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Dueling Network General - /dng/

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YGO General #2557
Secret Link Techs Edition
Last Thread >>183591078
● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
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>YGOPro (Linux): https://github.com/cromerc/ygopro
>High Quality YGOPro Images: https://mega.nz/#F!3xRSSZLD!n5HAXjFTVV8g-ha3I_5SsA
>Manual Card Updates (place inside the expansions folder): https://github.com/Ygoproco/Live2017
● Duelingbook is a manual simulator

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/EN_SDSE_Rulebook.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Official /dng/ ruling test: https://testmoz.com/466984
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: http://yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: http://yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:
>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Spirit Warriors (August 11st)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2017 (September 9th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Surge of Divine Radiance (September 23rd)
●OCG: Extreme Force (October 14th)

●TCG: Starter Deck: Link Strike (July 21st)
●TCG: Code of Duelist (August 4th)
●TCG: 2017 Mega-Tins (August 25th)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists (September 8th)
●TCG: Legendary Dragon Decks (October 6th)
●TCG: Circuit Break (October 20th)
>anti-hero that happens to be azombie
is this the /co/ effect?
>ignoring the rest of the archetype
Is this the /a/ effect?
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>muh occult shit
>ignoring the source material.
Is this autism?
>cherrypicking this hard.
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So I've been taking a break since May, and I'm ready to jump back in.

Since Links released, what are the contenders for good decks? I want to buy IRL because I'm about to move to a place that has a FLGS nearby.

Currently, I have a Phantasm Spiral deck.
name on shrek
zoo, true draco, and dinosaurs. no challengers even on the horizon.
Phantasm can steal wins here and there, just study the match-up against meta decks (mainly zoo and true dracos) and you should do decently
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>ignoring raw visual evidence
Is this the contrarian effect?
/lit/ is leaking
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>Those hips and tits on the zombieness
Would ride her tomb
Imagine her handjobs.
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>revenantess could give a handjob to a large dragon dick
I'm running that except 2 doctor (might bump it up) and 2 honest with 2 ties
Honest can be the damage step tipping point in my experience
Neverendorphin + cross dominator + honest hits like a truck
I tried photon lead to summon honest out and proc off column effects, and then returned it to the hand later on but it wasn't as useful in the long run as I had hoped
>I tried photon lead to summon honest out and proc off column effects, and then returned it to the hand later on but it wasn't as useful in the long run as I had hoped
That sounds impractical as fuck, and kinda backfiring too, you are killing you honest surprise factor, unless you can end the game right there not worth imo
Yeah it totally didn't work except once or twice when I needed the 1000 damage attacking directly
Complete wash would not recommend
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What did they mean by this?
I'm trying to catch up to the meta right now.
Is Metaverse a good card? It seems good, but I'm an idiot
Terraforming is going to be better unless you're playing Psyframes or something else that wants to be activated during your opponent's turn.
This needs a censure
One of the greatest card arts in the game.
Is there any banned synchro monster they could replace Goyo with?
Nope, the TCG doesn't have any banned Synchros.
Even if there was one, that would be too much effort for KoA.
>there are no banned ritual monsters
>there are no banned synchro monsters
>there are 2 banned fusion monsters
>there are 5 banned Xyz monsters(and 4 of them are Rank 4)
>there are 3 banned Pendulum monsters

Why are Blue and White cards so lacking in power?
There are two banned Tuners, which should count for White cards, I think.
Fishborg needs to get off the banlist so I can play Fish OTK again. Fuck Formula Monarchs for killing my petdeck.
Shurit is close enough to Ritual tbqh
Also, there are banned/limited tuners as well.
If Konami brought back the banned Djinns. would Rituals shoot to the top?
>banned Djinns
It's literally just releaser and even if she were to come back to 3, rituals would still be dead as ever since OCG hit Nekroz lighter than TCG and never banned releaser but Nekroz still got powercreeped out.

Then came Cyber Angels, BLS and Shinobirds but we all know how those decks turned out.
b-but muh herald petdeck
>m-muh herald of ultimateness

seriously thought that cards annoying
Vendread is shaping up to not totally suck as a Ritual + Synchro combo deck.
They will fuck it up.
This Link Strike starter deck has a ton of good reprints. The structure later this year is amazing too. They really do go all out with these products now and the TCG isn't swapping out the good cards anymore.
Zombies will always be synchro bait.
>not knowing about Zombie deck playstyle
The use the zombie synchro shit to recycle banished mezuki and what not.
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>2010 + 7
>shitters still aren't running a 3 hump lacoda draw engine
Just like psychics, right?
Who can forget the synchro spam from Ritual Beast, Kozmo and Metalfoes?
>dump with burial
>ss with debris dragon
>activate inferno reckless summon
>draw 3
Sounds fun honestly.
Fuck yeah, new cards!
>[Duel Links]
>It's actually old cards
Of course!

Perhaps I should write a script that filters out any entry with the Duel Links tag or something.
>it's not even tagged duel links this time
Fuck. Well it's possible to filter the titles too, but really. I couldn't be any less interested in Duel Links. And any time I am led to believe even if for a moment, that there are actually news for the actual game even though that's not the case at all, I am annoyed.
>Not running this, Machine dupe and the Dupe target to draw 4
Zombies have literally always lended themselves to Synchros very well.
Even if Vendread is the best Ritual deck since Nekroz, it'll still be better by adding Uni-Zombie and it's synchro pals.
Those decks don't even run the same cards as Psychic Synchro did outside of Emergency Teleport.
Zoodiacs are too strong.
This has been the case since RATE my friend.
If it was Level 2, it could be used with Obedience Schooled at least.
>Not having a 2nd one set so you draw 8 in total
Git gud
Do you see this card in my hand?
It means your monster is already dead. There's nothing you can do about it, your monster is sent to the graveyard just by attempting to use this card.
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you sure about that?
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Do you see this monster on the field?

It means you already lost the game and there's nothing you can do about it
Fuck off Kenshiro
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>Circuit Break Links need Links from specific a Type/Attribute as Link Materials

What the fuck, this set is worst than the Assault Mode one.
But look at all the new Dragons!
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Dogoran is better.

>Give Dogoran to your opponent
>activate pic related
>activate Remove Brainwashing after

gg ;)
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Which one you takin down, boy?
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Thanks for the free negates bro
Arc-v made me hate dragons I hope vrains doesn't continue this.
>Hating Dragons
>liking animals that threaten your lively hood
Yeah,fuck dragons.
Vullets so far are a joke of a rival archetype, a real downfall from D/D.

They're going to need a hell of a lot of support to be good as ABC.
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How can one have taste this shitty
What's the one on the right?
Tiger King
It's especially disappointing because D/D/D actually seemed to be getting away from the rival Dragon fetish. Seriously, can't we have a rival who uses Pyros or something?
>oh no scary fictional lizards with wings will to kill you!!
Konami probably just too scared to deviate away from Kaiba as the base of all rivals in YGO series.

If they don't use Machines or Dragons, they may as well not exist where that anime is concerned.
>taking it literal
Nice one captain autismo.
Who is Shark
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not this guy
>not dragons of the sea
>i-i was just pretending to be retarded!
Who's the guy with the 3K ace and the "K" name?
I miss O'brien too
Look at at what I said and what you said. Stop meming you'r showing how retarded really are.
it's not a good idea to call people retards when you type like a retard, retard
Getting back into the game after a year hiatus. Are abc's still viable in the link format?
Wait for Proxy Dragonin the tins and Zoos to die first
need proxy dragon and zoo to be dead first for the tcg
Right a typo makes me a retard you're pathetic.

They're pretty good in OCG because zoo is dead and proxy dragon. zoo will likely die in TCG next banlist and we're getting proxy dragon in the next tin.
reeeee just give me the rest of the weathery cards
Thanks amigos. So I need proxy dragon for it to be decent. Can I still play the deck and have success with it at locals until proxy dragon comes out in August?
you can pick a decode talker, that chicken tuner, ancient fairy and try it out, but it'll be good with proxy and in november with destrudo
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As long as you are ready to get dicked on by this guy yeah.
How much peace do you suck from his dick MPfagot?
I've got an $100 budget.
What deck should I make for link format?
yang zing dino

SPYRAL is super cheap.
>$100 budget
>need 3 diagrams
phantasm sprial with 3x card of demise
you don't meed 3 diagrams to make the deck function. You can run lost world instead. 2nd best deck in the ocg with only 1 diagram.
Have a decklist?
besides nekroz, do we have any searchable/splashable battle stoppers?
PSY-Frames have Beta.
What deck are you trying to put one in?
Jezz, I wonder. Which other cancerous deck had a battle stopper?
>searchable via cloak to save you boot search
I definitively underestimated this card
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yes, all of them
>still no links on percy
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What do you think is a good build for true dracos using the worlds banlist?

I think its probably going to take worlds and i plan on bringing it to my locals worlds celebration day, but i need help building it.
next you'll link me dogu
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dogu is for plebs
True King Dino i feel has more freedom under worlds list.
>Activate during your opponent's battle phase.
>All monsters must attack if able, you choose the attack targets
Why there isn't a single card like this?
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You'll take pic related and you'll like it.
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Get 3 Gofu and abuse it while it's still at 3 in the TCG, get 2 Decode Talker and 2-3 Link Spider. Pic related is what I'm working with until COTD/Mega Tins. After that, focus more on Links, you need 2 Proxy Dragon and 1-2 Firewall (drop Link Spider to 1, he's still useful since Gofu into Link Spider summons a dead draw Garnet.)
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Here's a rough draft for the link version.

Replace Mastar Boy with Double Helix when possible.

