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/lozg/ - The Legend of Zelda General

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The Return of Fi edition

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Infobin<
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/breath-of-the-wild-interactive-map/ (Full map)
https://mrcheeze.github.io/botw-object-map/ (Map to find NPCs and weapons)
http://imgur.com/r/zelda/QWNvr (Amiibo drops)
http://imgur.com/gallery/eMX7h (Cooking guide)

E3 2017 BotW DLC trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1GakpHZFpg [Embed]

Details on DLC and new Champion amiibo:

>Art Collection<

Breath of the Wild

Wind Waker

Twilight Princess

Skyward Sword

Previous thread: >>181151115
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Da bess
During the trials I got high enough to jump on top of a Guardian skywatcher to try and spin attack its rotors but I just fell through it and came out of its eye.
Then I shot it
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At fucking up.
Does that mean you're pregnant now?
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Stop bullying the princess you dried up reject
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Is anyone enjoying the new DLC?

Coming from the Witcher 3, Dark Souls and Bloodbornes DLC and Nintendo need to just stop making DLC altogether if this is what they consider worthwhile.

>A literal difficulty mode that only makes the game more tedious (Regenerating health and damage sponge enemies only makes it pointless fighting them because your weapons will break before you even kill them)
>Armor that you can't even dye

The Master quest challenge was decent I guess but way to short.

When you have Hearts of Stone for $9, this DLC is just a disgrace
wouldn't that have made me the birth?
the OG waifu, and still the best
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She's the most incompetent incarnation yet, though.
Mazel tov?

The fact that they put in the Master Sword no longer needing recharged, which completely circumvents their biggest feature (weapon durability), fully tells me that Nintendo don't even know what the fuck they are doing.

I loved BoTW at launch, thought it was a genuine 10/10 and I still think it's my personal GoTY so far (Never liked persona and Nier 2 was great but I prefer Zelda) but god damn, the more I play and the more I realize that I was blinded by the Zelda in the title. The side content is just disgusting and the laughable enemy variety is only more apparent by the fact that this DLC does nothing but give them more health and a different color instead of adding in genuinely new ones.
I guess I'm half guardian now.
But she isn't clever enough to realize it yet.
That would still be Ocarina of Time's Zelda.
Are you your own grandpa?

It's alright but i'm kinda burnt out. The game is 100% an experience as in, once you realize that the world isn't filled with that much interesting stuff, you kinda get bored on repeat playthroughs
They haven't done that.
Even previous Zelda DLC was better than this. The Tri Force Heroes DLC dungeon at least added a new tier of enemies and a new boss (granted it was just Dark Link, so new assets were made, but still).
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>DLC getting shat on in /v/ and /vg/

Wew lad, I was going to buy it but now i'm having second thoughts.

Is it that bad?
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It's small, but it's good fun except hard mode, which is like pulling ingrown toenails.
You need to get it for the champions' ballad though
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The best waifu in the series.
The only one anywhere near as close is Paya.
So once the Sword is fully charged, it never runs out of energy?
It still does.
probably just has extended durability

Haven't done what?


It's not even remotely worth it. Wait for the actual DLC that's coming soon
I thought Trial of the Sword was a fun little thing, although I didn't pay for it. How much is Nintendo asking for pack 1? I only see the season pass for sale.
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>OoT Zelda's fuck-up
>allows Link to have a full life, and creates a timeline where Ganondorf didn't fuck shit up
>consequence is something she couldn't have possibly predicted
>Ganondorf stuck underwater
>every major species still lives in relative safety

>BotW Zelda's fuck-up
>entire kingdom wrecked
>Hyrule might as well be underwater as hard as it got wrecked
>lots of people dead
>Link all but dies
>Ganon gets access to a powerful robot army
>every major species in trouble because of giant mechs Ganon now has control of
>Link ends up with amnesia
>no actual benefits from any of it

BotW Zelda definitely fucked up harder.

You can only buy the season pass.
It can still run out, but it takes longer. Also, it's always in glowing mode.
Is anyone even playing in Master Mode?

Been playing the past few hours and i'm not enjoying it too much. There's nothing really challenging about your weapons breaking before you can even kill the enemies.

I take it the only reason to get this DLC is the Trials?
Those fucking things scared the shit out of me as a child when I first played WW.
Master sword still needs a recharge, it just gets somethin around 5-6X durability since it's in the awakened state all the time

see above. I hit a cart for a while in hyrule castle and got about 180 hits give or take a few, while normal master sword is about 30 i think.

I'd say Oot Zelda's fuckup is worse because it's pretty much just her fault. Botw Zelda wasn't behind the Guardians heel turn, she just didn't realize that her super sealing powers were activated by lust for link instead of bathing in springs until it was a tad late for the majority of the kingdom.
There's also the fact that Oot link is back in action 7 years later while Botw is napping for a century
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Zelda was given the wrong instructions to unlock her powers all her life and when she tried a different way her father stepped in and shot her down. You can blame her for it as much as you can blame OoT's Zelda for the flood

If the Hylians had never discovered any of the guardians or dug up the Divine Beasts, would Ganon have still been able to use them? The royal family had only found a few dozen guardian stalkers, most of them were still stored in the five pillars that Ganon dragged up to the surface when he appeared.
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pssh. They still do to me. OoT peahats are worse because I never figured out how to kill them
It bothered me how everyone called them Divine Beasts endlessly. Not even a alternative adjective or just "beast," only Divine Beasts constantly.

Tried it out, left the great plataeu and went back to my main save.

It's not too fun tbqh
>An entire flock of electric keese.
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The thing that bothers me most about Breath of the Wild yet are the frost, flame, and thunder weapons because it feels like a generic fantasy thing.
They are pretty though
I'm in Master Mode; did some running around the castle, gathered up all the DLC armor, and have generally been mucking about.

It's disappointing that the plateau Lynel seems to unique in terms of new enemy arrangements (not counting the flying platforms). It shows they had the ability to modify the scenario outside of just leveling the enemies up, but chose not to do it.

That said, I'm enjoying it a lot. Stealth becomes much more important when you're regularly running up against silver enemies you know you don't have the inventory to tackle. I've been using more tricks and strategies in combat than I ever did in normal mode because now they're no longer the inferior option. Since the opponents are now obscene damage sponges, you need to find new methods.

I'm enjoying the slight AI changes to the Guardian family as well. Wish they'd done the same to others.
>a single bomb arrow
>"The ancient mask is located where soldier's gathered in sight of Kolomo Lake"
>Oh, they must be fucking with me I'm sure it's the Coliseum
>Sure enough, there's the EX chest
>Wait a fucking minute
git gud
Is that Master Mode ranked, or just normal mode?
Possessing the fully powered master sword got me feeling reckless
Before I would always freeze the silver enemies and then attack with a strong weapon to deal multiplied damages

Now I just mow them all down with the master sword, I like it this way
Finally feeling like the chosen hero Is great.
Makes me a bit annoyed since I had full hearts and had a bitch of a time doing the trials which means doing it with the barebones 13 hearts is probably next to impossible for me
Careful, or you'll end up like HW Link.
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send help

Really though what was the point of that? It's just a kick to the head
Having the master sword is so worth it
And I had a lot of fun with the 45 rooms, it was like the eventide island challenge except this time, I couldn't cheat and that made it so enjoyable

What happened to link in HW?
nah, he can take him
You could think of it as Din, Nayru and Farore imbued weapons.
The trial was great through and through except for maybe four rooms which weren't so much challenging as unreasonable.
The stal-mounts and stalblins room was infuriating for me because the only way I could do it without getting trampled was with lucky bomb throws and then running down the archers with spears. Rain combat was great though, the stalnox fight was a little boring though
He got cocky once he got the Master Sword and fell into a trap. Said trap was being locked inside his stalker's worship room and getting attacked by infinite dark Links, who would probably rape him afterwards in order to satisfy his stalker's yaoi fantasies. He only got out because he had a bunch of friends to save him.
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Beginner trial is the trial of wisdom with fighting clever
Middle trial is the trial of courage with fighting against superior numbers
Final trial is the trial of power with fighting against the toughest of enemies in superior numbers
Was this explained to you and I missed it or am I pulling things out of my butt
It seems almost like a developer joke. They didn't put extra Lynels anywhere else in the game—at least none that have been found.
Kinda out of your ass.
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What about Molduga are they tougher or more numerous
I'd switch it around. Power (basic fights), Wisdom (puzzling scenarios), and then Courage (hostile environments).
I thought it would be a chore to get through but the time flew by as I was strategizing
Mind you, once I saw the lynels I shot the ancient arrows at it

Sounds kinky, and it's a stark contrast with the stoic link in botw
I guess I need to go and find out now.
Appear in pairs, and are immune to bomb arrows.
>start hard mode
>limit myself to one amiibo a day until the second divine beast
>use 8-Bit
>get the tiny shorts
>have to stare at his bare legs and thighs
This DLC is weak as fuck
>you will never rub Link's thighs after he comes home from fighting Lynels all day
what does that even mean?
The content it offers is disappointing
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It is too late, anon. It has always been too late.
when's master mode all koroks speedruns
It probably would have been much better if we all hadn't already finished the game before getting access to these extras.
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>that tummy on the right
Yeah that's true, I feel it doesn't change up enough to warrant another playthrough
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Yeah, i'd agree
I feel like the biggest misstep is the DLC
Mainly, they honestly should have copied the bethesda style, with a whole new area, with its own plot and side quests and enemies.

