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Misty's last ep of the entire anime was about Max of all

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The writers decide to give Misty one last episode in AG for the next decade worth of episodes back in 2005. Her last episode isn't even about her, its about Max and them both bonding over being younger siblings.

Misty doesn't even get a fond farewell at the end of the episode, Ash's group and her just turn to opposite directions and walk off. This turns out to be her final episode of the series to date 11 years later.

And Pokeshippers thought she was gonna make some kind of comeback in the DP series and meet Dawn...lol.
>caring about the anime post Orange Islands
>watching the animé
>every time Ash comes home, Tracey is with misty
>Pokeshippers STILL haven't taken the hint
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>even owns a baby bred from his Marril
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Post yfw
Didn't her Japanese voice actress quit or something, and that's why she got written out of the show?
I dont like how only the previous girl can ever come back.
I think most old fans stopped watching the anime by that point anyways. No real point in keeping her around.
Why do people hate Max?
>There were people that liked Misty

The anime characters were never really good, but as the series progressed at least they used the actual protagonists from the games up until Best Wishes shat itself because the anime couldn't handle BW's plot

It's funny because the anime is nothing but an advertisement for the games and it's such a poor representation because it has to be a squeaky clean for being the face of Pokemon. No chances will ever be taken now that they've relied on Ash for the whole show, and every region will be a soft reboot to represent the games better but it ends up sacrificing good story telling

Also hurts how Origins was nothing more than a damn Charizard X commercial
I like pre-togepi Misty.
She was cute, spunky and I thought Starmie and Staryu were pretty cool pokemon, specially with how the anime chose to animate them.

Then Togepi removed any semblance of character and she hardly used anything else.
Togepi had nothing to do with it. There were still loads of post-Togepi episodes with Misty being Misty (shit, Breeding Center Secret is post-Togepi and one of the best all-around Misty episodes). It was the Orange Islands that mellowed out Misty's character.
Misty will always be the best PokeGirl.
Where'd you hear that?
I really like Max he's super cute
No, Shudo just didn´t like her so he axed her.
So when's Iris appearing in XY?
Ugh. Most annoying character in the series. At least they got the child character right with Bonnie.

That's what happens when a series get's buttfuck crazy popular all around the world. The characters all get toned down so everything can be squeaky clean and marketable.
Uh, 2005 was only 3 years after Misty left back in 2002. Most of the Misty fanbase was still ranting on forums like Serebii/Bulbagarden at the time because they all thought Misty would return after AG ended. It wasn't until Dawn was revealed for the first time that they all finally realized she wasn't returning to the cast.

Even then, they still spent the entire 4 year span of DP thinking she would get a cameo and meet Dawn, so their ranting didn't stop for over a decade.
Because he's an annoying cunt.
Kept cockblocking Brock which was nothing of his goddamn business.
Hate him with a passion.
>they got the child character right

Children are not sweet loli waifus anon, they're really annoying and like to be right, and act like know it alls. Max was very accurate, unlike perfect little bonnie.

Actually Togepi was introduced before the anime ever debuted outside of Japan. Sadly, Misty was always destined for blandness, irrespective of international popularity.
I didn't dislike Max much in Hoenn, since the writers gave him things to do and he made May and Ash look mature. During Battle Frontier though his character was bad and had no reason to be there, he should have stayed at Petalburg after Hoenn.

Maybe. But I don't really care about accuracy in my children's cartoons about magical animals, I care about likeable, fun characters. An enthusiastic little kid (which is still pretty realistic, I'd say) is more fun than an obnoxious, know-it-all kid.
Because they have awful taste. He's a way better young character than Bonnie will ever be.
May basically dropped him in Hoenn before going to Johto
Is this bait?

Bonnie isn't just a great kid character, she also has one of the best characters of any of the main characters in general past and present. She has more personality than some of the female leads.

To be fair, Brock was an annoying faggot about his boner. It was amusing in early Indigo League, but by the time he stopped being slightly shy about it and just spilled his spaghetti every time he saw a legal woman, it marked his downfall as a character.

It fucking sucks when one character starts out with a notable trait and it gets so horribly exaggerated and repeated. But that just describes the entire pokemon anime mid indigo league.
Sometimes I can't tell who fared worse, Brock or Misty. Originally I thought Misty was handled worse, but then Brock stayed for two more gens and became almost unbearable. Now I think Brock was handled much worse than Misty was, because at least she was written off right around the time her character became dead...Brock stuck around.
She has the same handful of personality as every character. You just think she's cute so you give her a pass.

At least her running gag was versatile. Psyduck could actually do different things every time he popped out. He'd always fail, but it wasn't always the same. But Brock's recurring gag was very much one note, and like you said, they dragged it on, and on, and on...

I don't even think Misty was that bad until maybe Johto. She at least maintained her snappy attitude, and even had a mini rivalry with Ash at times while still obviously feeling for him, but not being irritating about it unlike Serina.
The only thing that was versatile about Misty was Psyduck.
Well at least it's refreshing to have an anime discussion without the shipping and amour crap.

That's true. It was adding salt to the wound instead of correcting that shit out.

Have you met kids, anon?
Bonnie/Eureka is modeled after that one kid that just wins over your heart.
I generally dislike brats and the shit they do, but once in a while, there's a cool little kid that's just either funny or cute or lovable.
Misty was more active than Brock when the two of them were around at the same time. Misty did get more eps in Johto than him, including the Whirl Cup which Brock didn't even enter.

