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Destiny General - /dg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 775
Thread images: 182

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Age of Triumph is LIVE!

DESTINY 2 TRAILER: https://youtu.be/jx15301i5_M

Update 2.6.0 patch notes: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45753/7_Destiny-Update---03282017

Latest TWAB: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45848/

Nightfall: Shield Brothers w/ Void Burn, Brawler, Grounded and Ironclad
Heroic Strikes: Specialist, Juggler and Airborne
Weekly Stories: The Taken War w/ Specialist and Chaff
Crucible Weekly: Doubles
CoE: Airborne, Berserk and Precision Kill Bonus
Trials: N/A

Weekly Featured Raid: Wrath of the Machine [390]
Vosik Challenge: Must three phase and activate doors with damage-phase bombs
Aksis Challenge: Must Supercharge and Slam Aksis every teleport, failure to do either will result in a failed challenge

Strike Specific Loot: pastebin.com/ALkpcq2j
Check Anyone's Status: destinystatus.com
Stats: destinytracker.com/
ToO Opponents Stats: destinytrialsreport.com
LFG Sites: destinylfg.net | destinylfg.com
RoI Grimoire Cards: ishtar-collective.net/releases/rise-of-iron
Age of Triumph Grimoire Cards: ishtar-collective.net/announcements/2017-03-28-age-of-triumph-data-recovered
Dead Ghost Locations: destinyghosthunter.net
SIVA Engine Puzzle: 2g.be/tools/siva
Thanks doc
It's been scientifically proven that taking meaty cocks in the butt improves overall health.
Well no more dicks for me then.
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Only if you're biologically female. Stimulates a different angle of the internal structures of the clitoris and improves bloodflow to the area like a massage.
If you're biologically male the micro tears and minor bruising from the act promotes a high risk of prostate and rectal cancer.
I'm not even joking.
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Absolutely untrue. In the male it actually reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

It also feels good, and is really addicting.
I want to raid with joff!
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twilight garrison is bae
Medical science. Google it if you wish to know more but initially it came from a study on why both males and females enjoyed anal sex despite the females not having an obvious organ to derive pleasure from that area like men do.
Short answer is the clitoris has a lot of internal structure some of which is lying nearby enough for direct stimulation but the outling areas can receive stimulation from vibrations assuming tissue density isn't an issue.
For the prostate it turns out any sort of bruising or tearing no matter how small is not a good thing and it just promotes a higher risk of cancer as well as enlargement and that sort of micro-tearing and minor bruising is almost unavoidable even from personal stimulation.

Fun bonus fact: women also have a prostate gland but its located above the vaginal canal but riding along and parallel to the urethra. This makes sounding a more rewarding and easy activity for them and could explain squirting.
Post your face virus, I want to see if you are really black
>tfw robolegs never ever
>no results
The only cancer I can find is coming out of your own ass
Used to be until an in-depth study was done that branched off from a anal sex study of all things.
Normal masturbation is still a benefit for your everything still though.
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For some reason this i missed the link.
My bad.

Boom. Also anal sex for women isn't nice for the actual rectal tissue but there are benefits for the vagina. My bad.
Cancer for everyone.
>mfw coming to this thread to look for a raid group but all I get is trap posting and memes I can't understand

God damnit guys I just want to do wotm
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its actually American Cancer Society but i guess reading is hard.
Burn, heretic
Just the first result, m8.
Just type in what i did and theres pages including the study and the resulting paper on it.
>posting it again

no one cares
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Are sunbreakers shit desu?

I usually main Nightstalker but want to try a Titan
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>halfway through the season
>neo aku has not laughed yet
a destiny disc should be like $15 out of a used bin

or bum it off a friend who quit
>kikery and fear mongering
>actual medical science backwd by empirical evidence spawning form a study intended to empower women from the far alt left
>must be anti-lib shilling cause it tells me gay sex is actually bad for me outside the already known issues and thats intolerant!
Melting Point is good for raids but thats about it.
Depends on your playstyle desu.

Defender and Sunbreaker are top tier for raids, and Striker is pretty good for strikes. Play around with each and see what you like.

Sunbreaker is the best class though
Dudes depressed, man.
Go deeper. It gets into tissue tears, scarring, and issues that relate. Not going to spoonfeed you 100% if you're actually interest by "go deeper" i mean read up on the subject outside that one single link. Theres several papers related you could read too and form your own informed opinion on the subject.
I'm looking at the reference material as we speak though
Sure is Destiny here in Destiny General.
What's your opinion of lizzy? a new /dg/ trap that plays on xbox and pc
Lizzy is a friend of mine I sort of keep in touch with. She is a nice person and I hope she's doing well.
>1 day after reset
>already the thread is off the rails

well it was an alright 3 and a half weeks of "content" i guess.
Guardians make their own fate.
This is what you chose by participating in these threads.
Who the fuck is tripping in MY thread I'll get them banned asap
Nightfall anybody?
I'll come
No but these traps though. They look like girls, can't get pregnant, and most aren't as emotional unstable as women.
Can women even compete?
fuck off
2/3 for Nightfall. Gonna start it up. Feel free to join.
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>Destiny will die before you get a Seventh Column
Is it supposed to be hard or something? I land em all the time as a titan. Specially last week.
>is it supposed to be hard

no dude, 7 kills quickly is super easy and happens all the time.
oh shit the game broke nigga
Yeah, it's been like that since day one.
Just run from spawn to spawn m8.
You should know where they'll be if you know where others on your team are already which means if you head to whatever spawn points they have left there will be a few kills.
Usually theres people on the way from one to the other so you just roll with it.
>start reading marathon lore
>get to infinity
what the actual fuck
Anyone doing WotM on PS4?
depends on who you are
Anyone doing WotM on PS4 and getting the consoles
Don't you summon him
are you joff
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I would be down.
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Infinity is weird yet good. The first two games were fairly simple in terms of narrative structure, but that game went all over the place to a degree that most games today still are incapable of doing.
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So sorry, mang :(
>ghost tries to revive an older guardian before taking our guardian as his silver medal
>old guardian turns him down
>said he's had enough war
>dat symbol on his coffin
>Loses his shit when people refuse to worship his trip.
>Nice person.

Why are you posting with a trip anyway?
because if he posted with a trap he would get banned
apple just likes the attention, its why he keeps the giant mole on his face
>Shits on reddit all day long.
>Comes here and tries to force reddit mentality.

