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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1818

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 790
Thread images: 175


>Recent News
July 7th Rebalance Patch is out

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>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

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Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread:
It's a thinly veiled request to see who the top 3 are so /gbfg/ can either shitpost or dicksuck them.
I married all the female cows so please stop posting lewd pictures of my wifes
Any chance we can get another baka HL? I'm waiting to Coda my sword
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Hi /gbfg/.
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>When she accidentally sits on your penis
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Which zeniths should I get for toot?
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Translate it weebs
>30M damage difference
>nearly the same honor
Which is stronger? 5* uno or 5* quater?
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Were the Cog buffs that strong to warrant this meme?
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Where's the gisla/finger check box. What is this, a strawpoll for shitters?
Oh, okay. It seemed strange since new players can't do much but shield/debuff/buff/heal but people still shove down their throat GET THIS THING!
Baha HL is a fair raid where using raid-wide abilities like Phalanx or DI3 actually gives honors.
Because the vote says "what kind of character" not "what are you going to ticket" you woofus.

I don't care about your e-sport tickets.
Host it yourself.

How good is it? Also, thanks.
Extra damage while keep spamming her 2 and 3
proto baka won't give me horns.
on the 20th along with zenith skills for mentioned characters
>ticketing fingers when you can just farm them
lmfao look at this unluckshitter whale and laugh
Wait, who was June's LB5? Or did we not get any? I thought Hallie would count for June since it was a few days later and they were just holding it back to match up with the balance patch.
You have a better chance of kmr mvping a HL Baha than getting a finger to drop.
Why no DA? Surely you aren't capping it naturally, and 3% with 1 emp is decent.
HL Baha 74C307E2
De la fille feet
de la feet
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So, what's the fuck's going on with the plebbit tier list? Is Zeta really on the same tier with shit like Perci and Yuel now?
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Fenrir has her own snack box?
Baha HL
Zeta's core for gw and short raids now. Not gonna replace the other attackers though
Light lord, carry my HL Olivia.

Which one do I join?
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she's top tier for my peepee
hell no

>break jade
>miss mark
>use break assassin
>DA for normal damage for some reason
Redux and Yuki are in the one that was posted first
first one has yukikaze and recucks
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Need some HS.
Join and retreat the first one and then join the second.
>yuki hosts so he can guarantee at least one red box instead of letting redux cuck him again
Now that all reddit has gone to the 1st, can /gbfg/ carry the 2nd one?
Sounds like a plan.
Like their tierlist always is, they theorycraft on characters buffs and give a 10 without even testing, then they lower the grade as they see they were wrong.
Yukikaze desu. This is true desu.
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Anyone up for a RQ?
>YukiKEKze AND reKEKx
Don't post bahas as replies you stupid fucker, I joined second one because of you.
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Nigga, come on, we got two hl bakas right now.
>only DF is 101
I sure hope you don't gravity bro.
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36 posters.
2 baha is all we can do. deeaaadddd gameeee.
why not
waste to do it ealry
Who is this cutie
Resistance. Do it after 50%.
SR Beatrix vs Zeta for a spot on my everyday fire team? Have Yuel/Metera right now
debuff adaptation. Anything you throw at him, he'll shrug off later
Is Rosetta a Primal Beast? I know Rose Queen is listed as one.
If you're mad at him, wouldn't you want to be in a different baha anyway?
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It would be extremely painful for you
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[Walder and Jade attempt their escape from Jade's collapsing illusion from the activated force field]
-Fenrir the Primal-
Vee: This place is collapsing! Stretch your hand out, quickly!

Walder: Kuh..! Will I reach it!?

V: Okay! I gotcha left hand!


W: AH?! Wait, Jade's falling!

V: I'll stretch my right hand there!
W: .. wai- what?! A lightsabre is stretching out along with his hand?!


J: Ha.. Thanks, Vee..

