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Slablands General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 202

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upgrades Edition

Slablands: https://mega.nz/#F!BgcgBRxD!iTqbr5QmQ5IwUOAEZSBpyQ

Slablands Design Document:

Slablands Bug and Typo Reports:

Slablands changelog:

The demo ends at the desert. More to come soon.

>F.A.Q s
History of /slabg/

>Variable reference and style FAQ

Sheepies guide to writing mobs

Hey, you, browsing this shit! Consider writing/editing for Slablands to COMBAT THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC, FUTA, FEMDOM MENACE! (note: writing a submission is actually a pretty huge undertaking! Consider adding content for existing contributions or joining other people's projects first before starting your own, we don't need 6576534 half-finished unique NPCs.)
Writing is nice, but if you don't feel up to that task, try editing for one of the projects! Every comment helps!

Project Lists:
General: pastebin.com/qMvXVtXw
Slablands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHpHx_mZ0lV9r-I9XdsgyLuN5Yiaf61v3IhaDbSuvQs/edit

http://slablands.wikia.com/ It's brand new, please consider adding to it.

Slablands maps:

Friends of Slablands

Music to listen to while browsing the thread:

Previously >>179005995
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>you have to fuck certain npc before they can join your castle

my virgin run is being compromise
The path of the virgin is a lonely one, anon. There is no one to dry your tears but your catboy butler.
Top tier
Just give in
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I am now,
as thing couldn't get worst. i can't repair my castle anymore (second phase repair) because when i came to see novyk about the castle and asked me if i had the money, i choose the option no and it suddenly skip to novyk note when he's done with the second phase repair
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I feel like contribootin, but i can't write for shit but i can draw, maybe i'll create some of the potrait for the character in the game for the wiki.

also my suggestion, change the place background wallpaper according to season.

pic is not my drawing btw
Fanart would be really cute, that would be great anon.
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This game playable yet?

Serious answers only please
>also my suggestion, change the place background wallpaper according to season.
I remember when we first put them in that we talked about maybe changing them for weather too
what happened?
>change the place background wallpaper according to season.
Good idea.
I don't remember, I think it just wasn't a priority to art hunt for backgrounds at the time.
If you do end up doing some art, I suggest Rambles first since he's the oldest companion
Let me clarify that by 'playable' I mean 'not a UI trainwreck of infinite menu clicking'
well, i'll try to hunt some art then

got it
We're literally talking about and working on changing the UI right now. The last few days have been about it. Now would be a good time to post any suggestions you have based on the current UI.
Drawing backgrounds for us would be amazing, anon
Tats, what are you having problems with for the UI ? The file I posted has most of it done.
>drawing backgrounds

my drawing isn't that good
I think it's cute.
Firefly constellations.
That looks like the food of the mountain into the forest.
I want to hug this
this look good for the cave at the mountain i think
Yeah. Who do you wanna fuck?
Reminds me of one of the SOTC bosses.
You realize tats is gonna reject all of these because we don't have permission to use them right?
You can rest your head on her titty scar.
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well it's worth the try,i guess i'll try to learn to draw proper background :S
Cute baka
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neat, the buttons are on the right.

But is it just me or is the topmost one a little to the left of everything else?
Angry meow girl
It's because I haveng made a new button for it yet. If someone else wants to they can go ahead because I'll be busy for the rest of today. I think we're missing two or three. The next step is fixing where the mouse over text shows up and how ugly it is
Angry lynx girl
We had a pastebin of a lynx milf.
Would you happen to have it?
Oh yeah, we did, didn't we.
I was more refering to a video I saw of somebody with one as an exotic pet and it was piiiiiiissed about...something.
the only npcs that join that way are the cowgirl and the goblin or am i missing some?

Stll bro you still have your faithful catgirl butler rambels to cuddle during rainy nights
She's pretty good
Once you explore the castle once, explore the path up the mountain and you'll find an event to rescue a catboy butler. He can be turned into a catgirl butler immediately.
>Once you explore the castle once
Shit, I just realized I might have inspired you to waste time on this. No, it's not explore the castle, it's REPAIR. Repair it once first.
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i wonder when is weiss/wren going to join us in the castle or is that project dead?
dancing snek
I think he can join you in the castle already.
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s/he can all ready?
i've been from away slablands looks like quite a few new thing have been added
I think so? I think the only thing missing is the gender swap
Cool old fellow that sells watermelons
Dwarf girl that bitches about everything
Bug fixed.

Keep them in a Slab resource. We should definitely compile a resource for backgrounds, music, and stuff like that.

I downloaded that yesterday and asked which screen was changed so I could take a look at it. Should I download that again?

>Rambles - Catboy lich Butler.
>Elly - Goblin.
>Weiss - Human
>[cowgirlname] - Cowgirl.
See >>180083859
I need to know which screen was changed to implement it on the other screens.
Give up the wizardary
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Have you not fucked the anubi yet?
It's just the combo of the look & position.
Which ones are we missing I can try something tomorrow not today.
people lewd when they lewd
Does a dumber character exist
You underestimate the lows of stupidity an MC can achieve.
Goddamnit shiro
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No the temple encounter is bugged,you can only find it once,if you didn't come prepard and like me clicked to leave the pyramid,that encounter is gone for good
Asking for it
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The desert dungeon is not bugged, the chance to find it now is lower.
And the prize for completing it is money and the chance to fuck an anubii, you can't get the reward and the scene twice.
tastey abs
What do you mean by which screen was changed? No it's not an updatable link. The icons are easy, you just change the y coords so they're all 100 px apart and paste in the x coords from the ones already on the right for the two that aren't.

