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PTCG/O General: English accents are disgusting edition

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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 49

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New? Check the pastebin for advice on starting the game, client information, a guide on the various theme decks/products you can redeem in-game and more.

You can also check this FAQ:

How to progress in PTCGO, tl;dr edition:
>complete all Trainer Challenges (Cheat Engine's speedhack strongly recommended to speed up AI games)
>play through using Basic decks to unlock them for versus play
>farm Versus Mode theme ladder for Tokens and Tournament Tickets
>Enter Theme format tournaments whenever possible
>enter Standard/Expanded ticket tournaments and accept that you'll lose
>you'll get tradable tournament chests and sometimes tradable packs
>Instead, trade them for the cards you actually want for a deck you want to build, most cards go for like 1-3 packs each.
>Public trade is like the GTS, if you want proper results, put up your own offers.
>if you don't know what deck you want to build yet, see http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/forum/tcg-competitive-play.156/ or check out tournament results for a list of viable decks http://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/state-province-championships-2016/decks/week-four/

To see what your PTCGO stuff is worth, look on the PTCGO forums in the trading section. Top Cut & other big trading companies will typically overprice cards, expect to get lower

Tips for Code Giveaways:
>Post them as an image with the QR code covered. Don't just post it as plain text because of bots lurking threads

>Your Old Cards
No one wants them

OLD: >>26301269

TotT: Predictions on what deck wins UK?
someone plz post when TCG stream is back, im watching this primal cancer known as VGC right now
nm / quen or yveltal will definitely winn uk, while i can see danielle possibly playing amazing with greninja in a later match, im pretty sure she won't be able to outspeed NM or vespiquen
ive watched like the past 4 matches on stream and not one night march deck has been shown yet, so im gonna say NM beats maxies yvelt in the final
usage of vespiplume is getting obnoxious
I think I'll start running a fucking aegislash in NM just to make them tilt
they can't afford running hex and basically mill to 10 cards for their setup, just to proceed to deckout once I reveal aegislash
making a casual fighting deck...

should I use Lysandre or N?
I just want Greninja win, PTCGO has made me hate NM and Yveltal deck
English accents are better than American accents, at least. You all sound so whiny.


t. britbong
they do two totally different things m8

also N isn't standard legal right now
stream is back

item lock and vileplume especially are cancer to play against

s-senpai danielle <3 <3 <3
twitch says offline :/
it looks as if the commentators just came back to wrap up, my bad
whats the going rate for jolteon-ex these days?
still around $30, a little higher in some places
What>>26328677 said.

Did you mean Sycamore or N? Because the answer is both. If for some reason you did mean Lysandre or N, the answer is still both.
i have an extra gold vs seeker for trade on ptcgo, think that would be a fair trade or should I/they ask for more
can me and my friend just play casually at some table at the LGS if its Pokemon night? Fuck standard rules, I want to use my FC shit
check top cut and see if the pack valuings are equal, and add accordingly.


you have to log into the ptcgo forums to see the thread
not sure if im retarded but this thread doesn't have FC or generations included
Is this fair? Trying to get my hands on a Shaymin here.
If someone sent you that offer, take it. You're basically buying it at under half price.
14 packs is an insanely good offer for a shaymin

do what >>26329235 said
>get my Call of Legends packs
>all shit

Time well spent.
That's not 14 packs, that's closer to 7.
14 individual packs i mean, my bad
>tfw you have to buy a pack in the store every once in a while because you don't get to open the packs from challenges now that they are tradable

t. lowkey gambling addict
they are? I still keep getting locked ones
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Hate it when trash cards get great art.
just won a standard tournament with a shitty raticate BREAK deck i slapped together

>open ptcg online from android
>register cards from years ago to current
Of all the sets, most of them are cards i don't have physically!
make that two in a row

seriously this deck is shit what is habbening
I was just at UK nationals. The amount of greninja decks was painful.
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Which should come back?

>Delta Species
>Leader's ___
Kadabra. It's been too long
Watch out or you will summon the Psychic Jew fraud.
How about Light Delta / Dark Delta?
They should bring back the original ex to compete with the new EX.
Is Kadabra the longest a pokemon has gone without a new card? Over 13 years now.
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To the anon in the previous thread, I try puting a big EX card on a photo frame, it should look good on the wall
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Don't you just love it when your opponent gets absurdly lucky and still loses?
what deck flips that much

