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/arena/ - Arena FPS General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 155

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404 Edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite oldschool and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

Play Quakeworld for free: http://nquake.com/
Play Quake 2 for free: http://q2s.tastyspleen.net/
Play Unreal Tournament 4 for free: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/
Play Warsow for free (Warsow Night this Sunday at 5PM PDT): https://www.warsow.net/
CPMA DEZ Installer (comes with maps and doesn't require base Quake 3, make sure to save configs as my.cfg and not autoexec.cfg): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0wfFzzjvCheTVVzSmdnQ1BLUms
Xonotic: http://www.xonotic.org/
Link to Quake 2 Starter with Quake 2 and its expansions: https://mega.nz/#!EAxAlSwa!9v0PQ7QgN60mXDptMqWXvdAC2srSCnb7pGPqZojG2QI

Quake Champions closed beta signup: https://quake.bethesda.net/en/signup
QC beta is now 24/7. The beta is no longer under NDA.
UT4 Patch Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNE1XN6E1Cc
Quake Champions interview with Zero4 and Tim Willits: twitch dot tv/videos/144807974
twitch dot tv/videos/144852481

Duel Tutorials and Tips:

Slipgate to the previous thread: >>180554561
good work letting the thread die
I bumped before I went to sleep, somehow still ded
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Reminder for today at 5PM PDT.
Do people even play arena shooters that aren't QC and QL?
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i hardly ever play QC or QL desu
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fucking hell we barely started and it's page 10 again
there's nothing to talk about. Nobody wants to discuss sacrifice, how to play it, and how the champions can do work on certain maps.
Nobody's really talking about what clutch's hydraulic dodge could possibly be.

I think this is because most people who play arena games either play FFA or duel, they don't really care for team games.
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what game has the best gibs?
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Quake Champions Quick Launcher utility found on /r/QuakeChampions

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I was asleep.
post tunes to frag to

I like the one piece music when playing tf2 and trying to cap last
I listen to stuff like this while rocketing people.
There's plenty to talk about just not QC
There's lawbreakers, reflex, cpma, Warsow, quake 2, tribes ascend, midair. The list goes on.
All dead, by AAA game standards
Just don't expect to get games at any time of day.
I don't talk here because all you want to talk about is shitty QC. It's an unplayable mess as is. Why even bother until it's fixed?
what the fuck is there to discuss?
Either the games aren't pure enough for you,
or they're 20 year old dead games with nothing to talk about.
honestly, what will you talk about on the topic of reflex? It's a dead cpma recreation. that's all.

of course people are going to talk about QC, and we just had a ton of questions answered by the devs.
the general is dead because you have a stick up your ass
just put Q2 / Q3 OST blaring
or trash metal in general
Reminder Reflex and QL are on sale
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>tfw can't make openGL look like software with the only minimalist quakeworld port out there that is supported by servers
>stuck with disgusting circle particles

I don't know what to do anons, it's devastating. Every single working QW port looks like shit in the end.
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/arena/ has the most patrician posters in 4chan, from our meme-makers to our taste in tunes

The last thread died cause of Vore Arena in the OP
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>tfw she will never phase onto your dick and make you instantly cum
>tfw you will never kiss those lips
>tfw no Quakefuu
That sounds like a good way to get your dick telefragged.
Phase-fucking could go horribly wrong. She could telefrag your dick
So I haven't played any arena shooters for the last year or so. I was always more of an unreal guy so I downloaded unreal 4. Are there any must play games on the market right now? My friends bullied me into playing overwatch and that has me craving a real shooter.
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But I've got balls of steel
would you like a dire orb up your ass while youre at it?
she'd have to have a dick for your dick to get telefragged
as it stands she'd just gently phase around your shaft and probably you'd cum slipgates
If it works for Shubby it works for me.
>upside-down bar stool experiencing a very heavy menstrual cycle.jpg
But what if she mispositions herself and your dick ends up exploded inside the walls of her spasm chasm?
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There's no non-metal band more suitable for entering a proper Khornate bloodrage.

vore tournament has been here for a while boy
sorlag in vore tournament when?
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sorlag acid spit reworked to vore tournament hero when?
lern 2 use console commands with ezquake
there's a gl_ cvar that gives you square particles but it still doesn't look exactly like vanilla quake
>Someone saved my OC for QC
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>tfw i made like 90% of QC oc present in the generals
making shit for other threads doesn't even compare
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Guys like you and me are the sole meme makers for these games. We are like unto gods
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I already used up all my image editing creativity years ago for planetmans
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>Three Bedrooms in a Good Neigborhood
a-anon I love you
if you're going to play exactly like vanilla quake you're not going to get very far anyways when the other player spawnfrags you repeatedly
>babby needs bright colors and no textures to see targets
why back in my day we still used arrow keys to move and we were happy with it
we can play some ztndm3 right now if you're down
Q2 event is warming if anyone wants to join and shoot around
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Rise once more anon and take your place among the gods
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Ia! Ia!

really should re edit this so YOU HAVE TAKEN THE LEAD is replaced with YOUR TEAM HAS THE QUAD
>babby needs bright colors and no textures to see targets
I never realized how many people are colorblind until I played Quake C.
I swear one day I'm going to make a dubbed video out of this
Why does her shoulders look like something from a Crysis nanosuit
she's the designated generic sci-fi lady and her arm looks like that ancient thread on /b/ about injecting a glowstick into your veins
I was thinking more along the lines of the electricity plasmid from the first Bioshock
QC hasterrible visibility and readability
why do you think people have red outlines
anon that thinks everyone in quake 2 is a bot if you're in here and were just in ts500 you're a retard
I had no problem before the outlines. You mother fuckers are just god damned blind.

People dont have this problem in CSGO or Battlefield 1 where you have NO indicator of an enemy at all.
She's a throw back to Matoko Kusanagi. She even has a line in game "I am the ghost in the machine."
>She's a throw back to Matoko Kusanagi. She even has a line in game "I am the ghost in the machine."
>Q3A was all about Heavy Metal magazine and Simon Bisley ripoffs
>QC is ripping weebshit
We have to go back.
Ghost in the Shell isnt really "weeb" level. It comes from a very different mentality from even its own era and its an entirely different ballpark from modern Weeb exploiting magical girl anime.

Ghost in the Shell was more of an Animated movie than it was an actual anime, and the 90's was a very different time for Anime, long before the weeb culture started to become a problem.

This isn't really ripping off weeb shit so much as it is gathering more "hardcore" badass level stuff from the cinema era.
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I fucking love scarlett. Her zerg play is so fucking amazing to watch.
She's such a fuckin bamf.
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Shut up faggots.
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TS500 just ended
that was exhausting
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also i got overtaken on the scoreboard at the last 30 seconds fuck
Is Halo /arena/?
Is Titanfall /arena/?
no you assholes. stop trolling.
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Are my balls slapping against your ass as I pound your boypussy /arena/?
How's quake champions been going? I haven't been paying attention to it since the 3rd closed beta weekend
I'm concerned due to my longish queue times. Typically 2-3 minutes.
It's going great so far.
I keep getting wrecked by Fatal1ty and friends though.
I bet if you eat gamerfood spiked with neurotransmitters you'd be able to beat him and his friends
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>double jump passive
>kills give ammo as well as armor (passive)
>active: berserk, gain 200% movement speed, attacks instagib
>2 - 3 mins

playing on Sydney and im waiting anything from 5 to 20+ mins.

there must be barley anyone actually playing , shame really the game has potential despite its obvious flaws.
why are there so many Australian quake players? I keep seeing people on multiple forums who are from austrailia
not enough west coast US players tbqh
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Samuel Hayden
>Passive: Collecting armor restores a small amount of Samuel's health
>Active: Samuel activates his personal forcefield. Then next hit on him deals 0 damage to him. Forcefield then deactivates. Great against RG and RL, shit against LG and MG. Forcefield lasts ten seconds otherwise, then deactivates automatically.
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if he doesn't have doom 3 physics i'm not interested
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Don't act like id isn't going to include him to promote D55M. They at least better have the old look with exposed abs available as an alternate costume.
didn't play doom 3, what was interesting about the physics?
Auzzie FPS players move as a group because the community isnt that large, as soon as a game dies everyone jumps ship to the next one, because it will literally become a ghost town without the population somewhere like the USA or EU would provide.
slope jumps that work uphill and downhill, stair jumps, and lift jumps
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nice pipes
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It's a struggle to continue to play QC at this stage. The gameplay itself is more or less okay apart from some gripes (i.e.duel format is complete trash), some of which will surely be fixed since it's still early (can't queue for DM as lobby, in custom game can't play DM on "duel-exclusive" maps, etc.).

The biggest problems (I'm annoying balance concerns which will (probably) be fixed like BJ and Sorlag being retarded) are:

-the game takes 10 years to load even on a high end rig
-the game launcher is the worst piece of software ever writ by human hand
-queues are ridiculously long (3 minutes for DM, 5+ minutes for TDM, 7-10+ mins for sacrifice, all US east)
-hitboxes can feel a little iffy at times though most of the time they seem fine

Really hard to justify playing it when I can load up QL and be in a match in 10 seconds.

Is Tyrone /arena/?
I can offer one assurance and say that when the game is fully released on Steam you won't need to go through the bethesda launcher at all
If the devs dont do a steam release they may as well kill the game now, its not a testament to steam being good but a huge player base being available in one place. just swallow their pride and let steam take a cut to access millions of players

Agree that it needs to be on Steam, and not just because the Bethesda launcher is terrible. One positive thing about the game is that it does look really nice, which of course is going to be another strike against it in terms of playerbase because every popular game can run on whatever toaster impoverished overwatch/lol/cs/dota niggers play on.
>He didn't read yesterday's Q/A
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Would be cool to see skins related to GiTS

Except for arise
People that play as female characters in arena shooters are sissy faggots.
fuck you
certain female characters in quake 3 have the ideal balance of alarming pain sounds and inoffensive jump sounds
That's ok anon we know you're a massive projecting cock sucker.
I already quit QC but if they introduce doom3 guy and make him control like a doom3 mp marine I would start playing again. of course they'd have to redesign maps so that the stairs are actually ramps. I wonder what the active would be. soul cube would be too OP
sissy faggot spotted
>passive: nightmare - health degenerates, can't pick up any health
>active: reload gun - can't shoot when gun is empty
anon, it is ok to like grils
infact, if you don't, that makes YOU the faggot
think about it
Anon. I'm a girl. I can play girls if you want. Faggot.
Girls can't have penises, anon.

