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Your Strongest Go Mon

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 89

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Game's been out a couple days now. What's the strongest Pokémon you've gotten your hands on so far?

Closer to 1100 right now
do you encounter pokemon with higher cp if you level up?
What level are you?
Yes you fucking retard
Can any super pros help me out?

Anyone know if stronger pokemon being glitchy to catch is intentional?
I just wasted 30 pokeballs trying to catch a venomoth. Almost every single time I threw a ball it was forcing my ball to spin/curve even if I threw it in a straight line.
Is that supposed to happen? Is the game forcing me to learn how to curveball? If so I really wish I practiced more.
I can't find much info on this subject. I am level 10 if it matters. I caught a low cp weedle right after and everything was fine.
>Lv 13

I haven't seen a difference in CP from LV rise still seems random.

I caught a lot of high CP when I was low level
rude desu
Does anybody actually find Pokemon appearing around their house? Especially outside of cities? I haven't seen a single Pokemon after two days.

Not seeing shit either. I live in a small city and there's barely any Pokemon, especially not at my house. I'm pissed
>drowzee candy

is that the one Cosby used?
Are you actually moving around much?
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phone service was terminated so I've been stuck on my home's wi-fi. Embarrassing.
On a side note, anybody know Pikachu's best moves? I could power this baby past 100 but it might not be worth it if there are better move possibilities
So how the fuck do CP actually work?
Do I evolve and then power up and they rise?
If my mons have shitty CP they stay shitty no matter what like IV?
I have a CP41 Dratini.
Is it good? Do i go for Dragonite?
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>realizing because of these threads my Kingler bro isn't worth shit because hell barely break 300

Damn it. I put on pants and got this motherfucker out of the lake and everything.
You improve CP by feeding candy to your Pokemon, and evolving will make it go up a bit as well. Pokemon that are XL in either size or weight have a slightly higher CP threshold, but it's not significant. The higher level your character is, the higher CP threshold all of your Pokemon have.

If you got your hands on a Dratini, I say train that fucker up.
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Not a whole lot of great ones. Excited for my haunter. I want a beefy gengar.
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my roster's a mess
wait, nope. Forgot I had Drowzee
Not my strongest, but my favorite mon and suprisingly there is a good number of them near my house.

Should have a Zard by the end of the week if im lucky
Raising CP then evolving vs Evolving then raising CP as been proven to lead to the exact same results.

It's better to not waste your time on low cp bitches. My personal advice is to save all your stardust unitl level like 11+ then starting powering up only really good shit. The higher level you are the better the cp base of pokemon is (although there isn't as much of a gap as people think)
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Going off of your post, can I just mention how awesome it is that the game actually puts water types near water.

There's a park near me, and at the edge of the park is a lake. The park itself is crawling with Krabby and Seel, despite being wooded. Go down to the lake, meanwhile, and I've found a Magikarp every time I've walked by.

It's a little detail I wasn't sure they'd bother with, but that I appreciate.
Just got home from a 2 hour drive. Covered 3 gyms in Seattle, gained 4 levels, caught about 60 mons, got a bunch of sweet items. Anyone know if you can level your Pokemon up (evolve? Do you get candy?) when you win gym fights? I haven't bothered fighting other gyms, doesn't seem like a good use of time.
Depending on your trainer level he could potentially get to like 500-700 which isn't THAT bad.
they have shit dependent on what terrain is nearby, water pokemon by water, rocky ass places have rocky pokemon, apparently poison types keep showing up in the city.
theres a forest near my house and it keeps spawning pikachus, its literally that one episode of pokemon where theres a horde of the ornery little fuckers screwing around in the forest scaring everything else off.
Where are you located? I want to build a database of sorts and of course starters are important to know.
pikachu move power levels you've found? Want to know if I got top percent
Testing it out now limited to wifi until tomorrow, is it worth it to use the essence at lvl1? Also like spot right next to me and got an egg how does the incubator work?
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I'm in the same boat as you anon, Working 10 hour days in a concrete bunker and server outages at lunchtime and after work means I have only caught enough raticate to bring forth this guy.
I do wish we could rename them though.
If you stay at home and use the 2 free Incense, you'll eventually get about 6-7 mons. You'll get more if you actually walk while using it but I didn't for mine. I also got bumped up from Lv1 to Lv4 by doing so.

