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Guild Wars 2 - /gw2g/

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Thread replies: 454
Thread images: 84

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>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

This thread may have botspam, use "gw2" as your name so we can pick your posts apart, or join a guild!

Last updated: 6/28/2017
I was
New server when?
>Thinking about it, almost every popular game with voices in the day had this problem.

You answered your own question. Also, what's with your pic title you fag?
I had a very hard time deciding between Makoto, Ann, Haru, Futaba. I went Makoto cuz inertia and that she is happy to discuss long term future with you. Not an easy choice.
You're thinking of monotremes.
because you're gay
I was full goober for a few weeks but now I play sfv most overall still. It's nice being able to find matches with no effort
>tfw no board dedicated to mechwarrior

3D Movie Maker


You live in a shithole. What do you expect?
Hate this
I thought the last 2 were good
They made a video game from that 90's movie?
/jp/ server was based.

It's easier than actually making a new game so why no?
but that's wrong
both z and dark souls are the most known parts of their series and share reletive quality
same for db and demon's souls in fame and quality
Will most of it end up going to Xiaohai or ET?
Thanks, anon!
If you're a 2D dev. If you want to have experience with a AAA engine like Unreal. If you want to use a language that isn't C#. If you don't want to pay the money.
Shah Dalamadur weapons basically explain how Dalamadur actually shaped the world in 14 days.
i would kiss that cat
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are you the "i miss vae"fag? did you message him in gw2 yet senpai?
I also miss Vae
But video games didn't even exist until Nintendo invented them in 1985.
That's Mastema.
BM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Des
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Excuse me anon, but can you explain what you mean by skyrim not being a fun experience on console? Skyrim on the switch will be worth a solid 60 dollars for the brand new experience.
tfw anet didnt show up at e3 because they have nothing to show

i miss anet
What's the best emulator? I've tried NeoPop but I'm having music issues.
Vulkan and openGL deserve more publicity.
if you don't count blood gulch, possibly.
Where the fuck are the hamburgers?
I love touhou so much to the point where I bought a sexdoll and bought like 7 different touhou outfits to fit its G-cup body.

But this game looks like total shit.
I can guarantee you that cavemen drew dicks and tits on cave walls
I know that Combat Study would let me level a team of farmers without keeping them on the front line, but how exactly do you keep a full team of farmers from wiping to the first mildly difficult random encounter?
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Doesn't matter. PS2 version has extra content and good voice acting so it is worth playing that version over Dreamcast. The things which ARE cell shaded look better too.
literally the easiest boss in the game

use pontiff's left eye
$200 is really steep
I got bored of 2 in the pirate cove. I barely played it really, but missed the cool architecture and stuff of the first game. Should I soldier through it? I've also never played 3.
It's my main complaint, really.
Not a roguelike.
Pretty sure when people refer to something as a "true 3d" game they mean the entire game is in 3D rather than just tiny portions.
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considering spiderman 2
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she looks gud while not default looking. 8/10
Thanks, that's great.

Christ dude. Its the opposite for me. 4 *5 but only 2 *5 CE.
About time another one of these threads got going again.
i never said i liked AR's anon
>You are a gay motherfucker

Here is some more info on the game: https://snescentral.com/article.php?id=0990

Apparently there was a prototype of the SNES version for Europe, but it was never released.
>didn't even pick a good monster, picked the fucking "gypceros's retarded brother"
I hated how it looked as soon as they showed off the reveal trailer. No thanks.
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No it was Prodigy.

>mfw my news station paid tribute to him while talking about traffic.