If you open Machine Dupe + Quik-Fix, you'll make a board turn 1 with an extra link, 3 co-linked trigate with Proxy, a 2 co-linked firewall, a 2 co-linked Binal Sorc, and Sleeper equipped with Last Resort.
Just came back from shopping at Express. Will people be impressed by how sharp I'm dressed for locals this Wednesday? I'm already fit and have a trendy haircut.
I have a hard time seeing that personally. I'll look into it a bit.

How come ive seen no true draco, domain mash up winning some tournaments?
you'll break the mold but not many will care
Looks good m8. You are missing Seraphinite in that pic but I get the idea you're working with. Will try it out.
Meh, locals will smell still, why is taking a shower so hard?
Kek I always forget Seraph, cut the random Stardust you can't make.
>you'll break the mold
That's good enough for me.
My locals don't usually have this problem but come sneak peek/regional time some people really need to get their hygiene act together.
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Just run patrician of darkness along with the many cards that force attacks
Will do. actually the more I see the decklist you posted the more I like it. Gofu makes an easy decode talker.
>not intimidating the rest of the males with your superior testosterone musk
You will never reproduce senpai
Most hilarious card ever in 3-way duels
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How bad is a Vampire Vendread deck?
what synergy do they have?
I'm sure it'll be bricky as shit
I rather play inzektor digital bug...
are links on percy yet?
The deck is meta, splashing domain when it can easily be destroyed or your opponent straight up doesn't care because he's running a carbon copy of your deck minus domain doesn't do you any favors.

Regardly worlds, links rules are in effect and i think like 3 link cards are legal. it's most likely to be the least extra dependent power decks like some draco variant running around.
neither deck supports generic zombies though. you'd be much better off just splashing in synchro zombie stuff
Vendreads need some guy who can SS himself to the field from hand, so you can still get off a Solitaire/Uni-Zombie play too
If you think Gofu is anywhere useful enough to be hit you're retarded.
>three materials to link summon for the price of 1
>doesn't use up your normal summon
>ocg pre-emptively hit that shit because they knew it
>also still does all the old gofu things like being a tuner
I guess I'm retarded.
Decode Talker is shit, the Gofu > Decode Talker play is even more shit, the fact that you can only summon Gofu if you have no monsters is shit, 5 isn't a great level for a tuner in link format, and nips are retarded too so that's a moot point. Keep in mind they errata'd fucking Goyo Guardian.
Tell us about your problems anon and why you're mad all the time.
Anon I think you're just overly defensive.
Decode Talker is pretty shit but also necessary for the moment until we get better Link Monsters. Worlds is going to be Master Peace & Friends but you can bet your ass he's getting the hammer afterwards and Links will probably fill the power gap.

As far as Gofu itself goes, 5 is pretty ok all things considered since lots of the new monsters made to work with Links have variable levels so 6-8 is pretty fair game. Only being able to summon it with an empty field is usually moot considering duels are decided before that ever matters anyway. The key point is still Link material, of course.

TCG may or may not cull problem cards like Gofu ahead of time like the OCG did, it's hard to tell. I wouldn't call the nips dumb, they actually errata'd Goyo because it was too strong for its level range.
I'm not the same anon, just a third party observing some vented anger.
>Only being able to summon it with an empty field is usually moot considering duels are decided before that ever matters anyway.
The problem is that he's a dead draw. He's good literally only on your first turn, or if you're losing. But if you're losing, he's not good enough to make a comeback. So do you run 3 of a card that you can only use if you use it on turn 1?
This is why Metalfoe decks stopped running it.

Some people read everything on the internet as anger.
>they actually errata'd Goyo because it was too strong for its level range.
Which is ancient autism that they don't even consistently stick to, since a level 4 vanilla wasn't supposed to exceed 1800, then Mechanicalchaser came around with 1850, then Gemini Elf with 1900, and now we have things like Gene-Warped and so on
what's a good budget alternative to card of demise in phantasm spiral?
pot of duality
Pot of duality?
White Elephant's gift?
oh, i'm retarded. thanks
>links/pendulum zone restructure murders my petdeck

Which one specifically?
>tfw wanted Ignkights and Super Quants when they came out but didn't want to spend the money on the one card in each of those decks that was $10 at the time

Dodged a bullet there.
crystal beast metalfoes
Just do Crystal Beast True Dracos.
Oh geez, you can't even play Crystal Beasts anymore, much less mix them with anything else that uses S/T. They definitely got shafted.
pendulums literally cannot function in that deck anymore
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>implying the CB pends were ever useful as scales

gold one is honest
blu one is stratos that adds fucking abundance
literally crying since ive been playing crystal beasts since i was a kid and this is by far the worst nerf, even worse than rescue cat ban.
metalfoes were the scales, the staros gets special summoned
*pend summoned

thats what made it "good"

im, just really pissed about the whole thing
>he didnt play a pure variant with 3 ruby 3 saph 3 topaz 1 of rest and rainbow

weak af
lmao ive mastered every version of CBs that makes any sense. especially pures but i hate rainbow cuckon

currently playing a very decent kaiju variant
you have to run rainbow
embrace your inner fujo
embrace your inner chuuni
even if it's bad
>True Draco is STILL bugged in YGOPRo 2
Can't believe these fuckers.
>spend all game defying all odds and setting up rainbow dragon
>run suboptimal cards to make this faster, still somehow not dead
>just to summon a 4000 body
>is a vanilla monster for some fucking reason the turn it is summoned

im starting to fume here

Who's ready for another shitty pack full of nothing
>not wanting Red-Eyes Spirit monsters
It's the one gimmick they haven't slapped on to them.
I want more blackwings
yeah but
it's worth it
just a single win
the look on their face
your 11k gay dragon

send me a ghost rare rainbow dragon and ill play it

no "sent ;)"
So we don't even know if it will be another GX themed pack yet or not. If the bad sales rumor was true maybe they will make this one a little better than the last one?
>already making a sequel to this shit pack
did it sell that well?
sent (^_−)−
Rolling for Red-Eyes coin flips
Yay, more Red-Eyes, Harpies and Dinos!
Quick, name a random GX archetype no one gives a fuck about that will get support.
Red-Eyes Time Wizard and Red-Eyes Thousand Dragon

When the fuck is Percy going to get links?
Fossils, Vampires, Volcanic, Red-Eyes.
When they're ready
ughu~ thanks babe
when will infernity get next gen support...

in all honesty, what archetypes never got legacy support? even infernity got the shitty manga(?) cards and eventually bishop but stuff like hidden arsenal crap has never ever gotten shit.
Dark Scorpions
Wow, it's actually a 100% relevant answer for once.
>Red-Eyes Time Wizard

Once per turn: You can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, send all monsters your opponent controls to the graveyard. If you call it wrong, banish as many monsters you control as possible face-down, and if you do, take damage equal to the total ATK those destroyed monsters had on the field.
You cannot Normal or Special Summon other monsters the turn you activate this effect.
Yay! Red-Eyes Spell Counters!

Alchemy Beasts
Red-Eyes the Black Lightning Dragon
A full Neos archtetype with a retrain and that don't suck could be great, fuck Neo Spacians.
>He's good literally only on your first turn
>he's not good enough to make a comeback.
>So do you run 3 of a card that you can only use if you use it on turn 1?
Tell that to Solemn and Dimensional Barrier.
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Did somebody say coin-flips?
How do we kill Master Piss
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By banning it and limiting Diagram.
Does Diagram really need to be limited if MP is banned?
It enables TK Dinos too much, who would just fill in the void left by Zoo/TD.
Destroying from hand is a mistake
You can blame fire kings for that nonsense
>decode talker is shit
And... There goes your little credibility, enjoy being a at the bottlm tables, I heard yosenju are quite popular there, gotta side those poisonous winds, right?... Shitter
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>Links saved the game
>ignoring flip red-eyes
Smh desu senpai
If they print shitty cards, that means we won't have tier 0 formats, therefore it saves the game
fuck off befag
Reminder Yugioh almost died during he Gx era and Kaz had to emergency make Synchros.
But nips liked GX though.
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And it was glorious
Not this shit again.
Sigh... Are we really doing this again?
They liked the anime, however card sales were at their worst at the time. If the awful sets lately continue, it may even beat Gx
>tcg dimensional guardians
Never forget
Calling it right now, it'll have the Gouki Link-2.
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That wasn't me but good to know that everytime someone writes a somewhat detailed post, it's always me.
Isnt it past your bedtime?
No you cant handle the bantz so you end up reporting everyone who shuts you down because you have no arguments. All you do is spend 16 hours a day on dng false flagging to keep the thread alive. Then when people call you out on your bullshit especially waifu faggotry you start reporting people.

>le smug anime face.gril
You are so fucking pathetic. Furshit tranny.

I still want my money by the way, you challenged me with paypal and I swept you. Little cowardly freak.

fuck off you tranny orbiter.
Garbage. TCG gets better boxes than the OCG.
>how to identify a 12 yo
fiancheetos and/or Tyler pls
>you challenged me with paypal and i swept you
First of all, why are you so mad?
Second of all, i don't even know how are you and i don't remember doing a moneymatch with anyone on yugioh, let alone /dng/. So post proofs of your claim otherwise you're a bullshitter.
And people wonder why the good tripfags left...
You seem to be mad anon, you do realize you're screaming autistically at someone on a Korean shadow puppetry forum, over a children's card game? Don't you have better things to spend your time doing?
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>67 days until October

In one hand the wait is killing me, but on the other is fun to have something to look forward.
Like sleeping
>1 "cyber" fusion monster + 1 "cyber" xyz monster
Just kill me familia
>and i hit you up in discord pm
I have discord up and i don't see any PM's, i don't even have friends on discord rofl.
>playing zoo
Gee, you must be the popular kid at locals, eh?
>rambling autistic screech
I hate summer so much
I don't have an alt discord, why would i even use one?
Summer doesn't even matter, we get edgy faggots like this all the time, they just come and go. It's what happens when you exist on this website.
Anon... Who hurt you? Are you ok? You seriously look like you need help
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What's this meme? It is obviously going to be a Cyber End Dragon retrain that needs 2 "Cyber Dragon monsters [archetype]" with built in protection.

