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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 151

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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>The Pocket Monsters XY&Z Complete Overview Special!

>Movie 19: Pokémon the Movie XY&Z 2016 [Jul 16th]

>Hoopa manga scanlation project

Next episode:
>XY&Z10: Bonnie and Squishy! [Jan 14th]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY&Z11: Noibat and Floette! An Encounter in the Wind!! [Jan 21st]
>XY&Z12: Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! [Jan 28th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
It's happening! Again!

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY, but their releases can happen any time of the week.

>Muh dubs when?

Old thread:





NEXT: XY&Z10: Bonnie and Squishy! (Jan 14th)
>Ash and his friends somehow managed to fend of the attack by Team Flare. However, Bonnie can't help but worry about "it", which went missing during the confusion of the battle.... While the group searches near Terminus Cave, they accidentally end up angering a group of Toxicroak and Bunnelby ends up injured! Bonnie blames herself for it and does something unthinkable!?



XY&Z11: Noibat and Floette! An Encounter in the Wind!! (Jan 21st)
>A passing Floette saves Noibat, who has been poisoned by an angry Breloom.

XY&Z12: Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! (Jan 28th)
>While she's practicing, Serena receives an invitation to a dance party for performers.
Does anyone know when Pokemon Xyand Z airs in the US?
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New Bread guys

Just 25 days more

We can do this
How many more weeks of Oak must we endure before we get Poke TV again or whatever it is called?
Hopefully not much. We're just getting a bunch right now because of that movie teaser trailer.

Even so, someone could always encode a cap of a Hulu raw or something like that.
you've been watching Mulan again haven't you anon
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You guys still prefer short hair Serena in 2016?
Stop giving the longhairfag attention. Just don't reply.
>someone could always encode a cap of a Hulu raw or something like that.
Nobody does that. ;_;
No, I just have to look at recent history to see what men should be like.
what, Two and A Half Men?
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Got you, senpai.
damn son
Well they should definitely not act like whiny little bitches like you.
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Fucking hell. That fake episode 13 title still hurts. Kudos to whoever made me look forward to a narutoad and tacohawk focused episode.
Do you think they'll get one eventually?
Do you by any chance wear a fedora?
Someone actually used to, but he's a pretty weird guy who has a major hate boner for Adamant/PM. It's been ages since the guy last uploaded anything.
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>In the league
>I see the face of the Pokemon I love
>Cut! Cut! Cut!
>The thrill of battle in me boils!
>I will win tomorrow!
>Which way is victory?

> Pic related, it's Ash after the league finals
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someday anon

>You know you want it

I declare myself guilty
>that sexhair girl at bottom right
Looks like a young mother or a college student.
Stop responding to shitposters, for fuck's sake.
Love these pastel stills, it reminds me of Berserk.
Nope, funny thing is those men during the early 1900's were the only ones that could make wearing a fedora look decent.
>You're a good girl
>Can't let it get past me
>You're far from plastic
>Talk about getting blasted
>I hate these blurred lines
Wait, she changed her hair style?
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We finally got the Hoopa OVA in HD:
>Pocket Monsters - Movie 18 Special - The Minidjinni of the Word Appear!

Let's add it as a RAW to the OP in the next bread.
Look at all these people with their own lives to lead. I bet this niggah on the left is a harem protagonist and is with worst girl.
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I don't know I think she looks alright

Lily though

fuck me her tails look like fucking pool tubes
Will we get a resub? Or should I just download this one and rip out the subs from the OVA and screw around with Aegis for this?
Never mind, the image of her that got posted here initially after XY91 showed a view that blocked the back part of her hair, so apparently she's had her hair like that since the beginning.

