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Oldfag thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 104

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Happy Birthday, /vp/.
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o shit waddup

happy birthday /vp/
I remember when /v/ was split like it was yesterday, already been 6 years? What the fuck!

>tfw 2010 is considered oldfag

I must be ancientfag then.
Any ex-tripfags here?
I miss Pokemon general, they were a bunch of circlejerking assholes but they were fun competitive assholes

i legit am shocked right now, i thought /vp/ was like late 2013 or something, get me off this wild ride
Hey, I may have started at Gen 4, but that doesn't mean the magic of play Pokemon for the first time was any less than it was for you. I got Pearl when I was 6 and it was the
best thing in the world to me. I have now played every game in the series and participated in tournaments, obviously EV train and breed for IV and natures, and have over
2500 Wi-Fi point thingys. I could name every pokemon(with a picture) and have completed my national dex, minus some event pokemon. I love all gens, and Gen Three is actually
my favorite. Sure, I came late too the party, but that doesn't mean I party any less hard.
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Gets me every time.
I miss /tr/.
Is alomola kid still around?
yeah, Gen 5 reveal hype was the final straw for /v/ and we all got cast away like a bunch of lepers.
if /vp/ was born in 07/14/10, what was the lifespan of /tr/?
2005 here, Anyone who came here after 07 is a newfag.
Pear came out 12 years ago... oh my
it was still around some months ago
Shit I came in 2008.
i started in 2016 :3
me too newfriend!! i just came here recently from reddit ;3
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I was in this thread

Where has the time gone
I miss no es fake, aggron shits on your car, and Ralph Simpson threads
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Happy Birthday /vp/!!
2008 was the downfall, when 4chan REALLY took a nosedive from normies via scientology and shit.

>Being proud you've been on this shithole for all that time
Considering 4chan was always the only place free from the tyranny of overmoderation, yeah I'm glad to have been here this long.
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>alomola kid
That was only a few months ago.
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Are you simgle, master?
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Somebody post the screenshot of Hulk Hogan stealing Vaporeon or was it Glaceon?
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That's /v/, technically
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I miss this meme more that I would ever let on
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I'm so glad he never deleted /vp/.
Wasn't /vg/ added around that time? Maybe he thought /vg/ would be a containment for Pokemon
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>tfw Garyposting is the only survivor to this day
>and even then it's still dying
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daily reminder Germanfag was actually a site moderator and probably still is one
do you think he still posts here?
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Mid '04. Kill me please.
Late '02 here

You all newfags get out of my imageboard
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>Almost 15 years spent on anonymous imageboards
You must feel like shit...
2010 was fun.
Seething cauldron of rage reporting in
2006fag here. I lurked moar and don't act like a memespouting facebooking redditor. That's something to be proud of, right?

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>2010 is considered oldfag

Not quite.
Former poster here from Sep 2010-late 2011, sporadically ever since. Always make it a point to show up for birthdays though.
>mfw Post Moot
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Mook avatar is cuter than Mootykins
Oh shit. That brings me back
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>its been 6 years
We should update this at some point. No Goodra-fag yet
>tfw just browsing /b/ in 2010
>didn't start moving to other boards till 2012
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behold your champion
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We did a couple of months ago, when Youkai Watch was going to be the Pokemon killer.
what is this from?
Faggots leave.
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ITT: Ancient /vp/ memes
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>there will never be another Wottergate
>no more Yan-Lyra threads
>any memes that get made here will be reposted on Reddit in under 15 minutes
>no one's gonna celebrate Virgil day
Feels bad man, I wish there was some hidden Pokemon board for actual discussion without kids coming in to poach content for upvotes.
TFW the cow raid was 6 years ago
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Damn good thing the yandere Lyra threads died. Fucking cringeworthy shit.
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I hardly remember them past the fact that they were fun to come home to.
I remember there was this edgy as fuck ongoing fic where this guy would kill all the Pokefuckers in his area, then feed them to his Victreebell, this was pre gen5 so my memory on it is pretty hazy.
Oh hush they were fiiiine

I remember that shit. Good, cringy memories.

Does anyone have a cap of the time /vp/ got it's ass blown out by the fact the gen 5 leaks were real
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>OP and Hackfaggot will never make another thread
>I met her in a club down in old Soho

Fuck that was from 2011? I thought it was a year or two ago...

