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N-nobody wants to talk about Zodiac age coming out? - Are you

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N-nobody wants to talk about Zodiac age coming out?
- Are you going to get it?
- Is it the last good FF?
- best soundtrack?
- Best character?
- Best fap? I'll answer for you, its Fran.
- I have seen preOrders which include the Original music as a free DLC code (only if preordering). Do you think the OST will be DLC regardless?

>inb4 Vaan isn't the main character. Yes maybe so but he serves as a good story teller as Tidus did in X, being an outsider. Yes I know Balthier was supposed to be but whatever.
>inb4 the game plays itself. Fuck off We have FF13 for that.. you set the gambits you want, if you want them
>- Are you going to get it?
>- Is it the last good FF?
No, it's shit.
>- best soundtrack?
Definitely not.
>- Best character?
I like Penelo.
>- Best fap? I'll answer for you, its Fran
>- I have seen preOrders which include the Original music as a free DLC code (only if preordering). Do you think the OST will be DLC regardless?
Days without Jewish tricks: 0
>inb4 Vaan isn't the main character. Yes maybe so but he serves as a good story teller as Tidus did in X, being an outsider. Y
Tidus had agency over the plot and motivation for participating in Yuna's pilgramage. Vaan does not.
>Yes I know Balthier was supposed to be but whatever.
Basch was.
>inb4 the game plays itself. Fuck off We have FF13 for that.. you set the gambits you want, if you want them
Combat is immensely tedious if you don't use gambits.

FFXII was a trash game. Gameplay was ass. Story fell apart after Bur Omisace. Graphics are very dated. Half the game world is desert and all of it is empty. If you try to use all of your party members then the grind approaches ridiculousness. There's nothing interesting to see or do in the world. Dungeon design is linear and bland.
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Fuck, I meant Basch! Always get the names mixed up.

I would argue that Penelo is literally the most useless character in the story as she is just there to "look our for" Vaan. At least the story of how Vaan is involved is rich at the beginning, but I'll admit towards the middle you wonder why. At least in the Pharos tower he has a good scene in negating Gabranth and bringing some rationale to Ashe.

I did not mean to say it has the best soundtrack, I meant which is your favourite track in the game. >inb4 none. negative bastard.

I thought the Gambit system was pretty clever. Do not tell me that FF13s combat was in any way superior:
>whoa HP critical here better change to healer paradigm.
>the ridiculous seqeuence of seeing them change roles gave the enemy enough time to have another move and finish us off.
fuck off
>switch to buff paradigm
>Hope wastes time casting Bravery/Faith/Enfire when you desperately need defensive buffs
Why where Gambits hated again?
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Rare occurrence of first post being the worst post.
I'll get it if they release it for PC
This right here.

Pc release when?
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Honestly why wait for this when the Emulation of 12 is so good?
Make sure to not loot that 1 fucking chest so you can get the spear later in game...

so dumb
I'm definitely buying this, one of my favorite ps2 games
I love how they bait and switch you with the story and vaan essentially ends up taking a back seat to political intrigue
also this it is entirely this games fault that my controller broke because of the insane vibrating on the quickenings, should've turned off the vibrations in general
best final fantasy ost
god I fucking love this game
haha! I think that shit was fixed in the International version, which is what Zodiac age will be. Not that I ever got it anyway. I grinded like fuck to beat that Demon wall bastard because you had a chance of getting Deamonsbayne (i think thats what it was called) there. Once I got it though, I was way OP the rest of the game. I felt like I'd cheated.
Pic is how I was approaching every enemy until the Pharos

>- Is it the last good FF?

No, that was X-2.
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the combat and levelling system were great, I'll give you that. But ALL of the assets leached off of FFX. It was an expansion pack sold as a game.
Fpbp as usual

I absolutely love Square for blowing the fuck out of autistic people.
10/10 post.

Some people love trophies etc.

