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I have some questions that fellow mass effect fans can possibly

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I have some questions that fellow mass effect fans can possibly answer. Here are the questions:

1. Wtf makes the humans special and what are the possible advantages they have over other species? I mean like seriously, the Asari are natural biotics and can live for a century, Drell have photographic memory (I think), Krogan are incredibly strong. And there are other traits other species have that make humans look average af.

2. If you played Mass Effect Andromeda, what do you think of the game?
*I hope fellow mass effect fans can possibly answer
What are Batarians and Vorcha good for
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Same point van be made with the turians
Or volus

Its said that it's some shit with our tendencies that makes us accomplish things.

Andromeda is only okay as long as you avoid peebee at any opportunity. And get used to the mediocre character models.

Drack is lit tho so if you liked your krogan squadmates in 1 and 2 then you will probably think he's a hoot.
Vorcha naturally regenerate super quickly and Batarians have MASSIVE schlongs.
>dating Drack dialogue option after the bar fight

Why do they mess with my emotions like this?
>Batarians have MASSIVE schlongs
Prove it fgt
1. Muh human adaptability
2. Too much like dragon age cisquisition to be enjoyable
My feels were smashed too anon.
>what makes Humans special
Bad writing.
Humans are literally the weakest and least important council species.
>turians are better soldiers
>asari are better biotics
>Salarians are just plain smarter also better at espionage

The only thing humans have in the series is that they are "diverse."
Seriously this is all they have. Yet Bioware writes them like the Mary Sue's of the series.

Harbinger told you on ME2's suicide mission

>“Quarian; considered due to cybernetic augmentation, weakened immune system too debilitating.”

>“Drell; useless, insufficient numbers.”

>“Human; viable possibility, aggression factor useful if controlled.”

>“Asari; reliance upon alien species for reproduction shows genetic weakness.”

>“Salarian; insufficient lifespan, fragile genetic structure.”

>“Human; viable possibility, impressive genetic malleability.”

>“Geth; an annoyance, limited utility.”

>“Human; viable possibility, impressive technical potential.”

>“Human; viable possibility, if emotional drives are subjugated.”

>“Human; viable possibility, great biotic potential.”

>“Krogan; sterilised race, potential wasted.”

>“Turian; you are considered...too primitive.”
Humans stood toe to toe with the turians despite using pea shooters. We basically replaced them as the top military power
Same as any fantasy RPG, humans are jacks-of-all-trades. Dwarves are touch and have great machinery, elves are wise and shit magic, goblins/orcs/etc. have pure savagery and numbers. Humans have a mix of all of the above that makes them effectively superior to the rest.
Batarians and Vorcha are niggers of the universe, stupid and short life spans
The entire human fleet fought a turian scouting team. You do know the turians see the First Contact war as a minor skirmish? To humanity it was a big deal. Also in ME3 it was point out that the Asari stepped in and stopped the turians from sending their entire fleet and completely wiping out humans.

>1. Wtf makes the humans special and what are the possible advantages they have over other species? I mean like seriously, the Asari are natural biotics and can live for a century, Drell have photographic memory (I think), Krogan are incredibly strong. And there are other traits other species have that make humans look average af.

where as the other races are more specialised, Humans are supposed to be super adaptable. But, its a mixture of shitty writing as the series went on which led to races being condensed to one or two traits. Also, its hard to create a race that has as much cultural variety as humans and convey that in vidya
>what are the possible advantages they have over other species
What do you even mean?On a personal basis? Or political?
In a on on one fight a human would probably lose against a biotic but win over a Salarian.
Politically they simply managed to build up a stable and rich society isolated from everyone else thanks to the Solar Mass Relay being blocked until Humans thawed it out of the iceblock it was encased in.
When they started exploring they had a powerfull enough military that destroying them seemed to costly, also the Space-UN probably doesn't like genoziding cultures.
Humans are second best at everything.
Other niggas have specialized.
1. Humans are the average species, they are smart like salarians, can do biotics like asari, are stronger than other species of alien, organized like turians. Humans are the most well-rounded

