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League of Legends General - /lolg/

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Thread replies: 792
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So I installed mxm. What's the point of this exactly? Why do people play multiplayer games other than league? I don't get it.
Bros give me strenght to go play soloQ and carry. What role?
jungle or mid
>tfw more people play jarvan jungle than rek'sai jungle
Wonder why
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support. stomping autofill retards is easy af
What do I do as jungler when all lanes are losing and enemy jungler is making pressure?
mid and top
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Who would win the Sona vs MF battle based on canonical powers?
power farm and build tank
Lose the game
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Because Rek'sai briefly knocked Lee Sin off his throne as King of the Jungle and was dumpstered for it. Elise suffered a similar fate for a time
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My champ pool, what should I play to get out of Platinum V?
kog is freelo if you have a dedicated shieldslut

double trigger gun nigger is freelo
xth for Syndra
well then you're just fucked. but as a jungler you either want to give your team the kills if you're playing a tank, otherwise play busted shit like graves and carry. if you're playing a tank and steal all the kill then you'll just become a senator armstrong
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Twin Milf is a really good read.

Get fucking rid of Vayne. I'm low elo and the worst fucking thing is people who think they can play Vayne well.

Invest some more time into Caitlyn and Ashe, those mechanics can help you grow. As for the rest, Lucian and Jhin are pretty good right now.
Depends on the writer since we've never seen either of them in a real fight giving their all. I'd say Sarah just because as a pirate she should be far more experienced at fighting then Sona, but maybe Sona's magic is just fucking BS.

Now if it's a titty contest...
Team often says I am playing too passive, but when I get cocky I just get focused and die, I am trying to position out of danger, what should I do in this situation?
>When you hit the level 6 just in time
>no Ahri
Straight pleb
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Cheerleader skins when?
Does anyone have a spare account for EUW/EUNE?

My second account got permabanned ;_;
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Is Lulu for lewding?
What, for free?
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comfy bfs~

also sad magefags ;_;
>top asks if supp can pick him yasuo
>supp has name yasfuo
>says yes
>locks in yasuo
>says brb
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Confidence and playing ADC is the thing you wanna learn.

For example.

>Lucian and Thresh vs. Vayne and Lux
>Lux is low on health and so is Thresh
>Lux doesn't have any summoner spells.
>Thresh has exhaust, but Vayne has heal.

A player who knows Lucian knows that Vayne even though she has high damage output is easily beaten with mobility, if you can use Thresh's low health to his advantage and bait the Vayne. (Which ofc she will go for it) You can go for Lux who will be busy trying to cc thresh.

Once you kill Thresh you can turn right around and kill Vayne because Thresh will have exhausted her.

This right here is what you need to be thinking constantly, not the best example but it's simple.

You need to think, how do I get myself ahead, what risks can I take, what are the limits of my champion.

Most of ADC is just impulse and planning, once you get a feel for that. You'll fucking skyrocket.
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to piss off lulufag?
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Depends on whether or not you are an alpha tentacle monster.

Ideally for free, but I'm open to suggestions.
>dodge oris ult
>nope sorry hehe it was slightly bigger than the visual and got you anyway! hope you enjoy another fun game of league of legends! :)

Boy I sure do love how riot adds on just a little bit of extra range to abilities to totally fool you into believing you're actually dodging, when you're really getting fucked over.
>watch thresh hook fly past my support
>attaches itself anyways
>similar thing with naut anchor

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Also fucking christ. I meant Lux instead of Thresh. That one time, being tired does this too you.
Not him but how about Draven? I know people call him cancer all the time but I fucking suck at playing him. Juggling his axes is the only trick to him but that's exactly the problem. I never know if I should keep going for my axes and dealing damage or run away because people know that all they have to do to beat Draven is separate him from his axes.
>now Zac's got a hook
This shit is what tilts me the most
>save flash because I thought I dodged the hook
>nope apparently didn't
well, I'm willing to sell 1 if you don't find any, it's in EUW
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>tfw I have a friend to gift me both the new champions while I gift them both champions saving 3k IP.
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Ok, do you take oral services for pay?
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>somebody pings that your flash was available
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I dodged, I couldnt handle another experience changing game
no, sry

how much?
Don't bother with Draven. He's honestly not that good of an adc.

His identity was the adc with the highest damage, but now he got replaced by Jhin, and he's way easier to play and kite with while dealing way more damage and having teamwide utility.
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Tfw Cho's Q hitbox is smaller than the visual
>replaced by jhin

kekking at ur life do you know anything about adcs or DPS at all?
I hate this so much. People intentionally go off meta just because they want to try something new. Use the fucking practice tool, or play bot matches.
>they added a pitch modifier to Zac
>when he's low on health he gets smaller and his voice gets higher

Believe me Zacs that just barely escape with 10% HP and spam laugh will be THE most tilting thing in the game after this patch.
/lolg/, I want to fantasize about some champ before bed so I can dream of them.

Who should it be? What should they be doing?
So Illaoi's new core is going to be DD>SG>TF if ahead IBG if behind right?
Knowing how to juggle and when to agress is the biggest part of playing Draven. If you can master how much damage you know you can inflict on any ADC champion-

You'll be that much better at ADC, but that's not all of it.

Map awareness, CS, Trades etc. All a part of the learning curve.
>can play Thresh, Tahm, Bard and Taric
>can't fucking play Janna

just in time for the 10 bans
> They're changing my first main
I'm so torn on how they're treating Zac. The Q looks fun, sure, but the ult looks useless.
Is Janna the most difficult support to play? Everyone seems to have trouble with her.
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>Ghosting enemy team through a stream
>Calling out where enemy jungler is
>Doesn't matter because our Jayce top feeds Aatrox, somehow, in record time
>Aatrox just walks around the map one shotting everyone
>Glimmer of hope in our fed midlaner
>He just keeps hoarding the gold
>Overextends and dies
>Game is over because he's the only player with gold

Guess I deserved it for playing dirty but man I fucking hate people who are so bad they can't even lose lane correctly. How the fuck do you manage to feed a fucking Aatrox SOLO?
Illaoi is the 60th most banned champ. She's not going to be the target of one of the 10 bans often. Not while shit like Graves exists.
around 30 euro maybe?
In silver and lower people dont know how to play against her, saw her banned there all the time

Theres even daily reddit threads ranting about how op she is.

I know, its fucking retarded, shes very binary and predictable but silver players just dont get it
>Your ADC picks Ezreal into Lucian

why man, what the fuck were you thinking
Janna is literally SO FUCKING BORING that people feed on her because they actually try to DO SOMETHING and play the game instead of standing behind acturret hitting shield every 6 seconds and typing /all *sigh*
I'd be cracking up laughing because that sounds hilarious.
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>6 shards to roll into the new champs
who /fullroster/ here?
I don't get why everyone keeps saying Aatrox is still bad.

Fucker's been getting buff after buff. Against meta tops he may get shut down, but against many easier tops he can roll over people with his surprising burst and sustain.

And now he's getting even more buffs.
Ive got a full roster but im just gonna spend IP because literally why not when i'm not spending it on anything else.
I'm sorry but there are some champions I refuse to own.

Yasuo, riven, vayne etc
Why does everyone forget his fucking jump is interruptable

Jayce always fucking knocked him away after he'd eaten a knock up and slow, why not just E him out of his fucking gapcloser?
I'm like halfway through 4800.
I think Kog is the next one.
the way nunu stares at me in champ select scares me.
right into my soul.
Like he's trying to say something.
I was expecting a nice turnaround kill and instead got keks

>That Kog spam ping
Even in Silver Illaoi only has a 1% ban rate, only the 9th most banned top laner, and the fact everyone gets one ban means people will likely ban out a champ from the position that they play, positions will rarely draw multiple bans.

If anything, Illaoi's banrate may go down because Dunk man's will go up to 90%.
Panth with F/ign
Jax with F/Tp

who wins ?
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Thank you Nasus.
You're a good dogoo.
Thanks for carrying.
May good Nasus players carry your games, too!
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>letting peer pressure limit your champion pool
unless your played them and didn't like them then that's totally fine.

when you get into the 6300's start combining champions shards, RNG result but for an IP discount.
>my team doesn't ban Lee Sin
>the enemy team picks him

When will they fucking learn. This is Elementalist Lux all over again.
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Pantheon, although I suppose it depends on what you mean by "win".
>the enemy team picks him
So you got a free win?
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I can't seem to win with her either, I can crush games as Lulu but give me Janna and we auto lose because it seems to me like she does absolutely fucking nothing. I can't carry because I can't keep people alive well enough.

I've played her for 3 years and I'm looking to give up because she has no fucking lane pressure which means you roll over the moment a Lucian shows up against you (Every game)

All the shields and tornadoes in the world won't stop my retarded fucking teammates from walking out of position, and her heal is basically useless. She has no poke or sustain, just disengage.

Lulu and Nami have that too, and are just better in general.
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Xth for Vlad x Vayne
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>This happens to me
>Watch him try to fight my ADC
>My adc just stands in minions and autos him
>mfw Lee's Q's
>herald is genuinely strong enough to justify the top and bottom roles switching places
>it'll never actually happen because nobody will take the first step and do it
Also to clarify, her heal is useless because you have to fucking CC yourself to get it off, which is literally never worth it

You will just immediately eat the nearest skillshot and die.
>herald is genuinely strong enough to justify the top and bottom roles switching places

Your 5 minutes of experience with the PBE tells you this? Wow, you must be pretty good anon. Have you tried competing?
I guess, generally during laning phase I am trying to focus ADC, unless it's Soraka.

I noticed that my biggest problem is that I don't use my AA range to full potential, often go to melee tumble / dash and putting myself in disadvantage.

Just had Yasuo support in soloQ btw.
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>have to finish essay that's due tomorrow
>have to wake up early to go out with friend
>sleepy as fuck
>havent played lego legends since last thursday

Life is suffering.
I just didn't like how you had to outplay most of the champions in the game to actually win so I never picked them up. Renekton on the other hand is slightly different because his outplays are almost brain dead at times.
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>sneaky watching those 9/11 parodies that people sent.

