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Pokemon Fanfiction General and Writethread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 36

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/vpwt/: 'Shake Shake' Edition

>post fanfics you like
>share your own fics, ask for advice, post story updates
>discuss writerly struggles with fellow writefriends

Join us in IRC at [ #vpwritethread on irc.rizon.net ] to discuss your fics, hang out and chat, and be frightened by the regulars!

Previous Thread: >>25855949

Check out the catalog for a directory of fics from fellow writefags,

>Can I post NSFW fics?
Absolutely! There are no rules against NSFW text links.

>How should I post my fics?
Please, for the convenience of everyone involved, link to a host like Fanfiction.net, Pastebin or Google Docs rather than dumping your fics in text posts. This not only keeps the thread tidy (and keeps you from getting an infraction for spam), but it also provides a more permanent place to store your work.

>Can I add a fic I wrote to the catalog?
Sure! Check the catalog for the submission link. In there, you can find a link to a Google Form - fill out all the necessary information and it will be submitted for review automatically. Technology is incredible!

We're also looking to collect ideas for fanfics as a resource for stumped writers. Feel free to throw an idea out there; someone may choose to use it themselves!

Ideabin: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X072SSWulcC6RJRrPA6v9XtyohRybvMBl6Fh49wHsRw

Topic of the Thread: Seems like music is a popular thing to listen to during writing. How do you stop yourself from grooving to it while writing?
music controls my mind and makes me imagine stupid scenes
Join the club. Wish I was an artist so I could draw out these stupid sappy scenes and keep them hidden in a notebook where no one can find them.
Know how you feel. Wish I could write a sappy scene like that, but it just keeps coming off as mechanical.

Hell, I half wish I went into an artsy major instead of tech so I could think of how to write/draw something instead of thinking about system buses and multiplexing.

maybe a fic could written about this haha
I wish my phone remembered my name jesus.

The struggles behind the process of creation would be a fun piece. They've been done a lot though.

Also, fixing how mechanical your writing is comes down to practice. And quite a bit of depending on the person. That said, mechanical writing is good for certain genres.
writing mechanically is perfect if you're writing from the first person POV of a robot
I want to write lewd but I feel guilty
Guilty of what?
What's there to be guilty about in lewd?
rate my lews
I feel like I could write a convincing pseudo report, but creating dialogue that flows easily is pretty hard.

Practice definitely makes perfect, though.
Not sure if SpookyMisdreavus is still active, but I just finished reading Happiness by Proxy and Pranks done in dead of night. Ya dun good. Happiness by proxy was a lot hotter than I had even hoped.
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Oh right, someone has to do that recap thing.

Fic recap:
More bullies have come and brought...writing material surprisingly. As there are many, I'll just label the pairings.

Wally, NSFW you dingus

A Wally Saga of sorts. NSFW
http://pastebin.com/WXWa8ivw (1)
http://pastebin.com/SVgkpvhU (2)
http://pastebin.com/tyvY0gt5 (3)
http://pastebin.com/re9kWttp (4)

Elesa, SFW

Aromatissee, smelly but SFW

Beauty Trainer, NSFW

Meloetta, NSFW

Courtney, NSFW (?)

An anon is asking for some criticism on a snall snippet involving Yellow. SFW

Another anon wrote about Ghetis's...interesting relationship with Kyurem. SFW
http://pastebin.com/g2TWjz4n (1)
http://pastebin.com/CDtECHrK (2)

Updated Fics
cge adds a third chapter to his new fic. SFW(?)

Trapsingexodus is officially done with his fic. Kudos to someone completing their work Last Chapter is SFW iirc.
For the sake of bumping this thread, here's another snippet I wrote almost a week ago that I'd also like for someone to completely shit on. Pokemon interacting with each other without "talking", but using cries instead. this probably only works semi-well with Pikachu

My fic update was not mentioned: new chapter, series is sfw: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10121590/7/Gift-of-the-Protector-Radiant-Heart
what would a sfw sequel to my bully/bdsm goodra fic entail? I'm thinking breakfast in bed
>system buses
If you write a fanfic about kawaii public transit I will read the fuck out of it
system buses aren't nearly as cute as they sound, sadly
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this sounds like a good time
You could write a story about a guy who is tasked with writing tech docs for Poygon-Z. His notes could depict a slow descent into insanity as a result of exposure to/studying one Or: He's an intern stuck playing babysitter to - and taking pointless notes on - an illogical creature that gets him into a variety of shenanigans.
why not do two stories, one of each?
I'd read 'em
TToT: Why the hell would I want to stop the rock?
ah man sorry about that.
I can only associate this song with Dark Souls.

Is it music time? It's music time.

Music time? https://youtu.be/gPtLPruFkn0
bayside in general is a pretty good band when i need to be in an angsty mood for something
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>Seems like music is a popular thing to listen to during writing. How do you stop yourself from grooving to it while writing?

The trick isn't to stop grooving to it, it's to pick the right music to groove to while writing. i.e. upbeat, fast songs for writing action scenes, melancholy songs for sad scenes, etc.

And I wound up just barely missing last thread for an update. So let's start off by fixing that right away:


>that fucking comic

its too late at night for me to hnnng
Are there any well written and completed vanilla journey fics?

Just a kid getting all eight badges and attempting the elite four without any stupid gimmicks
probably oodles if you search around in FFN, though it'd be pretty hard to not deal with the obligatory evil team trying to take over the world gimmick as portrayed in the game/anime.
well that narrows things down a bit for your search.
Honestly I've looked but four chapters in they always introduce stupid shit like psychic powers or pokephilia or whatever
Thinking about writing a oneshot of sorts. For cuddles, feels and perhaps luls.

Depressed kid is feeling depressed, goes outside to get some sun.
There is a family of ralts-line on his property.
He usually avoids them because sad feelings lower their blood temp, cause their own depression, organ failure, etc.
Wild ralts appears, hops onto his lawn chair and starts snuggling him.
He finds the thing friggin adorable. The ralts' horn glows and body warms up.
Wild ralts calls his siblings, which come out of the woods and also cuddle him.
Their nanny gardevoir comes looking for them, sees where they are, and tries to psychically lift them off depressed kid to take them back to the nest.
The ralts cling to his clothes, and he's lifted with them.
Gardevoir is amused, and takes him to the nest too, with the ralts still clinging to him.

Does thread approve?

Does thread have more ideas?
Is this just and excuse to have a Gardevoir act like a kid's mom? Because if it is, you should just be honest about it.