2. I didnt think andromeda was bad, but it is very linear, almost no choice in anything, best part of the game is vetra and drack
>can live for a century
They live for roughly 2,000 years anon
Liara was a loli asari, just barely over 100
Really wish they kept the Mass Effect 1 mantra where humans weren't anything special and had to prove to the established alien races that we're equals... Unlike those faggot greedy Volus just looking for shekels. Fucking space Jews.
1.THEY HAVE NOTHING SPECIAL, in fact reapers were targeting the asari as the next slaved species in this cycle.
2.Just a good game, feels like mass effect, but doesnt delivers anything very unique .
> the entire human fleet

Nope, Turian scouting party encountered human exploration party, Turians took and occupied Shanxi, Humans took ONE of their fleets showed back up to Shanxi and fucked up the Turians, Turians lost more people all together than the Humans, only reason shit didn't get worse after Shanxi was because the council stepped in
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Boom. Done. Totally confirmed and canon.
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Humans have a mix of everything.
They're good with biotics, they're good at fighting, good with science and they're good at politics.

They're basically Proteans 2.0
>penile length

Nice try, oraka
>Handful of Turians in an exploratory fashion from the galaxys largest and best military force take a human planet
>Humans bring a whole fleet back and barely win

KYS Kiddie.
Also it looks like you read only the human front neo nazis talk about the war and you know, none of the facts from the rest of the species and earth government on it.

Humans stepped out into space, and got a black eye. They got lucky that the council pretty much said "whoa, hold up, we cant kill every new race we meet." and called the Turians off
You think they don't have one of those hentai pussies that can sprout a dick when they want it to?

Top kek.
And was pointed out more than once that humans would have lost a full out war. Only a moron would think humans would win. The turian fleet is the best in the galaxy. Also everything single turian from the ahead of 15-30 serves in the military. What percentage of human serve in the military?....6-10%?

Turian have far more skilled fighters just from that alone, better fleet and better military training. (Recall many humans were sent to be trained by turians...Kaiden himself was)
Humans came up quickly compared to the rest of the races, they got a council seat pretty quickly compared to the other races. Andromeda isn't terrible, my biggest issue is the lack of ability to be a dick, Shepard could do all sorts of fucked up things but the range of responses Ryder has seems to vary between either sarcastic or apathetic
And after the fleets got fucked up by Saren and his geth forces they didn't exactly have the largest fleet
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1 NOTHING other then the fact we have balls and aliens do not, we nearly beat the pseudo fascist militaristic state of warrior space raptors right after we got out of the proverbially crib of civilization and ascended to the stars
We just kick ass

2. BLOWS ASS tried to fug the femturayran but game wouldn't let me do it because god hates me

>batarians got the largest average dicks at a foot and 8 inchs girth
I feel small now
>salarians have dicks thicker then they are long
Primarily used to fertilize piles of eggs

It probably helps spread it around
It's something to do with humans being genetically malleable. It's some space magic stuff but I like to believe it's because humans are a very new intergalactic species, so new that from an evolutionary standpoint we haven't stagnated like the other races.
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I got you senpai.

Combat is improved (with a few caveats)
Environments look good
Exploration is pretty much like the first game only not shit

Everything else. Where do I start?
They took out Paragon/Renegade system but what they replaced it with is actually worse. Instead of two different choices on either side of the morality spectrum, you're stuck with four homogenized responses that all feel the exact same. So, instead of being able to choose between feeding the stray dog or kicking it to curb, you're forced to always pick the feed option, with slight variations.

Dialogue is horrendous. Some of the worst conversations I've seen in recent memory. The way characters talk feels scattered, like one sentence doesn't follow the other. Characters like Liam speak so nonsensically that it's hard to figure out what the fuck he just said. Other characters use awful vernacular that sounds off most of the time. The way Vetra constantly says "Nah" instead of "No" is just terrible. Which brings me to....

Characters are just as bad as the dialogue. They're banal, have nothing interesting say 98% of the time, and have only slightly more personality than a quest-giving NPC. These characters are just walking archetypes while the characters in the original trilogy felt like they had a soul. This then leads off into...