Unless they're Slash.
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>Unless they're Slaanesh
>Unless they're Talash
>tfw never played doom 3 mp in its heyday
Is Dirty Bomb /arena? I wish it wasn't dead.
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reading now

>one of our design goals was to merge the Lovecraftian mythos of Quake 1 with the gameplay of Quake 3,

stop stop..my pants can only get so tight
yea I didn't either. wish I could've played in the 2004/2005 days back when it had quakecon and cpl tournaments
i'm waiting for lawbreakers to come out
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>Comfy /arena/ storytimes with comics that might actually be entertaining soon
Is Sarge from Quake 2? In the Quake 3 intro it seems that he was firing a q2 hyperblaster into a group of Strogg soldiers.
Bitterman is the Quake 2 protag
I didn't ask if Sarge was the q2 protag, I know that's Bitterman - I'm asking if Sarge is from q2. You know, just like Grunt, Major, and Tank Jr.
In that case, no. Sarge does not have any appearances in Quake 2
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post the picture
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Would you guys believe me if I said I never once played a Quake game in my entire life, and the last time i played an arena FPS was back in ut2003.
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>plays nyx
yeah i'd belive you
>Easiest character in the game to kill
>Acting like nyx has anything to do with it.
This is how we know you're bad.
>Slash was also possibly conceived as far back as the Q2 days
>aside from the new visor, her Q3A design kept most of the outfit including the skates, the hair, the robotic arm, even the specific exposed implant at the top of her spine
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>stacking tdm pubs with someone else and not even maintaining a 2:1 k/d
>blacking out your name so nobody from this dead general you're boasting in will find out where you and your gay stack friend are and murder you
>having played over 3 days and have less frags than me in under two

i'm impressed.
Just me, or did they heavily base Slash's face in Q:C off this art, especially the side profile?
>stacking tdm pubs with someone else and not even maintaining a 2:1 k/d
I don't play much in teams. The player im playing with is lower skilled than me.

I just throught i was doing pretty good for someone who this is the first time they've ever touched a quake like game.
>has to resort to lies
lmao poop on your own face homofag
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I can definitely kind of see it even if Champs Slash has a kind of pudgy face and a gigantic fivehead.
>not even above 2.0
>playing adads

you're both shit and disgraceful
who am i supposed to play then, the tanks with instant LOL IM LOOKING AT YOU SO I WIN buttons? or the medium classes with also retardedly powerful ults like an instant teleport or a second gun

anarki and nyx are some of the least broken classes in the game bud
>anarki and nyx are some of the least broken classes in the game bud
t. i died several times to well placed abilities when my get out of jail free card was on cd and refuse to let go of my pussy hugbox
you can use the exact same logic to disparage every "good" class in the game

do you think its more fair to do 200 in lg damage to sorlag as anarki and have him spit on you and instagib you or for sorlag to miss 10 rockets on anarki while his ability recharges and he heals on you? it's the same exact shit, every ability is a "get out of jail free card" except for the ones that are utter trash like clutch
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>it's the same exact shit, every ability is a "get out of jail free card"
missing rockets because of broken hitboxes is 0% damage and being unable to fight back
if you get hit by sorlag's direct blobs then you're just bad
sorlag is super big and slow and can't just press one button to heal and 'lmao later im sanic now'
How is nyx an abusable character when you can practically 1 shot her with a rail, and you breathe on her and she has to run away to find every health pack on the map.

Anarki literally fuckin regens himself for free, and can AD spam and lean. 3 things nyx can't even dream of doing.

All Nyx can do is POOF OH FUCK IM SO DEAD. and if you're not retarded you can find the nearest health pack and laugh at her.
>How is nyx an abusable character when you can practically 1 shot her with a rail
you can't
>Anarki literally fuckin regens himself for free, and can AD spam and lean. 3 things nyx can't even dream of doing.
Nyx and adadarki both can adad spam
>All Nyx can do is POOF OH FUCK IM SO DEAD. and if you're not retarded you can find the nearest health pack and laugh at her.
if she goes for the closest hp then you're playing with a retard

nyx is a champ for pussies who can't 1v1 anyone and have to do it in 4+ stages
>you can't
You don't even play this game confirmed.
>Nyx and adadarki both can adad spam
Nyx doesn't have CPMA movement you fuckin retard. She cant AD spam any better than any other character.
>if she goes for the closest hp then you're playing with a retard
You literally don't know how this game works.

>nyx is a champ for pussies who can't 1v1 anyone and have to do it in 4+ stages
Oh so you're actually retarded, and still havent learned how to play against nyx.

This is how we know you're bad.
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>every ability is a "get out of jail free card"
Do you even play this game?
please explain to me how air control or lack thereof effects how a character's hitbox moves when spamming adadad on the ground
>You don't even play this game confirmed.
>I'm wrong but lets just play dumb
no character can be oneshot with rail fresh off spawn you dumb fucking nigger
>Nyx doesn't have CPMA movement you fuckin retard. She cant AD spam any better than any other character.
adad is moving into one direction you shitstain, nyx is a light, has a tiny hitbox and thus can abuse the fuck out of it
>You literally don't know how this game works.
You literally dont know what an argument is, and this sentence isn't one, either back it up or fuck off because what i said is true
also nice redditspace, not even gonna bother responding to that last 'argument'
>one obnoxious shitter who hasn't played a real quake in 10 years
>anarki and nyx are some of the least broken classes in the game bud
Nyx is only good against new players, Anarki however is just stupidly broken because of how detailed the hiboxes are, he can AD spam faster than any other character, and ontop of that his hitbox leans back and forth when he does it making able to dodge better than any other character, bar none.

Nyx is only strong if you can't track her down, because she cant pick anything up when she uses her ability. She has no means to fight back when her ability wears off.
Nyx is good against noobs, but once you know how to fight her, she's easy kills.
aaaand another day spent with 20 minutes in queue, 3 matches found, 2 2v4 sac games with 1 obelisk behind, the second at 60%, and one tdm game with a 30 frag difference, 3v4 vs an all level 50+ premade
>sorlag spits on the ground that either kills the opponent or lets her escape
>choo choo train runs very fast and can do a bunch of damage if youre just right beside someone
>slash runs very fast
>anarki heals and runs very fast
>nyx disappears
>bj gives you a second gun so you win the exchange
>galena heals you or you can use it as a grenade
>ranger teleports or has a 100 damage grenade with splash
>clutch has a fucking shield

the only class that DOESNT essentially have an "i win button" is the fucking wallhacker who can turn his into an i win button if he's somewhat competent
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>Making excuses for not having learned to play against nyx yet.
I'm sorry your rail gun accuracy is sub 10% anon.
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>chinese cartoons
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>Complaining about the easiest champ to kill
Christ. No wonder Overwatch is so popular.
samefag in denial
>Thinks nyx is easy to fight
>she plays Quack ""Champions"""
>general is full of butthurt
Well at least it's active for once.
but CCS is about a magical girl and it's absolutely 10/10
Cardcaptor Sakura?
That show is still wildly different from modern weebshit anime like madoka.
It was writen and created by CLAMP a group nortious for doing very strange and out of the blue stories.
Granted it's what started the whole magical girl trend, but every copy cat didnt understand what CCS was getting at.
The show wasn't made to pander, it was to explore new concepts for CLAMP.
The weeb pandering crap is basically akin to the fan art that shows up on deviant art. It looks good and people like it but it misses the point.
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Why does Anarki look so old
Rama has a new comp mode with interesting changes.
There's a new weird map pool which includes the stake gun which is really interesting in many ways and since the implication of them picking a map like that for the proving grounds pool might make it more of a real weapon next patch.
There's quite a bit.
QC has very little changes to it. Especially interesting changes. It doesn't differ drastically from any other game.

And I wouldn't mind talking about midair. But I don't think anyone else plays it.
He shouldn't be muscley and shit then
All of this is true. Except visor won't ever just win vs a competent player.
It's a very limited ability due to the noise it makes.
so why is he used at top level duels
I Anon, an expert in many things Mostly chinese cartoons have arrived to settle the debate: With the shit Netcode Nyx is pretty aids to fight, adadarki is just aids in general.

Gotta be honest I'm proud you lads managed to keep the general up, as I'm nearly the only Anon who bumps at night.
Duel Visor gets infinitely better as compared to a team oriented match. You can mumble Russian curse-words in an aggrevated manner and boom, you know where your opponent is.
visor is super viable in tdm/sac, you think knowing where 4 people are as opposed to 1 is worse?
I, other anon, he of insomnia and cream soda, have arrived to add that while Nyx is pretty aids to fight, I would let her plant her ass on my face until it made a hermetic seal like a hazmat suit.
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Only the best Anons come to this general
I feel your pain Anon, Pretty feelsbadman desu
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>download nquake
>keeps on getting that transfer error whilst installing
>keep on retrying
>still get transfer errors
What did they mean by this?
ezquake has bloated interface. I chose fodquake primarily because it's least muddied out of all compatible ports. However on Windows it only runs OpenGL and no commands to tune graphics to look like software more. It's a mixed bag.

Spawnfragging has nothing to do with those. Also a lot of people would prefer to play with less spazzed out graphics
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Hey guys, what's this map called again?

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>mfw using W turning for the first time in Reflex race mode
Can't believe I've been using A/D exclusively for turning.
thanks found out that it's blood run without your help but w/e have a bump you gross cunts
>literally no argument
>copypaste same post at least 5 times
Well if you wont listen to an anon, what about cypher.

