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Pokémon WiFi General- Fuck Me in the Face Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 26

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Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Alternate Realities

This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.

Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: http://pastebin.com/8ZKVZfFf

Previous thread: >>25753786
Can I have a jolly hidden power grass ditto?
>jolly hidden power

you know that hidden power is a special attack, right?
It's for breeding right?
I'm using it for mix attackers and for breeding hidden power. I'll give the everstone to the other parent with the nature I want
;) tee-hee you silly boy.
Is the guy who wanted the Sheer Force Totodiles still here? If not I'm sleeping
>Jolly for mixed attackers
>Not Naive
Do you still want an HP Grass Ditto? I'll make one for you
I'm assuming you don't want one with 0 IVs in Atk?
I can hook him up with one if he comes back.
On that note I'm still looking for HA mudkip if anyone has one.
anyone got a shiny nidoran/nidoking they can trade?
I actuallly do.
Because you're right I am not making it for mixed attackers.
Just for Baird and hidden power breeding.
lf luxury ball female sneasel haha if you have one please respond i dont have much to give in return haha
Cool. I can't name any of the Dittos (because they're not mine and I'm too lazy to change the OT) so I'm just gonna make it Mild natured to mark it as being different (ie HP Grass)
Gimme a sec
No. I need jolly.
Also isn't it Japanese?
Can it be in a pokeball?
Thank you if you can do that
I do but I don't need anything
Put up a shitmon for it
Fine, fine.
It is Japanese. It's the one I always give out, typically Bold with 6IVs. Shiny, in a Dive Ball.
Why does the ball matter for it anyways? It's breeding fodder
All my pokes are in pokeballs
Jolly for nature breeding.

I don't understand what you are giving me anymore.
>This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.

Nah, fuck off, OP.
It's a shiny Japanese Ditto with a Jolly nature and an IV spread of 31/0/31/30/31/31 in a Poke Ball.
Is this what you want or no?
Thank you sir.
Just verifying.
haha okay i put up a level 44 ariados on gts with message anuse

wait do you guys allow hacks now? wasnt like that last time i was here haha
No problem. Have fun breeding
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thank you v much haha
anybody? need me dat shiny nidoran
you still got those HA Totadiles?
I can hop on my AS and breed some up if you give me a couple minutes.
cool thanks man, went out and didn't see the thread switched over
Looking for this injected
OT Seymour
Id 09663

Reliquiae (Sigilyph) (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Level: 50
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Roost
- Stored Power
- Cosmic Power
- Ancient Power

Or a that Pokemon with stored power egg move.
is luxury ball okay?
Alright, throw something up on GTS for a level 1 totodile and let me know.
bumpin for a shiny male nidoran.
Yes I suppose that would be fine.
ok I put up a froakie
thanks b
can it be clefairy instead?
wait, did you send it to Ranoodle?
Oops, might have sent it to a random then.
I have another extra so I'll ship it off to you.
Next time put something in the desc.
Witnessed, and the message said /vp/ me bro, sorry Ieft that out
I'm not seeing it, there's so many froakies up there. Mind putting up something a bit less common?
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No because that's not the Pokemon I need.
Why you troll me ?
how old are you Seymour?
ok I put up a gible, /vp/ me bro is the message
Old enough to be your daddy.
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>feet just out of range

god damn tease
Multi you cute neckbeard.
Every time you wear your trilby I get soaked.
Who is the girl really?
I posted the ultimate timestamp in the last thread.
Go check.
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See guys, I can get her but you can't

Sorry bby, I'm actually maried
I don't believe that some chubby neckbeard wearing a trilby that carries around 1k of Pokemon cards to a Pokemon meetup place has even made physical contact with a person of the opposite gender.
Id still eat your ass like a watermelon on a hot summer day.
yeah you made her hold a card. Who is she? your sister?
Believe it or not, I am. By the way do you plan on going to any IRL Competitions?
Still not seeing it and I hit the end of the pages. I'll put it up with /vp/ in the desc for a gible.
HAha you miserable faggot.
That's me. What will it take?
My social security #?
It's me. Posted enough pics you can't find online.multiple timestamps. Fuck.
It's even my handwriting. Not my brothers who writes like a monkey having a seizure.
I'd die of embarrassment.
But I want to go for a qt pokeboyfriend
Anyone got a shiny nidoran,
or a meloetta/ Genesect they could trade me?
it took you 12+ hours to post a pic. You clearly can't post them on a whim. You have to get her to take the photo.

