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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Thread replies: 770
Thread images: 177

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>Heroes FAQ and links

>SoV Links

>Links and Resources

Previous: >>187630586
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>Tfw lyn outclasses cordelia
No wait, she doesn't because im not a fucking retard who thinks horseback is better than 2 more attack
>Inherit a brave bow
>get Life and death 3
>blow niggers the fuck out with my 2 extra attack
>Dont have to waste that point for worthless horse
hahahah "B-but sacae's blessing!!"
>Have to waste a b slot
>cant use the whore with desperation
>only affects shitty melee users ((lol)
>is cuter
>is smarter
>more lovely
hahahahah i am literally fucking dying at how retarded you fucks are, lyncucks are pathetic
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Cum in Toilet
Lyn is shit
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Cum inside Cumilla!
Why is Sully so shit? She ruined the whole summon.
The Awakening Children banner will be
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Faye is cute.
That banner will bankrupt me
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Moonbow or Iceberg?
Fuck off neck beard.
Hey, that's a useful drawback/swordbreaker2
I thought that the way Robin was integrated into the plot was actually pretty cool, t b h. Miles better than Corrin, at least.
>Free CYL unit less than 2 days
>Have to wait 1 more day for double SP
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>Was going to give DC to Camilla because I like her and want her to be useful
>Lyn domination incoming.
Roy burning his father's clothing, revealing his cute thighs!
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So now that Lyn has broken the horse archer barrier, can we expect to see more of them in the near future?

Who would best finish this theoretical team?
>Not Lucina, Owain, Severa and Inigo
Boris will save heroes
Lucina > Tharja > Ike > Roy > Lyn > Camilla > Chrom > Hector
>Morgan can't be anything but a disappointment in heroes because she's singlehandedly the most OP fire emblem Character in history.
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Can i play this game in a emulator, right?
Which one?
>More nuFE shit.
No thanks.
Her and Rath's daughter will come soon enough.
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Rate my Olwen.
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Loving Severa! Warm and platonic! Best girlfriend!
Why in the hell did this thread survive?
Not in the near future, no, but we're bound to get more eventually.
modded Bluestacks, AmiDuOS, maybe some other obscure emus
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>had 29 orbs
>couldn't resist the temptation to try for hector
>now at 11 orbs
who /norestraint/ here
Severa is trash you nu-male.
Should I slap Draconic Aura on +atk Ryoma? I've been using Moonbow for a longass time and it serves me well, but I've been wondering recently if making use of that atk stat would still be worth the higher cooldown.
Sorry, i dont want literally whos from games i never plan on playing. I know im not alone.
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Lyn's daughter is cute! CUTE!
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Please no
We need to wait for powercreep to happen so when Sue drops, there'll actually be a reason to use her over the other Sacaen savage
I bet you love Tousaka too you faggot.
cookie cutter generic/10
Honestly confused myself, both were on time but this one was posted second and had less posts. Only difference I noticed was less "FIRST COPYPASTA" spam in the deleted one and better OP image.

It doesn't matter either way, but is weird.
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>Fuck, I don't have the words to describe how happy this makes me. Your coloring, the lighting, the fact that this is my favorite FE character...gahhh it's just too gorgeous. Thank you for giving her the beautiful art she deserves. <3

Jesus Christ the whole thread is full of comments like this. Don't these compendium fucks have any standards?
Moonbow is for sissies who can't go a single battle without a special proc. I usually go with Draconic Aura or Dragon Fang/Glacies, even when running gronneblade like a retard.
But she's a cute young girl, so she won't be SETH'D. Only the guys and cakes get shafted.
What's your biggest wish for FE Switch?
I agree, but Corrin is a pretty low bar. The game actually makes a point to have everyone suck his dick.

Hell, half the conflict in BR/Conq is losing precious Corrin to the others to the point they're willing to fuck their country. And Rev is uniting a bunch of people who should despise each other through the power of Corrin's dick/Clit.
>implying IS will stop favoring nuFE because they hate money or some dumbshit reason
I'm sorry to disappoint you...
>He fell for the Quadwen and Reinclone memes
Just slap blarblade on her.
She doesn't have the power to erase things with DT like the Thundercock
HOLD ON. So if Brave Ike gets doubled, he can Aether on his first attack?
>this game
Which one?

You can emulate 12 of the 15 Fire Emblem games.
>anime face: 100 hours of practice
>everything else 4 hours
Probably not, ISIS's Lightning isn't allowed to see competition.
inb4 some lyncuck tries to argue the point or lash out at another fanbase
Yeah, I guess the mods are just so used to this general going full retard on new threads that they instinctually delete the first of two threads from now on.
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I ended up caving in and making a spreadsheet of my 5*/good 4* rooster because I couldn't keep track of all the shit I needed to remember. Did this game give me autism?
You can emulate 3DS too anon
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>12 Orbs
Nigga I'm at 60 and I'm still worried that I won't even be able to get ONE (1)
Genealogy characters are even more retard strong because of Jugdral's weapons.
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>mfw feeding regular Ike to Brave Ike to give him Heavy Blade
Here. I had 22 and now have 20 since it was a full green session.
Got two Freds two Sheena and Cecilia.
look who's awake
fire emblem heroes
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You don't like Tohsaka?
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let me guess, reddit?
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Yeah, and you're a fake fan and a sub-human whose opinion won't be taken seriously.
MU can marry and gay marry everyone and anyone.
More hot bara dude units instead of waifish twink units.
It genuinely looks nothing like her, and the skill level is barely intermediate. But hey, most people are easily impressed by any art that isn't literal stick figures so I'm not surprised.
I like Hana
It'll help with dealing with things he's neutral/disadvantaged against, and he should already be one shotting green mages and 2 shotting a lot of axes, so using Moonbow if you're putting him in front of a lot of those early in battles is likely to end in wasted procs.
The new Lightning thing is retarded. In heroes Maybe, but Lucina and NewFE are going to be shilled everywhere else because Normies didn't vote on some craptastic poll nor play this game still(if they did at all.)
I got a single green orb in 30 orbs, this is hell
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How devoted are you to Lady Corrin?
Why don't you have a Lady Corrin collection yet, huh?
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I have poor impulse control but I'm lucky so I might be able to wing it.
I hope you get at least one anon! We've still got chapter orbs and September orbs coming up

senpai you could have just used fehkeeper, it's easier
Would look amazing if you fix the mouth+nose and remove freckles.
die tyler
>can't stand waiting for Ike anymore

Somebody redpill me. Why the fuck does anybody give a shit about Sue as a character?

>not loving Rin
Who's calling who a faggot, now?
>he fell for the meme
The deleted one didn't have any links in the OP, I guess that's why people reported it
If the enemy has a brave, no he can't use it on the first attack, he can use Ignis though
To use Aether on the first attack he needs to be Quadded with desperation on
Wait for real? How well?

I've been meaning to see just why Awakening and Fates are so disliked. I can give Echoes a try too, I guess.
Ah fuck me, I wish I had known about that earlier.
I mean, they are retard strong, But Morgan literally has no weaknesses or downsides with proper inheritance, and being in a game that isn't strictly horse emblem helps.
Suck a dick. There's a reason why Saber is everywhere and Rin isn't.
>he fell for the meme
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>can't find any good Corrin!Soleil art or Corrin!Soleil writefag material
>but shit like this pops up day after day
Why is this cute fag cursed to be plagued by a shitty fanbase?
Chink Soreir
It's 20 orbs from the september quests usually
I thought he got special charge +1 every time he's attacked from his A passive?
Decent unit who is also really cute and has a good design, one of the first good archers you get and is on a horse. Well I think Dorothy is also decent when you get her during same chapter too, but people tend to disagree.

