
When the fuck are you retards going to understand that improvements to the franchise as a whole (eg 3D models) shouldn't be included when debating which region is better? The newer games have more features, no fucking shit. It's not like it matters considering it looks like we're pretty clearly going to have a constant stream of remakes alongside the main games. HGSS is obviously superior to GSC because it's newer but Johto is still a garbage region.

The only time this is acceptable if a feature is removed (Emerald frontier).

If you were to put all of the regions into the same engine, Kalos would be complete shit compared to the rest and you know it. Muh features is a really shitty argument because you're just going to get one-upped next gen.
>since apparently locations count

I didn't play BW, therefore it's the worst region: The Post
>Anyone who argues for [gen i dislike] not being the worst has no room to insult other games.
anyone who thinks gen 3 is not the worst is either a nostalgiafag or someone who never played any other pokemon
Let me guess, GF won you over with the Gen 1 pandering, right? I bet you loved going through Rehash Forest so you could get your Charmander as a starter for the third time.
It's the best gen
It seemed like 3rd gen was going to actually kill pokemon for good when it came out. Did people just forget this?
This, Gen 3 almost killed the series.
Been playing since Blue when I was five, you would think I would "nostalgiafag" for Gen 1 if that was the case right?

5 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 6
Because normies didn't like the amount of change in the game. You know, those people that we dislike because GF keep pandering to them lately? You know, the reason X/Y is garbage?
no, you were too young when blue came out. You have nostalgia for the period where you were like 10-12, you were growing and your imagination was working full time. This is the ''best'' part of your childhood and tinted the wat you perceived the game. You can't see it as the shit it is because of that. Your opinion on gen 3 is discarded because of the day your were born. Sorry.
In theory that should make 3rd gen and 5th gen equally disliked or something. I just personally remember most people hating 3rd gen while it was the current gen and not that many complaints about 5th while it was current (other than ICE CREAM GARBAGE POKEYMON)

It's strange to me that 3rd gen is apparently so beloved now. Maybe because normies still play FRLG?
XY is garbage but its still better than gen 3
The actual target ages for the games are more like 10-12 anyway. It's always funny to me to hear of people playing when they were barely old enough to know how to read.
I want to throw up after looking at that

playing since 1998 when I was 12
>5 yrs when RBY came out "playing"

underaged faggot, leave this board forever.
>rby came out 20 years ago
You can beat the entire story without knowing how to read desu, just pick the move with the highest base power.
>implying I give a shit about gen 1 pandering.
Pokemon RB came out in 1998 you retard, I'm 22.
Not to mention our opinions are barely even different other than your unnatural hatred for Gen 5.
didnt know how to read english when RBY came out and only english versions were available where I live. Was able to play through the game fairly easily. The only difficult part was the rock tunnel, took 3 days to clear with my brother without flash. Didn't understand special/physical moves and stats at that point, I would just chose the move that looked cool.

I remember thinking the abra evo line was weak to the move because it was the only move on my team that would KO them in one hit.
Holy shit this
>not hating the worst games
BW is as bad as RSE but B2W2 is better
Pokemon pretty much taught me to read. There are very few places in RBY where you actually need to be able to read to progress, it's basic as fuck.
Gen 3 isn't even bad.
Could you not read when you were 5? I'm sorry you're retarded.

Was 6 when Blue came out, played through it multiple times. Didn't touch gen 2 until I was 15, and then my next games were gen 5 when I was 18.

5 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 6

Gonna start Pearl this week.
>Gonna start Pearl this week.
Should go for Platinum if possible, playing Pearl will probably make you hate Gen 4. It's slow as fuck and Platinum improves on it in every way.
it's objectively the worst one

The region design is bad
The story is by far the worst one
The pokemon don't fit with the rest, they look like they come from another franchise
what do you guys mean by elite 4 rematches, every game can do that...
This, pearl is only good for nostalgia. Play plat if it's your first time and come back to pearl later.
You are entitled to that opinion but I disagree.
>The region design is bad
Pretty objective, I can understand disliking water routes but the tropical design is comfy as fuck. There is a lot of variety in the places you can visit. Once again this is opinion but it's definitely a much more exciting region than Kanto and Johto at least.

>The story is by far the worst one
As opposed to the games with literally no story?