It's sleep, the bar and I think something else. If you download the file they'll be unchanged in the backgrounds folder

You should be able to trigger the anubi scene more than once so that the player can access the anubi of the other gender if its available
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tits and ass
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Alleged moderates
Scary but still pretty hot waifu
Ah, the amazing "fear boner"
evil nobles
but what about the roads girl
Is there any traps?
I believe there is one actually. Can't remember where.
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I can't properly imagine it, can you give an example?
yeah if you explor the mountans in high level if you are unluck you encounter "mountan roc" thing 2000 hp
,insane attack power,but best exp farm,it was really unexcepted to encounter such a high level monster in such a low level region got, talk about a traping prey
bug girls
We have so fucking many already
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swarm girl
pious girl
Sneaky assassin girl
Fixing the ui
The knights who go reee
Gettin all the JC you could ever ask for
Making it so you can scroll instead of clicking
For scenes?
Religions of pieces
Are we going to use that cut down intro?
Anyone know how to center text in renpy?
Never used renpy sorry.
Wonder how hard that would be.

Don't know if Tatoba saw that.
Lewd sleep
Yeah I know. He isn't ready to work on the ui yet anyways, he's fixing the weapon issue first.
are evil
lies and slander
Girl who hosts a fantasy radio show about conspiracies
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Actually getting something done
Girl who writes for slablands
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Pure nun girl with a slamming bod
The weapon issue was finished yesterday, I even wrote it on the changelog. I also fixed the skip issue with the dwarf mason.

If you post a link I'll update Slablands tomorrow. I'm too tired today.
>That Dragon Girl VN comes out in a month

Man, time sure does fly
myths and legends
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baseball is shit
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must be cold
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drider s
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Hey I've been playing the game for a couple days now and I like it a lot. I don't know how much I can help but I've got some thoughts on the game so far.

- From what I've seen working at the brothel is hands down the best way to get gold in the game. Spamming that option is like 10 times more effective than grinding any area. I don't think this is a problem expect with the castle renovations. Most things in the game are <200 and suddenly this 1500 price is a pretty big wall imo.

- I love the Runed Skull you get early in the game but I think it's slightly underpowered compared to the other staring items some levelling strength is a lot better than leveling intelligence early. I didn't really know this going in blind so it might just be a noob thing.

- Bash is kind of overpowered later on when you can just spam it and makes most fights a bit too easy. Decreasing the damage or increasing mana costs could be an option.

- I think there should be more things to do in cities. Outside of the introduction passages and some small scenes like with the boy and woman in the second town and the valkyrie in Beorg each town kind if gives off the same vibe. This may be just a lack of content which can be fixed through writing. I'm not a great writer but I would be happy to write a few one off encounters to take place in towns but I'm very unfamiliar with the way someone's writing gets into the game.

- Couple of crashes. There is one whenever you meet the Roc in the mountains (though from what I've seen you can just ignore it), one where if you die to one of those 10 hp faeries, and one if you don't one shot the mummies in the pyramid.

- There probably should be some system that prevents some events from happening more than a few times in a row. I've had cases where I would have the same experience 4 or 5 times in a row.

Hope my list helps someone in some way. Keep up the great work guys.
Thanks for the feedback bro
I do not like centaurs.
>If you post a link I'll update Slablands tomorrow. I'm too tired today.
Are you not able to pull most of the ui files from that download link posted last thread? All we need besides that is someone to fix the bed button.
We are still missing a few but no reason not to go ahead and stop updating some of the ui, Also can't you just rip the bar from this version?
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Hey do you have the standalone image for the bed button?
Blood girls
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Have you met the milf baker and the wolfgirl in skypoint yet? Those make it a bit different from the the other towns. Also the elf in the bar.

Getting your writing into the game is easy and we'd really love more writers. Basically you toss around some ideas in the thread and make sure they aren't too out there, and then write them and post a link here. We have editors who will take a look at it, and when the edits are done Tats will code it.
Shit, meant for >>180260608
You haven't played slab before have you
Goo girls
c-cow pussy?
There's some on the plains.
We have one
Getting spooked
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I know your pain, especially since in lewd games I have tendency to go sinless route (at least till some content I REALLY like happens).
I'd like to be able to ignore all lewd content till finding some proper waifu.
Also, catboy lich genderswitch things are creepy and I kill them on sight
I know, them's fighting words
>tfw your kink for creepy girls is niche enough that you know they will always drown under writers' alter-egos and moeblobs.
We're supposed to get an entire continent of zombies and ghosts.
And we have Zoe, as well as the ghost from the haunted house dungeon. And the halloween characters aside from the halloween witch
Yeah, this thread seems to have a decent appreciation for the spooky.
Don't bully the butler.
Fluffy or scaly?
cake girl
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Slowly but surely growing cults
I wonder if any of the other animals have reacted to their sign.
If they did, it wasn't to the consistency or to the fanfare met by Grape-kun.

Hell, they've began selling grape flavored drinks and such at the zoo due to his love.
Mega milk
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Harmful opinions
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secret discord.png
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Been reading a lot of talk on branching out, I don't know if this is the best idea and I don't know the full extent of the drama a few of its members may try to provoke, but would it be a good idea to join this discord maybe/would Slabs guy be eligible?

