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/vn/ - Spaceship Edition

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Thread replies: 755
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Visual Novel General #1510

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

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Previous thread:

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.
That made me nostalgic.
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Second for "We should all just get along"
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That's just how Ooyari works anon, you're gonna have to accept it and move on.
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Kasumi is the superior Muv to Luv

I love Kasumi!
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>ywn repopulate earth with Rusalka
why even live
Does she get any h-scenes on AF or any other spin-offs that aren't Strike Frontier?
>someone remembered my theory on why this shit happens
Oh my.

That's just his trademark. Flat chests, similar structure, etc. From the mostly me being an autist and tearing through entire fucking tags in gelbooru knowledge I know, once you get your facial structure pattern down as an artist, its extremely hard to break it.

This is what causes a lot of artists to make sameface shit. Excellent when you're like wokoda and draw 95% miku, Not as good when you're a VN artist trying to draw a sizable cast of characters.
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>Does she get any h-scenes on AF

>or any other spin-offs that aren't Strike Frontier?
don't think so
get a brain
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Not in the market for pickled super rope sluts.
The OP image is absurd.
no way
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kek, Yuuma is really something
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truly a kamiTL
Had the exact same job as him 10 years back. It can be a bit scary to answer the phone for the first time.
That's really sugoi (amazing) my dear tomodachi (friend).
all according to keikaku (TL note: keikaku means plan)
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Guys, why did the Tsujidou partial patch have to end so fast... now im all depressed...
I hope /ourguys/ make a patch for the second part of the common route aswell
>now im all depressed.

>really enjoy common
>getting depressed because you have to wait a tad for more Kamige

Be patient, you have something to look forward to.
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Well at least they give you a translation. Though it goes too far in the other direction from CC for my liking.
>I hope /ourguys/ make a patch for the second part of the common route aswell

It's hella short but why not
Yes, they're both bad translations but for completely different reasons. It's funny af comparing them to each other
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Lotus and Mari are by far the best characters so far
Libra torrent when?
Daily life with Lisa and Trifa is basically pure sugar.
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Is Battle Realms kamige?
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Does this count as mindbreak?

They were probably my unintentional favorite parts
In the last thread.
>opens last thread
>ctrl+f libra
>closes last thread
Might have been the one before that then. Threads have been going a bit faster recently with all the new releases.
Found it, thanks
A good chunk of the LDO are basically good people that did some really stupid things.
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>get ghosted 1/2 the route

Pic related is the only good thing to come from Midori's route
>order pizza
>1h30m expected delivery
Thanks for the link.
Which route has the best pissing scenes? I doubt I'll play through more than one route
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Which vn?
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What did he mean by this cough?
It is pretty realistic in EU desu. The pizza costs 10 bucks and needs an hour or two to arrive and then those shitskins expect 5 dollar tip too, as if our tipping mentality and wages are even remotely the same. Fuck that.
>girls are so fucking delicious
>everything else is shit
I don't give a fuck about Conjueror but if I had to choose between him and Ludo, I wouldn't hesitate.
Ludo fucked up too much in the past for me.
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Honestly Wilhelm was a fun as fuck character but I cannot imagine a whole VN about him.
Dunno, I'd have no problems with reading through 30+ hours of Wilhelm being Wilhelm.
I just want to see more Helga.
You get that too.
>Started Eiyuu Senki with the intention of fucking several dozen girls from all over the world
>Get annoyed whenever a sex scene comes up
I just want to continue with my World Conquest. I could've captured Cairo this turn if Beethoven didn't crave for the dick again.
>tfw you achieve enlightenment and realize that porn is truly holding back the medium
>Shat on all ages ever since you visited vg
>Go on a philosphical and spiritual search for 5 years
>Notice that all ages focuses on the things that are more important
>Just use doujins to bust a nut
I wish I could share the enlightement with the board, but anyone has to see it for themselves.
>Kei route done

I'm not sure I can keep going with DI, anons. Kei is just too cute and Ren undergoing actual character development was insane.

I guess I should do Rea and Marie's routes though.
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Oh. The route split came quicker than I thought

Gonna go with fiancee first.
Do you really want to give Reinhard the last laugh?
How are you enjoying it anon?
>Ren undergoing actual character development
>Kei's route
Did we play the same game?

>Reinhard the last laugh

He can't win though.

As long as Ren doesn't bond with Marie or somehow achieve Atziluth on his own to fight Reinhardt, Reinhardt can't get the spike in power/craving needed to hit Atziluth himself.

Mercurius outright tells you that unless you pick Marie (Or Rea, as it turns out) nobody is ever going to win.

Ren moves away from the 'I want time to stand still craving' to a 'I don't want to live with the dead/past' craving, and he outright says he no longer wants time to stand still, but to start their lives once again in the epilogue.
You mean
>Ren undergoing actual character development
>Any route
I know right? I ended up staying for the actual gameplay.

I think it's because the sex scenes were kind of disappointing.

The plot itself is standard fare chuunimoe fare. There's a lot more fighting in it than I thought there would be, I was expecting something completely brainless but there's like a bunch of vampire terms and history and shit that they keep throwing at me. It is also really legit funny at some parts especially anything having to do with MC's dad and Mari.

Translation is, well, I think it's been brought up enough here. I mean, it's readable but man it is literal. H-scens aren't so bad. The pee is a thing but it doesn't trigger me like it does others. Also I didn't know it was going to be completely uncensored. That's pretty neat
>Ren's Atziluth in Marie's route is a image of Marie and some runes
>Ren's Atziluth in Rea's route is a massive world of clockwork

Think about what Ren's desire is and what's different between Rea and Marie's routes

Because Ren in Marie's route is Marie's champion. It's 90% of his motivation. He's fighting for Marie's world and that's his desire, so his Atziluth represents that.

In Rea's route, he's fighting for his desire. He's allied with Marie, but she's not his primary motivation. As such his, Atziluth is a purer representation of him.

The Rea route Atziluth is considerably more powerful than the Marie one.

Oh. That makes sense.

The Rea route one is better overall.
So what the hell is Eine Faust Finale?

Goddamn, Ren is whipped in Marie's route.

Really funny that he still ends up with Rea in the end of it.
>>Really funny that he still ends up with Rea in the end of it.

Eine Fause Finale is Ren going borderline insane with despair and fury and tapping into Mercurius's power. That's why the chant is in an alien tongue, as opposed to German or Latin.

The effects are similar to a smaller scale Atziluth, but Ren's dark mindset at the time of invocation drives him into a berserk fury - an eternal anger - rather than the eternal peace he truly wants.
KKK spoilers
Whenever Marie's route happens it will inevitably lead into KKK, which will loop back to before Dies Irae.
So really the only one Ren will ever truly end up with is Rea since Kasumi and Kei are just glorified bad ends.
Im gonna go ahead and assume its not canon because thats fucking RETARDED
Translation when

End of KKK.

Marie gets killed in it, and after all is said and done and the world healed, Ren and Rea are together.
How does KKK compare to Dies Irae?
>The effects are similar to a smaller scale Atziluth
What do you mean? Eine Faust finale is just a Creation figment, that's how the Einherjar are able to fight him in the first place.
Just read KKK, it makes sense.

