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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General:

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Thread replies: 774
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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links

>Links and Resources

>Fire Emblem Echoes Links

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What fire emblem character is this?
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>tfw you get memed
looks like Ike to me
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I want to nurse Lady Sanaki at my breast.
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I want to HUG Legion (no homo)
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>he didn't get 2,500 + 3,000 + 900 feathers + 4 orbs.
>Seliph that might potentially have good IVs to promote
I've given up
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Check out that Raven, mine is pretty good and a bro for the TT
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>implying that's bad
>no bara legion porn to spam /vg/ with while legionposting
why even live
I fed my +Atk -Spd Seliph to Hinata to pass Brash Assault 3 + Fury 3 to me my Camus :^)

get cucked fag
>Got my first two defenses in a while
>No bonus unit
Finally! Why there isn't more fanart of my bro?
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Who else here having a burnout

This shit is boring
Nice OP.
>tfw tier 20
We are getting those orbs for the bug daily reward bug right?
>brash assault on camus
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sorry thats bugged too
>Still has the Heavy Spear
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it's time for Roy
Are you literally brain dead?
Just about to hit 40k and feeling it a little.

Lack of any significant rewards outside of orbs and ranking feathers kind of hurt the old motivation.
I've tried the following:
>Fury + SB
>TA + SB
>TA + QR

the last one is my favorite. Excellent versatility and results. Fury + QR is nice, but you lose to Lucina. If you have another lucy check your your nowi is +atk and can 1-shot her, go for it.

duel simulator is worthless unless you're using a custom meta list. According to my own list the two builds are "equal", depending on IVs. Fury loses to Lucina, but just barely wins against brave Effie.
Your Zephiel is dead
>Keeping Heavy spear
Killer Lance would've been better
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Post your favorite song from the Tellius games.
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Oboro is huge! Bulky and huge!
At least you're not just doing hard 5 over and over like me. I might just stop at 40k
IIRC it's coming on the 13th
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is there even any use for this shitty slut
i already have a palla that can outperform her out of the box and i don't have a wo dao or silver sword to inherit onto her
god i would've rather gotten a 3* from that roll fuck caeda
just autobattle the hard difficulty maps
gets you half as many points but more than enough to get 40k+
Is +spd -res Camilla worth anything? With her axe or a different one. Just wondering if to keep her or feed her for savage blow.
we will get more orbs for the bugged orbs
I just got Echoes today
The dungeon crawling parts aren't mandatory, are they? My circle pad is busted and if I need it to play the game I'm going to be very sad
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Did you roll for your Empress?
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This ain't Sanaki. -HP +RES
Ha, my B button is broken so I have to commit to every choice I make, even the accidental ones.
What skills do i give these units, if any?

Bride Charlotte +atk -def

Mae +spd -res

neutral Minerva

Klien +atk -spd

+spd -res FCorrin
>get four 5* reds
>they are all Lilina
Why does red have the worst 5* units.
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>have 78 orbs saved up
>the most I've ever had at once
>even MORE orbs keep being handed out
>mfw the urge to splurge

how do some of you people go months without spending? I'm only waiting until the last day of Summer before I blow my load, fuck if I can wait any longer after that
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I love Severa! You should too! Post your favorite Severa builds!
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I can only roll 1 and i want sanaki pls help
Yeah and got a shitty draug
So since I missed hero banner, how long should I realistically expect to need to wait for a banner with Hector in it?
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>Not +Atk
Into the garbage bin sorry anon. Not even Wo Dao can save it.
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>you can get into tier 20 sub 4800s

this needs to change even horse niggers with their lost bst can easily cheese their way get in
yes and i got this fucking caeda >>182291581
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>someone other than me got spooked by a Caeda of the exact same IVs
Bottom right
You have to give her a bunch of shit to make her good. Or at least a better sword.

>tfw flying team sucks because Palla and Caeda

At least Bunmilla is really good with a blade tome
Yes and got -spd kat
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I really like Tharja.
why do people roll when they have less than 10 orbs
Yes and this happened >>182291210
fortify fliers fodder
the wait for elincia / aversa continues
Out of orbs for Snacki
Me too anon, but sometimes I feel the urge to continue because the shitton of feathers I am getting from that grindfest
At least she's a slightly better dragon killer

but anon I don't need 2 empresses

Especially since my current one is +speed -def
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I might keep Poison Strike honestly, it helps more than I thought

Will give her Bonfire just to have both Ignis and Bonfire options available
the fear that they'll add characters i care about after using up my stash
i already have a flier team, one unit has fortify fliers and i have a separate 4* caeda with decent IVs
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What happened to Caeda's wingspear?
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Fury 3 or LaD 3 for Blade Olwen?
The way the new Arena Missions work will ensure that a lot of people have inflated ranks, since you need 28 wins in the Arena to get all of the weekly orbs, even though you only get 21 swords naturally (and with Arena downtime it's usually more likely that you'll only get to use 18 of them unless you no-life or have to get up really early in the morning).
>37 atk
>Poison strike
Because I snipe anyway, full rolls are for faggots.
Make alt accounts and roll.
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Is this the peak of difficulty for FE fans?
I spend impulsively and have all the units I ever want

Topmost one senpai
I bet that's made you a MASTER TACTICIAN
Fury 3. She still enjoys a little bulk and with cav buffs can have a respectable enemy phase.
Fury, it works better with Desperation and utilizes her decent res.
im only having fun cause im trying to use all my mans
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Of course. Only the best for my cute empress.
Saber cream pieing my pussy~
>using a shittier Tobin
>Fire Emblem Lunatic Classic Speedruns w/ no B presses

why hasn't this been done
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That's my wife
Go back to /d/, mommyposters
fury, lad3 only nets you like 1 extr wins w/ full cav buffs
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Who I should Promote?

Cherche needs brave+ so someone needs go before her, but also I have a +atk Raven.
Pulled a 5* Corrin from this new banner, but she's -spd +res. Is there any hope?
im going to reroll on my old phone until i get a snacki and use than as my alt from now on
i jsut want a snacks please ISIS
i'm kind of sad the apology orbs aren't a day earlier so if i get a snacki after i spend them its a nice birthday surprise
>massively reducing his offense for 2 extra points of def

shit build friend-san
>Brash Assault 3 to my Camus :^)
Funny to know anti-seliph shitposters are literally brain damaged
It would be like SM64 low A press runs, but less interesting
Jokes on you my Selena is bulkier than Tobin and far faster too

I'm going to use Tobin as well anyway because I'm a masochist
Valentian cocksluts
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At least she's cute
I'm having a hard time not doing impulse rolls, but it helps that all the banners that are up right now are uninteresting to me.
I like Hana
There's no hope for F-Corrin anyway. Probably the shittiest unit I've ever had the displeasure of grinding, which sucks because I desperately need Blues that aren't Catria.
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Celica please stop going out with other men at night.
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futafags belongs there my friend
me too
>Happy with the entire franchise getting shafted
Alright, Enjoy your awakening and Fates characters
While I like some of the characters they can't sell a game to me. If you're ok with that then power to you I'm not going to buy a game that shits on a franchise I like
If you plan on doing cav memes then promote Camus, otherwise promote Sharena
>tfw Faye will never comfort Alm when he finds out Celica is cheating on him
Who to 5*?
>+spe -def Nino
>neutral Cecilia
>+atk -res Erika (already have a 5* Ephraim)
>neutral Cordelia
>+def -res Femui
set yourself goals. I know my resources are very limited, so I only roll banners that have a high chance of greatly helping either arena or TT. Rolling just to get something "nice" is a luxury I don't have.
I really want her to make me cum with her soft feet
Good joke.
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>Made in to T20 with 4806