Fuck living in the south but at least it's not Florida.
spaghetti in your pockets? You deserved a kick in the face really didn't you? Which part of London was that by the way? Was it Liverpool?
really should
This one!
*unzips dick*
And that's why it beat the Amiga where everything was held back by the 500.
dumbass prime subs aren't a trial period, unless you're talking about getting the amazon prime trial
Heart of cards faggot
Thats why I find it funny people complain that lifesteal is boring, but at least they'lll probably keep using it in the future, unlike their other meme keywords.
Yeah I got that. I just thought it was weird the support member also randomly takes the place of one of the main team.
>maximum sale opportunity by having your game available to everyone
Gee I wonder why.
Why are you retarded mate.
white and based
Prove him wrong then.
I only said mechanics in >>182328067
I also let handymen room free unless there is a problem area
there is literally nothing to discuss besides atziri hentai and why GGG will always let us down
So we'll probably get more info on events tomorrow for BE. They keep moving the damned carrot
>FFV characters are the best
fuck off, they're boring
shittier kefka
But why?
Backers continue to wait for Chris to split the waters and lead his chosen people to the promised land.

6+ month delays on anything tangible
Use with Hazy Flame Sphynx, if you know your topdecks in advance.

Finished my first box with 9 packs left, got Mirage Knight and Il Blud as my bonus SRs. Can't wait to tinker with Fire King Island.
>What is Colorado
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>2 games
I love how obvious it is you haven't even played the game, or you would already know why.
I would completely rescind my claims about the RNG circles if it was FP only. HOWEVER I think the circles can still be tweaked. But it would fix the majority of my issues
Absolutely LOVE IT one of my favourites
there isn't that much wrong with this one

Gloves and unaugmented gear too.
How come a thread for Sega turned into a Nintendo bashing thread?
Too much false-flagging or what?
>melee ranged
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you mean physical ranged as in BRD and MCH?

>*breast something
The hit detection on walls being FUCKED so that you'd get stuck was the only real serious problem with that other than the lack of saves obviously.
niggaro copters `
a good game
What's your point, pleb casual?
>alleviate your depression?
I drink for that. I actually like video games.
Hope you like dicks, this one's straight from my private gallery: a/RvX3L (imgur)
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>"traps are gay"
I love your style, anon.
Lucca, she's smart and I could persuade her to embrace her feminine side more.
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Why is water wet?
The funny thing is that there are records the F-4 still holds that neither the P-42 or streak eagle were able to break.
Lotsa good games, only a couple stinkers. Good collection bro
>implying summer knows about amigavania
It's the only way to truly defeat the dog.
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Someone should submit a request to the next Drawthread: a hypothetical sketch of australia-kun.
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>maining tonfas
Absolutely disgusting.
Bless you Brother Anon
What's your job?
What games do you play?
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Suikoden V
Oh, so she's not actually from his franchise.

Anyway, thanks for the info!
Peak came back for summer
falcom is shit
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who's gonna take care of those babies?
Looks awful like a ps1 fighting game. I thought touhou was a bullet hell
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is there some deeper meaning to this

is he talking about sirris's grandmother?
Future route exclusives.

>that fucking title

Could it be a remaster? What's the new link?
It's my favorite too OP and my fave Batman movie. Arguably the best beat em up on the system and it's a movie licensed game to boot.
Its both actually.
In the graphical ones like Demon's Forge you had to wait for the scene to slowly render itself every time you moved. That shit got old REALLY fast.
Looks like a repro to

"Barbarian" tropes are cheap but effective antagonists in combat-centric games.

Or maybe its nerds venting all the bullying they endured at school, who knows...
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>not even ace burst is better than buffing totem effects
80% nerf when?
Any kind of publicity is good. Even if they say playing kof xiv will make your dick fall off.
>be Immortal Flames
Ah just another day in frontlines
Still not a JRPG, despite being heavily influenced by them
Neutral is shit and will just lead to the citizens of Mikado or of Tokyo genociding each other. Law creates a literal utopia and removes degenrate fujoshits
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Get a decent job and earn an honest wage then.

