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thoughts on sun and moons battle theme? https://www.youtube.

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thoughts on sun and moons battle theme?
It reminds me a lot of Gen V's rare encounter theme. The "tingy"ness of the instruments is similar.

I wonder if it's a similar thing, having a standard and rare encounter wild theme?
About as just OK as every other wild battle theme.
It sounds amateurish, like anyone on fucking YouTube could've cobbled this shit together.
It could calm down a little, but I rarely have the sound on when playing these so I'm not really bothered by it
Too upbeat, not "epic" enough. As a lover of piano, it has just too much piano. If it sounded more abrupt, I would like it-- After all, it's supposed to go to the scene of your Pokemon attacking something. I'm sure it'll grow on me, but as of right now, I really don't like it.
>not "epic" enough
I've seen a lot of dumb complaints regarding the fucking wild battle theme, but this has to take the cake.
It sounds too exciting for regular battles
Maybe I didn't phrase it correctly. It's just too toned down for the sort of situation. Each piece of music that goes into this game is theme music, and I don't personally feel "battle" from this particular one, if that makes sense.
I don't hate it but I don't really like it either.

It sounds like a step back from what Gen VI gave us.

Say what you will about Gen VI and the shortcomings it may have had. Music was not one of them.
I think it sounds pretty good. Nice and energetic. Definitely some BW vibes in there.
I agree, but lets compare apples to apples with battle themes. Honestly, every battle theme grates me a lot over time because they are so repetitive. Even Gen VI, and it was a good one. Why can't they have like 4-5 variations that randomly play?
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It's better than Kalos's, but that intro part (up until :10 on the video) sounds awful. It reminds me of those tracks for fanmade games that people post on youtube.
I thought all of XYs battle themes sucked
From an ease-of-implementation standpoint it is a hell of a lot more convenient to make a short riff or riffs and loop them for a track where it is needed. That sorta explains the repetitiveness of the tracks. It's nothing new and it's not contained to Pokemon. Many, many games uses loops for tracks in their games.

To look at both battle themes, XY had a more... real(?) sound to it. Guitar, etc. The only thing that sounded off was the super obvious drum machine. It didn't seem as obviously midi where as SM sounds like something from Gen IV or V. That doesn't make it bad but it does seem like a step backwards.

Music is super subjective like that. There is no correct answer when it comes to personal taste. I liked most of it. Especially Sycamore's theme and the re-done Guidepost theme.
I like it. Gen VI's battle music was terrible, especially the for the Gym Leaders.
Ichinose please come back
Yeah, wasn't a fan of it.

XY had a lot of great environmental themes and what not. Lumiose sounded nice, Sycamore's theme was smooth as fuck, but given that the battle themes make up the bulk of what youll be listening to, theyre the most important, so when theyre lackluster, it hits harder.
Hey, the legendary theme was pretty good at least.

Why did Sycamore's theme sound like an old Zelda game?
>Say what you will about Gen VI and the shortcomings it may have had. Music was not one of them.
This has to be bait. The music was underwhelming as hell. The gym leader music sucked, the town music sucked and the battle themes were a little more bland than B/W. But I do agree there are some good tracks. Such as the one you posted, Lysandre's and Shalour city.
Still better than this cancer to the ears
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That may be why I liked it 2bh.
It was very Wind Waker.

>I Don't like thing
>Anon likes thing?
>Must be bait
You fucking tell me that the gym leader's music was NOT shitty.
I can. I could.

I wont.

It wasn't good. The music, as a whole, is more than fine in my opinion. One or two shitty tracks don't ruin the whole thing.

It is ok to have different opinions on it, Anon. Like I said before, music is super subjective.
AW SHIT, Dat Boi Poliwhirl taking the light!

remember when Poliwhirl was a thing.

he was a favourite of the one of the original creators I believe.
What happened to Poliwhirl? I remember it being so popular back in the day
He was the favorite and almost became one of the core mascots
I like it, but it's kind of a mess. It jumps around a lot so the melody is hard to follow, I'd have to hear the whole thing though
It's not all bad. It's just super fucking bland or underwhelming. Maybe it's the more realistic instruments that get to me. I digged ORAS's soundtrack though.
See, I liked the more realistic sounding instruments.

To each their own.

ORAS did have a good soundtrack. Felt very immersive.
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Pretty sure that's just the wild Pokemon battle theme, since you can see the "already captured" Pokeball by Metagross' name. Anyway, it sounds alright.
Gen VI's trainer battle theme is by far the worst. The Gym leader theme isn't exciting at all either, just some shitty club mix.
>mfw hearing X/Ys battle theme in Smash
Nice to see someone who isn't an asshole. Glad we've reached this point, anon.
shit. xy and oras were better
Seems like you're just a nigger with shit taste.