You get eggs at pokestops. Put eggs in the incubator and activate the pedometer by walking or masturbating. The higher the necessary steps, the better the mon.
Click the pencil icon beside his name.
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Just started playing today. How'd I do, lads?
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gonna be a while before i can challenge this redfag. My strongest mon currently is a 233CP pinsir.

Also I fucking suck at battling. Shit is harder than it looks.
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>those quints
How does battling work? Do you just mash the enemy pokemon and hope to out-dps it?
I got an egg but it says I can't use the incubator right now
Select the egg and put it in an incubator. Also, scratch fapping, I forgot the pedometer only works if the gps detects you actually moving so nevermind.
>tfw still can't evolve anyone but Ratattas and Pidgeys

Also is there a way to predict what moves will pokemon get upon evolving?
Say, I have one Drowzee with Pound and another with Confusion. Will the one with Confusion get a better move as Hypno?
Nice quints dude
>Live next to the ocean
>manage to take a walk and get loads of Pokestops for the roller coaster park, arcades, pubs and casinos along my sea front

Too bad my internet reception fucking dies as soon as I get onto the seafront
Managed to catch a Shellder though
>top percent
>not training rattata
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>all these people with a billion raticates

>haven't seen a single one, but a jillion of zubats pidgeys and clefairys
>Desperately want Gyarados
>400 candies to evolve Magikarp
>Live next to the ocean
>Literally swimming in Magikarp
>35/400 candies in less than 30 mins
>Hope to get Gyarados by Monday
I have 35 from hatching a couple of eggs
in battles how do i use my pokemons signature move.
Same with my Kingler, man

I'm jealous as shit of that Arcanine. I've been scouring everywhere for a Growlithe and I got nada
>change region to us
>make new apple id
you too can enjoy server errors
Its 569 now
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>started playing when it came out
>only have shit like Magikarps and Rattatas
>taking fucking forever to get to at least level 5, even after driving around for a while and visiting Pokéstops
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Come at me
Ill catch up eventually
>driving around
how about walking you fat fuck?
So I dont have this game yet since my phone is a hot steaming pile of garbage. How exactly does CP work? Are pokemon fixed to a certain CP, or can you level them up indefinitely?

Nice CP trips
I've walked too retard
Does a Pokemon that is xs or xl have better or wise advantage
I have a bulbasaur that's xl and not very strong and a ratata that's xs and probably in the top 1% of ratatas
>tfw live in rural area

Although I have a Golbat with 434 CP after all these zubats I found
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This are mine so far. I just need a couple more geodude, pidgey and rhydon to get those evos.
what does the gold star mean?
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It a "favorites" start. You just press the little star at the top right when viewing the stats of a mon.

I just caught this while taking a walk before going to work. I shit you fucking not! This fat bastard was at the start of a bridge
>Lick 10
Into the trash it goes
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I'll nickname shit later.
>Launch the game on day one
>It works perfectly and flawlessly
>For about 30 seconds
>Now whenever I manage to log in through server errors it doesn't even show my starter pokemon

The struggle is real.
Anyone else worried about power creep?

I have no fucking clue how these people have 500+ CP pokemon after only two days of playing. Like shit, I'd have to spend the entire day walking around and tracking down pokemon just to get ONE even close to that high.
What do you think they've been doing? Lol.
powerleveling easy to catch pokemon from their area with stardust and evolving them
The power of autism should never be underestimated. Also you can get lucky on encounters. I'm lv6 and got a 300~ Victreebel on an incense, trained it up to 410~ in 5 minutes.

