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Gen I is OBJECTIVELY the worst, and the only reason anyone would

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Gen I is OBJECTIVELY the worst, and the only reason anyone would say otherwise is nostalgia goggles.

Whine about it if you must. I am right.
Finally, an Anon that speaks the truth.
VI is worse if one accounts for technological advances and series history up to that point.
Relative to the time each gen came out? Nope.
>games that came out 20 years ago and programmed on a Casio calculator are worse than today's games
Very astute observation, anon, but how do you explain Gen 6 being so dumbed-down and shitty compared to Gen 5?
while I agree with you the objective meme needs to die
>VI is worse
Not by any stretch of the imagination. OR/AS could have been better remakes (FR/LG and HG/SS set pretty high precedents), but are still pretty decent and fun. Plus all dem legendaries, nyugga.
X/Y is just superior in every. Single. Way. To the buggy, ugly mess that lacked 90% of all great and helpful mechanics we take for granted nowadays (from things like BREEDING to not having to manually select your HM moves everytime you needed to use them)

>Relative to the time each gen came out?
No, in general.

Yeah, you'd think I was stating the obvious, but I can't handle all the nostalgiafags placing it amongst one of the best/the best generation as if it was any better than the others.
>how do you explain Gen 6 being so dumbed-down and shitty compared to Gen 5?
If by dumbed down you mean "focused more on featuring a fucking gigantic cast of Pokémon from all generations and gorgeous new visuals and 3D models than some half-assed anime plot that was a much bigger part of the game than it should ever be allowed on the Pokémon franchise".
This, to be honest family.

If gen 1 was released today, it would be absolute garbage, but it was revolutionary at the time. The same can be said for gen 2. Honestly, if we're comparing to the other games released near them, the games have been getting somewhat worse. Compared to the rest of the pokemon franchise, it's been mostly getting better, but not at the same rate as everything else in the industry.

That said. Gen 1-3 are just about unplayable at this point. 4 is close by. I'm not a nostalgiafag at all. But do recognize that the games were very good for the time when they were released.
Objectively speaking? Gen 1 was the worst. Balancing issues and bugs galore. I have met Genwunners who try to tell me that Missingno is actually supposed to be a part of the game.
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But Gen II is worse.
Can't wait for S/M so faggots like you start praising gen VI.
Well S/M is a gen 6 game so if it's good that gives them the right to praise gen 6. makes sense to me
>obvious bait.
I miss when people tried.
>implying Team Flare weren't the most half-assed villains ever
Quality is not subjective, taste is.
You are free to think Lil Wayne is a better musician than Beethoven, for example. Objectively, however, you'd be wrong.

Nigga are you kidding? All it did was fix a lot of the things that were wrong with Gen I (the bugs, such as Ghost being weak to Psychic, along with several improvements, such as the introduction of the aforementioned breeding system and no longer having to manually select HM moves, just to name a few) and add a whole bunch of Pokémon. It even literally contained the entire Kanto region within it. How could it be any worse than Gen I?

>Z fags still in denial
I used to be annoyed at guys like you but by now I have even begun sympathizing with you. Godspeed, Anon. Godspeed.
It's the foundation of everything, but yes they are the least polished and has the worst pacing of any of the games.
I mean you get Strength and Surf at the same fucking time.

My nostalgia belongs to gen 2.
They were kind of half-assed, yeah. Thankfully, their shoddy plot didn't get in the way of my adventuring and creating a fantastic Pokémon team. I can't say the same for Team Plasma's shoddy plot, though.
>Relative to the time each gen came out?
Even then it was mediocre.
Hell there are games prior to pokemon that have done better. Gen 1 was an utter mess of a game.
Talk shit about gen 1/2/3/4 all you like but unlike 5 and 6 you can actually play their games without being interrupted by npcs

>walk ten steps
>rival comes along
>hey dude im going to x town now where x thing is you should come too
>see ya
>another ten steps
>another rival comes along
>hey dude this route is tricky ha well this is how to get past it to get to x town where you should be going
>see ya
>another ten steps
>first rival returns
>heals your pokemon
>wow we are nearly at x town what a journey together we are best friends lets have a battle but feel free to say no
>battle them, their pokemon are weak as shit
>haha wow what was close huh now lets go
>game walks you to the gym in x town and shows you where it is becaue you're a braindead retard who would get lost otherwise
>/vp/ will defend pokemon black/white/black2/white2/x/y/or/as
>Relative to the time each gen came out?
You have no idea what you're talking about.
There were many, many superior RPGs to Red and Blue by the time it came out.
>what is rocket
Also Flare being half assed was kind of the point because they were literally made up of kids who grew up with their wealth and inherited money from their family.
The reason Lysandre put such a steep price on entry was to gather the people who would work/ed for it but instead he got the people who grew with their money and wealth and didn't know the value of life and money.
Who cares, it doesn't impact the gameplay and only adds to the lore.
>being able to play the game without being constantly interrupted by NPCs who tell you literally nothing as you mash A praying the conversation ends before you're forced to end yourself
It does affect the gameplay

Instead of battling or catching pokemon I have to sit through walls of poorly written dialogue and characters making stupid anime poses which detracts replay value and makes me not want to play the game

Anyone who plays pokemon for the characters or story needs to stick their head into an oven
>Instead of battling or catching pokemon
What do you mean "instead" I wasn't aware that they talked to you during battles or while you were capturing something. Can the NPCs now jump into whatever scenario of their own free will?

