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/mmg/ Mega Man General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 744
Thread images: 218

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Quick to Recover Edition
Thread No. 174
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.

>Previous Thread

>list of all games

>List of fan games

>Comic, Manga, other printed media
https://mega.nz/#F!G8VjXSjY!HigLekH1YRxozZQwgsu7EA (fixed artbooks.)

>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)

>Cartoons and Anime

>Our booru!

>Here's our discord chat
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Wait! When did the last thread die!?
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I really shouldn't have taken that nap.
Just three days to go for Mega Maker's release.
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We sure are dying a lot, I shouldn't have go out today.
Mighty Con N°-9 face always gets me
Seriously? Again?
Did that pokefucker show up again?
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>VIPER IS PATHETIC! PATHETIC! He sure did die a lot, he shouldn't have gone out with Joule
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You sure are bitter, anon.
I hope you have a good day today, it might help you against the bitterness.
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10 years of ZX, boykissers!
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who are the cutest robot masters?
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I know one of them.
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Iceman my boy
Shouldn't it be X?
Definitely not Aqua Man
Of course not. Aquaman is handsome. Not cute.
roll is the sexiest temptress robot
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Cut it Out.jpg
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mmm dat 10 year old azz
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>0 days without kiddy diddlers
>Fireman with freckles
Fuck. That's actually really cute.
>Fireman with a mouth
Into the trash it goes
He has a mouth under that plate anyway. you know that right?
tfw no tiny child to poke in the wee hours of the night
It's covered for good reason
trick question they're all cute.
He has bad teeth?
He has a winning smile. Anon is just mean.
except for bomb man
He has bad breath
he's cute too. just not as cute as everyone else.
>not as cute as everyone else
that is whats known as "ugly"
>Not being able to kiss your waifu
Into the trash your opinion goes
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>thread is only 250 posts long
spam-kun. spam-kun never changes
Who are the cutest net navis?
blastman best navi fuck all the rest
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Dear anyone replying to this with any other netnavi than Rokku: Y'all wrong
Want to weddy the Medi
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Wouldn't the Tango Armor be for Proto Man?
I thought Beat would be for Protoman...
Is it because Tango is hanging out with protoman in ariga's mangas?
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Beat doesn't work that well with Roll.
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Beating women usually works though
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Be nice.
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i want to be that jacket
You will be on the ground once those two start fucking. For hours.
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sounds good to me.
>Fire M A N
>your waifu
Into the trash your logic goes
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>Zero finally gets a day off
>Leviathan and Phantom show up to remind him that there are no days off in war
That's panther flauclaws though anon
all black androids look the same
I'm blind, ignore me.

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What you see here is part one of three of a SFW work of fiction adapting Star Force 2 from Sonia's perspective during the tail end of the Bermuda Maze section of the game. Specifically, her fight with Rouge. The other two parts present a possible look at what Sonia's hike back out of the maze might have looked like since the game skipped over that part.

Parts 2 and 3 will follow as needed. Go nuts. Pick it apart. Stop dying.
fuck is this shit
>centaur man best girl
mah nigga
A cockblock.

Warning: the other parts are as long or longer.
Worst of all girlkind. Pass.
If you hate Sonia, that's probably a good call. Although, she gets the shit beat out of her if that does it for you.
short answer: no
He says to the father of all reploids
>true potential for something to evolve is to turn it into a furry
We 2064 now
I just realized that this image seems to infer that Sigma's giant battle body in the first X game has liquids filling the chamber where Sigma's head is.
There are bubbles in there.
Do you think he played with them during the fight?
It's lube
He begins to frustratedly blow bubbles the more X damages the battle body, until he lets out a scream that just fills the entire chamber with bubbles.
Do you think he blows bubbles to make bubble animals?
Every single one is Bubble Crab.
The guy who stole Duff's theme song?
you're kidding, right?
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battle and chase.jpg
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>mario kart ripoff
good thing it fell under
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Breakman doesn't have enough cool art.
Neither does sniper joe.
Do some.
I can't draw well enough
Neither can I and I did a fucking series of fanart.
Just do it.
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Aw, crap. Thanks.
AU where everything is the same except Wily is replaced with Doofenshmirtz
Anyone want to see a WIP of the final Queslut?
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Almost as bad as a pony version. Almost.
He will poke you under your covers when you go to sleep tonight.

If this end up being action figures, I'll go on a killing spree.
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I'm going to sleep.
Good night and don't die.
same here, We've been dying alot lately
The curse of the red Maverick
It's probably because everyone is in the same timezone or something.
west coast NA here, where does everyone else live?
Few blocks down from the Temple of Ice
Because some crazy nut is spamming the entire board.
Man, seriously? It happened twice now?
Wouldn't surprise me if it happened tomorrow, too.
Fucking Bui, I hope his dick necrosis and fall off.
Maverick Hunter X2 when?
when you dream
>Cain dies in MHX
Kind of interested to see where they were going with that.
Is there any way to play Mega Man Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Powered Up emulated?

Neither were released in my country
The question is, has anyone tried emulating those two on PC, which emu do you recommend and do they emulate well or will I be wasting my time?
It's not like he had a role in the series anyway.
They could have easily had someone else rebuilt Zero in 2.
PPSSPP runs PU decently last time I checked but MH had audio issues, not sure if this has been fixed though.
Which Robot Master has the best theme? I like Quickman and Firemans. Snake Man's is overrated
>the best one is overrated
that's because it's the best one
Nitroman's theme is pretty bangin
Europe, but I don't have much time to check the thread during my day, unfortunately. I try to bump whenever I can though
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Megaman X2 (USA)024.png
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Who needs the (annoying) moving platform?
East Coast NA. Not a NEET though. I work.
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It's some guy spamming pokeporn from what I understand
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I'm down to the last phase of bug tracking and fixing.

Release should be "soon", still haven't made any kind of "official" announcement or talked about this project outside of 4chan
Awesome! I've been really looking forward to playing a Protoman campaign in MM5!
MHX ran just fine on my end, but I needed to switch it to software rendering completely in the options. No audio issues of any sort. Wouldn't play the FMVs though, but that's really minor since you can just youtube them
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Flame Man, Wave Man, Spark Man
Only recently I understood how weak of a character he always been. Not like there is many superiors to him the megaman franchise.
Weil is the best villain in the whole franchise.

so pathos
much compelling
>Lumine: MUH NEW GEN

The only games I didn't play are the Legend ones, so the last two might be wrong.
Tenguman Saturn
Juno's more like...
so basically

MUHgaman is a franchise of MUHs.
Yeah you guys left out the biggest villain of all

Inafune: MUH ZERO
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That's crossfranchising though
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Minimalist runners
joule is a child
Mighty No.9 is the new MegaMan so it's basically in the same continuity.
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OP even makes mention of MN9 and Gunvolt.
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battle network.jpg
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Wood Man's theme is fucking rockin
best girl
one day anon will come out of the closet
great taste my friend

i do like Snake Man's a lot too though
good to see we didn't die today
MUH list: Protagonist version.