I feel dirty and I fucking hate Alfonse (4*) for this. Thank god I rolled a Robikini earlier today that I can train as my new bonus unit.
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God I want her to step on me with those cute soft feet and force me to beg for her to finish me.
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Your best friend
Nino and pair with Ephraim for now. Especially if your arena team needs some firepower. That's her best IV set at the moment.
i'd say sharena is really the only one that needs 5* the most from those choices
you already have ephraim so eirika isnt really needed, nino does just fine as a 4* unit and the rest aren't anything to write home about
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oh wow you got the inverse of her best spread
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Same desu
Chapters 16A and 17A are some of the best levels in the game so the B route generally gets ignored. What do you guys think of these maps?
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Yeah same. I've accepted i'll never get her on my main account
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>tfw all the Sanakiposting is turning me to lolidom
Please don't stop.
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>ashnard goes berserk and becomes a 40 attack 9 move nuke with full hp after you kill him the first time
Genny, stop being a bully.
For some reason I have a very strong desire to use her as Skill Inheritance. I don't even use infantry units.
Archers 9/10 suck, notable execptrions being Innis and Takumi, in SD should I kill of George? Jagen and Bantu are going to bite the bullet now as well.

I fucking hate this concept so much.
So, the only option is fodder/merge?
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I bought if for the pins.jpg
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>Opening of the fucking game makes me walk forward in an overworld
I can't wait to learn how to play this game only strafing sideways
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How to build Anna, Sharena and a -hp + res SRobin? Thought about giving SRobin lancebreaker, maybe Iceberg (32 res) once Felicia is on rotation again and call it a day until I roll out more fodder, not sure what I should do with my 4* starters
Jeorge is awesome. Why would you kill him off?
He was one of the more boring final bosses in terms of challenge I thought, because he just turns into an Ike + Physic Staff duel.
pretty much
Same with the Black Knight.
I only went B the time I played because I heard it was easier and it had an extra Pugi

I liked 17b
Yeah, it just threw me off guard the first time I played PoR
If you hadn't posted Ricky, I'd tell you. Should've posted Arianna.
They're all shit and it's a blessing they're easily warp skipped like the A route chapters.
Really? I enjoy my femCorrin and she has really helped me out.
>82k feathers
>No stamina to level anyone up if I promoted them
What the fuck is a bull?
>Sonya won't be a GHB
>simulate rolling my 350 orbs sniping for Nino and Snacki
>3x Merrics and a Julia

thanks for convincing me not to roll yet again, simulator
Please tell me you're joking
>pulling for Summer Robin
>pull a perfect IV Reinhardt
>give Death Blow 3
>have Priscilla buff him with SI'd Hone Cavalry
>have Olivia dance for him
This is retarded. Managing to btfo Advanced teams in the Arena, Trials, and everything else

I got Robin from the next session
I wish I rolled him instead of my Lucina.
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I feel that im going regret this.
He cucks you out of your pity rate
The guy who cucks you. I guess he cucked you out of your pity rate rolling for Snacks.
Stop over exagerating. Sure it isnt the best. I would still like the game to be made and be successful so I can see the characters I like from other games in there. I guess you just dont like them enough to hold out.
>tfw in my country, being a "bull" means you're a cuck

it's really weird when you guys say Cain cucks people
>Mae +spd -res
blade tome + darting blow + desperation

>neutral Minerva
LaD + desperation

keep standard skills
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Haven't played that one, is it gut? I hope a landshark is enough for you.
Celica banner when?
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Sometimes the world just wants to poke fun at you anon
>spent about $260 trying to snipe for Ninian
>Next session has no blues
>Get greeted by Seliph
>Reroll despite only having one phone
>End up with THREE Ninians using f2p orbs a week later
In my language "cock" is what we call the clit.
No, I don't like games that shaft all but the 3DS fanbase

Quit being ok with being shat on you shit-eating masochist
>If you like the franchise you'd but anything they made even if they're garbage.
Don't be that guy.
>only sniping red for Snacky
>pity rate up to 4.5% or something
>The Bull shows up
>Spend $260
Sounds like you're just retarded friendo
>No, I don't like games that shaft all but the 3DS fanbase
Good thing we already know the entire roster for Warriors and how it contains only 3DS characters.
>Sniping only red
>Pity rate up
Spotted the little liar.
I can't fucking kill ANYTHING with this piece of shit. Camilla gets pretty bad with her random 0x4s, but even she can still get in a few sick frags more often than she dies horribly or 0x4s, especially since Blue is a popular color in Arena right now. F-Corrin can't kill SHIT with her base kit, which means you either have to waste shards/crystals on her to get level ups for SP, or you have to completely and totally baby her even with on-level enemies.
Just played through Sealed Sword, first games were blazing blade and sacred stones and I gotta say: shieeet, they should have let em assassinate Zephiel in the first place, what a fuckin edgy looser he has grown to. I didn´t use any sacred weapons against him because I didn´t expect him to be the endboss. That was a bit of a letdown in the end (also a bit shitty that there´s no assassin upgrade in sealed sword)
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God tier:
Heirs of Fate

Good tier:

Okay tier:

Shit tier:

You're ok.
U2 is both better and worse than U1.
It has some badly designed bosses, but they made grimoires slightly better and the story mode characters are more lovable, IMO

I'm not that good at FEH stuff anon, sorry. I just wanted to tease you. I hope you get a good answer.
I am. I quit the game after getting Seliph, but came back for some reason.
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>3 blue, 2 colorless
>pull her
What do? I feel this -atk is shit.
5* a virion to go with them
I agree, FCorrin is shit. Hell, dragons in general are shit bar Ninian cause she dances.
>had zephiel as the endboss
you missed some things, anon
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Really the only thing BK had that was a little different was that there was the small off chance you'd get cucked by procs and the time limit. But yeah, same thing.
Fuck this guy. He ruined my pity rate on the Celica banner.
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>Hating Soft Boy

Yo where's my Soft Boy League? And where's my "I didn't want Soft Boy but I have him now League" ?
>Magvel won't be a banner
I really want 5* a gordin.

But I can't find one for shit, the only that I have is +res - hp.
I stopped with this nonsense, got an emulator and started to catch up on the gba games that I haven´t played yet, damn good decision
spoiler checking in. rolled 4 of him while I was trying for Celica
It isnt shitting on them. That is how Warriors games work. I bought the Gundam Warriors games when I hardly liked any of the characters in them. Because people liked and bought that game I got future installments of the game with characters and Gundam models I liked.

You dont have to like the game or like what they do with the roster. But at least understand how these games work. I dont feel like I am being shat on when I can still play as characters I like. Not all the characters I would want to play as sure, but there are some.

Stop over reacting and shitposting. The roster was always going to be a problem, always.
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>an Ike with capped HP and DEF is in perfect range for Wrath/Resolve after Ashnard's attack
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>wasting 300 orbs to marginally increase your pity rate instead of just sniping the orbs that can have the character you want
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Can all you loli fuckers please show me your builds for Sanaki
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What do I even do with this joker?