This game requires a full blown expansion, not small extras
Oh yes the new patch fixed the Japanese voices for English games! I can finally listen to Mipha heal me.
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Do you like Link's tummy, anon?
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>a piece of tingle gear is "found where sinners were once punished"
>it ISN'T Arbiter's Grounds
What the fuck, that's the number one place any Zelda player would think when you say "sinners were punished", especially considering that there's fuck-all in Arbiter's in the base game besides the Molduga. Yeah, I found it after looking it up, but if I hadn't I'd have been 100% stumped. This only happened with the tingle gear too, I found the Phantom armor and the three masks no problem, but they made the only outfit worth getting in this DLC entirely cryptic. At least the trial of the sword is cool.
What exactly is the starting area used for lore-wise? There are walls on all sides and there's only one entrance that's blocked off by dirt on the the ground and water on the inside. It can't all have been made to house the Temple of Time right? And what of the Shrine of Resurrection? Why only one of them?
So wait, are they saying Tingle was a sinner?
I've made it a point not to use any amiibo and not to fast travel in hard mode, since I abused the fuck out of those features in my first one, I want this playthrough to feel like true Hell
>that's the number one place any Zelda player would think when you say "sinners were punished"
I've religiously played every single game.
I knew it was in the jail immediately. It literally fucking says in the book you read that it's in hyrule field, dumbass.
For some reason the temple of time seems to be wherever the fuck it wants to be, given the fact that it's in a different location between Ocarina, Twilight, and Breath of the Wild, so I have no clue what happens there, but from what I understand just about anything in this game that has that sort of blueish alien feel, from the guardians to the shrines and the shrine of resurrection, is all "ancient" (and by ancient I assume they mean only a little while after OoT and TP) sheikah tech that they unearthed at some point relatively recently to BotW. I assume that the shrine was always there, as a utility, and Zelda thought that that was the only option to save link, but there's probably some predestination stuff involved, basically the chamber was made for Link because they ancients knew he'd need it to save Hyrule etc.
Botw is a shitty dark souls rip off
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So they were aliens, right?
That still may be what the second half of the DLC will deliver. We only know that it'll feature a dungeon and new plot, so an extra area, new enemies, and "additional challenges" aren't out of the question.
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Question: does Majora's Mask tell when blood moons are happening? Because that would make sense
That would make sense, but would also require new programming. Aside from the Korok mask, the costumes are a bit of a budget job.
but getting the mask to work right would take minuscule amounts of code compared to other stuff like master mode and the trial of the sword

but i think i saw in a gif or webm once that Majora's eyes would glow when a blood moon arose or something
but then again that may be just a default thing so

another question ive got is what these red marks on the map are
i got the image from someone's video

can the shiekah sensor track things on the map as well as acting as a compass?
I swear to God I was able to cancel out a blood moon once by putting on the mask as it was rising and shooting it with a 3x shock arrow, I didn't get a cutscene and it went right back to a normal moon. I tried doing this again at the next blood moon but it didn't work. I think something's up though
Majora's Mask's eyes are always glowing a soft red/orange
dammit, remembered the pic just as i clicked post
I hope, but i kind of have doubt at the moment
If it is the case, then they should have released all DLC at once
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Do we have a consensus for a recommended single spot to leave the travel medallion? I put it somewhere on Mt Drena so I could get to those Lynels on the north badlands easier since, if you check, every shrine close enough is problematic for teleporting to. The coliseum could also be a good spot. I don't even grind Lynels as much as the rest of you though since I only have one amiibo set.
I imagine the medallion is better if you're using it in a new play through because you can just drop it wherever to continue where you left off if you need to run an errand.
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Korok mask confirmed not via-gear

The hero's path doesn't seem to count for time spent standing still or in a shrine/beast, so even though I had like 215 hours on activity log, there was only ~180 hours worth of path. Makes finding Koroks easier even without the mask, and if you zoom in to watch it slower, you might remember what you were up to in certain play sessions and get nostalgic
I'm going to go investigate some unconfirmed master mode rumors, starting with some stuff about Moldugas. Anything else anyone wants checked out?
You shouldn't put it down in one spot

You should keep it, then wait until you reach a point that you need to get back to later, leave it there, and warp out to wherever you need to go, then warp right back
I loved seeing how clueless I was when first starting.
>you might remember what you were up to in certain play sessions and get nostalgic
There's lots of me stubbornly refusing to give up on enemies far above my weight grade at the time.
Except that the Sword Trial is easily the most challenging and punishing part of the game so the reward is very appropriate. And the sword still eventually wears out regardless.

Like, this actually isn't something you can waltz on into fresh out of acquiring the default master sword and expect to fully earn with no issues.
I'm surpirsed that I'm at 535 seeds and even with the Korok Mask they still aren't easy to find. Call me naive, but I thought every forest I entered in or every hundred steps I took, Ithe mask would be going crazy but that's not the case.
Speaking of being clueless when first starting, I'm kinda lost on the order I should do things.

I basically saw Impa, then got the Camera rune, went back to Impa, and then went to Zora's domain. I basically only got there by running past everyone in Zora's Domain. I only have 4 heart containers and a bit of stamina.

What order should I do things early in the game?
that's what I thought too
and wandering about, it's a pain to switch back to my barbarian headset to get the bonus effect when I encounter silver enemies
and then it's your choice.

Zora because that's the one you're meant to start with
Birds because it's the easiest, and has the lift thing, so it makes exploring super easy.

after that, fuck it, up to you.
Active guardians appear on the map.
Honestly it really doesn't matter. Zora is probably easiest/closest.

Just wander and do shrines/any quests that look cool, not much point in rushing the beasts.
I fail to see why we couldn't have gotten the Mirror Shield and Silver/Golden Gauntlets. All they'd have to do it add the Mirror Shield to the things Buliara can remake if you break it. As for the Gauntlets just make some shirt or other and you're fine. I'd probably give them attack up or boost the power of Gerudo weapons exclusively
Molduga are the same as ever in master mode, going by what I just fought. Regen is a bit of a pain, though.
I've heard that they're no longer desert-exclusive
That's the next rumor I'm investigating. Something about the snowfield. If true, that'd be the best thing since the plateau Lynel.

guess I'll wait till DLC pack 2 because I'm not feeling this one
Am I the only one enjoying the hard mode?
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Health Regen is the stupidest mechanic i've seen.

All it does is almost force you to ignore every encounter early on in the game because your weapons are all guaranteed to break at any encampment.
I'm actually seeing a lot of praise for it outside of 4chan.

It sounds great to me, honestly. I was fearing that the changes wouldn't amount to much but it sounds like they may have actually went in the complete opposite direction.
I'm loving it so far, but I have to admit there are things they could have put more effort into. Still, I don't see myself ever going back to normal mode now.
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It's alright in the sense of it making the world seem intimidating again which adds to the atmosphere. It also makes stealth almost mandatory.

Apart from that, it fails on virtually every front and is just fucking garbage from a gameplay perspective. Enemies are beyond sponges and the health regeneration is the dumbest mechanic I think i've seen

Can't believe they charged money for this.

isn't it teaching you how to kill the enemies quickly and efficiently

>I'm actually seeing a lot of praise for it outside of 4chan


>inb4 Reddit

They'll praise anything Nintendo shits out.
All the places you'll surely handwave. I don't go on reddit.

So give me some names?

But you literally can't when they're all damage sponges and all of your weapons break.

This is the definition of tedium, no real challenge
If anything, it's forced/taught me to use environmental/elemental strategies instead of relying on DPS. You might not be able to go toe-to-toe with a silver moblin fresh off the plateau, but you can definitely knock it off a bridge into water.
>sub-5 hours
>maybe haven't even played it at all
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how are your master mode play throughs going anons?
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>sub 5 hours
>haven't played at all

What are you talking about? I'm playing it now?

What did I confirm?

Why so defensive you dumb fucking fanboy
I'm getting through it easily, with the help of KIYOJI
I said "maybe" and it was one of three possibilities.

And here's your dumb ass confirming at least one of the others (sub-five hours).
Snow Molduga looking unlikely.

Why would I need to play more than 5 hours to criticize the trash emphasis on damage sponge enemies?

I swear, you Nintendo fanboys go full blown suicidal whenever somebody criticizes your game. It's pathetic.
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>There will never be a Dark Link boss that always knows where you are and hunts you down at night and if you have a horse out he'll be riding a dark version of it with mirrored stats
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show is too good mane
>what are you talking about you lying cunt...?!
>oh that... well fuck you anyways
>I am also a painfully stupid and hopelessly stubborn man that predictably can't understand the implications his lack of experience has for something like this

I got you senpai

>lying cunt

Quote where I said that.

When you find yourself attacking a strawman, you should really reevaluate the strength of your argument before you call anyone stupid.
you should check out EG's BD release. It's beautiful
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How strong is Ganondorf without the Triforce? Did we ever see him do something impressive prior to getting the triforce of power
He's still a cunning asshole without it

I'm just curious how powerful a sorcerer and fighter he is but the tri-force of power would've boosted both those attributes
There is no Molduga to be found in the Tabantha Snowfield. A real missed opportunity there.

Hard mode is a missed opportunity all around
Whats the best way to make money in BoTW? Killing guardians? Cooking?

Selling gems
Will I need a lot of gems later to upgrade items? I can kill the giant rock monsters pretty easily now.
I know right? I had a bit of fun laughing at my early game, when i died to three red bokos at the camp next to the shrine of resurrection, froze in the little lake near the cryonis shrine and then tried to swim across the damn river.

And the time i died three times trying to tame the giant horse with insufficient stamina

And the time i kept ramming my head against a lynel five times before i gave up.

And the time i got lost in early-game Hyrule Castle and completely mrssed the leave this area option in the map screen and walked out.
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If you locate every Tallus in the game then even if you do need gems you can replenish your stock quickly enough

I'd say keep about 20 or so every gem at all times and you should be fine
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>And the time i kept ramming my head against a lynel five times before i gave up.
I'm a stubborn bitch. I died 7 times to the lynel at the zora place before I finally beat it.
It felt amazing.