Does the depressed kid slowly accidentally kill them all with his depression or something?
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Write more than 134 words about your idea. How about an exposition chapter or something?
Eh. It's up to you whether you want to do it or not, but more comfy stories sounds nice to me.
The big thing to keep an eye out on is to make sure the kid isn't edgy with his depression. In this case, I define edgy as a character that ends up making sympathy feels 'forced' than legit.
Make sure to imply a reason for the kid's depression. Is he the new kid in block with no friends and all bullies? Has something tragic happened to him or his family/loved ones? Perhaps he went through a life-saving surgery and is suffering the side effects from it (usually depression).
In general, just make it, along with the characters, seem realistic.
That sounds like a cute idea.
So, /vpwt/, how do you write cuddle fics?
find something to cuddle with, for experience
Have lucid dreams about cuddling because no one wants to cuddle with me ;_;
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Don't you need to experience it IRL before you can accurately lucid dream it?
No. You can just watch it happen around you and then imagine yourself in that position. Exactly the same as flying for fun in a lucid dream actually
[Pathos intensifies]
Yeah, I just need to figure out how to have things happen.
breakfast in bed, possibly lying on the goodra while doing so so it'd be more of a breakfast on your Pokemon.
Possibly the usual dating things that happen with other couples, going out, shopping, movie watching, basking in nature, the whole works.
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That feel when writing a violent scene, trying to balance it with detail but not be over-the-top
How violent are you trying to go? Maybe try writing it from the victim's perspective, where they won't necessarily know WHAT is being damaged, but they definitely feel the pain.
>How violent are you trying to go?
Enraged gyarados that's out of control starts attacking a group of trainers indiscriminately

>Maybe try writing it from the victim's perspective, where they won't necessarily know WHAT is being damaged, but they definitely feel the pain
Oh they'll feel it all right. However I don't want it to be edgy without good reason, so I'm working on writing out why this particular gyarados is going haywire since there is a less violent-prone gyarados I've already written about.
What perspective are you writing from? The Gyarados's, bird eye view, or a single person?
If it's taken to just wanton destruction then I'd expect most damage to be crushing, rag doll making blows. You'd have your Trainers getting fucked up internally more than externally though. Broken bones, cracked skulls, maybe some people get bitten, internal bleeding and organ damage. It's not outwardly edgy because internal injuries just sound more muted than gushing blood and arterial sprays when written out.
Third person is the main way I approach fictions, so in this case I would be narrator of the scene. Was thinking about having dialog where an antagonist explains stuff to the reader in order to lead up to the actual battle. Sometimes I find that easier than droning on and on about things in a magical narrator voice, and also find that takes away from the actual tension of a scene.
This place has been really active lately. Usually this place dies for days or even weeks at a time. Normally, I'd be all for people using pokemon for their own ends, but that is also what has made me hate this franchise as it's portrayed officially, to the point of believing nothing that even the creators say.
The official pokedex entries are REALLY dark if you think about them, especially the ghost types, parasect, spoink and others.
>This place has been really active lately.

i'd say the recent surge of bullying fics had something to do with that, at least visibility wise.
They also contradict the matter pokemon are supposed to have varying personalities.
Maybe that has something to do with it. But we've also had a few writefags return, which is always good for the longevity of these threads.
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Speaking of florges did that guy finish his perverted florges story?
Sadly not yet. Been working too hard with class material to focus on literally anything else
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Alright then.
By the way do you know any other good story with florges yours is the only one I've seen.
Yeah, this bullying-fic fad is beginning to speak a volume about this thread's mode clientele.
If I make my characters suffer, does that count as part of the bullying?
It does if you suppress a haunting sense of inadequacy by doing so.
>Normally, I'd be all for people using pokemon for their own ends, but that is also what has made me hate this franchise as it's portrayed officially, to the point of believing nothing that even the creators say.
Can you explain this further?
this is why people who are dedicated enough to try come up with more plausible shit on why shit happens. even if it's fanon, it might be a better explanation that canon. like what pokemon would pose way too much danger in the hands of 11-14 year old kid.
not that guy, but there is some level of weird as to how people treat pokemon in all canons so far.

People preach about Pokemon being more than just pets; they're friends n' stuff.
Anime literally portrays them eating off of food bowls (regardless of appearance), petting, and many other pet tendencies.

Pokemon should not be fighting for others entertainment
Game has them fight constantly and implies they do so to get stronger.

There are probably way more, but those two are the big offenders in my book.

probably just a move from one thread to another, considering that bully threads have been deleted before.

Did a quick google. If you're looking for porn, you're out of luck. There's one on FFN about a Florges guild, but I don't know if its any good or focuses on Florges.
I am not sure how it works over there with you, but...

I'd say that in most cases, you wouldn't be aware of it unless you know the person well enough.

I just have this weird experience with it not being obvious, hidden under some kind of facade/mask/whatever.
>like what pokemon would pose way too much danger in the hands of 11-14 year old kid

Fuck man, nearly all of them would. Some stage 1 mon start off with relatively manageable powers but then they ramp up to degrees of strength no mortal man should have, let alone teens.
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I mean shit like Rhydon.

I mean, it has a giant, pointy horn. And can learn Horn DRILL. That is one hit 'knockout'.

To be honest, people would probably figure out shit and make some protective gear for Trainers. That's my headcanon.
Did the Serena bullyfic get finished/posted since the last thread?
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How do you protect against Psychic types? Steel types? Ghosts? Remember: Meowstic can crush trucks into dust with its mind. Gardevoir can distort time-space and produce black holes (which implies obscene control over gravity.) Aggron will terraform its mountain home on its own with materials it hauls there itself. Banette is a literal hate elemental.

How do you deal with this shit? I'm not being rhetorical either, how the fuck do people manage?
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People with psychic powers like Sabrina are canon lest you forget.
Requesting a fic where Sabrina forces herself on the head of the Karate Dojo with her super effective Psychic powers
What's the appeal in bullying fics? They're mostly just shitting on a specific character without any effort to make it flow naturally.

Anon, despite my ambitions I can only write one violent fic at a time.
I don't think it's specifically the bully fics that are causing the faster threads.I'd bet a minority of readers are even interested, though it probably does help speed up the thread a bit. I think some new people or some lurkers started posting things that get the thread moving for awhile. It seems like the threads have picked up the pace for quite awhile now. The last serious lull I can recall was the Valentines thread that lasted over a month.

Setting aside that psychic human protagonists are overdone to hell and back at this point, I could never really get into stories that focused on psychic humans. They always give the impression of a wish-fulfillment/Mary Sue type character. And the concept seems unnecessary in a world that already has psychic creatures that humans train anyways.