One thing that bothers me about Sue is how weak she starts, you have to baby her abit to get her on par with rest of your army and she gets replaced not too far into the game too unless you really like using her.
don't forget the possible guantlet 12 and the retweet orbs
There is this part in my mind telling me this is the greatest bait banner of all times because Halloween Banner will be even more ridiculous.
Which Echoes boy enjoy femdom the most?
I have more than that though. I also have most of her Cipher cards and that little rubber key chain thing she has.
Struck a nerve sweetie?
Spoopy != Cute
>Why the fuck does anybody give a shit about Sue as a character?
I wonder the same, but for Rin.
Just another generic tsundere, only this time an actual bitch that turns her head when her sister is getting regularly raped for over a decade. :^)
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All I can do is grin at your optimism and pray that your hopes aren't dashed. Godspeed, you crazy motherfucker, godspeed. I hope that both of us get lucky.
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That's kind of cute! Definitely among the better drawings in the compendium.
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Clive possibly Boey
>redpill me

She's a good unit, has a nice design, and a likeable character. Her ending with Roy is nice too.
Damn dude, just use fehkeeper.
Kana is cuter.
Halloween will be ridiculous from the costumes alone, nevermind the new skills they'll be rolling out early with those units.
From the wording it seems like it's only once every battle
getting the blatant Clive/Boey out of the way, I've got money on Tobin
I've been emulating Fates on citra and it runs well enough, battle animatios are laggy as shit but the rest runs ok, I suppose it's the same for Awakening.
So is there anyone here with a distant counter Titania? I rolled an extra Hector and was planning on giving it to her but with lyn soon to be everywhere I'm not as sure about it anymore. Is it worth it?
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Why so angry, just like what you like anon. Don't be a PMSing bitch about it.
Not very well. Its still pretty spotty
If you've got a strong enough rig you can probably get 20fps or so with slowdown
Yeah, got a problem with that, bitch boi?
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Are you looking for work because I have a castle that needs gatekeeping
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She's ok
After Hero Fest 1, every banner is a bait banner now.
Because Tumblrfags taking things out of context like always.
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>200 orbs saved
>still scared i wont get anything
>good unit

Fucking 5 base and 30% growth in Str. She isn't good at all.
You also have to choose between her or Shin if you want to head to Illia making her even worse.
Titania's DC is more for countering blue(and green) mages than it is for fighting archers, so that doesn't change much for her really.
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Cheers, love. I hope so too!
>Want Ike, Lyn and maybe roll for Hector after
>Have only 39 orbs rn, projected 47 by the time the day comes.
>all of those wasted LnD3s
>good unit
lol she's trash.
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>80 orbs left
>Summer Banner at 6,5%
>give it a last shot and try to get Summer Elise
>0 orbs and absolutely nothing
I wish they done more characters for special events like Wedding, Halloween, and Beach. Four-Eight is just not enough. I really want Henry and Eldigan halloween, but don't wish for favourites of others to be not given a chance either.
She's better than Shin
You'll get 'something'
It's just one vocal waifufag. She might as well be a literal who.
Eh, then I'll pass for now. Maybe I'll eventually get a 3DS and get a friend to lend me Awakening or whatever version of fates he has.
It's worded similarly to guard. I don't expect it to only work on one attack
Life and Death or Fury for Nino?
>With high attack power and speed she has a lot to offter!
Why do they lie to me
She wishes.
Suefags can't be this delusional. I refuse to believe waifuism is enough to impair fair judgement by this much.
>yfw Halloween banner is just the Nohrians in their costumes from Fates plus Oboro
me. i used all of my orbs. have zero orbs for CYL now
Enjoy your Mist, Seliph and Lukas
In what world is this true? I don't even think she's better in Normal Mode despite the better availability
Henry was practically made for a Halloween banner, and he's still popular enough to actually get on it.
slap every blue mage like a crack addled hoe.
A small prissy twink homo
A large jocular homo
A medium sized tsundere homo
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Sue's a more interesting character than you might think, anon. She's got a deep connection with nature that shows throughout a lot of her supports and her death quote, and it makes her interesting to see as a result. She's also very much an interesting leader figure. She seems to be very calm and understands order, but it's also clear that the burdens of leadership wear her down, and that she blames herself for not recognizing the traitor that gave her tribe away. She holds herself to a high standard because she is the granddaughter of the Silver Wolf (and the daughter of Rath, who's badass in his own right), and she wants to protect others. She also expressed an interest in other ways of life and fighting, as seen in her support with Wolt.

She's pretty neat - and is VERY cute, to boot.
What do I put on this guy? Make him a knockoff nino?
Am I the only one with 0 orbs?
That literally wont happen
How to fix Daggers

>Make new maps with Doors that allow a more optimal path, but can only be opened by Dagger users
>Alternatively, make Daggers able to break any wall in 1 hit
>Dagger Only skills:
>Pickpocket- Steal a charge of super from an enemy and add it to yourself
>Acrobat- Forests add no movement penalty
>Lethality- 6 charge super, instant kill. Can be blocked by defensive supers

>Flame Shuriken- Hits enemy Resistance
>Sting Shuriken- Extra effect against Armour
>Hunter's Knife- Extra effect against Cavalry
>Soldier's Knife- Brave
>Fruit Knife- Has Renewal effect
>Every arena team will be lyn/xander/camus/dancer
>guy likes a character
>one no one usually talks about anyway so there's zero reason to care
>FUCK him let's attack him and shitpost about it
I don't get it.
Because I get to see Leo get shit on in a voting Gauntlet again. Even i wouldn't actually want any of them.
I hate her character.
I hate Fates.
I hate her Design.
If it works on every attack then it's bonkers in my opinion
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>Still no S!Corrin
Ahaha, I get it now. I just need to fuse her to get her. That's how this game works. It's how it always worked.
Then your team should be something to counter that.
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Which one of you fuckers
Witch Sakura
Vampire Takumi
Mummy Hinoka
Lobster Ryoma[/spoiler}
I'm betting it will be 50/50 Fates/Awakening just like Easter, or we'll get two entire banners like summer. 3% chance that any older characters make an appearance.
>34/36 is bad
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also no marriage garbage please
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I pulled him with my free summon.

I needed Distant Counter fodder since my other Hector I pulled off focus has good IV's (-spd + def).
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Stupid phone captcha
34/36 IS a high attack/speed spread, and the same a regular Lucina's. The issue is that super buffs for infantry are hard to come by, so they often have to grab weapon type specific buffs like Delthea's melee weapon attack boost or Ninian's Fortify Dragons. Infantry Pulse is still on a seasonal unit only, and doesn't affect its holder either.
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Good characters

Lol this skill will be never ever form being broken
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List of Lyn counters:
...um Ike?
i'm guessing you meant to post soren

pretty much, he's got better res for checking tinyhands though
>no fliers
Enjoy your horse Corrin
Because Soleil is gay? Corrin "Magic Dick" Anankosson doesn't really count, as he has to be able to marry anyone he wants because "muh special snowflake avatar". Also, their support is shit.
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>Whole team solo-ble by MRobin
Basically the new Switch FE has to be very very gay
Any high defense unit
I like this guy's moxie
Can't do his best with that speed. I honestly have no idea what to do with Soren either. Maybe give him Merric's tome? Can it even be inherited?
more like lyn reinhardt xander dancer
>wasting all that draconic aura, hone atk, breath of life and hone cavalry
Just hit the enter button when you input your name
You think they're going to start introducing more Infantry skills like infantry pulse?

I have a hunch that's what they're planning to do, due to some stuff like armor March and junk, whilw nothing really new for horsecancer but I dunno.
No children.

They can keep the MU, they can keep marriage, just PLEASE no second gen.
I want to nibble on Femui's ears!
>good characters
>posts Nolan
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I think Lissa is really cute. Is she popular?
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I've yet to roll Camilla.
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So tired of this meme. Soliel explicitely says she is no homo, she just finds girls cute and likes to flirt with them but not interested in them sexually the way she is interested in men. Day of the rope for you homos can't come soon enough.
No, that's why everyone hates getting spooked by Merric. All he has to offer is Spur Res 3, HP+5 and a weak AoE with admittedly nice area coverage.
And she the biggest bush of them all
because most of her fanbase thinks she's gay
>Anyone using Xander when Roy exists.
>Thinks Soleil is actually gay and not just shitty "preparing to fuck dudes using women as a stepping stone archetype"
Rexcalibur can't, but you could give him Gronnwolf or something
He can survive a hit, but he's so trash he won't even be able to kill her with TA.
I want to kill the Savages!
>just before CYL
Anon, that just wasn't smart, but I'm so fucking sorry. That is absolutely shit luck.

Speaking as a Suefag, this simply isn't true. In exchange for a little less Speed, Shin's Attack is much better. You only use Sue if you're doing Sacae Route or if you like her a lot.
That literally is likely to happen. Why do you think that 14 of the 16 seasonal characters have been from Fates/Awakening, with Xander being in two of them?
Xander is straight up outclassed by Brave Roy.
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she couldn't even win against an old literal who despite being nuFE
Gee I wish there was FRobin rerun sometime this century.
Then no idea. Give watersweep to someone else. How good are watersweep and windsweep anyway? Haven't seen them at all, even after phantom speed got added.
He's +atk/-res so in hindsight, maybe iceberg wasn't the best. All the builds I see seem to suggest bladememe, ravenbook, or wolf.