So no matter what Rea's route is the canon route? Kinda shits on Omnia vincit Amor doesn't it...
>So no matter what Rea's route is the canon route? Kinda shits on Omnia vincit Amor doesn't it...
Not really, it happens after it, iirc?
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Dies Irae is the best thing Masada's ever written. But KKK has better art.

It's Eine Faust Finale is essentially Ren's version's of Reinhardt's castle.

It's still a Beri'ah, but one so large and powerful that it's in the nascent stages of being an Atziluth.
Well what happens in Marie's Epilogue still happens, it's just the world kinda goes to shit eventually. There's a very long time where everything is perfectly fine following Omnia vincit amor.
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>I don't like the drama
No one does, and still, I feel like I can understand Midori and her actions. Also like how Yuuma does end up improving himself as a person during that period and thenceforth.
And man, drama just ends in such a perfect way... that scene when Yuuma gets his phone back and reads all those unsent mails was great.

Already said it, but I liked Midori route. Midori is such a cutie, midorianon was right
Beri'ah IS a small scale Atziluth.

It's been explained before that there are 2 types of Beri'ah Hegemony and Transcendence.

Overture is Transcendence and Finale is Hegemony.
Is there a recommended route order in Urine Adventures?
Or at least a true end I should save for last?

The world eventually does become happy again. It just takes around 8000 years.
piss off
doesnt he just change his body in eine faust finale?
>Beri'ah IS a small scale Atziluth.
They are conceptually different.
Beri'ah merely paints a layer of their craving ontop of reality while Atziluth straight up replaces reality.
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Kei best girl
Why is Kawashima Rino so sex?
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Kei worst girl
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She's been giving a nice verbal thrashing to the purest maiden in DI here.

Jesus christ.

What did Kei do to warrant that character shredding?
Kasumi died and she was revelling in Ren's suffering. That moment was cathartic as fuck.
Rea's route turns her into Satan.
>implying thats not how she is all along

Wait, seriously?

How did she go from literally being willing to fight Reinhardt and Mercurius, to being some craven nutjob who's happy that Ren's friends are being killed off?
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This is in Reas route much before those thoughts would have even had the chance of crossing her mind

>Kei route
>Ren provides love, attention, discussion and comfort
>Rea's route
>Ren is pretty much ignoring her

Kei is massively dependent on Ren, either to serve as an enemy or as a lover. If he doesn't do either, then she's left with nothing to confront with her own issues except for her own self. This drives her insane.
She's the exact same kind of person she is in the other routes. Isaak just doesn't take any of her shit and calmly concluded that she's worthless to their cause.

Did you somehow miss her happily leading Kasumi into what would almost certainly be her death when she takes her to the school during Kasumi's and Kei's routes?
She doesn't care about Ren's friends. At all.
>Did you somehow miss her happily leading Kasumi into what would almost certainly be her death when she takes her to the school during Kasumi's and Kei's routes?
That pissed me off so fucking much. "Tonight... I'm in your debt...."
*5 minutes later leads Kasumi to death*
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She needs something to focus on or she starts thinking, and if she starts thinking she ends up cornering herself and goes insane.

So, basically, Kei + Ren = Some kind of mental stability, whereas Kei Alone = degeneration into nutjob?
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Pretty much.



tip top kek
It's how Trifa raised her, she literally didn't manage to develop any kind of backbone until the game started.
This, I don't get why they released a VN centered on him. Wilhelm has his role, but he's kinda irrelevant in the grand scheme of things in DI.
No and no.
i-i-i-i-it was all Trifa!
He's a fun dude to read about, that's really the only reason you need to write.
Nah, she basically fucked herself up. It's always Trifa or foreknowledge.
>it's another "Dies Irae tries to impress a German with German vocabulary" moment

This casts Kei's route into a new perspective.

She's so desperately lonely that her grasping onto Ren is the only thing that allows her to reevaluate her self and her own goals without going insane. That's kind of sad.
She's a nutjob to begin with, it's more that on her route Ren helps her realize just how fucking self deluded and selfish she actually is, which together with Ren's reassurance and RABU she slowly starts coming to accept, giving her the strength to not go completely off the rails.
>get the option to have a threesome
>decline because it doesn't feel right for the heroine
Am I gay?
He is very important if you consider the entire series
You could at he is one of the most important factor in KKK
Ikabey actually is more a prequel to KKK than DI in a way and "foreshadow" a lot of stuff
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More or less but Rea's route had the extra step of "killing" all of Ren's friends which really amplifies all the bad mojo she expresses.
MMF is gay
MFF is straight
Futas are always straight
Angel Beats is coming at last
I am also against having scenes where you fug other girls when you're in someone else's route.

Ayakashibito was a bit hard to get through sometimes but my dick managed it

As Isaac says, Kei is incredibly jealous of Ren. He still has his loved ones and is fighting to protect them, whereas she's trying to get them back. He's a hero, and she's a villain and she's painfully aware of that.

At the same time, they're also very similar in personality, which leads to an attraction between them but Ren has an inner strength -an ability to persevere without compromising himself- that Kei doesn't, and that she's fiercely jealous of. Kei is fundamentally weak as a person, needing some goal or person to hold herself together. In Kei's route, they fall in love and she more or less just attaches her loyalty to him, drawing strength from him. She's still not strong. She's just found another strong support to hold her together.

Outside of that, she almost invariably start going crazy as the previous support she was clinging to -bringing Kai and Beatrice back to life- falls apart.
Guess i'll just do Margits route in A-3(?) Later.
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>He's a fun dude to read about, that's really the only reason you need to write
If that's the case then Spinne would have been the better choice

Dies Irae: The Chronicles of Rote Spinne when
i skipped it too
and Margits route is in S

The thing is, as Ren's friends die and he STILL doesn't want to bring them back to life or compromise his character, Kei get's even worse.

Ren is a living, breathing rejection of all that she is. She could deal with it before by going 'Well he hasn't lost anyone yet. He wouldn't say the same if he had'. But then Ren does lose friends and loved ones, and he's still the exact same. At the same time she's learning that her own dream is impossible to achieve without making Kai nad Beatrice into Einherjar, so things are going pretty badly for Kei, while Ren is still going 'I want to return to my daily life'.
Margit's is in S
>they're also very similar in personality
Are they? I don't really see it.
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Guy was pretty cool in the Doppeaddler attacks short story. I wanted to read more about the guy with the eternal Rusalka boner too, fucker was the average Rusalkafag personified.
She wants to bring back her daily life.
Hatsukoi 1/1 is actually good
>you will never exude so much power that the presence of your hologram forces you to submit

Why live
That has both nothing to do with their personalities and is completely incorrect, or rather their concept of it could not be different.
>Irru's eyes have opened now that he's editing a good VN
At least I'm enjoying it
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Mexican version when
Remember Runa?
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I love her
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Man, that's the oldest pic in my VN screenshot folder. That's from the first time I posted screens here as I played through the game. Good times.