>watching the path
>apparently I forgot for a little while you could teleport and ran all the way to the fishing town from the zora place for some electric arrows, then all the way back up
>don't even remember this, or remember the realization of remembering I could teleport
>I literally just did it then went back to playing normally without realizing it
I think I'm retarded
you could make about 10k in like 12 minutes just farming farosh horns
Whats the best way to catch him? Just light keep lighting fires and waiting till night on the Lake Hylia tower?
you get him Faron, he pops out of the lake
I saw this vid awhile ago and it is without a doubt the fastest way to make money quick, it's much better than pondos snowbowling

in addition, this location is where I placed the travel medallion
with vendors restocking items quicker now, I've been running low on rupees
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>tfw Wolf Link 20 heart glitch was fixed
fuck, this is bullshit, wanted to use it in master mode

guess I have to find a completed Twilight Princess save and inject it
wait, what was the glitch?
first playthrough master mode or just skip the dlc and play normal mode?
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Oh that's pretty cool. I didn't know the drops actually stayed on the map if you rest again. Thought it would all despawn, like Star Fragments.
>1. Make sure your Amiibo's registration data is wiped. Go to Wii Settings > Amiibo Settings > Reset Amiibo. It'll prompt you to scan the Amiibo and then once more to confirm that you're resetting. This is not the same as deleting. I didn't even have any data on the Amiibo to delete. The key is in the registration.

>2. Boot up TP and start a new game. It can be on any file, first, second, third; doesn't matter. Skip the first cutscene and you'll have control over Link. Hit down on the D-Pad, Save game and you don't even have to exit to menu or keep playing, just close software.

>3. Once you're back on the Wii U menu, open the game once more, select the save log you just created and the Amiibo icon should be slowly flashing. This is where you scan. It will then ask you to register this Amiibo; accept and it'll take you to a Wii U menu screen where you scan and register. Your Mii will jump and you'll hear the "AMIIBO!" noise confirming you registered. It will ask you to scan your Amiibo once more; do it and then allow the Amiibo to access this save log for a quickload.

>4. The game won't ask you to do anything else, it assumes you'll scan the Amiibo at your leisure to access the Cave of Shadows; forget that. Pop TP out, throw it aside and put BoTW back in. Scanning your Wolf Link Amiibo from here on out will result in it spawning with 20 hearts.

doesn't work anymore though
normal mode, master mode is for people who already played the game
Normal mode. You won't have any fun playing master on your first time blind.
I've done everything from the DLC in normal mode so far, I wanna start Master Mode tomorrow but I have a few questions: Do all enemies have Gold variants? Do Gold Lynel always drop Star Fragments?
Is there any use for ancient materials apart from giving to Robbie? I'm getting alright at deflecting guardians so was wondering if I should sell them.
keep them for late game, you'll get to make awesome items
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>Boot up Master Mode with the intention of a challenge run where I limit using fast travel and don't eat during combat
>First half an hour
My desire to do this is waning very quickly. I break two weapons to kill one enemy. I assume this stays the same throughout.
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>tfw sneaking into hyrule castle on master mode
>can't even carry all the good weapons
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o who's breathing heavily when you fight the Gerudo in Ocarina? Is it Link or the Gerudo (Aveil)
Hard mode is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. You get good weapons all the time. Every single metal chest on those floating platforms has a good item in it. Every enemy being blue or black means little when you get royal guard items with durability+ effects in random chests.
you can spam the amiibos you have and change the date until you have a good arsenal of weapons too
This game is great and all but I'm getting a bit annoyed with the loading screen.
So it's more of a "starts rough, becomes manageable" situation?
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Yes, I feel like most people only played on the plateau for an hour and got frustrated because their 4 damage boko clubs would break. I have not run into any trouble related to weapons ever since I left the starting area.
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I want to fuck the fish
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Well you've motivated me to turn on the Switch and keep chugging through. Thanks Anon

Majora's mask is pretty good for collecting good items off floating platforms in master mode. Just got the phantom armor set and heading for death mountain.
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So would you like the Korok's or the Deku to be the plant based race of Zelda? By official I mean more than just entities in the forest nobody else can see if they aren't pure of spirit/heart or possess certain abilities/blessings

Also the Zuna if they are a race based on cacti as I suspect
>thought master mode would be a difficulty toggle to spawn more shit
>have to repeat whole game from scratch instead

yeah no fuck you I'm not grinding those fucking shrines and koroks all over again get fucked
She is dead
>Probably more I'm forgetting
I don't see a reason for there to be an "official" race.
Koroks as seelies, Deku as unseelies.
>Nobody appreciated deku babas.
>Nobody remembers kikwi.
Is it morally wrong to assume that Subrosians are probably just transparent-skin Hyleans under their robes?
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>tfw I did this by complete accident
I thought nintendo was just lying and didn't make his health based on your progress. Kinda like this now, when I finally get back to TP HD I'll be able to level him up
Who designed the motion control stuff for this game? Its pretty terrible.
It's like I've time-traveled back to March
Got to the end of the middle part of the sword trials. Still need to start the final run. At the end of the middle segment, in the sword room, I noticed up on the remote platform there were five mummies. How did those people get inside of Fi?... Unless this place is the Sacred Realm, and they sealed themselves inside.
With Amibos, do I actually need to buy them or has someone uploaded the codes online somewhere?
If you want to fake them, you will need some empty tags, and a phone capable of writing the tags.
Friendly reminder that stabbing Bokoblins makes Fi's nipples hard.
Does Daruk's weapon actually have an edge? The other Goron weapons are just hammers and Bludo mentions his is a sharp blade, and I can see a beveled edge but I can't tell if that's supposed to be a sharp point or just an area where material was removed

That fact that he's essentially destined to have that piece of the triforce at this point is a good givaway that his pretty strong. The pieces go to who best represents the qualities that they represent, and in every timelines and universe, somehow Ganondorf always ends up with the thing. Also being a reincarnation of what Demise, what was essentially the devil of their universe, probably helps.

When his powers where being sealed and held back by the master sword in Wind Waker, he was still able to nuke that island into pieces before you got to it. He also went around giving people curses in OoT.
What was Ganon even trying to do in that Labyrinth? He must have known about the shrines because that's the only reason I can think of for being there
You miscounted my friend
There were seven
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Also if we don't get some form of Ganondorf in the second DLC, it's a major missed opportunity.
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>new DLC: Super Guardians
>adds a new type of Guardian that launches homing missiles from the top of its head, also more health
Would you buy?
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I've played 63 hours
only completed The Zora boss and the geko boss
Still not been to the top left area.
Got the master sword

The game feels really easy, should I start over on hard?
Was thinking i might enjoy the final bits i've not done yet
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Why do people have triforce icons in the bottom left?
master mode is too hard
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They hacked into Fi

if they gave us a game with more than one I'd agree with you but Nintendo seems to increase and decrease the number of races living in Hyrule


So he's a powerful sorceror at least but what about physically. Could he wrestle a Goron, outswim a Zora and mow down legions of soldiers
Master Mode
with the new costumes, are they in new chests or ones that were already in normal?
also are they on a flying platform?
New costumes are in EX chests. Find Misko's journal
>if they gave us a game with more than one I'd agree with you but Nintendo seems to increase and decrease the number of races living in Hyrule
Wind Waker featured both Koroks and Kokiri as well as Zora and Rito. Why does the number of races increasing or decreasing matter when it's pretty clear that the games take place across very large periods of time with plenty of opportunity for various races to die out or grow.
How do Zora and Rito exist at the same time?
a hylian looked at a salmon in a river and thought to himself "i'd fuck that" about the same time as another hylian was thinking the same thing about a parrot
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I bet it was Bozai.

I meant I haven't seen a game with multiple plant races plus as the post right after yours says they changed one race evolving into another into 2 separate races.

I'm happy either way because I wanted the Gerudo back and I got them though Nintendo might just ditch them again
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>tfw you have already reached the point at which any added Master Mode difficulty already doesn't matter anymore
Does being neet give you a higher chance of turning gay or something?
Fucking this. I knew this would happen and it still makes me super mad.
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>phantom armor isn't upgradeable

fucking why?
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>the flameblade fills up like a loading bar after being depleted

It's especially nifty looking when you hang the 3 elementals on your home back wall, and then enter the room cold.
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Looks decidedly sexier at night
Can any of the dlc shit be dyed in hateno?
This is way to fucking lewd. Are these plastic bits really necessary?
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Nintendo thinks so. On top of that it'll stop people from looking up her skirt and save work painting modelling her undergarments
Nothing from the DLC can be upgraded or dyed. A shitty move, the hunt itself was fine but the reward is underwhelming.
But we already knew this first part would be shit, I still expect them to deliver with Winter's DLC.
the hardest enemy on Normal Mode is outside spawn in Master Mode
You don't want to touch master mode for a good while
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In a previous thread an anon showed a screenshot including a death "x" over the spot where the cooking-pot girl is, probably as a joke, but now that I've thought about it I wonder if the implication was the he died from EATING her food, or if pic related
>Not standing over the cooking girl's fire to voluntarily roast yourself to provide her with your meat
>start master mode
>get a little pissed here and there on the plateau
>remember my training
>light boko weapons on fire
>wipe out entire camps
>avoid the lynel
>attain glider
>start getting meaningful weapons
>game starts becoming like normal mode
>farm lightning horns and bananananannas
>its like why even now
question about enemy regeneration, is it always on or after a little bit when they take no damage?
Always activates if the enemy does not take damage for a few seconds. Every enemy has it, even bosses or all forms of guardians. It will even activate while the enemy is frozen.
Friendly reminder that lumber is edible.
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I did it... I finally did it. I beat both Oracle of Seasons and Ages linked.
It only took 5+ years.
Now go get all the rings!

Don't do it, it's pure bullshit
>it's pure bullshit
Tell me more. Is it glitched?
No, but some of them are stupidly rare. You also need all rings from both games (the games both have exclusive rings) and must be playing on a GBA because one ring can only be gotten on a GBA.
I am, but I held off playing the game until master mode so this is my first playthrough.
Fuck yes I bet it is
so is there a reward for the trials?
But wood you eat it?
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If I haven't played the main game yet should I still get the dlc packs first or after I finish it?
My will power to resist buying a Switch finally ran out. I bought one last night for $384 on Ebay so I could play BOTW.
You should have waited, anon, and not give your money to scalpers.

Spla2n is my true test
I wish there was a museum or something that you could hang up one of every type of weapon inside
I would fill that whole thing up
kind of like Animal Crossing, but you donate each of every weapon
fuck the Compendium, I'd rather have this
I want BotW Zelda for myself!

