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/pg/ - Persona General

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Thread replies: 771
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Last thread: >>174742521

>English P5 DLC schedule: http://personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd in Sumaru City: http://personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: http://personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: http://personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: http://personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info
>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources

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Best girl.
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>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is for kisses!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an apricot!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is Santa Claus!
>Anne is Anne, not Ann!
>Anne is best girl!
Go on...
Which P5 boy is the cutest?
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>Be a Public Prosecutor for Tokyo District Special Invesitagtion Department
>Work extremely hard to be treated equal in male-dominated workplace
>Alienate most men in my life for being so agressive
>Have gotten laid in years, no good at the dating game
>Try apps and sites for one night stands, but never get any hits
>Go home late after being shoveled with loads of paperwork
>Leech of a sister is eating dinner with her boyfriend
>They cooked me dinner
>Eat it quietly while they talk and flirt right at the table
>Talk about moving in together and building a future
>She tells me he's spending the night
>They retire to her room as I offer to finish the dishes
>Change out of work clothes into old teeshirt from college days and a pair of sweatpants that have a hole on the thigh
>Grab a bottle of wine and a pint of strawberry ice cream and go into my room
>Put in a romantic comedy
>Turn up the volume so I can't her my sister and her boyfriend in the next room doing things
>Cry the entire night while stuffing my face
>Eventually pass out in a drunken stupor after finishing all the wine and all the ice cream
I'm going to kill myself, /pg/
wait until the goro spinoff at least
Let's hear it, /pg/:

>NG or NG+? Where are you in the game right now?
>Favorite Persona to use?
>Favorite palace?
>Favorite boss?
>Favorite music?
>Least favorite palace?
>Least favorite boss?
>Least favorite music?
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Yusuke, but he's SUCH an airhead it's a WONDER he can talk to anyone at all!
Joker's back is gonna be FUCKED tomorrow.
Cute fluff is the best thing to come out of this game.

Besides the game itself, I mean.
Surely you must have something worth living for?
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Do it.
stream it
This but with Morgana
Which was the request that was like, the goto for getting that confusion money drop?
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Don't do that, anon.
Live for P5C!
Live for Femtom!
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canon-ly the cutest
>Morgana is Garu user. Aka Cyclone
>Constantly hangs around MC who is codenamed Joker
Really gets the Hamster Running
What's the best demon to interrogate for money?
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Do not respond to shippers.
Why does Joker wear the same Doug Funny outfit every week
>people will die before P6 comes out
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>people died before P5 came out
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Reminder that Makotofags are degenerates
Reminder that Harufags are retarded
Reminder that Annfags are hispters
Reminder that teacherfags are NEETs
Reminder that waifufags in general are cancer
Fuck off.
>people died waiting for P5 to come out
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He's by far the most rape-worthy, but not the cutest.
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Can Joker come fix my life so I can get a better job, move out and be able to afford more plastic butts?
>hes gonna die before p5: rouge
Ignore the "daughter is just a meal ticket" request, those broke motherfuckers only dropped 1 yen at a time.

Other than that, all the bosses drop the same amount of yen, it's entirely based on your Luck stat.
Not really, everyone in the game hates him
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>this coming from a literal faggot

kill yourself
>implying yaoi isn't the purest form of love
Right back at you faggot.
Last Surprise
Madarame boss
That cheesy sad song that sounds like something from a soap opera
I wonder if there's anyone that wants this version of Joker to step on them.
How much do you make an hour?
Anon, how can you post a JokerxRyuji pic and not giving the sauce?
...This HAS to be a coincidence. No way that was intended.
Probably every boy at Shujin. Who wouldn't want a dangerous criminal mistress to step all over them?
i feel bad for groo.
fucked by his bastard father twice
At least post quality cropped gayshit instead that garbage.
So is Persona 4 supposed to be a post modern satire of Childrens television or a biting critisism the ideal teenage lifestyle and behaviour or is it just that fucking uncool.

Thought about how fucking stupid the cast is and had to come up with some rational to help me understand it better.
Right here/

He's trash, I keep telling him to fuck off in-game but he wont.
An absolute cunt, I don't give a fuck if you were bullied and the orphanage, stop rocking up at the cafe, sojiro only lets you in because you keep buying coffee hoping someone will talk to you.
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such an ace defective
Was he allowed to cum?
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>After P5 comes out and I finish it I'll kill myself
>...Maybe one more playthrough
>I can't die before all the dlc is out!
>I still have to play P5C
>Maybe P6 will be even better
I'll get around to it eventually
I can't decide if I want to be an outright ass to him or passive-aggressive.
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I like Futaba's computer setup.
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He's the sluttiest boy, pretty much nobody but Joker could compete. Akechi gets way more dicks though.
groo is submissive
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Yeah I heard that rejecting them is hard. Still, doing a honest playthrough. I don't think I would have the time for a harem.

Does Futaba also get dates? Like normal dates?

I thought her SL was bland and pointless riddled with ridiculous roadblocks. A couple of them were good like the arcade date, most were pointless and didn't do a thing to develop her character and she still stays naive as fuck. Her personality is fun and all but SL felt forced and not interesting to me. It starts fine with trying to help Makoto to act like a normal girl but then dealing with that shallow gyaru derails that completely and ruins it for me. The gyaru says you are cool later on so I guess it's fine.

Yeah it's pretty cool how she comes to hang out. Wish all girls did that and not only guys.
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Can you talk to Igor on the last day to get an item for NG+? I tried the Velvet Room but couldn't get in.
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My territory, I lay claim
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>nobody but Joker
Are saying Joker is a slut?
I definitely remember getting let in, but I don't think he gives you anything.

I just used it to fuse some last minute high levels
You have been given the power to change the world > use it to serve your bastard father that will never love you.
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P4 is a deep and riveting commentary on how far a developer is willing to go for money
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Joker can fuck multiple women, so he's definitely a slut.

Not a slut by nature and with a body meant for breeding like Akechi though.
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You should stop using 4chan filenames, you're the only fujo who does that with fan arts.
He just laughs it off and refuses to stop talking to you whether you tell him to fuck off or not so what does it matter anyway
There's a big difference between a slut who charms and fucks every lady he gets to know, and a slut who bends over for every cock thrust at him.
groo was a slut with everybody
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His plan was insane but that part was just a stepping stone. He wanted to make Shido the most popular guy in the world and then completely smash his reputation and burn down his career.
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>Does Futaba also get dates? Like normal dates?
Yup. You can hang in your room, the Ferris wheel, Akihabara, and Destiny Land.

I also liked the time you can spend in your room reading magazines with her and she asks Joker about if he's built his own PC before. That kind of casual stuff hits me right in the soft spot.
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You can't, I tried it in NG+ after realizing at the last moment of NG that Igor was a SL and that I didn't talk to him. You can't interact with the door at all during your goodbyes.
>See Not-Tomoko early on and expect her side story to develop as the game goes on, like with all the students in the school in P4
>Instead she has like 2 lines of dialogue, then you "fix" her heart and she says the same thing for the rest of the game
baka desu
She should've been the Devil confidant instead
Grrrr, he drives me up the wall
Yusuke is cool as hell.

He's chill as fuck.

I haven't heard him complain at all.

And to me that's a good character.

Dude just wants to paint naked people.

His character arc is literally:

I'm struggling to create art. Wish I had some guidance after losing the person I admire.

Then he goes to:

Yeah I'm pretty inspired now, thanks bud.

Nothing complex, he's just a carefree individual that's guided by good vibes.

Fucking supposed to care about some dead ass cat.
You can't go in the Velvet Room on the last day to get an item OR fuse anything. You can just talk to Lavenza outside, there's no Fool item.
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>you're the only fujo who does that with fan arts.
No he's not, stop assuming shit.
Please no hiimdaisy stuff here it's reminding me of that triggered feminist creator
Got an artist for this stuff? I need to look into it.
Jack Frost
I am pretty sure he would have forgiven him
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Why do people keep posting this without fixing
>Have gotten laid in years, no good at the dating game
>Haven't gotten laid in years, no good at the dating game
Every girl gets dates anon. Even if you don't romance them, you can still hang out. Futaba just isn't an option for Hawaii and the school festival.
Anyone have a link to the full ost?

I've only been able to find the advanced one with like 18 songs from the first like 7 days of the game
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To people actually like Akechi,

How to you see appeal in that dumpster fire of a human being?
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Which one are you implying Goro is?
So considering how Haru lusts for Joker's cock, does she get bonus points during the school festival if you choose the "I've always loved you" option?
Wait, nevermind. It's the same one posted earlier.
So thanks anyway

I've never had a chance to check, can you dates in the same spot multiple times? I'm guessing one round of dialogue per spot.

>tfw Hunger Games were banned on /v/

that board is ass and every time something good happens the mods actively try to keep it shit

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I'm emulating persona 3 fes.

How do I increase the native internal resolution so it looks better past 3x without frames dropping and it slowing down big time?
He's genericly attractive and at ends with the main character so by default he's popular
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why would her asking if you've built your own PC hit you in the sweet spot
You can take a girl to the same place again, but you don't get anything new out of it
Would a Joker?
Ok so why arent the police freaked out about a palace right next to the diet building that just showed up there?
>dealing with that shallow gyaru derails that completely and ruins it for me
But the entire thing with Eiko was Makoto learning street/normie smarts.
Pre-Persona Makoto would have never been able to do the things she did to uncover the Host and her slapping her shit was the only other instance of her temper showing up again post her awakening.
Yeah Eiko was a bit of a bitch in the middle part, but it was good for Makoto to learn how to be more than just 'I am prim and proper honor student' and learning the normal person culture a bit more.
Besides if not for the Eiko part we would just get Yukari daddy issues all over again. It mentioned him enough that it was a part of her character but didn't become her only thought and point of discussion.
It's about her being more than just Sae 2.0 and becoming Makoto
Unlike say Yukiko who became 2.0 of her mom.
Mokoto, I have a thing for priestess girls
Kin-Ki - Physical skills with health regen is my go to
Bank was pretty sweet but that's as far as I've gotten
The song that plays during the evening in yongen is awesome
Least favorite palace? Probably the 2nd just because of how many interruptions there were for such a short palace
Favorite and least favorite boss are the 2nd, I loved how awesome he looked but he was such a joke
I dont think I hate a single song in this game
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Well then I should probably dump Makoto since I'm not sure about her. Still have yet to unlock Haru fully so probably waiting is the best choice.