>The pokemon don't fit with the rest, they look like they come from another franchise
We're talking about Hoenn for the record, not Sinnoh?
How is Gen 6 better, given it's gutted region, genwun pandering and even easier gameplay?
not same anon but
>circle region is not shit
i mean factoring in pokemon designs is unfair to the region but it was just as linear as a straight line and there's no way to defend it
>the tropical design is comfy as fuck
there is no tropical design. It's an island but not a tropical island. SM will have a tropical design, not hoenn.

>As opposed to the games with literally no story?
No story is better than a really bad story

>We're talking about Hoenn for the record, not Sinnoh?
Yes, people dislike Sinnoh's pokemon but at least they fit in. Hoennmons look like a cheap chinese ripoff
BW2 was more open, and even then the games have been linear since Gen 4 (HMs are not freedom friend)
games have always been pretty linear with the exception of gen 1 between gym 4 and 7

based gamefaqs. unovabortions btfo
They've also always been easy, and there's always been garbage designs.
go back there
never said the opposite
Then go back you semen hungry faggot
Sure but even then the illusion that im not just following the plot and being held by the hand is just gone when i knew i could just walk in one direction for most of the game. BW2 had more locations but the circle was still there, and i didnt like gen 4 either because of the hms and snail slow pace just like gen 5.
>not cooking with semen
You don't know what you're missing
>Hoenn isn't tropical

It's literally based on a subtropical island in Japan.
It's BASED on, the end result is NOT a tropical island. There's nothing tropical about hoenn.
Well I personally found the region to be my favorite thus far. I liked pretty much the whole thing. Much like I see many gen 4 players saying, it felt "comfy".

I actually quite enjoyed the story. It was more epic in scale than the previous two, which can be a positive or negative based on your personal preference, but even still I thought it was an okay story. And I liked the two team thing. I thought that was a nice touch.

As far as Pokémon designs go, I really liked quite a few pokes from the gen and I can't say they seemed to stand out to me anymore than new games. If anything I would say that you should expect them to change art styles over the course of time. Not that I think that's good or bad, I'm just being realistic.
Well, it is though, it has a volcano, it has dense forests, a few ports and small chains of land. Just because it doesn't have palm trees doesn't mean it isn't tropical.
So gamefaqs are a bunch of genwunner, retarded faggots? Nothing new here honestly
New Leaf has more features than Wild World but it also removed a lot of the charm. The personalities all kind of blend together now, everyone loves you from the start.
>unovabortion detected
>it has a volcano
Like most region
>dense forests
like most region
>a few ports
like most regions
Region is better than Unova
Pokemon designs, although fewer, are much better
Gameplay might be sligthly easier, but come on, don't act like Gen 5 was hard
Go back to gamefaqs faggot, i though you needed to be 18 to post here.
I find gen 5 praise to be the sign of an undeveloped mind.
>I know you are but what am I?
Who gives a shit about those subhumans ?
Of course you would know what a undeveloped mind would look like.
For me, worse to best would be
>Gen 2
>Gen 1
>Gen 5
>Gen 6
>Gen 3
>Gen 4
>Region is better than Unova

>Pokemon designs, although fewer, are much better

Now go fucking kill yourself
>it's another "this article/poll in this shitty site everyone knows is shit helps my argument so i will use it and call everyone who disagrees with me underage/[thing i dislike]fag" episode
i thought these episodes only aimed at /v/, fucking sucks man
>don't act like Gen 5 was hard
Not counting challenge mode it was the hardest generation.
>literally a pokemon who deals no damage and gives a ton of xp in every single bush
I without challenge mode Id argue Platinum is harder just a bit for it's level curve and lack of lucky egg/Audino
Audino doesn't make the game harder rather less tedious.
Also better AI and more item use from NPCs made it considerably harder than previous and currently future games.

Dining was in gen 4. You seem to have mixed things up.

Fuck my phone I meant Sinnoh.
I was talking about Hoenn
>you can't compare it to later games
When you faggots stop saying that its the best game in the series despite its big flaws, I'll stop.
Till then fuck off.
I don't even hate Gen 1 personally, i just hate when people put it on some sort of pedestal. It started series that I've been enjoying for most of my life, but to ignore any progress that the series has made and saying that its the best and everything after is shit is a slap to the face, both to the series and its creators.
1 soon to be 7
2 maybe cause when I got it, it was in fucking Japanese
Everyone outside of here is even more retarded than us.
This, so much.