>Vent/Aile: MUH MOM
>Ashe/Grey: MUH PAST
>Volnutt: MUH MONEY

Help me in making this better so I can screencap.
It's obviously the X-Hunters since that's Rockman X2 text.
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Gremlin and Goblin.

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lewd the robot
>/mmg/ has gone 0 days without kiddie diddlers

Stop disappointing me
Do it and I'll never draw her ever again
sorry for posting this as abump. your art is just nice...
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This robot?
Yeah, we should lewd the robot then.
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It's all good dude. Kiddy diddlers just weird me out, man.
thats ok, there are always others willing to lewd the lewd rollbot...
>/mmg/ has gone 0 hours without kiddie diddlers
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A savior has arrived
Protoman has never protected his little sister in canon. If anything he made things worse.
>keeps the lewd temptress all to himself
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a man can dream.
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The only one in the Light family who was made for breeding is X.
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>proceeds to post Rock
Fake Xfucker detected. Post X lewds or go home
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That was X, look at his ears.
Get fucked.
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The eye color confused me.
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>Crystal Snail's weapon can slow down time if fully charged
>While slowing down your enemies, it also slows you down as well

>the worst x game has nonsensical things about it
made me think
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tornado tonion.png
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>Worst X game

Congratulations! You got: A LIABILITY!

(Other versions of this weapon include Gemini Laser from MM3)
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still really good
the cutest robot master

I like the idea of Sigma's digital form getting less and less coherent/functional the more times he transfers himself to another body because his data keep breaking down.

Too bad nothing ever came of it.
Pharoah man is one of my personal favorites
I like flame man's theme, though that's probably just me
Could a 3D Megaman be good while still being reasonably like 2D Megaman?
/v/'s at it again
Maverick Hunter X
Honestly MHX felt off.
>tfw no art of roll farting on dr. light's dick while he's cumming in her butthole and the fart forcing cum back up his dick
sad reacts only
wasn't there a guy who was making a 3d version of mega man 3?
2.5D. He cancelled it due to life problems.
That's a real shame. He barely started
what do you think the loli sex queen's farts smell like anyway?
Super farting robot
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>Not Zero
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This world needs to be reset.
Go home, Dad, you're drunk.
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No, get bulied.
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mega guns.jpg
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sleepy x.gif
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Goodnight guys. Don't die. Austrailian bump lady is away for a bit.
to be fair he had a really deep voice in x7
Zero had a surfer dude phase too, right?
Good riddance Iris
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I remembered something from years back.
Further proof that Zero is a bitch. Probably a Chiuaua
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Well, fuck.
We are going to die.
One of the things I disliked about ZX was the generic magical girl transformation scenes. The only good thing to come out of it was that image from the first game of Model ZX's silhouette with the 6-pronged hair and the cybery effect on the head crystal.
It's unfortunate that they didn't reuse the hair thing in my opinion, I felt like it should have appeared whenever you Rock On into Model ZX in the game, but they only give it the generic transformation all the other Models have.
I wish Vent's transformation scene lasted just as long as Aile's.
It's not a kid if it's a robot
Then it's a loli
that still makes it ok
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god dammit guys, don't let this thread die
why shouldn't we? youre here to bump it
I have to sleep too you know.
cry about it, bumpslave
If only we had a robot to fight for everlasting /mmg/ this wouldn't be a problem.
If only we weren't humans.
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>3 watches
ASG3 boss refights confirmed for being brought back from the past through this guy's time Septima, I'm calling it right here.
well it helps for instance you have to perform some precise movements because you can clearly watch and wait the precise pixel to perfrom the inputs. Also if you're on a moving platform or something
Then why don't you program a bot to post an image every 30 mins? Use a 4chan pass not to worry about the captcha
You could call it Bump Man.

Until en evil enemy creates Sage Man and declars wars on the human posters.
What's the best version of Super Adventure, PS1 or Saturn? Any of the two have higher res video than the other one?

any translation available?
No clue on the first point, but I know there are no translated versions of the game.
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practice. be the change you wish to see
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Attempts were made, Needle Man.
Someone already sort of called it by calling him Alice ' s white rabbit. Since Zonda is clearly Alice this time.
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I want Megamini to die.
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Head Gremlin.jpg
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I think that's what everyone here wants.
jesus christ i never knew

mmbn represent
Consider an alternate world where the Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken wasn't some washed-up middle-aged man, but instead was something else.

...doesn't the second rejected design sort of resemble the design of X in that terrible FPS game that we thankfully never got?
Hopefully, Megamini will end up like Scrappy Doo.
I also want to learn more about Aki.
I just want to see more of the setting, and more of the cast.
We haven't seen anyone besides Aki, Mini, and then what apparently is now an old 2D design for Fire Man, right?
Pretty much. Also an old design of Drillman.
any links to those?

I haven't seen anything show-related yet other than the despised Aki/Rock design
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I believe this one is the trailer. I'm on mobile outside my house, so I can't check right now.
Ah alright, thanks anon
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Thanks anon, this is some next level nightmare fuel
>Mega Drunkfuck
Is this future Aki?
If so, I feel sorry for Geo.
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Ciel in a nutshell
It's the future where Subaru leaves him and he gets comfort from booze.
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airman 1.png
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here's some OC

an Air Man model i did some weeks ago
Really nice job man, I especially like the added textures. What program are you using by the way?
Sculptris and Cinema 4D
That looks amazing! Props to you, anon!
Thank you!
>implying she would actually do something and not just go in a ride armor and fight like a bitch
She should be, all of the first game is her fault.
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Had to record this for a friend who couldn't run things as it were, might as well drop it here too.
Cool stuff.

I honestly feel like with this kind of art style you'd be better off using sounds from X1-3 but maybe the sounds are just placeholder at the moment?
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I had every intention of using SNes sound effects at first, but then I replayed the PSX trilogy (more to get a feel of how things I wanted to replicate needed to be done than anything else) and it just seems like their sound effects are just much more satisfying.
Looking good! I'm loving this so far
>Roll a cute
>Rock isn't Mega
Explain this
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>This controller blew me away
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>Step aside ma'am
>We're from the internet
quint did nothing wrong
He did something wrong, he lost.
Thats wilys fault for giving him such a terrible excuse for a weapon to use as his main form of attack.
I mean I don't really think the mega buster for a pogostick was a fair trade.
What was Wily thinking?
He neutered Rock and gave him a dildo
More like a satanic vibrator with googly eyes.
Don't talk shit about Sakugarne.
that thing was awful
Megamini got a sex-change op in Thailand?
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I'll bully him just as much as I want.
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you had one job
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The original has been deleted and I can't find a full copy anymore.
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Tu não conseguiste
Tinhas de ser o Ashefag residente... e não conseguiste
Agora eu terei de me entender com o Coronel
Se eu não conseguir... dar os 3GB de fanart... tu estás fodido
Vou te matar até que estejas morto
Agora vaza.
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Vai tomar no cu, meu irmão.
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suka blyad
Is Capcom just retarded or they hate money? Why they just don't release a fucking MegaMan "Generations" or MegaMan Forces you can create your own OC? It did well for Sonic.
They already canceled Universe.
Because that requires effort. They ain't gonna spare effort.
I would play that shit.

in all fairness, universe looked like shit.
Tu me decepcionaste... fudidamente
Tu ages como um mobral, não captaste a referência da casa de Coronel

Eu pensei... que tu eras um homem de cultura que saberias reconhecer uma referência do H&R Tela Class
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Olha veio, sou do Brasil, não Portugal.
Dá um tempo, viado.
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Brazil needs a new MegaMan comic after the Archie one died, I miss all the silly shit.
whats with all the ruskies itt
I agreed.