If you're tripfagging, you're the problem.
2/6 WotM getting consoles?
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You all are desperate losers desu
Alpha Team is FINISHED.
do i have to avatar fag to not be a desperate loser or
Says the weeb degenerate.
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I have an announcement to make. I will be leaving Alpha team at the end of the month. Certain restructuring of the clan and in team fighting has led me to this decision. I'm sure Zippys lap dogs will report this to him but I no longer care. Goodbye.
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PS4 2/6 WotM getting consoles
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>Giving him (yous)
Played like a damn fiddle.
i'm on welfare so i have yous to spare
Is that really Pandox? Boy is THICC as hell.
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>390 wrath is the last destiny content drop
>record book is complete
I guess it's time to finish this. Can't wait to see what happens in december.
What the fuck
YTC hasn't posted in the general in months. That's an imitator.
I'm doing OK.
>t cup
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>Mfw our memes have literally taken on a life of their one in new hosts
>life of their one
>their one
What did she mean by this?
>big black black
what did he mean by this
inter's probably in a party chat, you can ask her there.
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>wanting to do challenge mode during a week when it isn't the featured.
lfg is a shithole
>everyone thought Master Chief was the one in the pod
>then a few suggested Saint-14
>a couple thought it was Recon Number 54
>no one knows that it's actually stosh
I don't understand why you're so obsessed with black dicks, that's disgusting. Big white cocks are super to everything else.

t. trap
>Got rid of the trip
>comes back later in the day as a namefag
seriously nigger
PS4 2/6 WotM getting consoles
Send help
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>Someone should really do something about MyFaggotAss....
>First time I've ever gotten that
>mfw Shaxx whispering sweet nothings in my ear
>mfw I was using adept epilogue and a void theasian for the Thorn quest at the time
I don't understand but that's okay.
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>i'm not attention whoring i swear
those fucking faggots are the worst
Quit whining or ill bring the trip back
>Still got a name on
Did we not discuss this earlier today you self absorbed obnoxious fucking cunt?
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>Pod #10201
>says he's tired
>I have never experienced an enormous black dick
there is a reason you never go back sweetie
Sure, sperg anon
you fucking retard look what you did
>>everyone thought Master Chief was the one in the pod
Nobody thought that ever you dumb fucking nigger, they're different universes, people thought it was an easter egg referencing to halo.


Absolutely nothing, you had your name on the entire time, trip or no trip is just a difference in the number of letters.
Do you have pics?
>Says he will go back to posting as a anon to stop derailing the thread
>comes back with with a trip seeking attention
You trannies are seriously fucked in the head
>This level of social retardation.

I'm so sorry for your parents dying before they could raise you.
>I'm not mad at all.
>Comes back later in the day.
>Starts shit up again.
>Gets told to cut it out.
>Well now I'm definitely doing it.

Still wanna pretend you're not mad? I've seen people get pissy before, but this is the first time I've seen someone stay mad the whole day.
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Technology is cool. Nice Same fag too.
Anyone wanna do VoG?
Typical tranny reaction. Mental illness combined with the incessant need to be validated makes them the worst sort of people. Take Lucifer in /bbg/ and /dsg/ as another example of what we see everyday here in this thread. Trannies ruin every general they go into.
I've been here for years, m8
>If I pretend the cancer isn't there, its like it doesn't exist.
You're still doing it though, what exactly is your problem? You know you're being obnoxious and now you're doing it out of spite? This is beyond just autism, you're being a fucking child.
>Everyone that thinks you're a retard is the same person.
How upset can you get?
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That doesn't make you not guilty of shitting up this thread, nigger.
Did Bv seriously give you the advice to come back with your trip? I hope you Xboners do the right thing and blacklist both the faggots
>Been here for years.
No you haven't, if you weren't a newfag you'd know not to tripfag.
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Sweet, 3/6 VoG
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The ones bitching are shitting it up
No. I've been here all along.
Go back and check the archives. Way back when, pretty much everyone namefagged. You're proving that you're the newfag for not knowing that.
>The ones bitching are shitting it up
Oh we're gonna ignore the fact the only reason any of this shit starts is because you're so starved for attention that you can't take off your snowflake status to prevent it?
I took off the trip. And then you bitched about a name. So I put the trip back. Simple stuff.
Don't respond to it, don't play with it, report every post it makes and move along.

If you do that it'll change or it'll leave because it has nobody paying attention to it.
They're shitting it up because of you. You're the one causing problems here
I was talking about Destiny. In a thread about Destiny. I'm not the one who sperged out about it. Blame yourselves.
Hi there! We see you're new to 4chan.

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

And what did your trip have to do with Destiny?

Oh right, nothing. And we're gonna ignore the two dozen posts you've made that have nothing to do with destiny and everything to do with being a self absorbed faggot?

Right we're just gonna ignore everything that clarifies how much of as bitch you're being.

How fucking new are you?
Neat that you learned how to copy any paste.
You took off the trip and everything went back to normal then you decided to come back as a namefag which is just about the same as posting with a trip for attention and the thread went back to being shit.

You're the one to blame here
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4/6 for VoG, I'll get on and make a party now
What the fuck is your problem, seriously. Were you raped as a child? Because anyone with two braincells rattling around in their skulls would have fucked off by now.
Didn't have a trip on until someone bitched about it. The posts were about Destiny until you had an autism attack.
I put the name back on to respond to a post. Are you going to keep crying.
Wew you make 2-3 namefag posts in 2015 and none were even lfg, yet you claim oldfag.
Get the fuck out
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its trolling you faggots
I'll do it
I've been here for years already. I'm not leaving because some anon autist has an issue with specifically me having a name on.
If you actually were to check my friends list you'd see differently. Not leaving.
I'll come
>friends list
>meaning anything
Awesome, get in.
>thinking me having people from here doesn't equate to me actually playing with them ever.
>Didn't have a trip on until someone bitched about it.
But you namefagging was the problem the entire time. You seemed to chill the fuck out this morning but now you're acting like a faggot again, why do you have to derail the thread every time? And fuck off don't tell me you're not because we both damn well know you're being the problem here.
>The posts were about Destiny until you had an autism attack.
It doesn't matter, your namefagging is the problem, not the content of your post, jesus fuck do you have a learning disability?
>I've been here for years already. I'm not leaving because some anon autist has an issue with specifically me having a name on.
No you weren't, nobody remembers you, nobody knows you, nobody wants to play with you, and now nobody likes you, what the fuck are you here for if you make everyone think you're an insufferable cunt?
Tumblr? I want pics
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I'm fine right now. Honestly if you'd lay off of your tantrum, I'd probably take the name and trip off. But you didn't and won't. So it'll stay. A bunch of people remember me, retard.
I don't have one
Where can I see pics? I thirst for them.
Only 1 faggot remembers you and he doesn't even play the game anymore
>I'm fine right now.
No you're not, because the thread is derailed, you continue to derail it, and you still refuse to take off your trip for what? What the fuck does it mean to you so much that you have to alienate half the people here for it?
>Honestly if you'd lay off of your tantrum, I'd probably take the name and trip off. But you didn't and won't. So it'll stay. A bunch of people remember me, retard.
So you're putting it on out of spite? and you're still gonna say you're not derailing the thread? When you are literally keeping that shit on to incite bullshit? Seriously, nobody believes you've been here before, nobody has you on their friends list. Fuck off.
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dubs decides what i say next
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Well now it all makes sense, he's that blaclisted shitter nobody wanted to play with because he'd ruin everything he touched.