People like to feel bad for others.
>implying there aren't a million fics that will do anything to make their protagonist the saddest most victimized character ever devised to elicit sympathy from readers
They were just random suggestions, neither of them are really up my alley. I will add a story about a guy who deals with the regret of evolving his Porygon2 companion into an insane creature that is nothing like his friend to the list of things I'd like to write but probably won't get around to. That makes #12 on the list.
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Personally, I like to put my main characters into situations that are difficult so that they grow up out of their delusional perspectives of the world.
So your characters are delusional by default.
But of course. Most people are, my friend.
And also, what would be the point of writing a journey if all the characters were perfect little sues that have no faulty worldviews?
Delusion is a strong word. Have a set of ideals that govern your worldview that are shaped by the events of your life is known as maturation. Delusion is to buck maturity by rejecting truths in the interest of maintaining falsehood.
Don't jinx the thread ;_;
I dunno, I tend to call a spade a spade
Suwa here. Finished an excerpt a month ago. Didn't think it was really relevant to the thread, but I figure I'll post it anyway for the sake of a bump. At a later date, of course, since I'm on mobile.

It takes place after Bonding, but way before whenever the fuck Attention would theoretically happen. It features those two trainer OC's in their most humanly flawed forms yet--one shirking responsibility and the other placing blame on everyone but herself! Also there's a Gallade, which I'm assuming a fair amount of you like. It's just one big Ralts line circlejerk in here, isn't it? Not that I'm complaining, I enjoy circumferential masturbation to cute mons.
so you're linking your works together (even the frillish one)?
How would you do prisons in pokemon?
would it just be alcatraz + guard dogs?
i personally like the harry potter approach where its an isolated prison where the guards are all soul sucking monsters who hate everything
I imagine a similar situation with harry Potter, except the guards are all psuedo legendaries who fire hyper beams at anyone like Lance's Dragonite
The easiest way possible: tin foil hats
That's the route I took, essentially.
Grab some dark gems.
Sprinkle them on your clothes.
Your clothes are now dark type.
I wonder what kind of hardships are taken to be a pokemon psychic, unless you have to be born one.
Yeah I don't make throwaway OCs. Everyone I have is part of a larger story. The frillish one isn't canon though.

Here's the new thing. No real theme, just irresponsible kids.

So if you go beyond a region's specified borders, do you enter a wasteland or something similar?
Best bet is to just use your imagination, honestly. I don't think there's any set geography regarding that. Use the region's general climate and shape it as realistically and consistently as possible.
You fall over the edge and are taunted by all of the turtles as you pass by.
Someone should write about the unexpected/humorously disastrous consequences of ignoring the trees or other regional boundaries in the game worlds. The main protagonist sets out through the trees and ends up in the Pokémon equivalent of Oz, where everything's incredibly trippy and they're joined by someone else from their village who screams and runs after them in the realisation that they're about to enter into the Void Lands.
>Pokémon equivalent of Oz
It's called "Mystery Dungeon."
>someone else from their village who screams and runs after them
Now with multiplayer.
>multiplayer MD
This would be quite interesting to pull off, considering every move is a turn. Though I doubt it can be done realistically.
Turn-Based multiplayer isn't terribly difficult to pull off as long as you're aware of factors that can extend turns to help mitigate them.

You know, like what Civ 5 manages to NOT do. Holy shit turns in Civ 5 take so fucking long with multiple people and god forbid someone goes to fucking war.

"I wanted to keep the crazy mind types away from me so I crushed these gems I found in a cave and glued them to my clothing. I look terrible, I've ruined an expensive jacket, but I'll be damned if I'm not glittering and safe."
Considering how simple the turns are (walk, technique, item, pass) it would probably be quite smooth with proper pacing.
inb4 /vpwt/ becomes /vpgamedev/.
Exactly! Would you rather be flung by a psychic type or sparkle a bit.
The style points get a negative from me.
What if you wore the gems On the inside?
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That probably would be very unhealthy for your digestive track.
Your innards are going to spread over a tract of land for saying digestive track.
Autocorrect does that sometimes, sue me over it if it brothers you that much.
I hope it doesn't bother your brothers, if you have any.

totally not a bump
Suggestion: government sanctioned tentacool eradication.
>Carnivorous Lopunny
...killer rabbit?
How would you provoke a sense of wonder in people who know what rain is but rarely experience it?

They don't live in a desert either.
Did I just get inspired?
Aw shit.
I hope not. I've got too many ideas as it is.

Hurricane footage?
Maybe not as severe as a hurricane, just a rainstorm that's enough to keep people inside.
You've answered your own question.
Maybe for a general population assessment, sure.

Flash flood? "Holy shit that water is up to my headlights!" is a common reaction.

Or maybe just have heavy rain and wind together. If the wind blows hard enough rain can hurt enough to convince people to go inside just like hail can.
Yeah, this'll work out pretty great. Thanks anon.
Why tentacool? Because of an outbreak in tentacle rape?
God dammit my friend has a rabbit I should know this. I guess I just figured she's so aggressive she'd have a craving for something more savory than packaged kale.
>inspiring an author I respect

Because of the stupid amount of "jelly" posts that flooded /vp/ today.
>browsing /vp/
You know what meme I'm going to spout so I'll leave it at. I'd read it, though, even if it's a joke.
All right, /vpwt/, I have a challenge for you.

Write some smut set in the PMD-verse, where one of the participants is the MC. The challenge: He doesn't have any of the usual "instincts" that his body usually comes with, besides the involuntary reactions. Bonus points for a canine going "Why the fuck am I stuck?!" Or for a reptile confused as to why he now has two dicks.

"What the actual fuck happened? Holy shit, it's just a giant looping, curving, crazy strand of spaghetti."
I was thinking more the traditional starters.
Shinx: "Holy shit, it's got SPIKES? I like you, and I'm supposed to stick this in you?!"
I've not quite fallen far enough to try and find out what a pig dick looks like for Tepig.
You don't know weird shit about animal anatomy? Read about animals on wikipedia man, it's really fucking interesting. Then again, I studied biology so I think the fascination is born mostly from "haha wow evolution is neat."

Pigs have corkscrew penises. And orgasm for 30 minutes.

Yes like their tails.
tfw no echidna pokemon
>four pronged dicks
>females dont have nipples, they have milk patches
it's an abstract kind of kink
suddenly a murderous lopunny makes more sense now
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So what is everybody's opinion on writing out accents? I'm trying to decide if I should write Jessiebelle's southern drawl out, or not.
Writing out a few names or places in the accent is all you should do, don't pad your dialogue with distracting accent jibberish
you better not be fuckin' espanon

It's a lot better to use grammar and native terminology related to their dialect than to write it out. Writing it phonetically can be very distracting.
this, dont physically write out any phonetic things, but words like "y'all" and other terminology get the point across well
Understood. I didn't start out writing her with the drawl, but then the more I thought about it, the more it bugged me. I kinda thought of her drawl as one of the key features that differentiates her from Jessie.
Not the personality?
well yeah, but the drawl is a way to portray her personality. You dont typically portray an old money snob with a gritty Brooklyn accent, like meowth's.
Being an "old money snob" isn't the relevant part of her personality that you must get right (although you should, naturally, along the way).

