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Graphics thread? What's the best looking game right now?

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Thread replies: 507
Thread images: 251

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Graphics thread?

What's the best looking game right now? No Crysis posting allowed
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best graphics
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I don't know if it's the BEST looking game out there but this fucking hunting game has some of the nicest graphics I've seen in a good while
Comfy as fuck game, too, god I love the outdoors
>give me a game with the best graphics
>but not the game with the best graphics
>inb4 salt and butthurt
Battlefield 1 looks bretty gud. Not saying it's the best here, but it seems consistent. BF4 was all over the place. Some levels looked great and some looked like complete trash. BF1 has some cool stuff like the rain drops and mud on weapons. The fog kinda looks shitty, though.
It really doesn't look that good, this game does the wilderness much better >>17082
Genuinely, I don't have anything against Sony or anything but it's honestly not that pretty of a game
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it just isnt the best looking game tbqh

>11 FPS
You're doing this on purpose aren't you
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screenshots don't really do it justice, but from a technical perspective it looks and feels amazing
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my poor midrange video card can't handle the grafex
It's kinda impressive to me how good WD2 can look sometimes (even though it can look like complete shit at others). Worth pirating.
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It is pretty nice looking. Occasionally you can see some obvious shortcuts in the graphics, but I'd take a few of those over a horribly optimized mess. I need to replay it.
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u just make bad screenshots
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yeah i'd be playing it non-stop if I had a 480 right now
Battlefield One and Battlefront win on the environments.

Uncharted 4 has the best character models and animation though. At least in the cutscenes.
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unironically this
I'd post one that I made myself but I don't own the game legitimately and it doesn't like puush or print screen
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The HDR is really good, but I think they could have done a better job with the AA.
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nice water
this tbqh, toddlers and PCtards will argue it until they're blue in the face though
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Why a 480? Should being looking toward a newer GPU.

They are really damn good from what I've seen, can't even deny it as a PCfag. HZD and ME:A are a complete joke in that regard.
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Alien Isolation looks fucking beautiful
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i can see a lot of jaggies in there.

I think Yakuza probably has less jaggies than HZD.
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> No Crysis posting allowed
OPs post already had salt and butthurt.
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because it's cheap and effective

I don't have to worry about dumping a paycheck into a card.
Deus Ex mankind divided looks pretty good aside from it's horrific jaggies
literally where?
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Probably this
Imagine a game with Battlefield 1 environment textured with uncharted 4 models, pure sex
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deus ex looks like a ps3 game desu
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I thought you were talking about a GTX 480 my man, sorry
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some of the most glaring jaggies
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Might as well ask here.

Which is a better graphics overhaul mod for Half-Life 2? The "Update" one, or the "Cinematic Mod" one?
Anyone else dislike the look of ID ever since Doom 3?

I can't quite put my finger on what it is, it's like there's little actual model detail, just blurry maps, and everything kind of looks like it's melting together with soft edges like the result of a low-res 3D scan.
>At least in the cutscenes
In-game are really good too.
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Witch man 3 looks pretty gud.
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It looks good. Naughty Dog was always good at pulling what they could out of a console. Still not enough for me to get a PS4 though personally.
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The Last of Us Remastered also has amazing models
I kind of like that they tried to circumvent that with the lighting and hud. Doomguy has hud lag and weapon lag so everything just kind of feels appropriate, but in RAGE it feels really weird.
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Uncharted looks terrible
>Megatextures ever looking good
yeah no, not with that pop-in
Megatextures are supposedly made to be more optimized than regular texture mapping and easier to paint, but they're so prone to glitches and just look fucking terrible when seen from up close.
I swore off megatextures when I played Wolfenstein TNO and the game refused to switch the textures from the LOD ones to the normal ones no matter what settings I changed, so the game looked vomit-inducing for days until it switched back by itself - I'm talking floors made out of solid colors.

