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[CONFIDENTIAL] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmz DL1l3Fag (Min. 1:45)

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Thread replies: 385
Thread images: 60

File: roothoot is real.png (1MB, 1078x760px) Image search: [Google]
roothoot is real.png
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(Min. 1:45)
Fake. Tiger has five fingers per hand. In real life, tigers has only four toes on their paws.

It's all over. Everyone can go home, for the fake has been proven fake with concrete evidence.
Popplio looks like Braixen/Delphox furbait.
This only proves that whoever made this fakes is a lot smarter than the average "leak" retard.

Still, nice catch.
All that shows is that the faker is clever enough to put the same style "confidential" on his art.

I mean, sure, could be real, but the confidential thing isn't necessarily proof. It could just be a good detail to fool idiots like you.
Litten looks like he's saying "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!!"
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holy shit
i am a gamefreek employee confirmed
i sincerely hope you're kidding with that argument.
i don't think these are real either, but at least give more concrete evidence than fucking fingers on an anthropomorphic fictitious tiger.
10/10 for effort/art and consistency.

Best fake so far if fake, strangest leak so far if real.
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> What is Blaziken
Font looks off
>fire/fighting cat
Great finding!, I guess this proves the leaker clearly watched the trailers before designing these fakes.
It also proves even further that it's fake, since the leaker went out of his way to copy the confidental stamp.
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They are tge same just covered by feathers/ fur
I don't know if I'm surrounded by gullible idiots or ebin trollzars
Is this going to be the next Wottergate, or whatever it was called?
I sure hope so.
end my life now
I like that Popplio and Rowlet but Litten looks TERRIBLE.
Baby got back
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Proves nothing. Could have been taken from this.
Definitely not the same font as this
The leaker copy pasta'd the confidental sign on that picture and applied it to his fakes. If people still can't tell that they're fake after this evidence, then they need to fuck off.

Seems about right.
>hand written notes for the fakes
>digital text for the stuff shown in the trailers/top left pictures

Plus hasn't it been confirmed that this is the person that made the purple-ish ninetails looking fenniken fake evo?
Are the internet detectives of /vp/ really so retarded that they can't see the stamp in this image and the ones posted are neither the same dimensions nor colors at a first glance?
Then shouldn't that be even more concrete evidence it's fake, then?
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Haha homosexual slurs so funny! Fuck off.
If they're not the same dimensions or colors, that just proves that they're fake.
>neither the same dimensions nor colors at a first glance?
Gee, it's almost as if someone couldn't stretch and recolor something in some type of photomanipulation program.
Found the queer.
I ain't even saying they're real, I think they're fake

But even then that ain't total concrete, maybe this gen they have a different stamp
You can't be this dumb, can you? The Noivern pic is a generation old, and the stamps in the supposed leaks checks out (dimensions and color) with the concept art shown in the reveal trailer.

The stamp design itself would be extremely easy to recreate but you're seriously inbred if you think the Noivern pic stamp could be used to prove anything one way or the other.
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>digital text
I'm sorry, are you triggered? That sucks. PTSD can be real rough sometimes.
See >>26617047
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Has anyone went as so far as to search Pixiv because I don't think anyone did.
Doesn't that just prove that it's fake though?

>be artist
>see confidential stamp in trailer
>recreate confidential stamp
>slap it on fakes

In fact, why are we even discussing this if it just got proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that it's fake?
The owl looks like it would be under 3 feet tall.
wow you're an idiot
it's not proof it's fake. But it's not proof it's real either.
To be fair, it would hardly be the first time a starter is a manlet. See Charizard.

Fake, of course, but good attention to detail.
Does anyone else question why the Fire Type one has Ash and Pikachu in it, when this is supposed to be concept art for the game, not the anime?
Where those pics first appeared? I looked today and they were all over /vp but what was the source?
Give it a rest, they're fake and you fags will be BTFO to oblivion when the real shit leaks out. Also leaks that are this early and coincidentally STARTERS are always fake.

Why leak the obvious starter crap instead of actual new pokemon from the game? Because they got nothing to work on and make them convincing while with starters you can pull up stuff like these with basic ideas
Is that not text? I can't see it really well.
Can someone please tell me WHEN there have ever been final evolution leaks THIS early? They usually come way closer to release. Judging by Gamefreak's work flow I actually wouldn't be surprised if they havent even designed the final evolutions yet. You people need to slow the fuck down.
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Not sure if serious.png
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I don't know about you, but as far as I know, I think reference/concept arts only go so far as put only necessary information for those aware, including color references and special parts of a design that may not be as obvious, not cramp up a concept art with unnecessary shit.
Looked to me like a generic trainer and Pikachu included for scale.

Still fake, though.
The anime and games are pretty heavily intertwined nowadays development-wise. I'd say they used Ash because by this point they hadn't designed the player characters, if it's real.
There's no source, because it's fake.
*sigh* thought this place would be cool but it's filled with shitheads. Welp, back to Tumblring.
Even fakes have a source. I mean ESPECIALLY fakes have a source that later wants to get the credit for leaking and attention
>/vp/ is so retarded that literally 99% of /vp/ believes that these fakes are real
>havent even designed the final evolutions yet

They've probably been finalized for a year or more. They do these well in advance. That being said, these leaks aren't real.
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The world says no to you.jpg
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Obvious bait is obvious.
>back to Tumblring.

