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Felmyst General

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Thread replies: 724
Thread images: 122

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Tranny Clique <DMCA>

Alliance Guild <clovermen>

Horde Guild <Air Force>

Felmyst (Or Gummy) is a TBC server coming out july 21st. 1x rates, no p2w, progressive content release.

>Register and download client

>EJ archive links


>How do I play/gear my class?

>When is it going to come out?
July 21st 3PM EST
blizzard HQ 7 PM
1st 4 zach
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>trusting anyone named (((Zachary)))
>being surprised when (((Zachary))) hoards the "coins"
>being surprised when you never see the shekels, I mean "coins" again
6th for male draenai
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Not putting the sanctuary guild in the OP is really a dick move
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Horde or Alliance?
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>server comes out
>pic related
who is zachary barnes?

It's okay, fairness will prevail against the Loot Council shills, join now.

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more like <ZACHTUARTY>
xth for there are no real trannies, the people closest to trannies found themselves out of the guild and the only major issues people can come up when criticizing the loot council of the tranny clique are related to Babymetal, a paladin class leader that was stripped from his role after 2 fuck ups.

If you know of other issues related to MoH loot council please contact this hotline, you just got shilled
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Some fucking scum tranny that 'holds onto' loot to distrubute it for later. But to noone's surprise.. Just keeps it and sells it on the black market auction house..
Give me a rundown on Zach lore
MoH is fine if you don't care about loot. If you're going to get upset over pixels in a decade old video game you should fucking grow up lol. we have the most experienced players and raid leaders in vg.
Why did you exclude sanctuary? Is it because of Zach?
Real thread >>183204035
Amlith himself said he's recruiting from outside of vg. You don't get to advertise your guild in the OP if you don't recruit exclusively from /vg/. This is how it's been since the boards inception for any vg guild on any game.
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>tries out new tactics at garr
This thread was first, stop fucking shit posting.
Going to work
I was shitposting as DMCA, Amlith and Clover for like 8 hours, it was fun
>You don't get to advertise your guild in the OP if you don't recruit exclusively from /vg/

DMCA trannies btfo
Let's get real Mocky you don't have a job.
There once was a young man, alone, lost...

He found comradeship within the guild of the 4chan sect of the private servers.

He led his brothers and friends to victory over the tranny scum. His brother battled with him over time to gain many epics and bloodvines.

Eventually, people grew cold feed. Even, chilly hands...

Zach eventually left the 4chan guild and left for <GRIZZLY> for greater and better things.

Dark times fell upon the 4chan guilds and they were lost without their leader, their brother in arms.

Years later, Zach found true brothers in the air force of the united states of america and led his brothers to victory in a real world setting, his skills transferred from azeroth into the real world.

For now, who knows where Zach has gone, lost in history. But now, a resurgence!

Has the legend of Zuria returned?
Agreed, I bet zach is behind this..
I was banned from sanctuary Discord for dissent, that guild is a bunch of fucking children. Thank god I got the Stealth invite from diuturnity into <Air Force>
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stop joining shitty guilds

He's comming
The gods of old will be devoured
With their skin and bones he will forge the keys of Sophia.
The wisdom of the thrice great shall be bestowed to the new Aeons.
Amlith please, just get faster the next time, I'm a <DMCA> shill and we got fucked over on the OP for like 6 threads in row, did you see us throwing a pissy fit about it, wait until the next thread and just post your link on the thread several times or something

just recruit from wowservers already you failed normie incels. you'll never get fucked, even by a guy.
how can I change my settings if the servers aren't up wtf gummy
nobody cares about your tranny guild, Just fuck off and merge with zach's guild already.
I got u in next thread guys
thanks friend
How do I join <Air Force>
How blizzlike will this server be on launch?
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warlock, rogue, or hunter? I don't know what specs/classes are good
Contact zachary 'when did i say that' barnes.
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>post your face when Zach literally ruins another /vg/ guild
not this one
I heard zach core needs a lock
>loot council
>not a blockchain based system where you buy into the GM's ICO and use the coins to buy loot for 2 weeks before he quits taking thousands of USD equiv

fucking nocoiners
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i miss him...
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Is it true that zach joined grizzly to destroy it from within?
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Hey losers, /wpsg/ pros here. If you want to be as good as us you can be, but it'll cost you. We accept $ or warmane coins. (1/2)
Why would anyone join a guild lead by a person who's literally never raided in his entire life.
teacher's pet
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Yeah that's true.. But I think the worst part about Zach was his fucked up keybinds. Like, seriously.. Who the fuck binds taunt to ctrl shift F12..?
Redpill me on trannies.
What's the best pvp healer in BC? Im thinking druid?
wow, you really are desperate for a new pc
that has to be the shittiest webm i have seen in a long time
it's like a gif
There are no trannies.
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what's wrong with rogue
What's Zach's endgame here with all this shitposting?
>tfw you started dranei warrior meme
>you only wanted to play a cute spacegoat with a huge sword
R I P Crestfall
dat filename
Amlith will not be the raidleader. Everyone who want to stay away from /vg/ drama and have a stable guild experience should join <Sanctuary>. Amlith doesn't have a lot of experience but he has a strong sense of justice and will make sure that loot gets distributed fairly for everyone. That's why someone would join.
>no competetive pvp for 10 years
>could probably sap that vanish and end it on the spot
Woah what a shitter.
it's okay flurrz.
You don't know what's fair and what's best when you don't know anything about the game you fucking dumbfuck. Guild isn't gonna be raiding anyway so who cares.
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>why would anyone join a vg guild
Am i going to have as rough of a time as enhance in arena as people say? I don't care about being super high rank, just enjoy doing "decent".
I suppose decent can mean different thing to different people, but I read some stuff saying they're fantastic in the right team, others say they're worthless. I'd guess the reality is more in the middle but I'm dumb.
I did "okay" with enhance back during retail tbc but it was an alt so I wasn't tryharding at all and just playing with buddies. Also a long time ago so what I think was fine could have been a case of "shitter is convinced he is good".
If being below 1600 is decent then sure
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are you saying you need to actually be good at the game to lead a raiding guild??
You won't do any good. Enhance is literally a mob with ranged interrupt. Thats it.
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Yeah it's like he is the only one shitposting here

Why would anyone join a guild lead by a person that never read Blavatsky, Crowley, Hermes, Levi, Liebenfels....
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Why are you guys still advertising in an english forum when you are a serbian guild?
Draenei or BElf?
>2 guys
>in a channel called "balkan containment"
serbian guild confirmed how will they EVER recover?
Not even me, looks like /vg/ is tired of you LC shills
>login information is suddenly not valid
but Nihilum used LC and it was the most successful vg guild
>LC in TBC
For what purpose? Just roll it.
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>caring about minigames
lf boys to level up with~
>you literally copied their exact same loot method

