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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread

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Thread replies: 555
Thread images: 118

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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>The Pocket Monsters XY&Z Complete Overview Special!

>Movie 19: Pokémon the Movie XY&Z 2016 [Jul 16th]

>Hoopa manga scanlation project

Next episode:
>XY&Z10: Bonnie and Squishy! [Jan 14th]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY&Z11: Noibat and Floette! An Encounter in the Wind!! [Jan 21st]
>XY&Z12: Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! [Jan 28th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
It's happening! Again!

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY, but their releases can happen any time of the week.

>Muh dubs when?

Old thread: >>24936834





NEXT: XY&Z10: Bonnie and Squishy! (Jan 14th)
>Ash and his friends somehow managed to fend of the attack by Team Flare. However, Bonnie can't help but worry about "it", which went missing during the confusion of the battle.... While the group searches near Terminus Cave, they accidentally end up angering a group of Toxicroak and Bunnelby ends up injured! Bonnie blames herself for it and does something unthinkable!?



XY&Z11: Noibat and Floette! An Encounter in the Wind!! (Jan 21st)
>A passing Floette saves Noibat, who has been poisoned by an angry Breloom.

XY&Z12: Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! (Jan 28th)
>While she's practicing, Serena receives an invitation to a dance party for performers.
Remember what you promise to do if you're wrong
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>implying I'd bomb a thread that has no excessive amounts of porn and/or shitposts in it

ya'll niggas need to chill
So you've accepted that it's possible Serena will fall for Clemont in the episode?
>or shitposts
Anon, there will definitely be shitposts. There always are. But the real thread is underneath them.
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Stalebaiter's here. Make your rounds.
Are you willing to accept the possibility that you're wrong and Serena may fall for Clemont in the episode?
If that's the one I think it was, I was just harmlessly posting some Gary. If it lead to the thread's nuking, have my sincerest apologies.

It's more the porn than the shitposting; every thread needs shitposting here and there.
Implying Clemont, an unfit person would have a past with Serena.
>Implying a trailer is the full episode.
Because Serena only likes Ash and people are implying that she got over him, which will never happen. These geekchicshipping-tards are persistent.
Let's break it down:

>Ash and Serena have a backstory together
>Ash and Serena are a source of inspiration together
>An earlier episode had Serena teaching Ash how to dance
>Ash and Serena had a date episode that ended with Ash giving Serena a gift she cherishes.
>Serena constantly worries and gets focus on Ash's well being
>Her feelings are brought up by different people
>Dance episode comes
>Ash dances with Millefeui

How does this make any kind of sense storywise?
We know how Serena reacted when Miette said that if she doesn't make a move, Miette will take Ash away from Serena. In another episode, when Miette said she and Serena will settle the score, she told Serena she might have a chat with Ash, both of which Serena reacted to. The reason they haven't shown it in the dancing episode preview is because they are waiting for the right time to show Serena reacting to Miette dancing with Ash, either with another trailer or when the episode comes out.
No possibility at all.
I have huge doubts on that Omode will rwrite of Serena's crush on Ash in just one episode.
>Millefeui constantly pushes Serena's buttons about Ash.
>The Ash and Serena tag team duo BTFO Millefeui

For some reason, I find this funny.
>the trailer showed us everything we need to know
A trailer only shows part of the episode and not the entirety of it.
Highly doubt it.
Why put a trailer in to hype an episode with Serena dancing with anyone but the guy she's had a romance subplot with for the last 2 years? That's where I get lost.
AmourShipping is the main thing in XY(&Z) so I doubt they will make Serena fall for a stupid blond unfit four-eyed freak!!
The ribbon Ash gave Serena along with being a huge inspiration for her since XY started!!
I'm biting, whatever. No. The main thing in XYZ is Ash x Greninja.
I'm actually trying to hold a conversation. As I said, I don't really understand the logic behind showing a trailer of Serena dancing with Clemont, when she's had a subplot with Ash for the last 2 years. Is it's purpose to upset people?
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>AmourShipping is the main thing in XY(&Z)
Here are the hints Ash has shown to Serena. And I don't care what anyone will say! http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shipping:AmourShipping#Ash.27s_hints
Ash gave Casey a fucking Pokémon and that served her as inspiration as well. People don't just give gifts to people to hook up with them.
XYZ episode 6: After Ash and Sanpei jump off the balcony in pursuit of Kagetomo, Serena is the only one who immediately tries to follow before being stopped by Shinobu. Even after Shinobu tells her to return to Ippei as a safer alternative, Serena hesitates and whispers Ash's name in worry.
>Article written by someone as delusional as you.
Casey was only an idea Ash got for someone. So Ash giving the ribbon means he was greatful for everything Serena did for him.
I have no relevence in that website. It was other peole who worked on it.
No, he gave her a ribbon because he has 0 use for a fucking ribbon. Just like he didn't have a use for a fucking Beedrill so he gave it away.
It's not the full episode.
And the time Ash managed to beat Viola in a rematch after some inspiration from Serena.
I'll put it as simple as I can: controversy gets viewers. It got you curious, therefore you'll watch the episode and see if that's what's all about or if there are some twists in the situation.

Just look at the whole goddamn yellow journalism the entertainment business has. That's their bread and butter.

Needless to say, shitposting or not, the word is getting around. Let's see how those ratings turn out for that episode.
After Serena revied the ribbon she said she will cherish it and in episode 60 she has the ribbon on her new design and has been wearing it ever since.
>The trailer gives us all the information we need.
No, it does not. Quite the contrary, actually.
Trailers only show part of an episode and not he episode as a whole.
I doubt Omode has the intention of pairing Serena and Clemont.
Why don't you go ask her instead of bothering people in here?
>Purposefully inflammatory conjecture
And ignored. Go be a bother somewhere else.
Guys, he's been flooding the catalog with his tiresome bullshit and relentlessly samefagging just to keep them afloat. There's no way he should be taken seriously at all; just report and ignore.
In XYZ episode 6: After Ash and Sanpei jump off the balcony in pursuit of Kagetomo, Serena is the only one who immediately tries to follow before being stopped by Shinobu. Even after Shinobu tells her to return to Ippei as a safer alternative, Serena hesitates and whispers Ash's name in worry. Omode will never make a Clemont and Serena love subplot. Just look at Clemont and Serena's interractions and you'll find out.
But they show them battling together? Do you see why it's weird? "We'll show Ash and Serena battling together, but teehee we'll show them dancing together with people they rarely interact with!"
I hate geekchicshipping now!! And you can't stop me.
The ribbon is noticable so it has no chance of being ignored.
So, in full accordance with the teaser statement of the upcoming episode: do you guys think Satoshi will get to dance with Serena?