Are you sure you haven't been playing SMT or something? You know, games where that actually happens?
Did Team Rocket even have any characterization? They were just random thieves, they were given zero depth or even any sort of overarching goal. They are by far the weakest in the series.
Jesus Christ you people will never be happy unless pokemon is a completely textless adventure devoid of story and lore.

It's not optional nigger, to move on in the game you have to go through that shit

If you could bypass it it wouldn't be a problem but you can't so it is

Pokemon is about ten year olds having cock fights, Gamefreak needs to stop trying to add a "meaningful" story to it because it will never work
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Pokemon is the first of its series and no other RPG had even as close as good as a variety of characters to use WHILE also having multiplayer.
Story and lore would be great if it's done decently.

What nobody should want is garbage dialogue and one-dimensional characters. Either do it well or don't do it at all.
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This. If Nintendo didn't push the advertising as hard as they did, Pokemon would've died with Red/Blue and become obscure trash nobody cares about. It'd end up like Digimon where nobody outside of Japan gives a shit, only worse since Nintendo had a thousand other IPs to play with even back then.

Advertising sells games, not quality.
>Advertising sells games, not quality.

The gen 1 games had both.

Check the reviews; they were well received. If the games were trash no amount of advertising would have saved it.
Story is not the problem. Shitty fanfic-tier story is.
Gen V at least had depth to their characters. Hell, the Gym Leaders did something other than sit in rooms all day to give you badges

That's also what makes Gen VI such a disappointment in comparison that it has all these characters that do fucking nothing. Even Gen V built everything up, but nothing from Kalos stands out other than Mr. 3000 Years

Hoenn makes up for it, but that's more patching holes on a sunken boat than making a new ship
The issues you're complaining about have been a staple of the series since at the very least Gen III, if not since Gen I when a single kid takes down an entire criminal organization

How's that any more realistic than taming God in a series with fire-breathing lizards?
At least the Rockets were believable and scary criminals rather than over-the-top goofballs who want to destroy the world by misusing (insert cover art legendary) like every villain Gen 3 and onward.
It was cool for the new concept in that time, doe.
>The gen 1 games had both.
We know that quality is the big thing that the games lacked.
The big thing that sold it was the collection and multiplayer, without that it would have faded into obscurity. Then there's the old ignorance factor people had then and that reviewers didn't take their job very seriously.
The only Rocket I was ever scared of is the one with a level 16 Raticate in Mt. Moon
Having a day job or a hobby is the not really the same as having depth. By that measure most of the gen VI leaders all have depth too. Viola is a photographer (who also has a reporter as a sister), Grant is a rock climber etc. They all also have some vaguely defined cartoon character personality (which isn't really a problem by itself unless they're constantly inflicting it on the player).

I don't know why people act like the Gen 5 leaders had "depth" when all they really did different was appear in maybe one or two scenes more than gym leaders usually did to say nothing substantial. Them facing off with the completely personality-free Seven Sages at the end of the game doesn't really add anything either.

I'll agree though, that Cheren/Bianca at least had something going on with their characters moreso than Calem/Serena did. And of course Shauna/Trevor/Tierno were completely fucking useless and only served to give out an extended tutorial of the game.
They're the only team in the main series that actually steal, abuse, and kill Pokemon for profit. That's why they're scarier than the Marvin Martian villains in the later games.

The villains from Colosseum and XD were probably the best in any Pokemon game.
>At least the Rockets were believable and scary criminals
In the real world yeah they were pretty scary, in the pokemon world they were a minor nuisance at best due to their small ambitions and inability to take on a man without pokemon.
All in all they came off as goofballs more than any other team thus far and the anime didn't help.

Also there are only two actually "scary" characters in pokemon, Cyrus and Ghetsis.
>They're the only team in the main series that actually steal, abuse, and kill Pokemon for profit.
Galactic blew up a lake inhabited with Pokemon.
Ghetsis abused pokemon and sent those abused pokemon to his son in order to give him a warped perspective of the world.

