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/shuffle/ General - Lotsa Events edition

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 36

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3DS 1.3.4 / Mobile 1.5.8:
388 stages (350 main, 38 expert)
497 / 492 Pokémon (not including Pignite or Emboar for Mobile)
63 / 44 Mega Speedups (not including M-Sceptile)
7 / 0 Raise Max Levels (not including M-Sceptile)

3DS Victini can be replayed once per jewel, up to 3 times per weekend
3DS Meowth can be replayed three times for one jewel, 1 time per weekend
Mobile Meowth no longer disrupts rocks and can only spawn 1 coin at a time

http://pastebin.com/CResEARi 1.3.4 3/29
http://pastebin.com/X7mBNA9g Mobile 1.5.8 3/29

Kyogre 3/29 - 4/12
Uxie 3/22 - 4/5
Tepig 3/29 - 4/19
Ho-Oh 3/22 - 4/5
Lugia (timed) 3/22 - 4/5
Safari 3/29 - 4/12
Cleffa 37%, Clefairy 15%, Clefable 11%, Deerling 25%, Sawsbuck 10%, Pikachu Angry 2%
Zygarde 10% 3/29 - 4/12
Dailies 2 3/29 - 4/12
Pachirisu, Sigilyph, Tropius, Farfetch'd, Druddigon

Pignite 4/1 - 4/19
Groudon (timed) 4/5 - 4/19
Emboar 4/5 - 4/19
Tornadus (once a day) 4/5 - 4/12
M-Sceptile (turns) 4/5 - 4/12
Sceptilite and Raise Max Level (Speedup on Mobile): 10,000 / 2,000 / 1,200 / 20,000. Sceptilite: 50,000 / 20,000 / 12,000 / 80,000. (JP / NA / EU / Mobile)

3DS http://pastebin.com/0VzTJvuW
Mobile http://pastebin.com/HZEGuAJP

Previous thread >>25730441
First for angry pikachu a shit
2nd for mobile is the better version :^)
3rd for this thread is shit
4th for no one gives a shit
5th for is 47 speed-ups on 3DS decent? I never spent money on the game so I missed some escalations.
Is it possible to beat Ho-Oh and Lugia itemless? Without Mega Fug, I mean. I haven't even beaten Mega Medicham yet.
Yes, easily. What you wanna do it git gud __________________ __________________
It depends...

can you ___________________gid gud_____________?
>got everyone in the safari but fucking deerling
Is angrychu relevant for anything besides dex volume? Same for zydog
Are we going to get new main stages ever again? Is there any unreleased mega that could be a better final boss than MMX?
We're probably going to have to wait for Gen VII.
Has the best ability in the game.

It's pretty cool to have this form when it isn't available in any main game yet.
>Has the best ability in the game.
I tought it was just the basic lame sometimes a little extra damage
Nope. Both shit.
I just realized, the original final boss was MMY and now it's MMX. I have no clue what would be a better last boss, but I feel like it's way too early to be done with main stages now. Makes me a bit more confident we'll get an update for gen 7 mons and we'll have more megas from that.
Super Bolt is 10x damage when it procs. However it's 10%/20%/50% and you're left with 50 power (70 maxed) when it's not activating, so your combos are torn to shit and you practically have to make 5 matches to have a decent hope of getting it (at least one that makes it worth choosing over another ability match). Most stages now have disruptions that will make lining up 5 matches, so even though it's a really good ability, about Venomous Mist tier, it's wasted on a low power mon.
>It's pretty cool to have this form when it isn't available in any main game yet.
Haven't the Japs got it already as an event, I think I might have seen it online?
If it was possible to be in the game as an event, we would have known about it over a year ago when the games were dumped, dumbass
It not in any mainline game at all. It one of the main reason for this gen 6.5 bullshit.
The Zygarde forms literally don't exist in the game data of any mainline game yet, except for 50% of course.

You're probably thinking of Tretta.
Too bad Picross beat Shuffle on Zydoge.

Kinda wish they would add shit to Rumble World to give us a reason to play it again.
Only somewhat though, Europe only got the 100% password and America didn't get either of them. Japan got both though and of course they all work if you look at dumps, but this is the first Zygarde form properly, legitimately available in NA.
>close to 50 hearts
>saw Sawsbuck 3 times
>saw Clefable 1 time
>no angry Pikachu
The codes were region locked? I just got them off Bulbapedia an I have all three forms. European (well Australian) here.
Each region has four different codes for the four different stages.

Europe and America never actually had all of the codes officially revealed either, but luckily they were all datamined within like a day so nobody cares.
>Ability: Erases Pokémon (max 3) of the same type as [var]megaName.