Are Futaba dates cute lover style or is it a brother-sister thing?

So you can get dates at those hang out spots with every romanced girl right?
you sound very confused
Get a better PC
>a dumpster fire of a human being can't still be an interesting character
i hope you don't actually believe this
also he's hot, duh
Same reason that they don't notice the bizarre change in scenery.
They don't care
It won't trigger any new dialogue, so it's pointless going to the same spot.
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They're in on it.
So would Morgana have seen Joker masturbate in the attic? You think that Morganna lets it slide because he licks his ass in front of Joker anyway?
Not that specifically, but just casual dialogue. Hanging out and discussing trivial things.

Thanks. Hadn't realized it was the same guy posted earlier.

>Are Futaba dates cute lover style or is it a brother-sister thing?
If you're romancing her, they're lover things. That's how it goes. Futaba seems to get caught up on trying to figure out what it is a girlfriend is supposed to do.

Its actually pretty good but I have 200 tabs up, do you think that'd slow down the game?

Some games I can run with having all my tabs up just fine.
I am shouldt the police be noticing that hey what is up with this new place right next to where we work at?
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>Persona 5 moves 1.5M copies, days after worldwide release
What does this mean for Persona and SMT?
We Triple A now?
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She starts calling Joker pretty boy every time you talk to her after you start dating
You know the truth, anon. Don't be coy.
I think the reason I hate akechi (i'm at mid july) is because I hate that we have ANOTHER fucking teenage detective.

Jesus christ atlus, naoto wasn't popular because she was a detective. We don't need this shit
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Would you play through Shiho's SLink?
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Why masturbate when he can slam ass all over town
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Wow, so they really are retarded.
Show me some proof
Joker doesn't masturbate, he's just forcefully dragged into the Velvet Room during his sleep and thoroughly drained by the twins every single night.
Do we have birthdays for all the girls?

Hey, that's Ann
Well, if people are playing P5 for the social aspect and not anything else, then nothing changes in SMT which is sad.
of course Goro isn't actually a detective and all his cases and popularity are just a cover for jobs Shido gives him
Don't forget, he gives you his winning painting at the end of the game and promises to paint your smile one day.

Ryuji may be better as a melee damage dealer end game, but Yusuke is my real bro.
I'm more concerned about how Morgana would react to when he brings Anne over
I can't help but think they did that on purpose. Like, people would think "Oh buy, Akechi is just Naoto again", and then it turns out he's something else entirely.
Atlus JP's twitter?

Looks like they're announcing bdays this way instead of listening them officially.
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>triggered feminist creator
Who? What? I don't understand. Someone explain.
yeah but still like, having him state himself as a HIGH SCHOOL ROOKIE DETECTIVE has never made me roll my eyes harder
It's first love type of romantic stuff.
I should let you know that each girl has a selected list of places to go. Futaba can go to Akiba, but Makoto can't for example.
Best girl birthday :D
anyone have a link to the persona 5 soundtrack?
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Does anyone in your group in 5 notice that you're either dating someone in or out of the group this time?
name one feminist creator that isn't triggered
主双 Their tag
Does changing the difficulty affect the fight with the Twins?
If you don't want more Teenage [occupation] you're in the wrong series. And likely playing the wrong genre from the wrong country.

Persona will never hit AAA status. It will be mid-tier. Not small enough to be considered indie obscure things only 20 people have heard of and won't be big enough to be getting that sweet AAA advertising. I've heard some people calling that sort of thing AA, but I don't know what the proper term is.
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Characters don't need to be nice or even decent people to be appealing.
please just go fucking post this shit in /v/ not here
Difficulty actually does nothing other than self challenge, no trophies or anything locked out because of it.

I was actually surprised that the only difference between normal and easy is that on easy you take half damage but all other parameters are the same.

On hard you do 20% less and I think you gain slightly less xp and money from fights?

Safety and risky are just meme difficulties as far as I know
>Morgana doesn't say "Purr - Sona" once in the entire game
Opportunity lost
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Well I friendzoned Ann and I can't hang out with her anymore. I'm more asking if you get lovers dialogue with the girl or is it normal hang out time.

I wish she would turn into a normal girl by interactions with Joker during her SL and not off screen with that gyaru. Also Makoto doesn't seem to mature at all when she can't even defend her boyfriend to her shallow gyaru friend (charm 5 thing) then the gyaru says you are somehow cool even though according to Makoto nothing really changed about you. I don't like inconsistencies like that or trying to rationalize most likely poor writing. Anyway her SL was very disappointing to me. Didn't finish it yet though but I don't expect much at this point (at rank 8 currently).

I saw her rank 10 dialogue and I also want impressed. It's just daddy issues bland and you can only say you admire her. Meh.


Do you REALLY want that shit again


I thought
Not at all if you're only dating one of them, and not until Valentines if you're two-or-more-timing them. Pretty stupid.

Though the way Christmas Eve ends if you're dating Futaba and the way Christmas begins made me think that they were referencing it for a second. Unfortunately, Atlus just sucks.
Only the income and outcome damage changes in hard.

EXP and Money gain remains the same
They didn't do this for Yusuke though. Well, at least we'll finally know their birthdays.
You're right.
Come to think of it. The only time I clearly remember Morgana making a cat pun was when he called cognitive Ann "meow-velous." I know there were a handful of other times but they kind of dropped the pun thing.
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Please Hunger Games anon, come back.
just tell us who won at least. i don't need to know everything.
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Is Shiho actually loved to have her own SLink?
On the day after Valentine's Day, all the girls you are in a relationship with but didn't pick show up at the same time and beat you up
That's about it
>wanting mascot puns
go back to 2008, thanks
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He sighs and goes out like the good cuck cat he is.
>Me X
Deleted I don't have time for retarded demons
Don't forget how in Japanese version Teddie ends just about all of his sentences with "kuma"
Every time look at Joker I just cringe a little. That boy needs a haircut.
Japanese is okay though because English is shit.
Shiho is P5's hipster waifu
Have you talked to her? I didn't romance Ann either yet I hung out with her to get the Rise poster and the chocolate fountain. And it's just normal hang out between friends.
>Me X
>Not "Me (x)"

You retard
>All that speculation way back when the first trailer dropped, and it turned out to be fucking nothing whatsoever
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You shut your mouth
The fluffy hair is great
I genuinely preferred Teddie to Morgana. I even enjoyed his shitty puns.
Hey guys, do you think Morgana will have a cute catgirl form?

Did you not.... play the game....?
I like his hair, it looks fluffy and soft.
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Whose would you buy?
Like what
It did though, the entire game revolves around the sins.
All of them.
As a gay dude, I was really hoping they would throw in an M/M romance route or at the very least make some inroads from the pretty mean-spirited ways they’ve treated most of the queer characters in the Persona series, but damn if they didn’t fucking go backward in Persona 5. There are a couple sequences that play on all the worst stereotypes of gay men being predatory effeminate pedophile rapists.
Persona is probably my favorite game series, and to get such a blunt reminder that the developer of my favorite game series either hates my guts or sees me as a joke really, really hurts. That I came upon the sequences in question only a couple IRL days after thinking that Yusuke might not be straight and hoping I could possibly date him made it hurt all the more.
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whoa guys hey whats up lol just got some big bang drive thru lol and i was peeling the wrapper off the burger and i thought about some cool idea lol what if you were with kawakami and like you know shes an oldie haha so like her skin is flaking and shes so tired from work she goes "hey anon can you please help me shed my skin so i can relax its bee n such a long day" so you start from her flaky toes and peel off the skin until you peel a nice thin coat off of her entire body haha and then she scrunches it into a nice flaky skinball and says "hey anon come here let your maid feed you" and she slowly pushes the crispy salty treat in your mouth haha like a burger made of kawakamis nice skin lol just wanted to share that thought kamoshida out
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Thank you. Might be worth turning into a Futabafag after all. I think I do like her best for now.

Still I'm disappointed in that Makoto SL. Oh well.
That really looks like Angels Stroke but I can't find it anywhere on sadpanda that he did a Persona thing
>No Makoto
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Stop posting this
>Kawakami in a swimsuit
>Kawakami in general

Rock solid.
I remember people assuming Mishima was actually a girl, as well as Morgana's human form, and that she was some sort of reverse trap.
In emulation, single-core CPU performance is what matters most. It doesn't matter if you've got an i7 if it's only 2.6GHz per core. And GPU has very little to do with it.

Other than that I couldn't tell you, tabs should only affect RAM
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Post cute art of Shiho
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how to shitpost right


how to shitpost wrong
Ah yeah, I remember when niggas thought Morgana was a chick
It's not shitposting, the lack of same-sex romance options is especially jarring when the game pretty uncritically lets you romance adult women, particularly since those adult women hold some measure of authority/influence over the player character. You can’t let me date my teacher and then tell me a male-male romance is inappropriate.
I thought you had finally lost your touch until that last line. Keep driving, man.
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morgana is terrible and the worst written character in his game, and he's still better than teddie
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Oh yeah I forgot about checking her the normal way. Thought she'd just send me a message like always and she stops after rank 10 friends.

Not like I have the time for hanging out with finished confidants anyway but thanks anon will check her.
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Are you dumb? All of the sins except Cavum are represented.
Luxuria (lust) - Kamoshida
Superberia (pride) - Shido
Avaritia (avarice) - Okumura
Invidia (envy) - Sae
Irritum (vanity) - Madarame
Ira (wrath) - Futaba
Gula (gluttony) - Kaneshiro
Acedia (apathy/sloth) - the people of Tokyo

Yaldabaoth inflicts sin-related ailments on your party, and Satanael shoots him in the head with Sinful Shell.