And happy birthday /vp/!
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They were not fucking fine.

>ya fun goofed. Were gunna backtrace it!
>Linetrap (not Harley quinn, not Bailey jay)

If you dont vividly remember these, you're legitimately a newfag
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Fuck me, today I started feeling nostalgia for the time when generation five was first released. It was when I first got back into Pokemon after dropping it for several years. I wish I could rekindle that spark I had for Pokemon nearly half a decade ago.
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>>ya fun goofed
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>dun goofed is oldfag
newfag plz that happened in the same month that /vp/ was made

speaking of /vp/ being made, I used to start every thread with this image and post pokegirl porn
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>People still recite that shitty DENIS meme to this very day
It's funny, I started coming here in 2008 and I still consider myself a newfag. I missed out on so much, you know? It just seems like more happened between 2003-2007 than 2008-current.
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Glad that Buizel & Dragonforce fucked off to worse pastures

I miss wottergate
Bui is still around apparently. Just not as much of a porn spreader.

Fuck Kyo though.

Fucking imagine if that nigger was here for the Gen3 remakes.
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>tfw no kaiju board
at least the occasional Godzilla threads on /v/ and /m/ are good
>Does anyone have a cap of the time /vp/ got it's ass blown out by the fact the gen 5 leaks were real
This one?
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Does Germanfag still lurk here or has the pedo-horsies plague claimed his life?

Team Rocket beating Ocelot was a great time for those who saw it happened live
I remember the day Team Rocket defeated Ocelot. God was Gamefaqs pissed hahaha.

Nah, he's gone. Like Dragonite and TotalBro too.
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Good times. But now I feel a bit old and sad, as I lurked & post here since this board was created
You used to see this picture daily in here.

Times have changed for the worst.
I was about to say half the board disagrees with you, but then I remembered we did a poll and 75% of this board are pokephiles, so I guess they indeed have changes for the worst
I miss moot...
What's he up to now
Anyone remember the worst meme ever (snivy fucking pissing itself)?

And Lola too
working for google, shitposting fotm anime threads
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He is a freeman now, out there enjoying life.
Unlike us.
Was Dismay ever claimed by /vp/ after the split or did /v/ keep her?
Discovered 4chan on 2008 but I'm not really sure when I started posting (I did take the LURK MORE thing seriously).
The guy made a sequel to it, but they haven't updated it in a couple of years now.
The ruse face didn't exist until 2011 IIRC what the fuck is this shit?
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Himeno paintings are so nostalgic ;-;
I saw it so many times that I only feel nostalgia instead of arousal.
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Much like then as right now, I don't give a fuck about 'fapping to Creed: give a like on my facebukakke'

back on topic: the dark times were dreadful
Yes. He changed his name to something else, but his actual tripcode is still the same.
I bet some of you never thought you'd see this again.
Damn, that's one hot as fuck chick

Fucking newfags.
/m/ is kaiju and the threads aren't exactly "occasional"
I MISS KYO!!!!!!!!!!!

i've made maybe 20 posts since i started coming here in '09

they don't call out lurkers as much as they did back then
Whatever happened to Gary Motherfucking Oak and his daily porn dumps?
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>Beedrill Nicknamed Kamina
Oh fuck I forget the name, dammit I remember when this came out but fuck it was some stupid portmanteau of Dawn, May, and Misty. Absolute waifu material.
DISMAY, I just remembered. Thanks for reminding me, anon.
>I'm in this image
It's the good kind of shitty feel.
Like taking a hot bath when you have a urinary tract infection.
He only archived, the dumps were done by the rest of us.

And it stopped because suddenly the mods gave a fuck about it.
Do those archives still exist?
Doubt it. They were in mediafire so the file goes down if nobody touches it after a month or so.

>implying owls are birds
Have you ever regretted typing that out in the last 6 years?
I like to think he 's always here, shitposting anonymously
They banned porn.

