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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1522

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 768
Thread images: 199

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>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

4/30 - 5/2 - Legfest
5/1 - 5/5 - Free 10 Rolls
5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread
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Nice meme.
Pouring one out for all the Clay Golems out there.
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Newfriend here, are those free "memerolls" similar to the free 10 rolls or is there any difference between them?
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I got 5 celeste cane. Should I reduce or uncap, upgrade, and add to my dark grid?
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>tfw you whaled so much you dont know what is the point of whaling anymore
almost time to leave it all behide
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I want bakamuuuut

I want haaadeees
Exactly the same as a 10 roll, they're only memes because they come at really shit times like right now where you can get 6000 different Cagliostros, each one worse than the last.
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After debuff success, it's DA right?
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Not fair, why can't I roll good SSRs
tfw got free hades during anniversary and have no intention of using him
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Don't forget Clarisse! DOKKAN! Tehe!
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Ohh, so a memeroll is basically a free 10 roll outside of legfest, got it, thanks, anon.
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I hate you.
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Someone host baha or zoi

I just used my BP but I ranked up
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>thinking about getting a baha weapon
>my water team has Izmir as the main nuke
>my earth team has Nemone as the main nuke
>both teams have an erune
>both teams would actually qualify for max Tezcat damage if a water one existed
>rest of my teams have mostly humans with random draphs and harvins
So dagger first, right?
Picking dark was a mistake, trying to get weapons are gonna be the end of me. Fuck celeste.
>Earth legfest limited next month
Now that Medusa got jewed out, who's it going to be?
is apsaras any good? Don't seem to see many people utilising the class
>most of my SSRs are light or dark

Fuck KMR.
Nyanko is get a dagger.
>Axe flip spear flip back to back.

Ain't fists, but feels really good.
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Thanks for the horn.
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Hand over your Blue Crystal supply.
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>7 pages of fate episodes
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to get more damage i just get more sticks?
S-spoofer unban?
Don't shitpost using my wife thanks
you're free now
It's time to move on anon
If you do get unbanned, don't expect to until after GW entirely.
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After the event.
>Cowfags and Chocounts are full

Which new crews are recruiting?
How is this fair? People who cheat in game get a 3 hour ban but this unrelated thing is a perma on the first offense? I even spent money.
Because it fucked over the other business which partnered with Cygames to do the promo
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>I even spent money
get cucked retard
you should reeeeally read the terms and conditions for the game. After all, you have all this time on your hands now ;>
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>two sages in a hl
>no fucking heals
This is where I'm at with dark weapons. I can buy another fist from the store now if I want to. I'm good to start uncapping these axes, yeah?
have to email them to get unbanned. you should have gotten mail from cygame during banwave.
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Who else spoofed without getting banned here?
Probably, yeah
Why are chococats so mellow
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I wish that was a joke but it was not.

Here. I have not really felt the magic of fists yet.
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Just fucking give us a suptix, KMR.
Go the fuck to sleep.
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post more
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It's 8:30 here, anon, too early.
Why is /gbfg/ so mean to spoofers who were banned? The compass spoofers literally haven't affected your gameplay.
Give me a (You) and I will.
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This shit is pretty omoshiroi.
why would i encourage terminal retardation?
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I feel alive again.
But what if one of them got a s.zoi from their free ticket? One of those sickos is probably stealing MVPs right now and nobody is doing anything to stop it.
How aren't you asleep at 8am?
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Fuck you, not until it's The End.
Did you ask for heals?
is it autistic doing 200 Baal raids for the rainbow prisms?
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If I make a infernal garnet room

Will someone kill ifrit?
>is it autistic doing
what a cute boy
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Well we all know what a certain Fire Knight is reading tonight.
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Post your ID. You know, for heals.
Nobody cares, stop posting
What's the deal with Dark Zeta? I just got her and her skills look like absolute junk.
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Did i finally do it?
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Are you sure you're not going to do anything shady to me?
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She kept the claws on through the entire thing, impressive.
>tfw no one will ever namedrop you in the thread
>can't join bahamuts for shit
>need 20 more bows
Where do I get the joinbot?
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post your ID
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10 minutes
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you're doing the event don't try to trick me
Hello papa bones.
As soon as you stop wanting it.
I'll help
Do HL Magnas have a higher chance of dropping magna uniques like bits and buds?
What do I have to email them? And I don't know nip. Would google translating an english message be good enough?
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>Two SSR outside of legfest
>They are shits
Lewdface let's raid
"unban ください”

