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I'm interested in seeing what you guys have to say about this. Protecting the legitimacy of your pokemon.

What do I mean by legit?
No hacking. No cheat devices. Not bred from a hacked ditto or a ditto or parent that was tampered with. No injecting. Not downloaded from a fanmade wifi distribution, cloning, rng abuse programs to find perfect frames to find shinies etc. Not by hacking in items to access hidden game locations. You get the picture.

Does anybody else here feel like pure legitimacy is this sacred thing that shouldn't be soiled? I don't care if you have a level 100 max IV shiny rayquaza. I wouldn't trade a magikarp for it because i'm so opposed to hacked fakes that I don't even find it ok to have them on my game file for any reason.

As it stands right now I can't use standard wifi trading at all because anything can pass hack checks now. It has to be with somebody I know and trust. Usually someone that found the pokemon themselves in their game legit or I don't trust that its an authentic pokemon.

Does anybody else find it weird that people generate hacked pokemon and then try to trade those hacked pokemon for pokemon they don't have? Whats the point when you could just hack the pokemon you wanted to trade for?

I can't be the only one here.
I don't personally use cheating devices. Although I did somehow end up acquiring a hacked Ditto so I use that for breeding. But that's only because the alternative is too RNG-centric. If they had a sure-fire way to pass down 6 IVs then I wouldn't mind breeding without one.

Although I have a complete living dex with legitimate Pokemon only.
I bred 5-6iv things in most egg groups (or traded for them in /wfg/) before bank and have only bred from my own stuff since so my stuff is all as legit as it gets but I don't give a shit what other people do. It's a game for children, who cares?
Dear Diary....
I completed my Pokedex before injecting was a thing, so I couldn't care less about it.
Well, I sure as fuck wasn't gonna get my Genesect any other way.
In my defense, it wasn't totally fake, just cloned from a Japanese event Genesect.
Hi Verlisify
>Does anybody else find it weird that people generate hacked pokemon and then try to trade those hacked pokemon for pokemon they don't have? Whats the point when you could just hack the pokemon you wanted to trade for?

Thats a fucking stupid thing to do and a waste of time.

The only thing that gets on my nerves is when people create competetive Pokemon through the explicit use of cheating, and rather than just minding their own business, start thumping their chest and strutting around going on about how they're playing the "real" way and that people who play the game legitimately aren't real players or some bullshit like that.
Some people can't inject, so it is just helping them out.

Personally, I'm not going to be bothered with playing Bike Simulator 2016 for hours on end when I can spend 10 mins max.
They're doing a Genesect event this year.
you have autism
I know an admin in a trading group on facebook. They're always telling me about these cool shinies and what not, but I don't see the appeal. There's a good chance they're all AR'ed. Maybe when I was 12 and couldn't just buy a Pokemon Shiny Maker 9000 on Amazon I would care less, but now it just seems pointless.

Not as autistic as cheating at a children's video game.
How's it cheating?

How does a hacked Archeops have more Attack than a "legit" Archeops?
This. And it produces the exact same end result, why play bike sim when you can fun? (^:
Having been a hacker in gen 4 and recently becoming a breeder in gen 6, I can see both sides of the coin.

Breeding for eggmoves is a shit ton of fun, and its a real treat when you get that 5 IV mon and use it to win battles in the heat of a good match.

At the same time getting said IV's can be a bit bothersom and takes up way too much time. You get a lot of people trying to tell you that getting good IVs can be done in 10 minutes, which it can. IT CAN. Fact is, if you want a HA, or have two abilities to fight between, or a certain gender, that can go from 10 minutes to an hour.

I literally didnt have to get any eggmoves for my HA Female Dragalga, but getting its HA and gender took me a good Hour or so from pure bad luck alone.

IVs are an interesting feature, albeit useless since there is no reason to have bad IV's with maybe the exception of attack for Foul Play. All it does is make mons that you really enjoyed in your story useless, with the reasoning that it gives depth to the story, although i've personally never noticed, since most stories I end up being over leveled anyways.

Its not like a game like Monster Hunter, where the actual enjoyment of finishing the end goal armor is the actual fighting of giant monsters. If you hacked the pieces for the armor, the only person really losing the gaming experience is the hacker. In pokemon its mostly about battling with other trainers. Unlike monster hunter, most people get a batch of eggs, go to Lumiose City, put a coin under their joystick and let the game play itself till eggs hatch. Its a bad thing when the player has to ignore their game for awhile before they can start playing again.

