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Why is every other team besides team rocket so fucking stupid?

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Why is every other team besides team rocket so fucking stupid?
>hurr lets expand the ocean for no reason
>hurr we need more land for no reason
>hurr lets destroy the universe for no reason
>hurr lets free all Pokemon from their trainers because we're hippy faggots
>hurr lets make everything pretty
Team Rocket has a simple formula, steal Pokemon and sell them. Every other team thus far has been tryhard edgelords.
>wear black
>a color is edgy
Wow nice argument man. Nuns are edgy as fuck too amirite? xD
>hurr lets free all Pokemon from their trainers because we're hippy faggots

So you never actually finished BW?

>hurr lets free all Pokemon from their trainers because we're hippy faggots

Confirmed for skipping Gen V. The whole "releasing Pokemon" thing was just a ruse so that Ghetsis and his organization should monopolize Pokemon and use them to control everyone else once they were powerless to resist.
He's probably a genwunner, because other than Cyrus nothing he said is correct.
Aqua and Magma had reasons, they were just retarded.
As teams? Most of the Grunts in each team thought they were doing essentially what Team Rocket minus a few, like Galactic and such were in because they thought they'd benefit greatly and of course Cyrus lied to them about making an ideal universe for them, it's said as much same thing to a far lesser degree with Flare. Essentially the grunts' reasons for joining are for their gain which their leaders use and lie about to get them to do their work. Plasma was actually torn, some were activists while others were in it for their gain hence Neo Team Plasma being a thing.
>>hurr lets make everything pretty
Except that wasn't Flare's goal at all, they weren't trying to make the planet beautiful they were trying to cause genocide and kill off all Pokemon and anyone that wasn't a part of the team. They wanted to do this so they could make a more peaceful world, one without suffering or war. It seems like you just didn't pay attention at all to the plot of X and Y.
Rocket is lame compared to most teams honestly.
>criminals wear blaze orange while they commit crimes
What about team snagem from colosseum?

They actually had machines designed for stealing pokemon.
While every other thing OP said is tryhard bait, do agree that Team Flare is the most pathetic team
Rocket's plans lack a lot of serious thought.

Why should anyone pay for Pokemon, which will most likely be malnourished, poorly raised, and disobedient, when you can go out and catch one in the wild for a far cheaper price, ensure it is properly trained, and have it actually remain loyal to you?

They attacked Pokemon Tower for Cubone skulls? Why? Why the hell are those valuable? Marowak and Cubone aren't necessarily rare or exotic, so this is Captain Planet level idiotic evil.

Their attack on Silph appears to make sense, they were after the Silph Scope and the Master Ball, but wait: they only need the Silph Scope to continue their retarded Pokemon Tower plan. And as every player knows, the Master Ball may be a time saver, but it's worthless - any Pokemon can be caught with a basic Poke Ball.

And all of their antics in Gold and Silver are cloddish and desperate, apart from a single instance: the selling of Slowpoke tails. That shouldn't be nearly that villainous, given that Slowpoke don't feel pain and the tails grow back. Might as well make Kurt out to be the villain for taking apricots to make Poke Balls.
>trying this hard to bait
At least bait /vp/ with something that doesn't scream "I'M A GENWUNNER". Galactic and Plasma are significantly more interesting than Team Rocket.
Team Flare is great once you realize that it consists of rich kids that pay an absurd amount of money to be part of a popular organization. Lysandre is in fact funded by his mooks.
>hurr lets expand the ocean for no reason
>hurr we need more land for no reason

They actually did have legit reasons though, they were just extremist points of view.
Out of all the cartoonish plans of the various villains, I think Ghetsis in BW1 makes the most sense.
Remove every army in the world in the name of peace, and then conquer everything

Wasn't their whole thing in GSC that they wanted to get their boss back, and everything was to draw his attention?
>Calls the other teams tryhard edgelords
>While praising the only one to be composed of pure mobsters without any pretense of helping anything. Robbery, kidnapping, poaching, fucking up local ecosystems, gambling, racketeering, public corruption, and even murder if it comes down to that, all in the name of nothing but fattening their own wallets. The boss is also a dick who imprinted the criminal mindset on his son and then abandoned him.
Lysandre did nothing wrong.