Don't go thieving then bragging on the interwebs you shitty little weasel.
Yeah, they should localize the, now complete, super touhou wars.
>fighting chamelos for the first time in FU
>empty all my ammo into its head nonstop with 0 resistance, stagger it like 30 times
>turns out it's scripted to flee after 25 minutes regardless of how much damage you do

Simply epic.
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Marina is GHETTO TRASH compared to Marie
hes literally online as i type this, nows your chance
Gameplay wise they are the best and lorewise the most powerful person was a breton, if they weren't the least unified out of all of the provinces they would probably be the most powerful.
free provisions during next quest
I bet he gets all his meals delivered to him in his room so he doesn't have to hobble to the mess hall.
john Constantine came on and I kept thinking about how cool the whole post matrix aesthetic was. We need more campy shit like that
you first fag
i dont fucking need to jerkoff, ive had enough convos with him since 2014, you message him if you want his barb so bad
stop posting this thread
this and other skinnerbox trash like mobas
>right image is larger than the left
>i can't evenly span it across both my monitors
I just wish the games didn't look like they are on a fucking PSP due to the abysmal resolution that would be aged even in the fucking 80s.

Decent 3DS emulation can't come soon enough.
mmm get 2 and SLI them to be safe
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It does add a depth of the game that ff15 can't get.
Bui has been a faggot for years. YEARS.
At LEAST since Black and White came out.
He's been on cripplechan for a while, but he came back to be a failure of a human being on a less failed imageboard
It doesn't have random unused space like FFXIV.

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From the looks of it, its either eyebrows, or facial hair. Which is retarded. I don't remember eyebrows being a facial hair thing the last time I use FCO.
blast processing
Many potential reasons with a single root cause.
Ah ok. Skipped it because of that and the Refugees Welcome plot.
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>you'll never live in a village full of insatiable power bottom orcs
My niece was playing that recently on her PS2 (she had a pirate SNES emulator disk.)
Send it to me senpai
nintentards will applaude any zelda game no matter how much poo it sucks
You are one wishful thinker.
Maybe tomorrow on aqours radio? Like Galaxy Hide and Seek.
I wonder what the interaction between HHG and Parasite Infestation will be. If HHG goes first and places HHG on top of your deck, does PI shuffle it when placing the parasites? If so, HHG is completely fucked by weevil now.
What could POSSIBLY make this situation worse? It's like the sinking of the Titanic.

>This ship is unsinkable!
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if it has paypal then it's fine
paypal will protect you
I want to fuck Pip until he becomes a mindbroken cock slut
t. raziel
same guy shilling the game over and over past few hours with same image

we already know what this is. move along
what's the point? waku waku 7 has no competitive merit
>Abe was a part of the company that did the FMV work for RE, he had some fun tidbits about a colleague who worked on it.

Woah, really? Anything notable enough to put on Wikipedia or anything? (it's a tv show so you can cite it).

Doesn't the city of Kandor technically make the percentage super low?
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>vampires are killed by staking them in the heart
>Belmonts kill dracula by whipping him in the head
t. herecuck shitposting out of jealousy toward based hope leader raz

Ebay, sadly. No game stores around here.
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Quality OP!
Tier 0 would be pretty cancerous but I would love it to be tier 1, or any link deck for that matter.
will there ever be a characters as good as him?
Do r*ddit shitters actually play standard?
"Muh items need to be preserved."
Why the fuck does GGG always listen to them ?
Standard should be removed altogether.
they play with the guild known as here rides alone
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alright, i feel a little better i guess

>your bb folder is literally for times larger than my hdd
i would literally rather buy fallout 4 than any version of skyrim, ever
There is literally nothing wrong with someone having sided with Gamergate.
how do you beat gatecrasher on legendary
i swear it's the hardest mission in the game other than the last one
Wow that is super obscure. Mad respect.
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>not OPT at all
The arcade version by Taito? The best answer is Returns.
Horny beta males can't say no to female writing staff, who apparently only has experience writing DR who slash fan fiction
Pull the string.
>tfw /vp/ spam ruins your free (You) train
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Should i reset already?
Used 500 gems and got those
it's not that the board is too fast, it's that the board is getting spammed to the point where every general is getting pushed off
>that poorly photoshopped oversized vr headset on waka

oh man that's some good shit
Wah, you look adorable in that dress
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You also unlocked 4 extra battle stages in Bomberman 64 thorugh the same method.
I, and others in the past, felt the same way.
See: >>182335604
I hope you've never breathed if you haven't created nitrogen by the fusion of smaller atoms.
shoutout to the tech crew
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>red nose
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When she gets in
spreadshit this weekend, raids likely standard vg weekend times for both na/eu, faction TBD
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his eye is broken and he has a stutter when he speaks which really just sounds like crackly, skipping audio
Goynautica with the dev who says Americans have access to fully automatic weapons and experience school shootings "Every single day"
I'm glad I saw the warning signs with "early access" and "crafting survival"
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you are loved
Post supports.