>You can’t let me date my teacher and then tell me a male-male romance is inappropriate.

Yes they can, they can make whatever game they want you fascist asshole
There's a scene where Ryuji asks you if you ever plan to get married and if you say yes whoever you're dating gets flustered.
idk if this is true though, but I was already dating Makoto and she got nervous
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So /pg/, which confidant did you like the most in P5?

I'm talking about the actual confidant "story", not the character per se.
For example, I have nothing against Makotofags but you got to admit her confidant was utter shit.

Personally I really liked Shinya's and Toranosuke's.
Shinya calling me his older brother felt good.
Stop posting Kamoshida's property please.
It may be fluffy and stuff but it looks so messy. He needs to put some product in it.
blease respond
I can confirm this, Futaba got flustered for me

Cavum (Hollow) is supposedly Goro since he's a full boss, 2nd form gives credit to this
GET SMOKED, good tora, and iwai are my favorites. good taste anon
Why didn't Shido just wear a condom
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Embrace her..
At first i didn't like the character but her Confidant was really good, at least for me.

Hey well at least you've got Bioware. They'll actually listen to your complaining. Oh wait, you fags got screwed over in ME:A too.
Sojiro, No Good, Futaba and Sadayo were all the best
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Had zero expectations.
Ended up being the coolest dude.
Second worst behind Groo, you mean
I want to fuck this little girl.
>Is clearly voiced by a woman
>Is named Morgana
I don't care what the cat says, she's a girl
Cavum should be Goro, he's an empty shell that desperately seeks a purpose in his life and ultimately realizes the folly of his actions since merely living for revenge and public acknowledgement isn't making him happy
you'll compell someone to post the art of him with Joker with a post like that
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When did Mr. Worldwide become a Japanese politician
I like Makoto but yeah her Confidant was... very lame.

All Good Tora is easily the best Confidant in terms of story. He's just so damn earnest that I kind of tear up a little bit whenever he's saying something important, especially at max rank.

I was expecting Shinya to be an insignificant brat but he ended up being a cool little bro, and the fist bump at the end and him seeing Joker as a big bro helped cement that.

Finally, Yusuke. Goddamn Yusuke, with his oddness and eccentricities, from his ridiculous poses in the church, to going on a couple's row boat to scope out a nearby couple only to find that they were brother and sister... to an actually very heartfelt max rank, all of it was great. Having Ann and Ryuji show up in one of the ranks was also pretty nice, since it helped strengthen the idea that these guys are friends.
shinya would have been best girl if he was one
All of them!
I'm also planning to make P5 charms myself.
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Futaba, Tora, Iwai, Shinya and Yusuke.
Futaba the most, Makoto the least.

I mean I like Makoto but it was all about her changing and she still decides to do what her sister wanted for her but now convinces herself that it's her idea. Felt boring and pointless.
pleace respond
Legit teared up with No Good Tora. Haven't maxed anymore yet, but Futaba and Shinya's are fun.

I really like Yusuke, he's a good kid.
Goro might be cavum but there's no confirmation, cavum could've been a scrapped dungeon or boss.
No, just go on youtube retard.
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It could also be Morgana, no?
We just don't know, it's also possible it's scrapped content and they only intended for Joker to sit in prison for a month instead of the two we got.
Ye, I liked being a older brother shit was cool
I thought they where all good even though some where meh. Ryujii's is kinda meh and Makatos was fucking weak.

No good Tora, Iwai/hanged man, Teacher cake and Sijiro's are among the best. GET SMOKED Futaba's haru's AND Yusuke where great.

Overall Best Slinks in any persona game. Even its worst is pretty good compared to the worst and even meh of P3/P4
do the others have confirmation? I don't remember any direct asignment
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>all these fucks trying to shit on Makoto now because she's popular
I haven't seen it. Post it.
Post the LEWDEST Kawakami you've got.
Shinya, Toranosuke and Sojiro's were my favourites.
Makoto has been popular since the first nip poll
>yfw TRUE JUSTICE ??????????????????????
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It's in the trophy names. They also refer to it in the calling cards, but they wrote sloth on Futaba's so her palace being Wrath was kinda weird.
She's legitmately unlikable. It's a pain becuase her design and utilty in battle are great.
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Makoto Niijima is the Golden State Warriors of Persona waifus. All of her fans think that she's unpopular because Makoto fans have the majority and they're jealous of her, but in reality it's because they're insufferable and have a gigantic victim complex.
Yes except for Futaba's, the localization fucks up and calls her sin sloth when it's wrath (against herself). Half of the bosses have the demon associated with that sin, motifs common with that demon (like Kaneshiro, who is official Bael, turns into a fly like Beelzebub), and the calling card often includes their sin. For the people of Tokyo/Mementos, the Holy Grail calls them indolent.
And people have been shitting on her since release. Nothing new.
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Shiho is pretty well off for an athletic teenager, but she was no match for this towering beast of muscle and lust as he had his way with her.

Since he raped her while school wasn't exactly out, did they not leave until everyone else did? He violated her until the sun set down and casually told her "no telling, or you're off the team."
Dude, she and Futaba have always been the most popular.
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Anyone got a skinny Hanako pic?
I kept looking throughout the game to see what the fuck that did and it never changed.
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How old is sensei?

>yfw summoning Not!Satan
Yamato Nadeshikos are always popular.
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The pancake at the end is cracking me up. Anyway, here Makoto for completionist's sake. I actually have Anne, Haru, and Yusuke. I would like to get Joker but his price's are seriously inflated.
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Why bother playing any other Persona game when they don't have the #1 man in Japan?
The secret effect is that if you play your cards right, Sae will be your ticket to getting on the path to the true ending.
Nanjo was enough to keep me interested in P1 until the first actual Kandori fight but not a minute after
He just didn't have what it took to carry the whole game by himself
>Hot slut of a teacher who is literally willing to fuck her students
>All the guys act like she's a fucking gorgon or something and run away
What did they mean by this
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For real man? Wew.
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Hifumi gave me much more of a Yamato Nadeshiko vibe. Might have been because of the hime cut.
How many dicks did Mishima have to suck in middle school?
She's hot to you because she's in an anime but she was supposed to look like an old woman who tries too hard to look young

Also is it unreasonable that they would maybe just not want to fuck her
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Yosuke is the only one who acts that way and it's well established that he's an idiot. Then they felt so bad about it anyway that they based half of the P5 S Links around being able to fuck hot older women, one of which is a teacher.
This joke wasn't funny after the 1000th time you told it
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Z e r o.
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I respect your opinion, but I disagree with your statement. I believe the interactions you'd get in every break room and cutscene was just enough to motivate me to keep going the entire game.

Though I think bringing him and best Persona girl back in Eternal Punishment was the best idea Atlus ever had.
Desperation makes her ugly. She has no standards, she's a whore willing to fuck anyone who will have her. Even the high schoolers aren't that pathetic.
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My dumbass bought the game because I thought you could date Shiho but you get stuck with her shitty friend instead. Please tell me DLC or something will fix this.
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It could be worse.
>Wanting used goods
You ARE a dumbass
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Eriko alongside Maya and Aigis are the Top 3 best Persona girls.
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What theme will the superhero fighting squad of Persona 6 revolve around?

I know, they'll be a group of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop nerds and they'll use the tabletop game to enter the shadow world.
>This character who was drawn as an attractive woman isn't actually attractive
It's not unreasonable, it's just odd that a group of guys who clearly aren't getting any action (aside from Yu obviously) don't even consider it or talk about it at all, they just run away like fucking Shaggy and Scooby being chased by The Creeper
Does a charged God hand from Ryuji trivialize Caroline and Justine as much it does Yaldy?
No u
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>mfw 12/24

GOTY candidate??
>kawakami just hit rank 9 last night

Am I fucked?
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Unfortunately Zelda is going to win every GOTY award there is to win this year.
I wouldn't be so sure

Critics don't like Nintendo.
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Since I just wrapped up P5 I thought I'd give 1 a go
I'm getting bored though its not terribly fun thus far but I'm about to enter the Harem Queen's place
Any advice? I already got Ryugi but he's still rockin his base persona but everyone else changes it up
It's not reasonable for you to want to AVOID letting your teacher know that you're aware she's essentially a prostitute when you'll have to face her every day? You can't imagine that being awkward?
I said this about P5 and it didn't happen, but I wish P6 will feature older characters, like young adults and be more "dark" and mature overall.
Not dark like other SMT games tho, because it could be a bit too much for some people.
Then again I highly doubt this will happen because the whole highschool theme sells better.
Are you fucked in what regard?
Did you miss all the 10/10s it got?
[Popular Girl] is such a fucking bitch. If you like [Popular Girl] You should just fucking kill yourself.
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You're joking right
Taking her to Hawaii. Don't you need her to be rank 10 before the trip? I'm freaking out because it's Sunday and I can't request her anymore.
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delete this
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>Wanting a kind, cute girl who is your first friend and has a cute face, ribbon, and eyebrows

Healing broken birds is the thinking man's fetish
I really wanted to see that as well, but it got shut down since people said that it's difficult to base the "lifestyle gameplay" around an adult life where you have to work and get less holidays. I still think they could definitely do it and work around it, but EP also sold terribly so they probably won't.
Yes and no, your party members get you all the damage you need to fight the twins but they can still fuck you over if you get unlucky with Evades quite easily since they will always pinpoint weaknesses and Baton Pass back and forth to wipe out your entire party.
If you want to trivialize the Twins you can just level to 99 through the Reaper, go in without any party members, and solo them with a Yoshitsune that has all the different elemental null/repel/drain skills. That's not exactly fun though.
If you want to do them I'd recommend going in around 75 and just rolling with a random Persona. Might take a couple tries but it's a lot more fulfilling than being immune to everything they do and just using Hassou over and over.
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>Playing EZ mode
Should have gotten Elly. Also kill some time at the casino.
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I want to date Kawakami!
I want to put a ring on Kawakami!
I want to marry Kawakami!
I want to impregnate Kawakami and rub her swollen belly!
I want to rest my head on Kawakami's pregnant belly and feel the baby kicking!
I want to raise a family with Kawakami!
I want to tell Kawakami how much I love her!
I want to grow old with Kawakami!
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>Critics don't like Nintendo.