That being said, I walked to a gym and tried to BTFO of an Eggsecute with Victreebel and I raped it until it got down to 1HP, then I couldn't beat it, it stopped attacking me and I couldn't run from the battle.
>Game's been out a couple days now
>Have XL Weedle
>It evolves into an XS Kakuna

What the fuck man
walking to the fidge doesn't count
Hatched it from a 10km egg, but I've seen it downtown.

I'm like level 14 or something.
Caught a 53CP Horsea with 55 atk Steel Cannon, it has 3 blue bars. Is this good?
>Big Bean
I don't know why I'm laughing right now

Jesus fuck, I didn't even know Horsea could get that move. Mine just has Bubble and Flash Cannon.
>was at the start of a bridge
Flash Canon, that's what I meant. I'm retarded.

Yeah I was confused about whether that was a new gen move because I hadn't heard of it before.
Server's down, couldn't double check. So I guess it's a standard attack.
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Was the easiest to get, working on my arcine tho. Dont have a pic cause server is down.
Bird is 396wp btw
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This is all I could get before the servers went down
release two of your extra rats for more candy senpai
thanks for the tip bro
no problem man

the more candy you get the more powerups/evolution you can do, so keep your strongest and always "transfer" the extras. I got a strong raticate by releasing all of my extra rattatas
Funny you should say that, back in the HGSS days I had a hypno named Bill Cosby and when I did wi-fi trades on here people would always comment on it. Now I can't use drowzee/hypno without thinking of him or thinking of the evo line as really lecherous
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caught this as a CP 180 pidgey, FeelsGoodMan
Good work, my man :)
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tap and hold when you have the blue bar filled
Only level seven currently
Anyone seen any legendary or shinnies?
For the millionth time no legendaries, they're reserved for events

Shinies have been spotted though and captured
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>tfw all the Pokemon around me are shit mons
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>tfw there was a nearby Scyther on release day but the servers crashed
actually just moving my phone around I've gotten my egg from .4 up to .64 so it does work at least a little bit.
I'd love to post a screenshot if the game would let me.
A pinsir and magmotar have escaped me due to server/ battery respectively
Setting my phone on my computer causes my gps to wig out getting my eggs to hatch easier.
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Level 8
Need to get out and train
Conquered a gym last night felt gud
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I would love to be playing more but these servers REEEEEEEEEEE
Save your dust senpai. You'll catch a higher cp version soon anyways.
I just lost the 1st gym I attempted
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After a day or so of playing.
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This guy with 411CP currently
Can you use an incense & stay in one spot? Will they come to you or do you still have to exercise
I like how everyone has shitmons

It's like we are the NPCs
No confirmation on the Internet as of yet but will there be bans for apk users in North america?
To be the very best, like no one ever was, we'll have to go where no one else goes.
I had made a new google acc so my strongest isnt worth showing. Theres nowhere to walk around here for me to hunt.
I'm level 7 and a pidgeot showed up for me just now, escaped from the ball and fled
then immediately attacked my little brother who just got to level 2

Sucks you burned by the stupid gym glitch. I've read (and it worked once) that if you use poison as the first attacker it won't glitch like that. I really enjoy this game but thats one of the most annoying ones so far. Hope it gets pached for 1.0
As anyone been able to use the footsteps to actually determine how far a Pokémon was? None of the steps even change when I walk anywhere. They need to bring back the actual distance, the way it was in beta.
I had success literally one time, every other time I spent several minutes running in all sorts of directions and never made progress
snek lol
I haven't. At one point last night I spotted a squirtle that was three steps away and I was driving in my car and I actually drove 4 blocks in the cardinal directions and became no closer to it than I was before.
Fuck. I wanted to head out tonight if a Ghastly or Clefairy shows up. Now I don't know if it's worth it.
the same thing being described happened to me with a dratini earlier today
>I was driving in my car

If you drive faster than 20kph it won't register as movement

And fuck you, dont drive and play
three steps could be anywhere. You can look, but you have a slim chance of going the right way. Two steps is within a block or two, and one step is right on top of you
I would also like to know the answer to this.
3 steps away is within 100 meters.
2 steps is within about 60.
1 step is within roughly 30.
0 steps means sit the fuck still it's about to spawn.