J: As I thought, he managed to receive it...
This guy.. what mascot power he has..!
No, she's still a unknown because spoilers.
...and for the raid
Could use some more light DF and SS
I'd love to join all these raids but I have to go jogging soon.
When is KMR going to buff stickers? I think if we spam enough it should damage the boss.
Is the gw dagger any good for dirt?
We don't need you anyway
Why? I want to be in first one because it will be cleared first. I don't want to waste half an hour staring at half-full raid.
isnt listing her as unknown as spoiler in itself
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>taking care of your body
It's like you actually want to live.
What a weirdo.
yeah, if you're sub101
otherwise it's ely+harp in dirt
It pales to the harp. Ely is the one true way.
Alright will make the harp then.
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>tfw magna drops are finally nice to you
What classes are in the 2nd one?
>using a fire character against water enemy
G-G-G-Going outside? What's it like?
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Remember to grind with your old man.
But cardio kills gains.
A ton of spartan/HS
What's the current Yugu build look like now?
1 MH, 2 xeno, 1 baha and 5 swords?
Is Cag really that good?
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>got baited into a non gbfg baha
Cog is pretty sexy but I can't stand how cutesy he tries to look sometimes. I find his real personality more pleasing than his tryhard cutest girl in the universe bravado
born male so he is a male
Baihu, Uriel, 2 Xeno (shitters use sausages), 5 Sword, Baha
>indulging on alchemical tranny whims
Entro this is your guild leader. We're removing you from the guild for shitposting.
Thanks anon, almost there.
>Yukikaze died 1t 52%
nani the fuck
Good for my dick.
go away billy
>Yuki died
Is this the end?
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I swear, if I see another cunnyliostro picture posted, im going to post my dick with hats
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>literally half of yuki's raid is a bunch of leeches
These are attracting more and more leeches
it's not like I want that to happen or anything
That's what I get for thinking I could take wind phase autos as dirt.
When you're off element or you get the Uriel Fist to SL10 and your swords to SL15, the Fist replaces the Baihu Claw instead of a sword.
i'm trying my best desu
but the game is dying and has no new players!
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Since the game is dying, leeches probably don't care what the general thinks of them. Scary time to host baha imo
>When you're off element
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>200 Rolls Saved up
>Want Summer Bear
>But really should save for a spark
You mean tiny hats? Do it faglord
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You don't have the balls to do it.
It's almost like there are 6 elements in the game.

Do it faggot
Thanks for the tips.
I'm just building dirt for water fights.
I just got Uriel fist to SL10 today. I don't have Baihu Claw yet, but I'm using GW dagger as a MH. Not sure if I should get it.
Yeah and he's going earth instead of the element that has on element advantage for more than half the fight.
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>It's the retard gs with the gw gun pool

I don't think I'm joining gbfg bahas anymore
Maybe he's doing it for fun?? This is a fucking game you know.
If you don't have a 4* pool then you're not trying your best.
but the gw gun is good
I lost sturm and at water phase with phalanx, no one bothered to debuff attack.
It's not like he hasn't shown that he can beat up every other player in that Baha right now.
What is the best way to get grimoires? Co-op or raids?
SR Beato vs Zeta?
when can one mvp omegas
Reminder two days ago yukikaze was so buttmad about light being shit that he frontlined song and paralyzed baha in the first 50%.
>cog so core she makes even cock obsolete
Lmao at everyone who fell for the sparxing zodiac meme
The contrast makes it appealing when Cog goes full ore-sama.
Thanks, 1 less useless leecher that I have to carry.
crit baihu
No shit. He posted it here specifically so he doesn't have to race real people like orn, milkuu and kotori.
>cock players get a cute girl
>cog players get an old guy
mhh i wonder who is the real loser
She's cuter and more core than S.Beato
summer cog
dmg cap baihu.
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Why do autists here enjoy shitposting about players who are way stronger than themselves?
Swimsuit Bear > Zeta > SR Bear
Uh there both cute girls?? IDIOT!
Shut up cocksuckerseph
magna doesnt cap
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MY best. Not your best.
>yuki wants to secure mvp in his own raid
>it actually fails
proper support cows when
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oh no
If you don't have a baihu claw, then you replace the GW dagger instead of a sword. You should be running Elysian anyway.
Is the Side Stories tab permanent?
Shut up cog
>Light's strongest frontline is Lucio Ferry Song
>Can't use it for over 50% of the fight
>Wahhh why did he para early? We NEED it to succeed.

I can honestly understand why he started doing it. It's kinda retarded to have to purposefully gimp yourself when your element is already the weakest.
>this fucking Baha
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Sounds like he should have put his TIME and EFFORT into a good element then???
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What did he mean by this?
If his song is 5* and the 4th skill hit then there is nothing wrong with this. I go into nip Baha HLs all the time where they'll do it right before the element transitions and if your raid isn't god awful that should be enough time to chunk the boss completely.
So this is the power of wind...
Who is that handsome d- Oh wait, he is dead
>Yukikaze abandons Light
>dies and fails his own raid

That's what you get bandwagonner. Light might be shit, but it's your shit. Stay in your lane.
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Best wind SR of these 3?
Xmas Sen, Shiki, Sutera
When are you guys going to do a baha hl without any light users since it's such a bad element?
I'm too hungry for this.
Did we get unia'd fucking twice?
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>rank 164
>enjoying gbf period
>not turboautism
>spends damascus and gold bars on chev swords
>spends all his stones on hector
>just to switch to dirt because he can't mvp baha hl against good players
>fails instead
I want to cum all over Fenrir's food and watch her angrily eat it
Don't forget he's not rank 164 because of being a long time player. He's rank 164 because he's a slimebotter. He only has 2 pools where the average 164 should have all 6 at least sk10.
Save us Reddit!
Yep, glad I unia'd the traitor's Baha.
That's not Yuki though, right?
Host a kirin right now you fucking cunt
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And this? What did he mean by this?
Don't post pictures of my wife without my permission.
Why, so /gbfg/ can fail it?
>Dirt is good
Wait what happened? I just came back from a break.
I was farming earth so that's good for me but i'm still curious.

