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/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 109

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Last thread: >>180965817

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 11.3 (11.4 via system transfer or hardmod)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05 (Userland)
PS3: 3.55

3DS: https://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
b9s + CFW: https://3ds-guide.b4k.co/
Wii U: http://pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Wii: https://sites.google.com/site/completesg/hacking-guide
Vita: https://pastebin.com/D3rMbNQp

[Jun 29] Luma 8.1 has been released, provides small fixes and adds an option to disable exception vectors, among other things. https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/tag/v8.1

[Jun 20] System update 3.0 has been released. PegaSwitch hasn't been patched, but other vulnerabilities have. https://twitter.com/daeken/status/876965449837293570 https://twitter.com/SciresM/status/877069524977106944

[Jun 25] A new release is going to happen soon. https://twitter.com/Tankerbot/status/879047695230529537

[Jun 15] An unstable beta version of Enso has been leaked. http://wololo.net/2017/06/15/ps-vita-hack-henkaku-enso-beta-allegedly-leaked-recommend-not-install/
-An official release is planned for July 27. https://enso.henkaku.xyz/
[Jun 6] HENkaku release 10 received an update. https://henkaku.xyz/changes
[Jun 6] Adrenaline 5 released. https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/Adrenaline/releases
>Switch SDK being leaked still isn't in recent news
SECOND for DS SD Not worth waiting for
also ttsuo
howcome my freeshop wont download stuff?
This, put it in the next one please. It's not only relevant but also interesting. I had a fun time parsing through all of the documents included.
3rd for swapped my Vita motherboard for a 3.60 and now my rear touchpad doesn't work.

Any suggestions?
Because you're retarded and can't read. Fuck off, faggot.
yeah, you're right, I should have added it. it's in my pasta now at least, if I make the next thread it will be there
I don't know. Check literally any thread from the past week.
where does it say how to fix it
>provides small fixes

We need huge, major fixes.
see >>181100886
someone let me know if 8.1 is worth it
cant find anything. thanks for not helping retard
Where's the download link? The original one got taken down

SciresM's was enough. The real problem is Aurora waving his dick around while idiots ask him to piss on their face while they praise him for being a tranny
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You shouldn't call other people retarded because of your inability to read.
8.1 is fine, just like the nightlies and SciresM's build.
there is literally nothing that helps me in the pastebins
You were told to check recent threads though. You did not follow instructions and therefore cannot claim that we were not helpful. In fact, your question was answered in the thread immediately before this one, which hasn't even died yet.
>We need huge, major fixes.
Looking at the changelog it appears 8.1 addresses nearly everything that people have complained about in 8.0
i cant check the previous threads because i dont know how

how about you just give me the answer instead of wasting my time you troglodyte
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Not only are you nearly illiterate, but you also fail at troubleshooting simple and common problems. I'm surprised you can even breathe.
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This is GBAtemp.
Anyone knows what b9s is needed for luma 8.1? Does it need 1.2 or higher?
8.1 has all the fixes implemented from the nightlies and the exception handler option. So yes.
Every time. Are they talking about the SDK? I downloaded it, of course it's real lmao
kill yourselfnyou fuxking cuntninjust asked fornhelo ans you ebtitled cunt alwaysbhavebtonbe a fucking asshole bcuznu cant answer a simple wuestion because all you do with your life is sit in 4chan thdeads all damn day and get annoyed at the same question butnits actually ur fauly for sitting around infront of your comouywr all daybinstead of doing something good with your life
He's just shitposting, anon. Look at where he's from.
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>nintendo bans my 3ds
>order a new 3ds xl from amazon
>choose same day day delivery
>arrives at my doorstep
>claim it was stolen
>amazon refunds the money
>use that money to buy a vita and 64 gb card
>choose no rush shipping because vita has no games
>arrives at doorstep
>claim it was stolen
>amazon refunds my money
get on my level niggas. and fuck nintendo and sony
You gonna be okay, sport? You shouldn't get so worked up right before bedtime.
somehow this pasta isn't as annoying as before
I don't think anyone has been banned for being signed into PSN on a hacked Vita. I know I haven't. Just as long as you don't do something retarded like sync trophies for digital-only games you haven't bought, or attempt to cheat online, you should be safe.

There's actually a new homebrew for disabling the pre-installed system apps such as Trophies, just as an extra precaution.
Is ever oasis worth the download? I haven't played an RPG in at least 2 years and I've been interested
>is something worth downloading for free
Why ask a dumb question like this?
Someone put a new linjk in the last thread backwards
im actually half asleep and solved my freeshop issue already and it was unrelated to the solution infound from previousnthreads
I purchased it and think it was worth it so yeah I'd say it's worth at least a free download
So I hacked my 3ds a while back, how do I update it?
>wasn't here for lostboy.exe
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Good for you. I hope you learned to not shitpost when you could be researching your issue.
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Read the guide, you cum-eating retard.

yeah rampant douchery instead of helping someone is shitposting too, big guy. enjoy being cancer =)

Might as well tell him to read the stickies to threads that don't exist anymore.
How long ago? Are you on luma? A9LH or B9S?
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Maybe this isn't the place for you, champ.
Meant for
>implyin i cant do both

you are weak
it must be Kamen Rider
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reminder that load ds games from sd card was not worth wating for. get yourself a flashcart instead
Practically everything I want right now is working on TWLoader
fascinating that your taste in DS games matches up perfectly with the 5 or 6 games that run
did you break the rear touchpad ribbon?
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Reminder that the tranny left GBATemp because of the new rule about free speech stopping people from being banned because "they said a mean thing about gays!".So you can't report something for being low key anti LGBTQP
how do I pirate games on my dsi?
DS games: flashcard
DSiware games: It's easier to get a 3DS. Well, I think you can write them to NAND now but that requires a hardmod. I guess you can wait for the new exploit, too.
Not the anon you're replying to, but I'm curious as well.
I have an old acekard 2.1 (non-i) lying around. Do I just set up AKAIO like I would for a regular DS, or do I have to do something special?
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Hey look, this guy is unsure which meme opinion he wants to side with
Sorry if this is a retarded question, it's been a while since I fucked with my 3DS. I'm following https://3ds.guide/a9lh-to-b9s.html and right now I'm on the step on Section IV where I had to copy boot.firm to [1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND, and it states to remove the arm9loaderhax.bin file from there. Am I supposed to do that to the one I have on [0:] SDCARD? Because I do not have that file on [1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND
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>Loves tumblr
Fucking kids I swear
Read the OP or go back.
Try fucking off back to the shithole you came from
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This is some next level idiocy.
Apart from the fact that the answer to that question is obvious (and so are further details if you actually read the entire thing and use some logic), why are you asking us?
You done goofed.
>be a redditor
>ask dumb shit
>get told to fuck off
Why are you guys so rude and unhelpful?
What I don't understand is that if they love reddit so much, why the fuck don't they go there for help?
Haha you've been TUX'd!
and none of this would have happened if you read the op and didn't install luma updater like the dumb redditor you are!
You're as dumb as a redditor then, since you couldn't figure out that installing garbage isn't a good decision.

>I read OP
Yeah, now. There's something you didn't do.
>titlekeys.gq still not available over HTTPS
at least the port is open now, even if it errors out instead of connecting. think it might get fixed at some point
What is this falseflagging meme? OP makes 8.1 sound basically fine.
Please notice us titlekey senpai.
Where the fuck is the Switch SDK link?
Are you retarded? It's not about 8.1

I heard the Switch has been hacked? How do I hack it now for free games like I did my 3DS?
What is an SDK exactly and how does it help for people to hack the system (switch)
Does anyone have the order form for the Switch that they can take a picture of? What's the price.
It hasn't.
Are you? Follow the quotes and hit the sack.
Whatever happened to those 3ds bans? Still happening or?
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The guides are identical
One of the posts you replied to was mine, you dumb fuck.
So with the Switch SDK being hacked, what does this imply? White-hat homebrew only?
Even if they were (they aren't you retard) it wouldn't matter. What matters is that they didn't read the OP and are asking us instead of asking the people they're getting their links from.

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>tfw I have a problem and scan last thread and the guides on OP
>resolves without anoying anons
It's a good feeling, but having no one to say thank you, thank you all.
>read OP!!!
>OP, who sucks many cocks, unquestionably forgot to reference SDK
You're welcome!