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Eu também não, só assistia H&R.

Dude they cannot be anything further from Russian.
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Eu nem isso. Me dá um descanço.

Now an idea: Tan Ashe.
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I'm Russian & I take offense 2 this
I'm offensive and I find this russian
>knee to the crotch
I would hope that out of all the bionic enhancements shared between Reploids and humans in that era, reinforced testicles would be one of them.
Yeah, it was really noticeable in Command Mission. Capcom seems to like the surfer tone for some reason, because when they gave Megaman a few lines of voiced dialogue in the later Battle Network games he had that kind of accent as well.

It was hilariously out of place, especially since he's supposed to be the calm, rational one in contrast to Lan's brash hotheadedness.
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Mark Gartha was pretty bad as Lan. He's a great VA but doesn't sound nearly enough like an elementary schooler.
The VAs in BN5DS sound like they were trying to emulate the anime dub.
Except for Colonel, since Stream never got dubbed, so they just gave him a thick Russian accent for whatever reason.
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The dark truth behind Zero's mysterious past; he's actually a rebuilt Rush.

Why did Wily kidnap Megaman's dog and turn him into an unstoppable bishonen android? Half spite, half senility. Poor ol' Al was getting on in years by that point.
Fucking dammit, Al.
Bullshit. he already built zero by then.
Zero is actually a refurbished Roll which explains the hair, the breasts, and the fact that if you spell Zero very slowly you get See-Roll, that is why they will never address the gap between Classic and X
Seconds later, half of Japan sunk into the ocean when the casing walls of the absurdly powerful energy reactor pretending to be a hand cannon were breached and exploded.
The pogo stick is probably form-locked Rush, you realize. The colors even fit.
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So are you telling me Inafune was a Rollfucker all along?
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That was pretty clear tho.
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What happen
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Zero 12.webm
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Somebody set up us the ceiling
Naughty robots become ceiling lights. You can turn on Zero's booblights by pulling his hair
She is threatining him.
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>Less than 12 hours.
My boner is killing me.
didn't mean to quote another anon, my bad.
Oh baby
I can threat to hit you in the nuts too, if you want anon.
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Begone, page 10
Get back up there.
slow day, huh?
We should give this thread to the BRs.
They will know what to do.
I'm actually almost tempted to get it because Amazon had it for just like, 20 dollars, but at the same time, it's just not enough to motivate me.
I'm only slightly interested in picking it up for 9 and 10 on PC. Which I would be fine paying $10 for each.
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How differently would you've handled reploids to make 'em more interesting?
mecha furries arent interesting enough for you?
Make them cuter.
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Actually make some of the reploids good.
Outside of the platypus guy in Command Mission, were there any animal reploids that DIDN'T go maverick/need to be put down because reasons?
Put limits on their power so they aren't superior to human beings in every other way.
Dr.Light was just fucking asking for humans to be replaced.
So, ZX?
You would think after x5 they would've better immunity systems no?
Cyborgs from the beginning. Rings better with their evolution stuff and how easily they are infected by a fusion of organic/cyber viruses.
so... cyborg... furries?
I mean what would you replace all the animal characters with?
Eggman robots.
Those designs suck
But they have animals inside of them. We have to take what we can get while still barely meeting criteria.
What if we had a Dr.Eggman robot with an animal Reploid inside it?
How is Gunvolt? I know I'll get different answers, but I am curious. When I played the demo, it felt a bit off. I can't seem to grasp the weird electric circle thing that damages enemies that you've shot. Also I keep trying to crouch because Gunvolt's sprite is big compared to the rest of the screen. The demo was fun, though.
If it makes any difference, I'm playing on 3DS so I can get the striker pack or whatever it's called.
Why do you think he kept calling Call cute?
Personally I liked it.
The first game is a bit easy compared to the second, but the later is better all round.
Give them genitals so they can procreate with humans and make human-reploid hybrids
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hold on, isn't he called Viper?
His japanese name is Daytona.
make them all 10 year old girls with small penises
shitty corridor simulator and a knockoff of a better franchise. if you only liked the running and shooting in megaman games then youre going to love gunvolt but if you liked literally anything else about them then youre better off replaying megaman games or knockoff games that are closer to the source material
oh, thanks
fucking christ
fighting bosses right now in megaman legacy collection and i keep dying to fucking contact damage
like wily could make a robot based on invading personal space and it'd be the toughest boss ever

>inb4 git gud
that's why im playing the goddamn thing in the first place
>wily could make a robot based on invading personal space and it'd be the toughest boss ever
Snake Man's pattern is mostly him trying to ram you, but he's pretty easy.

Who or what is causing trouble for you?
gemini, needle, hard
with buster
git gud
So why isn't the legacy collection coming to the switch again? Seems like a pretty dumb choice for capcom to make.
not sure but i'll bet its something to do with the PS1 version of MM8 being included or something
Didn't Capcom say something about not focusing on the Switch, or something?
I might be mis-remembering something from a completely different company.
capcom is dumb and hates money
That's funny because they requested additional memory be added to Switch and Nintendo obliged.
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good night /mmg/ try not to die while i'm asleep
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<5 hours til megamaker release
Oh shit, that's right. I forgot it releases soon.
Apparently i live in the past, because it says 7 hours for me. I'll be able to play it first thing tomorrow morning
>implying theres anything to be excited about
as the conman himself said: "It's better than nothing"
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Do you guys genuinely believe anything good will come out of this?
if anything, it'll be fun to fuck around with for a while.
don't worry, nesfag, I'll still play your protoman hack
its megaman, it barely matters at this point
That's not what worries me. What worries me is that between how easily anyone can do anything, and the sheer amount of possibilities at the disposal of the maker, I'm afraid even the "good" levels won't feel like classic MM at all and and they'll be buried behind an ocean of mediocrity, or worse (levels filled with pixel jumps and spikes, thousands of enemies, etc).
That's pretty much what Mario Maker is and you can still find fun and/or good levels. That is if your standard for fan created content isn't through the roof.
5 M I N U T E S
Anyone else getting lag on some of the demo stages or is it just my computer? I just gave the tutorial a try and it didn't lag at all.
So I though I might as well give MM Maker a quick try.

Compared to romhacking level editors, the advantages are that it's more userfriendly, and that you have access to more enemy types.
However the program is very limited in a way.