Obvious answer for me:Y to the bloody ES

Based on that supposition, how much do you think this place is going to flip shit?
Omode's been notable for those amourshipping moments.
What, you don't dance with your friends, anon?

Right... 4chan... sorry.
Look, there's no way Serena and Clemont will have feelings for each other just because they dance. Serena will never switch her crush to Cleomt just because people say so. Serena's crush on Ash will never die no matter what you or other people say.
SO you think Omode will make Serena and Clemont fall for each other just because you and other people say so?
Omode is waiting to reveal Ash and Serena together at just the right time. Omode has always written amour plots and I doubt this will ever change.
Why does it have to be a month away? An entire month of Amour dance speculation, with the topic exhausted in the first week and repeated for the entirety of January.

I'm sure this isn't what they had in mind when they invented the internet.
>Serena will switch dance partners so she will dance with Ash. All Clemont/Serena will get is a 5 seconds-inconsequential-just-friends-dancing-scene wich is not romantic. Serena falling for Clemont while they dance isn't physically possible.

>implying Serena will fall for a stupid blond unfit four-eye loser.
Serena will always have feelings for Ash and this will never change no matter what people say,
But again, the episode is called "Ash and Serena!" why are you previewing only them battling together, but dancing with other people. Isn't the target audience of this show largely kids?
Serena's feelings for Ash will stay even after her journey with him ends. They will never make a Clemont and Serena subplot even if people think or say so.
Honestly, we just need another good summary instead of

"Serena gets invited to a dance party! Who will Ash partner up with!?"
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>a stupid blond unfit four-eye loser
>dissing Based Clemont
Geekchich a shit, but insulting it shouldn't come at the price of insulting this cool, bro-as-fuck nerd.
Only three weeks more, Mr. Frodo. Only three weeks more.

Soon we can be free from this burden.
What is there to discuss? The anime is terrible.
They will never change it to Serena dancing with Clemont and make her fall for him. NO acknowledgement at all.
So lads, come on. Don't leave me hanging in 'ere.

If you can't do the right thing and discuss under pressure, then how can I be sure you will do the right thing if one of you lads ever becomes a hot pocket?
Watch all of Ash and Serena's interractions.
Oh Sam, I don't think I can handle the shitposting any more further.
Watch all of Ash and Serena's interractions. The proof is there.
The episode hasn't even aired. Why are we talking about something we have no idea about?
As in the fanboys of geekchicshipping faggot.
Nobody's saying anything.
Clemont and Serena have no past with each other and their interractions are only mere friendship. Serena will always love Ash.
Tripokalon episodes are boring. Subs when.
The trailers are only parts of the episode and not the episode as a whole.
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Yet Serena was the one who inspired Ash to win his rematch against Viola and then Ash had invited Serena to come along with hi on his journey.

Trailers are not the whole episode!!! The writes are waiting for the right time to show that!!
Serena will never fall for Clemont and Serena's feelings for Ash will never fade because you or other fuckers say so.
Omode would never make Serena fall for Clemont.
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So is there a complete compilation of the all the Tripokalon girls and their Pokemon?
Trailers are not the whole episode.
Here's my prediction for the episode:

>Serena gets invited to the dance party
>They meet Millefeui and she teases Serena about Ash. Serena spills spaghetti like usual.
>They see the ballroom and fangirl over it.
>Everyone dresses up and Pierre announces dance party.
>Millefeui grabs Ash first before Serena can say anything.
>cue mou~ from Serena
>Serena ask Clemont or Bonnie tells Clemont not to leave her hanging
>While dancing with Clemont, Serena realizes she likes Clemont.
I have doubts that Serena will fall for Clemont after just a stupid dance.
who's the seaman demon in the green?
I dont' acknowledge Serena fallig for Clemont!! STOP ASKING THAT!!!!
What IF, stay with me on this one guys, what IF instead of Serena falling in love with Clemont she realizes that her feelings when dancing with Clemont are the same as when she's with Ash and she concludes that it's because they're all just good friends.
>Serena getting NTRd by Millefeui

This is my fetish
thanks mate. fucking midriffs
You guys aren't the writers for the pokémon anime so Serena will never fall for Cloemont no mather what you think or say! Only the writers ofXY have full control and don't say that they will make Serena fall for Clemont because that will never fucking happen. Serena's feelings for Ash will never subside!!
Please. you're not helping.
I agree with everything except the last line, sorry but she falling for another boy in the middle of the series doesn't seem plausible
You guys have no control of the pokémon anime.
Neither do you, loser.
She is criminally underused even though she appeared in only one episode.
>middle of the series

Anon, as of that episode we would have been in Kalos for around 112 episodes. At most there would probably be 75-78 episodes left.
You guys have no control of the pokémon anime. Only the wirters do and they will never make Serena fall for Clemont.
Serena will always have feelings for Ash and they will never subside.
Omode would never have Serena fall for clemont and Serena's feeling for Ash will never fade.
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>All this talk about Serena falling for Lemonhead
How would you niggers react if Clemont's the one that falls for Serena?
I think he's projecting. One girl must have done one nice thing for him and he fell in love with her obsessively without reason.
Clemont and Serena's interractions are only friendship and notheing else.
Obsession and love are two completely different things.
Just hope she appears on the ballroom dance episode

I wanna see her wearing a dress
How do you think the episode is going to go? Write out your prediction.
Baring her midriff, yes?
Don't encourage them.
>26 posters, 168 replies
Sounds about right.
>Episode Starts
>Episode Ends
>Preview of the next episode

Just like any other episode
I dont' agrre that Clemont and Serena will fall for each other and Omode would never make Serena fall for Clemont.
>tfw everyone's shitposting about the dance episode
>tfw you just wanna know when luchabro will get some screentime again

I'd really like to see him styling all over Flare grunts
They will stick with the Ash/Serena sublot.
Omode will never get tired of Ash/Serena
does anyone with moon knowledge know how Japan is reacting to the trailer?
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Go back and notice Peppermint Patty already, Charlie Brown!
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I hope luchabro shows up on the next noibat episode
Ok guys, shippers are shit and amour is no different.