They're now in a Grail War. Extra and All are noncombatant facilitators.
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>You're Big Boss, I'm outta here

What did Kojima mean by this?
Its not, go and replay it in the next fews days. Its even better than when i first played it.

Everytime i play it i get something new out of it.

Dard I say its the blade runner of vidya
Magnets, lad. Fucking miracles.
>It's just a crappy excuse for a multiplayer
You shouldn't really discuss games you have never played, it makes you look like an angry child.
No games. Bad hardware. Doesn't sell outside of Japan
I unironically liked X2
For the gameplay, not the story.
Anything good on UK Amazon? Been tempted to get the Indiana Jones blu-ray collection but £12 seems like it's not much of a deal
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>Waste 24 energy just to get 1 (one) story bio
the latter
I did. What a waste of money that was.
are gooks as tilted by BB as the west are?
>The Mega Man Zero quadrilogy are the best games in the entire franchise.
Not with that zoomed-in camera, shitty sound quality, shitty art style, and lack of copy weapon gimmick, it's not.
I use them on meme guns in casual. as long as the recoil isnt too bad its fun to do.
>You are a gay motherfucker

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you're a freak steve
>What will you do now?
Wait for it to blow over like every other time.
You're a very strange person
True, excuse me. Mandela effect. Same problems exist in that sense too though. What possible market were they targeting
why did they make the cases so large?
I just started this, it seems like a good game but holy fuck, enough with the falling stalactites when you're jumping onto a platform over a pit of spikes.
Everyone in KH3 is going to get FRIENDSHIPPED
TF2 is perfectly balanced for 16v16 instant respawn

No other game comes close to this level of balance
how new are you
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Anon, 2016 WAS 8 years ago
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mad panic coaster
chou aniki
gaball screen
gamera 2000
fantastic pinball
oh no!
tempest x3
magical drop f
bishi bashi special

also Rascal and Bubsy 3D if you like bad games

How about you go fuck yourself and stop being autistic about how other people play their games?
Thought that said high class sluttyness lol

Thank you and thank you tho

the only bad thing about that was wagglan
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remember kids its pronounced "GUY-ARE-US"
about to reroll the gotg card (again), what if something good happens?
What would we do or talk about if I added you? I don't mean that in a rude way, I get nervous adding people because I can't talk to others 1 on 1 well.
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>arcade downtier F-84
>2 cap domination
>fly straight for the enemy's cap and bait 3 morons into chasing me
>team captures both and we win within 4 minutes
boobie labyrinth z players?

Anyone spent time on this or did all the jps skip it?
They wear hats

You think System Shock is an FPS?
Not gonna lie, I'm just waiting for a model rip of the thicc milf.
I can't remember
You wasted a thread for this low-lvl bait. Cmon now. Dont be such a nigger
Play on merciless.
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Vulkan and openGL deserve more publicity.

I didn't even bother, some anon gave me a Altera and Heracles account and I never looked back
/tf2g/ here, how the FUCK do you guys live like this
Have you tried formatting your op differently? If the bot can't learn to use the name field maybe it can't learn to find a thread with a different name either
oh well
>The NOT RETRO quadrilogy are the best games in the entire franchise.
darn tootin
Can you remind me what it was about? I can recall at least three snake dudes.
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It's the perfect video game story. But if we're talking about the best written, it has to be pic related.
I would actually like to see the 1st intermission desu.
No, you're not, you're just autistic instead.
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Absolutely not.
This, pyromancy can carry you through any souls game.
Can we please not roll for the bundle, last few times we got weeb and software bundle because of meme magic.
Jacob's ladder was hardly original itself and shares very little similarity with SH.
if 5 humble strategy bundle
Earthbound touched me deeply like a catholic priest when I was a kid.
Finally, I hope both of them are 6* tier just like how Gran/Djeeta are SSSR
>tfw skill bar isn't big enough to fit all skills
Her name isn't Peach
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/thread indeed my self /threading friend