I was in that raid and all he said was "I guess I don't actually know how to play dirt" or something alone those lines when he died. Nice inspect element nerd.
He's rank 164 because he wasted all his time and effort on chev swords. Most sane people start working on other elements after their 3-5.
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Never again
At least the chat was funny
What's hilarious is if light finally gets a good weapon they still wasted all their gold bars and choco bars for no reason. I hope someone records it when they use their chev swords as skill fodder.

>primal earth
>in Baha HL
What the fuck? Crit and Backwater memes are fucking useless in there. What a dolt.
There's not even a point to that since you can't crit while it's not dark.
This was in the 2nd baha hl though
Mad nip
does rank above 100 even matter
>never again

why, that was fucking hilarious

>grav at start
>break lock at water phase
>autist nip calling the host shit and doom posting
>redditors talking about random shit
pendragonfag mizakofag and the gook aren't in Yuki's raid, nice falseflag (You)
140% ele summon happened. Also new massive attack unknown.
Yes, because all the best MC zeniths are after rank 155.
Fire got those exact same things.
>proceed to lose to wind
Yes because of zeniths
>He thinks Song is only strong because of the crit.

Stop talking about shit you don't understand. Her 5* hits harder than Lucio.
GW 5*
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Can Six be considered a chuuni?
You're an idiot. Even without the crit song is still light's strongest character.
There's a chat for current raids?! What the hell. That seems so cool. Why isn't there more shitposting screenshots from those?
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Baha HL
Post Baha HL
Please reply
That was funny
We should get more mad japs in our raids
fire lacks actual good characters though and they have to play a shit class with their xeno weapons instead of a good honor inflating buffer/dps like Ely
Idols are made for sex!


kys retard
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We won!
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>/gbfg/ will actively sabotage a Baha HL just because someone decided to play a different element

That's just turbo autism and this place is honestly turning into irredeemable trash.
Sticks are beyond salvation, sorry.
>Yuikekze can't MVP anymore

what happened?
>Yuikaze dead at 100%
what the fuck
Thats not yuki. Thats me in my raid.
That comment was aimed at sone angry turboautist ricecrapper who started shittalking me as soon as he enteree because im earth, which ive been since i started, and a lucha, which i use for tag team memes with mahira

Dudes getting a nice fat report.
Which grid is the easiest to farm?
>backwater useless anywhere for dirt
Fucking retard
is 30/30 DATA buff good for any element?
Are you retarded? It's someone from the other Baka.
t. Yukikaze
>buncles raids will have new weapons
Don't count fire out yet
Host another baha hl
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He's cute and strong. That's all that matters.
What the fuck am I reading
What is better to go as when joining a pubbed RQ?
>more 3* only, skill level 10 garbage

Just what fire needs.
Are you guys really defending some pussy ass e-celeb from Reddit? Really? This general is pretty pathetic.
Shut up and carry me you autist.
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Holy shit when did they implement chats in raids?
What are some random primal weapons going to do again?
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>water DF
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I haven't been monoelement since September last year.

A very cute boy.
>5/7 uptime versus 3/7
>makira's buffs are better
>makira has rage+echo on 3
>makira has a 15%+25% def/ele down
ur a retard if u think cog is better than makira...
If this Baha succeeds I'm going to order pizza.
If this Baha fails I'm still going to order pizza but I won't be happy about it.
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Alright I laughed.
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Did you open
I'm reporting you to sied.
wow those grids are awful
No bully, I'm only rank 147.
is kurwa better than ferry in kirin raid?
Lmao stop talking dipshit. Backwater earth works everywhere, and 80% of the time in baha hl youre not taking any serious damage.
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I need 7 more cups. Host Medusa HL.
baha 1C7124DA
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You people do nothing but whine aboit muh gravity or muh break lock, but the raid was still cleared easily.

That angry slanteye was hilarious though
>hit rank 50
what now
Were those people even from here? the ones whining I mean
Keep doing what you were doing
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¿Dónde está el SUPTIX?
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We had to endure the entirety of 2016 getting bullied as the worse element but we finally did it earth bros. We're finally esports.