Watch. Post a pic with a shoe on your head
Dude. Last night I was in bed.
I woke up late and went to school the work.
I fucking forgot since my life doesn't revolve around you.
If I do this. I'll have to post pics every time proving it.
Like i said when I posted my timestamp, I'm done proving myself. I don't care what you think.
Believe that I'm a 40 year old obese virgin pic collector. Kk. Thanks.
MUTLI !! Please.
I can give you a Meloetta and a Genesect. What's your FC?
And I did the first timestamp within 10 minutes. Kk thanks.
You said you've been lurking /r9k/ for years. Of course we think that and of course it looks like that when you take 12 hours to deliver.

Not that it matters all that much since you refuse to POST YOUR TOES
I don't see it, I'l just add you and do it manually

my fc is 0276-1568-1488, name joey
I don't post on /arcanine or /b anymore
Purely for research and lurks

Can you please me me a copy of whatever you make.
Sure, why the hell not. The first anon ain't replying and I already have leftover Meloettas and Genesects
I'm down for some event pokes.
I have an idea!
Turn on Voice Chat when we trade. That way I can confirm that you are who you say you are and people might stop asking you to post your feet
I don't mind if they ask for feet.
Last time I voice chatted i was told it doesn't work but we can try ;)
Sure man.
I have Mews, Hoopas, Keldeos, genesect and Meloettas (those two are from gen V though).
What would you like?
I already got hoopa from you today but Mew and some of the others would be cool.
Thank you for molleta. So cute.
Could you hear me singing?
Call me maybe.
Sure, no problem

You didn't want a Genesect too?
I couldn't hear you at all. I heard some static and tapping before you d/ced. Did you hear what I was humming?
First anon here, sorry for the delay. bad connection.
FC: 1650 3547 6227
Nope. I couldn't hear you.
I thought it was frozen. I'm sorry I disconnected.

Now I'm interested to what you were humming. Haha
You're fine. I'll add you!
Well I guess that idea was a failure. Shit happens I guess.
Added you, ready when you are.
Lemme know when you're ready for the legendaries
I don't need evee. I need genesect.
What's in this eff
Thank you so much!
I hope I can get my shiny nidoking now! :]
Ignore me. I was in a trade with Keuma the virgin
You don't want the event dailga. It has telepathy
Sheet. I cant trade them on the GTS.
Stilll appreciate it though. ill have to get dat shiny another way
So did mine.
Fitting name.
seriously pretty
but that means it hacked, unless you transfered from a past gen.
Gg. I'm giving Anti legends rn though
Whoops, sorry Anti. I d/ced for some reason
Sorry if that was awk
No. My shit is legit. Caught him on route 8 in Pokemon X.
All legal braj.
Fucking Keuma the virgin strikes again
Of course mine isn't legit. I only use it on faggelas thst think its okay to use ubers in battles (including bitch ass vgc)

It's all good, thanks for the pokemon.
fucking internet went out, I should be ready now
Mocking me.
So you get a ree
I didn't have anymore legends to give out anyways so i guess that works out.
Thanks for the starters!

hello? like got me in a trance
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English motherfucker, do you speak it?
how could I?
i need water
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I have officially stopped caring to know of which you speak of.

Goodnight veep. Begging for MULTIS tomorrow.
Anyone got a spare Garchomp megastone, or is someone ok parting with theirs?
I'm in
why do you look chubby in every single picture but this one?
She does not look chubby she looks like a vampire.
anyone got a spare shiny stone they can give me?
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Looking for the pokemon in pic related
stats, natures, etc don't matter i just need them to complete the dex
you still here? can give you binacle and i think chespin
I'm still here do you want to exchange friend codes or gts?
friend code is fine with me.
FC: 1564-4753-4318
IGN: bae

i'll be about 5 mins
mine's 5387-1017-5331
just one more question, are you fine with me giving you shitmons?
yeah no worries
cool, send me the trade request when you're ready!
alright on now
Sorry, logging on now
Thanks again! I appreciate it
all g. good luck with your dex
Singles/Doubles/Multis when
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Anyone has a Petilil or a Liligant? I need one to proceed with the Dex but those islands from ORAS just won't show.

I have a bunch of Modest Eevees with Speed/Special Attack IV and Timid/Modest Snorunts with speed IV, if that matters to you.

breeding one. But it wont have HA.
I'll take an Eevee.
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MUTLI bAttles??
Sure thing.

0104-3213-9559 is my FC. Just give me a second because people are screaming at me @ rl.
dam wat a qt
My moms vagina.
Want the link?
kek you faggot.
Say yep to the multi battles
Fug. All that hax breeding.