For instance, take the equivalent of TSA blocks for NES, 16*16 background structures. MM Maker doesn't let you choose which precise block you want for your floors, only the "type", and it will make the connections itself. Ultimately that will only lead to broken looking backgrounds with blocks that don't fit together, I tried an example stage and it was full of that for instance.
And for backgrounds it's even worse, as you can't make your own backgrounds at all, and in the "Napalm Factory" example stage I tried, even the forest background was full of blocks that don't fit together, making the tree leaves look "cut".

Whereas if you make your stages with a romhacking level editor like Megafle X, you have control all of that and then more, as you can edit every single pixel, import from other games, make your own stuff, etc

Sure MM Maker is nice for being fast and userfriendly, but coming from romhacking I see no reason to use it personally.

Also when playing, there is a "delay" when charging a shot when reaching full charge and I can't get over it.

No lag for me
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them hips
never realized this but he's wearing an armor speedo
Can't unsee!
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So Mega Maker has slowdown for me on most of the levels

I know I'm running a toaster, but I strongly believe this shouldn't be a thing
This seems to be a common complaint
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Mega Maker literally starts up, then crashes. Is anyone else having this problem?
All this hype and broken dreams
What should be ineteresting for the Mega maker is a mini map where you can see the whole size of your stage.
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>I was just fighting this blue guy and suddenly he brings biblical disasters to a gun fight
So, about the Mega maker. It's an interesting project but still have some problems that have to be dealed with such as the tiles not staying like you want or this >>182765693 .
There is also the fact that it might crash sometimes too, like this >>182762546 .
I would wait a little longer for a new version.
What is this.
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something I'm putting together, the latest video WIP is at >>182671535
most mm characters do
if only capcom had listened to the fans and stolen the project as their own
>"X is too powerful, pls nerf"
>Sincerely, Mavericks
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I kek'd
Well, no one said it would be perfect.
But damn if everyone didn't want it to be.
what, megamaker?
it's gonna get updates regularly
more updates, tilesets, and, naturally, bugfixes
Yeah, the only big issue right now is the slow down, which is a shame. The Example levels are a lovely bunch
i've heard of some clipping problems as well
but overall they shouldnt be incredibly hard to fix
i'd say a patch would be due within a week
>any of the battle network games you can generally pick up for a few quid in japan due to good sales
>its a generally more rare gba game with a price of £10-25 if you want an english copy
>because of this I've resorted to ordering cheap reproductions of battle network games and importing the japanese ones just because of price cause its no longer the mid 2000s when retro games where affordable and battle network was still new
Slight problem china only makes reproductions of battle network 4 and 5.
So I guess I'm going to start the series with battle network 4 and use my japanese copy of 4 for trading when it arrives.
Also apparently there was once some sort of competitive scene for battle network and I've stumbled across threads and threads on forums about different strategies. Are these games really that deep?
he wishes
X's an expert on bullying because of first hand experience, so it's best not to try him
>Are these games really that deep?
As deep as any Megaman game
At the end of the Elf Wars, was X a

>Despairing Idealist who is still way out of his depth
>Wizened Old Man, who despite all the destruction still sees hope for tomorrow
>Grizzled, battle-hardened and cynical General
Id say they do have depth but its similar to pokemon, they probably werent made with some kind of super competitive community in mind but some people take folder building and the different options the game gives you really seriously, like with pretty much any skill or strategy based multiplayer game people will tear it apart to find the best strategies if they have nothing better to do even if that wasnt the intention. It happens all the time. See the smash bros competitive community.
he was a shitposter who banged four repligirls at once so the kids could take care of the world from that point forward 'cuz he was literally centuries too old for this shit
>yfw no Lordgenome X
He was a depressed, single father of four.
The Four Guardians weren't built until the formation of Neo Arcadia
That doesn't make my previous statement any less true.
they were made from his DNA though, similar to how the primarchs in 40k were made
Right, so he wasn't a father yet at the end of the Elf Wars
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A suffering DILF.
Does anyone know where I can watch/download the Rockman X OVA, in Jap with english subs?

"ThePressStartProject" uploaded it on YT but the framerate is absolutely awful, stutering like it shouldn't compared with other videos of it in English, and he has a goddamn water mark on top of it.

Can't seem to find it anywhere else
>Meta Knight's Tornado
>Fox's Reflector
>for literally no reason
fucking smashfags gotta ruin everything
nvm, found it on some random site 9anime.to
quality isn't great but at least framerate doesn't stutter
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>banged girls
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>in Jap with english subs?
You are missing out, my dude.
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Zero's hair is so braidable. can you blame em?
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So okay - in the Ariga manga, Ice Man has a crush on Roll, and Roll dreams of becoming a nurse.

Then, in the Archie comics, Roll wants to become a nurse and Ice Man has a crush on Roll.

Did the comics take inspiration from the manga or do these things run way back and I missed something?
they took inspiration from a lot of mega man content, but ice man having a crush on roll dates back to battle and chase.
Inspiration from the manga.
Okay, I played the shit out of Battle&Chase and I didn't see that. Only played with Protoman and Quickman though, is it in Roll or Ice Man's endings?
Both of those come from the games.
Roll aspires to be a nurse in Rockboard, and Ice Man has a crush on Roll in Battle & Chase.
I believe it was in ice mans ending. he made an ice sculpture of roll
>absorb Knight Man's flail with Plant Man's weapon
>he just stands there with his empty flail arm pointing at me for like a minute
>wide open to attack
that shit is OP
didn't know plant shield was useful.
Okay, good to know

What I love in MM6 is using the charged armor fist on bosses. It actually breaks whatever pattern they were in and make them start a pattern again after a short while. You can get some crazy stuff to happen, like trying to prevent Yamato Man from retreiving his spear as long as possible. In the case of Centaur Man it actually makes things MUCH harder.
shame about red's leg there, guess thats the price of axl's incompetence as a partner in battle
Ghosts don't need legs.

Aren't they siblings
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>He thinks robots care if they are "siblings" or not.
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>tfw no art of sex goddess roll with her 10 year old body wearing a nurse outfit with a noticeable crotch bulge
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Technically, yes.
But that doesn't seem to matter to Capcom.
Powered Up goes on to reveal that Roll has a thing for Rock.
>because she's the only girl robot
Silly Japan and their heterosexual relationships.
>Zero (0) Days
>0 days without kiddy diddlers
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When will you guys learn to just not reply to the Roll shitposter?
We have to keep track of the days!!!
Not to mention the whole dialogue between Roll and Oil Man. It's practically encouraged by Capcom
he cant, it triggers his autism. he's mad at himself for feeling the same way but having been taught that what he feels is wrong
>literally optional
Elitistfags gotta ruin everything
Some people just don't like fun.
Because I like what he says
It's funny and hot
I hope Mega Maker stays supported in the future, it's nice but really limited. In particular I find it very annoying how placing a column of water takes up its own tile and you can't place enemies above it. I also found it a bit frustrating that there are almost no enemies that shoot vertical projectiles, something like the dripping lava from MM2 Wily 5 would work for that.
No matter, some of the boys seem to have a thing for each other in that game too.
No, you just see it that way because you're a faggot. Camaraderie =/= romantic feelings
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Also in some of the comics.
elec man and ice man. you can't tell me elec man isn't high key kinky
>making an off the cuff joke is now grounds for implicit love
only on /mmg/
>/mmg/, as illiterate as tumblr shippers
Fujos are all the same.
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Elec Man was like that with anyone who wasn't Bomb Man, Oil Man or Guts Man.
okay. high key kinky slut then.
all robots are high key kinky sluts by nature
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Don't say such lewd things about my son.
Even X?
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Some more than others
Anyone want to try my mega man maker level? Name is 'starting countdown'.
only if you try mine, its called "the walls and floors and ceilings are all spikes"
Some of the best rated levels are bullshit 1-hit kill reliant stuff.