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Enough fag fagging, Xbone raids.
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Keep going out of spite pullpin, you were always a faggot and you'll die a faggot. Its funny, literally nobody actually wants to play with you. Holy fuck you're pathetic.
>highest raid k/d is 12
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>forgot that I have respiratory test tomorrow
Maybe tomor...
>Internet is back to the way it used to be, connection-wise
fuck is it that easy to lewd post with you?
it's not gonna stop. Anons are gonna keep going 24/7 and the tranny is too fucked in the head to realize he's the cause of all this
>Highest character is 321 light

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>this thread
>I'm not blacklisted though. Nice try.

nah, you're definitely blacklisted.

>I don't actually care if anyone here wants to play with me anon.
Yet here you are, literally begging for attention.

Let me guess, finally hit puberty and now you can't stand the fact nobody likes you and you think acting like a little bitch will somehow improve the situation?
>i'm not blacklisted though
Why doesn't anyone on the Xbox play with you then?
Legit if your blacklisted and not going to play with anyone on here fuck off
Yeah, I remember when you were blacklisted, no wonder you had to sell your PS4.
And where does it say I'm blacklisted?
Haven't added anyone on xbone from here except like 2 people.
Again. I'm not blacklisted.
back to being solid or being total shit?

I just don't get how attention whoring in a group of people who play one specific game WHILST not playing the game in question is a good idea. I'm all for making friends, but just be buddy buddy in parties and while playing but the thread should be for memes, lfg posts, questions about the game and more memes. fuck.
>I don't actually care if anyone here wants to play with me anon.
Then stop posting here with your name and trip on you irrelevant faggot.
I hope you send a memo to the Xboners to not associate themselves with this faggot
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this shit is embarrassing...
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>Blacklisted namefag on full damage control meltdown.

Its like pottery.
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Charn. I gots a ton of raids and nightfalls to do
the fact that you you're taking the blacklist meme seriously just further proves that you're blacklisted
Here's a deal. Present to me actual proof that I was blacklisted way back when. And I'll leave. How about that?
I'm just responding to posts at this point. If you idiots quit replying to me, I'd stop.
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Did people actually think it was the Master Chief there? I mean, Bungie has mostly done Marathon references and easter eggs in the game far more than Halo ones so you'd think they would look at that first.
I'm in love with you!!!!! Please be my Trife, my trap wife!
Fuck off Saltyshitbot
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>solid or being total shit?

Total shit. Enough to make me go back to the old seal memes
>Nobody wants to play with him.
>Nobody remembers him.
>Everyone telling him he's obnoxious and to leave.
>Everyone telling him to shut the fuck up.
>Present to me actual proof that I was blaclisted

How much proof do you need? you've been seeing it all day.

But I get it, originally you thought you were being trolled about your trip and it would pass, you thought you could keep control.

Now you're a day in, this shit is down the drain, you've proven to be a total insufferable cunt that nobody wants to have anything to do with, and your only choice is to keep doubling down, and you keep digging your own hole deeper knowing you can't climb out hoping it'll all end.

Well guess what faggot, you did this to yourself. Even if a miracle happened and you weren't blacklisted before, you sure as fuck are now.

You want others to stop responding to you so you can stop? You're not in control here faggot, you fucked yourself out of that when you turned into a little spiteful bitch and flipped your trip back on. So manybe you go the fuck away and you preserve what little chance you have of not being blacklisted for a third time when you come back on PC next year.
Can they even do Master Chief references when they lost rights to Halo?
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Guys, just report and move on.

Make /dg/ Great Again!
Probably not, which is why the idea of people thinking the guy in cryosleep was Master Chief is odd. I think the only blatant Halo reference in the game is one of the buildings on Mars looking like his helmet? I might be wrong though.
They can easter egg just fine, you can't copyright a notion. It can't cannonically be master chief, but it can be an easter egg.

Nope, nobody thought it was master chief, they just thought it was an easter egg referencing him, and anon you're responding to took the reference literally.
Are you both retarded? It's a reference. You don't need to own the IP to reference something you idiots.
>Being this triggered.

Seriously dude, what the fuck is your problem? Do you have actual autism? Take of your trip and move on with your life, you know you're in the wrong here, grow the fuck up.
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sorry senpai.

r i p
I'm not the one mad about it.
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at least post the good versions my man
I wasn't saying that they're not outright prevented from doing Halo references, but that it makes more sense for it to be a Marathon one, what with how many of them are in the game.
Really? Because you were pissy enough to put your trip on out of spite. That's not something a person does if they're not mad.

But then again, what can we expect from a blacklisted literal who.

You're welcome to prove you're not mad and stop namefagging, but we all know you're too much of a bitch to man up.
*wasn't saying that they're outright prevented
Pardon my dust, I'm tried.
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Is this okay for crucible?
Then fuck off we are busy dealing with this faggot
>but that it makes more sense for it to be a Marathon one, what with how many of them are in the game.
Halo is just one big bundle of marathon references. Its all self-referential dude, there's nothing about it that would "make more sense". Its an easter egg, not a compendium of past works.

Everyone sees the easter eggs, but when you start going marathon this marathon that all the damn time you just end up sounding like berserkfags in soulsgen.
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That's a fair point.
sounds cancerous
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Who am I talking to anyway
Anonymous. Was your reading comprehension blacklisted as well pullpin?
forgot your trip
Helpful. I mean your gt/psn I'd. Or are you, yourself a literal who
Multiple anons faggot
You're talking to Virus, Stray and BV900, they're all just shitposting right now from their phones because they feel you give xboners a bad name.theyre in a party chat right now blowing their lid.
fucking xfags get your shit together
So I'm talking to Virus. I've never met Stray and Bv wouldn't talk shit about me. Salty about that anon getting me to message you? Keep trying.
>the most cancerous xboners judging other cancer
Bv talks made shit like you wouldn't believe, don't fall for that facade of his.
>but that it makes more sense for it to be a Marathon one, what with how many of them are in the game.
Not to say there aren't a lot of Marathon references and easter eggs. There certainly are. But I think you guys are confusing a lot of themes for references? Marathon in the first place borrows and lot of names and references from Arthurian legends, with the primarily same team working on both games it makes sense there would be a lot of recurring themes.