>max THREE

Please tell me this is some placeholder number and it's actually 10 like Mewtwo and Banette.
Europe got 10% and 100% officially through Nintendo of Europe twitter account.
What got you so flared up?
Unproductive fools are consuming our future... If nothing changes, the world will become ugly and conflicts will raze the land from end to end.
Looks like the mobile bug was finally fixed. Also, a special promotion on jewels. Buy 6 or more jewels and you get an extra 6 free. But you know

>buying jewels
Mobile meowth now disrupt rocks again.
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>was too busy with the Safari to grind Meowth
>then this
Fuck you Sawksbuck
Just confirmed this. FUCK
It was clearly only a temporary reward for mobilefags who actually read the pastebin.
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I want to fucking punt Cleffa to the ends of the earth. Fucking go away and give me angrychu goddamn
Well maybe, a Koopa will lend us his. If we.. "persuade" 'em.
Fuck, all my poison Pokemon are underleveled AF
Does this mean Crowd Control is back to the superior version on 3DS?
Fuck this gay game
>most normies playing this game don't know about stage 37 and only get their coins from weekend meowth and log-in/clearing bonuses
I wonder how many of them spent shekels on this, and how many simply quit the game after MMY.
My friend gave up at Gengar, and a lot others did it on M-Glalie
My brother gave up at M. Mawile and never looked back.
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Why would they give us hope? Are they all S?
shuffle mobile is gay
I knew that would happen as soon as I saw how bugged the mobile version was after yesterday's update.
I really don't know why though. I mean, the game van be a total bitch sometimes, but it's pretty addicting as well. Maybe it's just too much for normies. But my mom still plays it, so who knows?
He stopped because he wasn't getting any fun out of it at all, and he saw he'd have to farm Meowth to get anywhere, and he didn't like the time cap on hearts, so I can understand the anger.
Obvious perfect Zygarde is obvious
>close to 50 hearts
>saw sawsbuck 6 times
>saw clefable 4 times
>no angrychu
Will Ashninja be a Mega or just another form of Greninja?
>tfw angrychu in my 5th try
I'm at like 40 hearts now, I've seen Sawsbuck and Clefable both at least 10 times with Cleffa and Deerling being most of the rest of those. The rest of the safaris usually got finished in the first two days so this is kinda annoying.
Well, this *is* the 2nd of the safari after all.
Am I stupid or does Last-Ditch Effort now do 2x damage instead of 1.5x?

Just had it activate on a match of three Conk vs. Meowth and it did 360 damage. Before I had it activate for 540 on a four match, which used to deal 405.

Overkilled two times because of this shit.
Maybe they changed that too? Hopefully someone can check the game files and make a list of everything that's been changed.
Well you brought fucking Conkeldurr to Meowth so you pretty much deserve it
Haha. I like it because waiting to play stops me from spending all day on it, yet every half hour I can open it up and do a round of some guy, especially useful when walking my dog and I have to close it to count my steps.

Thank and I'm a fan of Pokemon and also beating free-to-play games without actually paying. You give me a free game and expect to make money off my frustration, I'm going to try to make you frustrated by giving it to me for free.
I'm on area 20 in Pokemon Picross and haven't spent a penny.
See I've spent money on all the other picross games, I didn't mind forking out a bit for that. Once you get to like area 12 and your picrite grind comes to a halt after doing all available challenges so you can only progress from doing the daily training, I thought fuck it and spent about £15. Quickly got to around area 20 by speeding through to unlock higher training rewards and then had a lot of fun unlocking the last few areas by finishing up all the challenges.

This was the "bug" they fixed? Fucking hell
Pokemon Picross is so jewish I refuse to spend any money on it.
You do realize those £15 could have got you THREE Picross-e games, right?
and I just encountered him right now. and caught him at 30 whatever percent he was without a Great Ball. I'm glad the RNG doesn't always hate me.
Great for you anon! I hope I find him soon too...
Yeah, I just brought the best fucking Pokémon for Meowth's stage, what the fuck was I thinking.

There's no better mon to clean things up at the end. Setup for a four match on the last move, guaranteed 540 points (used to be 405). As long as I can avoid long combos from skyfall an unlucky LDE activation on a three match leading to an overkill, there's no problem. The other team mates are of course ghosts or neutral.

But LDE doing 2x now gives me less room to maneuver.
Does that work ok for 3DS as well?

You might be onto something
mobile, yes. 3ds, no.
it was changed on mobile a long time ago.
>wasted my hearts on safari
>tought it would Last at least until next tuesday
> nope surprise update

its not. its indeed up to 3 (althoug you get all 3 most of the time).
Also its not erased, but rather replaced. Havent you ever used Blaziken?? The other gen3 starters (will) have the same mega effect.

holy moly....

