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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 769
Thread images: 220

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Angry c@ posters edition


>Hatching-tide Easter Event Info

>Callback Campaign

>Patch 3.56 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>New info on class changes for 4.0

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells
https://pastebin.com/raw/9vy76RKn (embed)

Last time on /xivg/: >>173601535 (do not click)
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i think im shadowbanned
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Xth for Stay pure.
I want to grope a femroe.
im afraid of everything and everyone
4chan would be a lot better if you had to register an IP under an invisible account system so that bans actually mattered.
I can see your neck, you harlot.
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nth for all cats and lalafell should be gassed
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I'm going to marry an elezen~!
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There you go. Much better.
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JESUS, you startled me!
Reminder that Elk is fucking Chemo and you should all blacklist him now.
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Things are scarier in your mind than they are in reality, don't give up before you started.
and suddenly you have a male character
You know there's another florida poster here, right?
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nah im not
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elk isnt the problem. ultrash is the problem, drakn is the problem, fuck off.
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So how do you all slide into the dm's?
Him being an insufferable fag is enough to blacklist him.
Hark is Chemo.
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Is there any place I can see FATE timers? I just hit 50 and are trying to unlock the first raid, as well as the Hildibrand quests, all requiring me to play specific FATE's
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Who is this vile culprit?
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Male characters are worse, no?
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Either either Hark or Elk at this point.
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The only thing I slide into is people's hearts.
And hopefully soon I can slide a katana into my stomach.
ten times more attractive than shrek at minimum, right there.
>forgetting Zayev
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where is the best fishing place to grind xp 50-60
he doesn't live in florida
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ive already started and ive gotten nowhere
Ultrash maybe. Drakn is far from the problem
Elk single handily shitposts more than everyone from ultrash
He is literally chemo
he's cancer, not chemo
You must have extremely long arms.
You look like a gothic chick that couldn't decide whether you wanted to look ugly and pale or draw hearts on yourself and pretend to be cute.
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Not really.
They don't call me Longman92 for nothing, kid.
Coerthas Western Highlands. There's a fander in Falcon's Nest that sells the bait and gathering gear you'll need.
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Is she cute? I kinda like her, but her colour scheme fucks me over in terms of available hair colours.
just play a midlander

Hopefully this will help.
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First I thirst on your girl
Then I make her do my paperwork

Bitches love dumb small tasks that aren't in the line of combat.
Looks like a midlander with scabies. Try another skin color that works with the scales.
>Literally just unlocked SCH
>Tell group I'm new to healing
>Tank proceeds to pull 6+ packs at once
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just turn on cleric and let your fairy do it??
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Maybe you need to reevaluate your situation and what you're doing then. Don't give up on everything, but don't be afraid to try new approaches. If you have any friends that understand your situation then maybe a new perspective will help
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Anon, I understand your frustration, but you really can't fuck up with SCH, no matter how bad you are. Summon fairy and spam your only available healing spell if things are REALLY bad.
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I'm a catshark in a tank.
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Wow, thanks. <3
CWH till like 56 I think, then do Mogpoms in the Churning Mists.
Newfag here and I just rolled a Thaumaturge on the Leviathan server.

What should I expect?
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>just got aero
By the time I noticed how badly he was getting assraped it was too late, finished the pull fine but that was still a bit much
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If you replace "lalafells" with "90 second intuition fishing windows" you pretty have me about five minutes ago when I was hitting the desk and rolling my face on my keyboard.
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>tfw you and your friends kick the shitters from expert roulette right before the lost boss
I've only done that once with a terrible tank. It was nice.
Why would you wait to the end of a dungeon run to boot yourself out?
Swiftcast if you haven't already gotten it
>Legit being this dumb
I feel sorry for you.

One thing for when you get some more skills, don't "save" shit like e4e and virus. Rouse too, which you won't get until the 40s iirc. I mean don't just use them randomly, use your judgment, but the combined effect of the fairy (esp with rouse up) with some mitigation is really strong so don't be afraid to throw them out on a trash pull.
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Anyone want to adopt?
I'm too grown man for kids.

Can't believe I let her put an egg inside me.
*Jet noises in the distance*
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That's what you get for not using protection.
I want to pump these two
>Just noticed his sword is all chipped and cracked.

That disappointed me. I hope thats just unique to him and we have alot more clean blades and not damaged shit to use.
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Hey man, save your pity. At least I cleared Sastasha NM.
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>more clean blades and not damaged shit to use.
I want to pump Corvus most of all!
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>people afk'ing with a12 weapons unsheathed they got post echo
You can always tell who the posers are.
chill out creepy cunt
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I haven't been here in months.
You guys are really on point.
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a friend of mine didn't think it was possible, so i tried to make something good out of every face, even the bad ones. obviously opinions are in play, here, also i tried not to have too much design repetition , though i ended up gravitating towards a few common elements...

thoughts? does anyone else like to mess around in the character creator?
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hyur > cat
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tfw got it pre echo
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Don't hate that I share bantz with them from time to time!
They all look ugly.
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where are the kittyboys
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Thanks for the input, here's your (You).
Old man roe with the scar looks cool, so does the tired bald highlander. nice job.
Who is this cutie and on what server?
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Amen to that, sistah.
We need more.
This person is living proof that dreams come true.
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Good Lord that Roe looks hideous.

Yeah, but only if they're well-made. It's easy to fuck up making Roes.
Gonna need more Roe Muscle-babes ASAP.
I want succ from the chocolate fem lizard.
They still have yet to marry one so technically the dream has yet to come true, no?
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Is DRG "hard" to play?
I know when you discuss anything related to difficulty on the internet everyone will say it's easy, despite the fact that they don't play it, but is it more difficult than other jobs?

I'm trying to decide what to main in SB and DRG seems the most interesting, though I fear it's going to get cucked now that its expansion is over
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>FFXIV's OST will never be good as Nier Automata's
Why sub/live...

Please replace Souken, he's past his prime.
it has the most punishing rotation if you fuck up
Chill the fuck out autist. That pink hair and lipstick and armor was a temporary joke for like 10 minutes.
Oh look, Proci's bored again.
you do realize just replacing the head composer doesn't magically make the ost better right
It's easy to play, and I'm a retard and a DRG main.