I don't know why ID believes that megatextures are the future, they only ever look good with a hint of cartoony shading added on, and that's only if you don't look too close. And they run like ASS.
>graphics thread
>always a mandatory Sony bullshot that's not even ingame

>dead bunnies
wtf i hate geralt now
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I got the PS4 for Yakuza. Uncharted was free.
Too bad about that backround foilage though. This game being on Xbone is a shame. PC would do it wonders.
Speaking of graphics

>install Snake Pass
>requires i5 to play
>barely runs at 9fps 720p

For what it is the requirements are ridiculous.
That's not jaggies that's models with low polycount. Jaggies are non-antialiased edges.
Yes, the entire game is cutscenes, we know this
There's a reason we call sony games movies
Blame the villagers, not Geralt.
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it is on pc tho
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DOOM uses id tech 6 I think so the need for stretching large spans of textures across a map is archaic. They just render everything in real time while the initial loading does base models and stuff. When you walk up to an object the texture cache will determine how fast it loads to its actual design so having a video card with a lot of video memory is almost a necessity. The Nightmare Mode for DOOM's graphics settings requires at least 5GB's of video memory.
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thats not a cutscene
Really? I thought it was a XBONE exclusive.
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Every game is capable of some bad screenshots
I was playing on PC at 4k anon
You can see my stats and everything
Damn that game is ugly.
>people think Uncharted looks good
It came to PC when they realized they just made a glorified benchmarking tool
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you can clearly see the models were rendered to have a lot of detail, the anti aliasing just doesn't blend over the smaller edges very well
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you don't really know what jaggies are
For a console game it looks damn good and you know it.
It does when you use bullshot mode.
yea its been on pc since 2014
Get the Cinematic Mod
It adds ferns
Witcher 3 visual style gets tiring real, real fast.
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The effect I really love in Doom is the frosted glass.

Wish more engines would support this effect because it really sells transparent objects.
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Maybe if it had a better artstyle, but no it doesn't look that good in motion.
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How else do you take screenshots apart from pressing f12
Why those threads are always full of PS4 shitters who believe their laptop tier pc console can output something more than just pretty static scenes
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Turn that CA shit off. Game looks far better without it.
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It got ported to PC later.

In Uncharted 4's defense they probably expected people to be further away on TV and not up close with a monitor, the imperfections begin to show at that stage
You can take higher quality ones. Steam allows you to have an uncompressed version in another folder if you change it in the options. I think that's what he's talking about, anyway. Yours are jpg and his was a png
How's the game? It's been cheap as chips so more of a question if it's worth the time. I thought it was garbage but seems to actually have a decent rating on Steam.
>god I love the outdoors
>video game
How do you mean?
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Why would anyone care about console game standards when PCs exist?
You can't be outdoors all year, anon, winter camping isn't much fun
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I dunno man, it doesn't seem like there's a lot of low poly models in this game.
no difference.
hard to believe, right? it looks THAT good.
>no difference
You need to have your eyes checked
I don't know everything looks so freaking samey, it looks the same as it did back then o Witcher 2, exactly the same visual style.
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Has The Division gotten better? I want to give a chance but with Destiny 2 coming out I have no real motivation to play it anymore.
This looks fuckawful, jesus christ
Not only are the graphics shit but the artstyle looks like the designer just threw up jolly ranchers all over the fucking design page and left it
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>Why would anyone care about console game standards when PCs exist?
>posts a game made for the Xbone first
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wasn't bad nor good and i beat it in 5 hours

dont pay more than 5 bucks for it
Its ridiculous how much worse this game looks in screenshots not using the bullshot mode.
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you can actually see the grooves inside his arms and the soft glow of the lighting bouncing off of them

that's funny
tbqh as much as the game was a failure, the Snowdrop engine does look absolutely gorgeous
I'd say it's probably the best looking game out right now, if you're talking in terms of pure visual fidelity.
It doesn't have the massive scale or depth of other great-looking games, but it looks damn nice when on a stroll down Times Square.
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What game?
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>it looks the same as it did back then o Witcher 2, exactly the same visual style
Not at all, 2 was very different. 3s style is more like 1.
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MGSV's Africa was photorealistic at times.
That's 99% of all Sony games
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The division
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the division I think
the only things you can change in photomode is FoV and add really bad DoF.
the game just actually look great. i know it's crazy.
Jesus christ, get your fucking eyes checked, those trees are giving me cancer
Thanks, 5 hours sounds like an OK time investment for something that's merely decent.
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>Has The Division gotten better?
Yes but barely anyone plays anymore so it doesn't really matter.
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l looks like shit haha.png
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>those textures
>those trees
>that aliasing

Have you seen the Xbox versions anon?