Toad with lasers, hammers, and scoop ups.
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TCG waifu blogpost faggot reporting in again

cards went well tonight. for some reason she didnt bring hers, so she watched and laughed as my fighting deck got faceraped by Night March and Yveltals. had a good time though. ate pizza with her afterwards, and that was nice. had some good convo and she was really into it. asked her if she wanted to go to a baseball game this week and she said no (she fucking hates baseball, which i should have known). HOWEVER, we are going to go hiking before we play cards next week, assuming nothing comes up. all in all, a good nignt. going to play it slow, since she has literally no other friends and honestly i dont know if she has ever had a bf before. she also bought me some beer that is only available in her state.

post emails, and I send codes
trust me, with how you're literally asking for help for the smallest things on an anonymous hawaiian moai carving forum, even assuming you get together she's eventually gonna break up with you for some guy with a bigger wallet, bigger dick and a real life
[email protected]

Sure send me some cards.
[email protected]

Keep it up anon, try not to invite her to any more stuff you know she wont want to do!
old guy anon here again. good for you. just try not to get all worked up in your head about stuff. Shes just another human with the same paranoia and all the rest.

I said before I don't need codes but hot shit you never said generations. I am forever chasing that Jolteon.
Opened 30 FC packs so far
>8 white thin code card (aka decent pulls)
>22 green thick code cards (aka shit)

The pulls from this set suck ass. It's worse than Generations.
generations has great pulls u moron.
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Thanks for the packs mate.
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[email protected]

Just stay calm, no jealousy, no obsessive behaviour just calm I hope it goes well.
You're a beast dude!
Any idea on how and when you're gonna take this to a more romantic level?
[email protected]
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I have no fucking idea dude. with how she came up, there is a pretty sizable barrier I have to break through. at this point Im just trying to get her as comfortable with me as possible. hopefully we have fun hiking, assuming we are able to go
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[email protected]

Honesty I don't know what else to tell you that hasn't already been told, I guess based on the thing about the baseball you should get to know her better and think less about the whole GF thing being some great prize at the end of it and more of just a bonus.
>tfw socially awkward rich anon kills the thread with his codes
These threads die anyway.
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now that I pulled the Roaring Skies Shaymin, I really want this one too. Should I get itv

why not

it's not completely horrible despite what people will tell you

it's got a spot in my legacy virgen deck
yeah its a nice one-of in a grass deck for late game

i used to use it when i first started tcgo and had like no usable cards
>too late to get the cheap Mawile box, Gamestop won't honor the ad anymore

Try walmart, or Target. Bring the catalog with you.
Decent idea.
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Fuck. Thanks to the challenge I have 15 RH col electric energy while I have 14 of all the other types. To make matters worse this shit is locked so I'll never get rid of that little mark next to it. Fuck this game ass game.
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What have you done with your old rulebooks, /ptcgo/?
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God bless
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[email protected]

Glad it went well. Watch out for possible the plot twist though; she might even be hiding here in this very thread. If that's the case, then you've probably ruined it all.

Also, hiking is a perfect chance for something romantic that comes up spontaneously. Imagine you two thriving away from the group you're with (if you're with a group at all) and just having a good sight at the nature. A sudden kiss may fall here, so be prepared for that.

Enjoy, anon
>hiking is a perfect chance for something romantic that comes up spontaneously
Sounds like a bad move if they're still just trying to get to know each other.
Not talking about a step from him, but from her.
What are those attacks?
it makes me happy to see so many people posting pulls. people should email them out more often
Couldn't pick a better pokemon?
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I believe in you bro, make her yours already.
Have you even ask if she wants to be a thing?

It's time for you to draw the winning card and have your diglett attack.

Just makes sure she not the type to jump from guy to guy who are into TCG.
I dated enough girls like that.
Yeah it seems to have stopped the pack jews.
Sorry next time will grab Tyrantrum-EX or Empoleon BREAK, since I'm not a fan from legendary pokemons
Depends on whether or not the people running it are assholes. My league would allow it.
>looking around my room for something
>find two theme decks I bought a while back for cheap (Raiders + Shadows)
>realise i've never used them, and don't know how to play the TCG
>friend has a bunch of cards, has been collecting for a while, but hasn't played either
>decide to have a match in a week
>go out to GAME and buy Sky Guardians + 3 boosters
>Make a Dark deck and a backup water/fire deck
>day arrives
>sweep all matches with Umbreon, Snorlax and Lugia
>friend calls my deck "pay2win"

Welp, guess i'm addicted to the TCG now. Any good sources of cards for building a collection?
also I got lucky and pulled a Delphox Break from one of the boosters, the only Break card I could actually use.
this vespiplume v YZG match on the stream is a good one.
vespiplume won by time?
>dark deck
>water fire deck
lmao you fucking pleb
your friend is a retard too
I've never seen someone so mad to have a holo HGSS energy.
and taking more prizes
That is bs if you think that he was going to lose on the next turn by losing his only dmg dealer and having 2 cards on the deck
It was my first time playing and with limited cards, so fucking excuse me for not knowing the entirety of the meta
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>New Glarus