It's almost all muscle memory and some adaptation.
Well I got my marauder to 15 through POTD and god that was such a slog. This burns me out of the game faster than I thought it would
ultrash post
>X looks hideous
Looks like you're the only one who needs to chill here tbqh
It's not like Squenix gives Souken any actual direction. They probably just said "fuck it" and let him do whatever the fuck he wants. Look at Crotchirot's theme. Now imagine if the game had a composer that wasn't a hack.
what makes soken a hack, exactly? outside of not liking a song?
I don't really get it either. There were very few songs in HW that weren't good.
>what makes soken a hack
Now you're just being contrarian.
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oh dear lord.gif
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Well i am a ninja after all.
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can you give me the co-ordinates of the fishing spot?
i bet you'd call me a contrarian for saying 1.0 had fewer than 15 good songs, too.

contrarian doesn't just mean "people who disagree with you".
I'm looking at it and the extent of the difficulty seems to BotD management, but all that is is getting 3 GKs per BoTD, and 2 during BfB, right?
Maybe I'll wait and see with SAM
PoTD is not specially fast to level, its just easy and brainless. I'm pretty sure most people spam it and burn themselves out then wonder why. Just try to do different things dude, do a little dungeoning and even a little Levequesting
I think he's just memeing you.
No, I'd say "I agree" because I hate 1.0's OST for the most part.
Now quit being a contrarian and let the adults talk, kiddo.
But the VAST majority of players likes Soken, making the ones calling him a hack the contrarians.
Here's all the fishing spots in CWH. There's a vendor in Falcon's Nest that sells bait.


I also use this site if I'm having a hard time catching a particular fish.
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4 more classes to hit 30 before I decide if I should buy the game. None of the classes have really struck me as really fun to play which is sad since the game seems to be focused heavily on PvE/raiding.
I want to back Kiss into a corner then slowly tug their band-aid off then laugh at them.
No one cares about your blog dude.
>judging a job by its playstyle at level 30
you are stupid
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That's not acceptable, bully.
Please change your ways and consider joining the anti-bully association group on Steam.
None of them are fun sub 30
None of them are fun sub 50
Few of them are fun sub 60
They don't get even remotely fun until 50, some at 60.
Thats cause alot of classes are rather boring at 30. For example BLM is boring as fuck till you get fire 3 and its passive.

Granted thats a negative on Square for making them that lame for that long. But it still might be a reason one class hasnt grabbed you yet.
Essentially, yes. But as long as you realize and adapt to the mechanics of a fight, you can almost indefinitely shit out those Geirskoguls.

The fact that you're DPS also helps that very rarely will someone bitch at you for making a mistake once in a while, so you get time to get the hang of things. That's not an ok to be a shitter in runs, though.
So I have to level everything to max/near max to start enjoying the classes? wew lad the fuck
Don't forget the 21 second rule.
>"wtf why doesn't a job have all of its core mechanics present at level 1? wew lad this game sure is bonkers!"
>implying nobuo uematsu wouldn't DUMPSTER TRASHBAG SOUKEN BOOYAH
guild wars 2 has all the skills at low levels
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Like you wouldn't believe, but until then I'll have to keep my shoulders strong here.
I know this will make me sound like a FF14 drone but id rather have it that way then like it is in WoW or GW2 where you get everything really early and your doing the same shit for 40+levels.
And you're limited to what, 8?
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All better.
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Post cosplay
>scanko'te lover post
r u cosplaying a faggot?
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>M E N
>20 levels of spamming impulse drive
There are a lot of things to defend in regards to ffxiv but defending the extreme lack of abilities at early leveling is stupid. A lot of classes can't even function properly such as gladiator or are just absurdly boring to play. The early game is why there aren't that many people coming in. Can you imagine what a new player feels when they can't hold aggro in a dungeon as a gladiator or have only one button to press for hours on end? It's more triggering when none of your friends stay because they can't stand the early game. Saying "It gets better at level 60!", while true, doesn't fly with most people.
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Sadly, I have to agree with this. I've had friends come in and try the game, only to quit after the first 20 levels because of how dull and slow the classes feel.
1.0 was a wonderful world with no femroes, no catboys, no highlander females, high def feet.
Stop being so fucking weird and creepy for one day please
Of course. It's alright when cats do it. The XIVG double standard. Pathetic.

No it's not now stop being a creepy loser
At least there's no lalafell posts...
I don't know of anyone else who makes alts on other servers for the sole purpose of finding people's characters and posing for screenshots with them while they're AFK.
>gladiator can't even function properly

actually i'd argue that the state of Gladiator from 30-40 was probably the best teaching tool i could have gotten for learning to tank when i first started playing, and that Defiance and Grit being at 30 are more of a handicap for baddies than anything.
Yea, for people with COMMON SENSE.
Cute cats trying to find someone to date their cuter shy low self esteem Hyur friend.
Tanking as PLD in 30-40 isnt proper tanking though. Real tanking involves using more than flash and involves stance dancing.
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Cry for me, mortal.
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>Fallacy Fallacy
Your lack of self awareness is what disturbs me the most. People here are guilty of it, but you are probably the worst about it. Your character looks bad, your personality is bad, you have bad taste in games, and your always-on RP mode is horrifying.

I feel sorry for anyone that has one of your disgusting futa alts on their server. You're not only a blight on this shitty forum, but the game as a whole.
That's not arguing from a fallacy, you nitwit. Creepy catposters aren't okay, and neither is Shrek. I just crop his pictures because I found out it triggers him/you and I haven't found anyone else's kryptonite yet. Suck a fat one, you nonce.
Shut the fuck up you dumb autist, there is not a single person here who is not at least mildly annoyed by your posts, and if there is, that person is you replying to yourself. Just stop posting. You're a sociopath and need to seek professional help.
t. catposter
Fuck off, Mel.
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ultrash putting in that work
Keep shrek around. Seeing him make your autists this mad is hilarious.
>talking about yourself in third person
>ultrash goes in meltdown mode
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it's not fucking ok when anyone does it, you people all need help
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I've never been called Ultrash before. Is this what a villain feels like?
ok that cat is really cute
more pics please
I don't like the hair.
>it's cute because it's naked!
find the nearest tree and hang yourself
Classes aren't fun, jobs are. And even then they don't get particularly fun until later.

PLD isn't fun until 40
WAR is nonstop fun the moment you hit 52
MNK idunno its for shitters that can't comprehend other jobs
DRG gets fun once you get a few jump skills
BRD is fun at 50
NIN is fun once you get your last mudra at 45
BLM is fun at 44 when you get firestarter
SMN is fun at 60 because muh deathflare
WHM is fun once you get the upgrade to shroud of saints and shed the shackles of your mp issues
SCH is fun after you get Leeches at 40 because before that your only cleanse is Selene

Basically: you're judging way too soon. Watch some videos.
talking about the face and hair retard
don't forget:
AST never gets fun because you have to rely on stupid rng bullshit and people only take you raid because it's fotm
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I enjoy waiting 20+ minutes to advance story/content locked stuff until a tank and healer decides I am worthy enough to go!
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I left out the HW jobs because he's still trial but why not.

DRK is always fun
MCH is never fun
AST is fun if luck is on your side.
Are you on an Aether server?
>dont worry guys it gets fun 6 or 7 days in!
>WHM is fun once you get the upgrade to shroud of saints and shed the shackles of your mp issues
>shed the shackles of your mp issues
haah waaw
>full on autistic mode with shrek posts
>full on worship mode with generic nude cat post
No Bias here.