So just saying, a similarity isn't necessarily a direct reference when you're working within the same idea pool, so it'd be better not to taken for granted that every similarity is a Marathon reference just because it has something in common.
>xboners don't even place in the leaderboard for Wrath of the Machine
>they release this rabid traptripposting fag on /dg/ as revenge

Really makes you think
You understand that Bv and I are friends right?
>Blacklisted namefag trying to goalpost shift.
Nice try pullpin, this shit is about you not about us.

>With a person on the internet

Jesus fuck faggot.
Haha BV is the worst of the three. Literally plays the victim ALL the time. This is why me and John can't stand him, he's a fucking snake.
We can do as much about this faggot as you can do about ytc.
And remember that this fag is only on xbox because they "had to sell" their ps4.
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Oh my dear child, that just a word to him.
>play the victim poster samefagging
Not trying to do that. It would be pretty hypocritical for you to call me a literal who when you're a literal who yourself.
does bv stand for breed my vucci
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happy 4/20 you degenerates. i hope you all start huffing airhorn gas and die.
>Everything I don't like is xbox

kek, this is literally the only multiplat general I see this shit in
>Not trying to do that.
No not at all you're just trying to deter from the fact that you still have that name shit on when you were told for fucking hours that its obnoxious. You are aware you're blacklisted now if you weren't before, right?
>It would be pretty hypocritical for you to call me a literal who when you're a literal who yourself.
You're using the term hypocritical wrong, you fucking retard. Were you looking for "Ironic"? And no its neither hypocritical or Ironic, because we're not blacklisted or namefags. You fucking moron.
>degenerate one step closer to suicide.
>Was some random dude bro in year 1 who got no replies
>started acting like a total faggot for attention
The fact that people didn't notice this when someone linked Bv's year 1 post is beyond anyone guess
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Has anyone else been using that meme warpath on aksis? What's your experience been?
check his house of wolves posts for sperg/trap transitions, it's the most entertaining thing.
That's shitposting you do realize right? Hes not even online on his xbox right now
Gives better DPS when paired with Spindle but it barely matters.
Links? Posts? I wanna see!
Just so you know trlizzy these people whoms't are claiming that we're posting about you are not actually us. We're watching this for a distance and laughing and bv isn't even in the party chat. That said stay the fuck away and kill yourself
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Is the Eyesluna meta again? Slapped that thing on along with the Trasspasse(for lulz) and been doing much better than i used to be at pvp
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It's always been meta
I'd only use it if it has rifled+RF. Otherwise, drop off is just too much.
How much more damage does it do? A noticeable amount?
>two PS4 /dg/ teams
>zero boners
holy shit will they ever recover?
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>That said stay the fuck away and kill yourself

pullpin on suicide watch.
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Does anyone have raids they want to do?
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It's like an extra 10k without WoL or Tether, provided the cluster bombs proc properly. Spindle does quite a bit more than Ex Machina for the first 2 teleports and then at the end of the 3rd solely because it never needs to reload. In the end though unless you're some uber DPS autist it doesn't matter that much. Sword is easier especially for dealing with the Captains as well.
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I'll tell you more if you bend over on stream again
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The Unto Dust 00 from Dead Orbit has better RoF and reload and only sacrifices a miniscule amount of blast radius.

And people are saying that Hezen Vengeance potentially does more damage because MIRVs do more than cluster bombs. Apparently the amount of damage done is ultimately less than a perfect Dark Drinker phase but they're all basically the same thing if you're toting 8 rockets.
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fireden !!XSVT2H7eq6j for a mini shitpost war between bv and zippy of all people.
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>this thread
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Really all that matters is whether your group wants to kill him in 2 phases or 1. If you want to do 1, everyone has to be autistically spec'd for maximum deepz like having multiple nighthawks and all that. Really 90% of DPS weapons are going to allow you to do 50% per damage phase, so just use whatever you like.
>he drew virus
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Did someone say Skyrim Special Edition TM?
lol he deleted his own post.

What's it like getting btfo by your "friends"?
>tfw this trap is the steroid of xbox
I didn't delete my post.
Looks like the janitors don't like you either
Doesnt bother me at all
He's not anything of Xbox, he's not anything of anything. Even the worst shitter before now had a stopping point. This dude is just pure autism. No wonder he was blacklisted before, and he's kind of showing a good reason why he should be blacklisted again.
At any rate. I'll keep my promise.
Cry about it some more. Attention whore.
You better keep your promise anon, vows are meant to be fulfilled.
thank you
No you won't, you have about as much self control as a Michael J. Fox at a maracas convention. Your bitch ass will be back here soon enough obnoxiously shoving your shitty trip down everyone's throat.
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Boy it's only Thursday and we're seeing this garbage
Wasnt crying about anything in the first place, anon.
I will.
Back? What makes you think I'm leaving.
>boy this thread is off the rails
>better post furbait!!

kys enji
Enough. He took off the trip
>Wasnt crying about anything in the first place, anon.
Want me to call you the waaambulance?
>I will.
Yeah no you won't because you crave attention, you're a little bitch that couldn't control yourself if your life depended on it.
>Back? What makes you think I'm leaving.
Jesus fuck, seriously? First "hypocrisy" now this? Can you seriously exhibit the lowest possible form of english comprehension?
Fuck off retard he took it off, what more do you want.
Sure dude, call me whatever. You were acting like I was going to leave and is worded as such. And my self control, while questionable at times, is pretty good. Even so, I keep my promises.

What the fuck difference does it make? He'll put it back on in an hour. Just like he did the last time.

So what after he took off the trip after a whole day of shitposting he's reformed? He's still a fucking literal who tripshit faggot. Nothing changed, he's just taking a fucking nap.
Uhh.. it's SHE you pig

Yeah, for the second time in less than two days.

>Trusting a mentally ill degenerate
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>. And my self control, while questionable at times, is pretty good
Yeah, like put a trip on out of spite and shit up a general for the entire day good? Yeah fucking kill yourself nigger.
Laughing pretty hard at this thread right now
>Even so, I keep my promises.
Really? Because this morning you said you'd fuck off with tripfagging, you want me to requote the last fifty posts you made?