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it was very hard for me to distinguis between MGSV and reality itself. It made me question if I was even real.
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that lighting is really good.
Does it have a good singleplayer campaign or is it just tacked-on like multiplayer often was in the olden days?
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>yfw an MMORPG has better graphics than any console game
i played through the story a few months ago and enjoyed it, but you practically need the DLC and friends to do anything fun for the endgame
>that entire world falling apart at the seams

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>no technical criticisms available on the graphics in a graphics thread

b-but the artstyle l-looks like shit
EVE Online looks lightyears better than any console game
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That is really good, I found myself looking through windows a lot in the game.
Can you still get into it and is there any solo stuff?
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Turok has stunning visuals at times.
Those trees look terrible, like piles of needles haphazardly thrown together
The lighting is ugly as fuck, and what the fuck are those shadows?
Dude, non-photomode has tons of graphical issues
Yes and plenty of it
EVE is great
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what do you mean? thats just how the city looks in real life
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You can't post a single image to back that lie up.
If you ask nicely I can prove you wrong though.
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I like the hair technology they used for MGSV.

Much better than the shit in MGS4.
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MGSV can look nice and its very well optimized, but in terms of environments it reminds me more of Mafia 2, granted MGSV had a 60FPS goal so shortcuts had to be made.
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Animations aside, Andromeda looks nice.
was for
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Thanks anon. Been looking for a good space game recently.
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yeah gtav looks nice
[ ] not rekd
[x] rekd
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I loved how some of the hell stages looked.
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It's a shame the game turned out bad. though I did put in 200 hours before dropping it.
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That legit was the only good looking place on that planet. Everything else looked like garbage.
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GTAV came out in 2013 right?

Soft shadows are a thing apparently. If your game doesn't support them by now you're in the stone age.
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that screen is gta 4
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Quantum Break.
don't fall for his lies

EVE is shit and so are the devs
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I thought the remaster of T2 still looked pretty good for a nearly 20 year old game.
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*blocks your path*

Quantum Break
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>lying on the internet
>unironically thinking photo mode changes anything other than adding a slider for DoF and FoV

Either way, you're pretty dumb senpai
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Photomode in Uncharted adds higher res and anti-aliasing
it does look pretty good. I have a ps4, is it worth buying?
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10 years ago
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I know it's not because I took it using Naturalvision 1.2
There's a new version but I've not tried it yet
>GTAV came out in 2013 right?
Yeah last gen versions did current gen in 2014, PC version wasn't until 2015 though but they added a good deal of extra graphics options for the PC version.
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Magic in BDO.webm
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Quantum Break has great visual effects, apart from that its mediocre
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Facial animations were probably the worst thing in that game.
Well come on, what game?
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Thanks Anons!
Is Ace Combat 6 really 10 years old?
DD? I dont remember those enemies.
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Quantum Breaku.webm
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Textures, lighting, even model quality is some of the best.
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Looks nice with reshade.
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Tomb Raider looks so intensive.

I think I actually did not buy it after I heard /v/ say the ending was a QTE.
Black Desert
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Black Desert
horizon zero dawn
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textures were meh desu and some of the models were bad

but lighting is great too yeah
Pretty sure thehunter call of the wild
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Get the cinematic mod.
the screen you quoted is gta 4
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Oh it's a shame, I heard they fucked up the game, archeage style.
oh my b haha
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Are you guys drunk or what
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My understanding is that recently they fixed it all. Or at least a large portion of it.
No QTE ending on Rise of the Tomb Raider
>I think I actually did not buy it after I heard /v/ say the ending was a QTE.
It was a QTE at the end of a boss fight but /v/ probably told you the whole thing was a QTE. I mean still kind of meh but whatever.

I just finished it and I had a lot of fun with it.
Still b2p?
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They're right. A lot of texture were pretty shit. And some character models >>17241
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>No love in this thread for DE:MD
Come on
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Dark Souls 3 still looks so nice to me

Not sure.


You can check out this video for more, which is getting me to jump back in.