Yoshi said he was fine with how balance card is. In other words AST is the permanent meta in 4.0 unless they do something crazy.
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If you're on aether I'll run it unsynced for you.
idc about catposters, man. they're a dime a dozen at this point.
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alright /xivg/ tell doctor Lizerd what your problem is
Which is why we need maleposters
My foot itches.
They're right though.
Kill yourself.
I miss seeing him ;_; more please
Doctor L's resting bitchface.
Disagree with DRK
DRK is fun at 45 once you get Dark Arts, at which point it's 10/10
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ss (2017-04-11 at 05.31.28).jpg
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You look really nerdy.
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Hark a veggrant.jpg
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I'm gonna need an expert opinion on this one.
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It burns when I exist...
Sorry, I'm already seeing doctor Elf.
You mean an eggspert?
I didn't want to make it too obvious.
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You look ill-equipped for night time unless you're one of those people from the red light district
I want to be a degenerate with a female lizard but I'm on Gilgamesh.
Why are the EU servers so fucking dead at night
how does no one else play the fucking game during 2-8 am
seriously I have like 1 hour queues to everything it's ridiculous
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I play a male character. On Gilgamesh. With a male cat balmung alt.
There is a lot wrong there.
shoulda went to balmung
I've seen slutty cats.
I've seen slutty humans.

I have yet to see more than one or two slutty elves. My gf and I are gunna make two slutty female toons.

Can I get some ideas via pictures?
>unless you're one of those people from the red light district
That's every catposter.
Self aware male posters are the worst. The best boys are the ones who dont make a big deal about it. Just bee yourself.
>tfw closet degenerate on excali
t. uggo fem roe
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I recommend using cool water and some aloe vera for that

Have both of you tried shock therapy?
>who don't make a big deal about it
name them!
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Now I'm not pure, Levi c@, but I'm also not a red light district frequenter. I just dress up in slutty garments.
Shrek is more disgusting than the cat posters. Check your accusations fgt.
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You have my respect for that and I hear ya.

Nah but I shall queue up for Ramuh.
Paging Nysoph
Just post pics please

Need lewd girl elves
I think Ada made an imgur but I didn't save it.
It doesn't work....
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Just recently got into this game myself.
I just wanna say that for the amount of degeneracy that goes on in these threads and in-game, I'm surprised to find that so many of you are actually normies.
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Which skin colours look good on Raen? Brown looks ok, but i'm too much of a racist to play as a shitskin/tanned slut.

I like this dead bride look, but I feel like it's too generic.
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You're gonna end up catching a cold...
Creeps and aspies are the vocal minority. Sometimes there's a normie-ish person who posts here, but they usually go back to playing the game or don't pay much attention to the thread from what I've seen.

Tripcode user who's blood has been replaced by orange soda. He had a slutty elf for a while but fanta'd.
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Help me I'm an indecisive retard
MNK looks dull, SAMs an option too, really wish it shared gear with NIN or DRG instead to make my choice easier
According to the people I talk to, I have too many fetishes to be considered normie. Take that as you will.

I just want to see an female elezen in a short skirt. I can't decide between elezen midlander and kitty cat. They all seem pretty feminine in the best ways..

Can't get dragonas cause poor fag
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pale raen looks awful anon
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Chocolate lizards usually turn out very nicely. Pale/white is good too, or if you're feeling fantasy you can try the other skin tones. Green rarely looks good but it's doable, blue/grey/black can turn out nicely, go red if you want demon lizard. Au Ra is pretty flexible as far as skin tones go.
Just play around in character creator, make an alt, type in isearch for whatever short skirt you want to try on, and save it until you've built a good slutglam.
How difficult is tanking compared to dpsing or healing endgame?
It's better to look generic than to stand out by looking like shit
it's honestly easier in most fights
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Don't worry, my wardrobe is prepared for every occasion.
Sorry I'm such a newfag.

But can I just search for any gear in game to see what it looks like?
Tanking is generally easier, there are probably a few fights that are exceptions but I can't think of any
Hey really appreciate you and him dropping your tripcodes to dogpile on me. Was nice knowing how much you really cared
mel more like
Yeah just type in /isearch followed by the name of the item you're looking for and it'll link in your chat box for you to try on.
what about those fights that don't fall under most? i'm new and i wanna tank stuff but I don't want to let down everyone and having a bad tank is the worst right
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you're expected to dps as tank even when mt in this game. so you at least need o learn to hold aggro while not in tank stance
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So this is life now.

Is this the new norm or will I ever go back to regular quests and stuff?
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This is hard.
What are you implying? Are you queued for the dungeon or something? Yes it takes a long while as DPS. Do something productive during it.
Anon, that's a boy..
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It is, but it's also fun!
11s is my favourite fight in the tier by far. I hope you have as much fun with it as I did.
Good luck tallman!
>embed on a pastebin
you people think you're so fucking funny
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Let it be known that I had nothing to do with the shitshows of the last OPs since I gave up on enabling this den of iniquity after things regularly, if predictably, devolved in the most spectacular ways after I would make them and leave them alone for a few hours.
>tfw you remember when someone changed /d2g/'s pastebin to the entire script for Shrek and no one noticed it for weeks
The one in the OP was changed to the Bee movie script for a bit.
Sure, pale xaela look much better, but I wouldn't call pale raen awful

Thanks, I haven't tried some of these.

Sure, if there is no other option I'll just go for generic look.
Who updates the pastebin now-a-days? I need to talk to them to get some thing updated.
Update it yourself and post it in the thread for the next OP to edit into the header. Keep in mind that being a jackass and putting in disinfo is a dick move. What are you going to change?
They are baiting you and you took it.
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Watch out!
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>oh cute poncho I wonder how much it costs
All will be forgiven on Easter. Please wait for me.
I was going to update the Excalibur FC info.
Aight dude. Do the thing and post the updated version of the pastebin at around 740-ish posts so the next OP can grab it and paste it in.
If you're on Balmung i'll craft you an non-dyable one for free.
Tell that to ippiki lol.
just give me a paperbag then
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Learning with others is pretty cool. But it's so daunting, feel like I might give up on having Alexandrian for Stormblood.
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How was that related to the conversation about updating pastebins and OPs? Why are you like this?
>>Keep in mind that being a jackass and putting in disinfo is a dick move.
Just use upgraded shire. Alexander is a shit raid tier anyway. Complete it once for completion's sake then never touch it again.

also your character is incredibly ugly I don't understand how anyone can have such shit taste
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what is there to even do
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Post parses.
want to form a suicide pact
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idle and take nice screenshots
You'll get it, I believe! I think the hardest part for me to learn was Optical Sight... but after that most of the mechanics were fairly simple to learn I think. How far in have you made it?
Work on relics
gear other jobs
help friends
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>shadowanon trying to motivate me
Knock it off.
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>implying shrek will ever make it past a11

This is the same guy that refused to get upgraded shire because of some stupid RP reason despite it being his MAIN and plays daily. I feel bad for the people he's learning with as he is not very good at the game, either.
>one minute and 12 second turn around
titanfall memes are too pure for this place refrain from posting them here
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also stupid cause nobodys playin the game
All of my speed related memes are Viper except for that one sniperchan one. Speed is life.