Your girl has damn good taste in beer. 10/10 drink.
welcome anon.
you mean physical collection place to buy cards, or just to find deckbuilds and stuff?
>you mean physical collection place to buy cards, or just to find deckbuilds and stuff?
Maybe both, i'm probably just gonna stay a filthy casual and avoid paying big bux for certain cards but I like the gambling aspect of opening packs.
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Shiftry – Grass / Darkness – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Nuzleaf

[G] Evil Wind: 40 damage. Until the end of your opponent’s next turn, all Pokemon Tools and Stadiums have no effect.

[C][C] Extrasensory: 60+ damage. If you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does 40 more damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
pokebeach, charizardlounge, 60cards, 6prizes, are all good for decks.

for buying, buy singles or booster boxes - never just packs. I tend to use tcgplayer or ChaosCards but Europe here.
Is the Nuzleaf also new?
Is one of these dual type mons going to be good or what???
Superior dual typed mons passing through.
but they suck ass too.

They do but I think he might be referring to them having better aesthetics
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So... is anyone going to post some codes?
Leave pack jew you have been banished from this place.
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I hope you die irl.
everybody dies
Even M-Absol looks better
>Zygarde didn't get a full art but Altaria and Kingdra did

Is it truly the most cucked Pokemon of all time?
>do this
>they agree to the price reduction
>pull a Zoroark, FA Mega Scizor and Alakazam-EX

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Give it some time. It's Zyg's first appearance in TCG.
Volcanion will be strong if there are any other basic fire types that turn out to be powerhouses. Come rotation i can imagine some sort of volcanion deck popping up.
The regular Volcanion can swing for 90 for one energy with a FFB and return the discarded energies to the benched Volcanion.
Volcanion by itself is more than good enough.
>Does the same damage as Entei for a C less, making it way more consistent and safe since you don't have to run DCE
>Searchable via Hoopa, Dive Ball, Heavy Ball
>Can swing for 190 if you have two of them, 220 if you have 3
>Sets up Blacksmith for you so you don't need to rely on Compressor as much, can just run Mails and Retrievals/Fisherman
>220 HP after FFB, can use Rough Seas
If it were out right now, the best build would just be 4 Volcanion, 2 Hoopa, 2 Shaymin, and maybe you can tech another Fire-type for fun.
Entei is still better, actually play the deck.
This isn't /b/, you don't have to be aggressive.
I want to talk about it, so I'll take the bait. Why do you think that?
I've played a lot of Entei/Charizard since BP, and it has problems like I said. It needs DCE, needs a specific tool setup, and can't actually hit for 180.
Volcanion doesn't need DCE, doesn't need tools since it's already at 180 HP unlike Entei, and can very easily hit for 190/220 without needing a specific tool setup.

It just seems better and more efficient. The only drawback is that it's an EX, but Entei decks were more than fine with running 2-3 Charizards despite it setting up slower than Volcanion, so I don't see how that's a problem. Can you give your argument?
I doubt you've ever played the deck, it can hit for 190 every turn in the best case scenario, volcanion can't even hit every turn lmao.
Volcanion would need a way to retreat and won't have access to Blacksmith. The deck will be 4 regular Volcanions and 3 EXs, plus maybe a Zoroark line so you can attack repeatedly with the EX.
Volcanion = two prizes
Entei = one prize

Entei is better by default
It doesn't even matter, without access to blacksmith both decks are dead dogshit.
Please stop memeing on me, I want to have an actual discussion :(
Even with two Muscle Bands, Entei hits for 170. You can't afford Giovanni's when you need to keep streamlining Blacksmiths to fuel a four-energy attack. Unless I'm forgetting something important, I'm not sure how Entei or Charizard can swing for 190.
Meanwhile, Volcanion can very easily hit every turn since you don't need to hit DCE to actually swing on Turn 1. You'll be running energy retrieval cards to fuel the ability anyways, so hitting a Fire shouldn't be hard at all.
Volcanion EX dies, your opponent takes two prizes

Entei dies, your opponent takes one prize
of course you can afford to Giovanni's if you need to and you have an entei/zard setup.
You also seem to be missing the fact that Volcanion can only swing once every two turns.

There are no switching effects in the pokemon trading card game, so this is a big problem, you're right.
Getting up a Zoroark, on top of setting up your Volcanion EX, is going to be a lot of extra work. And one Hex means your opponent gets a free turn without worrying about damage.
you can't say that it's super hard to hit DCE and then say it's easy to hit a switch effect every turn.