I miss the days of porn on /vp/
Oh my God, it's you! What was running through you head when you said it? Did you really not think an owl was a bird
"Dragonfource is my Metal Master", wasn't it that?
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your favourite pokémon is scyther

what's yours?
First visited during Death, then became a permanent during The Cesspool.
Feelsbad. Especially since I haven't been underage for years.
god i miss these

I can never figure out what to enter into search to google them
I miss the poképarents. Too bad they removed them from their sites, probably because Nintendo/Game Freak had a problem with it.
>13 years old
>friend "let me show you this weird website I found"

And nothing was ever the same.
"Dragonforce is my Life", I think.
I wish we could report people for being newfags like in 2ch.
>remember participating in HG/SS Generals on /v/ before /vp/

Man, time flies.
My favorite Gen is II, can I has oldfag status now?
Ampharos here and still a huge fucking faggot holy shit.
This is in relation to time spent on this board. Context, idiot.
this thread is making me miss /vp/ a lot.
/vp/ is a really shitty board, it's quite clear when looking at it from an objective standpoint. But it was ours, it was for Pokemon fans. I really miss last weeks /vp/ I'm sick of this cross posting from r9k and b.
That was my very first post on /vp/. It would appear that I am in fact the idiot you claim me to be. I apologize.

Not him, but I think by 'bird' he meant 'early route bird', and was trying to argue that hoothoot wasn't the gen2 equivalent to pidgey/starly/taillow. He just worded it in a nearly incoherent manner is all.
You surely mean Futaba Channel, right?

They even have an entire board for reports!
guess 06 but not actively till 08
But it is
>tfw Operation Chanalogy brought more cancer into the site than it could ever recover from
If you came here in 2008 for Chanology, you're a fucking tumor.
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My earliest is on an older HD.
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>Being on /vp/ since it's conception
>All that gen 5 hype and speculation

Shit was pretty good back then. It's gone to shit since then though. Not as if an old tripfag can talk.
I'd disagree. With less RPfagging and tripfags aren't shitposting like the early days, it's much better (relatively).
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It also feels kinda dead mang. I mean since I was one of them, I'm biased as fuck. As shit as tripfags were a lot of them gave the board personality, even if it was just them being awful as fuck.

Fuck Bui, Germanfag, Dragonfource and Beedrill named Kamina. Awful awful people.
holy shit, I'm glad 4chan evolved from that turbo nerd meme-spouting era
sincerely? no
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yoink! got yer feets!
Don't forget /pol/.
/vp/ was best when it was self-moderated by gary dumping

all the porn kept away the reddit
>b-but pol
Fuck off, already. Go to that board if you want to talk about it so much.
Or you weren't a faggot that went to /b/.
>As shit as tripfags were a lot of them gave the board personality
The absolute worst kind of personality.

Only tripfag I miss was the one that did random distributions during gen 4 and 5. And he had an actual reason to trip. The dipshits you're pining over just do it for attention.
>if you hate rehashed boogeyman shitposting then you must be my enemy!
I said to fuck off.
Post moot
I came here early march
I'd like to agree, but as jewish Pokémon player I don't like to have those crackpot conspiracy theories about jews here.
I know one of you fags has the hawlucha es fake caps
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Nah man, im talking about the way too indepth analysis
I've been here for eight years.

Goddamn it.
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>>there will never be another Wottergate
They try to force another Wottergate every new gen now.
Don't forget, we're here forever.
Yesterday I actually went through the /vp/ archives and went memory diving. Only went to 2013 though.

Why won't someone just kill us already
You are doubting of my power
>implying all oldfags didn't hear of chan thru /b/tards breaking rules 1 and 2

Anyone have that pasta? It's been a few years now, right?
Gen 6, Reddit, and YouTube killed this board
Happy birthday, /vp/
yay now we have /pol/ and reddit shitting up the whole site.
That's 2015 man.

>>>>"oldfag" thread
>Ctrl+F /tr/
>2 results

Fuck off kids

Remember when Cubone became /tr/'s official mascot due to that one thread about anon's sister?
I still have Johto Man on my iPod
My reaction images folder is still named tr, I never had the heart to change it.
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Literally all it needs is GOfags now and it's perfect
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It's good you remove and /mlp/ but might as well remove digimon, cirno, greenfrog
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A kind anon pointed out about Bastille Day
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I used to avoid /vp/ until white and black because of how hard you guys shit up /v/.

And let's be honest it was nothing but furry shit here for a while.
I hope you enjoy your birthday, /vp/. Just like the other 84
don't forget about the generals that were anything but pokemon. I swear that it was a faggot sanctuary for /a/, /fa/ & /mu/.
I miss Extremespeed Slowpoke.