That would be best.
who would put so much effort into them without a reason?
Exactly. This guy gets it.
This and this>>26617125

its always starter leaks and never anything else that can be convincing because everyone sucks shit at making "real" pokemons. with starters you can just simply use the original idea and go creative to make their evolution more convincing then a new separated pokemon from scratch
I have no convincing non-anecdotal arguments to prove it but these are fake and definitely not real.
I'm not going to lie. These are some pretty cool evolutions
It's to fool retards like you, especially it has already been proven that they're fake.
Absolutely disgusting
If this is real all 3 belong in the trash
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>new they could've pulled a Malamar with Blaziken in Gen VI
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You can usually tell when an evolution isn't designed by the same person quite easily.
The fuck did you expect on a board full of underage autist?
Speaking of gullible autist...is not a first time someone put a lot of effort on a fake for the ultimate ruse. Recent example, the NX leak
>they do those well in advance
I don't know, I'm basing my reasoning of that image of that concept gen 5 pokemon that was done like mid way through development of the games.

They probably have a rough idea of where to go with them but I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't finalized it to that point yet.
Digimon rip-off.
in all seriousness, I'd have it on my team

I really, really, really want that owl.
A font change would actually imply it's legit, because otherwise they'd have just copied it from the actual font that exists.
Saya Tsuruta designed all three of those
Saya Tsuruta is an illustrator for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
I'll admit these are the best fakes yet, but they're fake. I've been following pokemon game releases for 4 generations now and they've never leaked starter evolutions this early.
can you imagine a better design? Like the owl could be...just bigger owl that would simple use its weight to tackle the opponents. and use solar beam from its beak. Could be so much better than those un-original fakes.
>A font change would actually imply it's legit


That's just the leaker's way of getting gullible idiots to fall for his obvious fakes. He just recreated the confidential stamp.
He could have copied from >>>26616994
The fact that he didn't is just more evidence it's real. You do realize the font itself is public domain right?
This better be fake
>The fact that he didn't is just more evidence it's real
Again, the faker recreated the font. He saw it in the trailer and recreated it because that's what artists can do.
read >>>26617300
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>If Litten final evo is Fire/Fighting I can nickname it El Tigre

I'm fine with that.
And he saw it in the trailer, and used it to make his fakes look authentic. Sorry that we're disproving everything about the obvious fakes.
Read >>>26617320
I'm picking litten if it turns into this motherfucking angry tiger.
where's the proof, I wanna know who made it
Your point has already been proven wrong.
>I know, I'll copy the confidential remark and brandish my own kind of Japanese dialog to go along with these overbearingly cramped concept arts with way too much than it should have then I'll save these as a .jpeg with a shitty resolution as to not make people realize the artifacts and mistakes found within the confidential remark and the lineart itself


Sasuga, mystery leaker, there definitely couldn't have been a easier way to digitalize or save these with a bigger resolution, especially in 2016!
read >>>26617340
Read >>26617354
Resized so that the "confidential" stamp matches.
Can't even do it properly
Best evos. Hope they are true!
Read >>26617354
Nope. The last one was Sugis.

Proof that they're fake? No, we start by presuming that they're fake (because almost all leaks are) and look for evidence that they're real. As of yet, there is none.
Can't even do it properly
This. There's also a truckload of evidence that they're fake.
>all that denial
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Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

Such as?
Also AROWL is oficial name for the final evo of Rowlet
>Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence

This is true, and also entirely irrelevant to the question at hand.
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Nice image for ants.
The confidential sign is very clearly copy pasted from the trailer.
The low resolution of the pictures to hide mistakes.
The anime characters in the concept art.
The starters being literally called Owl3, Tiger3 and Seal3 in the art.
The complete lack of a source.
The fact that it originates from 4chan.
The common knowledge that Popplio will evolve into something fat and stupid looking, since it's the Tepig/Chespin of Gen 7.
The actual leak that Litten and Popplio will be ground or fighting as their final evolution, and Seal3 looks nothing like a ground or fighting type.
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Your wrong statement hinting at bias suggests otherwise

>not a square
Shame I do like these, a little furbaity but everything is furbait if you think hard enough
I'd love for these to be real, but if they aren't, these are some top tier fakes. The artist certainly put in a lot of effort to make them seem real.

Post it all then.
My biggest gripe with these is that they're way too busy. All the comparable concept art sheets we've had thus far have a lot more spacing. Here, the sketches almost overlap in various places, which means these must have been digitally designed and then collaged together.

Also, as shown by >>26617369 the sheets have different sizes. This is unlikely to be a result of cropping, since the artwork in all cases neatly falls within the given borders (note, for example, popplio 3's head in the bottom center part). This enforces my suspicion that these are digitally collaged.
I'd love having this beautiful evolution for my popplio, she's so awesome, make me a lot think of gorebyss
dude you are not cut out for 4chan
The fact that there's so much effort is actually evidence that it's fake. After all, Gamefreak hates doing so much effort.
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Your right though, but all my highres punpun screencaps are too highres for 4chan.

>very clearly copypasted
Why does that disprove anything? Also see >>>26616994
>The low resolution of the pictures to hide mistakes.
If it's hiding mistakes point them out.
>anime characters in concept art
Why would this mean anything? The anime has leaked concept art before.
>starters not having a name
If anything this proves further that it's a legit leak. Probably from the anime studio as those don't get the names yet.
>lack of source
That only proves it's a leak. If it had a source, then it wouldn't be a leak.
>it originates from 4chan
I just thought you said it had no source? You're just parroting a manchild that plays the pokemon slots weekly aren't you?
>the common knowledge pattern
ah so, bias is your reasoning. Because two is a pattern.
>this other leak
Only applying leaks when it's convenient hmm? The other leak is irrelevant of this. Or do you have some evidence for that leak?
as someone who actually does use tumblr and 4chan, you're a fucking faggot. also,
> *sigh*
>If anything this proves further that it's a legit leak
Stopped reading. Not even gonna give you a (You) because gullible retards are the worst.

