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Realistic pokemon thread

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Thread replies: 235
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Realistic pokemon thread
You mean shitty grimderp buzzfeed bait thread.
>everything "realistic" looks scary
Do these people even real animals?
It's not even a creative kind of scary.
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*Gridmark pokemon thrad
How the hell do you even get a dick-mouth out of Wobbufett?
I like that Charizard.
Boring, but at least it's not "hurr durr am I scary yet?".
Finally a cute one.
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I have one that is that description
Nidoking looks like something Getter Robo would fight.
That dugtrio's pretty amusing, but why does snorlax have a leech face?
these aren't terrible

"Realistic" doesn't mean turning it into some hideous Eldritch Abomination.

This is how you do realistic Pokemon.
Because that was the only thing the artist could come up with that could make it edgy enough.
Why is Red tiny as fuck?
I will never get over how dumb the tounge scarf is.
Because gen 1 BIG AND STRONK.
Not like those pussy pokemons from gen 2 onward.

>Not wearing a scarf
I think you're in the wrong thread, mate.

I never really minded the twig/wand until I saw this picture and it really drove home how silly it is for a Pokemon to evolve into having an item to hold. Great illustrations though.
The scarf is isn't dumb. The fact that it's a tongue, and it has to have its mouth constantly open, is dumb.
i would prefer to live a 2D world than to see these pieces of crap if I had the chance to live in the Pokémon world, really
Yeah, Alakazam and Hypno totally ruined pokémon.
Stupid and I hate it.
But since it's the dream pokemon, I'll imagine this is it's nightmare counterpart.
They're a lot less fuckable
In pokemon most ninjas wear scarfs I can accept that. It's just a fucking pokemon i shouldn't be getting mad at the design choices of a starter. But it's based off a frog. The one thing frogs do is use thier tounge to catch food. No imaging a frog with its tounge wrapped around itself. How is it going to catch/eat food? Greninja would starve to death irl.
Greninja would also be unable to understand human language and throw shuriken made of water irl.
Pokémon are smart they would still be able to communicate irl.
Also yeah animals don't have superpowers irl. What are you trying to prove?
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Gyarados looking n o i c e
That complaining that a design wouldn't work in real life is silly.

You're of course right that the tongue scarf is dumb, but you used a nonsense argument.
Furfags dream come true
I hate Greninja however it became so popular is beyond me.
Hating Greninja is fine.
Because kids like ninjas, and the anime promoted it like hell.
best one so far
>that fucking Torterra
>the iguana sceptile
leaf types blown the fuck out
That's Grovyle
Get your eyes checked, mate.

Those are the second stage evos.
And grotle
>second stage evos
into the trash it goes
> Dick tail
Thought the most adequate term for this style would not be "realistic" but rather "fantastic" : when fantasy pervades reality
And it got into Smash.
Um Red, I think your Pikachu is actually a Ditto.
*tips fedora*
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Made this in zbrush.

What has being in Smash ever meant shit for a Pokemon's popularity?

Jigglypuff is pretty much ONLY popular with Smash fans because it's part of the original 12, and Charizard and Lucario were popular long before their Smash debuts.

And in Lucario's case, all it did was make Mewtwofags hate him for "replacing" Mewtwo (which he didn't, as Mewtwo was planned to be in the game, but cut due to time constraints, and they don't even have anything in common).
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starmie is like: "pfft, whatever."
Whomever made this deserves to be beaten. This looks so fucking dumb.
the day disney bought the rights to pokemon.
these are great, except for emboar. Its a completely different pokemon.

that said I think its a better design
Kinda reminds me of this
This Golem looks weird but I still like it
Where is the butthole?
See now THIS is good
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I genuinely don't understand what I'm looking at here. Is the monster on the bottom supposed to be Wynaut? How? Why does it have weird tiny toes? How does it make the "Wynaut" bleed without claws? Why does it have weird winged hands? What the flying fuck is up with its head?
So I guess this person just doesn't know what a Tapir is.
kill it
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Dumping what I've got
>Add spikes and make its mouth big with lots of teeth
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also, >>26716756 nice edge bro
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people are going to call this edgy but fuck are these cool
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little cross over action
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For the monster hunter fans out there, got a few done in this style.
I was gonna post these two, but they are too big to upload to this board:

Best realistic Pokemon are of birds.
Prove me wrong.
>Realistic Pokemon
>Charizard with 6 limbs
Try again :^)
I don't know which one is more horrifying
to >>26717056 I think that's the beauty of it, they're both pretty truthful to the source, and they're both beyond terrifying without all the edge some of these other "realistic" portrayals are forcing into it.
whoops forgot the charmander line
that charmander is terrifying to me, got both megas saved too
sorry this is mostly the same artist from here on out, I've got a folder in my realist folder dedicated to her stuff
The next is one of my favorites
>cover everything in open sores and oozing ulcers (even the robotic pokemon), add dozens of teeth

This is the worst shit. Psyduck had some potential, at least.
Love this take.
>makes the feathers fucking rock spikes

what the actual fuck
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just a few more then I'm gonna get back to my book
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To be fair, >>26717167 , he is a rock dragon. If it perturbs you that much, maybe you should make one more to your liking.
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This looks like a bad dragon dildo.
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This is my last for now. I hope you all enjoyed a piece here or there. Keep the thread alive and maybe I can post some more when I grow tired of reading again.
>draws final forms for fire and water
>draws shitty mid evos for grass

I detect some bias.
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Lindsey makes the best realistic Pokemon art
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They got a bit o booty showin
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his goddamn face and posture holy shit

these look better than the original.
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Why do people think that realistic means fuck-ugly messed up mon? That glaceon looks more real than half of these and the only cuter designs been posted of it are fletchling, spheal, popplio and stantler
this pic is my all time fav
>feathers are made of rock, right?