I'm losing my shit so hard, aren't those videos against twitch though?
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>Enemy team has a Kha'Zix
>If you lose first tower you literally can't go anywhere near your own jungle for the rest of the game
>Or else he will kill you with 1.6k damage from one Q

I fucking hate this stupid ass champion, Talon tier levels of bullshit. Genuinely starting to believe Riot's stupid "zed is the healthiest assassin" meme
Whoever gets herald first singlehandedly determines first tower gold and she's strong enough she can usually take the T2 too, sometimes even getting some damage off on the inhib.
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>das puto asco fiora

qué quiso decir con esto?

Also /lolg/ told me that Fiora was unbeatable.
LeBlanc is objectively the healthiest assassin.
In what fantasy land are you living in where a team can just commit 3 people to an objective and not have the enemy team notice to the point where someone can just walk into a lane with herald and force down two towers?

The only problem this buff being too strong will bring is it will force junglers to commit more vision top which means stretching what is already a tiny vision budget even thinner

Fucking Riot gutted vision in pre-s6 and it's been "surprise, it's rengar" ever since.
>dashes to you from base
>shoots you with gunblade
>aas you with lichbane
>ports back to safety
*psh notin personel karry*
You know how we constantly have 4/5 man bot now because first tower gold is so important, and fights botlane typically snowball into double kill > take dragon > take tower?

Herald is so incredibly valuable that whoever gets it first is possibly going to be the single most important thing in the game for the first 15 minutes. Really, the only important thing is that getting Herald is now objectively better than dragon, and has much higher stakes because there's only one.
hey gay cuck, hows it going with your crush?
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Yep all a part of the process. Good luck anon.

atleast she has to stay on you for like 2 seconds to proc her passive, otherwise she won't kill you
Except if enemy goes top you just go bot and win the race because botlane tower has no early fortification and goes down faster
>have to finish essay that's due tomorrow

are you me? it's 3:40 am and I have classes all day tomorrow

>Tahm's Louisiana Bayou accent
I get why he has it and it fits thematically but I still can't look at him without thinking BADABOOM AYY I'M WALKIN ERE
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>Try to play Kha'zix
>Team gets shit on as I'm trying to clear
>Can't pick people off because I'm at a level disadvantage at all times
>Have a hard time snowballing because I have difficulty gauging opportunities to jump on people in the first few levels.
I hate Kha'zix's kit. At least with Shyvana, WW, and Skarner I can move and clear more quickly and either run people down early to get leads or just farm and try to keep an eye out for opportunities since they have more stable power curves and are more durable as well.
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*blocks your path*

Tahm is thematically weird champ. His music sounds like something straight out of Lousiana, he is dressed as Voodoo charlatan from Lousiana and I think his faction is Bilgewater... Which are pirates.
>off of work for a week of paid vacation
>have literally nothing to do tomorrow
Good feel
has it even patched yet?
Damnit. You're right. Artificially reinforced meta wins again.
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can i one trick gangplank in current year if im a gold shitter

He's hard to play and you're shit, he's also not even that good of a champion. Definitely not worth the time investment.
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>play ranked at 8 am
>oh dude i'm so high right now xDD i should stop playing this game when i'm high xDDD
>lose because my gold 1 top duo'ed with his silver 3 girlfriend
>lose because my jungler inted after he lost his red in a smite battle
>lose because the enemy team has a master tier smurf
>lose because the enemy Xerath was scripting
>lose because my ADC was autofilled
>finally get a good game
>I play badly and I lose
Yeah no more ranked for me. Gold 1 is pretty respectable right? It's basically plat right?
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>me jungler and mid are fed
>game is still stressful
>one wrong move and the game could instantly be over
whats better/more efficient assuming the enemy team has a standard teamcomp with an adc, mage, utility support, magic damage dealing tank jungler, and bruiser top

1950 HP + 127 armor
2166 HP + 100 armor
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I'm no cuck.

Also today was fucking weird. We were chilling today watching the new episode of Better Call Saul and he started asking me questions about theology and the bible which threw me in a loop but I obliged regardless, then he asked me if I could take him to a Mass in my college church that's given by Jesuits I told him sure but I asked him why and he told me that the way I speak to him about these things is different than what he hears from when goes with his family to church and since I've told him it's because Jesuits have a whole different approach on this stuff and that got him curious.

I still don't know what to make out of it, he usually ask questions about that stuff but he never showed interest on actually going.

I'm literally re-using complete paragraphs from another essay that I wrote for another class since the subject is similar.

Jelly. I wanted to save IP for Xayah but I only got to 7400.
Probably not particularly well, although there may not stop you.

If the goal is to climb then there are better/easier picks. If you want to play Gangplank then go for it.
Gold 1 is definitely respectable
Gp shines in low elo, ppl dont punish your weak laning phase and dont even try to destroy ur barrels
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be honest, am I a living meme?
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taking ignite on top is such a pussy move
8:00 am April 19 Pacific time.
1:05 am April 20 AEST.
>try to learn to play meta picks
>try my hardest to win in ranked
>end up losing
>start fucking around and just playing Mundo
Don't get this game
That's not impressive at all.
thats how ive been starting to feel
im hovering a 50% winrate on him but i feel if i put this much time on a different champ id get better results yknow
but shit what champions are satisfying like gp is?
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Depends on the person. A few scratch that itch for me. Most think Shyv is boring but I love her for instance. Or if you want to talk top lane there's Sion and Illaoi.
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>play Ivern
>their team ihas zac and kayle who scale fucking super hard
>we let them scale and don't end
>fucking can't even do damage or shield good lategame
>loose confidence again
>confidence spirals downward

This happens every time I play ranked. What the hell am I supposed to do about me feeling like shit?
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Gonna take this opportunity to shill my boy

If you have questions I'm more than happy to throw knowledge at you
>Play Ivern
>Teammates pick shit champions and we have no damage

Shielding an Ezreal feels like a waste of my fucking mana
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trigger you.
that's rumble right?
he was actually the one champ ive been considering,maybe its a sign
>tfw wanted to be a one trick ever since I got into the game watching tyler1
>still haven't found that champ that clicks for me
How do I teamfight with this dumb animal? I drop ult and thats as far as I go. Granted I have only like 5 games on him.

>fucking around for almost 4 years
>still no otp champ

>drop ult
>walk to people
>burn them to death

>UNIQUE Active - Metallicize: Increases Health by 40% and increases champion size, but reduces damage dealt by 60% for 4 seconds (90 second cooldown). If Stone Skin is active, the Health increase becomes 100% instead.
>increases champion size

so thats three items that give you big? + lulu

how big are zac, cho, and shyv gonna get now?
>play Quasus
>use my busted damage, 40 armour reduction, pseudo-exhaust and ambient ult damage to be a huge teamfight force during the midgame
>build off-tank with some AP instead of full tank
>have 75-80% of the stacks regular Nasus usually has
>win game
This game is so fucking easy dude.
Yeah, that's Rumble. Yeah, it's a sign.

Make sure your ult is good, everything else is negligible. Don't go in unless the target is probably already dead or the enemies you're going for have no real chance of fighting back, your Q should be layered damage.

Land E, use it to peel by making their frontline the slowest moving thing in existence. If you get a flank or good positioning, nuke the ADC by Overheating with two E's at him and full duration of Q.

People think Rumble is just press Q and walk at people. Do not do this, you will die. You are not a tank. Don't listen to this retard: >>174409392 Rumble isn't like other toplaners because his lack of mobility and tankiness makes him incredibly punishing if you're out of position, and his entire kit is based around going in. So make sure you know when the best time is to go in and don't go in otherwise, you can contribute from a distance with E because danger zone E damage is pretty fucking nuts.

Everything is around your ulti, use it to force people into weird spaces so you can nuke them with Q easier. If you smell a teamfight always hover around 40 heat so you can immediately press all your buttons and go into nuke mode.
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>enemy support picks Karma or Lulu
>my support memepicks Shen
>they're getting assraped 2v2 and I can't gank because they're always low, the enemy bot is full hp/mana, and there's no fucking wards

Two games in a row of this shit. And of course with my luck top and mid were getting fucked 1v1 also. Why do I keep playing this fucking game?
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>enemy Akali got into a dispute with the rest of their team and forced their Riven to go bot lane with Poppy, then ints for the entire game
>meanwhile our Thresh is a dick to both me and Ziggs
>eventually Ziggs AFKs
>lose anyway because everyone on the enemy team except Akali actually know what they're doing
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used to be fizz for me, that rework ruined him though
Now I have no one
Good, fuck Fizz
What keystone is best for Illaoi right now? I've seen Grasp, Stormraiders, TLD and Deathfire
Rumble sucks unless you've set up a good fight

Luckily his kit is extremely good at forcing people to fight you, so you get to choose your engages.

Always depends on who you're laning against, like all champs.
>remove the invulnerability on Fizz' E
>compensate by lowering the mana cost and cd on his E

Wow, I balanced Fizz. He's not cancer anymore. When should I submit my resume to Riot Games?

No, he's absolutely worthless
>good mobility damage on a low cooldown with a low mana cost

He'd be like an ap melee version of Lucian.

How would you balance him, anways? He'll always be cancer as long as he has that invulnerability on his E.
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>Why do I keep playing this fucking game?

Because you're retarded.
>playing multiplayer-coop games in 2017
fizz winrate is now effectively less than 30%

nice fix
Fizz honestly isn't that bad, anon. The only changes he needs is more tweaking on his W so it doesn't do so much raw non-ap committed damage.
keep the invulnerability but take away the untargetability, like kayle ult

no compensation, done balanced
Wouldn't this just make tank fizz better?
His invulnerability wouldn't be so much of a problem if he didn't deal instant damage that takes away a third of your hp when he comes out of it,and have a kit with 2 instant cast abilities that one shot you. With other assassins at least you can CC/exhaust before you take the damage,with Fizz,well good fucking luck.
the fact that you think Fizz would be made worthless by removing his invulnerability just goes to show how poorly designed he is,
this. When I was a low elo shitter I hated fizz too.
Now I have mostly no issues with him. Except like 203 patches ago when they bufed him a lot, got absolutely shrekt midlane by a level 2 all in with his W. From that point on any time I was in range of him he could kill me.

Oh and that annoying ult hitbox after his "rework" but they fixed that I believe.
>Okita Anri
Good taste my friend
>the fact that taking away a core aspect of a champions kit goes to show...