>The confidential sign is very clearly copy pasted from the trailer.

Resolution, mate, it's far poorer from the trailer than in either of these images.

>The low resolution of the pictures to hide mistakes.

Nearly every leak picture has had low resolution.

>The anime characters in the concept art.

Gen 5 second stagers had anime characters nearby as scale reference when they were leaked.

>The starters being literally called Owl3, Tiger3 and Seal3 in the art.

Especially in the era of simultaneous world release pokemon, we know names are never finalized until very late in development or before they are officially revealed.

>The complete lack of a source.
>The fact that it originates from 4chan.

4chan is as much a source as anywhere else.

>The common knowledge that Popplio will evolve into something fat and stupid looking, since it's the Tepig/Chespin of Gen 7.

None of your points so far have been actual evidence, just supposition, and this is the worst of all.

>The actual leak that Litten and Popplio will be ground or fighting as their final evolution, and Seal3 looks nothing like a ground or fighting type.

This is the best and only evidence you have.
Too perfect 4 be real
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>The complete lack of a source.
>The fact that it originates from 4chan.
That means that Ground and Fighting is legit for Popplio and Litten, and GF tried to hastily get rid of them to hide that. Which disproves this leak even further because the Mermaid looks nothing like a ground or fighting type.
>Replying to bait
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Rowlet's evolution actually looks great.
I fucking know that Litten's is gonna be Fire/Fighting.
Popplio's looks way too feminine.
If this is legitimate, I'm going with Rowlet.
they're fake because they look incredibly fake you tards. Just look at them, they aren't even close to pokemon style.
That's not true
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Why the fuck does Rowlet turn in Elton John?
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>Litten's final evo looks fucking great despite being another Fire / Fighter

Even if it's fake it's miles better than Ballio
>The starters being literally called Owl3, Tiger3 and Seal3 in the art.
Someone posted concept art of Burmy and it literally said Bug 4
Kevin please you lied with the S;G 0 translating team.
Post it then.

And even if that's a thing, that just shows that the faker went out of their way to make their fakes look authentic.

>Litten becomes bipedal bara furbait

Why do they keep doing this? Why must every quadraped become an awkward looking mess on two legs?

Better not be fucking real.
>The actual leak that Litten and Popplio will be ground or fighting as their final evolution, and Seal3 looks nothing like a ground or fighting type.

Why the hell people still believe this shitty 'leak'? There is no evidence that it relates to the starters. Why would they put the types there months too early when they know people check this stuff?
>dude you are not cut out for 4chan

Implying that 4chan has to be a cesspool of shithead teenagers forever.

>Why must every quadraped become an awkward looking mess on two legs?

Grass starters never have this problem.

Quit picking a shit starter type.
Why would Litten be a fucking Ground/Fire type?

Rowlett becomes Grass/Ground, idiot.
See >>26617715
Greninja, Delphox, and Chesnaught were all finalized in designed by the time X and Y had barely begun development. Sakurai said as much when explaining how he managed to get Greninja into Smash 4 before X and Y were even complete.

Starter final evolutions, as of gen 6, are finalized by the time the new game's development begins.
See >>26616136
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Hot dickings.jpg
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I'll buy it.

That's all fine and dandy, but if these leaks were indeed true, then how on earth would you explain the type icon leaks?

>Implying any of these fit the implied Ground and Fighting type

That's a archer owl.

That's a luchador tigre.

That's a transvestite.

Please tell me in my face these types apply to these supposed final evolutions.

Not even going to mention how crowded these concept arts are and how the tinier sketches are poorly done.

This artist went through the effort, but then decided to act too proud by shoving too much shit in there.
These are at least more believable than those Final Fantasy evolutions. I'm not one to believe leaks without proof, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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I feel like Popplio 3 is far too feminine to fit within the 87.5% chance of being Male. Now before you say some bullshit like "b-but Delphox," look over Delphox's design. Yes it does have feminine features but it is ambiguous enough to be perceived as male. Popplio 3 lacks that ambiguity.

No, I made a honest mistake.

Fighting type COULD fit luchador tigre.

Good luck putting Ground type on a owl though.
Braixen is way more feminine anyways
That clearly spells out ミノムッチ, i.e. Burmy's Japanese name.
It could potentially be concept art for the anime, right?

Why would Fennekin be a Psychic type?
Why would Piplup be a Steel type?
Why would Turtwig be a Ground type?
>type icon leaks
You do realize those Fighting and Ground Type Icons could have been released by accident, right? And there is no guarantee that they are intended for the starters, either.