Kinda funny that a lot of those folks then want to behave like the curators of 8-bit level design greatness.
That's a program.
Though that does pose the question, if robots are high key kinky sluts, what does that make Navis?
a pain in the ass desu

i mean it seemed reasonably difficult at first but then some of the stuff is like ugh

i hate spike reliance levels in general so it's nothing personal

i suck at mega man though so my word isn't really relevant
High key kinky sluts
Bump Man
so what's the final review on mega man maker?
>final review

Wait a few days, it's only day one. Why are you already looking for a final word?

If they add anything else to the game (patches, etc.), a "day one final word" will automatically become null and void.

(Unless the patches, do literally nothing.)
then what are the mighty numbers?
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This is for Dayanon
it's a game maker, i wouldn't say it's something you can just 'review'

I mean in the end it's good stuff but I didn't have any doubts, physics are thankfully very accurate, and there's clearly a lot of work put into what you can do with the levels (if you're familiar with Mega Man Powered Up's level creator then you'll probably feel right at home here). Online servers work wonderfully with some hiccups here and there, and hopefully the amount of content really expands over the next month or so.

Only real issue is the lack of enemies/bosses/weapons to choose from. 4 weapons from each game, two bosses from each game, half the enemies aren't there. They said they'd steadily add more content as the game progressed however, and the amount of stuff that's there is more than enough to make unique levels.
If anyone is interested, I made a level on Megamaker too.
Its name is "Short stage- Test", Pharaohman is the boss.

I'm here! THANKS!
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Why are you giving him a picture of worst guy, is this a thinly veiled insult?
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He is my waifu.
Beautiful, cute, worth protecting;

And I wish I wasn't that dumb. Had to delete the stage since I've found an error of sorts. Fuck.
>He is relatable to me. Ugly, poorly designed, worthless;
Well if you say so.
I've got to agree with >>182799397 myself, seeing every new gimmick was just being used with 1-hit kills was a big buzzkill.

There were a lot of good ideas, though. You managed to make a level littered with it that didn't want me to put down the controller right then and there like MMU Rainbow Man, but the last stretch I basically found out the shortcut to the boss room because of the insane cluster of baddies and hazards by pure accident.

Keep it up, though. I can see some pretty good concepts shining through, it just needs to have some of the suckerpunches and one hit kill excesses trimmed.
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I've fixed my stage. It's called "Short Stage-Test", and have Pharaohman as a boss. If anyone end up playing it, please tell me what you think about that.

You sound salty.
Go relax.
I would love a vile backstory
I wish Vile was given more attention (by Capcom) in general. I found him to be way cooler and have more meaning/impact than Dynamo.

(Wtf was his (Dynamo's) deal anyway?)
Dynamo likes to have fun at other people's expense.
>Dynamo likes to have fun at other people's expense.
Sorry I worded the question wrong...

I meant "What was his overall purpose?"

Was it just to pander to the western audience?

I don't mind his attitude. (Even though it's kinda "been there, done that")

I call it the Quantic Trilogy
Dynamo is a shithead. Vile's an angsty shithead
He wants daddy sigma to fuck him
You're a thinly veiled insult
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Good night /mmg/ !
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he looks like a pokemon character and acid looks like a pokemon
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He looks like a Gundam character too.
I would play a Megaman-Pokemon Crossover.
tfw no gundam pokemon megaman crossover game called "super autism wars"
If you throw in Fire emblem and Castlevania too, I would buy it.
It was pretty alright. Felt a bit generous with resources but it was just a test level after all, and the not-so-obvious shortcut is kind of neat too. Felt weird that you made the boss immune to Metal Blade but at the same time made it so he could get 3HKO'd by charged buster shots.

May as well post my own short test level. Name is "Waterlogged Amphibian" I am terrible at names and its ID is 11982.
Very cool. I like the idea of the two paths, I like how you had a few 'secrets' and 'cheats' that could be accessed based on using the three powers you're given, and it was relatively difficult but still totally fair. The fact that it's not just loaded with spikes alone makes you a designer after my own heart.
It was pretty neat that you made two separate routes to the boss. I went throught the top path, I liked how you made areas that made well use of Charge kick and Flash Stopper.
The idea of putting mooks with the boss was super interesting too.
Thanks. I'll be honest, I wanted to make a level where you went down instead of up, but I didn't really know how to properly make it so you weren't too cramped for space but it also wasn't too easy to just jump down past issues without having spikes.
And yeah, the last big room was kinda a mess because I wanted to have fun with quick lasers being a 'timer' but the timing options are limited and you can't point them down.
Any specific part you thought was best/worst?
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Thanks for the compliments. I feel like I didn't balance the top and bottom paths, but I found the water gimmick I chose for the bottom one very limiting due to the way water works and how you can't put any enemies in the same place as water. I really hope that changes in a future build. Toadman's AI is just as easy to cheese as in vanilla MM4 so I thought adding some slow-moving enemies to interrupt the really easy stunlock rhythm would make the fight more interesting.
Personally I'm really getting sick of the shine ability. I don't mind the Smash pandering but it seems just about EVERY level with the shine is a "do some frame-perfect button-mashing to get over this sea of spikes" or the above with spikes making a diagonal wall so you can't ACTUALLY be frame-perfect or you'll run into that, creating something even more bullshit where you have to hit the right margin, and of course they don't put a checkpoint before or after that room either so you have to deal with even more bullshit if you manage to clear it and can't just fling yourself at it forever.
Top Spin levels are also getting annoying though not as much, and god forbid the level designer gives you both.
>MMU Rainbow Man
Fuck you for reminding me of that game
Well, they certainly give you a wide variety of spikes to use.
High-key emotionally tormented hookers
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Also did you notice the creator's profile is full of shitpost levels?
What if they made an actual Mega Man Metroidvania? Like, maybe not ZX3, but perhaps a Classic series spinoff? I always liked Classic's cartoon aesthetic, as opposed to all of the more angsty sub-series'.