Just take a screen cap and post about it on Reddit, then, you autistic fuck.
Okay, I said some people. Not me.
posts like this is why im mostly done with /v/

its just filled with assholes that type out huge posts and ultimately they just hate the game, instead of just going to a thread where theres a game they actually like is being discussed

fuck /v/ and fuck you.

He's 100% correct you sperglord shill. Fuck off.
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>- Is it the last good FF?
Just because someone's opinion of a game you like is low, doesn't mean they're assholes, he answered the questions.
>opinions are now 100% facts
>it's cool to be whiny little cunts who complain about everything
you guys should just off yourselves, you'd be doing the world a favor
I tried to play this but kept falling asleep.
They are facts. If you disagree that's your retarded opinion.

Retardation isn't right. You probably think the earth is flat too.
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OP here. Sadly I have to agree. I just wanted to discuss the fucking game. /v/ seems to relish in ripping apart everything instead of stating things it actually enjoys. It is getting tiresome
>- Best character?
>- Best fap? I'll answer for you, its Freya.
I will.

I absolutely loved XII from start to finish and I sunk over 100 hours in it easy.

I'm glad this is getting remastered since I was thinking on replaying the translated zodiac version through emulation.
>assmad OP is replying to himself now
Have it on pre-order OP
Fran a best
Balthier close 2nd
I'm so excited I can't wait.
The only thing I hated about the game was that EVERY Ninja Blade had fucking dark element.
Meaning you heal 80% of the enemies in the late game.
I have a gtx 970 and can't get it to look good when all my pc games run amazing. Also achievements.
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>>Is it the last good FF?
>No, it's shit.
Somehow posts like these are now "FACTS"
*breathes in*
This is what retards call "an argument" LMAO!!!
I really hated Vaan's design until I realized he's wearing what is basically a FFT Monk outfit but with a street urchin angle to it.
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You started off your thread with a loaded talking point like "Haven't all FF games since FF12 been shit? FF12 was the last good one". And /v/ disagreed. Deal with it.
how the fuck is that replying to myself? neck yourself
I loved the game when I played it, and I'll love it on my convenient modern console.

What gets to me is the amount of magic options there is, and weapons, and how hunts were unique and the locations were really fantastical and cool looking.

The soundtrack to me doesn't stand out as much as other FF do. I still have Rabanastre Downtown in my head, and the Esper battle theme, but it was good nonetheless.

Gambits were cool to see how your battles played out, because even gambits fuck up, that's the whole thing. I usually don't even get the ones I want till halfway through the game. This game was incredibly hard for me back then.
People who go out of there way to type like that are fucking children. I just stopped bothering with bullshit like that. Literally just ignore it.
Are they going back and finishing it? Or will the ending still feel like I reached the mid point of the story where its about to take a turn and then credits.

Does it flesh out the world a bit more outside of hunts I don't need because the right combo let me AFK kill the final boss.

Will I get more side lore on Fran and others?

Will it focus more on Ashe and her fallen knight like what the fuck the story was actually about?
Oh also if we are going to shovel Vaan in can we get some fucking closure on his brother? It hints at shit then just goes ya well he got the fuck over it.

The story is actually pretty good, but the main problem is that the game is designed in such a way that you're encouraged to do a lot of side questing.

So essentially instead of a corridor-type rpg where you're just fed one cutscene after another with small gameplay segments in between, in FF12 you have a story cutscene and then you romp around for 2-3 hours or more before getting back to the next story scene. Because of that the story feels slow and unengaging. But it's definitely there and there's definitely enough of it.
VIII and IX were half-finished garbage with incomplete plots, but squenix never fixed those. So my guess would be no.
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Actually they did it to sell strategy guides.

Wait is /v/ old enough to remember strategy guides? Is /v/ old enough to remember paper books?
Well ya the story is good, it is Star Wars with an RPG skin. Its just unfinished as fuck. The script writer even mentioned it since it got so many set backs they just shoved it out the door.
>tfw i still have that in my closet

gonna dust it off in the summer
Guessing by the REMASTER element of it, it won't be adding anything to it. Please go back to your posting "unsettling things in non horror games" thread
Oh in case anyone cares the last good FF was 13-2.