Well, How about a leftover petilil from last time. It only has 2 IVs but outstanding potential + HP rock so I kept it.
Well, are you >>25769069? Because I don't want to make him went for breeding just to waste his time after.
It's me.
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I added you and i'm ready. Just hit me up when you can.
Thanks a lot, anon!
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Anyone got a Prankster Purrlion/Liepard? Can be a random one, I don't mind breeding.

Also, thanks to whoever participates in WTW by sending out shinies and breedjects. I've already gotten 2 shinies and plenty of 5-6 IV pokes that I'm excited to train up. I'll be sending out 5IV Naive Shellder and Modest Joltik (couldnt get a timid in an hour and 50+ eggs so I gave up and couldn't catch one, sorry! If you have a timid one with Giga Drain I'll give you a shiny mudkip) if I have any left. Otherwise it'll be Serene Grace Deerlings or Emolgas. Some lucky peep will also get a shiny Gible.
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Hey folks. Back here once more, trying to complete my shiny living dex.
The gist of it is I'm looking for any pokémon not in green on the list.
Legendaries available for trade are the following:
Tornadus, Landorus, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Deoxys, Giratina, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Mewtwo, Victini.
And the shinies I have spares of are:
Durant, Weezing, Volcarona, Ditto, Meditite, Luxray, Blastoise, Palkia, and Arceus.

I'll be here for a while.
I've got a shiny infernape, aegislash, and cubone. I'd like to trade for your extra shiny volcarona, luxray, and blastoise.
I have a Skrelp and a Liepard you can have, but I won't be home until about 8pm EST. Even if you can't be here then, I'll hold onto them for you and check the thread when I can.

Good luck on this project, dude. It's crazy.
Sweet, yeah. I think I might have you already, but I'll double-check and get online.

I'm not sure if I'll be here until then, but I'll make an effort. Thanks.
i've already got your code registered. we can trade whenever you're ready
Anyone have a Meloetta
Alright, thanks, dude.
no problem. if i get any more extras, i'll keep an eye out for you here
Here seems like a good place to ask:

I have a shiny Luvdisc for trade for another shiny fish, but the Luvdisc has a crap name I can't change ("Disc of Love")

Any takers?
Sure I'll give you my shiny female Gyarados
Was it fished in XYORAS? Also, can you nickname it for me to "Haddock"?
I have shiny Sunkern. How about your shiny Durant?
Yeah, that's fine by me. Gonna add you then go online.
Looking for a Celebi from the gift event, I missed it. I don't really have anything of value, though. So if somebody has a spare they're willing to give up for a Skitty or Absol, that would be great. Thanks.
Yup I think so. But I can't rename it as it was traded.
free shit when?
Ah sorry - I'm trying to collect all shiny fish and I have a naming theme for them.
Alright, thanks for the help!
That's alright.
I have a shiny Snorlax, Dunsparce and Skiploom. Is this Victini and Arceus legit? Not cloned and so
And I also have Electabuzz
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No multis????
I'm down.
Well, I didn't clone them, but if I had to make an educated guess, I'd say they're not legit, based on the fact I got them through wondertrades.
Location caught, moves and dates seem to be fine though.
I'm open.
But i'm suck at double (still better than single)
>hours late
>nothing resembling sense

why am I not surprised

how much do you pay for a personal camgirl?
Sorry about the incoherent post earlier. Was using voice-to-text because I was driving.

I'm looking for a Prankster Purrloin/Liepard and Timid Unnerve Joltik/Galvantula with Giga Drain. I'll trade a random shiny for the spider.
I can breed a spider with what you want if you're willing to wait for a couple of minutes.
>I need pokeymans so bad I can't pull over
i'm working on getting you a prankster purrloin
Sure! Please and thank you!!! You're my hero! Out of tons of eggs, the best I got was Modest and I forgot to get Giga Drain.

I got lost in thought pulling out of the parking lot while thinking about sets and wanted to post it before I forgot. There was cops and traffic, so I didn't review it and posted without thinking. Sorry!
No problem. It's going to be female, timid, have Unnerve and Giga Drain, be in a Net Ball and probably have 5 IVs since I'm using my competitive Galvantula to make eggs.
got your purrloin. i've already got your friend code added, so we can trade when you're ready
Hours late for what
I'm looking for a cloyster
Jolly 252 atk, 4 def, 252 spe
Rapid spin
Toxic spikes
Shell smash
Icicle spear
Thank you! I'll be online in a minute, walking my dog.