There's switching effects in this game? By your tone I thought there weren't.
That's not stopping Toad, Yveltal, Mane, Ray, Tyrantrum, Giratina, Wailord, or Mewtwo from finding a spot on the tier list.
Not to mention I keep listing these problems Entei has that no one seems to want to refute. Relying on DCE makes your deck inherently worse than a deck that does, unless your deck can more than make up for the disadvantage like Night March does, or if your deck can turbo fast enough to always find it. Entei not only can't turbo, but it doesn't have any inherent advantage over Volcanion other than being non-EX.

>Put a Float Stone on Volcanion
>Play Switch
If Hex Maniac could completely shut down a deck, we wouldn't see Trevenant, Vileplume, or Shaymin-heavy decks topping.
>put float stone on volcanion
Congrats, now your volcanion doesn't hit as hard as entei and needs another setup pokemon on the bench to switch into!!
So why would you play this over Entei again...?

>your volcanion doesn't hit as hard as entei

You may want to think longer and harder about how the card can do damage.
Because its attack is absolutely insane.
Yveltal EX was dropped completely in YZG decks by the end of states.
Because it's fortunate enough to have an attack that easily replaces itself to keep its momentum going, which few EX's have.
Low tier 3 and only there because of Jolteon EX, one of the best EX's ever printed.
All very low-tier decks specifically because they're EX-heavy decks.

>Put a Float Stone
Well so much for FFB then.
>Play Switch
You would need to play 2 or have a second Volcanion EX ready to swing immediately.
>volcanion does 160 damage with ability
>entei does 170 with dual muscle bands
No mate, you might want to go back to school.
>Congrats, now your volcanion doesn't hit as hard as entei
It hits for 190/220 before taking tools into consideration. The correct meme to use here would have been
>Congrats, now your volcanion doesn't has 180 HP instead of 220
which is the only real disadvantage. Could you please stop trying to be contrarian and aggressive? I came here for a good discussion, not someone trying their best to angrily shitpost on me.

>needs another setup pokemon on the bench to switch into!!
One Blacksmith and a basic Fire energy, which you're searching out anyways, fixes that. You don't need to fish for a DCE to set up a second Pokemon like Entei. And again, this is assuming your opponent is dropping Hex Maniac every turn, which means the tempo's going to swing in your favor if they keep missing their supporter like that.

Keep thinking. You'll get there.
Am I missing something?
Surely you aren't suggesting that you discard 2-3 fire energy every single turn.

So let me get this straight, to get a proper volcanion setup going you need 2 volcanions with 3 energy, float stones/zoroark/switch in hand every turn and 2-3 fire energy in hand every turn?
I'm really struggling to see how this is better than entei.
The point is that being an EX is still more than acceptable in the current meta. The fact that I could glance at the tier list and notice that 9/15 decks have EX Pokemon as their primary attacker should be proof of this.

And obviously you'd prefer FFB over Float Stone when you have your Zoroark set up, but if you follow the reply chain you'll see that that comment was in regard to your opponent dropping Hex on a critical turn when you can't afford to miss damage. And like I've said before, it's not that hard to set up a second Volcanion when you don't even need to fish for DCE like with Entei.

But this is getting really off-topic. It's suppose to be about whether or not Volcanion would perform better than Entei/Charizard, not if it's going to top the tier list.
>>26343615 can be considered a reply to >>26343523 too.

Also stop crying about aggression you fucking mongoloid baby.

Does Entei need to hit for 170 every turn? Nope. Volcanion has a higher damage ceiling for when it does need it. It's infinitely more flexible in that way.
Keep moving the goalpoasts and backpedaling bud, volcanion is worse than entei, they're both dogshit, goodnight.
Well, Hoopa instantly gets you three or two and a Shaymin, so actually getting them on board isn't a problem.
The deck would be running a heavy Letter and/or Retrieval line to fuel its ability and hit that third Fire energy, and Greninja's proven that even without that, hitting multiple Shuriken every turn is very consistently done even in a Stage 3 deck. So there's no problem there. Not to mention you're still doing 130 before discarding any energies, which is enough to get over any non-EX/BREAK.
Even if you don't think dropping two energies a turn is viable, then you can just slap a single Muscle Band onto it. One energy now gets you 180 damage. But I don't think you'll need that.

Which only leaves us with the problem of setting up either two Volcanion or a Zoroark. Two Volcanion is a matter of two Blacksmith, since your deck is already built around finding that third energy, and I don't think anyone can argue that Zoroark is hard to set up.