Yeah I know, that's why I waited as long as I did, but who knows how long it will take to find it in stores. I might have to wait until the holiday season to get one at retail price.
I'm still going to wait until stores stock up on more units or wait for the release of a new bundle/updated version.
>Trials are giving me ancient arrows.
>This is a bad omen.
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You can't have her
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Majora mask op. No monsters attack
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Can someone who played on Master Mode tell me if there are any differences in the diving beast/blights/Calamity Ganon fights?
The blights have regen, but are otherwise seemingly no different based on what I saw in the castle. No idea about the divine beasts, Calamity Ganon, or Dark Beast Ganon.
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Given he's 9 feet tall in all of the games and made of muscle, he's probably pretty physically strong. I think the only reason people thing he's only 7'5'' is because it was listed next to his sketches in the hyrule historia. In the game's he's at least 2 feet taller.

He's generally shown to be good with weapons too.
Divine beasts are exactly the same. Only thing that changed is that the bosses have health regen.

More for height reference.

He was also like 3 feet taller than all the standard adult male models in Wind Waker.

the problem is he has the triforce of power plus natural Gerudo toughness and probably the best training they offer but yet some teenager overpowers him repeatedly even when he sheds his humanity to become a beast.

Does the triforce of courage/master sword/four sword/whatever boost physicality

Link isn't just "some teenager." tho. That's like calling Doomguy just "some marine."

He's fucking destiny. Goes on a pilgrimage to get everything he could possibly need and learn to become strong enough to take down Ganondorf, and he does, and many times he does it with Zelda's help. Zelda and Link team up to smack around Ganondorf in Wind Waker, and Zelda holds him down with her magic in OoT for you to deliver the final blow.
Even ignoring most other things, the Master Sword was LITERALLY made to defeat Ganon/Demise.

It's not crazy to assume that it gives a good boost to Link/ weakens Ganondorf to some extent.
Link is pretty damn short, though.

Adult Link is like 5'8'' That would still make Ganondorf around 9 feet which isn't strange at all given't how they've chosen to make all the adult gerudos in botw.
Wouldn't the Majora's Mask ruin the challenge mode?
In the room with the flying guardian, guardian stalker and guardian turret how do you deal with the turret one high on the pillar?

I want to see them fight bare knuckle with no magic or any triforce pieces in nothing but a pair of shorts
Climb up right to it and use an ancient arrow. Or deflect it's blast back if you are feeling confident in your timing.

Kikwi are just another form of Korok/Kokiri, and deku Babas aren't sapient.
No they aren't.
BotW Link can't be any taller than 5'1''. He's a full half a head shorter than even your average Hylian lass.
Now I know what if feels like when a Lynel and a horde of horseback Bokoblins work together.

I thought they were supposed to be territorial
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>watching hero's path playback
>all those deaths on and immediately following the Plateau
>can see the exact moment after beating the game where I started using a map to find shrines
When you spend 100 years trapped inside a sword, you learn to make friends with whoever is around.
>Restarted game on Master Mode
>3/4 shrines done
>Headed for last shrine near the derelict Guardians
>2 bomb blasts go off near me
>"Alright, which of these Bokoblin fucks has bomb arrows"
>Silver maned lynel charging me


Not all Links are the same height and age.
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>Akkala Tower on Master Mode
>almost nothing new was added
>floating platforms don't even look at any major paths

Miyamoto also said he was 5'8'' in Twilight Princess btw, which was considered an average male's height to him. This can apparently also be since in-game with Link's OoT model if you make him sink to the bottom of the water tank at the lab at Lake Hylia where it has height listed to the side.
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>master mode is literally just a lionel on the plateau
>enemies arent stronger or more powerful
>enemy locations arent remixed
The worst part is seeing the Plateau Lynel and knowing that they could have done more, but didn't.
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its pretty dumb and really turns me off. I dont know why I hoped for anything than exactly what they said. enemies are +1 level, regain health, and a lionel on the plateau
It's only because of the damn Lynel that I had any hopes. It felt like it was going to be a hint at what was to come (ie: remixed enemy placements everywhere) instead of a one-off joke.
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Fuck dude, I remember wandering into the old hollowed tree stump completely randomly and finding the great Flame Blade just sitting there, blew my fucking mind since I had no knowledge of any of the elemental weapons and I thought I'd just be going through the game using different normal swords and Spears. It was my most powerful weapon for a while as well, so it really did feel like a last resort whenever I had to break it out. I loved the utility of it too, basically a free campfire anywhere you wanted as long as you had wood, and it kept you warm without having to change clothes or eat spicy food.

Fuckin love the great flameblade
Wait is the plateau Lynel seriously the only thing in Master Mode?
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>watching hero's path playback
>see where I died a million times refusing to give up against my first lynel
>see where I first saw a silver lynel with triple electro arrows at the Lanayru pass and I nope'd the fuck out
>see where I spent hours trying to figure out the Thundra plateau shrine Puzzle until everything about creating your own solutions to puzzles clicked into place for me
>see that time I got super bored and decided to sail from Akkala shore all the way over to the Faron shores for the hell of it
God what I wouldn't give to experience this game for the first time again
Do Gold Lynels have any distinct loot?
I'm not there yet, but I can't see them dropping anything you won't get from a silver lynel on normal.

All master mode does is give enemies an extra tier of health and damage.
Red bokoblin with a boko club in normal => Blue bokoblin with a boko club in master
>use starting weapons against upgraded enemies
>complain about weapons breaking
Using the initial weapons wasn't even a valid strategy on the original difficulty, judging Master Mode by that is retarded.
Explore for 30 seconds, get a better weapon, and use sneak/elixir/horse damage boosts.
It adds floating platforms with enemies and treasures almost anywhere. But that's not really something that will ever slow your progress or provide a challenge. It's more like a good source of loot than anything.

The lynel is the only thing people have found that is truly something new when it comes to the regular enemy placements. Not even the labyrinths have new enemies in them.
What about the Beasts and Ganon?
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Nah, she's been surpassed.
All the same except they have the same regenerating health as regular enemies. I killed the Waterblight in about a minute because the treasures you can find on the platforms can give you really good weapons, like Royal Guard items. They also always have a bonus like extra damage or durability. Even that Critical Hit bonus shows up sometimes.
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Paya is a close second.

Paya is super adorable though. I love her.
So does EX have some sort of special meaning?

The diary implied it.
Think about it very hard. Maybe it'll come to you.
>watching my hero's path
>get to zora's domain
>watch my stupid ass just throw myself at the lynel like 20 times before finally sneaking around it
There's the obvious "EX-pansion".

But it just seemed weird for a character to reference that in-world.
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>watch it
>watch myself throw myself at the lynel 7 times before I finally beat it
I forgot about it after all the other amazing shit. I beat the lynel with only like 6 hearts.

It feels just as good as it did then.
For whatever reason, Hero's Path isn't registering properly on my Master Mode file. It only recorded one of my deaths, and even then counted it as a teleport. Something to do with the different save method?
I think it took me 3 tries and a solid 5 hearty meals to finally kill that fucker, its sort of sad now I can pretty much stunlock a lynel to death now
Stale copy pastas from a frogposter.
Say no to people who use hate speech symbols for (you)'s
I'd show my entire Hero's path, but the fact it was my 3rd playthrough really shows with how I just beeline for all the shrines and tread over grinding spots.

On the flip side, it's really interesting to look at my adventures on the Great Plate where I spent at least 20 hours on it, and finding where the secondary barriers were.

Fuck whoever put in the Death markers.
So given that it is the Trial of the motherfucking Master Sword.

Is there another little scene that hints of Fi, or is it 'good job you completed it' The End?
can someone tell me how the fuck I'm supposed to get past room 9 (or 10?) in master mode
it's the room with 3 lizalfos, two of which are white on a wooden platform surrounded by water

I can't aggro one at a time, and knocking them off the wooden area is an inevitability, in which case they're just going to regen in the water because I have no ranged options at that point because bombs knock them too far away and thus allows them to regen

what the fucking fuck do I do
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The sword makes the Fi sound at the end.
How difficult is the Trial of the Sword? Has anybody beaten it on Master Mode yet?
I beat it on regular. Only really started to grind low on weapons near the end of the final few floors. I can't imagine master being much different, except for grinding down the weapons faster.
The final trials give you a lot of resources to work with (Elemental weapons, ancient arrows, hearty meals). I don't think it'll be much harder on master mode unless it does more than upgrade enemies.
Enemy health regeneration is fucking bananas.
Best girl.
Will she ever find love again?

Maybe Paya should marry Sidon
kill yourself
Finally got the master sword in master mode. Still have not found a single golden enemy.
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I shouldn't have started a new playthrough, I would love to see the hero's path for my first. I feel like a fool for doing that but there was nothing left for me to do
Go to where silver enemies naturally spawned
I tried that out too but the bombs gave me away
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>Trial of the Sword on Master Mode
>that health regen on every enemy
I tried putting out her fire with an iceblade but it just reignites itself
Combat regen doesn't seem like a big deal for the trials because the combat difficulty came from avoiding getting hit not putting out a little more damage.
can anyone comment if the AI on wolves or octorocks has been affected in Master Mode? Are they more aggressive or have better vision? Will a group of 4 wolves run after one dies still?
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Holy shit, I just realized. Tingle is always depicted wearing a clock around his neck, and has an affinity to maps.

Linkle from Hyrule Warriors wears her grandmother's compass around her neck, but it's not a normal compass, it's shaped more like a pocket watch, i.e. a kind of clock. And even though she constantly gets lost, she's always seen carrying lots of maps.