Jessebelle is not a character of her own; she is defined very precisely by three factors:
1. She interacts directly with James, as does Jessie.
2. To outsiders, Jessebelle and Jessie appear similar.
3. James is Jessebelle-phobic and Jessie-philous.

Being an "old money snob" is part of what causes #3, but it's fuel to the fire—it's not necessary for the character but it is necessary for the writing, to create this circumstance of her being attached to James.

The "southern drawl" is an affect of the "-belle" in the name, which itself is of course a reference to Jezebel. Thus, these are all melodramatic shortcuts to establish a plot-mechanic character quickly. If you become entangled by these three-degrees-removed affects, you'll miss the character herself.

Advice: Write the dialogue straight and ensure that the character works. Then you can punch up her dialogue until it reads like she's speaking in-character. Trying to juggle the affect now slows your writing (you're on /vpwt/ instead of in Notepad), slows your editing (typesetting the affect, maintaining consistency of how you intentionally misspell words, etc.), and you risk being too strong now and coming off un-even as you settle into "the right amount" if you try to get it in one take.
Requesting Chesnaught rubdowns/body worship
>tfw even trying to write common terminology won't express that a character has the boston accent because no one even knows what that sounds like

It's not wicked nizzah, I'll tell you that
The fuck is this? Is that supposed to be like "pissah?"
It's some shit from the generation after the baby boomers. Pissah was also common and interchangeable.
Is that a corruption of "pisser" or "pshaw"?
The former. "Wicked pissah;" really great; super awesome.
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Eternally Vernal, Chapter 4: Rise Of The Bran Muffins.

Is this some next level memeing here cge?
I needed an image that was relevant to my update and that came up.
Would you prefer Ebaumsworld?
Honestly, I don't care where the image came from, I just found it bizarre to see.
I was hoping it would be a wicker pizza to draw attention to my update, but it drew attention only to its third-party source.

I blame Boston.
>tfw that guy never made his overprotective Chesnaught story
And random cge bump.
is the guy who made those really nice bully stories still around?

is everything going well?
iirc threads outside of vpwt he was looking for a job or something, so he might be focusing on that first before coming back to write more.

What an ominous summary. I'm not expecting an especially happy ending to this one, given Gates' role in LL.

Freja's "wished that she could put him on a different career path" line is really standing out to me. Because Francois is such a stickler for rules that he's ill-suited for ranger work? Or because the position puts him at odds with Gates, who he may have been on good terms with during Gates' ranger days?

It makes sense that pokemon would be included in the rangers, but it does seem odd that Freja isn't a talker while still having a significant rank in the organization. Typically, having a higher station means receiving orders from on high and passing them on, so communication would be a pretty big deal I would think.

Speaking of speech, I'm having a tough time gauging the price of the price of the speech TM. I had the impression from LL that it was expensive but not prohibitively so because Percival was willing to spend the cash for it when the money could have been better used during his summer. On top of that, Vincent must have purchased at least 3 of them for his team despite not being very well off and spending a lot of time at the game corner. EV gives the impression that the TM is extremely expensive. Maybe I'm just underestimating how generous Vincent's girlfriend was or how big of a sacrifice Percival made to get that TM for Fiona. Or reading too much into the rarity and expensiveness shown in EV.

Interesting side effects to Warden's recovery. Pokeballs seem pretty scary in that teleportation paradox kind of way.

Why would the gym not have access to medically relevant data from their own machine? It seems weird that the gym leader would need to twist someones arm to get at the info.

Chapter 2:
>Place them were you stand
Chapter 4:
>None of that suck forever
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We need more Red and Hilda fanfiction.

oh, that explains it. thanks.
Fuck off cge
nobody understands ;_;
+2 for good catches. The problem is that before posting I'm doing a punch-up edit because of that "after it sits for a while you can see it objectively" effect, which is vastly improving the parts I'm changing, but it also means I do stupid typo things.

Given Gates' role in LL, the story gives itself away. So, my challenge is to make the story readable despite that.

I hope the Ranger Station half-sub-plot works okay in the end. It's deliberately lightly-touched and more about what it implies than what it portrays.

Because speech alters pokemon behavior in a few ways, it's regarded not unlike a disease, as evidenced by the import/export protocols mentioned in LL and (my next fic). Thus, as an effort to manage it, Speech T.M. is produced in limited numbers and priced high to prevent frivolous application. As seen before, Vincent offered to get it for Phil but Phil declined and he did not force it upon him. We also know that Vera received it from her original trainer. Percival, meanwhile, benefits from his uncle Ulysses.

Machine records: Story-wise, the machine offers statistics and metadata but detailed records of each operation are privileged. Writing-wise, I wanted to show that she cared enough to exceed her authority for their sake and how she's getting dragged into their mess one "favor" at a time.
Not that bully, but I'm still working on the story where Serena is tricked into going on stage nude.
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You guys like shitty stories? https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9833370/1/Betrayal-at-its-worst
Why does everyone fetishize over having Ash's friends betray him?
Because he has unnaturally altruistic friends. Why should he enjoy such faithful companionship while IRL we suffer "friends" whose actions are always predicated on a perception of advantage, twisting at the moment a glimpse of greener pasture is captured or a scent of opportunity breezes by.

Because everyone jelly.
Quick question: What do people eat in Pokemon World? I was going to put a scene in where a character shares a bucket of chicken wings, but then I remembered that chickens aren't a thing in Pokemon World (unless you take stuff like Raichu's Indian Elephant pokedex page seriously). What would they eat instead of greasy chicken wings? Torchic wings? That doesn't sound right.
One of the odd things about the world is that people are seen eating meat products that resembles real world food but their isn't any explanation for it.

There's meat abound, but no one bothers to say what it is. You can probably safely assume that people are eating pokemon, as dex entries explain that other pokemon eat each other.
Anime (marketing purposes especially) states that people don't eat meat, but have food that is far more futuristic than we have (often taking in the form of growable stuff. This doesn't stop food imagination from happening, or the rare animal flying past radar every now and then.
Games assume that everyone still kills n eats to an extent, though it was never talked about in detail.
It'll probably be up for interpretation.
It's Ash's deep, dark fantasy

I thought regular "animals" in the Pokemon world were just heavily domesticated Pokemon that never needed to use their powers, so they became unable to use them, mass produced... Whatever.
In Electric Tale of Pikachu she was weak to Haunter's attack and almost died, so they have to deal with that shit
How's it coming along?
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I need fics.
Fics of this fox.
I'm working on it. Slowly as I always go.
Godspeed, regardless.
I need some sort of acceleration. I was up practically all night and all I got done on it was opening the file. :(

I hope you're okay with it being a
_ male. (What are the chances, right?)
At this point I'm just desperate for a Braixen fic lmao.