>And as every player knows, the Master Ball may be a time saver, but it's worthless - any Pokemon can be caught with a basic Poke Ball.

Pokemon can get far more powerful in fluff than the game mechanics would suggest

A Mewtwo at his canon powerlevel would be something like lv2000. Could a pokeball catch him? Sure, but with what team of non-legendaries could you possibly wear him down?
So is there a villainous concept you want that isn't "literally a reskinned Team Rocket?"
Exactly. They're not actually good criminals, they're cartoon henchmen. If they were actually like the Yakuza or the Mafia, the executives would be fighting each other for power.

Well since, Mewtwo only naturally learns Psychic moves, one Normal move (Swift) and one Fighting move (Aura Sphere), I'll just use a Sableye or Spiritomb and be fine.

Snagem were just some small time thieves.

The real power and cash was in their Cipher masters, who who were the actual creators of the snag machine.

>Develop snag machines and outsource the overt criminal activity to some expendable goons
>Develop artificial super type for personal strength, as products to sell, and as prizes to draw tons of attention to money printing legit tournaments. Nearly impossible to trace because the only thing normal people can see is that the Pokemon behaves strangely.
>Several legendaries subdued, enhanced, and given to admins and bosses as weapons
>Set up shop in a desolate region with minimal resistance
>Most towns were under the control of said admins and bosses, whether it be as gang leaders or an undercover mayor. Even the title of Orre's official governor was being eyed.
>Even lowly grunts are packing diverse and often fully evolved teams, none of that Rattata and Zubat shit

None of the main series teams come close to that level of strength and competency.
Literally everything he said was correct though.
Again, we're talking about fluff.

>Trainer sends out Sableye
>Mewtwo attacks Sableye
>No effect
>Mewtwo attacks the trainer
>The trainer explodes in a telekinetic ball of gore
>Sableye is confused and heartbroken allowing Mewtwo to flee.

If a Master Ball would actually work 100% of the time, it would be invaluable in the Pokemon world. Even considering the fact there's no reason Mewtwo can't dodge or deflect the ball before it hits him, it would be a immeasurable boon for anyone looking to capture a supremely powerful pokemon.
I just knew a Unovafag would get mad
It isn't, OP, outside Team Galactic.

>Rocket wants money and power
>Neo Rocket wants Giovanni back to become ^ again
>Magma wants to expand landmasses to give people more places to live
>Aqua wants to expand the seas to give Pokemon more places to live
>Galactic wants power....or at least that's what everyone but Cyrus is lead to believe. Cyrus wants to make another universe where only he is present, devoid of emotion
>Plasma is Rocket 2.0, except the grunts genuinely believe they're helping Pokemon by setting them free. Ghetsis actually wants people to free their Pokemon so nobody can actually fight him back.
>this one proves how you, OP, didn't even read the dialogue. Lysandre knows the harsh truth about the world being overpopulated, and wants to commit a genocide to leave the survivors with a thousand more times the resources available, so they could live a better life. Also wants to erase Pokemon to prevent crime(like every evil team demonstrates)

So kindly fuck off, OP.
If we're talking about fluff (and also made up shit that never happened), Mewtwo could be entirely immune to the Master Ball, since Silph had no way to test if it could catch it.
Your entire argument relies on the game being taken as literally as possible.

>why would anyone pay for pokemon

Not everyone can catch and raise pokemon as easily as you can. Also you, the player, can buy pokemon in certain locations. It's not that out there.

>why would anyone want cubone skulls

Because Cubone are only located in Pokemon Tower, with a less than 10% catch rate, that's why. Yeah the game lets you encounter as many of them as you want, but they're still relatively rare and their skulls are sought after because we're told they're sought after. Can you really see no practical application for bone of all things?

>why do they want the Master Ball

Because it's the fucking Master Ball.

>why is removing Slowpoke tails bad

Likely because that's the primary way Slowpoke eat, they need it to fish for food. Who knows how long it takes for those things to grow back. No way to fish means no food, and no food means no Slowpokes.
>being evil is edgy

I'll be sure to tell someone that the next time they try to rob me. I'm sure the embarrassment of realizing just how much of an edgelord they're being will make them stop.
Actually I did play W & W2. It was just extremely forgettable
>Not everyone can catch and raise pokemon as easily as you can

Enough people can for the entirety of the world to center their lives around it.