Yeah one of those you never played.
Fucking love this song.
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> That abysmal fan art taking up my bandwidth
Also, apologies, not sure which one 13-2 is, but I was scarred by 13, and played some of "Lightning returns, and thought it was a genuine piece of shit, so good luck.
Why do people have such nostalgia goggles for FF X? I played it for the first time last year and it was a horrible repetitive boring badly written, badly directed, simplistic in a bad way, piece of RPG I've ever played.
I honestly had more fun in X-2 because characters actually had something going for their interactions in that. Also it wasn't so fucking boring and you had to work hard to get overpowered. In FF X you can just two shot the final boss with double limits from Yuna + Bahamut.
I think it was sort of a first for many. It looked pretty good for PS2 as well. But yea mechanics were better in X-2 and overall X-2 was a cheesy cash in, but it at least knew it and went with it.

X had a good story around Yuna, but way too much off screen some shit just happened moments. The who attacks next bar thing was nice, but some characters were way stronger than others.

And the world was pretty dull. It was the one that really killed exploring. And had fuck all for mini games. Fucking butterflys you can't see, lightning bullshit, and Blitzball was crap.
That isn't true though, is it? I could concede that FFX may be one of the more easy-going of the series, but you cannot breeze it as you imply. Especially since you mention two shotting with Bahamut, which would probably be hitting 20k each time... if as you say, did not grind? When it came out, it was a fucking marvel. It still is one of the best combat systems. The Story is brilliant and well conveyed.

FFX was a marvel of its time. And because it was essentially a corridoor game, it had an extremely rich story that you can relate to.

FF13 did the corridor thing with no benefits. I honestly wish I never bought it

Anyway... FF12?
XII is my favorite Final Fantasy but honestly if this is anything like the IZJS system I won't buy it.

You heard me. Fuck IZJS and fuck its defenders.
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Explain yourself right now young man. Do you not like assigning jobs to characters?
Bahamut was hitting 99999 by the mid game
You can't change the jobs.
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I don't like arbitrarily limiting the freedom of customization in the original game because of a mandatory job system.
Not him but it makes the game even easier than it already was, he's not wrong in saying it's trash.
Not unless you grinded like a prostitute it didn't. Play the game without grindind m8
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Just got Reddas in my party, time to clear out all the hunts.

>game bugged, dispel didn't spawn
>No, I have the PS2 game.
>No, I actually enjoy FFXIII
>No, but it's not bad by any means.
>Balthier/Judge Zecht.
>I don't fap to 2D.
>No idea.
To me it felt like the normal version I played was cheating as every character could learn EVERYTHING, so I ended up with a squad of masters.
The international version (Also Zodiac Age) to me feels like how it should be played, carefully choosing how each person should be. Be Strategic. It is no different to FF5, which /v/ loves.. right?
>carefully choosing how each person should be
by not knowing what any of the classes do

Reddas is Mah nigga. Vossler is GOAT though.

Are you a retard?
The reason the job system is stupid is because XII's skills were horribly imbalanced.

The majority of technicks for instance are completely useless aside from a couple that are outright mandatory like steal. Same for magic, and there's only a handful of weapon classes that are worth it. Light Armour is totally useless outside of a couple with certain special abilities.

The game was poorly balanced and designed back when you could do everything and limiting what you can do only makes it even worse. 12 is such a fucking clusterfuck on absolutely every level I'm not shilling out for it twice.
>Are you going to get it?
I'm completely out of the loop, is there a PC version for this? Because if it is I'm sure going to
>Is it the last good FF?
The last one that actually plays like one, at least
>best soundtrack?
Eh, the soundtrack hasn't registered at all in my mind. It all sounds unremarkable to me
>Best character?
Won't be super useful considering it's not for the International version of the game.
I'll get it on PC if it ever comes out for that
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