>but muh numerical order
Please, the site now has icons for Psychic, Ghost, and Steel, in that order, and Solgaleo comes before Lunala. Numerical order means nothing.
And Samurott has a mustache. Your point is moot.
Why are there more fake leaks spreading? Can we just stop fueling the fire?
See >>26617939
It should be /vp/'s duty to insult everyone who posts fakes like OP, and mock them to the point that nobody ever wants to post fakes ever again.
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>Rowlett becomes Grass/Ground

>A owl becomes Ground type
>A bird becomes Ground type

If it were a ostrich, I'd at least try to understand
Not what I meant, idiot. Why would Litten's 2nd type be before fire type in the item numbering. Doesn't make fucking sense.
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What is a burrowing owl?
Again, see >>26617939
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All Sea Lions have whiskers. Also the argument is its less likely for feminine starters to be real because once again the ratio is 87.5/12.5
My biggest reservation is that Litten is drawn so obviously as being fire/fighting, it seems like an obvious troll move - like they've gone out of their way to make it as 'fighting' as possible.
Yes and all tigers have whiskers so where are litten3's?
The big "you can't miss it" red spikes protruding from each side of it's face
Why not Grass/Fighting, Fire, Water/Ground?

>People making assumptions
Fuck 4chan is worse than Tumblr.
Last time I checked whiskers protruded from snouts and not cheeks.
Why? Why do the fake leakers keep making the Litten evolutions shit? I'm already worried about the real ones.
Maybe it's you
This is clearly supposed to be game concept art so why is Ash and Pikachu in the one with Litten's final evo?
Because it's fake, but /vp/ is too retarded to understand such a simple fact.
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>>People making assumptions
>Makes the assumption that the type icon leaks actually mean anything
Looks like somewhere along the line Litten's stylized whiskers became huge tufts of fur.
Who said I thought it meant anything, you 12 year old? Just why is the common assumption Fire/Ground and Water/Fighting if the order means jackshit?
4chan is anonymous. Nothing originating here has a source.
>Owliver Queen looks great
>Tiger Mask is cool but it's another bipedal fire type with a fighting type. If it's dark then it still has a fighting/wrestling theme. Emboar already did wrestling
>Mermaid is ugly
If it turns out to be real then I can live with it. Sad that the water starter is worse than Samurott though

just because the design follow the theme that you wanted means that a different designer did it


also a designer credited in XY


source? oh right, you don't have one because there is no source that states who designed them.
That's the common assumption because it doesn't make sense for Rowlet to be Flying Type ALREADY if gains Ground later. Popplio's performing theme can be followed through with Fighting, so people assume the Ground Type is for Litten. But here's the thing: they don't HAVE to be for the Starters. They could have been added to the site by accident for future Pokemon they plan to add, and not mean anything for the Starters at all.
it's not like trying to mimic real concept art is hard at all. if you know japanese and you do a tiny bit of research you can make something believable.
You have not understood.
>holy shit this CONCEPT ART looks like CONCEPT ART how can you be so gullible?!?!?!
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What is a Kakapo?
Don't think a starter would be so overtly female, especially since they're male more often than not.

I like the designs, though.
This argument is dumb. These are fake for more reasons than muh patterns

>not King
Can you look at Popplio 3 and tell me that has a 87.5% chance of being male?
I think the dick-fire prevents it from being real.
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>"implying that Gamefreak would write Confidential in English"

First, it is in English... oddly, anyways.

Second, anyone with half a brain would think to use that in order to make it look legitimate. The leaks are low-res enough to help it pass off as legit.

If it proves to be legit, this will (unfortunately) be the second time I've gone with the Grass starter.

Litten has so much more promise to it than to be another fucking Fire/Fighting type. Those lanky-ass arms and stubby legs are NOT helping its case.
How do you know Popplio's gender ratio will be the same as the others?

Also Braixen was overtly female and no one cared.
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>Can you look at Popplio 3 and tell me that has a 87.5% chance of being male

Can you do the same for Braixen you piece of shit. Only you retards make it sound like a big deal.
>someone replicated a rectangle and found a font that resembles the one in vid
>it's gotta be real
Spotted the subhuman monkey.
Yeah but it ended up becoming more gender-neutral for its last evolution.

For this to be real Popplio's evolution would have to very feminine for it to be THAT feminine for its last evolution.
Did you miss the part where official GF stuff has been stamped with CONFIDENTIAL in the past?
Can you look at Sylveon and tell me that has a 87.5% chance of being male?
if you had a brain at all you'd read the OP and see that OP's point was that the S/M stuff in the trailers have that stamp. Plus >>26616994
If it's fake, it's one of the better looking fakes I've seen. I would be okay if this was real. Way better than edgey owl and creepy clown seel.
I'm pretty sure there's plenty of Pokemon with weird gender ratios but even if I were to try and prove it to you, you will find some dumb reasons to dispute them so there's really no effort worth arguing with you about it.
There are multiple examples in this thread where they use [CONFIDENTIAL] in this sort of stuff, including the 1st SM teaser trailer
Bow thing for the owl is super-clever. Goes really well with it being a silent, physical attacker.
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Hey guys, someone here has that image of the rotom dex so we can compare the sizes, to see if they match?

I remember seeing that Litten's final was not too big to be bipedal
These are all awful
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Popplio's design, just like Fennekin, lacks anything that would warrant a change from the starter gender ratio that's been in place since Pokemon genders were made universal. The only Pokemon that has a different ended ratio from the rest of its line in Azurill.
>B-but braixen

It's not hard. We only think of Braixen as female because everything that has featured the Pokemon has made it female (i.e Ashinme, Pokken, etc.). Just like Delphox it has the ambiguity that Popplio 3 lacks.
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>people still don't know that this is how new 'mons appear in concept art
the featherdick didn't keep BLaziken out of Pokken
The ideas and detail behind all 3 go a little bit beyond your typical 'It got bigger and looks EDGY(TM)' starter evolution guesses which is probably what is throwing some people off.
I only want Popplio3 to be real so it can spike your autism over this.
If these are real (which the aren't) I'm boxing my starter.
jesus christ, you need to spam pink or something to make it look female, it looks female mostly for its eyes, body format and mouth design

even the hair in its ear looks like girl's hair
Last time I checked we were talking about cartoony monsters, not real-life animals.
If it's real I'll accept my loses and just pick Litten or Rowlet. I just find it hard to believe is all.
I'll give you the eyes but the rest of that is kind of a stretch yeah?
Aw shit I forgot you said body format.
2/4 things
So why would this cartoony non-real-life animal monster have to have whiskers?
Say whatever you want but I 100% believe these are the final evolutions of the starters. The design is just perfect for gamefreak tastes.