Take that as you will.
Is there any point in training pokemon to raise the CP when after levelling up you'll just encounter one with higher CP anyway?
>3 steps is within 300 feet.
>2 steps is within 200 feet.
>1 step is within 100 feet.
ftfy, using the correct, intended, and first world measurement system.
If you hold the pokeball down too long it'll throw like a curveball. The trick is to throw relatively quickly so you don't fuck the ball
>American measurements
Take a hike you fat piece of tra-

Oh, wait, that's the point of this game. Carry on.
Hateful, your mom must be bummed.
>one square meter is more than 10x larger than one square foot
>wanting your radar to work in meters and not feet

enjoy wandering around for hours and never finding what you're looking for, which is exactly what is literally happening to everybody
I've had no issues finding whatever I've been trying to track.

Protip: Walk with the tracker up if there's multiple mons. If it's moving up the list, you're moving in the right direction. Moving down? Turn the fuck around.
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>walking home with a friend
>Walking and Searching
>literally jump down the street in the bushes down to the water
>We both throw like 50 Pokeballs at it ( Level 7 , it was 540)
>Game freezes twice
>It's still there
>I can't hold this tension anymore
>He gets it. My Game freezes
>It's gone now.
>He's jumping and shouting like a maniac because he got it

This fucking game. It felt like a fucking adventure
the fuck is a turtok
German for Blastoise, the anon probably forgot.
I found a 103 cp psyduck in my house
Has anyone found a gyarados? There's a ton of magikarp outside my apartment, if I level up will there eventually be gyarados?
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I need help naming my pinser something besides nutcracker.
>Anti Prophet

GO really is Pokemon: Reddit edition
I choose to believe gyarados aren't available wild to keep them somewhat rare
The name is ironic guys, I swear.
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I havn't seen anyone have one

the higher leveled people I see all have pidgeot/flareon/snorlax
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>Wanted a Jolteon
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> live in bumfuck nowhere
> 3 pokestops in my town
> go to park in the city after work
> pokestops everywhere and 3 gyms that I saw
> servers sperg out
> ended up getting one gym and visiting 6 pokestops in over an hour of being there

fuck me this is infuriating
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Side note, does everyone else have this?
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who bestteam here?
right here boy
whole office went valor
I wish I had some more of the starters around here and other things. I got Pidgey to a Pigeotto and Pidgeot, Rat to a cate and Weedle/Caterpie to their boner forms.

Thankfully hatching a Pokemon gives you a fuck ton of candy at once so if I get lucky and get a mon I have I should be able to evolve them more.
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This is my guy. HE SUCKS.
It's also not a bad idea to hang onto stronger versions of your mon, even if they are extras. You can set them off at gyms and use them as backups in battles.
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but it's cute.jpg
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Sydney Valor here son.
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Here you go.
Since were talking about Pokemon Go, let's disgust on battery life on cell phones.

Everyone know's this App kills batteries like police with black people, so I plan to invest on a extended rechargeable battery case, to make my trips longer without my battery dying quicker.

Any of you guys and girls have one of these charging cases? If so which one is best to use.

I currently use Samsung Note 4
If you're not interested in spending a lot of money, Five Below had some external batteries you can get for $5. There's a keychain on them and they're pretty small little bricks you could likely carry in your pocket while it's attached to your phone.
>1 footprint away from a fucking Dragonite
>server cuts out

I'm never going to see a wild Dragonite ever againit would have been #1
You need like 400 candies for gyarados I think. That'd be 100 Magikarp on average.

also shinies fucking when
You can get extra batteries for cheap from Amazon, if that helps.