I'm a real boy and I would level up on gummy with you if it wasn't so laggy for me. Fucking US servers.
It doesn't matter. In 25mans you simply can't fuck up in a big way with LC.
all top guilds use Loot Council. only trash guilds use rolls/DKP
>euros this butthurt
us americans have been dealing with it for years, shut the fuck up
<Sanctuary> will never have LC, we use KLGS
If you want to shill about us at least get your story straight.
Reminder that the only people complaining about loot council are zach creating fake drama so he can swoop in and save the day.
>Madti in <clovermen> discord

it's over
I'll level up with you, which faction sweetie~?
I actually think LC works better in BC than vanilla, the smaller raid size helps a lot imo. Worked well enough back in <Video Games> at least
is based madti going to save us from the trannies?
Zach always handled loot councils with dignity.
pls respond, my username and password work on the forums but not when i try and get on. is it because the servers aren't up?
well MoH had 1 tranny out of 150+´members
you guys have 2 serbians out of 20-40 members :v)
I actually don't care if MoH doesn't have any real tranny, they still are a bunch of mentally disabled attention whores.
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So the same loot system as <clovermen> exactly like I just said?
except we don't worship and beg for feet pics of serbs in our guild
ahahaha amlith blown the fuck out holy shit
alliance, i like fem humans :3 what are you gonna roll?~
bad news, you're going to have to lose your account and all of your beta character. tough luck pal
>gold based looting systems for a guild

literally worst than straight rolls how do you fuck this up
wtf i hate warmane now
We didn't copy them, they did. I talked to Inhaler about it when I was in Clovermen and he wasn't that interested in it. When I went and made my own guild and some people showed interest he decided to implement it thinking it would save his sinking ship of a guild. Weak, halfassed management.
neither do we, it's almost all of it shitposting, but you'll never accept that because then it ruins your agenda.
Link the anime guild announcement and discord already!
i never made any beta characters, i just wanted to see if there's a pvp server. i got in before to the realm list but now I can't
>advertise on warmane
>get banned for advertising
wew wtf fucking slavs
>10 gummy bux have been deposited into your account
>they have loot council
>w-wait never mind

>paid gummy shills this btfo

dodgykebaab was right all along
What a cutie, I would give him my "loot" if you understand me
Someone redpill me on all the /vg/ attention whoring namefags.
I never said Clovermen in particular had LC. I just said /vg/ is tired of people who shill for LC.
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It's a worrying sign that <Clovermen> has changed loot system twice in less than a week.
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>this isn't even fucking bait

why are people on the felmyst forums fucking retarded?
I only know about Puddi and Hopestar, they are confirmed degnerates

kek, hobbit balkan feet
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how high level did you all get on soft launch before server went down boys
>no bugged quests
Top laff
>whiny night elf female hunt btfo
wtf i love warmane now
Gummy is going to be lit bruh
15, I could've gone a lot further if I wanted, but there was no point.
>guy mentions <clovermen>
>/vg/ is tired of you LC shills
>j-just kidding I didn't mean YOU guys

For a NEET you're pretty bad at this.

That was in the discussion of potential loot systems. That was not a final decision on loot.

>it's a retard attempts reading comprehension episode

The worst ones.
they are bitter and have no spine
this tbqh famalam
>Trusting gummy
>not retarded
Pick 1
It's not even midnight and I already got drunk with me friends, its a hot summer day and dat beer be so fucking sweet
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What did you do on your last day of soft launch?
it's actually bait. he made a similar thread where he said "women should be banned from playing on this server because x and y"
shut the fuck up my arena queue is too long on warmane I need more players
> payo
>i was trying out warmane and every person in my battleground was back peddling, me being a pvp legend i want to have a challenge fighting my opponents

I'm just glad zach is back, These threads have been stagnant without the resident shitposter of ancient /v/ days.
>traveled back in time to play on 2007 graphics
unlike here, a cradle of civilization and intelligence
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15 days until northcraft.
2 days until gummyshit crashes and burns by it's idea guy safe space loser of a dev and shuts it down like all his other servers
I want to roll horde lock, Orcs have bette racials than Belves but I want to experience the starting Belf starting zones which I haven't done before. What do?
i dont know who this zach is but keep talking about him everyone is forgetting about merove rofl
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please clap
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FYI, if you are in the guild Apex be aware that myself and five other members are currently planning to gut the guild of the useful members and create our own guild. The leadership here are a bunch of immature reddit fags and will likely not hit cap in any case. If you are like minded then just keep this in the back of your head. We'll likely start the process about two weeks into the server release, once we see who will actually get to 70 and also based upon what our current composition is.
Do we have any other closed beta bulls here?
when you have no content in your life you get desperate for recognition and start doing some pretty pathetic stuff
Roll orc and hit 70. Then make a belf alt and do the starting zones when the they aren't crowded as fuck.
Human sounds fine! What do you wanna do when we get in game? Quest or.. -Grind-?
>safe space loser
Huh? Criticism is allowed and they don't censor their forums.
tell me this is fake, please
Wouldn't Apex know you plan on doing this since you post this every thread? Or are they LITERALLY plebbit and don't come here?
Funny, a lot of people already promised me that they would join <Air Force> once they see us existing as well.
It is.
I wish that was real. t. closed beta bull

but i want to shit talk gummy to his face on the discord??
saying nigger/spic/chink/wop/gook etc is bannable
also if anyone complains about your character name/guild name offending them GMs are allowed to ban you for that as well
but it is.
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i always kek at that insult
What are they going to do? If they try to take action against us they'll just push the other members further away. It's lose-lose for them.
>get banned for saying nigger
you should use less 4chan
>pol niggers this btfo they can't use the server as their platform for stale drumpf memes
All you need to do is to behave and not act like a sperging autist in public channels. Can't be too hard.
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tick tock gumpfies, 15 days until your server is done!
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Press F to pay respects.
Why 15 days? Someone fill me in.
Anime is accepted in <Sanctuary>
Especially JJBA
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><DMCA> is now <awoo>

Where were you when the weebs won?
So DodgyKebab tells me that there's a 100% chance that this server will be shut down by the Blizzjew

I really want to play on a good TBC server but I also don't want to waste my time.

Is there any truth to it?
>anime normies
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>excaliburWoW releases
>"hurr dis is the best TBC private server haha dragonWOW cucks"

>hellfireTBC releases
>"hurr dis is the best TBC private server haha excaliburWoW cucks"

>warmane releases
>"hurr dis is the best TBC private server haha hellfireTBC cucks"

>felmyst releases
Dodgygoldbuyer also said the population will be 800 on this server.
It's <awoo> now aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
He is probably the worst person to ever listen to about anything even buying gold.
all the names were shit
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>Completely unscripted beyond the Ascent Core for all quests from 1-60. Completely untested Dungeons and Raids.
>playing mmos on private servers
>not wasting time

discord was the biggest mistake chinks ever made
>warmane releases
>"hurr dis is the best TBC private server haha hellfireTBC cucks"

Said no one ever.
yes. it's going to be shut down in two weeks.
guys dodgy kebab says this server will only have 800 players WHAT THE FUCK
Ready to not commit to the guild now
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stop playing on ILLEGAL servers

our boy made another video
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It's better than any tbc private server released
Could you actually beta test them? Anyway ALL private servers until Gummy have been shit.
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Okay, post the real anime guild now please.
>j-just kidding guys it will be high population..

CBT here. I got in super late but my account was still added into CB. I mostly just diddled around with quests and some early level stuff. Didnt really do the raid testing with my friends. Honestly I hope to god he lets us have priority que. I legit cannot sit in the 6hour ques of Elysium again. Please Gumball, youre my only hope.
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>thinks population will exceed nost
The term is overused but Dodgy is 100% a shill. He has received money from warmane or some other deal related to promotion.
If you read his reddit posts he's very specific in his wording and some of his arguments are ripped straight out of Oleg talking points.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on server shit so he could be totally right or wrong and I'd have no idea, but I do have experience in identifying shills or people motivated to promote something by money (or whatever he's getting out of it).
Other examples of of this kind thing would be the obvious 2016 election (parroting twitter bots is a great example) and more related to this, it occurs whenever there is a negative star citizen article on any of the bigger gaming news sites - sudden influx of day old accounts repeating very similar defense force items. (No opinion on star citizen btw, i just read way too much).
One thing to always keep in mind is when financial stakes are high the amount of disinfo intensifies, and Warmane has a vested interest in gummy failing.
DMCA is the anime guild you have been memed
everyone downvote this cunt
>MoH is always doing all this shit on discord to entertain the pea brained shit eating redditors while using them to gear their clique

I don't know if I hate them or not anymore, these people deserve to suffer.
Nah he is 100% a warmane shill, he never had credibility but he somehow has even less than before

I thought this faggot said he was gonna stop playing private servers...
Who the fuck is this fat loser?
Why would anyone who looked like that even turn their webcam on? I don't understand.
Yeah everyone let's log on our Reddit accounts and down vote him
He also said he would never play kronos, then played kronos. Then he said he would never play legion, then he played legion. Then he said he was quitting youtube, then he started uploading again a week later.