As long as it's not lewd
But Snivy, she has needs. Needs that demand that she snub him in public so everybody can watch.

Lewd, from me. What are the odds? I have almost no clue where this story plans on going, so I'm not ruling anything out.
One game example that sticks out to me is from the ending of Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, in which the MC's mom treats everyone to a breakfast of explicitly-stated vegetable stew. I'm sure meat is still eaten in the Pokemon world, but it seems that many more people make the effort to be vegetarian for obvious reasons.

My mind can't comprehend this, holy shit
Is he referring to the fic he's working on now?
Now that I'm on AO3, I don't have to consider content restrictions.
My next piece has 23k so far. On the menu, a trainer from a canon region as a protagonist, magic fox, leafy smugness (I put them together when I started this like, a year ago, and apparently a few months back PMD matched them. Great minds?), drunk girls sharing motel rooms, a cross-over scene with Eternally Vernal, mysterious laundromat rituals, and probably some payoff to years-old subtext.

I've also got a small piece that I don't know what to do with. Might get binned or scrapped for parts or I'll tighten it up and add it to my V&V series on AO3.
Will you ever return to ffn when the website stops fucking up the upload process?
I have a non-lewd bully-story about Braixen. Do you care if it's about Braixen getting bullied? She's afraid of water and her trainer take her to the beach. I really liked this one.

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Thanks. I changed it to bucket of fried okra. Still greasy and delicious, but a vegetable now.
Ate you the bullybro? How goes the Malva humiliation and zoroark domination?
Isn't that slimy and shit? Kinda like nopales?

I also noticed my phone used "their" and not "there" so now I'm mortified and self-conscious.
I'm the other bullybro. I'm doing Serena.
Not the okra guy, actual bullyfag here, I have been very busy lately. Zoroark is going smoothly, the more I write it the more I like it. just started the part with the brutal monsterfuck.

I only have a few notes for Malva, but I k now how I want it to go.
It's down to "It has PM and AO3 somehow doesn't so I guess I'll have to check it sometimes" status.
Okra's the shit, I'd eat it every day if there were more places around here that served it.
Is there some kind of master link to these new bully fics?
I have a decent sized list of links here, but I doubt this is all of them.
needs the one involving Lass and Leaf
>but it seems that many more people make the effort to be vegetarian for obvious reasons.

What reasons? That grass-type Pokémon are that much below the sentience / appreciation chain than any meat Pokémon?
easier to portray foraging and gathering stuff from nature than hunting for meat, especially when dealing with material aimed mostly at a younger audience.

Remember that grass types do sometimes share their fruit with others, and not all foraged plants/berries are pokemon unlike animals (which got replaced with pokemon somewhere in the line).
does Krouscht still come here?

I recently dug up a notepad file of some feedback he gave me on something I did a long time ago but I can't find the original work. Was hoping he perhaps may help me find it somehow.
In official media (especially the anime), Pokemon are generally portrayed as having higher intelligence than even our domesticated animals (which are quite intelligent themselves, actually).
Wait what happened on FF? I've been out of the loop for a long, long time.
Why yes, I am here, though I'm usually in the IRC.

What're we dealing with tonight, friend?
You probably don't remember, as this was literally just over two years ago

I don't have any details of the story or title at all, but we did discuss it over IRC, but I'm hoping you remember something at least so I can hunt for it.

the only real clue I have is that the file I found in particular was named "plateboy". I believe you're the only one that critiqued the work as I saved your feedback but thats it.

if it helps, I went by the name of stybexx.
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Fortunately for you, I have logs for as long as I've been here.

Unfortunately for you, when I went back into the logs and pulled up the pastebins you linked me, they turned up dead. See here,


Sorry. I still have other info and your appearance is definitely logged. There's just not much to actually go off.
ah, if it was put on a pastebin and it's ded, then there's no hope

thanks for the help bruh
Question: I'm trying to write a particular character trying to do the headstrong assault you always see in action movies and getting his shit kicked in because he's not an action hero. Admittedly, he's a Pokemon and so are his enemies, but still. Problem is, I've never been in that kind of situation. How would you write a vaguely humanoid Pokemon charging into an enemy camp and promptly getting beaten up by a small army?
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Sorry! Best of luck on anything else you do, and have a nice evening, or day, or whatever wherever you are.
There's some sort of problem that breaks opening new stories for some users. I found a blog via search engine that had the same sort of problem, and there was no solution but to make a new account.

I said to myself, "Screw it, AO3 me." Fortunately, I queued for a slot a year ago so after a little familiarization I got everything mirrored with correct HTML formatting to boot, except LL which needs some cleanup to meet my current quality standards.

However, AO3 forgot its PM system somehow. That is the only disappointment so far. Okay, that and the fact that I still have practically no readership.
I'd imagine it'd be something along the lines of
>Courage, adrenaline, surprise, disbelief, struggle, pain
Try to play up his confidence, drive, and general hot-bloodedness. It will add an emotional aspect when he gets his ass kicked. A few suggestions:

-Have him start winning when he's up against one guy on patrol, but then reinforcements come and he's outnumbered
-Have enemies hit him while he's down. Have them show no mercy.
-Have your main character keep going, even when he knows he's going to lose. It shows his headstrong determination and will charge the scene with a sense of "never give up" or a sense of futility and the meaninglessness of spirit and energy, depending on what you're going for.

Hope that helped. Good luck writing your scene!
Holy shit I remember that
that's about the dude who absorbs Plates into his body and punches out pokemon, right?
holy shit I remember this idea too, since I requested this ages ago.
I still have the idea stored away in my comp too, but not the fics done sadly.
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The fact that at least 3-4 people remember this from that nebulous idea alone is a testament to its uniqueness.
Interesting. It's a shame nobody has a copy of my draft. It's cool that people remember the topic and have a copy of it though
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Finished Serena. It's NSFW.

Also my lass story, reposted for the bully archive.
Morning bump
Feels like Calem went through more psychological bullying than Serena did
Last I remember it had to be redone anyway since things happened too quicky
The serena story was an interesting read. I liked it!
I want that delphox in my team
I don't have an account yet but I am reading.
>tfw I have my own notes for this idea stowed away in my computer those years back
Over the top ideas were always the most interesting
>ao3 is still in beta after all these years
What's keeping them?
Certainly not funding since they just scored 90k in a week-long drive.
Mostly it's just so they can blame any bugs or errors as "hehe we're still in beta." happens all the time, especially with games but it applies to other shit too.
Writing is actually starting to happen, i'm able to get on computers.
Might be a bit hard to post links here, because >library parental blocks
but i'll figure something out
damn, that's actually pretty clever.
I really am reluctant to move over to AO3, but I'm not going to make a new FF.net account either. I'll have to see how the dice roll when I finally go to try uploading this chapter.