And Rocket killed one Pokemon.
Because you see them do something in-game than just fight them and forget about them entirely. That's the part you're missing

You never see Viola outside her Gym taking pictures of the bugs or really anybody doing anything outside of Korrina introducing the important player to Mega Evolution with Lucario

If you're going to disregard the Gym Leaders like that at least respect the fact they aren't just boss fights that exist for the sake of a game. In fact Gens II, III and IV also did better than Gen V because you had things like Jasmine taking care of the Amphiros, Clair being a bitch, Norman being your dad, Maylene trekking to Snowpoint to visit Candice without shoes, or Crasher Wake being... Crasher Wake

All Gen V had was a little bit of Viola, Korrina and maybe Clemont I guess
That comes from the fact most Teams actually aren't evil. Maxie and Archie are sort of anti-villains while Team Galactic and Plasma were brainwashed. But those latter two made up for the fact both leaders (Cyrus and Ghetsis) are some of the most twistedly evil characters in the series, far more than Giovanni
>Rocket was believable and scary

Eh I'd say plasma was half and half on the evil front.
After all some allied themselves with Ghetsis in 2.
>another thread about some guy whining that he wants other people to stop liking what he doesn't like
Look man I'm sorry if either you're:
a. too young to have played red/blue when it first came out
b. mom wouldn't buy you it and you were left out at the lunch table
But either way, the game took off with I for a reason, pick any other gen and it could have fallen flat on it's face.
Charizard, Pikachu, Squirtle are objectively the most fun pokemon to play with and market.
>Fallen flat on its face

I'll be honest with you, if you could pull off any of the future games on the primitive hardware then people would love those games too, and probably shit on Kanto for being so bare bones it is now in terms of region design

But that's the thing, Pokemon was successful in SPITE of the hardware rather than because of it. Game Freak fumbled around for 6 years to make Red and Green
>Game Freak fumbled around for 6 years
[citation needed]
>But either way, the game took off with I for a reason
You know the only reason it took off in Japan was due to the connectivity and the fact that the GB was fairly slim pickings for long games right? The west was almost entirely due to the anime.

Any other generation would have done exactly the same were they the first and you would be saying whatever starters and regional rodent would be the objective best.

Anon, this should be well-known information by now
I wouldn't say labored as much as worked on it on and off while working on other projects and the magazine.
After all GF was a fairly small company at the time they couldn't afford to slack off.

Anyway the real amount of time is about 3 or so years, a full 6 would give us a substantially better product.
>Rockets were believable and scary

>im going to fund terrorism by cutting off the tails of innocent pokemon and selling them on the black market

They weren't out to conquer Johto or even Kanto, they were just out to get cash.

That's why they were a more believable criminal organization. They weren't trying to wipe out humanity or destroy the universe or flood the world or any of that dumb shit, they were just greedy assholes.
They barely took over a building let alone real terrorism.

O I am laffin

Seeking legendary power is believable. People sailed for months to look for the fountain of youth
>That's why they were a more believable criminal organization.
Which is what makes them less believable and brings you back into reality, there's legends of pokemon that can resurrect things and one that can destroy in a single flap, don't you think their ambitions are a little small for the pokemon world?
They really didn't fit into the world of pokemon and you could tell, they ended up nothing more than the villain on a cartoon that's always shown up by a better one.
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This is a kid's game, you know.

The newer games don't make much sense either. Legendary Pokemon are basically gods now instead of simply being extremely rare or powerful in battle. The evil teams are actually psychotic doomsday cults who want to control gods in order to destroy the world, but they get defeated by kids who in turn control those same gods just for the keks.
>Legendary Pokemon are basically gods now instead of simply being extremely rare or powerful in battle.
They've ever only been gods in the Sinnoh games anon, which is why people don't like them.
Every other game has then as extremely powerful but not undefeatable.
>The evil teams are actually psychotic doomsday cults who want to control gods in order to destroy the world, but they get defeated by kids who in turn control those same gods just for the keks
Which makes team rocket even less believable given how easy it is to control these "gods".
Even those bumbling idiots could do it.
>not having to manually select your HM moves everytime

I realized how much we take this shit for granted, after not playing Gen 1 in years and then finally playing it again when the Virtual Console games came out
Groudon and Kyogre created the continents and oceans, so that's pretty godlike behavior. Xerneas and Yveltal represent life and death as well.

And all the games with the Rockets (except for HGSS) were made before the other teams existed.
Gold and silver fixed virtually everything wrong with re/blue and they can be played on the same console
And they also came out a few years later when they already had the basic logic of the game figured out and it only had 2/3rds of the number of new Pokemon

what's your point?
He is right, Kanto is the most boring stale region.
"Fanfic-tier" is not even close to being the same thing as "realistic". Unlikely tales of a kid becoming a hero (and becoming the Pokémon Champion!) are amazing in videogames. It's the way that story is told that is being criticized.
Quality for things like music, in which "quality" has no quantitative value and is based on opinion, is literally subjective. Stop meming.
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