Just reduce 100 SSR summons

Infernal Garnet room

Got buffs
>gold moon
fuck you
theres 2 low ranks in here

maybe I should boot them

So never?
I dont have that many summons I just need 177 prisms now
What a jerk
I don't heal unless someone asks or if I myself need it.
nips are awake, actually failing to enter baha now
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I will never look exactly like Sen
I'm just mad since I'm getting cockblocked from getting into baha, no need to do that
I heal on cooldown because no one ever asks for it. And after triggers, of course.
Panacea should always be used on cooldown, especially since it lines up perfectly with DI3.
So how are you all coping with the fact that you missed out on Zoi and will never have a real a dark team??
send KMR a picture of you groveling to a picture of him, and promise to be a good goy and buy tickets and 10 rolls
I'll strangle you
enmity is for chumbawumbas
I'm already rock-bottom depressed so this is just another thing on top of everything else. It's fine.
What does a non-backwater hades pool look like?
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I don't need a real Dark team.
What if I said I never gave a shit about Zoi or about dark?
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Eh. I don't care enough about it.
L-lets think this through anon..
>farming ifrits with zoi shitters
Please kill me
The worst thing about not having S. Zoi to me is not being able to put that new skin on her. My dark grid is non-existant right now anyway.
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Because you'll leech GW anyway?
Everyday i'm suffering.
>nice Orchid
like this
If you let him mostly strangle you then you can trigger enmity and fight him off.
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Thanks KMR
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Is this ok for a fire team? Thinking of switching either Alec or Heles since she's very specific with OD damage
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Please don't rub more salt into the already deep wound.
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I actually have a real Dark team so I can actually gain honors this time.
It's ""okay"" assuming you're just starting fire.
I want to fuck Kumiko
Is it just me or does getting Sarasa to 5* seem like a huge waste of time and resources?
Shut up. Sarasa is strong.
Literally just you. /gbfg/ is unanimously postive on 5* Sarasa.
speak for yourself

she's shit
Why does gamewith still not have GW 5* rankings?
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Fuck sticks
>STILL no dagger drop from Bahamut
I agree friend, I was being sarcastic.
Who said I was your friend?
Stop fucking bullying Sarasa right now.
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we're all friends in /gbfg/!
Who is the most Autistic of the Juutenshu?
wow how cold
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I am. Just started 2 months ago and just now have finally managed to pull more than one SSR for any element

I guess the biggest improvement would be Percy replacing Lucius?
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ss (2017-05-02 at 08.22.27).jpg
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Progress after two months. Am I on track or do I need to step up the yugu bullying? Haven't been too lucky so this is what I've been substituting so far.
>while you're stuck waiting for your party member's skills to animate one by one, the guy who just mashes attack can F5 and skip to the next turn

How the fuck does shit like this still stand?
>Ayer does more damage than 5* Sarasa
Why is this allowed?
D2E07 Agni Room
too many normal attack ups
Use this Magfes to bully Yugu harder.
Is Nio the cutest Eternal?
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Just mvp your luck
The biggest cumdump at least
I want to make a dark team based on S.Zoi
Who do I start dash? Vira? Narmeya?
Naru or Djeanne
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Number one is DJeanne.

Then Narm for ODA memes.
>Ougis cap at a shit amount
>Triple attacks do more damage

Triple attack half attack power when?
no thats title belongs to Sarasa
Just triple ougi cap but keep damage the same
dark jeanne
why is fire gundam such a jew

>over a dozen tia guns
>zero (0) colo sticks
Tia is a big jew for me anon so its different for everyone
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I've been playing for 6 months without Zoi. I think it's time to give up and stop now. Goodbye /gbfg/
You think you can just beat up a gundam and get away with it, scum?
see you tomorrow anon
Just make 5* Six
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>tfw every magna is jew towards you
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It's okay anon.
You'll get her this summer for sure!
trade or buy account
187 more baal raids to go. are the nips starting to wake up? seems harder to join into raids now
Is it just me or does getting Octo to 5* seem like a huge waste of time and resources?
its just you
Who the hell is getting the next 5*? Is there even a schedule for this?
t. asshurt sarasafag
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Will /gbfg/ carry me through pandemonium if I post a room? I just want to unlock GS
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Clarisse ofc
lily nano

Some shit SR you'll never use.
Why won't they raise the natural ougi and skill cap anyway?
Water just got a 5*.
>got s. zoi
>didnt get outfit

it'll be back, r-right
All you need to know is that it will be dirt, probably one of the choco sisters.
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What did I get?
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I just want Vampy to be honest. I couldn't care less about Zoi since I can spark her if she comes back again.
possibly back in summer
Shut the fuck up, it's lily's time nano
But I pulled her along with S.Naru last time they had swimsuits
Cog summon.
Lord of Calcium!
Oh no Im about to reach the weekly pedant cap this sucks
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Reminder to farm vice MVP.
The SSR Weapon Ticket let me choose what i want or is it random?
That would be the biggest immediate improvement imho yes.
Odds: Leech Colo
Evens: Leech Yggu
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Meleau is ugly
>triptard gets Alexiel
There's no justice in this world
good for you anon!!
Nice golem!
Nice roll.

Fuck you.
s2 when
I bet the next 5* SSR is Seruel.
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Congrats. Why put on a trip though?
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why the fuck did i do this to myself when i know that my strongest grid can do damage to nm95/100s without being severely gimped
You're ugly!
When the fuck is Stan's event getting rerun?
Future proofing
Who fucking cares?'
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Tell me about it. I don't even know what I'm doing. It's also hard when you get used to wind's backwater.
>3 Axe
>3 Claw

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Those are my current SSRs. Got most of them this legfes anyway

I just want to make fire work since it's the one I put most time into thanks to Yuel
Doesn't dark run 2 claws 4 axes? Why'd you get so many claws for?
you sound cute kissy chan
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Thanks for the room!
Fucking explode you filthy tripfag
i have two weeks to try to start uncapping all my pieces of shit too and get enough fodder to get them all to SL10
Did they buff the drop rates for Baha horns?