But I see it really hard for Serena to all of a sudden fall for Clemont, the fucker goes around Kalos in a fucking pamperchu overall. Why would she change Ash for that guy?
I'm not talking about one person, but as a whole.

Yeah and eventually Ash will leave her behind because that's what Ash does every new game that gets released.

They better do more of this Serena x Clemont connection for the rest of this generation for it make sense.
Who knows? Ask Lyon.
Ash and Serena both are enthusiastic about their dreams and even inspire each other.
Ash is Kanto shit not deserving of pure Kalosian beauty.
They will never make Serena fall for Clemont!!
Lyon doesn't even post here anymore. Adamant would probably know, then again he hasn't even given his thoughts about this.

Adamant is an Amourfag too.
I hope she falls for the dork so they can bring dawn back next region.
Remember when Staraptor was Talonflame and Talonflame was Fletchling?
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Points of view matter from shippers themselves.
I sdon't acknowladge, agree, aprove that they will make a new subplot for Serena and Clemont. Serena's feelings for Ash will never fade!!
Serena will never fall for clemontand Omode would never kill of Serena's crush on Ash just because a preview means an entire episode when it's actually parts of the episode.
And so many other amourshippers as well. Serena will keep the ribbon even after XY ends.
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The reason they're shipping Clemont and Serena now is because it was all part of the plan to ship Ash with Eureka.
Can anybody post that image of Puni-chan that looked like he was drawn as a Zygarde Cell?
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Why is with 4chan that makes people so fucking retarded?
>implying Omode did that once before with Serena and Clemont.
No. It's actually quite terrible writing.
Don't worry, I found a more progressive board for you:

So, hey you shitposters. Explain why Millefeui is with James and Ash is with Serena in the Tag Battle.
Only when she does Ash/Serena.
They don't want to count that battle.
Or better yet, check out one of these amazing communities:


>yfw at the final battle between Ash and Alain, Ash and Greninja endures and walks through Mega Charizard's Blast Burn
>blatant shitposts
>people responding to blatant shitposts probably same people who shitpost

Ah, it feels like it's January 2015 again.
The Bulbagarden Anime board is actually quite comfy. Certainly far better than /padt/ right now.
But answer the question, how did Millefeui end up with James as her battling partner when Millefeui was dancing with Ash at first?
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>still no episode to showcase Mega Kangaskhan
our current music
Only because nobody fucking goes there anymore.
They will never make Serena fall for Clemont no matter what you anons say. Serena's Crushon Ash will never die!
jesus christ I leave for a few hours and nothing has changed
Guess again


Obviously it's not as busy as padt right now, but that's because it isn't being raided by shitposters. It's still pretty consistent throughout the day and more active than serebii
Even if Serena dances with Clemont she will never fall for him and Serena's crush on Ash will never die. NO BUTS!!
There's a Misty thread on Bulbagarden now with people seriously claiming Misty should return:


We're in the year 2016 and people are actually stupid enough to think Misty has any remote chance of appearing at this point of the anime.
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There's only one recourse.
Because Clemont and Serena are friends only and don't like each other that way.
Amour shitposting, Longhair shitposting, severe levels of butthurt and meta discussion


The odd thread about Misty, anger free

Tough decision.
why are you pitching your scripts/fanfictions here
Serena's feelings for Ash will never die! JFC!
Playing this while reading through this thread is spine chilling.
actually yeah that does sound like a fanfiction
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getta bat bat

getta bat bat
It does sound like fanfiction.
Here's an idea no one has brought up...is Millefeui going to ask Ash how he feels about Serena while dancing with him?
okay this is a bit of an overreaction and not really helping
Very neat idea!! I like it!
I want Hawlucha and Talonflame to be KO'd in that episode so it steps up towards the mantle of Noivern
When can we expect an actual decent summary of the dance episode?
Not useful, she could ask and he would be: Eh? Nandatte?
stop shilling your fanfictions for fuck's sake

two weeks from now
Eh, if she did, I assume they'll pull the old "Eh? Did you say something" trick.
post iris
And that Ash has inspired Serena thanks to his never give up trait which is why Serena's feelings will never subside.
you think it's happening but you're just mentally deteriorating and it makes you think the opposite of what's true for comic effect
Reminder that this is the far superior place to discuss the anime right now:

you explain yours
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Oh hey, maybe BW really did have some cute waifus. This bitch looks like she's thirsty as fuck.
Inspiration was the reason Serena has feelings for Ahh which will never subside.
You didn't like Georgia?
There are Misty fans there. Ew.
because there's no reason for Omode to suddenly decide that without any reason

AFAIK Omode's been the hardest pusher of Amour with her episodes I see no reason why she'd just dump it without a second thought
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Well, she was just a plot device in her introduction episode.