Mint best girl.
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Roll credits?
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Jun 2.0
Why do you keep clipping out just the text box? It's autistic as fuck.
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We suffer from the anime curse.
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I get a heart boner every time she goes "Wan wan!"
I literally don't put that much thought into it. I just thought what the MC's dad said was meme worthy, took a quick snip, and gave it a stupid name. I guess I took a picture of just the text box because that was the focus of what I wanted to share and not the art of the scene itself? Better question is why do you get triggered by clipping out just the text box?
That's what a good man does, son. I did the same after choosing checking out the threesome scene and reloading.. Chris was absolutely wasted and had no idea what she was saying.
Dies has all 3, though
I made a mistake starting her route first. I thought that the fiance would be the best girl and I went into Libra pretty blind in terms of what to expect. But Mari is hands down the cutest and best girl in the game. The way Mari was bragging to all the other girls about the MC starting to date her was just too cute.
>good art
>good story
up to personal preferences
So how are you guys liking Libra so far?
Are the story and/or characters interesting?
B-b-but JOPs told me that DI was kamige so it can't have any flaws!
Having flaws doesn't make something bad, though
Else, literally everything is shit because there''s nothing perfect in this world
Thank god I'm not the only midorifag
I haven't read it, but DI has kinda shitty artwork from the screenshots you guys have posted.
B-b-b-but not Dies Irae! JOPs said Masada's writing is immaculate, and will be considered the Shakespeare of our time!
Dunno man, flaws let you like things.
I know Iris doesn't have a route despite being the fucking poster girl so I'm going with Mari first. She has the smallest boobs so it's obvious she's best girl.
Shakespear is shit though.
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are you the madman responsible of this
No. You just have absolute shit taste
Honestly no
Don't worry. Since he himself has flaws he can't help but project them onto DI.
Don't listen to that brainlet.
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>nobody likes Yukino
best girl but worst route.
I'm intentionally saving Mari for last. I know she's the best

I put my thoughts on it up here>>180639632
No I love her, anon. At least the first half of her route was comfy and cute.
As long as we all agree Runa's route is infuriating
>He is very important if you consider the entire series
Really? You'd never guess it if you just read DI, given how weak Wilhelm is and how he never manages to accomplish anything of note
Runa is the best girl in hatsukoi
nah, the plot just shits on him
Irru stop
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I was a mayafag but up until the bullshit yukino pretty much won me over.
Not Irru, and that's my honest opinion. I really like Runa
gluttonous whore
I work at a donut shop overnight so that may have also contributed to me liking her. I have a thing for confections despite being utterly sick of donuts now.
Wilhelm is literally cursed to never get what he wants, it's got nothing to do with power.
I think I am Wilhelm.
actually that ramen doesn't look so bad, Trip. Now I'm getting hungry
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one day...
We're all Wilhelm and Rusalka.
Wilhelm is the strongest fighter among the Round Table by quite a bit if you exclude the Battalion of Three and Reinhard. He had a lot more talent than Eleonore before she became an Einherjar too, if Wilhelm's craving was a bit more in line with Reinhard's ideal of strength and he was taken in back during Berlin he would be way more threatening than Samiel is during DI.
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>when new BGM finally plays
Beatrice was great despite being there for literally one chapter.
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Even taking the curse into account, he's just mid tier, not really all that strong

Anyways my point was that Wilhelm's importance was never really hinted at or implied during Dies.
>Mangagamer panel is from 9:30pm to 11:30pm

Fuck, I don't know whether it's worth it to stay that late to hang out with a bunch of fat fuck degenerate weebs like me
He's literally just lancer
Pacific Time
Eine Faust Finale means One/A Fist Final
It doesn't seem to take itself too seriously, and the battles usually come off humorous with Lycoris. The hscenes were a lot earlier than I expected and honestly didn't like how it seemed to be going complete harem like it was a nukige. But now that I've seemed to be locked into a route, which I honestly appreciate though I'm not going to be surprised if it still keeps going more harem. Most the girls are fun, but the father and/or Mari make up the best scenes. The translation is really fun to meme around with, as well. I don't know if I will read all the routes since I'm just reading it until DS comes out.
i hope they will announce hapymaher release date
>Rusalka's poem talks about a girl with pechschwarzem (jet black) hair
>English translation says her hair is green
What did Conjueror mean by this?
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>fisting h-scene

aww yeah nigga
I guess I am going to read only Mari route and then drop Libra all together. Dont like other girls that much and scenes without her are pretty boring.
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You know what to do, anon. Go in there and demand them to release SukiSuki fucking now.
>implying Aoi isn't hilarious
>just read this part
>know schwarz is German for black
>translation says green

I guess he really isn't /ourguy/
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This is the chance we waited for anon!
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It is time
No, she is just dumb.
Just finished Dies Irae. I loved the characterization, it really makes the VN and elevates the story.
Mercurius line - the story being trite but the actors being exquisite - couldn't be more true.
I want Anna to be fucking happy goddammit.
Also I find it funny how in Marie's route everything goes according to Mercurius' plan,
following the expectations of the genre -
the foreknowledge - but in Rea's everything gets fucked up, and ultimately Ren doesn't even have a role in the final battle, not following the protagonist label.
Guys I want to download Libra but I only have 9GB data left for this month.... what should I do?
Anyone know where I can swipe autism in pics related? I can't seem to find it but it doesn't seem worth throwing money at blindly.
What does the japanese voice over say? Because the ruby is a translation of the japanese's own ruby , not the german
The month is almost over anyways, might as well. There is nothing good releasing next week anyway.
>>Mercurius line - the story being trite but the actors being exquisite - couldn't be more true.
does anyone have a screencap of that?
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>I'll be at work during the panel
>one of MOONSTONE's artists and KEY's artist is there
>4 announcements
I can't wait to get off work to the worst news possible.
Besides The United Kaliphates of Burgerstan, what other countries have data caps? That's fucking retarded.
God dammit, I meant for the game name to upload first.
>one of MOONSTONE's artists
Get out
What the fuck
The ruby text doesn't always translate the german/latin under it. Hope you know your german and latin if you actually want to read it.
B-But if I run out of data I wont be able to shitpost in /vn/ for the rest of the month though... im so torn right now
I don't, I only have the full quote if you want:

"Come, gather and bear witness to my opera, now in the making. Its script is the height of cliché, I am forced to admit. And yet its actors are of the finest fold; beyond exquisite. Thus, I believe you will find it enthralling."

