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I got back into FFXIV after they removed the 2 week period and

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I got back into FFXIV after they removed the 2 week period and made it free to level 35, and I need some tips. I'm not really sure what to do with all these crafting recipes in my inventory, and I'm not sure if I'm tanking correctly.

I've done 3 of those instances, just did the frog one, as a tank. Someone told me I should be building "enmity", so I run in and spam the Heavy Swing + Skull Sunder combo, and use Overpower if there's more than one enemy. I can usually pull all the enemies, but after a while one of my dps will start pulling aggro, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if they're just doing too much damage. Any tips for a tank? Thanks.
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the problem is that dps/healers will almost always pull aggro if you are using levelling gear and they are higher level with scaled gear
but it doesn't matter as long as no one dies
What happens if someone dies? Do we lose the instance?
you (or the healer) failed at your role
or the dps was just band and stood in fire
Level up Gladiator until you get Flash (LV 8) then use that as your cross class skill on Warrior for an emnity boost. Hope you're having fun!
enmity = aggro

there are some addons you can consider downloading if you end up buying the game and go further than lvl 35 that'll make it much easier to keep track of
>Do we lose the instance?
No, they'll just either lie down until someone rezzes them, or respawn at the dungeon start. Progress won't be lost and you can only truly "lose" the instance if:

- you/everybody leave(s)
- time runs out
- you get vote kicked
- vote abandon
You then get back where you were standing before getting inside the duty. If you get back into the instance, then the progress is back at zero. Except when you somehow get back into your previous instance (if you got kicked; if you leave first you get a 30 minute penalty) or one of a different group.
I wonder if Zenos will have a new 'Rise of the White Raven' arrangement just like Gaius had.
Honestly the tank is misconceived in Ff14. You're actually supposed to take on a more damage burst role. It helps if you try to kill one enemy at a time and pull no more than 2.
Good tank pieces that fit the shire head and the Proto-Ultima body glamour?
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Kalia Romacia and Laii Lai are fucking undercutter cancer.
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>Rise of the White Raven but with oriental instruments
Am I right in saying that the normal mode 8 man are basically like the LFR in WoW and you can just steamroll them and it's really the hard and extreme modes that gives a challenge?
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dead thread, dead Illberd
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This image is pretty outdated but no one has bothered to make a new one.

Tanking in FFXIV requires you to maintain an enmity lead. DPS and Healers will always be building up agro, your job as a tank is to make sure they never beat you on it. It will get easier once you're higher level and have access to your full skill kit, until then, keep and eye on the enmity bar and spam overpower if you start slipping against someone.
I still get some enjoyment out of 8 man normals, LFR is always feels like boring faceroll or an embarrassing wipe
anything that can be done in duty finder is designed for casuals

anything in raid finder is designed for competent groups
>joined keeper of the lake in progress
>22m elapsed
>first boss not dead
>spent the whole fight tanking instead of the war
Returners are even worse than sprouts and mentors, jesus
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Tanking sucks at lower levels. Usually what I do is walk in, spam overpower a few times, then go for the emnity combo. Make sure you know which enemy your dps is targeting; if you target your dps (default is f3 or f4) you can then target who they are targetting (default is t)
Use your ranged aggro moved to grab a groups attention and give dps an idea of which enemy to hit first, then use your aoe move once per enemy in the group IE if there are 3 enemies use it three time, then rotate your aggro combo through the group, those are the basics, don't be a face pulling retard
why are there so many fucking cats on gilgamesh? like holy fuck I walk through town and I see a crowd of people with the same idle animation and stance.
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Cats are the most played race.
I ran PotD 50 times today. I'm tired and my back hurts.

Also just a daily reminder that krauts and frogs ruin Chaos.
Same situation here

Looking to continue my Dragoon, but it's been so long since I tried the trial

Hoes the ERP these days?
they also have the least customization, so they all look the same too, which is kinda sad.
except they don't?

They have as much customization as any other race. The only ones with more face options are female Hyurs.