I'm not a representative or anything but I came across this and it's basically a bunch of game devs in a discord discussing programming when it's not 2-4 guys trying to provoke chan boards.
We have had awful experiences with chatrooms, it's not something we want to associate with again.
Understandable. I figured it might be something to look into as there are a few people there who can help optimize code/exchange ideas, that sort of thing.

Not that I know if Slablands is having that issue or not.
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What happened to that guy who said he would finish the rest of the icons?
Trying to get a hold of the images themselves so I can attempt to poorly edit them.
Try downloading slab. Theyre in the backgrounds folder in the game directory.
Flying t-rex mount
flying loli
Is there a wallpaper version of this photo?
Gimp makes me want to kill myself sometimes
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Jelly priestess
It's honestly worth it just to pirate photoshop
Bumbling bumble bee girl
I have one of the buttons done, I will work on the rest tomorrow. found something else to create this shit.
High octane
Giving the vampire a steak
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I haven't looked at this game in like a year and there's still no content. You guys write even slower than random shitters on tfgs. Kinda impressive really.
You're either shitposting or too stupid to leave the mountains
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popping in just to ask, is there any shortstack yet?
There's been a short stack in for over four years, I think.
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Her smile and optimism RESTORED.png
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all i can tell is it is from gwenpool but dunno which issue
tiddy taur
Nope, just lolis.
raging waifu
zombie waifus
Is there any place in this game where I can sell all this random shit, also how do you check how much gold you have.

hover your mouse over the leftmost side of the window
ok, and is there anywhere to sell shit other than the few things you can sell at the witch shop?
slimey tail
I haven't found anything yet so you might just have to check every store in the towns. If you just want gold working at the brothel is a good way to get some.
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Bed button.png
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Heres the bed button, I'm pretty sure it has the layer. But I'm new at fucking around wit this shit, I'll work on the other ones later today after I wake up.
You wish
>the layer
Oh, I see. You haven't tested it yourself?
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It looks like it doesn't have it, although that might just be by virtue of uploading it to 4chan. I'd say try it yourself and see if it's transparent.

It will also be really easy to make transparent so I wouldn't worry about it.
I liked CoC better
Kek girls
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spears superior
Girl that can create and manipulate acid that she creates from her body.
Fun acid or burny acid?
Burny, but she can adjust the level of acidity. Say, to a point that it physically can't harm, but can function as a type of disinfectant or antibacterial liquid.

perfect for safe sex, so she won't get prego if she don't want to
pirate booty
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High lizard girl
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I just save scummed the wrestling arena instead
The desert dungeon works well too, although it's a one time thing.
magic tats
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doin horrors:

Doomhole, at Cytube
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I see you were watching that /a/ thread
fae fucks
Depressingly dead thread
Weekday, so no surprise. Everyone's waiting on UI updates.
A top tier girl with healthy thighs
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All the girls in the series are qts.
She's one of the standouts though.

I do like the idea that her acid can be such a low level that it's pretty much on the level of a cleaning agent.

And she can adjust the viscosity of it too, so it can function as lube.

If you really think about it, it's almost too perfect for sexual shenanigans.
How do you unequip armor? I can't remove leather gauntlets or boots.
I think you need a second set.
Nearly done with the fire idle button.
If I had an established character I wanted to write for could I write for them eventually? Maybe after helping with current projects?
I mean a character already in the game
Sure, you probably could, most writers have already given permission for that anyway. Who is it?
alright guys here me out

a witty snarky paladin girl knight who is shy about her feminine cock
also she's a racoongirl
Not something I like, but as long as you're aware of the rules for that sort of content there's nothing stopping you.

Frog best
Demon lord. Specifically the bunny bitch version
Yeah, you can do that, I think. Menhit is like a public character.
I would mostly be interested in gay stuff anyways. I'll see what else I can help with that's active
Spider lolis
That's fine, menhit needs more love
Hopefully give us a chance to dedick her for the non futa fans.
If there isn't going to be dicking of dickless why would there be dedicking of bedicked.
Because de-dicking of futas is actually mandated by the rules.
that's pretty dumb, It's not like it's required for males to be transformable into women. Why can't you just ignore content people write that you don't like?
I could argue with you over it, but there's no point. That's simply what the rules are, non-negotiable.
Ah yes, we have to get back to the important business of posting random pictures and non sequitur one line character ideas.
Angry angry hippo girls
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Lies lies lies
Actually I found out the best way to make money,

Turn on auto skip after choices and go to the city with the adventurer's stop shop.
Hold 1 to buy as many potions as you can for 5g a piece.
Go back to the first town and sell all your potions to the witch for 10g a piece.
also the game seems to lag a bit when you're over a thousand or so potions which makes buying them slower, better to just go back and sell them when you have a decent amount.
Anon who mentioned that towns gave off the same vibe here. I've thought of some ideas so far with what to write about. I kinda of want to start small and do some short non-lewd stuff just to see if I even have it in me to write and I thought it would be cool to help flesh out the game so here. All of these scenes are ment to be read when choosing the "explore the town" option. I want to start with scenes that can work in any town but if I'm interested enough i might try to do town specific ones.

- Catgirl merchant comes into town with some goods that you can buy. Tries to hide the fact that she's a catgirl for some reason. Gets really flustered if you mention anything about it.