I copied it from Steiner's or Conjueror Twitter, I don't know if the final TL was this or they changed it though, and I don't remember.
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>and ultimately Ren doesn't even have a role in the final battle, not following the protagonist label.
>He danced to the mercurial tuned
Is there a place with a transcription of every Beri'ah poem to read?
Well, I don't know Japanese so I don't know what it says, but I don't hear kuro so it probably doesn't say black
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The Sun, since time immemorial, his brother-stars in song had rivaled
Bolting ‘long a path predestined, with thunder echoing in his wake
And with swiftness — swiftness beyond measure –, his perpetual cycle fought
His path ravaged, to ashes scorched
Unknown, peerless supremacy, by heav’ns wrought
Equal in beauty to the first of your days
I'm fluent in German and know enough Latin to at least get the general meaning of what is being said without having to look up words or check phrases.
Ask me anything.
Well im on a mobile connection right now.. My ISP decided to shut down the land based ADSL connection. Because of this I'm having some real trouble downloading VNs right now, sadly
Yeah I was referring to that ending, I thought it had a certain significance. Also I thought the other ending was added only in Amentes Amantes, am I wrong? That was still pretty cool, when Shirou, Machina and the others went to Ren I screamed like a little girl
When are you going back?
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The goddess Izanami, her light forever extinguished
Sleeps her final rest beneath Mt. Hiba amidst Izumo and Hoki, neighbor-lands standing vigil
On its burial grounds Lord Izanagi stood,
His ten-grasp steel drawn,
As Kagu-tsuchi’s head fell to dust beneath the kinslayer’s blade
Well, the Japanese word for "jet-black" is usually "shikkoku"
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Ah, my beloved, dearest swan!
Behold this horn, this sword, this ring, and besto-

I liked how Libra has a scene where the MC sits down and writers down catch phrase and name for his attack with his sword, and his father mocks thinks hes a being a faggot
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Ahh, and so I cast away the light of day: the night shall be my chief domain
A night-daemon I long to be, cloaked in darkness, shielded from harm
And free from taint, free from wicked bloodline
Born anew as a maelstrom of carnage and terror and beauty, a phoenix risen from midnight’s ashes
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>coco translating for us heathens even as she's busy wageslaving
Name a bigger jobber than Trifa.
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What meter is this supposed to be in?
What is she translating?
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No man more honest ever took an oath;
None more true made treaty
None was more pure in love;
And yet none so betrayed all oaths, all treaties, his truest love!
Answer me, O mortal man: can you understand why?
The fire raging within my breast shall melt all taint, all impurity to oblivion!
Let yourself be purified, your taint washed, melted clear away; your soul thus released, exalted
Till naught is left but radiant Gold, its lustre pure
Aye, the twilight of the gods is upon us
And so shall I be reborn as the fire that cleanses our sacred halls of Valhalla!
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Can childhood friends be spaceships too?
Robots are nice too

I love Sumika!
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She will be remembered.
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No mortal man under the sun, no powers that be, no chains that bind shall constrain Him,
for He dwells in the nether; a soul from the grave is He.
His shackles crumble, his chains fall limp onto the ground before His will; He, the Dweller in the Grave, His cries of mingling agony and madness
No man, no divine breath that course the veins of this universe hold the power to sway Him.
And so the Lord asked – what manner of beast are you?
Your lips breathe folly; your question a sage intellect would never hatch.
If you know not what I am – very well, I shall answer.
Know my name, for it is Legion.
Like half the LDO has some sort of curse on them that prevents them from getting what they want.
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おはよう /vn/
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Farewell, brave realm of splendor; farewell, Valhalla!
Let your proud castles, towering bastions all crumble to ruin!
Farewell, resplendent pomp of the gods — farewell!
May you find rapture in your end, O race of immortals!
But he messed up Mercurius' plans in Rea's route
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Fuck, this girl in Libra keeps sucking MC's dick while calling him "Brother" and I can't stop hearing Cam Clarke. I was disappointed when she didn't say pic related after MC came.
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Death, O glorious, final death! Savior of man!
My heart, drowned in venom, ravaged by time, may beat its last within your embrace
May spear’s wound, may venom’s bane, all perish at your coming
Aye, behold! This festering void gnawing at my soul;
This life-blood, its crimson pearls feeding the earth; this malice, ever coursing my veins — behold!
Clasp your blade, draw your steel!
And plunge deep, deep till the hilt!
Hark, brave knights, and know this:
As the sinner finds his last refuge, his anguish done
So shall divine light be shower’d from the heavens above
Anyone else think chants are kind of stupid? FSN didn't need them
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But using Holy Lance was a really bad move
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Forgive me, for I have sinned
Borne of loyalty, your will I once defied
Forgive me, for I am naught but a fool, never your equal
Let your crimson pyres have their fill
For he who fears the tip of my lance, their flames shall never cross!
We can't let her die again guys
Yeah I'm pretty sure that anon is doing it ironically. It is the agreed upon worst part of DI
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Anyone interested in Seabed?
Looks gay and boring.
>a yuri shill
Chants are cool.
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Arte of divinity, extolled genius, alien diction: mankind’s bane, the heart’s lament
A bond from fortune wrought, its core in tragedy tested, chiseled to perfection
Fortune, O mistress ever so fickle: you claim for your own all that was once given
Blind is Fortune, yet blind, too, are those that seek refuge in her light
Reason’s shackles bind you not: quench, at times, your thirst with folly’s pearls
Revel and drink and frolic in life, for Hades holds no circus for the fallen
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>I am in a trance indescribable by any form of language. The atmosphere created by the music and the plain descriptions somehow push me to read more and more. It is almost like I am subjugated by Narasaki’s hypnotism. And I wonder if this is a personal thing. I cannot imagine most people in such a trance as deep as mine. Much like actual hypnosis, SeaBed seems to only work on certain mindsets. And much like meditation, every time I close SeaBed my mind is clear and empty. The existential troubles I have vanish completely. SeaBed has actually made me smile and ponder about the events that have passed.
>thought the other ending was added only in Amentes Amantes, am I wrong?
That's true
The first ending is the canon one, the second one is just fanservice
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My body is made out of swords.
My blood is of iron and my heart of glass.
I have overcome countless battlefields.
Not even once retreating,
Not even once being understood.
He was always alone, intoxicated with victory in a hill of swords.
Thus, his life has no meaning
That body was certainly made out of swords.
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>mfw this starts playing
I had chills run down my spine, holy shit.
Now that's an actually good chant.

That said, anyone notice the similarities between FSN and DI?

Rusalka= Crazy Illya
Rea = imouto Illya
Kasumi = Fate and UBW Sakura

The parallels obviously have mixups and aren't 1:1, but it's astounding how similar these two VNs are. The locations and setting are also very similar, and Ahnenerbes are basically Noble Phantasms. Beri'ah Degree or 'Creation Figment' are basically Reality Marbles
>>Now that's an actually good chant.
how can you say that with a straight face
Best part of Marie's route.
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DI is basically fate but with good prose, characters and story
So the best route of Marie's route is Rea trolling the last boss
As expected of the best girl
She even wins the route later in KKK
So, Tsukihime?
That's an idol
Wait a second, the ending with Ren vs Reinhard vs Mercurius was only added in Amantes amentes? Is that true?
It's true
It's pretty obvious if you look at how the route was going that the first ending was the intended end by the way.
This route is all about the characters breaking free from their roles in the story so the protagonist literally breaking free of his role was the best way to end it
The fact that Mercurius only gets what he really want that way too is pretty ironic and a great way to end the game
Yes but it's still the true ending though.
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This is a train.
>young Nasu
>good prose
>good story
You mean worst girl
Yeah I found it
The after credits and Nihil difficile amanti were pretty sweet touches though. Really gave a nice closure to Rusalka as a character.
>Rin = Best girl
>Kei = Rin
>Kei = Best girl
I agree with you
>ren helps her
>she says she's in his debt
>2 minutes later takes kasumi to school where she will most likely die
How can anyone like this cunt?
If sukisuki doesn't get a release date today we riot
nice onahole
Don't know about the prose, but the overall story is still much better than FSN.
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We hype for tiny hatge?
i want to slap that tiny hat off that smug head so fucking much
moeges are always welcome
>those MG shill accounts giving this tinyhatkusoge 10s on vndb

