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>fully acknowledges the games are getting easier >also

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>fully acknowledges the games are getting easier
>also acknowledges the adults who play the games
>still no difficulty option

I don't understand how one company can be so retarded?
>still doesn't understand that he isn't the target demo
>still doesn't understand casual gamers and cell phone gamers are a huge source of income
>still doesn't understand a companies goal is to make money

The more casual the games become, the easier it is for some random kid or "busy adult" like he puts it, will enjoy the game and buy it.
>I don't understand how one company can be so retarded?
I don't understand either but that he thinks he's competing with smartphone games says it all.
They think older players only care about competitive play.
They think players that re serious about Pokemon just wanna move onto breeding stuff and online competitive, so the SP content is toned down for the super casual audience that will just play SP.
There was a hard mode for b2&w2 but you could only unlock hard mode in game for w2 or send the hard mode unlock key to b2 since b2 had the easy key.

But you saw the 20th anniversary trailer/Sun and Moon reveal promo. It isn't just busy adults, it's young adults, it's teenagers, it's everyone. Because that's who plays Pokemon games, everyone.

So if you want to cater to everyone, you don't limit the audiences enjoyment, you widen it by offering more variety. Even if it's something as simple as Gym leaders having stronger Pokemon, or the EXP. Share only becoming available until later.
A difficulty option would appease every type of demographic and would be a huge selling point for the games. They would please the older, long time fans that shaped series, while also bringing in a new, younger audience.

We all know that, we just the option again, and easier to access.
How hard would it realistically be to add a Hard mode to the game? It'd just be shit like adjusting movesets and levels a bit, maybe giving different Pokemon and/or full teams to Gym Leaders.
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>he thinks casual adults are different from children
>widen the audience
>by making it harder

If they made it harder I would enjoy more, but the amount of people playing them will shrink.

How does it diminish the audience if there is an OPTION for the game to be harder?
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>by making it harder

No? By giving us the OPTION to make it harder. If kids don't want to play a hard game, they can just play normal or easy mode with no trouble.
sigh......i just don't understand why they won't just do what we all want and finally make a gardevoir dating sim?

I think the problem is that many people, specially casuals, would not chose the Easy mode, thinking that they can handle it, and then get BTFO
most adults are busy people with jobs and social life

they have enough stress already
I don't think so. They will only get the older audience by having a real story.
Ha ha, I don't really know.
>nobody wants to play hard games
>dark souls III largest release ever for bandai namco

no obviously pokemon isnt dark souls, but come the fuck on.
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I thought we had left those days behind.
We just had a mini-return of /tr/. Nothing ever dies.
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I think we're all forgetting what really needs to be implemented
What fangame is this one? Never seen it before
The minority who crave difficulty should turn to adult games. Besides, they will buy them anyway so who cares? Definitely not gf

...And? They could then just start over on a lower difficulty.
This. People don't want to feel stupid by admitting they have to play easy mode
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If you think that Pokemon needs a Hard Mode, you should also believe Dark Souls needs an Easy Mode.
I should have added: "humiliation"
The other problem with a difficulty setting is how do you set up an AI to not be retarded? Especially in something as deeply complex as the strategies behind pokemon?
Older players care about the game not being a braindead 'spam whatever nuke has super effective damage'-fest so they eventually stop playing because it's easier for gamefreak to make games for retards than program a competent ai.
>acknowledges that they don't listen to any kind of feedback from the people who play the games
>they base everything on what they think kids these days are like

Bullshit. Kids these days didn't magically get more retarded than kids in the 90's. Masuda is just using this to justify putting a minimal amount of effort into new games.
Double trips confirms adults are busy.
There is one.
It's called summoning.

>First game with any sort of Hexes for anything
>Second game with Climax in PVP and Dual Maces in PVE
>Third game with Pyromancy

Trust me there is tons of easy modo for dark souls if you know where to look

Actually, he did say this:

>Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it. I don't think that's really the case for many people these days''

His point is that 90% of kids have smartphone games they can go and play for free. Back in the 90s we had one new game every 5 months or something, so we'd play it until we beat it. Kids these days can go watch some Smosh Youtube video or play Pokemon Showdown on Anything Goes.

That still doesn't excuse the lack of difficulty options though.
Dark souls is a meme game though.
Demon Soul's was not popular because of its difficulty, but that same thing got it noticed, then DS1 came out it and it be came to in thing to beat the game. Not only that, even with its meme game status, you still meet so many people that never actually beat any of those games and just played them so they can talk to other people about it.
>If you think a game no one plays for its shitty pve battle system could use better pve you should also believe a game people play because of its demanding battle system should be made not demanding



Even Demons Souls can be cheesed with the right builds Dragon longsword with Tower Shield
his point isn't that kids are retarded now, but successful media has to be quick to deliver satisfaction to be able to compete.
>one game tries to have a broad appeal
>the other is marketed the complete opposite way
But they've been catering to tourneyfaggots since BW2. You're just ignorant and don't notice the long list of fully EV trained, item wielding, moveset pokemon in the battle mansion
They just don't give a fuck. You'll buy the games regardless.

Early game X/Y was hella unsatisfying though. The bug gym was a complete pushover and then suddenly 3 hours without a new gym. After which point every gym becomes a pushover because apparently Gym Leader Pokemon being fucking sturdy is no longer a thing.
>Dark Souls

>One location in the post game can make up for a shitty, easy as piss main game

No, Pokemon has never been difficult per say, but the only time I ever felt challenged in X/Y was in some stupid slide puzzle. There's nothing wrong with more options. You're ignorant if you think X/Y/ORAS were in any way catering to anyone but children.
>streamlined competitive team building process
>shits out new competitive tourneys all the time
It caters to children and competitive fags. If you're playing pokémon for the story in the first place you're doing something wrong.
>TFW The only main story battle I had trouble with was the Dragon Lady of Elite four and that was only because I my mains were of Fairy Typing.

>TFW The most powerful pokemon in the game (Mega Gardevoir) was a fucking pushover.
I never wanted challenge. I don't even see why most people WOULD want it. Just the people that think they're too cool for school.

Kids have really gotten more retarded, though magic had nothing to do with it.

>Rotting education system
>Pathetic parents
>Toxic media
They should stop making it into an RPG, then, since story is a crucial element to an RPG.

There's that word again, I don't think you know what it means.
Hell even the story of Pokemon has gotten hugboxy over the years.


>You have a fan club

>It includes your rival, The Champion, a Random ass Gym Leader, Some Lucario that you don't even catch, An Ancient king, The Professor and even the fucking Leader of Team Flare.

>All go out of their way to say how awesome you are without even the slightest criticism.

>The one person that gives you shit doesn't say anything until post game
You honestly know nothing if you think the media being brainless is a new thing.

Nobody ever said that.
But I thought to get a GF, you have to hide your pokemon game(s).
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