It's all right. She's still a qt and my second favorite non-Serena Tripokalon girl.
can we talk about that girl to the right of James for a second

she's fed up with his shit

>this fedora wearing closet boy better sit the fuck down I swear to god
>dat fucking animation
If I recall correctly, Adamant said a number of months back that they would re-release the subs once they got the Bluray. Not sure if that's still the case. I don't want to speak for him, so let's wait to see what he says.
Now That's What I Call Quality!®
>You're a good girl
>For you
>all this shit just to properly animate how a viscous chocolatey fluid would fall properly on a round surface
Even my boys are impressed.
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looks good though
Impressive, most impressive

>yfw you now realize there is no one to eat the PokePuffs that were baked here
>they were all just for show
Niggah, this shit be kawaii.

>not translating as YOU'RE SUCH A KID!
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Eh, regardless of which term you choose, I think most of us can agree that Chespin totally deserves that designation.
Assuming it's game rules, what's Eevees fairy move?
>didn't even dance
>just narrated what they were doing
>yfw Jessie passed through sheer fucking charisma and the presentation of her fucking Puffs
Musashi's performance really was good. She deserved to win that Princess Key.
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I'm a hungry motherfucker I'd eat 'em all
The continuation. Plainface is about to punch a niggah out if it wasn't for his girlfriend.

Girl on the right is now mostly amused. Ponytail girl at the bottom has had enough of James' shit.
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This thread is as shitty as the anime. They need to do a side series that is actually good.

>Everyone has to introduce themselves every fucking time.
>Serena episodes
>episodes where the group gets divided
>ash's unique "battle style" consists of using the same move over and over

I haven't seen a single thing that hasn't been done countless times already. I'm not asking for much. I just want something that is watch-able. The only saving grace this season (or any other season for that matter) is no more of Cilan. Most annoying fucking character by far.
>Ducklett Girl not showing off her best asset: her navel
That's what you get for using the monkeys.
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haven't I seen this before
I want her to be voiced and given a name. ;_;
What's the flashiest fairy move a Sylveon can have, and that's what you will get.
>yfw you will never have donut pillows
I think she has a name over here but I can't remember what it was
Someone made an Ash thread over at /a/, its turning into a real bash thread.
Baby Doll Eyes or Charm

Ugu~ anime eyes or little hearts
So what? Let them be.
These other bitches didn't even pass what are they still doing there?
I see Charming Voice because Eevee's evolution in Sylveon would mark her rebirth into a non-fearful and brave Pokemon who's no more afraid of being in front of everyone.
Plus, she's the beauty of the anime so it suits her on the seduction aspect.
Not from me. I only went in a rant when I saw this in the OP:

>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
>Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

It's as trash as every other season. I'm glad some people like it but it's fucking trash.
the fuck are you doing here then
It's the Pokemon anime. What are you expecting them to do?
Oh, just like how they practiced those many episodes ago.
That's Nene's life in a nutshell.
Nice blog. We'll keep watching it, and you can go do something else.
I see how Jessie still likes using fireworks for her finale.
Cutie montage. Ducklett Girl
Good night, you flamboyant faggots.
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Surprised eevee didn't flee like last time
Goddamn, this pose, the way she dress, and her demeanor, that fucking wink. This is so goddamn lewd. Holy shit.

If you know any good lewd artists and have the power to compel them to draw, then pls have them make lewds of her goddammit.
Because it's starting to overcome its shyness
Not yet. Little shit can't even sync and pose properly. That's a big no-no here.
Ikr? That Glaceon looks so hot.
>tips fedora
>Eevee is somehow able to balance on top of Serena's arms
>pokemon anime discussion thread

I'm discussing the anime. Also helps me keep track of the new episodes.

Just say the truth. It's not very good but were going to watch it and try to have a good time. I watch it but I admit it's bad.
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The more I think about it the more it looks like they woke late because of an orgy
Anon pls leave

>Millefeui in her ballroom dress already has a lewd, but that cutie still doesn't even have a single fanart to her
Baby steps, anons. First, it overcame its fear of fireworks, which was low-hanging fruit. Next, it has to overcome its stage fright, which is a much tougher cookie to crack. This will all require time.
>just twirling around in a middle of a fire circle
Wow, great
Which is probably one reason why she lost, the other being Eevee fucking up. Literally the same shit that she did when she won her first key, the only difference being she threw Eevee up into the air a few times.
You know, one day, I hope we get a performance where the Performer is so in sync with their Pokemon that they don't even need to call out the moves.