Since you have a Note 4, just swap em out.

By the way, I have a Note 4 too and mine lags like hell with this game sometimes, and also heats up. Does yours do the same?
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It does lag for me as well, I'll look at those extra batteries. I'd rather have a case though.

I though 1000cp was the max until I saw this.

I guess that's pretty foolish considering I've seen people getting up above 700 on day one.

What is the max cp?
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Found as-is. I just wanted a Vaporeon, but it had ???CP and is my ace in the hole now.
>being proud of that gay ass poster
you guys are flamers

that's what valor cunts will be referred to as going forward, flamers
Has anyone run into the starters yet? My Charmander hasn't had a candy in days.

I shall paint my city red with VALOR
says the guy who gets the reference
reminder than maximum CP is determined by pokemon type an player level
The rattata you caught when you started could be the same level cp ratticate as one you catch at level 10 if you power it up
Theres too many uninformed people
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>not siding with the best bird
>My strongest pokemon are lucky finds that I can't get again
>All these people with eevees when I only saw one that I catched
I saw a high level growlithe that got away because of the fucking server crashes. This sucks
I have 325 Pidgey candies, if I wanted I'd have a Pidgoet to kill anything.
>tfw i want to side with best bird
>tfw friends are all mystic
fuck me anon
Of course
I just started today and got to level 5 after walking around for an hour
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I slacked today

Also I need to go reclaim 2 gyms
The blue gym near my house has a 1250 Arcinine at it
Are Dratini rare? I just got one after nothing but zubats and rats.
I just realised that i have not seen a single Ditto. Will it be an event pokemon or Niantic just didn't know how to make it fight properly?
What do the blue meters represent beside Psyshock?
>live in the fucking woods.
>There are no pokestops
>there are no gyms
>walking around for like 8 miles will net you maybe three pokemon.

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I'll ask this question here.

It's 10pm at night and I don't have ANY PokeBalls. 10 walk from my house is a busy traffic section with a walking path next to it. From the path there are 4 Poke Stops within mere feet of eachother.

Would it be weird to hang out there for 30 mins and farm Poke Balls?
>go fags will defend this
How far away is your nearest city? Bonus points if it's relatively large, or has lots of shops.
The smaller the blue bar, the fast you get that attack filled. You max out at 3 attacks.
So, the less blue bars you have, the better?
Nearest is probably 15-20 miles. More of a town than a city but oh well.
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Not my strongest, but he's my favorite.
The shorter the bar the faster the attack is read to use. Longer bar attacks for example Dragon Pulse have 2 long bars but the damage is like 50-60 compared to 40 damage.
How much money have you spent bro
Why would I want to go outside?
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How do you get the different versions of Eevee? I want to get an Umbreon.
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Only level 4. I'm pretty happy desu.
Nice dubs. But that is also a good question.
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it's only gen one mons for now dude. the eeveelution u get is random
I'm having trouble logging in with my pokemon club trainer id. Is there a way to fix this?
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currently defending based blue squad as king of the gym lads
>tfw caught it as a 169cp eevee a few hours ago
this, i'm red and all the gyms near me are red. i can only bring one poke in to defeat like 3, shit feels so unfair
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>tfw my town is high level valorfag central
>tfw I'm one of the high level valorfags that gymcucks mystics and instincts

Feels good nigga
Shit, meant to write this on
I was amazed to find an Electabuzz around my area in London earlier, right beside one of the many generators we have around the area.

Nice attention to detail
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Found the Clefairy when I opened the app to check. It was right on top of me.
saw someone post a pic of one show up in the nearby list so they do randomly spawn
Is this guy worth keeping?
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Forgot pic
i'm out of pokeballs

what do I do to get more
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OP giving an update. Leveled up and shoved two more candies down its throat. This nigga's dominating nearby gyms for the glory of Team Mystic.
not him but in clarksville tn there are a fuck load of bulbasaur, and a ton of grass pokemon.
Go to a pokestop. They're blue kind of signpost-looking things on your map.
mah nigguh
Where did you get haunter?
where the fuck do you live to see mons like this?
i get 2 from that every 5 minutes apparently

that's not nearly enough
This tbqh. I miss like 10 times before I catch a pokemon pham.
Apparently you will never catch a Pokemon on the freeway without slowing down or stopping. I wasted all my Pokeballs and missed shit like Jolteon, Omanyte, and Exeggcute. I did manage to catch a Graveler while the cab slowed down for a car accident.