I just did 1 Ampharos runs and CC only activated three out of five times on a 4 match.
Can it at least disrupt 3 coins at once still or is it 1 or rock?
Already got the first 5 haha fun to play on my commute
>Havent you ever used Blaziken??

I'm to blame here, I never got gud enough to catch it.
How many puzzles do you get in each Picross-e game? There are 600 in the Pokemon version. Seems pretty good value to me.
It's the same as before, multiple coins, disrupt rocks. Spent five hearts on him, he didn't spawn a single coin. I hate this bullshit
I'm on 1.3.4 on 3DS.

Looks like they either mixed things up between versions (which would also explain the Meowth change on mobile) or they decided to bring things in line.

Which would actually be good for some abilities except Crowd Control/Power, Swarm/Steely Resolve and Poisonous Mist.

Picross-e6 has 150 Picross puzzles, 135 Mega Picross puzzles, 3 Micross pages with a total of 120 bit puzzles, and 15 bonus Mega Picross puzzles that get unlocked if you have save data from earlier games on your system (5 for each of e1, e2 and e3).
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>VS mode

Well that's interesting. I wonder how it'll work.
>purchase to unlock

this kills the man
finaly caught that shithead of angry pikachu, time to catch zygardoge and i'm done for the week
>finally catch Clefable
>encounter Angry Pikachu very next heart
I guess the safari is pseudorandom after all.
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>Failed to catch Sigilyph five times in a row at catch rates over 50%
>caught Sawsbuck first try
>caught Clefairy first try
>caught Clefable first try
>caught Angry Pikachu first try
>still haven't caught Deerling
It's worth a jewel to complete that shitty Throh mission, right?
No. Get a Prank poke (and move +5) and pray to the RNG gods.
Too late
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>find angrychu
>super catch power, yay!
I had 3 jewels, anon. They're worth 3000 coins each, I had already spent over 10000 coins on Moves+5 at this point
Plus the fact it says Q1 update and we have one day left of Q1
Well, apparently you can replay weekend Meowth with a jewel now
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>Groudon and Kyogre yet again.

Seriously? How many goddamn reruns of this have we had on both versions?

Though considering I think this is the first time since M-Fug was mad available, we may be getting Primals soon.


>No Max Level Ups for Lucario.

This doesn't make me angry. More than anything, it's outright baffling.
It's ridiculous, we haven't even had a Jirachi rerun.
He escaped from a great ball for me too. I didn't get SCP but caught him after the 2nd great ball at least.

Fuck you too, you stupid yellow rodent. I'm done with you. until the next safari containing Pikachu with whatever mood it's in
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same. fucker escaped like 4 times at 72%. wth. luckily i had a stockpile of coins and had the rest of the events done.
>Super Bolt wasted on a shitmon
>CC nerfed heavily, though still worth it if SE
Po4+ solidified as best ability?
Just downgrade and use SDF
>need to avoid unlucky LDE on 3 match
When will this Conkelldur meme end? As long as you're not shit you should be getting 530 every time using any 4 mons you want to train.
Is he even still alive?
>getting 530 every time using any 4 mons you want to train.
Of course you do, anon. And you never fail to score 1160 damage even though you spent five turns only to move coins into the right place and are at 780 or less on the last turn. Never ever.

Meanwhile I rely on cleaners that actually make me finish the stage. Though right now I'm trying Sawk. No unwanted activation as with LDE, though I have to look more at the numbers.

Though wasting 16 or 24 XP on Conk and a ghost was chump change compared to the XP I can get from my extra Ampharos run while you failed to defeat Meowth.
If I wasn't actually getting them why would I say that I do instead of actually switching to Conkelldur? Your way is a fine method if you can't git gud at knowing how to combo correctly.
>>Super Bolt wasted on a shitmon
That "shitmon" can just about OHKO Suicune thanks to that ability. It'd be broken if it was on anything with a higher BP than Pikachu.
It's 50% on a 5 match. That's not even reliable, so even if you get lucky enough to set up the quite rare 5 matches, you still could end up just doing 140. Plus most stages now are going to have disruptions blocking those 5 matches. 3 and 4 matches are super unlikely, and you'd be much better off using something else with a better ability like Po4+ or even Hitting Streak/Po4 regular. Being useful on one stage over a year old at this point is not a big deal, when you can probably beat it in 3 seconds using a modern anti-water team. Plus, especially on timed stages like that, if your ability fails (or even if it activates) you're then left with a huge drop in power for the rest of the combo, that only gets more significant as the damage multiplier increases.
Perhaps the ability would be broken on something with more power, but that doesn't mean it isn't shit on Pikachu.
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>90 BP Kyurem-Black with Super Bolt
Someone calculate this shit because my rough estimations suggest 10k of maximal dmg output
110 (BP) * 2 (SE) * 2 (5 match) * 10 (SB) = 4400
How exactly are you getting 10k? I could very well be wrong
and also doesn't paralyze increase damage from electric attacks?
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Idk about paralyze
Either way this still beats anything we get from Vitality Drain save the final boss stages during escalations
This could be real firepower...
Landorus Therrian and Regular Zygarde confirmed on April 12th