Anyone calling it fake is just trying to be cool, can suck a dick if you want.

Screencap this, if these aren't the official starters I will post a pic of sucking a dick instead.
A lot of thought when into these designs. They're quirky and interesting, way more in-depth than the scary clown seal and assassin owl, which were really just there for shock value. These are genuinely cool.

I hope they're real.
There's no way these are real.

Popplio's is too feminine. It would be fine if Popplio itself was feminine, so kids would know what they're in for upon evolving, just like Fenekin, but it isn't. Some lad is gonna pick Popplio and promptly stop playing once it evolves into something so girly.

And we already have a wrestler in Emboar, no need for another, especially when it looks Fire/ Fighting.

Rowlet evo is shit hot though, beast of a design. Shame its fake.
You realize you're on an image board you fucking newfag?
Emboar isn't even a wrestler. Nothing about it is wrestler related. It learns like one fighting move on level up and it isn't a wrestling move.
autistic """"leak"""" thread
Reminder this arguent has been used a thousand times and debunked a thousand times.
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>Some lad is gonna pick Popplio and promptly stop playing once it evolves into something so girly.
>kid is this much of a faggot and doesnt pick "muh cool fire black cat"
Its not like there are over 600 other mons in the game

>And we already have a wrestler in Emboar.
We felt the same 3 gens in a row regsrding fire fighting

>Rowlet evo is shit hot though
"Every major movie has an archer, archers are cool. We will put one in Pokemon. Kids who like the hunger games will love it"
I can see the fire one being true, that's kind of what I expect Litten's final evo to look like. The oter true are shit though.
Either way, owlfags win. enjoy your furfag bait, catfags and just LOL at sealfags.
Pignite obviously is, so that's probably where he's getting the connection from.

Frankly I wouldn't blame him if that's the case. I don't know what the fuck Emboar is supposed to be based on myself, so if I had to guess I'd just assume there was supposed to be an ongoing theme there.
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Well, well, well... they could enter perfectly in it
It's almost as if the faker noticed this too, just like how they saw the confidential marks in the trailer.
Are you seriously so delusional you believe these designs were thought up and finalized after the last S&M trailer was uploaded?
> The faker is something like a god and noticed all of these details

I begin to believe it's no coincidence.
>rohan kishibe headband
You underestimate the lengths leakers will go to make their fakes look legit.
This just further proves that it's fake, since the artist clearly took note of that and quickly made the art fit these pokeballs.
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The fact that I want these starters to be real means it's fake.
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I don't know about you, but the kind of attention to detail in these fakes doesn't really imply any of it was a spur of the moment thing.
These would make me very disappointed
You would be surprised at how fast sufficiently skilled artists can draw.
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>Those hands on the Litten evolution
>Those incredibly tiny, yet obviously badly drawn sketches that even a fifteen year old could replicate as opposed to the more meticulously drawn thumbnail sketches in former concept art
>The clutter of it all
>Clearly edited in to fit everything into the same canvas
>And yet, art that has a missing limb
>The obvious blank slate girl anyone could design to make sure no one gets the drill
>Even more simplified for the tiny sketch itself
>Unnecessary clutter that does not help at all for reference

>Thumbnail sketches of Robin Hoot look like they barely tried
>Out of place eye style
>At least, this one doesn't have much to complain about

>Where do I even begin
>The artist overall goofed up big time with the [CONFIDENTIAL] antique, enough to let it be obvious as fuck that the person merely resized that thing without even considering for proportions
>Has barely anything at all to describe her in detail
>Probably the most overly complicated design to ever exist for a Popplio final evolution
>Gains hair and just so happens to use bubbles to hold such hair
>Is expected to be ambiguous in any way
>It only does ONE attack and the attack itself doesn't even make bloody sense
>Seriously, try to make sense of that attack
Who are you quoting?
What even is this.
>Out of place eye style
What do you mean? They look like regular old eyes to me.
Memelord from reddit discovers the quote function.
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What gives.png
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Obvious glaring points if someone even bothered trying to look at the images for more than fifteen seconds.