Going back to Entei, you see a deck that has to hit Blacksmith every turn, yet still needs to find DCE and 2+ tools to hit for 170, which won't even knock out most EXs. And then you're sitting on 130 HP, so what happens when your Entei gets knocked out next turn? You need to fish for a second DCE, whereas Volcanion doesn't have that problem.

Where were the goalposts in the first place? You arbitrarily put Entei at 170 damage, Volcanion at 160 damage, told me that you'd have to discard 2-3 energy every turn regardless of the situation. Surely you wouldn't set such retarded "goalposts" in order to win an argument, would you?
I remember when this general said Vespiquen and Night March were not good and Sceptile would be tier 1. Also when they said Trevenant Break was too slow and had no synergy with XY, and how it would be useless. And when they said Jirachi wasn't worth buying in the store.

Consistently terrific insight from the world's top players.
>world's top players
I'm done replying to retards who've played this game for a month or two, sorry!
he already won the argument when he said that entei is better than volcanion.
See you in August with your Volcanion deck.

Enjoy the rest of your day, anon. Hopefully I broke down a couple of mental walls regarding Volcanion.
always been a fan of shiftry, was hoping this would be a little more haxxy ala the one that made your opponent autoflip tails
All his points were refuted. Dropping ad-hominems and shitty one-line "arguments" doesn't get you anywhere outside of /b/.
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My friends want to mess around with Base Set, Jungle, and Fossil cards. Any way to cheaply print proxies of old cards? I've only seen sites for newer ones.
Clicking on a specific card nets you a proxies button.
it doesn't matter how you go about it I think.
the people on volcanion side are well read idiots arguing that climate change doesn't exist or the holocaust didn't happen, the entei guy might be angry and inflammatory but he's not deluded.
The Volcanion side dropped a lot of fair points which weren't even touched by the Entei side, while specifically addressing and replying to the Entei side's specific points.
The Entei side resorted to calling everyone retarded.
and yet volcanion is still shit.
Scroll up to understand why that's wrong.
>this shit deck is better than that other shit deck
>no, THIS shit deck is better than that shit deck

what a thread
no way am I getting involved in this shit flinging contest, you're wrong and stupid, he was right and stupid.

I was a sarcastic asshole to be fair. I don't think Volcanion will be good but the Entei side might as well have been new to the game with how they were talking about many things as if they were absolutes, such as the energy requirement of Volcanion's attack, it's damage output, and only being able to attack half the time. They were simply wrong in all those cases, or at best telling half truths. Who the fuck knows what's in the rest of the set, but I'm willing to bet something is going to synergies with it's poster boy.
Only the Entei side is flinging shit. The Volcanion side is dropping fair arguments that show why you're wrong.

>but I'm willing to bet something is going to synergies with it's poster boy.
That's the best part. Even if you don't think Volcanion's 130 attack is good, you can still slap it onto the bench to power up anything. Even Entei, ironically.
this is exactly what i was thinking, more of a support role to power up other fire types with better attacks/costs
How much exactly is worth a Shaymin EX, not the FA? I did a public offer with some great card like M Gardevoir and two Seismitoad + 26 booster packs and some other useless EX but nothing yet (everything in the same offer).
>great cards
>M Gardevoir

Admittedly, I chuckled.
I mean in the sense that worth something. Not much, but something.
what boosters did you offer? you should be able to find a non-FA for 25-30
23 Ancient Origins and 3 Breakpoint
>thinks he can get a Shaymin for under 10 packs
This packs worth so little?
I'm seeing a lot of greninja decks that aren't running octillery anymore. I'm assuming its because it'll be a hassle if it gets lysandre?
The only Standard packs worth anything are RS and Generations, and the latter is a scrub trap.
Maybe its because they were budget decks? Greninja decks are cheap and good.
So, with that offer I made I'm really far from a non-FA Shaymin? I don't have much besides those packs.
It's more that no one is going to take that offer, because no one wants to be stuck with AO and BP packs.
Ooh, I see. Thank you!
>start to get into pokemon tcg
>learn shaymin ex is a staple to decks
>look up price

Shit like this is exactly why I quit playing magic
Just run decks with Octillery instead
At least you'll be happy to note that it's the only staple in the entire TCG in all formats that's worth more than $15. And most decks run 1-2 with a few running 3-4.
What are VS seekers.
Available for $10.
still less than $15 a piece
$9 < $15, anon.
Need 4 in all decks
Reading comprehension/10
a large number run 3
This is correct, but the card itself is only $10, so a playset is $40. That's about the price of one (1) Shaymin EX.
That's what I meant, you're still spending a shitton of money for staples or your deck won't work. It's hard for new players to want to come in an build a deck.
Spoiler alert, if you're going to get into a card game, it's going to cost money. The biggest condolence is that these staples are interchangeable in every single deck you want to play.
TCGs are an expensive hobby. If you want to play on a competitive level, then you're going to have to pay the competitive entry cost.