At least that's what I want to believe until I see it ;_;
Ok Fian it's time to stop.
You know /dlg/ is a thing
>Iron Core said he would not return to the discord due to bullying
>came back to get bullied
Are all real life yugioh players this cuckistic?
>talking about Discord shit in thread
Are Discord shitters really this desperate for (You)s?
If it isnt bettee than rampage dragon im selling my cydra core, im not asking for something meta defining, i know cydras are a petdeck and only something retardedly broken would do anything, im just asking for something that qould improve the best the deck can do so far
You fag are still giving a shit about what a bunch of autist ramble about a children card game?
>fat pigs
Yeah broh, that language is so mature, should be careful with your edges, dont wanna get cut
>look back in from nerofest
>links still aren't on percy
>some guy being autistic over soundwave
>tripfags coming back out of the hole they crawled into
fucking hell
As someone who has been playing the deck since the structure came out I think the deck needs another level 5 Cyber Dragon that SS itself to the board OR another searcher card to improve consistency. Since we are getting none of that and it is a fusion instead then I hope it has some kind of built in protection against spells/traps since they are your main issue when you Power Bond something.
And not even the good tripfags, the autistic ones
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You'll get your Links™ when you get them :^)
You are the reason this place is shit. Fuck off back to discord vorcia .
I would settle with "your opponent cannot activate cards in tesponse to this monster fusion summon"
How are you supposed to do that when that Poly can summon shit like Pair Cycroid instead?
Come on guys, we know it, the dark magician fusion and the Odd eyes pendulum are going to be crap, just pray your cyber end isn't Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon tier awful. I have absolutely no faith in the next pack either, Vrains is boring as hell and the archetypes it's brought in aren't even interesting to look at or have interesting gimmicks, Cyberse seem to be a bunch of random shit whose only common trait is the type they share.
Are you implying the poor sales meme is true?
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Nah mate, if you want your cyber dragon support to support the strategy of powerbonding into CyEnd and swing for game with absolutely no drawbacks, armades givers. Level 5 cyberdragon retrain, its basically like the old one except you can special summoned even if you have monsters on board or your opponent has nothing and if its used as fusion or xyz material, battle phase long armades.
Maybe toying with the material wording, like "2 "cyber" monsters with different name"
*cyberse intensifies*
>Cyberse seem to be a bunch of random shit whose only common trait is the type they share.
Isn't this always the case for the anime protag stuff?
So you reveal what you gonna fusion summon on activation, and boom. SS4?

You do know that you reveal and send the material on resolution, don't you?
Exactly, now with Links on the way a 4000atk (8000atk with PB) mechanic dragon dick that can't be touched with spells/traps or/and has armades eff is the way to go, and although it won't fix the consistency issues with the deck it would at least give it a new win condition that can be hard to play around if you don't see it coming.
you cocky piece of shit, you think you can just admit that and get away with it ?its a good thing i know a janitor irl, youre done for discordshitter
If royal oppresion can negate macro cosmo even if you dont run helios then I dont think konami gives a shit anymore, but yeah that ruling qould be weird, then again the game is so deep into the SS3 hell that you must have 2-3 follow-up plays so your deck can be considered rogue at the very least
anyone got a god bes deck?
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No decks are good right now you fucking retard
>god bes deck
Doubt that exists senpai

Anyway I dont play the deck anymore but you either play it pure with 3 of most of the ships plus 3 Zelos,3 Boss Rush and 3 Terras and fill the rest with traps or you can mix the fucks with Invoked and Wind Witches for some easy memes.
>god bes
sounds like a terrible idea
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>If royal oppresion can negate macro cosmo even if you dont run helios then I dont think konami gives a shit anymore
That makes sense because your opponent wouldn't know that you really don't run Helios on activation.

>that ruling qould be weird
More like impossible.

>the game is so deep into the SS3 hell that you must have 2-3 follow-up plays so your deck can be considered rogue at the very least
But the only SS3 people use is Solemn.
the chart says otherwise
masta piss says otherwise
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Nice to know poor sales isn't stopping us from getting more fun legacy support, even if it ends up shitty.
I've played cyber dragons for a while, if cydra's ever get some armades giver like kaleido chick, the last thing you have to worry about is dimensional barrier because this shit will kill you unless you bait the opponent into declaring xyz cuz "wah infinity so broken"
Dna surgery declare machine, dupe, then boom
Calling it right now.

Cover card of Legendary Duelist 2 will be "Red-Eyes Cyber Dragon".
Oh hey you too? I'm almost done farming the infinity gears, and cleared all the first round stages

>tfw only 3 nightless rose in shop

True Dracos feat. Engines are apparently good
Funny because Barrier rarely bothers me overall, even Strike is not that fearful to me as it was before. Now some overlooked traps like Lost Wind and B. Skill? I fear them, I really, really do.
Nah, I wanna predict it will be for different characters/archetypes.
Card sells have taken a dip but not enough to be worrysome,yet. If they start going down to GX levels then something's wrong.
I guess, but with Cyberse I'm feeling Yugi and Yuma level of randomness, at least Yusei,Judai and Yuya had a solid base for their cards, Synchro summon spam, Hero toolbox and Attack/Defense hijinks.
Who cares about these when the packs are usually 3 or 5 new cards and the rest shitty reprints of shit tht is out in spades? Call me when we get another Collection Pack, at least there's 50 to 40 slots of new shit there.
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also post favorite decks
I like trains
Geargia w/ RUM.
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tzolkin/infinity turbo
evol its past your bedtime
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Bamboo Tails are some lucksacky bullshit but holy shit when it goes off it goes off really hard, and the new bamboo sword just enabled a whole new level of bullshit, i hope burning bamboosword makes RML get banned like he should've been.
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12 maxx c.webm
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member manticore loop?
i member
Post list, this looks fun af
anyone have the firewall edit with the shekel paywall? i need to edit it
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I member aight
scroll up a bit
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Just pointing out that this is outdated, i replaced a foolish guds, silent burning and sleeper with three burning bamboo sword.
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Favorite would be Spyrals but everyone knows how to play those so ill post my Red-Eyes deck ive been tweaking for a while now
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>different font in last row
>Who cares about these when the packs are usually 3 or 5 new cards and the rest shitty reprints of shit tht is out in spades? Call me when we get another Collection Pack, at least there's 50 to 40 slots of new shit there.
Last one was 24 new cards, with 4 per archetype for Jonouchi, Kajiki, Ryo, Sho, Misawa, and the Tyler sis-I mean, "Mai"
Anyone has a decent timelord decks?
>20 hours later
>100/330 post deleted
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Very much outdated
Pls no more narooposting
fuck off literal underage
That's not Narue you fucking retard

Yes I do :^)
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Pls post decklist.
well she's cute, I will gladly take my Kozmo Lightsword and Rush Recklessly into her during the damage step
go back to your shitcord already
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One sec gonna log on computer

Seems fun, I'll have to make a build sometime since I'm already getting my Swords and shit for Grinder.dek. Thanks man.
>different chart
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No problem, i'll give you a fair warning though, the deck bricks super hard and if you pay attention to the side deck, the deck dies extremely easy to master peace turbo
Everything that isn't another meta deck dies easily to MP turbo.
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>When all decent discussion is swamped by a dozen tripfaggots who won't keep circlejerking each other confined to their discord
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Is it tripfag hour?
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>decent discussion
muh 2015
muh discord
Blame Iron Core for inviting the few non tripfags this thread had into it and forcing the circlejerk back out.
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It's 3 PM here
This can't be real.
Nigga they come on their own once every week or 2, the fuck do you think I did? Think I actually give a shit enough to tell autists to spam?
What's that one spell that can summon a banished monster if you have no card in your grave?
Jeez, they're running out of anime characters for DM, all I can think of who hsn't had any real live yet is Espa Roba, Paradox Brothers and Yami Bakura, GX at least still has Asuka, who despite being from a fusion show and dimension doesn't have a fusion monster besides blade skater, they should give her at least 3 or 4 of them that work with her 5 Rituals
Where is cute girl, I heard she's this big dog in town
Is that /dng/ discord?
Im grateful you gave me an invite to the server but that was before I found out you were an insufferible SJW
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>me an insufferable SJW
People still run MST, r-right?
if you dont feel like paying a cheap cost then surrre
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Gotta keep the ship afloat somehow.
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Just get Cosmic Cyclone when the Link Structure Deck comes out.
Wow joey......
>Espa Roba,
Jinzo support has happened in the past, and I don't just mean the stuff from GX

>Yami Bakura
Dark Sanctuary and Dianound Kernel happened.

>Paradox Brothers
Fair enough.

But Haga and Ryuzaki never really got anything. Keith could also benefit.

As for GX characters, theres a lot they could do. Asuka, as you mentioned, but also Manjoume, Johan, Amon, O'Biren, and Saiou as far as established decks go. I don't expect Judai or Edo, and Kenzan and Cronos got whole SDs.

And this is assuming that they don't go into 5D's
>joey is this retarded
wow i actually never saw this coming
What are your views on LGBT rights Iron Core?
>And this is assuming that they don't go into 5D's
They won't Konami hates synchros and there's really nothing left to do for Yusei but to give him a WATER synchron warrior monster, his deck relies on synchro spam, draw and search and even then, he's fucked out of using his accel synchros and level 12 synchros by the new rulings, it's a nothingburger for him.
>invalid or expired already
if you mean to tell me that I actually am banned for not doing shit then wtf fagmo
Could always give him a "Stardust Synchron" to help make Stardust Dragon, or support his Junk stuff with a Synchro monster.