How is that related to the conversation?
How long until we hear something, bro?
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Thank yourself, anon, for not shitting up the thread with begging.
We're already hearing stuff, but I wouldn't expect piracy too soon.
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I meant stuff like being able to patch games with fan translations and coverting save files in monster hunter, web browser, media streaming etc.. I don't pirate Nintendo games and haven't pirated a PC game since I got a job 6 years ago
wtf, did I just brick myself
I was following the A9LH to B9S guide and after the B9S installation my 3ds rebooted and now won't turn on
pressing the power button gives just a short blue flash on the LED
help me
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is overrated garbage that does not deserve the recognition and dedicated time it has or has had. At least it had no budget, though.
>did I just brick myself
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Will probably come along with piracy.
You're cool.
good for you man, you're a rare sight around here, you're a non-retard. I should thank you
Explain that to its wide recognition, bish.
haha epic
so what do I do?
The SD must be loose inside.
it is not
"Anonymous post /vg/181110197" is overrated garbage that does not deserve the recognition, budget and dedicated time it has or has had.
You boot.firm is corrupt or invalid if your using luma.Replace it with a fresh download.
>tfw fell for the circle pad pro meme
could it be because my Luma is outdated?
*You're,damn i need to go to bed soon
You could do better.
should have just bought a new 3ds
Congratulations, you managed to make it worse lmao
>be me
>region change my N3DSXL from EUR to JPN even though the guide warns me I can't use the eshop of NNID afterwards
>read through reports, nobody reporting working NNID and eshop after region swap
>go ahead and region swap
>add a few steps of my own to the process
>holy fuck I can make an NNID
>holy fuck streetpass mii plaza is updating
>holy fuck the eshop works
>one week later
>try to bring it to people's attention on leddit because devs lurk there
>long detailed post including a picture
>some faggot denies my post because "It's a noob support question, go ask in the help thread instead"

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>on leddit
here's your problem
next question?
Go back, fucktard
Here's the mirror of the Switch SDK for those curious.
Stop being so entitled.
[tech support] [issue with external software] [drama]
locked and limited conversation to collaborators
back to tumblr, you flaming faggot
I'm a fucking idiot.

>reddit xd
>tumblr xd

There he is. There he goes again. Every night this guy going on and on about his mad-on for reddit. Ever since school got out. When do you go back?
Wahey guys! I am a new member to this side and was redirected from gbatemp (Any of you know this site?) Anyway, I have access to the Switch SDK and was wondering if any of you guys wanted to collab on some neat white-hate homebrew stuff. Do you guys have a discord or snapchat?
I like it here better.
fuck off, sjw.

hah sorry, I am not a hater or anything, I love everyone equally. Sorry for typo
How about you go back instead?
SDEV is the chunky one right?

>set of 5 rewritable carts for putting your test builds on is 230 yurobux
goddamn, why so expensive? Can't I just stick my test builds on the internal mem/SD card like 3DS and then install them like any other app?
you sound cute
even though discord and snapchat are shit
I won't be able to collaborate with you though
Why is that? I heard that you guys are the best bunch around when it comes to stuff like this? Also, I am a guy, please don't say that I am cute haha
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I take comfort in knowing your courseload will whisk you away from this place.
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that only makes you sound even more cute than before
Joke's on you, I'm a neet and I'm here all day, every day
Real talk.

What are vghe best emulators for vita . can golden axe revenge of death adder be played yet.
And what the hell is the trick for picodrive to see my final fight CD bin and cue file.
How Does neogo CD do under vita?
UMM what is going on here...X)
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Only a few are. I hope I'll get good one day, right now I'm worthless. Also you are cute.
I just don't want to hear about reddit every night. It's really bad enough sharing a timeline with it.
Haven't followed the 3ds scene since 11.3 came out. Anything I need to do or need to know?
And yet you're fine with redditors posting here. Fuck off.

Post pics of your body.
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How do you know? I haven't posted a picture of me. You guys are weird. Am I in the right place?
>You guys are weird. Am I in the right place?
Yes. Now post pics and make us fap.
>implying the hobo wouldn't join in as soon as they're distracted
>How do you know? I haven't posted a picture of me.
Are you, by any chance, underestimating me? I hacked the 4chan servers to send a virus to anyone who replies to my posts.
Whenever you give that information away, do it with the nickname "RedditIsForFaggots" as credit.

That way when the news gets around to their shithole, you'll have a nice message for them
Is it a cute virus?
Kill yourself OP.
Why are you assuming I'm OP?
You know why.
I don't want to be that guy, but literally pastebin.

Follow the 3DS guide in the pastebin, there's a new thing called b9 which is a way better and easier to set up version of A9LH and the new updates of Luma are only compatible with it, so
No, I do not, which is why I asked.
So what was the deal with loading DS games from an SD card? Why was it not worth waiting for?
Because flashcards are cheap as fuck.
I found two of them yesterday in my things and didn't knew I had.
because it doesn't work well and technical complications ensure it will never work well
Is that it? I wasn't really waiting for it, there's maybe 4 DS games I want to play, preferrably on my 3ds. is there limited compatibility or something, or do they all work fine?
Do you enjoy games that didn't have loading times before taking ages to load? If no, then buy a flashcard.
flashcards are $50 where I live and I don't want to wait upwards of 8 weeks to get one delivered from china
What backwards ass shithole do you live in?
the land of overpriced electronics
Sorry mate, I can't tell.
The first one that I found and tested worked on my 3DS, I am playing Castlevania OoE on it just fine.

Sorry anon, I don't know, but I see every now and then other anons talking about and the price ranges from $10 to $15 new.
think of nintendont when it first released and being really shit that's what you get
the difference is that Nintendont could and did get better.
The hardware issues regarding nds-bootstrap will always be present.
Order one from china for 15$ then bitch about it for two more months. Problem solved.
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For reference, these is the ones that I found.
They are very old, I presume and at least one of them is doing fine.
But I want it NOW
Plus I don't trust buying stuff from places like gearbest because if it dies a week later it'll take 8 weeks to send it back and another 8 weeks for them to send a replacement
I own an acekard 2.1, but it doesn't look like I can use it unless I downgrade to 4.2, unless the information I've read is very outdated. I'm on 11.4 with b9s.
it's $12-15. Buy two or three, which is the same price as a DS games, and don't worry about it, cheapo.
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>install luma 8.1
>now EUR Dragon Quest VIII stopped working
what do? I don't want to start over on a USA cia
disable exceptions like the guide told you to
Will do. it holds some weight to it.

Fuck you, I just downloaded that and all that's in it is a 7GB file named 'file'.
Run this in the folder holding the file `file`:
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -K 44D43712E2450B6D4C076A419532C2E7B6F2376CE34D292F722F739FEE4D544F -iv 360F6D4E54893B56086297FD49893A09 -in file -out archive.zip

Takes a fair while to decrypt
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>updated to 8.1
>installing all games via fbi
>still schrödinger mode
>can't freeshop anymore
i'm the complete opposite of comfy right now. how do I bring back that level of comfy I had during the 10.2 days?
anything past luma 7.1 is bugged.

dont even know why people updated past 11.2 desu.

b9s add nothing that al9h already had to offer.

Updating to the latest thing isn't always the best (see utorrent, ps3 firmware, etc, etc)
First of all find out if you're banned, by putting it off you've effectively banned yourself.
Even at it's worst it was still better than that drm bullshit whatshisface implemented for their gamecube loader.
I don't care if it did the audio properly making us use the discs was just shit.
It's been years and i'm still mad.
>using tranny cfw
If this actually happened, modmail /r/3dshacks.
Be very afraid of piracy not happening. They've been really thorough this time around.

>it [...] has stopped playing cartridges saying it needs to check license online
Presumably tickets are now checked online. You can kiss a lot of methods goodbye already.
>using any cfw at all
>not being an og sky3ds master racer
It's like they don't want me to buy a switch at all.
If you're not also buying games, then no, they don't want you to buy a Switch.
how long until switch hax?
so just rip and boot the .roms?
Should I update my Luma or just stick to the 8.0 SciresM fix?
Cart images also have tickets now, like the Wii U... except unlike the Wii U, they seem to be unique per cart.
I see. but the binaries were leaked. all you'd have to do is disable the check.
3 years
We don't know how that works yet. Maybe you can patch the ticket check out, maybe you can't without breaking at least online play.
how do I update Luma? just copy the new boot.firm? the luma updater app doesn't work
I can't imagine many of us paying for online anyway.
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We need a massive genocide for people like him.
This. I'm not getting scammed by that shit.
I have a old 3ds with 10.3 emunand and 9.2 sysnand, what I need to do to transfer emunand to sysnand and install boot9s?
You need to read the guide.
Remeber how the 3DS was completely hacked years ago and was a complete failure, while the wiiu didn't have piracy until last year and had a fantastic run?
>Do you want to enable downloading boot.firm on CTR-NAND
what did it mean by this?
>people on this very planet that still believe piracy is mainstream, and not some niche shit that less than 1% of consumers even bother with
over 64M 3ds sold worldwide. do these shitheads really think a large chunk of that is pirates? I would not be surprised to find out that less than 200,000 people are running CFW. if this is true, how would that small of a number hurt software sales?

>no one bought code name: STEAM
>"hurr durr, pirates have killed another IP"
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Anyone here know what the xml wavetype numbers for theme background parameters on the Vita is? I've tried simply counting left to right but the results are completely unpredictable (eg. wave number 07 is actually 27, 23 is actually 26.)
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This actually happened.
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But fuck their attitude, they allow memes and thank you posts, i had something good to offer them but they can eat a dick
He probably misread that as a question on how you made that happen.
Keep in mind they get about 60 posts a day, it's easy to make a mistake on link-only posts.
nice try
nah fuck them
I included another paragraph explaining myself, offerinf to answer questions, not walk people through it and turn out it doesn't work for them, i made my intentions very clear.
I see no paragraph there.
Deleted it earlier today, thinking I was deleting the post. Just deleted it now.