Nah you don't keep your promises, because you are a faggot born from fucking sub human trash.
As I said. I'll only put it on for a single post if someone is talking in thread about me or an lfg (if i even do one)
I wasnt the on who was shitting up the thread to begin with. A tripcode alone isnt enough for that. It requires a salty anon to sperg out
You and me both
I put it on to rspond to a post and made 2 other posts with a NAME. And then you flipped out about it.
>As I said. I'll only put it on for a single post if someone is talking in thread about me or an lfg (if i even do one)
Well, the last entire fucking day shows otherwise.
>I wasnt the on who was shitting up the thread to begin with. A tripcode alone isnt enough for that. It requires a salty anon to sperg out
Enough dude, you gave the same fucking response every time this was called out. You're not fucking innocent, just because you didn't likth the match doesn't mean you weren't there pouring the fuel on fire the whole day. Stop making up excuses when you know damn well what you did.
>I put it on to rspond to a post and made 2 other posts with a NAME. And then you flipped out about it.
Dude stop, we all see the fucking posts. you had that shit on for no reason whatsoever, after you were told to cut it out, and then in spite started spamming with the trip on after your bullshit was pointed out. For once in your life man the fuck up. You ate a giant fucking turd, doesn't matter how much you keep making up excuses you still smell of shit.
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>tweet deleted
Did bungo accidentally reveal lore early?
Who cares
I only started posting about 2ish hours ago, anon. It hasnt been all day.
why does everyone's analogies ALWAYS have to do with eating?

can't you fat amerifucks come up with somethin else?
I imagine it was just posted too early.
Unless the cabal getting shock punched in the face is supposed to be (((((deep lore))))).
Right this morning was just a different person with the same exact trip.
Fuck off dude you said you're done, you said you're keeping your promises, so fuck off with this shit then.
Analogies with eating, what? I said he poured fuel on the fire. That's got nothing to do with the food.

Or are you talking about eating a turd, that's not an analogy, that's a turn of phrase you fucking moron. I'm European. Maybe you should focus on literacy before shitting on Americans.
I did and I am keeping my promise. I dont know why you're even still on this subject.
>All day = an hour this morning and the last hour
>12 hour space in between
Dude, just stop. I told you that I'll drop it when you do, but you keep at it. Chill
>I told you that I'll drop it when you do, but you keep at it.

WOAH! Everyone back the fuck off we got a badass over here!

You forgot to tip your fedora, faggot.
>that's not an analogy, that's a turn of phrase

m8 i've never heard a single solitary person in my life say "you ate a giant fucking turd, doesn't matter how much you keep making up excuses you still smell of shit." you can't just say something once and call it a turn of phrase.
This is why I left xbox
>I didn't hear of it, therefor it doesn't exist.
Are you for real right now? Please tell me you're joking with this gradeschool tier shit.
point to another example of someone using it who isn't you then.

protip: you can't.

if it were a common "turn of phrase" and not just a cap to a shitpost you just made, i'd have expected to hear it at least once in my life.
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Are you okay?
it's Ikora, of course it's a shock punch
Do you think a GTX 660 will be enough for Destiny 2 on low?
is this what its come to then? get called out on a dumb eating analogy like a fat amerilard you are and then suddenly you're backpedaling so fast you've fallen down the stairs like an old man and all you can come up with is "are you okay"

nuke yourself.
No, we've known for a long time the Cabal operate outside our solar system.
Maybe at 800x600
to go be with the super faggots furries and more traps and shitposters. gg anon you made me reply
I have never had such issues with the Playstation community, it has been very calm since I transitioned.
better than nothing
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>this fucking thread
At this point of /dg/ history, I'm considering full transition into the bungie.net community
Good to know my next body is being worked on.
Anyone on pee ess four doing any raids tonight?
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Another crusade would be real nice right about now
I need a VoG or a WoTM
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>open a VoG chest
>white ammo synthesis
Banshee, you been holding out on me?
That's Apple right? That name is too similar to not be
>snipers are shit now

t. Shitter
I mean, that too, just holy shit are these people actually this fucking dumb?
I'll can go on some WoTMs
Im not Apple
I'm down for some Wrath.
lemoncobra is apple
I figured. Thought you meant me because she was talking about me in the post.
were not always talking about you you self absorbed prick
Sure does seem like it. And I'd rather it just stop. Especially the thirsty anons.
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just stop posting in the thread and voila, it'll stop
That's what you get for establishing an identity. Now everyone knows who you are, and you're fucked if you ever want to do anything with anyone.

I'm going to stay just like I have all this time.
It doesn't matter if people want to play the game with me. I do have some friends in here as well.
name them
Not dragging people into the fire to burn with me anon.
this so I can add names to the blacklist
Quit responding to them, holy shit, dude. Chill.
>posting with a name for no reason
No I meant the cobralemontrap. The superior trap.
Oh dear, I forgot to take it off.
Am I the only one hoping that Destiny 2 features Toland capturing the Osmium Throne, Osiris capturing part of the Vex Network, and the Guardians allying with a Fallen house that Prince Uldrin has usurped? With this, we wouldn't need specifically the Traveler to gain "space-magic" abilities in order to fight the Cabal. In other words, we would no longer need The Speaker. In other words, New Monarchy, the faction which dedicates itself to the protection of Earth and the Last City, would be one step closer re-creating a Golden Age for humanity, without the help of the Traveler. I, for one, accept our new fashy overlord.
Too late, blacklisted :^)
That is most likely to be Destiny 2's story
I agree that Apple is superior
I have a feeling we'll know very early in the game which direction Bungo is taking it. Based on the trailer, it looks like the Cabal have deployed something over the Traveler. If we don't disable whatever it is, early on, we're going to need to draw light or power elsewhere. Admittedly, since vanilla D1, I was hoping for an alliance between New Monarchy and Future War Cult, with NM being the governing body and FWC being a paramilitary branch of the government. Dead Orbit would face expulsion.
/dg/, some friends and I need your help. We're trying to do Crota's end on PS4, and we're getting fucked. Will you guys help us?
sure, message me at drinniol
Whats giving you trouble?
JoshuasDevil is my friends PSN who's hosting it
The very start, with the lanterns, there's 3 of us.
lol nevermind
>level 33 crotas end

Why are you directly addressing '/dg/' as a living entity?