But I actually think that the Legend Duelist packs will avoid touching main characters and go for others. No Yugi in the first pack, after all.
Can you post the full image?
Kys retard, nobody likes you and you'll die a lonely autist

>they don't recognize uthor
>link to a Discord for discussion of in-thread stuff deleted
>meanwhile the autistic /pol/-tier shitposting isn't
>all while people posting YGO-related images of YGO girls is deleted
thank god for janitors
Im not zet or whoever fuck you tripfags trying to keep your shitcord safe from the janitors, ill report it to the admin himself and then the discord people will delete you server
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Give me support
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Guess I'll put up the wet floor sign to make sure nobody slips while jani does his thing!
Report it for what, being better at card games than some pathetic turbovirgin on a Mongolian cartoon forum?
Yeah, they never use the protagonists for these things, they get structure decks or special sets, the only 5D's character for this would be Jack and he's really had more than enough love thanks to Arc-V giving him a real deck to play and Crow, whose still missing about 3 or 4 synchro assault blackwings, no one cares about Aki's deck or Rua or Rua's and Kiryu's is dead in the water no matter what because handless combos are too slow and risky, they should just focus on DM and GX and Arc-V, those are the series with the most marketable archetypes in the game, Zexal shit the bed with their archetypes
Ummmm aren't you guys be a little hard of the janitor?
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To get this place back on topic, why do people shit on Iron Core?
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Because I react to it too often, thus validating their shitposting. I'm working on that tho.
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You can't even activates it.
What a shit card.
What kind of retard brings chain burn to a fucking large Yugioh event?
Someone who doesn't give a fuck, and doesn't want to bother buying Zoo.
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iron core pends.png
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shut up ironfag
>I literally enjoy losing and not taking a chance to win any credibility in this game
It have a good chance to win since absolutely no one side for burn, shut up.
>momentarily forget Metalfoes are Psychic
>screenshot is reposted forever
Why the fuck would I subject myself to actually playing that meta, it was horribly boring, I didn't enjoy any of the decks there, and it would have required me to fucking spend money on a deck I didn't enjoy. The next time there's a meta deck that's fun, I'll buy it. I'm rebuilding ABCs to try that again since it looks to be viable again and I enjoy it.
>Credibility in YGO
You say "No one cares about X" but that logic falls apart when Misawa and fucking Kajiki got support in the first one.
If they want to support Aki, Rua, Ruka, Carly, Team Ragnarok, Aporia, Z-ONE, Sherry, Bruno, etc, they can and will.
So you didn't spend money to bring chain burn? Does that mean you sucked dick for free cards? Im sure you couldve sucked dick for zoo too if you are gay enough
duel me iron cuck
hosting on percy
this is just embarassing
No I borrowed the Demise and Desires from a friend who wasn't using them. The rest was cheap as shit or I already had it.
Good point.
Then why didn't he win?

Maybe he's just not good at card games?

Really enlargens the penids
>playing a format that literally doesn't exist anymore
Oh, you're talking about Iron Core?
My bad.
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>using @
>being this much of a discordfag
>being this much of a newfag
wew lad
>he borrows yugioh cards
I bet you borrow dildos too, you literal cuck.
>borrowing dildos
Only from your mom.
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>I borrow Yugioh cards
How he fuck do you even use it, aren't you a fucking guy?
>not having a close group of IRL friends who you trust enough to lend cards to, and let you borrow cards, so you don't all have to buy random expensive shit to try new decks
Must suck being a beta who can't make friends.
Who wants Iron Core's facebook?
Sick of this fucker derailing threads.
By using it on your mother?
>actually posting my shit here
>when it's a bunch of retards from the Discord who come here and derail shit
Blame Atmos, Dia, Evol, Toki, etc
Also it's fucking 3 AM who cares?
>he doesn't make enough money to not be forced to put his friends through any troubles by affording what needs to be bought
Do you even have a job you stupid millenial?

How old are you?
>can't even use his own dick
Technically he's a NEET. He got fired from his last job and lost his sholarship from college.
>through any troubles
It's not like we fucking beg each other to use cards when more than one of us needs it, we don't lend shit if we need it as well. Also, why the fuck would you blow money on cards you don't have to even if you have the money? That's just poor money management.
If I get 4 (Yous) I will give out the last name to our favorite trip fag!
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iron core.gif
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Are you sure about this?
Do it faggot.
I'll report your post. I am on the IRC with a mod right now and can get you permabanned for doxxing. This isn't funny anymore.
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i found ironcore
I will stop if you finally leave this thread and stop avatarfagging. If you don't agree or post some half ass reply of "im not avatarring" I will consider it a refusal and go ahead and give out the final name . I have had enough of you shitting up the thread along with everyone in that awful server and you even have the nerve to complain about them when YOU are also apart of it . Stop ruining the thread .
Why are you this mad at a random autistic faggot on 4chan?
Because this isn't a random autistic faggot . I've met the faggot once at regionals and he is two faced as hell .
What fucking Regional did you fucking meet me at?
Are you going to ignore my post ? I am giving you literally one more post to stop and leave this thread .
>being this much of an autist
Hey man, not him but I think its time to give it a rest, the thread has slowed down and nothing else is happening, no need to stress another guy
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found him...
>all black people
Well that explains the furry gif.
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real Cloud hours who up
Whose dick do I have to suck to get Konami to free Nephilim
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Any idea how to make a good Maha Vailo deck
Get a load of this faggot
>doxxing in 2017
ok iron cuck duel me on chinkpro if it doesnt work again its your win
Which password?
the usual
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This guy is better for going for that juicy OTK
Aside from using a bunch of equip cards you could search up some draw engines.
Here's a guide from the wiki:
Sick art. I wish there was more like this guy instead of fagass eeebshit like zoodiac
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If I use Double Attack on Benkei with no equip, attack twice, and then use PK Sword on Benkei, can I attack once more with Benkei?
PK Sword isn't an Equip Card.
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Change it into Blast with Chain then.

Double Attack on Benkei, attack twice, then equip it with Blast Chain.
I think it can still only attack twice. It specifically states attacking twice rather than just an additional attack. You're better off with high ATK boosting cards.
Benkei effect gives additional attack rather than attacking twice though.
gg iron core
Yes, but double attack states that the monster can attack twice that turn. So, Benkei's second attack gained from him having 1 equip card equipped to him, does not STACK with double attack's second attack.
GG dude, sorry for just Herald neg ;3-ing, I wanted to do the Cyber Angel Link Spam shit but I never fucking drew MARA. I only added Herald as the backup plan lol.
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>Activate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack. It must battle 1 "Crystal Beast" monster in your hand instead. (That monster is treated as being in face-up Attack Position.) Damage calculation is applied normally.
>Double Attack on Benkei
>attack twice
>equip 2 Blast Chain to Benkei
>can't attack anymore because Benkei already used Double Attack's attack, even though Benkei should be able to attack thrice that turn with 2 equip
Is that really how it works?
>battle with a monster in your hand
That's a new one.
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I think he has 3 attacks in your scenario. 1 attack by default, ofc, plus 2 additional attacks that result from him having 2 equip cards on him.
basically, Benkei's first additional attack gained from his first equip card, is his second attack, so it doesn't stack with a second attack gained from double attack.

It's kind of like how resolving multiple reckless greeds doesn't make you skip your next 4 or 6 draw phases; you still only skip your next two.
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That's a misleading wording then.
It should be something like
>This card can attack a number of times each Battle Phase, up to the number of Equip Card equipped to this card +1.
Or something.
Just like Frightfur Wolf.

But I guess that's an old card for you.
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Konami better errata that shiiet

Imagine if BenKei was earth, could summon him with Invoker.
had 6 way duels with this on board. Great way to make enemies.
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>Attacks your dark attribute monster

what do?
Rush recklessly.
I keep seeing Magician decks creep up in the OCG, are they still playable?
meant for >>183774513
Worst gimmick to make a deck around?
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Dice roll.dek?
They occasionally top but usually it's 6-12 man locals. They'll probably do better TCGside since we have a better banlist then them.
Bujins or Brotherhood of Fire Fists?
They probably won't get an exclusive but It's guaranteed that Konami will release a WIND Paywall.
Level modulating wind machines with subpar stats and effects that don't kick in til they hit level 7
t. /dng/ scrubs
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Could loosely be interpreted as speedroids if you didn't know about FA
t. Tewart
Holy shit, did you worship Tewart that much that the only one allowed to call someone a scrub is Tewart himself?
SR effect still don't kick in until they hit level 8 though.
What the fuck are you talking about you autistic imbecile? You're humiliating yourself
Also Mecha Phantom Beasts.
X400 would have been a bit much but x300 seems so weak.
Hmm. Is level modulation WIND's tertiary color trick? Spinning/Bouncing and Popping Backrow are the primary and secondary tricks
I don't think you can really generalize the attributes like that. It isn't Magic.
There are [very] loose themes.
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Sure you can. Fire burns, dark is heavily grave focused, water swarms, light controls, earth is well rounded. I'm sure there are others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
earth is monster spam when it's paired with beast-types Light is control when paired with fairy. Dark and Light share banishing,Water focuses on board wipes and hand destruction. Fire is burn wind is bounching
Nah, fire control, earth stun and revival, water hand control, light banish focused, and dark is well rounded
Dark is heavily Grave and Banish focused
Nah, dark don't have many things that interact with banished card.
And everything is grave focused these days.
Dark has a lot of monsters that can't be destroyed by battle. The most of all the attributes actually.
Doomsday Horror
Eater of Millions
D.D. Scout Plane
D.D. Survivor
Necroface, Scout Plane, Caius, chaos as a concept, etc.
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what the fuck is konami doing?
saving the game
Twilightsworn is just complimentary to the Lightsworn, a LIGHT archetype.
Scout Plane and Survivor is just self-reviving card. And it's their "archetype" style, they're just coincidentally a DARK.
Doomsday and Necroface is just outlier.
Eater of Million, Caius, Eidos, and chaos as a concept didn't interact with banished card.
and they're all DARK that interact with banish cards
Show me in what ways, Light cards "interact with banished cards" to justify your claim then.
>pay 5000 lp draw 2 cards
would you run it?
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what did you mean by this, also delet urself
>people treating fucking attributes as archetypes
Light and dark both do. That's the whole concept behind chaos.
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>there will never be a DT anime
>starring best girl
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It's made for me, like pic related
As it should have been.