On top of that, her choker has a rupee like gem on it, and Tingle has often been portrayed as obsessed with rupees. This is it, this is why Linkle and Link exist at the same time, why she just ended up being a delusional fangirl, just like how Tingle is often obsessed with the hero. Linkle isn't a female incarnation of Link, she's a female incarnation of Tingle!
In hard mode is it even possible to beat enemies like Lynels that you don't get opportunities to attack all the time? With the health regen I mean. I haven't played hard mode yet but people are making the health regen sound pretty dramatic.
What do I wear with Majora's Mask to be fashionable?
Yep. It's more than possible.
Man, Lynels were the last genuine threat in this game and here people are making them look like fucking pushovers.
I'm stuck on this one too, I found the best way to do anything is to hoard all your club weapons and lock them into a hitstun combo when you're spinning and use the slam attack and keep spamming that until they die. The problem is that the weapons you get by that point are too shitty to do much of anything and mixed with the regen, it's fucking impossible. Are you stacking your attack and health bonuses before going in?
Also, go farm some korok seeds and try to max out your weapon slots.
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I wasn't aware that you could summon two Eponas
I used two different Link Amiibos, one from SSB and the other from TP and now I've boarded both of them
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fuck. I just got the rider amiibo and over the course of the week I still havent gotten epona
Rider doesn't give Epona.
Only Smash Link and TP Link.

>BotW Zelda in a bikini

I never knew how much I wanted this until now.
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What the fuck?!
Wild trousers
Something to resemble skull kid's tunic
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No, I don't need to complete the trials, I just want to sit here for a bit. I'm good.
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The spats, crossbows, thigh boots, and pigtails sort of defeat any comparison
Yeah, I am. I've got the 30 minute attack buff and +20 hearts from food.
I've gotten up to that room twice without a scratch but haven't gotten past it. I've been trying to aim my bombs so at least one lizalfos ends up trying to hit me with its water thing under the platform, but even then I fucked it up and send the other into the water.

As far as weapon slots go, I think I'm fine. I don't have an excess of good weapons by room 10. How are you dealing with the room before the one with the lightning fella? The one with two red lizalfos, a lightning chu, and two more lizalfos on the other side of the room.
I'm on master mode and I don't recall the Kama yatak shrine, the one next to the central tower being this difficult, those little guardians are so strong...and this is even after I've boarded weapons that are over 30 plus in attack
Im sick of being Link? When will they let me play as a miimaker hylian of my own design?
I've gotten through the entire sword trial but can't remember which room you're referring to
Can you take a pic?
Floor 8, the one at the 16:10ish mark.
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>World Record trials speedrun
>doesn't start each trial with a 30 minute damage or speed buff
>and normal mode
Same thing happened to me
Why not just buy a bundle?
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Anybody have a reshade preset to make the game look similar to this?
I prefer the one handed swords simple because I don't like the four side blades on that weapon.

I like it a lot so far but I'm pissed that Hero/Master Mode has such inconsistent rules across the series.

I wish it was like Wind Waker HD where you can toggle it on or off for your save file. I guess I don't mind starting a new save when it comes to WW, TP, SS, ALBW, etc, but goddamn, redoing all of those Koroks and Shrines is gonna be tedious. Won't try it for a few years probably.
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The extra animation for the blood moon in master mode has a cooler vibe than the previous
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This is pissing me off. It obviously isn't a coincidence but WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ROOM? Did they just make an arena because they got bored or something? Why is the boss arena the same as the Monk Master Sword contemplation area? Did they make the actual one as a testing ground for the chosen hero 10,000 years ago and then it got buried and a castle built on top of it?
Damn, even with the Korok Mask...finding these little fuckers is tough.
Some are obvious enough but some are just weird. The oddest I ever found was a small korok pot in a hollow tree trunk.
>seven monks
>seven sages
Any idea what the ruins of the Sages Temple could be?
>holiday 2017
That doesn't mean December right?
The shrine of resurrection also resembles the vein structure of Gannon's sanctum
I think it's more of a parallel between the two in terms of the art choices
Shiekah time travel pre-post-preparation.
Sword trial prepared by the Shiekah.
"Tiger trap" for Ganon under castle prepared by the Shiekah.
They look similar because they were both contracted to the Shekah equivalent of Bolson.
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Everything Ganon is, except for Malice, is possessed Shekiah tech so the similarities makes sense, but the two rooms are exactly the same, not similar
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Did Hylia tell the Monks about the future? So they knew that in the future Link would fail against Ganon? That's why they set up the shrines, and knew to create the Tunic of the Wild, and prepared a test of the Master Sword, because they knew Link was going to die and be resurrected?
Wasn't it mentioned that people turned their backs on sheikah technology and resorted to living more ordinary lives
Could it be that they heard of the premonition that the same technology that was used to defeat Gannon was also going to be used against them in the far future. Could explain why everything was buried underground
What is that picture?
One of the Kakariko guards mentions that the ancient sheikah abandoned their tech after people who feared it turned on them, which created the Yiga Clan.
Everything was buried because that's what happens when you leave things alone for 10,000 years.
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So if I start a new game in Master Mode, will it still overwrite the save files I have for my regular playthrough? I never bothered paying attention to if the regular saves and auto saves were overwriting each other.

Or should I just make a new Mii if I want to do a Master Mode playthrough?
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This is the closest I will get to actually having Epona in my game.
I will name it Epona and it will like it.
But Link wouldn't remember Epona
This horse is Epona now.
Nope, think of it as a second title screen. You can switch between the two on the title screen and retain all your normal mode data.
It's a totally different save file. They don't even use the same title menu.
What even are Korok seeds. Are they real seeds that make koroks or just some thing that they call korok seeds without actually being that.
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We should have gotten a memory of Link and Zelda cooking together

Come on DLC
translation when?
Burn in hell.
Bolson is our friend though.
Also, if you have 6 campfires it creates a permanent updraft. Quite handy if you don't have Revali's Gale
Maybe if he got of my property.
Does Link hate gay people that much?
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Oh shit, so they actually did add the second save file?

Thanks for your help.
It's too bad Purah never de-lolifies herself

I don't think gayer words have ever been said.
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NTR is an awful fetish
NTR is only a bad fetish when it happens to the good guy.

It's the best fetish when it happens to the bad guy. Too bad there's not much of that.
anyone know good spots for weapons in master mode? haven't done a divine beast yet but i've got 32 shrines under my belt
There's so much NTR in this game it's ridiculous.
>Not winning in pacifist mode.
Come on Anon.
why do japs like NTR especially with fat ugly business men?
Has there ever been a statistic or ever been a reason found for this?
>It has a distinct smell

They're poop, anon.
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>Arrive in Hateno Village in my Master Mode playthrough
Oh hey I remember this mission yeah this'll be a good way to restock weapons
>Four silver bokoblin, two black bokoblin and one black moblin
>I've got four hearts and two pieces of upgraded armour
Hard Mode sure is hard boyos
>Spam amiibos
>Claim it's the game's fault
Fat business men have money and hate happiness.
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>look at weather report
>sunny for a while
>start climbing
>immediately starts to rain
>weather report changed to all rain

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she'd have rejected you anyway. Gerudo will never fall for Link
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How do you rate this expansion, /lozg/?

don't buy until the 2nd pack is determined to be good or not/5
wake up /lozg/!
Nah nigga, I'm off to bed. Goodnight.
I'm probably being retarded, but I can't see an option when starting a new game for master mode, am I looking in the wrong place?
Apparently I'm supposed to have an option on the main menu to start master mode, it ain't there

I definitely own the dlc, I don't know what the fuck is going on
anyone has the discord link for the loz server? saw it last thread but it expired
It didn't expire, it sank back to the depths of hell where it belongs.
Go homescreen > zelda tile > + > update your software
only need 4 for an updraft bruh
The lynel in great plateau drops savage gear with bonuses. Other than that, rotate through major test of strength shrines for guardian weapons. I don't think guardians got buffed in master mode.

First thing I tried, just tells me my software is up to date
It's hard work being a soldier.
You can't get enemies loot only some of their treasure chests. I guess it breaks stuff like Zora's River.
>I don't think guardians got buffed in master mode
Lame, I think they were the enemies that needed it the most. They're meant to be incredibly dangerous but unless they're ganging up on you they're a complete joke.
So who here's waiting for another company to steal all the good ideas from BotW, refine out the bad ones, add more content, and make the greatest open world game of all time?
guardians out in the open didn't get buffed, but they got tricky. sometimes they charge their laser a few seconds longer than before so your perfect timing for parrying doesn't work
So if Link is scarred to shit to the point where Robbie can recognise after 100 years, them where are they?
He mentions some of them healed nicely
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They're not battle scar they're Zora lovebites
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>start Master Trials
>die on Floor 10 with the narrow bridge with the archer at the end and lizards charging you
How do I gid gud? At least give me some armor godammit it.
I just beat the Trial of the Sword on Master Mode. I think the beginning part was the hardest since you had such consistently shitty gear whereas in middle and high you have access to high-class items.


The trick to beating the 10th floor with the silver lizalfos is to stock the fuck up on arrows and use as little as possible until the 10th floor. Stack a 20/25+ hearts and max defense together before you head out. Once you get to the 10th floor, use Stasis+ on the blue lizalfos and shoot him in the head twice. This should kill him. Next, make cryonis pillars going to the left platform (with the metal boxes) and run to the fish head. Climb it, then climb over the fish bone that is directly above the hole in the bottom. This is crucial. So basically, you keep falling off the bone, use slowmo to keep getting headshots on one of the lizalfos, drown, respawn on the bone, keep doing this until one of them is dead. You can do it with the other one too, but there's no fun in that and it wastes resources that could better be used on the next two floors. Good luck!
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>Link will never get to hug his fishancée in their hidden loveshack again
Don't forget about the Tetraforce:
â–² â–²
â–² â–²
pic related, feelsgoodman
>Not using pro HUD
I just lost the trial in the Lizalfos floor. Fuck didn't know I was this bad
Which of the lozalfos floors got you?
The first one, there were 3 of them. 1 with a bow, 2 with spears,
Post images of Riju!
You mean the one with the octoroks?
What? I usually find open world games underwhelming, but BotW is incredible. But it could be so much better with just a little bit more. But now all the conceptual and creative work is done in making such a hyper-interactive world, another device team (or Nintendo themselves) can steal those ideas and expand on them. Open world games from now on will hopefully be at least this great.
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>Deflected a long range guardian laser without targeting in one try
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I rarely trust my ability to parry. I tend to swing early... unless I am super tired and should probably be sleeping. Somehow I become a parry virtuoso when I am too sleepy to think straight. Under normal circumstances I prefer to be on the offensive.
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Sure why not
It's good to be able to when you don't want to waste resources fighting a guardian. Especially in the six decayed guardian room during the trials and the triple guardian room
>let sister play for a while
>she prefers using the bow to melee
>so much so that half the time she'd rather take out her bow and shoot chuchus point blank than just fucking stab them