It's not bad but it has a lot of the same flaws 6 has.
>people are angry because their favorite gen is being unjustly hated for stupid reasons
>yeah fuck those cock suckers

There has been quite a bit of fair criticism.
"You don't like what I like therefore you are a stupid little kid" the thread

Gen 3 is my favorite
It only won because all the good games lost and people are tired of the Nintendo fans who can't let go of the 90s getting their way.
Like fuck I was going to let RBY or OoT win when Okami or FFXII didn't get past the second round.

Mine tooand I am a geewunner who hated it the first time around.

Hoenn is a fun region with a lot of great Pokemon.

It won because Tumblr organized for its victory and /v/ still liked the game at the time so no one acted against it.

Also /V/ rigs those things all the time.
>tfw love gen 1, 2, 3, and 5
>tfw those gens constantly get shit on
Except for gen 2 I guess. I don't mind 4 and 6 either, but they're not among my favorites. I just don't get the inane hatred for other gens. It's Pokemon, for crying out loud.
Everyone in this thread.
It won because GameFaqs was dumb enough to add the flavor of the month to their best game ever poll. It's almost like they don't know that their entire fanbase consists of 12 year olds.

I like every gen but 4. Fuck Sinnoh and fuck a majority of the Pokemon it added.

It's just not fun to play.

>The pokemon don't fit with the rest, they look like they come from another franchise

Gen 3 was when Pokemon finally started taking risks with its designs. After the absolute snoozefest that was Gen 2, it was like a breath of fresh air. Water and horns aside, R/S saved the franchise from a downward spiral into visual mediocrity.
People actually like Gen 4?
yes, even on /vp/, in polls its often in the top 3.

Those games are ten years old now.

Sinnohfetuses are now the norm.
stay mad subhumans
Better than gen 5.

It's been long enough that I don't remember if I like it more than gen 6, though.
That was /v/ invading though.
/v/, /vg/, tumblr, others

it was a coordinated effort to piss of people who take those polls seriously

and it worked, like it always does
Platinum and HG/SS were really fucking good. Nobody cares about D/P.
samefag subhuman
I think you got that backwards.
Gen 4 was a mistake. Shitty region, shitty starters, shitty Pokemon, shitty "rival" and shitty gym leaders.

Gen 5 is all that is man.
While gen 5 did have a lot of good mons, it also had the most bad mons of any gen.

What I remember of gen 4 is 2/3 good starters, good mons, I really liked Dialga, and distortion world was cool.
>Shitty region
>shitty starters
>shitty Pokemon
>shitty "rival"
>shitty gym leaders.
You didn't really work for this (You) but I'm feeling generous today.
>how to spot the underage faggot
>they're shitting on gamefaqs while posting on /vp/

Back in the day they were 4chan before 4chan existed.
>Shitty region, shitty starters, shitty Pokemon, shitty "rival" and shitty gym leaders.
WHy are you describing gen 3 ?
He's describing gen 5.
This is retarded logic
>Undertale is great
It's just a fucking friendship is magic lesson
4 = 5 > 3 = 2 > 1 = 6
my shit opinion all opinions are by definition shit
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All of Pokemon is shit. Go play Dragon Warrior Monsters.
>Gets told
>"le stay mad xxxddddd"
Seriously, go back dude, this place isn't for you.
1 = 3 > 2 > 5 = 6 > 4

Gen 2 had the best games, though.
>No story is better than a really bad story
Tell that to Unovafags, I've been saying this shit for years.
>samefag found out
>muh meme reply

File: Retard.png (7KB, 432x104px)
7KB, 432x104px
Well meme'd

>inb4 "i-it's photoshopped!" or "You're using a different IP!" or whatever the fuck mentally handicapped people like you say
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44KB, 540x540px
stay mad, johtoddler

Johtofags aren't toddlers. They are honorary Geewunners.
>waste time in your life arguing with a stranger onthe internet about something that doesn't matter
>calling other people mentally handicapped

oh the irony
BW2 were great. BW1 were poor.
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