I'll admit I haven't done any in awhile, but 2 vice-MVPs have gotten me 2 horns
Vira's good for Dark, of course and cas Zeta is decent, but it does look like fire is your best option based on your SSRs, yes. Hope we get a suptix soon!
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>2 claws 4 axes
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If I host another room

Will I get carried to fast kills again?
Anyone else done spending money?

Even if we get a suptix I'll probably skip it, I have good teams for every element.
I do because I have Jeanne.I'm sure Zoi teams run more.
Do it you faglord, it's my time to kill it
Yeah check out my amazing dark team.
I come
>wasting my time MLBing 4 axes when i'll end up moving to majority claws anyway
only if you kill it super fast

im gonna pee and then ill host it
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Hopefully Clarisse gets it and I hope I roll her before the 10 rolls are over or else I'm going to be really fucking salty.
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I don't have Zoey so eh.
Sure if you have zoi.

>Implying you wont have an axe grid by the time you get all the claws
I think it's better to run full axes if you don't have Zoi, or full claws for maximum enmity. Like I said, backwater is addicting so I'm trying to experiment on my grid.
>No zoi outfit
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I just got her and it felt great.
No more bullshit leeching on my crew
Is there any Seraphic weapon not worth getting?
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I just got paid today
It hurts real bad anon i'm sorry.
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Aspiring lighthomo here! Why is light the cutest element?
No, get them all
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I'll be buying it since I have zero light SSRs.
Light needs more cute human boys
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Thank you thank you all.

Oops legit didn't mean to tripfag I was posting in a thread that asked me to trip and left it on. Whoops.

Reposting to not be retarded.
1 spot left
agreed, I mean, even now light is the homo element, but a few more cute human boys would be nice.
Chevalier!!! 31499660
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Why is the thread dead
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I dunno, but at least you and I are here anon
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Everyone's tired.
Too busy being stuck in angel hell to post
everyone's farming
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How is everyone's day/farming going? Any good drops from magnas yet?

I got an Olden Cortana for my babby dark grid
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>it doesn't transform
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could anyone here host a hard celeste for a newfag here? need 1 normal anima and have hit the limit

here you go famalam
hosted omegas

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>mfw Lunalu doesn't copy GZ

Useless fujo
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>over 10,000 items in my box
>still don't have my third relic
just use your whale tears to buy from the shop
Should I get Altair for Xeno Ifrit or Vira for GW? Which of those two will stay core for longer time?

Altair is core, Vira is not. She just gets brought along on some fights for veil.
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>Vira is not
The nerd.
thank you anons!

i thought the whale shop only had omega anima
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>tfw playing comfy poker all day while eating carrots
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Fucking yes
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Juliet or djeanne?
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>/gbfg/ thinks dark cog is shit
Once again, /gbfg/ proves to be always wrong.
Newfag here.

How does a Dirt magna pool should look like?
I autistically farmed and got 5 swords.
Uriel fist and will get Baihu fist when RoB happens.

Is that enough? what else should I get to fill spaces besides Baha dagger, one more sword?
Dark Cog is only shit because 90% of Darkfags are also zoiniggers who can't use their brains
>eating carrots
what the fuck

Do you eat shit too?
Is it true that whale can get unban faster than anyone else?
And dark players like Marquiares too right?
hey anons i just hit level 80
to celebrate my autism journey thus far i will be hosting three bahas
ty in advance 4 carry!!!

Not really anon he's selfish
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Fiction is just a reflection of reality. If rich people can get away with committing dozens of crimes, why can't whales in a video game?
>leech a bunch of chevs
>get nothing
>leech one colossus
>a fucking stick

Thanks jewbot
thanks man, gonna do the same when i hit 80
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You average Zoinigger run Zoi DJeane Naru for 1 shot shit.
Of course dark cog dont have place in that team.
No anon, dark meta has no need for healers and Cog and Marq are healers.

They would be great in other elements but not in Dark.
anyone mind carrying me thru hard coop?

aim to start farming firits well anyone of them do i be paying the ap so someone else can bring buffs
Look at the parrot go
its a less shit version of his soil kit, with somewhat better uptime on his buffs that also costs bar now
he still has a composite 20/20 buff on 2017 while altair had a 30/30 since 2014
the 3rd ability is what soil 5* did, making him pretty much a 2 ability character
he even lost his clear and single-sided data up lol
hes fucking shit, im not sure why people try so hard to make him look good
Am I supposed to be leeching the level 60 or 75 Omegas for weapons? Does it matter?
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Six stronk. Thanks for the MVP!
>his soil kit
>his buffs
>he still has
>making him
>he even
>make him
Not him, but dark is usually either running enmity (which cog is counter productive to with the full heal passive) or a team that attempts to avoid damage entirely (six and orchid; veight if you're feeling lucky). Both cases have little need for a healer, and can cap damage on-element pretty easily, so cog's healing and buffs aren't as useful as they look on paper.