I'm literally crying right now.
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>That Esser gun in the fire grid
>fire is still total shit
How old is cogs soul exactly
>reporting to a ded crew
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Wew. Thanks for coming lads.
does sealed away count?
>getting SR fodder is fucking impossible now
Someone kill KMR
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I was going to host a Zoi, but uh, you guys seem to be busy shitstorming right now
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Praise the one that started the Earth revolution.
You get a shit ton of SRfodder if you farm multiple GW boxes
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But you now have enough omega materials to host your HL for SR mats

I'm a leecher. Can I join?
>implying any of these shitters can do more than 4 boxes
80% of the time the sages are healing you.
As someone who used backwater Earth in a Baha HL I found that even when Baha was paralyzed for almost 3 minutes from an extended Sorn, the Sages were still spamming heals. Was infuriating to have to waste so much time keeping Ayer low, and Sarasa's enmity on a 7 turn cooldown basically meant she was on full HP most of the time.
Where's Sarasa?
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(You) told me she was bad. APOLOGIZE.
No, there's no Zoi, go home.
Post it! I'll help and leech.
MVPing a baha HL.
B-but I need health for my stamina
>no heal run
my sides, why are people so bad at this
Yes, it was from the actually successful raid. Some very angry nip told people to stop playing gbf some other people translated, some other people were shitposting, some other people were just having fun enjoying this chaos.
Just ignore them. They're obvious shitposters.
Are you denying she wasn't? Are you a fucking retard?
I'll apologize to your parents if that's the case.
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is this good for kirin?
When stratomizers get a 4*, no one else is mvping a baha hl
New age of time and effort for darkfriends
are u retarded?
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What's the point of running backwater on earth if the earth characters the benefit from it already hit cap without it?
Just wait for Normal III and big Enmity from Blutgang.
They're not getting a 4* for a long time. Earth's been getting spoiled by KMR for months now. It's high time the more deserving elements get something good too.
Because all characters benefit from backwater not just ones with backwater passives.
>trash like zeta gets buffed
>Heles ignored
fuck kmr
Age of fire when?
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>dirt and water characters got the best buffs

It keeps happening.
wind mvp wft i tough only Ararara could do this.
Some were. I opened the raid because someone else posted another baha before me and i assumed no one would join.

I seriously hope that autist jap isnt from here.
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The dog is the best option for raw gemstones right? How often should I expect one to drop?
>everyone gets good shit
>meanwhile wind gets a 2nd bonito and healing in RQ where it's forced to run buncles with shitty stats
It's just a comedy right now
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What's the best way to get 15 Warrior Creeds?
>good shit
He was shitting on the host specifically for being earth lucha.

Autist jap was dark. I guess that autistic screech pic is true
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I meant 20, ehe!
2 kirin/long dong trains
dumb brat
Earth can laugh for now, but when the Shiva of wind arrives, and believe me, it will arrive, we'll be the one laughing. They'll be stuck playing checkers while we're playing monopoly.
Oh, that sounds smart!
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Kirin/Dong train or a few hours of praying to coop.
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EX coop, RQ, Kirin/Dong trains
has less attack though unless 4*
I don't have kirin mats or have even reached the place I can host them but can someone let me join their kirin train?
I think it was Mizako's first MVP?
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I'm extremely unhappy.
only if everyone else is a shitter
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Order that pizza while feeling sad my friend.
But checkers is a better game.
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>second gisla as soon as ticket drops
Post em, cuties!
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EOP here. Can I still get g-points if I purchase pic related or did the code already expired?
Can we just shut down /gbfg/ at this point?
>dirt yukikaze
>light redux

what the fuck is going on?
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where are the kirins?
Who can I blame for this failing?
Just need to host senpai.
It's all yukikaze and redux's fault for not playing their best elements
pls host. I just need 1 talisman to trade for my 5th one.
The host don't even bothered of doing 1k damage, this type of guy don't deserv the 0.0000001% of gaining a gold bar.
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What should I be running here? In general and on element
>beating up dooky

this man deserves the death
Yuel, Perci, Sturm, Tien and whatever you think is cute.
I suddenly want to see octo rape dookie.
>Carry /gbfg/ raids with their best elements
>/gbfg/ shitposts them
>Plays different element than what they're used to
>Still do over 3x non-leech points

Like pottery.
How good is f2p Hades?
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>f2p Hades
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I've been getting shit speeds until the cable guy comes over and fixes things. It's a miracle I can get over 1mil honors playing at 800 ping to nip servers.