>I explained it shouldn't work but for me it does
>I knew people would be skeptical, so I offered photos of anything that could confirm my happy accident
>I offered to answer any questions
Found the problem
I have a question about updating from a9lh to b9s.
So I've completed the guide and now my console runs fine on b9s but there are still leftover files from a9lh.
My question is - which of these files can I delete safely OR do I even need do delete those files if the console boots just fine.
there's a huge image in a section at the end of the guide telling you what you can delete
not this guy

I just updated to b9s and I'm wondering if it is safe to update to 11.4. I can't use the mystery gift feature of Pokemon Sun even if I use ctr-httpwn
Everything was working fine with luma 8.0 and 8.1 without disabling exception handlers
Alright, I see. But if I don't delete these files I should still be golden right? By the way that image showed the cias folder missing so I wasn't too sure if I should make my own SD look exactly like that.

I just updated to b9s and then to 11.4. It's seems to be working fine. Even my old .cias including Freeshop work perfectly. Friendlist and game updates work as well. Haven't checked online play yet but I suspect it should be fine too.
just disable them you retard
exactly what it says m8
does homebrew and ctr-httpwn still work on 11.4?
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>there's still no freeware roguelikes on Switch

Ahhhh fuck yeah. Just changed my title keys update URL and Freeshop is still comfy as ever. This is neat.
>ctr-httpwn still work on 11.4?
Nope. Only 11.3 and down
binding of issac
is there a way to get around the problem of not being able to use online in Pokemon Sun even with the use of ctr-httpwn without updating?

>binding of isaac
pick one
I haven't got the slightest clue what ctr-httpwn is but the Homebrew Launcher I installed along with a9lh is giving me errors.


something failed :<"
>binding of issac
Something happened :(
didn't you update the homebrew launcher while updating to b9s?
I didn't, the guide didn't mention this at all.
>What you need
>The Homebrew Starter Kit
>Copy the contents of starter.zip to the root of your SD card
And that's exactly what I did. I've copied and overwritten the entire 3ds folder from the starter.zip to my SD
The Binding of Isaac is neither of those things.
Are you on the latest update version of Sun? Last time I played pokemon moon ver 1.2 with firmware 11.3 and ctr-httpwn. Online worked just fine.
So if I did that and the homebrew launcher is still broken for me, what could it mean? I'm sure I followed the guide thoroughly, double checking every step of the way.
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Well through rigorous trial and error I got the relevant ones out. If anyone wants to document it or something. Count them like pic related.

Here is the key: https://pastebin.com/HmiYbZsF
Do you have the overclock feature in luma option on? The clock+l2 or something like that?
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I'm a memer.
No, I don't. I only checked what was pointed out in the guide.
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what's the absolute contrarian build for the 3ds? if i'm going for the ultimate black sheep setup, what would it look like?
rxtools via mset
No CFW at all, HBL only.
If you must have a CFW, use rxTools. If you want to actually use your system, stick to ReiNand, but then you're getting kinda mainstream again.
*on a downgraded 2ds that's been modified with a see through body
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>Halve the time necessary to take a screenshot
>Fix InputRedirection, C-stick/ZL/ZR redirection works in games too
>tfw you dont need NTR anymore
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>that anon that refuses to upgrade past 7x
8.1 fixes everything, stop being stubborn. do we really need to go through this again, like we did with windows 8?

thumbnail because undeserving of full size perfection.

I'll give it a month to see.
Anyone have Pokemon Eternal X .cia? Preferably the latest version.
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>being happy with 15 sec long screenshots
>still no cheat
>>still no cheat
I just tried it out now and timed it it took ~9-10 seconds
Thats still no acceptable. Ntr does this instantly
>Ntr does this instantly
PROVE me wrong. Ill wait, shitposter-kun
Should I update to 8.1 now? I have 8.0 that SciresM fixed.
Oh sure. 8.1 fixed pretty much everything wrong with 8.0. I personally am staying in 7.1 anyways
Not meant to quote >>181131601
PROVE me wrong. I'll wait shitposter-kun.
With a mini USB capture card built in and modified 360 d-pad
I see. I guess I'll give it a try and go back to the old one or 7.1 if it sucks.
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>faggots arguing and shitposting about time on screenshot
>go full autist and test it myself
>pic related
Result with o3ds xl. Not sure if is different on n3ds
post the titlekey
>1 second
>not 0.01 seconds
Psssh. Is shit and slow. why is lumas scree shot so fucking slow compared to ntr?
i too can go into MS Paint and fake numbers

we need video evidence testing both shitposter-kun
ak2.1 is noncompatible with DSi's. At least for now. Might change with the hack purported to be coming soon.
The fact that you went thos length to falseflags proves either that you know im right or you are hungry for (You) and just pathetically shitpost harder. You can test this yourself, but im sure you knew that already.
>photoshop on o phone
Kill yourself
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>people shitposting about screenshot times
>remember screenshoting a 400x240 screen is a thing
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>a dumb phoneposter at that

That's the new version. 8.0 used to take 30-40 seconds.
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>being this autistic
Is a known fact that ntr takes screenshots nearly instantly while tranny takes 30 sec to 15 if using 8.1. This isn't rocket sciences and you can look this up anywhere.
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are yiffypoo and scrotum the only decent guys in the 3ds scene?
>8.0 use to take 30-40 seconds
Jesus fucking Christ. Then "9" to 12 seconds is a huge improvement for their standards. Was stoping them to make this ntr quick?
and plailect he's cool and idk where any of us would be without him
be sure to go back and edit the text of your post to remove anything they can make use of or claim credit for and then delete it after a day or two so the archiving websites pick up the edited version of your post.
does input redirection require a PC? Can we get some form of circlepad pro for the o2DS now?
>does input redirection require a PC?
>Can we get some form of circlepad pro for the o2DS now?
No games will detect if you have a N3DS/CCP or not
>you will never meet a cute loli
>you will never silently get near to her
>you will never smell her delicious perfume
>you will never get your hand near her trousers
>you will never get told to fuck off by her, while she reveals that she's actually a boy, by showing you his cock
>you will never realize you've tricked yourself
>you will get turned on by this even more
>you will never get your hands near to his trousers again
>you will never pull his 3ds out of his pocket and mock him for running rxTools 3.0
Can anyone tell me how Open PS2 Loader handles multi-disc games?
>>still no cheat
Technically wrong. Learn to use gdb, faggot.
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Shota is great. I'm probably more of a shotacon than a lolicon and thats saying a lot, but loli has much better art/doujins and more of them
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Just realized that the loli thread on /a/ was in another tab and this is /hbg/. My bad
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The fuck is wrong with you.
>be me
>stand around waiting for the bus
>some autist gets near to me
>he probably thinks I'm a girl
>show him my cock while telling him to fuck off because he's a retard
>fuck, my cock turned him on even more
>what the fuck do I do he's getting near to me now
>takes my 3ds out of my pocket
>start blabbing some nerd shit
>he didn't even care about fucking me despite how cute I am, just his retarded nerd shit
>run away while he's distracted
You guys are weird.
They work like separate games.
CPP doesn't even work with Luma's input redirection. The only way to use C-stick/ZL/ZR with it is if you have a n3DS.
Is this the part where i ask what that is and you won't tell me about it?
It technically doesn't. You have to make use of the pre switch save points and reload the console. Make sure your vmc is shared as well and not game specific.
Read the Luma changelogs, use a search engine, download the version specific for the 3DS and Luma 8, read the manuals/use a search engine again to find the commands you want.
It might take a while at first but you'll figure it out.
What is the significance of the Switch SDK being leaked? What does this honestly mean?

3DS and Wii U tier modding for the Switch? Eshop and everything?
Apparently so.
Gnu DeBugger
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>Want to buy a New 3DS (Non XL)
>Everything is either over priced or used

What are the odds of the used one being someone's failed attempt at hacking the thing?
Wait for new 2ds

So whats the big deal then

Looks ugly and that's a month away
because now devs dont have to risk bricking their console if they have code they want to try out.
only devs should care to get more information about how the system works

public/pirating hacks won't be for years if ever
It looks ugly. It also looks better than all of the other 3DS models.
ugly but giant screen, prob less battery and cheaper
cause all hacks go from nothing to 3ds tier
its a start
>public/pirating hacks won't be for years if ever

Same thing was said for every console that got hacked
>if ever
Hey now, try not to say dumb shit.
okay cool, still no ETA on hacks

pic related
That's not a Nintendo console. Nobody gives a shit about that thing.
>all these hoops just to make 1 thing work
Yeah ill stick to ntr for cheats as usual instead of wasting time learning something that ill probably use twice every blue moon. Dont blame you fags for knowing how this work inside and out but is not my cup of joe

I don't want the giant form factor. I want the pocket size

I'll take the risk
wtfs the point
everything is on ps3/pc
>luma has new feature that forces you to learn debugging skills
>b-b-but I don't want to learn!
stop acting like a spoiled little kid and get good
>okay cool, still no ETA on hacks
Brazil wants to have a word. There was actually something in Brazil a long time ago, it wasn't as much as hacking but a game copying exploit, but sony sued the guys and it got shut down very quickly
Jokes aside, I guess Rosalina could get cheat plugins like NTR in the future.