Gronnwolf sounds alright, though I only have one Frobin left

This will be the ultimate cav team once the other three are released.
Children are fine if it isn't a hyperbolic time chamber level abortion.

Otherwise, yeah.
>Any archer with decent bulk.
>Any raven tome user with decent bulk.
I mean they wouldnt get in over Hoshido when they've had 2 seasonal banners already
>Lyn will still be distant countered by my Nowi-tank
Not worried Tbh. Better than armor emblem
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What do I do with these chodes? Rusts a bit too much triangle adept and moonbow for me to work with.
>Bow breaker, Quick Riposte doesn't exist
>character that actually has lore and backstory that isn't "lol my parents died in the war"
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Lady Lyndis.gif
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Why are savages so disgusting /feg/?
They all look the same and shit on the grass.
Look at this picture of Lyn, how did this become popular?
>anyone using archers or raven tomes in arena
kek, free kills for other units
Reposition on all units.
>S.Corrin banner sucked my dry and left with nothing
>have to skip Amelia and Hector's banners
>have only 20 orbs for CYL
Times are rough, my friends.
So is turning NotMarth into a FuryRenewal slut just a lazy thing for this bencher?
don't be a nigger
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Minor villians in BB.png
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I hate these inbred fucks too.
>venomspic is still trying to force this meme
just give up
windsweep is great, water sweep is poor since most mage killers have the res to eat a counter hit
>This worried already.
Enjoy getting cucked by tomato boy.
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Leave Hector to me
I just hope I'll probably be able to wing CYL somehow with the September orbs and hope the banner also lasts a month

Some people run sweep skills on debuffing setups for archers/knives, but those typically aren't useful for arena so you won't see those setups often. Not to mention Alm being a 5* exclusive means Windsweep in particular is especially rare. I think Watersweep is especially good on Clarisse and Saizo since they're not particularly great at taking magic hits and come with skills that mass debuff a group of enemies.
>reposition fodder
>sending home a 5*
>sending home a free Blarblade+ that you may need in the future
>tfw I need Spear Lucina and Bow Lyn
>Because people aren't going to have any other units to deal with the other threats.
Doesnt CYL run all month? That should be sufficent time to get at least to of them
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he ate my bread.jpg
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Would you date Faye IRL, /feg/? Would you enjoy being center of IRL Faye attention?
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No. Build her anyway
Was Narcians infernal battle the easiest one so far?
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I wonder why. She's kind, sweet, a good person, and not staunchy despite living among royalty. Plus I think she's pretty.
But then the story has to justify the childrens' existance. It was fine in Awakening and FE4, but it shouldn't be a regular thing, because that's exactly how you end up with time chamber bullshit like Fates.
Stay mad, Audrey.
>Lachesis was less than half a percent away from the 10% threshold in the final two hours against Elise
>Priscilla could have beat Elise with slightly better timing
>We could have had Priscilla/Lachesis, an actually good final round for once
It's not fair.
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>Leave Hector to me
>runs Swordbreaker
trip back on spic
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No, my anal queen was.
Gatcha cares not for time nor amount of orbs.
Am I the Alm? Still probably not, it'd be kinda weird.
She is not, oddly. FE fans love garbage like Thotja and Cordelia yet look over one of the few tolerable people in Awakening. Her supports with Donnel and Owain are heartwarming.
I'd say Lloyd's was easier.

Berkut > Valter > Legion >= Narcian > Lloyd
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And this guy, do people actually use him?
Not an argument.
>Sword unit needing help from a skill to beat hector
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>at some point we will have to deal with Ursula Infernal
Idk, but Legions was piss easy for me after I knew what spawned where
>needs a raventome
>AND triangle adept
>AND bowbreaker
>just to counter one single unit

That's pretty sad.
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>Step into arena
>Mulagir Lyn, Brave Bow Lyn, Firesweep + CA Lyn, and literally anything else
What the fuck do you do?
>character that has two sentences worth of lore and backstory
There is actually so little to Nolan as a character that you can't say hes a good character and be taken seriously.

Lissa is cute. CUTE!
>Gangrel: Mad King

HP 38 Attack 31 Speed 36 Defence 23 Resistance 30
Levin Sword> Levin Sword+
13Mt- Targets enemy Resistance

B- Swordbreaker
C- Hone Speed

None of those would make daggers viable, except for maybe the doors, which would just be gay desu
Pickpocket is a useless gimmick, unless it's a passive
Acrobat is enemy only
Lethality is obviously autistic
Flame Shuriken is called "use a mage"
Sting Shuriken and Hunter's Knife are called "look how well Ridersbane and Zanbato turned out"
Soldier's Knife is called "just use a bow"
And Fruit Knife doesn't need an explanation for why it is bad
>Dew's Horny slut
Just because they come from older games don't mean they are good. Only good thing to say of the three you mentioned is that Le Cheese Sis is hot as fuck and reminds me alot of Eirika.
That's what I mean.
A lot of people are inherently opposed to children. As long as there's a plausible explanation, I really don't care. Time chamber isn't because it's a complete disconnect. I'd prefer a genealogy but I have 0 issue with how awakening did it.
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Lloyd's was easier for me at least

Also, I've completely forgotten about Navarre. I found him all the way in my 3*s
Watersweep Clarisse sounds good. If all else fails, I can inherit Takumi or Leon the bow, I always liked it.

In fact, I may give Leon watersweep. I think he was +spd
I like her support with Stahl the most.
I would if I had him
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nsfw do not open
You're right, and I'll admit my post was partially just shitposting. But at least I think he's got a neat design.
I meant good as in it wouldn't be so blatantly (lolnuFEwinsagain
>Need Raventome
Default kit
>Need TA we got a free Selena and TA2 is enought
>Need bowbreaker
can get 3 star pool
>Just to counter one single unit
The most meta breaking unit and Bridelia
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Time to *5 my FRobin.
He's decent. Prf bow gives him slightly above-average damage which is nice if for whatever reason brave isn't an option. I gave him Darting Blow so he can actually double things now and again and it at least nets him some decent damage vs mid-speed targets. Strictly worse than Bridelia or Innes but definitely a usable unit.
*unzips Subaki*

Heh...... nothing personnel
fates is dogshit
Doesn't TA 2 still give you a small bonus with CA a well?
Has FRobin gotten a rerun?
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You dont have to be. I was talking about IRL Faye who gets fixated on one person, in this case you.
yes but second best boy has been power creeped out, he started out as taco-1 and archers have just been improved as time has gone on
It's time for the WALL
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Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
Lissa x Lonk a CUTE
you could have been more subtle with your pasta by posting a different image next time
agreed, anyone who enjoys it needs to get killed
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>Soleil explicitly says she is no homo and isn't sexually into girls
source needed

Meanwhile, I point you to her support with Forrest, which has her explicitly point out that she's into girls. Furthermore, her support with Asugi in Japanese has her state that she prefers girls (but fuck the Japanese).
>Nino will never be the mother of your child
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I'll also admit maybe it's better if some characters are like Nolan because half of awakening's cast are pretty shit.
>was too much of a shitter to beat Lunatic Ursula because my 5* Subaki's stats were literally too high even with an iron lance
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Nolan RD recollection.png
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>nuFEbab unironically thinks this.

Even if he is a victim of RD being horribly rushed and having a lot of stuff cut (like actual supports) he's still good.
>the version of FRobin with passable art is limited
Why are mages so good? I've trained so many of them and none of them are ever disappointing.
oops meant for >>187642834
Cool story, anon
Remember when she said that she's actually into men?
Spoilers: she never did

fuck off, Monke
Aren't you and Lilina expecting a daughter anytime soon?
That's pretty much what I meant by the Alm. But yeah, I just want a normal cute loving relationship. I don't want to be fixated on or anything.
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>mfw I already got 5 defences just today
How's this for an ability: after combat damage received or inflicted is doubled
More 30-year-olds in FE when
That is really dumb and you should feel dumb for thinking of it
>44 orbs
>won't spend any because of the free 5 star
>September orbs, quests, paralogues, chapters, arena orbs, tempest, gauntlet will give me plenty more
>will do the same for October's orbs
I am ready for Halloween! Who else is getting ready?
I know everyone's asking what free unit youll pick for CYL but i wanna know how many orbs you guys have saved for it! i currently have 92 but will have over 100 soon enough, will that be enough to get 2 units from CYL?
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I don't really like the moeblob face, it's like this giant puddle of putty. To each their own though.