I just want to cap pendants before fucking off to do better things.
2 gislas = celeste
Not great, you want 2 gisla at least.
I'm rank 101 now. What's the easiest way to cap prestige pendants? My grids are all equally bad.
>I'm australian
>I wish I had internet speeds 1/9th as good as this as it would be DOUBLE my standard internet downstream and quadruple of my standard upstream
I even live in the inner city with NBN. What the fuck happened to my country's infrastructure plan to make it like this?
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Still fixing normal fire and earth
Will move out +s from light pool soon enough
Colo stick over second xeno?
Explode. My plan normally gets me 130mbps at best.
America isn't much better, and NY is a shitfest when it comes to IT infrastructure.
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We come from the land downunder!
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>that upload
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Who will carry our Baha HLs now bros...
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What did Reddit mean by this?
I tried.
Leech the baha HLs posted here
That's the nip ranking.
Here's a translation for you, I'm a professional retard-English translator: "We don't test our tierlists when we make them"
Living in your head
Really reduces my chev swords
It's quite obvious you weren't in either of the raids and now just try to shitpost with whatever info you gathered from other posts.
I don't get the whole ignoring double unia to further your autistic agenda thing.
looks like catherine is considered top tier just because of how busted double charm is on Baka HL. She certainly really helped the last two raids I've joined we were able to clear even without the typical gbfg carries
But i was.
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W-we can't MVP Baha HL anymore, y-you say?
Why are you blaming the failure of a raid on two players who weren't leeches?
I was just too lazy to farm a second and I never flipped one.
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too many placeholders
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Is it e-dick measuring time?
Why are you defending the failure of a raid with atleast 2 hypercarry whales in it?
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>yugu comes out
>power creeped a week after by an old character
Motivate me to do my seraph grinding /gbfg/.
*motivates you to do your seraph grinding*
No, YOU motivate me to motivate you
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mika sword.png
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I-I'll give you a kiss, if you finish
*Jerks you off*
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I got a lot of work to do during RoB.
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I'm Canadian, btw.
but I'm f2p
Whether or not they're whales is irrelevant. At what point does whaling make them obligated to gung ho carry a raid? If they clearly did more than their fair share then the blame falls on the rest of the raid including me. You're basically the equivalent of a welfare nigger looking for handouts from the rich white business man.
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My mom.
My wife
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Fuck, you got me good.
Which seraph do you want? I'll host a Gaby or Micheal
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1MB, 1206x812px
Rainbow meta approved

Double baha in Dark? Are you running that to compensate for the cortanas and since you are lacking in unks?
Amazing how one person's Unias can shit up the thread this much.
Run me through your logic. Otherwise this is you.
No one used Unia in the one that failed just now.
You are now manually realizing the adage of yesteryears "go back to /b/" has changed to "go back to /pol/".
Well /pol/ IS the biggest board ever since the election
Where are the kirins?
My HP is potato because only one of the claws is even close to finished.
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W-why are we light and darkcucks have no seraphic weapons?...
>if someone does decent in baha hl they must be a whale!

I bet korbo and mizako are turbowhales to you too huh
doesn't mizako have a gisla
how the fuck do people have enough ap to do all normal hard and omega hosts
Please respond. I still haven't seen a rock from this dog.
korbo has a few but any non whale can make a whale pool now if they don't mind waiting forever for bars to come out
Just do drawboxes F A M
Everyone who does better than me is a whale, everyone who does worse than me is a shitter.
Fuck you're right. SEAniggers are waking up.
they drink half-pots, getting 100something ap per twitter refresh helps too.
By not being a shitcunt.
Use your pots?
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So, Cog really is core now? Not meming, how much did the buffs help her? Still currently leveling her to 100 since I only got Cog this last legfest.
>/gbfg/ failing another baha hl

Not core.
Better than before but not core.
Her buff skill is much better now at 100, which means she's better than dirt la fille. She's still worse than cock.
Stop being rude! They are SEA cuties and I want some fellow SEA anon IDs.
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Everyone who does better than me is a whale, because they're a whale I am entitled to have them carry me.
(You) shitposting on overdrive

why am I not surprised
If you don't do your daily hards and host your primary omega wtf are you doing with your AP?
Blame Redux and Yukikaze for playing like retards trying to out MVP each other and dying to ougis.
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ygg bully.png
3MB, 2480x3508px
Forever bullied.
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I've been trying. ;_; This is the only one of the 4 seraph wep items I didn't get 30+ naturally from doing boxes.
We need a kirin now to build /gbfg/ confidence back up so we can properly do HL Bahas again, so someone should host one and post it here
>expecting a light df with a shitter 2 sword grid to mvp anything
>expecting off element earth to mvp anything when said person is used to playing with 40k hp

literal retard?
Not really. They're both situationally good.
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>whales join baha hl
>take damage dealing mvp taking builds
>proceed to spend their time mvp racing smacking only the red button as much as possible
>raids fails
Just do more drawboxes!
I expected her not to surpass Mahira, but I'm literally never going to get cock anyway so that's a moot point for me. Cog will be a permanent "core" member of my team regardless.
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"I'm going to blame the people in the top 3 for not playing 100% optimally, in their best elements, because I can't help myself!" -/gbfg/
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Okay, seriously, when is the next fucking surprise ticket?
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It's a surprise.
vuw vuw
Twin Ele HL, 1/6: 5330BC90
"I'm going to join a raid that requires most people in it to actually contribute more to the raid than just damage, but I'm going to take damage only anyway and attempt to facetank party wipe ougis" - your faggot ecelebs
POST SUM BAHA HL!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Gotta finish skilling my baha gun so I can coda it then I'll finish my dirt/water seraph weapons.
Where's our goodbye ticket.
Were you even in the raid to know what happened? If you were, why weren't you MVP?
what you need?
Shouldnt you be asleep
Stop responding to him you retard.
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1 GAO, bring anything really
>Twin Ele
>not flam=glass
>If you were, why weren't you MVP?
Because I was helping the raid instead of just hitting the red button.
Wind hawkeyes
I'm not that much of a weeb
>leechers complain they didn't get their horn
Sasuga /gbfg/ you can't get any lower.
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Post your id cutie!
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When will our boy get the SSR he deserves?
One HS and Sage would be good
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Stop shitposting or I'm pulling the trigger
2/6 now, let's do this quick, raid's not that hard
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>Lamenting over the fact that I don't have a dagger to play CR for Wind
>Only just realized that I have Dandelion sitting in my inventory at Level 1

