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>We can't always fight nature, John. We can't fight

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>We can't always fight nature, John. We can't fight change. We can't fight gravity. We can't fight nothing. My whole life, all I ever did was fight.

>Then give up, Dutch.

>But I can't give up, neither. I can't fight my own nature. That's the paradox, John. You see?

>Then I have to shoot you.

>When I'm gone, they'll just find another monster. They have to, because they have to justify their wages.

>That's their business.

>Our time is passed, John.
he did nothing wrong

cant wait to get more of him in RDR2
A flawed character
I'll eat my left nut if RDR is about Dutch's gang. We know far too much about that era in John's life for R* to make a full game about it.
It's actually "Our time is past"
RDR2 is a prequel?
It's actually "Our time is Read Dead Redemption™"
I'd have to be RDR was the death of the west
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so happy to see this thread I was worried /v/ did not approve of this game I love and RDR2 I will love too I hope
The fuck, RDR was literally making /v/ jizz itself.

At the end of the day, everyone loves a good Western Story, and RDR was that combined with a good, enjoyable game.
there's speculation that it might be sort of like the dollars trilogy films where they have the same cast, but are playing different roles
thread is in stealth mode don't worry
"good writing" according to the teenagers on /v/.

rockstar are so fucking by the numbers.
Sure looks like it.
I doubt that would stop them. All we really know is that Dutch progressively got more bloodthirsty and unstable and that John got fucked over during a robbery.
How would you improve it?
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be brave my son
>Using the High Power Pistol given to you by a filthy cunt
>Not always using your trusty classy revolver

You are not a real cowboy.

also i love the whole supernatural western vibe that zombie dlc gave

few games do that
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>15 of them
>biggest pistol has 15 shots

what did they mean by this?
there's nothing saying they won't be in the game the way johnny and the lost were in 5 and very much around.

Some art doesn't mean they're the stars though.
not I'd
this, i used the peace maker and double barrel shotgun the entire game

>not using superior semi-automatic weaponry

you a dead cowboy

>kills 15 guys and lives off the rest of his life in mexico

like that would be that hard for john ffs
RDR's story was so much stronger than GTA V's

GTA IV Story was almost as good as RDRs story, though.

I'd still say RDR wins. Amazing characters.
House managed to balance the hard shit with the silly shit in RDR

them feels
>tfw I used to visit John's grave every couple hours and pretend I was telling him all the things I did that day

Autism is a terrible illness.
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Oh yeah, GTA IV had a better story than V for sure but out of the 3 games I liked RDR the most.

Online in RDR was so much better. Also when that game released in 2010, it was pretty fucking impressive visually, especially considering the 360 was already almost 5 years old.
Oh bury me not managed to hit me harder than deadman's gun
Compass still my all time fav tho

i think it was more the way they paired it with the game that got me ,it was a great "going out in a blaze of glory" type song

i hope RDR2 has some good tunes for us
>They turn on John then hunt him down and kill him

He was right.
They will always find another monster.
John Marston, Radio Graffiti!
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Had too much fun in that goddamn MP
6 man posse to catch those niggas that kept killing people was the best timewaster

i wonder whoever was in charge of the terrain in RDR is still at rockstar
I had a ton of fun until I kept getting sniped from a mile away every time I spawned. And that weird "virus" thing
game was too comfy. i remember playing cards then a storm rolls by and you got that atmospheric music playing and i would just fall asleep in the chair while playing
Almost has to be since when you take over as Jack, the old West is basically all but dead.
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The multiplayer was so much fun because they didn't have a bunch of bullshit designed to make you spend money. I had fun just doing shit like killing cougars with knives with friends to see how long we could survive.

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>RDR2 online will be riddled with microtransactions
Overrated nostalgiashit. Go play a real open world game like Skyrim.
Bear hunting with knifes was some dark souls shit
I'd love to live at these times. I know it was shitty in some way, like civilisation was settling in so there were bandits, dangerous animals and crazy people everywhere.

But those landscapes though, roaming alone in the big wild snowy mountains... untouched by the man. That's the real dream.
tfw you will never get to explore space
at least alaska still untouched right?
believe it or not there are still places like that in the US.
Damn, that some hardcore feels.

I can't wait to see John again on RDR2 (well, for me it looks like a prequel)
Canada, bro. The border between Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut was unclear until recently because there are so many lakes and shit and no roads so they needed to satellite map it.

I'd like to go in the US just for that. Northern countries have places like this too I think
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The thing is--the reason why they're untouched is because the terrain is so inhospitable--you fucking up without some sort of back-up plan and you find it's really easy to die from dehydration really quick.