Lets remove Caitlyns range too and make her melee. And Sorakas W.
Oh wow surprise theyre shit now
He only does damage when ahead

He only one shots if he lands his ult, you flash the ult.

He only gets ahead if you feed him

He has no disengage, if he misses his fish and he flashes on you, you kill him because he can't get out.

What this guy said, nice number. Fizz is extremely easy to deal with compared to a lot of midlaners, he's really just Ekko with less utility and more damage.
fuck I opened pandora's box
It's not your fault anon
Ebin strawman. We're not talking about a champion's core identiy. We're talking about one mechanic on one spell. If removing one mechanic on one spell guts a champion, then that champion is poorly designed.
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having so much fun right now haha i love being alive haha
i just wish jav stars weren't fucking retarded.

they're hot and all, but they sound like a fucking dying squirrel or something
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Shouldn't have liked Fizz, this shit is your fault. Fuck Fizz.
his core identity is being hard to catch and very slippery. His Q and especially his E make that a reality.

youd be better off reworking his ult or W.
>If removing one mechanic on one spell guts a champion, then that champion is poorly designed.

So wrong it hurts, using your logic half the roster is shit.

this isn't season 2, if you wanna be relevant you gotta get with the times old man
I have no sympathy for bruiserbabs because your playstyle rewards being a fucking idiot

Repent and convert, anonymous. I dunno who sold you the Jax lie, but they were rusing you.
You want to put forward some actual examples?

>half the roster is shit

Except this isn't even an untrue statement. Half of the roster IS shit.
I'd rather be a bruiserbab than a magebab or assassinbab
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>Start playing season 6
>Get this and darflame shyvana from lootboxes
>Think their splashes look ugly, so i reroll them
>Months later, both Shyvana and Sejuani become part of my jungle pool
>Now this skin has one of the best splashes for Sej skins
Just kill me fampai
Contrary to what people will tell you, you can't solo carry games anymore now Riot have introduced a thousand catchup mechanics and constantly wrapped damage around.

It's extremely rare to see one person tearing up the rift like you would old Fiora for example, nowadays your champ needs to do something other than kill to be worth a place on the team unless you're an assassin

Bruisers like Irelia and Jax are just outdated because they don't kill fast enough and don't disrupt enough, they're in the middle.

Xin is an exception because his kill time is ridiculously quick these last few patches, so at least commit to him if you're deadset on being a bruiser shitter.
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remove lucians E, caitlyns traps, Q or E, Any of Yis abilities and so on.

Next youre going to cry about how OP Annie is.
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>caring more about the splash art that you only see on the loading screen than about the model and animations that you and everyone else will be looking at all game
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the /d2g/ is two threads down.

Half the roster is not shit, you are shit. Accept this. Every champion but 5 got picked across all regions this spring split, if half the roster is shit please explain this obvious phenomenon. A lot of champs have power loaded into a single ability, Rumble's ult. Azir's W, Fiora's Q
not him but out of curiosity what 5 champs didn't get picked
>remove Lucians E

That's an entire spell, not one mechanic on one spell

>Caitlyn's traps, Q or E

See above

>Any of Yi's abilities

Same as above

I bet you need to wear a helmet when your keepers take you out in public.
i've been playing bruisers for 3 seasons, they're how i learned the game and it's difficult for me to convert even though i know there are so many better, more effective champs.

all my games are either me going 15/0 or the enemy team teaching me what the word "useless" really means and these days it's usually the latter

it hurts anons please help me... it hurts so much...
I didn't even bother checking how she looked liked in-game back then, anon. I've learned my lesson already.
Bristle's model still looks ugly af in that skin tho
>A lot of champs have power loaded into a single ability, Rumble's ult. Azir's W, Fiora's Q

And if any of these champion were well designed, their kits would either be balanced around those spells, or those spells would eat up a good amount of their power budget. A good example of this is how Cait's passive and W/E eat up much of her power budget, leaving her with a very underwhelming Q and ult.

But this is not the case Rumble, Azir, Fiora, or Fizz.
Pick up cancer like TP/ignite Fizz or Panth and do unto them what they have done unto you. It's the only way.
>tf without w
>yasuo without e
>talon without q
>trynd without e
>Gp without e ;_;
>garen without q
>amumu without e
>ezreal without q

I can keep going
Aatrox, Urgot, Amumu, Annie, Cho'gath
Good thing one of the things appealing about Okita is that she genuinely enjoys what she does and is less screechy as a result.
It was 9

Udyr, Volibear, Cho'Gath, Amumu, Master Yi, Veigar, Diana, Skarner and Garen
>those are entire spells. I'm not saying Fizz should completely lose his E and carry on with only 3 spells, I'm just saying he should lose the invulnerability and be compensated with a lower mana cost and cd.

But keep building those strawmen.
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No, fuck you leatherman.
I'm in the same boat as him, I used to watch shit like ICU and Wingsofdeath religiously so melee autoattackers are what I know best. They feel really shit recently, should I swap roles or are there some good top laners I can play?
ADC player detected
annie support was played by fnatic this season
Just play something else, you'll get the hang of it eventually just like you did with bruisers, don't be that faggot that only plays a couple of champions because that's his comfort zone, that shit's annoying
Ahh old memes.

>tfw garen is good in low elo and nowhere else
>sad day in demacia
>tf without yellow card
>yasuo without the e damage (the reason he maxes e first)
>riven without q knockup
>gp without barels armor pen
>amumu without the e stun but still gets the pull
>talon without q dash
>ezreal without q on hit effects
>garen without q move speed

they all become trash
toplane main

I smile everytime I see some idiot pick Jax or Irelia because it's a free lane and they also need far too much farm to be relevant
To be fair Darkflame sucks. You either go Championship, Ice Drake, or Sentai.

I wish she had gotten a Beast Hunter skin instead of that faggot Draven.
>old memes

gachi is still alive and well my friend, it's timeless.
ok i will do it

what should i play to start existing in my games
then they're all poorly designed. It's really that simple. If TF can't function without his point-and-click stun, then he's poorly designed.
Best place to buy LoL accounts?

Get one item, leave lane and kill anything that looks at you funny. The very definition of a mid-game champion because all he wants to do is fight.
But anon Garen is already trash. Much to my displeasure.

Is it though? Hmm I might have to visit Niconico again. I didn't realize it was still relevant.

One of the greatest memes of all time. I met Billy Herrington too, kickass guy.
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I was wrong then. I like bruisers but hate those two champs. Who do you play?
If you like carry-oriented top laners you could try Camille and Jayce, especially Camille is a lot more like a traditional bruiser, you should also give Rumble and on-hit Kennen a try
>He met Billy

Lucky fuck. Billy's got a new website going up, Van Darkholme is still an active star too. Gachi is most prominent in niconico and a lot of twitch streams. There's a lot of western gachi being made these days thanks to people like Mowtendoo and Forsen. The yearly international wrestling festival collabs still happen too, here's last years

Birdfu release when? what time
Bruiser Gangplank if you can get good at him

Maybe Fiora? Idk if she's actually good or just a noob stomper
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Picture related

I agree with this poster, there's plenty of bruiser type toplaners you can picks these days but you need to pick one that fills a strong niche instead of being "dash onto someone and attack"

Yorick pushes fast, Camille has great lockdown and engage. Stuff like that, you know?
poster below me is an "experience changer"

please roast them
but TF is the most balanced champion in the game

garen is also one of the fairest champs in the game but it still applys

your statement was bullshit, but I also think fizz is bullshit

taking away his invulnerability is stupid but he should have counterplay and taking away the untargetability would work

or the opposite taking away invulnerability but keeping the untargetability make it like vlad w ir zed ult where he can die to specific effects during it thus giving him a few counterpicks rather than full on counterplay
Honestly he isnt worth learning, same with vayne. They will probably teach you aggressive positioning the best but it takes turbo autists to play them enough to really get their benefits out. And even then they are easily shut down in champ select, picking them first is a gamble when a champ as easy as cait annihilates their laning phase. Draven has an easier lane, but harder teamfight as his movements are predictable.

Learning lucian,
What's wrong with being a slut? I kind of want to be one at the expense of my reputation taking a hit.

The things I ponder while waiting for the new champs.
this is a question for /r9k/ laddie
ez, jinx, ashe, sivir, twitch will give a nice middle ground without being a complete bitch in the back like cait kog and jhin.
Nice! I'll have to check it all out tomorrow, I didn't know this all exsisted. Thanks anon!

If you're a slut already there's no problem of it. Let your passion be your guide to what champion you want to main next.

Nothing wrong with being a slut either. I know plenty.
I see. Not really a fan of Rumble. If I go top I just play Sion.
Jax and Irelia are worthless because of how strong support is right now. You're useful in a 1v1 splitpushing scenario, where Fiora is better anyway.

Walk into a teamfight and you're getting Karma W'd and Exhausted so fast you explode.

I think everyone should start with Ashe because she teaches good habits an ADC needs
Nothing wrong with a bit of WAR

I don't really enjoy AD toplaners, they're all the same flavour of boring and I really hate bruiser itemization.
in all honesty there is nothing wrong with it.
If you enjoy sex and want to fuck many men without taking much effort than do it.
People will shame you for reasons but who cares it your life, just keep it secret/hidden and its fine
be like ahri
>Be like Ahri

worst advice I've ever heard
Sion is a bruiser disguised as a tank. He shits damage without having to build any while still providing some pretty oppressive cc.
>before tank update
>cleaver, tabis, sunfire, spirit visage, warmogs, GA
>after the tank update
>cleaver, tabis, gargoyle stoneplate, warmogs, randuins, adaptive helm
>more health, armor, and mr against 3+ people than old garen
>mages do ZERO damage with the new adaptive passive
>crit adcs lose 20% of that damage instead of the old 10%
>cleaver and last whisper items do less % armor pen
>your E shred becomes invaluable for a team

Destruction mans time is near
whats wrong with being like me
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drain souls out of Penii?
The Demacian Flag thanks you anon. I will put this to good use. Fucking Gargoyle and Adpative I've been reading about it.