Or, you could just not play on a competitive level. I really doubt someone who can't even afford 4 VS Seekers was ever planning on going to States or Nats where it actually matters. Just stick to locals and play your casual build.
>card games cost money?!?!?!

Not this shit again.
At least once every other thread we have this argument.

>Pokemons too expensive!!11!!!
>PTCG is SOOO cheap

PTCG costs money for sure but it is by large margins more affordable than MTG, Vanguard, YGO, etc.
I just wanna build a quad-torchic, quad-volcanion deck.
not on tcgo you don't
>tails tails tails tails tails tails
+1 fliptini? Greatest troll deck OAT.
Latios/Forretress solitaire is the greatest troll deck of all time.
I don't get it.
post list.
PTCGO is notorious for always getting tails on coin flips.
It's notorious for being streaky. You're more often to get 10 heads or tails than 5 of each. I still don't understand how I Farewell Letter and draw an Unown literally every game I play Unown. It never, ever fails.
even in IRL using unown most likely gets you an unown or an acro bike for two unown.
>Got this out of a Daily Challenge pack.
>Said Challenge was for Fighting-types.

What's the best way to play casually?
Which is worse, Yoshinob or 5ban?
Theme Deck format?, or just play casual with your friends
I think the funniest thing in playing Theme for me is that sometimes you can clearly see someone forgot you can retreat your pokemon.
Like people instantly conceding after you retreat to kill their active who was supposedly safe.
I have the secret wonders one somewhere around the house
What would be a good replacement for Jolteon in a Lugia break deck?
A deck that isn't Lugia Break
i often wonder how the meta would be totally different had trump card not been banned
Remove Night March and Vespiquen from the tier list.
Everything else gets bumped up a slot.
That's literally it.
Also games would now be best of 1 even if its still BO3 because with LTC makes games soo long.
you can't just say that without a list.
whats to get? Each Volcanion on bench + discard of one energy adds +30 to both Torchics attacks on flips. Victini or trick coin to reflip. 4 Volcanion on bench and you can hit for 140 twice in one turn for one energy. Fisherman the energy back and do it again.
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Expanded lets you beat EXs with Pluspower and SUC.
How many Shaymins can I get for a full art Dialga EX?
If you mean how many full-art Dialga EX you can get for a Shaymin, the answer is 30+.
I like the idea but seems like the list could use some tweaking, think I might fuck with this right now actually haha

Wouldn't you want to run 4 latios to maximize your chance to start the game with it? And 4 muscle band for the T1 wins?
What a retarded thing to say. A FA Dialga would go for at least 2 Roaring Skies, which means he'd need around 12-14.
The only reason you run more than 1 Latios is so you can avoid prizing it. You should blow through your whole deck on one turn. You should be dealing around 80 damage with Forretress alone.
I've been playing for about 3 days now,could any of you tell give me advice on what theme deck to buy?
For standard or theme format?, Wave Slasher x2 is a good starting point to made a Greninja deck
Theme but I haven't put too much thought into standard yet
I keep seeing people saying to check their wants but how exactly do I do that?
for theme you just grind with xy blue and switch to xy green if you get bored, don't waste your coins on theme decks.
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would a tournament chest get me a 4-4-4 of this
It could get you 4-4-4 and a FA Korrina.
I've seen it mentioned before so are tournament chests different to verses ladder chests?
if I choose to forgo the FA could I get 3-3 of korrina and rare candy
sorry, trading scrub here
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>I have one prize left but Shaymin stuck out front and no way to return him.
>opponent has five prizes left but is pass-pass-passing to let me deck out.
>I have five cards total, just one in deck and it's nothing good.
>he has three seven cards left, three in hand and four in deck
>I play Delinquent to put him at four.
>he passes and I draw last card from deck
>I play N
>that feel when you lose against a shit deck because 3 of your Sycamore's were prized and you couldn't draw anything
My TCGO program will open for like two seconds and close what should I do??????
Is there anything that just shuts down Night March decks? I just played a guy online that did 190 damage on turn 2. It's just not a fun deck to play against. It's boring.
Run turn one Item lock, toad tina, Quad Jirachi, or bursting balloon with delinquent. Or dark, Dark seems to do strangely well against NM
wailord+fury belt
To add to the other replies, Jolteon EX is great too. Get the energy on it then AZ, Cassius or Scoop Up your bench. Have additional energy in case of Xerosic or enhanced hammer.
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Anybody have scans of this artbook?
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alright /vp/ here we go