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Teo girls are cute
Play as byzantines and rush towers near the enemy's resources. Works every time.
Why are you paying 25000 tuition? You didn't get a scholarship?
>pulling off a sweet move you just know is gonna look boss in the vector replay during debrief.

Aw yeah
Fie's outfit got worse
>Replay AC5
>first mission on the Kestrel
>try to pick F-2A
>"you must pick a carrier based plane"

Fuck this game.
Skate 3 trumps em all
Vastly different scale and gap in technology, for good and bad in Andromeda's case.
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Hallelujah is a cutie!
You can fuck off the edge of my dick if you are going to defend From with this limp dick port. The community shouldn't have to clean up after their fuck ups.
Don't listen to any of their bullshit bro, enjoy doing your thing how you wanna do it, it's not your job to make the survivors have fun any more than it's theirs for you and they 100% wouldn't be trying to even if it was.
>muh year
not an argument
What happened to this game? Is it even worth playing just for the story without the expansion?
Roll celts and make a ton of workers, harvest all the trees. make farms and make zerg spearmen.
Come back around August 11th
speaks like a retard
average af
greedy af
Makes you think
Hollow Knight is a good game.
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>>Extra Credits is by far the most popular game analysis channel
Step back kid...
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>what games do modern women play?
My feelings
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Cause when men are weak they are losers, but when women are weak they are cute. Since all games have me start as weak, I pick a woman who gets to be cute first and badass (and still cute) at the end.
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I like most of the new specials. I dig the sting ray the most because of the sound it makes and the fact that it feels really dangerous and cutting
>Be in playground.
>Someone mentions Goro from MK.
>"Oh, the guy with 6 arms."
>"No, it's 4 arms."
>"It's 6 arms, you homo."
>Actual fight ensues.
meh, for a while maybe
but its really empty
really slow
theres just nothing to do
Does not look fun imo.
Hardcore ironman looks like a lot of fun though. If you die, twas a good run but you'll still be an iron.
We've tried everything, if you've thought of it people already have, trust me.

It still gets updated, the recent maps included in the living story have been cool, I'd at least log in for those. The base game has plenty of content without the expansion, although there's a new one coming before the end of 2017. Also check the OP and use a name.
we've tried. a little while ago we had a "Charr General" thread that went for a little while before the bot started up.
You're not smart enough for that.
the game isn't exactly known for it's detailed, magnificent art
How come a thread for Sega turned into a Nintendo bashing thread?
Too much false-flagging or what?
Is Densha De Go 2 a good entry to the series?
>no wave pattern support gem
>no ricochet off walls support gem
>no orbital toggle support gem
>no snowballing support gem
>no backstab melee support gem
>no jump to target melee support gem

More damage it is then.
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Well I don't know why I struggled but I just 3starred E5-5H easily in my 2nd try today.
Aight cool, will be a lot easier using 1 power supply for 3 consoles
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A yellowed console is like Australia something to be proud of kind of like a battle scar.
What is wrong with you
So what happens if I ask you for a drink that needs uranium?
dustbowl exists
OP here:

I have a PS4, Switch and PC. They're all great in their own way. The people that complain on this board over which games are better are mostly poorfags
The Knave texture set? I think you may be right.

>Post-Mortem Sega
Doesn't exist, they're a Sonic and Hatsune Miku company now.
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Silly boy, in 2022 it will be
PS2 - 155+ million sold
SWITCH - 140 million sold
PS4 - 120 million sold
PS1 - 104 million sold
Wii - 101 million sold
It's either EMI or a power supply issue. It could go away if you recap it.
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>more preorders than DQ

I still wonder how, I know that a good chunk of people buy on first weeks, but goddamn.
I never saw an original game.