I have to try this build.
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Quick /lolg/ post cringeworthy summoner names & profiles you've found in your friends/acquaintance list.
warmogs is what puts it all together

ive been crunching up numbers all day and rushing a chainvest/negatron in lane + cleaver into stoneplate gives you a solid amount of base stats to work on

new dorans shield is also crazy strong

then warmogs health spikes up your midgame (wadmogs health + stoneplates active combo makes me water at the mouth)

some ninja tabis or merc treads give you more stats while you finish up the full on armor/health and mr/health items

also while other tanks and bruisers build up stats as well, they dont get your FREE armor shred and that plus cleaver rips em apart for your adc or assassin to dump on

not even mentioning your ult and passive true damage if it somehow works out in your favor

tank update has me more excited than the first time I saw garens E buffs on the pbe
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>try out WW in a normal
>enemy Ahri, Nid and Kalista
>ult in on top of Ahri
>she just dashes away to safety
>starting to get mad
>can't get anywhere near Kalista
>having to peel enemy Camille with a GA
>WW is getting mad along with me with his dialogue
>I'm starting to annoy my team
>one final round
>hit my W and chimp out
>manage to ass rape Ahri and fear her before she dashes
>win game
>blood runs, they all run
Is Warwick /ourguy/?
fuck off furfag go suck your boyfriends knot
someone post the killing machine copypasta
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Is zyra for lewds?
He is.

>mains Wukong
That's pretty fucking good anon and probably auto tilts people
New WW is literally the normies REEEEEEEE champion
In pressurized eyes the years together fall

Wrong board, but I'll tip you in the right direction.

Studies by sources on both ends of the political spectrum are conducted on this over and over, and they all come to the same conclusions. The difference lies only in whether they consider the results a good or bad thing. Sane studies consider it a negative result, while (((studies))) describe it as something positive (in come buzzwords like progressive, liberated etc) Promiscuity drains a person's capacity to commit to a really long relationship (long as in lifelong marriage), and thus cripples their capacity to set up a good foundation for healthy child rearing.

Promiscuous women also self-admittedly report a significantly lower degree of general self-worth and happiness with their lives. Women who don't raise children are completely unfulfilled, to the point where career women have a trend of suicidal tendencies, even though sources on this refuse to put the dots together, namely that their emptiness stems from a lack of their maternal instincts being put to use.

All crime, education and career related numbers put together a not even contested trend of a lack of (biological) fathers in the lives of children leading to several negative outcomes. One is of course the resulting offspring on one hand overcompensating on (attempted) display of strength for a lacking father figure and on the other never having been taught any solid limits or boundaries. Or in plain words having your father raise you makes the difference between whether you're currently studying for your processing chemistry exam or robbing stores in-between shooting up some heroin. The other outcome is violent upbringing. While usually stayed by the strong hand of a man, single mothers are relentless physical child abusers, and violent upbringing creates violent people. Domestic (and external) violence has always been generational.
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Not gonna lie, I fucking love Lulu

>Insane potato faced midget high on Pixie dust
>Kit is utter cancer
>Can carry from any role or lane
>Her laugh is the single most tilting sfx in the game
>Voice lines aren't unbearably bad like most old champs
>Great skin variety

Guess I'm a Lulufag now, this bitch is just TOO FUN.
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>buried in text
not doubting you, but can i get some sources
66.6% false post
Harambe is a long-dead, overused shitty meme that cringeworthy from the start.

I'll admit I do have to give him props for maining Wukong to go along with the name, with a Wukong summoner icon to boot.
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>tfw you love dick so much you ruin your life
What rank are you? How much experience on Irelia do you have?
You shouldn't be dying that much on Irelia unless it's an outlier game where like all your teamfights after mid-game are trading your life for at least 4 of their team.
Irelia and Jax are easily still great carry toplaners, you just have to be better at them than you'd have to be at say, Maokai or AP Kennen.
Jax can win out vs most tops at some point, and Irelia can still beat every meta toplaner with relative ease, bar Galio because of his dumb base damage.
welcome to my filter
bought rumble, demolished a yasuo top so hard he flamed me in all chat all game. Im convinced rumble is the path now, anon
>tf is the most balanced champion in the game
Being able to make any even fight uneven with his ultimate sure is balanced. Not to mention the fact that the champion is literally free kills bot at 6. Why do you think he has around a 55% winrate in high elo according to ghostcrawler.
>supposed to be the cute Yordle girl
>looks like utter dogshit
When will she get the Poppy treatment?
IP filtering when
>Supposed to be the cute Yordle girl

Absolutely not, she's a slightly evil fucking sorcerer and she's crazy. She's not cute.
Not that anon you're replying to but Warwick is fun as fuck to play and actually requires some skill to properly pull off past mid-silver.
It would be swell if someone had an EUNE account for moi.
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he gains that advantage by trading away his lane

I cant think of any other champ in the game who gets dicked on in lane as hard as TF does by the entire roster

TF has proper counterplay, short range, and items that completely negate him

but with enough skill a TF player can get around them and still win using the advantages he is given

if you honestly think TF is overpowered you should be in ranked right now climbing out of the shit elo youre in rather than arguing with me
if you aren't going to put a lot of time and effort into learning irelia/jax, just play like maokai rumble on-hit kennen
I love this artist
>a mage with aoe wavelear on two abilities and a stun
>"gets dicked on in lane"
I actually fucking laughed

bit of a stretch there anon.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on fizz? Just got back into league and checked probuilds and everyone is building him tank?

Does it have to do with his w?
>infinite mana
>passthrough skillshot
>point and click stun
His lane is about as "weak" as GP's.
>zero mobility
>short range
>low base damage

if you ever lose lane to a Twisted Fate you should stop playing mid and play jungle instead till you realize how lane mechanics work
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>you will never spend the night at Tristana's apartment
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Any kind anons wanna swap gifts when they come out? Its cheaper and IP is probably easier on higher level accounts
I'm plat 2 by the way
The champion is strong easily and I wouldn't call someone with that ult the most balanced champ in the game. I also don't think he's hard to play.
>people actually losing lane to TF
TF was considered unplayable for a long time because any assassin could ass ram him pre 6 because he's an immobile mage

I've read some shitter posts but how colossally shit are some of you?
do you guys think LS shitposts in lolg?
he seems like a Lulufag to me
>implying its about losing lane to TF
TF wins his other lanes, not his own.
of course he still has insanely easy ganks to setup for.
thats why youre plat, go into ranked like I said and get out of your shit elo before you argue common league knowledge
Just because you win the early lane or trade even doesn't mean you win the game retard
I refuse to believe you're diamond or above
Even in S3 with pre-nerf Zed and Ahri everywhere TF was still turbocance nigger did you start playing last week or someshit?
it does if you know how to turn an early advantage into a full on lead

but I wouldnt expect that from someone that ACTUALLY thinks TF is broken
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>made Lulu my first Mastery 7 champion
>last match I played as her went 0/3/29 while the enemy support was an Illaoi shitpick who eventually became a non-factor

me, add me ign imthem
>10 bans coming
Finally a Yasuo free experience
When did I say I thought tf was broken?
Huh chucklefuck?
i'm plat 5

i used to be pretty good at irelia and jax back in season 4 ish, i climbed to plat in 70 games playing only 4 champs

i know it's cliche but i had pretty shit teams in 80% of those games, and what i really hate about jax/irelia is how fucking useless i feel vs fed players on meta champs that have good disengage tools and teamfight utility
yasuo becomes the first blind pick only champ
>tfw riot switched around Support and Bottom in ranked
>tfw nearly queued as support

stuff of horrors
>People will never include their server EVER
I refuse to believe you're silver or above

its what youre implying, I said he was balanced and you brought up unsourcable stats to claim he isnt

champion.gg currently has him at around 51% winrate at plat+
Who is canonically the strongest mage in league?
Probably Xerath or A Sol.
shes up there
also Ryze
i think i'm decent at them but now people are learning the game and there's nothing i can do if the enemy freezes with jungle pressure nearby, plays my counters at a high level (pantheon singed renekton especially) or if the enemy carry gets fed with a lulu on his team

am i just bad? i can't make it work anymore
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Phew, reading this makes me glad that I have a serious mental illness that acts as a fantastic excuse for not wanting to have kids. Don't care to have them to save my life and could care less about typical normie & expected societal staples. Still going to be a miserable bitch until I eventually commit suicide for other reasons, though.

On the other hand, what are the happiness and well-being statistics for single middle-aged men without a family? I'm curious and have yet to come across legit studies; I doubt most of them are truly happy either in the long run. Or at least that's the impression I get after reading about Japan's grass eaters and China's single men epidemic.

And even then, I recall reading studies that men & women with families aren't exactly consistently happy either (hence the reason why divorce rates are around fucking 50% in the US and a majority of the EU) Also women as a whole are unhappy in general - married, single, house wife, career, wealthy, poor, etc - doesn't matter. In fact men are happier than women at large, despite men having higher suicide rates.

And not sure where you've gotten your research, but you're largely correct about single mothers being terrible parents in general. Though I believe this is primarily due to the fact that being a woman is still pretty tough and kinda shitty even by today's 1st world standards - especially when one is a single parent who has to bring in the money WHILE still raising their child alone. Shit's not easy.
depends on your definition of mage

if you mean league of legends champion who builds AP then probably ahri with her 56% winrate for 6 patches

if you mean human that uses mystical powers as their main weapon than probably zilean since his magic is time based

if you mean magical being than probably aurelion sol or bard
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At ghostcrawler's gdc talk he had statistics on screen from within riot's internal statistics which said that he had a 55% winrate at what he termed high elo
Here's a screenshot from my phone of my rank
got a link to his gdc talk? cant find it
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Syndra is canonically the strongest human in the lore, and with time she is going to become the strongest mage too. she is also the cutest
A Sol is probably the strongest character in the game lore wise.