- Friendly bro that has some cool stories comes into town to stay for the night. If you decide to chat he has a few different stories to tell or will talk about some interest. Ment to be a character met over the entire game once every while.

- Full on bandit raid that results in a couple battles in a row battle.

- Amazon girl comes into town and fights people that want to challenge her. Results in a battle with the only stakes are pride.

- There is a prison caravan in one of the towns where the player could talk to some of the guards and prisoners. Some could have something interesting to say or some might just tell the player to fuck off.

I'm probably gonna only write one or two of these at a time so if any one of guys are particularly interested in one of these just tell me and I'll try to get it done.
I like the prison caravan and the bandit raid ideas.
Favorite tit size go
DD! Not ridiculously big and not too damn small. But can they be naturally perky?
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Each just a bit bigger than the head, anime/implants type-gravity effect.
I like any of them bro
Chronic lair girl
Either flat or giant
Yeah those would get great, some town events to make them feel different is a good idea.
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Fire button done, just needs that transparency layer. More worried about finishing these before worrying about any of that though
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This one is a little blurry because the mug was too big for the circle, if someone is better at this sort of thing feel free to show up me up btfo me. These is the last button we need, I believe.
But how does a centaur swim tho
Do it bro
If you post the beer mug and icon separately I can shrink it down in photoshop so it's not blurry
I'd have to remake it, I'm about to go to sleep. I'll remake the mug and post it sometime after I wake up.
But thanks, expect it sometime later on today. Assuming something doesn't come up anyways.
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>not saving them with layers intact
anon pls
Best monster girl is the goo
Good thing we have one
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Apparently today is nopan day in Japan.
We should create a girl with no panties to commemorate this day.
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dead inside.png
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drawfag here, which character do you think should be drawn first?

i will only draw portrait for now
If we're not talking flat, I like B. Shapely and perky.
We should create a girl who flirts with you by saying she has no panties on.

Elly the goblin
The cat butler. He/she was first and has earned the honor.
I don't know why but this kitsune looks murican to me.
Blonde with big tits?
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Yeah, probably stereotype I picked up from watching anime.
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Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e.jpg
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Oh, and because of smile! Japs tend to depict amerikajin girls cheerful, optimistic and somewhat light-headed. I specifically pointed it out because they portray Scandinavians and krauts that way (I mean "blonde with big tits" thing) too but without American heartiness, even arrogant.
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I've actually heard people complain about that before, that Americans are too cheerful and overly friendly with people.
I like these characters. They'd make a good traveling couple with the obtain to romance/help out them.
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The common man
The rare woman
tats where are you reee
What's your favorite character so far?
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She's adorable, that's for sure.

I actually hate frogs, but she's an exception.

That's one way to have one
Or a girl who wears a loincloth that just covers her front and rear regions and has nothing else down there.
Or some other.
oppai problems
under the sea
what kind
Can I play this on android?
You should be able to, check the ren'py site.
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Satou Sensei Unzip.webm
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Kinda sorta like these
I think the anubi and gazelle girl both wear loincloths
Did that anon who wanted to write for a gay project find one to work on?

As an American I think it comes down to where you are. The whole "Southern Hospitality" stereotype is pretty true but if you go to cities along the east coast (NYC, Boston, etc) people there tend to keep to themselves.
No, last thing he said was that he would look into it.
Well if he comes back, I have a lot of projects I'd like gay content written for
Well he was here just yesterday at >>180423042 so maybe he'll see this.
He needs to just dick her
Vampire needs more of the dick
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Heres you go
How's this look? Too small?
...But she's a succubus
You're right, she needs headpats.
At work atm, will have to try it later.
No, I just mean is the beer too small in the icon
non arguments
Making a reilgion based on worshiping you
Can you make the beer a bit taller or bigger?
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how is this for a male rambs

how long is ramble's hair anyway?
He looks tired of our shit, which is fitting.

I don't think he's given a hair length in-game.
>Your butler stands before you, about 5’ 4” in height. His body is lithe, with average muscle. He has a boyish face, light skin framed nicely by somewhat long black hair. He is dressed in a nice suit which is perfectly tailored to his frame, complimented nicely by white gloves and shined black shoes
>male rambles desc from the wiki taken from the game

the only problem is how long?
Hmm, I'd put that at shoulder length. That's long for a boy.
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is this good enough?
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something for the slablands wiki if anyone wanted to use it
Yah I think so.
Might as well, makes it look less temporary.
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half harpy half centaur
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tiddy monsters
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knight girl
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I heard there is a elf any idea where she is?
hate that song
Good luck reply to his post
You want to set your date to christmas to get her to show up
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I found 2 crashes with the monster "Mountain roc"
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And the 2nd report
Thanks, hopefully Tatoba gets to it.
Magical shooter sticks
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peaceful waifus
Post ideas at me and I'll pick the best one and write it. Sex and non sex considered
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>My browser didn't update for 40 minutes

Anyway, how about a lithe bishie 'warrior' nobleman who you punch out then fuck into the dirt?
I want a simple quest where you go to clear out a cave of goblins, like all RPGs start with.

Though I guess goblins being friendly here means it should be a cave of gremlins or something.
A scared and weak little dog girl who you help get better and adopt that little puppy
A quest where you're made to hallucinate and end up trying to seduce crops in a field.
Solar walls
Juicy JCs
Rescuing a princess from monsters, she gets all starry eyed and wants to bang, and she promises to see you again in the future.
I hate this manga but I can't stop reading it.
I like it. What should he look like?