Source is reddit, where they link to the official japanese page. I am on mobile so won't be providing the link myself.

It looks like they are wrapping up with the legends.
godfuckingdammit, i can't beat zygarde, even with a power attack+ i fucked up, i don't even know how that happened

team is Latias 6/Xerneas MAX/Dragonite 7/Kyuurem 6

should i just bring shufflemove and/or a megastart too?
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>go to leddit to check if it's true
>they're spamming GS's email with complaints about mobile meowth spawning rocks again
>Lightning Plate Arceus with 90BP and Megavolt++ that can take Raise Max Level Candies
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>Dragon with Mega Boost+

BP is kind of low, but to Mega-Fug a lot faster? Worth it.


Pic related
>Worth it
Except it's not
M-Fug can't even remove it so you're stuck with it for all combos
Just use the speedups

What speedups?
Tell them to un-nerf Crowd Control while they're at it...
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oh boy
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>mobile players
What good EX pokemon are worth catching after Bisharp?

I have 234 S ranks in mobile and the latest update didn't make it better to play at all.
A few things. Gallade comes right after it and it's pretty good imo.
Gallade for sure.

Goodra, Mamoswine, Gliscor, and Walrein are okay but not must-haves.

The rest are basically trash.
>not catching them all
Everything about this just reeks of reddit's stupidity
>"We would be extremely happy"
>Calling it a glitch
>Thinking they'll change something so they earn less profits
The only part I don't get is that if GS wants to make money why haven't they "fixed" the Mewoth stage for 3DS users? Why even give us a weekend Meowth (or Victini for that matter) if it just means less revenue for them? I guess now that you can Jewel for more turns some extra incentive has been added but still... Is it because we bought a 3DS so they feel like we've earned it?
oops, i forgot to mention i had gallade too
>calling meowth he
>dat smiley
>dat gramma and spelling
>me and my associates at the Reddit forum

thats too good to be true
Desert Umbra seems surprisingly easy compared to the last two areas. I would have completed it sooner if I knew that.
My favorite part about this week's events is that 3DS players get CC nerfed and express disappointment, but understand that whining won't do shit and move on. Meanwhile mobilefags are sending emails full of stupidity and acting buttblasted about how "unfair" GS is being.
Because the mobile audience is more likely to pay up. That's why they have higher HP, lower catch rates, events that cost multiple hearts/coins, and so on.
Sillyhead you should have read the threads of joy when RC was updated past Deoxys and then when DU came out.
>That feeling where due to power creep you can't even remember how easy/hard any stages were before the newest ones (aside from the occasional third stage evolutions *cough* Roserade *cough*)
Other than boss stages and a couple leading up to them, there's a gigantic difficulty drop after Deoxys from stages 261-350.

After the shitfest that was Albens Town and early RC, I think most people were 500% fine with this.
>That's why they have higher HP
thats kinda true. However a small story for you guys.
>be me and switching from o3ds to n3ds
>decide to rather play from the beginning before re-injecting my save just for the keks (supreme of course)
>beat literally every stage first try up to 150
Its true that mobile has stages that have higher HP. However the first 150 stages are so piss easy its actually a disgrace to compare them with later stages and call them harder (kek)

Also in recent updates the 3ds and mobile version have absolutely the same catch rate and they have the same HP

>lower catch rates
implying you would need all those shitmon. And yes you can catch them once you caught up with everything since they are main stages and wont run away from you. Expect for like a dozen main stages thats no reason. But muhhh gonna catch em all. Sure, catch them. Once you caught up with everything.
Oh and of course mobile and 3ds have the same catch rates for events. And events are where you get most good mons

Only thing were you could argue mobile is a lil bit unfair is for catching gengar. As the stage is quite hard at the time if you are playing for the first time and the catch rate is very small. So thats like 1 harder to get stage.