I note that, i heard about pretty wild places in Canada now that I think about it.
Same, visiting that part of the world is a long time dream of mine
Shame i'm not american

I remember there being all sorts of threads fawning over RDR when it first came out.

Don't worry so much about thread sentiment, it's just posturing, I love the ME series and just lurk the Andromeda threads for hearty keks because they're fuckin on the money too.
>it's really easy to die from dehydration really quick.

If by really quick, you mean three to five days, then yes.
Reminder that RDR2 multiplayer will end up being a cash grab in some form or another.
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>Samurai game
>(samurais lasted for hundreds of years)

>Pirate game
>(pirates continues to exist to this day)

>Cowboy game
>(wild west lasted for over 60 years)

Fucking sick of this tiresome bullshit. It just isn't what you buy the game for.

Are there any actual historical yarns that revel in their exotic appeal rather than complain about changing times arriving too sooner than they should for the characters involved?
Good luck trying to walk after 20 hours without water
The fact gta5 didn't get a sp DLC after making a first world country worth of money irks me

No my dude, I mean that you will die slowly on the floor, the hours will be long and your legs way too weak to walk.
I'm pretty sure most pirate games don't do that.
Forgive me anon, i didn't understood your post correctly

>>(pirates continues to exist to this day)

Not with commercial shippers. Remember the Maersk Alabama?


>The Maersk Alabama hijacking was a series of maritime events that began with four pirates in the Indian Ocean seizing the cargo ship MV Maersk Alabama 240 nautical miles (440 km; 280 mi) southeast of Eyl, Somalia. The siege ended after a rescue effort by the U.S. Navy on 12 April 2009.[1] It was the first successful pirate seizure of a ship registered under the American flag since the early 19th century.

>On Sunday, 12 April 2009, U.S. Navy SEAL marksmen opened fire and killed the three pirates on the lifeboat. Phillips was rescued uninjured.[25][26] Commander Castellano, with prior authorization from higher authority, ordered the action after determining Phillips' life was in immediate danger, citing reports that a pirate was pointing an AK-47 rifle at Phillips' back.[26][27][28] Navy SEAL snipers, from SEAL Team Six,[29] fired approximately 6-7 shots[30] from Bainbridge's fantail, killing the three pirates with bullets to the head.[25][31]

The only people who continue to get held hostage by pirates are idiots who walk into it.

Come to the Patagonia, down south here on Chile. It is a paradise on earth, still mostly unexplored and we are way too poor to settle any of it.

Leslie Benzies left after GTAV went gold. He then sued Rockstar for unpaid wages, or something.

GTA is pretty much dead at this point, I'd be really surprised if they try making another sequel without him. If they do it'll be the most rote, generic open world game ever.
de que parte de la patagĂłnia?
They were going to do that from the start.
>pirates still exist
Those are legit sub-70 iq somalian niggers though. They just rob other niggers and the occasional rich people on vacation.
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Doesn't make the landscape any less beautiful.
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GTA V's story is that they spread it across three protagonists, which lead to it feeling very shallow and unfocused. Just look at the fucking "antagonists" - Stretch and the Chinese guy (I don't even remember his fucking name) only show up in like, two missions each, and I don't mean physical appearances I mean any references to them at all. Haines was the only real antagonist and even then he was a pretty shitty one compared to the antagonists of former GTAs, especially compared to shitheels like Dmitri and Tenpenny or betrayors like Smoke, Ryder and Lance. Three protagonists worked in IV because they didn't do all three at the same time; they got Niko finished, then moved on to do Johnny and Luis separately. Plus I'm sure Online was a pretty big distraction, even if the writers like Houser didn't have any significant involvement with it.

I'm trying to be optimistic for RDR2. RDR had an incredible story and I'm hoping they learned their lesson after GTA V, but at the same time I'm worried they'll focus on online again and plus with Benzies gone I just don't know what to expect from Rockstar anymore.

Just my $0.02.
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PC when?
GTA V's problem*, not story.
Dutch always reminds me of Timothy Dalton, in particular in Hot Fuzz, for whatever reason
comfyest location
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a fucking taco
>(wild west lasted for over 60 years)
The "Wild West" never existed like in the romanticized descriptions.

Fuckin' Wild Bill Hickock lived long enough to tell about his few experiences to Hollywood.

That 60 year span is generic frontiersmanship, with about maybe a 20 year window of actual cowboy shit.
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Appropriate of a RDR thread to have Mexicans, i hope Mexico is back for RDR2 would like to see something like helping this dude become the president again and knock down the commie John helped in the past game
>Wild Bill Hickock
WRong name, I just sorta word vomited him because I'm an idiot, but it was another highly popular cowboy type. I'm certain someone who remembers names better than me can help tell everyone.
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