I bet Diantha would make a great Kalos Queen.
Sorry Clemont, Bonnie and Serena, Ash will die in the league due to Ash-Greninja injuries.
Why do Kalos Nurse Joys use wigglytuffs?
I would say this was going to be foreshadowing of Eevee evolving into Umbreon, but it is actually a callback to it dancing in the Getta BanBan OP and in it's debut episode.

I forgot what cycle of the moon it was.
Adamant, you deserve a Serena for delivering XY&Z08 subs.
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>Not wanting to fuck the hottest eeveloution.

What are you, ¿gay?
That's because that cutie on the left is waving at her MENACINGLY!
Oh, it looks like Lily and Mightyena Girl finally fucking left.
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No Thanks

My favorite is the hottest one
I'm glad you'll keep watching. I'll keep watching too but it's very bad. I play the game while it plays on the side.
Because using Chansey is so blase, like, so 10 years ago.

There is also a folklore on how Wigglytuff defended some place from marauding Dragon Pokemon, so there's that. It's their culture.
Looks like a trap. How do Tripokalons manage traps, are they game?
anyone got a pic of crying Swanna girl
>still no episode where there is a mahou shoujo girl who does Tripokalons as well
All we have is mahou shoujo Serena.
You'll need to be more specific, there's at least two.
that's the one

what's the other
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>Dem gains
>Eevee didn't even use her signature move, Swift, to complement Star Fire Blast
>people will never remember 2 years of together as the OP

High touch is our saviour
>graceful crying lovely girl
She might have lost the competition but she won my heart.
Look at her all the way to the side.
Holy molly mc 'n' cheese, that Farfech'd looks A-WE-SO-ME
Yeah, she deserved it.
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>all these waifus
What are these called? Arm warmers?
>I bet Diantha would make a great Kalos Queen.
She will be terrible for her age alone, she is too old for it.
>Gourgeist's style
Never give up until the very end.
I'm pretty sure that's what Yashio demands to surpass Elle. Absolute confidence and full synchronisation from start to finish, with no need to call out moves or anything. Synchronisation has always been the key in most shounen series, and it's even more the case now in Pokemon with the Greninjash. I'm pretty sure Serena needs to attain her own synchro to be able to burst through the Master Class.
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And now for what this episode lacked because of Oak.
>May: cried, got motivated by Ash and I can't remember what else
>Dawn: cried and called mom; got motivated by Ash
>Serena: heartbreaking crying, motivated herself and cut her hair

am I close here
Shit as always too bee honesto
>dem Jessie curves
Yeah, coming from a shit expert like you.
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>Serena: heartbreaking crying, motivated herself and cut her hair
Pathetic compared to how the others got motivated.
I've just noticed the Tripokalon's waifus are dressed as maids, kek
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Where is your Ash now?
Dawn got motivated by Ash? I thought she just needed a prep talk from her mom and to beat may

It's been a while since I watched DP
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>2016+2 days
>still believing the other girls matter
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Can't wait to see Ash's version of this scene
me too man I'm just going by memory here
You mean a Serena-Delphox synchro?
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Waifu lineup
Yeah i can't remember either
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Or at least show up again
Will the Hair Wars ever end?
All shit.
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XY/XY&Z waifus are truly the best.
Ash is fucking retarded
>she loses two prelim rounds in a row
>find her crying in a corner
>"o-oh its just sand lol"
>take the explanation

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I just hope she shows up on the bellroom dance episode
Gotta thank Alexa for teaching him about grills in that airplane
Fuck, I forgot about the furisode girls.
>serena changes clothes and her hair
>doesn't question it, only compliments her