I feel really uncomfortable. If I took the time out of my miserable life, I'd probably find your reddit accounts desu
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Damn right
:^) nice of you to offer help drin
That shits gay af desu
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le leddit rejects come to the dark corners of vg for help. deep.
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Let me sleep. Tuck me in so I can die
>tfw you'll never die in your sleep
I'll tuck you in bby
I would literally kill myself in that situation, but

>implying I'm a retard
Feels bad man.
if this is real he probably has neurotoxicity from the incident

might as well lick toys covered with led-based paint
Who needed tucking in?
message me at drinniol
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Gather round then little Guardians, it's past your bed time.
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>tfq can't sleep alone
1/2 sleepy times
>he doesn't have a dedicated fireteam for sleep related activities
I bet you're 1/6 for The Weekend.
no bully pls
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>tfw always 1/6
I can be your /dg/ bf
Okay. Will we do casual crucru and raids and then cuddle after and talk about how the rest of our squad was shit
Anime shitposting on the Mongolian Basket Weavers' Forum aside... anyone up for a CoE or NF?
Sounds great! When do we begin?
Any Warlocks and Titans up to helping a poor Hunter get Outbreak Prime on PS4? I need the three public events.
Right now
You're really soft...
its the pills..
>gay tranny shit again
Fuck off
Vitamins you dolt
I love you
love you too anon
I hate both of you, kill yourselves
This is cute. It's fine. Just pretend they're Guardians and it's game related.
*kisses you* lets get some rest love
Dad, go back to sleep in the chair.
But we are Guardians
End your life.
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>Have 5020 grimoire
>Book says I only have 4985

What's the problem here?
You're playing on the ps4. An exclusive exotic for ps4 is worth grimboy points.
>have to drop out of the only successful raid in a 32 hour period cause bae somehow lit the electric stovetop onfire trying to replicate your famous banana bread recipe but she succ so gud is okay
Who here up for dem ps4 activities fo dem bounties?

I'm playing on the Xbox. The node was just delayed in updating, I have it now.

Thanks for nothing, dickmunch.
2/3 for CoE
Message Patrickispinky for group.
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v o g w h e n
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Go be Gay somewhere else, like a private discord.
Tell me when you're at atheon. Had my knuckles popped when fire related activities made me drop out.
Or will it not count all the other previous encounters if i do a fresh run?
Nevermind. I've made several terrible mistakes....
go on a different character for non-atheon encounters

switch to atheon with the knuckles character
actually, nevermind, since the knuckles only activates on the weekly raid
Just realized that the second i posted.
Who drops machina?
Vosiks drops the special weapons for Wrath.
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>will never get a vog raid going due to AU timezones
I've been told not only are you an aussie but you're Colts herald for the ps4. The vast oceans of time are a safe buffer.
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raiding with dozvati 4.webm
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i have no idea what you're talking about
>he doesn't know
Doz played on the Xbox a few times. It was magical.
>muffled Duel of the Fates
Where did the rumor that Destiny 2 was third person come from?

Is there even anything that could possible support that?
>just need icebreaker for last exotic
>been doing sunrise across three characters since its revival
>havent got it yet
Plz bungo have mercy
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Stop wishing for it. Start hoping for a Zen Meteor from the Nightfall Reward. The first thing that'll drop when you truly stop wanting it, will be the thing you want.
Any boners interested in running a Nightfall with someone who's never run a Nightfall?

393LL Hunter here
I can help, if you don't mind silence
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just as many shanks as a shielded shank would shank, if a shielded shank could shank shanks
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Motherfuckers so white I gotta put on my shades every time he comes up on my television.
So if you don't have Outbreak Prime by now you're basically never getting it, right?
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>there is a man
>one man, alone and afraid
>/dg/ is his only social interaction
>he cannot bear the thought of the thread dying
>so he watches it constantly
>every time it reaches page 9, he bumps it
>he does it for free
I wonder if you're the same as the thread number autist from Y1.
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whyd you have to bring that up
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>Burning Eye
>Ex Machina
>Gjallarhorn/Sleeper Simulant

>Imago Loop/Fatebringer
>Thousand-Yard Stare
>Dark Drinker

>Treads Upon Stars
>Black Spindle
>Steel Oracle

>The Wail
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>he doesn't dunked on dank drinkers with warpath and spindle for asskiss
>he hasn't transcended meme phase loadouts with the power of the singer
post your DPS
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But i'm memeing at you from a phone.
Is that raid loadout?
who's is THAT
What's a good substitute for burning eye if you can't do trials?
>I only play PvE
lol scrub
Any other high impact/low firerate scout with a good roll?
>he thinks this game PvP is competitive
>he can't play competitively in PVP
>I have an icebreaker and legendary rangefinder handcannon
No one cares. PvP is the second worst its ever been and the viable loadout is the most niche its ever been.
wth is the update coming?
Not sure, but I'm reluctant to start any kind of raid for fear of being booted to splash screen.

>she thinks playing PvP means you run cookie cutter builds

Eyasluna/Palindrome/Blind Perdition
Who cares

I'm curious to hear your innovative builds that are able to reliably outshoot these guns.
My CC cryptic and queensbreaker works just fine.
Just got booted. Reset soon fellow Guardians....
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Anyone want to do some pvp? Down for whatever.
>he isn't killing crackas at this very moment

In raids and strikes
>thinking its a joke

You can't shadestep away from the truth
just watch me

*sweatrolls behind you*
Ooh hoo hoo boy!
When the fuck is this update, I want to raid,
Updates always go live at 10 AM PST
you retard unless its the release of an expansion

>implying I know what PST is

How away is that?
like 5 minutes but Bungie likes to be lazy so the patch will probably go up in 10-15 minutes
Is the game down or something?
What update?
girlcock is best cock
>Serves go down

I was not ready for these /Ps2g/ feels
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Is it down?
They literally told us there would be a brief outage you NEET pieces of shit, fuck outt here.
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>still playing destiny

With inconsistant pvp, empty "persistant" pve, and losing everything come september, why continue?
you idiot, you should've just let the thread die instead of sperging for a late week raid you stupid neet
why post here then shitposter-kun?
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I'll do you one better. I'm buying Destiny on the other console at the end of the day because I enjoy it so much and want something to do other than grinding endgame content.

I find Destiny fun and I enjoy playing it with other people.
>anime poster
Stay on your Gaystation 4
delete your ghost you stupid furry
Is it up yet?
Yarp. It's up.
Haven't played since Oryx, the fuck do I do.
Dont play and wait for destiny 2
I ain't waiting 5 months
Then play, blow through all the content in a month or two and be bored for 3 montha.
you got tricked, virus is a shitty xboner
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What items (Raid, character based items, sublime) have completely evaded you since you've played Destiny? Certain rolls included as well.

I got the Found Verdict for the first time ever last night after playing since Y1. It's been my holy grail for 2 years.
Fucking transversive steps never. Didn't buy them when xur sold them.
I have everything in the game.

I am also dead inside.
nothing really. getting a fakebringer imago would be nice but i'm not really too fussed about it since hand cannons are kinda shit now.
Yo niggas whats the new update?
fuck off retard
AoT pages 14-20
fix for trials bug where the match wouldn't end when sunsingers revived themselves
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>dawggy wont come back to destiny
>he'll never randomly join your strike or story mission to help
>you'll never do 390 raids with him
>you'll never hear him rage in pvp again
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>Saturday night at BV's house
>TFW I was the first one to shit up the thread order jumping from 18 to 39.
There are plenty of retards that rage in PvP here, you're not missing much
Anyone on PS4 doing any variety of Raids tonight?
Fancy a challenge bar the usual Strike/Crucible farms
Any cheeses for the new nightfall? Can't be soloing this legit.
What console you on, I could give ya a hand?
If going solo, when at the Brothers, hug the right wall towards 'their' door. It's a cheese spot. Fucks with their patching and artillery rounds.
Ps4, but trying to do it solo on my second character for a change. Thanks for the offer though.