Here's a slightly longer version.

Poor Masuda. In an interview from a year or two ago he acknowledged that he was running out of musical ideas and probably wouldn't ever return to his prime.

The real brilliance of the composers' work from past games is that they understood the importance of melody, and not just rhythm or style. I don't hear any real melody in this, just a disjointed series of riffs and key changes. There's little distinction between the intro and the main portion either.

It isn't something I normally care about but the instrumentation is also very weak; it lacks force or vigor of any kind. Battle themes should be bassier and more driving.
This song would make a better Alola wild battle theme.
Someone remixed pokemon with Mario kart wii
>gen 6
>nigger with shit taste
Yeah no, go fuck yourself.
They've just been rehashing BW's wild battle theme over and over again while missing the point behind why that song was effective
I hate it actually. Wow.
>god tier pbr ost
I wish, anon, I wish...
It sounds too busy like there are too many instruments. I like the piano though.

Is there an option to turn off the battle theme? The other music is usually much better.

I thought Kalos' was sort of Unova's with much of the fat trimmed. My impression of Unova's wild battle theme was that it was pretty busy and had some unnecessary extra measures/phrases at a few points where they didn't belong.
>reading comprehension

Nigger with shit remains a nigger with taste.

Yes. It's called the volume slider.
I think i'm the only person that genuinely thought it was good right off the bad. Actually was kind of excited desu. Feels bad man

It's not against the law to have bad taste.
Unova's battle theme had a lot going on but it still had an ordered sense of escalation and solid melody.

Kalos' attempt to trim fat went too far and caused the song to be toothless while Alola's copy the busy part but has no idea what to do past the first three seconds, so it just wings it and hopes it'll sound like a decent battle theme. I can just tell that whoever composed it had artist's block the whole way through.
I want the town or route theme to play instead of the battle theme. I want sound just not the battle theme all the time.
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>faggots hating on xy soundtrack

Not surprising coming from pokemon fags and weebs in general. Literally bottom of the list as far as taste in music is concerned.
I'm sorry, but almost every battle theme in XY has this problem where it'll have this decent intro or bridge and then go empty until the song loops back

Yeah, I don't consider the BW theme structurally unsound. And you're right in that Kalos' was a little spare for its own good. Most of the battle themes were, unfortunately.

It's funny, I always notice the instances of artist's block too. That's because I sometimes write music for fun, and I can immediately relate.

Some people are just preeminently talented, but for most the difference between mediocre and great is willingness to scrap what you have again and again until something good emerges. I don't see a willingness to do that here.
I think whoever worked on most of XY's music just doesn't feel comfortable doing high energy tracks. Because a lot of the overworld and character themes were good.
This is genuinely the worst track in the entire series, spinoffs included.

It was several people. The battle themes were split between Junichi Masuda and Minako Adachi, and the overworld themes were written by Shota Kageyama, Hitomi Sato, and more by Minako Adachi.

I'm fairly certain this is a Masuda battle theme, and it's not that he isn't comfortable with the paradigm, it's that inspiration is a lot harder to come by after six generations and dozens of themes all fundamentally representing the same idea.
Maybe its a special theme for this scenario / Zygarde dog? Just because its all over the place. Sounds too busy for a common battle theme but I still like it.
I'll always miss Go Ichinose though.
>a-any post that disagrees with me is bait!
Don't be so insecure, anon.

Also, Gen VI had some god tier town themes. Cyllage, Laverre, Dendemille, Anistar, and Snowbelle stick out. Actually, XY had some of the best route and cave themes too, now that I think about it.
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Yes it was, it had the least memorable route/town themes. I can only vividly remember four.
>Also, Gen VI had some god tier town themes. Cyllage, Laverre, Dendemille, Anistar, and Snowbelle stick out. Actually, XY had some of the best route and cave themes too, now that I think about it.

It always gets me in a tizzy when people criticize the XY soundtrack on the whole. Battle themes notwithstanding it had some of the best composition work the series has seen to date.
Go ichinose ost for pocket card jockey is so good
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It's shit,but its the only bad thing in a wave of incredible leaks and new info.