>but the overall story is still much better than FSN.
How? There is nothing in Tsuki story. We probably can even arguing about Shiki being bland harem self-insert
>tfw no tiny hat
>tiny hatges
pick one and only one
>being a retard like Ren and trusting a woman
I want to put that tiny hat in my dick
What's the best vn plot-wise?
>Finish Tsujidou partial
>Love it
>Practice moonspeak by using chiitranslite with some VNs while I wait for the next Tsujidou patch
>Windows updates
>Chiitranslite doesn't work anymore
I only have myself to blame for updating this piece of shit.
Please Bang my Wife
Depends on your taste
Umineko though retards here like to hate on it
Nekopara Vol. 2
School Days
I liked Clannad
Nekopara vol 3
so you're a fan of kusoge? Rewrite might be up your alley.
The Umineko post was there >>180656286
Be careful next time
Utawarerumono and sequels
Hatsukoi 1/1
enough of these games reddit
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Zero/Ao no Kiseki
Any soup opera. WA2
It's pretty straightforward. Guy gets involved with murderers and vampires. Or guy uncovers the dark secrets behind the mansion and its inhabitants as well as his past. If you like suspense stories, it's fairly entertaining.
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kek'd, this shit barely has any story
Haha oh wow, time to read Omnia vincit Amor.
>soup opera
Sounds delicious.
Is Kimomen Teihen Shoku Demo Kyokon nara Harem Guild no Shu ni Nareru!? ~Densetsu no Kishi ya Seijo, Maou o Tanezuke Kouryaku! Bishoujo Darake Yume no Bouken Seikatsu!~ any good?
prepare to weep
What is this, an LN title?
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>he doesn't know
Is Netorare Otoko no Ko ~Ore no Osananajimi no Mujaki na Otoko no Ko ga Masaka Sobou na Taiiku Kyoushi ni Yowami o Nigirarete Choukyou Sarete Itsu no Ma ni ka Kairaku ni Oborete Aheahe Double Peace de Video Satsuei Sarete Yorokondeita Da Nante!!~ any good?
>Not ASoIaF
akuta esto faaburaa
the amantes amentes opening is fucking kino

Is Amaane Makai Princess Eris wa Eroicha Haramizuma! ~Suki na Dake Dashite Zenbu Shikyuu de Nonde Ageru~ any good?
Mercurius has a great voice as does his BFF.
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I like how in Kei's route Mercurius and Reinhard go "what the fuck bro, how could you have chosen that girl?"
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I laughed like a motherfucker.
>Reinhard and Mercurius have shit taste
Hardly surprising
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Ah, Marguerite. My love is yours.
Really hoping OvA happens after KKK or I'll get really ticked off because so far I'm getting diabetes.
Schreiber has a second chant that fits him a lot better.
The editing could be better.
Is to show that it's kusoge
is that a kindle?
>chooses rea
>beats both of them
really made me think
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Finished Kei's route of Dies Irae.

Honestly, I like Kei as a character, but as a love interest, she sucks balls and overdramatizes her bullshit way too much. I feel like the ending blueballed me too much and it felt like they asspulled Beatrice out of nowhere. Their victories against the commanders didn't felt all that satisfying either, they seemed very forced too.

That being said, Reynhard and Karl are, alongside Kristoff, excellent villains, and it had some good fights like

>Bey vs Kei
>Schreiber vs Ren+Kei

Route is a 8/10 for me because of these reasons, same as Kasumi (which is kinda disappointing since I thought this would blow it out the water).

Unto Marie route now. I heard this is where the good shit really starts.
Too bad it happens before.
I love them and think they're cool. Also, FSN had the UBW chant.
Rea a best
Wilhelm and Eleanore were equal when it came to talent, Rusalka rated them both a 7
It's a chuuni staple. Of course they're stupid.
>20 minutes into Dies Irae
>words like blood, fire, execution, kill already showed up several times

does this get less edgy? is this a chuuni VN?
Pure chuuni, yes.
>is this a chuuni VN?
How have you managed to stay in the dark on that for so long?
Using incantations and chants to cast magic has been around long before Dies Irae.
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Bruh, you're reading fucking DI, chuuni is the name of the game here.
>is this a chuuni VN?
It is chuuni in its most undiluted form
>muh edgy
Kill yourself with your cancerous buzzword
Also, have you been living as a hermit away from all civilization for the past decade? How the fuck don't you know that Dies is a chuuni VN? It has a reputation for being extremely chuuni. Hell, the writer is nicknamed by some "the king of chuuni".
Yes, Dies is chuuni as all hell. If that's a bad thing for you, drop it
Why don't people just attack them while they're chanting?
that would be bad manners
Bloodlust/Preasure from a stronger opponent/Admiration.
That's like attaching a mech in the middle of it's transformation and/or combination sequence. You don't do that shit
Only time I see that really happen is when it is used as a joke to rip on how chants are long and leave them open to attack.
Any news about Subahibi?
Don't you know attacking someone while he's transforming is looked down upon?
Because Operas.
I like to think of the fights like characters reading off the script of a play.
>Expecting logic in chuunige
Oh god that sounds great. I haven't even started the VN but she seems like best girl.
Doesn't Valeria fist Schreiber before he can activate his Beri'ah in one of the routes?
Kei route, yes.
He mindrapes him in Rea's Route after getting his original body back inside of Schreiber's plane of hell. He also finishes him off after Shirou catches Schreiber off guard by ripping out and using his own arm as a weapon
Schreiber's death in kei's route fits the bill, though.

This tactic is actually considered by some of the characters, it just doesn't work out due to some reason or the other.
Rude as fuck yo.
are there any good chaos head doujins
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>He mindrapes him
That was a complete failure though, it just ended up making Schreiber stronger. The pentachroma remained intact
Die dahingeschiedene Izanami wurde auf dem Berg Hiba
an der Grenze zu den Landern Izumo und Hahaki zu Grabe getragen.
Bei dieser Begebenheit zog Izanagi sein Schwert,
das er mit sich fuhrte und die Lange von zehn nebeneinander gelegten
Fausten besas, und enthauptete ihr Kind, Kagutsuchi.
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The great debate
>complete failure
Not at all.
Trifa actually made it out alive and arrived at the throne room. And by using his request he ultimately got what he wanted.
Pretty sure Tubal can solo everyone, Solomon vs Reinhard would be nice to see though.
Fate has better porn
No, he fulfilled his goal in that route. All he wants at that point is reach the throne room to get Reinhard to grant him his wish. Making Schreiber berserk let him escape from his hell and get there just barely clinging on to life long enough to make his request.
More like "The great shitposting"
>Don't need to read supplemental materials to understand Fate