Thanks! I hate the pokeradar so much and I didn't have any dark friend safari, if it even appears in there.
FC: 1693-1993-6852
What are you offering?
I've got a shiny t-tar, shiny regirock, shiny espeon with a trick setup on it, an extra celebi and some other random legendaries. Sorry it's not much, I'm just getting into the games again.
That Espeon sounds nice, I'll get to work on breeding your Cloyster if you're willing to wait for possibly an hour or two (IVs).
I've had it for awhile but it doesn't fit on my team so I'd be happy to part with it, I can wait a couple hours no problem. I'll add you now
Thanks! I should've come here instead of messing around and failing for an hour with the pokeradar. You're a lifesaver!

Just waiting on the Joltik. Send the request when ready
This will take a while I'm afraid. I'm guessing you want a pentaperfect female Joltik so it will be hard.
Oh wow, that's really going the extra mile, I really appreciate the thought. You don't have to if you don't want to though, I don't mind breeding.
The only problem is that tutor moves don't get passed down, so if you were to breed the one I gave you it wouldn't have Giga Drain.
Ohhh, someones looking to run smogons uber set. Why not just post link to smogon for injectors?
Because this isn't a thread for Hacks or Clones, faggot
I'm new to this so I running around with my head cut off. I like starting with what smogon has setup and then swapping moves to match my team. Still trying to get battle down too.
Then you're looking for focus sash shell smash, rock blast, icicle spear, and ice shard. Have fun with a real ubers set.
I like support though and I think I only have two other uber Pokemon on my team right now.
That would be a cool move set though
Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks for the heads up. Guess that instead of a random shiny I'll give you a choice between a random Gible, timid Magician Fennekin with 31iv in everything except atk/def I got from an ex, random Numel, shiny korean WT Genesect, shiny adamant Altaria, or random Mudkip with a terrible nickname. Sorry I don't have better choices. If you could name the Joltik Miriam Webster (if it fits, otherwise just Webster) I'd really appreciate it.

Alright, will do as soon as I hatch that perfect Joltik. If it takes too long you can just ask someone else, I won't mind.
Multi now.
I've never had a multi battle before. I'd be down to try it out. Just mass breeding Purrlion atm until I get a Jolly one.
Alright I got you a perfect one, but it's male. Aside from that, everything is a-okay. Unless you're looking specifically for a female?
Also looking for Clefable
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Follow me
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No ubers or gay shit.
wew lads, this is going slow

in the process of completing dex

>106 / 171

>193 / 272

desperate to get that shiny charm for the fractional teensyweeny increased shiny rate before SM
be honest, i'm not even close huh
Male is fine. If it's a good baby then I won't need to breed it further. Thank you! Send request when ready.
Can you give me the details on Reshiram, Groundon and Victini? (6th gen or not, nature, etc)
Adding now. Got you, I'll be ready.
You breeding with HA?
Will do. Are you willing to part with that Genesect? If not then it's fine.
You breeding with HA?
anyone got a shiny nidoking?
holy shit i used to have that same sweater with the reflective print

good to know where it is now
Yeah, bunch of prankster babies. Want one? I'm mass breeding. Send a request to get one.

Just got one from WT. Naive + lifeorb. Want it?
Thank you very much for the Genesect, I appreciate it.
I really don't know the proper description procedure, but I'll list what I think might be relevant.

Victini: lv50, Modest, has the pentagon, in a Cherish ball.
Groudon: lv86, Bashful, JPN, apparently transferred from RSE, no pentagon.
Reshiram: lv50, Mild, SPA, met in a "faraway place", not sure what that means, but he's got the pentagon.

We can start a trade for you to check their summary, too, I don't mind.
Hell yes you looking for anything?
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this is me >>25770412
i've currently got a Butterfree up on GTS seeking a Ledyba — it's been up there for a couple days now — if any anon could kindly complete the request that's be awesome
Not particulary. Send me something interesting or with a funny nickname. I'll send you a 5IV one back with the wrong nature for you to breed.
yes please! tried all night, found a genesect and meloetta someone wanted for one only to realize could trade FC 1650 3547 6227
Niggars. I added all three of you.
MUTLI right now or I will 9/11 all three of you.
That's a rip off. Butterfree for ledyba, I need at least a palkia. Ledyba are just as rare
kk I've added you