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Viper's got you in the pipes. Five by five.
you could get thrown in fucking jail by a GM
It's the same shitposter who did the Osama and cropped hand edits.
That person doesn't even post here anymore you dense motherfucker.
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>tfw you get anxious about queuing for raids
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Just learned Optical Sight. We're trying to get to Limit Cut, that's the complicated part. But now we're tripping up on Optical Sight and Left Arm Sword is pissing me off. Tank has to jet, so that's it for t'night.
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>tfw you get anxious about absolutely everything
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please tell me that's all glamour and not what you're actuallythe gear you're using for a11s.

You be the judge.
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Post burly men.
Which race is the most ticklish?
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>240 weapon and proto-Alex gear

Fucking HOW, isn't MNK his main job? How can he not at the very least have have all of his BiS Augmented Shire and at least a 260 weapon at this point?
He does have a Sharpened.
That's the i260 relic weapon isn't it?
>sharpened relic
That's 260 man.
what a cute
Muh legion safe space.
Dark Arts is shitter bait to delete your fucking mana bar.

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I need some info

>Quit playing right when the second hand of Alexander came out (a5-8s)
>Was doing progression on A6S
>ilvl 233 WHM
>Quit playing
>Thinking about coming back

What would I have to do to "catch up" and be relevant in what ever raid is current? With my work schedule I know I won't be able to raid with a group but I would like to be able to pug on my off days and I just want to be somewhat relevant.

I was playing league of legends for the time away and that game has literally mind broken me and I can't fucking do it anymore
That's fine, but how come they haven't bought the shire monk chest? Isn't that good? Do they really do anything ingame?
It's treat others how they want to be treated you shit.
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How does somebody with severe social anxiety play this game?
I want to join an FC but I keep getting scared about applying and can't bring myself to do it. Please help.
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Bored, does anyone need help with anything? Aether.
Did not mean to quote, must have done it accidentally when I tabbed in. Please ignore.
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post more of that elezen
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Someone please respond.
What did she mean by this?
Probably a bad idea, but anyone want to make alts and chat? Not trying to erp
why not erp
You'd need to gear up a bit to do Creator Savage. But your ilvl is high enough to run creator normal for i250 pieces, and you can get i260 shire with tomestones and upgrade that to i270 with coins from Void Ark, Weeping City, and Dun Scaith.
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The newest raid tier (creator) is off lockout. So you can just gear up with tomes and pf it.
the general player base is pretty friendly in this game. more so than other mmos. smash dat apply button and just be nice and try your best to interact, and youll have awkward introvert friends in no time. speaking from experience.
don't reply to me ever again
Because stratos likes jerkin off with alts not erping, idiot
>alts just to talk
what's wrong with you
She wanted to watch you get publicly fondled and humiliated against your will

tfw no choco goddess ever [/spoiler]I dont even mimd if they have a gc anymore, I'll make myself like it for them [/spoiler]
Alright so:

>Spam Creator Normal
>Cap tombstones and get gear
>Do Raid Finder (VA) and get tokens (Not sure bout the other two)

Where do I unlock creator, weeping city and dun scaith. Also what about the new dungeons. I know I''m being lazy but I'm trying to get on this quick.
I just reached the "dungeon strip", those fine? I'll be ready in a little while.
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Who are all the Domans we have seen?

Yugiri Mistwalker, Oboro Moonrise, Gosetsu whatshisbutt, heavensward ninja quest dragon girl and her help, Oboros rival guy from those quests and the other couple guys in the ninja questline?
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Just close your eyes and do it. Be nice to people and maybe you'll make a friend or two.

I used to have social anxiety back when I played wow, but one day I said fuck it and joined a guild. I introduced myself to one person on a whim, and they ended up becoming my best friend for 10 years to this day.
Weeping City is a 24 man that continues the story from VA, and Dun Scaith is a 24man that continues and finishes the story from the first two. At the end of each you'll get a mhachi coin. VA and Weeping are uncapped, but you can only get one weekly from Dun Scaith, and it takes all three to get one shire upgrade item. In addition, the gear dropped in Dun Scaith is i260.

Creator is the next part of Alex, you unlock it where you unlocked the other levels. Weeping and Dun are in the sky pirate base which you can get to through sea of clouds, as for new dungeons I forget what all you're missing for expert. Probably some story and some side quests.

Define dungeon strip.
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why do they have stuff on their faces?
It's just frosting Anon. Don't ask too many questions.
I would assume cause it's anonomous
Also note that after you complete dun scaith once a gobbie in Idyllshire has a weekly quest that nets you a free i270 accessory.
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I don't see much frosting on either thing they made though...
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>tfw in a pretty poor mood and didn't get done what I wanted to get done so I'm just making extremely angry shitposts on /v/ because i have no other route of emotional release
but also cute
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Don't ask too many questions shiba poster
i'm so happy i won a bullpup from ex roulette and sold it for 1m!

Oh yea, she was the lady ninja from the nin story line.
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>tfw you had a really good day two days ago and you're still giddy about it
>dungeon strip
The string of dungeons you go to after airship access. I've already been to Sastasha.
>tfw every day is really good and you're always happy
You want them unsync'd? I'll run you through em real fast. Ready to go?
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>tfw no choco goddess ever [/spoiler]I dont even mimd if they have a gc anymore, I'll make myself like it for them [/spoiler]
nice spoiler
we'll get one one day anon
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>tfw everyday is suffering and you're struggling for reasons to keep on going but hide under the guise of a happy lad with no problems whatsoever
>tfw not happy and haven't been for a few days
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my life has been on an upward trend after I broke up with my ex
It feels like it can never happen...
>skipping experience
Not a good idea.
Keeping things bottled up isn't healthy anon.
what server are you on? I'd be happ too listen to what ails you if you wanna vent about things.
PotD is a thing.
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kill all sugi posters (emo victim anime vague posting)
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>tfw kana was the only joy in my life
>she's gone now
aa im okay tho hhahaa
kill all sugi posters (emo victim anime vague posting)
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do not sadpost with kanna
I'll think about it until I'm available.
why hide it
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because i don't have anybody that wouldn't shun me if i showed it
i just want friends
People don't like people who complain about their problems, interestingly enough.
I'd probably lose 99% of all my friends if they found out how much of a sad cunt I really am.
There's no point in it is there? No one is gonna help or probably even care so why bother?
I've kept every thing bottled up inside for 23 years. While I might be constantly tearing myself apart inside mentally, at least my friends don't have to deal with it.
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>enters thread
>expecting discussion about ffxiv
>all i see is fags being emo
wtf dead game
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Post good game memories!
kittyboy cummos
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Then I'll bring up a good question that was brought up yesterday:
What other DoH/DoL's could Yoshi pull out of his ass in the future? What could possibly work?
Enchanting Fucking WoW
Engineer that could make furnishings and maybe magitek mounts?
I really can't think of others that is not currently done to some degree in other classes. Excavations/archaeology with mining, some mechanical stuff is already craftable via smithing/goldsmithing.
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muh femroe buddy - 300+ images.png
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When we baited Optical Sight well.
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This is my fondest XIV memory! Though I was emotional at the moment
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I just came back to the game after a year of not playing. Is there a way to skip relic steps now? My BLM has the i210 but I play healers now adn would like to get my WHM relic (currently i100) and the AST relic (no progress).
madame, please, call me booth.
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My happy memory screenshots are a little embarrassing and only for me, can we post something else
Post it anyway
I just started this game today, I have no idea what your talking about
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Had a fun aether-queue with a bunch of ebins before I transferred to Balmung. I feel kinda bad that I've been here for almost a year now and I still haven't met 90% of these guys
Cool worthless bait then, bring your own fucking discussion dipshit. Or just cut the middleman and go to reddit.