Not sure, they just so happened to feel out of place to me. At least the owl doesn't get much hate from me. At the very least, the artist bothered with him and gave interesting remarks on how the hood works.
If it wasn't for the idea that the fire cat would be another god damn fire/fighting type I would legit want this to be real.
>Can't be bothered to read because all the green text bothers him
>Fuck it, I'm just gonna call Reddit on this one

I didn't ask you to read that either, but I appreciate the effort.
>source? oh right, you don't have one because there is no source that states who designed them.
>I don't have a source either but I don't have to prove anything
I will literally eat my own cum if this is real, screenshot this.
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I regret making this image now, its just making the fakers better. Why couldn't they have just stayed obvious and shitty.
If I may use the parlance of older 4chan, "4 teh lulz".
>concept art
Noone said that Ballio & friends pictures are concept art. People just assumed they are finished artworks.
And about Roothoot... I have no idea who would ever think this is real.
Tbh I like them except for Popplio's, the eyes are really weird and the clashing of the hair/tail's color scheme makes it an eyesore, and overall not very pokemon-like, looks more like a digimon or yokai to me
loads of people said they were just concept art, thats why i made the picture

The only people who would say Ballio and co. were concept art are people who know absolutely nothing about art or the design process. The Ballio group were polished and clean, they were in no way concept art nor sketches. And the quality of their design was what led me to believe that they had a decent chance of being real, thats not something an amateur could come up with nor does the average fakemon artist have that kind of talent anyway. Whoever drew them, real or fake, is extremely talented and very likely a professional artist of some kind. But either way the pictures of them we got were the finished product of those designs.
Anyone can draw if you put enough effort in, sugi/ohmura art is honestly a piece of piss to pull off, not only that, they aren't even creative, they're all just slight exaggerations on the pokedex entries
Its simple
it has pretty much the exact same color scheme as Oshawott. In fact if the middle stage were mostly that lighter blue color it'd have the exact opposite color transitions, where Popplio starts off primarily dark and ends up white whereas Oshawott started with the most eye catching color being white and ending up its dark blue.
They are all too humanoid.

Then by all means, please come up with your own designs and draw us a picture of what you think the starters final evos will be. We'll all wait patiently. : )

Protip: you can't
Give me three days like the Ballio guy had and I will, don't worry, ill include your post along side them so you can be sure its me.
Go back to Gaia.
Fuck off you gay homosexual faggot
How is Robin Hoot humanoid?
they still fly

and rowlet is not based off of a burrowing owl
Absolutely hideous
Popplio fucked a Florges.
I don't dislike it.
>Robin Hoot
Absolutely amazing 10/10 best grass pokemon ever. Sadly, it's fake.
one of them is

just because robin hoot stands up doesn't mean its humanoid, its an archer owl

Good. I look forward to it. But just so you know, its not going to count unless

>the design is top notch
>the lines are professional and actually look like the current Pokemon art style
>the color is spot on

These are the three things that are used to judge all other fakemon which usually fail in two or more categories. These are also the things that make Ballio and co. so believable. So if you fail in just one of these goals, you fail the test as a whole.

I can't wait to see what shit you manage to churn out.
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Why is no one discussing how it looks like Popplio is about to sexually assault the cat and or how Popplio's nose makes it look like the cat has a visible penis?
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except it doesn't look like that at all you raging autist
Why do all Rowlet evos look like absolute garbage?
robin hoot looks like the best starter out of all of them tbqh
I will find you and I will end you
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The hood looks retarded, and why the fuck does it have pseudo-glasses? The colour scheme is also tacky as hell.
thats not where benis goes anon
someone PLEASE make porn of popplio 3 i need it before this gets debunked
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I tried editing Popplio's evo to give it better color composition, because something about it was really bothering me. Any of these better or worse?
have you never seen a pen0r in your life?
They're all terrible.
Why do you children always go with 'real until proven fake'

we're on 4chan, never trust anything
No. What makes you think something can only have three colors max?
I'm going to keep pretending it's real to spite condescending cunts like you.
have you ever seen pokemons penis?
>this will (unfortunately) be the second time I've gone with the Grass starter.

What was the first time?
>Solgaelo comes before Lunala
Do you have any proof it does? Kyogre comes before Groudon even though the games are called Ruby and Sapphire. The same for Ho-oh/Lugia GS.

If anything, Lunala will come before Solgaleo on the dex.
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F I R E / F I G H T I N G
many times
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It might very well be real, but the fact that they're all anthropromorphic/humanoid raised a red flag for me
Did the post trigger you, anon?
Probably basing it on the fact that Solgaleo was introduced first in the video where they were first announced.
Gardevoir has a 50/50 ratio. Chikorita looks feminine and has a 87.5% of being male. They are not as blatant though.
Oshawott is not a sea lion, Charmander is not a dragon, Cyndaquil is not a badger, Piplup is not an emperor penguin, etc etc etc
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i understand. Here's one more try then
As much as I would be annoyed if the litten evolution was real, the pic with the kettle on it's belt and all of the other pokemon is cute as hell
>Here's the fatal flaw people aren't getting.
2 take no account of the dex info

>inb4 you say but Torchic/other starter.

These re not simply dex info's these are detailed summaries of the starters even more detailed thn all gens before it.

Totodile has a powerful bite.....ok
Chimchar burns gas from it's butt.....ok
Froakie ass bubbles that protects it......ok

Rowlet's litterally telling you about how it hunts and it's battle tactics, It's a soundless night hunter that attacks from a distance with razor leaves, it can 180 it's head and has powerful kicks. Atleast it's evo maks some sense but they just appear to build on from Owltair's design thematic with what they want.

Spitting fur fireballs but these wrestling thing is spitting some shit so it's ok even though it's not important to it's thematic at all and didn't even attempt to improve from it's previous form.
Nothing to it's oily fur what so ever, but hey let's make it spike fur around it's waist to make a belt for no reason.
"Logical and passionate, Cool headed and doesn't show emotions" Becomes these fucking rambunctious snarling wrestling Tiger gtfo.

