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/pg/ - Persona General

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Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 60

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Last Thread: >>91726234

>Persona Super Live 2015 concert is on February 5th, 2015
>Midsummer Knight's Dream BD releases March 11th, 2015, Falling Down in theaters April 4th, 2015
>P4U2 2.0 releases in arcades on January 15th, 2015, console release date unconfirmed
>P5 still scheduled for 2015 in both Japan and NA

>General Persona Guide
>Persona 1 Guide
>Persona Q Guide
>P4U2 Golden Arena Guide

>Starter websites to learn:
>P4U2 2.0 change list

>Art, Guides, Music and more (Persona only)
>Artbook, soundtrack, manga, and other downloads (Persona and SMT)
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona/SMT image collection



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For attempting to remain hyped for a whole year
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For Kindness
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Robots are cute.
Another question for P4/P4G: Do Ali Dance and Angelic Grace stack? Like, do you become a dodge tank with those two skills or should I just not bother with something like that?

Ali Dance apparently halves the Hit rate of anything attacking me, while Angelic Grace doubles evasion against all attacks except Light, Dark, and Almighty.
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Best VR Attendant
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Best twins.
Adachi isn't a VR attendant
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Best Romance
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Who win?
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He, indeed, is not

is that supposed to be nanako
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Yes. Are you blind or something?
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labrys is cute
aigis is a skanky hoe
For bonds!
Birds? Coming to Kenji? Totally wrong.
Why is Kenji such a faggot
Kanji, Hidetoshi and Chihiro in one picture
Put Noizomi in there and i'll throw a molotov on my computer
Teddie is based
Why you hating on Hidetoshi?
His fault for sitting near the two worst characters of the game
Does anyone know?
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For positive thinking
why cant he be a VR attendant
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Because he's human
He's in jail, anon.
Little Mac if P3 Aki. Aki if P4A Aki.
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For Perfect Girl!
Why is she wearing an eye patch
all of you, stop
She's already a demon
Why? Because it upsets you? Because you are a pussy and can't handle people posting things you don't like?
This thread sucks.
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Are the shitposters still here if we mention p4a? Im taking a break for gods gift for 5 minutes and have some ?'s in regards to chie combos
No, it was just a shitter being an ebin troller
Go ahead and ask, i don't play much Chie but i might be able to help
For Yosuke, yes.
>getting laid
Does anyone have a 'ur a faget' edit of when Yu gets the warning letter?
Kill yourself.
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Okay cool thanks. I'm lurkin DL right now and just wanna give chie a spin before 2.0 drops just to get a general feel by doing some bnbs or whatever.

I'm having trouble with
5AAA, 66 5A > 5C > j.2B > j236B > 236B > 236D

Specifically I can't seem to manage the 5a link after the dash. They seem to tech by the time i can start my dash right after the wallbounce. No idea if its character specific or not (doesn't seem to be) but yeah any tips or assistance would be appreciated. It's supposed to lead into the 6 hit autocombo, but i also cant seem to land 5 c out of it either(no idea if it links but whatever), I can't tell whether if im just being bad or the timings hella tight. If you have any other reccomended bnbs and stuff would be cool too.
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I have a question niggers, if I went to a local game store and bought Persona Q, would it come with the tarot cards?
Maybe? Depends if your gamestop still has the first edition.
Do you have a video of the combo or anything like that?
Is that combo for normal hit, counter hit or fatal hit?
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How would I be able to check in the store?
It comes in a bigger square box that looks like it could fit a 3DS case and some more.
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Help /pg/

I tried some lucid dreaming techniques for my waifu, Yukiko, but now when I go to sleep I always dream that her eyes are rolled in the back of her head, and she's chasing after me with a big ass kitchen knife, she always catches up to me and it hurts, like you know how a dream perceives pain anyway.
Sometimes I try to fight back, but she just overpowers the fuck outta me, and then starts laughing at me in a "ho ho ho" kind of way
This morning before I had completely woken up she told me to kill myself or she'd do it for me, I'm scared /pg/, I'm literally being bullied by my own subconscious!
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Uh no idea actually which i think its large in part kicking my ass. Just a regular ole midscreen
Kill yourself.
its a lucid dream so just make her weak and rape her brutally to teach her a lesson
Thanks for the blog update, keep us posted!