Attributes and Types having no relevance beyond providing access to certain support cardpools was a mistake
Desires is better unless you're playing a deck with LP gain, in which case there's already a card like that.
Hmm, I guess you're kinda right. That said though, Dark cards have a HIGH focus on banishing cards. Light cards might be able to bring them back but that alone should give them the title of Banish Color. Light and Dark both share that design space.As someone pointed out earlier, that's what Chaos is all about. Dark banishes shit and Light can bring it back.
Eh, chaos just used the grave as fodder and sending card to the dark realm.
They didn't do anything to the cards they used as fodder/send to the dark realm.

would've been a disaster without a set rotation, the power creep would be even worse than it is today.
No, that's wrong. Chaos Trap hole, Chaos Sorcerer, Magician of Black Chaos, CeD, Chaos Greed, etc
Chaos is Light + Dark and has to do with banishing. I thought this was common knowledge.
>there are people who want percy to update to links
Legit fuck yourselves for literally wanting to kill the game here. Master Rule 4 is a mistake that is going to cause Yugioh to fucking die. Have the last 3 sets in Japan not selling showed you that already?
Has the emergency import of TCG world premiers in an OCG set not show you that?
Has the anime's animation being shit despite the movie already being done with not show you that?
Has the fact Japanese people are fleeing to play on Percy not fucking show you that?
Have you not even been on 2ch to see all the complaints they still make?
Set rotation would have skyrocketed prices for new sets fuck that.
you forgot the FTK decks that would run this at 1 or 2

not really, mtg standard is a lot cheaper than yugioh.
>links are killing the game waah

why would you type all that for shitposting
just stop playing bro
>there are people who want to play the game in its newest form and stop living in the past
Who'd've thought?
I'm hoping for some good generic link monsters I can use for Ritbeast and subterror, I don't wanna give up my two petdecks for link format

missus radiant looks good for subterror so far i guess
Anon, you noticed that everything you listed is just a card that send something to the dark realm, right?
Just banishing shit isn't enough, they need to do something to shit they banished.
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t. shitter
I don't that's only because of set rotation.I'm pretty sure WoTC isn't scummy like konami with rarities.
>for Ritbeast and subterror
>Have the last 3 sets in Japan not selling showed you that already?
almost no cards worth playing competitively in them, save for maybe trickstars. compared to what's currently available and topping the game (still zoo and master piss), they're just not viable yet. zexal's early sets were also shit, and look where we are now, just give it a while and let the next banlist hit

>Has the emergency import of TCG world premiers in an OCG set not show you that?
which premiers would those be, not a joke question

>Has the anime's animation being shit despite the movie already being done with not show you that?
yeah, the anime's animation is pretty 'eh' in some points, but that's been a regular thing in yugioh for a while now. it's not like they really need super high quality to appeal to the kind of crowd who'd play duel links

>Has the fact Japanese people are fleeing to play on Percy not fucking show you that?
it's almost like there are people in all regions for almost any game in existence who are stuck in the past and prefer the old format, and want to avoid change for as long as possible

>Have you not even been on 2ch to see all the complaints they still make?
a vocal minority, just like everything else on the chans

If that was true then modern would be cheaper than yugioh, but it's much more expensive.
>zexal's early sets were also shit
wind-up and tgu?
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>List of DM archetypes most likely to get support

If it's more Red-eyes support, then congrats Konami, you bloated a monster above Dark Magician.
>Just banishing shit isn't enough, they need to do something to shit they banished.
Dark is opponent Banish and gain an advantage by banishing shit, Light is self banish and retrieval
Can I get Haga's deck please?
Gimme some insect support, konami.
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heyhey anon
subterror is getting a link monster
That's not enough, anon.
That's like saying Fire is grave-focused because they destroy cards in the field to gain advantage.
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>Endymion rework WHEN???
Subterrors and Links really don't work together. The whole idea is retarded.
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For those of you complaining about bad sets, please stop it.

Just be grateful that these decks are still playable and not on the tier of GX era decks.
well yes but support is being given so buy cards goyim

>zexal's early sets were also shit

Laggia and rabbit were introduced in zexal's second set. Inzektors and wind-ups would have everything they needed by the third set.
>everything you listed is just a card that send something to the dark realm
What the fuck are you talking about, you retard?
Should've made her able to sac herself to flip-down a monster or something, then ss itself on ep.
Just like Stardust.

But noo, she MUST stay on EM and screwed up the whole behemoth self-ss gimmick.
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Come now duelists,
Now's not the time to fear Link monsters.
That comes later.
tgu was extreme victory, which was the final 5ds set, not a zexal set
wind-up and inzektors were good and competitive, yes, but you could say star grails and trickstar have the same bullshit potential as they did and just can't show it off due to the massive power gap that still exists in the meta
like i said, i'd give it until the next banlist and maybe the third set (since we're only on the second) before i'd count anything out
does anyone have a picture comparing the old field to the new duel links field?
Different Dimension.
Dark Dimension.
Outer space.
Inside a stone.
The place you go after your soul is destroyed without any trace.
Just outside the battle zone.

Many names, but banished zone ain't one.
Good god the new fairy cards make for such a boring deck.
That's too be expected when the goal of the deck is to stop your opponent from playing by spamming as many Counter Traps as possible.
Oh boy I am getting strong vibes of "trying way too hard to appear smart" from your shit.
Kill yourself at the first possible opportunity.
KoJ literally didn't even look at what Subterrors did.
>Subterrors are flip monsters, right?
>Make it summon a flip monster from deck.
>We're geniuses.
it doesn't even do that though. It only summons them from the hand, and searches from deck/ grave when something it points to is flipped up.
Cards that support Machine monster coin flip effects when? There's enough to give it 1-2 more level 4 or lower monsters and some S/T that search and rig flips. Like maybe a Rota that you can banish in the grave to switch a flip result.
Oh please.
Everyone misunderstand shit sometimes, don't be too hard on yourself, anon.
Have you heard of the Dark Counterparts?
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We don't talk about the old field.
You're the one who doesn't understand, dingdong. We were talking about the game mechanics and playstyles of the attributes, not the lore implications of different game mechanics.
Jesus Christ. Can't wait to see what baffling way you miss the point after this post.
Oh please.
You're the one missing the point by confusing what appears to be a jest then derailing the discussion just because you're too embarrassed to admit you're wrong.
When will we get the next token based archetype? With Links the mechanic can finally shine.
A deck focused on a single card?
Do they do shit to the fodder they banished?
So you're literally going with "it was just a prank"?

>you're too embarrassed to admit you're wrong.
Oh please.
It's just a flavor. It's not like everything must be in a serious technical term that allows no variation.

The Dark Realm.
That doesn't matter.
And Fire is grave focused because they destroy shit on field.
DM and GX will always get priority over the other series. If this product is still tied to Duel Links then don't except anything past GX.
It really won't work because Konami is trying to shorten card text. I would love for "banish" to be replaced with The Different Dimension but that would clutter like fuck.
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>It's just a flavor.
What is just a flavor?
> It's not like everything must be in a serious technical term that allows no variation
w h a t a r e y o u t a l k i n g a b o u t
>The Dark Realm.
You are the only one who has said anything about this "Dark Realm" nonsense, and as far as I can tell, you have pulled this term straight out of your ass.
Perhaps this Dark Realm is, in fact, his ass?
That doesn't apply in discussion, anon.

>What is just a flavor?
>w h a t a r e y o u t a l k i n g a b o u t
The Dark Realm.
>You are the only one who has said anything about this "Dark Realm" nonsense, and as far as I can tell, you have pulled this term straight out of your ass.
Exactly, anon.
It's a made-up term used just because I'm feeling playful.
The other anon quickly understand what I'm talking about, but I guess that's too hard for someone with autism.
>The Dark Realm.
Oh, right, that thing that exists and everyone knows about.

>It's a made-up term used just because I'm feeling playful.
How are you even real.