The only way she does anything is if she's +atk so yea, it's shit. Save her Silver Lance for someone who's stuck with a shittier weapon like the Heavy Spear.
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Well this isn't Swimsuit Robin, but I guess I'm making a +1 Reinhardt now??
I was TRYING to snipe for Frederick but no colorless, stupid gacha.
>summoning 20 at a time just to get pity rate up
>switch to just sniping one color for better chance at focus
>pityrate is higher and I'm only pulling reds where Sanaki is only focus hero
Isn't that literally the best way to go about finding the specific focus hero you want? How else would you do it?
C Skill whatever your team needs

1x dead Tharja for Blade tome.
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She also has Raudrraven and Quick Reposte for different situations
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Almost there.
Fuck off apologist, it's a shit game.
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Why would you reroll after spending $260?
Close enough
I guess that it's a thing between neo-latin languages
Am I the only one having problems posting on /vg/?
Hone Attack

R Tomebreaker
Threaten Speed
Not that this one needs +Spd boon
Reminder that Tharja is shit and if you like her you should probably off yourself
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Don't. Create a meme team.
How many defenses last week with this?
Aren't some boards getting spammed with some crap?

Maybe because of this.
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how does this team do?
Fire Emblem Echoes: The Binding Blaze
+Spd gives her +4 so she can still double a decent amount of stuff with support
I wouldn't know since I've only ever played the A-route maps, since it has the literally best map in the whole series.
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Really? My FemCorrin manages to kill lots of things. Or at the very worst she debuffs everyone to be taken down by the rest of my team, or tanks a hit.

If you truly desired to use him you could give him Fury 3 to get his attack up to Neutral Seliph I guess, 47 atk compared to 50 atk isn't the worst thing ever I guess.

I think copying the "Defiant Def Bonfire" set will work for this. if not he's worth saving because of how Soft he is.

It got 4.
>it had an extra Pugi
It's strange that some people consider this important given that a single repair use can fix a pugi whereas the A route gives you a warp staff, a rescue staff, and more.
What did you like about 17b? I thought it was subpar, there's nothing to it except for some ballistae.

>they're easily warp skipped
Really, I figure 16b would be tricky to warp skip because it's an escape map.
>pull this before TT, -atk/+def
>fuck it, use her anyway since she is my only bonus unit and I wanted her anyway
>pull another one: +spd/-res......... at 4*

Is it worth the 20k feathers to change into those IVs?
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Please, wish me luck rolling for Sanaki!
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Chapter 21.png
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>The best map in Fire Emblem history.jpg
I guess so
Is that fucking +spd -atk
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Forgot pic
Snacki on bottom left. Get her.
Get the top one Anon. O guarantee ya
How long has Kellam been in the game?
Enjoy the Soft Boy
She's not there, but that blue is a Ninian
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Thanks for convincing me to pick up Heirs of Fate again

God damn the pre GBA games were ugly as fuck
Ike Alter
Would have rolled it had I started with top. Only 9 orbs!
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Not posting results?
Delete this right now
What's the benchmark for today to get 99k in TT. Should be 24k right?

I need to 5 star anna for next week's arena and trying to squeeze in the motivation to do it
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I just liked the layout. Reading my notes about my run, it seems there's something about green civillians coming out of houses and volunteering for being ballista bait, but if they survive, you get a Knight's Crest (which I apparently needed desperately)
Also I had to steal Amalda's scroll but Pahn was slower, Lara saved my ass because I grinded her with scrolls

don't mind me, I'm an awful, casual player. And it's been more than 2 years since I played this map, apparently
Like I said, I quit and came back for some reason. I'm at least happy with my current account.
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What skills do I slap on this thot?
Jesus christ...

The flier reinforcements..the fucking flier reinforcements
>-hp Nino
Shitter deserved it.
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Forgot pick. She's +res , -hp which is fine with me!
Straight to horse glue factory for Snacki.
>Wyvern Reinforcements: The Chapter
>a brand new Laserdisk version of the original Fire Emblem OVA was found in some backroom closet
>rip that is x3 better quality than the one we've had for the past two decades and isn't hardsubbed

Why aren't we streaming this shit?
Blowjob 3
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H-Hey guys anyone know if they need anyone to participate in a Cavalry gauntlet h-haha asking for my brother
I never use archers unless their name is Innes is why, Archers kinda suck in my eyes. Same with Armoured knights. Exception being Effie.Then again i never bothered using the gay tree so when I replay PoR on ironman hard maybe ill give him a shot
FE Warriors won't get grandpa support until IS and NT announce non-nuFE DLC free DLC characters.

It will ALWAYS get hate because of the starting roster being trash. There is nothing that can be done about this, so stop fucking arguing against it.

Stop arguing about a game that looks mediocre, has had completely garbage PR, and doesn't include the characters that the vocal faggots around here are going to want. You only make yourself look like an idiot and will just be called an apologist, not to mention you're feeding vocal faggots.
What's Eirika doing with Marth?
Get on it nigga
Tell me what's going on with Snacki's forehead. Why is it so large?
>Easily cheesed with Warp
>Has an enemy that gives +30 avoid to a bunch of enemies in a game that already has more RNG fuckery than any other game in the series
>Best map in the series
People don't actually think this do they?
Sorry. I'm not used to posting from a mobile.
Give her Raourowl and make her immune to magic.
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Why is he pointing the gun up to his head?
Gatrie is a great armor unit because he's secretly a swordmaster
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charm point!
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>It's a choose who take the bullet episode
It just seems that way because her headband pushes her hair back
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He's been hanging out with Roy too much
I told you it was the one on the top my dude
More like Gonzo and Sin all-you-can-eat buffet
Reposition always bails me out on this map
I have no such tome.
If I am going for a specifc hero should I every time I have 5 orbs go in in increase pityrate and out or wait to have 20 just in case their are multiple of those orbs?

its great but best map in the whole of FE? I prefer the defending your own town map and the Leaf is a fucking idiot map my self.
Makes it easier to cum on
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conspiracy time

The game was originally supposed to launch in December or earlier, as evidenced by Christmas Robin's data. However, that would mean a different content release schedule. This makes me wonder if earlier banner ideas were skipped or saved for later. As evidenced by the cinematic the absolute first focuses were still likely Heroes/Devotion. However, considering how certain Heroes were 5star only at launch, were they going to be on an earlier banner?

Would Ryoma/Hinoka/Hector/Eliwood have been a thing? How about Azura/Linde/Elise/Leo? Are the two 6 unit banners we had a result of the delay?

give thoughts
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Holy shit Eirika was in the OVA?
>''x map is bad because you can warp-skip it''

I fucking hate this meme
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>60% SPD growth
>Magically found 2 decade laser disk of an ova

how the fuck does that even work?
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Fuck that map tbqh
baited with boey but died to mages he that's his only use I guess
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She reads a lot
Swap is horseshit
Nice try Leo. We all know your brother can't participate in gauntlets
>marth x eirika otp

why did this not happen sooner
Don't forget that apparently some people like Lilina and ogma were originally 3 star pulls and apparently we were going to have a 2-unit banner for CYL before they chose to make it a normal 4 unit banner
cleaning old closets and basements?
When I am done with SD and FEH TT I will for sure play PoR again and be using this beat holy fuck.
delet this
Why is it a meme? It's a strategy game. If there's a piss easy strategy that requires no thought to easily trivialize a chapter, then it isn't a good chapter.
should i use up 20000 feather just to make camus godly? or is that a waste?
I completely forgot about those civillians because it's already so easy to get past the ballistae but now that you mention it is cool. Also if you go to the house in the lower left, some guy will open the upper right gate for a fee. Again, cool, but I don't see the point to it.
But why does it exist in the first place? Wouldn't someone think 15 years ago

"Oh yeah I have a laser disk producer version of that. I'm going to duplicate it/sell it to fire emblem nerds"
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>3star ogma and lilina

Good catch
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literally just throw desperation and ardent sacrifice on her and she's good to go
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dis bitch gon read my mind yoooooo
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I think Swap is great but it depends what assists your team has
Gunter was so happy when they got married.
Name literally ONE (1) memorable song from Awakening.