>everything is on ps3
hahah, lol and meme.
Have fun wasting time on that.
>hahaha learning is for nerds! xD
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I get bad certification errors whenever I try to install any game or update CIAs anything with FBI and Wrong Title Key errors whenever I try freeShop (yes, I have the latest enc bin). I've tried formatting (system and tiny), changing microSD cards, but the problem persist.

I know it's not a set up issue on my end because not only did I follow the guides, but I performed the exact same set up on another 3DS a day before. The only difference is that the first 3DS isn't banned. The second one is banned, and the ban occurred after the bootstrap installation. (And yes, I turned off the sending system information settings, but I'm sure that shit is a placebo)
it has bloodborne and TLG
what the fuck else
It was supposed to go the other way around.
PS3 has no games, and PS4 doesn't have any either.
ps3 at least stole stuff from ps4 like persona, guilty gear, blazblue, yakuza shit like that and finally got some stuff + idk 3d dot heroes
ps4 got jackshit, everything good is on pc or ps3
You said it. Not me.
How hard is it to repair a 3DS screen? Specifically the bottom one. Anyone here made the attempt? I got a nasty blotch.
Well the work for me begins on the Switch.

Going to spoof a basic save and find entry points from here.
>waving her penis
see you in five hours
How much faster will Switch CFW modding homebrew hacking etc be now that the SDK got leaked?
probably not at all
that stuff is more useful for developing an emulator than anything having to do with the console itself
Yup. They can also find out various things by playing around with code, but at the end of the day they still need a usable exploit first and foremost which the SDK has extremely little to do with.
if you care about these things, you should lurk #cakey desu imo famalamadama
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can i install games on a portable hdd connected to my wiiu without a large SD card?
my pal snatched my 64GB SD card and he wont be back for a week, really wanna play BOTW:/
>use the badge app thing to add costume apps
>nigger just dump all my legit badges just to install them again with the new ones
>everything is disorganized and a cluster fuck now
Fucking epic
>Found an un-updated vita on ebay
>Won the auction
>Put in a note on the transaction explicitly saying "ship at as it is, do not attempt to update the system"
>it arrives
>try to return it
>seller is calling me a scammer

wew lad
I hope you fuck them good anon
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>nintendo bans my Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Oh no wait they didn't because im not a retard who fell for mmmonkey meme
is it just me or has henkaku been getting progressively less stable with each new release?
Or you can just buy a sub-3.60 3G Vita motherboard from AliExpress for $25. They usually don't unlink the accounts either so after you get henkaku you can look in the registry for their password.
How's that RPG coming along?

It's stable as a clean release but i've noticed the update process consistently leaves some shit behind afterwards each time. I've updated like 10 times and each time more shit gets left to gain dust and clog shit up in UX0:
ALRIGHT in case anyone would find it useful to know, I found a fix to this error

In my case it turned out to be an outdated Luma payload. I was running 7.1 but since I updated to 8.1 the homebrew launcher works perfectly again.
How do you completely remove B9S?
About as well as getting the Ever Oasis USA titlekey
Has anyone here modded and downloaded games to their vita using a mac?
How to disable it? Where's the option?
Can someone help me?
My brother updated his 2DS, and now it stuck at a black screen. Is it brinked or can I fix it?
why would you need usa specific titlekey?
Why is luma3ds so slow to take screenshots when NTR is able to stream them at a reasonable rate?

I quickly looked up the code, and it's basically the same as NTR's screenshot routines (I might be wrong).
Basically the same isn't the same as literally.

Also I would imagine rosalina doesn't make the most of the available resources yet.
How can i play the fire emblen dlc without updating to tranny cfw or 11.4
Is there a way to install DLC on a 5.5.1 Wii U by using Loadiine? BOTW Season Pass is out tomorrow and I really wanna know before biting the bullet.
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I hope no one actually buys this
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Hey guys, two questions

What's the biggest SD card you can get for the 3DS? 16GB? 32, 64?

And to transfer is it as easy as cut and paste?
>What's the biggest SD card you can get for the 3DS? 16GB? 32, 64?
256GB since thats the biggest size available now I think. Any size works as long as you format to FAT32
>And to transfer is it as easy as cut and paste?
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report them
install dlc like any other game or update
you will probably need to redownload and reinstall the dlc everytime they expand it though
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You mean I can have all the 3DS games ever released?
the home screen can only hold 300 titles iirc
Alright, thanks for the advice.
How do I put Wii ISOs onto my USB? I keep trying to put Radiant Dawn into my 16 gig USB but it just isn't working. Says the size of the file is too big to transfer.
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>You mean I can have all the 3DS games ever released?
nope. and this isn't even a complete list.
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>its literally out of the box with games on it that have likely been played for hours
>non XL
>launch edition which means old as shit and likely with button damage
>TN panels
>CFW likely cakes or some ancient shit
I literally wouldn't pay $50 for this thing

There's actually a 512GB card, will that do it?
Has anyone managed to remap the input redirection buttons? It works great, but the creator mapped 360 buttons as if they were the same as Nintendo buttons. A=A, etc.
Where da vita downloads at these days? I want to try the new saga but I'm not paying 60 bucks to import a game I might not like.
guess it depends on how small shovelware is, and how many games are actually over 2-3gb. but it wouldn't matter because like above anon said, you're limited to how many you can have on screen. unless there's a way to extend it, you wouldn't be able to have them all.
really? i thought you couldnt format fat32 into something that big

>unless there's a way to extend it
didnt someone make a homebew for that?
>really? i thought you couldnt format fat32 into something that big
You can.
Some things won't let you because fat32 was never really intended for stuff that big. You can still do it with the typical recommended formatters though.

The only other issue is that devmenu and bbm freeze when seeing more than 100GB of available space. That's virtually never a problem these days since there's little reason to use anything over FBI.
Gonna start the Wii U hack using the wiki now, just have a quick question, can I run Zelda BOTW from a normal 16GB USB drive?

Guys, okay what if I get the 1TB SD card? I believe that's currently the biggest one

I'm not sure if it's out yet though
is Luma 8.1 safe?
ok i'll update
you wont even be able to play every game you install on it

the 3DS can only hold 300 digital titles including the ones already installed.
Works just fine, I didn't encounter a single error.
not enough space.
Crap, how big is it? Would a 32GB be enough?
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I don't know if anyone would know or not, but I have a question. So, like an idiot I had used my main PSN account on my 3.60 Vita used for pirating games, and obviously, trophies sync. Now, I haven't used that account on the Vita since last year and I changed accounts on the Vita a while ago, but there are 4 pirated games that show up in my trophies list when I looked through the PlayStation website.

I can sign into the account on the PS website so I don't think it's banned or anything yet, but here's where my concern comes in. That account has a digital copy of Bloodborne that I would like to play again on a new PS4, would it be safe to sign into that account on the PS4? Or should I not risk it? I don't want the console banned as it's my brother's PS4.
There are no reports of bans for Vita piracy, not even with synced trophies.
32GB should be fine. I think after all updates it's like 18GB.
next week i'm going to mod my 3ds with 3ds.guide

I already hacked both my wii and wii u, so I get the gist of what I'm supposed to do BUT

what sd would you personally suggest? both kind AND size?

also, the guide naturally leaves this out, but once you install everything where do you actually get your games?

utik spoiled me
In that case, I have a sideways-related question which you may know (or not):
Does anything tie a 3DS to a specific Micro SD card? If I want to just move all my files over to a bigger Micro SD, is it enough to copy them over through Windows or whatever?
16 is okay
32 is better
Anything more is extra
guide is 3ds-guide.b4k.co read the OP
freeshop, ciangel, sites for cias
Yes. The only exception I know if is if you use emunand, at which point you'd also have to extract and move the hidden nand partition that's stored on the card. Most people don't bother with emunand these days though.

So, I should be safe to use that account on the PS4? I just want to be extra sure as I don't want to risk somebody else's console getting banned.
Yeah I've always used a9lh/bullshit9 so I guess it's okay then
Anyone have anything to report on Luma 8.1? Is it safe to update?

It's likely to be safe but there are no guarantees.
just updated
breathing mustard gas as I type this
avenge my dea--
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I use 32gb and think it's enough. From time to time I do fill up the space and have to delete something I already played or delete games I've hoarded and never played (you can always redownload though), but even if I didn't I don't think I'd reach over 40GB, so getting a bigger card doesn't make sense to me.
If you truly want to hoard or never delete games, then 64gb is the play.