I bet he's one of those "baaaw, feathers ruin dinosaurs!" idiots
There are tons of pics of cat and dog pokémon drawn as realistic cats and dogs, but they're kinda boring.
>well, do it better yourself then

This is the shittiest attitude.
And who says "perturbs"?
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samefaggot here's your (you)
just edit this into a blaziken
Oops, must have struck a nerve. Sorry.
this picture has been around since before /vp/ was created and it's still cringe as fuck. How does Snorlax lose his eyes and gain a giant worm mouth. What the fuck was artist smoking or drinking before he decided that this would be a nice picture. Whoever likes this or thinks this looks cool is literally the 9 year old fedora edgemaster still rewatching the naruto anime even after it has finished.
Arcanine is fucking dead
it's not cringe and never has been cringe, you just don't know what you're talking about at all. they're monster hunter versions of pokemon. they look that way intentionally. they are very explicitly not supposed to be realistic in any way. they are supposed to be like monster hunter creatures. it's not edgy, you're just retarded and don't understand your correlations.
its not cringe or edge or meant to be realistic, its been around literally just because of its actual age, and its appearance is 100% intentional. look up monster hunter, dumbfuck. art is not bad just because you do not understand it. you're the cringey faggot.
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these are cool, but I wouldn't call them "realistic"
This is right the fuck in the wrong part of the uncanny valley.
I present to you, normal birds.
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>magnets and body are worn and look old
>brand new screws

Also why is it in a field of giant screws?
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Excuse me, I know a Blaziken when I see one.
What? How was that even a fedora comment?
>And who says "perturbs"?
People with a vocabulary larger than your penis.
It was changing its screws.
These are insanely well made.
10/10 would fight in dark souls
I mean, it's kinda cute if you don't look at the creepy gremlin hands.
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That style doesn't even fit MH.
Looks like a monster Godzilla could fight.
It's a fucking fox, of course you can easily make it realistic without making it disgusting.

That being said though, Munna is based on a tapir which is super cute too.
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I like these better than the actual pokemon.
Staryu looks like that asshole Metropolis Zone Badnik though.
That golduck though.
>Make Genwun great again.
Would have shot it on the spot
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God I fucking HATED those
Its eyes are normally slits and it eats a lot. Duh.
>missing the millions of eyes thrown onto Lickitung's tongue for some reason
>leaving out the fact that Arbok's pattern is literally replaced by HUNDREDS OF SCREAMING SKULLS WOW SO COOL
That Golbat looks more silly than what it looks like in the actual game.
I want it to burn.

>emploeon looks no different

love it
this word has entirely lost its fucking meaning. you dont know what the fuck you are saying or what you are looking at.
That's fuckin' adorable
DnD Monster Manual art/10
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holy shit gamera quads
gyarados, bisharp, zekrom, aggron, magnemite, ferrothorn? are those right? these are cute and i like them
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Horsea, I...
Because it's drawn to them you nigger
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That isn't even fucking close
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Where my bros at
this is fucking awesome
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guess poeple still would fuck it...
I dunno, out of all the "out there" designs, I think the Wobbuffet one's pretty accurate for a realistic Pokemon. I can't in any way, shape, or form imagine an aesthetically pleasing realistic design for it. Besides, not all creatures--fictional or real--are "cute."
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Am I doing it right?
No, it's not reptilian enough, Try harder.
I'm sorry I insulted your garbage art.
>No imaging a frog with its tounge wrapped around itself. How is it going to catch/eat food?

He unwraps it and lashes it out to whatever it wants to catch? It been shown dozens of times in many different medias. He can also fully retract it into its mouth, so it's main purpose is hiding his identity. I personally find his design to be almost perfect, cleverly realized and well executed.

My only problem with the tongue-scarf is that, as stated, it hides his identity, which is ok and all, but why does he keep doing it even to his trainer? I understand that Gamefreak are pretty lazy and that making a model with a fully-fuctional retractable tongue would be a pain to program (a collision detection nightmare), but i wish that at least they made 2 model variations:

One battle-ready model with the signature 3-point stance and the tongue scarf.


A slightly altered one with the upright stance it has in Amie and with no scarf.

It'd be my favorite of all time if it weren't for graphical limitations.
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>TFW almost all legendaries are midgets

Do you think we'll ever get an actual Skyscraper-tier legendary?
Even in the game I find it disturbing.
with it looking like and alien fetus inside jelly
Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Gardevoir or whatever furbait you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use 4chan). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn..
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For u fuggers


Is this made by one of you?
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No I am creator of the finger family songs
& mega
no but I know this guy
kinda looks like a stoner
You must be a millionaire then
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are u ok
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>Loving the copypasta bruh
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>that blastoise
These are not even remotely appealing. Not in the slightest.
does anyone have any mews?
this kills the arcanine
3edgy5me but the pixel art work here is impeccable
GF would never allow it but a MH crossover game featuring redesigned pokemon would be sick.
Why no plant Pokemon like Roselia
Genuinely terrible art/reimaginings.

This is utter shit. Anyone who unironically saved this picture should pluck out their eyeballs, because they have irredeemable shit taste.
if i make it look creepy it has to be realistic, right guys XD
these are there own genre, more edgy than anything else
these are actually good
I think that's Altaria, not Articuno.
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