Sumanai /gbfg/.
Fuck yukikaze and redux -_-
once he stops being gay
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Do it my dude, please end my misery.
Go back
Fucking kill yourself kmr
4/6, a CR or Sage would be fine
The raid wins when the boss's HP hits 0. Nice job doing no damage. You can hit the red button and do your support job if you aren't completely retarded. Only one person in the top3 was a selfish damage class anyways, so your argument is shit.
Are you a whale korbo
But I'm not KMR
Hey, I just realised if you have 5 HS who each use phalanx in sequence you always have 70% damage cut. Why don't people do this?
Too much work.
Waste of time
that's literally what people do in Baha HL for the last 25% if it isn't paralyzed
That takes coordination.
we basically had that in a baha yesterday. It had like 8-9 hs though.
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The only thing /gbfg/ can coordinate is fapping at the same time as some other anon.
can't wait until arc and milkuu get in a failed /gbfg/ raid so they can be shitposted beyond being giga whales!
You can have one gbfu speak softly into your ear every night just before you're about to go to sleep. Who do you choose?
He runs hades and tickets gislas. His whale penis is isn't that big unfortunately
You don't need it if the baha is blinded and charmed.
Jasmine easily.
Yuel. Her stupid accent is sexy.
Shut up Arc
>nia will never poach you
Neesan obviously. Her voice makes me feel safe and loved.
She is a cute girl
You don't need to anymore. People used to do this when baha HL was new, and they'll probably do it in super baha HL until that gets figured out.
stop posting private pictures of my wife
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>His whale penis is isn't that big unfortunately
Yep! She only has a feminine you-know-what
Delete this perverted picture!
>no bsc
Thanks anyways
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>reporting a pic because it has a nipple
I never knew this general was filled with actual faggots
Mods nuked that fast. I've posted this image countless times and no one noticed.
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Why don't you play a proper game?
reports up. not mods.
but I am
some anon is using a mass report bot and uses it on anything that isn't a homolewd
This is the only game I know of where a cute neesan sleeps on my lap.
Gee, I love getting 3-4 useless Omega drops per run now instead of skill fodder

Oh wait, no I don't
>need 710 srs to get all main elements to skill level 7
>then need 66 ssrs and another 132 srs to get to skill level 10
how the fuck am I supposed to get all this?
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I didn't know you could go off the page.
They realized they had made magnas too easy to farm, so they needed to nerf it.
sub 101 who don't host HL.

medusa HL room

please bring dps/debuffs, we have sage and spartan
by playing the game and not trying to do every grid at once
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Fully into the windmeme I go.
Naru is my neesanwife and there's nothing you can say to change that.

what's wrong with the wind or water?
I host my HLs daily, I still have only gotten angel weps, the hl centrums and omega fragments.
Oh come the fuck on, this one didn't even show anything
My succuwife
Fuck off faggot.
>If they're not talking about Kancolle they're talking about Final Fantasy
>If neither are being talked about some faggot is showing off saying how he's fucked his girlfriend and posts of her (sans face)

Someone get me out of this shit crew
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>Wanting to kiss girls
Sexualising dirty beasts is illegal.
Serves you right, faker
And yet Fenrir is allowed
>reportanon is targetting Naru pics
What a fucking faggot.
I want to fuck this dog.
Cows are banned
Post dog
Post cog and make next thread cog
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Post Naru.
Post Clarisse.
Post your penis with timestamp and profile ID!
Fenrir is a primal, not dirty livestock.
Host a primach raid
Post Fenrir nipple
Host Lucifer
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53KB, 285x825px
Where's that 5*?
Reduce your grid
>doing FFXIV MSQ