I can see it. Where should it be? The mountains? The plains? Are you thinking like a mini-dungeon type thing?

I like this because it seems like we should have something like this already, and then potential of seeing her again much later on would be cool.

Anyone have any other ideas or should I pick from these? If not I'll probably go with the dungeon desu
I don't know anything about it except its Monster Musume with more furries and action.
I was thinking he'd have platinum blonde hair to his shoulders, bright green eyes, and a winning smile. Of course, he'd have a fancy outfit with no real armor, and a long, thin dueling sword that doesn't work well in real battle.
We need to be able to examine items as well as using them; there's inconsistency there. A good example is the saltpeter from the mountains, and the vial. If you use the saltpeter it gives you a description, if you use the vial you actually drink the contents, which isn't really obvious as it's not a 'vial of fluid' or something similar.

The other obvious ease of life change would be to have menus that don't always take you back to the root menu, e.g. when changing armour/weapons. In terms of more advanced design it would be great if you could see a list of everything equipped with description on hover (and comparisons).

Also make the sounds mute when the game is in the background.
I think everything you've said is possible except for the last thing
Yeah, I thought her promising to see you again could create an interesting plothook for later in the game.

I'd go ahead and pick, it probably won't be until late tonight for more people o get on.
Looks good
>more furries and action
The "action" is unnecessarily drawn out and the plot is the same shit found in every Isekai novel.
Character development is akin to a snail's pace, and the gags are either awful to begin with or just translate incredibly poorly.

I can't think of any reason to recommend it other than it being another Monster girl manga which fanatics can never get enough of.
Traditionally, the first quest is in the first town, so the forest.
Netting a mermaid girl
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I found a typo with the cowgirl companion
i underlined it
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Slablands crash.jpg
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and 2 more crashes with the cowgirls aswell
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slablands crash 2.jpg
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Okay anon, I'll bite.
What's a JC?
Thanks for posting them bro
We already have quite a few quests, but I do like the idea of a hidden cavern underneath the forest

Younger girls with small, gentle curves. Basically.
Just a step above loli in age and physique.
Well I can't say no to Megumin
That seems like the body type of a lot of sheepie's characters, since she refuses to write loli
Shes the best
Golem mecha

I see, I see. Young girls.
That's fine.
I can dig it.
In fact, I've dug it for a while and just never heard that term till recently.

Indeed. Megumin is a best girl.
Darkness is fine too.
Aqua a shit. Would maybe hatefuck.

I think it's not just body type, but age too.
Like they're not lolis, but they're still young and their bodies are starting to get the curve goin on.
I actually always thought this character was a trap
Nope, she's always been a petite young girl.
And a fan of spook.
Trolling me
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good people card.jpg
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The forest has way too much material, please think about the emptier areas.

Are you going to do anything with the ui?
Yes. I only fix minor stuff on weekdays, I do more stuff on the weekends. I'll move the buttons to the right at least, the other screen has deep WA magic that I need to decipher.
She's from Idolm@ster, anon.
There aren't any boys in that besides your self-insert Producer-san.
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Slablands Crash Report.jpg
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This time i found a fatal error
>deep wa magic
First of all I'm not wa, second of all I literally just placed text where I wanted it
Text based magic
Can't replicate this error, what did you do?

I'm talking about the left side panel in the hub screens. I'd like to know how that works and how did WA code it.
I've never seen anything about that so I didn't know
Post a picture?
is a nice place
It could have been ten.
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Vote, so i can finish up male ramble and move on to fem rambles
Call her Fembles.
best name
Looks good
Random encounter in the desert
Meant >>180607541 for >>180610425
Nor have I.
Read plenty of doujins tho.
Pretty good, can you make the mug slightly bigger to fill up more of the button?
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queen of all waifus
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fake news
What area would you like it to be in?
Can you fuck the ram, sheepgirl, and foxboy in the mountains yet or no?
controlled media
When the thread is active there's really no reason to make these two word shitpost bumps
Can someone post the shortened intro again? I lost the link to it
Lets make a list of all the complaints we get about slablands and work out how to fix them.

The length of the intro is definitely the most important one, since if people quit before they finish it, they'll never even see the rest of the game. This can be fixed by using the shortened intro mentioned in >>180646861

Second is the difficulty of the mountain. It doesn't really behave like an introductory area should. The mobs difficulty should be reduced, and they should give more exp.

Third is ease of use. The incessant clicking to advance just doesn't work. We need a scroll bar. Battles also take too long. The text for one turn should all be shown in the box, rather than having to click to make it show up.

Finally, the UI. The buttons and sidebar are good improvements, and we should keep moving in that direction. We definitely need to improve the battle UI as well.
The lack of early quests that provide direction makes the game feel very arbitrary. Especially in the first town.
I know there is a doc of quests that was meant for early on. Things like killing certain mobs for cash to protect towns, and delivering letters and items. I wonder why they never made it in.

What sort of quests do you think we should add?
How's this sound?
Not him obviously, but maybe countryside?

I don't think you can yet. Someone could write scenes for them though.
Lack of main story hooks. Doesn't have to be something major, just a hint as to what's going on and what direction you should be heading.
I wrote the scenes for them though.
They have sex scenes and they're not triggering? I guess it's a bug.
It feels really unpolished. Once the screen to hover over your equipment/stats is in that'll help some, but we need an appearance screen of some kind and better menus.
endlessly orgasms
Since no one responded I just wrote it. I'll do the town stuff after tats decides where he wants it

I want more stable and persistent story characters like all RPGs have.
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I agree with this, I also want dialogue that occurs after you've visited someone once. For example if you return to the Valkyrie you go through the same path again, asking her who she is, and what she is, etc.