Hell, cats get 8 tails types to choose from where Au Ra get 4.
Why did they design Garuda in such a feminine way?
Considering she's 1) a primal so is less concerned about screwing and more about killing and destroying and 2) crazy which you never stick your dick in it seems kinda pointless.
Blame the people who summoned her.
The Ixal's interpretation of Garuda is a crazy bitch that wants to destroy everything. That's all it comes down to with any primal.
Just started leveling a MNK because I only have ranged classes.
For leveling with PoTD is it just do floors 1-10 again and again or 1-20?

For lower dungeons against a group of 2-3+ mobs you usually want to start with two overpowers that hit the entire group then focus on one until it's dead using your regular skull sunder combo, assuming the dps are attacking the same one. Enmity is what designates who the enemy attacks, tanks are designed to generate more enmity than anyone else so they can take all the damage. Like one anon mentioned, sometimes it might be hard to keep aggro away from dps when you're wearing levelling gear, but it's usually not a huge deal at all at any instance below 30. It will get easier once you get the 3rd part of your enmity combo and defiance at 30.
Because the Ixal were originally Allagan creations used in an airborne brigade. Their commander was a Hyuran woman.
1-20 til you unlock the job and have an idea how it works then 51-60
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Why did you stop smiling my friend?
>it's another "i'm mature because i don't play a slut race" post
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Have we been to these before?
I assume the mermaid is the siren we have fought before?
No, we haven't left Eorzea yet. The mermaid is probably a siren given the name of the island she's on is Sirensong Bay, but it's not the same siren we fought before. There was a whole race of them until Limsa paid pirates to go genocide all of them.
No, buddy.
>Eastern Continent is bigger than the size of Eorzea
>Eorzea arc took roughly 5-6 years to finish
Fuck, I guess the Imperial will have to wait way longer before before SE can squeeze as much plot as they can with weebland. We'll be stuck in Asia for 6 years
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>tfw horde of giant mermaid boss trial
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>It's T7 savage again
>he protected our smile but we couldn't protect his
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Here's the translated map.

the fuck is a thavanir
Hydaelyn's middle east.
Small neutral county that's a hub of trade
Think Switzerland
lalafell are more mature than cats
It's basically Middle east/Arabia, a largely desert island.

Thavnair items you can get ingame are the Onions, mistletoe and the 2 Thavnairian outfits you get ingame.

i mean, it's spelled wrong, it's suposed to be"thavnair"

not sure why people post shit to the web after spending this much effort and still getting it wrong
ah I;ve been look for this, thanks man.
well it looks like for sure the Drown will be the next dungeon in 4.0
>end the thousand year dragonsong war for good with a climatic battle
>no time to rest after, instantly pulled into another crisis
>Ilberd summoned a super primal, everyone practically expects you to go face it like usual
>going to get dragged into a war with Garlemald over some dumbass Mhiggers
WoL has had a hard life, he's very tired and his smile and optimism: gone.
Asked in the general but I'll try here anyway. Basically I just rerolled a SCH on a not dead server and really don't feel like switching off controller (comfortable and flows nicely) but apparently KBM is far superior for SCH. Should I force myself to switch?
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So are you a top or bottom?
You can do Mouse Over macros on scholar, which lets you heal 2 different people at the same time. That's one of the main bonuses you have on a KBM.
>people with no clear joining book and farm groups
There should be an option to prevent this like in raidfinder.
So am I really fucking myself by not running KBM?
Wheres the comparison image of Austin Powers and Yoshi P?

I need it
Play what you're comfortable with. Most of the time you won't be manually healing with your fairy anyway unless you want to eek out every bit of efficiency. As long as you're using their 3 other skills manually you will get away with it. Scholar has a LOT of spells compared to other classes because of their pets and pet buffs and will fill up your hotbars.
Depends what content you're doing, if you plan to do savage raiding I would switch but otherwise youll be fine as long as you arent a netflix healer
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>Scholar has a LOT of spells
And that's my cue.
Post SCH hotbars.
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>tfw just found out the cat origin is from the same place as bahamut's land.
wait this is not not the complete map is it?
Where is Meracydia
>turned my fem elezen into fem aura

Feels good.
Alright I'll probably do controller for now and switch if it's really problematic in duties or if I do 'hard' endgame content.