You must be talking about /v/.
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Who would Russell Westbrook's waifu be?
What's with people casually wearing filtered breathing masks? Is it a japan thing?
I've dated a rape victim. It's nothing like your Japanese Anime.
It's considered polite in a lot of Asian countries to wear a mask if you're sick so as not to transmit it to others.
Shihofags people

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Few things, pollution, allergies, if you're sick, if you're trying to not get sick, if you want people to leave you the fuck alone, some girls get cute masks as a fashion thing.
How is it anon?
How many GOTY awards have Nintendo games earned lately? None.
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can we stop talking about shiho
look how sad you guys made her
Neogaf told me this game is homophobic refunded
Yeah no youre not. Im married to one and I have a family with her. They're not fucking machines that breakdown
Do you not have any Asians in your country?
Prior to the betrayal, I liked him. He was cutest boy (big beautiful eyes, attractively full and bushy hair as opposed to protag's weird hair), talented, and seemed well meaning if entirely wrong about the PT.

Then the betrayal happened, and the reveal that he was the fucker causing all the trouble around Tokyo, and he became trash. To think he'd sully Naoto's title with his bullshit.
Elly IS EZ mode. Judgement arcana is OP as fuck.
Reminder to filter Neogaf so every /v/ transplant getting buttupset doesn't show up in your thread view.

Also, hay fever is a big fucking deal in Japan.
>Critics don't like Nintendo.
What the fuck are you on
Critics love being able to lavish praise on a Nintendo game whenever the mood is suitable, it's the video game equivalent of a film critic being able to seem sophisticated by writing a glowing review of some oscarbait flick like Moonlight
Why is Lucifer Star?
Why is Satan Judgement?
Whats the difference between Helel and Lucifer?
Terrible. No matter how many times you try, no matter how long she has to recover, she'll never come to love someone as a normal person does. Doesn't help I was the one who raped here lol

I really do wish her the best though.

Like I'd believe some stranger on the Internet. Fuck outta here.
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Don't worry Shiho. Your boyfriend Joker is here to help
Shihofags are the absolute fucking worst.

Fucking fedorafags with a broken bird fetish who think waifuing a literal who character makes them deep.
Helel is just another name for Lucifer, but it's supposed to be him before he rebelled against God.

He's star because he's the "morning star."

Satan is Judgement because he's involved in the Judgement of souls.
>Doesn't help I was the one who raped here lol
>Rape jokes are funny

I can smell your neckbeard from here
Helel is Lucifer before he fell
>they say "confidant" instead of social links

How to spot a newfag
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When you fuck Sensei just right.
this is why i fucking hate idiots who use this term in jest
i don't care if you think it's been watered down or not, it's a legitimate term to use when your condition (PTSD, anxiety attacks, etc.) is, well, triggered
now you see asshats using it to mean .... fuck i don't even know, you can't be triggered by nothing. its a verb, not a state

you'd think a series that heavily deals with psychology would lend itself to having fans who are more sensitive to this kind of shit, but i guess not
>Being such a thin-skinned loser who can't take a bad joke on the Internet

I'll bet your that jackass that'll yell at people on open mic.
>fucking with sensei all the way until the early morning
>He shouldn't boss be here soon?
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I... I wrote a song for Goro.

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

I hope he likes it.
Commus are from P3
Social Links are from P4
Confidants are from P5

Satan is judgment incarnate, his entire purpose for existing is the judgement of souls and .
Lucifer falls under Star since in Tarot Star is all about the strength to accept new ideas and move forwards, even if it should bring ruin, which is pretty much exactly what he did. Helel is just another name for him from before his fall.
His head is suspiciously far from her

26 I think. So naturally she falls into unmarried cake status.
He won't like it because he's dead.
plice responce
I NEED that P5 hawaii loading screen
It's not futa, he's just playing with her pubes.
>Better Melee than Yusuke end game

Have you tried baton passing to Yusuke with that one move that does severe damage and powers up with baton passing?

It's broken.
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well Yukino is Snow Queen only though Elly piqued my interest
I'm fine with 1st person dungeon crawling and the mostly pointless grid but damn I'm not feeling the fusion and Persona system
Whats the gambling mechanics? Is there a way to cheese it because my family is notoriously bad at gambling
You're, not your

I'd be mad too if I failed to graduate from high school.
Oh okay. That's cute and hot.
Helel is angelic Luficer (it's Lucifel in JP but Helel in EN to better distinguish them), meaning lightbearer in Hebrew. Helel and Lucifer are usually Star in Persona, just as Satan is Judgement. Satan is God's prosecutor and Judgement is the most fitting thing for him.
Then hate the feminists who started abusing the clinical term and robbed it of it's original meaning.
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I remember like 2 years ago I predicted that there would be a character who joins your party and then betrays you and everyone called me a retard.

You should have been sucking my cock in anticipation of Goro.
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Concept Art Joker!
I think I'd rather Baton Pass to a charged Joker or Ryuji desu. I like Yusuke and prefer to use him over Ryuji, but he's outright inferior to Ryuji at endgame.
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Is there a comp of this guy?
I want the one about Hifumi's shogi pieces that she keeps in her sock
Ryuji still does more damage than Yusuke, sadly.

It is. NSFW http://i.imgur.com/6ORYeJl.jpg
Looks like Reviewbrah
I should have been sucking your cock for the purpose of sex, cutie.
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Post your best memes to help me sleep.
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What would Shiho's abilities be?
Yusuke not having Charge is a dealbreaker. You can't really consistently Baton Pass on bosses either and if Haru happens to crit her One Shot Kill you are better off just passing to Joker, Ryuji, or Ann if they are already Charged up.
Yusuke is great for his AoE in random battles, but on bosses he just can't hang.
give it a fucking rest jesus
Absorb Ground
I hope one day we get a good statue of Lucifer like Mara
Impact damage only.
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Does anyone have that picture of Makoto's ass being abnormally large and Morgana is off on the right side looking over or something?

In general, more pictures of Makoto's ass would be welcome thanks.
Weak to Pierce damage
She has one ability that makes all the enemies target her, and one ability that reduces her to 1 HP but brainwashes everyone into thinking she's a good character.
I mean I wouldn't say HORRIBLE but yeah I'm struggling to continue and I haven't even STARTED Harem Queen's dungeon
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Where's my man Mark
she will never be a phantom thief
Castle crashers, Museum heist, Bank robbers, Tomb raiders, ????? , Pirates

Okumura's dungeon should have been a train instead of a space station. Would have fit much better with the heist theme they were going for.
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>he fell for the P1 and P2 meme
>wahh i cant post my maymays
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But this game is fucking GOOD.
If they designed it like the train level from Uncharted 2 where you can hide from enemies by hanging on the outside of the train and going on top that would be fucking cool

If by endgame we mean bosses, sure, but with >angels and anything with weaknesses I was able to delete the same turn I knocked down because of yusuke.

Another thing to note is I ran joker as buff monkey so at any given time our attack was boosted and their defense was lowered, so I was nearly 1 shotting the angels.
>Elder God tier

>God tier
Sadayo, Sojiro, Iwai, Takemi

>Great tier
GET SMOKED, Futaba. Yusuke

>Good tier
Hifumi, Haru, Ann, Ryuji, lolis

>Bad tier
Ohya, Mishima, Sae, Chihaya

>Trash tier
Yabadabadoo, Akechi, Makoto
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>Hear nothing but how absolute garbage it is from everyone at all times
>Still tempted to try it
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>Makotofags ruin another thread

>obscure old JRPG is bad

who woulda thunk
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Everyone else can do that just as well though is the thing. Deleting random encounters that you have weaknesses to exploit on is pretty easy for all your party members.
Honestly though it's not like anything in the game is hard enough for it to matter, you can bring Yusuke to the twins and he will still do fine since you get two targets there to at least a little bit make up for his lack of over the top single target damage.
Not really, just boring most of the time because you need to grind a lot. But just make someone carry a persona with Megidola and spam it to make grinding easier. Also, Estoma is extremely necessary.
I like Persona 1 personally, and yes the PSP version is the best one, but it's the worst in the series for sure.

Persona 2 IS/EP is really great with awesome characters, and totally worth your time if you want heritage Persona, but if I were to create a flow chart of Persona games and what to play, the last one would be Persona 1.

this one, thanks
I just completed Futaba's palace, and I'm surprised she is as popular here as she is. The issue is, I can't stand her English voice. Listening to her Japanese one, I expected someone who sounded very cute and young. Futaba's voice sounds way too old for 15 and makes her sound, off-putting to me somehow. Like she is a SJW or one of those super quirky nerd girls XD.

I haven't had such a bad feeling about another Persona character before. I like Yukari and Teddie just fine so it's so weird I'm having such a bad reaction to Futaba. I hope I can warm up to her, but the difference between her English and Japanese voices will always bother me.
>Be Sadayofag
>Talking about her gets me swarmed with cuck and prostitue
>Shihofags get swarmed with used goods
>Harufags get swarmed with useless

Makotofags really ruined taking about this game. Nice to see the mods doing their jobs
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I started playing it a bit. It's not that bad, and I'll probably go back to finish it at some point, but I went in blind which was a huge mistake. Story and characters are neat, but I'm getting a guide or some kind of hand-holding because the gameplay is just shit.

Music is fucking hype though.

What kind of woman will Mishima lose his virginity to?
A imaginary one
What's a tora?