Post it
im gonna use monk to be my new rp character kichichiro Yamiyama "The Sunderer" who fights with knuckles and has an offhand morning star he hails from the Doman province of Yanmestu and turned his back on the samurai when he found out they did some shit. after that he decided weapons were for weaklings and that he could only focus and rely on his body for strength. he trained as a monk but the ala mhigos were also dickweeds about his training so he invented his own form of chakra its called the 15th charka-ten fuse of mudra energy and opening charka from monk soulsstones

im on Balmung
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They still haven't said anything about new character customization or anything. I wonder if we'll even get some for Stormblood?

I feel like it's bound to happen since they are dropping PS3 support.
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I want to succ a fem lizard
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Ah my apologies.
Atm the game has 8 crafting classes and 3 gathering classes
Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist and Culinarian
Botanist, Miner and Fisher.
One question I have is: Is there anything that these professions cannot do and can it be feasibly turned into a new profession?

I doubt it. I would really like additional faces/skin tones/eye/eyebrow/jaw/facial options
Also you need to remember that the PS3 has its own cell architecture and dropping it does not necessarily mean they'll improve things. It could be them wanting to move away from it so they only need to develop for x86 platforms, aka ps4/PC
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These are dark times we're in, friend.
1.0 feet and ass models
I don't think they need to add a new profession to begin with. They should, however, expand on the existing ones, they partly did that in HW by making CRP not useless, which it was for most of ARR. They should also give DoL a soul specialization
>wanting to meet any of them
They're going to blame the servers next. I doubt we'll see any new changes to cc until SB is done.
I hope i'm wrong though.
Truly and mute are the only cool people in that party though
no ps3 support being dropped doesn't mean theyll spend the resources on cc
neither of those "people" are cool.
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>trusting the opinion of something who looks like THAT
it's like you've never looked in a mirror before
Truly is cool
Considering most of those people are shitposters from ultrash you should have been wise to avoid. Don't be surprised if you start to get shitposted randomly in the thread now that know of you posting.
Mado and Jeph arent from or in Ultrash
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I forgot about the BEST memory I have of this lovely game.
>tfw Christmas will never happen again...
truly is the least cool person i know
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>The heavy metal ingot  you put up for sale in the Ishgard markets has sold for 4,000 gil (after fees).
then you don't know him
They are associated with their key members, which is just as bad.
truly post
Trulys awesome
Didnt Mado get told to fuck off and basically shamed out of ultrash's discord
Not that I know of
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>ultrash hour
No, you can't skip. They've made the steps easier, or some of them, anyway. Idk I never make relics. Google it man there's detailed guides
how important are the leggings with the poncho
it doesnt matter because the poncho is a meme
That's like personal preference, my dude
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I was thinking of wearing this meme with some vectored pajama bottoms I got from POTD, and maybe some slippers.
They are good pants to have period.
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they seem to dye pretty well, I just wasnt sure if I wanted to make myself cashmere slops and instead just work on making more ponchos for people
well, was just looking for a bit of input if they were replaceable or something, but they dye nicely
slippers are fantastic
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Should I go with this design /vg/?
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Good, can I cum on her tits
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hey boys
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WTB ERP right now

I'm on Gilgamesh

m o m m y
post butt
I guess I'll take that as a yes.
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what a cuttie
this cat looks ugly in-game, irl, and on the inside.
Please stop posting things like that
post butte
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whos me?
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>tfw being NA on Odin
This lag is fucking unbearable. I'm only on this server because my friend's here but I'm really getting the urge to transfer.
What server should I transfer to and hopefully convince my friend to transfer with me?
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So, for the next expansion, Do you think they'll cull some of the splle sin this game to reduce skillbloat and make combat less cancerous?
its been confirmed and regurgitated everywhere this game is mentioned at least a hundred times
The next game posted is what I play instead of this trash game
nier automata
they already said they're doing that some here, but there's not really any serious reason to remove too much.

unlike shit games like ffxi, we don't need to have a Curaga V, VI and VII every expansion just to make our spells heal better.
Balmung or Gilgamesh for megaservers and people who never log off.
Excalibur, Hyperion and Leviathan for mid to high pop servers and normies.
why would the fact people dont log off affect them since they're transferring anyways
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Is Cactaur any good? I might transfer there.
TY I haven't been keeping up to date with this game for some time.
>huge buttsucking anime girl posting faglord
go to balmung please, your kind belongs there
Because it's the only thing that pops into my mind when I think of those two. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I dunno, desu. Supposed to be one of two mid to high pop servers on Aether.
How bad is stormblood looking?
Worth coming back to the game for?
we know as much about stormblood now as we did 6 months ago
It's Blue Mage, guys
take it back go on ill wait
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anyone want to sit together in awkward silence id rather not make conversation
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sure, come to my apartment
Can we make alts on mateus and sit by the crystal?
There isn't a whole lot for them to cut; if you don't like the way that combat works right now then you're not gonna like it any more in the expansion.

If you use it as often or less often than Featherfoot or Keen Flurry, it's probably getting pruned.
If it shares a cooldown with another skill, they're probably getting combined.

Past that, the only changes are likely to be the cross-class skills being replaced with the common skills, which is pretty unlikely to really shake anything up.
v qt
Is this meower single
which aetheryte?
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>nobody came
These aren't tears...
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Wish there were more sleeping poses. No one sleeps like this.
use /cpose you silly.
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it was a good day
reset in 8 minutes i cant contain myself
the faggoty one
how is a giant crystal supposed to be either gay or a bundle of sticks?
35 minute queue for a dungeon I have to clear for a main storyline quest. DPS is suffering.
either play at peak hours, get a tank/healer friend or get a higher lvl to just take you through the dungeon unsynced to unlock later quests.
Ugh, duh, I'm a goober.