In here the closest to official games were Brazilian bootlegs.
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>That dream sequence that starts with a bunch of moans
>The same dream, getting to the bathroom to hear Mona asking for more, harder and harder
Why even bother playing then?
Autism is funny?
you just let your dudes bleed out on their turn?
Who's the biggest slut of GW2?
Marjory, she is implied to have relationship issues with Kasmeer, so she runs off with Lazarus.
G703 Vs G502

Price is irrelevant, what would be the best mouse for latency? I don't really need a bunch of buttons
I could give her 10 MAG but I kinda fed them all to Emperor
and I'm not raising her ATK even for the meme value
>Quit playing 6 months after release
>Check in how it's developed after all these years
>They still haven't added anything

This is amazing
Hes not even that hard unless you are trying to get the melting b skin
Git good fucking faggot
It is in America.
Don't forget tensei's a megami.
Low quality CD-Rs, laser out of whack/in need of adjustment to actually properly read the CD-Rs, or quite possible in the case of the Saturn, bad rips?
60million unit sold
No one will see this message so I feel it is safe. I am secretly plotting to kill Rikki and take her throne as Rat Queen.
shut the fuck up quizno you helped kill this general
magitech video games
You haven't given any elaborate explanation for your sentiments cause you got no arguments against her, I am right, she did nothing wrong.
mastery level correlates directly with time put into the game, not necessarily with skill level
Why were the CD games so large? A Neo Geo game was like 8-64 MB which shouldn't take too long to load even at 150 KB/sec.
Please cuck my wife, the Retron 5 won't do it anymore.
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Playing Starbound right now.
>especially wild
I think you mean "completely average"
This is far and away the worst he has ever looked.
Post more
The fat girl isn't black. That game is racist.
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is there a spell that lets me summon a vidya gf?
Why do you cucks even care about "population" so much? How does the amount of bots and autotraders affect your experience?
desu both scriptcrafts were on their way out when gummy shut them down, I didn't really care too much
That's not to say he's reliable, though.
Nigger what?
Dude, N64 can do graphic effects of Terminator 2.
you of course
ded. Server couldn't handle Manuel's ddos attack.
I remember liking both PS2 games
Moreso this one, even though it kind of lacked Belmonts
>posting a video where i barely scraped by since my units aren't affixed
>NRA member
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r8 || h8
i wear nothing but master's gear and loincloth and i do quite alright

i'm being modest
Low quality CD-Rs, laser out of whack/in need of adjustment to actually properly read the CD-Rs, or quite possible in the case of the Saturn, bad rips?
Metroid came out in 1986. R-type came out in 1987.
iirc, Shenmue 3 isn't being published or funded by Sega, it's whyit's on kickstarter. I could be wrong though.

Mega Drive>Saturn>Dreamcast>the rest
i'd say sure. i liked shizune's and rin's alpha routes better. hanako's was interesting to see what they were working on. haven't played the others
Dungeon Master
Dark Sun
Lands of Lore
Ultima VII
the gamemode's full of cheaters so expect that when you play well
>Europe is a singular country
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The walljump in SMB is the reason why Mario isn't actually dying on the black label cover. They even added some lines to symbolize momentum
lugers was the shitty reddit one use the other one
>4 years since becoming a meme and she still hasn't squat on my dick
Yeah, but I post them on communities that aren't shit.
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Underrated masterpiece of Ellis writing.

Planetary it's better overall tough.