Makoto is a drugged up yazuka cocksleeve
She gets nothing but better from here imo.

She isn't my waifu or anything but she's definitely one of my favorite thieves.
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who on the left
any help breaking Persona 1? Im not having fun but god dammit Im not letting it beat me and its time I used the vita for something
the kind that fits in the hand and you order online
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Anybody have a screenshot of her in the swimsuit during the cruise palace where her ass dimples are clearly visible?
I don't know, but I think we can all agree she will have ZERO taste.
I have to add, I like her voice just fine when it's higher pitched. But when it's too deep, it reminds me of someone I would met at a slash fiction convention. I thought people here hated fujos.
The combat ist even that bad jesus christ people

Its better then P3's
Considering how big Persona 5 is compared to 4, how big do you think Persona 6 will be. Will they go open world
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Was Persona 3 actually a good game
Say the words "Makoto Sue" though, and watch what happens.

Honestly, Makotofags are the actual worst kind of people on this board, at least Groo posters are funny on occasion. Makotofags have no sense of humour, no self-awareness, and do nothing but shit up the place.
I hope ATLUS is smart enough not to fall for the open-world meme.

Then again Kojima fell for it so probably
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I like to think so.
we've been over this already
open world driving
you drift into shadows to ambush
She wasn't my waifu, but Chihaya is the cutest, mumumu.
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I want to protect this smile
Yeah. Hence why 4 and 5 are the same formula of VN/RPG
so did Nintendo
This is a great doujin idea

Does her voice actress get better? That's the main thing that's irritating.
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when's Yusuke's birthday?
dewa dewa
The only reason I like her is her Jap voice.
Where's the Sae/Makoto incest pornography?
>mfw setting up Mishima with Ohya and he's not even happy about it.
She might be drunk and useless but she's really nice and wouldn't mind taking you to her place and fucking you all night.
Ungrateful asshole.
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Overall yes but its also dated
The Answer was also kinda shit
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too late
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Cute headband and delicious lips. Country baka.
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That would only work if it was set in America or some other place where high school students actually own cars.

John Hughes movie inspired Persona when?
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I liked Persona 3 but there were a ton of things that bothered me about the game

>Fatigue system that is somewhat annoying to begin with but is a total non-issue a couple months into the game
> Money is totally unbalanced
> There's almost nothing to do during nights so it's laughably easy to max your social stats
> Annoying AI system (I wouldn't mind the AI so much if there was better programming)
> Annoying menus
> No fast travel

Overall I would give the game a 9/10 thought still. The whole game needed some polish.

Gameplay and dungeons and enemy desighns where 102% ass shit

OST was cool writting was good to despite nothing happening for a good while.
Yeah and the last MGS and Zelda games were actually some of the best in the series.

(no way are we talking persona here though never would P-team make some open-world meme persona game)
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why does Sojiro make those creepy ass faces
He's a creep. He's a weirdo.

Why do gay men insist on ruining lesbian porn? We straights don't fill your fujoshit with vaginas.
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Pokemon Sun and Moon beat out Persona 5 as Famitsu's GOTY
There's a flute track in the game that first plays when the group comes together for a hot pot. I also remember it in P4, but faster paced - anyone know what it's called?
Memes aside Futa is a straight thing, I'm actually gay and have no interest in it.
We just know his sign, same for Futaba, since he's Aquarius and she's Pisces.
Focus on one party member, make him carry a persona with Megidola, abuse it until they lvl up(except if the demon resists it of course). It's useless to focus on weakness in p1, so use what hits harder. Piercy, Nanjo and Reiji's guns are pretty useful too imo. The Casino has great skill cards btw.
what the hell is he doing here
The game as a whole is still fucking great.

I would love a non-portal version of P3P one day, or maybe a Vita version that doesn't have those flat 2D environments. P3P is still good but the dorms and your school basically being a glorified menu kinda broke the atmosphere.
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lol i would definitely read a cuntboy Goro doujin. and I would also read futa Shuake
You're just better adjusted than most of the gays online.
>Makoto sue
But seriously speaking, its alright if you dont like her, but spamming your opinion 24/7 can tire someone like me eventually.

Yes, im aware some Makotofags are the worst of the worst, but you people shouldn't put all of us in the same bag.

Actually im getting mad with the captchas right now.
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>be Annfag
>everybody calls her a slut and the ones that don't try to ship her with Ryuji

truly this is suffering
I thought most gay men hated vaginas. then why would they like Futa?
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the same kind I lost mine to

they don't exist
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Phantom is from Sumaru City!
>The Casino has great skill cards btw.
looks like Im playing Blackjack all night then
>tfw when people hit on 17
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I want to mating press and facefuck this cute slut! I want to swell that cute flat tummy with cum! I want to make his tight boypussy gape and make him beg for my fat cock to fill him! I want him to nuzzle my cock as we cuddle on the couch! I want to mindbreak him!
It's not my fault your waifu is average
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She doesn't know how to drive.
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>That car
an escort
honestly fuck all waifufags, you're all cancer and you should stop
makotofags are no different than any waifufags of the past or present

you're all -fags because you're fucking all obnoxious as hell and need to stop fighting over shit
idgaf if you want to post pictures of your anime girlfriend go right ahead, but stop sperging out over someone else shitting on your waifu or posting about their waifu more than your waifu or whatever
Some Makotofags are alright, but some of them need to fucking learn that people are allowed to criticize your waifu. Like I'm a Harufag and even I'll admit the forehead looks stupid.
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What's the best possible setup for Yoshitsune?

Mine has
>Hassou Tobi
>Arms Master
>High Counter
>Regenerate 3
>Apt Pupil
>Matarakuka (plan to get rid of this one)
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is this what you were looking for?
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>was gonna waifu Makoto
>Futaba came along and is much better
>now Makoto wants to spend some time in Hawaii
>don't know whether I should hang out with Makoto or Ryuji
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>Nice to see mods doing their jobs

You would probably be more comfortable elsewhere.
Makoko taught her
>Ann goes through absurd steps to stay pure, even putting herself at severe risk

>Makoto is willing to risk being turned into a yakuza whore over literally nothing

>Ann's social link is about her trying to become stronger and refusing to be sexualized

>Makoto's social link is about her trying to get laid

>Makotofags call Ann a slut

They're just faggots projecting their waifu's flaws on to someone else. You, me, and a few others know Ann is best girl, and that's more than enough.
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Good post
Gary Yu Narukami
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Why is Goro such a slut?
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Waldobath please cleans this fucking thread thanks
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She literally has no ass

Half of those skills are a waste of slots. Not like it matters much though, as long as you have Hassou and Charge it breaks the game regardless. High Counter is an awful skill and all the support stuff is a waste on him.
Must haves are like Hassou, Charge, and Apt Pupil. The rest you can do whatever with, if you want go with max cheese you can stack all the Resistances and make it immune to almost everything.
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Yeah, i want to hit those anons who tends to shitpost with the only purpose of start waifu wars, claiming the one their like (in this case Makoto) is the clearly superior one.

if you care about Ryuji, then go for him. Its not like the date really matter.
>>Makoto's social link is about her trying to get laid
Nigga what? Her SLink is dogshit but it's not that.
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Why is Morgana suddenly turning into an insufferable cunt? I get back from Hawaii after spending some quality time with Kawakami and he starts acting like a little bitch.
If you want to pair your Joker with her, then do it.
That's not the case for me, so i prefer pairin Ann with Ryuji or Yusuke.
I just finished it last night, pretty good
Is Sorijo a pimp? He certainly dresses like one.
Should've waifu'd sensei for best Hawaii bikini.
Because then they can suck dick while still saying "i-it's not gay, bro!"

Honestly I just hate these cunts who write or draw two dicks rubbing against each other then label it as lesbian. If your fetish is chicks with dicks, that's fine go have fun, but don't fucking pretend that's girl on girl porn. Half the shit I see tagged as lesbian is untagged futa, and nowadays it's happening on every single fucking site that has a decent collection of porn. Fucking tag your weird fetish shit appropriately and deal with the fact that you have a weird fetish that is at least partially gay, because I'm not the only yuri fan who is having this problem.
Because Igor is the final boss
He whores out his squid daughter to faceless men to keep the cafe open
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>futaba laying on her stomach, kicking her feet
>Not seeing how Ryuji was indirectly pushing Mona after his blunder during the las part of Futaba's palace until he finally snaps
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Because as the story goes on he gets some of his memories back and he's insecure since he starts to doubt he's human and that'd end up with him not having a place to belong. Then Ryuji keeps calling him useless adding fuel to the fire which makes the whole thing worse.
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Was Iwai a good guy or Yakuza scum?
She isn't Asian enough for weebs or nips. Nowadays I just see people calling her a bro though.
Give me a fucked up name for my group in 12 characters or less
Anyone with a PS4 pro have the game look like shit since Hawaii? It just started looking jaggy as fuck since
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so will a new DAN just be P5: DAN or include tracks from previous Personas as well?

I could see it being an expanded PS4 and Switch P4: DAN port with added P3 and P5 storylines and songs.
>"Oh Joker-kun, help broaden my horizons by taking me to the shady red light district!"

>"Oh Joker-kun help me interrogate this girl who I think is working as a whore!"

>"Oh Joker-kun pretend to be the perfect boyfriend and go on dates with me!"

>"Oh Joker-kun look I've been sexting this seductive host!"

>"Oh Joker-kun I still don't know anything about romance help me learn what it means to have a mature relationship!"

Her whole SLink is just putting herself in compromising positions, stirring up shit with sex workers, and forcing Joker into a boyfriend role. She's obsessed with sex, and disguises it as "helping her friend".
Morgana has been giving Ryuji shit from the moment they met though.
Mishima mementos replies are fucking gold

MC-kun, somebody's been beating and killing cats in a back alley!
>"It wasn't me"

MC-Kun, someone's been scamming the elderly and taking advantage of them for their money!
>"Well that's just good business."
and Ryuji gave Mona shit back too, doe.
Morgana is a cat. Ryuji is a human. Ryuji shouldn't be such bitch.
a Vita port is more likely
Ryuji is fucking dumb, a loud mouth, and can't control his fucking emotions in the main story so Morgana was just telling him the truth.