And the advice, I'll give it a go
When I said right wall I fucked up, I mean as you go in, past the door the adds spawn in in the left there is like a pile of bones in between two wall struts.
Sit there with your back to the wall. Easy money
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2 more for NF por favor
dead thread
>used 9 skeleton keys and still havent gotten an imago loop
someone please spoonfeed me the best vendor weapons I really wanna do the newest raid
After 10 games, trying to get just 2 more multikills, I'm finally done with warlock quests. God damn Sunsinger was painful
Nothing compared to my 587 games of rumble just to finish off that grimoire.

Hunter should be pretty easy, right?
Only one I can see being annoying is Defender Titan. Unless dumbasses still rush bubbles.
Get the FWC Scout rifle it's a good roll this week
Defender Titan isn't even multikills, just gotta kill people under a bubble effect. Bubble on a special box and WoL snipe people or roam with Glasshouse blessings, ezpz.
Do the Shaxx bounties count in the book or is it just the quartermaster bounties?
Oh shit I had no idea! That makes it retarded easy! Here I was worrying I'd have to go through the stress I did on sunsinger.
Just quatermaster, unfortunately
fuck. guess I'll have to dust off my warlock I'm gonna finish this shit this week.
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3/6 for HM Wrath
I'll go
im down

Stream it?
I'm down. Add me anytime.
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God bless the USA.webm
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Boners for Aksis phase 2 CP?
who dis, and do you have anyone else currently
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Youre pretty good.webm
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Nah, it's just me. Turbo. Alone.
I really hate Bungie.
Did anyone get an outbreak prime from the 390 WoTM raid?

Considering doing the raid over and over just for it
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i need dat helmet
Are you retarded?
you have my axe
like as a drop? or from doing the quest?
It's a drop now in the 390 WoTM
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2/6 for free loot if we win.
Watch out watch out watch out.
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>Bungo tweeted this out a couple hours ago.
What did they mean by this?
It means that Warlocks will resume being the most powerful race in the universe.
it looks really distorted
Get me a Aksis checkpoint

My nigga KackisHD
raid is starting
If u need a titan or hunter im down
2/6 for what?
Not this god damn mouthbreather..

Anyway, he said in the video that you get it from the quest, you moron.
dunno if you included me or sidhe as the second but i'm throwing my name in again
Save me from lfg shitters

I've got CP too with we need it.
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You do you, bae.
Hair braiding, you fucking git.
Got you, BritFam.
I'm down
Kill yourself for unironically watching that shitbrain and for making me watch it to quote:
"There is one OG exotic wrath weapon obtainable through an exotic quest, but all the other exotic adept primaries were added with the age of triumph"
just aksis pt 2?
Yeah, my first group fell apart on Tuesday. I can do a full run later.
didnt bother with destiny because of consoles, already bought destiny 2 and ill happily shill out for the game if its fun. anything you can compare the first destiny to so i can get some idea of this rooty tooty point and shooty game?
the division
ill help if you need one more
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Will we ever see the stranger again or did bungo write her out of the story?
Destiny: The Taken King.
> Unlike other Raid Reprisals, 390 Light Difficulty will not be available on non-featured weeks, and will be replaced with the original 380 Light Difficulty activity.

fugg :DDD
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i think joemacdo is threemusks
it is, it says on his activity feed. why do all the shitters change their names?
it all makes sense now
That question better be rhetorical, cause it's pretty obvious why.
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will i still be shit at trials if i change my name
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deej pepe.png
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1/6 HM wrath
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Xboners for King's Fall please assemble.

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I didn't get it till the end lol
I can go.
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Be right over
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The raid's over. Now it's time to fess up. Who fucking activated the towers?
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I changed mine since it was my dark and edgy one from when i was 17
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Count me in
It was a blue in Y1 you could get from postgame crucible. Unobtainable now.
Never got Guardians super charged popup on last teleport 1st phase so I went to wipe, noticed nobody else was freaking out and instead turned around on one of the towers and came back to DPS, only touched 1 tho. Literally said this in party chat bruh. Is my mike really that bad?
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Maybe. You may need a new one.

They didn't. Sorry senpai
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sure bubba
If you got any spaces I'm down
Crucible Engrams, needs 5 silver dust for 1. Silver dust kiosk by the post master
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2/6 HM WotM

lets goooooooo
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I'll come.
cant join. send invite
Can I join?
I'll give it a shot as well. How are the challenges?
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yes homo.jpg
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3/6 HM WotM

No traps in the group so far
you can still get old blue gear if you de-level enough
Eh, fuck it
Well shiet. Hopefully the new one coming in the mail isn't terrible.
Psn vic-viic
I'll join in about 10 minutes
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take me to friggin orbit.png
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Raid's full, eagle was the last one.

sorry m8s
This was me :( I shoulda put my name in.

I wanna raid. Zippy where are u
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What's the best exoctic pulses or HC's for PvP /dg/?
That one legendary HC with rangefinder and that icebreaker.
Call me if you need a phase 2 replacement. Still got these damn bones.


we already did a raid hes on overwatch now
Maybe outbreak prime, first curse, definitely ace of spades and the last word
Anons I accidentally scrapped my high level artifact. I was 196 and now I'm 389. What can I do to quickly get some artifacts?
Archon forge.
and he can't do another one?
>exotic HC
>exotic Pulse
Isn't hawkmoon shit now?
strike chests
he asked for the best exotic HCs and Hawkmoon is the best exotic HC. i didn't want to type lol twice.
Thats like telling a kid a crosswalk is a safe place to play cause you didn't want to warn them twice.
Just use an eyesluna
fucking amerifats and their shit analogies, i'm surprised this doesn't involve eating you fat pig.
>crosswalks only exist in burgerland
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>Do KF and wind up quitting because the rest of the group is ass
You would think that everyone would actually know the raid that was the only raid to run for a year.
Anyone running any raids? Vog or WotM?
Crosswalks are all over the world dumbshit
Of course dude.
Just not with you
Why respond?
>Posting with a name when it isn't necessary
Any boner VoG groups up?
Mhm. All full though.
all i wanted was the robo legs
>not recognizing Joff shitposting as other people
No trip.
>joff's so bad at life he messed up spelling jeff
Any good sidearm rolls this week? Also, ambush or shortgaze for a sniper?
Praedyth's pocket watch
Horrible magic
Crimson woe
Hawkeye is decent
Final argument sucks
Ace of clubs is awful
don't know about the rest
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10/10 senpai
>Ace of clubs
It's the Queen of Hearts, dumbass.
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I see what you did there Bungie...
Anyone want to get a group together to do some raids?
Don't you have a tire fire or some gulf oil spill fire to die in, joff?
Of course. We're 6/6 though. Maybe next time
are you this assblasted that alphameme told you off that one time, joff?
Just got back into the game after a year and a half. What weapons are good in the current Crucible meta? Thanks in advance
Quick question, why would you respond to a post looking to get a group together if you already have a group?