DI for sure0
Pretty much everyone from the DI side is drastically more powerful than FSN's.
>Schreiber's death in kei's route fits the bill, though.
I assume the anon was more talking about a group fighting and then one stops to chant and the others charge in to stop him. Which is slightly different to Trifa stepping in from nowhere (as he wasn't really part of the fight) and killing him off.
>he hasn'tread the Epic of GIlgamesh, Le Morte d'Arthur, the Greek mythology, etc.
>he claims that he understands the masterpiece that is Fate on more than a surface level
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Saber vs Beatrice
Lancer vs Wilhelm
Caster vs Rusalka
Berserker vs Tubal Cain
Rin vs Sakurai Kei
Kirei vs Valerian Trifa
Gilgamesh vs Reinhard
Lancelot vs Machina
Rider vs Schreiber
Shirou vs Ren
Archer vs Mercurius

Who wins
>he doesnt have an usb auto sex sleeve
are you a casual or something
>moe Isaak in OvA
Stop giving me heart attacks.
Is Schreiber actually a girl here?
don't assume xer gender
Dies side should win all of these with relative ease. The only questionable ones are Berserk and Rin, depending on whether Cain has enough reason in him to kill Berserker in different ways and if Rin carries Zelretch bullshit with her or not.
>saber with her plot armor
If you go that route half of these would be completely inconclusive since they all have their own kinds of plot armor. Saber is a lot weaker than Beatrice. Hell, she probably wouldn't even be able to land a hit.
The fight is not written by Nasu
So who has the best chant in DI?
I liked Bey's
Very good taste.
Woah, that sounds bad in english. Glad i'm a JOP.
Both the DI and KKK version
It means the same in both langagues
you're merely a victim of placebo effect
Best chant coming thru

that's a pretty long chant
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Short common routes are holding back the medium
Because the author is a cuck
So, I'm looking through VNDB, and I see some pretty "famous" voice actors doing eroge

The character they did wasn't in a sex scene, but is it accepted that some voice actors appear in plotge with h-scenes? Even if they weren't involved with the sex part at all?
My Chocola
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And you're telling me this side story might as well have never happened? Really?
I don't think it really matters. Wakamoto voices Edwin Black in the Taimanin series which is a hardcore rape nukige series.
I want to fuck Rusalka.
It did. KKK happens thousands of years after it
It's acceptable even if they were involved.


we are gigantic faggots
Majikoi has a number of famous VAs in it. Don't think anyone cares.
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My Levia
They're professionals, it doesn't really matter. A lot of current A-list VAs have voiced eroge at some point in their career, and many still do (particularly male VAs).
I still don't understand how they could affort so many A+ voice actors in Majikoi.
how does japanese curry have that thick sauce

also is there a VN about cooking
>also is there a VN about cooking
Fate Stay Night.
Japanese curry is cooked with a roux as a thickening agent
It does happen in the cases he picks Marie and they all live happily ever after for at least a few millennia, but shit will inevitably end up going wrong with Marie taking Mercurius' place while having a self destructive romance going with Ren and will loop back as many times as it takes for Ren to finally pick Rea.
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RiP my good vibes.
Every time I make Japanese Curry it always ends up super thin
You can buy the roux that Japanese people use. Golden Curry's the most common brand. Otherwise, you'll probably want to use flour or something to thicken it further. It'll also thicken as it sits in the pot
>Saber is a lot weaker than Beatrice
You guys are vastly overestimating how powerful the Dies Irae crew is. They talk about attacks that wipe out hundreds, thousand, or in the most extreme cases even ten thousand soldiers with a single strike, sure, but Saber's Excaliblast is easily on that level as well. It's an anti-army NP after all. She can one shot Beatrice pretty handily.
Seibah too slow.

That reminds me, I have a question about KKK

Do all major DI characters get reincarnated in KKK? And are all major KKK characters reincarnations of Dies Irae characters?
Most but not all and there are some new characters.
what do
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I've been using the premade Roux and it still ends up less thick than I usually see it. Would it be better to prepare it early and then just let it stew forever?
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benis in bagina :-DDDDDDDD
*sounds of insertion*
throw her off

fucking worthless cow
Probably should just use less water, or maybe let it stew for longer yeah. It's still good watery, it'll just get better over time
Dies Irae +18 patch out in 7/14.

I can try to finish the common route by then for the better girls.
But where will I put it if White Anna doesn't have her eye hole
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>Maki will never womanhandle you
>Wilhelm is a cooler Lancer with a more simpathetic bad luck streak
>Trifa is a more enigmatic and dreadful priest than Kirei
>Shirou and Kasumi are much better childhood friends and more interesting than Shinji and Sakura.
>Tubal Cain is less of a jobber than Berserker.
>Reynhard is more sublime, dignified and powerful than Gilgamesh
>Mercurius is a better "unknown" antagonist and schemer than Zouken.
>Beatrice is a less plot armor heavy Saber
>Ren is less autistic than Shirou and more straightforward.
>Eleanor is a more menacing, less jobber version than Caster
>Less cooking and SoL garbage ruining the pacing of the VN in Dies Irae
>Etc etc

Is Dies Irae the improved versión of FSN?
manhandle indeed
Don't need to be sanic fast with a stupidly high luck stat and instinct trait.
womanhandle of course

I am ashamed

not while Rin still exists
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Granma Kasumi is pure moe.
>those tits
No thanks.
>Dies Irae +18 patch out in 7/14.
Saber moves at snail's pace compared to the stronger DI fighters.
Even FSN-Shirou can somewhat follow her moves with his bare eyes when she is going all out, Beatrice isn't quite Ren/Schreiber levels of fast but her craving still lets her virtually become lightning, even if Saber could anticipate where Bea would strike through sheer instinct/experience, kinda like what Eleonore does while fighting Ren during the Totentan, her movements would still be far too slow to be able to block or counter repeated attacks. Her Excaliblast channel is completely unusable fighting really any of the LDO, she'd just open herself up to getting torn into tiny pieces before she'd even be done with a fraction of it.
Is this a thing?

I wouldn't know.
Best girl
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>trying to resist the temptation not to view CGs
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I don't know but it sounds hot.
How are you guys at this point already? Or is this still common route?
This is all still common route for some weird reason.
Hot as fuck, can you add a line about her saliva dripping into his mouth and onto his tongue as well? That'd make it perfect
Wow dude you dont have to be so rude to him
Suck my cock, Irru.
Rude af man.
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Mari a qt
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Where my Rusalka bro's at?
I don't know how to feel about this
>fingerfuck a girl through her panties in a love hotel, then have her suck your dick
>get another girl to blow air into your mouth while kissing you
>all in the common route, so you're still able to choose a third girl
Holy fuck.
It's perfect
Japs are fucking gross kissers
Saber loses all the time in Fate
It's twizzlers all over again
So does Tsujidou have a harem route?
Nah this scene is after two Maki choices. Pretty sure you're already locked in at this point.
I don't know if I should wew or ew.
Welp, I wasn't really interested so far but I guess I'll be reading this after all.
Tell her how much better she is then Ai
Better then Momoyo
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Jesus is this a moege or a nukige
Brb, gonna get some hard liquor, I need it.

The second ending is the canon one.