Dudes a fucking retard.
*slams fish*
It's genius you have to admit. I make silly concessions like this to keep them happy all the while to taking all the loot.
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Can I play this video game now?
How long do you guys think Alex will last on Gummy's before he quits leveling?
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After he made a big drama video about Elysium and was asshurt that he got banned.
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I honestly don't know why everyone has such a hateboner for Alex. Seems like a depressed alcoholic jewtube streamer just looking for a chance at e-bux so he doesn't have to actually start life. Shouldn't we all be able to sympathize with that
oh he's made tons of videos after that
>Amlith joins
>Finds the most autistic namefag (Merove)
>Piss him off so that he starts shitposting about him
>Amlith starts his own guild and sinks Merove's guild in the middle of the shitstorm
>He leaves, cut all ties to this general and becomes a normie guild

Say what you want but this newfag literally surfed on Merove's back to start his own guild
>Is pvp enabled in the zoram strand?
>What are the rules about hunters potting?
>What custom changes have been made to the priest spell, Fade?
>Any update on banning shit tanks?
>Will desks have resilience in s1, yes/no?
you stole my joke anon :3

you will have to be fast to beat me on the 24 hour one!
*slams desk*
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I was told there was going to be an anime guild, where is it?
oh god he's some youtube faggot, that explains it. Thank you.
I'm really out of touch with what's hip but I'm glad I previously never knew who this absolute potato face was.
I already told you. DMCA memed you. Join them if you want a cancer weeb guild.
why do people not like this guy? newfag to private servers here, his videos seem just fine, and he has some good points in them
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What's his name /vg/?
the two main guilds have anime names will you weebs never be satisfied
alex is literally /ourguy/ only newfags hate him cause' they ain't him
It's a cult alright.....
>spamming /vg/ with links to "private server youtubers"
When did this place become worse than reddit?
Someone post the webms

<Arboretum> The head anime is going to be making an announcement soon I hope. It's not strictly /vg/ as there is people from /a/ and /co/ there.
Didn't you know? Merove is irl friends with Alexensual.
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Am I the only one who knows which race/class/appearance to pick, but desperately struggles to come up with a good name?
2011 when /vg/ got created and /v/ got popular
Alex "I'll put gold-selling vlad in a body bag" Ensual
Where are the people from Hellground playing on Gummy? Ally or horde?
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alex is a fucking pussy who is to scared to fight me even though he has been offered a plane ticket down here and a weeks salary.
he is literally a balding manlet who is trash at his hobby and afraid to fight me,
i would rather get my ass kicked than back down from a fight.
he basically used to make decent content and had a very solid viewerbase but then he started sperging out at literally every server and then stole a couple grand in donations that people gave him to give to elysium. now he streams for about 30 people and rages out all the time
Jesus Dodgy got BTFO there
There are like 3 people in there who got tricked into thinking it was a real guild. The rest are just <clovermen> laughing at how retarded he actually is.
is he the savior of /vg/ guys?
>good name

You're basically subhuman

>Implying he doesn't know that
>Joining a /vg/ guild.
Man Alex really fucking hates dodgy. Got to image he slams his desk everytime dodgy shills warmane.
Madtii, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Luthien, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Melori, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!
Lumikaru, Have mercy! Master, Have mercy!

I am prepared to serve our clique tranny overlords with my whole mind, body, and soul, permitting nothing to deter me from the furtherance of their work.
I shall destroy this crucifix, I deny Jesus Christ the deceiver.
I abjure the Christian faith, holding in contempt all of his work.

If I betray my oath, I do now decree to have my throat cut, my tongue and heart torn out and to be buried in the sand of the Ocean that the waves of it may carry me away into an eternity of oblivion.
>actually playing with the autists from 4chan
the guy buys gold and literally gets bought off by a server to shill them and he acts like he's an authority on private servers and has any voice. honestly rofl. i hope gummy just bans him, everyone remember to snipe tyrisflare and dodgykebaab on launch day
is this the guy from the its friday night mothafucka thing you know the one with the aggro t shirt drinking some grog
your basically poor and a balding manlet
yeah on the real im not gonna try to recruit outta this thread id literally make a better guild recruiting out of barrens chat lmao
hey ya'll it's me it's your boy asmongold
ill be way too busy sniping alex
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Excuse me, best t6 pre sunwell general comp coming through. Possibly switch a surv over an arc mage.
>looking forward to leveling comfy solo
>gummy made leveling in groups the fastest way

>gummy made
Yeah, totally wasn't faster before
Actually, that resto sham should be with 4 caster dps, not a hunter. Thats a mistake.
I don't think the group loot thing will be there for launch
What the fuck is the point of having two shamans in the healer group?
>what is mana regeneration

It matters in BC.
is the ret pally the talisman of the raid?
it was already working, oleg

100%, gotta level at 1x from 1-70 so hope you took a week off from work or are neet if you want any chance at raiding
I doubt he'll be playing. /Our desk slammer/ is right though, that cunt had weeks to test shit, at max level even. He could have easily reviewed it on the beta alone.
>7 healing a 25 man
>concerned about healers going OOM
Hes the token nigger who uses 2h weapons etc. and brings enough to warrant a single ret.
I don't see why he would just take it out at launch. If anything it just makes leveling with friends a pain in the ass since doing loot/pickup quests will take way too long.
I don't think dodgy is interested in Blizzlike servers. he mostly plays some custom shit like Elysium and warmane.
1 ret is part of an "ideal" raid comp, even for alliance, per elitistjerks after the later tbc buffs to the spec, which are present on gummy.
Only 1 tho.
But you ding dongs need to get your meme'ing straight or you're going to sound like you don't know what you're talking about.
Sunwell can call for up to 9 healers at times. 7-9 is suggested. Not including multiple resto shams in with the other healers is braindead noob shit. Your caster dps sure doesnt need it.
>no arms
>no surv
>7 healers
>the arcane meme in general

try again
>per elitistjerks after the later tbc buffs to the spec
>buffs to the spec
>gear is 2.0 and still adjusted for MAD
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>reviewing betas of private servers
nah, he'll play. but he will only get to level 30 or so and review the same shit he always reviews. the guy can't even level up to max normally when servers don't boost him to max, he had to buy gold to "level faster to put out his content at a more reasonable pace" or some shit.
r u dum
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Is sub rogue decent at leveling? Or is hit an issue that makes combat rogue far better?
Kinda like to believe the burst potential with additional CP and camouflage are nice for questing.
Pic related
why does it matter, you're literally just there to refresh the seals
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>arms pve
>implying fire is viable in t6 when arcane can spam without going oom
>implying 9 healers isnt the suggestion for progression
>ignoring it says 1 arcane could be switched for a surv
Nothing besides combat is ever good for leveling.
Is there even a point for gear to be 2.0? Do you think he will buff them later once enough content is cleared?
i want to level a druid because i never played one but i also want to level hunter because its easy and i can kill lots of people while i do it but i played a hunter in tbc

what a fuckin hard life
>tfw there will never be a private server that institutes its own "patch notes" for clearly obnoxious shit

why has nobody thought of it? Are people that autistic about "blizzlike"? We can all agree resto druids and warlocks are overtuned in s4 pvp
Hey whatever gets you views, check those 10 minute long reaction videos.
You don't want burst for questing. You want sustained dps and efficiency.
I'm new to youtube private server shit.
Are there any "content creators" (i really hate that term) that are worth a shit? So far there's been one that had very sparse but decently accurate class/spec overviews that was short and to the point with no idiot talking to a camera.
But that's it, the rest have been mainly 20 minutes of fucking nonsense, just some stupid cunt reading shit while looking into the camera with information that could have been condensed into a few paragraphs at most stretched out.
To be fair whats the point of reviewing leveling content past 30?
If the content pre-30 is shit then ya gotta image the rest will be shit and if its good ya gotta image the rest will be good.
Not everyones a mega autist like us and levels to max on every new x1 server.
3 warlocks are going to outdps 2 arcane and and extra sha
>arms pve
oh so you're retarded nevermind