Mordekaiser is quite likely the strongest humanoid mage
Syndra and possibly Zilean are the strongest human mages.
Oh yeah I am on NA
x zed dont forget
Here you go
also the biggest slut, canon dressed in bdsm and her power is playing with balls all day
added ya
Singed is even more cancerous than ranged top laners
Fuck you autistic faggots
Why is this game so boring now?
Most of my games are ending with a 20 minute surrender because 1 team gets super far ahead of off a 2-kill advantage in the first 5 minutes which feels impossible to overcome without the enemy being retarded and giving up a free kill.
my last game just now, mid bot and jg all died by the 6 minute mark while toplane was 0/0/0 on both sides, and the game is over before either one of us even has a chance to influence it.
Do I have to be at a challenger level before I'm able to work with my team to overcome a disadvantage?
Who is, canonically, the strongest soldier?
Generally, I mean AD like Garden, Xin, J4, etc
>tfw have a bro whos had every champion in the game for the longest time
>has a TON of champ shards so he gets every new cham with them
>wont even have to ask him for both since we play together all the time
>probably gonna log in tomorrow to see them on my account

if he was cute Id make him my sub~
Anyone wants to level up from 1 to 30 on EUNE w/me? I'm a plat 1 adc leveling smurf.
Aurelion Sol if we're going by deity/god/supernatural/spirit/magical entity standards. Good runner-ups are Cho'Gath, Xerath, Azir, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Anivia, Karthus, Galio, Morgana and Kayle.

Syndra or Ryze if we're going by human or mortal/semi-mortal standards. Good runner-ups are Lissandra, Annie, Swain, Malzahar, Leblanc, Ekko, Karma and Lux.
probably hecarim or mordekaiser reading up their new lore
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New player here learning jungle. My early game is okay, I follow my path and usually get my first gank off, but after 20minutes I get really confused and don't know where to put myself on the map. Eventually my lanes end up losing ground and then we can't make it out of our base. Sometimes I make us group and then capitalize off of a team fight by stealing enemy jungle/baron, but thats if we're able to roam safely around.

Basically what im asking is what should I do as a jungler after I've made a few original ganks in the early game? I have a hard time putting myself back on my jungle path afterwards, and I rarely try to take enemy camps. I feel like the 10 minutes in the midgame i'm not making any plays to really rocket us forward, and my team never makes any in that time either so we fall behind.
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>Sejuani's boring as fuck W was replaced with Bellona's Bludgeon
Nice, Bellona is one of my favorite SMITE characters. Sej looks pretty cool now.
Great talk, the man's a genius

Everytime I play a game that isn't League I get frustrated at how long balance takes and how awful it usually is. The 2 week cycle is such a godsend.
Isn't she just the child of some mages that left Noxus or some shit? Her lore is like 2 paragraphs
Yordle that waddled off to learn some magic? He's barely considered powerful by the league lol
The rest seem probable
What about Shaco? Only lore I've found on him, is that he's maybe a demon that is capable of killing anyone for no reason. The league let him in so they know where he is, but besides that, they couldn't do anything if he did go rogue
Yeah it can feel very fucking depressing when youre 0/0/0 at 15 minutes while your whole teams 0/4 at best. Focus on your cs'ing and try to collapse onto team fights as much as possible, you have to approach ranked as if youre babysitting special needs kids below high plat/diamond, try to make plays yourself, roam as much as is feasible, always reaction roam and watch your map for opportunities to fall onto fights in river, etc

Alternatively just play jungle like 40% of challenger players in every region and enjoy freelo
You can solo dragon at like level 5-6 on most champs. Automatically gives your team an advantage and fucks over the other jungler.
Look for overextended lanes to punish, cuck enemy jglr camps, and help push lanes out

who this bitch ?
Pretty sure it's from little witch academia: 2; magical buggoloo
in no order

>Tahm Kench

>Master Yi

>Lee Sin

>Jarvan IV

Rest don't matter.
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Amanda O'Neil
how do you play Taliyah vs Fizz?
What's the fastest way to level from 1-30?
If you're new, play the game like you'd normally and don't try to powerlevel, you'll just end up fucking yourself

If you've already got to 30 once, buy an account or spam 3v3 bots

that pink hair girl looks cute, do you have a webm of her ?
With great fucking difficulty, its basically a farm lane since he can e skip mines and your launch. Like you can try to burn e and then all in but 98% of the time youre always just better off farm it out, he's too mobile to bother fucking about wasting mana whittling him down. Tal farms well, just shove when possible and use r to roam and collapse. Assuming youre not b5 theres very little chance you solo kill
>Isn't she just the child of some mages that left Noxus or some shit? Her lore is like 2 paragraphs

It's implied that she's an ingenious arcane prodigy that'll grow up to become one of the most powerful mortal mages in Runeterra's history. She'll be something akin to Syndra or greater when she's older.

>He's barely considered powerful by the league lol

The league isn't canon anymore and IIRC his current lore (which is still somewhat outdated I think) states that he's still incredibly strong with cosmic magic.

play 5 v bots inter

3v3 got nerfed to the shit
ARAM or Twisted Treeline 3v3 normals/bot games.
Honestly, get a Zhonya so his ult doesn't fuck you in the ass.
Your Q farm will punish him
Try to W + E when his jump is on CD, or right after he jumps, so he triggers the minefield.
You're probably going to lose lane, so just roam and help other lanes get ahead for late game power
Is yorick any good right now? He seems like fun and a split pushing monster
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rate my build, overcapped cdr by 10% but idc
also this cait was hard to protect

i might end up watching this cartoon
Riot lowered the minion spawn time for ARAM and yet still 2/3 people afk every game
Don't buy Zeke's it's useless Just buy some utility item on that instead.
And don't go lichbane when you are feeding
>mobis at full build
>zekes when your adc has more than 50% crit built

zekes is a shit tier item in general. an ardent censor or mikaels even would have been better against that comp. dont build lichbane as a sole ap item, you dont have the ap to make it worthwhile. fucking triforce would do more damage with the amount of ap you have built
It's pretty fun. Some are more talented than others.

I played vs a Fizz earlier as first time Taliyah, laning phase went as you guys say it should go and I roamed and got some kills often, but then once he was 6 I had problems with him ulting me a shit ton
>looking at all these people try so hard at the game and being gold at best
kek i am laughin
im d1 and just play memes
> spoonfeed me on family and politics
> on /lolg/

I'll be happy to spoonfeed you on bruiser Sion builds, but that one post had all the pointers you needed, take that to /pol/, /r9k/ or some other place. The post just points you in the right direction and gives you some keywords to use to search.
i installed it too, it's actually really fun.
This is league 2.0, i doubt it will kill league, but this will definetly be the next type of game to get big i think, shits pretty good.
Wish the hub world was a little better though
So I should've just go full utility build from the start?
>be 12/1 toplaner
>4 levels ahead of enemy top
>doesn't matter because my team is braindead enough that even when I straight up 1v2 in the back of teamfights they can't win 4v3
>criticise them for misplays even silver plays know now to fuck up
>they spam all chat to report me for flaming
hehe platinum viet faggots are the best i LOVE my region xDDD

>can't carry as 12/1 and 4 lvls top your opponent

you're awful
haha epik meem bro xD
hes right tho
if youre 2 v 1 just kill them both and take tower
this isn't reddit


then your list is correct
I was pushing back to tier 3 against baron buff.
i was 1v2ing backline in teamfights and my team would lose 4v3, all of them would die.
I can't just "take a tower" mid when its 1v3 and I have nothing left
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Man what do you nigs think of the Zac ulty rework? I was finally winning games and they change him
then just take baron and kill them before you waste all of your stuff
just pink your teams brain
Xayah release WHEN? Do I have to assume at the latest 3:00 pm EST
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>Buff Shyvana
>Winrate goes over 50%
>Nerf Shyvana
how much can i sell a lvl 30 account for

6 to 12 hours after gobal patch


it looks like gargantia tier of comfy/comedy

if i get some free time, for sure
How do i fit Righteous Glory into my Illaoi build?
I usually go Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, Sterak/ Maw depending on the enemy team, Spirit Visage, Deadman's Plate and tank boots.
Feels bad, thanks for the update though
Ig: Drunk Mutagen
Add me l8r tho at work rn
When's the patch?
Thursday 00:00?

region ?
yeah i'll just solo baron while my team is all dead
sick idea dude
You kill the enemy team first you tard
No wonder silvers cry so much about Vladimir when they're incapable of buying an 800 gold item
doesn't work when my team loses 4v3
can you even read?
5 Hours from now. 8am PST.
He's right tho
That is when you just kill the enemies
WHen is the champion out? Also should I watch this megumin anime?
honestly fuck top lane i'm sick of this rock paper scissors champ select bullshit

i'm becoming a support main brb buying a dildo and a cute dress
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Later today probably. Also Konosuba is pretty fun, go for it. Darkness is the best party member and she actually makes me want another female tank.
Yo /lolg/ give me a good nickname for a Sion main
>Darkness didn't miss trying to hit the mountain with her sword
not canon
top lane itself is the most insignificant it has been in a long time I think, which is why the few viable options are either just tanks, hypercarries or pre-11 lane counters.
I was up 3-1 last match, saw through my own deep wards and river vision enemy jg and support coming top.
I back off my tower as my wave is pushing in, spam ping for my own jungler and support who were mid to come help.
they sit mid, don't get tower, and we lose two top towers.
I'm now 2 towers down and have lost all pressure while my team gained nothing, and given I wasn't playing a tank or a hypercarry, i was basically just a walking banner-creep.
Biff Hardpeck
how the fuck do I unbind my enter key in league?
I can't find it anywhere

You have to edit the config file
Start red, then blue, then run up to top lane off the blood fumes and bite a nigga in the head.
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does anyone know where i can get a folder of Vi images?
Look at his crit auto attack animation and you'll get it:

The best Dom is the one who can control your body from the inside.
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google vi images and download them all
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Just jungle senpai
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No, fuck you and back the fuck off
play yorick and be the rock, the paper, and the scissors.
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Tahm's VO is the reason I searched for ways to install English VO's in non-supported clients.
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Here's a waifu pic, now answer me

> black cleaver
> boots
> riteous glory
> infinity edge
> deploy riteous glory
> chase down a carry
why does she grow into being a man
who here /full_leth_j4/
I always loved how fat Lulu's head looks.

potato go to sleep
Xerath was a pretty good mage when he was human. Now he's a pretty good mage, almost immortal, and with infinite energy.
think u got the wrong guy
and im in eu not na its not time to sleep
>final form is delinquent from Cromartie
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stupid sexy mushroom.jpg
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Watch OVA 1 and 2.