That being said, cog is still good for a non-meta team. I've been playing around with the idea of a dark endurance team with vira/cerb/cog and marq in the backline for dealing with plain-damage spamming enemies, but a meta team blasting shit twice as fast may still be better.
Hey, Ferrifags and DOKKAN. I know you faggots post here. Give me your guild links and I'll put you in the pastebin.
DCog and Marq are both shit and would be shit in other elements.
Pls respond
Educate yourself first newshitter
As long as it's an "Omega" raid you have a chance at weapons.
I need help please.
just mvp your magnas (with placebo)
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Thanks for the dagger.

BAHA #3 thanks for coming everyone!
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Stop sneezing
>look I posted it again mom! :^)
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Was it you that was sneezing? Stop it.
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d.jeanne for zoi/jeanne/whoever
>mfw tough guy was Zeus all along
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dark team.png
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Need your opinions gbfg. So I'm thinking of building a team around Veight. Who would be a better SR to take damage/hostility for him? Deliford, Stan or maybe Yuri?
Which Earth Unks are available that aren't RQ because I'm not HL?
D. Sarunan.
doesnt zaza has hoslity up perks? i dont remember his zp list
wait for xeno or leveling during fest.

Deliford is freakin' great. Use him.
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aw hail yeah.jpg
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This rank 55 shitter thanks you.
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Thanks for the MVPs!

And the horn.
Thanks for the host!
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Newfag here. I made 120 Accounts on legfest to get started with the game. Now that draw rates are shitty, I could use help picking a main account. I filtered the ones that seem decent using the tier list and ones that have a good(?) summon based on the giveaway event.

I'm thinking 112 is best cause Zooey+Korwa, but I don't know enough about the game to say for sure. Maybe quantity or synergy beat quality here?
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>tfw rank 52 shitter
>Got a Rusted Staff on the second one and a Rusted Katana on the third one
Thanks a lot my dude. What do I do with them?
112 or 21
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yeah, last one
God dang it I misclicked the wrong post

Meant for >>175725226
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thanks for hosting man.
Shove'em up your butt and yell "OMOSHIROI"
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Thanks for hosting.
>40 second long raids
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Gotchu fampai.
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If you didn't get the harps, you will have to use 6 swords + unknown or baihu claw + unknown. I think it's worth it to farm a 6th sword anyway in case you want to mainhand the harp but sadly, i don't really know how good is the claw and if it can replace a sword in a magna grid.
thanks for the two that came
112 for sure
you need to max limit break a rusted weapon of your choice with either more copies or steel bricks

after that you just go into the shop to cash it in

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the 1%.jpg
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I did it boys I beat the 1% again
you need rusted copies with slvl maxed out for GW upgrades
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>those legs..
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my grid now, if you want some hp put a stick in.
if you got no harps put more swords in.
Jesus Christ those fucking thighs, what the fuck
>those legs
Jesus fuck
Baihu Fist is normal Attack II, not good enough?

Also isn't Xeno Harp an unk?
those are normal sized thighs, anons
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what'll it be this time round.png
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Calci Aid.
I hope you get exactly what you want anon.
Haven't played in a long time, is fire still shit?
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i got the lewd fire goddess.png
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Lucky you got best girl
Holy fuck, those thighs.
if you mainhand the harp then you put the baihu fist in
>Manlet Lucha
Bruh make your legs look longer at least.

Fuck it, I give you a 8/10.

It made me smile.
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first sturm now anthuria.png
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do I swap out lucio or therese?
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How did I not realize how cute Clarisse was before this event? I feel guilty.
This pic gives me an earthly boner.

So I nerd at least 2 harps right?

I'll farm the hell out of Vohu once it reruns.
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Help with Apollo please
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All that is keeping me away from Six
Sturm gives burn and with burn Lucius' skill is great

If anything I would swap baldy into backrow and replace Therese
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yes, all earth girds need 2 harps except titan
for my earth nerd friend anon i got you another earth porn.
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is Spymur Vision any good? I got 2 of them
Pretty good for Titan grids. DA up plus crit on top of large ATK up. The only drawback is they have -10% HP each.
I started when Sandal event was going and got 1 of his harp.
Since it is 0*, can I even increase it's skill? if not am I better of just replacing it?

stop trying to fucking confuse me
lucius has confuse and crits, therese has ougi and tada up, so I'll go with lucius for now and see if I need them ougis

also holy shit having 2 fire SSRs thrown at me this legfes makes me feel like I should have built my fire grid sooner, I only have my wind, light and dark grids somewhat complete atm
My wife is very shy, please don't open the spoiler
titan uses 2 harps as well
>Titan grid
fuck I dont have a titan
What should I name my crew
ckp ckp (2)
or you could just join the original one
Why are you not using Sturm?
good with titan+titan
ok with just one titan
different anon what does a titan grid look like?
53384E14 zoi
Is that Eustace's Gun?
Potatofuckers. I'll join if you do.
I literally got her yesterday, she's not even got her third skill yet
sorry didn't know that, i got no titan. thanks for reminding
>try joiining hl bahas
>9 times in a row it starts out with gravity and para
What's happening?
retards say shit about things they don't own or have any clue about.
ghanda is his best character. better than sturm because he's low level.
how many of these guns am I supposed to put in my Dirt grid?
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Then throw the oldman out. You won't miss him.
you literally picked the worst time to start doing HL bakas
no, it's the Nebucha.
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What element should i craft my oliver?
I'm not sure, but if it's just F2P Titan, I think you could go with 2 Vohu harps, 2 Spymurs, Uriel's gauntlet, 1 Yugu sword, Vohu guns, and Solomon Axes. Eustace's weapon should be pretty good for it too.