I also added you both for multis
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Cool story bro. No one gives a fuck
Have your romance with them afte the multi!!!!
There's one up on the gts for a rattata
added. just lemme know~!
I have 600 Pokemon in my dex. I have never even seen a rattata.
They're rare in xy

I'm just looking for some practice, still learning the game.
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Killyourself newfag
I'll ad you, can you show me Tornadus, Reshiram, Victini and Articuno?
Then I'll say the ones I'll grab, ok?
Forgot to type 'does anyone want to battle while I'm waiting'
Sure. It might take a while to add you though, if I have to guess your friend code.
2981 7896 8986 join my multi right now.
I added you
I have both, not interested.
No problem, getting this spider would have been impossible for me otherwise.
Gimme a couple minutes, I'm finishing up a match.
yo thanks for the Purrloin

You guys want me to host?
You won't join faggot. We're waiting on you. What the fuck is wrong with the community.
registered. hit me up when your good2go
Fucking Moron
Only brought two Pokemon to a multi battle
I'll take only the Articuno for now, OK?
Sure, that's cool.
I added you? What happened I'm ready for multis
Shit, router fucked up, gimme a mmin
My partner is fucking retarted. Ahmed you Muslim piece of shit. I hAte you.
You're slow as fucking dirt faggot
Jesus what a shitshow
still alive?
You're fucking terrible i know. What a shit show
nth for Masuda lend me your power
and also maybe for multis
No rush
I'm down for multis
Wow nice Explosion you dumb fuck
>>25770837you had 9hp.
You weren't doing anything with clefable
You bring only 2 Pokemon.
You weren't doing anything
You never even used an attack

Kill you self.
I've got two apes ready for extraction, over.
no u
Exactly faggot.
Even you understand how stupid you are.
>>le meme cunt
>>still says cool story bro
>>shitpost reaction face camwhore
>>constantly condescending to others
>>nothing but bitching in this thread
do you even have fun scrub
maybe you should be the the one killing yourself. you havent even posted tits.
Just don't lose this match, ok babe?
It's my way of having fun.
What the fuck did you actually just forfeit after you killed me?
your not having fun. your fucking cringe
post tits.
It's a sfw board

Cool story bro
>>grammar nazi
>> its like ur new 2 the intrnt
>>still hasnt posted tits, dispite obivous ownership of nipple tassles
>>still mee mee ing
ur not even trying m8 spll checkthis
So are we done battling now?
Battery died and I went to make some chicken parm. Also you didn't make an offer, so lemme know what you got in exchange for the Nidoking.
I'm too salty after battling with straight up Down syndrome. I rarely lose and I'm pissed I chose a moron
I'll save you for another time.
I'm down to try again

even though I was playing like shit
No worries, feel free anytime you see me online. I can tell you would be a lot of fun to battle.
It's true. Just got internet for the first time today.

I don't need spell check because I remember how to spell words.

Want to bang?
Also who told you about my tassels ?
Yeah. It's fun battling someone who's not a complete retarted. I have 613 wins and less than 50 losses.
Multi or do you just want to go 1v1?
Damn that's impressive. I'm like 20w-17losses right now. I haven't played on ranked in awhile though because I prefer 6v6
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want any of these?
Hey, it's just a game. I haven't done multis in months and I'm hungover as fuck.
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FT: http://poketrade.us/shop/honfar/ft
LF: http://poketrade.us/shop/honfar/lf

Also LF any JEREMY or Game Show event Pokemon

tnx veep
Oh, speaking of battles, this is the latest poke I've been using on battle spot singles:

252 Atk, 6 Def, 252 Speed
@ Sticky Barb
Head Smash

It's gotta be my favorite new experimentmon. Consistently wrecks stall teams with the Barb + Taunt and disrupts in a fun way, and can kill a Talonflame with Head Smash even after Defeatist (and can survive a Brave Bird/Flare Blitz with 20%).
mah nigga that pic
Anyone has a spare hoopa or volcarona?
Sorry, not interested unless it's a shiny Timid Moltres or a shiny Zapdos with the +Def-Atk nature.
yall want like a ho oh or lugia?
Would you be willing to trade that clefable?
Still up for mulits?
I have a bunch of baby Larvesta and a modest Hoopa I have no use for. Whatcha offering?
I don't have a rattata

