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/svg/ - Shadowverse General

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Thread replies: 810
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Blood on suicide watch Edition

Official Website:

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Need Update

Tools for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: http://pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi

Bat'ed: >>172830671
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I want to be dommed by vampy
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Reminder that this is BY FAR the most busted card in TotG
L I T E R A L L Y uncounterable, once your opponent plops this bad girl down you might as well autoconcede
I fell for the frog meme, just FYI this >>172833656
is definitely not the deck
It gets shat on by everything
Does anyone have a working pepe deck or does it just suck?
what is sandbagging?
staying at lower tiers on purpose
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She's literally a viable Flame and Glass
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We must secure the existence of ____________
I didn't know Vampy-chan was this slutty.
salty milk and coins
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Don't bully Eris
This frog deck is anoying word even have a card that can't be destroyed
Oh, I see.
I could see how that would be useful for quests, achievements and to have more fun with meme decks.

Isn't it kind of odd how they don't completely reset ranks every so often? Not every month maybe, but every 3 months they should fully reset.
>2 PP give storm to any minion in the game
how did they think this was okay
what does anything in this picture have to do with being slutty
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You need evo and overflow to use it though. That's an expensive paywall.
>Spending 9pp and an evo point to deal 10 damage to face
Literally unheard of
Never seen before
She sends lewd pictures of herself to males.
Her attack animation is the best in the game.
The grind to master would have to be heavily reduced or a lot of people would be pissed
Except Dragon of today does not have any trouble keeping evolutions to late game given that they got Rahab and Sybl to stall with.
Dragoncraft that runs Zell is sure to have an evo point in the late game just like Albercraft keeps one for Albert
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Just drop it in the a folder under the steam directory.
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it's a deck that loses to any kind of haven, aggro shadow and any kind of dragon
it's pure garbage and you guys are only posting random single wins that you manage to get when you draw perfectly as can be seen by the lack of a winstreak
So nothing?
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Play gingercraft
How the FUCK do I survive SahaZell?

Is there a trick I'm missing?
>3 frontlines
Fuck, I only have 2.
Have you tried out wells?
Doesn't this die to mass removal unlike turn 9 do nothing ?
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>3 tests of strength in opening hand against control sword
>still win by using ToS with aegis
most painful death, i felt bad for Erika.
This guy also played Roland so i killed him by dealing 4 damage to the face every turn and reapplying ToS.
Does he actually ever get used apart from being a commander for EDH rainbow decks?
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>loses to dragon
Are you fucking retard?
Dragon is auto win for the frog deck, they can't do anything about it 99% of the time
If you cannot beat dragon as frog then fucking kill yourself
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At last! And now to lose interest of ranking up forever.
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cry more

playing with albert was like that right?
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is anyone hosting a tournament today?
if not someone should
Just go first and aggro bro.
>Loses to any kind of dragon

Thanks for showing that you know absolutely nothing about frog. Try out a deck before shittalking, it's extremely cheap too.
what a lewd rabbit
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So how's the Midrange Blood deck for with Meme Dealer? Will it save Blood?
Pepecraft is a t0 skill deck what are you talking about?
gratz anon. is this the test of aegis deck?

I have seen a Dragon deck Odin'd my well of destiny.
Dragon's is much more useful considering it can be used earlier and gives a full 4/4 rush follower along with it
>it's extremely cheap too
3x albert
3x lecia
3x front lines
possibly even 2x arriet

so cheap so wow
Post dick then, because I have indeed tried this version >>172833656
and it's irredeemable garbage.
It was easier with Albert, since turn 5-8 was dropping your 2 Alberts and other storm. Turn 9 was coup de grace if you managed to reduce him to 10 hp.

Zombie wards, lots of wards and fat wards fuck it harder though.
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>it's a "discard OTK with all 3 altered fates in your hand"-episode
Hey, give him a break. At least it's cheap for a swordfag. That's much the truth.
>crafted two sneks b/c memes
>unpacked a third

fuck. do I need three sneks or can I dust one? and has anyone played a decent deck with ginger? somehow I pulled two of her.
>1-5 against other mid shadows
>remove some late game cards for grimnirs to stop getting raped early
>still get rng fucked
panicking intensifies
anon I bet she wants your hosted /svg/ tournament looks like
the Elf race.
We will rise again.
Elf is the master race.
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Yes, the same deck that anon posted the past thread >>172821592

no well though?
Except for the part where they do it on turn fucking seven instead of nine
>he didn't open at least 2x albert last expansion
unluckshitters are such a joke
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keep talking i want to know how sword was honest with 54% of WR in a settled meta
You had 3 whole months and a shitload of free packs to get the 3 Alberts you fucking idiot.

Front lines is not required since well does a great job, 2x Lecia is enough and arriet is a one-of tech. 2 golds is not cheap?