Our boy is learning
No, no like this. I mean a dancing synchronisation with all of her Pokemon, one she would have to come up with at the cost of training and pain. It would be really ridiculous if they came up with the same bond as Greninjash, especially considering there's no densetsu build-up nor reason to do it. Ash's bond is a nekketsu plot device. You don't win dancing and cooking competition through sheer brute force.
Because she shoulda been a strong independant grill who don't need no mans help
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T-tell me more.
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How bad would XY Ash wreck Cameron and Eeveefag
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Holy shit anon what are you doing?!?!
Consider this, Unova Ash would have stomped Cameron, Cameron just had enormous plot armor, Pikachus electro ball should have popped aura sphere like a bubble.
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They're top-notch waifus, aren't they.
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>Sexualizing the Alexa
Jessie looks so much better without her normal stupid hair style
paco pls go
>yfw we will never see Millefeui in a furisode
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What the hell is this? A reaction image for ants?
Post the woman Ash talked to.
Agreed, she looks drop-dead gorgeous here.
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As much as I dislike Jessie, Musavi still does things to me.

btw, whats Musavi's english name?
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Wet hair Jessie best Jessie. However, if it was chanced permanently it would be just as bad as wanting short hair on Serena.
Loli Form Jessie is best.
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This one?
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Yes. What a cutie, she probably eats snow and thinks that everybody else does it as well.
Red and Green Dawn?
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Here, without any subs.
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Sleep well, thread.
How will the league end?
Jessie has gone to shit nowadays.
Did adult Dawn travel to the past to prevent Ash and Serena from getting together? Or to ensure it happens?
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I don't relish the thought of either of those potentialities, anon.
Who the fuck is paco?
some pixiv faggoli who goes into way too much detail about PokePorn

he hasn't shown up for a while though

holy shit did I just become an oldfag
ded thred
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Yep, only Kanto and Johto Jessie is the real Jessie. She is too comical these days and clownish these days.
I pefer medium hair Serena from the games, actually. She's clearly Master Race.
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Dang so Nene also had two Princess Keys already?

Then it made sense for Jessie to win.
Couldn't agree more, Jessie has been flanderized really badly, it's fucking DP Jessie all over again.
Ded bred
Well, once we meet up with Millefeui again, we will surely discover that she has already two keys in her possession.
>not three
>Terufuu turned his account off again

A-At least we know he's alive?
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>Alain in the English dub has the exact same voice actor as Shadow the Hedgehog

...they did this on purpose, didn't they?
actually he's voice by jonathan silver

so he's voiced by silver
>watching the dub
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>watching the dub
Go back to whatever shithole sonicfags belong to
>watching the dub
Shadow is the ultimate lifeform
Alain is the strongest mega evolution trainer
No he's not, you ignorant fuck, >>24936435 is more right, though even he's wrong, Silver was Pete Capella, and now Quinton Flynn.

Also, >>24936450, dub is shit from 2007 onwards, why you would subject yourself to such torture I do not know.
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>mention two edgy characters in one post
>/padt/ flips a switch
>the ultimate lifeform
>not something like Kars from Jojo or shit like some god-man
>but a fucking hedgehog
Except he doesnt. Neither of Shadow's VAs are voicing Alain
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>the dub was good at one point
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>you are an ignorant fuck for not knowing some bullshit about the dub
Kindly leave
It was passable early on
Note to self: If I ever want to trigger /padt/, I just need to mention "Alain" and "Shadow the Hedgehog" in the same sentence.
We have learnt things today. Dangerous things.
That's more about Sonic than it is about the dub.

Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure TPCI can't afford ANY of the current Sonic cast bar Mike Pollock
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>All these assblasted replies

Well played anon

>the current Sonic cast is far worse than the original 4kids cast

Seriously, Shadow sounds like complete and utter trash now, and Amy's voice doesn't fit her character in the slightest.
Episode starts. Not even 10 seconds in Georgia appears out of nowhere with her butt in the screen. No introduction from the narrator, no nothing. Just straight "hey let's get this episode's plot started".
>4kids cast

Where's that damned costanza when you need him
I'd bust her with my dragons, if you know what I mean.
>not even a flashback to make us connect with her motivations
>she just explains why she hunts dragon pokemon
Even Burgundy's character was treated better.

I would let her bust my mega dragon if you know what I mean
>anon who think its BW comments are important
Everyone fuck off desu
This is a bad song, Rica's voice should sing better, and the visuals are shit.
The English dub was perfectly decent/tolerable until the TPCi nation attacked- since then it went from bad, to shit, to meh, to god-awful shit.
What's that thing on the upper right?
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Georgia is a good girl.

While I agree on those two sounding better in 4Kids than Studiopolis (odd), 4Kids and Sonic was a terrible combination, Griffith couldn't fucking act his way out of a paper bag as Sonic, Tails sounded like a girl with a sore throat, etc.


This is the truth-

Pokemon: 4Kids = Origins Dubbers > TAJ > DuArt
Sonic: Adventures > Studiopolis > 4Kids
>she sees it
For what purpose? It takes all up to Dragonite to appear for Iris to catch and use another dragon?

So much for Dragon Master.
I wonder if her having an Excadrill was ever foreshadowed.
Probably the best start of any episode.
>the current Pokemon cast is far worse than the original 4kids cast

Fixed that for you.
I just read the credits on Bulbapedo, I'm not actually watching DuArt's shit, I saw a minute of it and my ears were pounding.
Griffith finally got good in fucking Sonic and the Black Knight, and then he got booted out.
That's a damn sexy way of saying "Bye."
While Griffith's Sonic didn't make me want to strangle something like, say, Natochenny's Ash, I never thought it was good even then, he always had this stilted delivery and it could be annoying.

RCS, meanwhile, seems to forget he's voicing a 15 year old, yet unlike Griffith he can actually act...

Ryan Drummond was the best Sonic.

See? Not everything in BW is so bad.
It's a note saying to switch to digital TV as soon as possible. These episodes aired back when Japan were about to shut down analog TV, so there were constant "switch to digital now or you won't be able to watch TV anymore, faggot" notes like that all the time.
In all seriousness I thought Cilan and the BW Rockets were good as well, and if it wasn't for BW Ash's insane retarded behavior, BW would've been awesome.
Was this the point where they realized they could get away with sneaking in lewd shit due to dropping viewership?
Well, all that matters is that Mike Pollock will forever voice Eggman.
>unironically liking the edgerockets
What is this black child doing to this poor innocent Pokemon?
Beats those retarded DP and XY Team Rocket incarnations, my brain cells die seeing their shit circus unfold. TR is stale as fucking biting rocks with your teeth now.

He's great, I agree there.
I can't believe Ash never got to battle this guy.
>watching the dub
It was good until TPCi raped it. DuArt is the worst fucking dubber ever, my ears and writing sense die seeing their dub.
Korrina, AJ, Iris, all these characters have one thing in common: hot gas
Admittedly Cathcart is fucking terrible at writing in DP and XY in general dub wise, but in general, TR have gone stale, they're just boring and same old, same old now.
Hot air, but yes.
Nah, man, BW was doomed from the start. It was in the shadow of DP, gutted Ash's design into a cutie shota depriving him of ever looking serious, resetted Ash and made him into a worse idiot than OS, and not just that, it didn't have the luxury of having his original bratty dickhead, made him lose to a rookie Trainer with the blandest design, turned Iris and Cilan as poor man's Misty and Brock, jarringly turned TR into suddenly competent villains that always got away, gave Ash all three starters and evolve only one of them. Not to mention the fact that BW's storyline was on the ball and the anime's storyline would be unjustly compared it,

It was also named BEST WISHES. BEST WISHES? WHO NAMES THEIR SERIES LIKE THAT? Might as well name it Sayonara, bitch, because that's what people are gonna do once they see it.