Oh... and nope, its not harder to play mobile. Its just more annoying to grind coins. But on the other side you have your mobile phone more around than your 3ds...so you can literally play it each and every half hour for like15-16hours... even if you are working

tl;dr: playing shuffle is stupid, no matter what version :^)
>you have your mobile phone more around than your 3ds
I have both on me all the time though
I'd prefer to save my phone's space and battery for shit that matters

Confirmed for having a shitty phone
>playing Pokemon shuffle is stupid
>playing a videogame is stupid
>posted on an image-board in a subsection dedicate to Pokemon
>Pokemon being a franchise that originated as a videogame

Are you legitimately retarded?
Like can you provide a certificate from a doctor that proves you don't have any mental deficiencies?

Where the fuck do you think we are?
Shuffle is a shitty videogame, though.
And Pokemon Red and Blue were babbys first RPG with a retardily simple Rock Paper Scissors mechanic that was also broken (both mechically see: Psychic special AND glitchy as fuck see: Psychic immunities, and Missingo which everyone heard about somehow, other glitches can be forgiven as people didn't find them for 10 years), so my point still stands.

>expecting a free-to-play game developed by a second party organisation for a globally profitable franchise to be perfect
Jesus Christ nigga what magical universe do you live in? It's not sucking my dick by I enjoy it so why don't you (suck my dick)?
How much is GS paying you to get so upset at people on the internet mildly criticizing their games, friend?
As much as their game costs.

There you go. It is in gook but you can see the date and the pokemon names are 50% zygarde and landorus Therrian
>finally caught angry Pikachu and Sawsbuck
>proceed to grind mons for Sceptile
I think perfect zygarde would make a great final stage boss for the regular stages, will he be coming two weeks after that?
>there's a gigantic difficulty drop after Deoxys from stages 261-350.
Drop in difficulty, maybe, but I feel they've messed around with the catch rates even more.

Plus there are a bunch of stages where you have to sit with fingers crossed, as you have to deal some 2k+ damage per turn and need luck with skyfall.

guys pls respond
A B C D E F _ H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A B C D E F G H _ J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S _ U V W X Y Z
A B C D E F _ H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T _ V W X Y Z
A B C _ E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Do I need to git gud to solve this?

i don't git it
>20 Pokeballs on Sandile at 30-40% each time
>no catch
Why do people keep saying the catch rates are legit? They're clearly bogus.
yeah it's really great when you're developing in a team environment
Iphone 6 64 GB isn't shitty unless you're an android fanboy
How new are you? Don't get upset and reply to :^) seriously, and honestly shuffle is not a fantastic video game, it's just fun and possible to keep playing for free. Many people here have come to hate it from rage but are stuck due to the fear of missing any events.
>messed around with the catch rates even more
They didn't mess around with them in the first place, stop spouting conspiracy theory bullshit. The number on the screen is the chance you have to catch, they're not lying to you.
Come back to this website after you finish high school, by that point you'll have learned about probability.
What are you guys using for this safari? M-Gengar and...?
>They're clearly bogus
No, they're just pseudorandom.
I didn't mean messing around as in lying about them, but giving loads of shitmon catch rates of 20% or less because why not. Often ones you should bring to their own stage because of disruptions.

Muk and Golbat
Stop samefagging.
Not using Scyther for super effective on grass, weak against clefairy so mamamamore disruptions and mamamamore money.
I understand probability just fine. I'm bemoaning my <0.0002% bad luck.
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>Just caught Kyogre at 13% rate

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>caught everything in the new Safari within the first 12 hours
>Great-Balled Zydoge
>finally got the time to catch everything in the main and expert stages
>82K coins in the bank

Holy shit does it feel good to be on top of events for once.
Then they're not bogus, they're completely legit, you're just unlucky.

>tfw you have caught all 492 Pokemon in Mobile
>tfw 99k coins

feels good desu
Why do we have a month of time to catch the ezpz swine?

Ok /shuffle/, how do you most effectively use M-Fug? We dumped 20 candies into it, lets have some discussion on how to put it to use.

My results on Zygarde were all over the place, ranging from not beating him to doing it with 8 moves left. M-Fug, Mamoswine, Walrein, Diancie.
What will you do with the short period of being free?

Grind Ampharos and the Marathon?
The other two evos appear partway into it, so they're all going to be running at the same time in the end.
I used M-Fug Diancie Xerneas Kyurem, had the same sort of results as you. Zygarde is just a tough stage.
Finally got Angrychu, that bastard cost me 3 great balls and over 100 hearts
Still going for Zygarde. God damn.
>All I encounter in the safari are Cleffa and Deerling for the last day.
>Stop caring at this shit and just open the safari
>Prepare to say hi to my old friend Cleffa.
Best part is that I didn't even need a greatball. Finally free.
>Get Zydoge on my first go
"Oh well that was easy, but then again he's ultimately useless..."
>Come here
>All these people conplaining about Zydoge
It's meant to be hard???