As for installing games, Freeshop in general is pretty okay for games that are out. It uses an online database for downloading them. It's more convenient and what you'll probably use most of the time.
Also install FBI to install non-games(like Freeshop itself and other homebrews) and game leaks and such things that take a while to appear on Freeshop. For this you'd have to manually download the installable file of the game (.cia format from various sites) and put it in your 3ds for FBI to install them (or remote install via ftp). I'm sure the pastebin includes more detailed info on the matter, so be sure to check it out.
Does anyone know when the new BOTW dlc update drops?
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The Miitopia demo is not showing up for me on Freeshop.
Also, is it safe to update to luma 8.1 yet?
Tomorrow. 3.7gb for lowly poorfags.
Minimum 32, but I'd go with 64.
So what's currently possible with Switch exploits?
Has there even been a report of a system crash?
If we're talking homebrew: nothing

But it seems like the hackers are really in turbo mode on this one. I mean, they already dumped the sysmodules. Now they've got the SDK which will make developing something like a homebrew channel way easier.

Of course they need to actually hack it into executing custom code.
>The Miitopia demo is not showing up for me on Freeshop
then fucking go into the eshop and download it, its a fucking demo
>Nintendo has been uploading and collecting crash dumps since day one

Nintendo knows about exploits as they're being found.
How do I play ever oasis? When I load it it says an error has occurred
Found this on Google when looking up what the hecking shit a 'megazarf' file is and why there's a 6GB one in the SDK. It's an internal SDK quick start manual.

http://archive.is/2KfuW - Title Page
http://archive.is/gBzIj - 1: Introduction
http://archive.is/S3zkl - 2: SDEV Operating Environment
http://archive.is/Ikd83 - 3: Preparing the SDEV
http://archive.is/Wbymq - 4: Preparing Nintendo Dev Interface
http://archive.is/Kpyar - 5: Preparing NintendoSDK
http://archive.is/niKEs - 6: Initializing the SDEV
http://archive.is/bwKst - 7: Preparing the JOY-CONs
http://archive.is/dB4tR - 8: Building and Running NX Applications (For Developers)
http://archive.is/1P4hS - 9: Running NX Applications (For Non-Developers)
http://archive.is/2SJiz - Revision History
Going to the eshop deletes DLC and updates.
zarf and megazarf are just renamed zip files. They're used by the NDI installer to install the SDK.
Only if you had legit DLC for that game beforehand.
Ever Oasis has region lock which isn't surpassed by CFW alone, you need to enable the game patcher.
> O3DS/2DS
> No CFW
> HBL, but only to launch emulators
> Sky3DS+ card
> Black theme
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delete this general
Are the new DLC files for Zelda up on Nintendo';s servers yet?
Wow, that was quite the faggot indeed.
No matter where you go on 4chan, it's always full of "illegal" stuff.
USB loader GX doesn't seem to want to load for me? It just shows the loading screen and goes right back to the wii homescreen. Any possible fixes?
>everyone there is an unhelpful faggot

fucking how? literally everything you need is in the OP
How time flies
It's 66M according to nintendo.
>someone ask something that isnt in thr OP
>hurdur check OP
>inssues to shitpost about it
Let us not kid ourselves. We shitpost more that we answer any question that isnt on the OP
It worked, thanks dude
The thing is, if is not on OP chances are the answer is in the thread.
See >>181109637
Case in point. There are special situations when people need help and can't get answers from the OP.
Bump. I have it on the Wbfs format btw. I'd change it to Fat32 to see if I have better luck with that but wii games can't even beware downloaded on that format.
Documenting answers should be the second objective on top of keeping the core stuff updated in the OP. The more it happens, the farther away to the solution everyone is.
wbfs is both a file format and a partition type.
The file format is fine, the partition should be converted to fat32, there are tools to do this.
Check your cios installation it probably doesn't like what it sees, and try the other usb port, it matters.
Also if you're going back to the homescreen you have infact installed a forwarder, not usb loader gx itself which uses other programs to launch like a forwarder or the homebrew channel.
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This I agree.
Sometimes an error not covered on OP is aswered in every thread, this sould be added.
zeldo dlc when
The problem is people get super autistic about changing shit in the OP, even when it's beneficial.
only when brap of the weld releases
The dates are a useless change, and you all know it.
You mean that situation where someone has the same problem that comes up 100 times every thread and can't be assed to read?
Case in motherfucking point.
Yeah, can't get every idiot and autist happy around here.
I say, cater to the idiot, this is why the HBG is for, discussing homebrews, not discussing about discussions on homebrews.
I have a WiiU, a Vita, a Vita TV and a 3DS.
Sometimes I am away from the scene for one plataform for a while because I am playing something.
The dates don't subtract anything, it just add.
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Not an argument.
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Final Fantasy 3 ain't running on my R4i. Other games work fine, but with FF3 it just shows company logos and then nothing but a black screen. anyone know a decent fix for this?
Bad dump, maybe?
Tried other rom?
Thanks dude, having a bit of trouble finding out what to use to partition it, but I should be fine. Your help is very much appreciated, been meaning to get this done months ago.
Try patching with this tool:
(or look for anty piracy bypass cheats if your flashcard supports such thing)
>is luma 8.x safe?
No, as long as they dont have a version without that half tested poor mans NTR, its going t obe shit and you'll be risking your SD card.
DOes it come with an english language option?
There are a lot of bad and unclean dumps for the DS. Luckily, there are dedicated people creating patches. Get the CRC32 of your game and try patching it.

Works on my machine.
Where can I get software for R4i-gold V1.4?
The link on the official site is dead
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Alright, sooo...
Yeah, tried like 3 different dumps. The one from emuparadise started showing a cutscene, but then froze up and started looping.

Alright, I'll give that a try. Thanks.

Nice meme.
Still downloading, I couldn't find a fast link.
I'll report back once I've installed it.
>no emunand anywhere
>no rxtools
>no cfw besides luma
Tranny detected. Do not vote.
The wii backup manager program will do a good job of managing all your games afterwards.

A copy of that is also on filetrip, great tool.
This isn't tech support general though. And even in this thread there are posts trying to help others. Newsflash though, it isn't a requirement.
'cuz nobody gives a shit about ancient hacks
I've downloaded Dragon Quest 7 .cia through cdn-fx. I've an old3ds with bootstrap9 and latest luma.
When I launch the game, I get an error regarding game card being removed and the console reboots.
What can I do?
>The one from emuparadise
Works on my machine.
Running DSTT with YSMenu and a pretty up-to-date cheat.dat. Save patching cheat to prevent save corruption is on.
Get on my level scrub.
That helps out a bit. Maybe I just need to update the software on the card, haven't done so since I got this card back in November last year.
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Is Luma 7.1 compatible with b9s 1.2 or only with the rushed 1.0 release?
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>mfw switch hax possibly as fast as this year
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Post link my man. I want to check that shit too
Just because Yellows8 and co are making progress hacking it doesn't mean us lowly plebians will see anything from them. It's gonna be a couple years before hacks leak out from their circle.
Is this nigger fucking allergic to Gdrive or MEGA christ sake.
Case in point, those fags had bootrom/b9s since 2015. Meanwhile they watched us fuck around with MSET and eventually a 30% success rate MenuHax.
Downloding. Where was this even posted anyways? Is not on 3dsiso or chaos.

Seems like it.
Using filecloud. Is taking me 15 mins with my 1.2 mb download
>all those faggots who're working on switch's hax will probably have one by end of this year
>while we'll have to entertain ourselves for like two years with a tweet saying "we'll release the hack when the exploits are patched :^) "
Is there any reason not to update to 11.4?
The only reason not to update is if you're using a Gateway.
No. Not really unless you use something like badge arcade, which you could just download badges and install or pokebank, which again. You could use the infinitely superior PKSM
Fucking shit. How to cia this shit?
Can't be fucked using ctrhttpwn anymore. Anyone know if using the old frakenfirmware method of updating CVER etc still works?
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I've seen people running apps directly from the HBL to avoid getting banned by Ninty, but won't they still see the HBL being used? Am I missing something?
If you launch it through something other than the .cia the console still believes you're in the previous app I think.
>read how it works
>is done with the 3ds itself
Well fuck me. This became easier
Can be done on your pee see with 3dsconv.
No English option. They cheaper out.
is there any site still carrying wii ISOs?
looking for pandora's tower, possibly the undub mod
hoping for a plebeian hero to save us all
Apparently it can be done with Godmode9 with your 3ds alone
Well at least we know it works then.
Pls :(
My brother hasn't updated his CFW since November because he lost his SD card to some faggot. How can I get it working again?
Remember what he was using and recreate it.
also, is the last story worth playing without online?
what do i do if wup says i have an invalid signature?
Run haxchi first
What the fuck are "exception vectors" and why was it such a big deal?
they point to the code the console is supposed to run when an error occurs