You can't.
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>3 star w/ Brave Sword
Are there any units I should make sure to use/not use in 6?
ID Purpose
the one with the choir
you know the one
ID Purpose
"You have a power just like mine"
i remember id purpose only because people can't stop jerking it off for some reason
Don't Speak Her Name
Pictures of Selena bullying Tobin when?
Mastermind. Paul Blart Walhart was cool, even if his character had been done several times before.
ID purpose, Duty.
The song when someone gets S support.
I'll do you one better and won't even resort to the most popular ones

Overrated song. It's not even that good. Thorn in You also blew it out of the water even if the moment isn't very strong.
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Finally, someone with taste.
It's in smash bros.
Can End of All say that?
These all suck (lol
I hope Xander makes it into a gauntlet and wins just for all the Leo never winning a gauntlet memes.
You do you
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Conquest, you fool.
It's a good thing anon wasn't asking for the quality of the song, only for a memorable one.
It probably wasn't worth jack shit 15 years ago, it was just an average two-episode OVA for some mildly popular NES game. But now you find some old 20-year-old rare OVA in a back closet today for a series that has now become one of Nintendo's more prominent franchises, and hey, it probably seems a bit more significant now.
Name ONE (1), I REPEAT ONE memorable song from Fates.

You literally cannot to save your life.
What is this face trying to convey?
Who here /autobattling the tempest trials/?
The pleasure of being BLACKED.
You know that's not a good argument. Firstly, if you don't look up how to get every single warp staff in the game and autistically hoard them, they should be scarce in supply. Can't expect to be able to warp cheese through every map. Secondly, even if it does trivialize it, that still doesn't make it a bad map. You can trivialize every single map in Sacred Stones with Seth. I guess every single map in SS is garbage now?
Why do you care so much? It was always going to be that. It also relaxes me after long workdays to slaughter thousands of enemies. This is just with a fire emblem skin. Dont buy it if you dont want to, I will since it helps me relax after work, I have disposable income, and I like the characters in it so far.
I actually can't
Is it wrong for the last song to give my PTSD?
I liked the ding that plays when player phase starts
you are the oceans gay waves
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Not him, but I like Thorn in You just as much
That's probably one of my favorite sound bits in recent memory.
please respond
I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her. I was expecting like Raigh. Thanks for your luck, anon.
End of All (Sky Land and Below)
I'll do you one better and won't even list the most popular ones.

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Katarina is cute
I like Road Taken (Roar)
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So with all this talk of memorable songs, is it wrong that I can barely remember any tracks from Path of Radiance?
>spring katarina is a caster
>not a carrot dagger user

she was a backstabber after all
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Reinhardt is ugly
What do I do with Merric? I have a +spd/-res one and he's been taking up space in my barracks. Is he even any good?
15 years ago was 2002 right in the middle of the SNES. My guess is it could have made some serious money even back then If it was sold on ebay. My guess is they have know exactly were this was but was waiting for the right time to release it

The end of all from the Heirs of Fate dlc
the game itself tells you to bladememe
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Kill yourself
Not even the recruitment theme or against the black knight?
Speaking of which, never see any angry grandpa talking about it, but I miss the enemy/player phase jingle in Tellius games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJArCHVG3Rs

You'd think they would bitch about it not existing anymore, considering the stupid shit they cry about.
thorn in you is too generic for my tastes. Not very memorable.
You only need to remember what plays when enemy phase starts.
Alight (Storm)
Dusk Falls (both versions)
Far Dawn (both versions)
rawr :3
I don't think so. Aside from a few songs like Based Knight's theme, PoR's soundtrack was really weak imo. RD's is so much better.
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She is
Give her tome to a cute girl
With Us was pretty great

>A year after the gamecube released
>Middle of the SNES
Are you thinking of 1992?
CC+QR deletes fliers
A Dark Fall > all
>You know that's not a good argument.
How is it not a good argument? It's a strategy game. Warp skipping is a strategy that is piss easy to do, requires no thought, and is extremely easy to do.

This is especially true in FE5 given how many warp staves FE5 gives you, in addition to repair staff uses.

>Can't expect to be able to warp cheese through every map
Then you wouldn't use them on all the escape and defense maps that exist as the only other objectives in FE5.

>You can trivialize every single map in Sacred Stones with Seth. I guess every single map in SS is garbage now?
Considering this is the same argument used for why Awakening is a bad game with shitty maps since you can just drop an OP unit and have him walk through it, yes.

Warp skipping is one of the most cancerous strategies in FE. There's a reason IS removed it in the harder difficulties of FE12, and all together in FE13/14, not to mention heavily nerf if in Echoes.
>middle of SNES

Nigger game cube came out in 2001. Everything else I agree with.
I always got the impression it just covers some of her hairline
>get best red mage
Was the Black Knight theme only played when comabt animations were on? I played with them off the entire game.
Finally someone with great taste
A Dark Fall is amazing
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Check out my 3star lilina guys

Starting to think they never planned on 3star ogma/lilina being a real thing as they still have the first purple skill learned, and the other 3stars in the video don't

Lilina already has it and I prefer to have Sanaki hurl suns at the enemy. I guess Sophia could use one. Wish I had a Katarina.
I'm in the same boat as you are. I don't particularly care about the starting roster and I'll buy the game and probably all of the DLC, too. It's a Warriors game and they don't change much. Sure, it says a lot about what IS thinks their fans are likely to buy no matter how much they try to deflect with "NT gave us a list and we gave a thumbs-up" nonsense.

I'm just sick of retards baiting and people like you taking the bait seriously. Stop it. Stop trying to convince people that aren't going to be convinced of anything. You make yourself look like an idiot, make them look justified in bitching about pointless nonsense, and more importantly you make people like me that don't particularly care look bad.
God fucking dammit
kleins c skill is empty though is anything worth putting on him?

and i kind of want to give charlotte life and death but it would make her the glassiest of cannons
does sanaki do anything that tharja doesn't? i rolled a +atk but it doesn't seem like she's for anything
All of the BK themes
I like how chill Awakening's S-support theme is
>Bladetome Sophia
Do not
They were all good, same with RD, but they were fairly generic. They have a classical music feel to them, and the soundfont does give them a bit of uniqueness, but they all sort of blend together.
>chapter 17 of Rev
>standard enemy music for the first turn
>Leo and Xander show up
>music changes to A Dark Fall
That was a nice moment in the game

>reddit: the song
That's not a picture of Henry though?
What's the name of the one that plays in chapter 20? That's a really memorable one for me
Thats not Celica
Sanaki is actually nice to look at and listen to
Dropping suns on enemies.
Don't reply to my posts ever again
The fuck were you doing man?
Dark Fall is shit. It's so repetitive and generic.
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What's the best A skill for nino? I just got this qt 3.14
Remember when Bercut was close to being emperor until the unknown son of Rudolf appeared resulting in child tantrums?
I'll know better next time.
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Has significantly higher Res and is also significantly cuter
which route
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>that unit you should sacrifice to a better one but can't bring yourself to
Throw her a few breaker skills and she deletes everything with hyper-inflated HP in challenges.
>Repetitive and generic

Congrats, you just described literally every FE song pre tellius
3rd week in a row I did the same shit
+atk - Darting Blow
+spd - Fury
+anything else - Anal
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Tempest is so fucking boring.