>The other anon quickly understand what I'm talking about
Oh, you're a third worlder, no wonder.
Oh please.
Everyone misunderstand shit sometimes, don't be too hard on yourself, anon.
>It's a made-up term used just because I'm feeling playful.
Oh, you're gay, this is why you are acting so retarded.
Rate my CaC:

Exiled Sphincter
Level 12
3050 Attack
50 Defense
Can only be special summoned banishing all cards in your opponent's grave yard.
When this card is attacked, target one monster in your Dark Realm; shuffle your deck.
But I'm a grandma, anon.
You're really attached to this "oh please" phrase, Mexican retard.
Exiled Ghost and Beautiful Winter
Level 3
If your opponent has more total cards in their hand and their side of the field than you do: Banish 2 cards from your Field and/or Graveyard (any combination of Continuous Spell Cards or Field Spell Cards), then target up to 2 monsters in your Graveyard with different names; Shuffle your deck.
It kinda applies. I prefer The Dark Dimension and you prefer The Dark Realm. Banishing in Yugioh lore seems to always result the monster being transplanted someplace else. That some place else seems to be known as The Different Dimension.
Oh please.
It's just me being playful because this whole discussion is pointless.
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>implying grandmas can't be gay
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>Oh please.
>It's just me being playful because this whole discussion is pointless.
No, I mean, Konami wanting to shorten the card text have no power on what term we use in a discussion.
Exactly the image I'm aiming for.
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Stop shitposting
What's that image supposed to be?
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aw shit man
wish i was this smart

and no one is going to buy USUM
Gotcha, your term still sucks though.
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>go neg 3 to make an non-floating dewlorean/brio that only opens 2 extra monster zones (after you make another link pointing down)
>use gofu+effect monster to link climb instead.
>have to waste 4 extra deck slots to make 1 link 4.
When will Konami realize the folly of their resource heavy card type and just start printing instant fusion for Links or floating Links?
No one will pick up links if they don't address their flaws listed above.
So you don't play this game, do you?
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I wish konami would print more Link with Encode Talker's marker.
I'm bored, suggest a new deck to play.
Neo Spacian Heroes
Suggest a deck that won't make me want to kill myself.
Reversal Quiz OTK
Neo Spacian Heroes
Airblade otk
digital bugs
Fairytail Kaijus
Brilliant Kyoutou Stargrail Venus
Just include a format for classic style and you can have it both ways
This really is the perfect time to start supporting alternate formats. It's like Past (Goats), Present (Up to Pendulum) and Future (Links). It's like 3 snapshots of the game.
why are people so obsessed with goats? it's objective shit.
amorphages without demise
It's a snapshot of that era. Honestly, I would prefer Teledad. That was a good speed for the game. Although dropping 3 DADs was cancerous as fuck.
but muh slow-paced skillful format
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Isn't it funny that the Link monster with effect that really helps you on link climbing is a fucking Link-4?

It's like if AFD and Accel Synchron needs tuner synchro and non-tuner synchro to summon it.
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ITT we try to guess our main decks based on our respective side decks and then shittalk it
the hidden card is archetype specific
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(TCG Exclusive)
Sweet Fragrance & Sunny Summyrrh
0/1800 Wind/Plant/Tuner/
During your opponent's turn (Quick Effect):Tribute this card from your hand or field; for the rest of the turn you can only activate 1 monster effect for the rest of the turn, also add 1 tuner with 0/1800 from your deck to your hand.

2 billion years on Note 4 drawing app.
It's an ironic contrarian meme. No, I'm not kidding or shitposting. When someone asks you what you favorite format was, you were supposed to say goats as a joke and everyone laughs, but some people decided to take it too far.
>light imprisoning mirror
goddess of suicide by hanging
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>no challengers

Kek enjoy
why would you side crow and light mirror anyway
Tell me your awkward moments in locals.
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muh allure synergy, counters many tier 2, ABC

>Light Mirror
Lightsworns, ABC, stuff like that
played against a guy that tried to tribute my monster with his decode talker
I was tired once and i attacked into a 2900 DEF monster with Ixtab while there was like 8 people watching

>a challenger
Because you can't use extra deck monsters without having links pointing to them?
I mean subterror don't even need ED but rit beast does
what, system down and ogre isn't good enough for abc?
and you side nothing against dino or td?
you do know emz exist, right?
>Dueling against someone with literal downs syndrome
>Fucking $20 entry fee and we're playing for boxes so I had no intention of throwing a match to make this downs kid feel good
>Time gets called because he takes a half hour for each of his turns, he's not even playing a combo deck just some weird Jester Confit Monarch garbage
>It's 1-1 because I bricked so judge says it'll be me, him, me after he finishes his turn
>He passes, it's my turn and I set some stuff up so I can take the win next turn
>After he finishes his turn, the judge calls it
>"yeah bro it was him, you, him and he has more LP so I guess he wins tough luck"
>call the judge out on it, ask the people around me about it, none of the regulars say anything
>At the end of the night the judge and the downs kid get in the same car to go home
Never went back to that store
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I have a question about link monsters, if it has an UP arrow that points to my opponents field, does that mean he can summon an extra deck monster there right away using my link marker?
I genuinely don't know what emz means, I only just started looking into links

>not complaining to someone about it

That kind of shit is fucked when you pay that much for an entry fee.
i main deck ogre, i dont have system down IRL
What can i side more against dino? I'm waiting for Ashe to go down in price but beside that i dont see any major counter. I main deck 2 Krystia 2 Vanity so if i go turn 1 i have good chances.
Against TD i main deck Storm Forth, and most extra deck monsters out MP

Are childrens card games really that difficult to understand?
Until the TCG issues an errata or a ruling, this is legal.

OCG rulings don't count in the TCG (see: tour guide + sangan, etc) and the card text has been changed during the translation.
the new zone(s) in the center of the field that you can ss ed monster into.
normally can only occupy one.
Now how do i fill this in on an iPhone?
You've never gone to locals? Apparently they are.
Extra Monster Zones, each player have 1 of them and you can use them to place regular Extra deck monster in there without links, so if you plan to only have 1 extra monster on board you dont need to link

Don't bully people
Perfect Rulebook said that you can only tributes your monster.
So it's illegal until TCG issues ruling that says it's legal.
Show me where on Decode Talker's card text it says "You can Tribute one monster this card points to that your opponent controls as if you controlled it". Oh wait, it doesn't? Then it's not legal.
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>and the card text has been changed during the translation.
ayo hol up
There's text on decode talker (1 monster this card points to) that lets you tribute things you normally wouldn't be able to. Sort of like how Kaijus let you tribute your opponent's monsters even though the Perfect Rulebook says you can only tribute your own monsters.

The OCG text for Decode Talker says (1 monster you control that this card points to), so either there was a mistranslation or the TCG has decided to release an exclusive card. It's probably the former, but until we get a ruling or errata, it works the way it's written.

Kaiju don't say that either. They just say "1 monster they control", with "they" meaning your opponent.
Since Decode Talker says "1 monster this card points to" and it has an arrow that points to an opponent's monster, you can tribute a monster your opponent controls if Decode is pointing to it.
it's ruleshark, you tribute your monster unless the card specifically says otherwise, like kaijus and the new vendread trap

>mfw I'll have to deal with this crap until Konami does something because ygoplayers are too fucking stupid to know their own game
>same kind of players that give you strange look if you want to read any of their cards
>on a cardgame which plays around effect cards

dumb, dumb people
Again, Kaijus specifically address tributing your opponent's monster. Stormforth specifically states your opponent's monster. Soul Exchange specifically states your opponent's monster. Decode Talker does not, and it shouldn't need to, because that's how it works. Otherwise every damn card from Icarus Attack to Tribute Doll would need to specify using your own monster.

>unless the card specifically says otherwise

but it does say otherwise. it clearly says you can tribute a monster that it points to. Not "a monster this points to that you control" but "A MONSTER that this points to"
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>There's text on decode talker (1 monster this card points to) that lets you tribute things you normally wouldn't be able to.
Sorry, but it's your own made-up ruling.
It's not explicit enough like Kaiju, so it needs a ruling, otherwise you can't.

>It's probably the former, but until we get a ruling or errata, it works the way it's written.
Yeah, so you follow the rules since it's not written that you don't need to follow the rule.

>Kaiju don't say that either. They just say "1 monster they control", with "they" meaning your opponent.
That's explicit enough because they mentioned "your opponent" in the same sentence before it, and it's clearly a shorten for your opponent.
If it only said "tributing 1 monster" then it'll follow the rule.
>you tribute your monster unless the card specifically says otherwise
The TCG translation of Decode Talker specifically says otherwise.
>You can Tribute 1 monster this card points to;
>this card points to
And it has an arrow pointing up, so Decode Talker's effect allows you to tribute a monster it points to. Meaning an opponent's card, if it's in the right zone.

Cards like Icarus Attack et al have no text that would allow them to let you go against what the Perfect Rulebook says. Decode Talker does, with "this card points to".
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>Decode Talker does, with "this card points to".
Made-up ruling.
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>It's a Decode Talker ruling episode
Maxut has made like 3 Neos articles in 3 months. They are thirsty as hell.
>A MONSTER that this points to
Not enough.
You need an example, a ruling where an effect with this wording can indeed, not follow the rules.

Otherwise, you can't.

>exactly what the card says
>a made up ruling
The misunderstanding here is that you're focusing on the
>tribute 1 monster
part and not the part that actually matters, which is
>that this card points to
That specific clause is similar to phrases like "your opponent controls" or "you control" or "on the field" in that it defines exactly what the cost or effect is allowed to affect.

That's the thing, there is no official TCG ruling yet. So until they put one out (or an errata), we have to go by what the card literally says.

Can you give an argument or ruling as to why certain link markers don't count when applying a cost or effect? We've already established that the point of confusion is "this card points to" and not the literal act of tributing.
I see, I feel dumb now.
But still Rit beast uses a lot more than one ED monster so i'd still prefer to have some good generic link monster there giving me 2 more slots or something.
>mfw this crap will go on until someone call KoA out to fix
>links are out for 5 days no rullings were posted

I hate KoA
>The TCG translation of Decode Talker specifically says otherwise.
>Does not specifically mention being able to use an opponent's monster.
Then it does not. I don't know how this is hard for you to understand. If it says you can use an opponent's monster for tributing, you can. If it doesn't, then you can't. The end.
>Can you give an argument or ruling as to why certain link markers don't count when applying a cost or effect?
Yes. Tributing by definition requires you to use your own monster unless the card specifically addresses an opponent's monster. Being ambiguously worded and implying it is not good enough.
>that this card points to
>similar to phrases like "your opponent controls" or "you control" or "on the field" in that it defines exactly what the cost or effect is allowed to affect
Nah, there's no ruling that said that it's indeed, similar with that wording.
So, no, it's not similar and must follow the rules.