Luma's are a lot less permissive than Nintendo's and led to a lot of crashes
Sounds like a bad .cia file. Reinstall it using FBI's remote install with a QR from title keys.
Oh, thanks! I take that the recommended setting is to turn them off so the consoles falls back to the default error behaviors?
Is this a good flashcart?
Yes, don't enable that shit.
It's a generic r4 clone. You get what you pay for.
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No use
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What am i supposed to do with this?
Meanwhile on /t/
You haven't installed haxchi properly, follow a guide.
You're fucking delusional, the ones behind the hacks are yellows and plutoo, good luck expecting anything from these attentionwhores at a reasonable time.
Try mocha
Have sex with said faggot in exchange for the SD card.
Uhh... have you tried ctrl + z?
Ended up installing through mocha, i'm guessing that i'll need to run it only on mocha or it'll crash...?
You need CFW to run non-disc games, yes.
3DS and not Nintendo 3DS? There's nothing important in there anyway.
So far only mk8 did so, after getting DLCs
Zelda runs a-ok
does anybody have the amiibo_keys.bin file? Everywhere refers to a pastebin that doesn't exist anymore.
I can't seem to link my HHD save to my ACNL one (ACNL is on cartbridge, HHD is pirated)
>does anybody have the amiibo_keys.bin file?
Could you upload it somewhere or post it somewhere so I can also have it?
I have only these two: key_locked-secret.bin, key_unfixed-infos.bin.
so it's not one file then? That's odd. https://gbatemp.net/threads/proofofconcept-alpha-thenaya-tagmo-for-3ds.475870/ says it needs to be one file.
So does anyone need Radiant Historia to be uploaded as a .cia or someone already did it?
Well, the two files I have are for TagMo. I guess it was changed for the homebrew app?
and that's where I'm stuck. Does that one file contain both keys, or what am I looking for?
Glad I have been learning moon runes. Hope this isn't so advanced but considering it's a teens game, I guess it shouldn't be.
Going by the forum, yes.

>Yes you need to concatenate the two sets of keys together (order does not matter).
Oh, I didn't even know someone was finally making this.
Just tried dumping my Wolf Link (the only amiibo I have) and it worked perfectly fine.
Thanks for that, now I don't have to bother to do it on the phone anymore.
the app just freezes for me.
Seems like it has problems on the o3DS using the external NFC reader.
Do you have a n3DS?

Well, it works over here. B9S 1.2, Luma 8.1, Sys 11.4.
I havent turned either of my 3DS's on since the banwave
Just checked

>both consoles not banned
>one had spotpass running, friends can see you are online
>one had spotpass turned off, friends cant see you online
>both used freeshop and CIAngel
>no online games used on either, aside from Animal Crossing on legit carts
Same exact environtment I'm running it on.

N3DSXL B9s 1.2 Luma 8.1 Sys 11.4.
is it safe to update my switch to 3.00 or am i fucking myself over with this sdk leak?
Dunno then.

I should note that I did not try writing anything since the new Zelda amiibo haven't been dumped yet and I don't want to waste the few tags that I've left at home simply for testing.
There hasn't been any announcement about kernel access so far and userland still works on 3.00. Your choice.
Some exploits have been fixed in 3.00 but afaik the primary ones are still there.
Does anybody know why? Can't we link saves in general on a hacked 3ds or is it just these games?
I did put the two files inside 3ds/Thenaya just to keep it tidy.
As for the combined bin file, I used key_locked-secret.bin first when combining it.

Here's the MD5 of it.
448C9AC547C5FE298DF91777C21012B3 amiibo_keys.bin

Otherwise, I dunno.
Make sure the key file is on root and that you created the amiibo folder.
Did you make sure they're the same region?
Thinking of buying a wii u :D

Is it worth buying the 32gb over the 8gb?
Or does it not matter and all u need is a big SD card?

I thought all the webkit userland stuff was fixed in 2.1
A big USB hard drive you mean.
Get a Switch anyway. It has the same games.
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So I copied the files over to the new SD card, and it turns on now. How the fuck do I get FBI and the othet shit back on here?
>wide recognition
Only among its own peer shitty otakus.
Meanwhile Madoka got an Oscar recommendation.
>Our bugs for Switch 2.0-2.3 PegaSwitch work on 3.0. Feel free to update; Homebrew will be safe. (When the time comes)
I want it for backwards compatibility, will get a switch whenever it gets hacked aswell.

But the thing i want to do with the wii u is to place tons of gamecube/wii and some wii u games, smash and kart etc for 4p split screens.

How shall i do this easiest?
Aaah shoot, yeah no they're not. If I keep the save of the wrong one then dl the good version, will I keep my progress?
>Trusting anyone associated with ReSwitched
hashes match, still freezes.
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Fuck, how do I get emunand on this card?
Whatever, nobody's forcing you to update.
So you don't trust SciresM either I assume?
Region change out of Australian 3DS.
Reminder that the switch hacking """scene""" is just a bunch of reddit circlejerkers doing shit in private that they will never release (with source anyway)

Kickass homebrew might happen but piracy will NEVER happen because they're all moralfags.
I honestly dunno then.
Check your paths.
Is the homebrew_launcher v1.3?
Did you disable ARM11 exception handlers in the Luma configuration?

I can't think of anything else then since the setup should be identical.
(Free) 3DS CFW was all moralfaggotry to begin with too.
Anyone with a brain quit caring once knowledge of how easy to fix the ban is
Madoka is shite.
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So game works. If someone wants the .cia either convert the 3ds posted in here or i can upload the .cia. No ENG option
How is that any different to SALT's previous """activities"""?
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So if I want to disguise the HBL as another app, I have to do it every time I start up my 3DS?
Just open it through an app.
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Question. I am buying a n3DSXL with B9S on it. Can I easily do a system transfer from my current n3DSXL to the new one? I am mainly doing it so that I can play my imported copy of MHXX.
Thanks, friends
Because, in the end, we still got stuff like a9lh, an open platform that let anyone use whatever CFW they wanted to patch the home menu for piracy

b9s and the "install what I tell you to or fuck off" movement were just a taste of what's to come, a few years from now we'll have /r/switchhacks and switch.guide, a guide with ads on top, bottom and both sides of the page that explains how to install a closed source "CFW" that could allow for piracy but doesn't beause that's immoral, but it's fine because you can do kickass stuff input redirection and taking screenshots (which only takes 20 seconds! technology is amazing)
>in the end, we still got stuff like a9lh

>poor somali is mad that he MIGHT have to pay for something he enjoys
>radiant historia has DLC
now im wondering what will this be about
>crying about piracy in piracy general
did you misclick on your way to reddit
Can you only update from a9lh to b9s on a New 3DS?

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I mean if I set up, for example, AR Games as my HBL, it 'resets' when I turn off my 3DS and no longer opens up the HBL when I turn it back on. I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or I'm doing something wrong.
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So, probability of having pirate games on Switch?
A few story dlc, original DS portraits, some expensive bracelet and another thing. Ya know, typical milking game
Where's the guide for A9lh?
press select while the 3ds turns on
Right. O3DS, as you may suspect, got left in the cold. AGAIN.
Please Repond
You can do it on O3DS too, just follow the guide.
stop bullshitting anon or i'll tell Aurora to never play with you again!
Worth updating luma to 8.1 from 7.05?
Thanks, anon!
So there are mods for unofficial online play with CFW, will this keep you from getting banned with pirated games? Because a concern of mine with bans n stuff is not being able to play online with my pirated games.

What can you do with a private server for like, MH or Fantasy life?
If I system transfer a Luma O3DS that hasn't been turned on since before the ban wave to a unhacked N3DS, will the newly transfered N3DS be hit by a ban wave in the future?
I've been using the public seed since I've been banned and it's still ok. Just take the L if you are banned.
I hacked my 3ds a few months ago with the 3dsguide, it's running 11.2. It's prompting me to update to 11.4 which I've been declining. Is it safe to update to 11.4 and if not, is it still possible to play ad-hoc multi-player (tetris, and Mario kart 7 mostly) without the update?
Can someone dump the tickets for RPG Maker Fes (U) updates and DLC? Not the game, asking for that would be too much (and theres already a CIA)
How is there still no way to get the US version of Ever Oasis? Not on 3DSTitlekeys and not on 3DSiso, all I see are links the the EU one. I mean, I suppose I can just get the EU version, doubt theres much of a difference if one at all I guess.
there was a google drive link 3 or 4 threads ago. I've been playing it with no issue on my U console without having to make a txt file or whatever other nonsense you normally have to do
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thank you my niggas
Import a JP model and change the region.
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>western release is in "early 2018"
>still no way
>us cia was up in less than 24 hours after the eu cia
You being unable to read and do simple searches is nobody's fault but your own
For some reason I didnt see a point in checking anywhere outside the stuff thats mentioned in the pastebins but yes I know, should have just googled it.
desu my path is just SD:\3ds\Thenaya\*.3dsx and *.smdh or whatever the other file is. I'm using the 1.3 launcher, but I also tried the boot.3dsx for changing the titleid with luma. I did disable arm11 exception handlers in the luma config.
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I'm currently on b9s 1.2 and Luma3DS 8.0. Should I update to 8.1, or instead revert to the 1.2 build of 7.1?