Don't expect plot development in the anime, every episode's just Akko being dumb and doing everything wrong, Sucy being a Mushroom addict(she's also a Flip), Lotte's outshined by Akko and Sucy and Diana saving the day, Sasuga Diana!

Whenever Amanda appears, she gets scolded for pole dancing or doing rad tricks on brooms, Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger(the tiny mute girl) preferring making mechanical things more than magic, truly german science is the best in the world!. Jasminka pulls snacks out of thin air.

If you like comfy SOL, watch it if you can tolerate Akko being dumb and no talent in magic, she does improve later on tho. Plot doesn't progress until the later episodes.
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reminder that illaoi is the best girl and you can stop stuff like blitz hook from pulling you with ult
For the few masochists still playing AP Kennen:
Which one do you prefer?
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Make it happen.
>AP Kennen
a bad meme
just like AP Teemo
>not going thunderlords on electric mouse the game the champ
pay me
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>Lulu banned every single game
>not even Katarina matches her ban rate
Why do they ban her so much? It's a fucking utility support, what the fuck are you doing? You're wasting a ban on a role that doesn't matter (in a solo queue environment) and doesn't do any damage outside of laning phase!
Then they get fucked by a Fiora or a GP (the new Nasus of low/mid elo btw) or some other actually damaging champion, but hey, they banned Lulu, they totally won the game in the ban phase!
My head fucking hurts.

>get filled into support
>the only fun support is immediately banned
>have to pick some mage instead
I wish I still had my old account.
>not letting blitz hook so you can get a good ult in the middle of their team
sometimes you just gotta get away
Baron Von Underbeit
>getting fucked by a fiora or gp
>not even katarina
>only fun support
i wouldve guessed silver
>Camille starts schreeching like an autistic chimp that I won't stop farming for my second item on Kog and "come group" even though all they've been doing the last few minutes is sitting mid and getting picks
>Comes to the lane I froze perfectly in front of T2 and shoves it in
>She dies to a gank
>Lose because teammates keep forcing 4v4s when behind

Love this "just group" meme.
is a westerner ever gonna play in LCK?
>support doesn't matter
People are beginning to understand that it's still 20% of a team.
Deal with it.
i'll be there in a couple years, screencap this
probably not
we're not good enough to warrant a decrease in team communication
once they scout me
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Champs you'd like to play but just don't click with at all

yeah, i wasnt expecting too much sucy

definitly in the to watch list
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Is vi gay?
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i just dont get how
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No, you meme eater
Does it really matter if she is?
who is this autist?
tobias brain damaged autist fate
p sure anyway
A Sol, but thats true for many of us I'd guess

He explained why the settings and made a lot of sense
your picture
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Poppy Vi.png
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Both Poppy and Vi. I think me owning a Lollipoppy skin ever since it was released was a mistake because I'm not good with Poppy anymore...
>watching platobias

>Only bear cavalry has different effects, even if the ice doesn't fit some of the other skins
I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
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What does Lulu's cunny taste like?
what did gragas get for le dank updade?
she's only gay for caitlyn but probably has no problem taking the jayce dick
tbqh who would have a problem with that
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I wanna cuddle Jinx
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>lose promos because of two afks (one jungler and one mid) in a row
What is my fucking luck lads
who is this fluid druid
lmao this Sunfire gutting. They even nerfed Cinderhulk.
a lulufag
Could have just grouped
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Next time, more luck.
So how would /lolg/ feel about Riot publishing lore-related graphic novels? Because judging by some comment a Rioter left on the official boards, it sounds like we're getting that.
I don't give a shit about lore
At what point should I start unlocking Champions?
How many games do you guys play a day on Summoners Rift?

I wish I could just play a bunch of games in a row and get all my favorite champions high mastery, but usually after one or two summoners rift games I find it too stressful and just go back to fucking around in ARAM
Rek got gutted. Will get a rework soon

What does lulufag butthole taste like?
riot changes everything depending on who they hire. remember how morello hated heals? he left, and now every fucking thing heals. honestly theres no doubt in my mind that riot will do a lore reset again within the next 2 years
First official (not closet) futa champion when?
burble xDDDD
Why are they turning all male champs into cocky, arrogant asses? This Maokai voice update is awful, what the fuck, is nothing sacred?
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i dunno she would never fug me
Usually like 5 or 6 every day, the only thing I play anymore is ranked. I used to find SR ranked stressful too but I just spam brainless and overpowered picks for freelo nowadays. The only satisfaction I get from this game anymore is looking at my neato colored borders because despite this being a team-orientated vidya about 70% of people you run into seem to be mentally retarded in some way.
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>reinstall league after 1 year
>check my highest champion masteries
>lulu, gnar, elise

Holy shit, what a bitch faggot I was
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i don't play champs with ugly splash art
I mean someone else besides Vi and Soraka
Like a good bulge and the stuff
20% of the team with no gold, no damage and great utility but no communication and cooperation. Game changing. Why isn't Janna or Nami banned again? Or Sona with her disgusting win rate?

>m-muh pro bans
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lulu is my most played!!
I reinstalled yesterday too.Mines are tristana,bard,azir.Coincidentally two of them is dumpstered.
How do they work then? He must be using WSAD + ZC for something really important if that's how he has this set up.
What normal mages are good vs Zed/Yasuo? I used to play a long time ago and all the mid laners I like are trash now because of le outplay dashing out of skillshots.
Big Sword Bitch of Autistic Mains and Waifufags
annie, ahri
Orianna for bullying them

Why not?

Did you tell her you'd lick her butthole?
>no gold
Grossly exaggerated nowadays. Early seasons with only wards and tier 1 boots in someone's inventory was 'no gold.' A 1500ish gold tax early game and then buying whatever you want is pretty good in comparison.

I play literally ever other lane reliant hyper mobile burst fucker with animation cancels but not this fucker
I miss season 2 supporting.
Pretty sure Annie can't even go even with them in a vacuum, she's just a walking stun for her jungler.
I miss jewplank
>Hi all, it's Matteo Stronati, sound designer for Maokai! Like someone else explained already, in order to get the full VO experience with him, you are going to have to play him in game. Listening to a youtube video with his voice won't do it. That is because his voice signal modulates the volume of wood sounds in real time in game, so that voice and wood really feel like one. This approach, also means that his lines never sound the same, because every time a line plays, a different wood sound is picked to go with it, making the whole experience feel more organic. Hopefully you guys enjoy his new voice in game!
The wood sounds are still there, and I don't know if people liked a lot more of Mao's VA.
that's where you're wrong kiddo
Stacking HoGs was the shit.
I miss old GP in general. He was so fucking flexible.
Sadly I tried it. Some months ago I lost the matchup once and went to one of those vod channels on youtube, searched up that guy Annie Bot playing vs zeds.

I loaded up 4 videos and he got assfucked in all 4. Not the largest of sample sizes but I'd rather try something else.
makes sense
>plays **one** champion thousands of times
>still stuck in low diamond
>weird ass keybindings
>loved by 12 year old memers
true autism
I liked him when he was average 200 viewers or whatever
hey pussy lips, why does GA build out of bf sword?
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*hits level 6 early*
*dashes in*

Ay whiteboy

*blam blam*
*sidesteps skillshots*

We good?

*blam blam*

Know a good place to eat? got me some cravings

*Pierces your lights*
*blam blam*

Bringing my girl too

*blam blam*
*starts ulting*

Im fucking your sister

~enemy double kill
>Ay whiteboy
There's only like one white boy adc

Commit Suicide

>tfw like Vi
>tfw can play Vi

Feels good man.
recently heard about using attack move on a sidebutton on the mouse, does anyone here do this and recommend it?

I use it. It's alright for ADC. Best keybind to change is the "Focus Enemy Champions" bind. It's default key is `/¬ button next to the 1 on your keyboard (if ur a britbong) it'll focus Champions over Minions and Towers, allowing you effectively "click through" minions and towers to auto them.
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welcome to singed's fun house0.webm
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would this be helpful?
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>when the jungler comes to gank but you have a big minion wave next to you
I just realized how pointless utility champs are in low elo. Your team is fucking braindead. Might aswell pick Pantheon every single solo lane game.
>Aoe stuns are pointless in low elo
Do you know who the head of Bronzodia is?
To carry low elo games, you need to play a champ that can both crush your own lane and crush the other lanes
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Believe anon
Yea i was stuck in bronze for a while because I loved playing more utility based supports and tanks. Eventually I just got really pissed that my carries were always fucking retarded so I only played carry champs till I got to plat. It's retarded
I want to put lulu in a blender and let her go for a swirl.
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Praise the sun
>tfw you're at an elo where you can finally play tanks and your carries aren't apes
feels good man
AD Udyr feels pretty good right now. Shame they changed the way Turtle works now that he can finally build to make use from the Lifesteal tho.
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Officer Caitlyn 2.gif
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Stop right there, nigger!

You are under arrest.
this exists?
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> jungler locks yi
> top locks yasuo
> they both bicker with each other all game about which one is more useless to the team
only in KR challenger
i keep seeing meme skins for my mains and its making me want to spend the rp i set aside.
Ahri doesn't need any more skins.
Got a suggestion for what key to use for that? I have it on tilde and mouse4 right now but it's hard to get into habit of using.
She was everything to me... but they took her. And with her, they took my kindness and my mercy. That was their mistake. Because now, all I've got left is a cold heart. They thrive on doubt, they feast on fear. These wretched abominations blight this world, and every last one of them will perish. By my hand.

Name better login screen

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Was he right.png
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Sooo, the new chick is the love child of these two?
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Delete jhis.png
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>Name a better login screen
>Except this better login screen
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I don't know when the PD Yasuo bullcrap started but I want it to gone.
Neither does Yi but Riot doesn't seem to care.
Lucian is harder than Yi.
He isn't technically wrong but at least Lucian has to put thought into his dashes and aim some skillshots. And kite.
Water is wet
/lolg/ is good place for discu- oh snap!
Camille's is nice to listen and look at even if the champion itself is stupid and annoying in-game. Gives a "good indie game" vibe.
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>Bear Cavalry's effects and sfx looks like shit now
>no more ticking mines

I own the traditional and Bear cavalry, the changes made Jungle Waifu, MonHun and DnD looks good in comparison to Bear.