The earthquake and tsunami as well as B2W2 creeping in the horizon instead of a proper third game was the final in the coffin, It was a long dragged out death for BW. Poor little shit never stood a chance.
Good points there, maybe I'm just taking pity on it, I guess.
Yeah, Iris, don't be such a fucking kid.

Is there a difference?
Damn, I'm sorry, but Iris really looks fucking ugly here.
More or less, yeah.
Even back when it had just started, most people were mostly just interesting in seeing where the Rocket plot was going. Not so much because it was all that interesting, but because it was new and different.
In speech, yes.
Great performance from the seiyuu.
Thank fucking goodness Ash is the one now that metes out these things. Ash has barely talked throughout this episode.
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She deserved a better character.
>yfw she returns to voice Zinnia
I can't believe Excarill was in autism mode for years. What did he eat?
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I honestly can't picture Zinnia with her voice. She needs a deeper and lewder one
Yeah, she's fucking great. If I actually cared for Iris, this would have moved me.
Watch BW58, Iris is actually pretty well written in that one.

She's usually handled fine in her focus episodes, really.
You know when she doesn't open her big mouth and she's sleeping like this. Iris looks kinda cute, kinda.
BW was kinda comfy
shitty but comfy
What the fuck. That's not even possible.
>tfw TPCi is such a shitty company
I want to marry this bitch
I still want a smug girl rival for Ash. Bianca was terrible and Casey was barely there until she completely disappeared.
>yfw she tells you she's getting a divorce just to see your shocked face.
Sounds like an invitation to hatesex. I'd take her up on that.
>gutted Ash's design into a cutie shota
But BW/XY cuteness is better than his OS-DP designs.
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hopefully there is a hospital nearby for Ash.
XY is different from BW's design mostly because it doesn't make Ash and the others look like fucking midgets.
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Yes, i used to like the old design but i like more the new one
But he is still cute shota.
>steal their food
>demands to prepare better food next time
This girl
Ash is kinda hot now more than cute. No homo.
Would still marry in a heartbeat
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Ash is far too slanky to be a cute shota desu senpai.
Damn, I just love the way she says bye.
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>implying he isn't the perfect balance of hot and cute
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I prefer the older design from OS-DP, it just seemed to make Ash standout from every other generic shonen character with big eyes.
>Iris returns in Champion clothes from b2/w2
>Huh, Ash, you're still not a Champion? Kodomo ne.
B-But I don't want to be accused of unnecessary picdumping...
So that was Georgia's debut episode. Huh. She was more like a bloody plot device rather than a character. Coming and then going just to antagonize Iris and Excadrill to fix their shit.

Also, if I knew nothing about the anime, I would have thought Ash was a side character. Like, holy shit, if you removed Ash from the episode nothing would change. Iris and Georgina pretty much just interacted with Cilan.
>implying it won't be called Dragon Princess outfit
Gotta let the other characters have their spotlight episodes
>yfw there's actually a tag on pixiv that pretty much translates to "Hot Ash"
how does this picture make you feel?

I love her interactions with Zorua
Link pls
I need it for... research.
Naive-looking Georgia does things to me.
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>I'll just be taking this
Eh, it isn't that much: http://www.pixiv.net/search.php?word=イケサトシ
Ehh, good enough. Plus some of those pics are already in my Ash folder. Thanks anyway.
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oh very good find
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>leech seed becomes a giant tree-throne
There's another one that translates to "Lewd Serena"

Gouguru has used it a bunch
I hope she draws Ash and Serena as their older versions since she has only drawn them as kids. Her dedication to drawing Ash is interesting.
Well, if you can, if you think an artwork of Satoshi in pixiv is unusually attractive (that's how the pixiv dictionary defines it) then you should tag it as such.
share pls
gothita naso4
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