If the latter, how would I go about doing so? I can't find any info on dowgrading Luma in the guide, despite it recommending 7.1.
8.1 fixed the large majority of 8.0's problems. Haven't encountered any errors yet.
Would I just use LumaUpdater or update the files manually?
Don't use LumaUpdater anymore, it doesn't work properly and whoever is in charge of it still hasn't fixed it. Just update yourself, its one file.
Sick, thanks. It's been a while.
How would I go about editing a GBA cia on my 3DS? I wanna give myself a couple levels so I don't need to grind, but I dunno how to do it. The only thing I've edited are my Pokemon games and New Leaf.
I honestly don't know then. Try grabbing the latest boot.3dsx for homebrew and placing it into the root of your SD.
Also, if you want more compatibility from your amiibo_keys.bin change the order in there. Like this it will also work with AmiiBomb, just a heads up.

45FD53569F5765EEF9C337BD5172F937 AmiiBomb\amiibo_keys.bin


Also, I don't really know if this could be the reason, did you dump the dspfirm.cdc (should be in the 3ds folder) while you were configuring your system?
Im following the guide to move my emunand into sysnand and im not sure which files i need. Is nand.bin enough or do i need other files?
Read the guide.
Where can I download it?
Game is somewhat playable if you already played the vanilla. Even has a mode for those who did
I tried doing this already. When I try to load the app up (or any homebrew, really), it just flashes and brings me back to the homebrew channel. I also can't even exit out.
We have a Downloads pastebin, you know.
I don't know then. I've the exact same setup as you and also the same boot.3dsx as you and it works.
oh well. I have an amiiqo anyway. Just wanted an easier way of doing it.
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So i'm following the guide to go from a9lh to b9s and i already safely installed it, however there's a skippable section that says "move emunand to sysnand", thing is i don't remember having ever used emunand but just to have everything merged in one single partition i booted godmode9 to move emunand to sysnand and i don't see the [E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL partition the guide mentions anywhere, all i have is this:

[0:] SD CARD

Is it safe to say that i don't have emunand and that i've been doing everything from sysnand? IIRC when i first hacked my 3ds i remember the guide mentioned i couldn't boot without the sd card inserted because it loaded the emunand from there and all i'd get was a blackscreen but i tried booting without sd just now to doublecheck and it boots normally, the only odd thing i noticed was that the luma config menu popped up (i enabled game patching and show in system settings like the guide said) and that i didn't have FBI, jksm, freeshop, my games etc, but i guess that's normal because everything is in the sd card.
One last thing, if you have any leftover payloads for HBL on your SD card, remove them all. They're not needed anymore and just fuck things up.
>I have never used emunand, why can't I see the emunand partition????

I swear you people LITERALLY do not have a brain
I said i don't remember, i could be wrong though since i've never turned my 3DS without the SD card, unscrewing the backplate is a hassle.
How big is radiant historia? 1.1Gb?
yeah, I don't have any of those. If you want a comparison to what it does, this is what it does for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFHfNXwRzZw except I'm running the latest boot.3dsx.
I was about to play it and then I saw there was going to be a remake, same with strange journey based atlus
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So I booted up my arm9 11.2 N3ds after ages and system updated it. Now it stays on a black screen when I try to boot it. If I try to boot it without the sd card the blue light just flashes. How badly did I fuck up or can I just copy some files and revert to an old back up?
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I forgot this.
>it's not actually bigger
Out of the loop, I have a PS3 on a newer firmware, can't say it's the newest, but it's definitely not 3.55.

What are my downgrade options? I have no need to ever go on PSN with this PS3 ever again so I may as well throw CFW on it. I see a whole bunch of sites with some form of software downgrade which smells like a crock of shit.
what's your ps3 model?
if its 2500 model or lower then look into E3 flasher or Teensy.
if its 3000 model or higher then CFW is off limits, using a modchip like E3 ODE or Cobra ODE works but involves soldering and it's kinda hard to find them now.
To dump the save for GBA VC games you need to save, reboot into godmode9, and take the save file from the NAND, since it's only available in RAM after being accessed.
Open the save in whatever save editor you use on PC, and replace it the same way.

I forget the exact steps but that should at least help.
It's a 25xx, so I know it's downgradable. Between the two options which is cheaper? I'm not afraid of some soldering, but the less I need to do the better, naturally.
flasher downgrade is your best option
do you mean E3 Flasher?
Honestly it's worth waiting for if you use an emulator on pc in the meantime if needed since a lot of games look better that way anyway.
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no, I mean cakes
>nintendo actually blocked switch.guide from being registered
my fucking sides
Surprised they haven't tried to take down 3ds.guide
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How do I tell?
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Thanks dude. Also, NX.guide is also taken
wait a minute it's not, sorry
got a pstv and firmware is 3.35, nice.

Don't even care about pirating but I can use a 64GB Flash drive I got for $15 instead of paying $100+ for the mem card.

Bought soul sacrifice delta like two years ago and never had a way to play it until now.
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>Buying digital
I figured it out. It was because of the app I chose to mask the Homebrew channel with. You can't use H&S, but using the Music app worked, and the app loaded.
Replacing the arm9loaderhax.bin did the trick.
It's like they already admitted it's going to be hacked without a doubt
Having an emunand partition is something you don't just forget, anon.
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>trying to launch safehax
>it's not launching
>it's not even telling me there's an error, it's just not launching
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Do I really have to do all the boostrap tranny honeypot shit or can i sit on my old a9lh and luma versions
Radiant historia
Japan cia-

Region free/firmware spoof cia-
>george gershwin
im looking to buy a new nintendo 3ds, is there a specific version or model i need to buy for cfw or are they all safe?
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What mean this, bros?

>The 3DS network service will be down on July 2nd (Sunday) at 5pm for 3 hours.
how long till english patch for radiant historia? game only comes next year in these sores
Banwave incoming, better turn off wifi for all of july just in case.
How do I completely reset my Activity Log? I mainly want to clear the "Daily Records" section.
Uh oh. We might actually be in for monthly banwaves like some anons suggested
Was the last one around June 2nd?
I honestly can't remember when it was, I thought it was in May though
I haven't paid attention in weeks since people were randomly getting banned on the 3ds. Was it ever found out what triggered the ban wave?
The best we can come up with is that everyone had hacked there 3DS. People did all sorts of different conflicting things and got ban, and there were plenty of people who did all of those exact same things and didn't
No. Nintendo can definitely see what you're playing though, which means they see FBI, Freeshop, HBL, etc. whenever you connect to Nintendo servers (including Nintendo hotspots like the ones in McDonalds and other places)

So we know they have the means but we don't know if this is how they decided who to ban, or if there was some other criteria.

In short, nope, and we probably still won't know after the next one.
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I'm sure the best autists are on the job and we're hopeful in finding the one silver bullet, right?

It's all over... isn't.
Cthulhu is your friend,its a nifty little piece of homebrew
The best you can hope for is to be one of those anons who did literally everything possible on their 3DS and didn't get banned
then you can be a smug cunt until the next banwave and accuse people of cheating
Here's a theory:

The bans were inconsistent because it was a test of a new cfw/hax detection ban method to see whether it worked and only caught cfw/hax users while leaving legit users untouched. The reason some people got banned and some didn't despite doing the same shit is because the ones that got bans were part of the test group, while everyone else was not.

A small sample size means easier to parse results, and less fixing needed if the new ban method is a flop (also less people angry when they apologize for the 'server issue' that caused it).

It seems the ban test was successful though, because no one who had a legit unhacked 3DS got caught in the banwave. They now know their method works and is sound, so they can now work towards implementing that method on a much wider scale.

This means there is a possibilty the next banwave (if it's coming) is going to target ALL hacked 3DS systems this time. No one is going to be spared.
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Does anyone else have freeshop cap their download speed around 300KB/s?
It should be more than 10x that
on my home network freeshop is slow and ciangel runs at full speed but on my school network both run at full speed
No clue why but it's been like this in freeshop since I hacked my 3DS and that was in december or january back when the pedo still ran it
Is your home network fibre? I only just got freeshop before I got fibre and I think it worked at a decent speed then but ever since the upgrade it's around 300 KB/s.
Nope, just standard. It's clear that freeshop's download speed has something to do with what connection you're on though
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1 hour, lads + however long it takes someone to rip a 3GB DLC file out of the eshop
i don't think it's the same guy that you're thinking of
I tried Charles and iAmGhost's update blocker but they don't work anymore.
I changed the "ver" value to 03650000 and the user agent to 3.65 too with charles, using many different versions of psp2-updatelist.xml but nothing seems to work, when I'm logging in I get the message to install updates every time.
What's latest working PSN update blocker for Vita?
I'm on 3.63 and I don't want to make it worse with 3.65 and future updates.
Never since it is coming to yurope/burgerstan, no need to translate, just wait and play the DS version in the meanwhile.
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how do you play online games on vita 3.63 without updating? if not by using the update blocker, is there anything essential that I'm overlooking? the pastebin doesn't mention anything about blocking updates.. or could it be that it's really impossible to use psn on 3.63 right now and I'm not the only one who can't play multiplayer?
SS Delta is only digital.
well fug I'm gonna pull the trigger on that update button, I really fucked up buying a psv with 3.63 in the first place, fml.
Anyone have PXZ2 MEGA? The links I could find are missing a decryption key.
It's happening lads, now if only we can get 3.61+
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>3G only
He's using a slim in the video anon
why did he tell everyone to buy a 3G board?
It's a different mod. That one replaces the 3G card inside the Vita 3G. This one fits into the cartridge slot.
how do I pirate Zelda DLC? I always got the normal game installed
to bad it's an insane battery hog
someone needs to rip the update and upload it iirc. I could be wrong though considering that I remember installing the season pass ticket when the game first came out
yea I don't have the season pass ticket, where do I get that?
It doesn't work just so you know. eshop still prompts me to buy the season pass.
okay so I guess I'll wait until someone figures out how to get it working, my wii u is installing the 1.3.0 atm I think
Got it to work, I'm pretty sure one of the links floating around when BoTD first came out included the season pass ticket. Regardless I just had to reinstall the update data and it fixed and downloaded the DLC.
NTR is closed source
gonna download The Legend of Zelda_Breath of the Wild (EUR) DLC v32 (FakeSign) from utik, then delete the current 822mb add on update in data management