I've bought+opened about 10-15 individually already over the past few weeks. no shay, no shay so far. no shay. statistically, that makes my chances betetr this time around, right?
Nope. Just pray to RNGesus
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come on you fucking pretentious hedgehog
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>forgets to take a screen of pack #5
>doesn't fucking matter anyway
>runs away crying

I should've bought a damn Theme deck
And that's why you should just stack packs and trade them. I got about 20 locked ROS packs as well which I'm going to open soon, but I don't expect anything fancy.
Are deck-out decks a thing in the PTCG?
of course. Google for 'mill' decks. Houndoom was the most recent. Or Durant. There are Weezing & Team Rocket supporter in the new expansion but I've yet to see a good deck with them used, they are too coin-flippy.
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Post openings faggot.
They should have made the card with Fug fighting Mewtwo.

Also, why does Mewtwo fight everything?
You'd fight everything too if your junk looked like that.
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I have the artbook. If I was at home I would scan it for you.

>Playing like mad to get the CoL packs before I had to leave today
>Turbo Typhlosion knocking Greninja and Trevenant back n' forth
>Finally get them
>Shiny Dialga and reverse fire energy
I've got it right here. If there's anything specific you wanted to see, I can take pictures. Won't scan it all though, too much work.
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I thought these were worth a lot?
He rage quit, obviously.
Okay so does anyone have a specifically anti Mega Gyrados deck because that shit is getting on my nerves.
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>image name
everything about this post is beautiful. thank you.
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This is my Frog deck. Any suggestions? I think I could use a Buddy-Buddy Rescue and maybe Bursting Balloons.
x3 Froakie BP
x4 Frogadier BP
x3 Greninja BP
x1 Greninja XY
x3 Greninja BREAK
x2 Remoraid BP
x2 Octillery BP
x1 Jirachy XY67

x3 Sycamore
x3 Ultra Ball
x4 Dive Ball
x1 Lysandre
x3 Trainer's Mail
x1 Professor's Letter
x3 Rough Seas
x2 Wally
x1 Skyla
x4 VS Seeker
x1 Fisherman
x1 N
x1 Ace Trainer
x1 Sacred Ash
x1 Town Map
x1 Super Rod
x2 Battle Compressor

x8 Water Energy
Just lost to one. It's a crap shoot. All depends on luck.
you honestly don't need more than 1 Wally or the Compressors
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Is there any way to use Omastar Break? I'm trying to build a deck for a friend and I have 4 of them, I don't even know if you can run 4 of them.
What could I replace them with? And I am pretty comfortable with the 2 Wallys in case I don't get a VS Seeker at the right time, or one is in the prize pool.
Aaand another code I had laying around. I have no idea why I have this code
You can't make a generic "Fossil" deck because they're all Restored Pokemon, meaning you still need to run some basics.
Instead, Fossils are an Archie's engine for any deck that runs DCE.
Just throw 2x Archie's, 2x Omastar, 1x Break, and 2-4x Aerodactyl into any deck that can support that much space.
>I don't even know if you can run 4 of them.
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forgot image
Aw missed it, no wrestling pikachu for me.
I just want to say, those trainer kits are literally shit for teaching how to play the game.
Yeah I have heard that.
Holy fuck.
Just played a Shedinja/Mew deck.

Fuck Mega Fug I want Shedinja cards now. What set is that from?
The one with rayquaza.
I used to run it in pre-rotation Standard. It's actually a pretty solid deck.
what do I spend tokens on
Pikachu Avatar Boxes are your best bet.
am I being rused or is this actually a thing
threads dead :/
tcg is dead

welp, this is over. thanks for listening. hope you enjoyed your codes
im actually having a lot of fun playing this latios forretress meme deck, splashed in a giovanni's scheme and its definitely won me a few games with that extra 20 dmg
What do you mean over?
What did you do?
What do you mean over?

i didnt do anything. i thought everything went fine on Saturday, but today she still acted like she was going out her way to talk to me, while she was totally obsessed with everything the married dude said. whatever. i dont give a fuck. ive been rejected enough. i just dont know why she asked me twice to hang out. time to drink until i pass out. hope u all get Shaymins, Octillerys and VS Seekers in your future packs. im done with this shit
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What is the most valuable card in this pack?
rev oddish
But in reality it's all worthless
literally called it
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This is completely incoherent. Regardless of what you actually said you failed because you wanted to, I've never seen somebody so willingly sabotage themselves because they don't know how to be happy and look at everything in the worst light possible.