Don't miss the others.
Well there's a blast from the past.
I'm glad you liked it anon
He changed it every post IIRC.
He had like a dozen of them.
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one dead satoshi.jpg
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>You will never visit gen 4 /vp/ again
>remember when the Nuzlocke comics were OC and all the different Lost memes it had at the time

I'm not, now it's just go back to plebit, go back to /pol/
I miss the fun times we all shared.

Dude, when "RAGE" comics were half of /v/ is when I stopped caring about that place. Didn't help that the only generals I cared about before /vp/ split was the ME2 general, even then that got ruined by constant Tali waifuism.

4chan has gotten better because it's less like 9gag.
It's also gotten worse because we lost that sense of fun and everyone (including myself) has a stick up their ass.
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Remember this bullshit?
Some things are better now that they've passed but you're right that at the same time everyone became so paranoid of doing something that might perceive them to be from somewhere else that they forgot to have fun.

Maybe one day we'll strike the perfect balance again.
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shoddybattle instead of smogon was great. competitive was most fun for me gen 4 pre-platinum. this is the only thing I ever saved on vp.
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Still gives a twitch
Otter looks like a Pearl on a pedestal tho
Man the DW was bullshit. It probably would have been OK, if the servers hadn't overloaded for weeks and then they instituted the shitty one Pokémon/vist, one hour/day rule
OK I don't know what these are, anyone care to explain?
The simgle text and image was the original meme, the other images are just same artist
Holy shit, I remember this.

>12. - (...) The anime shall be disregarded at all times, except for conference battles and comedic value.
Did some people seriously hate the anime back then? These same people probably would mourn over missing XY, because it's really a great seaon.
Every new generation we get more and more redditors expecting tons of leaks.
Now with GO we're getting r9k and b.

vp is on its last legs before its completely ruined, forever.
>complains about "redditors"
Come on.
>This image was probably done during gen IV, or worst, best wishes.
Are you not paying attention? The majority of people talking about Pokemon GO are from r9k and b.
Before GO got popular however though a lot of cross posters from reddit came. Simply reverse search images and you'll find the same ones plastered over reddit.

Dont get asshurt over the truth.
You don't even know how the boards are called...
>trying to be an oldfig
Sorry, bro, but I'm one of the few /tr/ainers that are still here.
Then there's no excuse for you typing like a fucking faggot, faggot.
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>2500 Wi-Fi point thingys.
This is the part where I lose it.
And you shouldn't type like a /b/tard, kay?
>Who are you quoting?
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>6 years
I refuse to believe that. Holy fuck.
>you suddenly remember this meme
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Fuck. I miss this.
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I don't even remember how the fuck Kcalb started.
Just remembered that I have all of them saved the tripfag poems, too when I saw this thread.

BW-era /vp/ was so comfy
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>when /vp/ was obsessed with Shimeji
/vp/ is a beautiful place.

But there doesn't seem to be any way to defend it against all the shit that's been ruining it for years.
just hide/reportshit threads, replying to them only encourages shitposting
It's not always specific threads or posts, there's just a real problem with people not lurking and bringing in reddit and facebook shit here where it doesn't belong.

>m-muh board culture
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Every time
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FUCK, I started a year ago.
There was a torrent, but it was pretty barren, and I doubt it's still up.
Not a /vp/ oldfag (well, not really), but a 4chan oldfag anyway.

I want to summon moot again one of these days.
>finally a board for video poker
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Gary Coleman.jpg
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>summon moot
Hey, I know it's not really an oldfag thing, and I know moot is not around much any more (plus he turned into an SJW cuck), but it was fun sometimes (and yes, I know it's also not a /vp/ thing).
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>I want to summon moot

Oh boy. Buddy, let me break it to you nice and easy
...moot sold your ass to some corporate chinks. He doesn't give a FUCK about 4chan anymore.
Oh, no, I know that. That's why I stayed away from 4chan for almost a year after he sold out. I just miss when moot was a faggot but not THAT much of a faggot.
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Man I mostly just remember a fuck ton of porn. When there were no leaks/new games/special events it would be days and days with nothing but porn, and every once in a while a good thread would pop up.


I miss it.
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I kind of miss the carefree days of photoshopping Gary's face onto everything in a thread.
Scyther i guess

Man, that comic got so gay as it went on. That's neither an insult nor a compliment, mind you - I'm simply noting its high level of homosexuality.