I'd much rather have new dialogue where she remembers our last encounter and you get something more interesting as a result.
I like what I'm reading, but I'm curious what Grimlins look like. I know they have green skin and the boss has muscles from the descriptions, but what do you think they look like overall? Ugly/feral goblins?
Yeah, there are some events that need to be updated for that too and not trigger again.
The game needs more interesting combat.
I like it bro, just woke up.
Thanks we need more of stuff lokike that
Legendary birthday snake
toad girl vs frog girl
tough choice
naive girl
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spider ass
uhh no
How in the fuck do I get the harpy from the wiki to appear? I swear I have spent literal hours of my life wandering the mountains at this point and I have long beaten the rest of the game.

Oh, also the alleged wolfgirl from ghe changelog.

Big ass wolfgirl requires it to be winter or raining in skypoint, one or the other, I forget.

The harpy was removed from the game by the author.
>The harpy was removed from the game by the author.

B-but why? Sounds like a qt from the remaining wiki description.
I don't remember why, I think he just had some kind of tantrum.
Asss that are phat
Lightning powers
water powers
A better platform than fucking Ren.py. Seriously.
>Second is the difficulty of the mountain. It doesn't really behave like an introductory area should. The mobs difficulty should be reduced, and they should give more exp.
Yeah I see people bitch about that.
boys club
no girls allowed
Girl that doesn't want you to cum inside her and you keep doing it anyways
That's cruel.
Is the download link still up?

Keep on getting stuck at decrypting folder.
reload or try a different browser I just tried it
You still having trouble?
Girl that lost her faith and helping her get it back
Doing it right
Don't worry, we have 2 new harpies as soon as tats gets around to adding them
Get to work then, anon.
so I can't beat any of the starting enemies

how do I beat a wolf with 100 hp if I only have 50 hp and no weapons?
I think there should be some lower level ones in the castle, but this is a known issue that we're trying to get the dev to fix
There are weapons in the castle. Go for magic because it's the best right now
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tats ree where are you
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Alright, gonna do the writing thing again. Hit me with ideas for something short, sex or not is fine. I'll pick my favorite and write it up.
She needs to understand that there is no other option
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Cute amazon.

How about some muscle worship with an amazon?
Dragon girl with a human fetish
Already done.
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>All that protruding flesh
>only the one scar
Wrestling a bear to prove your strength
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What are some monstergirls we are lacking? Someone is writing a centaur so thats covered.
Does that satyr have any sex scenes? I think a satyr or faun (whatever you want to call girl ones) would shake things up.

We don't have a female orc at least.
We have a lamia, do we have a straight up lizard girl?
He should. We have an antelope girl, but I don;t know if she has human legs or not.

Alraune/plantgirl, dryad, cylcops, dwarf, bee, spider, succubus (someone is writing one I think), octopus, sphinx, and vampire are what I can think of.
Shorstack imp. Demon or midna type works really
You haven't played the game have you.
Lizard girls are nice, either that warrior archetype or the blind one people used to post about. Or a lounge lizard or gecko?
We have a goblin. A goblin isn't an imp just because they have the same body type.
Cultured vulture girl.
A mushroom girl.

Don't you think she'd really grow on you?
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Better delete that. Even though /mggg/ can post full on fucking, anything reeking of nudity here gets deleted and you'll get banned
traveling merchant tanaki girl
stop posting poophorn
you always ask when so many of us are sleeping.


Crow girl that keeps stealing peoples shiny stuff and pissing off everyone.
Already done man. It's a magpie girl for the mountains.
Update in Shared Folder.
Oh shittttttttt thanks for your hard work
What's in it?

also I reccommend going back through the thread and responding to all of your (yous)
Updated some of the ui apparently, change log is the op, I'm busy so I'll have to check out out after work.
What game is that from and can we dick that amazon
Sheep girl that was sick of getting attacked by wolves so she works out and gets super ripped.
Orc girl masked grappler
Kookaburra girl that laughs at you and your jokes
A cursed weapon that was drowned in so much battle and blood that eventually it got a monster girl form so it can hunt it's own prey.
We already have a sheepgirl though
Then make her a rat or something else considered weak.
Sounds kinda like the weapon spirit idea
A girl that was experimented on and has golem parts, designed to be the ultimate solder. The project eventually fall through however and she was deactivated sleeping.
ass or tiddies
>those ridiculous crab arms
never, ever make a community around a porn game.

keep it anonymous or make a closed team.
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if anyone is still interested in changing the ui
Of course we are. What else is there to do so far? I haven't checked the update because of work.
>Cheetahs meow

I had no idea.
This is so weird to find out.
We need to make the battle ui less awful. After that I'm not sure.

Here's a new version of the save/load screen
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So how long before you guys set up a Patreon?
Never fucking ever.
I don't pretend to profit with work that is not mine.
Please respond to the posts directed at you
I'm doing so.

The sidebar. I'll do something about it.

The writer needs to add a repeatable encounter option for me to do so.

There are two cut-down intros ready to be used, one by the original author, and this one. I need to pick which one will be used.
Changing the intro is not too high on the list of priorities, though.