Not 100% sure about this.
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Before unlocking its second ability (dmg cap up or crit) it isn't better than a sword or uriel fist when playing on element, it's better than uriel fist when playing off element though. After unlocking it, i don't know if it's better than a sword when playing on element, so i can't help you with that.

>Also isn't Xeno Harp an unk?
Yes, but you didn't get them and you need a wind grid to farm xeno Vohu. You will have to use a regular unknown as placeholder until xeno Vohu gets a rerun. You can wait until you reach HL and try to get a rose queen unknown (farming RQ as a dirtfag will be pretty hard i guess), or wait for a story event unknown like this one https://gbf.wiki/Compound_Gadget_Bow.

Which subskill would you pick? Dmg cap up or crit?
is gandalf's sword and arululu spear good?
I'm 96
I'm new so I don't know what this is referring to

I'm not jewish

But I like cakes with big tits and ass, not lolis
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Please respond.
Do i run both the new spear and Sandal harp or do I replace the harp with the spear since it has no uncaps.
I would be pissed if I am the artist seeing my picture ruined by these retarded reddit-esque text.
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>But I like cakes with big tits and ass, not lolis

Call it CakeFactory.
my solo guild
you can still increase the skill, but since you only got 0*, it won't provide the buff. it's better for you to just replace it.
Ikuzo! Sōten no utsushi-kyōtaru waga ken nite, banshō no urei o tatan!

Post cute zoois
if you're still main handing points dagger. you're low level.
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slime covered approval.png
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Thank you.
This man is brilliant.

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Sky knights assemble!
Just call it Cowfags2 desu
I've got Lady Katapilla and Romeo, who should I ticket for Xeno Ifrit rerun?
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Will I be able to clear xeno ifrit with this?
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>doing the event with a Lyria/Deliford/Event Cag team
surprisingly pretty fun, Deli's charge attack animation is great
>everyone has Altair in their water team
I feel like I don't even know what I
>Backup request on
whats your power lvl /gbfg ?
mines 43
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I unequipped it and double checked that its unequipped but this keeps popping up
Check your pending battles.
check your raids
Pending raids anon.

You'll be fine unless you're mentally challenged.
thank you guys
NM70 should be farmable if you have great characters. Just get your Baha Dagger Coda for the extra HP.
>You'll be fine unless you're mentally challenged.
I started around when it came out and remember it being extremely hard so i want to be extra prepared
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Are there any other maids in the game?
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I don't have a crew who will carry my baha HL

Any water character I should ticket to make the grinding faster?
your power is determined by your grid. also 96 is still pretty low level. ghanda will be your strongest character for a long time, even if you can unlock sturm's skill.
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>4/6 in JKHL
>tweet and pray
>2 randoms joined
>they left somewhere midfight without me knowing
>no trace of their actions to track them down on game screen

Is there a way to go deeper in the inspect element if they're no longer anywhere on screen?
No, you needed Viramate to track them the instant they joined.
I have it
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>Daily welfare roll
>mlb my swordshark
>mlb my imp
>1* my twilight devil
>Get my first light summon
>Get some stuff that iirc you're supposed to reduce down the road which I think is what you're supposed to do with off-element gacha weapons
>Get a kris which is small hp+
>I'm an earth player
A-At least I got goblin mage....
You should have them on your leechlist still. Did you remember to turn the enhanced leechlist on?
make quatre
>turn on one hour journey drop rate

ghanda was my first fire ssr for a very very long time, anon, and my srs didn't come til new years or something. That made me not want to farm fire for obvious reasons
Find a Discord group or something I guess?

>Any water character I should ticket

Not really, maybe Yngwie or Romeo if you REALLY want to, but they're not in any way needed. Yoda will carry your ass hard in Xeno Ifrit.
What are you going to do when you find them?
Yoda is great for tanking the xeno ifrits 25% hp trigger, just use his second skill with a charge up and he'll dodge the whole thing
He'll make a reddit thread about them!
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>you will never wake up and have the first thing you see in the morning be Lennah's peaceful visage as she quietly sleeps, and you decide to stay in bed for some five more minutes just to partake in such a simple, yet perfect bliss.

That...doesn't seem to exist.

Spam their profile during my downtime until I get bored of it.
Wait for DJ maid/Gran butler skin
hi there, lennahsuccessor
Thanks I'll just ticket magisa next

Maybe I'll just host HL baha for /gbfg/ and see if i can get /gbfg/ to carry
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>Spam their profile during my downtime until I get bored of it.
Not gonna end well
Doesn't really matter. Even if you got Yuel and S beato tonight you would still need his counter and blind because your pool sucks and you're low level.
Huh? I'm the same one still, it's just that whoever was banning me stopped, and for that I am grateful.
what about put it on twitter?
Make a lobby 130+
im not even 110
Guess I can also black list them in one of those co-op raids.
Host it during NA hours. You might actually have a chance of succeeding.
Doesn't matter if you're the host looking to get carried
>Only Emnity items I have is the Zoi bow and one Celeste claw
>Use Zois 1hp skill
>Everyone is doing 60% more damage
So this is the power of Enmity.
I feel bad for anyone without a delicious brown now.