There was also the Seaking catching ep, the battle with Ash for Totodile, a battle in the Coastline Gym underwater, and a few fillers.
you keep saying general statements about what you think about Misty but you keep failing to elaborate on it.
Misty's gimmick was being the tsundere of the group, which wasn't justified more than half of the time, which it's common for bad-handled tsunsdere archetypes. What happens with the ones bad-handled? Well, they are called cunts.

I would say it's a pretty big stretch to call misty a "tsundere"
Those characters only even exist in those awful harem anime with retarded relationship triangles, which pokemon is the farthest thing from. Misty was usually really friendly to Ash, when she did yell at him, it was usually because he actually did a dumb thing or was rude to somebody. And she was that way with anybody because she doesn't take shit, she doesn't do it to pander to some otaku archetype.
How exactly was Brock going to enter a water Pokemon competition when he had a fire type, a flying type, and two rock types? Sure Misty got more episodes but when you think about what she was trying to be and those episodes it kind of hits you how inactive she was. In Brock's case he at least in a way was always doing the up-keeping of the group's Pokemon, including Misty's. The only one she actually took care of was Togepi. It especially sounds worse when most of the things Misty got involved in were filler episodes.

I can't "keep saying" general statements when that was the first one I made and it doesn't take much to see that Psyduck was what really did anything.
Just tsuntsun works fine, and no they don't only exist in harem anime.
He entered a fighting type competition with Geodude back in Kanto. Even so, they could have made a rock pokemon tournament, or some other kind of tournament for Brock to enter...and they didn't bother.

The tag battle tournament in DP was the only major battle tournament Brock was ever in.
>those characters only even exist in those awful harem anime
>only even exist in awful harem anime

Yeah, you don't know anything about the archetype then.

I agree that she was friendly sometimes, but the only justifiable one is being rude, doing something dumb is part of growing up, learning. There's no need to scream or threaten to hit him if he did a rookie mistake.

That's why I think she was cunt (mind you, not always). If only she acted tsun when it was actually needed.
Fighting Pokemon Tournament at least partially makes sense seeing how Brock had a Pokemon with arms so Geodude could grapple not to mention his thing wasn't about battling, but breeding which is why he had that breeder competition.

He didn't have a Water Pokemon until Hoenn and the Whirl Cup was specifically made for Water Pokemon.
last 4 episodes Davvn appears in is about fucking Piplup and literally filler characters

not to mention Togepi evolving and being abondened played a big part in Misty's cameos

What's worse is that she wasn't that much more experienced anyway. During Indigo it was really Brock who was doing any of the coaching.
>AG was 10 years ago
Misty had her own special episodes not to mention several appearances in AG that included a huge special. What more do you want?
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>there are plebs who hate Misty because she was "a bitch to Ash", instead preferring a polite, bland, inoffensive character like Serena
>there are plebs who don't like having a fiery tsundere waifu
>there are plebs who hate Misty because she's "ugly" (???) and "trashy", despite thousands of young boys being smitten with her

>But muh'lady isn't supposed to raise her voice
>I'll protect muh'lady from the evil jerk Gary
Betas don't like people who are louder than them

that's sad they haven't brought Misty back since then.

I'm not saying she needs to be a main character again, even one appearance a saga would be nice.

same with the other past protagonists.
>I'm not saying she needs to be a main character again, even one appearance a saga would be nice.
>same with the other past protagonists

Having all main character at once would be expensive because of theor VAs not to mention some of them retired
Daily reminder that Misty is still like 12 you sick fucks.
May was introduced 13+ years ago....feels like only yesterday.
Don't do me like that homie
I was around 17 when May was introduced. I am now 30. Where does the time go?
>If you like a female character it obviously means you want to fuck her

Fuck off you... wait, that's probably mostly true on this shit website.
Most male Misty fans fantasize about her too, I've seen it. They constantly fap to her in the mermaid outfit.

Its only the female Misty fans who view her as some kind of feminist goddess and put her on a pedestal.
She's fucking trash. She's just a "lel xD so cuteeee the little girl with her hamster xD xD"
Anyone who doesn't like Bonnie deserves to be beaten up.
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Misty was just a normal tomboy, nothing more. Misty is the girl who is cool enough to hang with the guys and most people would forget she was a girl sometimes. She is the type of girl you lose your v-card to during the summer.
That makes no sense. Don't forget Misty appeared in multiple side episodes after leaving the main series. The side episode where Misty returns to the Cerulean Gym only aired a month after the episode in the main series where Misty separated from Brock and Ash.
Misty's Japanese VA also sometimes hosts trivia segments for the anime that airs in Japan. She did it during 2007 when DP was airing, even when Misty herself never appeared in any DP episode.
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Didn't she do that with Brock?
Gingers a shit.
Yes. Misty's VA still worked on the anime years into AG.

Its probably because at the time the writers weren't sure if they were going to axe Misty for good or not yet, they were obviously waiting to see how May was received by the fandom. So Misty was still kept around at least for Japanese audiences until they realized May became popular and they didn't have to show Misty anymore.

That's also why Misty's cameos/appearances stop entirely right after the Hoenn league in 2005. During Battle Frontier Misty no longer appeared at all besides brief scenes in the openings.
he looks leftist
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