I can't decide between Jungle, Monhun and DnD, 2 of them has exposed midriffs with delicious abs drawn on them and the other one has cute elven ears that rides a lion.

I use m5/4 whichever one of the thumb buttons on the mouse is.

Some people use middle mouse for it.

Some people use Mouse 0/1 (depending on whatever your Left Click gets put under. Doesnt matter at all.) because what the hell is left click even used for besides click-casting your abilities and you shouldn't be doing that. Get used to Quick-Cast or Quick-Cast with Range Indicators. They just use Right Click as normal.
Camille came straight out of Dunwall my man.
Yi wants to talk shit about only doing basic attacks?


Yi is the most braindead champ in the game. He only has 1 active ability in his kit and it makes you untargetable. You can right click with Yi, and then go make yourself dinner and come back and win the game.

>Lucian has to use his skills in quick and rapid succession to be able to cancel his auto-animation while also being able to fire off both autos while also being able to consistently kite around a champion
>Yi presses R and Q's you if you're a squishy and he right clicks

Ya, he was wrong.

I don't even like Lucian or even play him but I know at least he has to do something with his abilities wew.
You ever noticed Lucian and Ez are usually meta at the same time?
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Jammin chao.gif
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So who is best birb?
Hot Topartridge?
Randy Pitchbirb?
Left clicking allows you to check the stats of something without walking towards it (which right clicking would do for you)
>no underworld green SFX for darkrider

Gankplank (both of them)
Tahm Kench
Welcome to planet urf
Aurelion Sol
Elementalist lux
and a couple others that i cant name right now
My man I agree with you there's too many good login screens
I love the puppers in Ivern's.
Skarl is also always a treat.
Warwick's login is pretty forgettable.
I fucking love Gangplank's the music is really cool in both. I have it in a playlist I listen to while playing.
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>mfw riot's music team
What's the WORST login though?

For me, probably a tie between Star Guardians and Draven Draven

I can't imagine how hyped people must have been for yasuo when he was first announced.

I got to be only one who likes the cyberpunk feeling of PROJECT themes.


Star Guardians definitely

oops forgot one
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Lissandra is best girl
Prove me wrong
Protip: you cant
I always loved Vel'koz
And fuk that guy jhin's is great


So how do Voidlings work? They seem to be really diverse biologically if you consider the champs. Also they always appear to be gluttonous in some sense, even if it isn't literally.
Wonder if we will get another voidling soon.
That login screen was great. I wish Mecha sion had chromas because I don't like it's colors that much. If that guy had classic Megatron colors I would be all over that.
>We will never get an animation in this style of Mecha Sion Zero fighting Battlecast Prime Cho'gath.
Is there more fair champion than Sion? All of his spells can be outplayed.

His design is flawless, he is super fun.

Ezreal should design more champions, all his champions are fun as fuck.
Fuck off avatarfag
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Lissy's used to be my go to champ when I'm forced to go mid.

All Freljord are best except Hitler, fuck Ice Hitler.
suits the champion then
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>not a single mention for Taliyah and Nami for their music

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Tidecaller is just so good

Is Reksai a slut?
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both of those remind me of GW2
too bad that game died
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>ie is ranged only
RIP Yasuo, GP, Trynda etc.

Maybe unique ranged passive but that's it.
>yasuo winrate drops from 50 to 45 %
i like you and your ideas anon
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is Boneclaw Shyvana considered as one of the Beast Hunters?
for the last time Lucian I DONT KNOW NO JOY LANE! I DONT KNOW JO-
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What would ultimate look like?
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Post cute art of your favorite champ.

>people still like the art of somebody who hasn't improved in X amount of years
>it's like enjoying B^Uckley's work, still.
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>they buffed aatrox
what were they thinking
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>unboxed mecha aatrox from a hextech
>know aatrox is ass but I like the skin
>finally dust it for dark star thresh

Still regret it tbhfamily
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they literally made all her skins significantly worse
how is this even possible
Fucking outplayed.
>it's Riot buffs champion 3 patches in row because Reddit cries he's weak until he becomes unstopabble meta cancer
yasuo and trynd get free crits already, up to 100% with just 2-3 items. do they ''deserve'' 50% more damage on every auto?

and yi and gp, pretty sure they can still do well without it
too bad you can't build him damage anymore though
you could literally remove GPs entire kit and he'd still be op, thats how fucking strong he is
Yi would but GP would be pretty bad, since his thing already is "shit in lane until you get your Trinity and IE
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>IE is removed
>two new BF/Crit items are introduced
>one is for Melee and the other is for Ranged

>Melee Version is MIRAGE BLADE from Black Market Brawlers(activate to teleport X distance away from your last hit target)

>Ranged version has old SWORD OF THE DIVINE active (100% AS and 100% crit for next 3 attacks)
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I miss low quality drawfag
Man then tell me what's up with the tank ""'update""" all 3 of those reworks look like shit.

I have a full folder, you want me to pic only one pic?
>tfw can listen to this seeing myself as a pirate singing chanties with my crewww yarr
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>tfw she's literally the first champion created

Guinso was a loli fag
Gankplank's are still some of the best songs in league history.
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Bilgewater in general was the moment Riot actually was creative and did shit.

>lore event check
>fun gamemode check
>cool update check
>great skins check
>map reskin check
Is Tobias fate the best gp in the world?
Remember when Renekton was garbage tier?

You don't? Well, that's because he was always awesome and people that don't main him literally have an IQ of 2.
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> fertile, thicc waifus
>shortstacks (except Lulu)

>everything else

I thought singed was first.
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Riot didnt like how only 2 tanks were ever actually played (Naut and Maokai. sometimes Zac if you needed a jungler in soloQ)
>Riot wants to rework some of the lesser played champions

>Maokai rework

is pure underwhelming trash. The ultimate moves slow as fuck and stops on the first person hit. its quite literally a WORSE Nami ult on a tank. Also his most impactful damage got moved to be more situational (only good against Brush face checkers) and basically he does the lowest damage and least amount of CC of all tanks now. Riot fucking gutted Maokai instead of just removing him from meta gently.

>Zac rework

is actually kinda fun. slamming two people together is funny and actually fits with the character. also his voice changes depending on his size now making him even funnier to play.

rework is disgusting in the right comp because she can deal 25% max hp on a 3 sec CD to anybody who gets melee attacked or w/e. clearly looking to be the most busted Tank of this update.

too bad its never happening again because >caringaboutlore XD fags and it not paying off.
he has a chill stream though
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bets? Guesses?
chosen master yi
Soulstealer vayne.
olaf shard
blackbelt udyr or assassin master yi.
I managed to roll 2 Candy King Ivern shards once, betting on Candy King Ivern
Lee, Annie, TF and singed, yes.
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ding ding ding!
2 minutes to go.
Reroll it for maximum butthurt.
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>that moment when we first heard gp's login song.
>That moment when he "died" and MF took his place and the song changed slightly
>That fucking moment when he came back and the song was more triumphant and exalting than ever.

No fucking way you lucky cunt.
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>Lucian is harder than yi
Oh ima laffin
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>thinking riot will give me a skin for a champ i own or play
>that time they disabled GP instead of doing what China did and made every GP use the ghost skin
I loved the narrator too
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Lucky you, my best box was this
w..who the hell ever said THAT?

I did

>Riot will never do event like this again with Anthony Burch aboard
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who else /prepared/
Same here but we buying one of them for each other with my friends to get the icon
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>Reasons why annie in wonderland is an 1820 rp skin
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the skeleton that is situated underneath the epidermis of my current opponent will cause the sharp edge of the poniard I use to cause people to become deceased by my hand will develop a particular craving for more.
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>cost 7800
>tfw only have 7100

I'm going to ban them until I own them.
>More dust when you get it as a shard.

Happened to me. I got the skin off a mystery box and then got the shard 3 fucking times.

Its like riot wanted me to become the next anniebot or something.
>Reasons why Nunu Bot is

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Unknown. I headcanon her as Bi. And she IS officially horny as fuck in any case.

Remember that officially acknowledging a character as gay has legal problems in Russia and Riot has been careful not to step in any issues that might piss off a particular country (Grave's Cigar, Skellies).
Why do we even have PBE
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who gives a shit about russia really, they're all playing dota and csgo
>flew too close to the sun
lucian is like the least auto attack based ADC after ezreal. He's basically an AD caster, without using your skills you wouldn't do shit.
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Riot has an office and competitive league there.
Everyone tries to avoid fucking with china, it's not really comparable. Any game that takes off in china is going to have a huge boost in playerbase.
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>said that seju skin wouldn't get greenish particles
>redditros called me wrong
>skin doesn't have particles

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what did they mean BY THIS
is taric top good?
new champs out
Oh goyim, we're running into problems with the IP gifting right now! Please wait until the 27th and try gifting this champion again!
riot is stupid, they are fixing it but it will probably take them hours
someone buy me sakura karma
> Use the fucking practice tool, or play bot matches.

Neither of those help if you want to try something off meta. Because neither of those adhere to the meta so you learn nothing. Do you even think about what you're writing?
Of course Taric is always top, Ez is usually the bot
post summ name
The Cigar thing isn't a China issue though.
I like Zac's new Q. It's way more interesting and dynamic than his old Q of just a tiny bit of extra damage and a weak slow

I'm really on the fence with his new ult. It looks like it has more utility than just the small knockback of the old one, but old Zac ult created so much goo to sustain in a teamfight and to cheese solo-dragon with.

The voice pitch modifier is stupid though
just play blind pick, blind pick is there to fuck around
Added :)
>3k ip

fuck my ass
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Which is once again, not at all what that poster suggested. They're stupid.
You can only recieve and give so many gifts in a week to supposedly cut down on scamming.
>God tier fishpeople
Tahm Kench, Fizz
>Shit Tier fishpeople
Riot said you can gift em to a friend for only 6300 IP and also get an icon in return.

Good thing I have 2 accounts, I'll gift Xayah to my dummy and my dummy would also gift Xayah to my main and I'll just buy Rakan.
Damn riot really gutted the fuck out of Maokai
Haven't given or recieved anything homie, this is just
His new ult is incredibly lame.
Someone buy me new champion
No. And that Jinx design is complete shit. It's totally ignoring the actual design inspiration of the line in favor of "caveman skin lol".
A worse version of Nami ult, and nami ult is shit anyway
The new Q rework is 100% based, clear upgrade. I wish they didn't touch his ulty. It was great for peel or smashing some nerd. If the pool is untargetable it might be good, but who knows.