Maybe Wily built a giant labyrinthine base where he's got some sorta doomsday weapon being prepared (return of Ra Moon maybe?), and he's got traps, bosses, and Robot Masters guarding various sections of it. When the character of your choosing (Rock, Blues, Bass, or mayybe Roll w/ a broom?) enters, they're trapped to ensure they won't escape for backup. Maybe items and upgrades can be sent to you by Light via data terminals? Just the idea seems sounds so fun to me.
Something like RM4MI's Wily 3 with more items and you starting with no special weapons instead of only half your weapons would be pretty great as a full game.
Why do so many people hate X6? I thoroughly enjoy it.
On the surface, there's the poor quality of the translation and a number of glaring level design flaws. The red donut nightmare snake minibosses and a number of instances throughout the Gate fortress stages come to mind for many.

That said, I personally play X6 more than I do X4 and X5. At least in comparison to X5, Alia's hints are able to be ignored and don't create mandatory breaks in the action. The soundtrack is also wonderful, and the event scenes have a good volume of illustrations to go with them.

But I still really, really hate High Max.
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I'm going to sleep.
Don't die.
There's something great about the idea of Phantom telling someone not to die.

What if we pulled a Nier and instead it's Zero slowly escaping from Wily's basement-labyrinth. Along the way he picks up scrap parts to upgrade himself with. Only at the end does he finally fix his visual-sensors and the player realizes that you were playing Zero killing various Robot Masters, and then Bass, Proto Man, Mega Man, and finally Dr. Light/Wily.

On the second playthrough you start with full visuals.

Just kidding, I hate the ZERO KILLED EVERYONE theory
Uploaded another maker level. "Dual Core Cpu".
Bottom path is easier.
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How hard are the megaman zero games relative to average megaman difficulty or do they vary?
They're only really hard if you go your first time playing with no upgrades. If you ignore ranks it's almost a cakewalk. Still, no upgrades is a fun of it's own, so I recommend doing that on a second or third playthrough.
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Do Apache Joes have legs?

I never played the Zero series. I love classic and X, I also love the GBA Metroids and Castlevanias. Will I like Zero?
Yea boi
Is it better played on GBA or with the DS collection?
DS. Better sound and includes extras in 3 that the GBA version left out.
yeah probably.
Its only been one day and I've only made 1 and a half real levels (as in, not tutorial/test/shitposts) but so far it feels incomplete
Still really good and intuitive though.
Maker mode needs a bigger field of view overall. Make it widescreen (in maker only, not in gameplay obviously this would break how screens work)
Give a better field of view via zooming in and out
Give a selection tool like in Mario Maker where you can highlight an area and move/copy/delete all objects selected
I dunno man, I just feel like these would be a given after Mario Maker but apparently not. Making levels is mildly annoying due to how little you see at all times, plus all the toolbars are obstructing your already cramped view. At least have them off to the side, I dont know why they insist that EVERY part of the game ONLY runs in 4:3. Again, I get the actual GAMEPLAY, but for everything else it makes no sense. Maybe they were too incompetent of a team and couldnt figure out how to make only gameplay be in 4:3.

In terms of content, its missing a lot of stuff from Megaman. No adjustable/lights timer (like in Shadowman's stage iirc), no moving platforms on a track, and tons of missing robot masters. I could be wrong but they could be missing all the Wily stage BGs too? Theres only a handful of backgrounds per game but I dont remember what the backgrounds look like.
I also wish it went that extra little step kinda like Mario Maker. You cant really make your own boss fights like in SMM, you have to use what they have or deal with players being able to damage boost past your shit.
Im certainly having fun with it for now but a lot of times I'll have ideas but then I realize the limitted toolset makes it so they dont work as perfectly as I need it to work, and this never really happened in SMM for me.
I hope they add leaderboards for levels. How hard would it be? It's certainly missing some stuff, but it's day one so I think/hope we can expect some great stuff in the future.
I havent really done any tests but it feels like the knockback is reduced in MegaMaker than it actually is in the NES games.

I kind of want comments. Plenty of people who are actually trying to make levels and not make enemy spam shitposts would like constructive criticism even though that would open the floodgates for a ton of shitposting. Obviously you can goto other places but having it in the in-game browser itself would be nice. Even SMM had miiverse.

I would emulate it with a good controller. Maybe its just me but those games killed my fingers with how much I used the triggers.
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In retrospect I think the falling bridge part might have been a bit sloppy (you'll know when you get there) but other than that I think I did alright.
Level ID: 17375
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People tend to forget about important palette and/or background animations are for classic Mega Man levels, and from what I can tell, most of that is missing in MMM.

Also the fact that you're limited to such small portions of art from each available level, means that you're going to have to mix arts from different stages, which will ALWAYS result in an incoherent result.

Sadly this last point can't really be fixed in MMM, unless they allow the people to edit graphics on a PIXEL level, and I doubt that is ever going to happen because that's way too much more data to upload

Let me explain. From my experience from romhacking, even if you have access to all the 16*16 blocks of the original level, sometimes if you have a precise level design idea in mind AND have it look good (= not having the bg look "cut" and having everything fit together nicely) you'll have to make and edit your own 16*16 blocks, using the original 8*8 tiles, or sometimes EVEN editing the tiles themselves. Simply because the precise idea you had, the precise connection you want to make in the background, was not in the original game level.

This has happened to me quite a lot when I made Second Strike, and yet I was aiming for a "classic" look, with no new graphics, where no-one would notice the new graphics. Here is an example, it's a sample of Stone Man's stage TSA table, on the left the original, on the right mine. Had to make my own blocks based on the tiles for what I had in mind.
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>Any specific part you thought was best/worst?
I thought the worst part was when you go into those pink teleporters from MM9 and there is an enemy right ahead up of you, and you NEED to have the Pharaoh weapon charged in order to avoid ANY damage whatsoever. You can mess up easily there because of the over reliance of bottomless pits and you're trying to survive while jumping on the platforms, and at first I thought Gravity Man's weapon was gonna do it, but then it still was a suckerpunch.

I think positioning the enemy further up where you still have room to maneuver so you can react if you find yourself there instead of always needing to prepare for it beforehand.

>Fuck you for reminding me of that game
you know what'd be a cool feature for a mega man x game? build your own ride armor.
Alternatively, a Mega Man (X) spinoff centered around ride armor, where beating bosses got you new parts and weapons to customize the ride armor with, among other things.

Modular ride armor.
So basically, Vile's GOTY.
>MegaMan X Nuts 'n Bolts
how about no
You know you'd play it.
>Megaman X's nuts and bolts.
So we play as Zero?
The story revolves around Zero, but you play as both him and Axl.
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Oh, so is a BJ competition sort of game?
More like Ultimate Surrender, but with Reploids.
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So it's a X versus those two sluts kind of deal, or it's Sigma again?
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Opinions on pic related?
it's shit
Thank you, lowercase-kun. So how about anyone with an actual opinion?
No he's right. It's garbage. The character designs are bad and the music is bad.
I never played the game myself, but everyone says the gameplay and the level design is terrible. Not to mention the developer of the game is a massive prick.
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>the developer of the game is a massive prick
Please tell me more. Haven't heard about that guy before. What'd he do?
I'm curious too, do tell!
Apparently, whenever people give him criticism about the game, he just throws a tantrum and rages about it, ignoring anything anyone has to say about it. Keep in mind, this is only what I've heard from others, as I myself don't know the guy personally. Though from the sound of it, he's not as bad as Mexican Sunflower, but still immature.
Isn't that the guy who cancelled his game just because "you don't deserve our game. you all have shit taste!"?
Mexican Sunflower? Yeah, that's the guy.
Seems like MegaPhilX has a vendetta against Eternal too, enough to go comment on Youtube playthroughs.
what's that guy up to these days?
not sure, was somewhat surprised myself to see if he did show up was to shit on that game.

the egos must be out of control something fierce there.
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Do you think Capcom will do something with Mega Man's 30th anniversary?