Popplio like most to nearly all pre evolved fighting types, it all about it's training and physical prowess. Swimming 25mph, using water balling to perform acrobat tricks and stunts, juggling balloons for battle, overwhelming unleashing power in battle...Determined spirit polishing it's skills, the most generic Anime fighting thing I've ever heard but this artist went on to feed their own desires and made a singing mermaid sea that doesn't look like it's juggle or twirl let alone do acrobat flips.

If it just said Popplio can make bubbles and swim 25mph or Litten has oily fur that can ignite, it would been similar to every other starter and I wouldn't be able to say this.
No, the order of the icons is Psychic, Ghost, Steel, but Solgaleo is first on the site.

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>If anything, Lunala will come before Solgaleo on the dex.

Why would you say that when you have absolutely no proof either?

Reshiram comes before Zekrom which lines up with Black and White, and Xerneas comes before Yveltal which lines up with X and Y.
Who cares about the icons? Didn't the icons indicate we'd be getting a starter that was part Ground?

They're entirely speculative until they actually prove something.
It's good to know that they hire actual professional designers. All your alternatives look hideous.
Holy fuck that's disgusting and fake as fuck. Ballio isn't even there
>Showing final before middle

You guys realize when we are inevitably shown the middle evolutions, these fakes will be blown the fuck out when they don't match the style

There is absolutely no way Popillo's exaggerated nose and circus bouncing theme will transition into a singing otter with beads
The point that was being made was that the order of the icons is not relevant to the order of the Pokemon on the Japanese site. So people assuming Water/Fighting or Fire/Ground or anything about them being relevant to the starters is bunk.
There's absolutely no way Greninja is real because he completely ignores the bubble theme in Froakie and Frogadier.
I thought only BW lined their box legendaries in the dex for aesthetic reasons.
Well, then I guess there is no set order for the legendaries, which doesn't disprove the type order.

Chesnaught doesn't look like Quilladin at all. Same for Samurott.

Actually Fire/Dark

Reminder that we have Pokemon whose typing aren't what you expect like the legendaries

I'm expecting the starters that aren't Rowlet to have types that makes no sense
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>people actually like these designs
>places confidential stamp on OC scribbles
>"they'll believe it's real if I do this!"

Kill yourself.
There is absolutely no way Squirtle/Wartortle's exaggerated ears and tail will transition into a cannon turtle theme.
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Popplio became pretty hot.
Even if you didn't like his ideas the Ballio artist is better at drawing than this guy anyway, this artist has aesthetic and anatomical errs where some piece look stiffly flat or awkward.
Objectively incorrect.
>Using Gen 1 the premature draft of the pokemon series help your argument to defend bad design and conceptual work.


To be fair

Greninja lost the bubble scarf and replaced it with a tongue

Then again, it's an expansion to the scarf concept

Same wit Oshawatt

Shell slash, into a flat out sword for Samurott

Popplio is clearly focusing on it's bubbles it uses for acrobats

So it's full evolution will need an expansion to that concept,the singer having them as necklace beads makes absolutely no sense
There is absolutely no way Chimchar's fire butt theme will transition into a monkey king with a flaming head
He's a better artist but his art doesn't look anything like Pokemon.

Meanwhile this art is very Pokemon-esque, to the point where I can even see shades of other Pokemon in the art. I see a lot of Hawlucha in Rowlet's evolution and a lot of Florges in Popplio's evolution.

That's not a good argument

Every evo afterwards was an expansion
The designs are great, and show more creativity than a lot of real Pokemon. Seriously, an Owl archer using its wing as a bow? Fucking brilliant. Not to mention the fact that Seal3 redeems Popplio, much more so than the murder-clown monstrosity that the underaged members of this board are so fond of. Fire/Fighting is kinda lame, but it's still an interesting, marketable design-- more so than any other Fakemon set we've seen thus far.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if the real designs show half as much creativity as these.
There is absolutely no way Turtwig's leaf-on-the head theme will transition into a world turtle with a tree and rocks on its back instead.
>So it's full evolution will need an expansion to that concept

Why? Chikorita and Bayleef drop the "leaf on head" thing when they evolve into Meganium.

Nothing implies Popplio's acrobatics thing HAS to be maintained when it evolves. Maybe that's just a thing it alone does.

Bubble wasn't a concept

The scarf around their necks were, which Greninja keeps

Quilladin is still a knight looking figure in armor

Samurott doesn't yes, but it was still an expansion to the shell used for attacks by having a shell sword
Uhuh, what are the bubbles in the singing pose/attack, then? Maybe it 'sings' out bubbles? There's your precious theme.
I absolutely agree. Whether or not these are real, this artist has some exceptional talent and creativity. This would honestly compete for my favorite set of starters of all time, they have so much personality.
>The scarf around their necks were, which Greninja keeps

Nice gymnastics, you training for the olympics?
>going all fours and wearing a sillly hat is an expansion to a samurai concept

The concept is still there though

A flame that expands with emotion

Stop trying

Acrobatic bouncing water balls into a fucking necklace beads don't make sense
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>falling for this obvious bait
>Showing ignorance of art and terms
It can only be objective if they are in the same range of skill or quality due to who I prefer more.

Te Ballio artist is the one I would choose if I needed to pick between the two.
If I say Kim Jung Gi is a better artist than Pendleton Ward some idiot is gonna fight me that's subjective but it's not because they are completely in different league as artist, doesn't mean Pendleton Ward is a bad cartoon but he can in no way modify life like Kim can.

It would be subjective if I said Ilya Kuvshinov vs Artgerm because they are of the same genus or artist and they would be determined by whom's style I prefer.