Is risking your rank to grind hero merit on other units a good idea? Because I'm tired of using this thot.
Is reposition bugged or something? I find I can move my Marth to tiles near allies he couldn't reach normally (even with reposition) and he can even attack from these points. He effectively has 5 move.
Tempest and getting sick of Tempest. And I thought we still have another day before the quests end.
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>Don't buy it
We won't. Quit defending it.
Oliver is RD

PoR soundtrack was weak. RD soundtrack was amazing. The Devoted is the best battle track of all time. Everything Thereafter is one of the grandest, most sweeping tracks in the series.

My favorite OST is probably Fates though. I'll never get tired of ocean's gray waves, which is a feat considering how often they repeated it in the game. Fates also has the best Endgame track of all time, every route.

End of All Roads > Id Prologue > Twilight of the Gods >>>>> everything else
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What did I just say?
She is the white men's tharja
Good voice actor
Good character
Prf tome for unqiue strategies
Those poor pegasi
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Conquest, obviously
>Tfw have only one Abel
>Tfw he's -Atk
Meanwhile my only Cain is +Spd like he's meant to be
Fury 3
Who is we.
My bad anon
Me 2nd from the right
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RIP orb and pots
Thanks. This was my problem with it. While I loved each song, it felt difficult to remember them since they all seemed to blend together.
>Est thinking about how much bigger they are than Abel
>Can't expect to be able to warp cheese through every map
Then the maps you would warp cheese would be the ones that are the most annoying i.e. least enjoyable to do since they're a pain in the ass rather than being fun to play through.

Too bad it actually isn't memorable because you only hear it twice for like ten seconds. But IS liked it enough to bring it back.
>pointless nonsense
You people infuriate me. Fuck yourself. Quit saying legitimate grievances are bait you fucking jackass.

Jesus because you're more than willing to eat shit don't project that on the rest of us.
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>Didn't like PoR's music
>Like's shitzura's bad singing
This is some garbage taste. Kill yourself.
Power hungry fool is in PoR and it sounds better than the RD version
/feg/ isnt one person fuck off.
End of all roads is shit.
>>Didn't like generic PoR's music
>>Like's Azura's good singing

This is some great taste. Have a nice day anon
What else do I do with Tharja then?
Conquest is quite literally my favorite FE song you shitter.
Name something wrong with the game without mentioning Awakening or Fates, or saying "my favorite character isn't in it".

There are plenty of reasons to hate on the game. Stop repeating the same 1-2 excuses and maybe people will take you seriously.
>Oliver is RD
Oliver's theme is in both games, unless you're talking about his battle theme that is only in RD. It plays less in RD as it only plays when you recruit him I believe.

Shut up anon let him meme
which one? the avatar's or the one everyone else gets
I love Eternal Bond.
>he hasn't played FE4
That song was really good up until the part where they unnecessarily shoehorned in the FE theme
Save it for a new red mage
>Considering this is the same argument used for why Awakening is a bad game with shitty maps since you can just drop an OP unit and have him walk through it, yes.

Disagreed. Ignoring overpowered units and shit like broken Pair-Up in Awakening, if you take that away the maps are still trash and do not encourage strategy in any shape or form. Take warp away from some Thracia maps however and they become fantastic.

Aside from that I guess you're right though. So let me revise my statement.

Chapter 17A in Thracia 776 is the best chapter in Fire Emblem history*

*excluding warp-cheesing
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>tfw -ATK +SPD cain
Musou games are objectively shit
>hurrr mash buttons
That's excactly it. Warriors games are bad games. Without good rosters, they might as well not exist. What makes a roster good goes from person to person, you'd have to be retarded to buy a warriors game with a roster of characters you don't like.
That is most certainly not the reason why Awakening is considered a bad game with shitty maps.

While I do think the possibility of warpskipping detracts from the level design it doesn't completely invalidate the chapter. Warp is still a limited resource and may not be available to the player.
By the way I'm pretty sure you can't warpskip that chapter reliably in 0% growths, the boss is too strong.
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I already promoted the starter trio, I'm feeling without a goal now.

I think that I should promote a meme unit on next time, but I'm not really sure who. Felicia and +atk Faggot are a great contenders for that.
how can you possibly


not like end of all roads

I legitimately don't understand. Even if you disliked the game, even if you hate the gameplay, fuck even if you hate FE and video games forever, there's no possible way any rational being can dislike End of All Roads

I never looked at anything related to this game and after watching this my stomach hurts from laughing.
>replying to yourself
I too only play mature deep intense strategy games for mature intellectual people such as myself
If you are sniping if there are multiple orbs do you go for it or leave to increase pity rate?
I mean, it is more or less a battle version of the fire emblem theme.
The avatar's
60k here, ready to kill myself any day now
Do you know what game doesn't have memorable tracks? FE5. FE5 is like the anti-thesis of Echoes.
I'm not talking about power-hungry fool, the other one that also uses the organ
Maybe a medley would be more to /fag/'s taste?
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I ripped off some dude's custom Echoes theme to make one with Clair. Figured I might as well share.
Yeah but that ruined it
All of you fags talking about Fates made me want to play Conquest on Lunatic again. Give me a name for my female Corrin and boon/bane
>random lucius in TT ends up having wrathful staff which i only figure out after he murders my ike
Not an argument
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Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
Do all the GHB
All of them
And Virion
Thanks Tobin
I have a 11.1 3DS that I homebrewed months ago, can I freely update now without getting banned?
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How do I fix my -Atk cake. Just wanna use for Tempest farming HM.
Name her Benis
Bane attack Boon res
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Corrin level 16 Wyvern Lord.jpg
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+HP -Mag
Wyvern Lord.
This is more akin to what /feg/ likes, not just restricted to music either.

-spd +res
That's not a real argument, but also it might not be the wisest thing to say as a snarky remark in the FIRE EMBLEM thread.

Even Navarre and FRobin?
Should I go full meme on my ursula? blade+ and everything
Have you ever played Thracia 776 without warp? I don't hate warp but I definitely find warpless more fun.
lmao is this what grandpas consider good??
To each our own, I actually liked that part.

It stood out when almost every other track had the same recurring riff.

I don't need any arguments.
Assuming that you have AL9H and updated to b9s, I think that its fine.
>My guess is they have know exactly were this was but was waiting for the right time to release it

Not quite sure where you're getting 15 years from, the OVA was back from 1995.