It seems that if you want to P2W you are going to be handing out 100+ USD a week to what you can make playing the game in two weeks time.
They didn't make MP3
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my nigga bdo is gorgeous
but man it's unoptimized as fuck
even with 1700x and 1070 it's hard not to tone down settings
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Most are excellent and that image is cherry picked.
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Is it good?
max payne 3 was by rockstar tho

Megatextures was a mistake
Does anybody have a webm of the snow effects? Genuinely impressive.
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>an entire wall
>cherry picked
Sure it is.
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I feel that Total War Attila is probably the best looking strategy game
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quantum break2.webm
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remedy put everything in the lighting and visual effects that they couldnt make the environment as good looking

its not bad but not good either
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Forza Horizon 3 with 8xmsaa is god tier
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getting on in years now but still a goodie because slav magic
Too bad Uncharted 2 did that better seven years ago.
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yeah THAT screenshot is cherrypicked though

that scene looks cool af in motion and everythings moving extremely fast
Racing games are cheating
Is this modded?
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Yeah, if you liked DE:HR or are a cyberpunk fan then it's a must-grab IMO.
Lots of replay value and cool character drama, though the main story trips up a bit near the end, similar to HR.
ds3 looks good but to the point where who hasn't seen the same view every time.
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People who say Dark Souls 3 looks bad are absolutely insane.
it didnt

uncharted does nothing better than anything apart from character models
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No one was talking about "in motion". We were talking about the poor textures.
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looks like shit with fart gas
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it's open world tho

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but all racing games look like shit if you dont move
Uncharted 2 didn't even look better than other PS3 exclusives and today it looks really dated.
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that is nifty
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Artisan 1.png
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I'm actually going to install it again. I remember I loved to play the trading part of the the game and was in the top tier until I quit.
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With such shit taste one would think you'd appreciate fart gas.
that game has such an ugly art style. it's not as blatant as Ass Defect: Abomina, but everything in it just looks like highly polished meh. for the tribals they borrow random elements from injuns and vikings but it ends up looking like a room full of suits decided on a grab bag of influences. it's so fucking sterile I can't believe it wasn't a product of Ubisoft. lead chick has tribal braids so she'll look like a nord but the game has to have a diversity quota so the tribe is muliracial, then why the fuck would they have tribal hair styles that will only work with a few people's hair? the whole thing is a thoughtless cargo cult approach to design that tells me real artists were not making the big decisions on the look. why do they have fucking cobblestones and old norse style buildings when there is plentiful scrap metal around? are there racial purity laws in this tribe, because otherwise how is a small tribe preserving distinct ethnic groups after apparently many generations? they are just fucking their own kids, or..? obviously the reason is that the only thought that went into this was some marketer insisted on having some darkies to keep the polygons ar bay. why does their clothing look incredibly sophisticated in terms of how it would have to be manufactured, and at the same time it's designed like a native american halloween costume? the tribe has advanced past the level of middle ages europeans but they still have fruity "native" headresses, why. it really makes me angry just looking at that blandness. it's just insulting. I can almost hear the marketing executives dreaming this up, 'hey you know what those video gamer retards will jizz their pants over? robot. dinosaurs. put a chick with some tacky faux-native shit on the cover so we'll get a good metacritic'. absolutely shameless.
Damn Dark Souls 3 looks clean as fuck then
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I really enjoyed the game, but ya, some of the textures where lacking
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dat ass.webm
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poorfag hair looks really bad. wonder why they didn't just give her a different hair style.
what game is that?
shadow warrior 2 looks like THAT?
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>post screenshot of scene where all the environment is moving at incredibly high speed so it becomes blurry

I agree the textures aren't very good but that screenshot was cherrypicked
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Shadow Warrior 2
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I'm still annoyed by this game. A lot of the interiors and night time environments looked great and what you would want from a cyberpunk game, but then for whatever reason they decided to set like half the game in daytime, grey, boring, boxy east bloc with zero atmosphere and HL2 tier flat/shitty lighting.
Not him but that was modded.
weak copypasta, faggot
Shadow Warrior 2 looks good as fuck, the first scene when you start the game looked gorgeous. Optimized really well to boot.
That game came out and literally nobody was talking about it. Is it any good?
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mirrors edge 2 looks pretty pretty
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that looks mediocre apart form the fine cloth on the floor and lighting

wew jaggy souls
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There were a threads about it for a few days when it came out.