Meanwhile I've only Seb Angrychu once, didn't catch so let it escape. More attempts mean more Clefairy. More clefairy means more money! For those that need help, after 2 turns it spawns a vertical 2x6 coin and blocks (alternates each row) in the middle, can easily make a match of 4 with the coin the corner the start and from that point of if you get a combo over I think 10 it does it again, and if you get an even longer one it spawns a tower that's double the coins. Easily can make over 1000 coins as long as you don't get lucky and kill it, but hey, if you haven't you can clear the 100 combo mission.
And now tour friend cleffa is paying me a visit. And she brought deerling too. Fuck, I just need sawsbuck now, but he didn't showed even once

Yeah that's what Ive been doing. Already Maxed out a handful of Pokemon
You deserve it.
Finished the safari, but only saw Clefairy about 2 times. It was pretty much nonstop Cleffa.
The you need to git gud_____
Just kidding, it's all psuedoluck__
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> mfw don´t have psuedoluck
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Anyone else notice when you look at the message about Lugia from checkin a line about mega-amp's stone location is misspaced and overlaps the next section?
I lost Sigyliph. Did he come back after Druddigon the next wed, right? ;_;
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April Fools, you IDIOT :^)
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How do I git gud at Survival Mode? Do I have to use Shufflemove and hope for easy stages, or is team-building to beat the non-random stages enough?
Gengar Girantina Genesect and Darkrai
you do the git gudding in Shuffle
Thank god I didn't refresh this thread.
either the team that >>25790726 suggested or M-Gengar with Po4+
What does the blue exclamation bubble mean?
It means you haven't played that level yet.
Did 3DS crowd control get nerfed at some point?
I just did a match of 4 with it and didn't trigger it.
Ctrl+F "crowd"
Its funny cause I searched for CC like any "REAL" 3ds player would :^)
>in 1.3.4

Use Reshiram instead.
Wew lad
Kirk pls
This game is such a fucking grind holy shit. Like its not the good type of grind since your gated by a cd timer
Stop complaining about Shuffle, Lupe.

Is Lupe Collarfag? Y/N

I understand random encounters and shit, but fucking fuck, GS could have some decency and AT LEAST implement some kind of hard cap for encounters of lowest probability.
YO you guys, does anyone speak enough japanese to understand what's going on here?
Tsuchinoko-san gets 99 moves starting Survival Mode.
I can only gather that he clicks on survival while moving the screen, and it makes the sound but doesn't open the Survival window.
Help out here.

Fuck, I know the layout makes it difficult to find posts or whatever, but come on.
This is a big deal.
nvm I got it
So how about you explain please
Well I'm not entirely sure how it works.
What I got is that if you move the screen (without touching the arrows) and click on the Survival Mode icon, it will make the sound without showing the menu. I don't know if this is necessary, but I did this a couple times switching between Main and Expert (because the video showed that), then one time I did it on Absol and when I clicked on Absol, instead of showing Absol's level, it showed Survival with a timer. Completing the level will then move on to regular survival, but you start with 99 moves.
Choose your team before doing all this, otherwise you gotta redo the whole thing.
Holy hell how do I beat marill?
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How do you guys exp grind Amphy?

I use M-Garchomp with 3 'mons that I want to level up. M-Garchomp is to help defeat Amphy quicker, I tried using 4 different 'mons to see if that would help level up faster but it usually doesn't work or takes forever
Fhs ftc
Hju hve
I'd train use any ground type with a 70/60 BP and potentially useful ability and a team of any mons I wanted to train, or if they're all above 70, aren't NVE and have decent abilities a team of whatever mon I want to train.

Using Garchomp is my default if neither apply.
Is it worth it using the max level ups on charizard for the competition?
What are you, GAY?
it works
it really works
Ikr. Just completed the 50 goddamn levels.
I spent some money to be safe and got unlucky with some levels (Skarmory, Ampharos, Zoroark showed up) but still ended with like 23 moves.
Y'all should do it before it's patched.
oh boy here we go
>tfw didn't got past the glalie despite starting with 99 moves

I am this shitty or just unlucky?
or maybe should've I used ShuffleMove?
Did this, it kept selecting survival mode when switching to expert from main, but you can click back and still works.
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Any words on the next update fellow redditors?
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Y'all are welcome for the shuffle info.
Went into MMY with 10 moves left and lost.