I know, it was the desert crocodile, but the croc doesn't trigger the error by itself. I'm guessing something happened before and I don't know what it is.

Any other area but the forest. I think the plains and the desert have the least amount of content.
I think the lessons of history say you're one, maybe two internet drama meltdowns away from saying fuck it, I'mma do me. But only time will tell
Why? Just have the whole scene proc again but don't let them take the gold or items.

Thoughts on >>180789593
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Even if there is no god or buddha...
But honestly, I can't do much without writers and editors. Kudos to Sapros for dealing with my BS, and kudos to every writer that contributed something to this.

I can do that, yes. I'll consider it until Sheepie gives me the thumbs up to do so.
I saved the icons, I'll change them later.
What's wrong with the current save screen?
Looks good. Do you have any lore about the gremlins? To see if they can be used later.
Also, it needs to be edited.
The main question the author had was where you want the to be.
It makes sense for it to be on the mountains, so I won't object to that.
posh girls
haughty lolis
>2 months now
>Still no new ohoho video

I'm really worried now
Why would he leave the ojou dimension?
fish pussy
To show what he's found and gloat that he has it and we don't
Opinions are against the law
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Police awoos
>That new Momonosuke hentai story

Gawd dayum that's good

And the indirect prequel to it is good too
Make sure to tell your doggo that she's a good girl
How I stopped worrying and loved the awoos
Consider this your thumbs up.

It's ugly for one.

Basically they're small, pretty weak nuisances that will show up wherever there are resources and steal them. They're violent, but it's usually not a problem for larger towns or well fortified areas because of how small they are. They won't go into a settled area.

My idea for this group was that the townfolk are trying to get rid of them, so they're attacking when they're outside the town. That's the reason the kid is in there, he went after them for attacking his sister.

Is Beorg the mountain town? They aren't labeled in the game files.
Is anybody other than >>180838183 actually writing around here?
Playing this, I want some more breeding and pregnant sex content. Just more scenes with this goblin or some more girls who want to get pregnant.
Did you recruit the goblin? Also there's a baker in Skypoint who wants to get pregnant
The mountain doesn't have a town. I guess the people in Beorg could ask you to do things in the mountain since they're at the foot of it? Maybe the gremlins could come down from the mountain to attack them
I'm very slowly writing through this centaur.
>Cute brown tomboy loli
That's a pretty good combination.
How's it going?
Yes, I did. Thanks for the heads up on that baker.
I was writing the sex but it's looking like the scene is going to be too short, I was trying to think of ideas that'd help me lengthen it.
If you post it here or at least the gist of it I can give you some ideas. It's not too hard to pad out about 100 words or so
I'd be too embarrassed to post something incomplete. The gist of it though is that you find a stump to stand on, grab her ass, then go town. Should I include more foreplay to that or something?
Don't be. We see weird incomplete things here all the time. If you want you can post a pastebin and then delete the post

Otherwise I would say that you could start by kissing and fondling her breasts if you want to include that. If it's a more businesslike encounter then try pulling her tail, slapping her ass, and describing how the horse pussy feels.
So putting some focus in on her human side beforehand. I wonder if people would mind fingering and cunnilingus on a centaur leading up to the sex too?
So fingering but skip the cunnilingus. Trying to fit that many things in ~800 words can be tough and it might make them feel rushed. Also then you give people who don't want to stick their face in horse pussy an out
Alright, makes sense. I'll try to work on it later today.
Didn't do no nothing
Correct, you have contributed nothing.
Trying out for being arrested on COPS?
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Following the letter of the law
troll girl
Trolly girl
rip and tear
Girl who won't shut up
paint magic
pant magic
Buying a melon only to discover it's a melon girl seed
Melons aren't seeds though
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Brown demon grils

With really pointy nails
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Sounds good to me.

Tats, thoughts? Also what do you need to move on with the ui? Additionally, what sort of things do you want written next for slab?
Girl who covers itself in lewd paint and fights people
Succubi always have good tans
He needs to add that side panel, but he should already have the files for it. Someone one mentioned the battle ui.
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I think this may actually be just her natural skin color, judging from the more explicit images of her
Finish the side panel first, then the save screen, and the journal screen.
Maybe the battle UI, if more people complain about it, but I think it works.
And I still need to add three shops to the desert city.
Hyperion as a continent is mostly ready, the only things remaining are Slabstralia, the nobles and the slaves district on the desert city, the beach settlement, the elven hub, the fae hub, and the docks. Sapros is in charge of the beach, and nobody has proposed anything for Slabstralia, besides being an island filled with criminals.
I'd like more events for the towns, and small quests. The brothel quest in Skypoint was good, we need more things like that and more nerds to shake.
The code for the side panel as seen in the screenshots I've been posting is in the download. It's missing weather, time and date, and perhaps the gender sign though.

What do you need done for the save and journal screens?

Do you have the shops or do you need them written? What is the brothel quest like?

Can you give some examples of the type of events and quests you want?

Also did you see my comment about the gremlins?
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>Sapros is in charge of the beach
I'm actually only in charge of the zombie continent in its entirety. Though that said, I was gonna send you an email asking if you wanted me to write the beach and if there was any lore/plot you wanted me to include.
I thought you were writing the beach. Welp, I need beach references now.
For some reason this makes me want to write a trap shopkeeper now
>That image
I know that artist
He doesn't do traps

Lotta lolis tho
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Like I said, I'll write the beach, I had already been thinking of doing it and was planning on asking you if there's anything in particular you want there, including lore and plot elements. I already have a general idea of what to do, and since I wrote the next town over already, Slablantis, I can integrate the two towns better than another author could.