And honestly, I think it's more like when people find some extremely rare/valuable comic or trading card or something in an attic somewhere- you or a parent or grandparent bought a totally normal, everyday thing and stowed it away without thinking about it again. You clean through it 20 years later and realize hey, this thing might actually be pretty damn valuable now. It's something that gained value simply through the increase in scarcity from the passage of time. Along with that, the huge differences in being able to get ahold of unpopular anime at a high quality before the internet was really a thing is why we were stuck with a shitty VHS rip with hardsubs in the first place.
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What exploit/CFW do you have? Did you do the guide?
How to build Sorin?
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>cant finish squad assault because steroid Navarre kills at least one unit each time i try
Is the Easter Xander that's +Spd/-Res worth building or just leave him as is for when I may need badges
Like Neno but res tank
Ike's Penis+
Especially Navarre
Do you think cavs would be dead and debuffing be more valuable if it worked the way it did in fates?

I mean, debuffs recovering at a rate of 1 point per turn.

Would it be too cruel or punishing? or would it make buffs worthless?
-str +speed
FE5 definitely has the weakest OST in the franchise, but it still has that remix of the Thracia theme which was pretty good. I thought the Lopto theme was better than the FE4 version as well.
Fuck F robin, and Narcian too, they just plain suck.

But yeah I think that I should do that.
I use one whenever tinyhands is decommissioned

Give him Fury 2 and Swordbreaker. He's surprisingly decent. He can eliminate reds and wall blues without a care in the world.
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I just remembered, that I started making some themes, but never finished them.
Donnel wins ez pz
Mkv did it with 3* units git gud nigga
WOw this is shit.
Yes I do have those.

a9lh from months back.
You're good then.
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Never stop being yourself!
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>tfw +SPD Sophia.
I can always take it off Sophia when the time comes.
It wouldn't make buffs useless but it would make harsh command a lot more popular.
If you really want to use her, those are the ideal IVs Forbes a dc emerald build to counter Reinhardt like no other.

It requires a ton of investment though.
You can't seriously think that song is a good remix of the original, right?
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Alright, what would be an ebin class to set as her talent and use?
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honestly ive just been grinding hero merit or levels on normal or hard. lunatic shit is way too tedious
Always pick every orb of the same color if sniping. Those saved orbs are worth more than the pity rate. Also, re-summoning over and over only 1 orb at a time increases your odds of getting a summon without the color you want at all. Wasting 5 orbs and potentially ruining your pity rate on something out of color.
>Limited roster in a fanservice game meant to appeal to a series-wide audience and instead focusing on certain games while neglecting others, hurting potential marketability
>incredibly lackluster voice direction shown so far
>incredibly bland combat so far with no semblance of challenge, as well as poor map design that sticks to the "Endless respawn square zones" of recent warriors titles
>Insistence on using the weapon triangle when it has not worked to good effect in previous titles limiting the roster to less important characters over more important or profitable characters

And you'll deflect on every point. Not an argument, strawmanning, etc.
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>not memorable

Get the fuck out of my face
No, Navarre plain sucks unless you make him with the cookie cutter set Moonbow/Fury/Desperation, and even then he only reaches 45 Atk without a new weapon
Narcian has one niche and he's among the best at it with only his base kit
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Same. I was a fool last tempest. But now I have seen the light. It doesn't even feel like a drag now. I just look at my HM increasing and smile.
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post predictions. Rolling all 5

inb4 hurrdurr y u roll 5 well I'm low on reds
>Meant to appeal to a series-wide audience

>Hurting potential marketability
The market doesn't give a shit about your literal whos.

>Incredibly lackluster voice direction
Considering where we are your opinion is disregarded, subfag.

>Incredibly bland combat yadayada
Same could be said for literally any kind of game someone doesn't like

>Insistence on the weapon triangle when it hasn't worked before
You have no proof it won't work this time
I thought Navarre preferred L&D?
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>TT run
>everyone and their mother has either a sweep ability or firesweep lance.

These skills are fucking horseshit. I can't wait for firesweep lance to be ubiquitous once people pull that green pansy asshole more
Where is Lucina going?
musous are objectively shit
I have 70 free orbs to spend. I was saving for CYL banner but both Nino and Genny banners are up.

Is it worth it to snipe colorless for Genny to give my +atk/-res Elise.
I don't have a 5* green mage so I thought it would be good to roll for Nino to pair with my Eirika/Azura or at least use her as skill inheritance fodder for Cecilia and promote her my 5* green mage.
Away from this horrid place.
Why not a 3-cooldown skill like Draconic Aura instead if you're gonna have QP? Or why not Memebow/QP+Wo Dao
SRPGs are objectively shit
Got tomebreaker but what else? Are any of the standard +stat even worth it?
I agree on all of the points except for the "lack of challenge" argument, mostly because musou in general isn't terribly challenging. Usually if you lose it's because of some bullshit. Sure, games like Samurai Warrior Chronicles manage to have some tactical depth, but it's not that deep and is still a hack-and-slash at the end of the day.

At any rate, good job not parroting the same fucking "it doesn't have my waifu from X in it" statement that passes for an argument around here. I give you a B+.
Soft boy
Only unit I dislike in TT is Roderick
Everything else dies easily but this fucking cunt is hard to double and hits like a god damn truck
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To save /feg/
Fire Emblem is objectively shit, it always was and it was never good.
>How is the level scaling in Hard? Is there any stat inflation, or does it cap out with enemies at level 40?
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>FE is a slow-paced, tactical game that rewards strategic thinking
>Warriors is a fast-paced button masher

who was the target audience for this game?
L&D can work too, but then you have to survive one attack with 18/19 Def/Res to trigger Desperation because, thanks to his HP being barely over 40, one use of Ardent Sacrifice doesn't put him under or at 75% of HP
Actually FE5 has my favourite OST, it's very atmospheric and effective in setting the mood.
hes not killing tripfags though
It's a fanservice game, so anyone who like FE that much I guess
People that like both.
>Niche market within a slightly less niche market.
Also Warriors fans in general will buy anything and use the crossovers as gateways to other franchises, which is part of the point from the marketing side of things.

Does that work? Not always.
Actually, it's relatively fast paced. Compare it to something like Advance Wars or Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem's doubling encourages faster combat and many maps have mechanics that punish turtling.
Noob question.

I have my 5* Klein (+Hp-Def) with Reposition and Threaten Speed 3, but I got a 4*Klein (+Atk -Hp) and I want to merge them.

If I do merge my original Klein (the one with the skills already) did my new Klein (the 4* that I'm going to level up) get those skills too?
Waste of 40k feathers
At least there's Marth
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>Zelda is a slow-paced, tactical game that rewards puzzle solving and systematic gameplay
>Warriors is a fast-paced button masher

who was the target audience for this game?
Nice, so I'm making her an Archer this time around, thanks.
pretty good. Takumi was always one of the best users of that build. Superior to memesuna. Should serve you well in PvE in particular

FE is actually quite fast in comparison to most srpgs.
how can cuckdelia even compete
Posting best boss theme
Next Bonus Units for Arena are going to be the same of last season right?
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Is a +hp/-def Nino! worth it?
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>needs Brave Axe+
>need Reposition
>Sturdy Blow
>still haven't learned Luna
>still haven't learned WoM2
>still need to inherit Goad Calvary
should I roll reds for snacki or roll on the summer banner?
Posting best recruitment theme

Should be +Atk or +Spd
I like this. always gets me hype.
Summer. Always prioritise event limited banners over all other banners.
yeah, it's funny how good it is
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>don't even have an A rank
>all blades and silvers are A rank

I think there's too much going on in this for it to be good. Not sure what was with all the random unfitting vocals in Echoes' songs, either.
I did it
This. Why the fuck do gaming sites praise this series so much?
Echoes: 81%
Fates: 87%
Awakening: 92%
SD: 81%
RD: 78%
PoR: 85%
SS: 85%
FE7: 88%

Literally no mainline FE game has gotten less than 75% from Metacritic even though none of them are anything special
If you are breeding him with Ayra you can pass the silver blade by killing Chagall!
Fury isn't bad for him. Generally fights won't last long enough for you to get knocked out of Tomebreaker range if you play it right
I love Thracia, but this is not even close dude.