I am sad now.
Any unmaxed mega with any 3 unmaxed mons. I try to avoid doubling up NVEs or SEs. I have all the megas maxed though, so I just use M-Garchomp. It is doable with a ground type instead of a mega, but it's so slow and I don't have much left worth maxing anyway.
Bump for this :3 >>25790037
I had forgotten how much of a cunt M-Glalie is without items, went from 40+ turns to 10

I'm not going to finish the survival this time
I'm probably late to this, but anyone else having the game crash when you cycle through the challenge cards?
Yep, it's an old unfixed bug.
Normally I'd say Eugenia would be fooling us, but (s)he is right. It actually works. kek
Any reason to use M-Medicham over m-luke?
Yes, it creates more combos.
Aura doggie is an awful mega with no combo potential
>Made it to MMY with literally 5 moves left
end me
I made it with 11 and finished with 1 move left :/ Good luck anon
Yes they usually repeat at least once.
Thanks anon
What teams y'all using for this 99 move Survival mode? The recommended Gengar, Mewtwo, Genesect, Darkrai team? Or have you replaced Genesect since CC is no longer as usually? I was thinking of a Fightmon, probably Gallade, since Darkmons and apparently Glalie can probably fuck the team up... Or maybe Garchomp for all those sweet supereffectives.
>99 move Survival mode
My team was M-Chomp, Reshiram, Darkrai and Giratina.
Finished M-Mewtwo with 1 turn (went in with 18), thx to Darkrai activating after alligning 5.

If I would have used shufflemove It would've been a lot easier, but I didnt felt like getting on my pc, so mehh.
>caught all the major event/safari pokemon on tuesday with one exception
>I still haven't seen angry pikachu once in safari
Just kill me
I've seen it twice.
Didn't catch it though, didn't even try greatballs.
>Using Shufflemove
Louise pls... Johnny obviously wrote he didnt use shufflemove
But he implied he could a probably has! Everyone must play games like I do!!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Thats why they call you earnest erickson xD
It will suck if all the other forms of Pikachu and starters have 2% encounter rates in different safaris
Which percentage did Manaphy have?

still waiting for my 4 Icons Safari with five different 1% encounters that dont share a common type :^)

26, sorry 28 deviations (so each one has a <4% occurrence rate. All psychic, all 30 BP with Po5+, all have frozen, unbreakable block disruptions in the shape of the letter they're meant to be.

I know they won't actually add them to the game. Imagine if they did though, how could they do it? An escalation where it increments each letter each level and they always have a 60% catch rate, except levels 25/50 which are ! and ?... And then in-game they can always match with their adjacent letters, except ! and ? which match with anything? Could be cool...
Which teams are you all using for survival?

you can unlock another go victini

i have a jewel from self streetpassing

should i go for it or save it for throh?
>he doesn't understand that conk is overall the most consistent
it lets you avoid long combos (yes, good players don't take risks that might fuck them out of 500!) because you know you have really consistent output at the end
my only qualm with it is wasting EXP but that hardly matters

is there any page that has all the ability/mega data? I want to compare the number of icons needed for different mega evos and have never seen any
You shouldn't need a Jewel for Throh. You should only need to git greatly lucky, moves +5 and use mons with the prank ability. It might take a few attempts but should work.

You should probably save your Jewels from Victini. If you need EXP just grind Ampharos and if you absolutely need cash, MAYBE weekend Meowth. Remember, 1 Jewel = 3000 coins, 2 = 10000 (and etc) so if you can't make more than you'd get from the store you should probably stop.
Doesn't serebii have it?
Not sure comparing to coins is relevant, Victini gives EXP.

1 Jewel = 5 hearts
Ampharos gives 50 EXP = 250 in 5 hearts
Victini gives 600 EXP in the same 'cost'
I'm saying if you need EXP just grind Ampharos, don't waste Jewels on Victini. Really EXP is never as useful as items and luck to S-Rank a stage. And since items are more useful, save your Jewels for either the shop or weekend Meowth, whichever one you can profit more from.
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>encounters Clefable
>30% catch rate
>oh okay lets use a great ball

You mean Phione right?
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Anyone else discovered the infinite hearts glitch that I told you about last week on 3DS yet?
Fuck Ampharos. All those precious turns are almost gone now. Maybe I should have put Garchomp on the team.
>four Sawsbuck Safaris in row, Angrychu not seen even once.