Shit I think I remember this too
>I really am reluctant to move over to AO3
Why? if I may ask.
It's a silly reason, but the person I got an invite from several years ago I've since had a falling out with. They're still there, so I guess it just feels kind of funny to start using it now.
"Fun" question, how would you describe the feeling of complete despair, the total loss of hope, and the realization that you cannot succeed?
I'm just trying to spark a discussion
It feels like the interior of your body has fallen away and left an echo chamber in its place. Ideas and thoughts, hopeful and forward thinking, enter and bounce about, but do not stick and dissolve into nothing as they crash against the walls.

You stopped searching for where your insides have gone because you know they'll never be found. It is at this point that despair is no longer an active sensation that overwhelms you, but the very fabric of your existence. Awake or asleep, despair is a rule of your existence, not an event. Thoughts are informed by it, speech is forged in it, and hope is not so much foreign as it is extraplanar.

At least, that's how I'd describe it. It's a fair bit difficult to properly word, given that I haven't nor do I know anyone that has truly fallen into an inescapable pit of despair. Close to it though, and trying to drag them out is a maddening experience.
I would avoid describing it entirely and instead try to build up to that point in such a way that the reader will be able to imagine how the character is feeling based on the events that took place. Trying too hard to tell the reader what the characters are feeling will only distance them from those characters. You often see authors try to convey strong emotion by using the narrator to describe it in excruciating, flowery detail, but a reader has no idea what the "cold feeling of foreboding which enclosed him in an icy grip of despair" feels like. If a reader can understand how a character should be feeling after some event, they will fill in the blanks and imagine the feeling in a way that is far more impactful than if they tried to understand a description of what the character was feeling.
so then, how would it be done by someone that is already in total despair?
All I can think of is them acting aloof, not caring about anything around them or their wellbeing, and even then I worry about making this character's despair unrealistic for a hurt/comfort fic.
The character I have in mind is an OC that is finally released/discharged from the hospital after a month of intensive surgery. Apparently for some post-surgeries people do not do well psychologically/mentally and I'd like to try capturing that feeling.
The choice is yours to make, but I would file that away under "Cutting off nose to spite face." If that person invited you to dinner, would you stop eating?

>how would you describe the feeling of complete despair, the total loss of hope, and the realization that you cannot succeed?
"My usual."
I can say from experience that this is accurate.
I've learned that there can be no true despair without hope...
Planning on writing a one-shot.

Student/trainer keeps female Feebas and Kirlia for his team.

He's worried because both of them have gone into heat and are refusing every suitable male in the breeding center.
Besides, he thinks he's responsible and old enough to have more Pokemon on his team.

He goes home disappointed, puts Feebas in her tank and cuddles up with his Kirlia.

After dreaming lewd dreams about a way-too-young girl and an ugly woman sexing him and turning into beautiful amazons, he wakes up.

Waking up, he finds a Gardevoir by his side, and a Milotic wrapped around him in his bed, and covered in suspicious fluids.
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>Milotic and Gardevoir
Cliche Pokemon picks.

>both of them have gone into heat
Cliche premise.

>Pokemon evolve through sex
Cliche ending. That's a hat trick you got there, son. The dream part is... fairly interesting, I guess? But really it's just an excuse not to write actual Pokefucking, isn't it?

This seems fairly weak.
By all standards you're writing a stock one shot because it features widely used tropes and mon.

Do it well and that's about the most praise you'll get here: it is a mechanically well-written but tired tale. Do it well and you'll take in considerable praise on ft.net as well, as the premise is common hit voraciously consumed by much of the userbase.

If all you want is your one-shot for what it is, then go ahead, I won't dissuade you. If you're looking to break new ground you'll have to either switch out your choice of mon, your premise and resolution, or both.
Feebas fucking is interesting
>Hey guys I have an idea
>It includes a Gardevoir

It just doesn't die, does it?
Short answer, no.

Long answer: no, why would it? That is how popularity functions. Imagine a significant portion of the fanbase fervently loved Onix. Stories, art, threads, even the shambling form of subculture that surrounds a single fictitious entity all focused on Onix rises up and becomes very visible in the overarching community.

Your statement would be the same, except you supplant Gardevoir with Onix. Why does everything have to have Onix? This hasn't happened because the human form and stylistic choices of the former generate greater interest in humans than the latter's styling and form do. Because humans like things shaped like they are first, like their infant forms second, and cute fuzzy things third. It's easier to relate to.

So, no, it won't die. It goes against the mode of human thought for it to die. If you'd rather it did die, then you must create something that can kill it, because wishing for it is not enough.
>If you'd rather it did die, then you must create something that can kill it

...And then you'd have two problems.

That is how the "social brain" that decides that those things are likeable works. If you think you can kill it, it's because you have understood it and liked it yourself well enough that you can create something that is "the same but more" - and it has to be the same, for the masses do not desire for something different. But all you do is offer the masses a complimentary addiction, not a substitute, and by definition not one that is "less worse" than what they had before; for extra points, you can not just out and retcanon their former fad. See: Lucario → Zoroark.
I don't think killing something here requires you to like it, simply understand what it was that made it popular.

While the usual response is indeed to just create a modified thing that is still similar enough for accessibility, it is entirely possible to create something that directly opposes everything that was popular about a particular thing.

The Postmodern movement did both - built upon Modernist foundations for some pieces and artists, and in other cases just outright bucked convention.

But I guess I have to ask: what's being argued here in the end? That popular things are bad because they trample what is less popular, or that popular things are impossible to surpass, only keep pace with? Something else entirely?

I guess I ask because popular things have died before, but their deaths are typically the product of time.
Finished it.
IDK what Blue-board rules allow for me to guide you guys to the fic.
paste it in a pastebin, share link, and you're good. It's all in the OP.
>Please, for the convenience of everyone involved, link to a host like Fanfiction.net, Pastebin or Google Docs rather than dumping your fics in text posts. This not only keeps the thread tidy (and keeps you from getting an infraction for spam), but it also provides a more permanent place to store your work.

I have every confidence you'll meet my expectations with all manner of flames and hatred.
now that's what I call fugging the ugly out of Feebas.
I wouldn't worry too much about flame/hatred here. It rarely happens these days unless someone makes an ass out of themselves.
I'm also surprised people still use adult-fanfiction.net to upload stuff. Does it still have an audience?
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>I let out a screech of pleasure as she did the same.