>yfw Burgundy is the one who first appears but it is Georgia who becomes more beloved by the fandom
Remember when Serena mistook a Vespiquen for a human?
And you're still ignoring my point about Millefeui being partnered with James for the battle, when she was paired with Ash for the dance.
tfw BW is better than XY.
Serena will never fall for Clemont and her feelings for Ash will never subside. Ash helping her is the main reason Serena fell in love with him.
Remember when Serena went on a Rhyhon race?
What are worse, Misty fans or crazed shitposters who repeat themselves over and over and over until threads turn meta related?
>subs obscuring the details
Thank goodness for PM switching to softsubs

I would have too if it was dark. Vespiqueen's silhouette pretty much looks like a woman wearing a big poofy skirt
What a fucking idiot.
She's thrown Amour in random episodes like XY084 as well.

The circumstances of the tag battle still seems suspicious too. Millefeui is dancing with Ash, but her partner for the double battle is James.
Fucking disgusting manface.
>yfw Bonnie will never meet the Burgundy
Reminder that switching partners in the dance can't happen because they exhausted their budget on XY&Z09.
The episode isn't even out and people think a preview show the entire episode when it actually shows a part of it.
Cilan, go away.
Misty fans are far worse. Shitposters know they're being annoying and can be ignored.

Misty fans on the other hand are often insane and think they're on some epic crusade to get Misty back into the anime literally a decade after she left the show. They're also still stupid enough to think people even want Misty back, and claim ratings of the show declined because she left.
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Oh, I like this episode more already than the Georgia introduction episode. More focus on her rather than some other thing.
They are simply hiding that!! And it's not the budget and they have plenty.
Serena will never fall for Clemont and Serena's feelings for Ash will never subside even if she dances with Clemont!!
BW is pretty much Bully Ash: The Series, isn't it?
>switching partners can't happen.

Ash sure got tall.
Oh lawd.

>yfw only Brock is allowed to lick Pokemon
They will never make Serena fall for Clemont and her crush on Ash will never perish!!
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When will Clanker appear in the anime?
Love will never be official.
and that's why you're single
Hey /padt/ I've been out of the loop for a while, but a few months ago I promised an Ash vs Alan pic with their Megazards. Now that my charizardfag/genwunner dreams have been shattered for now, I decided to better make one of these two options next.
-Alan/Shota/Satoshi with their respective"megas".
-Satoshi and his XY team pic.
Help me decide anons.
Top fucking kek. Yep, already superior to the Georgia episode.
Trailers are only part of the episode and not the whole episode so they did'nt show everything we need to know as there's obvioulsy more.
Go megapic.
Everybody and their mothers have done them already, BlueSoul!

Just do Ash suffering.
They have it hidden!!
Burgundy is a underrated character. One of those rare not-girly females whose main characteristic is her shenanigans. Too bad the writers lost track of what to do with her.
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still the best in 2016
W-what kind of suffering?
>Ash and Burgundy stuck in a room together, with the latter always sniffing and taking her tongue out, also getting a little too close for comfort
You would think there'd be lewds of this, but there is sadly isn't any.
Not an excuse!!
what else do you want that's all we have so far
Burgundy was just meant to be a foil to Cilan, like how Georgia was a foil to Iris. That's their entire roles.
Do you have proof? Oh right "Do you have proof? Oh right "hurr they switch dance partners" excuse" excuse.
Serena's feelings for Ash will never subside.
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no because the episode hasn't fucking aired yet you repetitive twat

stop fucking saying it like that you sound like a fucking shipping terrorist for christ's sakes
>still ignoring >>24942059
Well most of ash's unova mons were shit anways
where the fuck is yours all you're doing is continuing your mental deterioration
Cabernet pls leave

>and it's realistic she could fall for him.
Where's YOUR proof then?
m8 how long do you think a trailer is for shit like this they're not going to show everything just the hype bits that's what they do

>romantic dance

Spoken like someone who never leaves their house.
Trailers are only parts of the episode for god's sake!!
that's just the weed talking
spoken like a smug overconfident bastard
The only decent unova mon was shadescroc which wasn't on ash team yet
Man, I wonder what Cilan would think of Ash's Kalos team then.
you do this every fucking episode will you please just give it a rest holy shit
>episodes are 30 seconds long.
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This image speaks in volumes about their relationship.
Dance Party = FFVIII
Clemont's gonna get Serena and she will fall out with Ash.
you obviously don't have any evidence either you monotonous fucktard

this isn't a fucking courtroom go to bed and call it a night
>dat image
>Cilan will never pat Burgundy on the head for a job well done
I was trying shut down his BS about partners not switching.
It does mean that Serena can't drop her crush on Ash and fall for Clemont!!

do Dutch people like you think that about everybody's romance

it's a fictional character get the fuck over it
Because people think an episode is 30 seconds long when a trailer actually does that.
Burgundy is a dumb cutie, while Georgia is a smug bombshell.
you do the opposite every fucking day why is that okay and yet we're the douchebags

I just realized that was Longhairfag who was Dutch never mind
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Can't we just all hug eachother?
I need to watch more about the Ash-Greninja thing before that, not gonna lie, for now it's kinda meh for me, but I like the subtle approach they're doing with it.
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why do you continue to pitch your fanfic

the series isn't fucking over yet why don't you be a bit more patient before jumping to conclusions faster than FOX News
Iris was right, Jesus. They really made Ash a kid. Shit, look at this, it's like an outoto asking for his onii-chan for help.