Morgana's the whole reason Ryuji even had a chance to get back at Kamoshida, he should be fucking grateful that a "useless" cat was around to give him a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I seriously hope they do a bunch of P3/4 tracks, hell take some of the songs from the PSP rereleases, especially since we never got the PSP version of EP.

I really feel like DAN was a test run, and DAN2 will have way more content.
>a Vita port in 2017

might as well port it to the PS2 while you're at it
Teacher Cake > Futaba > Haru > Ann >
>be truck driver
>mfw the scene where the principal dies triggered me hard

There's absolutely no way that driver didn't a fat fuck wearing yellow in the middle of the street while making that turn
They did register persona-dance.jp too, maybe we will get a separate game that would have stuff from all three DANs?
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Everyone wanted to date your best friend instead
Why does this pairing exist?
A truck driver that plays japanese waifu simulators?

Damn, you sound like a perfect social link for P6.
>"Why do Makotofags project their waifu's flaws on to someone else?"
>Proceeds to do just that

ok buddy
you are literally the only fucking shihofag in this thread
The Vita sold more than the Switch this week in Japan.
>everyone's bitching over whether Morgana or Ryuji was the bigger cunt

>I'm just enjoying the fact that we got meaningful character development from party disputes unlike P4 where Rise just shits on Kanji, Yosuke gets tired of Teddie, etc., but none of it is ever resolved and your team carries these stupid petty squabbles the whole game whereas the P5 cast actually forgives each other and puts aside their differences to come together as a team and become better people as a result of their disagreements.

Fuck this is a great game.

I haven't noticed anything like that on mine
At least the persona's are cool. Arsene and Seimen Kongou are the best starters.
It's a Japanese truck, the literal personification of death. There's no stopping it.
delete this
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Why is he so cute?
He's a cat
My biggest issue is that Ryuji is a fucking bro in his S.Link but a total piece of useless garbage in 99% of the story on top of being a shitty person in general.
>"here are the reasons why I like my waifu and don't like not waifu"

And this is why nobody likes Makotofags. You cunts take waifu shitposting so fucking seriously and sperg out whenever a post is even slightly negative of her.
I just don't understand why all of a sudden the team (especially Futaba) is so concerned about Morgana like him leaving is the end of the world.
>yfw the Ultimate Persona of the Death Arcana is Truck-kun
Such is life for resident butt monkey. He's also the reident retard to boot

>NG+ waiting for Madarame to show up
>Hifumi, but it'll be Haru or Futaba this time
>Shiki Ouji
>Rivers in the Desert
I like fuuka from p3 and I like haru from p5

and if you like someone else I think that is neat

sorry for bad english
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it's a cute talking cat why wouldn't you be sad it's gone
>tfw ohyafag

>nobody even bothers to talk about me when making fun of other waifufags

feels mishima man
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Manga Fuuka.png
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Fuuka is pretty cool
And don't worry, your english is good.
Where you from?
you sound like you're taking it pretty seriously
fuuka is my favorite because she seems like the waifu most likely to huff your dirty laundry
Joker should have drowned mishima in the pond when he went full retard about owning the PTs.
Ohya is a really kind person and hopefully she cuts back on her alcohol consumption so you can have passionate sober sex with her.
i like her a lot but she's sure got stiff competition this time around
If she'd fix her damn fashion sense I'd like her more but I'm a shallow fuck and I can't be attracted to her except when she's in her phantom attire. She just doesn't pull off pigtails well and her fashion sense is far too gaudy, like a 12 year old picking out clothing. Nothing fucking matches.
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We Ohyabros are lonely, brother jack dude.

Luckily I have a husbando as well to keep me company
so, Yosuke
It's fun watching you get mad
You could call her out on her actual flaws, such as her overshadowing Joker at times or the cliche that defines her character but sure, imagining things works too.
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Ryuji and Morgana IRL.jpg
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>Good side character near the start of the game
>Evil villain near the end of the game

I wonder if there's a connection...
What's his name?
i like her red leggings a lot. actually one of the better casual outfits for anyone
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Why do Akeshu doujins have to turn Joker into some sort of little bitch?
Post your Persona 6 ideas
Say what you will but Yosuke Hanamura is a stand up guy.
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In what way? Because this isn't the first time I've heard this here, but it's still total fucking gibberish to me, honestly. Ryuji is hardly a "shitty person" and is far from being useless as far as party members go. He deals with completely different matters in his s.link and in the main story, and people's lives are at stake and the Phantom Thieves business is a big focus in the story, but not relevant at all to his s.link. The arc of fame getting to their head is not exclusive to Ryuji and gets touched upon by almost half the party in the 10/27 scene, and he has plenty of moments of acting human and seeing his flaws in the story too, including directly following that scene.

You mean Aigis
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Guys, Mishima has been sending me some pretty weird stuff.
Should I be scared??
Florida, USA
Alright here me out here
It's one piece but with personas
aigis skips the middleman and just huffs the husbando
Which protagonist sits down when he pees?
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>NG or NG+? Where are you in the game right now?
NG+ Burger King Palace
>Favorite Persona to use?
>Favorite palace?
>Favorite boss?
>Favorite music?
>Least favorite palace?
Kaneshiro (bank)
>Least favorite boss?
Burger King
>Least favorite music?
I enjoy all of it.
>You cunts take waifu shitposting so fucking seriously and sperg out whenever a post is even slightly negative of her.

the irony
>NG (im almost there!!)
>Izanagi Picaros is the one i used the most
>Goro im not a Groofag, i swear!
>Rivers in the Desert instrumental
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Alright, hear me out

This might be a little far-fetched

Are you listening


You're a high schooler

And the power of friendship wins
a male protag and a female protag both twins
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And have the guy be shorter than the girl.
Whatever character you don't pick is voiced
People tend to be concerned when their friends run away from home
>NG or NG+? Where are you in the game right now?
NG+++. Dec 24 on current playthrough.
Takemi or Makoto.
>Favorite Persona to use?
>Favorite palace?
>Favorite boss?
>Favorite music?
Life Will Change.
>Least favorite palace?
>Least favorite boss?
Kaneshiro, but really only because he was too easy.
>Least favorite music?
>walk up to Chihaya after completing Futaba's Palace
>"Before, I saw you'd be having trouble with women. But now, the Empress is..."
What the fuck does this mean, /pg/? I don't have an Empress link yet.
when does he text you that?
I get you man, those twin tails are a turn off for me too. I can't really see any teenager girl using that hairstyle, especially a model like her. I think they looked better in her earlier concepts though. But I think her clothes are fine.
Because they wouldn't get any (You)s since she's so unpopular. I feel sorry for you since she also barely has any fanart.
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A deeper romance system is literally all I want.
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Have any even been scanned yet?
tell him he should have jumped instead of Shiho
Let me break it down for you folks

Girl next door type, practically 'one of the guys', and therefore best girl
Insipidly domineering and naive early on, but you grow to understand why, and after snapping she's reliably dependable and has ass for days. High quality girl
Absolutely adorable and competent, but strictly for little sistering and you're a sick fuck if you want more.
Looks like that sheep from Zootopia. Kinda acts like one too, all baying and whiny. Utterly dependent on you. Mediocre girl.
Strong and independent woman geared for success. Calls Makoto out on her insipidness. Has her younger sister's figure. Top quality girl.
Punk rock doc who hooks you up with drugs and is practically down for whatever. Yes yes yes yes yes.
Homeroom teacher who likes dressing up as a maid for you and is practically down for whatever. Yes yes yes yes yes.
Stylin writer girl who has no problem hooking you up with alcohol and is practically down for whatever. Yes yes yes yes yes.
haru is empress
i wonder if like
this is because like
the next dungeon
is like
about haru
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Rehabilitation intensifies.
>1950s American high school
>MC's starter Persona is Grease Lightning.
>Final boss is Joseph McCarthy
Its almost like she's reading your future
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>Just got to 9/18
>That's September 18th, just finished Hawaii and blitzed away through story content

>101 hours 32 minutes

Please help. Please explain how this happened. I'm so confused.
>Igor has long nose
>turns out to literally be jew god
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You have very refined tastes I see.
Because Empress represents good luck with women if you're a man.
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>someone makes fun of mai waifu
>it must be the Makoto boogeymen
Really makes you think
>please spoil what this purposely vague foreshadowing by a fortune teller in the game means /pg/
Are you actually retarded? If you want spoilers you don't have to go out of your way and actively ask for them.
The Igor that "helps" you is a fake and Akechi the traitor by the way
Joker is turned into a moe and shy thing in any ship he's the bottom. That's why ShuAke and ShuKita are better.
>NG or NG+? Where are you in the game right now?
>Favorite Persona to use?
>Favorite palace?
Mementos Depths
>Favorite boss?
Shadow Shido
>Favorite music?
Freedom and Security
>Least favorite palace?
Burger King Space Station
>Least favorite boss?
Shadow Okumura
>Least favorite music?
I want to go on repeat dates, I want to be able to go to girls houses and meet the parents or hang out with the cakes in a comfy setting.
>mfw never get to cuddle with Kawakami under a kotatsu

Wedding event that takes place years later as an epilogue that is optional and requires the MC buying an item.
You should have used a metal cage
That's some real insecurity you have there anon :^)
Remember when we agreed that the game was filled with top tier waifus and it was hard to pick one best girl?
I disagree with many of your opinions
Where the fuck is Ryuji in Shibuya when you're saying goodbye to everyoe?
>NG+ at Makaoto's dungeon
>Just realized you can read books in the dinner