>Is it fair to say that this ton of exploits also means they’re exploitable by anyone? Nyx gets chosen for her invisibility. What other exploits are there?
Invisibility is an exploit to those who don’t know what to do against it. For instance, if my opponent picks Nyx, I can always pick Visor who’ll help me in any case. He’s neither a glass cannon nor a tank, but he can heal back decently. At 150/175, you have no problem running around. And that’s more than decent when you’re playing against Nyx. If you play aggressively, you can force Nyx to go invisible and then use the wall hack against her, at which point she’s no longer center stage.

The guy literally states the same shit I did in a different way.

Get fucking good.
Because it's still good. It's a denial tool. If you're in a room and use it they can't enter without expecting to take a rail. Lets you easily keep control.
It is Q3dm6 the blessed Campgrounds and first of the Quad the only 4 maps in CA rotation ever. You must vote for it every time all the time hallowed are its halls. You will hold Bridge and flame the plebs saying to go Pillars. Thus are the commandments of Campgrounds
Its OK. The speed from a/d strafing shouldn't be underestimated. But it's not top priority.
How is the interface bloated when it supports vanilla and custom HUDs?
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Uhm, quaketards?
Looks like a noob famalam.
>his team has half the frags of the enemy team
>gets a lucky kill on someone at pointblank range
>le uhhhhhh xtards meymey
lmao you cant fuck anyone let alone me kid
Who are you quoting?
how the fuck
do you make webms of this quality
my old webm for retards garbage is just that
utter garbage
Same webm for retards.
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fazz v tox starting now on /zlive
Don't forget about Warsow night
maybe my version is old
downloaded 2-3 years ago? dunno
is there updated versions?
>RZE - Today at 10:34 AM
>@Guyver1 There's a few reasons. What @MII mentioned is true. We also are trying to get away from a world of random hidden options providing various levels of advantages from players as well. You automatically had a visual advantage if you are turning lod's and mips and then hidden weapons etc. We want players experiences to be on a level playing field (or a close one). Anyways - like I mentioned earlier we are not considering having the option in this UT.RZE - Today at 10:38 AM
>"its basically having the skill to not get distracted by shown weapons that epic wants to give to everyone and not only a few people" - Bit of a stretch as it was mentioned earlier you're seeing iteration in progress. >The "waving hands" are going to be iterated on further. Where they land is still tbd. They are communicating motion.

nice game UTcucks
It's still less of a shit game than QC.
Which by no means makes it any good.
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Finally got what I wanted by changing Fodquake's source code around.
QC fixed when?
Are they playing QL?
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QL is dead, anon.
5PM PDT today
OK? What about CPMA or Reflex. What are they playing?
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>CPMA or Reflex
Which Persona girl do the fine users of /arena/ prefer?
>teen drama with a paper thin plot and a large spoon of poorly thought out social commentary

I prefer Ann among the ones I know.
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>Which Persona girl do the fine users of /arena/ prefer?
Ann of course.
>spawnfragging has nothing to do with clean visuals and visible enemies
you don't pick up speed with W turning
it should be removed anyways and quakeworld style 4 way air control should be implemented
ratz instagib costs more than quake live
nevermind it's 20 cents less
Old boy is still an amazing Quake player.
I didn't like this game.
is there a link with brackets for this 125fps tourney? I'm too lazy to check myself.
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Thanks. I recognize some UT player names here, lol.
rip cooller
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Cooller really played like a retard those last 2 matches. Could easily win with the huge advantage but underestimated the opponent and rushed him for no fucking reason at all.
looks like he lost his cooll
He probably doesn't give that much of a shit like in the Q4 days
He does actually, he said he's open for any esports and since QC is now getting proper prize pools at least on Quake Con he's practicing a lot.
Is QC duel growing on anyone?
I don't like 3 frag limit, it's just not right.
It has a bit of a charm I'll admit
IT's more like a fighting game at EVO than it is a Quake game.
No, it's terribad. Can't even call it duel, it's some CA / duel abomination

Does he still play OW?
wait, so is av3k out of prison?
He's never been sentenced, IIRC.
https://clips.twitch dot tv/SuaveTangibleHumanAliens
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nice Yahtzee Quote.
did you make this anon, it's cute. This one is going in the folder.
anon double jump is OP enough we don't need him to be literally unstoppable.
>did you make this anon, it's cute.
hell nah, found it on deviantart
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smart. also at closer inspection her face is fucked up.
i'm not bothered by her face that much, it's whatever the fuck is going on with her torso and spine that bothers me

it's a ten-foot image, it looks alright from ten feet but not up close
>queue for TDM
>1 minute 30
>everyone instantly is ready, that's a first in a long time
>It's me and 3 people who have never played before on my team, 4 quakedads on the other team
>queue again
>this time 3 minutes to find a game

I don't like playing Queue Champions.
If Strenx ends up playing QC I think he'll destroy Cooller due to being an aimlord.
he already ragequitted QC
strenx is a rqing babby
I love this match

>I expect Strenx to do well on this map vs Rapha
et is all shaft map
2 mour hours until Warsow night my dudes. Its free and fast no excuses.

A classic.
Took me ages to find the campgrounds match they were talking about.
is carmac a jew?
Why did QL change the ammo system with weapon pickups?
Swedish. But I dunno.
He's polack
I guess he must have spent some time in Sweden then because I saw some video where he spoke Swedish.
I'm going to marry Sorlag!
Is Doom 2005 kino /arena/?
The movie?
The kinographie, yes.
Did they just accept that terminology because kino is a nicer word than film?
>I'm going to marry Sorlag!

I like to fry fat Sorlag bitch with my LG!
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Never forget.
Take it back! Sorlag is thick!
What are these?
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Okay guys it's time for Warsow. All you need is to download the game at https://www.warsow.net/ then type "/connect" in console to join.
scale's old char select anim was better
is it me or is sorlag fuckin broken? Along with having the most health in the whole game, when has there ever been a DOT mechanic in quake?
>when was there ever a dot
Would you prefer if the first hit of sorlag ability did 80 damage?
Why is a dot a problem?
all heavies have 150+50
Just wanna play Quake bros but i seem to be waiting around 10minutes for each match. They need to add some offline bot play so i can play quickly if i dont wanna wait
I'd prefer there was a different ability entirely. Killing sorlag and then dying because LAMO 10-dps is stupid. I'd be happy with just a way to get it off of you.

Heavies being Sorlag and Clutch. But who plays clutch in DM anyway
I prefer SMT demons.
join us in warsow night faget
bumperino for warsow
>Heavies being Sorlag and Clutch
even his passive is named heavyweight
how the hell is scale not heavy?
This is supposed to work..
I think the other guy just forgot to mention him. He has 150 health just like those two
Scale is 150 + 25 tho

it's heavy but not heaviest
wouldn't that just imply his ability is more powerful?
What does that even mean? I'm complaining about sorlag.
Warsow is really fun. Thanks for showing me.
ur welcome
Easily 2k4. An aesthetic balance inbetween active gibs and hilarious ragdoll
what's wrong with best girl?
Soldier of Fortune
Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix
warsow night was fun

I play UT.
Should do it again.
There's plenty of other free arena poopers we still need to play
speaking of gibs
it's stupid how the RG and RL always gib regardless of how much health the victim has or how much damage the hit did
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Like Reflex.
>but it's not free
If you're too poor for it I don't want to play with you.
Nice. I was someguy I was considering turning to shoot (which likely would have saved me) but I felt getting out with the flag was more important.
we're not gonna play reflex when CPMA is free lol
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CPMA feels like ass though. If we get a free weekend we need to make it happen though.
feels better than reflex
How? Reflex has great everything. The only thing I've gotten out of you people when you complain about Reflex is that you have opinions about LG strength, there's certain issues with hitting edges of brushes when going at race-speeds (I've had it happen once but I'm not a big racer) and how the game has slightly lower strafe acceleration.
I'm sick of poorfag Russians complaining to favor their shit games.
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Faster movement, better rockets, gamemodes missing from Reflex like CTFS, actual instant weapon switch, and it's free.
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Bad anon.
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Visse > Nyx
Does UT4 have fucking Liandribots yet?
1 dead girl
1 dead guy
1 nigger
1 skaarj
god damn it
Will the new UT or any of the other /arena/ games have taunts like these?
No Juggs either, UT is unbelievably depressing
And the nigger isn't even based Malcolm, just some no name faggot supposedly from the NEGro Thundercrash.
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>mfw UT is ded and Epic Games is out of ThunderCash
If for some reason Malcolm appears in QC, which would be his stats and abilities?
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where's the vore
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i won the duel btw
Maybe have his passive be UT's dodge mechanic or a double jump
For his active maybe UT2k3/4's shield gun secondary or something that blocks 1 attack and is just active for a millisecond. Essentially a 1hit invulnerability frame for him.

But that's probably overpowered.
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blown the fuck out
where's the VORE
Does UT support 21:9 yet? Or does it still go full retard like OW does?
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so anarki/sorlag have cpma movement

which champion is gonna have instant weapon switching as a passive?
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missed opportunity to post a shalrath
i don't understand
this will help
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the real arenakino has been discovered
so it's just grappling hooks?
grappling hooks and vore
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gotta eat big to get big
why is all the lighting so fucking awful and weird?

is this truly the power of darkplaces??
runs like shit if you play it at high settings
Which one?
t. uninstalled ut4 after they patched out hidden weapons
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Xaero maybe? He's got that thing on his back that switches weapons for him

oh hey, nice to see this here, I might do Visor next
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good morning /arena/
Midnight on my end, anon. What timezone are you in?
The bitching about Nyx's invis is starting to piss me off.
Apparently asking players to learn how to play against a new aspect of a the game is too much.
>playing QC
Can you adjust weapon position like Quake 3/Reflex at least?
She's considered one of the strongest champions currently at the highest levels of play. There's plenty of variation and disagreement over which champions are strongest, but nyx gets picked all the time by almost everyone in what few tournaments have been run so far.
Also if not, what about the potential for something like CPMA/OSP for UT4?
Except she's insanely easy to kill, and her ability isn't used to escape in high levels of play. It's used to gain positional advantages.

And pro players know that if you can force her to use her ability she's removed from combat and requires so much time to recover.

Infact one of the more interesting picks that are coming out of the tournaments, isn't nyx.
IT's scalebearer.
Tox absolutely DESTROYED with him today and it was insane.
The way Scalebearer can be used is incredibly effective despite the noise he makes.
And Tox's play with Nyx showed just how vulnerable a pick she is.