>But yeah, I just want a normal cute loving relationship

We all do. But its fun to think about some crazy scenarios from time to time, right?


Why I cant find Felicia cosplay anywhere?
If mine wasn't -Spd I'd use him more
Yes Ike, Actually
Hector, even if he doesn't retaliate Lyn will not ever kill him
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>>Make new maps with Doors that allow a more optimal path, but can only be opened by Dagger users
I get home and this shitty idea is the first thing I see. What the fuck anon?

And your ideas boil down to "how to make Kagero and Frederick better" instead of "how to fix daggers". Seriously, all the daggers that aren't those two have 29 atk or less. The issue is that the design space of daggers (do low damage in exchange for defensive debuffs) is moot when you're one-shotting enemies most of the time. And they can't deviate from that design space because then daggers would just be bows without flier effectiveness and with worse users.

Honestly, daggers are completely unsalvageable without extremely radical change. They should just abolish the weapon type, give the eight units different weapons (Yes, there are only eight dagger user in the game. That's the lowest of any non-dragonstone weapon), and fill the space with colorless beaststones. They won't, but goddamn is that isn't the most sensible solution.

>Sting Shuriken and Hunter's Knife are called "look how well Ridersbane and Zanbato turned out"
To be fair, daggers are two range and there aren't better all-around daggers to use, unlike Ridersbane/Zanbato.
ueda deserves death

Pickpocket I imagined as a C slot skill, with the intention of crippling enemies and racing towards Lethality.
Being enemy only means it's good for your defence team
Lethality makes Dagger useage a race to get meter, whilst it makes them a priority to target. Make them a really large number to make it a harder race
Don't know about you, but my Gray holds his own, with the Cavs being an added bonus
>hurr improve daggers by using a bow
meme builds are fun

Hell, throw Firesweep Dagger in as well and Pickpocket, Hit and Run, Lethality becomes a nightmare meme team, allied with some bulky walls
Remember how she could S support women?
Oh wait, she couldn't. Just because you aren't familiar with Gay Nip shit isn't my problem.
If you get lucky.
Yes but my point is that there is so little to him as a character that it's ridiculous to call him a good character.
>Kind older man who has learned from his life experiences
>Fights for a good cause
That is all there is to Nolan. How do you even fuck this up?
>summer Robin
>passable art
Her face is terrible looking and completely contrasts with her body.

I got at least two when I last checked a few hours ago, what's going on? I was getting fuck all for the last few weeks.
I dont think I will, I really like Lyn so I'll get her for my free unit but aside from that I only nominally want Ike but not willing to drop a whole bunch of orbs trying to snipe for him.
>make daggers cuck archers and or mages like archers cuck fliers.
Would it fix them?
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Remember when IS was so mad at Lucina losing the CYL they had to put her in a (rigged) voting gauntlet where she was guaranteed to win something (even if it wouldn't be rigged)?
Sorry :(
how long till the first 3 range unique bow unit which cant be inherted?
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I got this from tumblr.jpg
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Join team Chrom
Honestly it really is troubling how latest content has been pushing the ORKO or bust more and more, pushing effectiveness of some characters way down.
Hit and Run, 1-range only ability, being usable by daggers would be godly.
Silly me, I just needed to change search engine.
I'm sad that I missed the threads when the results were announced, reading tharjafag's immense butthurt would have been great.
I like that they didn't give her a full kit like Lyn and Ike got
You'll shut up when she wins the CYL gauntlet.
>Every voting gauntlet since the beginning.
Please tell me Lynfags aren't actually this insecure.
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It says "Anime Project Success"
FE anime soon?
I dunno. I've got 10+ defences each week for the past 5 weeks, but 5 in less than a day is quite a lot.
Remember when she straight up goes on a date with a girl at the end of her paralogue? She's obviously not banging any other girl in the army because everyone else is either straight or can't support with her, but the fact that she is sexually into girls is brought up multiple times.
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This looks like trubble.
Lyn's family is dead so she can't enter a gauntlet that involves family.
She also isn't a mage or a Pegaslut, and didn't feature in the summer event, so she had no right to be an a gauntlet.
Stop posting SF links, I act embarrassing on there.
Me on the left.
Post defense team? I need ideas.
sakura is kill
If she was a lesbo then she'd support female Corrin in same way Rhajat does, she doesn't. Just because she gets cozy with girls doesn't mean she wants to fuck them. How is that a complicated concept to you?
No one even mentioned Lyn. Nice victim complex.
I already posted what is in the link.
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>your fav got top 20 bit still isn't in heroes
>meanwhile 50 alts for lucina and tiki
>People struggling with S!Corrin
>Got 2 S!Corrins(+def -spd and viceversa), my first odin, a hinata and barst (blade, fury, reposition
>Tried to get amelia
>5% pitty rate and nothing

My luck ran out, i want hector now
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As long as Noire has orange hair, and not her terrible black hair, I'm good.
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>every entrant in that gauntlet was a royal prince plus their sibling
>but lol Lucina who the fuck is Lissa?
Not only am I mad because of Lucina shilling but I would have joined Lissa's side and never looked back. A gauntlet like that might have actually had some competition in the final.
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>tfw you make it into Heroes as one of the 4 Genealogy characters despite not even being playable in your only game
>two people who can be attracted to each other necessarily will be attracted to each other
cool story anon
do all your gay friends have massive orgies together, since they're all gay? I want in
This is an average Lynfag's victim complex on full display.
>I need ideas
Ha, you won't find them with me. Innes-Xander-Cecilia-Reinhardt
>got exactly who I wanted from summer with ease
>got Amelia in 7 rolls
>got Nino from the free roll in the blade tome focus right after
I'm sorry anon. Maybe I'll get cucked hard by CYL for you.
There are different types of attractions you fucking autist. Don't reply to me again.
Again, you don't understand that this is a trope in Japanese media. If they intended for her to be a full blown lesbian she would at the very least be able to S support Corrin and/or NOT!Tharja. But not only can she not S support any women at all, but can S support a whole bunch of male children.
>tfw you will never have a cosplay GF
I'd imagine it's like fucking two girls at once
Lucina better be the canon love interest for Male Robin.
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Where are these squiggle runes based from?
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>canon love interests
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Tell that to thundercock buddy. He isn't even nearly as important as Eldigan in Thracia.
Plus FE4 has one of its lords in.
Cosplay gfs tend to have low self esteem, lack of standards, lack of personal care, and into kinky shit like BDSM. They are the McDonalds equivalant of girlfriends.
They're going to skirt it like they do for persona and other shit.
There will be plenty of shiptease, but children(if they appear) will only really interact with their undisputed canon parent.
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>$16 an hour job starts on the 8th
>I'll have 40 orbs by the 31st
>want Ike and Roy
It'll just be this one time I buy 75 orbs. I promised to only roll on event units from now on.
Y Tiki and Camus reveal finally?
As much as I want this I think the backlash won't be worth it.

Im too shy myself to talk with any cosplaying girls I take photos of aside from asking for posing. I wouldnt have any idea what to talk about anyway
They're from Awakening, Lucina's game.
>6 deathless
>last match has reinhardt and tana
>hector coudn't tank them both on a defense tile
This picture is so perfect. Between the smug smile edit that basically says "(lol I'm OP as shit and you can't win" and the faint transparency, it always brings me a laugh
>fucking your best friend's daughter
never ever
I can't wait to hear more hilariously stupid statements on FE:W. At this point I just want to be entertained by the sheer incompetence.
Man I really hope you can roll before choosing your free unit.
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We're getting a /vg/ league soon, so we'll have to change our /feg/ team. Since the general's changed a lot since last time, what are your suggestions for our new characters?

I want a Gold Striker named Reinhardt/Thundercock or some variation of it.
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Ike would have survived
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Blarblade that shit up
Are you kidding me? The backlash would be well worth it for the amount of SEETHING AND SHOOK that would be Raul. He'd probably literally kill himself and we'd never see him again, it'd be great.
someone post that pic where robin asks if he can cum in her
>armchair psychology

>I wouldnt have any idea what to talk about anyway
Easy: cosplay. Boom, you're in. Make sure you send me some nudes as a thank you. Not yours, the cosplayer
only if you go back to /pol/ you fucking bigot retard

Thanks for at least trying.
...So what you're saying that Soleil is basically a trope instead of a character?
I don't ever recall seeing them. Assuming the "translation" is legit, I'm surprised there was even one to begin with.