Just curious, anyone know how long it takes to actually get used to an opposing layout?
South of Eorzea.
ie not on the map
Melusine casts Cursed Shriek!
Melusine casts Cursed Shriek!
>his smile and optimism gone
Further to the south. This is the "Full" world map.
>Just curious, anyone know how long it takes to actually get used to an opposing layout?
That all depends on your muscle memory.
Can I play this with 500 ping?
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What the fuck I just learned this.
If Eorzea on the right then what is all the chunk of land on the left?
definitely doesnt look like Weebland.
It looks a tiny bit like Ivalice, but they're not saying. But that's taken from end cutscene in 3.0 when you can see the entire planet.
aim for no more than 200 ping. anything more and you begin to clip your skills and lose damage/potency.
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idk senpai i have like 3 or 4 muscle memories
Also known as The New World.
Mamool Ja come from there, among other things.
Satellite internet is making it impossible to scratch this mmo itch
>Eorzea is literally fantasy africa
I'm mind blowned
>Satellite internet
I'm so sorry.
You can still play but it won't be very enjoyable. AoEs will be harder than normal, your damage will suffer, and if it rains or w/e then your internet goes out.
It was mentioned a few times in 1.0 that Eorzea is totally backwards and technologically behind the entire rest of the world. It was only mapped 50 years before. Just think, have you seen any real roads in Eorzea? The only real highways are the Allagan Sunway and Starway which is crumbled bits of ruins left from 5000 years ago.
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Eorzea is west europe, meracydia is africa.
Garlemald is scandinavia/east europe
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To add to that, Ala Mhigo was actually the most technologically advanced city in Eorzea, just not as far as the Empire. They were scientists and inventors aswell as monks. Problem was their lust for war.
Their warmongering actually helped Eorzea for a long time. Ala Mhigo was the gatekeeper to the continent and kept people out. Garlemald couldn't even get past. Their problem was Theodoric being batshit fucking insane and creating a civil war that Garlemald took advantage of.
When you're nicknamed The Mad King, shit is bound to go wrong.
Reminder that the Allagans did nothing wrong.
They created Lalas.
>Eorzea is totally backwards and technologically behind the entire rest of the world.
well mostly from jest from the Imperial where nero called them primitive. I honest thought he was memeing.
To add in salt, nations in Eorzea were always isolated before Wol came in, and filled with internal turmoil just like real Africa.
Lalas created themselves because the last allagan to leave Azyz La forgot to flush
>Still responding to triggered snowflakes
Correction. Lalafell were created from their sewage run offs.
Ain't over yet.
It will never end.
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I want a side story chain where the WoL just takes a goddamn vacation.
>Objective: chill at the beach in Costa del Sol
>and creating a civil war
Thanks to garlemald spies telling the king to wreck shit.
I dunno everytime the WoL does anything something goes really wrong.
Also im still kinda angry about valentione day.
If you take in account as a reference to the real world history. the current FFXIV era is during the expansionary era of Europe then eventually Wol will sail to "America" as a the final voyage for a new home.
Some of Theodoric's first acts were to outlaw Rhalgr worship and kill all of the monks. Garlemald didn't have to do a damn thing. All Gaius did was help push the revolution into action. He even waited until they'd breached the palace and given Theodoric their own justice before moving in.
try hildibrand
Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it? Imagine the whole plot seen from Garlemald's perspective.