She has good aim, at least
>People on youtube finish the Sword Trials in an hour and a half.
>My trial was a casual relaxed rate and took probably 6 hours.
I am just going to assume I enjoyed myself more.
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>not using bombs to chuchus
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Even without many parrys, I ran the trials in complete miserly cheapskate mode. I should feel shame over the nice weapons I carried into the final room. I just didn't know what would be next, so I saved the good stuff for whatever. Bombs are free, so I used them everywhere I could get away with, and in some places where they were probably not the best solution.
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I did that in the beginning but after I hung onto the sheikah weapons without using them I was more free with my weapon usage.
The first part of the final trials were great because I got to clobber people with all the shitty weapons and fill my whole inventory with skeleton arms
>Enemies are beyond sponges and the health regeneration is the dumbest mechanic I think i've seen
literally git gud.
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What a peasant.
Ok, this is a long shot but do any of you have the decrypted DLC files? I've bought the DLC files legally and everything, I just wanna look through them for unused content
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The only way I was able to beat that final room was by letting the bokos knock me over and then taking a guardian laser while they were crowded around me to kill them. Trying to knock them off with bombs wasn't cutting it
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I cut down fewer trees later on, but I never really stopped being a hoarder. I mean, I was cheap. I was cooking lumber for consumption, and left the trials with a picnic basket full of real foods. On future replays I might go differently, but this place was a total unknown.
what does cooking lumber produce?
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I ended up resorting to arrows when the bombs failed to be productive. Climbed a nearby tree and started picking them off. Didn't really want to waste the arrows, but it seemed the thing to do. I turned around and got arrow stingy when I went for the tower guardian.

Rock hard food, worth one quarter heart. No matter how many boards you throw in the pot.
what happens if you get killed while fighting Naboris? Do you just die or is there a little cutscene?
Even after the other guardian rooms I still had something like 130 arrows at that point so I didn't have issues with using them.
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Riju says something when you get hit but if you die and get a game over you just get the regular game over screen and go to the outpost when you reload
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So, which Link do you like most?
My number one is still WW Link.
My second run through I kept getting hit but I don't remember what she said when that happened. I got fed up and just shot ahead of her and blasted the last two feet before the lightning smacked me
>tfw using lightning arrows to disarm them and steal their weapon.
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I like the Oracle games' Link most.
I actually like BotW Link's design the best, except for the shorts with his green tunic
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I think she asks if you're alright and if you want to go back but it's been a while since I played it
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I had a glut of arrow in the the middle trials, but I didn't have a huge amount at the end of the final trials. I wasted them in the cold area I think, and never really recovered. I was having fun lighting the cheep arrows on fire.
What's the link with the cape?
>Getting to the top of an outpost and tossing everyone off with bombs or critical hits to make them take fall damage
>Stealing their weapons
>mixing shock arrows and thunderblades to stun lock them until they die
Fighting clever is really fun in this game
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Not canon
I think he's the one from the SS prequel manga, that's Hylia with him.
Oh right.

Was there more than the one at the end of the hyrule historia?
Did Link have a hawk?
You can see a arm guard only on right arm.
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His vambrace covers his sword arm so his other hand is bare so he can carry a shield. He never got a shield though because he never took the test of the royal guard to earn it
Is that what they call an aggressive Rito woman?
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Isn't it a thing in archery that stop the string from bruising your arm?
It's too bulky to be that, and it's on the wrong arm
Who is best girl and why is it Riju, Urbosa, Mipha and Papaya?
So I just learnt the sting of the DLC being $30 in Australia, is it possible for me to get it cheaper by using an eshop account via another countries eshop?
I'm in the Philippines, I use a US eshop account, don't see why you can't.
The best girl is Kass's wife
Trade in your ground harness and boomerang for an American flag.

Alternatively get an american Eshop account.
but anon, that's more than one girl
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All the best girls are Gerudo. Riju, Urbosa, Isha, Ashai and Buliara

Zelda and Paya are okay but they have certain flaws in their personality which humanise them but also make them somewhat irritating
Yeah, but more importantly Zelda isn't there
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I see you've suspiciously left out the actual best girl of the game
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Link is still best girl
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ah fuck that's not the right picture
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How can one person be so wrong?
Agreed. I'd marry him if the chance was given
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Shouldn't Hero's Path display the deaths as well?
I died god knows how many times already on my master mode save but when I let it play I'm not getting a single cross on the map.
So, is there no way to leave the trial and start back where you left off? You gotta do the full set?
Why's that, you got places to be faggot?
>want to fight some Moldugas
>turn on me game
>completely forget why I wanted to play
>look for Korok seeds instead
>get bored and turn off
>remember I wanted to fight Moldugas in bed
repeat this entire week. I wish there were more roaming bosses too. Guardians are concentrated in Hyrule Fields and Akkala and are boring. Talus fights get boring. Lynels don't have special music. Yigas are too weak.
But that's not the hero's path, that's the "chucklefuck who died"'s path
No checkpoints
would you normal riju or an adult riju?

What would adult riju look like?
Well kinda. If there's no way to take a break though, guess I'll just have to pause and put it in sleep mode.
If this game had modding it'd have crazy replayability
Hence why I'm waiting for a PC developer to steal BotW's best ideas, like I said
hes a faggot so he will choose Link regardless of how cute she is.
Talus fights are fun if only for the music. Molduga fights are good too though. The way to have more fun is to avoid Urbosa's fury and spin to win
Miracle of Sound just did a BOTW song
Well okay, but is there any reason why the deaths aren't showing up?
Hero's path is hilarious for me because ten minutes after I got out of the shrine I died because I forgot I didn't have the paraglider
My guess is that the way the game saves deaths across reloads is very different from the way it tracks hero's path, and hero's path info leading up to deaths is discarded when you reload after dying. Possibly, the deaths showing up on the map aren't kept track of long term
>tfw using Fire Arrows for maximum tactics

Shoot a wooden shield wielding enemy with one. He'll dump his shield. You can then run up to it and set a wooden weapon on fire with his flaming discarded shield.
All their songs sound the same to me, desu. At least all the chorus vocals.

They should focus on one lead vocal and then subtle back-ups.
I usually just blow shield enemies up
It's just one guy who does all of the instruments and vocals most of the time.
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I would an adult Riju

As to how she'd look I expect she'd be taller with much longer legs, wider hips, more pronounced abs and less flat chested although none of the Gerudo are titty monsters. The huge slit in her dress would become a lot more erotic and her nose would be bigger
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I'm glad I took the time to learn to cook before the trials. Kinda sad I ended up not eating most of it.
I think the very first thing I did was jump off the cliff at the start
Didn't need more than a single boost anyway, I preferred to spread my meals out so I could have extra recovery
source on pic?
I kinda just want her to be taller as an adult.
If she wasn't considered a child, I'd rail that all night the way she is now.



she won't look much different only slightly amped up as she's already got relatively long legs, wide hips and a big nose and she won't develop balloon tits because none of the Gerudo have them
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>big nose
meh. I'm hoping she's the freak of the bunch where she just stays drop-dead gorgeous.

Sort of how Link and Zelda are freak hylians, being the only blonde-haired blue-eyed hylians ever to exist at one point in time.
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the Gerudo nose is fine and doesn't detract from a Gerudo's looks

Also Zelda is green eyed in this game
>Zelda was so shit her own court shit talked her in front of the King
>Zelda was so shit she's solely responsible for the deaths of 90% of Hyrule
>Zelda was so shit that she couln't harness the power of the gods despite having the entire triforce

Nice """Best""" girl
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>Linkbowl losers still mad
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>Zelda still a genetic failure
Urbosa and Riju have a plot thing where they need to look visually distinct and are also main characters so they need to be fairly attractive. you look at other Gerudo NPCs you'll see their faces aren't as up to par and their noses are a good bit more noticeable.
I know it goes entirely against the Gerudo's actual physiology, but I kinda like that Riju is a bit less exaturated in her hips and muscle tone.
Also Urbosa is a freak because she's 10 feet tall and - by extension - Riju is also a freak.

Also are they green? My TV might be calibrated weird.
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They are green

Urbosa is so tall because:
1. she's the best warrior of that time just like Buliara, the current best warrior, is so buff
2. She's part of of the royal family if not a former chief of the Gerudo

I think all the Gerudo look good
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I shall now dump Urbosa nose pics
I'll give you that. some of them look pretty good.
>Mipha still dead
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>All these people getting the best girl argument totally wrong
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>Implying Link doesn't go to sleep clutching the Trident talking to his ghost wife instead of Zelda
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>final trials
>fuck up and blow myself to pieces
>1 heart left for a few rooms
>Stalnox room
>kill it finally
>find a chest in the dirt
>pull it with magnesis
>it flies in the air, hits me in the head, killing me
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At least fish had a loving father
that's going a bit far
eat it, loser
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Is there any way to kill a stalnox quickly? The eye falls out but can you destroy it quickly at all, or do you just have to keep pummeling it?
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Urbosa's fury while the eye is out
Can you change the mane or gear of a horse you haven't registered? I was thinking maybe the monster gear Kilton made could be used to register a stalhorse
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No, you can't. You also need to have a strong bond to change those things and there's no way to determine your bond without registering it
I think you bond fully immediately with a horse you get from a Boko

I suppose so but if the girl who styles your horses is scared of doing anything to Epona and Ganon horse I doubt she'll do anything to a stalhorse
Can anyone explain to me why Link is right-handed?
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No good reason but if you want I can tell you the bad one
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>You couldn't protect that smile
feels bad man
You died too. It's not like you were lounging around while Waterblight plunged its glistening spear into Mipha's succulent body.