...And sought the truth was only added in Amantes Amentes, but it was confirmed as the true ending for the Dies Irae story.
You can nOT explain the difernece
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Guys she's literally shaking what if her brother is kissing another girl?
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release the partial already i cant fucking wait reeee

Well fuck ShareX with their low fps
I thought you were doing AI route first
It's still part of the common route.

Eh, blame Hajun. Ren and Marie were still utterly in love, even countless millennia after the Marie ending. Then Hajun showed up and killed everyone.
I'm drunk, I can't hear you.

>All for nothing

KKK still ends with a good ending.

The only difference is, Ren is now in love with Rea.
You can't live in denial anon
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fuck off with Maki, Tsujidou is the true Tsujidou.
why is she so sweaty?
so is tsujidou her name

I was wondering why the VN was called that
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I won't fall for the partials meme but this did make me look forward to this a whole lot more, love me some dominant heroines.
The only thing I know is that Momoyo's VA makes my dick diamonds.
>not Miyako's
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>same VA as Tsubame

best girl already confirmed
Wew lad. I feel kinda bad that MC is basically cucking Ai in the common route, but I can't say no to Maki.
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tsunderes A SHIT
Cakes are destined to be the joke side characters or bad end routes. Feels bad.
Miyako's as well, but I prefer Momoyo's.
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not always
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Much better
All girls in that game are 20+ except loli, koirizo is oldhagge.
>Attacking people during chanting
>Attacking mahou shoujo during transformations
>Attacking mechas during fusions
>Attacking villains during monologues
I dont want to live on the same planet as the degenerates who do this things.
which makes it a bad ending
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Is it true that Dracu-riot's translator ragequit the VN because Miu's route was terribad?
That's pretty much what I do. I'll read pretty much anything as long as it isn't a version with cut content.
Hey I'm just trying to be realistic
A man who never eats meat buns is never a whole man.
Forced girl is forced doesn't make her great

Ai is pure shit
But realistic people cant have fun
Goddammit these KKK spoilers are hooking me up, but if it's written even harder than DI in Japanese it's going to be impossible to read, what do I do
>All these anons shitting on Ai
I liker her desu. Maki and Renna are great as well, I just see no reason to hate Ai. She's a qt.
>Dies Irae +18 patch out in 7/14.
Where did you see this?
Read summaries and shitpost about power levels
Majikoi's common route wasn't this lewd
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You literally can't escape the Rea end
old hags belong to retirement house
Shittiest girl
There is nothing fun about mansluts and heroines being used and thrown away like trash
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I just want everyone to have a happy end.
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But does she smug?
Why do you have to be so wrong ?
lolicon libra. We need more lolicon games. Lolis.
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I love Rusalka!
Where is this CG from
Ai is actually the best.
This is gonna sound like dicksucking but as someone who put this as one of his requests for you guys to translate, I really just have to say thanks man. This really is what I wanted
>switches point of view halfway through chant
Does it actually do this in F/SN? I don't recall it switching, but I may just be forgetting.
I do too
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Guys this had the most well executed story I ever read for many years. Are there any good ones as this out there?
Yeah, Tsujidou was one of these never-ever VNs. I couldn't be happier.
No that one is wrong . A more accurate translation is

My body is made out of swords.
My blood is of iron and my heart of glass.
I have overcome countless battlefields.
Not even once retreating,
Not even once being victorious.
The bearer lies here alone, forging iron in a hill of swords.
Thus, my life needs no meaning.
This body is made out of infinite swords.
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Okay, who's the cunt making everyone believe that KKK is a canon continuation of Marie's route?

KKK is an IF scenario and in DI's canon, Snek rejects every universe where you-know-who exists, so fucking stop and give Snek the praise he deserves.
Hagsalka is great.

can i talk about paralost then?
I want to be a loli
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Will this get me out of my ghetto?
Sure go make a general for Masadashit.
Can't, otherwise how else will I shitpost about how powerful Hajun is?
Y-You're welcome
How is that related to DI/KKK anyways?
I never see anyone talk about it
>all these people discussing the final route of Dies irae
>just finished Kasumi route and barely started Kei route
Being a wagecuck is suffering.
I am ready to spend money on this
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>escaping the ghetto of gacha
Good luck.
That's a whole new ghetto, though.
Guy destroys fucktons of universes just by becoming a bit more angrier than usual.
Do you really need to say anything about him?
Fellow wageslaver here, I've gotten to the final chapter of Kei's route at least

Still want to finish up Dracu-Riot too
No one is saying anything of substance beyond people getting triggered of the happy end being a maybe.
>Ren's origin soul was Rusalka's BFF at the Nazi's Ahnenerben Institut
Holy shit, they were literally made for each other. I'm fucking salty she doesn't get a route, how is this allowed
Wait did they ripoff the Origin concept from Nasuverse too?
Because she's basically a fucking monster by the time the game happens, she's too far gone for her route to be anything but a bad end.
No you idiot
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>no Rusalka moege
No, Mercurius is just a scumbag.
I literally cried when he executed her. She finally realizing who he was was fucking heart wrenching.
Did he execute her? Or did she just die?
All the routes in that are awful.
It's a shame because the girls are cute.
After she lost against Machina and was thrust down from the castle Ren executes her ontop of the Swastika after they say a few lines to each other.
Nah, Elina's was alright.

I remember them talking, just don't remember him executing her.
Can someone sell me on what Root Double is like? I'm a little wary about playing a 50+ hour VN.
Insem was just lazy and also loved to troll people. I think even the fact that he released all he had done with the 90% or so translation on April 1st despite everyone expecting nothing (or maybe more dolphins with nothing new) was a form of trolling in itself.
Suspense and mindhax
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Isn't he unable to use his Ahnenerbe during that timeframe because of Marie's trauma?
From what I remember they just talked a bit while Rusalka is dying on her own
Yeah, that's what I thought.
It's an Uchikoshi game that wasn't written by Uchikoshi. If you've played anything he's written that should give you a pretty solid idea (Ever17, Remember11, 999, VLR, etc)

This guy is literally TRIGGERING the antagonist
How can you stay sane when he steals Marie's lines
Fuck Hajun
fuck off retard

This one is actually good though, unlike Zero Time Dilemma right?
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Reminder that KKK discussion should go to >>>/vg/masada or >>>/jp/untranslated

It's okay. Nothing especially amazing but not awful either. It's worth reading
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Yeah it's alright. The final route is kind of a slog with multiple character backstory dumps and there is some kind of stupid power level shit. But yeah overall it's decent.
Root A is probably the peak of the VN with plenty of tense moments, while Root B is a big dive in comparison and drags with a large chunk of exposition and SoL scenes. Also C and D don't quite match up to A despise still having some good moments.
Is probably still worth a read but don't expect an Ever 17 or 999 out of it.
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>tfw Koiken Otome was actually more interesting than Hatsukoi
Man, sports underwear is great.
>melonhead memes
What are you talking about anon, nothing can possibly be more interesting than Cafeteria Improvement Committee shenanigans!
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She ruined the whole VN

If I could I would pump and dump her in the most painful and humiliating way possible and when she couldn't move anymore toss her into the street naked for the homeless to enjoy

How can they not find that underwear sexy? Nips shit-taste confirmed
Brain problems
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He ruined the whole thread

If I could I would pump and dump him in the most painful and humiliating way possible and when he couldn't move anymore toss him into the street naked for the homeless to enjoy

They're right tho, sexy/cute underwear is just better
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How can anyone dislike Ai?
how can anyone like miyako?
is it unlockable route or what
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He ruined the whole thread

If I could I would pump and dump him in the most painful and humiliating way possible and when he couldn't move anymore toss him into the street naked for the homeless to enjoy

Yeah, true routes and heroines are often locked.
I think all girls are decent but Renna is obviously going to end up as best girl

College slut sister might take the lead though, depends.
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Yes, her route is locked and opens only if you completed one heroine. Probably because her route branches early from common.
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If there's no info on Baldr Sky this AX I'm fucking ending it.
They'll announce a Kickstarter in early 2018. Game will come out in 2020
Playing eiyuu senki and suddenly after conquering edo this h scene is randomly japanese.