This is good >>175728659
HRT should've met with Japanese truck-kun
anon, I fully realise that. I absolutely love ghanda's counters for having saved my ass millions of times. That said, I don't know what you're trying to get at when I've not said that I would swap out one of my few fire SSRs
Like in general you should find some already established group that fits your groove and hang around there. I could just jump in your Baha HL, wanpan and run off but someone doing that amid their peers would probably be remembered.
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Ill come back when the thread is not dead
>14 hours to do ~50 more very hard vohuh manah
Hold me. What's some good jams to help me not want to kill myself?
Is cock's def down single or dual sided?
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I'm just starting my water grid to start having a go at Ifrit as well. What a pain it's been but got a few characters along the way so hopefully I make it.
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Matt Murdock PERFECT.gif
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The whole soundtrack is good
to the anon that sent me a wind account, either the email or password is wrong and i cant use it pls come back and assist me
fixed :^)
>tfw you find out your waifus VA voices a character in this game
>tfw you sparked that character before even knowing that
True love at it's finest.
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Just got Izmir with my free roll, worth putting anywhere in this party?

>sochie with DF

dude what
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attention whore.jpg
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If you see this person, catch his ID so I can blacklist him.
>implying sochie is going to fucking hit anything

bitch is fucking blind as a bat until you get her zeniths

Helps me get my CA faster so I can abuse Silva's abilities faster. Also she's the oldest water SSR I have so she's max level and Romeo and Vira/Katapilla aren't.
Why is Lucio the only non-main story legfest limited?
They couldn't get the Granblue mortgages set up in time, so they threw him in the gacha.
Weird, I tried that password and it worked.
Just send the password to this temp email, I'll try to see [email protected]
also delete this, I don't want any dick pics in my inbox.
Hit 101 today, I'm hoping to host Colo HL. HOw bad is it if the only grid that's anywhere close to completion is wind?
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Too late.
nips will carry, have faith in the soulless hordes
Every HL is easy. Only thing that needs real coordination are the SSR buncle HLs.
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what now /gbfg/ ?
>>also delete this, I don't want any dick pics in my inbox.
Enjoy your mail list.
loli apollo is cute! CUTE!!
you rike my diccpicc?
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das it mane
>Every HL is easy

White Whale says hello.
but that's what he said
the random number pass isnt workin are u sure you have the right one? here are the 1st few number 4A2dgR
Does anyone have advice on how to deal with the Eternals gauntlet with Song?

they really need to give him something worth farming

Morrigna is much harder than the white whale.
What are people grinding Cocytus and Vohu Manah for
preparation for xeno ifrit
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All you need to do is bring Lily nano. Xeno Ifrit isn't that hard nano.
Yes it was working.
I sent it to you with a temp email and I don't have the password anymore.
If you haven't change the email, just send the password through email for me and I'll see what I can do. Send the password only.
[email protected]
suck less
I don't remember being able to clear nm100 with my non-existent water grid
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will this event ever run again.jpg
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Should I just damascus it? I don't think this event will rerun anytime soon and it's the only dark EX I have.
nothing is changed cause i wasnt able to get past login screen, either due to my autism or some fault in the transfer
No what the fuck anon, just wait for another event.
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my bahamut anon
What the fuck are you doing. No. I believe you asked this before and the answer was no, and it will always be no.
Are you insane?

Just get the unk from Kirin
I can't handle this bp regen anons, what can I do?
No one is this dumb.
do more raids
literally all you get is like 400 attack
Unlike most people who feel like they have to empty it constantly I feel like it regens so incredibly fast that it's too much work to keep up so I just end up ignoring it more than when it was capped at 5.
wanpan more
>can't escape from the game anymore

Tnx kmr
>>175731697 >>175731712 >>175731738 >>175731740 >>175731774 >>175731816

Okay then. I'll just try to get the Kirin weapons
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You know what you have to do.
How cam I marry cog?
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>tfw Hottie McHotterson
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How is this character allowed to exist?

WTF? he is almost immortal and has the most damage output in the game
Yes that password works. I just logged in and do the daily 10 pulls.
Pay very close attention when you copy the password. There might be trailing white spaces. Also type the captcha properly.
Dark bias.
Does anyone have a recording of the Let's Hang sequel event?
so is Gay bong still the best main hand weapon in 2016+1?
Stop posting my picture thanks.
b-but he's selfish!
Fuck, I don't even know what to do after getting my magnas for the day. I got almost 2k soul berries but I can't chomp through them with any reliable speed because every goddamn raid ends before I can poke the boss, so that's more frustrating than productive.