Smacks of inexperience, but that's not a strike against you. Nothing particularly offensive, nothing particularly appealing. It's smut through and through, and you're clearly not trying to move it past that designation so it is hard to criticize something for being what it is trying to be, outside of how uninterested I was in the smut. I skimmed right past it, but I think that's where my own preferences for how smut is handled come into play.

Grammatically it's largely fine. A few hiccups, awkward phrasings and wayward lowercase I's but the work is easy to read.

The only real thing that sticks out to me is that the entire "let me inspect your vagina" section read like a clinical procedure and that was bizarre.
What are some long fics filled with CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and SELF-DISCOVERY?
so far, anything involving PMD in the catalog
alright cool
So what do you guys think of pokemon speaking in non pmd fics?

personally, i feel it's lazy and not a good way to handle things, but that might just be because i haven't seen it done well yet.
It usually breaks the world with its implications. Most of the time, it's done for convenience and nothing more, when it's such a fundamental change that it should have major influences on the world and by extension the story.
So far I've kept it a quality of Ghost and Psychics, along with some exceptions in other typings and tried to remain cognizant of what it implies.

Didn't have to deal those implications a great deal in Second Autumn until the end, when you get news about what's happening in Sinnoh and what not, and it's going to be an important factor in Au Coup Par Coup, but generally speaking, speech doesn't bother me if it's coming from a line that it would make senses to have it come from.

That may be in part to my general linguistic take on everything I read and write about though.
yeah, the most annoying thing i've found is when they just somehow have "pokemon translators" and all the pokemon refer to the trainer as "master"
i'm not sure how the whole "master" thing happened, but it's everywhere and i'm kinkshaming
>"pokemon translators"

So far, cge is the only one I've seen do something interesting with it.
Fuck my name disappeared god damn it.

I dunno, I had Viola do that to Johannes who found it supremely creepy and told her to stop and just call him Johannes, which she gradually learns to do.

I don't care much for translators either, but I did rather like the idea of telepathic voices being cold and unnerving to those that aren't close to the "speaker."
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i read this one fic about a brat with a numel and they used pokemon translators to death, it started off as a nice enough adventure fic, but it went completely to an edgy shitfest after a while
I agree. Gardevoir is so overused I went from thinking it was okay to being overly annoyed by its presence. Wish people had some creativity.
It's fine and even interesting when done well and justified.
Get out of here Naegi. Don't shove hope down our throats too
Oh, I remeber that one. It was called Pedastal, and it's usually one of the few "OC pokemon adventure" fics that people reccomend. Mostly because despite being edgy, it's st least written decently, and on top of that, it's complete.
I never minded the "master" aspect of it, as humans throughout history have referred to their superiors as "master" in many instances. It's especially common in warrior cultures and when dealing with art. So for a pokemon going into battle regularly and taking orders from a human, it doesn't feel strange for them to refer to the human as master. It would get weird if they held more of a companion role though, at least in my opinion
there was an anime episode of Pokemon that had Ekans refer to Jessie as her master iirc. Since it was all pokemon, there were subtitles for the episode. That could be part of its origin.
Yea, it was island of the giant pokemon. The first and only time you got to see what the pokemon said without meowth having to translate.
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I don't think we ever got a fic about bloodthirsty Fletchling.
no, we didn't. It'd be fun to write I assume, but someone would have to pick up the pen/keyboard first.
There's really no point in getting mad about it, though. When it comes to writing about sexy things, humans (the reader base) tend to like human-based fucking. It might be annoying, but the only feasible alternative to anthropomorphic-based pokemon is usually human on human relations or some sort of fetish or a pokemon of human-like beauty.

It's not very sexy to read smut about one Magikarp laying eggs in the mud and another Magikarp fertilizing them. I might be made to be romantic; you can fill those Magikarp full of feels and angst and love, but the only one who find it sexy would be another fish.
Great. Now I want to write an angsty magikarp love story. Thanks a lot anon.
Go for it, dude!

Will one of them evolve and not recognize its mate- or even try to eat it?

How many times will they be hooked and then tossed back by fishermen?

Will they live under lake valor and be separated when team Galactic blows up the place?

I gots ta know!
Finding Nemo with magikarp maybe?
Y'know, there's a lot of shit on fanfiction.
I remember reading the first few chapters of a story worse than any of these.
It's one of those where Ash returns from years of training as a master, beats the Sinnoh league's asses, never reveals his identity to anyone, because story, threatens to fire any gym leaders he doesn't like, refuses to take apprentices, hires Cynthia to do stuff for him, and all-in-all does edgy overpowered things for over 30 chapters.

I hope no one ever finds it again.
Thanks for your honesty.
I suppose what I should have done was flesh out their relationships
What I should not have done was the gynecological procedure, the girl spitting out her wisdom teeth, and finding the next-door neighbor talking in the cave.
I agree on the exam and procedure. The wisdom teeth thug was actually a neat little bit, but it's a very bizarre event that should have been nested in prose that was equally so. Now your average smut turns into a scene of shifting, contorting, literally transforming bodies, and it moves beyond being just smut and mild symbolism to being outright symbolism. You and the reader know what's happening, or can at least infer, but it's worth it to pursue the hallucinogenic/fever dream angle for something like this.

But that may just be my own tastes shining through.

If you plan on fleshing out relationships more I'd recommend varying your sentence structure a bit. They got a tad tired.
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>Pokémon speaking in non-PMD fics.

It is not something that I really put any focus on when reading, I just prefer to mostly ignore it. As others have mentioned, it's done because of the convenience. But when it is accompanied by other ways of making Pokémon into humans in fursuits, it adds to my pile of grievances.

Now when it is explored, I am more or less grateful. It tends to make the story enough more interesting, even if the exploring doesn't amount to anything "special".

This so much. 'Master' is the normal term for someone who holds such a position. What, should they be called 'buddy'?

Now if the *relationship* changes to 'buddy', I'm of course all for changing the term between the characters.
Oh, but every time I catch a pokemon...
Don't be thick
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I think I will, thank you
Anybody care to divulge the name of the work you're most proud of? Even if you've never posted it anywhere - just tell us the name of it anyway.
Untitled Fantasy Adventure
It was an original story i spent a long time on paper, but i lost my fuckhuge outline and first chapters because >paper
Ears is the only thing people have read and not told me to make smut afteward.

It's as if I have surpassed smut.
What Defines A Child
Big period piece I've been working on for the past three years. Tons of location research has gone into it, and it's the story that I've written the most for in my life. Nothing else has such a volume of notes and documents dedicated to it.
Her Grace - Secrets and Ruin; It's original fiction that is slowly shaping itself into a proper novel but it's mostly still in the planning/worldbuilding/race stages. So I guess I'm just proud of the idea. At the moment I'm trying to figure out how I want the insect people to pan out.