More like she couldn't protect herself, the King wouldn't let Zelda study the Guardians (she might have discovered their weakness to Malice) and finally Zelda couldn't unlock her power fast enough to stop Ganon before he killed everyone
Mipha doesn't do much smiling to begin with
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>Beat Eventide Island with only one death going in blind, didn't seem too bad
>Friend comes to me saying it was the bane of his existence for a while
>Find out others online felt the same

How was it that hard for people? Was it the Hinox? Just leaving him until last seemed simple enough
It was a good kind of hard, but it still wasn't that bad
The biggest problem was the forest with the pond. I know you didn't have to go there but there was a good weapon on the tree stump and that octorok was annoying as can be. If I got hit by it even once I reset my save and try it again since I think I only had like 6 hearts at the time.
Did you do it with any of the champ powers? I tried Eventide after doing the Elephant and only had 7-ish hearts and it took me a couple times to beat it. Still really fun
>Waterblight just hung from the ceiling, fucking with the water levels, and went spear fishing
Revali probably got shot in the back too.
I went there pretty early and wasn't very comfortable with the mechanics yet.

That said, I eventually learned that I could just drop all of my equipment on the shore and cheese the whole thing horribly.
In all fairness they were all unarmed, the only one who doesn't have an excuse is Daruk
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I'm assuming Mipha and Daruk's powers don't have cooldowns for them so they both lack an excuse.

Urbosa without her weapons and her lightning being grounded by Thunder Blight's summoned metal rods would've been unable to fight back with any efficacy.

Rivalli couldn't damage Wind Blight and the Tornado's would mess up his ability to evade
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>when it's not in the place you first expect

All I did was look at that journal when I caught the game saying it was in the outpost ruins. I was expecting somewhere more relevant. Was looking forward to gearing up for the desert right off the plateau. Though it was a great fight that made up for it. Wolf Link's health wasn't 20 hearts like the amiibo bin said, but whatever. I took the risk anyway. I had to being him along. It only felt right.

Went in the dead of night. Dark, raging thunderstorm and all the while scouting out the place. Cover got blown by stal moblins which were coming at us, then higher tier Lizals were shooting shock arrows at me and wolf link at the same time - doing my best not to get one shotted/hit, or get caught in the lightning that was hitting numerous metallic objects around the ruins. At the same time making it my mission to keep Wolf Link alive as well. He saved my ass before a monster finished me off, and I ended up saving his hide too when the last enemy and Lizal was about to put a shock arrow in him with a quarter heart left. Pretty sure I was on a heart or less too (got shock aoe'd, no food and only went in with four hearts), but I'm doing my master mode, invisible hearts and stamina run.

I love challenging, climactic encounters. Really enjoying this run so far. Can't wait to tackle the other stuff eventually, since I've only just started with the DLC after finishing up an MM playthrough while I waited for the DLC.
I don't know how well you could heal yourself with a spear ripping through your vitals.
Show riju concept art
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Considering she's hyped as being this great knight I doubt she was one shot immediately. She probably evaded as long as she could and got worn down by small injuries until she's weak enough to be hit by a killing blow. The problem is those minor injuries wouldn't bother her because she'd heal them away so basically she'd be hella hard to wear down in a fight unless you one shot her


Only Nintendo has that
Haven't tried it yet, but how much stamina do you need?
I've got 8 hearts and 2 stamina wheels.
It took a while to heal that tiny cut on Link's arm and she was standing still I doubt she could heal on the fly like that
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I equipped a flame weapon, and spammed arrows until I got to the talus at the end of the cold set. It wasn't until then that I had one of the spicy dishes, just so I could switch to a stronger shillelagh.
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You can go in with just the default game-start amount, but there are some towers that may encourage you to pause and catch your breath. Nice to have extra for arrow slow-mo. More is better, but you don't strictly need need to have it.
It just doesn't in Master Mode. No idea why, but it could be related to the different save/autosave setup.
do you not autosave in Master Mode?
Oh, gog, don't remind me. Spent some 10 deaths there.

>first run, no idea what i'm doing
>boko throws a bomb barrel at me
>death 2, fall off the south edge and get stoned to death by octoroks
>3. Hinox
>4. wait shit chuchus explode
>5. Found an axe in a swamp. Forgot swamps kill things.
>6. Surprise octorok uppercut
>8. Pebblits? On my Eventide?
>9. Moblins on top of the mountain
>10. Only have to run away from the Hinox and i'm home free
>wait, why'd i go to the forest?
>Watch my step...

The next run went thankfully smoothly. But just watching it was enough for my dad to decide to cheese it when he went through Eventide.
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>Paya has already rolled over
>Mipha is dead

What will Riju do? We've already seen that Gerudo are willing to fight so hard over a man that neither of them win him in the end
Might just be sparing players' dignity.
She's playing the long game. She knows Link can't live up to 100 years of anticipation
As chief, she can base a treaty on acquiring Link to work as her personal guard. Doesn't guarantee romance, but propinquity is step one.
She will accept her role as Link's daughterfu instead of being his wife
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I think you're mistaken, this is Link we're talking about

Even if we assume she's stupidly young she's at most 6-7 years younger. That isn't a daughterfu kind of age gap IMO
That Link died, someone else took his place
Magic gone, Zelda's true age will catch up with her within her. Menopause in a week. Arthritis in a month. She'll be dead in a year. Purah might revert Zelda to an infant from that point, but Zelda's diary made it seem like the Shiekah were not forthcoming with giving her any technological help.

Purah wants the money to start flowing again so she'll help Zelda however she can
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I doubt he's that different
I wonder what Hylian sounds like.
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I think it's more likely she'll revive the ancient tradition of the Gerudo pass and declare that she'll only negotiate with Link. This'll make him the ambassador to the Gerudo

Being her personal would be a slight against Buliara and the Gerudo forces

Different from Gerudo without a 'v' sound
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He's going to be doing a lot of that as he introduces her to the leaders of the various races and settlements
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This is the reason I'm enjoying master mode. In order to get Hetsu's maracas back, I spent 10 minutes carefully dropping bombs off of the cliff in order to knock that 3 pack into the water one by one.

Trying to grind out a minor test of strength in Faron just because I wanted to go to Luralin first tho...

2 pieces of porn based on this edit
Master Mode has only one auto save and your manual save.

Too bad, hopefully a bug. I want to load the save a few months after I've finished it too see how much of a fag I've been.
Post them.
Try uploading them to imgur.
I originally found BotW considerably less exciting once you finally got all the weapons and resources you needed and weren't constantly in mortal peril. So far, master mode rectifies this. Really looking forward to Akkala citadel.

Tell how to post across boards or visit /aco/. Preferably the first
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>Tell how to post across boards
You make it hard to believe the summerfag meme isn't real.

he's asking so whether I'm a summerfag or not is irrelevant
Then you'd of told them.
Same as posting within board, just link the number with a >> mang

I told him I posted it on /aco/


You're embarrassing yourself.

Whatever I'm done it's there if he wants it
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What kind of shit is this? Fucking invisible walls? REEEEEEEEEEEE
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>it's there
but it's clearly not

Again, you're making the summerfag meme hard to not believe
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Enough of this nonsense, it's waifu time.

Everybody post your LoZ waifus.
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It's too close to call
It's also great that flame weapons raise your temperature in cold places and cold weapons lower it.
Get NFC tags and rewrite them with amiibos. Five cost like 10 bugs and you need an android smartphone with NFC.
2 should be fine, I did it with 2 and a fifth wheels.
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lets talk about Paya's amazing, delicious thighs
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>zelda's pic is rape
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I fucked up, it's >>> and the name of the board (/aco/) then the number to outpost

Found it anyway, cheers>>181456047
Why are the Trial of the Sword break rooms so comfy? It was like stepping into a Pikmin level.
>summer calling summer summer

For what purpose?
She probably likes it. Plays hard to get, but likes it rough.

Impa, Saria and Ruto don't seem incredibly consensual
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seems legit
Impa seems like bondage
Saria I could see going both ways
Ruto looks angry, which is kinda expected with her.

Saria's and Zelda's must be changed, then.
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>Last Final Trials level
>Holy fuck come on
>Okay whatever all I gotta do is cheese the turret, snipe/riding attack the Moblins and flurry the Lynel
>Start climbing the tower
>Get oneshot by something
>What the fuck
>Get oneshot again
>It's the fucking Lynel acting as a fucking living ballista from the other side of both the map and the tower
>He's hitting me when he can't even see me and I'm not in his aggro range

I'm mad.
How did you know it was going to be the last level? Did you cheat Anon?
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Best girl
It's not Link's fault he's best girl now. That healing bed was designed for a slumbering princess.

I'm guessing it's the last level because there's no fucking way I can be expected to continue after that.

I thought the level before it was the last level and a fucking Lynel, ten(?) mounted Moblins, and a turret Guardian is beyond obscene so I'm using my better judgement to make an assumption.

Is there another fucking level?
Triple Guardian level next.
Then double Lynel and a Guardian.
Then all three elemental flavors of Talus together.
yeah, I finally finished the beginning trials using the drop-down strat for floor 10

I think I'm over the hump as far as difficulty goes. I did the trials on normal mode at 10 hearts/2 wheels but I don't remember anything being as annoyingly complicated as the lizalfos room in the remaining 35 rooms.
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>Go to sleep in a fancy bed
>Wake up to a new life as a beautiful femboy
Where the fuck do I sign?
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im not okay with this.jpg
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I can only assume you can make good use of the environment to cheese those first two because otherwise that's downright unreasonable.

The Talus' don't sound too bad.

I thought I was being clever saving the ancient arrows but I still used them way too fucking early, damn.
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Easy, just kill yourself
Yeah I know right, who would even want to have sex with her let alone rape her
>not using ancient arrows on the lynels in the Trial

I dunno about you guys but I consider even one basic lynel to be more of a challenge than any amount of guardians.
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I don't think this was supposed to happen.
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I'm pretty sure it's Link fucking Zelda in that pic, and Link is physically incapable of raping Zelda because she's always open for his dick
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It really doesn't look like it.
So where did everybody use their travel medallion?
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>Your fish wife will never tell you how to act like a proper lady does anyone have that image?
I haven't. Hard to imagine where I would need it at this point.
sauce to Zelda and Impa pictures please.