I never noticed this "lack of personal care" and I really think you are prejudging here but

>low self esteem
>lack of standards
>into kinky shit like BDSM

actually sounds trangely interesting.
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>All the kids decided to die their hair like in the Hotsprings DLC
I don't really care about this shit but
It's Alfonse
Marth (Female)
Why is Ninty going ham on this dynasty warriors shit? Next they'll have pokemon warriors
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Then that's just your ignorance.
Awakening, the Awakening Falchion has:
>When all else is lost the future still remains
written on the blade with those squiggles
Reinhardt HAS to be one of them, no questions asked.
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>Hector couldn't tank Tana
Leave it they way it is. You already added enough Heroes memes.
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You think thats the real knife?
Because most units have weak or meh res and you can easily keep mages safe.
>I never noticed this "lack of personal care"
Spend abit of time on /cgl/ or around female cosplayers in general. Most women are disgusting despite what you may think of them.

>Chad Thundercock
>The ram village cuckold
>Rowan Uzumaki
>The fifth lucina
Sorry I didn't pay attention to every single detail of a game I don't like and only played once.
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was so worried that spending all my orbs on Femui would make me miss out on him
>there are more Lucinas than Legions
How does this make you feel?
>first attack is 0
>Hector counterattacks
>Moonbow proc
not him but I assume it happened like this
i'm pretty sure most cons don't allow attendees to bring real weapons
*dye rather
It will work with every attack. It's literally the defensive version of Heavy Blade.
But there's more Lucinas than Lyn. Isn't Lucina their Lightning?
Which subhuman is Sub Human?
Moonbow or Draconic Aura for Doot?
I hate you

OH HO Hector?
>CYL Lucina
Unless you're counting Marth (male) as a Lucina alt, I don't think that's entirely true. Or am I forgetting one?
>FE Anime "leak"
Why would anyone want this? It'd be a colossal fuck up.
why am i only just now noticing how gigantic his hand is

is that where reinhardt's hand mass went
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With the 24 hour stream Fire Emblem stream on Nico Nico coming up, that would be the perfect time for them to announce the anime.
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He's -ATK, if it makes you feel any better
No one asked you to, but the fact that you didn't know is just a part of your own ignorance.
You lacked the knowledge.
Is everyone on /feg/ unable to understand English?
>Alm the thot slayer
>Big eyes Eliwood
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Faye is Bae.png
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Faye is yandere
Normalfags would want the hell out of it, especially if it was Awakening because muh marriages and friendship
I vote Tiny Hands for Reinhardts name, could also add in Nino!, Pity Rate, Cuckdelia, Rally Calvary, >fates, and Feliciafag

I got cucked by jackob so no it doesn't
dudes rein and tana was +7 my hec is a poor +0
Thundercock is a given
Marth gets "replaced" by Lucina(Male)
HUGE becomes our default goalkeeper and renamed Armor March
Also get Ravens+TA somewhere on defense.
Kill yourself please
Athena isn't enough of a meme, but I'd like to see von woman

Maybe Valter and delicous
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Oh, right, I forgot about that, sorry.


>Most women are disgusting

Nah, even if she is a bit "dirty" I dont mind.
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Stop posting
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So it's clear that IS is aware of the meta to some extent, especially with Lucina not buffing mages, Murglais shutting down bladetomes, and then Ike with Beorc Blessing.
My question is why they decided to make Lyn so powerful, especially since she's the first bow cav and has a pseudo Firesweep bow.
>you're saying that Soleil is basically a trope instead of a character?
Yes. She's literally just a female inigo because it's funny and Japanese media is loaded with "chicks who play around with other chicks but ultimately settle down with a dude because they were straight all along". It's just a weird thing they do.
People are trying to apply Western values to Japanese media when they largely Don't give a shit about them.
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>14 Mt
>Effective against cavalry units. If unit receives attacks from cavalry units, damage is reduced by 80%.
He has yaoi hands in order to appear more intimidating to Ephraim
And something for that Peri-anon.
Some variant of Berkute, Berkuck, etc.
TA Sapphire Lance
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This is perfect.
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Well I'm probably not gonna even use him now lol. I have no Fury or Death Blow fodder to make him suck less, and I have a +ATK Klein already. Kind of a shame
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The way to translate it is from the FE Awakening art book
>My question is why they decided to make Lyn so powerful
According to the CyL poll she's the most popular female but her original version and fanservice version are sub-pars units so that's a way to compensate for it, i guess.
>tfe still can't decide between Roy, Ike, and Lyn.
Archers are usually useless (minus Bridelia but you can't get her anymore) so I guess to make people use them more...?
They will probably add something to nerf her later on.
What Arena tileset is it this week? I'm actually getting defenses.
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y/n? Not sure how to build her
Take Lyn for free, then roll reds and greens. You'll almost certainly come out of it with a ton of Fury, Reposition, and Vantage fodder

Chad Thundercock?
*unleash magic schlong*?
Where do you guys verify the meta BTW? I thought the only good servants are the 5 star ones, but I rolled a 3 star male Robin that had a cutscene when summoned.

Micaiah a slut that violated Soothe through his growth.
Hey she looks like she could actually be fucking crazy, not bad.

Thanks on behalf of the few Perifags here
>tfw no Peri gf
Cumming deep inside Nowi!
>Not Roy, Sue, Eliwood, and Lyn
I am not hurting for fodder and I don't care what I roll, I'll even take *3 Wrys. Just trying to decide which of the three units I want more.
>They will probably add something to nerf her later on.
There's no probably about i
TharjaAnon should be our striker
They tried to do something with Bride Lyn by making her immune to counterattacks so she could apply debuffs safely, and gave her good healer skills like Rehabilitate and Swift-Winds Balm, but Cavalry healers are just too much more useful to have most of the time.
Called the cops
Already happened anon, if you missed it it's on you
I think just Thundercock is fine, it's what you see the most
Will you make a poll like last time? I feel like Thundercock and *inhales* are both perfect fits, and "Do My Best!" should just be "Nino!" since the latter is more unique to /feg/ while the former has spread out so widely already

DISGUSTING was sort of DoA, I think, so I'd be fine with seeing it gone. Vantage Lobster is sort of boring, too. Alphonse is dumb. Don't even get the point of having Bunny Xander.

Do I need to do new kits this year to replace the Fates-themed ones? How long do I have until?
Cumming deep inside Nah while married to Nowi!!
>Archers are usually useless
Cutscenes don't mean anything. Most of the units who get them are actually garbage.

The good units are the ones you see in high tier arena and the ones you can use to trivialize pve content, like Rein, Hector, and Bridelia
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Kits should be fine. I don't even manage the team. I just like /4ccg/. Is our manager still alive even?
Wolt (gay)
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I dont think its that easy, anon.

>Hey, nice cosplay, is that XXX?
>Yeah, I like XXX and YYY series
>Heh, me too
>Okay, bye
Roy's husband turned out very well
>Wolt past Lv 2 base class
Absolute madman
>only two (You)s
dang, shitpost game isnt what it used to be
That probably will be more dragons(and dragon buffs), I'm hoping. They're the only things that went by this set of heroes completely unscathed, though they do miss out on the bonuses from Lancina's weapon.
Don't even know the nature of the one I got (not +spd), but I gave him TA2 and QR2 and a movement assist and he does fine work being a blue mage hard counter for AA.
But is there a site or something you guys use?
I have zero idea what heroes I have that are good and take me hours to farm 20 stones
Most people talk as if they always have stones to spare to summon heroes and I can only get them from story missions/paralogues as well.
Shitposter-kun worked, I'm dropping FGO for FEH, congratulations asshole
no matter how much you say Klein/Virion are strong that doesn't change the fact that almost no one uses them on the Arena
>Alphonse is dumb.
nah man think about it
>probably sucks
>is on the bench
I figured he was still around, since he asked around the last time a VGL happened. He usually just operates pretty independently of the actual general though, which I never got.
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Roy's boyfriend is looking good.
Wrong thread.
She's too well rounded, but in a way that helps so you can go a couple different ways.
Yep, he's doing nicely in chapter 14.
>I'm dropping FGO for FEH
Heh, the game sucks but every TM waifu is infinitely superior to any FE waifu.
So it wasn't even him who posted this ?
What was the point of that post then?
But that joke could be make about literally any bench unit- Alfonse isn't really worth an entire roster spot when they're so limited to begin with.
I'm not dropping the game, but I'm dropping the board until they get their act together. Only so many ways you can say "dead game" before it starts to rot.
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i have created the most annoying defense team:

shield pulse, quick pulse, infantry pulse, killer weapon, miracle on a bulky, high hp, and decently fast infantry unit
wom wo dao dancer
wom infantry brave archer w/ moonbow
nino with guard

infantry pulse unit will be some shitty off-meta unassuming melee unit to act as bait, and will never be oneshot to act as a guaranteed wom target
dancer and archer will warp to them and fuck on the enemy team with their reduced cooldowns
nino will be unkillable by literally any non goad rein no matter his merge level if built correctly, putting huge pressure on thundercock users
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>No Thundercock
>No best friend
>No CowTits
come on, maen
>But that joke could be make about literally any bench unit
Which units are known for being on the bench as much as Alphonse? Even Tobin isn't that memed
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I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
>he's not playing JP
Good you disgusting EOP
Number 9 or 10 has to be Chad Thundercock.
>infinitely superior
meh there's just more fanservice that's literally all, unless you're talking about the original tm waifus then carry on
idk I seem to see "Trashbin" a lot

I wonder if "Shut up, Tobin" could work
Ideas? I got nothing, really
Gordin and Wolt.
That's because everyone already sent him home for feathers or used him for Atk+3 budget builds. Which reminds me, I still have the 5* sitting around doing nothing, I don't think I even bothered leveling him to 40 yet.
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>There are people in this thread that would fap to shit girls like Faye and Camilla
>While F!Robin and Femui exist
They are banning MeMu and many phone models.
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>dat Camilla
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His number should be 9x2
>"Ah. I was sent to say hello by - Hmm.
Nice army here. I wonder how long it'd take me to finish them off.."
What did Ursula mean by this?
me on the top left
What maps have Narcian?
>unless you're talking about the original tm waifus then carry on
I mean, there's a reason i said TM and not FGO.
>F!Robin and Remui used as an example of good fap material

Off with your shit taste. Not saying that Faye and Camilla are any better though, they're also shit taste.
Rebecca, Dorcas, Odin, Subaki?
>barely any armpits from hinoka
BB+ fodder
not even in Heroes
True, but unlike like Alfonse you can actually send her home
I want to be Niles
>fapping to any character that isn't your waifu
>when your waifu exists
shaking my head
So 18?
me on the middle left
I dunno, I figured whoever I responded to was the person who posted the list to start, because they clarified that they're not the owner and I haven't seen Twinky around in forever anyways.

Actually, I just noticed on the wiki that the team supposedly has a new GM, whoever the hell Fazoo is. Sure as hell haven't seen him around here before. About time, given our record.
She's going to jerk off all the dudes and then kill them off while they're exhausted from blowing their load.
>Treehouse levels it out by robbing her of most S Supports with characters not named Corrin and Foleo
were they the real heroes all along?

I'm teaming my +Attack Innes with Eirika and hopefully CYL!Lucina for an asston of Speed.

Well, which of them do you like as characters?
I checked my Friends List to see if I had some smartass named "-Hmm" but it turns out she literally doesn't even tell you who sent her, she just goes off on her autistic rant.
So now that we know that negating buffs is a thing IS is willing to do, will Nolan break the game with his Nihil?
I thought /feg/ wanted less S supports?
In Japanese, it says 変動量, meaning essentially "amount of change". So it's +1 to the amount his special charges when he's attacked. By contrast, once per battle skills like Quickened Pulse and Infantry Pulse are worded as -1 to cooldown count.
>pull Kagero
>she's +HP/-Res

Could be worse
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You haven't forgotten about monthly quest orbs have you /feg/?
She used to be pretty popular back in the day, but it seems her popularity hasn't endured like Cordelia, Tharja, and Lucina. I guess she didn't get shilled enough?
>tfw my waifu has barely any porn and it's decent at best though the latter's the case for most non-nuFE girls really
TM was already getting a bit messy before FGO, and sadly FGO is now the face and banner of TM. As much as it still pains my butt.
boring character, garbage and outclassed unit
Why use him>
There is a wiki tier list, but it's very misleading due to heavy bias towards certain nearly unobtainable builds, like putting Defense Poly on everything.
Generally it's about experience. If you go into the arena and find that you can't seem to beat a certain unit type, like cavalry, try to see what counters it. When you find something whose counters are very few and far between, you've found something very good.

For example, when the game first launched I ran Lyn, Marth, Jeorge, and Serra. Two swords, an archer, and a staff. When I was in the arena I would get walled very hard by blue units, and MRobin with his Raven tome shut me down completely, so I started training a Nino I had laying around, and Robin has never been a problem since. But Nino was getting shut down hard by Ryoma, because his Distant Counter prevented Nino from safely attacking him, so I trained Sharena to help deal with him, and Sharena's counters tend to be dealt with fairly well by Marth and Nino together, so it became a well rounded team of Marth, Nino, Sharena, and Serra.
If you give her a Speed Plus 3 or Fury 3 and a Fireseep Lance+, you can fuck shit up pretty bad. This takes a bit of investment though.

I don't have access to either so I just run her basic skills (minus Lance Valor) and gave her Renewal 3, Reposition, Hone Speed 3, and Luna.
Takumi and Hector are still the only units with Close and Disant Counter. Understandable, they're pretty powerful skills, don't wanna ruin the game. But given that eventually they gave us units with built-in DC in their weapons, how long will it take for them to give us a built-in Close Counter tome/bow/dagger?

The idea is situational at best, I know; Most ranged attackers are physically fragile and get promptly fucked by any melee attackers, but there's a few tankier mages and archers out there for whom it would be a big help.
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She's extra thicc
Narcian's was harder than Valter for me. Valter just needed brave bow plus dancer, for Narcian you either need a drag back flier or reposition on Reinhardt.

Have swimsuit Hinoka as cheer-up.
>chief of the djute clan
What does this mean?
Mark's wife.
That's my wife
Dont talk that way about Roy's husband!
I don't mean actual pairing. I mean using on a team together.
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>the state of /feg/'s VGL team


Well, uh, I guess I figured out what happened to Twinky.

So, does anybody actually know this Fazoo guy is? The fact that we didn't even know the team changed hands and have heard nothing about new rosters/kits is already a bad enough sign.
Not him but Hana barley has any good porn
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I see,thanks anon!
Even if they give us that weapon, it'll almost certainly be a Prf. So the character who gets it better be someone with high defense.
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What part of armpits do you not understand?
Nobody cares for this offtopic reddit shit.
I posted because I like 4cc
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I would have considered going for hector, but thankfully meme magic pulled through for me on my free pull.
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Same, but my love for her still makes it very enjoyable.
Fuck off Raul
Just got back home, what's been going on in /feg/ today
Sadly redditors have taken root here.
Dem, I'm posting that pic on the /e/ thread
Satellites have been monitoring our posts to to combat this we have decided to shitpost all day to confuse the Satellites.
I actually have the resources to do that but honestly I'd rather give firesweep to my 4* +spd -hp peri desu, wouldn't want to kill my -hp +res Rody to get something inferior to him. I think I'll keep the lancebreaker desu
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what is the thinking of
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but anon that only shows 3
how irrelevant she is now
Threesome with Kiran, Frobin and Femui
that her breasts look too small without the breastplate.
wtf i hate black people now
>waaaahhh Lyn will be too OP!!!!
>lmao people really think Lyn will be good? Fucking plainscucks
In general
The Ylissian economy.
War costs a lot of money and if they do not win the war they won't get to steal from the enemy to cover the costs of the war.
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>The fact that we didn't even know the team changed hand
We did though, it's just that nobody really cares
>and have heard nothing about new rosters/kits
Just check the wiki like everyone else who follows this.
some fag on not-4chan is going to be doing an interview with Maeda and is gathering some questions from people.
What's her tax policy?
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I think my Kagero is malnourished. +spd/-hp.

29 HP at 40
Too many men in this thread and she can't fuck them all
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Sorry, I dont see any with visible armpits...
Maribelle is the one who would fret over that
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Y'know what? I feel autistic. Let's change the daggers.