Now I kinda want to see someone edit Lucinacopter into this gif, flying behind Alphonse.
>Falling for the mounted unit meme in FE4
You made sure to use Arden, didn't you anon?
grind those chain maps on fri/sat
what units should i 5 star? i have
+atk -hp eliwood(not sure if i want to since i have xander)
+atk -spd effie(no brave lance+ to give to her quite yet)
+atk -res hana(i have a brave sword+ to give to her too but i never feel good sacrificing a 5 star for SI)
+atk -def nino
and i also have neutral blade ursula and cecilia but they do perfectly fine at 4 stars so idk about them
>I give you a B+
Thanks, I feel like I earned the score. It's hard to come out with a coherent argument when you're also trying to watch John wick 2 with friends.

I really didn't expect many of my favorite characters, but I was at least willing to give it a chance if it pretended it would be giving other games the time of day. The only reason I bought Dynasty Warriors Gundam 1 was because it had Turn A Gundam which meant next time I could expect more series inclusion, even though I haven't enjoyed a musou game since Dynasty Warriors 3. And I was right, we got more.

Warriors does nothing to broker such hope and is therefore worthy of the scorn it has received.
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>beat the last squad assault with Alm, Barst, Gordin, and 3 star Camus
Since when does Jon Snow use a lance?
Reminds me of Memewig's theme but not as good.
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But you see, Generals can use a shit ton of weapons and have good weapon ranks. That makes them balanced despite shit mov -Kaga Shozo

I am, I will fix the inventories for inheritance during chapter 5
This is the best boss song. Hardin is also the best boss in Fire Emblem because it's based Hardin, MvP of FE1 and FE3 book 1.
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>fe warriors comes out
>pay 100$ for the deluxe edition featuring the Heroes, Awakening Children, and Fates retainers packs
>Shadow Dragon makes up 1/10th of the roster
>the entire game's plot is about characters mentioning how cool the OCs are and using friendship to beat the dark dragon
>every battlefield is some generic castle vaguely based on an FE location
>hand starts to hurt from mashing the XXX and the YYY
>remember that the game is compatible with all FE amiibo
>put the Ike Amiibo on in hopes of something from a different game
>get an Ike outfit for Rowan

nah it'll probably be better than that
I like both of them equally at the top, though I think Thracia's fits the atmosphere of the game more than PoR's theme fits PoR.
>Generals using bows
Still upset that the only western game that got this was Shadow Dragon.
>A cuck
>Best anything
Reminder if you don't award Sigurd's loyal men (Arden, Noish and Alec) with good waifus then you're not playing FE4 how based Sigurd would. He wouldn't let his men suffer from dry balls.
I would make Chrom a grandpa desu
What about best cuck?
>one hour
is that really necessary
Honestly the unit I hate the most is fucking gordin. By extention every archer too. I really wish I had a high defense range unit right now.
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>alm, barst, gordin, 3 star camus
good jo-

>3 star camus
Why is Alm so bad at girls?
I'd rape Lucina deep in the forest at the dead of night and then leave her for dead after cumming.
I married Arden to Ayra, and had Alec and Noish marry the castle walls until they burnt.
Alec and Arden are useless as parents though.
Lex does everything Arden does better.
They don't have Holy Blood though
>reach tier 20
>almost levelled all of my units to Lv. 40
>doing the Tempest meme and slowly reaching top 5k
>literally enjoying FGO a lot more than Heroes now
I feel like I'll uninstall it soon, Didn't even bother with the rehashed shit they introduced yet with the story maps, is this how it ends?
I really liked the Assassins boss theme from FE12
Nowi's a fucking pain in the ass if you don't have a mage to take care of her
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She'd probably kick your ass.
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This is Julius! Imprerial Prince of the Grannvale Empire! Say something nice about him!
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>Promoted Arden
>implying you're strong enough to physically overpower someone who can effortlessly sonic spindash into the air and cut up hordes of people with simple sword swipes
Please stop
He never gets cucked. Nyna doesn't have sex with Camus, she doesn't doesn't put out. Hardin is a tragic hero, desu. Not shocked a /v/edditor wouldn't get his character.
It wasn't that bad, trust me.

>mfw he doubled a mage in chapter 2

FE4 is hilarious sometimes
I wanna fuck him.
post the second panel
Go away Hardin
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Why the fuck most fast archers builds are brave bow + LaD?

This crap is going be annoying when we finally get a brave dagger.
Is the summer banner rigged? theres been a ton of posts with high pity rates and I just hit 4% also
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3DS baby about to start FE7 for the first time. Anything I should know besides that Hector is good?
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>Married Arden to Ayra

Great taste
>Generals using a shit ton of weapons
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Post the second picture
Ok fury tomebreaker and what about C? Threat Atk?
Why does Bercute get so many themes?
Only use Marcus, Pent, Lowen and Raven.
You just beat Fire Emblem 7.
because Faye is a fucking fagtron who refuses to get rolled jesus dick i'm mad
It's called a "Cookie Cutter" build for a reason. Very little originality and functions very well on a number of units.

What really needs to happen is adding skills that enable Crits to the game
C is really more dependent on your team. Threaten Res and Threaten Spd aren't bad on him though, since they help bridge the offensive gap between him and Nino
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Generals only need one type of weapon!
This is mating press waiting to happen
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very good unit
>Brave Dagger
>Mt is so low that very few can actually do damage with it
>In order to balance your weapon options, Brave Dagger+ is -4 to Def/Res instead of -5 or -7
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You gotta bait her with Alm
As far as musous go, it looks like it'll be boring. I was expecting a little bit more, like how the empires games at least bother to put in a semblance of something else.
Archers are shit and have nothing what do you expect?
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>pubic hair
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Not as good as this guy!

I didn't know anyone else would actually do this.

Then again, until this moment, I didn't know anyone else actually took Ardan away from the castle.

I thought I was the only one. Now there are at least three of us!
This artist is so shit
It's shit and ruin defensive stats on Niles or Gordin for example.