I sense the difference in the Ballio and this artist skills and it isn't merely because the Ballio artist shaded more and had details it's because the style he used seem much more "honed".
Have you ever heard of Turkish oil wrestling? Could be a nod to that with the litten evo, perhaps
Acrobatics wasn't a concept

The bubbles it produces were, which Seal3 keeps
How do you know the water ball stuff isn't carried over? Maybe it just isn't depicted in this art.
The singer is clearly a special attacker though

Popplio is clearly a physical with it's description
No he is the bulky starter.

The fuck

Yes it does

Turtwig from Day 1 was predicted to be based on World Turtle
>Popplio is clearly a physical with it's description

Not really. More emphasis is put on the bubbles than the acrobatics. In fact the acrobatics sounds more like something it does for fun while on land, since it's clearly suited for swimming.

Popplio's concept is a performer though.The singer is the best upgrade to that concept since it's also a performer

You seem to have this mentality that the bubble has to be the main focus, and even the. It's still used even as beads

We'll see when they fully reveal
Bubbles = Special
Acrobatics = Speed
You know that their final stages doesn't need to use the same tactics its pre evolutions used, right?
I wouldn't mind having these as final stages. They don't look bad. If anything, Owl3 design is amazing.


Every fire type gets Ember that doesn't mean every single one of them will be special

It never says that, meaning you made that up to defend yourself.

It does say it has physical prowess and acrobat tricks though.

It also says it's training them, meaning it's going to get better in it's evolutions.

stop being blind.
Or maybe it gives up and takes up singing?
what is levitate? what is moonbat?
You don't understand what a source is
> Litten has oily fur that can ignite
> Not carried over to the final evolution

Do you NOT realize the fur from the entire tiger's torso was burned off??? I personally find it genius even if it ends up being fake and you can't even see that
I want to rub my dick on Popplio3's stomach.
>and a designer crediter for XY
source? because I tend to believe bulba over you
On the lower right it shows putting itself on fire. Which is something some people were already predicting would happen.
Maybe it's not singing - maybe it's just done a gymnastics move and is posing
>physical prowess
For a seal to stand up like that is quite a prowess.
that's a cute alien
ITT: People relying on old gen pattersn when this is the 1st generation of starters to not be 2 bipeds and 1 quadruped in the 1st stages.

Wow, you made me dislike it.

It's not genius it just tacky and ugly, it literally feels like a guy wearing a wrestling cat outfit now.
If GF can't. A leaker can't
Only one of them is, and it's the token furbait character

well go to bulba and read again retard
But anon, Popplio is bipedal. It stand on two fins.
Saya Tsuruta is an illustrator for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
Nothing changed shitlord, prove it
There are other skilled artist in the world of GF or greater level, and people who work in that field are adapted for creativity and can come up with great concepts quite easily.
Is there porn of Popplio3 yet? I NEED it
>But anon, Popplio is bipedal

My dog will stand on its hind legs. Doesn't mean it's bipedal.
Draw some yourself and stop asking for other people to indulge your fetish.
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delete this and save yourself from embarrasment
>skiller artists
See, this is just you being ignorant spouting your make-believe. Instead of listening to the hordes of Artist actually familliar with how the world works telling you you're wrong
Prove it.
To increase our dissapointment when we finally see the real final evos, of course. I don't think Japs are good at designing cool monsters desu. GameFreak should have more western developers. The guy that did the Vanillite line is a genius. Best Ice type design by far.

here have a (You) instead
You still haven't proven your claim 6 hours after the fact, pretty sad.
Who cares? Goodra is the cutest dragon to date. Its marketable to both girls and boys, thus increasing exposure to the series and increase merch sales. Anyone who doesn't love Goodra is a basement dwelling neckbeard autist.

sad is that you are doing all this silly shit when you know that I'm right
Still no proof
>Muh patterns
Leaker here, forgot to translate their names:

>Bara-sama za Mighty
>Pawlucha will never be real
Is this how Roothootfags feel
>Ballio & friends leak look like shit, these are clearly much better and have the potential to be real

It triggers me to see posts like these because it's not fair to compare the both of them considering the fact one is a saved .jpeg and that no one actually bothered to make a properly angled, clean version of the supposed former leaks to take a better look at the lineart and art in overall because photos tend to skip certain details regarding drawings if not under a proper light.

because taking a picture is not the same as outright scanning it.

Someone with actual Photoshop skills, if you please, would it be possible to have a much proper version of these "supposed" artworks containing the former trio without taking much from it? By properly angled, I mean, not angled either too much to the right or left and properly taken care of, at least enough to legitimately compare.

I'd appreciate your master Photoshop skills, if you are indeed somewhere around here.
>It triggers me
> 400 replies

New thread when?

fuck off these shit is fake and all that shit before was fake.
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>he doesn't want to see hot mermaidmon porn
Gen 6's starters were all anthropomorphic. It can happen again.
But they don´t, look at these concept art. It only shows the mons and all their limbs, hands etc. the fakes don´t do anything like that.
If its another fire-fighting I won't buy it

I'm fucking serious
For you.
>Assuming I'm a he

Fucking 4chan. This is why we get laughed at.

What is this trying to prove exactly? That there are two evolution stages? I don't understand, anything could fit behind those Pokeballs.

>sea lion

really now
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>sealion and bird
i like mermaid Popplio
fite me faggots
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It's a sea lion the looks like a mermaid
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