He made a level for Mega Maker.

It's shit naturally.


Whatever merch they have shit out that year will have a 30th anniversary logo stamped on the box.
you have a name or ID?
Megamini's mobile game

Napalm Fury I think.

It shows up in high rated levels.
>Without One Hit Kills My Life Is Meaningless
Still about 25% less bullshit than MMU though...

Well it's not too surprising it's easier since Mega Maker actually forces you to play test.
silly anon, are you implying 5 years of placing spikes and pits where you're constantly shoved into and then having destructoid writers play attack hounds telling people to git gud when they're not having fun is not play testing?
yep, currently struggling to beat my own level to upload it.
Play Napalm Climb

Worth the lulz
Okay, I've just completed my level, it's called Dark Citadel Assault, and the level ID is 22644.
Its lagging like hell, how fucking big is it?
pretty big
How many room? Just so I can compare to an actual MM stage.
sixty two screens.
Wait, are you guys saying Unlimited is shit? And because of the spikes, too?

I could go on but nobody cares, in short, out of all the fan games I've played Unlimited is the best.

As for spikes and instant death, I don't think it even has as many as MM9, and they're not as "bad" as in MM9 too.

I've come to notice that people have double standars. When it comes to fan content, people criticize it more easily, I'm not exactly sure why, maybe they feel like because it's "fan made" and they are themselves "fans", they could have done it themselves, wouldn't have done it that way, and if they die it's easier to call it bad design and other things. It's all easier to put down the game when it's a fan one and you didn't pay for it.

I'm so aware of this I forced myself to tune down the instant deaths and the difficulty to what I consider the "bare minimum" in my hack. That didn't prevent someone from posting a review saying he barely played 3 stages and "every natural move the player makes leads to death", which is just ridiculous but I was expecting it.

If anything Unlimited is close MM9, in terms of flow and level design. I genuinely believe if the same levels were in MM9 or 10 a lot of people wouldn't feel the same way.
Then again 9 is my favourite and it does have a bigger ratio of "instant deaths possibilities" so maybe there is that, too.
I prefer Rock Force but Universe isn't terrible.
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Christ. Compare size to pic related.

Honestly, your stage is mostly long and boring, as most of the stuff that isn't above a pit or spikes probably isn't going to have a good chance of harming you, until later where you just pile on so many enemies that I went fuck it and just flew past it with the charge kick.
Its also really laggy, not helped by the room of exploding floors. The boss room having pits and the boss doors not being mapped correctly are just the ending piece of frustration.
Not that same anon, I was really having fun with it and went through the bomb pathway but the game IS lagging way too much. I wasn't about to replay 10 minutes of it, but I'd like to play it to the end when the game is more stable.

>Wait, are you guys saying Unlimited is shit? And because of the spikes, too?
Spikes, bottomless pits, Quickman lasers, OHKO in boss fights. The game is overly reliant on them.

>I could go on but nobody cares, in short, out of all the fan games I've played Unlimited is the best.
You hadn't even known Power Battle until recently. I like your spirit and shit, NESfag and whatnot, but you can work on your backlog.

>I've come to notice that people have double standars. When it comes to fan content, people criticize it more easily
Somewhat. Back in the day everyone gave X6 shit because it had "way too much instant death" when the actual issue is how the game locks you with shit design choices that force you to kill yourself over and over, you're actually much better off to fend instant death in it being an X game and everything. For the longest time everyone ragged on it using the wrong words, they still do nowadays.

But when I played 9 one of my first thoughts was "this isn't really much fun" and I've stuck with it ever since. I've played through all of the NES games recently and none of them were as bullshitty as 9. So I'd absolutely give any game shit that stuck by the same design principles, fan or not.

I do agree on something about the way criticize fan content sounds like they're always entitled to the fucking extreme - stuff to the levels of "if you're not going to do it how -I- want to, why do you even bother?" most of the time (fuck, I remember the shit people gave Rock Force in the beginning, like whining that even the checkpoints came through in stage design as if that BROKE EVERYTHING).
Charge Man stage has 20 screens, but a couple of those are filler (where you just take the ladder up only to go the next screen on the next step, to make the transition with the moving backgrounds)

But that's about the average size of classic MM stages, and that's counting stages with multi-paths.

I haven't played that level but 60+ screens definitely sounds like a lot

The biggest classic MM stage is probably Wave Man stage which does have 60+ screens, but only because of the jetski autoscrolling.
But then again, if you want the pièce de résistance for "it's alright when Capcom does it", look no further than X7 and think what'd have happened if that game was also fanmade:

>an original the character shows up derailing the entire plot that was built up to that point
>the main character is locked out for half of the game, at best
>the physics are buttfucked to high hell managing to making even basic wall climbing a chore at many spots
>You hadn't even known Power Battle until recently. I like your spirit and shit, NESfag and whatnot, but you can work on your backlog.

I haven't played THAT many MM fan games, I'll give you that. Quite a few romhacks though, but out of all of those I did Unlimited stands out.

>Spikes, bottomless pits, Quickman lasers, OHKO in boss fights. The game is overly reliant on them.

Except maybe the lasers, which are about equal in difficulty as Quick Man stage, none of them are any harder than in the original games though, and they're all very similar gimmicks as in classic games too.
>none of them are any harder than in the original games though

>OHKO projectiles in boss fights

Uh huh.

>which are about equal in difficulty as Quick Man stage

Rainbow Man is built fucking ENTIRELY around them. That's not Quick Man, it's fucking Zero Stage Level 1.

The level he made for Mega Maker highlights the issue: instant death has to ALWAYS be around.

What were some "gotcha!" moments in the Classic series become a broken record repeating into infinity because he can't come up with better ways to keep you playing that is not resetting you to the nearest checkpoint.

You have pits all the time in that level, and then you realize they're there because he's really hoping to high hell and heaven one point or another an enemy projectile hits you mid-air so you have to go through a do-over that feels arbitrary as hell because it's in nearly every single screen.
Huh well now that you mention it
t. salty anon whom got btfo by a valid opinion
NESfag no you used to be one of the tolerable tripfags on /vr/ don't defend Unlimited
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Apparently the artist of this is probably not going to finish this but what he made so far looks amazing
>the game locks you with shit design choices that force you to kill yourself over and over
Holy fuck, good point. A fan game like that would have been rightfully ignored to Hell and back.

My favorite part of the Destructoid writers jerking off Unlimited thing was they actually wrote an article about how bad Rock Force looked.