Why can I come here any time of day and there is always a post like this?
Cause its joff shitposting as other people. Especially those that snubbed him once upon a time for being human garbage.
I'll join you right after I finish this raid
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>Image for the weekly update is the space wizard using Dank drinker.
They know what they are doing.
Gimme 5.
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Finally fucking over.png
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Happy fucking birthday to me. Best gift I could've gotten, the fact that aside from a few rounds of rumble, I never have to seriously play crucible again.
>he wasn't rank 7 on launch day
>he isn't wearing the shirt
>right now
>gulf oil spill

We're sorry
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gg, steel. Happy birthday too, I guess.

You're still a fucking shitter though.
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JOIN FOR QUICK AND EASY exotic shards, cos you'll never get the steel medulla.
says the shitter using niggerchasm
still got a spot?
Yep, you got a name?
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PandoxR8 send me a invite
Pandox just joined, sorry man
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sea otter.gif
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Go for gold
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Thanks, m8.
Anyone doing a fresh WotM run on PS4?
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>Sprint around corner
>aww shit golden gun
>Panic slide
>He misses high
>Shoulder charge him out of the slide
Always use deadeye kids.
when someone else drops, ill join
We just finished...
Cheers man!
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*SIVA swarms your path*
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Any other nerds on PS4 here want to do Monarch Drop?
depends. who's asking?
Sure, why not
Does anyone here have the Aksis Pepe?
I need it
Kings Fall

I am a "literally who"

Okay 2/6
He's talking about sovereign descend.
3/6 for Oryx molestation

ill go pls respond
I'll go.
I'll go got nothing better to do
5/6 I'll make the party now.
stream it
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You got it boss
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Thanks for all the raids and stuff senpais, I got 2 silver dust
Boner WotM?
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tfw heavy revelations
tfw no sidhe gf
what's revelating holmes
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Perhaps another time
PS4 WotM?
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>not pandox.png
ya blew it
>not liking ears
Can you repeat the question
Bone her rat of the mashing?
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>he's actually using this setup in king's fall

Holy shit
new meta desu
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Daily reminder The First Curse is the best raid exotic in the game.
daily reminder that you're mad af that 2 (TWO) new cuter traps are getting more attention that you

daily reminder that you're nothing but used goods for spics and niggers

daily remimder that everyone on this thread hates you and wants to see you gone
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I think youre mistaken for someone else
"supercharging" aksis is just dunking on him right? so the only part of the challenge that is different is the plates?
Supercharging is you dunking the plates. Aksis is just hitting his backpucci with empowerment.
im down
lizzy and panda are way cuter than teacup
great, thanks
np, cutie
Anyone wanna raid?
good stuff
That sentence makes zero sense, unless you're mistaking him for someone else.
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>year of Sanji
>year of Brook
I'm down for WotM.
You replied to the wrong person
I'm game for Wrath if that's what you're doing.
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>tfw still never done Wrath in general
>Everyone wants people who already know everything
Why do I play this game again?
If you're not retarded and can listen, I'm sure someone would be fine with teaching you.
That's the thing. I'm not retarded and I follow whatever I'm asked in situations where I don't know what I'm doing. But nobody seems to want to teach me. People tend to forget that at one point they had to learn it too.
Wrath isn't that bad, just make sure you listen when people explain etc
Then in that case, go look up videos online to learn the mechanics. Then lie and say you did it once before way back when it first came out.
Thanks for the run guys, sorry my hunter wasn't running self-res the couple of times I died.
because people learned it when no one else knew it together
maybe you shouldn't be a dumbass and learn on your own or play at launch like every other normal human fucking being. It's been a year. You have NO fucking excuse
Watch a video and read a mechanic synopsis. It's not complicated, but it's too late in the game to do blind learning runs. Come prepared and people will meet you halfway.
Calm the fuck down
We ran it today with someone who had never done it before and it was fine. Just speak up and it's no worries.
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Thanks for the raid guys
stains and friends walked me through my first time.
just do it, you're gonna fuck up anyway.
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lets do it
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Come raid. Just Aksis.
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>The Cabal just keep broadcasting "Regret. Regret. Regret."
>Any ideas what it means?
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Dont spawn kill Oracles.webm
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4/6 for aksis phase 2
I don't forgive you.
who is this semen demon
>post master had my lock helmet
No. thank you.
ill go
add me in senpai
haha not with you this time
"Dear Oryx, we regret being space turtles, we regret coming to saturn, and we most certainly regret that the taken just stole our raggedy ass primus."
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what? how did you make it this far m8
It's a Halo reference. Specifically to their second release.
One of the covenant ships orbiting earth at the beginning of Halo 2 was broadcasting "Regret" over and over as well in reference to the Prophet of Regret.
>when you try to um... acktually someone, but end up looking more retarded
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haha whoops.webm
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Whoops, haha
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>when shit goes over your head
Sorry you can't wrap your head around the complexity of Bungie's easter eggs you mongoloid.
That, my good man, is a U.S. Navy McDonnell Douglas F/A-18D Hornet sporting the standard Blue Angels paintjob.
The No.7 tail number tells she comes with an extra seat just for "important influencers" so you better be famous or rich.
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This must be bait. The greentext is a joke and exactly what Cortana and Miranda fucking say, you troglodyte. It is nowhere in game.
There ya go retard.
It's even the shiny version.
The original looked better imo.
>being this conceited that you think people don't know this
>being this upset that people call you what you are, a condescending prick
>Being this upset that you were proved wrong and made a fool of.
I know it must pain you.
>1080p modern scene but master chief's visor still looks like shit
sasuga 343
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>proved wrong
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Gz m80.
only if you promise to behave
Hey noobish give me a (you) at least.
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Who's the most autistic boner?

Who's the most autistic on ps4?

Stray is the most autistic in a good way, Virus is he most autisttic in a bad way
No clue for ps4
The trap that posts on zippy's behalf.
>the absolute madman
3 0 M I N U T E S



>Implying it's 343's fault

You do know the cutscenes were done by Blur studios, right?
inb4 343 shill
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