Jakob becomes a red tome so Corrin's servants can make a cute little magic triangle and, Flora jokes aside, neither of the ice tribe twins would fit as a fire tome. Plus, there aren't any infantry red tomes that have similar stats to Jakob. Though I did notice that Jakob has Leo's exact stats but trades res for spd.
Felicia would become a blue tome and fill in the high-res blue tome roll, since there isn't a single blue tome besides Delthea with over 30 res, and even Delthea only has 31. And Flora could be a green tome once she joins.
Make Jaffar into an archer so he can stay effective with his prf's gimmick.
Make Matthew into an axe because of his connection with Hector. He could be another sword, but we hardly need more of those. Make up the BST difference with more points in spd and def to differentiate him.
Give Saizo an axe. Why the hell not? Increase his BST with hp and def.
Make Kagero into an archer so she can be a 35 atk discount Bridelia.
Make Gaius into a lance or whatever who cares.
Staff Frederick. It fits his personality, kinda.

There, I fixed your shitty weapon type, IS. Just do it at the same time you add cute catgirls and not a soul will care.

Honestly, only Valter's map was OHKO or bust, because of the rate of reinforcements. Even Legion's GHB was flexible, since the reinforcements didn't spawn until enemies were gone.
They can just get loans from the Rothschild, it's no biggie
The one the Ancient Greeks used.
If the country needed a new War ship, they would ask the richest man to pay for it, if that man did not believe himself to be the richest he would nominate the true richest man.
If the true richest man were to deny being the richest the original rich man would simply take the true richest man to court and offer to trade wealth, forcing the true richest man to admit to being the richest and fund the new war ship.
that's mommy
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I tried installing Awakening DLC as a .cia but it didn't go through, any idea what happened?
why Phantom speed?

You didnt bought it on eShop.
how much she hates her fags on 4chan and she'll never stoop so low as to fuck their unfuckable asses
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you have to go back.jpg
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go back
Who cares.
I thought it would bring my arena score up
try other cia managers
that one doesn't looks like bigbluemenu/whatever they call it now, so try that and fbi
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Wait, here's an actual question
Also design a final Archanea banner for him to come on, accompanied by GHB Hardin
>expecting help pirating
Fags like you are the fucking worst
You know what you should do?
Delete the CIA and reinstall. Typically,
this sort of stuff only happens when the CIA itself is fucked. Alternatively, Freeshop is intuitive and very easy to use. Try that.
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But if she did, what kind of strap-on or dildo would she use to fuck their asses?
>It's just a weird thing they do.
In Japan, minor lesbianism is considered a standard part of mentally maturing, and in some cases is encouraged at specific ages. Lesbians are actually considered to be mentally immature if they persist to adulthood, although it's a concept that's dying off last I heard.
>people cosplay as hinoka because they can easily look better than the actual character

free unit when!?!
>cia managers
> so try that and fbi
are you really talking about video games here
>another fucking infantry sword
No thanks
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>Lesbians are actually considered to be mental
Are you implying that they aren't?
>le penguin of DOOM XD

Just use Camus you fucking shitheel
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>tfw no CYL Marth
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Why are cosplayers always so ugly?
I fully believe the story is that smea and the other people behind hacking the 3ds used names like FBI and CIA solely as a joke because of the Feds and Centrial Intelligence Agency, but it's not like anyone was about to start changing file formats so it stuck.
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What are you talking about, they gender swapped him and gave him a lance.
I want to marry her.
he was 5th due to split votes
thats a guy
I saw it more as.
>"Lyn is so Good! She's literally unstoppable!"
>"Well Lyn can be countered pretty easily by X Y or Z."
>"Well then you Just throw W on Lyn to counter X!"
>"Then You just have to use a Y."
VGL isn't until like November right?
>would love to cosplay an FE character one day

>the male characters are all either Hulks or twinks, with no in-between

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D-dont talk shit about Hinoka...
I can think of at least two things that could fit in that 4th slot, and neither of those apply to them.
So who usually benefits from TA3 besides Raventomes
flier memes aren't cancer tho
definitely one of the better Lucina cosplays I've seen
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>ike and lyn will be meta defining units
>roy will be extremely powerful, and likely the best player-phase red unit in the game
>lucina is merely an okay unit and buffslut

Imagine being a lucinafag right now.
So is all the CavLyn memery true or should I just pick Ike as a free unit?
Try redownloading the .cia file from your source and reinstall. Freeshop is another alternative.

Based on the UI, that anon's using one of the more recent versions of FBI
Ninian does pretty well with it
a barbed one
>one of the best written Lords in the franchise got cucked out of Top Four in CYL by /leboy/ and his fucking Smash memes
If anyone here actually wants to defend Roy as a character, step up and speak now, or forever hold your piece. He is shit.
Spoilers: if your defense is "he isn't as bad as Celica, Robin, or Corrin", you're not making an actual defense.
He's not talking about Astram?
I did, 5 years ago, I spend like $60 on DLC and no way to get it back and I'm sure as hell not buying it again.
i'll try doing it again from scratch I guess
wtf I think i'm in love?
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Are you going to pick your favorite or are you akk going to bandwagon onto that Sacaen whore?
Why is he so cute?

Cosplay as Robin then.
Oh, nevermind, I remember the third now.

Mercurius a shit.
blue dragons
Should I use a lvl 1 tharja or camilla to cheese the voting gauntlet?
actually pretty good, but she needed contacts
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FEH Unit Chart Basic.png
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If your favorite character got an event version, which weapon/movement type would you like the to have?
But Lyn is my favorite
>meta defining

not even worth taking unless you have a spare hector desu
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I am going to do full rolls until I have 3 of them and then freebie the last
Here's my defence: Cry more, faggot. Maybe reddit will hear your pleas.
>no brand
>the pasta starts Tier 12 and goes downhill each day
After playing SoV I am very glad attack themes have been phased out.
Young Tiki who ate her future self.
Wait, her counter attack things does not work with dragons, right?
If you don't understand even the heads will roll bit, what the fuck are you doing here? Was heroes your first game?
Lucina buffs my Tharja/Owain/Nino, nothing more
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Are we going to be able to do normal rolls before picking our free unit? I want to see who I get first
i need ikes horses are killing me in arena assault
>33/35 stats mounted bow
hmmm sweetie?
pretty much any green mage with G Tomebreaker. Counters two of the biggest threats no sweat.
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I'm gonna choose Ike and wait for them to release a cav archer I actually enjoy as a character
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Are you a shitter, /feg/?

I thought it might have been Lorenz or something.
I'll be getting Lyn to avoid colorless hell, but I'm gonna roll for the other three like a madman.
>People actually still take this poll seriously.
I wish they'd do another one without the various mis-steps and retardation that make it an inaccurate/ bad poll. Then we can have meaningful discussion about it instead of the same tired shit from Lyn and Lucina fags.
I also would really rather not cosplay as any of the newer FE characters- most of my favorites are between Archanea and Tellius.
Step one.

Stop using Armours.
It sounds like it?

Probably, but don't take my word.
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Oh kay, carry on.
I have 43, is 66 the max amount you can have?
yes, yes I am not a whale
>dragon emblem will become useful now
hmm wonder if I should 5* my fae now
I like lyn, Roy would be next
Your free summon at the beginning of the banner decides who you get. So, no.
I'm picking Ike. I'd like to have Astrid or Sue as my bow cav
She's about as strong as Bridelia, but faster due cav buffs (assuming only 1 hone) if you go the BB route. Mulagir is nice but she can't reliably tank the cock, on a cav team she'd kill pretty much all other mages, but then she'd probably want CA to not get destroyed by TA+raven
VGL9, yeah, but I think friendlies are coming up.

I wish we even knew who this new GM was, or that he'd post here and clear things up a bit.
What if the freebee is on the banner itself and is the "free" 5 roll and it make you pull it first.

you should plan for this.
Picking Roy for sure.
Will roll all orbs because I want Roy copies too. I want Ike next though.
>Playing FE games for the writing
There isnt even a single well written female character in the history of the series.
>only 66
Nice time get.
NA ios Top grossing
1. Candy Crush
4. Clash of clans
6. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan battle
13. Pokemon GO
18. Fire emblem Heroes
22. Final fantasy XV A new Empire
32. Summoners War
41. Sword art ONLINE : Memory Defrag
49. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing
54. Angry Birds 2
69. Wizard of Oz Magic Match 3
94. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood
112. Unison League
117. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
122. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
127. Fate/Grand order
128. Bleach Brave souls
137. Love Nikki Dress UP Queen
it has a different banner image for the "pick one" summon, and the trailer itself confirmed you get that one and also the normal free summon.
so, no.
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Any recomendations for my fat wall?
I don't like any of them so I'm going with Lyn since she's a solid unit and the only bow cavalry.