I guess nobody cared enough about Revolution to even give it the time of day.
Namefag, you get what I meant
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>My favorite part of the Destructoid writers jerking off Unlimited thing was they actually wrote an article about how bad Rock Force looked.
Please tell me you're just fucking with me here.
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>Mega Maker requires completion of a captcha to make an account
>it's reCaptcha v2
>with the exception of 4chan (for some reason) literally everywhere on the internet gives me pic related error
>the links are no help and only tell me to update my browser
>already have latest version of firefox
man, fuck google

It appears they've since deleted the article but no I'm not fucking with you.

That was written after the original version came out, before they added the playable robot masters. Basically it stated it had a release date and you should play Unlimited instead.
>I wasn't a play tester for this game
>Time to badmouth it!
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Bruh you're fast, I published the sketchdump only a couple hours ago
And you posted the gayest one of the bunch. I see you're a man of culture as well.
Sure, the playable robot masters are one of the best things about Rock Force, but going out of the way to say that it looks crap compared to another fangame is pretty slack.
Speaking of Rock Force, didn't it originally have a really shitty ending and it was changed to the current one because so many people hated it?
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You underestimate me, lad.
I remember something like that from roahmmythril's playthrough. Unlimited's ending sucked though too

This was the original ending (jump to 1 minute 39 seconds if the embed fails)... version two. The original writing had Roll "finally asleep" and Light calling Rock "son" (because 'robots don't sleep' though they get colds and blush when they do and that sort of pointless sticklerism). After the big update it just meshed into the usual EVERYBODY'S HAPPEH HAPPEH HAPPEH thing from MM9.

I don't think it needed those changes but they're mild. Some people were crying blood because the game didn't have Wily.
Seems like I did. Now go look at better art, Vent.
I like yours, man.
At least you can color way better than me.
Plus your pics in general are way less stiff and more fun than mine.
Why doesn't Capcom just make a 3D Mega Man game that plays like Vanquish?
>Zero 3&4 title screens don't mimic the X 3&4 title screens
20XX% mad
>Why doesn't Capcom put effort into something?
Made me think.
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>Dr.Cossack not wearing an Adidas speedo.
I wouldn't say it was BAD but it was just kind of a downer, and it felt really jarring to me.
lookin good dina
Better than how she looked before
>metal man gets one-shot by a shine reflected metal blade
I love it.
>be metal man
>pick up your own weapon off the floor
10/10 robot design
He gets one-shot even if you make him immune to Metal Blades
How did Wily make a robot so powerful it was was weak to itself?
Wait. Is this the definition of Glass Cannon?
>playing Mega Maker level where you only have Top Spin and Charge Kick
>error pop up, windows style, pops up: "Got stuck on left"
>Click OK
>Program closes

I have no idea what happened, but I suppose I got stuck on left
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Were you actually on the left, though?
Pretty much.
A Glass cannon is something frail on the defensive side, but packs a strong enough punch to kill anything.
>see "Metroid I Mega Mission"
>huge Metroid fan, can't say no to that
>it's a stupid small stage combining the first few Brinstar rooms with a couple iconic Norfair rooms, ending with a Spark Man fight with death spikes in the room
>if you go left to get the Morph Ball, you're stuck because sliding isn't enabled
I was so disappointed.
So I made a couple levels in Mega Maker. They're not amazing but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of designing stages so future levels might be a bit more impressive.

Name: Takatsuki

>The Great Cave Adventure
>ID: 13715
>Pretty straightforward cave level. The first level I finished.

>Aerial Battleship
>ID: 15349
>My second stage. It's supposed to be a flying fortress type of level. Features both indoor and outdoor areas.

>ID: 21055
>It's a maze where every screen has a different theme.

>Cutman is the Final Boss
>ID: 21528
>Exactly what it says.... more or less...

>Mount Sliparound
>ID: 24476
>Another mountain/cave level, except this time the floor is slippery. Features branching paths.

If you check them out, let me know what you think.
A lot of the high ranked "Mario 1 remade" levels are pretty drab too.
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>why doesn't Capcom put actual effort into something?
Alright no memes, literally why don't they? First they're pumping out games people love, now they're not even bothering. What changed?
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Ascend the sky tower.png
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Allright, so I took the advice I got and made a new level

>Ascend the sky tower
>A level where - as the title would suggest, you climb a (few) massive towers to fight the boss at the top, mostly combat, though there is one platforming section late in the level, about 30 screens
>birds resting on Wood Man as he floats on the water in bliss
Fucking nice desu
Their Inafking abandoned his Inafthrone.
Looks pretty bad just from the screenshot imo t b h
If Megaman's fallen far from grace as it seems from sales, maybe this is a Strider situation where you get something new every 10 years.
That Clash Bomb detour that just sends you back is a dick move, but I still liked the level quite enough in the end. Naisu
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Best stage.
I was expecting literally that as a broken unplayable mess but it has actually a few nifty ideas
>The Great Cave Adventure
It's ok for a first try.

>Aerial Battleship
Mostly ok but the outside area near the end was bullshit. Couldn't do it without Rush Jet.

Annoying to play, but it's a pretty good idea.

That was legit hilarious. Kind of hard too.

>Mount Sliparound
This one was actually really good IMO. Definitely your best level.
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Mega Maker got an update that fixed a few bugs.

Still laggy as shit though.
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I was going to make a concept that was in my mind for a good godamn time but I can just put one boss per stage.

Too bad, I was looking forward in making the Fuckhouse.
maybe in a later patch, I wanted to do a boss gauntlet too
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Hey guys let's braid Zero's hair while he's asleep tonight.
semen demon
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Out of this house.
Zero days.
I'm pretty sure it's the same guy every time
>megaman clone game
>quick man 'fuck you' beams
>they intentionally design it so the time stopping ability runs out before the most bullshit screen
Welcome to the internet.
Unfortunely that's how it goes on the internet, nothing is sacred.
But your drawings are nice, anon.
git gud
Welcome to the family, son
Sasuga Dumbass-kun
I love how they're just universally known as "Quick Man Lasers/Beams"

This makes me think:

What if there were a non-shitty version of the Time-Stop weapon?

I just realized that it would be so much more useful if you could TURN IT ON AND OFF. Imagine using it to get out of a tight spot and into safety, and restarting time, so it doesn't just straight burn through your energy.

That would be cool and useful in stages and bosses.
Yeah, it would be awesome.
Too awesome, like every 'each weapon energy bar is actually multiple shots' weapon in 2.
We're eight posts to bump limit, what should the next thread be?
Mega Maker edition.
sex queen goddess roll edition with a sexy sfw pic of the temptress fembot roll rockin her sweet sweet 10 year old bod
>/mmg/ has gone 0 hours without kiddie diddlers
Photoshop Protoman using Chris Hansen as a base and call the thread "0 hours without kiddie diddlers edition."
maybe next one
File: end thread.gif (2KB, 80x96px)
end thread.gif
2KB, 80x96px
New thread!
But this isn't just Mega Man. They're making mistakes with all their recent games, SFV and apparently MVC:I to name a couple.
>with the tumblr nose
Haha no
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