Thank god for Kalos.
Episodes normally last about half an hour. Not 30 mere seconds
because the episode hasn't fucking aired yet what part of that are you not getting
well again why don't you wait and see what Omode has planned
A half hour episode is the whole episode in entirity. 30 seconds are only trailers and nothing more.
no because the series is not fucking over yet we know nothing you know nothing nobody fucking knows are you thick or something

we don't know holy shit I can't predict the future but neither can you let it just play out like they have planned

stop turning this into some sort of interrogation
This would've been cool if his design wasn't so bad.
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you don't have proof for the opposite either oh my god we're going in circles here what the fuck are you trying to achieve

were you dropped on your head as a child? did nobody love you?

for the love of god we know nothing yet none of us do we're still on break so just fucking wait
Real question for you, you say "wait an see what she has planned" do you really think there is a chance she'd write off Amour in an "Ash and Serena!" episode?
30 seconds of a trailer =/= an entire episode.
no of course not like I said Omode's the largest promoter of Amour in her episodes to my knowledge there's no way she'd suddenly decide "nope I'm done fuck this"

that's not proof you lonely pitiful virgin
Cilan was a cool character. Its a shame the dub made some people dislike him.
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Well, that episode was a lot better than the Georgia debut one only because Ash actually participates in the episode. Burgundy a cutie.
How would you guys handle the future episodes?
I mean I don't know if there's anyone else on the staff who promotes it harder holy shit you're digging for shit so hard you've hit China
Go ask Omode herself!
I think it's better to stop making these threads because one person is way too persistent.
Ever notice how Burgundy replaces Team Rocket during some episodes that need some kind of antagonistic presence?
But Burgundy is a good girl.
mental deterioration at its finest

even goofag would be disappointed
I guess so
Are the Wallace Cup eps subbed? I don't even know if they are.
Do you agree XYZ12 could be bad for Amour since Serena will dance with Clemont Adamant?
Are all the Kanto episodes subbed?
Has that Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon thing been subbed?
If Serena falls for Clemont will you sub XYZ12 faster?
Either the tag battle ep with May/Dawn in DP76, or the last one DP79.
Thanks, Adamant. Would be a nostalgia trip to revisit May's DP cameo.

Also to hear Kaori one last time before she got sick. :(
Why does this place always get so many shitposters
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Oh shit, really? I haven't seen it on the page
I'll never get over how it took the anime all the way into DP just to give Wallace an appearance in the anime.
no I meant the Mirage Master thing
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m8 do you know who you're speaking to
He's going to ignore you because he's admitted he's a Amour guy and doesn't acknowledge Serena/Clemont dancing together as potential shipping.
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who the fuck are you
How are the episode 9 subs coming along?
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ah that's alright m8
Based as always, but holy shit Adamant. How much sleep do you get?
How does it feel waking up to all this shitposting? Did you ever think it would be this bad?
why are there so many movie ending earworms
When eureka and citron introduced themselves to sycamore, why didn't he say somethung about citron being the gym leader?

You would think that the professor would know
Well I'm glad the preview of the dance didn't upset you. The Amour thread at sppf was pretty bad for a while.
O-oh. Right. I forget about time zones. Good morning!
Did you get enough sleep at least? You're always working hard. ;_;
So you acknowledge that a lot of people are reacting negatively to Serena/Clemont dancing together?

Kaze to Issho Ni, Chiisaki Mono, Hitoribacchi Ja Nai, Egao and I Will Be With You which was surprising hearing an English ED come toind
*to mind
How will this general feel when the episode ends and Serena is in love with Clemont?
How about the other way around?
Clemont develops feelings for Serena?
Clemont loves Ash and you know it

everybody wants a piece of dat Ash
They already took a hard hit when they saw the preview, it's surprisingly quiet about Amour here because they try to ignore it.
The preview showed what it showed to troll. There's no other reason.
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Amour? AMOUR!!
It's better not to fall for the bait and not reply.
Nice picture though.
Hey Adamant, are you more excited by the dance or the battle?
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Burgundy basically filled the void that TR left when they became serious.

She even blasted off in that Connoisseur battle episode. She was the slightly delusional and goofy hothead that Jessie was pre-BW.
Who gives a shit about them, 99% of the posters in the Amour thread are tumblr and Pinterest tier autists
>not 100
It's not just Tumblr and Serebii, most people outside this thread were taken aback by the dancing pairs. One WOULD expect Ash and Serena to be a pair, but I guess with Millefeui there people should have known better.
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Gotta love the amour anons
Some of the Amour thread people are here on 4chan
Fuck off
Yeah so what?
It's a nice way to tease the shipping fans with them dancing with opposites. It couldn't be any easier to have Serena and ash dance with someone else and show the trailer start with them dancing happily, and when we watch the episode, it'll slowly turn to jealousy for Serena while millefeui likes the teasing and who knows, maybe in the end she too will fall for ash. Usually there's always one girl who falls for ash in each region except unova
I love it!!
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More amour? You got it sir!
Alright. Prediction time.
Everyone's freaking out about the dance. But Omode wouldn't simply trash amour, not after how many episodes since her last? (The eevee focused one?)
But anyway, here are some things anons predicted from previous threads:
>Rotated dancing
>Serena dancing with Clemont first because of Eevee's shyness and Bunnelby
>Serena spaghetti
>Serena and Ash finally about to dance, but Pierre stops them from holding hands, and the battles begin
>Serena being upset that she didn't dance with Ash, but before the end of the episode, Ash offers his hand and asks her if she would like to continue from before
>Or, Serena steps up to the plate and asks Ash to continue the dance
>serena kawaii shitposter returns right after stalebait invasion ends
This isn't suspicious, not at all
I think I know an amourshipper that has been here before and it's by the username of purimpopoie from Tumblr. Purimpopoie is one of the bigger amourshippers out there though she only came to /vp/ once. A shame to have no proof this time around.
Why don't you go back there and stay there?
>It's a nice way

No, it has the opposite effect as seen across the anipoke fandom.