People are kind of split on it because it levels are somewhat randomly generated and it had randomized loot.
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Except these scene aren't moving very fast at all.
aw yea
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Looks like shit

Its shit
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Have some more.
I'm talking about this one >>17295 you imbecile
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CIA please notice me.jpg
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What game is that? It looks really good.
Still waiting for it to come out of early access.
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It's aight
>tfw no msaa
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But it's not. This is the part that moves fast, not the other pic.
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shadow warrior2

its shit
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Is that still you char name?
I'm assuming you're cool with me adding you?
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it looks good, shame it's not modifiable,
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Shadow Warrior 2
Man, Steam is so frustrating with screenshots. Tucks the jpgs away behind a million directories and you can optionally choose a folder for the png versions, but it still wastes space on the jpg and sometimes Steam updates and resets all my settings, so then I forget to tick "save uncompressed version". I kinda get it, they want to save space on their servers instead of people uploading pngs, but still annoying. I also wish Steam would divide the uncompressed in folders by the game name, or at least put the fucking game name in the filename instead of the game's ID and a date.
Are you retarded? I played it, the character in that scene is moving at double-speed and the environment keeps changing, which is why there's motion blur, idiot.
fuck this deferred rendering shit forcing out MSAA and enforcing blurry as fuck AA options
>mirrors edge 1
1 pixel per 1cm square for global illumination bake
>mirrors edge 2
1 pixel per 1 METER square for real time global illumination

yeah, gi in mirrors edge 2 was 100000 lower in resolution, will always piss me off
rather have a static non dynamic lighting and see how far the modern tech could push prebaked gi in real time game, it should look way better that that paris unreal 4 demo, and that one looked already great with very basic low quality gi bake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6PQ19BEE24

instead we got all fucking shiny crap to hide the crappy shadows
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>which is why there's motion blur,
There's blur all over the game. Even on character that are barely moving.
it's not like anybody is telling you to stop that's the point of the thread post graphics
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Vistas look nice but the game looks incredibly flat in motion, it's obvious they just bake the lighting and call it a day. The muted colors really don't help, it takes a serious lighting engine to pull that style off well which dark souls doesn't have.
you can just set your video card options to override the AA defaults of the game, no?
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Yeah but only FXAA
Mirrors edge 1 does look incredible, but I think Dice did a great job with ME2. Nearly every glass surface has a reflection, which is unheard of in nearly all open world games, and the lighting is consistent across the board, indoors, outdoors, day and night.
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Mirror's edge 1 does look nice
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>all these high poly brown/gray shitstains
good artstyle > 10 trillion dollar budget
Dark Souls have never been known for the tech behind them if anything its actually pretty bad but they make up for by actually being good games.
>concept art
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with super turbo lighting mod and UGOM

You really thought that was GTAV?
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>ultimate cuck game
>German plays it

Go figure.
I know I'm in the minority but I actually like the slightly softer look, makes it somehow more realistic and less computer-perfect-video-gamey.
>2015 gamescom
image not related right?
Yeah, I don't know why but I thought it was that one garment factory, I guess I just glanced over it.
Yea its the same.
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>Watch Dogs 2 runs like shit no matter the settings
>Watch Dogs 1 with that recent graphics mod runs well and looks much better

Why Ubisoft takes so long to fix their game after release?
WD2 is cool but its runs so bad it makes me not wanna play anymore.
>super turbo lighting mod
Photorealism is the point of the thread retard.
That isn't concept art you mong.
Not a fan looks like some kind of shitty chromatic abberation
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>the character is black so its a cuck game xD
Can't you mod in the graphics from the original E3 showing pretty easily?
Watch Dogs 2 looks really fucking good, and its VERY cpu/Ram dependent
For instance, I got a gtx 1070 and tried to play the game with 8 gigs of ram, it ran at 20 fps
Got 16 gigs a week later, 60 fps constant.
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that scene is still in the game, you posted a screenshot of that scene

>He thinks it's concept art
>early 2000s pop-art with hard angles and edges used to dispel any subtlety
>literally designed to be loved by adolescents and low-iq adults