Nyx is picked as a strategic policy, but once players understand where she has to go and what she has to do she becomes a liability.
speaking about how loud some champs are, I like how certain champs can't be quite. If you walk with Anarki you will still hear this faint buzzing.
tell me one (1) single reason to believe Quake Champions and its garbage netcode will ever be good
hope against hope because i want to see modern Hunter
Because they're actually working on improviing it and the devs are actually listening to players.

Look at the 21:9 users.
They didn't have to do shit for them, and yet they added 21:9 support without hesitation.

Look at the Steam users, they want it on steam, the game is now confirmed to be coming to steam.

They've constantly been trying to work on fixing the rocket and nail/rail delays, and next patch a big fix for them should be coming along.
>i want to see modern Hunter
I want Hunter so bad.

I really hope she's the next champion.

The funny thing about Nyx when it comes to sound, is that when you ghost walk, you have to hear this muffling rumble while you're in the void, making it harder to hear.

And with anarki, if you want to move proplerly with anarki you make a shit ton of noise doing it.

I just hope the fix the sound elements in the game so I can hook up my 7.1 and properly hear people before I see them.
>steam users
honestly none of those things are as important as having actual good netcode in the game
i saw a video where one guy shot a rail on a player and the railgun just goes through them without doing any damage
i cant take that shit seriously
stop sucking their dick just because they are "workign on it"
You're missing the point.

Some stuff is easy to do.
Some stuff is hard to fix.

Netcode is not easy to fix, because it requires fundamental network engineering skills and coding skills.>>180812973
>stop sucking their dick just because they are "workign on it"
I'm not sucking their dick because I trust them you faggot.

I understand what it's like to import and work on games, you downie.

Yeah the game has some problems but perhaps you should pull the dildo out of your ass, and pay attention to what they are actually doing.
>I understand what it's like to import and work on games, you downie.
dude what
its a multiplayer-only game that has some of the worst netcode in any game done in the past 5 years
theres no other way of looking at it
>durr making games is hard
do you actually play games based on how hard they were to make, or how much you enjoy it you downie shit
i cant enjoy a multiplayer game where the multiplayer code is spaghetti garbage
>worst netcode in any game done in the past 5 years
You clearly didnt play csgo when it came out
>You clearly didnt play csgo when it came out
Or overwatch.

Fucking 20hz quickplay was so fuckin retarded. I couldn't believe Blizzard thought that shit was ok.

Or Black Ops3. So much what the fuck in that game's netcode.
CoD's netcode has always been bad.

Pull the extra chromosome out if your ass and pay attention to what's been said.
ive read the entirety of your post looking for an argument and couldn't find any
>Netcode is not easy to fix
>I trust them (I shill for them)
so basically you're saying "making games is hard the game might be shit right now but it will get better"
have you ever tried Quake Live? that game has good netcode, maybe you should use it as a point of reference
>ive read the entirety of your post looking for an argument and couldn't find any
Projecting at it's finest.

I'm taking your crayons away.
>have you ever tried Quake Live? that game has good netcode, maybe you should use it as a point of reference

qc netcode is beeing made by exactly same devs that made quake live

the problem is that qc has different traffic and server structure, plus the render is not theirs and you need to line up packets with client frames to make the whole thing play like q3/ql

they said that a performance patch is going to roll out at some point before regional qualifiers so just wait and see what's going to happen
>plus the render is not theirs

Is Bethesda huffing paint ? why on earth would you not use established ID tech to go with established ID everything else

they said that new idtech wasnt ready when they wanted to move on with qc development

render and 3d models are beeing made by some russian company

propably because all the 3d artists were busy with making doom4

i still wish they would simply use rage engine instead
Its funny how this general dies less than the CSGO general
So Quake Champions will die a fast death then, if not being dead on arrival upon release
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i hope not

still i dig new duel model more than ql tl10

q3 tl15 was a masterpiece of vidya, and ive been hating tl10 with passion ever since it got introduced, because it dumbed down the gameplay significantly in my understanding
Very nice flick anon.
Wouldn't new duel be worse than tl10? The 3 frag limit introduces much more defensiveness and +b than tl10. Although perhaps comebacks are more possible because it's only a two frag difference but due to champion differences sometimes it's just too unlikely.

i think of qc duel as completely different thing to previous quakes

its more like mortal kombat 1v1 imo

yeah on paper you can tell there are no frags and players are '+backing' and this is what i have been thinking, then nda was lifted and i got to watch tons of high level plays on twitch and now im hooked

it's just fun, its different kind of fun, but its fun

you put more emphasis on staying alive, but ovrall you can see a lot more shooting than in ql tl10 which was all about spamming the hallways with rockets and finishing off with lg

like watch this

I think Tox picking tankier champions is perfect for him because of his godlike aim. Because of the bigger stack he can win just about every aim battle. It doesn't matter if you are easier to hit when you are hitting everything as well with double the stack. Not everyone is Tox though so it's sort of a don't try this at home thing.
I agree on it being fun. At first I was totally put off by it but now it has sort of grown on me. It is totally different, so I think if people stop trying to compare it to previous Quakes it becomes a little more appealing, but I do understand the gripes.

yep, the current system wont allow us to see 20 minute overtimes, and it's an itch on the back of my head aswell

but yeah, we are about to see how much enjoyment it can bring, i hold myself with having a final verdict till the quakecon is finished and we'll see where the game is going to go afterwards

i think that changing the duel system is still in the cards, if the community will be still having some kind of issue with that, but even if i could be having my wild guess i dont want to stirr up the pot for the time beeing

for now im just positive about it, more positive than i was before, so yeah


I really like this guy too
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Quake Nyx.png
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>The Arena could always use more Champions
What did she mean by this?
propably my fav series from yesterday
>av3k ragequitting
>coooooooooller playing like a retard
twas a good day
The only options for now are shown, lowered, and very low. All of which are shit. No centered or left for now, but those will likely be implemented eventually.

yeah, just like good old days
is that literally the mammary gland
it's alright but she's no slash
i think it's a direct ploy on overwatch

like ranger's quote about "sometimes the world doesn't need more heroes- sometimes it needs a monster" which iirc is a direct flip of one of tracer's quotes
Is quake going to sink as low as duke nukem tier trash talk?
depends on if we get one DOOMed space marine
"Sometimes, the world doesn't need another hero - it needs a monster"
doomguy is pretty much confirmed as the leaks turned out to be true
If so, VEGA will probably be his "voice"

i hope that doomguy wont speak and just yell angrily
if they go with vega i wonder how pain sounds will be handled
I hope Karl Urban voices doomguy.
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I hope Rosamund Pike voices Crash and The Rock voices Sarge.
I'd like to see them try BO5 champions like Tox suggested yesterday, perhaps with 7 min rounds. I think it's a bit too easy to snowball a round by getting a quick spawnkill currently.
or maybe just give a freshly killed player a slight overheal
they should probably just implement that in all modes
I want to hold hands with Nyx
Did they remove the railgun's bonus damage when zoomed?
now needs to be charged for a few seconds for it
Still lame
I thought id listens to players? Or did they like that zoomed in damage?
there's barely any point in a zoom in quake otherwise. also forces you to consider more scenarios when you're vulnerable to rail 1shots
>confirmed coming to steam

is this real?
think enough people are requesting training/bot matches that they may put it in sometime soon? its very hard being new to this game, takes 15 minutes to get a match and then i go 5/20 with my average lifespan around 15 seconds
>try to hold hands with Nyx
>phase shift
>Quake Champions will be release on Steam?
>JB: Quake Champions will indeed be released on Steam. You will still be required to have a linked Bethesda.net account, but users playing the game from Steam will not go through the Bethesda.net launcher. During the current beta period the game will only be available through the Bethesda.net launcher.
To be fair, Ranger probably existed before Tracer did.
QC started development in 2013, but was only revieled properly a few months ago.
Project titan was scrapped in 2014, and then the reveal for overwatch was in november.
Ranger's the base character for Quake C, so it's likely his shit existed before tracer was a figment of someone's imagination.
Fuckin Tox and his scalebearer man.
That shit is insane.
ranger had no real personality and spoken lines until his qc appearance
He had lines in Q3 though
Explain yourself.
At least Cliffy B knows how to try and hype a game instead of
>muh esports
>muh 1mil prize pool
>Year of our Lord, 2017
>Still pushing the "Dark Souls is hard" meme
SPOKEN lines
>ive been hating tl10 with passion ever since it got introduced, because it dumbed down the gameplay significantly in my understanding

what part of this sentence you do not understand?