Not OP, but those are all mons I've found in Tempe Arizona, near Arizona State University.
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Is it better to train a pokemon from 10cp up, or catch an evolved version, or hatch an egg and train it?
I want a beefy pokemon like you guys.
Increase your trainer level and catch more at a higher cp. Don't bother wasting stardust on anything you can catch a lot of.
We're all on only the first few routes, what else would we have other than shitmons?
Wait until level 7, when you can consistently catch 90+ CP mons. Then evolve them to highest form for an easy 100-ish boost. Most importantly, make sure they don't have shit moves or are XS size, otherwise they aren't worth the stardust. And remember, Size and Moves change on evolution, so if you catch a really good Pokemon, dont risk evolving it.
i really thought this was going to end in savagery.
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Level 4, this is the highest thus far
wew lad
people who live on grass patches need to check their fucking privilege
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>I just hit 400
get a muk
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>out of pokeballs
>nearest pokestops are like 5 miles from house
>cluster of 4-5 but that's it
>literally nothing else
>this isn't exactly a small city either
>scroll down in the shop
>pokeballs cost real money
>the whole game is literally just a minigame where you throw a ball and that's it, the pokemon theme only exists to get you to buy digital currency
i'm already done with this garbage
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I live by the Mall of America in Minnesota. Would it be worth it going there tomorrow just for the Pokestops?
i wish i could play this
>been playing nonstop
>don't live in a hick town
>people here actually have phones that less than a decade old
>pokestops everywhere
>never going to have to spend a cent on the game
Stop being a faggot and move.
What's the different in size?
I'm usually in /co but since the game release I'm going to frequent this board until I find tips and hints for finding a Litwik to eventually have my new generation favorite, Chandelure

Seriously, all I want is a male Chandelure
Gen 1 only.
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>tfw best mon is a sub 200 CP JYNX
>gym right next to me
>some black guy with a 600+ CP hypno owns it

Tip: It's gen 1 only
I think a lot of people will quit when they run out of Pokeballs. The Pokestops just do not give enough per spin.
>middle of suburbia in middle of regular size city in the northern midwest
>hick town
hur dur

more like this shit cash grab minigame for normies is imbalanced
Sick bubble you live in there, bruh.
Yes. Hick town.

Deal with it, faggot.
Hint: Do some research next time
>being this retarded
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>live in the city
>pokestops only give me 2 per spin and are so scattered that they're not a route
How do normies get an advantage? If you have free time by being a jobless leech, use that to your advantage and go walk around and catch a bunch of Pokemon and hit up pokestops and shit.
you're retarded if you think normies are the targets. normies make up the fish - the whales will be the "real" pokemon fan shut-ins you wont want to go out to pokestops that will buy balls and incense in bulk.
>use that to your advantage and go walk around and catch a bunch of Pokemon and hit up pokestops and shit.
I live in a shithole and I risk stepping on a needle and getting aids if I go outside
Well fuggitall. That kinda dampens the mood. At least I can stil try to find a Magmar and Ghastly. Any ideas about those and where to find them?
>the whales will be the "real" pokemon fan shut-ins
this isn't "make up bullshit on the spot" my dude :)
>tfw live in peaceful white communities and can go out at any hour but fear getting awkward looks
I mean I live in a state with some of the lowest violent crime rates in the world and is something like 97% white, but there's a huge heroin problem here and needles are everywhere.