Yeah, anime is totally a worthwhile medium that should be taken seriously.
What FPS is this running at? I can't get this game to run any better than 50 with drops to 30 whenever it loads a new chunk of the world without resorting to that god awful TAA.
I refuse to believe it's even playable for anybody on PC.
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>doesn't know what Ansel is
CA is turned off dumbass
>>Watch Dogs 2 runs like shit no matter the settings
Not actually true, it's just one of the few exceptions to the list of games that don't use an i7.
yeah, cubemaps with parallax displacement with some screen space reflection mixed in
you dont see that in other game since it probably took few months half a dozen of people to bake all those fucking cubamaps and make sure they look properly, and if somone moved one object ion teh room? fucking time to do it again

what a waste of development time, maybe they should have spent some of that workforce to make the game better
too late, im salty and butthurt my computer died two months ago so this thread has convinced me to start saving up for a new build

Fuck yourself sonybro

t. has a ps4 and it aint shit compared to a PC
Nah, you can mod the game to look much better than vanilla, but you still can't make it look like E3.
Too bad BDO is literal grindy shit.
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GRW 2017-03-28 03-17-55.jpg
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Doesn't change the fact the lightning mod looks like it.
Not anymore it seems, you can get to 56 in a week.
45 on average
Specs, and are you running TAA? I'm running an i7 + 980 and have to play on Low with constant stutters when driving, it's fucking killing me because I can't stand to play the game for more than like 10 minutes at a time.
I urge you to zoom in far and take a second look
>graphical artists do the same job as gameplay coders

No. The artists did their job excellently. The gameplay designers did not. You can't expect to reallocate the artistic part of the workforce to do a coder's job "to make the game better"
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I don't know, I haven't played many recent games, metro last light blew me away when I played it, does it still hold to today's standards?

why can't you use EQAA or TSAA?
too bad the game is hot garbage
ohh look out everyone, we found the one guy with a PC (inoperable, big surprise) and a PS4
What does BDO stand for?
>everything blasted out with an artificially low draw distance because textures are too low
It doesn't. Even looking at this screen you can tell their trapped in last gen.

Bioware using frostbite is like a minecrfat streamer using a $4000 PC and just as autistic
Nah. It's a solid 7/10.
oh look everyone, we found the faggot assuming he knows everything about everyone on an anonymous image board
seeing the final results i think maybe the artist would do just as fine job or better as game designers
It has obviously aged technically but it has top-notch atmosphere and world design that it will probably still look good for a long time.

Redux also makes it look marginally better
Brown and bloom is making a comeback I see
i'm such a huge faggot
>walk in a straight line
>ignore the detailed architecture in the distance, please
>keep walking that straight line
>frequently get bumped back on track by the invisible walls put in place by our benevolent developers
>get back to the dark, repetitive, crumbled subway tunnels to experience more of shit writing and bad gameplay

Naz Dravi!
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watch who you're calling faggot, faggot
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looks like i'm back at qhst again
please rape my face with big black cocks

Ugly ass witch.
everything maxed out with the DLC textures, 2x msaa + taa
still better than a lot of stuff today so I'd say it's up to today's standards
im soooooooo gay lol
with a 1070
Why? The game runs great, running is smooth and satisfying, combat is pretty shit yeah, but it's not a bad game at all.
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GTA5 2015-05-13 00-39-32.jpg
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It still looks better than even some recent AAA titles desu. Hard to believe it's a 4 year old game.
did you say hi to dr. stockel
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GRW 2017-03-27 04-40-22.jpg
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>only 45 fps at 1080p
>with a 1070
Jesus christ that's some shit tier optimization.
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that's not gameplay
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gears feels like a game that would benefit greatly from subtle lens flare
Looks great in screenshots until you realise the world is more static than a PS1 game.
>lying on the internet to make yourself feel better
i have could really enjoyed WD2 if the pc controls weren't such a mess.
I'm not lying.
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modded fallout 4
yeah, its mediocre, which is even worse than being bad since you can see the potential in it
that looks fucking horrendous
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>open weapon wheel in fight
>take screenshot
guaranteed something nice
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Do you not like Witches?

Black Desert Online
nah you just read fallout and reacted like a drone
At least post a decent shot
What mods?
the colors look really nice

everything is crystal clear and there's no depth of field, so it all comes off as disenchanting and brutal on the senses
Big Dicked Oppa
then you're an idiot
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Here's in game.
It was rather nice to look at but the gameplay was a slog.
>7 hours of shit gameplay
>bloated to shit with awful side content
>assassins creed amount of collectibles
>anything 10 feet away looks like raw polygons
i really love the cock
there's mods for that too, that's just a stock image for one mod only
yeah lets ignore the jaggies and chromatic eye cancer smeared on everything.