>katalina's voice pops up

Post albert
Did we always get bsc from doing event raid mission?
Leotard Apollo when?
Dissidia collab when?
Quit gbf
Host Kirin
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Katalina's VA is in XIV? Also go back to your degenerate general.
They started doing that for the newer events on only the last day
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How many guns do I need for a light grid?
Follow your dreams and post the character you love the most
Post Sheep!
if I wasn't playing the game I wouldn't care about my skill levels. I'm doing everything at once because I don't know what's safe to focus on. if I put everything into wind right now I could probably be strong enough to get at least 1 vohu harp, but then even with that I don't think my dirt would be strong enough to handle ex+ in water gw.
remember when they drowned us in elixirs instead of making us grind them
Shut the FUCK UP
Posto Beatrix.
All of them
same desu
Just farm Co-op, bro. You'll have enough pots when you reach rank 200.
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Is my grid okay?
Do what he says
spark summer kummies
Host griffin
Fap to David Bowie
Cum tribute for Naru and post a pic with prof here.
Give your account away and kill yourself afterwards.
state your name and guild
Kill yourself, nerd.
Post your dick
delete /fgoalter/
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pleasee respond.jpg
181KB, 750x750px
Kill yourself
Post ID
post belly
fucking finally
This is rigged! I want you to post a picture of your penis with timestamp and profile ID!
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Best draph.
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Winrar. He better deliver.
First gun thanks tia! Also, should I use xmas Sen, Sutera, or Shiki with Gawain/Birdman
Get cucked homo
Get back to edging slut
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YOU in 5 minutes.png
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X. Sen
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>downloading the gbf app
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Post Yuisis
kumuyu is much sexier than naru
Naru is boring and her only appeal is her tits.
What was it?
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plump cock.jpg
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I love my Cock!
best idol tbqh
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I wish I actually have Zooey.png
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First try but I used two elix.
Didn't it have more hp before?
>having to use dark rosetta
Jesus christ, how horrifying
This retard>>181998525

post id
It's so cute when people get jealous because their waifu isn't as popular as Narmaya or Vira.
I'm sparking her soon!
How do you stay at exactly 1 hp?
Koke KOKO!
on the order of 10 million more, yes
Mistake were made
I did the fight pre nerf with will lucius and tanya.

Boss has a hp trigger that draggers you down to 1 hp.
I never did anything!
What do the optimal grids of each element look like? On element and off?
just be yourself
These are the best builds for each element and combination of summons

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_________________________Read the fucking OP shithead____________________
They dropped him from 50m to 20m the other week.
Where da cummies at?
>tfw did Akasha before all the nerfs and elixers
Who else /shitterbutnotturboshitter/ here?
I love you!
main hand nebuchad
cosmo gun
bahamut gun coda

fire: 7 benedias
water: 6 meteoras 1 wicked sick blaster
dirt: 4 baal guns 3 vohu guns
wind: 7 tiamat guns
dark: 2 cerberus guns 5 gigante launchers
I had to do it with Beato and H Cog. All to unlock Apollo's skill
>not stratomizers
>not 9 stratomizers
For water I have Silva, Altair, Charlotte, Vane, Yoda, and SRs I have Minami, Kat, Ejaeli, Rin. What team should I use?
>no light
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Ticket next week right guys?
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I'm only at chapter 38 so I have a decent amount of story crystals to get. I'll be picking up the suptix we'll be getting soon so that is another 10 rolls taken off. Can I make it before August legfest?
wew lad nope
People seem to forget that back when kmr reigned, the time between tickets was about 150 days
kill yourself broseph
Stop posting
sorry I forgot about those. 4* ak-4a will probably be better anyway.
I'm not sure if that's just the grids themselves, but the basic Water grid is just so much worse than Wind or Dark, holy fucking shit. I have a pretty decent Water team (Altair/Kat/Yngwie/Yoda/Minami) and holy crap they don't deal no damage at all... 30, 40k attacks are rubbish. The basic grids for the other 2 elements reach 50k attacks mostly unbuffed, and from 150 to 300k or more buffed.

Emnity seems to make all the difference.
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yeah magna water is literally the weakest shit
fuck off
chances of this happening: 0%
Time for even more disappointment
and now you know
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4MB, 1836x3264px
This really makes me mad
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you know what to do.png
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Anyone? Should I put yoda in the front or back lines
I have Varuna but only one stone, guess I'll have to get those Auberons and Murgleis going.
wind is literally the worst magna, the only reason its rises above water its because of korwa and even then water can run her too
And so wind run Zooey and is better than water again, shut up.
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Now THIS is retarded
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>responding to the 0/10 bait
Post that tokage picture, you know the one
Wait for xeno cock and farm 6 of his weapon desu and run double bonito 4*.
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You should also delete the replies, jani.
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You sure are pretty weird /gbfg/.
He did.
Who this semen demon?
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Let the fisting ensue!
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Why is this allowed
is there a limit to how many legendary merits you can get in a week or month? there is no option in the shop now but the button with drop down options is set to legendary merit and i got plenty of the other 2 merits to make more
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This is the super cute 27 year old girl Silva!
Say something nice about her!
One each day.
she's super cute!
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Heles is better in every way.
well that sucks. guess its better than the casino with the meager 50k chip maximum you can get a day. 10 fucking days to buy 1 steel brick

given how shitty the events are i guess i wont log back in until the beast at the end of the month
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This is the also super cute 27 year old girl Lennah! Mature girls are good!
She's almost 30 and her breasts are probably starting to get saggy and depressing.
I actually like the way her gun looks with the dumb cloth on it.
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really nigs the nogs
Her wife and sisters are very cute!
I bet she sucks some mean dick
No! But post your ID.
I like her more when she puts on her erune ears.
cute girl

ugly grandma
>not liking a bit of sag
Hele's bust is no where near as big as momma Silva
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You should consider deleting this, anon.
Please reply
>the casino with the meager 50k chip maximum you can get a day
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Is this like the Baha weapons? I should have saved more fodder,
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>She's almost 30 and her breasts are probably starting to get saggy and depressing.
Just like her mental health.
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>Love Eternal final uncap gives Medium Enmity.
Is Chad saved now?
I want to insert my cartridge into her lower chamber.
Yes anon. It's like Baha weapons.