Some little girl stepped on one and got aids in a park
right, normies are going to blow sizable money on this game. is this your first freemium?
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I want to play the pok mans but I don't want to be killed my feral nigger coons

what do
I think you can get ghastlies at night pretty easy. I live in a rural area and I've seen several after dark. Just caught one earlier tonight after sunset.

Magmar you have to go to a volcano to find.
jesus dude you are beyond retarded, I can't even be bothered to argue with you because you're so fucking stupid

you're just dropping the term 'whales' because you read it in some kotaku article or something, just shut the fuck up already

t. developer
Invest in a pair of hiking boots.
I'm level 7 so I'm not to sad about this
that attitude wont make you a master
heh, could be a good idea I guess. maybe even some steel toed boots
Just got stopped by a cop for hanging out in the dark at a local church. He ran my name and everything LOL try not to be sketchy (ie black) in the US guys!
Is this game worth it if you don't have data? I'm a canada bro with ShawGo wifi, more than likely get fucked in most areas but I live in Vancouver so imagine there's a shit load of pokemon here.
I thought of suggesting steeltoes at first but I'm not sure how comfortable they would be to hike around in on pokejournies.
>Is this game worth it if you don't have data?
I have data but I'm autistic and i don't leave my house.

You probably won't get much besides a few wandering pokemon. Incense will give you like 6~ pokemon per I think and without an internet connection you won't be able to get pokestops or fight at gyms I don't think and that's basically the content right now
>implying mobile phone app producers don't make the majority of their money from the addicts

We all have friends or co-workers who blow themselves up on mobile castle defense games.
>tfw $0 in the hole
>close friend has the bought the 14k bundle already

I'm convinced there simply aren't wild eeveelutions in my town. Even Eevee are rare as fuck so I'll never get my Jolteon.
That's retarded if you're worrying about STEPPING on something. There's nothing protecting the bottom of your foot, only the tops of you toes.

Steel soles are what you're looking for.
Well I could use it for kicking junkies in the dick

are steel sole boots a thing?
>>implying mobile phone app producers don't make the majority of their money from the addicts
where did I imply this holy fukken wut my dude

i dunno if you're even the same guy
i was originally just sperging out about your false dichotomy bs but I'd like to just move on at this point as I said above



be quiet
I feel like police departments are pretty quickly gonna have to start issuing guidelines to officers about this sort of thing lol. Me and a few friends are about to walk up to the local bar to hit a pokestop on the way and hopefully catch some mons. And probably fall down and break an ankle and/or get the cops called on us on the way back.
Trash CP but rare mon, haven't seen anyone post it yet.

Highest is a 450 Magmar.
>nigs commit violent crime at a rate that is like 10x that of white people
>surprised when they run your shit while you're doing something shady
>post about it on 4chan (le lol xd)
just stop
So is my ghastly going to get another set of random abilities if I evolve him? Am I going to be forced to evolve a bunch of ghastlys into gengars hoping that eventually one will have good abilities or is there some form of control over it?
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Found out these guys spawn in a park near my house. I was only there for a minute and caught three, this one was the strongest. Wonder if I should go back and look for a better one to power up.
>poke devs found a way to get shut ins out of the house
>public parks are creepier than ever
I showed him the game so maybe next time he'll believe someone when they explain what the fuck they're doing being so suspect. He sure as hell acted like I was crazy when I first tried to explain myself.

Couldn't even get the Gym. Stupid 1HP glitch. When are they fixing this game? Did they even play it first?
Hell maybe it will get the junkies out of the parks and let kids play there again
I'm white tho. I was just making a joke.
Everything I said is still true regardless
But okay you can go Tyrone
Even if it was weird for your mum to give you that name...

wait a minute...
>devs have control on how much they want autists in the park
>put servers down when they want autists to go back home
Can you change your characters clothes after character creation in any way?
My mate's bar is right on top of a grass patch (I've checked it the past day and it's stayed there consistently) but I've had zero encounters and I've been sitting in this bar since like 5 pm.
how do i find better shit than just pidgeys and rattatas and weedles. I wont fucking vulpix's and squirtles and shit, not worthless shit scrub pokemon fuck
I haven't left my house to play this game yet and I've caught 4 Drowzees and a Ghastly.
I've noticed you get better shit the further you travel from your house towards populated areas.