Because the ret's dps sucks harder than it does with 2.3 gear.
go combat for leveling. unless you really want to world pvp a ton at lower levels, there's honestly no reason to not level as combat imo
>Is there even a point for gear to be 2.0?
it makes the raids harder without having to overtune them
>Do you think he will buff them later once enough content is cleared?
yeah I think that is his plan
>If 1-30 on a TBC server is bad that means the TBC content will be bad

>ret dps sucks

well, yeah?
Arms is a pvp spec bruh. Fury has always been the sustained dps spec. Locks only get 1 raid position, polys are important.
Combat is far better but you can argue that sub works out well on a populated server for pvp reasons. Rogue is already the best 1v1 class and combat does that well enough anyhow, but some people prefer sub leveling.
It's a bit more effort as combat is brain dead easy to quest with.
If you want to level sub you'll be fine, the questing isn't that tough anyhow. I always prefer full pvp spec while leveling or as close to it as I can, but whatever you like is fine.
Sub won't be fastest either way (is great for grinding some mobs tho depending on their hps but probably a shitty idea to assume any grinding area won't be crowded).
>world PvP as the invisible class

you mean ganking, then you probably don't want to level anyway.
the problem is the guy is releasing a "review". if you review a game you don't just stop a quarter of the way through and call it done. that's my biggest problem with the guy, he doesn't ACTUALLY play the game. he gets a max level character from the devs, runs 1 or 2 dungeons and then shits out a cookie cutter review he's done 10 times over.

would you rather watch a review of a guy who's leveled to max, done all the heroic dungeons, and has done some raid content, or would you rather watch a review of a guy given a boosted 70 and did a couple of dungeons in his welfare epics
Sub leveling is good. Because you don't get brain cancer from spamming 3 abilities all the time + you get some sort of aesthetic feel when you take out mobs in a way they could barely touch you. It takes twice as much time as killing it in combat spec though In addition - sub rouge is very stronk in PvP if you also plan to PvP. In general - it's more fun but less efficient.
Honestly if they force you to do the 1-60 on a tbc server it should be good.
But it sucks harder with 2.0 gear.
>omg this level 16 quest didn't work on a tbc server
For vanilla sure but TBC 2.4.3 is kinda easy modo (a lot of elites mob are not).

>You don't want burst for questing. You want sustained dps and efficiency.
That's for dungeons and raids anon. Usually normal mobs die before even building up 10 CP.
Also talents like step, master of sub or initiative kind of help for grind efficiency.
you don't bring a ret for their dps you big silly

Shadow is also more for sunwell. Been watching world firsts all day, they use dual shadow for muru and shit. It only becomes viable in the endgame, not in kara etc.
it doesn't matter because you still need 1(one) ret pally in the raid, and you're never going to replace a real dps no matter how good "ret dps" is.
>would you rather watch a review of a guy who's leveled to max, done all the heroic dungeons, and has done some raid content
Yes I would, shame none exist.
It doesnt suck with 2.3.2 talents, which they have.
>for fucking Kara

tbc theorycrafters on point tonight
>2.3.2 talents removed whatever remained of their spell damage scaling
>2.0 gear is spell damage heavy
As in, its shit, and a detriment. That makes it non-viable, if its holding the raid back and not warranted. Thats what viable means. That it brings enough dps and utility to be warranted over something else, ever.

You go ahead and progress through un-nerfed kara in 2.0 gear with 2 shadow priests in your 10 man, see how it goes for you.
literally no
not a single one
they are all retarded freaks and losers that are even bad at the game. the only one decent was poongoon but he moved to retail because of the blizzard copyright strike.
content creators that are a waste of time, utter trash and not worth watching:
whatever the other retards name was from the high concil
6 second crusder strike, and it means they can actually use their own gear. The spell change mostly effected prot, so they wouldnt be going after caster dps swords.
What you're describing is min-maxing, not viability.

People cleared Kara without too much trouble without optimal comp during the beta. Its fucking KARA
I kind of figured, but I thought maybe something was worth a shit.
I was watching old arena videos and that was fun but sooo hard to make out what exactly is going on due to the toasters they were made on back then. I'd love some sort of arena commentary type thing, explaining things like "they popped x, i did y, here i had poor positioning" etc but I'm sure it's a pipe dream.
I was shocked that so many of the videos I browsed through really fast were simply some fucker talking to the camera. Maybe I'm too old for youtube e-celeb nonsense.
What the fuck are you on about. Prot STILL wants caster swords throughout the entire TBC.
And Crusader Strike doesn't scale with spell damage anymore as of 2.3.2, so spell damage is basically a wasted stat on their tier gear. Especially so for Belfs because SoB proc and judgement spell damage coefficients are 0 (zero). For alliance it's like 0.2 on Command proc and 0.4 on judgement so they at least get SOMETHING out of it.
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STOP CALLING ME BAD *slams desk*
it's not like kara is the pinnacle of difficulty dude. if the very slight dps loss you get bringing a spriest along is what makes or breaks you completing karazan the fault doesn't lie on the priest, it lies on your raid in general.
Druid is almost as fast as hunter for leveling.
He's retarded. People did kara fine in 2.0 on retail. I literally cleared it with half heroic and quest blues as a holy paladin
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Is Joana's guide any good? I've followed it for the early levels, but they suggest continuing questing in WPL from 57-59 and then grinding in Outland to 60 before doing quests in Outland. Would that be better than going there to quest right after hitting 58? I assumed that would've been faster.
Meanwhile finns still have to abuse the door strat LMFAO
Joana's a retard who only ever leveled fast because he played a huntard.
that's just straight wrong, joana himself went to outland at 58 when he did speedruns in tbc
oh youre in luck
for pvp arena thereas tons of good cobtent creators
check out uzbekimistke and james phoenix on youtube.
No. There is way more than needed quests to get 70. Do not listen to people telling to save them for more gold later it's bs.
The gear you get in HFC speeds up your shit significantly.
Joana guide is fine, keep in mind it's written by a hunter who was primarily leveling on brand new servers and very quickly was ahead of the pack. That means that not only was he able to kill shit nonstop, but he had virtually no competition to complete quests.
Grinding in outland isn't that bad, but you'd want to at least do the starter quests in hellfire at 58 as the gear upgrades you snag will be better than anything you're using. You definitely don't NEED to grind, but as you get closer to 70 remember that any quest you skip will mean you can do it at 70 for decent easy gold. A common strat would be to skip nagrand entirely, for example, and doing them all at 70.
also paypays I guess
no shit? Are they tbc specific or just arenas in general?
I'll look them up when i get home. Thanks anon!
Yeah I bet ilvl 700 gear would
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Whats his endgame?
Would doing Nagrand quests give more gold than finishing Netherstorm and SMV quests? I like Nagrand so I'd probably like to level there. I won't really follow the guide that much, but I'll probably have it on the side to see what options I have.
setting the world record for desks broken with bare hands
Endgame in WoW: sliding further into irrelevance, possibly switching games or genres entirely or even abandoning youtube/streaming
Endgame in life: probably DUI followed by prison followed by gay marriage
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i think the reason people skip nagrand is because it doesn't give relevant reputation? where other zones give you rep you need. it's been a while
I don't know that, sorry.
And like the other anon said, you don't really need to plan on skipping quests either as there are plenty. Was just repeating something I know people have commonly done in the past.