>be current ruler of the largest, most technologically advanced empire in the world
>find out there's a huge fucking amount of aether located in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>only people standing in the way are a bunch of ass-backwards savages that still haven't figured out electricity
>set to work, help one of the ass-backwards savage nations stage a revolution and then come in and seize the place when they're not paying attention
>now that we have a staging point, send a fleet helmed by our flagship superweapon to seize the gigantic fucking aetherbank
>flagship kills the fuck out of it, but takes out the entire fleet in the process in an explosion so big it warped the laws of fucking existence in the process
>sit down and try to think of a plan B
>fifteen years later
>got nothing
>one of your subordinates ask "Why don't we drop the moon on them?"
>fuck it
>tell your chief engineer to start working on dropping the moon on the entire place, send one of your generals to help him out
>chief engineer's son fucks off to hang out with the ass-backwards savages
>fucking why
>alright, fine, he can die too once we drop the moon on those fuckers, how's that going by the wa-
>general has gone batshit crazy and is worshipping the moon like a god now
>alright just send in the fucking troops, I don't give a shit anymore, at least the moon will do more damage to them than it will do to us

At some point you gotta wonder if it's all really worth the bother.
We need more daily life side quests in general. The Kettle quest was great.
>chill at Camp Bronze Lake
>hire adventurers to massage your muscles for a change
Muscles and scars.
I kinda understand haurchefant now.
>tfw can't replay the cutscenes from the NIN job quest where you're at Camp Bronze Lake
Downright criminal.
Remind me that.
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I wish I could get into this game. It just doesn't bring me any enjoyment doing the shitty quests and I can't maintain interest until I get to 60 or whatever the cap is/where it gets fun.
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>Stormblood comes
>gives us a new sidequest with drunk bastard, jew bitch, atma fetishist and biopuzci to create the ultimate boiler for Tataru
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Just make a new character.
Best Thong ive seen on that halfbird, jesus
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I want a YKK like kind of quest and world traveling by the time the map is atleast half way done.
but the journey is the best part, the level cap is the worst.
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anyone know if the complete encyclopedia is scanned?
Honestly if it wasnt for their rightful fear of the Primals, a ground invasion would easily take Eorzea.
it took all three Grand Companies working together at Carteneau to battle their one Legion, and it wasn't even a full strength legion at that. An attack from multiple Legions would decimate any defense they try.
You and Oboro's sister wear swimsuits and get some pirate chilling in the hot springs drunk so he'll cough up the location of the job quest macguffin.
Something like that.
Garlemald has even killed primals in Othard in the past. Gaius just wasn't willing to send so many of his men to their deaths, so he wanted a real plan first.
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I hope you have a great day anon.
Aren't you tired of posting this shit in every thread?
Really? I thought the gameplay was really boring.
I miss Gaius.
His one mistake was accepting help from the Ascians.
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>Garlemald has even killed primals in Othard in the past
You sure about that?
Before they exploded Silvertear summoning a primal was almost downright impossible.
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now I have another reason to kill myself
Summoning primals in Eorzea was impossible, but Garlemald first discovered primals in Othard around 50 years ago. When they first started their conquest on the continent, they ran into a huge stretch of land that was completely sucked dry of life. It's what set them on their primal crusade. The conditions there must've been met, which isn't crazy since it's on the opposite side of the world.
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Talk about killing yourself first when you make one solely for glamour.
technically that's why I even did the anima in the first place. SCH books are fucking shit.
Every MMO has boring gameplay
Except XI at level 75 cap and Burning Crusade.
>they ran into a huge stretch of land that was completely sucked dry of life
That must be The Burn that can be seen on the map. I wonder what kind of primal it was that fucked that whole area to oblivion.
Im a retard i know, but imagine a Total war: hydaelyn.
XI was the epitome of boring. The only thing good about the game was the community, not the gameplay.
WoW gameplay fucking sucks, it's the same shit as FFXIV except with more button mashing.
>must rely on friends and their job skills to proceed
>no dialing phone numbers to deal damage, can communicate with your party
>gameplay wasn't good