>players spawn
>player with better spawn gets initial advantage
>3-4 minutes in the second player gets his chance to come back
>around 5-6 minute mark the game looks tied
>around 7-8 minute mark the winner is decided

this is 90% of ql duels, regardless of level
that's just because QL is shit

you're an idiot

they were chat lines in q3 simply because there was no technology to execute it in a way they did it in qc

its worse than q3 but doesnt mean its shit

go back to your xonotic/kek tournament or whatever cesspool you reside and never come back


what was your point again?
>moving goalposts because you're illiterate
simply epic my man
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yeah, i would love to see current duel in bo5 round format

on other hand i have heard some pros (namely americants like carn and rapha) saying that they would be too tired after playing bo5 duel

so vocal cunts are at it again, rapha's too scared of playing 5 mapper with bo5 rounds with tox, miss sissypants!
oh so you are this 'moving the goalposts' guy again

whats the fucking difference if his lines were spoken or chat? he had written script lines that were giving you a glimpse of his character, now you have spoken lines that do exactly same job, but the execution is more sophisticated

you are propably some inbred english cunt anyway

good riddance
it's not worse than Q3 both are slow
if your game needs more than 10 mins for duel its probably shit
so tell us what's your wundebar game of choice
vore tournament
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I've been waiting for this. Dark Souls is easy confirmed by the digits.
>some q2 grapling hook ripoff with space q3 maps with 10 retards sucking some hobo dev cock

there's been reflex, there's been warsow, xonotic, open arena, and there's been vore tournament
still better than quake 3
Is quad damage now really 4x damage in champions?
why are there so many children on this site
> nuh-uh, mines better than yours because it's mine and i said so
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Good sir, tis bait I believe. Posts designed to Rustle your Jimmies as much as possible.
> HMG does 10 per hit
> w/ quad it does 40
looks like it
honestly it's a bit too powerful
> HMG does 120 dps
> 480 dps
> less than half a second with an accurate hitscan weapon to kill heavies at spawn
> literally 3 hits to kill lights, 4 to kill mediums
atleast the lies in quake 3 made the thing a little more managable to fight against
nice redditspace my man
the difference is you being an insufferable baby who can't admit he's wrong and illiterate
and I'm not going anywhere, there's still a lot of oc to be made
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if your game needs more than 10 minutes for duel its shit
I had a dream of playing /arena/ games. The genre is dead, but it was all right.
Shut up, Max.
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>tfw no Quakefuu to hold hands with
Sorlag will hold your hand
in her mouth
What the fuck is redditspace.
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Is there any girl any more perfect than Nyx?
Perfect ass, Cute face and hair, perfect tits, amazing hips.
Kick ass personality.
I can't even. I'll play this game just for her.
She is 10/10 would make phase babies with. Playing against her however with how shit the netcode is, gives me aids.
>you will never make her giggle and smile ;_;
o-oh my
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I feel like Nyx is alot like the character that inspired her (Motoko Kusanagi) a massive tease
An insult to people who space their post in 4chan. Stupid, I know.
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Since BlowJob is in the game would pretty damn cool to see this dude get added in.
> open door
Could explain his absence in the latest Wolfenstein games too. Also, Fritzkrieg when?
id never acknowledges team arena even though the formula is objectively better than QC's
>Could explain his absence in the latest Wolfenstein games too.
He died in Wolfenstein 2009.
what if
> hunter is announced
> retconned as a rambo dude, not an amazon girl
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I keep forgetting that's canon to the new timeline
I hope hunter has the biggest dick of all the champions
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>Forgetting the egg vanity cosmetic
Sorlag is clearly a girl (female)
>straight back
Furries confirmed retarded once more
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You like this more?
Now shes too small
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Wolfenstein 09 is basically The Incredible Hulk of the idCU
degenerates leave
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I would slap the shit out of TWilly, cry on Zero4's shoulder, and then go back to overwatch.
i demand to see the front before i make a statement

> no quadruple nostrils
> no curved fangs
> no claws on fingers
> gigantic eyes
> what even is that gun supposed to be

love trout's stuff, but this one misses all the marks
The amount of people who can't read the first word of Sorlag's lore is really pissing me off.
The first fucking word in her lore is literally "Her."
> no curved fangs
You know what pissed me off about Shyvana fan artists in LoL? I know this isn't /arena/ but since were on the topic of scaleladies...
Fucktards who put fangs on human Shyvana.
She doesn't have fangs, stupid drawfags.
Stop trying to make her "better."
no no no, you don't understand
for a character to be female, they need:
> a human-like face
> boobs
> hair
> average lady voice

seriously, it's a fucking quarter ton space lizard, you think she's not going to sound like one?
sounds like an argonian, which makes sense, considering bethesda's involvement
>you think she's not going to sound like one?
>sounds like an argonian, which makes sense, considering bethesda's involvement
She still sounds like a girl. A more mature and older woman, but that voice is definitely fem.
many fools disagree
especially on the forums
That's because most of them are neet virgins who have never heard a real woman talk to them, and their only reference to women's voices they know are the "KAWAII!" ugu!" weeb pandering magical girls who have fake cute voices.
>Sorlag will never talk dirty to you with her voice
>she will never moan when you suck her cock ;_;7
> cock
see yourself out
which arena shooters have the overall best bots to play against?
CPMA has great bots
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In the age of 'muh female empowerment', she damn well be 100% Amazon and after the furries and their Quakefuu of choice
Well she does have dark skin, so like they could paint her as a SJW bait, you know "woman of color" and have the tumblerinas praising them.
You know, like how Overwatch did with their characters.
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>mfw I enter this thread to bump and see this shit
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I hope all your Quakefuus make it into Champions! Be they Crash, Hunter, Mynx, Major, Daemia, Lucy or even Angel!
Your pic reminded me of a dream I had where Avitus from Dawn of War fought in the Arena Eternal.
>dark skin
She isn't black or anything, she's olive at most. Hell, her Q3A lines have a number of bits about hating men and believing they're completely inferior.
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>it's a fucking quarter ton space lizard,
>quarter ton
we don't know anything about the shambler's weight
we only know that he's 6 foot tall and throwing lighting and that he can face ranger
>When she opens her slipgate.png
Is what that file should be named famalam
fucking hell I meant 20 foot
got confused because it's over 6m tall
oh sorry
i didn't mean to include shamblers, that was just my reaction image of choice regarding 500lb of space lizard ass and teeth

it's a multi-layer filename, E2M6 is the first map Vores appear in and the uncropped image has a vore in it being lewd
One day Anon, One day...

She is a bronze Amazon who could hate on my manhood all night if you catch my drift

I think it's 20ft tall, Ranger himself is probably 6ft
anarki is average height (?) -80kg, 100 at tops
ranger taller than that - 100/120kg
sorlag is way taller than ranger, even with her hunched stance
due to how volume works, double height does not mean double weight, so she'd easily be over 200kg, maybe around 250kg
that's pretty goddamn thick, even if I had to convert from your communist measurement units first
sorlag's q3a card has her at 6'4" <400lbs which is obviously wrong and way too small

>tfw you will never help sorlag on the hunt and ensure she gets enough fresh meat to be even thiccer
> Q3 sorlag is shorter than me, yet over double my weight
what a fatass
NuSorlag has a pretty thin waist/belly though
it all goes to her legs from all that bunnyhopping
girl is fucking jacked
I want sorlag to taste the meat of my bone
>Practice Quake champions all day
>GF still doesn't want to have sex with me

What am I supposed to do
are there any custom bots that are good in unreal tournament(any of em)?
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Maybe your Railgun isn't enough for her?
where's the love for jedi knight 2? 2.5 bucks on steam atm
Sounds like she's the perfect feminazi icon for the SJW crowd that might play quake, nyx being a close 2nd.
Sign her up.
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From now on she won't be ignoring my rail, I'll show her who has the stronger stack.
I'm sad that they didn't save the heavyweight passive for Lucy
Isn't Jedi Academy better though?
>NuSorlag has a pretty thin waist/belly though
can sorg get fat?
we have to ask big willits this somehow
Huge GitS fan and for some reason I never really saw Motoko as that sexual, that is until I read the manga if you know what I mean
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Lead the charge Anon
I hope Lucy never makes it into QC.
I'm so tired of token fat characters.
Every game has to have the same stupid token fat character, and the main point of the character isnt to be unique, it's just mean to be "HEHE LOOK IM FAT THATS WHAT MY CHARACTER IS ALL ABOUT!"

So tired of this shit.

We already have Scalebearer as a heavy, but he's not a fatty.
He's a brick shit house.

QC doesn't need a token fatass.
>SAC Motoko does her job and teases Batou Dat implied lesbian escaped tho
>manga Motoko fucks literally whatever she wants and couldn't give a fuck about what Aramaki says

Manga Motoko is truly best girl so Genki so pretty
Meant Escapade*

I just want Nyx to feel my 7inch cock in her vag.
I'll show her what a real dick feels like.
Her macho girl attitude gets me so hard.
Lucy and Biker should be in. The next canon otp aside from Anarki and Slash.
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>Liking Tough girls
Every time I think this general can't have better taste you Anons impress me. God bless when QC comes out we are going to drown in shitposting.
thread is more degenerate than vore tournament at the moment
is it? how
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don't be such a prude
Nonsense, this thread is a bastion of good taste in a board that has none
What's wrong with liking tough chicks anon?
I like the kinda girl that wants to be ontop and when she's riding you, she goes for and grabs on to you and you know damn well she's doing it for her pleasure because that grip means she wants to fuck.

I hate that "but..but i dont really wanna have sex, but I will anyways cause you want it" fake shit in animu.

Sex is way hotter when she's horny and wants to fuck you.
I like that feeling of like, "this girl is trying to force me to bang her, is this rape? Doesn't matter, had sex."

Sissy chicks are lame, Tough chicks are where it's at.

Nyx gives me such a massive hard on.

Pony posts gonna get you banned anon.
More stuff in it, like how UT 2004 was to UT2003, but to a lesser extent.
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I've decided to marry the first girl I meet who rocks Motoko's hair cut There are none though
>posting completely innocent pictures of cartoon horses is on par with gore and hardcore pornography
truly the most powerful meme in existance
I'm not sure I get it. Are you saying that ut2003 has more content than 2004 so 2003 is better than 2004 much like jedi academy is better than jedi knight?
No. It's just that UT2003 was a far better game in terms of design.