And if you're not slavishly following the guide then you're already doing it better than 90% of everyone else. You should be just fine. Everyone can argue about whether it's worth it or not to follow it exactly, but if nothing else it's a great tool to know when to head to a different area or to not skip quest hubs.
shadow priest or enh shamy?

looking for something new after playing vanilla for ages
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About level 25
im going enhance, we can be orc shaman friends.
tbc only
complete hairloss
SERVERS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jumping from server to server on hype and losing subs/viewers at an exponential rate. i bet he tells his fellow dishwashers at olive garden how one day hes gonna be a professional streamer.
>elygshitters still think there wont be a lot of players on launch on felmyst
elysium players truly are the most retarded
troll or orc shaman?
troll racial is better right?
I wish we could go back to the pre-nost days where having 3k launch was considered huge.
Draenei Female(Futa)
I wish Felmyst would have "only" 3k on launch. Be prepared for an absolute shitshow when the server goes live.
>Be prepared for an absolute shitshow when the server goes live.

So like every server ever then
They're roughly equal to be honest. Troll is obviously better at higher levels but it has lower uptime.
Will playing here make me happy?
I'm leaving you guys with this, no matter what happens from here on, this will be worth posting in the future
They changed pallies at the end to make it so they dont rely on spell dmg. Str converts to sd. You gear like a tank.
Yes, in 3.0.2 aka WotLK prepatch.
Is Felmyst a WotLK server?
point me towards the talent that does that.
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>tfw felmyst is so hyped up that even your bots leave
Lmao. medivh probably has like 500 online.
male or female draenei shammy?
Female of course, what kinda faggot would pick a male character lmao
Male Draenei Warrior.
Imo orcs and dwarves are the only acceptable races to play male.
Why is merove so vindictive?
pls no resilience
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is gummy our only hope?
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What are some good wow novels that will help me appreciate the lore of TBC?

Also which faction has the best quests for TBC?

Also which class generally as the fastest leveling in tbc? (I am not looking forward to 1-58)
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>wow novels
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>i am not looking forward to playing the game
damn the belf models are worse than i remembered
>tfw no friends will play on this realm
>will have to level solo and gear solo
>tfw just smoked hash out of an apple pipe

suddenly my spirits are raised, a sense of hope came over me

maybe it isn't so bad afterall...
I'd level with you Anon. Assuming you're a moderately normal human being and not a tranny/ERPer/one who engages in 90% of this generals' drama.
If I wanted to play vanilla content I would stick to elysium
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>Im so edgy, I smoke hash out of improvised pipes, that makes me bad ass
you should stick to retail instead, faggot

Normal human bean who just browses the general for whatever game I'm currently into. I know nothing of the guilds or people who frequent these threads.
Fruit pipes are awesome.
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>Gay peoples penises are awesome

You wont fool me.
I don't plan on playing with any /vg/ related guilds based on how cancerous they are. I'd be happy to duo with you and bro it up. I'm going Horde though, so if you're ally dog bless :DD
<Sanctuary> is where are the real human beans will be rolling as long as you don't mind horde

I'm still contemplating.. horde would be more fun but I fear massive queues.
>Massive queue
It's an easy choice desu lad
>you will never bend Mocky over and slide your lobster up her awoooo
It shouldn't be that bad early in the server's life, it'll only get badly imbalanced a bit later. I would strongly recommend not joining a /vg/ guild if you have any plan of progressing through meaningful content regardless of faction choice, though.
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Same here anon. But that choice is infinitely wiser than rushing into a guild itt.
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>appreciate the lore
Not even the authors did that.
>anon never smokes and finally tries it but has nothing to smoke out of and has to resort to a fruit
>that makes me POOR

can u just not bully me
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>just found out about this
>only have vanilla experience
>not prepared at all for launch

can i get a quick rundown? i got only 2 days to watch alex vids on what class to pick and get addons and get my UI ready
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I'm in the same boat senpai. I'm a vanillababby who quit retail after TBC and has only played Vanilla private servers since. From what I've garnered it's the same leveling routes and similar specs per class until 60. For addons I would just go to gummycraft forums.
I see you are here to know about the game and important things, but, I'm here to tell you about something more important, drama

now, anon my son, choose, /vg/ guilds that might be dead on arrival, or normie guilds
ascensionbros, post your planned hardcore builds!!
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>playing with literal mentally ill transexuals from an imageboard that peaked in 2006
That's okay bud, I'll continue to lurk and drink in the cancer until I'm terminal.
In terms of population, 4chan is at it's peak right now actually.
I meant peaked in terms of quality. I've been here for 12 years solely because the yourehereforevere.jpg meme is actually true.

Been here for six years and I can honestly say not much has chanegd at all. I guess I was the cancer though.
warlock or warrior?
im euro so i thought i would have to go warlock this time because of my ping
>mfw i was on /b/ when i was playing retail tbc as a kid
>still here and playing tbc
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t. alex fishing for 10 more views
forget mocking blow i want a mocky blow
They were hardcore, thats why blizz got rid of them.
>eu goes night night
>thread starts to produce quality information

whoa...who would have guessed that?
>quality information
>assumes i'm asleep
l-o-l-ing at your life (that means laughing out loud)
right here bud
EUposters really are a locustesque plague on these generals since /nosg/
I need a genuine opinion here:

Northcraft or Ascension? TBC is shit
ascension will have peak less than 100 pop after month
northcraft is stock sunwell run by 16 year olds
>EU posters go to bed
>the americans come out and post about how much they hate euros all night

You really think someone would do that? Just go on /r/wowservers and bash projects?
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what's her fucking problem?
god bless finland
redpill me on Loeiz
A complete nutcase. Deleted a character because he was unable to find a group for attunements while being a healer. Got it restored and was tremendously surprised people are reluctant to invite him to raids or give him any gear.
So he started shitposting and continues to this day without actually playing the game anymore.
redpill me on wotlk. why was it the superior xpac?
cuz muh feelings associated to wc3
>muh viable specs
>muh pvp
>muh comfy leveling
People who love wrath were ret pallys back in the day and hated forming dungeon groups themselves.
Redbull me on retail
good answer
how come wow lore used to be so based? what the fuck happened bros?

90% of specs were viable in pvp as opposed to the 30% in tbc. Also better pve that wasn't simply "xd tune it harderrr"
you forgot the restraining order
Are warriors, druids, rogues, and warlocks the best pvp classes in tbc
lazy design took over lore
look at northrend
a barren frozen wasteland made into a very diverse continent with lush life on each corner just to make a convenient expansion with interlinked zones
PvE content besides vanilla-naxx/SWP (most people here haven't done either) in vanilla/tbc raids are pretty average besides Kara which is charming only the first couple of runs.