As far as fanfiction goes, The One, because it's a character study that I think has actually been the closest I've gotten to perfectly pulling off a character.
Edited. Slightly less awful. Don't read if you already have. I'm almost proud of it.
Isn't ears the only thing you've written, or is there more hiding deep within those canals, hmm?
Still working on my next chapter but the setting of the next scene is proving difficult to write namely because there are so many different things going on at the same time.
Care to spoiler some details for either? They sound interesting.
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Sure. Just append these to a pastebin url:


The Coefin, Kallenfost and Bal'Grozad are the only three races that I've written anything of substance about. The One isn't Pokemon related at all, word of warning. It's entirely about Draven from LoL because the death of their lore saddened me.
I want Draven and Darius to spitroast me
It is absolutely not the only thing I've written. It's not even the only PMD thing I've written.

Those three OC races are really cool. The crazy fleshmage who made his own ideal living fucktoys reminded me of a fanfiction I read in which a monoelemental mage in "the guild" which governed all mages decides to go against code and learn more than one type of magic, which was considered blasphemy. Anyway the wolfkin were cool too, jokes aside. Thanks for sharing.
Hat pls.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it mate. I need to finish my work on the insect people but I haven't decided on how tragic I want them to be.
To be fair, there are very few humanoid champs in league i wouldn't fuck/get fucked by
In other news, real world events gave me the next discussion topic: How do you handle owned pokemon being aggressive/injuring trainers/people? Do they get euthanized? Do they get released into the wild?
Depends on how you view the world I guess.
If you go the route of anime, with no such thing as bad pokemon, it would seem that the trainer would get punished more so than the Pokemon, ranging form paying fines and damages to losing trainer's license. Worst case scenario the Pokemon gets released in a desolate part of the wild.

In my view, I expect the Pokemon to be equally punished, though I'm not 100% sure how considering their sheer power...
Don't make them too tragic ;_; My mind's on A Monster in Paris so I don't want bugs to suffer
Well the original idea I had was they can't reproduce at all. They're wayward products of a fleshmages tampering and are all varying degrees insectoid and humanoid. So on the one hand you've got the typical gentle compound-eyed dainty moth girl, on the other, an Atlas beetle the size of a medium elephant that is a more refined speaker than many of the nobles that Valkut encounters.

They all have worked into their psyches that they cannot leave a legacy, are the first and last of their kind, and all cope with it in a different way.

I have no idea how much I want these facts to weigh on them all, but I'm probably going to go more towards quiet acceptance with minimal melancholy.
is it because you wrote it, anon?
Because all the ones who took it badly became an hero
What a twist.
He wants to erase all traces of the story, but can't find it to destroy it. He'll spend the rest of his life knowing that it's out there, traumatizing innocent fanfiction readers.
Damn this stuff is really cool. I would love to read it if you ever get anything formally written. None if these races feel generic "fantasy nonhuman just because" like the races in so much other media.
Shhh. I was going to give the moth girl a short monologue that properly explains the melancholy her kind feels so Valkut could better understand their position.

If I get some actual substance written in the near future I'll drop a link here at some point with a disclaimer that it's unrelated to the thread; all I've got is a single chapter written and it doesn't have anything much in it but setup.

More on topic with >>26045858
This is the focus of Au Coup Par Coup actually, given that crime and murder are some of its themes. Still deliberating on the outcome.
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Local police forces and Gym Leaders are generally expected to handle aggressive/dangerous Pokemon, and for the most part (at least in my version of modern Unova) capturing the creature after knocking it out and giving it to an experienced trainer for rehabilitation is considered the most humane response. The general public perception towards these incidents tends to vary greatly by region, of course, with the more prominent anti-trainer rhetoric in many of the Northern states encouraging a general view among politicians that dangerous Pokemon need to be isolated from civilization rather than reintegrated through trainers. For instance, one particularly infamous segment of the many Pokemon reservations spanning across the Appalachian Mountains was declared entirely off limits to trainers after a dangerous clan of Axew-evolutions began organized attacks on human trespassers on their territory. There are always the gung ho Champions-in-the-making who will manage to stumble upon these sorts of encampments anyways, but anyone who manages to survive long enough that far from civilization is usually skilled enough to not need extra protection.

Some of the more progressive countries in Europe are attempting a more "diplomatic" approach to Pokemon rehabilitation, generally involving intelligent Psychics or members of a troublesome Pokemon's own species in order to break the communication barrier and try to convince them to cooperate with the local human population. In many cases a simple promise of regular gifts of food or exclusive land access can be enough to convince a group of wild Pokemon to stop ransacking a farm or marketplace, and the protection these Pokemon may sometimes provide to their new food source can make this process mutually beneficial.
On the subject of Pokemon being used deliberately by trainers to commit crimes- it's held as a virtually universal standard in the civilized world that Pokemon cannot be held criminally accountable for the orders of their trainers, no matter how vile, though Pokemon actively in the act of threatening innocent citizens may face lethal retribution from local enforcement as easily as any high-risk human would. Trainers who do not keep their Pokemon in check will quickly find their licenses revoked and their Pokemon confiscated. Pokemon formerly belonging to criminal gangs such as Team Rocket have historically been released far from civilization in order to prevent them from simply coming back the way they came and becoming recaptured by other members of the same gang.

Failing all else, a handful of countries maintain small teams of heavily armed special forces paired up with an elite group of brainwashed, cybernetically enhanced super-Pokemon. These Pokemon display absolute obedience to their handlers and generally on par in-terms of battle strength with highly trained members of regional Elite Four teams. Their trainers tend to only get called in for major disasters, such as a horde of rampaging wild Pokemon or violent Pokemon-induced terrorist attacks. Due to the catastrophic collateral damage prolonged battles involving these Pokemon can cause, much emphasis of their training is placed on neutralizing any opposing Pokemon threats as swiftly as possible.
>a handful of countries maintain small teams of heavily armed special forces paired up with an elite group of brainwashed, cybernetically enhanced super-Pokemon.

fucking kek, i like most of the rest though, i can certainly see it happening
if Poke-science could make time machines, teleportation panels and instantly heal your Pokemon I don't know why they couldn't use genetic splicing and nanotechnology to make some Robocop-esque monstrosities to combat all the crazy ass kids with legendaries out there

they actually do some shit like that in the manga when Team Rocket manages to fuse the three legendary birds http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Thu-Fi-Zer
>sabrina as a bad guy
am I thinking of the same sabrina?
Several gym leaders were Team Rocket admins in the early Adventures manga.
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