Wtf game? It took you like 5 hours tell me how to fuse and negotiate with demons something I fucking know how to do after 17 SMT games but couldt take 5 seconds to tell me this?
>NG+ Shido
>Kawakami for life
>Yoshitsune :^)
>Twin Wardens
>Rivers in the Desert
>Kaneshiro, Big Bang Burger is equally shit for different reasons.
>Burger Vader
>Final boss music
in the arcade
like he's been for like 90% of the fucking game
>Assuming because I like Shiho that I'm a Shihofag

I'm a Harufag anon but keep sperging out Makotofag
That's because the designs and implied personalities were great and then the actual writing was not.
>reading an Anne doujin
>Makoto suddenly appears and it becomes a 3some
this is more common than what I had expected
I wasn't here, but i agree.
Some people needs to show they have a "superior taste in womens" compared to others, sadly.
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mercilus mode's experience drain is pointless and ruins NG+

the weakness/technical damage being boosted seems cool but i just want to grind to fuse what i missed most of all
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>A Jew god that is a master to two Hitler Youth girls.
>and then the actual writing was not
But it was
Thats true, but what else do we have to argue about?
Just play on hard since it's actually harder than merciless anyway.
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Do you think we'll ever get simultaneous releases with Japan? Why do they treat us like second class citizens?
Not unless they delay the Japanese version.
>NG or NG+? Where are you in the game right now?
NG, doing some Velvet Rooming before fighting Shido.
>Favorite Persona to use?
>Favorite palace?
Futaba's or Sae's (minus the maze bit)
>Favorite boss?
Kamoshida or Wakaba.
>Favorite music?
Heist music, that shit is utterly infectious.
>Least favorite palace?
>Least favorite boss?
Okumura. Weak as piss, time limit doesn't really add anything to it.
>Least favorite music?
Can't think of any bad music.
Now we have people sperging out at Shihofags, Annfags, Harufags, Sadayofags, and Futabafags

Makotofags truly ruin everything they touch
I like how the twin that is the most harsh and calls you inmate is the one thats outside of the velvet room. In the world that only sees you as a delinquent/
It's not though. If you grind on Normal or Hard and then switch to Merciless later, sure, but only getting 1/4 of your normal exp and money the entire game makes it significantly harder unless you spend hours grinding in every palace.
Translation aren't a thing you can complete in 2-3 days, anon.
i'm still wondering why P4AU wasn't a simu release
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Literally no one is talking about Makoto or Makotofags
When are we getting a FGB video of this shit?
There's no reason they can't have Atlus USA translate the script while they work on the game rather than doing it afterwords.
Why are you even giving him a (You) man? Ignore him.
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reminder. the last thread has been on page 10 for hours now. this is why we wait till page 10 to make new threads, kiddos.
>It's not though.
With the critical and technical damage tripled, yeah it is.
Ah, I'm sure they're Makotofags. No one can ever disagree or criticize a waifu without them being a Makotofag.

... shut up.
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Is there any reason to play on Merciless except self satisfaction?
>game rewards you less for harder content
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Swear before god that Makoto's social link was better than what we thought it'd be like
>Call out Makotofags
>They sperg

Proving me right
Still is unnecesary if the product isn't completed yet. shit could happen and they would have to redo everything acordingly.
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But in Paris.
You also spend the entire game severely underleveled. I was 53 when I got to the final boss on my Merciless playthrough and that was with having to grind quite a bit at the end. I had to so I could cap the Strength Confidant since I didn't see any other way to actually beat Yaldie.
The higher modifier also works against you much more often than not since bosses don't have any weaknesses you can exploit but you do still get hit for shitloads of damage whenever something snipes one of your weaknesses. Random encounters are mostly cleared in one turn or lost in one turn, there isn't much inbetween there.
Here's your (You).
That is no fucking excuse. Even Final Fantasy XV got a simultaneous release and everybody knows what a god damn mess that game was.
Hard mode was pretty satisfying overall, you get the same amount of xp

Ambushes made it easy though and Merciless is actually simpler since Weak/techical damage count 3 times more and you just blow stuff up
Dude, you are the only one being a bother, DIRECTLY attacking people about their tastes, and then using and abusing the victim card when those people presents their arguments about your opinion.
Atlus USA and Atlus JP have bad communication, so that's unlikely.
I don't know why I'm bothering, but as someone who is ambivalent about Makoto I want you to shut up and go away

>Ichiko Ohya

Easily the worst ... character in the entire game

Ohya fags, BTFO by kotaku

In all seroiusness though I fucking hate gaming """""""""""""""""journalism""""""""""""""""""" its just a bunch of opinion pieces that are shit and always push for gay romance.
Then go and work for atlus if you consider that an easy task.

If you really want something, the do it yourself!
>still linking to kotaku
So why fucking read it at all? Why post a link to that shit site here?
if you like fusing it makes movesets matter a lot as you're taking 60% more damage
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>linking Kotaku

Stop. If you MUST share this kind of shit just copy-paste it into a pastebin and link that.
Fucking christ
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So why exactly did Atlus threaten streamers and the like over P5? I know they said because of spoilers and shit but that excuse doesn't hold up at all when you release the game nearly seven months after the Japanese release. I don't know if this has been talked about here but I've just been really curious as to what they were thinking.
>not having ad blocker
>Then go and work for atlus if you consider that an easy task.

yeah that's the fucking solution. Fucking kill yourself you fucking cocksucker. There is absolutely zero reason Atlus could not do simultaneous releases other than they're pieces of shit that don't give a fuck about their western fans despite selling the majority of their copies here.
>wanting to visit Kotaku
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>Game says we are going to a fireworks festival
>Don't go to a fireworks festival
Why do writers do this? Why writing scheme is this?
They do the exact same shit in Evangelion 2.0 with the dinner date
It really annoys me
>Even Final Fantasy XV
You are a fucking retard if you think Atlus and Square Enix are comparable.
>its easy because I say so

literal childrens reaction
Haru's SEES outfit is too lewd. Bare thighs and knees and regular socks are over the line.
But you do go to the festival.
>mfw share function still disabled in JP P5.
Atlus can fuck off.
Not an argument.
great thanks for sharing now please go away
Hey, im only giving a solution to your predicament.
It is your first wapanese game??

Typical /v/ logic, i swear!
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I want a persona game that integrates Social Links into the story and cutscenes, instead of several disconnected scenes or lines near the end of the game.
Especially romances.
Also maybe a story that doesnt end up like
>fight evil persona user
>finish final boss
>reveal secret final boss thats a manifestation of humanities whatever
>win the fight, lose in a cutscene, summon ultimate persona with the power of friendship, and click your one skill
Because this is the third game in a row that has done this
A FeMC would be great too. A canon one.
Am I asking too much?
To rain on your parade. Stop celebrating dumb shit and fix society
It's an advanced writing technique called "tone". You see, when you set an expectation but then find a way to subvert that expectation you make the audience feel these things called "emotions". It's very experimental stuff, I don't blame you for not knowing.

Sarcasm aside, you know how it annoyed you? Guess what? The main characters were also annoyed that they didn't get to go. You're LITERALLY empathizing with them as we speak and you didn't even know it.

The power of writing.
Persona 6
>Color : Green
>Arcana : Moon
>Core theme : Dream, Bliss, Fantasy, Illusion, Nightmare, Despair
>Initial Persona : Fairy Tale characters
>Ultimate Persona : Deities of knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, and craftsmanship
>Main location : Small village in the deep mountains, complete opposite of P5's urban Tokyo, far more rural than P4's Inaba
Yup, at least for the social link parts.
For this we need multiple branchs with the events, and isn't only one event.

In the end is more work for the both the people making the game and the VAs, and more work = more money to put in that shit.
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I would like to have the main enemies be a group of Persona user. And have them fight you on equal terms, team tv team instead of the 4 on 1 beatdowns Strega got.
You don't cuz it rains and it gets cancelled. That's one of the reasons everyone goes to the beach after Futaba joins your group.
You pretty obviously haven't actually played on Merciless.
and is the final boss
i have to give 5 a pass for doing what 3/4 did because of the long wait/generation gap and since there was a lot of stuff to improve in the formula.

P6 doing the same thing as P5 would feel really off and creatively bankrupt but I think it's a long time away and they've discussed ideas for non high school settings already.
Messiah and Orpheus Telos weren't even plot relevant
Would it be a bad idea to have Persona based on figures from Arthurian Legend?
Obviously you are.
never will, not interested in grindfests for no reason
Can one of the main playable characters be voiced by Ayako Kawasumi?
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Exam time

>Ooh, we can do this!
>Ooh, we can do this!

>Ooh, we can do this!
>Ooh, we can do this!

>Ooh, we can do this!
>Ooh, we can do this!

Why in gods name wouldn't they record at two or three different lines to rotate through
>playing in English

Love this meme.
I would love to see a non high school Persona, but I think the series is based in that kind of setting especially that's the one otakus are the most obsessed with
>People actually think Goro and Hifume will be added to the party
>People actually think Shiho will get a social link

I'd rather have more stuff focusing on Makoto and maybe Sae. None of this fanwanking garbage
Because they did a shitty job.
I know it's great fun to shit on Kotaku but did you fucking read the article? It's just unpacking everything in regards to having relationships with older women and examining it through a critical lens. It discusses its problematic elements, true... but it also points out that, while in reality a teacher-student romance is gross, the game is a work of fiction and that works such as "Hot for Teacher" don't exist in a cultural vacuum, and that in many ways, such fictional interactions help people, either in simply living out fantasy or reliving parts of their life they wish could have gone differently. That's summarizing it, and ignores other points also brought up.

If that sort of artistic criticism is not for you, don't fucking read it, and certainly don't link it without understanding the purpose. It's not to condemn the game or any characters within, but to examine the piece.