Are the h scenes not translated at all?
DI isn't hard to read in Japanese, lol
Some parts of DI are hard to fully understand in English. An intermediate trying to read it in Japanese would garner some confusion if it's their misunderstanding or not
Sounds like you downloaded one of the earlier versions. There's one will all the H translated out there.
W-wanna read vn's together?
S-so bright.
Downloading the translation from VNDB now, I'll see if that fixes it. I downloaded it from nyaa.si so maybe the new version wasn't uploaded yet
ok which one of you is this and how dare you rate tsujidou less than a 10 when the game isn't even out

That's you and we know it.
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I've voted on >100 novels my dude, this is obviously some newfriend who thinks casual racism is how you fit in on 4chan
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I love this girl
she's not real
What the fuck did you mean by that?
Hey /vng/! Is it any fun playing anime books?
Lying cunt
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get out.
You're not real
n-no she's out there somewhere I'm sure
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But are we real? Maybe we live inside a big VN.
Yeah, and we're all side characters.
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Stop, please.
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But she is. She's right next to me, even.
Fuck you man.
She's not real, but coco is real and I love her!
she's my wife
I bet she's a fucking landwhale irl
she's moogy's alter ego
That's not true, you are the protagonist of your story. Me, of mine.
We're just shitty.
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Isn't she Asian? Statistically low chance

And it's what's on the inside that counts anyway
"The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real then the real thing."
pls kill me
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> /vn/ - Feels bad man

good night anons
Stop it.
Now's not your time anon.
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Let's go boys.

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So, it's time huh.
How do you guys remember BGM from VNs? Usually they're pretty generic, unremarkable and despite being repeated for hours while reading, I usually forget after a month
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Brother-sister romance is the purest form of love
Only if it's a nee-san.
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The hand positioning seems odd there. Shouldn't the hand be the other way around?
How can you forget this?
That moment with Bronove shitting on that blue bitch.
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>it's depression day on /vn/

Fuck this im out.
I'm not saying those aren't nice, but to not appreciate female sportswear is a travesty

am I doing it right?
I'm crying now, wtf
Thanks for the good laugh.

Although I still consider this one despite it being from Krapawa Shitjou to be absolute hell.

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tfw teary eyes after listening to dango
ruri no tori (piano only version) from Kara no shoujo

jewtube took it down

You had to post it ya pussy.
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Late Reply but on their twitter they posted this.
what else could the "special" be?

maybe someone can decrypt
m-maybe a 5th route
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It's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody.
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I've never had anybody.
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oh shit.jpg
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Now that I've actually entered her route, this story is going in a very different direction than I thought
Why do you do this to me, anon?
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You have us anon
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>Wilhelm raped and murdered his mother/sister
>close vn
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kys feelposters
Can I hug you? Touch you? See you?

No, I can't.
*feels you up*
go back leddit, kys poster
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oh shit2.jpg
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Now this is podracing
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Shes a fictional character, but one in the realm of possibility, therefor mathematically she exists somewhere.

Unlike fictional characters that will never exist like pic related, you actually have a chance of meeting someone similar.
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>this shows up
I was supposed to go jogging in an hour or two, but now I feel like just getting drunk and reading something depressing
>meet someone who says pizza more than 300 times in a 2 minute conversation.

Don't think so joe.

I would actually be frightened if I met someone like that.
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Its not like she spergs about pizza to complete strangers.

Only once you get to know her, and everyone has their quirks
anon is mai waifu
>really want to play a vn
>doing everything else but playing a vn
Why am I so afraid to do that?
You don't want to be hurt like these anons.
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You're in the club and this guy slaps your hypothetical girlfriend in the ass, hwo do you react?
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because you know deep down that eventually it will end and you have to go back to your bleak reality
It's here.

I have seen this happen before
Pretend I saw nothing, wait for him to leave then put him in the icu
Fuck off retard
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If sukisuki doesn't come out today, I'm ending it.
Dont' worry some anon is going to some MG panel and forcing them to release sukisuki at gun point
it's queer
You're making me read the epilogue again. What happens next will be your fault
When's it starting again?

We hyped for it?
Next week, we should do a bingo chart or something for AX disappointments
I'm just referring to this anon>>180649227, and no I'm not too hyped for it.
It started already.
They just announced this:

not falling for it sorry senpai
Pre orders up for W Happiness, Konomi route soon
not falling for it sorry senpai
What do you think will come first? Happiness or Sukisuki?
never ever
They usually have a countdown.
happiness for sure
I like them because the german versions actually have artistic merit
>bingo chart
I want grannies to leave.
I'll make one sonny, just you wait, you'll be begging to join us cool kids.
W Happiness is a sequel and is more of a fandisc. I don't see it impact a full release too much.

>he doesn't play bingo on Wednesdays after grocery shopping
I want all these youngins to leave.
Sukisuki preorders aren't even up yet so definitely Happiness
OK but the UBW chant was used like... 2 or 3 times in the entirety of the game right? Just imagine if every fight in FSN had someone chanting some random shit
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>mfw Yukino's morning blowjob scene
>Sukisuki preorders aren't even up yet
Who do I need to choke to have this fucking VN released already?
Happiness preorders aren't even up yet so definitely Sukisuki
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Yourself, come on anon, they're waiting for you.
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Can't relate whatsoever.
In fact, I find the lack of arias to be the worst thing about Senshinkan.
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Pls no

In most cases, yes. But Grisaia had some good ones. Like Waratte Itakute, makes me want to hang myself.
>this will never happen to me

Before, I used to find it hot, but now it's just depressing
You'll get your tiny hatge first
FSN had chants, it's just that Nasu isn't nearly as good as Masada and didn't write many.
Taunt him about FOREKNOWLEDGE
What's so bad about foreknowledge anyway?
I want a divorce
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>you will never watch porn and circlejerk with your bros
So... what should I read to start contemplating suicide?
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You shouldn't do that anon
There's 2 ways, you start reading moege and realize real life will never be like that and no one will ever love you or start reading utsuge and nakige so you are able to feel something as close to clinical depression as you can.
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I saw Galaxy Angel on the OP and I'm sad I wasn't around for this thread.
Write a diary and you should have plenty of material in a couple of months.
new thread
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