What a fucking loss if he isn't working on the Sun/Moon soundtrack either. He hasn't left Game Freak, right?
It sounds sort of like a mashup of all the previous themes
>The battle themes were split between Junichi Masuda and Minako Adachi, and the overworld themes were written by Shota Kageyama, Hitomi Sato, and more by Minako Adachi.
in that case keep shota/hitomi and fire the rest

Hitomi Sato is probably the weakest among the Game Freak Sound Team, I must say...

Kageyama unfortunately left to start his own freelancing studio.
>implying Masuda is bad
Also X/Y's overworld themes were weak as fuck.
PCJ is a gamefreak game, so maybe he's with the "non pokemon" gamefreak team now.
I got the same feel
It sounds like some sort of mix of the RSE battle theme and something else.
>people are surprised the battle theme is shit

Ever since HGSS, tracks have either been great, or shit
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>Hating on Gen V's music
How does it feel to have shit taste?
>tracks have either been great, or shit
It's okay.

I think I could stand hearing this one more than XY's battle theme. It's okay when you hear it once or two times, but then it just gets SO GODDAMN repetitive, it's not even funny. It kind of gets nauseating and dull, ugh.
Can't really say since this is not he full theme,but it doesn't sound half bad.
Sounds like it went to the loop point to me.
If that's the looping point then a fucking 5 year old wrote this theme by using stock music

Ironically some fangames has done it better
post an example then

This one's not that great either.

To date I've only ever heard one fanmade theme that was as good as the ones from the main series:

I get it, it's funny because I already did but you pretend to not agree xD
huh so i guess it was go ichinose who made all the good pokemon music

masuda needs to retire now

They've both contributed in a big way.
Damn shame,man.He offered some really memorable racks

this to be honest
Pokemon Prism's Wild Battle was good too
I actually got temp hearing loss from that video the first time i heard it

There are so many better choices to pick from than that.

Listening to it now. I think it's mediocre.
Only goes to show you how good he was
Holy shit, those starters.
>my mom's chikorita/larvitar in a leaf
>my mom's monster rancher
>my mom's chaos
I think it's fine
It's jumbled, but the piano mix makes it somewhat interesting. Personally it stands out to me because of how much it carries its own flavor.

/vp/ as a whole is overreacting. Back when the gym leader music was leaked for gen 6, people hated it, stopped caring to hate it, and that was it.
kalos' gym leader theme is fucking horrible and easily the worst part of the game. for once, /vp/'s incessant bitching is actually justified
I like that it's jumbled. Not great but not bad.
People are still bitching Kalos's Gym Leader battle theme, though. And for good reason.
>Personally it stands out to me because of how much it carries its own flavor.

Some of us actually care about the way the tune is written and not just "flavor" or "style". Any dickhead can jam for a minute on a keyboard and come up with something interesting in flair but glaringly lacking in substance. You need to develop a more critical ear. No wonder you tolerate such mediocrity.

How good Masuda was? Or Ichinose? Because Masuda wrote the Lance/Red theme.
It was fucking terrible and sounded like a shitty mobile game rpg music, your point?
Obviously talking about Masuda anon
I don't hate it, but I definitely don't like it. I hope the rest of the soundtrack isn't this lackluster.

Also why do all of the trailers have absolute shit sound quality. It sounds muffled. Especially the sound effects.
Am I a bad person if I kind of like how frenetic it sounds
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Weak. Sounds like it wants to go into the great melody of Gen 5's battle music but it can't and it doesn't find its own identity. Poor choice of instrumentation.

>they will never top this
It sounds like wubstep minus the wub

I still think RSE's wild battle was the most powerful and successful characterization of that mood.
>Tense battle against a wild animal
>Action-packed theme
>More intense, but feels like an adventure. Also TRUMPETS
>Action and adventure, more intense without being overbearing
Same as gold/silver, but better and more fun
>Quirky adventure, but not too corny. This is what personal growth sounds like
>Music to grind to. It's just good, except the abundance of trumpets

Sun and Moon feels like it's going back to what Black and White did, but keeping it more fun and friendly than tense.

Personally, I like Sun and Moon's theme already. It feels adventurous.
I never got around to listening to it, but it hurt me ears. I thought you fuckers were over exaggerating
So... Now that Pocket Card Jockey development is over... Will Go Ichinose return for Sun and Moon, right?.... RIGHT?
Same to you, Anon-kun.

You are the worst at actually analyzing music on its own merits.
Has anyone actually ripped it from the video yet?
.... Well.

There's still a chance the music can be a work in progress?
Why do I hear Blue's battle theme in OP's video? Did they seriously try to patch up that horrid battle theme with it?
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