Keep replying with memes from 300 a.c., that would make you smarter for sure.
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You'll need all three because the chance of the first wave of sneks dying is 99%.
That deck is my creation and I have no problem regularly beating master rank opponents with it.
If you cannot succeed with it, its your own fault.
If the deck wasn't viable I wouldn't be posting and bragging about it.
>turn 1 pass
>turn 2 oracle
>turn 3 rahab
>turn 4 aggro is kill

But just play aggro bro
>Tribunal rolls high and kills my Eachtar when dropped
>Opponent immediately D/Cs

Guess even his ISP thought that was bullshit.
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Fun when it works though. It's like Dragon Eggs ware made just for this deck.
i have 3x albert, 1x lecia, 1x front lines and 1x arriet

crafting 2-4 golds for a deck that's likely worse than albert sword doesn't look as a good idea when i need every single vial i can gather

and no i dont want to play it without at least 3 lecia
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I want tourny too
>but it's okay when I'm cancer that's abusing broken t1 netdecks
If you say so

>drop follower with storm, hit face
>repeat with nice curve
Shit was easy, but if you got controlled or outcurve by fellow Albertcraft, you're fucked hard.
>rahab killing aggro

I won against a 2 rahab opening after a ramp. Shitty dragon should go back to rehab.
I play frog with 1 albert, 2 front lines, 1 arriet, 0 lecia and I win a lot
>t5 salamander/sibyl/literally anything
>saha isfael
Fuck that match was brutal
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>this trash deck is good because I say so
ok shitter
good for you, but i dont want to play a deck with substitutes
Can you show the new otk discardragon deck?
>Open yet another Israfil in my alt account

Why is it always my alt that get all the good shit reeeeeeee
Unlike Aegis, this one actually would die to themis and necroass.
>I don't know how to pilot this deck so it's shit
I bet you also tought roaches were bad before they got popular.
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Sure was easy to counter Albert craft this is why they have ridiculous WR against everyone
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I want to be punished by vampy!!
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post commiecraft lists pls
If only Dragon could throw wards in front of it.
I work 3rd shift on weekends so I fucking always miss the saturday tourney
Hopefully an anon will host today
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>mfw someone complains about a card that will never ever get nerfed
Haven't tried Well
The main point of Frontlines is that it buffs frog 100% of the time
Well can whiff and buff palace fencers and such
>implying your crappy deck that needs an ambush follower to survive on board for multiple turns is in any way comparable to roach that does more damage from hand
Aegis is a bad card stop playing it
>B-but it's okay when dragon's in the exact same position according to statistics
>It's not abuse if it's a deck I play, shut up
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Use it wisely.
>Front lines is not required since well does a great job, 2x Lecia is enough and arriet is a one-of tech.

and what if you don't pull the well early?

the same about lecia and arriet, do you imagine them always at hand or what
Still pointless when you can tutor Azazel or Temptress instead.
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>Maah, this deck is bad because I cannot win with it!
ok shitter

For the record when this expansion started I fell back into AA1, because both my face dragon midrange blood deck was killed by this expansion and was not viable anymore.
Frog Sword singlehandedly pulled me back into AA2 with little effort, that alone proves that it is viable and not just a meme.
But, sure keep on spouting your nonsense that pepe isn't viable, while I go farm easy dragon wins.
just play control tarzan lol
3x eachtar 3x prince of skeletons 34x skeletons
>super dragon rahab ramp into oroboros
>block it with death's breadth
>t10 grimnir of fun
>playing a card game and not having all the cards you need

Heart of cards, anon.
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If only frog had removal and could burst out enough damage before they can drop the big followers...

You can win without amulets.
Azazel is worse than snakes
frogsword may be viable but that your deck is a trash version of it

not that anon btw
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>haven (cuck) drops aegis

Why is it so satisfying to play dshift?

You shit all over those lmaocontrol decks for days without using a single lego.
Azazel + Laura is the only good blood deck atm
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Why do dragon and haven players think they're suddenly chemo and god's gift to the world for netdecking around obviously broken cards?
When do they distribute end of the month packs?
Yeah anon dragon have 80% of WR against all decks in the game and is unstopabble impossible to win against.
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thank you comrades
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I want to bury my face in Magisa's Magisas.
That may be so, I didn't play Sword at all in ROB, so I had to craft cards for it. I always mentioned that my version was the poorfag version and that people should try improving it.
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That's the baseline I'm experimenting with.
I'm gonna try to fit some grimnirs, face damage and maybe another discard mechanic in there though.
The only dragon that ever gave me trouble played rahab and hipp on curve against my bricked hand with no 2 or 1pp followers which is incredibly unlucky considering over half the deck is made up of them.
Nobody cares friend

Stop posting anytime
Why swordbbs are always mad at the start of all expansion?