It's like linking to some movie critic's thinkpiece about a blockbuster's elements worth examining and whine he isn't just fellating how amazing it is based on the title and a simple skim. Just go enjoy the media how YOU want to enjoy it, don't crush others who want to examine and dissect it and enjoy it how THEY want to.
I was thinking about that the other day, I'd dig it. Lots of characters and stories to draw on
>Easily the worst DRESSED character in the entire game
Nice false flag there faggot
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>entering the collective unconscious by going unconscious
>peoples nightmares as dungeons
Does anyone have a screenshot of the reveal with baby Yosuke in Sayuri?
makotofags everyone
Makotofags everyone. Always insecure and threatened by another best girls.
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>Defending shitaku
>getting angry over someone shitposting about shitaku
How is more Makoto and Sae not fanwanking garbage?
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Thank you for trying to ruin the mood again, fellow Makotofag/Makoto hater falseflagging.

You sure give us a good time.
>You have awakened the Used Goods Arcana
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>no mention of Chiyahahaha
It's like they didn't even play the game. Or did they just think she is some high schooler that does fortune telling on the side?
Mad that your waifu got that Kamoshida cock special? fuck off you samefagging shihofag. Ive had enough of you and your shitposting of your used goods waifu
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>NG or NG+? Where are you in the game right now?
Just finished NG+ a few hours ago
Makoto/Kawakami, respectively
>Favorite Persona to use?
Tie between my boy Seth and Shiki-Ouji
>Favorite palace?
>Favorite boss?
This is a tough one. I enjoyed all the boss fights. Probably Wakaba for most favourite.
>Favorite music?
Oh boy. In no particular order;
Rivers in the Desert
Layer Cake
Life Will Change
Butterfly Kiss
Will Power
When Mom Was Still There
>Least favorite palace?
Okumura's. It wasn't bad, just my least liked among them.
>Least favorite boss?
Okumura. Again, same reason as my least favourite palace.
>Least favorite music?
Is it me or is this thread worse than usual
please stop falseflagging
What is the use of being able to change armor and accessories on Futaba? What do they do? I only used the DLC XP glasses as they are the only things that seemed useful.
Its like always, since i started lurking here again.
Makotofags sperging out again.
Probably because Chihayen seems like she's 18-20.
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Fuuka here to fix your thread!
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Makotofags attacking everyone.

Shihofags are the target this time
If you increase her MAG with equipment for better healing.
>1 shitposter after various hours of "normal" discussion
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Fuuka is a nice girl.
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The west doesn't deserve p5. I miss dead /pg/.
I don't need to study at all if my knowledge is at 5 in P3, right?

Imported my old save and I'm on 5/11 and just sleeping early every night.
>haru's persona is my favorite
>rank 10 with her
>turns to shit

Every fucking time. In p6 just make the ult persona's change color or someshit.
>set in America, play as a Japanese immigrant who is a transfer student
>your guardian is a private eye who inadvertantly gets you mixed up in his latest and greatest case, that opens up into the supernatural
>dungeons are the 'souls' of various people in positions of power that have been corrupted by a mysterious villain; it's your job to dive into their souls, scrub them clean and then interrogate them for clues that can lead to the next power player, and ultimately the person behind it all
>velvet room is an airplane, Igor is the pilot and the assistant is a flight attendant

>falseflagging as a Makotofag
AS a Makotofag, stop that.

>Because they did a shitty job
Pretty sure the Japanese version has the same number of lines.
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I'm thinking when I'm done with NG+ on 5 I'm going to go back and try to platinum P4G, how much of a pain is it to complete all Social Links in a single run? Am I going to need a guide or would I have a bit of elbow room to wing it?

Also I'm going to have to catch that fucking fish aren't I, I wasn't very good at that minigame
>No loving the THICC purse owner
What's a TORA?

>hearing OZI KOZE NU BAKA CHAN six times in succession is the mark of a cultured and refined listener
Top half doest mesh well with bottom half.
Bottom half also looks weak as hell

I heard if you wait untill 12/11 to send the calling card to Shido you get extra lines or some shit? any truth to this?
Makotofags have been doing this for weeks. This isn't a case of a lone wolf.
>mfw no P5 on PC so I can downscale from 4k+ and take all the Kawakami screenshots in true HD
Feels bad man.
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Reminder to all new Persona fans who started with 5 to go back and play the classics while waiting for Crimson.
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>no fanart or comic about Anne, Makoto and Futaba trying out bikinis together
missed opportunity right here
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Do you have a save?
If you have a save for NG+ you'll be fine.
I hope Ult. Personas go back to unlocking throughout the story instead of being unlocked at Rank 10, it'd give them an excuse to have some of the cast be relevant again later in the story, but who the fuck am I kidding Hashino is a lazy cunt who probably forgot characters that aren't Joker, Futaba, Makoto, Morgana, and Goro even existed by the end of P5.
Luck affects how frequently she buffs you. At Lv99 with Luck gear she assists you every couple turns.
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>Beat first playthrough
>Maxed only 10 slinks

I thought I had more time... shit hit high gear xmas eve and I did not see it coming.
>using gun violence language for this
have we really reached that point
is that really necessary
MC born/aware of his persona since a young age, gets shun from the rest of his community since he lives in a superstitious village so you start off with a reverse arcana.

Demons exist, they basically target people with strong desires and make them act on them until they are vulnerable enough for them to take over the hosts body.

Dungeons are basically similar to the demon realms in SMT IV except influenced with what ever theme the desire of the target and people that end up walking into them by mistake are considered "spirited away"
I like Rise (I actually waifu'd her because she's qt) but Ann is probably the best Lovers arcana in the series. Better than Rise and much better than Yukari
Yeah, I'm on NG+++ or something now for Golden, just never bothered going through and trying to get all the trophies. My replays were mostly for waifu and self imposed challenge reasons.
i wonder, are any of the P5 girls implied to be shitty cooks?
In terms of age

Tae > Kawakami > Ohya > Sae > Chihaya
Oh wow, half the cast is featured more prominently than the other half. Sojiro and Sae had a lot of focus and they weren't even party members and Goro was actually pretty rushed.
That isn't true senpai, it's just a fake rumor.
New thread.

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very easy on NG+, might be tricky on first playthrough. You most likely won't need a guide
>Also I'm going to have to catch that fucking fish aren't I,
Two. Well, one fish, one monster.
Good luck with Rise's trophy.
Ohya says she's not a great cook IIRC.
I'm going to play Persona 3 FES, it'll be my first time playing a Persona game, though I've played a decent amount of SMT games otherwise.

Is the dub acceptable or should I go subbed? Should I play through it with a walkthrough? I don't have plans yet to make multiple playthroughs unless it's a lot better than expected.
Well, the likelihood of her doing stuff definitely goes up with her level and it felt like putting luck armor and accessories on her increased it further.
>Makotofag creates thread early

Shit like this is why no one likes tou
can you fucking knock it off
The only one that cooks for you is Kawakami.
Haru, Kawakami and Futaba make you honmei choco for Valentine's I think everyone else's gift is store bought.

Too fucking early.
At least you have stuff to look forward to in NG+. I actually left 3-4 links untouched for that very reason.

Yeah, having Persona evolution being locked into the main story would also allow more leeway for having them appear and cutscenes and the like. The lack of them being used for utilitarian stuff stood out in P5 in particular.
This thread's in auto sage.
The way I see it
>25-27: Sae, Ichiko and Tae
>23-25: Sensei
>18-21: Chihaya
JUST now, you FUcking RETARd
This isn't /v/, idiot. This thread would have easily had another hour left on it.
Fuck off.
Dub is fine. I think playing without a walkthrough is a much better experience but you will almost certainly miss a bunch of social link stuff. If you really want to see it all, you'll easily find videos of the ones you missed on youtube.
no walkthrough on first playthrough, it kills the fun
Go subbed if you are a weeb, go dubbed if you dont care about english voices "ruining your experience".

Dude... DUDE!!!
There is more in life than attacking a particular group of people about every action they do.
Stop throwing stones and hiding your hand. This wasn't the first early thread in this place, and wouldn't be the last, too!
Sae is confirmed 24
lewd images of makoto please
I actually prefer dubs if quality isn't going to be an issue but I've played through a lot of bad ones before. I'll go dub with no walkthrough then if that's fine. Thank you.
I want something stupidly overpowered
A party member who gains an OP ability at Rank 10
All Out Avenger
If MC is about to die in battle the character does an All Out Attack by themselves to fuck up the remaining enemies, potentially preventing a Game Over by ending the battle
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The dub is alright... mostly. Theres a couple of really glaringly bad performances though, Fuuka being the most complained about. I actually wasn't bothered by it in the slightest and didn't think it was a big deal, but she's definitely the weakest link. Yukari comes across as way more unnecessarily bitchy in the dub as well. If you like sub and dub equally in other things I'd go subbed for this, and I'm normally a pretty consistent dub guy. Dub is still serviceable if you don't like subs though.

I wouldn't go for a guide unless you want to max out all the social links you can, and honestly some of them are pretty forgettable anyway. I'd just go in blind and have fun.
1996 - Mikage-cho's SEBEC incident
1999 - Tatsumi Port Island accident
1999-00 - Sumaru City incident
2000 - Joker is born
2007 - Amada family house collapse
2009-10 - Tatsumi Port Island's "Apathy Syndrome"
2011-12 - Inaba murders
May 2012 - P-1 Grand Prix, P-1 Climax
Later 2012 - Kanamin Kitchen Disapearance
2016-17 - Tokyo Phantom Thieves Incident
Doesn't really come up. I'm glad they cut down on the anime stereotypes for P5. They didn't bother me TOO much in P4 but we definitely didn't need another game full of them.

Thanks anon, I'll catch that damn fish (monster) and finally satisfy that fox.
Oh yeah forgot :
>VR Room : Library with fireplace
>VR Attendant : Librarian woman is his 40's named Agatha
>End of the world was 8 years ago

Boy time sure flies
>Messiah still hasn't returned
Doesn't he come on the 25th?
>I want a persona game that integrates Social Links into the story and cutscenes, instead of several disconnected scenes or lines near the end of the game.
>Am I asking too much?
Yes, you are.
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