Say whatever you want about naxx25 and togc (which really isn't that bad imo), the rest of wotlk is really well done besides a few select fights. I still think Ulduar is the best raid ever released.

this is also true
you can have viable comps featuring like 70% of classes

every class has at least 1 viable comp
what happens if i copy all my settings from vanilla and pasta it in BC

and what about addons
healerslutdruid go horde
I want the BS mace if i go fury right
nice room tour ya dingus
>tfw you completely forgot you had to watch your sister's crotch fruit for the weekend
I completely spaced it and just got reminded. I have no idea how I'm going to level with these two little faggots tearing shit up here.
RIP me, i'll see some of you stv when you're fucking my ass since you're 15 levels higher. I will name a butt baby after you.
Can i setup UI on another server and copy the file over?
>not getting them addicted to vidya
rookie mistake
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Is this a low key gold selling ad or is it a legit chink guild?
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>when you find the perfect name
Some fuck trying to sell gold, get that ass banned.
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They're too young for anything cool or I'd get a character up and force them to run around and mine or something.
They can play mario kart but that won't keep them occupied the entire weekend.
I'll be able to play at night, but just got reminded and now i'm upset. I had an entire weekend of sitting on my ass planned.
>legit chink guild
Really? Are you seriously asking that?
what is it? :)
I did, hopefully I don't get ding'd for being racist.

Thats obviously just a chink guild for gold farmers, trying to pretend they are normal players.
is this corecraft?
this is gummycraft
Might as well be.
why are TBC armor/weapons so ugly?
oh shit, maybe it is a real guild. I feel bad now.
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My Human Paladin will be named Fordring and will slay every single Horde I run across. They will learn to FEAR my retribution.
>t6 warrior with bulwark
>t5 warlock

boi whats wrong with you
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post the lewds
*blocks your path*
why on earth would anyone think it's hot to slide on a pair of your fat mom's underwear and shove a love note written on toilet paper up your ass, then take a photo
i hope you're not joining any /vg/ guilds?
whos bum is this?
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What's objectively the most OP class in the patch they're going to run?
Theres a lot of sick people in the world, and some of them actually do find that hot.
Nope! I'm stupid but I don't hate myself.
Hey guys. Alex here. I've made a video detailing how I live in squalor. Enjoy.

more like t4 warlock
gaze into the VOID
Warriors. The catch is, you need gear.
uh, no shit
no one is going to run around naked
that'd be retarded
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3/10, I almost replied.
Well at least he moved out. Although moving out isn't really worth it in the US, unless you're married or don't mind living with three other people.
don't forget to reserve alexensuals names:

Is it T6 when they reduced the requirements for heroic keys?
Puddi's ass is pretty nice, does she have any more lewds
mace warrior until glaive rogues
>alex is going alliance because thats where he sees all of the guilds
>he gets declined by every single one
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Hunters are top dps from start to the end.
woah spoiler that shit dude
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Too bad they're the most uninteresting class.
at level 58 you go to outlands and do Hellfire Ramparts, it's way faster than anything else. he's always ahead of everyone so you know he can't do that, but you won't and you should do ramparts instead.
>hunter is uninteresting
>posts paladin
this goes far deeper than simple rotations, brainlet
alex said his next vlog will be him going to the ghetto and interviewing 'ghetto folk' about video games aka get beat up and lose his phone and shoes.
where is the progression chart?
>tfw you realize your career streaming video games is over so you start doing stupid shit on camera
Undead RMP is always the highest rated team during the majority of seasons.
Karazhan/Mags/Gruul's --> SSC --> TK --> Hyjal --> BT --> Sunwell
ZA somewhere in there
ZA is after BT
What addons in TBC fill the functions Lazypig filled in Vanilla? (Shift+click for instant quest completion / pickup, loot window auto-positioned at cursor)
you just replied, retard
Has anyone gotten the bottom of WHO THE FUCK IS ZACH?
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>replying to bait
>get baited
Can mods start to ban this shitposter?

Hes forcing some guy named zach that literally no one has ever heard of before. Why make shit up. This is worse than the tranny shit
>i'd rather raid with tranny clique
decent bait 6/10
apparently he:s just some guy from an old /vg/ guild that no one I ask seems to know.

It:s literally just one guy being a faggot.
Good guilds will take a max of 1 rogue to each raid (25 mans)
>spotted officer of premade guild
>spotted ret paladin doing 400 dps
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fucking kill yourself puddi, you worthless degenerate. that pic is one of the most disgusting things i have seen in my life jesus christ i am robotripping and you almost made me throw up, give your mom her underwear back
a literal god
how do guilds even exist without him?
what do you mean, what has he done? Why havent I heard of him
Puddi's feets.
I'll just leave this here.
Mocky's toes.
eurotrash is mad because they're GOING to play the server, but their ping will be shit
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You have no room to call anyone else a degenerate.

Do not forget you were an intravenous heroin user for over a year, just because you have been 'clean' for a month or so doesn't make you a saint. And not like you are really even clean, you still take drugs, just because they are prescribed or OTC doesn't make it any better.
>eurotrash spotted
white trash ahaha
reminder to take your time and enjoy the leveling experience as blizzard intended.

t. Diuturnity
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do people find this funny? is anyone just busting out laughing at their keyboard when they type this?
>why are people shitposting
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when i say clean , i mean clean off opiates, which has been my goal for a while. not like im some str8 edge faggot lmao, never have been never will be.
yea this white trash dude has more money in bank accounts, stocks, and property than your pathetic ass can even dream off
BASED grimlic
calm down there grimlic
fuck off zach
Just ask yourself
What did Julius Caesar do for Rome?

Look back to the /vg/ guilds.
Look at how they crumbled with the rise of Nostalrius when our god left us.
Look up and pray for His return.
YEAH DUDE THERE IS NO WAY YOU NERDS WERE GONNA FIND ME. great hacking 400 pound virgin
holy shit whenever i think you losers are as pathetic as you can get you find another rock layer and keep digging lol.
kys fatties
welp I gotta watch Rome again
Someone post the triggered Alex pic please.
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Okay guys who did this.
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>Drinking light beer
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I've never played tbc before and im thinking of going priest, i heard that for leveling i just wand niggas to death ? how does that work
You dot and wand them till they are rip.
>cast shield
>cast SWP
>wand until mob is dead
because when it started they stole all the cool parts of every fantasy novel or game ever created. when there was nothing left to rip off they had to start writing their own shit.
who else is doing a bald draenei male demigod
better be a warrior
>being an auracuck
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>tfw finsihing ToS prog just in time to enjoy the best expac wow ever had

what a time to be alive
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Northcraft when?

WoTLK has only 1 interesting raid in it
nice humblebrag, seriously though goodjob finally another US guild doing something semi-relevant
it was comfy af tho
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What race/class combo lets me play as a magical girl with a #godmode?
There are several decent wrath servers. Northcraft is stock sunwell dude.
orc warlock
that instant 68 tho
femgnome pom/pyro mage
you're there for the fucking wrath content not vanilla and TBC...
Oh, right, how silly of me, I forgot that I wanted to do dailies all day.
no i'm just saying don't say it shit for instant 68 gummy should be fucking instant 58 or something

not "btw you have to do all this unscripted vanila content"
*slams desk*
>btw you have to do all this unscripted vanila content
He posted it again!
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>servers are in US
how long will it last ?
>you'll never come inside Mocky
Why live?
at least 4 weeks
Because the dream of being inside Mocky will never die.
What faction should my mage be

no shilling pls
I am so sexually fustrated, it's unbearable! I NEED Mocky!
I'll let you use Mocky's mouth but i'll be taking Mocky's arse.
Draenei are masters of the arcane, so it's the obvious choice.
Belves are masters of the arcane, but can hold only a candle to the power of the draenei as they're very limited because of their youth as a race and their shackles to Azeroth.
Gnomes are shit tier.
diapergnome no contest
>draenei are masters of the arcane
hello where are the proofs?
another lore retarded faggot
>masters of the arcane
>literally mutate when exposed to arcane energy
How uninformed can one person be??
I want to make sweet love to M*cky
great, now I have to filter cky
>filtering the mockster
i want to cum inside m o c k y
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i'm leaving this shitty general... FRICK you guys...
redpill me on mocky
She is very cute
Since DMCA/Awoo just disbanded, what guild should I join now? clovermen?
>alliance paladin
>killing anything