>everything is crystal clear and there's no depth of field
fuck off samefag you're mentally insane.
Then you're too blinded by the pretty lights to realise nothing in the environment is interactive other than le stealth meme grass
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She is so disgustingly ugly. Unbelievable.
real life doesn't look like that lol
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On par with skyrim.webm
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It could have been better, I really enjoyed the witch combat though.
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Nah, it's a good game
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BDO Witch class.webm
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this does look really good, too bad the game is shit
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>bEAttlefront announced
>See the trailers
>No fucking way, this game has to graphically the best looking video game i've ever seen
>Calling bullshots
>Download the PC beta
>mfw It's actually fucking beautiful even on med/high and runs at +60 on my absolute toaster

too bad the gameplay was donkey dick and the content was nonexistant, I'm glad I haven't bought it Almost did when the Bryar pistol was announced for the Death Star DLC though
I have FO4, but I can't bring myself to play it, I just have no interest in the world settings
i love cummies yummy
Whats your Extra Details at? I can hit that if suffering through TAA+2xMSAA+SMAA, but only at 0%.
Too bad the game itself is fucking dogshit

But I'm just curious, is there any good mods to help with the facial animations and dialogue and is your framerate over 10fps with all that fucking foliage
That is pretty neat desu
not the guy who posted but that's grasslands, resurrection and photorealistic commonwealth
BDO is such a good looking game but my screenshots didn't do it justice. Maybe they just nailed the atmosphere or something because when I played it I was always in awe.
You're literally wrong, if you spent half as much time playing video games as you do on /v/ bitching about them, you'd know that
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Yeah, all the fancy mods still can't fix it.
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you need a monster rig if you're trying to play it with all these mods, and yes, there's mods for animations too
I really want to like this game visually bullshot or not, but this is a fucking clutter, I can't tell things apart
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It's more the game doesn't transition well to stills, there is a lot of smearing and waterpaint like effects when its in motion.
100% in next E3 a new fallout by obsidian will be announced and then you will have a good game with those visuals
don't forget to call me a no life loser neet with 0 ambitions
How's the actual game ?
Is it as much of a blunder as the first one ?
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mgsvtpp 2015-11-04 21-21-03.jpg
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>I really need my vidya waifu to look like the anumu body pillow my gram bought me
Uncharted 4 arguable has the best graphics and inarguably has the best facial animations of any game to ever release. It really honestly blows my mind that a game with the budget of ME:A can take such a gigantic step back from a year old game like Uncharted 4.
Yeah I literally have no idea how you're able to pull that off, I can't go up to even 50% without being hit with a 10 fps dip and I'm STILL suffering through microstutters when driving
The game itself was just so dense, You could zoom in on any character and it would look decent, but when you were actually in the game surrounded by stuff it was really impressive.
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Also the world is just fucking comfy
mfw people who mod can make stuff like this for free and all indie games still look like shit
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witcher3 2015-06-06 21-19-35-88.jpg
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TW3 has better facial animations(and eyes, the most important part) and it's a massive open world game.
Pretty impressive, seems like much better draw distance than GTAV
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We can hope.
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That, plus world lighting was damned nice. Especially at night.
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it was fun for a while but all i did was mess around in the city, i only played like 3-4 story missions

it only gets very bad in the forest areas
have around 25fps there
Yea. I only played the trial for a few days but I still wish I owned it so I could take better screenshots with my upgraded PC.
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>Vistas look nice but the game looks incredibly flat in motion
Quite the opposite. pic related for example looks much better in motion.
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Fuck yes please, I doubt about 100% but I'm waiting patiently for obsidian magic.

>quad """""dialog""""" wheel gets thrown out of the window
>final bossES will be able to be defeated with maximum tier speech skills.
>Realistic gun catalog
>More mods for your customizing pleasures
>With an updated shooting mechanic that will throw NV and 3 out of the window
>All without m-m-m-muh mods
My peanus weenus gets all enervated
That's because these guys are 3D artists, animators and texture guys. And when you try and get onto a indi team they want the 3D guy to do character creation, world creation, textures, animations, rigging, lighting and everything to do with the actual art style of the game.