install The Legend of Zelda_Breath of the Wild (EUR) DLC v32 (FakeSign) with wupinstaller, it comes with a 834mb file, then hope my wii u updates and installs the dlc
Has the USA version been uploaded yet?
Running CFW.
Any more info on these " horde of ninjas "
You already had a9hl, so I'm pretty sure you didn't use Emunand anymore
Just continue with the steps
If it's working don't bother updating, unless Luma 7.05 stops working on 11.5 or something
If anyone here's gonna upload the new DLC,makes sure it also comes added with the shirt please.
okay it worked, installed the the fake sign thing from utik, went into the game and it told me the dlc was outdated, went to eshop, told me to buy it, cancelled it, then the add on update was downloading on home menu, playing the dlc now

USA should be on utik

only tick the DLC option, you will need to run Haxchi or mocha before starting Zelda now

Well that's FANTASTIC, a really smart decision young man. We can use that SDK to figure out how the Switch's firmware works. Then, we'll can buy a devkit to compile a working exploit onto the eShop...

Real talk, can a nigga get a mirror link up in here!?
the dlc I just installed from utik comes with everything
Downloaded the BOTW DLC on Wii U and said I cant play until a system update, time to panic?
No, just do it. Title updates are system updates because the Wii U is dumb
Thanks for this program. I do already have the DLC pass and Update downloaded though.
I use coldboot haxchi.
I just don't know how to get the latest DLC.

Do I just activate the wiiu version bypass and access the eshop?
That link doesn't work anymore, can someone rehost the SDK?
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You mean through system settings manually right? Cause I updated through the game and got this.
Said im up to date and the message still pops up.
Go back a few months and read the fucking threads
Is there really a day long maintenance or did Nintendo ban my 3DS without outright telling me so?
what message are you seeing on the screen
Is there a way for me to check if a9lh is installed? I'm following the "a9lh to b9s" guide, but when I hold START to install b9s it just goes to the regular 3ds menu. Holding Start used to open hourglass9, but I deleted that bin.
The server is currently undergoing maintenance, yadda yadda
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Wew lad tranny cfw is the best!
is 4chan lagging really bad for anybody else
Yeah, it's not like people have told you at least a hundred times to disable that shit in the options.
Alternatively, is it safe to just follow the guide from scratch again?
I know some devs come here, is anyone working on using stack clash to get a PS4 hack?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think hacks will be transferred by a system transfer.
I don't like this as a vector as we already need another exploit to run unsigned user code first. But who knows maybe someone is sitting on that and it can carry a stack clash payload.

A more likely exploit would actually be Row Hammer, as the PS4 DRAM is vulnerable to this, and has very primative ASLR (older firmwares <1.70 don't have it at all). Plus there's been a lot of work recently on how to perform row hammer, even inside the javascript JIT of a browser.

If you would like a technical read on some of the PS4 architecture and security information for yourself this is a good place to start: https://cturt.github.io/ps4.html It even talks about an old kernel exploit and how it worked.
just got a ds lite recently for very cheap, it's pretty shit tier and i'm going to get a 3ds XL soon but i was wondering what i should do with this.

how do i go about having a modded cartridge and homebrewed system to emulate hundreds of gba and ds and snes games etc
for starters you could read the guide in the OP
and well if you get a 3DS and put CFW on it your DS Lite is now useless unless you like to play DS games with a great battery life and perfect 1x1 pixels
i read the guide, has nothing about brewing a ds lite, most useful thing i got from it was a link to the wiki.
and yeah, if i got a 3ds i would likely give the ds lite away to a friend or leave it in the bathroom for when i take shits.
Buy a flashcard. Done.
Might be able to get my hands on an EDEV.

Bad news: I'm a complete fucking noob and wouldn't know what to do with it.
Dev portal should (or will have) all the resources you need to get up and running once the SDK is out for everyone.

If you don't know any programming I would hold off on buying your dev kit and start learning first, plenty of resources online you help you learn C# or C++ which is what you're gonna be working with when coding for basically any console
Bros, how do we feel about Switch SDK being leaked? We're not going to make homebrew pirates or anything right? If we do, Nintendo will be doomed. They are the only good vidya compnay left, bros. Please don't make pirates for Switch.
I will buy one when they pirate.
I pray this day come sooner than later.
I don't give a fuck for pay for games.
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Piracy is going to happen. No doubt about it.
The devs will want sig patching for their own work. And from there it's just a short distance to a leak.
Most older games are written in C. Not sure when the transition happened, but C# is the industry standard as of now.

C++ is for college kids to waste 4 years of their life; then to become a codemokey for an accounting firm.
NOOOO Please, I implore you to reconsider bros!!!!! They will go udner????!!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR
I didn't realize the Switch and PS4 had fucking .NET.
Nintendo's SDK has always been all about C++, with third-rate bindings to C.
Given there have been Unity kits for the Wii U and 3DS, it's likely there will be a similar watered down HTML5+JS kit, but I don't see C# happening.
It's not my choice, man. Though I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them go under.
How do i know if the DLC and botw's updates on utik are the latest ones? I mean the updates are usually like "version 1.2.0" and stuff like that but utik says like the DLC is v32 and the update is v97, is there a site where these versions are listed?
Wii U question:

Is it possible to install several versions of the same game from different regions and have them coexist on the home menu? For instance Euro Zelda and JP Zelda.

At work so I can't test for another 8 hours at least.
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No, I just hate people having fun.
Hey Bill, did you finish that program that calculates net profit yet?

Oh nevermind, we're outsourcing your job to Pajeet over there.

Darn should have learned C#, huh?
>implying C# isn't as much a pajeetlang as Java
So I recently updated from Arm9 to boot9strap to use the acnl save manager i used to use cause it got updated however upon launching the save manager to dump my save it returns with
"Open archive: 0xc8804478
Could not access the savedata archive! Press X to exit."
So I figured alright whatever theres an alt version on the card as well let's try that one so when i try that it returns
"Error reading directory
result code d83007f7"

Anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it? Ive googled this shit for like a half hour and cant find a single replication of the case I'm having.
>implying pajeet is being hired for minecraft mods
VB is the redpilled language.
Real programmers do everything in machine code. Anyone who even thinks any other option is viable is a fucking retard.
>he doesn't make his own assembler
It's like you're tech-illiterate.
>needing an assembler
That's implying your brain isn't enough.
>he didn't insert a TI-84 into his anus to gain it's power
Are you even trying?
>needing processors
That's implying your brain isn't enough.
>needing a brain
That's implying your soul isn't enough.
>being this meta
>[Jun 25] A new release is going to happen soon. >https://twitter.com/Tankerbot/status/879047695230529537
What does that even mean?
>he's not posting from heaven using his own soul to connect to the internet and interact with it
literally lmaoing at your life
>nocash and stuckpixel in the credits
TWL boot7/boot9 vuln. Probably a sighax equivalent.
Looks like a cartridge-triggered exploit for DSi, insert the cart and gain code execution. If speculation about SCFG flags is correct then this means we can do pretty much anything the hardware allows, including pirating DSiWare.
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>not changing who you are
Why are they being transphobic now?

That would really be cool.
I doubt it's a bootrom exploit if the firmware version is important.
pls respondo
New thread
They probably count as separate. That's how it is on the 3DS. Because they have a different ID.
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Yes, I can confirm.
Had BOTW EU and US installed at the same time and each one with separate saves.
It's like two different games, yeah.
Thanks boys, much appreciated.
US CIA is up, don't think the DLC is though
I started on my RPG last night, it's really barebones though
Only Microsoft drones write C#, and even then the performance is so subpar it can barely be used for anything worthwhile. The games industry is all about C++.
Unity is C#, isn't it? I'm sure cheap indie games could get away with that.
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