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Join my currently nameless guild. Any trannies will be banned and blacklisted on sight, as well as anyone who has ever been referred to by name in the general. We will stomp out namefagging.
Also, homosexual degeneracy will not be tolerated.
Link the discord
I'm up for that since all the tranny on dmca wanted to erp with me
We don't have a Discord yet and probably never will. Encourages namefagging and degeneracy. The guild chat should serve ample enough.
I have a name for your guild that is tip top tier shit, but I dont want to ruin it until its actually being made so cunts dont steal it.
That's great I don't have to install discord anymore then
How do I join
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I like you.
ok sounds good but..
1. you didn't post what faction

2. no discord so im assuming there's no voice chat so probably no solid content progression
>content progression
>guild progression
>content progression
>guild progression
>content progression
>guild progression
>content progression
>guild progression
>content progression
>guild progression

I hate this fucking meme
PvE is not hard, and on a progressive server you can do all the raids without trying to min max everything or being serious about it
WoW is a social game not a PvE game
Fuck off
Shortly after launch I'll get in touch with you.
I will post the guild name after it's created so it isn't stolen or griefed.
And just so you and anyone else who cares knows, we will not tolerate /pol/shit here. Just because poofs and faggots and trannies are banned doesn't mean that we're the same as the 12 year old children that currently inhabit that board. No politics whatsoever in chat.
once we get into raiding content, if I'm able to have a team assembled, I will purchase a ventrilo or mumble server if it's absolutely necessary.
Whats the warlock race for alliance?
Is perseption better than escape artist and expanded mind?
gnome for minmaxing, human if you're not autistic
>we will not tolerate /pol/shit here

I'm not from /pol/ but if you moderate what people can say or not then fuck off this isn't a /vg/ guild
>purchasing a vent or mumble isntead of using the free discord and just muting the text chat

>if you have rules you're not a real guild
>i'm not from /pol/
sure you aren't. I'm only interested in players who want to focus on the game and minimal things outside of it
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PvE isn't hard, but it's hard enough to stop complete tards from completing it. So if the guild isn't killing anything, wiping over and over, it ends up being not fun for the better players who might be doing mechanics correctly.

Since there's no voice comm about tactics aka "social game" like you want it to be, the better players would probably just find guilds elsewhere because clearing content is fun; as well as making FRIENDS in discord.
Gnome has flat out better racials for PvP and PvE performance.
You should go Human though so you don't look like a little faggot.
enjoy your trannies. you'll be welcome on the winning faction whenever you come around
If you make a vg guild you have to expect retards, and also retards in officer/gm position
and having officer/gm position decide what people can say or not is dumb af

Making a vg guild with rules instead of just making a fun guild... you are not better than DMCA, atleast they don't kick people over different opinion or for what you say but yeah call me a /pol/ shill retard
what's a /vg/ guild to you? a guild that lets in anyone from /vg/? are you fucking stupid? why would I do that? no, i'm not going to let namefags, drama whores, homos, basically any cancer enter my guild. /vg/ is only the slight link that all the members will have
then fuck off from this thread and recruit elsewhere for your normie guild
why are you even here? you don't belong
Fucking dickmongling retardation, I have not had a single date in about 6 months and this slut has the audacity to schedule ours to the 21st. This is not acceptable. Pussy ain't worth it, boys.
It's just impossible to make a 'good' /vg/ guild.

Nobody good wants to stay in one of these guilds.
fuck off tranny, there are good people in this thread who want a drama-free guild but with a common link binding them together
if that's the case then so be it. I believe it's possible. when you cure cancer you must use chemotherapy, which is incredibly aggressive and gets rid of the cancer no matter the cost. it's a slow painful process but it saves your life
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I can't see any future moderation problems with your guild if anyone you don't like is a tranny or /pol/ user
Honestly I don't care if they are or aren't actually trannies or pol browsers. As long as they make no mention of it whatsoever and don't act like those stereotypes it's fine. How would I be able to tell anyways?
My point is that you are easily on edge with just a single anon shitposting
Your guild is not going to be better than any guild here, you can't avoid drama and moderating what people can say is obviously a good point, you'll have more chance recruiting people on the felmyst forum instead of here
can't wait to level with mocky~!
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>gargle elysium's nuts all year
>shitpost for weeks about gummy
>finally, once the instant 70 starts you all change your minds
>jump ship like the server hopping faggots you are
>/elyg/ is fucking dead
Fuck, you cliquetards are insane. I'm glad I didn't fall for the elysium meme.
Can't wait to erp with mocky!
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>all ready to go with a cool guild
>team is almost complete
>they're gonna let one of us go ret
>three paladins want to go ret
How do I set myself ahead? I know ret is a meme but please help if you have any great advice. I'll be your friend.
Currently reading everything I can get my hands on, willing to tryhard as much as humanly possible.
Fuck off with your meme spec, jesus fucking christ
>when you get server first cumming in m o ck y
I'm not going to be shitting up your raid anyhow, don't be such a poopy butt.
That title has been mine for the past 4 servers and this one will not be different
half of you wont even reach 70, LMAO
yeah well mo cky and i have been practicing a lot recently so good luck
Half? That's optimistic
/wspg/ won't
/elyg/ will
Depends if I can get ahead of the curve. If not I'll probably quit for a couple weeks.
is based Amlith still saving /vg/...?
Yes half of the DMCA players joined Sanctuary and the other half joined Clovermen
Amlithbulls win again, baby
>Finds the most autistic namefag (Merove)
>Piss him off so that he starts shitposting about him
>Amlith starts his own guild and sinks Merove's guild in the middle of the shitstorm
>He leaves, cut all ties to this general and becomes a normie guild

Say what you want but this newfag literally surfed on Merove's back to start his own guild
I still can't believe DMCA discord is dead... where will all the vg gamers who are looking for a hardcore progression guild go to now?
I guess we all need to join Sanctuary and Clovermen now!
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>both feature chink goldseller loot system
What's a fun melee dps? Not rogue
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all you need to know
light be with u m8
Another question, is ret pal/warrior dps fun?
Its decent for progression and causes less conflicts inside the guild. <Sanctuary> members started discussing the possibility of putting restrictions for the system to make it even more fair.
Feral druid is like rogue, so I guess you don't want that.
Melee hunter is fun if you don't mind dying to literally everything and not being allowed to raid.
Paladin is awful because its only attack button is Crusader Strike, which makes hybridization impossible, not to mention NO DAMAGE unless you use Seal of Blood, and that hurts you too.
Shaman is pure sex because Windfury crits.
DW Fury warrior is possible now thanks to extra talent points and +hit talents but since it's DW it's like a rogue without stealth and in plate, also Mortal Strike is god-tier in Arenas.
Thanks for the answer. Looks like warrior. Is Arms not viable for pve?
So basically I need to hit level 70, then do some prerequisite quests, then do dungeons until I get my dungeon set, then I need to do some heroics and some more quests, then do some raids to get my Tier 4 set, then do some more heroics and quests, and then I can get my Tier 5 set? How long does that usually take?
One per raid is okay, but it desperately needs WF.
>NO DAMAGE unless you use Seal of Blood

I love this meme. how many people are going to go Horde ret Pally just because they think they're going to be viable dps.
>how long does it take to beat world of warcraft
Arms is viable for PvE, it's just that Fury has a threat-reducing talent while Arms does not, so Fury is usually a safer choice for people unfamiliar with threat management in higher-level dungeons and raids.
Try bringing this:
so you can at least emergency tank in case your MT dies.
you take 1(one) ret paladin to raid to refresh judgements, that's it. they're not there for dps, you could probably justify taking one even if they do half the damage of a Hunter pet like fury Warriors.
is Amlith a frenchies?
Is this why hes such a giant beta?
Is there any /pol/ guild?
<Goebbels Goebbels>
PM "Turkey" on Discord for invite.
Is there any /a/ guild?
So if I want to pvp I have to buy a talent change every time?,
idk if you've ever talked to him on his guild discord but he's a pretty chill guy. Don't judge him from the screenshots that get posted here, he was mostly doing it to rise to e-fame
What classes are available to orc?
Season 2 Gladiator gear uses tokens from Tier 5 raids. This means that you practically cannot PvP until you've cleared Tier 4 content and started to farm tokens to get Gladiator gear. In other words, no, you won't have to buy a talent change every time, because you won't be PvPing for days (real-time) unless you want to be a source of honor-farming for other players.
Amlith is Quebecois not French, I don't think anyone is French here
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>that build
But what do I do for season 1?
But which discord? I'm not part of any
I honestly believe Reddit is better than this pathetic excuse of a general.