It's only remotely viable on Taco and even then he benefits from fujin yumi a little better.
what is this, a hack where you play as the enemies? Can I play as Muhammad?
>Dominate something that doesn't exist

I wouldn't because I'm not a waifufag.
You're not a true fire emblem fan. I'm going to go and lick my fiance's feet now.
japan should draft mkv as a combat tactician, he'd probably be able to conquer all of asia with a few NEETs
You're shit
Was Arvis truly evil?
No I'm a weak skeleton
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I'd rather she dominate me instead

>inbreeding your party for success rather than letting them breed for love.
>tfw my first SRPG was Luminous Arc
>actually liked the story
>continued with the second
>luminous arc 3 never came to the US
>it seemed like typical nip school shit anyway
>had to switch over to FE for SRPG
t. Thotcinafag
Yes. He tricked Sigurd into thinking they were friends and then murdered him. That is textbook evil
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Just Genealogy of Nier
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Would Fire Boost 3 be good since Falchion recovers HP
or should I just give her Brave Sword+ just because
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Fem!Python is ______
>Benefits from Fujin Yumi a little better
From what, Pass 2?
Stella glow.
>not doing it based on hair color and lore
Yes anon, it's rigged.
i want to marry my mu's kid off to ishtar
Someone I'd like to fuck.
getting married to forsyth!
Forsyth's wife
If Manfroy plays dirty then I can do it too
>Benefits from Pass 2, one of the worst skills in the game
Maybe if more shit in content had 3+ range attacks to justify having to dive past enemy lines, or if more NPC foes had Obstruct overlaps, I'd agree with you.
Lex x Aideen?
Fiiiiine~ Twist my nipple~
SRPG's die very quickly. Especially the Japanese ones. Doesn't help that the majority of them are Tactics Ogre reskins
a femanon from /feg/!
Good taste
Fire Boost is best on units with very high base HP like armored units.
good for anal or naizuri
How the fuck did I hit Tier 20
I only had 4798 points
Do you copy skills you encountered in the training tower, tempest, or arenas?
No, because it relies on her HP being 3 over as well
43 is alright but doesn't activate enough on the stuff she usually fights (bulky greens)
will kids change hair color in Geneology's remake?
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He deserves only the best. It took a while to promote him too but I've grinded for worse.
I'm a delicate flower. I'd use that to my advantage.
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Probably not
I'm talking about the extra mt but well, gray units really need a complete rebalance, you either run a gimmicky build or cookie cutter brave + LaD.
He was doing it for the greater good man. His peace would have lasted if manfroy wasn't so hellbent on fucking everything over.
Go away Clive
But she's Julius' cumdump
>You'll never fuck robin
god damn why live
Julius is going to get cucked then.
That just means he's well written.
Believing that you're doing good doesn't keep you from being evil
Maybe the games are good.
He can make something with Fujin Yumi with Darting+Desperation
Though, if Pass was gave the unit the Flier movements perks it would honestly be worth it
>Trusting le creepy evil wizard man and his death cult
He was dumb
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Could he beat Goku?
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You can argue that Arvis was foolish, but he was also had a legitimate fear of becoming a victim of Lopt persecution. Manfloy had an easy person to manipulate in him, and unfortunately he fell for it.

Where Arvis loses it for me is when he doesn't fall before Celice and beg for mercy.
fire emblem is a tactical rpg, not a strategic one
Maybe if he got the Smash Ball.
Anal press Lucina!
>That expression
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I want to sneak up behind Sanaki and blow on her bare shoulders
She looks very focused
yeah no
So roy is only 1/4 dragon?
How much will this affect Lilina?
Not SSBKKx20 Limit Breaker Goku
fire emblem coined the term srpg
s stands for simulation
does it really compare to la?
Is Falchion harder than Iron? Goku can't break through Ironflesh.
You want to be very focused during anal.
that wasn't too bad now time to grind my alt account fuck me I need to drop that thing
It does. Go play it
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It's because of Smash Bros.
Not much. His dragon blood is kinda weak
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My Current team , great in TT hard 5. Aslong as there is not way to many greens. Oliva is only level 24 but who cares if she is a dance bot. I plan to remove mea since she is -atk +res for sorin.

Threaten res would be best right ?
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Dragon dick is good
There has never been a reputable video game reviewer
>that screen
will definitely look it up, thanks
It's pretty much a spiritual successor, shame that didn't saved imageepoch
Normies hate FE because of Smash now though.

>trusting reviewers.
They're always lying high or low, no matter what.
It'll mostly affect Roy, because he'll outlive her.
Are you saying he wouldn't be able to activate a Dragon Vein?
fuck off normalfag

So how did she get in this situation? She doesn't appear to be enjoying it; but she doesn't look like she's being constrained or forcefully raped.

There's a underlying story behind this butfucking.
But his mother is a pegasus knight. Lilina's mom is also a pegasus knight.
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>Robin holding two weapons with 2 attack range
>diorama shows him with 1 attack range
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>trusting reviewers
oh wait, If I remove mea I wont get the bonus fuck
Compelling argument
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Post your current TT team and score.

Grinding it's slow for me because I don't have any bonus unit (only Sharena and a lvl1 4* Boey that I use on the second team)
I still don't understand, Why Sophia's husband should have any impact on Lilina?
Yeah, Threaten Res would work well there. Exchanging Roderick for Soren would mean your enemy phase is suffering unless you fight exclusively mages
Just got my 5* Tobin earlier and stopped for the day

Team is Tinyhands, Nino, Eirika and Almond
-atk +res Hector, +atk -hp Thunder, Olivia and Maria

Well, #FE have like 80.

Trusting reviewers is stupid, but trusting parroting from people also is, in my opinion if someone want play the game or at least its a bit curious it should do a bit of proper research.

But no way that Rev should be 88.
I don't need any arguments.

>protag looks like alph
the second one also had the protag have the same hair style, jesus
Going slow too. As long as I reach 50k I'm cool.
She didn't enjoy it at first but she's just realized that by anal pressing her, the guy has in fact left his own asshole totally exposed and Lucina is preparing to give him her own 5 finger special.
cousins aren't for fucking
Says you
It only deserves an 88 if they added a Valla Noble promotion for Corrin.
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I just switched to using Lachy after Genny maxed out on HM.
He's beautiful. I'm thinking of building him like that, too. Update us with how he performs, I for one would love to know.
>Hector/Florina ever
>-hp/+spd Nino, standard Fury/Desperation build
>Neutral Linde, running Blarblade, Darting Blow, Desperation
>+spd/-res Quad buff Ephraim
>+def//res Olivia running G. Tomebreaker because it's the only way to kill Julia with this team

This event has been EZ so far
That's why Roy gets together with Shanna
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Probably would have had more today but I rolled Sanaki so I spent most of my stamina getting her to level 40.
it's farina you idjit
>a bit of proper research.
But how the fuck do you do "proper research" when not a single person on the internet holds a credible opinion?
I'm at 35k now with a main team of tinyhands, Xander, Elise, and Boey. Boey's actually been quite useful with reposition and tanking. I'm feeling kind of burned out on tempest now though so my pace has been slowing down.

Reinhardt is at 8500 sp.
Florina is munching on half-Sacaean grass. Lilina's mom is Farina.
how do i make faye useful AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

>44k isn't even top 1000

what in the world are people doing this time around

scores are so much higher than last time
Draw Back, Iceberg, Attack+3/Deathblow 3, Poison Strike, Savage Blow
We have videos, Wiki, FAQ etc.

Even if people aren't that reliable there is always someone bringing the good sides of it or the bad ones.
-spd Mae with RTomebreaker, TA+Raven Cecilia (Hone), Xander (Hone), and Elise (Fortify). It's a pretty easy run unless someone dies.
Currently have 43379 points and I'm sitting at rank 2273. I'd be interested to know the score needed for rank 1~1000.

Probably because it's so much easier this time around. They're also giving out free stamina potions every day.
honestly I think people used a fuck tonne of pots because we got loads from the arena quests
Farming for Hero Merit since all of those quests that gave tons of stamina potions.
what is this 'anal press' meme that i missed?
>Can't find the original

I listen to Road Taken every now again. And the first boss theme against Hoshido got me hyped for the games.
Yeah all I need to do is aquire a gun desu.
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