UT04 did stupid shit, like adding vehicles and crap like that that removed the essence of being an arena shooter.
Nobody said that but if you want to talk about Sorlag ripping out Lucy's guts and gorging on her adipose-thickened flesh, we can do that.
Anon let clarify I meant to compliment you, and that when QC releases we are all going to end up like pic related in that post. I too like aggressive females I can relax a bit and not have to put so much work in.
you mean shit that was in an optional gamemode you didnt have to touch?
this is like VQ3 vs QL retardation
I meant that 2004 was better than 2003, just like how Academy was better than Knight.
Ah I see!
I just like it when women want sex. They want it, they come to you, they demand and hell yes I am willing to comply.
Nyx seems like that kinda girl. And from the looks of her she also seems like the kinda girl that likes to get laid on a regular basis.
Fuck yeah.
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>That entire tough girls description
>jedi academy 1+gb,
>jedi outcast 700 mb
what do they mean by this?
>watch quake champions stuff on youtube
Why do Bethesda's youtube videos have a lot of dislikes in them? Not to mention the shitstorm in the comments. Is it about the paid mods thing?
>Is it about the paid mods thing?
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>Pay for mods you broke plebs
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-Fixed the projectile delay, greatly reducing the latency between firing the weapon and the rocket/nail projectile appearing (image above)
>Lavar Ball
small baller pls go
>Clutch buffs
Sounds like fun
>"""Big""" """"Baller""""
What did they mean by this?
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>keep/blood run in deathmatch
>clutch rework
>rocket launcher fixed (hopefully)
>nail gun buffed

hope instilled
> blazko blood pool regen boost fixed
> NG and SNG buffs
are the nailguns now the plasmaguns they were always destined to be?
> anarki buff
> sorlag nerf
people will still whine about best girl
> clutch now has the most complex to use abilities
will have to test this shit out
> HMG nerf
i'm ok with this

from the sounds of it, you'd want to put your shield up, soak damage, then laser their ass before the shield goes down

>anarki buff

did you read the patch notes?
oh whoops
i just read that as 'additional +1 max health'
the wording threw me off

yea re-reading it i see how it is confusing, but it means i'll never get to have my 100 health anarki for the last two minutes or so of a match ever again =(
what a beast
rip hovertank
even when heavily focusing down the hourglasses i too only got it around the last 2 minutes
first time getting that award i laughed my ass off and i don't know why
>Clutch has a new passive! Clutch can dodge when the player presses the strafe button twice. Works both on ground and in the air
We UT now?
>She will never tell you "Morning sunshine" when you wake up every day.
> clutch will grind your gears
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Anon please I feel lonely as it is
I really fucking miss the 5 Hp/Ap pickups in duel being out of control of big pickups sucks so much dick its unbelievable
Bump before bed, goodnight Anons
That's why I just dream of grabbing that bar ass as she cowgirls rides me.
I bet she has an innie pussy too.
Nyx the dream girl.
That camo on her suit is disgusting. Full scifi design or bust desu.
I love the camo shader. Piss off.
fuckk don't do this to me anon
anon why do you like innie pussies
>or bust
But Nyx already has big tits
>anon why do you like innie pussies
Because they're super cute. But I also like it when their clit hood pokes out a bit.

Not really.
Those are probably 32C at the most.
She never shaves, has a roastie vagina, prolapsed hemorrhoids, and dark and large nipples and areolae.
nyx has the biggest tits in Q:C

that's why we need hunter
Even Hunter's tits pale before Lucy's
> this nyx meme
wimpy babby like everyone who likes her
can't even get railed without exploding all over the place unless protection is involved
literally every other girl lasts longer and can take a pounding
we're still in innuendo territory, right?
Lucy has no delicious sweaty Amazon girl abs to go with the tits, though. Just beer belly.
Never said Lucy was better than Hunter, just that she has the bigger pair of tits
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>Google Hunter
>Height: 6'6" (1.98 m)
My height
are you a muscular grill?
Too much woman for ya?
Lucy is fat, her tits don't count.
Calling Fat lady tits big is like calling a guy riding a bike in a marathon fast. It's cheating.>>180904331

>that's why we need hunter
I need hunter so bad.
I need 2 Quake waifus, and there needs to be nyx x hunter rule34.
id pls.
im a manlet and want to be dominated by her

tfw no tall gf
How tall is Mynx?
5'8", according to the old info card.

I know that feelio, dealio.
I remember her model was taller than most though. Might be because of her posture, heels and her hair.
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Yeah, that's one spot where the official numbers don't match up at all. Those would have to be some pretty big heels (which aren't nearly tall enough on her model) to make a 5'8" woman (which is apparently the height of whoever played Trinity in the Matrix, who is cited in Mynx's description) almost eye-level with Hunter's 6'6" and her flat bottom boots.

If anything, they made Mynx too tall model-wise; Major/Daemia are supposed to be close to Hunter's height (a bit shorter) and they're sized properly. If nothing else Hunter is still the most muscular by far, just compare the width of her (visibly toned) torso- she's almost as wide as Doomguy and makes Major look like a fucking twig.
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I need me a Strogg champion
IIRC one of the characters mentioned in the leaks is a Strogg Infiltrator, along with a Death Knight from Q1.
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same senpai
oh fuck thats awesome, i need a link to the leaks
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There's no real reason to doubt it given that everything else that's been leaked so far has been 100% dead on the money.
>double jump
i just want doom 3 physics
And those pics please?
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I don't have the other two offhand, but they've got the icons for the new gamemodes and BJ's facepic.
the double jump and berserk makes me 100% think it is going to be Doom 2016 doomslayer, the knight looks awesome as fuck, just wondering who bottom left is
Bottom left is Major and Sarge
Bottom right is Bones
Athena and Keel
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Okay, no. We literally just went over this. Read >>180905981, then rejoin the conversation.

Leftmost is Athena (new character IIRC), black guy one spot to the right is Keel (Q3A, middle row, furthest to the right in >>180905514), rightmost is Death Knight (an undead version of one of these guys from Quake 1, the 'Wall of Fire' ability presumably being a direct reference to the spread-fire ranged attack they have).
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Athena was cut from Quake 2 right?
Titanfall obviously isn't but there's no legitimate reason why Halo shouldn't be considered an arena shooter.

>Even starts
>Weapons and powerups on map
>Maps designed with a high degree of verticality and platforming
>high level play is characterized by map control of pickups and advanced movement tech

That being said, the type of person who comes into this thread isn't looking to talk about Halo or to play halo, nor are the Halo games really easily available on PC other then CE, so it not being discussed here makes sense.

I wouldn't mind if occasionally a CE or Halo 2 Project cartographer or Halo 5 forge lobby got set up on PC though.
Apparently? I honestly don't know much of jack shit about Quake 2 other than Bitterman was the name of the protagonist but Grunt is the multiplayer male playermodel.
Athena will be cool. It'd be great to have another girl in the Roster, but she's no Hunter.

But My goal in every game I play is to master all the female characters, and pick one main.

If hunter gets released I might have to double main.
Why is Quake Champions allowed here then when Halo isn't, when at least Halo has even starts?

Isn't QC outright a hero/class based shooter?
It worries me 'cause
>tall/large female with darker skin and a green color scheme
applies to Athena and that means a much, much smaller chance of adding Hunter, who would fit the exact same description.
Why would id and bethesda intentionally leave out the lorewank that would attract nostalgiafags and non quake fans through the interaction between sorlag and hunter?
Don't forget
>Not including a strong, brown, female character who looks down on men to get diversity points and to get our dicks hard
She's a shoo-in
>Isn't QC outright a hero/class based shooter?
It's a Quake Game with Heroes added to it.

It's literally a fucking arena shooter, dumbass.

All Quake C is Quake 3 with new graphics and added heroes, a few with CPMA movement.

This isnt Overtwatch 2.0 or Paladins.

It's literally Arena shooter with heroes tacked on.
Heros makes it not even starts though, so not an arena shooter.
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either you didn't play the game or you are trolling but it's literally Q3 with heroes. (also the stats are different to balance the different characters (fuck I don't want a Nyx with 100/200 HP/AP))
Piss off downie.
Anon just described exactly what the game is to you, and you're still acting like a pidgeon playing chess.
Fuck I hate people like you.
>He was the first of his order to face Ranger when he was going on a dimensional demon-slaying rampage. Killed swiftly and without effort, his spirit kept wandering the realm for decades, obsessed with revenge. Sensing Ranger's inevitable departure to the Arena Eternal, his body rose anew from the ashes and followed in the marine's wake.
I wonder what they're really going to come up with
Athena was the name of one of the q2 female player models
I'm surprised they even included her considering how shit the females looked and sounded
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I hope you can see his face through the helmet. That would be cute.
Bump for Hunter and Athena champions.

Gimmie pls id.
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>He was the first of his order to face Ranger when he was going on a dimensional demon-slaying rampage. Killed swiftly and without effort, his spirit kept wandering the realm for decades, obsessed with revenge. Sensing Ranger's inevitable departure to the Arena Eternal, his body rose anew from the ashes and followed in the marine's wake.
I like it.
Do you guys really like Champions?

Maybe I'm an oldfag but the game looks like shit to me despite the fancy graphics. Doesn't look like it plays like a Quake game.
this shit looks fun, is http://playmorepromode.org/ the site and is it still active?
>Doesn't look like it plays like a Quake game.
You should get your eyes checked considering it's literally just Q3A with some varying health values and a couple characters having extra bits like CPMA style movement. There's still strafejumping and item timing and quad damage and map control and so on and so forth you negative fucking nanby pamby.
It looks like an Overwatch Quake themed mod my guy. I don't trust it seeing as it's not made by the same people and the pros are only on it for the monies.
oh, it's this faggot again
hide and ignore
Okay. You can go back to playing with likeminded people in QL, and we'll be over here playing Q:C AND QL.
Woah woah woah big guy you sound like you a little frustrated and mad

I apologize for questioning the all knowing Champions devs. Promise I won't play to cheat before they eventually add the paywall. Hopefully your paid abilities will stop me.
hide and report
I'm absolutely loving it.
It's alot more fun and involved than Overwatch, no stupid bullshit team comp crap to deal with like in OW.
No bullshit like in CoD.
Skill based movement, and map control is very interesting.
No big open fields of stupidly large teams like in battlefield.
TDM is challenging and fun to play.

I'm having a blast. Fustrating, but still a lot more fun than other FPS.

Plus they didn't go full retard like overwatch and I can actually use my 21:9 monitor.
>Promise I won't play to cheat before they eventually add the paywall. Hopefully your paid abilities will stop me.
I feel like Quake Champios being free to play is a mistake. It'll slowly die because of cheaters; just look at CS:GO - that's a paid game already (but like only 15 kikebucks) yet it's plagued by cheaters.
cheaters buy keys off shady websites for like a dollar or so
>Do you guys really like Champions?

I like it, Id like it more if my upgraded my toaster. Its the only (excluding QL) arena shooter with actual players and potential players come release. given that other shooters are either played out (Ow, cs, CoD) or dead (everything else) ...im hoping it works out.
you act like valve doesn't know that and intentionally lets that shit happen so when they do the once-in-a-blue-moon VAC wave, they get mad money from all the skiddies buying new copies
shit, look at all the shady/blatantly obvious clips of pros playing on LANs and all the shit they've done like loading their cheats onto the workshop as private items and downloading them at the LAN (allowed because MUH SKINS)
CS is a joke
The largest games on earth got large mostly because they were free.