Basically that trailer does a complete 180 on everything we know about the series and it's characters prior to the episode.
Purim has been in the pokemon fandom for over 10 years. She used to post on the Advanceshipping thread on Serebii back in 2006.
It's fine on my end and I pretty much understand that no one has to like the same things.
Fuck off, Scott
I only came to 4chan for research purposes.
I came to 4chan because bulba/serebii are shit and I hate tumblr.
Her last Amour scene was the one with Shauna knowing about Serena's crush, the last Amour scene in general was 3 episodes ago.
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>accusing me for stailbaiter
I need to bring amour back since apparently it's been bone dry since the last time I chatted with my fellow faggots. Plus, many of us love the amour
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So I was on a DP watching binge today

They used that Mewtwo movie song twice

And now I'm seeing they used it a third time in the Dustox leaving episode but that's not subbed so I wouldn't know

but still why the fuck
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>resisting the amour
Don't worry anon, you'll love the amour sooner or later
The point is nothing holds water right now. James being paired with Millefeui in a battle could indicate the partners switch, by the same token Serena's lack of concern with Ash/Millefeui could be she's gotten over Ash and likes Clemont.
Yet you neglect to talk about it being just a teasing trailer when the full episode could just show her getting jealous. Man, anons these days are so easy to prove wrong since they think they know everything
At this rate you'll have to sub everything just to give people something to talk about.
Ash and Serena is always hyped up. Showing in a battle together isn't nearly as romantic as them dancing together. And knowing how popular the ship is deliberately showing them something that'll make them mad is bad advertising.
Who do you nigga think will narrate the preview?
Serena obviously

And I won't have it any other way
It's called a teasing trailer. Obviously it's to give all shippers and Pokemon fans something to talk about and to watch the episode. Anything that makes us interested in the episode, whether it's a good or bad advertisement, gets us to want to watch it. Remember episode 59? It was hyped to believe it would be a good date episode, and it wasn't. We were wrong but it still had a sweet moment to enjoy. It's the same here.
>yfw it's Millefeui and a completely oblivious Ash
Rotated dancing seems most likely, but hopefully it wont happen. It took too long for Amour to happen so hopefully the dance episode shows it's over for good.
Go ahead and make an account if you'd like.
But what I'm saying is the date episode was mostly focused on Ash and Serena in line with the subplot up till that point. The subplot hasn't changed up to this point nor will it likely change in the two episodes prior to the dance, so why would you show them with completely opposite people (both of whom they rarely interact with), I'm sure they are well aware of how popular Amour is.
I was thinking it be Ash, Serena, and Millefeui.
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>Amour to happen so hopefully the dance episode shows it's over for good.
>expecting amour to end when amour hint was recent.
Silly anon, amour will never end
Like I said, it's something that makes people want to talk about. It hypes up the episode so more will watch it.
And showing Ash and Serena dance together wouldn't have the same effect?
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Sure it would, but it doesn't mean they can't try it in another way. It's basically reverse psychology. Think of how you eat your favorite meal. Everyone has their own way of eating it and enjoying it. The show can be enjoyed and shown off in different ways. Although we all love amour, it is a show meant for kids so they have to focus on that first, then shippers after. Just showing Serena dance with clemont while ash dances with millefeui is a perfect way to start a conversation. They just wanted to try it with a different approach because they must've thought that it would be too obvious to see another quick scene of ash and Serena together so they decided to have Serena with Clemont and ash with millefeui to get a more effective attention grab from the audience. It worked. As you can see, we all are talking about it, but it doesn't prove anything revolving around geekshipping or the end of amour.
>Grant gets turned on by walls
I forgot how fucking funny that scene was
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I'll end it there. Wanna sleep. Goodnight me fellow faggots.
fuck off and stay off
But they showed Ash and Serena battling together so...
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You called anon? The amour Doctor knows what you want :)
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Yeah and? It's something extra to show them working together. Let's not forget that Serena is using eevee and with Serena trusting it while ash battles alongside them, it can add a slight family feeling since eevee is gonna be a sylveon. Of course the family feeling is a bit exaggerated but then again, so has been every geekshipping post that never came true. Like I said, it's a trailer for fans to hype over with the reverse psychology and to prepare for sylveon. I've proven my case.
>enter thread
>80% of posts are replies to deleted ones
Yeah, she coulda been a contender.
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Alright this time goodnight. I'll continue my amour in the morning/afternoon.
>there will be an eventual argument episode
>ash wont be able to protect this smile

Why live?
Serena doesn't have a crush on Satoshi,She LOVES HIM.
A crush is something girls can easily grow out of,but serena remembered him and has never forgotten the day she met him.
She's been waiting years to see him again.
She worries about him.
She wanted to see him again.
She wanted to travel with him.
She taught him hw to ride a syhorn and how to dance.
She wanted him to remember her,she was hoping for it.
She tries to stop him from doing crazy things and tells him off with worry after he does.
She yells his name whenever he's in trouble,or if she's on her own.
She cheers him on.
She gained her new confidence from thinking about how he is.
She seeked out her new dream because she wanted a reason to be with him,and she will have to choose between the dream or him at some point.
She gives him strength when he's weak.
She was the reason he remembered to never give up.
She gets jealous when other girls seek his attention.
She cries or gets upset when he is upset.
She's in love with him! i can't see her dropping her feelings like that for Citron sorry.
Sakura was similar with Sasuke as was Hinata with Naruto and look how that turned out.
It's not a crush,she's in love and girls don't fall out of love so easily,Satoshi would have to be killed or in a relationship with another girl in order for Serena to change her feelings to Citron.
Well, I might watch more of BW just for her then.
Will Alan's Charizard bring back memories to Ash of his own Charizard? Or do you guys think they'll glaze over it?
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Probably just says, "Wow, Charizard can Mega Evolve too?"

For now this is the era of the Greninja.
Same thing they did with Sceptile too.
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S-SOON, right?
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Why is he so awesome
>still no Noivern to make this image perfect
25 episodes from now at the very latest. Have patience.
>yfw Charizard is added to the opening replacing Wulfric fighting Alan's Charizard
Small, developed teams > larger, unbalanced teams
We'll have to get pass through PUNISHED ASH and Wulfric training him to get to that point.
I have no fucking clue what the writers were thinking during BW. They made Ash pull a Paul and start rotating Pokemon on his team. That shit was annoying.
>yfw they could have done a Poke TV-esque omake slice of life at the end of each episode depicting Ash's Unova Pokemon interacting with his other Pokemon at Oak's ranch
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man I miss Ash gains
Goodra or Charizard, they'd be good additions. Face it niggahs, Honedge will never happen. It;s too evil-looking. You're more likely to have Swanna Girl ascend memehood and become a real character than Ash getting Honedge
They say your life flashes before you die and that blast burn will basically make Ash remember his entire journey this far.
I never understand how blast burn will hurt greninja since water cloak and all that
>implying Ash-Greninja doesn't dissipate just before that happens
If /tv/ crashed a plane, /mu/ killed Lemmy, /r9k/ caused a mass shooting and /pol/ made Trump the Republican frontrunner, why can't >we meme Swanna girl into being a recurring character like Alexa?
Memes choose the boards, not the other way around. Besides, Green Maki is superior.
>life flash takes three episodes
>dat team
Just realized he is proper fucked against an Electric trainer...
only three of his mons are weak to electric, and one of those can alter type to resist electric
Electric/Flying Mega Charizard Z?
>one of those can alter it's type
Which one? Does Greninjash have Protean or something?
Why not both and send Luchabro to the sidelines?
Goodra is gone for good.