...crossdressing Black is cute
>in serebii, in pokebeach, in bulbapedia
yeah, no, that was always retarded, and i'm glad they're gone
>9, 17
not really rules, more like a phrase, and doesn't have anything to do there either
so long as it only goes for the rules Battle Frontier states, i agree, but also all legendaries. but that's not how people use "ubers" anymore
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there are never any GOthreads on /r9k/
care to explain that?
>because they come here to post it?
then why does /v/ still have GO threads too?

The GOflood is bad, but i'm pretty sure all the pepe posters do it just to annoy people

anyone have for 2014 and 2012?
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I think things will fix themselves up in time, especially after GO faggotry dies down. I have a feeling that 4chan as a whole will be better soon and I don't necessarily know why, but it definitely feels like the rest of the boards are climbing down a peak, rather than going up.
Who are YOU quoting?
Sweet fuck I remember that. I still have a folder filled with tons of pokemon shimeji.
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Gary Munch.jpg
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Oh please, Gary doesn't die.
Shitty Gary bombing was the worst meme old /vp/ had ever done.

Thank God I'm also a furry now, I appreciate /tr/ even more nowadays.
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Anyone else here use the internet archive to go to 4chanarchive/chanarchive.org and look at the ruins of past threads?
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I just did
checked the birthday thread from 2014, used reverse image search to find some of the pics posted in that thread
some of which i don't see posted around her much anymore
though, most of them i couldn't find with image search, as they didn't have any results, and i couldn't recognize the thumbnails, so i don't know if they were posted anymore
What would /vp/ do to see a revival of 4chanarchive? The nyafuu archive is great, but its still more enjoyable to have the threads in front of you already parsed out to be the best.

I'm not referring to the redditesque upvote system of chanarchive, however.
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CSI Kanto.jpg
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though, for some reason, when i clicked "see same", which shows other posts with this exact image, i found that very many had last been posted in early 2015
as if somehow people stopped posting them after that.
what the hell happened?
Knew about 4chan in middle school but waited until I was actually 18 to visit.

Coulda been an oldfag, my dudes.
Oh man, I can't believe I'm nostalgic for this shit, but I am. Happy birthday /vp/, I love you fucks.
>What would /vp/ do to see a revival of 4chanarchive?
4chanarchive is and always was cancer. I am so glad that *Fuuka-based archives exist nowadays.
They're also less likely to infect you with random malware.
Oh man that was a fun time. I still have that Shiny Spiritomb from the Sutamii forums from back then when those were mega popular.
I don't know why, but I share your optimism.
>tfw Godzilla vs Kongon 2019(?)

Hope it turns out cool
late '08 when my friend showed me /b/. Why am I still here? I have a life and a degree
You quoted me twice.
He's a salty idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about-- ignore him!
Yea I was just expressing my anger that /vp/ is being ruined by people playing Pokemon GO. I know it used to be called /tr/ but thats not my point.
If I've been on /vp/ since 2012, when do I become an oldfag? I don't consider myself an oldfag by any means but Im certainly not even close to the level of newfaggotry that all these GOposters are on. Is there a middleground between oldfag and newfag, perhaps just "fag"?
this reminds me of this
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Grow up faggot.
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what your thread could be.gif
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Nice thumbnail you have there.
The last discussions have nothing to do with /tr/ at all.

Fuck off, shill.
>no more Yan-Lyra threads
I miss kcalb threads, myself.
>there will never be another daily does
I miss the reveal threads, or when people would send mons out to other anons.

I miss Grey, when Potpans wasn't forced, the diglett comic, the nuzlocke streams.
>tfw I used to come here just to fap to the pokegirls threads
shame they actually started moderating this place
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>I miss Grey
So do I. I keep thinking I should try making a new Grey thread one of these days and see what happens
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>yfw some kid would post Clair shitty art
>kid would get so butthurt that nobody liked it would shit the entire therad

normal pokegirls threads are still allowed through as long as they don't have explicit material. Unless someone is power-tripping/corrupting around to delete them, but that wouldn't last anyway.
So do I.
same, but i never visited till i was 15-16, because i thought 4chan got shut down untill like 2008. mainly browsed the shithole of D2jsp before then.
>tfw made the dubslett comic

The best part is I originally wasn't going for dubs at all. The first three or so were pure luck, and I ran with it.
How is this thread still going?
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