You deserve it for having shit taste
This is truly the best answer
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Whatever, Mitsuo.
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That happens for having a shit waifu
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Its a dream your friking moron, are you that beta you're getting bullied by your own subconcient?
Just establish dominance by creating another Yukiko and fucking her so your own mind knows who's the boss

That just sounds like normal Yukiko
If they're teching out even when you start the combo with a Fatal, then you probably can't do it midscreen. just play a little with your position and you might do it.
>the timings hella tight
It's this. The big appeal is the SP boost from the autocombo, but that's changing in 2.0. Also, it's a microdash 5A that you're supposed to be doing. If a 214A slips out, then you're on the right track. Chie's not supposed to be dashing.
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Shit alright good to know. Yeah I heard I'm actually super pumped for 2.0. I've never had to do microdashes before so I think im gonna try give something else a spin

Thanks for the help though chummers
>being bullied
>by your subconscious
It's probably a pasta, but the thing's all inside of your mind. You're literally the one that is scared of that Yukikrazy, so just man up and stop fearing her. Dreams usually have your fears in them, they're either mostly weird/uncomfortable or they make you shit bricks. Just remember you have nothing to fear. If you still get Yukikrazy in your dreams, then you're just weak-willed, but don't give up. Otherwise, you're not worthy of your waifu.
>inb4 "face yourself!"
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Crazy tupla copypasta has already been done, you need to be more creative.

Also, is it a requirement for Yukikofags to have absolutely no spine even in their imagination? I guess so, otherwise they'd go for a character with a personality.
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You know, some parts of lucid dreaming is about knowing yourself more, it would be cool as fuck if I could fight my bad shit as a shadow persona style so I could become a better person

Too bad lucid dreaming is hard as fuck and I tried so hard
Little Mac fucking destroys Akihiko in a straight fight. With his persona though, I'm not sure, it could go either way really.
It really all depends on whether or not Akihiko can get Mac in the air.
>You will never accept your shadow through lucid dreams and get a Persona irl
This should be a thing in Persona, like the shadow world is now in the characters' dreams
It is a thing in Jung's writings for your shadow to try and contact you through dreams, so I could see dreams being used as a portal to the collective unconscious in Persona.
>Too bad lucid dreaming is hard as fuck and I tried so hard

I know how it feels. I only have nightmares so it's like once in a god damn millennium that I can control anything going on.
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Yeah, you get the Sounds of the labrynth, the artbook, and the 3DS case as well I was suprised when I got it, I thought it was a preorder thing
>tfw that actually happened to me one night I tried to lucid dream, but just fell asleep and remembered the events
Fuck, I just love these things, it really shows "magic" (don't get me wrong with this one) exists in some way
That's the special edition dummy
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I wonder what food from Ayia's actually taste like. and the beef bowl challenge seems fucking easy, especially to an american like me, do japs have really small stomach?
No, you are just fat.
No, because you are ruining the general. This is the reason why everyone thinks poorly of us.
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>putting a raw egg on top
Why do you care what /smtg/ or /v/ think of us? Maybe you should go back there.
Lately I'd think it's more likely because of the "Thanks for the blog" "Kill yourself" and other such shitposting.
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>caring what other people think
Does anyone have any Persona 1080p wallpapers for phones? If it is simplistic all the better, I want to edit it so the locked wallpaper is slightly different. Thanks in advance.
Salmonella doesn't exist in Japan, they just deal with mercury poisoning instead.

I really take more issue with shit like this
Than one post of "For so-and-so" at the start of the thread. This is a waifufag-welcome zone.
Yeah but that's been here since forever, those posts don't affect the quality of the rest of the thread, bitching and saying yo don't like certain posts, does
Everyday Persona 5's release date is unknown I become anxious that I will never make it
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Of course you will. It's the world that won't.
That bowl is filled with meat. It's a lot more than it looks like.
T-thanks Nyarles.
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>Not putting a raw egg on your beef bowl
Akihiko would be disappointed in you.
Think about this anon..
You could die tomorrow and never play P5
there are people waiting for p5 who will die before they can play it.
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No! It can't be! I won't allow it!
Patience is a virtue. Grinding in dungeons should have taught you that.
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Ah, but it is a posibility
You can't ignore the fact that death its not a hunter unbeknowst to his prey
Chris-Chan will be the final boss of P5.
Is there some kind of Mitsuo chris edit
JULAY is best girl
Christ the car?
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But anon, life is truth, and never a dream...