The story is complete ass. It's a straightforward flat line from beginning to end. You'll see the twists coming an hour before they're revealed, and the villain is so one-dimensional he makes Corypheus seem deep and nuanced. The story has no bumps, no turns, no rising action, and the climax is incredibly ho-hum and poorly paced.

Side quests are awful and have no meaning. This is literally Dragon Age Inquisition in space. They're tedious, offer no payout, either in terms of narrative or loot. The problem is, if you skip out on all these side quests you'll likely beat the game in under 8 hours on your first run through. (cont)
Humans aren't really that special, they just happened to be near a lot of old tech, on mars, which gave them a super jump.

haven't played andromeda yet
>What percentage of human serve in the military?....6-10%?

Before the reapers arrive it's like 0.5% or something. Apparently, the turians were supposed to be terrified of it.

Seems like humans' strength in the setting is our dicks. We just fuck a lot, blasting out kids by the assload. Apparently the council races just can't handle that shit. Just look at the trouble they had with those insect-fuckers, or what they did to the krogan.

not that any of it matters anyway, what with everything being destroyed by the reapers or shepard himself
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>Wtf makes the humans special
Humans are as smart as the Salarians, as strong as the Turians, as wise as the Asari and as adaptive as the Krogan.
We're the ture apex life form, with the strengths of all and the weaknesses of none.

>ME Andromeda
I like the series too much to play that garbage.
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>>19204 (cont)
The combat may be improved but it also feels more restricted thanks to Bioware taking out actual roles and focusing on leveling up everything under the sun. You can only use three abilities in combat so it's like Bioware is forcing the profile bullshit down your throat. There is no escaping it.

Technically, the game is a mess. T poses, bad animation, missing audio, dialogue overriding other dialogue, constant and unyielding pop-in from both NPCs and textures await you if you so choose to purchase this game. Bubsy3D felt more stable than this game.

I'd talk about the multiplayer but I don't have PS Plus and never will. Also, if you bought this for the multiplayer anyway you are cancer.

This game is a solid 4/10 for me. Not only because it fails in every way it counts compared to the original trilogy but it simply isn't a fun game. You can't role play, you can't make decisions that affect the story, and you don't care about anyone or anything in this new galaxy.
the biggest insult is how the game never takes itself seriously. It's like they knew the game was going to be trash from the start. ME 1-3 had their share of funny moments, but most were tasteful and didn't tear from the tension. All the games have the similar threat of extinction, but I guess all the happy go lucky people went to Andromeda (which makes sense in a way, only loons would think going to another Galaxy was the best option).
>Characters are just as bad as the dialogue. They're banal, have nothing interesting say 98% of the time, and have only slightly more personality than a quest-giving NPC. These characters are just walking archetypes while the characters in the original trilogy felt like they had a soul. This then leads off into...

If you don't mind me covering the characters specifically I will now
only vetra and not wrex have any god damn personality (and that is limited to being garrus' and han solos love child and being an older wrex) this would be ok if you could have more dialouge with them but guess what the only two characters that I would rate around a 5/10 have less dialouge then the others, WOOT
New cat squid alien dude named jaal is somehow more beta then male ryder and more autistic then sara, imagine if /r9k/ was a space alien, but he is somehow liked because "ha he doesn't understand human interaction, he's such a cute autist guys"
Cora has no personality beyond "i'm an asariboo with a fat ass" yes somehow I'd rate her as third best
Liam is the jacob or carth of this game if they were had even less personality were even more insufferable faggots
Peebee is annoying as SHIT at first but half way through the game I hear she becomes bareable, but I wouldn't know because I got sick of the cringeworthy edge comments that she CONSTANTLY oozes
My ratings
not wrex 6/10 best squad mate
vetra 5/10
cora 4/10
jaal 3/10
liam 1/10
peebee 1/10
I would cover the side characters but they have no personality and can be sumed up by 3 things that they are, for example the female copilot is a lesbo christian women, there that's all you need to know about her
and people say the characters are the STRONG point of this game............................................
>Humans aren't really that special
Then why did we accomplish more then any other species that came before us?
We even defeated the Reapers, something not even the Leviathans or Protheans could do.
Ever play Civ games? it was the equivalent of hitting the modern era and found we were under a shit ton of oil and aluminium basically, and catapulted to the top
>Kaiden with less personality

How is that even possible? His defining character trait was that his implants gave him headaches. Jacob was at least a military man who was disgusted with his father setting up a harem of mentals. How can Liam be worse? I'm genuinely curious
Liam is both terribly written in terms of script and character.