Lynels in general are easier than Guardians because for the most part you can dodge into flurry all of their attacks incredibly easily.

Sure you can parry the Guardian beam, but that's unreliable and properly outrunning/dodging it is even more so.
Lynels are predictable, granted, but you're still working with limited time and weaponry. I usually manage to cripple stalkers before they can become too threatening individually and use arrows to interrupt their beams if I'm not using a shield.

The beam delay on mm makes shields a bit less reliable but a parry still packs a wallop (protip: work on timing your parry to the firing sound)

Imo I'd rather just deal with guardians than spend time and durability on lynels, especially when they have backup.
It is the last one, >>181459639 is talking bullshit.
Lynels can shoot their arrows into the sky which makes them hit you if you won't move.
You use more durability on guardians, though. Lynels give you the option to mount so killing a lynel, in terms of durability, is a function of your bow's durability and your arrows.

Oh yeah no, in the trials using the ancient arrows on the Lynels is a much better call.

I guess that was your context from the start, but I was talking generally.


I knew they shot when you got too far away from them, but his AI was arcing them perfectly to hit me while I was standing on the midway point of the Guardian Turret tower.

I just got really flustered because I could not for the life of me figure out what was doing so much damage.
Those fucking arrows go right through the ceiling as well.
Tried to sneak past it and get the chest in the coliseum, fucker shot arrows in the air, I took cover below one of the platforms in there: dead.
It's not just his aim. The arrows will find you no matter how you move around. The best thing to do is run at him so he stops using arrows.
>implying he was masculine back then
I bet he had some dicks of his fellow knights.

I mean yeah I know that now. I was just never aware of how aggressively those arrows track because I usually do exactly that while fighting Lynels, rush them to stop them from using their arrows.
Tarrey Town
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...option to mount?

Oh yeah in the overworld the guardians are way worse
Too bad they didn't take it into the bar.
What the heck? How do you get the nintendo switch shirt?
Buying the DLC pack.
how about the bow of light?
That involves either cheating, or escaping the Ganon boss fight.
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>Cute grill teaches you how to be girly
That is legit one of my biggest fantasies.
>The Gerudo in town run away
>from one lizalfos
Those women are all noticeably bigger than the lizalfos. Even unarmed, I don't doubt they all could have ganged up on it and beat it to death.
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Holy fuck I am salty now

>Trial of the Sword on master mode
>against the Hynox at the end of the beginning trial
>everything going smoothly
>doesn't have much health left
>hit his eye
>rush over as he falls over to do as much damage as possible
>his body slightly touches me during his falling animation and I die instantly

Getting past that room with the 2 silver lizards is so fucking annoying.
Usually if an assailant has a weapon, people will flee rather than fight since that's natural when exposed to danger. Gerudo might look fit but many of them don't have the training to fighters.
I guess that makes more sense. I didn't notice right away that it had a bow.
>Blushes more the more girly Link becomes

Why is fish so best?
What changed with Guardian on hard mode, and is that why I feel like I'm not reflecting shots back as consistently?
Is this traced from One Punch Man? Link's face makes me think so
The lizalfos room is easy using this >>181425149, though I think it's better to stack attack.

I died to the hinox by being an idiot and running away from the it and into a tree. I panicked so instead of running around it, I stepped down and jumped on it twice and got hit.
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I don't know but this one sure is.
She is a degenerate slut
They can hold a beam charge instead of just firing when it's full now. They're also far more aggressive and I think they actually have a proper melee AI. See the protip
>Link being drawn as a skinny sissy boy instead of a manlet who's built like a fucking oak tree
>off model porn at all
It is, trust me, I'm an anonymous individual on the internet.
It's just painful because it's anal
>let alone painful anal
fucking garbage
Needs to be changed just as much as if it was rape.
gonna drop in it front of the sanctum, beat the shit out of Ganon whenever I feel like it
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I had a dream last night that I was playing BotW, and somehow I unlocked Linkle's outfit from Hyrule Warriors for Link to wear, and that Nintendo just embraced Link's twinkness and started adding more female outfits for him to wear.
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>thinking that's off model
Whatever you say, fampai.
Will it even work there?
Did anyone here actually buy the opal or topaz earrings? I always did Zora first so the opals were pointless, and anti-shock food is so easy to come by the topaz stuff never seemed worthwhile
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Is anyone here honestly looking forward to more amiibos? If you could have an amiibo of any BotW character or monster, who would you want?
I dunno
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I get that Link and Zelda are probably into some wild shit but anal won't make any babies
I'm not much of a buyfag so they would need decent effects to be appealing to me.
>some wild shit
is that a fucking pun?
got source for that? reverse image search and googling 'kaidu-sakura' gets me nothing.
need some sauce with that senpai
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Artist's twitter and Pixiv

They haven't done BotW porn yet but hopefully soon since they've done some for TP and OoT
what an odd pairing
>TP link taking the lead over TP Zelda
these rolls are reversed. It's common knowledge that TP Zelda is a top.
How would people feel if they made an amiibo of Gerudo outfit Link, and it gave you an upgradeable vai outfit?
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Man, why are so many random NPCs such QTs?
I want an amiibo of best bird, and when you scan it Kass appears and you can choose a song for him to perform for you.
Everyone is cute. The game's graphics make everyone cute. Even the koroks are cute. Even the guardians are cute.
Only Ganon isn't cute
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Eyeliner game on point
I'm only ever looking at her thighs
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Marin is best waifu
Mina best girl.
>Posts a shit looking cosplay
I'm confused, do you not like her?
Mina sucks
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>that image
No I actually love Marin, and Link's awakening is my favorite game of all time. I just thought the pic was funny
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So where's the option to accept Bozai's date request?
Link is not gay
maybe it's just me but I feel like having a song about Breath of the Wild with lyrics defeats the whole purpose of having a song about Breath of the Wild.
Not according to me.
Link detests gays
Mina is best girl
Then why do they always hang out at his house?
>rather than sweets
Karson is straight.

Bolson he's giving a chance to come back with a female spouse before he throws him off the roof
Dlc 2 when?
Any tips for Master mode?
Try not to die.
Go for the phantom armor asap. It's the earliest high defense armor you can get and the attack buff is tremendously helpful. It's a huge advantage early on. Magnificent.

And always look up.
sometimes it's best not to engage
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Someone needs to translate all these comics
Managed to avoid death on hard mode till Kakariko and now I finally have some fairies.
How do I even get the one in the coliseum? That Lynel spots me instantly and I have not enough weapons to kill it.
When I do hard mode I think I'm going to avoid Kakariko until all the beasts are complete.
Does master mode upgrade enemy weapons too or are they just blue and black enemies with low level clubs for the most part?
The black enemies I encountered so far had spiked weapons and solider stuff, I believe some had even knight, but I'm not sure.
In TP, Link was strong enough to outwrestle Gorons. Ganon was stronger.

He also seemingly beat Midna with his bare hands. Midna was strong as fuck and they sunk the castle. He also punched that Sage into dust and broke out of his chains.
Go in wearing the ninja armor when he's not looking. Also, run and hide behind the pillars
please translate this taiwanese cave drawing
I don't even have that yet, guess I'll try some stealth food along with Majora's Mask.
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from the context of the pictures it's Zelda showing how upset she is over her lot, and then Link making her feel better, and then Link seeing how pretty she is when she isn't yelling at him like it's his fault, and then Link retreating to his usual blank self to cope with being horny.
but fuck knows what it actually says
Chests on these floating platform usually contain some next level shit so grab if you can.
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Did she strike anyone else as being Slavic?
Also under-boob armor is my new fetish
To be honest, the first time i tried it I didn't even use the armor. Just go in when his back is turned, and don't make too much noise. Also, you can always come from above, and save in one of the platforms, so if you do get detected and die, you can get good.
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Reminder that the best in game way to honor your waifu or husbando is to dress to match them.
Radiant armor set for Mipha, got it.
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watch it burn.jpg
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fuck you
>Link retreating to his usual blank self to cope with being horny.

Well this is my headcanon for the game now
Kinda wish we got to see the rest of her armor. her gauntlets and shoulders are cool. Kind of a waste of a great character design that only gets like three moments in the game.
I did it very carefully by airdropping in and using a stealth food. If the Lynel is far enough away you can jump to move faster, and as long as you hide before the ? fills up you'll survive
Does milk+butter+salt+other make stew every time?
No, but it works for a lot
what would sex be like? quiet or surprisingly loud?
wake up /lozg/!
I've noticed the latter being the case. For example, every blue lynel you kill will drop gear that a red lynel would drop in normal mode.
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>EX Treasure: Phantasma
>Found the Helm and the Armor
>Need the legs
>"and at the ruins where the soldiers of Hyrule gathered"
>Checked outpost ruins
>Checked east post
>Double Checked Kolomo Garrison Ruins
>Checked Scouts hill
>Basically running all over Hyrule Field to try and find these things
Have any of my guesses been correct and I've just missed it? Am I even close? Could someone give me a hint as to where it's at, you don't need to straight up tell me. Hell even just telling me the direction would work, it'd help narrow things down a bit.
Why am I randomly being attacked by Yiga clan members? Especially the big ones with the swords?
Have you just started or something? That's what they do. The entire game, any time you travel on roads or anywhere throughout the overworld, you're going to get attacked randomly by Yiga assassins.
Yeah but they aren't NPCs in disguis like they used to be. I was chopping trees and suddnely I'm being attacked by some 8 foot tall banana-fucker with a sword, like the ones in the Yiga camp.
Again, that's what they do. The further your progress in the game, the worse it's going to get. Get used to it kiddo, this is your new normal.
This is fine.
Stupid idiot had the brain to attack me with his dumb sword during a thunderstorm. I didn't have to do shit.
Marin? More like a marine mammal.
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I wished that they worked on the dungeons and bosses more tbqh. They are way too easy, the bosses especially. Shits very anticlimactic
You're opinion is wrong
What is the proper way to deal with flying guardians? I always just end up wasting. Bunch of arrows on them since beam parries miss them half the time.
New thread when?
Gaurdian Arrows!

Also where the fuck is the new thread?
page 10 monkaS
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