No actual posting relative to the game, instead it's child like shitposting about drama and cliques, while arguing about some guild that will hardly last a few weeks.

Do us all a favour and just stop. You're all pathetic tranny worshipping high school rejected disappointing your parents tier trash, that infest and destroy threads because you lacked so many attention as a children.

What's worse is your all harbour together, as you each have similar traits of worthlessness, and you all recognise this, but drown out the thoughts in mongoloid like shitposting, when deep down, you know you're scum and that you could change
But you don't, because you're a pathetic waste of a human. Imagine you won the sperm race to shitpost on /vg.
Your ancestors are weeping.
This one
DMCA is the tranny guild
Run Tier 4 content to get the tokens to buy Season 1, but what's the fucking point when Season 2 should already be available right out of the gate if Tier 5 content is available at launch? Why would you aim for anything less than the best? You might as well just buy the Battlegear since that doesn't require running raid content.
Is it confirmed that s2 gear will be available on launch?
Alliance or horde if I want to play warlock?
Why are you making fun of me anon, I'm just asking a question and just want to find a guild
Undead for wotf
is BElf also acceptable
What are you going to do with a melee silence
Well said. I am just here to watch this place burn.
I don't know if it's summer mixed with boredom waiting for Felmyst or what, but I in all of my imageboard posting career have never seen anywhere more cancerous than this general. This general has managed to be worse than summer /b/.
Kys for even thinking about making a be
No answer, but regardless, you're not going to be "switching back and forth"; you're going to run raid content until you have enough currency (minus honor / arena points) to get the PvP gear, then you swap your spec so you can PvP. You don't flip-flop once a week.

Horde, preferably orc.
blood elf female
So as I understand, you pve until you get enough gear to pvp. Then you don't need to pve anymore until next tier?
but I want to roleplay as a slutty elf girl?
This is correct.
What? Why?
>Priests stack Spirit while leveling, and can heal in dungeons
>Druids have Nurturing Instinct, giving them +Healing equal to their Agility, and can heal in dungeons
>Shamans have Mental Quickness, giving them +Healing equal to 30% of their Attack Power, and can heal in dungeons

>Paladins stack Strength, and cannot heal in dungeons

>cannot heal in dungeons

why not
At level 35...
>/cast Flash of Light
>/cast Flash of Light
>/cast Flash of Light
<Babymetal> says: OOM
Tittytwister has died.
Naggers has died.
Malanior has died.
Honeybadger has died.
Naggers says: wtf y did u hearth
Babymetal says: Don't want a repair bill, duh.
Malanior has left the group.
Naggers has left the group.
Honeybadger has left the group.
Tittytwister has left the group.
You are no longer in a group.
what is pvp like in burnig crusade?
>priests stack spirit
Unbalanced, unfair, still better than PvE e-peen since they can't come into pvp with pve gear so be ready for a lot of pve players crying about pvp this time
i dont even know wtf this is.
Are you literally typing out the chat log of a dungeon run from like 4 months ago? If you are, that's cool I guess.
Anyhow, if you're not being a weirdo and baiting something, paladins can heal fine in leveling dungeons if they keep some int gear around.
If I remember correctly some of that will get harder after ZF or so but it's been a long time.
This was a religious experience.
Just filter the word "babymetal".
northcraft when?
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So wait, HONK HONK is a joke guild made by a person that doesn't even plan to play. That's why Olivia and Glurf were officers.

Nice one Mocky
It's fun but wildly unbalanced. But despite all of the ultra tryhards and upper ranks being a lot of the same classes or teams, there is a lot of variety in team comps and almost every spec has at least one fun niche or combo they can fuck around with.
I believe engineering will be active in arena so that makes some fun stuff possible as well.
Unorthodox specs like shockadin would be an example of something that can work with the right team.

There are probably better places to get pvp info as most here will be extreme on one side or the other. x class is garbage, x class is op. And just like how 90% of elyg played retail vanilla and raided naxx, 90% of everyone here was s1 glad.

TLDR it's fun but unfair often.
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same for DMCA, it was just a joke guild made my madti, and she's not even going to play on gummies.
>forgot to set up addons and UI and sheeet before the server went down

just fuck my shit up famalam
Explain to me why is Mocky even allowed anywhere near /vg/ guilds. Any of them, no matter trannies, literal whos or whatever.
Just this week he shitposted <DMCA>, tried to stir drama and in their discord he constantly bitches how it's dead on arrival and how nobody is going to play there.
Fucking kick this cancer seriously. I ain't gonna play with any of you faggots but allowing this piece of shit anywhere is just retarded.
Does anyone else really hate those reaction thingees you can link up underneath what someone types?
I was in a discord for a guild I'm joining earlier and I hate discord anyhow, but everyone seemed nice - and anytime someone said something moderately funny or interesting suddenly there are 15 gay reaction things below it.
Can you stop making threads 50 posts early you absolute fucking retard?
this. valky wake the fuck up. just after this >>183202470 >>183202674 bullshit you should've banned him.
Dude I'm impressed that you can shitpost and meta-shitpost, keeping it up for over a week now.
I honestly thought you'd have gotten bored by now so clearly I know jack shit. Nice work, friend.
I know it was a joke, but no one was glad on retails here except for two players in Sanctuary
but how will I link my DoA tranny guild
because Mocky is a huge snake and even betrayed DMCA
he was able to make HONK HONK by pretending to be Bozo, he is using atleast 5 different accounts on discord
So remove him, it's not hard.
You lose literally nothing. He never made it to cap anyway.
Dont get left behind
You made the post 50 posts early retard
He's a retard but you kind of deserved that shit since you refuse to put Sanctuary in the OP
with all this drama bullshit those threads are going to get banned from even /vg/
I haven't made any OP you autist I'm just saying he made it early
not fooling anyone desu
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Fucking cliques and namefags are in trouble and know it. There is plenty people lurking here confident in their skill to not fall for your shit.
An anon guild can win. Ppl are more prone to get rid of your discord/namefag/clique garbage than you think. If it happens the slightest players will be dragged off instantly.
Also ALL the GM/Officers from 4 guilds aren't even good at the game. Despite them being neets I was ahead on every server...

Pic related this is your endgame in a current /felmg/ guild.
LF serious raiding guild that will have Kael'thas and Vashj on farm by the time Black Temple comes out
>/wowg/ is here
literally kill yourselfs. no wonder theres so many trannies.
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>posts varg
>hostile to /pol/
>implying 12 year olds have been concerned about white genocide and the radical left since 2010 and before

The irony is youre the immature and ignorant mental midget and possible actual teenager.
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