His conversations are retarded and you'll leave the room wondering what the fuck he was talking about. As for who he is, he is fucking insufferable. He constantly goes out of the way to disregard authority while saying he'll improve after each fuck up. He's obnoxious and you'll actually want to jettison him out the airlock after you beat his loyalty mission due to what happens in the story.
>I'm a security guard
>i'm british
>I may have taken it up the ass by an alien cat squid
there summed up his character, nothing of note
They tried to do Joss Whedon without realizing only Joss Whedon can do Joss Whedon. No character takes anything seriously in this fucking story. Every line MUST be a clever quip. Shit is beyond retarded
Go ahead and tell me about the loyalty mission, I don't plan on playing this, I'm just butthurt over the series

>I may have taken it up the ass by an alien cat squid
Please explain
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Another example of the cringe worthy writing, pictures worth a million words
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Humans are generally the most hype race in any fantasy/sci fi setting.

>No magic/biotics
>Less technology
>Shorter lifespans/physical abilities

But once they want something they don't stop until they're dead. And as someone else said in this thread humans generally are portrayed to be the second best at everything, so they'll attack a problem from all angles and in unexpected ways.
>Wtf makes the humans special

An extra feat per level?
Though a correction would be that they aren't as good at biotics.
You know what to need to do now, anon.

Fug Vetra and have Drack go full grandpa mode on your kids I wonder if it's even possible for a human and Turian to have a kid, maybe science might be involved.
I almost stopped playing after the "They're scanning us" "Well scan them back!" bs. Pretty sure the studio is just a cult who worship Guardians of the Galaxy (although at least GotG was at least somewhat funny and had minor tension).
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First thing that came to mind, what fucking horrible chimera creature would come out of her cooter then I remembered I'd still smash the birdlizard thing....
but it was implied by sam it might be possible at some point in the game

I hate it man, feels like I'm going to get into a slam poetry battle with the big bad guy and then get my neg hole pozzed by him
>Talk to Cora
>Talk to PeeBee
>Does goofy things and says stupid shit
>Talk to Vetra
>Tells you she would be happy for you to rely on her to get shit done, and then has sassy banter with her sister

Truly the best.
Is it true you can't get companions killed in ME:A?

Can't you refuse to let them join the party, or kick them out once they join at least? Even DA:I allowed that.
Humans had a lot of fucking help.
Did you not play ME3?
Krogan, Turian and Asari all played a huge role in beating the reapers.
>I wonder if it's even possible for a human and Turian to have a kid, maybe science might be involved.
it isn't

that comes up in ME3 between Garus and Female shep. The two species genetics just don't get a long at all. He implies he wants to try anyways to have kids right before the end of the game. Those couples would need to adopt. Only Asari can get create kids with other races.
>1. Wtf makes the humans special
Mac Walters

>2. If you played Mass Effect Andromeda, what do you think of the game?
It's mediocre
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If that was true 1/3 of my squad would be dead no you have to suffer them
Liam and peebee would be dead if I could do that

I still honestly think cora is better then blue shrek, but it's a race to the bottom with these characters also why do I find these things hot, let alone fuckable?
Yeah Vetra is easily the best female in Andromeda. Cora is boring as shit, and Peebee is annoying as fuck.
>If that was true 1/3 of my squad would be dead no you have to suffer them
>Liam and peebee would be dead if I could do that
That's stupid. I might have tried the series if I could at least get rid of people I hated. Doing that made DA:I more tolerable.
Yes under Human guidance, Lviathans and Protheans basically enslaved their respective galaxies and still became extinct.
and I might return to playing this pos game if that was the case
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