Eggmoves are fine, they make a lot of sense and make pokemon that are subpar in game, kick way more ass.
IV's are random which essentially just make the game about flipping a coin till you get what you want. Which can be even worse if your after a legendary or special event mon.
Woah. I agree to some degree.
You cannot battle with Pokemon you didn't work your ass for.
But I do think that breeding with a 6 iv ditto is fair game because it only makes breeding easier, it doesn't give you an edge.
I have two boxes full of Pokemon bred by me. All nicknamed, 5/6 iv, proper nature and ability, in a original pokeball.
But. I have four Pokemon that were made and injected in because they're impossible to get with the ability and moves in 6th gen. Is it wrong to use these not in league play? It's four Pokemon with legit stat, only with moves not able to get on the game it's in.
what's wrong with this?
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>How's it cheating?
No, seriously.

I have 2 6iv Naughty Archeopses. One was hacked and the other was not. How is one stronger than the other?
I use an injected ditto for breeding and I like giving things away so I'll clone things like mythical pokemon to do that, but for actual battles/Dex completion, I get everything fairly
Neither is stronger.
One makes you a faggot though.
You sound like the kinda person to give yourself unlimited resources in survival games and pretend it's fair because "it's like if I went to find them myself but faster"

Using illicit means to replicate the end effects of having played a game legitimately, without having done so, is literally the precise definition of what it means to cheat at a video game.

You're free to play your game however you like, I'm a firm supporter of the outcome of the NOA v. Galoob court case, but to insist that it isn't cheating to circumvent the means of gameplay to get the same result as someone who play legitimately, its delusional.
well yeah
grinding is boring
Ah yes, but a survival game is (usually) a single-player experience. There is literally no consequence to "cheating." The only person you would "harm" is yourself.

Again, I reiterate the question, "How does a hacked Pokemon perform better than a non-hacked one?" Unless you believe one of the skills tested in Pokemon is simply the ability to mindlessly perform a simple task over and over again. If that is true, I would suggest you stop playing Cookie Clicker and try Pokemon.
I agree completely with you, OP. I have released wonder traded shiny pokemon with decent stats just for even looking hacked.

Gamefreak really needs to clamp down on this shit. It ruins the game if you can just inject it.
go back to verlisify's channel
I never understood why those who hack out of laziness don't play on Pokemon Online. It's the minimal amount of effort for an even quicker result. Leave the legit Pokemon to the official games, if you don't like the ground, just play on simulators.
*grind, not ground

But yeah. If you're injecting Pokemon just to battle, go play on Pokemon online. It's faster and probably more of a challenge anyways.
I've hacked in mons. But only because my 3DS was stolen along with my legitimately bred competitive mons. Only ones I've hacked into my new game are exact copy's of those. I don't really mind when people hack, as long as its realistic. No 6 max EVs and Ditto's with Roar Of Time.
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it's irrelevant

you're upset about the "legitimacy" of identical sets of data. bytes of information. 1s and 0s.

as long as the resulting Pokemon is within the legal bounds of the game you would have to be literally autistic to put emotional value on how your bytes were generated. legitimacy is irrelevant beyond legality.
Counterfeiting is a crime, no matter how identical to legitimate money it is.
You are comparing something that can only be made by the government... to a children's video game...
No matter how much you cheapen the medium with simplified terms, the comparison still holds.

The key difference being that counterfeit money will actually never be identical to legitimate money, hence rendering the entire comparison moot and your point null.

Why do idiots on the internet always try using analogies to serve their points? And why are the analogies always so bad? Is arguing your actual point so difficult that you just decided to argue something easier instead?
Counterfeiting WAS entirely possible before they added in extra measures. The only difference is that Pokemon has yet to devise an extra measure to prevent counterfeits. So the analogy still stands.

People use analogies to make the point easier to understand. It's another perspective thrown in, because if you're stuck with a singular perspective you quickly can end up with your head lodged firmly up your ass, like what you're doing right now.
Does legit include breeding Pokemon in-game with 6IV Ditto's?