>tfw best friend lives in the city
>pokestops in range of his house
>evees at his front door
>1k cp flareon wrecking shit
It's like 90% powered up already, given the white bar in the back.

The only way to find a stronger one at this point would be to level yourself up.
didn't even know thats what the whitebar meant, thanks anon
my strongest pokie

absolutely, but not for the reason you might think:

GO generally gets a pass from regular people if you and at least three friends are dressed not-retardedly and keep a not-autistic conversation going.

wait until 2 AM then sneak out and farm the fuck outta dem bawlz

Nintendo, in collaboration with Dreamworks pictures, presents "How to Train your Tardo", premiering three days ago nationwide.
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What should I blow all these points on? Which pokemon has the highest cp?
where did u get tenta?
There was a guy who had a dragonite with over 1500 cp
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pretty happy so far

probably about 20 hours of walking
sign out, sign into us/aus/nz create new account. download, sign back in on orignal account. play.
Instinct is the Hufflepuff of Pokemon GO

For pussies
>>scroll down in the shop
>>pokeballs cost real money
>>the whole game is literally just a minigame where you throw a ball and that's it, the pokemon theme only exists to get you to

This game is like the wii, its meant to get people up and moving, out of the house, walking, meeting each other.

Nintendo has an anti-NEET initiative for awhile now.

This is basically a fancy pedometer. You need to walk around to get pokeballs, you need to walk around to get mons, you need to walk around and get exercise to not be a slob and stop being a waste to society, is what Nintendo is trying to say.

Money is an optional thing, but money doesn't solve shit. If you haven't realized, you still need to walk around to get mons, and its more effective to walk between two stops repeatedly to get balls.
is there a way to see my pokemon in AR after i catch them? like chillin in my room?
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>stops give 3 balls per use
>if you're lucky and don't get more shitmon-filled eggs or revives
>refresh every five minutes
>if you live in a rural area that no ingress players bothered to tag then fuck you, you don't get to play
you have to move around, you can't just sit in one place. if anything, the shaking grass patch is meant to make you move outside
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how the fuck and where!?

This is my strongest mon
Where did you find an Aerodactyl?
I work at a hospital and for some reason, pokemon seem to flock there. Aero just happened to be one of those pokemon.
Mind if I ask what part of the globe you live on, anon? It seems different pokemon appear in different parts of the world.
Southern California near Disneyland.
Yeah but for some reason it's alway the same Pokemon. Pidgies, zubats and sparrows. In order to catch anything else I have to walk at least half a mile. Water types aren't showing up when I go down to the lake either.
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fucking love my nicknames
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>after a day or so
how? I barely got to lvl 5 today and don't have a single guy over 150CP.
Is there a trick? I've been walking around a bit today but pokemon spawns seem pretty sparse
It helps if you use incense.
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>tfw all of your good mons' are XS
>tfw my bulbasaur will never see an evolution in his lifetime
fuck the generic-ass pokemon around my location
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What would you have to buy with pokecoins to level up quick? Like get high cp pokes, im lvl 5 right now and dont mind spending 10 bucks to get ahead
Better off putting ten bucks into your gas tank and doing laps around pokeball hotspots while catching the pokemon you find along the way.

As you catch more your level increase, as that goes up so does the CP of pokemon you find then boost and evolve your hatched eggs with decent movesets into high cp pokemon.
Stick that pokemon into a gym and collect rewards from the shield icon in the shop.

If you don't want to drive, buy incense and poke balls.
Just buy Pokeballs and incense. Catching Pokemon will increase your trainer level, letting you catch higher cp Pokemon naturally.
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