Also I think the voice change depending on size fits.
>literally shitNamiUlt
>tfw had around 20k last week
>bought last 2 rune pages
>also bought useless trash runes because bored
fuck me too, left with 4.5k
He's probably a Jungle/Support now.
meant for >>174430741
That not even the worst part. Q cd went up, w is slow as fuck and way higher cd and less damage and less cc. Plus he's way less tanky now without his damage reduction. RIP in peace my friend
>maokais ult is changed so it is the same "creeping root" effect but it spawns multiple creeps from each wall nearest to an enemy champion in a large radius
which is good i guess, since he originally was played jungle until they put the %hp on w and made his ult stick on him
>allied support leona doesn't build sightstone
>goes for frozen mallet/iceboarn gauntlet/sorc shoes/mejai's
>this is in gold III

why does this happen?
>he doesnt know about the pro build
cute cat boys
clan name: yaoi
But have they? (And have they gotten it on their own?)
I doubt he will even make the cut in jungle. Hell sej and Zac far outclass him, not to mention how bad bulimic maokai would fuck him. I think it's ripo for treeman
wait, why the fuck are the new champs still disabled.
Because you're retarded and can't reopen your client.
did they get rid of the free ip/rp/chests at level 3/5? there's an absurd amount of conflicting info on the google so hard to tell
no big deal if they did id just rather save the tiny amount of points on getting garen if i can do so for free
I've been having mixed results with the Goat

How does one Goat.

Rush 45% cdr with support items then build a defensive item has been my plan and it seems correct.

Enemy team diving to get me seems to win fights even if I die.
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it looks fun as fuck
>im retarded because riot cant stream a download during play like every other company
W to the ew. lad
Honestly the ult seems like it can be good if used well, like from behind or from a flank, but the rest of his kit got gutted so hard it won't matter
they took away the free rp, you still get the chest.
Garen can be added to your account for free along with tristana and alistair if you message support saying "hey im having trouble getting the promotional skins"
I can gift the new champs if anyone wants them on EUW
weird, im level 5 now and dont have it. ah well ill do the latter thing or just get him with ip since from what i understand im on a different free rotation once i get to 6
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Someone gift me the sharkman Aatrox skin, I'm desperate. I'll gift you both Xayah and Rakan
>the girl is a fucking awful thresh
It's the one thing they've literally never fucked up. Their sound design is top notch.
yes plx
>New champions available
>Login screen didn't change
I guess Lee Sin's new skin is too good.
How can i tel you wont scam me?
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>implying the login screens are ever updated on time
>then next patch it'll change back to lee first
Reminds me of Nami having her login screen for like two days.
Didn't it change on release for Kench and New Plank and such?
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>Perks of owning every champion
Seriously, why does it do this? Every few patches, it'll switch to a login screen from before the last.
I dunno. I've asked for an Aatrox skin here before so you can tell that I really want it.
I have 0 use for this IP, I've changed my name like 4 times already. The only champs I don't have are ones I have 0 interest in playing and I already got all the usable runes.
Does LVOC work with the new client yet? I'm not going to be able to stand Xayah's dialogue as is.
Seems like a scam to me I wouldn't trust him
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>His voice changes based on his size

Why is she so hot on her splashart but ingame looks washed out?
>Made every GP use the ghost skin

Fucking kek
>Gangplank was disabled because he is dead
>shitload of players making support tickets to refund RP and IP for GP and his skins
>Rerolls not working

Who here #quittingthisgame?
I bought some new runes, set them in place, quit the game and forgot to save the page.
Now theyre gone.
I think?
had 78k ip stashed. Was going to do the same for boring bird Ahri, but gf gifted both of them to me so now the champ shards are just gathering dust.
Your runes aren't gone. Just the saved page.

Just have to do it over again.
>still stuck with le dark tone Summoner's Rift, white Rift, red Rift when we could be playing on Bilgewater and Void themed maps

small indie company
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Post ending in 7 with their ign gets gifted this guy, just want the icon
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[clappu sounds].gif
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i never knew how much fun i could have by doing dance spam with complete strangers as Xayah and Rakan
kek, that was cute
I already have rakan, no thanks
>1476 dmg to each tower on initial charge

thats actually game ending .

>Ace enemy team
>use rift herald
>Aram push all the way to inhib
>auto win the game
i fucking hate rakan
Is he that troublesome?
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Hey guys, rate my Jarvan rework:

Passive unchanged

Q: Whirling Strike
Jarvan delivers a spinning attack with his weapon, dealing 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+0.55) physical damage to all nearby enemies. Deals 35% extra damage and reduces Movement Speed by 16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32% for 3 seconds if they are struck by the blade.

W: Golden Aegis
Jarvan braces himself, increasing his Armor and Magic Resistance by 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 for 4 seconds, plus an additional 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 that decreases slowly over 2 seconds.

E: Impale
Jarvan impales target enemy and flips them over his shoulder, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.6) physical damage.

R: Cataclysmic Strike
Jarvan leaps to finish off target enemy champion, dealing 240 / 360 / 480 (+0.8) physical damage and restoring between 90 / 150 / 210 (+0.05% / 0.1% /0.15% Max HP * 30) and 240 / 400 / 650 (+0.05% / 0.1% / 0.15% max HP * 80) of his own Health depending on how much Health the target was missing (maximum healing when the target is missing 80% of its Health.)

Jarvan is now manaless

What do you think?
>Enemy firstpicks Rakan
>Take Xayah
>Same shit four lobbies in a row

wew lad
Is cinderhulk gonna be shit after the next patch? An hp item with no CDR, armor, or MR sounds fucking terrible. The burn does fuck all for damage and the % increase to bonus HP is only going to be worse after tank items all have less hp.
Co op matches do adhere to the meta. The practice tool is for testing certain builds. You are retarded.
no thanks
post your faces when
>maokai will be a support
>sejuani will be a top laner
>zac will be played support
>and the % increase to bonus HP is only going to be worse after tank items all have less hp

Not exactly. Since tanks will have more armor and mr any additional hp will count as more "effective hp". You'll get less hp, but it will take more damage to get through it. Since the effectiveness of buying armor and mr alone diminishes the hp is still very valuable.
i want him to seduce me
skill level order on rakan?
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>zac will be played support
>maokai will be a support
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These new champions are sure fun to play against :)
Maokai support is pretty fun already, but I don't get why they nerfed the sappling toss already. Only time it ever did much was when someone facechecks a bush of 8+, and that has nothing to do with the impact landing damage they took out.
Q>E>W probably. Maybe Q>W>E. Q scales both the damage and heal and is your early trading tool.
fuck's sake anon
you fucked it all up again
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its Literally Cerulean from Dawngate.

also you posted this from last thread faggot
if im lucky ill get a second chance. but dang did that get my noggin joggin
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>birbs are out
>people chimping out in champ select
Birds are lame.

rainbow log is my IGN though.
finally someone gets it

now I can rest in peace
Heal only scales with level, not skill points. But still does decent damage regardless.
you are literally shit. Like holy shit you actually were seeing how they play and still lost? Like, dude. Wow. How can anyone in the world manage that?
where is lulufag when you need him
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Lulu is the cutest! The CUTEST!
>already faced multiple streamers in my shit region
>my computer can't handle league and twitch at the same time so i can't ghost them
>still usually win
streamers always try the fanciest plays and don't think their game through
Send them to me I want that big boys cock ImThem
>why not just gapclose and E on aatrox
>to interrupt his gapcloser

Anon, are you okay?
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>seju top
just make a new thread already
fuck off faggot

I saw the EXACT same Idea pitched like 3 motnhs before you started posted that garbage every thread.

Next time try reddit if you want some imaginary points for an unoriginal idea
>max HP damage
>insane roam/TP gank potential with Q, ult and passive
>free kills top with jungle help thanks to crazy CC, making her good against ranged squishy matchups (quinn, jayce)
>reasonable waveclear
can't see it being bad
how long do i have to have someone as a friend to gift him something?
who are the most annoying heroes to fight? ive only really played the damacian man so far. i like being an annoying cunt
the guy who leaves behind poison got alot of salt from my teammates for some reason, since they kept chasing him instead of just letting him walk away and getting free farm
nothing else seems to make salt so far tho
I've posted it twice though

It's okay if you're mad because the game's fading from people's memory anon, I am upset too.
No time limit afaik, just need to be a certain level.
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>play aram
>nautilus won't swap with me
>forget i'm not nautilus
>wondering why my q won't work
>i deserve to be in arams
but we're both level 30
don't see him on gifting list
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Xayah's gameplay is pretty fucking good.
tfw i want rakan bc supp main but no ip/rp :(


except its not?
the devs are working on a similar MOBA game that will port all heroes. EA said its okay so long as they dont profit from it

god you are SUCH a cock mongler .

Move when ready
>top lane: buff man of demacia and spins, buff man of noxus and true damage, le samurai man of tornadoes and projectile blocking, hobo lady of numerous dashes and 100-0s, birb lady of blinds and roams, spartan man of spears that doesn't allow any fun
>jungle: le blind monk of skillful plays, boy and his yeti that also doesn't allow any fun, le tree friend
>mid: le samurai again, ninja of HAHAHAHA-splat, le fish dude of sharks and invulnerability, blood man of heals and damage amp, french lady of roams and balanced damage
Shad0w Wyvern
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I hope they don't change her lewd tunnels too much, maybe make them a little lewder would be okay
But they are.

Xayah is slightly less shit Kalista.

Rakan is fun.
>das puto asco fiora
Literally means
>you fucking suck fiora

Fiora is unbeatable if played well, you won't insta win if you don't know how to play her.

Start blue ALWAYS. Q mana cost is too high.
Do gromp, do wolves, do red then gank.
Lv 3 WW gank is so fucking good no shitter can stand.

Don't be a retard and build tank, not trinity meme nor botrk (maybe botrk as last item)
As a diver yourself you need resistances.
i dont know who most of these people are
you will find out soon enough
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