Unlike with Gliscor, Squirtle or Charizard, there wasn't any indication of it being open-ended with Goodra coming back.

The new Blast Burn animation has it so that the user punches the ground which cracks and the flames come through and explode. Ash-Greninja's water shroud only protects around it, so the blast burn could literally come up from the ground and still hit within the water shroud.

Greninja's ability is still unknown however there's been a few hints it could be Protean.
Will charizardfags ever give up?
>we end up memeing Swanna girl into Master Class
Millefeui a ugly.
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So who would win in a wrestling match: Primeape or Hawlucha?
I hope Godra returns.
Hawlucha, Primeape is crap.
>ends up in master class
>ends up the Kalos Queen
>still fucking cries, her Swanna still nearby to console her.
Will we ever see the XY Gang in space?
>boxing pig monkey vs burd that wrestles
>who would win in a wrestling match
Only Pancham
So, that Rocky III fight against Not!Hulk Hogan?
We need more boxing pokemon
Good idea
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He wasn't crowned the forest champion for nothing.
Fuck that, Talonflame can go. One Fire/Flying type is enough.

Swap Talonflame with Charizard like they did with Unfezant in BW.
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>removing the bros
>removing bravest ballerina

fuck off charizardfags
Ash could always get Snivy again and evolve her.
We need another fighting tournament like that Primape episode with Pancham, Hawlucha and maybe Bunnelbro
ash getting hugged by serperior when?
>Ash won't ever get serperior

Someone post the artwork of her chocking him
Would anyone else be annoyed if Ash went and instantly showed off Ash-Greninja in the opening qualifier rounds of the Kalos League?

I'd like him to keep it in reserve till at least the semi-finals as it shows that despite having something to fall back on, he still trusts that Greninja is a strong fighter without his actual involvement in the fight.
What if the XY Gang never met?
Ash stayed in Kanto with his mom.
Serena is stuck with Rhyhorn Racing.
Clemont and Bonnie can't return to their gym and can't explain their problems to their dad.
Clembot is free to shock all Gym Challengers.
So long as he doesn't brag about it or overconfident.
He's not really the type to do that if you think about it. Remember how he showed Clemont that Sliggoo evolved before the gym match? He's honest like that and want's a fair fight all the time.
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Yes, best family ever
Are you prepared for Serena the Dragon Slayer?
Ash will continue to pursue being a Pokemon Master, will likely redo the Indigo League if he wants, pretty much everyone else is screwed over. Serena will never find something that she wants to strive for and never gaining the confidence she would otherwise gain from journeying with Ash and the others.

Meanwhile, Clemont will never know how strong and brave he could be, while Bonnie is forced to live out her life listlessly waiting to become a trainer and never find about her own potential. Clemont and Bonnie will likely be forced to ask their dad for help, and would likely affect the city's perception of Clemont as a Gym Leader.

Shota gets no inspiration after getting rekt by gym after gym. He returns to Hoenn to try his hand at the Hoenn League

No one breaks Alain's illusions, and Manon remains heartbroken even if the whole Team Flare Arc is resolved.
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>this whole post
Ash truly is the ultimate bro.

>Ash will never be your best friend...
Well, Serena will likely become a Rhyhorn Racer at the urging of her mother. She will likely become really successful at it because she is legit good and/or becomes bored with it eventually as what her mother said about her.
When will there be more news of Pokemon The Movie XY&Z 2016?
Maybe February.
what's your favorite pokemon anime op and ed?
Why Adamant's posts were deleted?
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You don't think he was the shitposter do you...?
I am more afraid that he could be being a dolt on other board
and got banned
Well, it's not like he needs to be here to do his stuff.
Well, it's not like we will survive without him.
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I working on a list.
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Update on the ViolaxAlexa pic.
Enjoy lads.
Draw Green Maki, for fuck's sakes.
Wait yer turn son.
Gotta draw a threeway between Ash, Serena and Milleifeui after Alexa is done finger banging her sister.
How many hours do you think the picutre of Viola/Ash/Alexa takes to make from start to finish?
Ash will die in the league of Ash-Greninja injuries

XY Family will never be the same again

But the real question is:

What will happen to his Pokemon, most especially Pikachu?
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>No Nene.

She has two princess keys and is way more relevant than Kaori or whoever that may be
Kaori, the Forgotten Performer.
Dunno, I tend to get really fucking distracted.