The message on the butterfree is "need4shinybreed"
also offering tornadus, dialga, mesphrit, for nidoking
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No, but I'll trade you one of her relatives.
That would be awesome! I don't have much
I'm down man
No worries. Just add me and I'll hook you up.
Thanks man, much appreciated. I just added you
Take good care of her!
I will! Thanks so much again
With you. Yes.
they are taken weeks/months apart
Good spread for a 31/31/31/*/31/31 Relaxed Ferrothorn?
bumping this because why doesn't anyone want any of my awesome Pokemon.
Some of them. Yeah. But I'm actually skinny.
The white shirt selfie above is today.
No you moron
File: MeloettaArtwork.png (246KB, 800x920px) Image search: [Google]
246KB, 800x920px
just about finished my living dex i just need 3 of the hardest mons to find lol im looking for
anyone interested in trading? my mons that i have i cant really trade because i need them, but i have some decent items
Hey, you still working on that cloyster? I just don't want to end up sitting around here for me reason
Yup. But I'm currently having shit luck. I don't know how long this will take man. Sorry.
Hey, no worries. I'll stick this out as long as you will.
I've got several 5IV jolly/adamant/naive shellders if you want me to cover for you. You did save my rear with that Joltik, it's the least I could do.
Then get online, we have enough for multis
I'm online
My neckbeard hubby
LF HOOPA FT Meloetta/Victini
Stats on the Victini? Also, is it legit & pentagon?
Start it.
Host it.
If it doesn't work out, I would also be down
Thanks man. Damn I must be having the worst luck of my life right now.

No I'm fine, I've already got the nature I need for it. The only thing I can't get right is the IVs. It's stupid how I can't get them right.
Nigger I have three. Get the fuck online.
I've released about 40 Purrloins into the wild. I haven't gotten any Jolly+Prankster ones. Save me from this hell by sending me one please.
How much money does the thread want to bet that you aren't using everstone and destiny knot.
Ah damn I was hoping we'd be on a team
I always play with my husbando
I am using a destiny knot, but I don't have a Jolly nature one, just a Calm, so I'm breeding en-masse to get the nature I need, so using an everstone is pointless.
It's a legit Victini from Gen 5 from the Liberty Island Event.
Like I said earlier, if you guys ever see me online don't hesitate to send me a challenge, I'm always looking for people to play with
Oh shit I got a perfect one and it's in a Moon Ball (Female too). Problem is the one I was using to make the eggs with forgot Rapid Spin (got replaced with another move in the day care) so it doesn't have it. Want me to give it Rock Blast instead or are you looking specifically for Rapid Spin?
that works for me Dude, I'm in a battle right now
did i send you a male or female purrloin?
Alright, I'll EV train/evolve/level it up etc and give word when it's ready.

If you lend me a female Purrloin with Prankster I'll make it breed with my male Jolly Lopunny (it has its HA) and I'll send you a Jolly Purrloin with its HA.
Female, but don't have any Jolly Ditto. In retrospect, I probably should have caught one, but fuck that, I don't have time for that.
Awesome! Thank you again for your troubles
No problem, glad to help.
breed it with a male in the same egg group that has a jolly nature, put an everstone on the male to pass the nature down, then when you get a jolly purrloin with HA, breed that with your ditto while it's holding an everstone
She's too stupid to know how to breed properly.
GG! That was fun
I call it "Click, Die"
Who's kang was that?
Also double kang?
Really ??
To be fair, you're 100% right. I had forgotten about that. Would have saved me from hatching eggs for the past hour. But now I have a bunch of 5IV babies for WTW.
That was mine. Sorry about that
No it's fine.
Few things
Ghost is immune to fighting and normal
Burn halves attack
Kang is near the lowest point a trainer can go, you might as well have a sign that says "talentless"
And prankster is God.
Are we ready to go again?
I'm making some food husbando.
I made some white rice and let it cool overnight so I can make some dank fried rice.

MUTLI battle in 1 hour. You better be there neckbeard daddy.
I can never remember sableye's typing which is why I flubbed that so hard.
I feel foolish now, I had gotten her from a friend when I started playing a couple months ago. I've been slowly trying to make my team into a stall team, do you have any recommendations for replacing kang?
I can go again
For a stall team?
Softboil Magic gaurd clefable
Shuckle the lord and savior
Your mom
I'll look into those. Isn't softboil clefable a pain in the ass to get? Something about only being able to breed the move in from 3rd gen
Yee. I have one. But I won't give it up.
Would you be willing to bread me a baby?

Well that was some stroke of luck. Should make things easier now, nice.

Your Cloyster is going to be ready soon. Want me to give it a nickname? Reply in the new thread.
Why do you save your selfies and reuse them?
If you can't use the word don't use it

They don't breed, she's an injector.
she's so pretty though
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