It wasn't all about rotations and DPS in Burning Crusade.
needless to say, Garlemald was desperate once his son left him and went into a no point return train, so he just went fuck it all.
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I'll be in my bunk.
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what the hell are they here for?
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Do the story and find out.
They're trying to cause a Calamity which will allow the Ascians to fuse their dying world back into Hydaelyn's lifestream before it's completely gone.
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>AST icon is a fish
To be edgy
The burn was caused by the Imperials in their first attempt at figuring out how to drop Dalamud on Eorzea.
It could be either. The Bozja incident was only said to have wiped Bozja Citadel off of the map, not completely ruined the surrounding region.
They are you, but edgier.
Filler until stormblood.
Is not that the HOTS logo?.
To be fucking annoying.
To show the scions are fucking jerks and pretty much useless.
And too much love can kill you.
They're trying to combine their dead world into our world before no one from their realm can ever exist again. They fought so hard, did everything right, and killed ALL the darkness over and over. As a result their realm became flooded with light without balance and was unlivable. They also serve as a warning toward what we are doing as WoL.

Makes me wonder what kind of shit will go down so that we may retain balance
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Post dungeon Idea
>Sewer dungeon maze from Garlemald
>taking idea from Xenogear sewer arc
>dungeon is filled with mutant and rejected experiements
>cramped space and rooms.
>The dungeon start off with a group of NPC and you looking for evidences
>the dungeon doesnt have a final room, so the final boss will only come out once all of the NPC are dead. (which leaving only the last prey)
>You trace for the boss by hints of blood stain left by the NPC that got eaten in that room.
>as you get closer to the boss, these cutscence will pop up
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>have the opportunity to take something from xenogears
>lets take it from the worst part of the game
>worst part of the game
>not the ebin EVA moments on the chair
>someone been spooked by the sewer monster
the chair shit in disc 2 was better than kislev
I too have an idea of a sewer themed dungeon.
>party is shrunk down to about the size of mice
>dungeon is through the sewers in ul'dah, fighting rats, bugs and such
>last boss is a lala zombie from Sil'dih
are you saying that sewer level is worst than this one?
yeah, babel tower was at least when shit started to really go down story wise, kislev was a couple of hours of ass grabbery
Stop believing their lies.
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>party shrunk in Garlemald castle
>the sewer connected to vent
>you get to peep into privates room that you cant do outside.
>fem boss's bathroom.
Look at how flat she is! Goddamn, that's fucking hot!
>start 3.56 story quests
>le proud samurai
>all those anime cliches in a single cutscene
>over half of Stormblood will be like this
Dear god what went so fucking wrong?
>play Final Fantasy
>hate anime cliches
>It's weeb because it's Asian
hollywood does the same thing with that stereotype.
It'll be just the same shit hole as Eorzea, only different continent.
>Anticipating a comfy Kangz and kung fu expansion about rebellion and excited for what the next class could be regardless of if it was healer or tank because I play both and no way they would add TWO dps, queues would be insane
>Japan fanfest rolls around
I hope the focus is on all of Othard so we see more of the Au Ra mongolians at least so it's not just Nip fellating
They said it's half Ala Mhigo, half Othard.
>when you beat 23 other people at a game of chance
here's an idea.
>dungeon is a literal straight line with stuff going on around the path to give it a false sense of depth
>gated sections with keys dropping off the two mobs you can pull at a time
>jump pads
>3 bosses each in a circular arena
where's my check, yoshi?
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> false sense of depth
like this?
>Japan fanfest rolls around
Europe, actually.
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Who /notphoenix/ here?
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It was obvious since day one she was a monk since day one of the trailor
Nobody cares, Sword Scream.
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>dancers haven't been martial artists in almost every appearance in the series
What did he mean by this?
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>he did not complete his sightseeing log
>past games dancers only used knifes or staves for melee
>never fist
>every other instance they have no weapon and just dance to support group
>video shows form shift in action
Yeah totally dancer
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Is Aetherochemical Research Facility still the best grind for Lore?
>past games dancers only used knifes or staves for melee
>never fist
But that's wrong.
>video shows form shift in action
But it doesn't. The form shift icon looks nothing like the actual action.
speedrunning gubal library hard is faster. there's no ilvl sync and you can pull more mobs.