you give new meaning to spaghetti tcgbro
>expecting manchildren who spend actual money on children's card games to know how to interact with real human women
Anyone want these? I usually throw them away
I mostly want to know what artists/cards were included, is there a table of contents or credits page or something?
>6 mins ago
>thread ded
>still all redeemed

fuck desu
The one time I choose to go play with my dog then be a lurking fuck
People are here, there's just nothing to talk about
FC brought nothing good, we've already talked about the SS leaks for three threads straight, and UK Nats ended with nothing out of the ordinary happening
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Original anon who posted codes!
The fact there was a raichu in one makes me oddly satisfied. Raichu is my favorite pokemon
What's a fair trade for FC Mew?
A tournament chest.
So, I installed the apk on my phone, but whenever I try to login, it keeps saying that it can't reach the servers or that the connection has been lost. Why? I'm on my home WiFi.
you didn't describe that very well, so I might be completely wrong depending on the actual circumstances, but here's what I first thought:
a) she might just be nervous around you. even more nervous the more time you spend with each other. that's not a bad thing
b) you mentioned she's very shy, right? shy people easily seem overly nice or excited about other, more socially confident people, in an attempt to hide their shyness or trying to "step up" to the other one. I do this myself. it's ridiculous how often it even works for me by now, I've actually gotten good at it to a point where it doesn't look pathetic anymore but I have no trouble talking to other cute girls or authorities. it's self-training. it's a very late Social Metapod, actively trying to evolve into a beautiful Social Butterfree at last. ...or it's really just being super nervous. either way, it doesn't have to mean you've failed.
I would love that
So I haven't played really since Crobat/Virbank/Hypnotoxic Laser was a thing. What's going on? Anything interesting? Is Darkrai gone?
If you play expanded its still the same thing, in standard its Bats, Night March, Bees, and Frogs.
And death bird in both formats.
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>Playing Dusknoir/Darkrai
>Opponent flips over Joltik
>I go first, play cards
>Set up for 6
>Turn one Ghetsis
>Get Six cards
>Opponent Draws and scoops with one card in his hand.
Ban ghetsis
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>started to play the cardgame
>playing since 3 days now
>want to get some boosters
>we have like 7 toyshops here
>visiting them all
>none of them has pokemon cards
>go to media store cause I saw cards there
>"sorry anon, we only sell yu-gi-oh cards"
>checking online for booster packs
>find a seller website which looks very cheap and not trusty
>give up
>next day had to go with a friend to gamestop
>they actually was selling pokemon decks and boosters there
>mfw I can only buy anything card related via gamestop

is the pokemon card game so death that toyshops don't even sell those things anymore?
>M-Slowbro EX confirmed
>it's a promo

Waited two years for shit cards, kill me
I live around
>Wal-Mart (2)
>Toys R Us
>four different LGS's
And I can buy packs, promo items, boxes and, at the LGS's, singles, at my leisure. The card game is not kill.
Also forgot, ironically,
>GameStop (2)
I also forgot
>Hot Topic
And I'm probably forgetting more. But you get the point.
we don't have most of them here in germany, so I'm probably fucked. only thing I can count on is gamestop but I'm afraid they will stop selling them if nobody buys them
You could just buy packs online
hahahahaha.....no pokemon center for europe german here, like I said before
I'm from Germany, too. You can get cards at Gamestop, Karstadt, Galeria Kaufhof, Toys R Us, and some smaller toy stores, like Spiele Max.
I prefer Toys > Gamestop > Spiele Max > Galeria/Karstadt, depending on the size of the Galeria/Karstadt stores. With small ones, the selection will be equally shit. Bigger ones like in Frankfurt/Main means bigger selection, but still not as good as some other stores.
There's a new apk.
I've been playing PTCGO for about a month, done lots of Theme ladder/tournament stuff and built my first two Standard decks. How much harder is Expanded? Is there anything that I should be aware of? Any cards that are staples there, that I wouldn't be able to use in Standard?
Well yes, there are shit tons. lazers, virbank, colress, dark patch - too many to list. It's 1000+ extra cards.
When's the rotation happening? Can't wait to use this mew night march deck in standard.
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What the hell? I'm in a tournament right now and the timer till the next round is just stuck at 00:00. Am I fucked now? Is this a server error?
well, alright. that's a few more than I thought.
Are there any staples that I don't know yet from playing Standard?

how high is the chance for survival for a Standard deck (shitty NM, or Florges EX) in Expanded format?
Thread posts: 321
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