I need to farm lore and even as a healer, it takes forever to find a group for ARF. Guess no one needs lore that much anymore?
people spam googly moogly hard mode now
Really? Guess I'll try that, then.
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*reads a book*
*puts gum between the pages*
read that, nerd
sluts dont read
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post more of the cat on the left
>not cutting the binding so it all falls apart when they pick it up
Cats can't read. This is why every book in Eorzea has pictures alongside the lettering. For dumb sluts like yourselves.
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Take that back...
why did you drop your trip?
Prove me wrong first, harlot.
Can you fuck off or at least put your trip back on?
Step away from my bf
>kiss forcing himself this hard
What happened?
He absorbed Amber and his poop fumes and became an even bigger shitposter
Are you on an Aether server? I'll tank/heal for you.
Good morning, nerd
I can't...
Good morning, anonymous!
Want to join me for a morning jog?
had a dream that RDM came out and I went into a dungeon but got kicked because I was really bad and they were saying "worst RDM ever"
I have dreams like that all the time
It's a prophecy.
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why does nobody do frontlines roulette? or is it because it's 2-5am
The time.
>tfw no aika gf
I'm feeling too lazy to do anything slightly productive
Balmung, right?
right cat is thicc!
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I don't know who you are, but.. do you want to hang out in-game and shoot the shit? That's anti-productive.
A9 normal anyone? Aether
d-do you wanna do anything ingame right now? I really want to play with you...
Wow qt
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1/0/2 first time bonus as well
>yet another generic cat
poor shana
would rather do a12 normal
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just got out of meme scaith probably gonna eat a snack and chill
trying to unlock my way there
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Dodos are cute.
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Any constructive criticism? I think she's very cute.
>blue eyed blond
Would breed with my black cock.

She's cute, don't worry about it.
needs a little makeup
how about brunette/blue eyed? balmung?
In the works.~ Are there sliders or is it just making a face from different pre-set pieces? Feel like I'm going to look very samey.
mumu yes!

Can I buy some Gyashl Greens from you?
pre-set pieces. midlanders so look very samey but theyre all cute.
Don't expect spoonfeeding but I just got this and would like to maybe go ranged caster.

Is there one to aim for / avoid or should I just try out a lot of things and see what feels right
Yeah of course. Five grams for a blowie, three for a handie, ten for buttstuff.

Thank you very much. I'm looking at the other races. Au Ra are only for ~exclusive pros~ I guess.
If you just want to be a wizard and blow things up with magic go BLM.
Everything in the game is good. Casters aren't really in the meta right now, but they aren't bad at all
Black mage is the besy anf nost fun but vg will tell you otherwise because moving out of an aoe is too hard for erping shitters.
Pets and DoTs: Summoner
Large cast bars and single gigantic numbers: Black Mage
"Support" and DoTs: Bard
Raw damage and dicerolls: Machinist

Yes the last two are casters. They're forced into having a cast bar after level 50 and there is effectively zero difference between them.

All classes are viable at endgame. Play what you want.

Except Paladin.
I'm not on balmung, and I'm a femc@
black cock was just a joke anon. Don't be so fucking thirsty.
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>exclusive pros
why must you do this ;-;
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>catgirl on balmung telling anyone not to be thirsty
>not expecting the mention of cock would attract attention in faggotville

Shame on you.
Any tornberry players here? I need to join a new FC, my recent FC is pretty unbearable
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Attempt 2. A spooky dark witch elf. Debating hair colour.

Y'know, hardcore pro-ass bitches that got that expansion pack.I don't have it because I'm a cuck-slut.
>reading comprehension
Say something funny.
>dark elf
Pick one.

>no expansion
You get a fantasia whenever you buy it still, iirc. So if you feel like trying lizard later you can for free.
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>just want to do casual pvp/pve and erp sometimes n between
>everyone I meet makes lots of promises when they know I want to erp but they never follow through
>never have time to do anything with me
>they stop talking to me after the initial meet and never initiate conversations
>I end up doing everything alone
>been playing this game since the beginning of HW
>all but 3 classes level 60
>own medium house in the mist on Balmung
>I have the house, the classes, all reps maxxed, lots of cute outfits, a desire to play and be degenerate
>thinking of quitting because I just can't find a good group of people to be part of the group, no friends who want to actually play the game, everyone I meet are flakes who don't follow-through
>pvp is abysmal
>there's no point in continuously grinding pve

I always get into arguments in linkshells and discords and I end up being a pariah of whatever community I try to enter...or I'm just flat out ignored whenever I speak or try to do anything. I'm finally at the end of the line, I have no more communities, discords, or linkshells left that I know of that I haven't left for the above reasons

Maybe its time I just start trying out other mmos, I've never had this problem with WoW, The Secret World, or Guild Wars 2 before, it just seems totally unique for me in this particular game
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Electric Boogaloo
My humour is dry as the earth's dirt itself
>wonder what killed them
>look at the floor in the background
>fucking deathgaze

How the fuck does anyone die to deathgaze now? You should all delete yourselves. Pathetic.
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bork bork i'm a dork knight
People got greedy on the last 2% and missed the blizz4. Shukuchi is a lifesaver!
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What FC are you in currently? Please don't say <TRAP>

I'd offer you a spot in mine but we login very seldom these days due to having fuck all to do.
ugly and bad at the game
Please could you use a trip?
Aldar? It looks like a fairly new FC, mind you I just started the game today
That's...actually hilarious.
When do daily quests and daily dungeon queue bonuses reset?
Could you?
a10n 2/0/4 aether
Huh... Never heard of it! Well, I have had buds in Veldt, Echo, and Genesis but party finder might be a good start. If they're actively recruiting they might have people logging in daily.
You and me both, sadly though my main is on another server, but PvE is so boring after getting savage on farm and I hate when shatter is the only thing popping for PvP.
I've resorted to leveling another alt since i'm just waiting for some stuff to do.
Can i check out your house on balmung though? I'm redoing my house and need ideas.
I could, but that was also my first post this thread
>afk in limsa all the time
>have 400hrs played according to steam
>still don't have a single job leveled to 60
>never start a conversation first
>still managed to find a good friend, attend a wedding of people I've never met before and befriend them afterwards, have sluts that are thirsty over me, fall in love with a cutie, and convince one guy that I'm actually a grill IRL

Just be friendly and less autistic and you'll have friends in no time.
>this candy ass faggot ain't never heard of elric melnibone
>convince one guy that I'm actually a grill IRL
>be less autistic

pot kettle black at this stage m8
warhammer dark elves are all pale
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It's time to dance with your friends.
yeah i remember reading that on autismspeaks.org, that autists on the spectrum are likely to convince people they're the opposite gender on MMORPGs. very prevalent and a common symptom of autism.
Being on autismspeaks.org is certainly correlated :^)
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>only read The Dreamthief's Daughter
Maybe I was reading it too quickly but that part where they're zipping across the continent or time? So weird.
I don't think autists would bother going to a website like that, autist
Well I'll take the expert's opinion
Sorry but I really don't want to give out my house on here