Go fuck yourself, shuffle
It feels so weird to play the earlier stages again on Survival and realize how tame disruptions were back then.
>Can't get extra hearts if I buy $5 worth of jewels
>Due to this I won't get an extra 6 Jewels

Fuck you too then GS don't take my money. The one time I was willing to do so and you fuck up.
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and yet mobile fags complain how hard their version is...
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Holy fuck, this works. Not updating until I milk the shit out of this.

well it's not a april fools joke
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>excited about survival mode glitch
>not excited about infinite hearts glitch a few posts above
boy oh boy
Well unlike the other guy, he didn't explain it, so...
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I'm right here. I've been enjoying the infinite hearts glitch for the last 9 days and no-one will ever believe me.
Well explain it, I'd like to hear it.
>Purchase of 12 jewels with real money (so max. heart count increases to 7)
>Mission card glitch not being patched out yet

For whatever reason the glitch that freezes the game brings your hearts back to 7 when the 3DS reboots. (It saves your progress, but fills your hearts back up). The down side is obviously that you have to buy the gems, but for infinite hearts, it's definitely more worth it than just paying for gems. Maybe 5% or 10% of the time you have to do the glitch twice in a row to refill the hearts. I've done it well over 100 times and my save data is fully intact.

eh, i'm not paying to take advantage of a glitch that could be patched out before long.

cool find though.
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>wonders why nobody is doing the infinite hearts glitch when it requires two things most people in this thread haven't done and are unable/unwilling to do

Sorry, but I'm not planning on downgrading or paying money any time soon.
it's the current version
My mistake.

Still not paying though.
You could have bought a real game for that money that doesn't have you wait to be allowed to play instead.
>~150 games
>still no angrychu

4.8% chance of that
I am slowly becoming angry
>M-Gengar removes other gengar
>damage increase depending on how many gengar removed
>M-Mewtwo/M-Banette/M-Rayquaza removes psychic/ghost/non-dragon pokemon
>damage increase depending on how many pokemon removed
>M-Aero/M-Steelix removes blocks
>damage increase depending on how many block removed
>M-Diancie removes pokemon inside barriers

why did genius sonority cuck diancie?
pkparaiso has it, serebii doesn't
read the pastebins dummy
>paying money to do a glitch
Easy infinite heart trick that's free: become supreme
I don't know anon but it hurts
>caught zygarde and finished safari on day one
>already caught all these events the first time
>next week is only m-sceptile
>just finished maxing every good mon worth training
>only a few situational mons left to max which will be done before the end of next week
>at 99k coins even without sunday meowth
>finished all 3 missions cards
>cleared survival mode
We need new main stages

Yeah... M-Diancie hurts.

By the time you Mega Evolve, most of the barriers are already gone because of Barrier Bash+. Then all you're left with is a Pokemon that deals no more damage and can't match a cross anymore.
>coudln't beat Furret
>kick his ass with M-Ray
>couldn't catch gardevoir
>kick her ass with M-Ray

M-Ray power is real
The life of a shuffle playing waifufag is hard
>Gardevoir has an outright garbage mega effect
>Gardefags get laughed away by the Dianciefags
>M-Diancie ends being barely any useful
>Mawile is and has always been shit tier

Only real problem with M-Mawile is the Base 50 power. It's ability is actually pretty solid.

It should have been one of the Pokemon you could use Max Level Up on.
Best team for Survival Mode?
M-Diancie allowed my to s rank some stages. Krokorok is one I think.
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avengah pls... go back grinding the cat :^)
Can you use a jewel for unlocking only Victini or Meowth too? Because if you can then those are a lot of free coins.
Except Gardevoir's ability is actually decent in a few levels with disruptions.
Isn't a Meowth unlock only worth it if you manage to make more than 4000 coins a run?
yes, however one should always be able to make 5000 at least per run. No matter how bad
When you're angry enough, that's when the mythical Angry Pikachu will appear... That's the legend as it was written in one of the books in Canalave library.
Both Gardevoir and Diancie have very rare uses, but uses all the same.

Gardevoir is good against Fighting-type stages that spam vertical disruptions, which Slowbro and Mewtwo can't do a whole lot against, and Diancie is a psuedo-Mewtwo on stages with retarded "just use a disruption delay" amounts of barriers, especially since it's the only mega that can always clear top-row barriers no matter where you make a match.

But generally yeah they're both shitty D-tier megas that are barely any better than the normals.
Survival sucks.
not if you start it with 99 moves
just did it, couldn't beat glalie
got like every possible megamon on the random stages
And also Meloetta doesn't have it's secondary form
Read the OP
Mobile update when? :^)
>PSSE already updated to work with new items

nic0lette is love, nic0lette is life
https://github.com/nic0lette/PSSE/releases here's the link for those who can't find it
Time to update the pastebin
RIP thread
NEW THREAD WHEN!?!?!!?!?! :^)
>Paying to be a Supreme fag
Why do the letters "c-u-c-k" come to mind?
>using java
new thread >>25812940
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