It's impossible to breed in-game for competitive Pokemon without using one. It would take you literally days to slowly work up the IV ladder with two random Pokemon.

I wouldn't be using a hacked Ditto if GF would give us a way to breed or catch consistently for max IV's.

Even giving us 3IV-guaranteed legendaries is barely cutting it, because soft-resetting for a 5IV's is a complete bitch.
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It's impossible to know 100% for sure if a pokemon you get in a trade is "legit", so why fret about it? As long as there aren't any obvious red flags, like level 100 6IV shinies etc., I'd keep it.

Otherwise you might as well just not use the GTS.
The whole online Serebii/etc. trading community worshipping shinyflawlesseventsuperstarsonlyplz makes me keep the ones off of wonder trade. I can't get any event Pokemon from a forum unless I offer that perfect Pokemon that they want
>People use analogies to make the point easier to understand.

No, they use them to avoid their lack of a point by instead arguing about something easier that nonetheless seems similar on the surface.

What do you want? For me to argue that counterfeiting money isn't wrong? No, stupid, we're talking about Pokemon. Stop trying to have a different conversation to get around the fact that your string of 0s and 1s is not any different to my string of 0s and 1s regardless of where we each got them from.

And although I'm not interested in arguing analogies - you're totally right, Pokemon has no good anti-counterfeit measure, hence legitimacy is irrelevant. That's why they came up with those extra measures for currency in the first place, dumbass; to make counterfeits detectable. Non-detectable counterfeit currency is just currency. You've argued yourself out of a point, until such time as all hacks are detectable in Pokemon.
>It's impossible to breed in-game for competitive Pokemon without using one. It would take you literally days to slowly work up the IV ladder with two random Pokemon.
The hardest part of breeding pokemon is getting your first 5IV. Once you have one, it becomes a lot easier to breed more.

Now, legit breeding 6IV's is still a colossal chore that usually isn't worth the trouble.
Right, but getting that legit 5IV takes hours upon hours, and that's only for one breeding group. Then you have to spend days working up the IV ladder for every other egg group as well. Or you could just say fuck it and get a 6IV Ditto, and have the IV's ready for any Pokemon you want.

The older and busier I get, the less time I have to spend endlessly chain breeding. Maybe if GF will wipe the slate clean and start fresh again, I wouldn't mind slowly breeding my way up, but with the sheer ubiquity of today's standard, you can't play competitively with zeroIV Pokemon
The ethics behind it still stand. Counterfeit Pokemon are identical to legit Pokemon yes, but its still a dirty and dishonest means to an end.
>Right, but getting that legit 5IV takes hours upon hours
Oh please, it takes like two hours tops. Use the destiny knot to maximize how many IV's are inherited, and start with 3IV's you caught at the safari zone.
Future gens will probably automatically set all IV's to 32 in online battles, just like they automatically set levels to 50.

The Casualocolypse is upon us.
>you can't play competitively with zeroIV Pokemon

On the contrary. Pokemon online ensures that all Pokemon have perfect IVs, not accounting for hidden powers, and so they effectively all have the same IV, which is equal to having no IVs.
I really don't care as long as it's not something blatantly impossible like Flame Body Lugia.
Welp I didn't know that safari zone Pokemon had 3IV's also. Definitely more doable if that's the case.

Still though, I already have almost a box full of 5IV Pokemon I bred from the hacked Ditto's. If I were to come clean now, I'd feel dirty about the ones I've already made, and I really don't feel like starting over out of principle.
I bred pokemon legitimately for about 1 and 1/2 years when X and Y dropped due to that being when I got into competitive, and when breeding happen to get a shit-ton easier thanks to the new mechanics.

As you can imagine, even the most extreme autist would get bored of that mundane task after such a long, grueling time.

Back when QR injecting was a thing, I hopped right on the bandwagon. I downloaded PKHex, started genning mons, and I fucking never looked back.

Eventually, when the QR exploit got patched out, I finally broke down and installed homebrew on my 3ds. Now I can edit whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want. It's fucking amazing. If I fuck up, I can literally redo my mistake, and overwrite my save file, and it's like nothing bad ever happened. I'm so glad I made the switch to cheating.

KUDO'S to the people who continue to breed like I did. 1.5 Years. That was my limit before I snapped. And I'm so glad I did.
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