I'm there with you bro, Fuck Roy. and not the sexy way.
No, it's just some faggot who thinks he's hot shit because he's autistic enough to keep playing this boring fucking mode for the highest score possible. Funny thing is, his score is shit too since the highest you can get at the moment is 90.
just inject it lol
That is absolutely not true. Fuck off with your misinformation.

Watch the fucking stream again.
90 is the max if you've been in the top 100 each AA so far.
>13. Pokemon GO
thiis shit is still relevant?
>FE actually beating out all the other weebshit

Feels pretty good
>Astrid or Sue
Good taste, though I guess there aren't many bow cavs anyway.
>the first bow cav wasn't a bow cav in any game prior
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Dragon Ball always wins baby
If you got 30 every week you'd have 90 by now, I have 49, even playing since day one and 30 five stars trying to break past the 20 coin mark is almost impossible
I haven't played enough of Shadow Dragon or New Mystery to get to that reference, but I do remember that asshole is in both of them.
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>127. Fate/Grand order
>FaGOts on suicide watch
Do we know if the freebies have neutral stats yet?
They released legendaries I believe
It still has a huge cult following
Stick it in her pooper
Lightning breath and iceberg
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A Best.jpg
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I would hope that she gets into the game as a normal character first instead of getting the Charlotte treatment
>FFXV A New Empire this high
Is Love Nikki Dress Up, Tales of Rays, SAO, Naruto, Wizards of Oz, Summoners Wars, and Bleach Brave Souls any good?
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I'm going for Lucina anyway. Ike is my free because I like him as a character, but I owe Lucina some loyalty. I started this game near the end of the first Tempest Trial, and since my starting roll was Reinhardt, Azura, and Hinoka, I was bleeding for usable Reds. I managed to get the 4* Masked Lucina, and she's been my go-to Red. I ended up needing a special build to beat Chapter 12's first Lunatic Mission Deathless and with a Sword, so I passed her Ruby Sword and Swap from Stahl. She also has Glimmer, which I gave her when I figured out that she could oneshot Tempest Sonya if she had an Attack buff.

One of my three units to have maxed Hero Merit, and she was so damn good to me early on in the game. Fuck esports, I'm repaying the debt.
but I'm f2p

No, top 5k.

Show me your amount then, I'm curious.
Give her lightning breath+
Yes to both.

I actually don't like any of them that much, but Lyn is alright.
Anyone but Ike.

Holy shit, what a trainwreck.
Can >she beat Lucina?
Got a +attack -HP adult tiki right.

So let's say I want to put her on my Oppai team with Kagero and sonya. How would you build her?
I have 2 5*s and 3 4*s.
I wonder if it's worth the hassle of building him since I already have a +2 Taco and Lyn is coming.
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>FGO NA nowhere to be seen.
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my waifu.jpg
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why does she remind me of my waifu?
>Ephraim buffs their blades much better
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Can't bandwagon if I've been on the wagon since the start.

Plus, if I choose her, I'm guaranteed to get her and I can avoid rolling colorless. Win-win. I just hope I can get the others.
Which Lucina?
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Blue tome Emperor Gatrie
>Feeding a loli dragon another loli dragon
you sick fuck
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I would like her to be a dragon, at the very least. Not sure about red because I like adult Tiki.
Ideally blue since I'd like Fae or Myrrh on a potential dragon team.
I have 7 orbs. I feel like summoning just one more time on the summer banner before it goes, but I know I should be saving orbs (Even though I can get this number back quickly). What do?
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>FGO losing to Naruto
Please no dragon flier/cav/armor
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really nigga.jpg
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The Pokemon IP is absolutely insane. The fact that they can colossally fuck up such a perfect idea and STILL top the charts making millions of dollars despite having like one worthwhile update is crazy.
Imagine how much money they'd make if they actually made Pokemon go properly and it was a good game.
Red armor mage Arvis
literally all I want
Goku always wins, even if he loses.
>boring fucking mode
>Both arenas suck.
The only fun thing in the game is figuring out how to beat infernal GHB+Squad assault+chain challenges using not cheese units.
You'd be incorrect here desu. Eirika is reasonable enough, Mitama is pretty godly for a minor character, Tine is pretty damn neat, Olwen is damn cool, Lara is pretty based for a minor character, etc.
>android cuck

Don't bully gfoalter, they have it bad enough already
If my Celica is +atk -spd what kind of build should I go for? Raudrblade to one shot homies?
Fury and QR
she's probably going to oneshot people anyway

Ragnarok + Renewal is a pretty great build, but you do you.
Raven with a Raven tome
That all sounds pretty shit.
I'm going to give you another chance to answer my question because I know you are smarter than that anon.
>no pazudora to be seen
>no actual defenses
all I needed to know

You, uh, do understand what his skills do, right?

Any double is doing drastically reduced damage, he's going to be nearly impossible to ORKO, meanwhile any two hits instantly charge Aether, he procs Threaten Def on the next turn, takes one step forward and OHKOs you while healing off all the damage he took with the bait. On top of that, meme buffs don't work on him, and most of the top offensive threats on those teams are blues, so even the mages can't kill him.
Been on it since at least 2008.
Mechanist would be cool if they ever add Kaze. They'd have to do something pretty drastic to pull daggers out of the shitter.
just inject lol
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Armor Nino!
They'll just make him an axe infantry Dread Fighter
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Post cute Roys to trigger the autist!
Save. Summer banner is so shitty now compared to CYL.
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>we beat xv a new empire
feels good
same 34/36 spread as lucina with more def and less hp/res would be my guess
I am such a bad... I have every single limited character thus far..
>Meta defining
hahahaha holy fuck

>someone drew this, thought it was good, and posted it online
horses have enough cancer.
i liked the idea of mechanists in heroes once upon a time, but saving daggers isn't worth it if it means horses get something new.
uh guys
someone made a thread (lol

Im the only one allowed to post niggers
I'm taking Lyn so I can avoid Colorless for a while.
I've never seen anyone with 66 and not be at least semi-decked out, with SI even on their shitter 4*s. I'm almost certain you cannot mkv it to 66 ignoring the starting line up of course to get you those 710+ point range.
There is an absolutely horrible picture of Roy and Eliwood out there that was posted here yesterday.
Why is that monkey riding a horse?
can someone make a non-cancerous thread
>same shitty OP picture twice in a row
Could we not?
>not weeb

It is different look at it

New thread
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What fucking race is the artist even trying to portray. Must they all be this progressive to the point of stupidity and ignorance?
Those are the two most normie Japanese properties in existence

Oh for fuck sake, which one is the right one this time?

Cant you guys make one thread instead of countless?
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nohrian summer and hero fest saw jumps up to 8th. Highest I remember it going was up to 5th last hero fest. Don't remember how it did on release
Sakura the white girl.
Felicia the yellow chick.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?
There's no such thing as a non weeb anime.
factually wrong, you fucking idiot
Keep deluding yourself weeb.
>use the thread made after the bump limit, or the early thread made by the same idiot who keeps forcing his ebin blackface edit as the OP

what a hard choice
I post here as anon 99% of the time, but I'm usually always lurking.
After last VGL it was made clear that y'all didn't want me managing the team anymore due to my incompetence at PES, but I'm still around to make aesthetics for the team if I'm needed.

I posted looking for you last time but I guess we missed each other.
New kits based on FE Heroes would be good.

Anyone is allowed to sign up the general for VGL, whether or not there is a manager. The general can also change the roster without input from the manager too, just let them know if you change things and he doesn't see it(You can go on the wiki and change it without him even, just link to the thread post in the change description)
The most offensive thing in this image is the size of Durandal.
Oh nice, there you are.

Yeah, I'd be glad to do kits again for this year, just depending on the timeframe. I know some people were concerned about having no idea who your replacement was, and I feel like something like roster changes should be done with the general participating with the manager but that's just me.
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Alright, I think the .cia I had was just bad but because it was installing partially I wasn't able to install it in the freeshop until I deleted it compeltley, it's all up now though.

My game even still has my records from when I played the maps years ago funnily enough, it still wanted to charge me for redownloading them though, that's pretty hillarious/sad
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