So no one bothers. Just look at any of our game creator threads, or shit like /3/. Everytime someone asks to get an artist they shove the entire load onto them.
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Metro games still look incredible.
Why can't people post Crysis? Because it still trumps all of console's offerings despite it being a decade old?
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>a Japanese console port looks this good
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Olisar Flyby.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
Thread needs more webms and fewer screenshots
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mgsvtpp 2015-11-04 21-20-06.jpg
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I would actually have invested more hours in Fallout 4 just if the game looked half as decent as in this still.

I usually don't care about graphics and all, but Fallout 4's wanky lighting and pukemapped lo-rez textures and random art direction actually makes me nauseous and gives me motion sickness.
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The Division 2.webm
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Okay, the buildings in the distance look good and everything, but that grass? What the fuck? It just disappears after 10 feet and leaves a blank green texture.
my rx 480 get in running in ultra with vulkan at 110 fps
get one as soon as you can it's quite good
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The Division 14.png
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I only have 2033, is Redux that much of an improvement?
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it was like 9 US bucks for a while for like the basic package
>fighter jet in space
looks dum
because it's gay and people only post shopped images
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Mad Max storm.webm
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>salt and butthurt
i've never seen a post that screams "i'm a 12 year old wigga!" more than the one you just made
Default Metro 2033 looks better than redux, mostly because redux fucks with the lightning in some weird ways. Last Light looks pretty much the same in both and that screen shot is from Last Light Redux. Play original 2033 and redux Last Light is my opinion.
Graphically it is an improvement. But personally, I feel like they ruined some of the atmosphere.
That's actually good advice. I'll just play Last Light Redux and 2033 then.
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Oh don't get me wrong, the combat WAS fun.

Just everything else kinda made it a slog.

Specially the leveling grind.
Simply the best lighting and use of particle effects I've seen in a game yet. The graphics arent even that astounding, but how they use them just takes the experience to a whole new level.
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The game sucks so that's too much.

The world looks beautifully stunning, her, not so much, she looks hideous.
I like characters like Aloy who are a bit ugly or derpy
That being said I don't mind overly beautiful characters either

/v/ should demonize untalented devs like Bioware Mtl, not characters made to be ugly
Looks nice, why isn't this the default look of gtav?
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TW Attila had pretty great detail
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4k AA+TF.jpg
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>people not posting 4k downscaled
>showing off shitty graphics
Bad thread
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Mad Max 03.jpg
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Revelations 03.jpg
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get out
>not liking bridges

I got stuck and scared in the hospital like a giant fucking pussy. Huge fan of the movies, too. I bring shame to my family.
She's not supermodel stunning but kind of cute, I really don't know in what universe this would be considered even remotely ugly.
star citizen??
Look who's talking, this looks like a ps2 game dude.
that sharpening filter looks shite, tee-bee-aytch
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>he thinks its the same game
El oh fucking el
thats uncharted 3 right
Those are different games you uneducated moron.

Also nice samefag. Have a (you) for being a newfag.
>We will never get a game as cozy as Watch_Dogs that doesn't play like shit.
Fuck off back to tumblr
She has a manjaw and a fat face. Ugly to anyone who isn't a gay chubby chaser.
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R 01.webm
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Is this Guild Wars 2?
Who the fuck said it was the same game you autistic samefag?
>thinks recognizing games makes you educated
lmaoing at your life
Also they both look like ps2 games
Anti-aliasing and low-poly are completely unrelated, unless the shaders are so shit that you can see the vertices between each polygon, which is not the case here.
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That's a big display on the wall.
Best way to get pixel lossles screenshot?

Nvidia shadowplay fuck my shit up >>17542
What game

dude you need to give the mods
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The Division.jpg
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On PS4, I'll go with the Division.
>this will never be an actual thing
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bf1 2017-03-12 19-47-05-16.jpg
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They also managed to capture and recreate the Alien aesthetic and atmosphere to a ridiculous degree while seamlessly adding new stuff to it. The Working Joes were a great design and creepy as all hell the first couple of times you came across them. Even things like the Seegson company and Sevastopol station seemed to fit so perfectly within the established universe.

Game itself could have been better though, should have been shorter and more focused.
You don't have to bait with shitty screenshots, this game is looking good
I spend barely any time here, friend.
Black Mesa was a thing, so this might be as well some day.
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>resorts to screaming KYS over a "muh grafix"
revelations online
Thanks anon.
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