>That's the thing, there is no official TCG ruling yet. So until they put one out (or an errata), we have to go by what the card literally says.
The card literally said nothing about not following the rules.

>Can you give an argument or ruling as to why certain link markers don't count when applying a cost or effect?
Because it revolves around a mechanic specifically restricted by the rules.
>"on the field"
Well, let's go off precedents we already have.

The OCG text for Decode Talker felt the need to specify "monster you control", so off the bat there's reason to believe that without that clause, you'd be able to tribute an opponent's monster. Why else would that clause be there? The Perfect Rulebook already says that you can only tribute your own monsters. Cards like Icarus Attack don't say "Tribute 1 Winged-Beast you control".

We also have cards like SPYRAL Double Helix or Link Spider that specify "your zone" and not "a zone", so again, there seems to be a precedent in place regarding link markers that could possibly point to your opponent's zone.

>If it says you can use an opponent's monster for tributing
It says you can tribute a monster it points to, and since it can point to an opponent's monster.

The argument here is NOT "can you tribute an opponent's monster".
The argument here is "do Link Markers inherently give you permission to interact with an opponent's cards or zones that you otherwise wouldn't be able to".

And wording on other Link Monsters seems to indicate that you can, because otherwise you can't explain the "redundant" clauses on the OCG Decode Talker, SPYRAL Double Helix, Link Spider, Topologic Bomber Dragon, etc.
member paleo?
i member
>The OCG text for Decode Talker felt the need to specify "monster you control", so off the bat there's reason to believe that without that clause, you'd be able to tribute an opponent's monster
OCG text doesn't mean shit to TCG.

>We also have cards like SPYRAL Double Helix
Fan translation. SS, not tribute.
>Link Spider
Not tribute.

Because there's no precedent, you should follow the rules, thus, you must only tributes your monster.
guys guys
Konami is slightly inconsistent in their wording?
Yeah, why would anyone think Decode Talker would be ruled to tribute your opponent's monster if Paleozoic weren't ruled to be mandatory? The card text itself is meaningless since KoA doesn't even care to get it right anymore.
Imagine if KOA just rolled with the mistranslation.
>activate trap
>mandatorily summon as many Paleozoics from your grave as possible
member, activating a trap card and its effect is optional
>OCG text doesn't mean shit to TCG.
That's my point.
The OCG says "you control", hence the OCG ruling.
The TCG text doesn't say that, and OCG text doesn't mean shit to TCG.

>Because there's no precedent, you should follow the rules, thus, you must only tributes your monster.
You're misunderstanding. Again, the argument is not whether tributing your opponent's monsters is allowed. It's whether or not Link Markers give you inherent permissions.

The Perfect Rulebook also says you can't special summon to your opponent's side of the field unless a card text specifies that, but both Double Helix and Spider specify "your zone" and not "a zone". Can you explain that? Monster Reborn doesn't specify "your field".

Which is a problem.
If they rule that Link Markers don't inherently give you permission instead of issuing an errata, there could be serious problems with future link monsters that are designed to do so.
So, anyone want to ask it in the judges fb so we can end it once and for all?
why is this conversation even happening
Konami has ruled you can't do it
the card doesn't say you can do it
tributing has never worked that way before unless the card said you could do it

seems like this is a closed case
Damn, that card is way better than I remember.

Cu Chulainn list?
>Konami has ruled you can't do it
b-but muh rampart blaster.
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>Konami has ruled you can't do it
The OCG did, not the TCG.

>the card doesn't say you can do it
The OCG card says that, the TCG doesn't.

>tributing has never worked that way before unless the card said you could do it
Which is the argument. Do Link Markers say you can do it, or do they not inherently give you permission?
If they don't, how do you explain the text on Link monsters that go out of their way to specify zones or sides for their effect, including the missing clause on Decode Talker that's present in the OCG?

KOA fucked up and needs to issue an errata or ruling.
Sorry, but unlike OCG, TCG doesn't have redundant clause.

>It's whether or not Link Markers give you inherent permissions.
I've talked about this.
There's no precedent Link marker give you inherent permission to tributes, so no, you can't.

>Can you explain that? Monster Reborn doesn't specify "your field".
It's SS.
SS works differently than tributes.
Permission to tributes and SS is a different thing.

>there could be serious problems with future link monsters that are designed to do so.
They just need to gives it explicit permission in that case.
And ruling.
>Sorry, but unlike OCG, TCG doesn't have redundant clause.
But it does. On Link Spider.

>SS works differently than tributes.
No they don't.
The Perfect Rulebook says you can only tribute your own monsters.
The Perfect Rulebook says you can only special summon monsters to your side of the field.

>They just need to gives it explicit permission in that case.
>TCG doesn't have redundant clause.
That's garbage logic.
>Because some other card specifically says "your zone", instead of interpreting that as Konami trying to avoid confusion when possible, I'm going to take it to mean it gives cards without that clause free reign to do whatever the fuck they want in the face of established precedent and rules.
>The OCG did, not the TCG.
Yes, the TCG once in a blue moon rules something different. But until they do, there is no reason to think they will.

>Do Link Markers say you can do it, or do they not inherently give you permission?
No, why would you think that?
>Link Spider
Not redundant.
You'll see the reason soon™.

>No they don't.
That's just your made-up ruling.
One places a monster on the field while the other removes a monster from the field.
they're stupid

they can't even make their own game play right

same company that made link monsters for subterrors
What we do have is a lack of precedence on "avoiding confusion".
Again, Monster Reborn doesn't specify "to your side of the field". Why isn't Monster Reborn avoiding confusion, but Link Spider is?
Icarus Attack doesn't say "Tribute 1 Winged-Beast you control". Why isn't Icarus Attack avoiding confusion, but the (OCG) Decode Talker is?

The answer is that those clauses are there because otherwise those Link Markers would grant you permission.
Until we get an official ruling from either the OCG or TCG, we should go with the ruling that has more precedent, which is that the Markers do give you permission.

>No, why would you think that?
See above.
>If they rule that Link Markers don't inherently give you permission instead of issuing an errata, there could be serious problems with future link monsters that are designed to do so.
What the fuck are you talking about? Ruling that Link Markers don't give you the ability to Tribute your opponent's monsters does nothing to make effects like Akashic Magician's or Topologic Bomber's not work correctly.
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What's the scariest card?
>implying judges know anything or they word means anything

They're as bad as the players, but someone should ask just to get more people talking about it
There's no """ruling""" that has more precedent, it's just your idiotic interpretation of card text. For example, how exactly is Link Spider supposed to otherwise let you SS to your opponent's field? It's not like it has Link Markers pointing there? So either they wrote the card text before they put the Link Markers (which is idiotic) or maybe, just maybe, that clause doesn't need to have been there but they put it anyways.
That's the closest thing we can get to official ruling because this bitch rely on KoA incompetency when they can just handwave it with
>he have source. reliable source
Nah, tributes and SS have different permission.
You can't just applies it like that.

You can't until there's precedent on tribute that that wording indeed, gives you permission.
Fuck off Rata.
>Paleozoics are ruled to be optional because trap effects are automatically optional
>Phantom Knights of Dark Gauntlets is mandatory despite being optional in the OCG
Really there's no way to tell how KoA is going to rule Decode Talker
What's the judge's facebook?
They could print such a card that grants Link Spider more Link Markers, for example.
Or a Link Monster with an effect similar to Phantom of Chaos could be printed that has arrows pointing up.

But either way, why did they feel the need to give Link Spider redundant text for clarification purposes...but then choose to omit that text from Decode Talker? Why is Link Spider special?

And more importantly, you didn't actually tackle my argument: Why do some extremely specific monsters (Link Spider) have redundant clarification text, but literally no other cards? I'm pointing again to Monster Reborn, Icarus Attack, etc.

So I can use Monster Reborn to special summon a monster to my opponent's side of the field?
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I don't know, actually.
I thought one of you guys knows.
>we do it because we can
How much can we do so we can tell Tewart to kill himself
>So I can use Monster Reborn to special summon a monster to my opponent's side of the field?
I repeat.
Tributes and SS have different permission
>You can only tribute monsters you control, unless a card says otherwise.
>You can only special summon to your side of the field, unless a card says otherwise.
What's different?
A similarity on a part of description on perfect rulebook doesn't necessarily means that it works the same way.
I mean, one place a monster while the other remove a monster.
Why does that make a difference?
>But either way, why did they feel the need to give Link Spider redundant text for clarification purposes...but then choose to omit that text from Decode Talker?
Why are you automatically assuming that this decision was intentional as opposed to an oversight?
Why doesn't that make a difference?
It's different aspect of the game.
expecting duel links cards...
muh everything is intentional
That's actually my argument. Decode Talker's mistranslation was an oversight that's leading to a divide in rulings between the TCG and OCG. Depending on how they handle it, of course.

Because they're both mechanics that work one way unless a card says they work a different way. I'm not sure what your point is.
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This thing terrified me as a kid; made me quit playing the game and gave me a phobia of puppets.
someone ask the judges, you niggers

do something with your cancer facebook for once
>vrains need to be shilled with DM pandering
linkus saved de gamu
>Decode Talker's mistranslation was an oversight that's leading to a divide in rulings between the TCG and OCG.
Oh, I must have forgotten the part where the TCG has actually ruled on this matter.
>Depending on how they handle it, of course.
>Because they're both mechanics that work one way unless a card says they work a different way. I'm not sure what your point is.
What makes you thing a permission to one mechanic also gives a permission to different mechanic?
It's a different mechanic, they have different permission.