The only fucking reason Overwatch is as big as it is, is because it's made by blizzard.

If you released the exact same game that overwatch is without the blizzard tag on it, it would be smaller than TF2.

CSGO is big because valve dumped an assload of money into it to capitlize on Esports.

Dota2 and LoL are the largest 2 games on earth because they are free.
>bloodrun added for dm/tdm
it's too fucking small, it's going to be a mess
Why hasn't /v/ or /vg/ or /vr/ made an arena fps for people to play in?
you what
15 minutes and still no match lads
She can handle the pounding I give her with my Railgun and that is all that matters Anon.

it's pretty dire, and i don't expect for it to get better, because they appear to be going after the disgruntled overwatch player who wants more of a skill-basedâ„¢ esportâ„¢ experience.
they're goring for the 25-30+ dude who played all the quake multiplayers, grew tired of them and wants something new that's still quake but not quake3/ql
Lots of games have come and gone that's still quake but not q3/ql though. I don't believe that the "Quake" branding will magically create players for the genre - developers and publishers are wasting money catering to an audience that isn't even there and will never return.
LoL catered to an audience that wasnt there and look at it now.
It's the biggest game genre of all time.

Sometimes you don't need to create something for an existing group.
You just need to create something interesting enough that players will come to it.
Which is why I don't understand what happened at id/Bethesda between D44M and now marketing-wise. They had a pretty good read on DooM fans and gave us Singleplayer-wise what we wanted. But with Quake they are basically doing this >>180916860
If you listen to any autist who plays LoL or OW most of the time its "My team sucks ass" or "I could beat pro players 1v1 but my teams usually suck". id seems to think these guys have a chance at Quake when there are ancient mother-fuckers just dying to curb-stomp noobs.
TL;DR: Bethesda and id are fucked marketing-wise on this game which is a shame its pretty fun
>to an audience that wasn't there
WC3 Dota and HoN's beta were there alongside LoL's beta though. The audience never left, merely switched
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>they're goring for the 25-30+ dude who played all the quake multiplayers, grew tired of them and wants something new that's still quake but not quake3/ql

oh god....thats me
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It's a lot of fun. It plays just like every arena shooter except with the whole champions thing, and even then those only secondary to the actual gameplay unlike games like Overwatch.
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am i a quakedad yet?
>LoL catered to an audience that wasnt there and look at it now

this is either revisionist history or someone who has no idea about the history of league

lol got their foothold because an active dota community member pendragon took down dota-allstars, the biggest forum and main way to communicate with other dota players at the time, and replaced it with a giant advertisement for league of legends, the new great game he was working on. many of the champions in league of legends were plagiarized directly from the "hero ideas" subforum that he destroyed.

to say league is some sort of trailblazer who "catered to a nonexistent audience" to create their following is a joke, they didn't do some sort of hard work creating a market. they impounded a large portion of dota's playerbase to make themselves the juggernaut they are.
>that slow transition from left strafe to right strafe
I can do the tutorial version but I can't do the real thing yet. Took me an hour to get the tutorial right.
>feel like playing
>suddenly patch

well perhaps tomorrow then
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I keep fucking my strafe-jumps, I legitimately feel autistic trying to practice this shit. I somehow cannot get above 600 ups nor can I successfully circle jump on command. How do you get used to the timing?
show us how its done properly
I think most people fuck it up not with the keyboard presses, but rather the mouse movement.
I never learned properly from day 1, so my muscle memory is pretty wonky
servers online when
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Not saying I'm good, but when switching between left strafe and right strafe, you should flick your mouse quickly to maximize your speed gain. Like if you're left strafing and you're facing 20 degrees to the left of your movement direction, you should quickly flick to 20 degrees to the right of your movement direction when you switch to right strafing.

This guy is pretty damn good:
I thought flicking it quickly will make you lose speed
Basically, when strafe jumping in one direction (e.g. left with W+A strafing), there is a range of angles in which you will gain speed. Say you're moving at 600 ups. Let's say that angle might be between 20 to 45 degrees to the left of your movement direction. 20 would be the most optimal angle, and as you increase that angle, the speed gain would decay, until 45 degrees where you don't gain speed whatsoever. You don't gain speed either if the angle is below 20.

When you switch to W+D strafing, everything is mirrored. Any angle between -20 and 20 degrees to the right is basically a dead zone. That's why you should flick to quickly mirror your orientation, and only when you're changing your strafe keys. Also note that as your speed increases, the angle also slowly increases.

Sorry for the autism. I recently read the mathematics behind the movement mechanics, and it's really interesting. You can have a read if you're into maths.

Will Quake Champs ever leave the BethNet launcher?
How many people on average are still playing UT4?
I know all about the history of lol and dota.

I didnt say LoL was a trail blazer either.
LoL just did something that dota2 didnt. It brought dota to the masses and removed some stuff that made dota hard.,
What happened afterward was something no one really expected.

Entirely new genre came into center stage that used to be an unknown unless you were a serious RTS player.

No one really expected LoL to do what it did. Everyone expected it to be the same stage as dota allstars, just a different set of dota allstars players who would sustain it.

Instead the game exploded into a popularity that even world of warcraft looked small by comparison.

You don't get it.
LoL MADE an entirely new audience out of players who would never touch dota allstars HoN, or any other MOBA for that matter.

I'm not praising LoL here, but there sure as hell werent 70million+ Moba players during Allstars.

And dota2 isn't anywhere near as big as LoL, despite being the 2nd biggest game on earth.

LoL brought "dota" to a market that never cared about dota, and now everyone cares about LoL.

Riot wasnt trying to trailblaze and do this intentionally. They were just trying to make a better dota, and it unintentionally exploded into a genre full of players who have never even heard of dota.
RTS and Competitive RTS was always big and DOTAlikes made it even easier by removing all the hard parts so any brainlet could play.
They already said there was going to be a Steam version.
>Riot was trying to make a better dota
They failed spectacularly at that
>I know all about the history of lol and dota.
>Riot wasnt trying to trailblaze and do this intentionally.

alright fair enough
No large amounts of the community stayed with the older games simply from resentment. The rest played the beta (like me) and felt how awful the game was and how it's nothing like the old games.
But they advertised themselves like the typical Korean mmo and got tons of kids to play.
It really is a game aimed entirely at kids. You can see it plainly from the audiences, especially the first couple years. They did bring a new audience into the game by making something completely different.
It's similar to how QC is doing things except QC is doing a half measure. I don't see it working out for them but maybe. I'm not a marketing expert.
While I agree that Dota2 is a way better game than LoL, LoL ended up being the more popular game.

Sometimes you don't have to make a good game to get popular. You just have to have the right timing and the right amount of material to get people hooked.

The rest ends up falling into place on its own.

Honestly it pisses me off that LoL is the more popular game, because Riot doesn't deserve their success. Dota2 does, but Riot is full of jackassed know it all wannabies that ruined much of the original charm of the game they created.

LoL now is a very different and much more boring and dumbed down game than it was years ago.

But dota2 still feels just like dota. It feels like so little has really changed since TI2 at Benaroya hall. With a few exceptions like the addition of the Talent tree, it still feels like the same dota I've always played.
And that's a good thing.

Riot doesn't deserve their success. Pendragon is a fuckin asshole, and Morello is a dumbass. Lyte and Ironstylus were both self absorbed peices of shit that dont deserve to work in the games industry.
Is the tight control shown in the vid related to mouse sense or is it just practice?
>flicks in perfect range of motion
>strafes left/right correctly without affecting direction
>projectile delay fixed

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, you won't fool me again
projectiles shoot faster than quake live confirmed
update when?
post YFW when you find out if clutch is good or not
the audience was there my dude
I remember being a kiddo in warcraft 3 and wanting to play custom games but all there was were Dota matches. Every day, every minute, a list full of god damn mother fucking Dota matches.
This isn't the god damned problem.
You're measuring the muzzle flash there.
This is an exaggerated version of what's going on (if you're too much of a pleb to see it in gameplay yourself):

This NEVER happens in QL. And especially you always get the trajectory you were supposed to. Even if ping is high enough to make your rockets come out delayed.
In QC that simply isn't true. They fly wherever the server thought you were aiming when firing. It's like an exaggerated version of the server-side turning you get in QW that let you rocket jump without turning when you move out of certain teleporters (the TP to RA on ZTN notably).

Sure, delay in when you rockets appear is bad, QL has never had amazing netcode. But its been good enough.

I don't know the engine obviously but I think this is due to their attempt at anti-cheat. Aimbots normally has the characteristic of inhuman reflexes. There's no prediction involved it's all aimlock. If you have a system that doesn't aim instantly serverside (or a system that doesn't plain accept the client side aim directions it's given) you could make aimbotters less effective.
But it's a flawed idea. Bots would just account for this by overshooting a little before they aim correctly. They'd still beat human players just fine. You can't tune a mechanical game so computers won't play it better than humans. Impossible. What you can do is use heuristics to detect cheating statistically, or prevent them at the executable level (detect dll injects and the likes).

If they fix their rocket delay it might be that they've backed on this idea. I hope that's all it is.
QC is going to turn us into Joe Rogan back in the day

There was an audience, but not "we have largest game in the entire fucking history of video games by almost 5x as the next game" sized audience.

LoL made an entirely new audience of players.

I hope quake c can do at least 1% of what LoL, and it'd be awesome.
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servers are back up boys
no its the first female skin there is and one of the default skins for one of the openTDM sides
>Aimbots normally has the characteristic of inhuman reflexes. There's no prediction involved it's all aimlock.
You realize predictive aimbots- and very good ones at that- have been around for years, right?
i dunno but the rocket launcher does feel a bit more snappy.
is the nailgun a proper plasmagun now too?
And you missed the point of my post.
It's not about predicting where a player will be eventually. It's about predicting the serverside version of the game from your past clientside actions.
So is this placebo like all the other times or is it actually fixed? Because it should be obvious from the first rocket frankly. If you've played games other than QC in the last decade.
I dunno but it smacks for 20 a hit now, it's pretty brutal.
so you can actually hit things with it now?
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So tell me /arena/, who would you like to see in QC? Any franchise, their ability and passive.