I'm futa too, but I'm just so bored of erp, all people want to do is erp and nothing else. They don't want to run roulettes or anything, just erp erp erp and if I don't want to erp? I get dropped like a bad habit, it sucks

I have a good friend, I'm fine with just having one really good friend, but I think if you just sit around and do nothing in the game and then convince people you are a female irl just to make friends, you aren't really someone I should be taking advice from, but thanks for the effort
>being empathetic and understanding how human emotions work is a sign of autism
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>tfw just another random nameless face in an FC full of hundreds of people
How does it feel like to have a close circle of friends in-game to emote and afk regularly with? I want to get involved more closely with people but my own FC moves so fast it's hard to actually stand-out and have people know me for longer than an hour.
>I'm futa too, but I'm just so bored of erp, all people want to do is erp and nothing else. They don't want to run roulettes or anything, just erp erp erp and if I don't want to erp? I get dropped like a bad habit, it sucks

Not that anon, but I think a mix is best, personally.

Why else even be on the game if all you're going to do is ERP. Could do that on a chat client for all it matters. Doing random junk, maybe even some tasteful teasing thrown in is great.
Sorry, I left to see a doctor about trivial matters. If you're still around we can do that, otherwise I'll just be developing intimacy with Gubal Hard some more
I'm still around.
1/2/3 for a10n with bonus if anyone is bored/alive
We can meet somewhere. I never expected you to post your info on this.
That isn't really what I was getting at, I mean doing actual stuff in the game, for example, I meet this male roe, complains no one wants to erp with roes, I am more than happy too and tease and talk to him back, reciprocate well, we get along, interested in the same things, but the conversation started by us both talking about doing potd

Then we talk about how we both like to do this weird practice where we do normal content and then RP about it afterwards like it was IC, so we can play the game and rp more easily, we both are into this...

But then nothing, I never hear from him on ever doing things, never wants to do anything but talk about erp, this happens every single time in one form or another. And again, when I try to reach out to communities, I always get into arguments and become socially excommunicated, or I try not to get into arguments and instead stay quiet, but then I never can talk to anyone, so eventually I just leave because there was no point in me being there
>I want people to do content with me and have occasional erp
>but I don't need friends
Hmmmm... :thinkainging:

>convince people you are a female irl just to make friends
>convince one guy
>one guy
>just to make friends
Reading comprehension much?

I'm just saying, that if you tone down your autism and stop having arguments with people all the time, they will hang out with you outside of erp.
I guess I should add that I'm just sitting in my apartment on Excal at Lily Hills Wing 1 room 82, ward 2, lavender beds, etc, if you wanna talk...
Saying I'm fine with having one really good friend doesn't mean I can't meet and try to befriend other people, the problem isn't that I know people, its that I'm having a unique problem on only 1 out of 4 of my mmorpgs in which I can't seem to even find a foundation to meet people, and the people I do manage to meet are flaky and don't really want to do anything

And I don't even mean to have arguments, sometimes its just by stating a plain opinion, like a week ago I was in a discord and expressed, "I wish there were more switch/verse in this game instead of everyone want to be either sub or dom"

Somehow this was interpreted as me being "hateful towards other members of the discord" and the admin of the discord made it a point to fillet me in front of everyone for being "unproductive", but I didn't even escalate, it just turned into me restating my original point over and over while the chat just exploded into people putting words in my mouth

Another time was in a linkshell when someone brought up the topic of jump potions and how FANTASTIC AND PERFECT they were going to be for the game, and all I said was that I think there are better ways to improve the leveling experience, and proposed a few ways...but then the whole linkshell just started insulting me and saying that I'm stupid for proposing other ideas and that jump potions were the only real solution

But in both of these situations, all I did was state a plain opinion, I didn't really add much in the case of the first, and in the 2nd its obvious I"d have to explain myself, but both times it turned into everyone attacking me and me ending up on the shit list in the community, so I felt forced to leave

But this happens constantly, so the only way for me to avoid arguments is to simply not talk at all, but obviously that isn't going to make me a part of the community either

Sorry but I'm really not interested in logging into the game right now
Sounds like you're just meeting a lot of assholes still want to see your house though :(
i want to kiss kanna's toes__
are you a weird femroe
>play my best doing everything optimally
>0 comms
>play lazy and make a bunch of mistakes
>3 comms

Its really nothing special its actually an FC house but I'm the defacto owner of the FC

Give me a meeting place and I'll give you a little tour if you want, I can login for that at least
Is it in the mist?
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me craftin
use your fortune to buy a fantasia and bring that perfect cat back
Yeah, meet me in front of the residential district, the actual entrance that's outside of it, not in Limsa or within the residential district itself
Hi. I'm trying this thing.


Attempting to makes Daddies and vikings or whatever, but when I've looked at a face for a while, especially if I made it, I lose all ability to judge it. Any of these good?
>play dps and do my rotation perfectly and avoid as much damage as possible
>0 coms
>play healer and give out a couple balances and dps if i feel like it
>2 coms
I know who you're are lol
I couldn't stop laughing as i was scrolling down them. They're all so great.
are you a lala? seems like a lala post (male)
Show me some thighlanders
Thanks! I think. I'm trying to pick one to make.
Make the male roe and be my daddy
That's the plan. Make a Daddy. Roe is tempting but I also like the old elves a lot. Catdad is rad as hell as well.
Not a fan of the hair colors and styles on the catdads
Nice house and talk to ya later?
Ideas? I'm open to everything, as long as it's Dad-y. Maybe grey?
Am I going to regret going ARC rather than THM for my first character or is the switching really simple
Sure, if we see each other around, I'm not sure if I'll take a break from the game for a while yet so I don't want to befriend someone and then leave the game for however long
It's very simple and you'll need Archer in order to unlock the advanced version of thaumaturge anyways (black mage)
Meant Arcanist, i'm a dummy.

But okay, if its really simple I guess it doesn't matter
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Wait a minute. Are you that highlander broad who got pissy about people hinting at intimate roleplay but would never fully dip into actual ERP?
Oh, well that's slightly different but not by much. It's really easy to swap classes, I think you can once you hit 20
Send me a friend request the next time you're on since i'm only playing this game.
Didn't you say night?
I don't think I said "night" but honestly I don't know at this point.
are you a lizard...
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Dark haired catdad.

Like this?
>the no xaela to do content with and erp occasionally
I hate this
I have a xaela.
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>Pam haircut

Try another one.
Any of you on EU?