That's like saying Mask of Restrict prevents you from using Monster Reborn.
Or using Stormforth gives you permission to special summon Gofu to your opponent's field.
Then post the damn link to their facebook.
But how does that relate to what I'm putting forward? I'm not shitposting here, I'm genuinely not connecting these dots.
>pendulum isn't a cont. spell
>there's no cont. spell that can proc its effect multiple times on the same sp
>they still errata it so it ss'd on the next sp
What the fuck is going on
There's no precedent saying Link marker gives you permission to tributes your opponent monster.
Link marker MAYBE gives you permission to SS to your opponent's field, but that have nothing to do with permission to tributes.

And since there's no precedent, it should follow the rule, thus it doesn't gives you permission to tributes.
KoA can't into PSCT, so it's a giant argument over mostly semantics and inferences from other cards that could end up being ruled either way because god knows KoA has made stupider rulings in the past.
But why would it be different? Both Special Summoning and Tributing are things that can only happen on your side of the field inherently. The only time you can Tribute or Special Summon to your opponent's field is when a card specifies that.

Why would Link Markers "maybe" let you SS to your opponent's field, but absolutely wouldn't let you tribute your opponent's monsters? Do you have any examples of where this difference is shown?
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Why are there no level 9+ vanillas?
When people accuse me of soft-cheating with Cardians when the only place I never, ever cheat is at locals. (Because seriously, why be a dick at locals? That shit's irrelevant and for testing for big events/having fun.)
They are different mechanic.
Just because some wording on the card, or the lack of thereof, implies that you can/can't SS to opponent, doesn't mean that wording, or lack of thereof, means that you can/can't tributes to your opponent.
It's a huge leap on logic that they'll always works the same when they define a very different aspect of the game.

>Why would Link Markers "maybe" let you SS to your opponent's field, but absolutely wouldn't let you tribute your opponent's monsters?
Different mechanic, etc.
>Do you have any examples of where this difference is shown?
See >>183795329
>STILL going on about this
>It's a huge leap on logic that they'll always works the same when they define a very different aspect of the game.
But, again, do you have any examples of how they're different outside of literally being two separate mechanics?
Like I said in >>183797938, they're similar enough that I can't think of how one ruling would affect each of them differently.

Again, Monster Reborn doesn't have to specify your field, and Icarus Attack doesn't have to specify you control.
Kaiju have to specify your opponent's field, and Kaiju specifies your opponent controls.

Do you have an example of how Special Summoning or Tributing are different in this specific context? A card or ruling you can link to? I still don't understand how what you're saying has any relevance. It just sounds like you're just saying they're different because they're different.

Officially confirmed by Konami at 7:35. The answer is NO.

Eat shit ruleshark bitches.
I suppose it's so they're level doesn't exceed that of BEWD. Maybe they feel it would dethrone him in some way, being king of the vanillas and all.
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Stop this dumb shit, no one is going to convince anyone of anything here.
Does this count as an official ruling? I'd think so because it's on the official channel.
So that settles it. KOA has put forward a ruling before KOJ stating that Link Markers do not inherently grant you permission.
I'm sure this won't cause any problems in the future.
>people STILL arguing over Decode
This is the same anon I gave (You)s last night, don't bother, he's retarded.
Black Luster Soldier – Sacred Soldier
The Beginning
Inferno Tempest
Deep Sweeper
It's already confirmed. You can't.
>I'm sure this won't cause any problems in the future.
It really won't.
nips realy prefer play without wasting extra deck slots with links, just see ocg tops
KOJ hasn't put forth any rulings that talk about whether or not Link Markers grant permission. They simply ruled that Decode Talker couldn't tribute your opponent's monsters because of the "you control" clause.

This is KOA doing something on their own instead of issuing an errata. It's no different from Paleozoics or Sangan Xyz.
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It's almost as if the chain won't resolve.
Okay, maybe in the future if this actually causes a problem you can talk, but right now the card works exactly the same way it does in the OCG. Otherwise, fuck off.
>but right now the card works exactly the same way it does in the OCG
But for a different reason.
doesn't matter

decode debate is over, move on
Show me where there's been a ruling in the OCG that Link Markers specifically give you the ability to Tribute monsters your opponent controls. Or Special Summon to their side of the field, for the matter.
>decide t watch some high tier duels on Dueling Book
>Everyone is playing the same deck
Fuck this is cancer
Exactly, which is why it's absurd for KOA to make that ruling first instead of just translating the card correctly.
Nah, you don't need example because so far, they coincidentally works the same.
Or rather, the place where they overlap is just so tiny that it might as well a coincidence.

It's still a leap of logic to assume that they will ALWAYS works the same no matter what.

I'll just backtrack my argument to the existence of a clause doesn't always mean that the lack of said clause gives you permission.
Take Artifact Lancea.
Lancea specifies that you need to tribute this card on the field.
So does that mean the lack of it on Icarus means that you can tributes your opponent monster?
Yeah welcome to fucking modern YGO, come back later when the banlist nuke hits in September.
So you admit that your point that Decode works for different reasons has no actual evidence (since again, the OCG has not said anything that contradicts with ruling from the video), and therefore can be discarded. Glad to be done with the discussion.
member paleo?
i member

member maxx "c"?
i member
■ When activating the monster effect to "invalidate and destroy its invocation", as a cost, release 1 monster that exists at the destination indicated by the link marker of this card. (Even if a "Decode · Talker" itself is in the extra monster zone and a monster exists in the opponent's main monster zone pointed to by that link marker, that opponent's monster can not be released as a cost.)
Oh make sure to add request_locale=jp to that URL
I member paleo, but I don't member maxx "C".
What was the deal with maxx c back then?

(Also, who members igknights with master key beetle?)
Status of Percy's YGOPRO update?

Or everyone is just moving to YGOPRO2? Their servers are weird/bad and for some reason you need to use the OCG banlist.
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>back then?
after being reprinted, like, 3 times a years, the error still persist.

>You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.
>Key Beetle Igknights
I remember telling niggas it wasn't gonna work.
Looking at their roadmap, they might actually be close, but it's hard to tell because they're retarded. And no, everyone uses the translated Chinkpro found in the YGOPRO Kingdom FB page.
Oh look, another
DMG doujin
It goes with the GaGaGa doujin
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I just wrecked some jinzo/cyber dragon using scrub with my ghostrick deck lol
I fucking SLEEP, call me when SOMEONE FUCKING FINDS A PHYSICAL COPY OF THE ONE TOUR GUIDE DOUJIN IN EXISTENCE AND SCANS IT. Also Effect Veiler is in it. It was only a limited-run physical print and I've messaged the creator, he doesn't even use his Pixiv anymore so basically it's lost forever unless I move to the Land of the Overlords.
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You don't know the pain of someone resolving 3 burying mirror forces on you in a single duel.
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Does changing control counts as "removed from your side of the field"?
>not putting every type of mirror force in your deck
I believe so, since it says SIDE of the field.
Simple OCs that would revive dead decks

Card of safe return that works only once per turn and only with zombies. Not hard limited once per turn but can only control 1 at a time.

Gadget ultimate offering but you pay 1000 and have to banish a machine from your deck as the cost.

Crystal Beast link monster, left right and down links, can summon one monster from a s/t zone he points to once per turn, and goes to the s/t when he dies.
>banish a Machine from Deck as cost
For what purpose, that's hardly a cost. Also, LP doesn't matter in 2017 so this is unbalanced as hell.
>only one
I though there were more?
He's probably alive and well on twitter, if you want to try that
Banish a gadget*
>actually tribute summoning a Mare using TD trap just to block opponent's ghostrick attack
>attacking with Mare token for game
Oh, I know the pain.
What is the most disappointing archetype in ARC-V era?
Well, there's THAT one, but, well, it's gross, and involves weird futashit, and it's not even TGU doing anything lewd, she's just abusing other Yugigirls, and the art is meh.
I'll have to search harder for him then.
Digital Bugs or Super quantum
I don't understand your point, if anything that ruling supports the claim that Link Markers do not grant you the ability to tribute an opponent's monster. If it said something to the effect of "Although usually you could tribute an opponent's monster, the clause on Decode prevents you from doing so" I'd understand.
From the anime itself, probably Lyrical Luscinas. They got what, 3 main deck monsters, and 3 ED ones and a dumb Fusion gimmick that was only ever used for meme Tyrant Neptune shit.
No I'm saying that the OCG said the same thing about Decode. I was misreading what you had said, sorry, I'm used to anons her thinking you CAN tribute their shit.
Link please, I'm retarded.
Super quants were fine until chicken game got hit then it was downhill from there
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But Lyrical Luscina actually works pretty damn well.
You mean when E-Tele was hit. Fucking Kozmos and Monarchs can never be forgiven, they brought such a fucking shit format, and both got shit that shouldn't be hit (Chicken Game, Upstart, E-Tele) hit.
Yeah at their meme OTK shit that you have to draw into. I played the deck, overall it's gimmicky trash, at least most of the other Arc-V decks do something. Hell, Superheavy Sams were better. AND Cardians.
I just downloaded this chinkpro and I got a win32 rmndrp virus warning from avast, t-thanks.
Literally what. The YGOPro in the group I listed doesn't have viruses, only TDOANE has viruses. It's literally just the Japanese YGOCORE with Mercury's Chinese Bootleg Link Update added, translated to English by some randoms.
There should be a link to his twitter on his pixiv, if he has one
>>183805309 >>183805309
What would a viable archetype surrounding this guy and its puppet family look like in terms of card effects?
You could say literally the exact same about Windwitches, minus the Fusion being useable.
I meant the link to the chinkpro.
The hell are you talking about?
What's so gimmicky about "attack 5 times directly for a total of 5K damage, Waboku, then attack 4 times to kill"?

Are you talking about that equip that boost ATK? It's just a tech and not their only option.
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