They haven't ignored it 3 episodes ago.
Don't worry
And don't worry about that either
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I could watch this scene a million times and it would still be cute as fuck
>Wanting Ash to be dancing with Serena
>Complaining how James is being partnered with Millefeui because it's "random"

the autism is too much
Yes, i think the same, that scene is really cute, i want more flashbacks
I do hope the writers give us a parallel of this scene before XY ends

I really want to see serena spilling trillions of spaghetti at being hugged by ash
Can someone photoshop this to look like Clemont?
I just want a summary on the fucking battle. What are they even battling for? I doubt Millefeui picked James to be her partner.
bring him back to life with poktears
>it doesn't work

i just dont get why people are hating on James. I know he's a bad guy but why can't y'all ever want one good thing to happen to him, including pairing up with a protagonist?
This feels like shitposting again. Am I just too on my toes?
I can see it happening
>ash wins finals
>feeling really weak after the battle
>gives his last words to pikachu, eureka, citron and serena
>delia sees this on TV
>everyone starts crying
>suddenly this nigga open his eyes again
>hurr hurr shes a bad guy because shes trying to steal Ash away from a non existing "relationship" with Serena!!!!11111 xDDDDDDddddd

>Getting this defensive
She's a rival, retard
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hahaha oh wow... what a mongoloid. even as trolling this is bad step it up senpai learn from us the master race and /padt/ top shitposters.
I think you were right
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>yfw Jessie finally got the princess key she deserved
>who is Gary
>who is Richie
>who is Paul
>who is Trip

>implying they are also antagonists
What the hell are you talking about? No one is hating on James. It was just pointed out that James being with Millefeui is random in contrast to Ash and Serena.
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>tfw she might become Kalos Queen instead of Shit-rena
>There is no middle-ground
Stop embarresing yourself
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>post yfw she becomes Kalos Queen so Serena can move on with Ash to a different region
God, that would be perfect. Everyone wins
Amorefags and Serenafags can say that this just proves how she and Ash are made for each other, because it mirrors how he always loses at the league, and in the next season they can bring it up, like
>Team Rocket gets written out
>Serena becomes a permanent regular

I don't even dare hope for this
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That's not how you spell it.
I don't think any antagonist could top team rocket without it just being a rehash/
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Well i don't know because i want both, Serena Kalos Queen and then move on with Ash.
>implying she wont be written out and replaced with another female who Ash knew since he was a baby at some daycare who he played with every day, and the amour cycle repeats itself
>people wanting Team Rocket to be written out instead if Shit-rena

such shit tastes
One of the few things BW did right was establish that it's perfectly possible to write standalone episodes with conflict and drama without having recurring antagonists to provide it.
Where do you think we are?
Fucking retards

>implying Ash won't become Kalos Queen
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Ok, i ain't even mad
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Iris, when?
She has no idea she's gonna be written off at the end of this year/early next year.

The threads then will be chaos if it happens.
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Hopefully when Drasna shows up
>Serena losses the Master Class
>Ash wins the league
>Serena gets ready to quit and go back home
>Ash tells her that he's competed in the league 5 times before and has not won
>This ultimately motivates her to try again and achieve her dreams
>yfw Ash's victory in the league is what ultimately seperates Serena from him
>Team Rocket gets written off for a while.
>Ash just beats the Pokémon league.
>He decides to take on the Champions league
>Fooken reks Malva m8 due to shonen angerxGreninjash combo, we're talking sweep mane.
>Loses against Drasna then decides to stay in Kalos until he becomes a Grand Duke
>He becomes the Grand Duke, Diantha challenges him. Ties.
>Tells him about the Battle Chatelaines
>Xerosic and Essentia become the villains
>Looker pops up now and again to cockblock Serena whenever she's about to confess to Ash
And since we're going full autismo...
>May outta fucking no where (Like Misty showed up during the battle frontier arc iirc)
>Serena and Millefeui discover a love of Pokémon Contests
>Serena and Ash go to Kanto
>Serena changes her clothes, which resemble the new female protagonists clothing
>Delia serves spaghetti for dinner, Serena says "No thank you, I brought my own." and reaches into her pocket for dinner.
>Ash and Serena head to the new region together
There you have it, ^ autism incarnate.

But anon, how can she be Kalos Queen if she's not in Kalos? ;_;

Sounds about right...
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anime staff isn't that retarded. that's why May was given a romantic interest right after Misty.
Add in Millefeui going to Kanto as well and we have a recipe for perfection.
Subs when
Of course, sometimes it even feels like TR is forced into an episode, but if they are written out, they will be replaced with another recurring comic relief antagonist, or at least a comic relief character that isn't part of the main group, and it will never be as good as TR.
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>reaches into her pocket
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>"No thank you, I brought my own."
What if only Jessie stays behind?
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all this autism-.png
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>"No thank you, I brought my own."
Team Rocket are useless clowns I rather see them go instead of any other character. They are a waste of time now that the show has more of a story than ever.
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>No thank you, I brought my own." and reaches into her pocket
>useless clowns

But we already have Ash and Clemont
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At this rate, clemont is the only clown of the group

After Brobowl, he was downgraded to BW Ash
Being Citron is suffering
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I know
James won that orienteering contest so bad stuff doesn't always happen to him.
Clemont needs an evil scientist rival. Maybe that faggot who built the Dark Citroid
Aren't the Flare chicks supposed to be scientists?
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>yfw the TF chicks seduce Clemont to join to the dark side of the science
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>yfw science wars
What if all the female Flare Admins fall in love with Citron and fight over him, Harem style? He is already a clueless beta, so he fits the Harem MC personality.

It could be the way the group always manages to thwart team Flare. They almost overpower them, but then Citron does something that make them swoon over him and they start bickering.
Then they would go to jail
I mean, more than they are already
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Kalos has lax AOC laws
Is that why Alan isn't in jail?
Sycamore didn't go to Jail for what he did to Alan, why should Flare go for molesting Citron?
What kind of anime do you think you're watching?
I guess that's what happens when you watch the new XY&Z episode in the middle of marathonning Nisekoi.
Pokemon is loosing to a literal fart joke show, it needs to go the Kyoani way and pander otakus like no tomorrow.
It should be safe to make a new thread now, right?
Ash remembered his childhood encounter with Serena in the span of two episodes.

Raku met four girls and still doesn't remember shit about them after 200 chapters. Don't compare them.
But there are way more keys here. Some girl have multiple/
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>marathoning Nisekoi

Are you masochistic?
>Ash is given a locket as a prize in the dance party episode
>Pierre tells him that only one key among all the ones possessed by the performers there opens the locket
It's funny that you post Nichijou, because the >forced animation meme applies to Nisekoi much more.
No that's just because Officer Jenny is corrupt and is probably a pedo herself.
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>It's Jessie's key
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