>Can you really see no practical application for bone of all things?

In the modern world I cannot fathom why anyone would want the skull of an animal outside of pseudoscience like aphrodisiacs.

>Because it's the fucking Master Ball

Would be more cost effective to steal thousands of regular Poke Balls. Giovanni must have a great time deciding the single Pokemon he can catch with it. If they're planning on 'reverse-engineering' it so they can make more, why not just steal the plans or the machinery to build them.

You have a point about Slowpoke tails, I suppose. However, if Rocket were mildly intelligent about it they would feed the Slowpoke themselves so they could continuously harvest the tails.
That wasn't even me you replied to, faggot. Also, feel free to know I didn't read any of that.
>hurr let's beg our boss to come back
>hurr let's paint a gyarados red

Rocket are literally the worst team of them all.
>Team Rocket has a simple formula, steal Pokemon and sell them.
You mean bland and boring.
You sure showed him, OP. Bravo!
>Enough people can for the entirety of the world to center their lives around it.

And yet there still exist people without pokemon and people willing to buy pokemon.

>In the modern world I cannot fathom why anyone would want the skull of an animal outside of pseudoscience like aphrodisiacs.

I'll be sure to inform the poaching industry that their efforts aren't worth it. The only people who want to buy bone are rich snobs and people into illegal aphrodisiacs, can't make any money off of that.

>Would be more cost effective to steal thousands of regular Poke Balls.

Obtaining the Master Ball isn't really about money, it's about obtaining the only way for a regular person to catch an extremely hard to catch pokemon, like Mewtwo.

>If they're planning on 'reverse-engineering' it so they can make more, why not just steal the plans or the machinery to build them.

Because the story works significantly better if they're just trying to steal the ball. If there's giant machines that can just make a Master Ball somewhere then why would they not be selling them yet? It's one of a kind prototype that you can't even obtain more than once in Gen 1. Your suggestion would only work in a world where Master Balls are nearly perfected and are about to be released to the public, when suddenly an evil organization decides to steal the machines so that only they can use them. Not a bad idea, but an unlikely one for a mainline Pokemon game.

>if Rocket were mildly intelligent about it they would feed the Slowpoke themselves so they could continuously harvest the tails.

That would be the smart, long term way to make money off of Slowpoke tails. Too bad that wouldn't get results as fast and as easily as just hacking off the tails of every Slowpoke you see.
>Why should anyone pay for Pokemon, which will most likely be malnourished, poorly raised, and disobedient, when you can go out and catch one in the wild.

Ever bought the Porygon at the Celadon Game Corner? Or the Scyther, Pinsir, Dratini/Dragonair or Vulpix?

Even in gameplay terms it's mandatory for the player to fund team Rocket to get Porygon.
I wholeheartedly disagree with OP however HGSS had the best villain theme music

>Also, feel free to know I didn't read any of that.
You are beyond saving.
>lets destroy the universe for no reason
>we're hippy faggots
>make everything pretty
This is some hardcore bait, OP. Either that, or you've never played/finished any games past gen 3.

Cipher best evil team

>had complete control of their respective region and were highly respected by most trainers
>weren't afraid to use physical violence to get to their means
>had political power
>actually accomplished things
>bosses were legitimate threats
>cool theme(s)
>almost got away with everything too.

all other evil teams pale in comparison to the power of Cipher
>>hurr lets destroy the universe for no reason
Let's ignore the part about a man wanting to become god of the new world.
Honestly, the game would become stale if they just had casual teams each time. Team Galactic was really cool, and actually had good members (and an amazing theme). Team Rocket was better than others, like Team Flare, but they can't just have a simple team every time.
Plasma was pretty good with the whole switcheroo they pulled with Ghetsis.
You seem to ignore a lot of game mechanics
Dont forget that in the game, you play as an extremely talented young trainer
No everyone in that world can easily catch pokemon in the wild with mere pokeballs or have easy access to the Safari Zone (only known location of Cubone)
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