This pretty much senpai, just set up a PF or join one and you'll be getting lore in no time.
Only games that let dancers use fist was tactics and thats only if you cross class the brawler ability to use fist. You're full of shit

V- They used knives only
X-2 - nothing
XI- Knives
Revenant Wings - Staff
Fuck off

>looks nothing like the actual action
>it's literally right there in front of you
I just hope we get to travel to Old Sharlayan at some point
They used fists naturally in FFXI, retard. And FFVI Mog used spears. Also, their unique weapon in Tactics was a cloth, which Lyse is also shown using as a weapon in the trailer. To unlock DNC in Tactics, you needed to level every other melee class, and their passive traits both involved boosting their physical attack power.

Play the fucking games instead of reading bullshit.

>looks nothing like the actual action
>it's literally right there in front of you
I main MNK. Form Shift does not look like that. The icon is just based on the MNK art, not the action itself.
pretty sure that when someone asked if we will get the googles the answer was that if it's going to happen it'll be when we go to Old Sharlayan, they're thinking of it at least
and summoners don't use books in any other game
At least we had 2 expansions before full yamato damashii
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ffxiv_dx11 2017-04-01 19-40-43.png
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XI - Fist D ranking pointless to use. Knives were always better

Mog is a combination of dancer and geomancer. He is not a pure dancer
A cloth used as a distraction not an attack unlike tactics dancers.

>it doesn't look like that
It pretty much does look just like it
And dancer's aren't in the game
>A cloth used as a distraction not an attack unlike tactics dancers.
She swipes it at him three times with the weight/blade at the end of it. It's an attack.
>It pretty much does look just like it
Okay, so you're actually retarded. The icon, the art, and the frame you captured from the trailer are aerial knee attacks. That screenshot is the character lifting their leg before stomping it back down.
>XI - Fist D ranking pointless to use. Knives were always better
Doesn't matter. They still used fists.
>Mog is a combination of dancer and geomancer. He is not a pure dancer
Still a Dancer. Still uses spears.
Good thing they aren't real summoners `:^)
She does it once

It's clearly a monk stance they are taking up nothing like a real dancer

And they didn't use fist primarily. Assuming dancer from that is assinine especially since they showed us it's fucking ala mhigo. It's clear it isn't dancer if you weren't retarded

No he is not a dancer he is his own unique class
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Had to wait till the most recent patch because Zurvan farms were cancer from day 1 with the "skip soar or disband" crap. Thank fuck I gathered over 100 totems.
>She does it once
She does it three times. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
>It's clearly a monk stance they are taking up nothing like a real dancer
Dancers are martial artists, faggot. And Lyse is already a pugilist. Or do you think NPCs can't have access to more than one set of abilities? Better let Y'shtola know she can't cast AST abilities anymore since she carries a CNJ staff.
>And they didn't use fist primarily
They still used fists. You claimed they never used fists before. They did. You're wrong, plain and simple.
>No he is not a dancer he is his own unique class
His unique skill is Dance. Jesus Christ.
Also rewatching the trailer the cloth has no blade fuck you
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It has a golden weight or blade at the end of it. You're actually blind to anything that proves you're an idiot.
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It's one of those golden weight things I think.
>she does it three times
She does one combo

>Dancers are martial artists,
No they aren't. I guess thief are martial artist too since they have hand to hand in XI

>They still used fists. You claimed they never used fists before. They did. You're wrong, plain and simple.
I said they could use fist in tactics if they had brawler but yes I do admit they did use first in XI but it was not their primary weapon in XI,

>his unique ability was dance
He is not a dancer tho

Shimmer from cloth. She has golden ornaments on her clothing. Clearly one of those. She also loses that cloth after her combo. After that it's pure monk she even activates a chakra at the end
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