Welcome to hell. Enjoy your stay, 4* will eventually happen too.
>ougi gives a stromger data buff
>yaia will never give you a paizuri
Why live?
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>saving the ant sized version
Never ever. Maybe if the morrigna weapon is crazy strong
Who is this semen demon?
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Are we done shitposting now? Can I host raids for /gbfg/ to do again?
I can't wait to see all the wipes by the repel.
Sure, post your raids!
And your ID!
Not if I host first!

Normal bahamut.

I see you are a man of culture as well.
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nande fako.png
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wtf I love farming primarchs now
just b urself

Altair/X/Silva, where X is one of Yoda, Minami, Anya, SR Kat. Once Altair is lvl100, Minami is out.
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I'd use Altair, Silva and whatever you need. If you need a def down and shied boxtato. She's pretty good now.
>no share chest raid
That's not how you do it, you baka
heles looks way better without the ears. erunes are a dumb race.
Do I have to reach hard coop if i want to grind elixirs
Thanks! And should I aim to get Quatre or Uno
Quatre first.
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Who pixtix?
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My respect to you my man.
the only good furry ears are rabbit ones
>raids don't update until I attack
What the shit is going on?
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Gonna host some impossible runs 2 of each then a rose queen to finish it off. First time for each. Keep an eye out for more.

>no monkey
Nice unplayable account.
Try disabling/whitelisting gbf on your adblock.
Nice i'm not the only one that has that problem
stranbgely its only on my main, my alt works perfectly fine
guess its some option
It might help if you say what you're hosting.
the wiki page for the summer event is trash
is there anything good for a newbie in it
Impossible Omegas.

Ygg > Tai > Colo > Levi > Rose
I did that months ago and it's still in the whitelist.
>Inferior nio
>Inferior korwa

Nah im good
What should i do with my extra rusted weapons?
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balance patch.jpg
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july 7 balance patch.jpg

Am I clever guys?
its the top wind team tho monkey, korwa, Nio5*
>no carm
p-please laugh
Post ID now
Carmelina is the cutest cow but her niche is not much needed on wind besides xeno vohu

dont be pathetic anon
When are going the new Rose Queen weapons be released?
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Tai Impossible
The actual version is over filesize limit I think
Kumuyu has fully developed breasts for a draph does that mean she is legal
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Is this any good or just skill fodder?
Read the fucking OP
there is a cap now on chips you can get with rupees. 50k chips for a cost of 100k rupees a day.
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I'm close to 101, and I have everything for Class weapons but distinctions. How do I get them asap?
is kokokekoko an actual nip saying or is Cock making cock noises?
Don't listen to them if this isn't a troll
Sword meme grids are fun. Do you like fun?
In this day and age, its fodder.
Monkey is outdated
>this early of the month
I'm so sorry.
cock noises in nip, its like when they go "kon kon" for foxes or "kero kero" for frogs
Any people here up for a DAO HL?
I need cups.
its siete5*, corntato, nio5*
Cock noises. Have you never heard a real chicken before anon?
>TP down to 25 members

ss is one hell of a drug
Levi 9d434ca

like the official gbf manga
Can't I get them all from pendants and RQ in one month?
Doesn't match any room...
new thread where
Yes, but you'll need to wait a week for the pendant reset, buy the remaining 10 distinctions, do a shitload of JKs for the last 10, wait another reset and then buying the distinctions for your class.
>wanting to deal with /gbfg/'s shitty summons
Not a room. Just join directly, but it's already full.
Never. Let /gbfg/ finally die.

Don't let this reach page 10.
I guess I could rush it, I'm going to try to hit 101 by tomorrow.
Meli is cute but good luck trying to race people with her.
>wait another reset
Buying the 30 distinctions for building class weap costs 600 + RQ distinctions. Buying the distinctions for his first class costs 400.
New thread
10% echo meh just pretty water spam
Lamo. Monkey is irrelevant powercrept shit.

>High uptime mirror image
>Not good in the element that is all about safely staying on low hp
>Good nuke

Just stop talking niggerino
You mean mirishita.
It's good tho. It stacks with my double Varuna on Xuanwu Fist.
Say this when they increase the ougi damage, you will regret not wasting you gold bar.
I unlocked Chaos Ruler, Elysian and Gizoku(to leech).

Which should I unlock next? Sage?
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what the fuck happened in this thread and why are there so many fucking deleted posts
Thread posts: 790
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