I disagree. Catherine is best girl.
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The final boss will be YOUR shadow based on the choices that you have made through the game.
Canon Romance
He will be used to show the bad side of wanting freedom: after all, some people have been jailed for just causes and should not be granted freedom.
Chris-Chan is a slave of boyfriend-free sweethearts.
The final boss will be Yaldaboath.
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>You picked the most indifferent, don't-give-a-fuck options, so the final boss assumes that you don't want enmancipation, thus becoming undefeatable
I can't wait to see P5's death message.
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You fight her, lucid dream to create something to combat her, create a Persona and defeat her.
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git gud
Shut the fuck up Adachi.
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He did nothing wrong
Because he's a lady killer
She is the canon romance for Potter-kun
no that's My dick
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>You will only be able to defeat it on New Game+
>Once you finally beat it, it will fuse with the shadow that you would have gotten on the new playthrough

>And for the ultimate battle your shadow will have free access to all the personas from your compendium...
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Hey akihiko, dont you think that there seems to be something wrong about aigis?
Yu ends up ntr'ing her when he comes back for a week towards the end of the game
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>Nanako moves to the big city
>Nanako is now a grown up
>she is hot as fuck
>she tells you about her big brother that saved people
>she joins your party later
a man can dream
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Assume P5 has another 7-player party (the protagonist, 6 other party members, and a scanner). What weapons would you like to see? Flail? Mace? Guns that no one in Japan should legally have access to? Bo staff? Lightsaber?
Yukaris aborted fetus
It must her to know he'd rather fuck the boy she's dating than her.
>pigtails on a teenage Nanako

Fucking hate that. Unless she was some kind of gyaru, Nanako will get bullied for having such a faggot hair do in high school.
Someone whose normal weapon is summoning a demon from a tube to attack.
It's Japan. And not just Japan, anime Japan. They'll love it.
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Chies aborted fetus
I want to fuck Yu.
Shut up Ratio.
Besides, child Nanako has already grew out of them by the golden epilogue.

I don't even have a pic, but she looks pretty cute with her new haircut.
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Raidou, pls stay, and make a cameo
Actual martial arts instead of self-taught shitty kicks from shitty kung-fu movies
>inb4 Lisa
There's no confirmation that she went to classes, it's very implied she taught herself kung-fu
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I clearly meant his successor Raiho the 15th.

Fine then. One of Zeus's Devil Childrens demon partner.
Hanako's aborted fetus
>wanting to get reminded that there will never be another smt game ever again every time you see him
Yeah so far as far as "martial arts" in Persona we've had:

Reiji - street fighting
Lisa - kung fu (very likely self-taught)
Ulala: Boxing
Akihiko: Boxing
Chie: Kung-fu (self-taught and via movies)

I agree that we need a different kind of martial art. No more boxing either.
>a bo staff wielder
>a sais wielder
>a nun-chucks wielder
And let Potter-kun use whatever weapon the player wants, but make sure that his canon weapon are dual wielding katanas.
Beating up people with cell phone straps. Like in Devil Survivor.
Ganymede Persona when? I bet Zeus would ravage that Purse Owner's boipussy.
Only if the whatever-team's meet up place is a pizza restaurant.
how about PURORESU

I think it meant one of his kids.
I forgot to include Kanji in that list. He goes under street fighting like Reiji.

Kanji's kinda like that? But then again it's not pro. Whatever though a pro wrestling party member wouldn't be able to cause any damage to the enemy.
Tae kwon-do or Karate would be awesome, and a smart choice.
>There will never be a character that references Ulala's "Don't understimate me, you fucking bastards!"
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Did it never imply she learned it from her dad? I coulda sworn
We've also always had a gun wielder
P1: Everyone
P2: Maya and Eikichi
P3: Aigis
P4: Naoto

P5 is going to somehow give another person some excuse to wield one. Maybe it'll be a shotgun or something this time.
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A shotgun might be a little extreme
>Lisa's dad teaching her kung-fu
>When he wanted her to be a japanese pure woman
Definitely not
Lisa's father would never learn filthy chink martial arts. He is a proper Japanese man that learns proper and honorable martial arts like karate, jujutsu, and judo.

You forgot Katsuya.
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And yet you could strap a sniper rifle to Aigis. And a police officer sold it to a pretty boy high school kid.
i guess i was just misremembering based on my love of shitty seagal movies
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My mistake. I knew I was forgetting someone.
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I love the follow up page in that doujin.
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I think the police officer was kinda messed up in the head man
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That police officer must have been visited and inspired by a very Jewish fairy.
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>you will never lick and tickle Elizabeth's armpits

why bother living
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Get in the line
No, I mean male Yu
Thread posts: 158
Thread images: 60

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