Also this http://www.freakangels.com/
it's his webcomic.
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I prefer Arms to Fury, but I'd admit that Fury probably fits a Troll Warrior more.
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A friend who played it for a long time told me it will get an update with a story mode soon.
Hmm I may be too bad at hoi3 to be succesful at this but will give it a go

any tips? not played romania before but seem to remember they have a lot of resources
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>tfw to poor to buy a swim suit avatar
wew you really are third world
Yes and yes, but they only should take notes on the gameplay. becaus the story was a massive wasted opportunity & wangstfest.
As opposed to... figuratively designing a game for kids? What?
recoil master has an aimlock kek
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i can't wait for the /ink/ squads to do this
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You're my hero.
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"An autist on /owg/ is not so special. There are more autists than normies on /owg/."
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One of my friends had her as Leader during the gauntlet, was pretty fun to play with.
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Go back to your cod kid
Just realised the extreme irony of The Gun-nut General chortling at one of his brainless devotees...
I'm not even talking about you not liking waku waku 7 (who the fuck even cares)
you don't even know why you're being retarded right now.

Valentine with shimapan
Finally, I hope both of them are 6* tier just like how Gran/Djeeta are SSSR
>going this balls deep into a shitter

I started playing the OG Devil Summoner a while back using the translated script in the OP. Pretty cool game and easy to play with the script....except for the negotiations

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>4-dimensional graphics
>life-sized sprites
whats wrong with that level the flood part is awesome plays like a clocktower level but with some urgency
You completely omitted how they toned down enemy damage CONSIDERABLY and made spikes that used to be one hit deaths in the Japanese version just normal hazards. And no, playing in professional mode does not restore these changes.
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What the fuck is happening in this thread.

I take a month long GW2 break and this is the state of the general. God save the queen, where on earth are the bans?
I hated DA at first but after awhile it became my favorite 3D era game. I liked you could stab the enemy with your weapon and they'd lose health.
I hated DA at first but after awhile it became my favorite 3D era game. I liked you could stab the enemy with your weapon and they'd lose health.
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>What the fuck is happening in this thread.

>I take a month long GW2 break and this is the state of the general. God save the queen, where on earth are the bans?

Quoting myself since apparently we need gw2 in our names. In all honesty my break was longer than a month, but I don't remember this being a thing.
>month long
this shit's been around since april, and peaked in may. to put it short, everyone have tried everything, but ban evasion has always been a thing on this site.
Batoto and Kissmanga generally will encapsulate everything you can possibly imagine.

I'm about to drop the fattest ree of 2017
uma delicia
And nobody does anything huh. At this point I actually think I'd advocate everyone moving to the discord and abandoning the general.

I bet most have already.
After the update when the event starts.
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This reminds me of that movie called "Immortal".
Same anon here, same problem on this fine day, what do.
Rean is going to lose control of his ogre power and join Ouroboros in the CS3 cliffhanger ending and you're going to like it.
diablo > diablo 2
Kek, good taste at least.
DID YOU KNOW GAMING Atari was inspired by the Japanese word 当たり which roughly translates to gang rape.
Botw is more cause the game at least have accurate hit box , is not hard xause poor shit dev 3 second delays lag
>be me
18+ site get b&
Wow that is super obscure. Mad respect.

Chrono Trigger
Sonic on Master System.
Strider II on Master System.
Wonder Boy on Master System.
Wonder Boy III on Master System.
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Wow that is super obscure. Mad respect.
it's just so sweet to watch
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Also free 10+1 roll on the rerun gacha for those who advanced in the Main story
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Metal Slug X
Out Run
>Runa's is even worse

fuck off mate
I don't believe hammers are even kind of the weapons in vidya. Fuck off hammerfag.
Someone's projecting a bit too hard.
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It's....uhhhh....monochrome! LIMBO was popular, right?! What if SMB looked like LIMBO?

>Brilliant! Wagyu steaks for us all tonight, you've outdone yourself this time, Edmund!
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My favorites out of the entire series are MM3, MM&B, X2, BN3, BN6, and the entire Zero and Legend series, including Misadventures

Out of them all the first Legends is probably my second favorite game ever, ever
using unstable essence on the soul alter that I just unlocked earlier (all quests complete boyo)
If you said casing the joint*
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I got another Atari collection for GBA today
it applies to guild wars series as well
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New character teaser image is out
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I was going to leave it open for interpretation but my objective opinions forced me to say this is what i meant
Thread posts: 454
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