Tomorrow, at least, I can dump my AP into Fire Trial and Dragon Trial.
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current teams.png
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which grid deserves my attention first? I'm leaning towards dark and fire atm

>that fire grid

I'm crying
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rate my jurry rigged dark grid

celeste hasn't been too kind to me
Is dimensional halo pointless if i dont have a gw character yet?
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i dont know what im doing wrong, i copy everything specifically and leave no spaces, the captcha is done perfectly. this is mobage account and not one of the other 2 right?
Oh my goodness. That's not a fire grid. Put it outta it's misery.
when you beat Akasha


If you haven't been playing long enough to have a GW character dimension halo would probably push your shit in anyway.
buy axes/10
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the el grande grid.png
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can take 2 1* ATK and 3 1* ougi instead.
>them sorry ass Light characters.
don't even bother desu.
dimensional won't show up if you don't have one
He's perfectly balanced. I don't know what you're talking about. Sure, he can evade practically every tick of damage because he has an innate dodge passive, dodge zeniths, higher dodge and mirror images whenever he ougis, has a 2-turn guaranteed TA that also lets him counter and dodge 3 hits, and not to mention two skills that give him ATK stacks that are on separate multipliers so he still gets affected by other ATK buffs, gets a much higher damage cap and has his hostility lowered each time he uses his 1st skill, gets Unchallenged every time he uses his 3rd skill, and you might bring up his 4th skill that lets him evade every form of damage, even neutral, for 6 turns, but that doesn't mean he's broken.

5* Quatre or 5* Uno???
Oh fuck, I think I send you the wrong email address.
Put this part .23 right before the +6

Your only good team is fire and your grid needs a shit load of work.

I would advise to reroll if you didn't have Shiva and Sturm.

Also work on your water grid for Xeno Ifrit. You'll want axes.
It shows up for me. Im rank 110 and can kill it pretty easily but I've been too lazy to do the gw grind and the few times I did dimension halo I got nothing but summon angel.
Song or Sarasa?
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Still no Lecia even after 4 months, how unlucky can one be. What can I even build without her?
Wrong. I get dimensional halo all the time, and I'm rank 70.
You will get it to proc if you spam enough angel halo.
>mash buttons to try and get into a baha
>end up doing the autoset and element team and pool
There is no worse feeling
She's shit, korwa/monki/x
>how unlucky can one be

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i can now stop my autistic screeching
You already have the dream team with siete monkey and korwa
You have fucking Monkey and JK, stop asking for more you greedy piece of shit. Pick any 3 characters from that wind pool, and you can form a solid team.
Fucking first world problem.
>Full EP
>Raidfinder won't load

Aaaaaa I am so triggered!
k, thanks for correcting

I hated water and fire to bits because I never got anything with them. I literally assembled this fire team over 3 separate legfest spanning a period of about 5 months or something
water for ifrit this month!
Please someone dispel Snake HL
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Nice. Keep at it

35 minutes into solo busting. Feels good man.
My bad, she was on the first tab.
and two of the only notable fire SSRs came from the free rolls yesterday and today, mind you
Why aren't you using Rin in your water front-line?
Have fun. I'm half way through to forge the wind gw dagger, once you finish it then that team is pretty much set.
because katalina's veil saves everyone from all the shit my water team has been through all this while
Can someone post a non-zoi dark grid for us unluckshitters?
>can't slimeblast
Feels bad man.
6 axes, cosmo axe, baha axe, mainhand, kirin sword
Axes until you can't axe anymore.
once again i thank you, these past few months havent been kind to me, i got multiple toot replicas, and deliford replicas. its like what makes the sky blue all over again
start farming colossus and pendating fire sticks
then focus on dark or wind, you need more characters
Dude, what? You don't have a weapon that can bust?
Am I supposed to have one?
How do I gain loyalty for Punished Cag quickly?
Just do the final fight what, twice?
put her in the back row and just do normal shit, raids give alot of loyalty
Put her to the backline of your farming team.
Just bring the old man in a sub slot for your normal grinding
Does enmity fire work with Zoi as an enabler? I don't have any complete on element teams of either dark or fire, but I do have some of the enmity swords from colossus.
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>not saving zeniths for the possibly good passive.
When is Clarisse and Cog getting a cross-fate?

Fire backwater comes from twigs and fingers, not from shitty colo katanas.
>enmity swords from colossus
No, that shit is fucking trash. Do not use them.
Enmity Fire does exist, but you need Crimson Finger
who bothers with all the hassle Korwa requires and the babysitting Siete needs when everything comes down to who attack spams the fastest?
DJ sword, Lucius's sword and spiked bat all have plain damage awakenings on swordmaster.
There are more content in this game than just Yugu magna, dumdum.
>the hassle Korwa requires
t. someone that doesn't have Korwa
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is there a super secret meme drawing method to get SSRs? please teach
only draw during legfest
be a luckshitter
Draw in jp
Summon without clothes might help
You can attack spam much more slowly when you do 2-3x as much per turn.
Your waifu will only show up if she loves you.
I drew Zoi this Legfest so that means she loves me.
use whatever placebo method suits you best
there's: switching from EN to JP, or vice versa; using twitter refill beforehand; and my personal placebo, not turning on sound
I drew Zoi last year and benched her so this doesn't add up.
Does resetting your EM's give you the points back?
Select the roll button and then immediately look away before you see what color crystal comes out.
What about being half naked while rolling the gacha?
Who's going to be the next legfest limited?
Yes, and? Everyone must have rolled one of those 2 or did the bat event?
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>tfw levi summon, misterable mist, and lancalot all miss their def down on colo on turn 1
That one doraf shota.
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Should I drop a 3* Axe for a 4th 0* Claw? I have Zoi.