Also, I'd answer >>180888598 , it's important to get the UI stuff done since it's a major complaint people have over the game, and she's offering to write events and quests if you have any suggestions.

I'd support it.
I actually don't know the source myself, I found it elsewhere.
I see, I need to check the code once again.
I'll change the journal screen to work more like the inventory screens, and I'll wait until someone suggests changes to the save screens.
The brothel quest is in Skypoint. You find a nerd that fucked something up badly in the brothel, and you have the option to slap him senseless or just leave it at that.
Events and quests as in things that happen in towns. Like the beggar quest.
And yep, I saw the comment about the gremlins. It's cool. They remind me of the Goblin Slayer goblins. Crafty little shits.
Do you not like >>180789593?

I see, so quests that might involve a fight or something, or branching quests. I can see how that might work, something like a girl hires you to find a family heirloom, you can either keep it for yourself or give it back, and if you keep it her brother will beat the shit out of you for taking advantage of her naivete

Alright, I'll put the quest line in Beorg. What location should the mine itself be found in? I suppose I could have a villager lead you there from Beorg
Tear and rip
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What's the artists name
It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's not that different from the current one. Small tweaks can be done, and I need to focus on the side panel now.
Ren'py's save screen is usually ugly.
Tanabe Kyou
Vast bulk of his work is lewd and lascivious lolis with varying degrees of wanting dick, and occasionally a girl with some tits wanting the same. He's pretty good.

Caution though, in his older doujins he was going through an NTR phase, which he's grown out of.
what a qt
titty slam
Best way of handling it.
disco mermaid
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Good. I want some horse girl pussy.
>Sex driven game(?)
>Rape some dude at the start but very little focus on sexuality outside of that
>Little to no sexual customization compared to trash like CoC
>Have to click through 2 pages every time I want to explore
>Spend an hour roaming around getting killed by things I can't bang or has no interest in banging me
>Find armor and weapons with no stats or information
>First and only opportunity at sex is so jarring and forced I'm not even interested (wyvern lady appears out of nowhere and says HI UR HOT WANT BANG? Ugh)
>Get to town and find it sucks just as hard as everywhere else before giving up

Does this get better? Seeing how long and healthy this general has been I figured it had to be better than then furshit, but I appear to be proven wrong.
>Find armor and weapons with no stats or information
Weapons stat was just added.
>Spend an hour roaming around getting killed by things I can't bang or has no interest in banging me
Balance does need to be worked on, but the mountains has fuckable things besides that look at the wiki.
I need to check that out
>There are two cut-down intros ready to be used, one by the original author, and this one. I need to pick which one will be used.
>Changing the intro is not too high on the list of priorities, though.
If the new one's anything like the old one you should really scrap it and start fresh. Seriously, that awful WoW fanfiction intro has nothing to do with the rest of the game and doesn't give anyone playing it for the first time anything resembling an idea of what it'll be like or about. And even putting that aside it kills any interest it creates immediately by sticking in some exposition character who spells out exactly what happened in awkward who-would-ever-say-this dialogue so there's no mystery to it whatsoever. Then you just wander around raping things for no reason. I don't know if someone envisioned the game a lot differently and it's now a patchwork quilt of half-baked ideas or what but the intro is really bad both in terms of the writing and the pacing and makes no sense -as- an intro to a directionless RapeQuest game.

If you want to make a monster girl/boy fucking game just make that. This game has so many pointless features that it's impossible to parse out what it's even trying to be. There are things you can do just because and nothing at all to tie them together. It sounds like you're taking this over from other people so I'd say priority number one should be hashing out an actual vision for it then running through this mess, deciding what's worth keeping, scrapping the rest and rebirthing it as something that actually makes sense and has a clear purpose.
Other people like the intro, just skip it if you don't like it.
The low quality of it is only secondary to the fact that it has nothing to do with anything and reads like the intro to a completely different game. An introduction is supposed to give someone an idea of what the game is going to be about. This one isn't even context; it's just a bunch of superfluous fluff that provides zero indication of what kind of game it's going to be. Whether some people like it is irrelevant.

What the game needs more than anything to step out of the weird eyebrow raising joke that it is now is some actual direction and part of that is tossing out an intro that serves no purpose whatsoever and coming up with some actual context for what is clearly just wanting to be a monster people rape game. The fact that you can skip the intro and miss nothing is a bad thing; that means it's pointless.
Did you fuck the foxboy or sheepgirl on the mountain? Otherwise there's a bunch of bug girl in the forest to fuck.

Weapons just got updated by the way

The new intro is about 1/10 the length with the named characters removed. It throws you directly into the fight with the demon king.

I think the point of the game is supposed to be find out what happened to you during the intro, but no word on that from the creator.

Good handlebars
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Hardcore petting
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cool eyes
The game doesn't seem like it has a point because the programmer refuses to write the plot until all the areas are in for some bizarre reason.
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The results are in

You've got maids
Can someone do me a favor and post the save screen, the sidebar, and a picture including the icons?
You learn something everyday
Apparently its due to lacking a bone that most other large cats have in their throat.
House cats don't have this bone either.

Due to this lack of bone, they meow instead. And can also purr like house cats due to this as well.
Lewd horns
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