Still waiting for Duke with his mighty boot and health for medals passive.
>Medals for health
I really like that idea, anon. It reminds me of the whole "Ego" concept from Forever, which was the only good idea that game had
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Lo Wang
Passive: Some kind of shadow realm power
Ability: Quick slash, 200 damage slash of a sword, about 2-3x the range of the gauntlet
or maybe his nuke launcher
anons help me out

slash, now clutch, nyx, (and ranger if you include his tele) all have completely trivial b2r
You can rocket jump through the ceiling above tri-bolt in corrupted keep. Old news?
I actually got it from Manhattan project where your health literally is your ego. kill an enemy by shooting em 2 ego kill an enemy by mighty boot 10 ego it's actually really interesting to play with.

LoL's ultimate success had nothing to do with the genre or gameplay and everything to do with the marketing/business model.

1)Game could run on a literal toaster and is free to play, guaranteeing massive amount of third worlders automatically as audience

2)The microtransaction model was amazingly successful in two ways. Firstly, in a place like Korea, almost everyone plays in a PC Bang, which can allow for playing with everything unlocked on the communal accounts. Secondly, for individuals who start playing LoL seriously, before they realize it they have spent hundreds of dollars on a glorified mobile game. This leads to heavy sunk cost fallacy rationalization for them to keep playing it. Just try talking to long-time LoL players and witness in real time the abject suffering but continuing to play it in spite of themselves because they can't quit the game they've spent 600 dollars on.

One gameplay aspect that helps massively is also the fact that it is team-based. This allows for average people to not be directly confronted in-game with how shitty they really are, which makes their playtime much more enjoyable than say getting endlessly hammered even in a "fun" DM match in something like Quake or UT.
don't think so did you report it?
I didn't play Shadow Warrior 2 so I don't know what powers he has in that. But what about a shock wave that knocks projectiles back at his opponent and as passive......... I was thinking of dashing but Clutch is getting that.
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Yeah free to play was also a thing that wasn't super common back then. Back then HoN was released with a buy to play model at 30$ for a moba game. Completely different landscape. To attempt that now is just plain suicide.
IIRC it wasn't even available in Korea for a long time. But I may be wrong.
>F2P is an insidious business model
I agree completely. But consumers are too stupid to realize the problems. You either abuse the player-base in general, abuse the whales or both. It's never focused on providing the best experience.
Genji ain't got shit on Lo Wang
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new QC patch in a nutshell
>Character gets a rework
>Everyone wants to try them to see whats new
Is it that surprising?
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quake and commander keen being listed as bethesda classics feels so wrong
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God bless
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>Client Error
>Client Error
>Client Error
it's a beta just kidding they have to fix this shit
Can someone post a gif of the new Clutch dodge? stuck@werk
See >>180936960
does this shit have a cooldown or is clutch /unreal/ now?
I don't know. See >>180955283

imagine UT dodge movement that gives momentum and can be continued into a normal strafe jump or more dodges, or you can dodge straight ahead and get the benefit of clutch's straight acceleration

clutch might actually be pretty good now
I hope it varies the Champions up a bit so we don't have Sorlag and Scalebarer as much but he just doesn't fit my playstyle.

I played nothing bu Anarki for the longest time but I've switched to Slash now and it makes me regret never playing Quake 4.
So, Clutch seems fun.

>playing doom with sprite scalers
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>quake world championship
I'm kinda miffed that they overload all these names.
We can't call quakecon QC anymore. Now we have a tournament that sounds like it's a tournament for a good game but it's a tournament for a bad game.
Can they not just make up something new like valve did with TI?
>sounds like it's a tournament for a good game but it's a tournament for a bad game.
Go the fuck away.
/owg/ is that way -->
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>mfw clutch is good now
Are you dumb? Quake world vs quake Champions.
The tournament is called quake world championship.
What did they do? Does he have a turret mode?
>pretends like he wasn't baiting.
Go away faggot
Baiting what? Overwatch? I don't even see what the relation of what I said is to Overwatch.
Bump to end the thread quicker

clutch has UT movement now in the best way

(The Logical Entry)

Commander Keen!
Passive :"Nutritious" - Health Pick Ups give 15% more Health

Ability: Pogo - Jump at tremendous high speeds any enemy Keen lands on is insta-gibbed

(The Wishful Entry)

Hexxen's "Parias"

Passive: Null Field - Reduced damage from enemy active abilities

Ability: Serpent Staff - Melee weapon that fires projectiles and steals enemy HP
Oh that's cool.
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Thi Barrett

Health: 75
Armor: 0/50
Base speed: 450

Passive: No speed cap + cpma movement

She has no active abilities.
I watched a stream now. Wow that's great. Finally it's like he's a character that fits the game.

her active ability should be dog mode
> fixed rocket delay
> rockets now deal damage a second after exploding
Anyone getting performance hiccups this patch?
So this is how UT would have worked if UT was made by id.
>Quake 1 RL is centered
>Don't have the option to center to other weapons or to put the RL off-center, so the RL sticks out like a sore thumb
Why? They let choose between center/off-center the guns in D44m
it bothers me too
the gimmick of 'Q1 had centered RL so we have too' was already done by tf2
even changed the rockets to come from the center of the screen instead of from the right
appearently daily challenges are backlogged?
i completed 2, but got 2 new ones
what is the dps of Clutch's mining drill?
I mean, I get it if the gimmick is all the Q1 weapon reskins are centered, but it just irritates me because that's the only one there is at the moment
slows you down massively
has infinite range (?)
>quake flightsim
I for one welcome our new robot overlords.
>ability is an lg that does 5 dmg instead of 7, can't even switch
what the fuck are you memeing
> you are missing the last attachment of your otherwise complete armor set
> unbox duplicates of the wrong slot
ASJGFDASDFAS give me my fully decked out savage set
When you dual wield the Q1 RL they stop being centred so they might add the option
Is Shootmania: Storm a good game?
everything related to shootmania is shit
> highest damage on the team, leading by over 1K
> one frag behind top fragger
could i get some fucking kills for all the work i put in
A Jetpack with limited regening fuel as a passive for duke would be really cool.
> ranger's speed is 320, marked at 3 stars
> slash's speed is 310, marked at 4 stars
> visor's speed is also 310, but marked at 3 stars
> anarki and nyx both have 320, but marked at 4 stars
Something, something beta
It's pretty OK. It's dead now but royal and battle wave were fun modes. Some people didn't like the limited nature of weapons. It wasn't really an afps like other afps. But the culture of the servers made it more interesting. There were custom map servers with jukebox modes which I really enjoyed. It was fun jumping in and learning new maps. The nature of the game (your position determining your strength entirely) made exploring these maps fun. If you were just to hop around in random maps in most other afps you'd have feel terrible for not finding what route to take to grab stack or weapons. SM didn't have that issue. So you could leisurely move around a level and explore the best ways to win the game. The nature of the movement system and the elements in the maps (especially when they added the grapples) made it pretty cool.

It was a major mistake to make elite their primere competitive mode. Battle wave is far more spectator friendly. Joust was just a joke.

My biggest issues with the game was their reliance on extrapolation. It makes shooting at people. They turn and warp back a good bit. Feels especially bad with the rail equivalent. The animations adds to this. Characters lean a lot in the direction they run so their profile makes them feel off to start with. But that's the sort of high ping situations. Otherwise it's fine.

It could have been much more than it is. As it stands it's a casual arena game with no players, a super simple map editor that requires literally no effort (which is what made the jukebox servers so nice) that is very simple mechanically.
I think people feel the skill cap is too low. It's really all about aim from the start aside from slight things like shooting people up in the air. But generally if you can reliably do that you should just shoot at them instead.

slash has crouch sliding and her active ability, which gives her better mobility than ranger despite a lower base speed
anarki has his ridiculous air control and his ability gives him a speed boost and nyx has her wall jumping
Are you dum?
No air control with a moderate speed cap
Crouch sliding with a moderate speed cap (clearly faster than ranger)
No air control with no speed cap (not that it matters since the maps aren't allowing him to speed up that much)
Best air control and acceleration potential with a highs speed cap, ability grants speed
High speed cap, ability grants speed, can move undisturbed because of phase.

Though nyx should be 3 imo. Rangers ability is way more mobile.
Also. Clutch is pretty damn mobile now.
See >>180983258
So sure. They're flawed. But basing their stars off base ups is dumb.
> passives
> actives
> movement speed

> anarki has full heal + max health increase
> health marked 1 star

the speed is the speed, not the abilities
the abilites are abilities, not the movement speed
I say scrap the star/number/bar rating and just put all the actual numerical values for the stats. Let the players sort it out for themselves which champion they want to play. Stop with the handholding.
There's no statistics that are appropriate to show though. The stars in other games are generally just recommendations to the rookies who associate themselves with traits.

They're never meant to be an accurate image of the character in relation to others.
Same with those damage/accuracy/firerate bars in call of duty. You're just given an idea of playstyle.
Ranger and visor should be 2 stars because there's no way noobs would get good speed with them.
Quake champions needs to have a comprehensive manual (printed, ingame, online) that covers any and all the nuances of the game desu. From console commands to jargon to allowable bug/glitch abuses/exploits [strafe jumping, etc.] and the history of quake.
how do i make my LG hits do damage
how do i make my MGhits do damage
how do i make my RG hits do damage
how do i make my RL hits do damage
why do none of my hits do damage
i hit the guy
i hit the guy multiple times with my gun
but they don't do any damage
no matter what weapon
rockets explode and wait for the guy to get out of the explosion radius before it does damage
people hit me before i'm even in their line of sight
what the fuck is this and how do i fix it
Is GMod /arena/?
Is Sven Co-op /arena/?
Play reflex or Warsow, since it has client side hit reg it feels like
New thread when?
aren't those just Q3 rehashes?
also i want to shoot more than just boring robots on played-to-death maps with strict metas to win, where deviating results in losing
play CPMA or quakeworld
new thread
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