Whats a good server? I chose Cerberus, seemed like a decent choice
I'm leveling it if you want to do content with it.
good choice
I hope the catgirl in Mor Dhona actually looks up and finds her carbuncle in Stormblood. She's been walking around in a circle for a really long time
I'm not on Balmung or I would. Rip.
are you on the data center? We can do dungeons :D
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wishing star.png
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Good girls don't puke during.

This one's got a falling star behind it. Make a wish!
Yeah, but I'm also a disgusting normie wage slave. What times are you usually on?
>Want to talk about the game but cant think of anything.

>Want to play the game but cant think of anything i want to do.

O..only 2 and a half months till SB...
Take more cute lewd screenshots.

I guess? Or just take a break from the game.
Can you macro emotes to work without log messages but keep them for everything else?
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ha allagan chest is best
yes, add motion after the emote, so /laugh motion, etc
Mostly late at night. Around this time. Want to help?
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>high allagan allagan
This cat doesn't look trustworthy.

/emote motion

Ehh i have the one gallery and thats well enough cause i cant think of where i would want to go for another.

Yeah i love it! Oddly enough though my favorite part of the chest is the collar area.
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sorry I slept for 2 hours...
I steal fat cats
grease x grease
Try Gridania somewhere, usually has nice scenery.

But yeah if you can't think of a reason to play. Just take a break for a bit! No reason to pay money. Game won't go anywhere
I work at this time, sorry...
well i'm heading to bed now, since i already got into my dungeon.
Sleep well, maybe later tonight if you are around...
are there any straight guys here with chill personalities on balmung. trans and gay/bi guys are too emotional to deal with
Normally i would let it lapse a little but im a couple months from the cloud vet outfit. And if im gonna get it eventually i might as well get it as soon as i can.
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er.. me?
I know there's a kittyboy under there, reveal thyself
>trans guys
You mean teen girls who spend too much time on tumblr and start to believe they too can become anime boys?
I wanna smooch a lalafell
maybe that's why the threads are so crazy, a lot of trans just come here
Maybe you should stop being such a stupid cunt first.
spotted the tranny/gay
dont know who you are so no
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No just calling you a stupid cunt because you're probably not all that well balanced yourself and think you deserve better after surrounding yourself with mentally ill men without taking responsibility for it. Fag hag.
go away fujo
I hope you're getting ready for your Stormblood training montage
Why do I have 2k less HP than another person of the same job despite being already 60 levels above the average item level in the dungeon's description? If I'm that ahead of the requirements wouldn't I at least be synced along with them?
settle down tranny
Bi but I consider myself fairly chill. You must have some lousy luck
which dungeon? they dont all sync
But that's actually a man...
cutscene meridianum
Smelly dry vagina
all male characters are fujos
Man i've been playing ARK so much I think my eyeballs are about to fall out, think I need the alex chestpiece to finish the set before SB. That, and needing to grind out antitower to get the Valerian mnk shirt again since giving it up for quick seals.
I thought amber killed himself, why does his ghost still post here
But I'm a guy ingame and in real life
wrong you're a fujo deal with it
Okay guys I'm back, decided to go a little crazy and make a male character. Has anything changed these last four months?
Well it's up to you, right now for me it's just a social simulator to be honest.
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>Has anything changed
Yes, males are banned.
You've missed patch 3.5 and so on so there's a big list but it won't take long to catch up
nice voicechanger
Thanks anon
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this is how kittyboys have fun
don't click that
Got 2 quick questions
1. Is there any way to get a cheap/free server transfer? Started playing with a group of IRL buddies and for whatever reason the first person to make a character chose a goddamn Jap server, which we're sure is why matchmaking is utter hell
2. Got an Aetherial weapon drop from a dungeon, but it's a good bit lower level than I am. Is there anything to really do with this since it's untradeable?
Nope. Really no way about it you gotta pay up to Square goyim
You can turn them in for seals at your grand company once you're able to do so.
Alright, thanks
click this

its not really the same because catboys are mangy animals with gross hair that has poop stuck in it
OwO leuke kattenjongen

Why do you look so angry
I spotted a filthy male
Male characters always look angry as fuck.
DId you look in the mirror you're a male dingus
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wtf how did this happen
delet this
delete this post
I'm pretty sure I can already craft better items than those I can buy with poetics. What else can I use these on?
It's ok...

excuse me why are you copying elk's character
*Flips you the bird*
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stage 4 autism
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As a low level dps should I be killing adds as they pop up in guildleves?

Or do I just let the tank hold them keep killing the boss?

What about at higher lvls?
don't forget catboys also have small barbed penises
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MSQ speedrun when

Pic related, I Seen What You Have Done There
Can whoever makes the next thread use this pastebin for the OP? It has small updates to the Excalibur FC that we want people to know about when coming over. Thank you in advance.
> < NOTE > This is FC has a small amount of members. Please put in an application stating you are from /v/ or /vg/.
> This is FC
> This is FC
> This is FC
Cool I get to yell at someone now, thanks.
I never noticed that when I copied the previous pastebin to include the update. Thanks whoever put our fc there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's fixed now.
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I'd filter you but you just have your EB shitpost for you, gutter trash.
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My EB never shit posted for me tho
Shut your faggot mouth along with your gashitpoo fruits fagbf.
stop feeding it you large faggot
do you need a hug anon?
Who even wears those

Are you black?
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Blood on your timbs.
Shoot you
Blood out chya limbs
tuu tuu.
Slaughter ya rims.
Ambidextrous yes I shoot with 2 hands.
This would be the person who educated me on a sweet film and irish names I feel.
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my own twin!
Can I get a quick rundown on Meria?
Two-faced dramawhore with many orbiters that fall for her act
>lion tail

silly goofball
I wonder who's going to stretch Meria's asshole until it rips first...
With their hands
Very bad post
Her boyfriend, duh.
>soot black dye scrubs
Every time I see anyone dye anything in soot black or snow white I know they're too poor to afford actual dyes so I never bother talking to them.

It's a good shitter tell.
>not Ink Blue
Get a load of this guy.
>not void blue
Should you kick people who join dungeons with broken gear
It feels rude but this guy has literally done zero damage the entire dungeon and he dies to every mechanic cause he has 2k hp
He's also french which I guess explains his retardation
fucking end your life
Of course
No, if you tolerate them then the tooth fairy will reward you for assisting someone with broken gear
When you brutal anal rape Meria so much that she needs to wear a diaper now. LOL!
You should kick ANYONE from duties that fucking sucks.
It's a troll, Kick.
excuse me why are you copying elk's character
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How much is the lore book on all these ebins ya guys talk 'bout?
>undyeable poverty glam welfare shitters
Move whenever.
Which edition you want senpai? 2.0 or 3.0? Theres a special right now on the deluxe edition, with bios on people who've been posting up to the recent patch.
I had a tank dressed like a ghost for dun scaith with around 12k hp and he wasn't kicked
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