>muh 1300 raw attack
I will pay ANY price.
Cog would make him an ugly loli body in order to not risk being out cute'd.
the soul of your waifu
BDFCD114 zoi hs please
Cog wouldn't do that to a fellow man-who-wants-to-be-a-little-girl.
Joining as HawkeyeS
exactly, so there's your catch-22
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>4 versions of cog and even am SSR summon
>All of them are bad
Simply epic Cygames
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that was a weird timeline desu
I'm going to SPANK her for this later!
SSR Dark Cog is decent on-element for those who are not running a backwater pool due to being unluckshitters.
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I'm just gonna pretend Quatre is a girl and you can't stop me.
>Not running backwater pool
Anon please, even without Zoi you should be buying claws from the shop.
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And end up doing less damage than axes

You sure are fuckin stupid anonymous.
>Just get a ygg omega anima from mine
Be happy
Feminine penises don't exist, anon.
Quatre is a girl(male)
not a problem, just reset and get it.
still got about 100 points
Claws without s.zoi is less damage than axes
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>Everyone is at 100% HP at all times
do I damascus my sausage axe to two stars?
You will be during GW with +HP buff and limitless pots.
on HL, yes, most of the time
>everyone is at <70% HP at all times
How's Qilin Bow in magna grids?
No. Save it for the rerun, get more axes then. You will need it for later.
You are not allowed to talk about the game if you actually play it.
>everyone is alive at all times
I don't think any of you actually play this game.
Is the damage cap on the suzaku katana any good? From what I understand it's 7%. I guess it goes good with an agni grid?
have a (You), try harder next time
post your dark grid to prove you do
Cog is worse than Cerb.
I'm actually being serious, what raids are you consistently at 100% HP for?

Keep in mind that Claws outdamage Axes at under 80% HP, meaning if you take pretty much any damage you're more than likely under that point.

And we're talking about an element that lacks heals and defensive options.

Even in GW with pots and damage cuts you're going to eat ougis and autos and be at lower health most of the fight.
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Next thread is going to be another Beato thread unless you stop me.
>wasting effort to stop someone who spends tons of effort

I'll pass. I'm not rustled enough to care
I love cows
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Fuck all of you I just want a generic dark grid every time claw axe get brought up I get confused.
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Just forget about that and get Gisla with Hades.
host tokage
Thanks for the quartz.
Me too. I didn't think I'd find another cow brother in this thread. Everyone seems to hate cows here for some reason.
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>clothes made from protective material
Some cows are okay but seeing so many shortstacks kind of ruins their appeal for me.
You can only use the most optimized 100% efficiency grid and nothing else or you just don't play dark. It's that simple.
>sword in left hand
for what purpose?
R weapon nodachi has plain damage
She'll shatter the damage cap when the last bandage is cut
It's a dagger
When are we getting new Magna weapons?
maybe next anniversary
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10 minutes
if you actually played the game you would perfectly know in which fights axe grids go for
btw how many lmb ifrit axes am I aiming for, ideally? Two?
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The last bit of her fate was way too funny for me.
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>why does a sniper have a dagger
Are you retarded?
2, 3 for main hand
B-but muh Orchis.
What kind of sniper puts themselves in a position where they might need a dagger?
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Ripe for mothering
The point is to be ready for any situation that arrives. They might get forced into a situation were they will need something that isn't a sniper.
Someone who can kick your ass in any range.
Pretty much every combatant in the history of war carried a sidearm, Anon
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What passive will they give to Rackam's gun?
Why isn't she carrying an actual sidearm then?

Pistols exist.
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>kmr gaves us 600k rupees for free since he became producer
HRT gave us almost 0.
Wow, it's not like rupees are pretty much pointless or anything!
Literally /ourguy/
Even modern day snipers will carry a knife
Who the fuck needs rupies when slimeblasting exists?
>ignoring weapon stats
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Hi /gbfg/, I just hit rank 80 from all the grinding yesterday and I'm going to kick it off by posting a chicken!

Everyone carries a fucking form of melee weapon. What happens if the pistol jams or something?
wtf I hate HRT now
>flintlock pistols jamming
Stop this stupid meme
With base stats taken into account, claws beat axes at 80% unless you have zero summons and your pool is only 6 magna weapons.
is there any use for extra omega summons?
wtf I hate this meme now
No break them down
>using a fucking flinklock weapon
Those are even worse, they were notoriously bad for misfires. And during this period melee weapons as sidearms or even primary were even MORE prevalent.

Anon, this is getting silly. Sharp steel has been a mainstay of warfare for generations, you're just trying to save face now.
skill damage cap up
>Wants to play dark
>Can't read basic mechanics
>Can't do highschool level math
Thankfully I haven't pointlessly wasted my life farming slimes so the rupies were pretty nice to have. Now I have so many rupies that I don't need to worry about them for a while.
That's nice, but I've never slimeblasted, fund almost everything my crew buys and still have masses of excess rupies.
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