Where Yurius touch you ?
I got her awhile back how does she do? Is she worth the price to create more of?
Because that's obviously not a hyperbole and sword never had counters. One of which could certainly never be the second most popular craft, wheras dragon has much less bad matchups with obviously overvalued 2/5 wards and healing to stave off that tricky aggro
>That deck is my creation
Satancat made a similar deck early on. You either copied him or you're clearly not the only person on Earth who figured perma-ambush+buffs was semi-viable.
found the mad hag player

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>decide to swallow my pride and craft Aegis deck
>spends almost 10k vials on cards I'm missing
>Priest of Cudgel and option to craft it are missing
>haven "cuck" drops aegis
>test of strength on the board
>you can't attack them until your shift is over
>get fucked in the ass
I been playing this deck since Day 2 of the expansion, I have numerous versions in past threads as I improved it.
I don't know who Satancat is nor do I care, I always homebrew
>cygames literally said blood moon is broken
>everyone in /svg/ freaked out about blood is finally saved when they revealed blood moon
>blood is still trash with negative winrate
>still less playrate than rune

N-next expansion right?
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>no soulsquasher

Why not? I find myself still having enough shadow to fuel Phantom Howl and Mummy thanks to prince.
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>Craft communism shadow
>Nobody has enough board clears for this shit right?
>First game is vs dragon with 8 fucking board clears
It's a rare pull from the standard packs.
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>deck is bad because im a shitter and cant win with it

Basically this.
What the FUCK counters Storm Ramp Dragon?
>being THIS retarded
you should try learning how to play the game before crafting the first deck you hear about
you fucking retard, haven is fucking shit and aegis is only broken against idiots who don't know how to play around cards.
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>Mfw finding the source for this
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I play blood though, dragonfags are just obnoxious as hell with constant insinuation that netdecking into decks that have insane winrates and few to no back matchups is perfectly fine because of the pain and suffering of another counterable class having a 54% WR in a previous expansion
It was a limited time reward from an event a few months back, sorry man.
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How new are you at the game, and how far did you get at the single player missions?
>Playing without having completed Story mode
You are an idiot

Because muh Shadows. I'll consider it though.
>not posting the source
do it nigger
do the story m8
>bad matchups in RoB
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>Google it
>Priest of Cudgel is basic card gained from story mode
Cudgel only appears for truhaven player who stick with eris from standard.

Bandwagoners shouldnt bother desu
What's the new seraph deck?
I ran two copies of her, quickly replaced them with Wind Gods and started winning more, I'm aggro, I don't care about the enemy board state unless there's a big ward, and I've only killed about 1 ward with Squasher in my 20-odd games with her. Also the necromancy cost is too high for my liking, I need those shadows for Mummy and Howl. I'd reconsider her in a midrange deck, though.
>8 board clears vs 15 board floods

What seems to be the problem?
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What the fuck, this isn't the granblue thread
Sort of unrelated but I'm just starting thus game up. Complete all the story and elite NPC before going into PvP right?
Well makes an already working deck work stronger if you can get it out. Too many has brick risk, 2 is plenty.
Satancat did a frogsword video on the 31st. Please stop pretending you're a revolutionary deck builder like the Vampy Fort shitposter, unless you're the samefag.
Play the story mode for free cards and experience with each deck
Beat the practice match elite difficult AI for each leader for 1400 gold total
Open a private match room, put your user name in the 4chan post name field, make sure your sound is on and you can hear it
then post the match id Play 20 private matches without conceding to get 2000 gold
Look up budget deck lists and look over what you have and put together some crapass deck and play some ranked to get your dick wet
Play your take 2 arena tickets out for ~14 packs

From here it depends If you reliably went 3 wins 2 losses in arena, you'll want to turn your gold into arena tickets
to get +50-100% more of your value Keep updating a deck for each leader as you unpack cards and do every daily
Turn that gold into more tickets Log in daily for the login reward You should be getting 10-20 packs a weeks
Buy some DE and a few Baha packs at some point If you want, save up some gold for the Bahamut ticket arena reward event
at some point to rake in and clear out the cards you need from that set If you can't reliably 3-2,
do NOT buy tickets You'll just piss away your dosh and time. Or just buy straight packs cause you hate yourself

Don't liquefy your cards in general Between your welfare packs and the ez grab packs followed by all the added tickets and packs
from getting 3-5 wins per ticket you'll have enough for about 4 budget decks from liquefy extras that you glue together with
golds and silvers to do ranked Every week between cheevos, levelups, score rewards, dailies, and winning arena to double
your money to buy more tickets you'll get about 10-20 packs a week Within a month you can play knockoffs of about 12-ish decks
and have most of a couple good decks on rng Once you fill out most of your card pool the vials will start pouring in from
the extras From that experience you'll know what you want be able to craft from your liquefied extras while still being able to
play a bunch of budgets
OMG dragon is with 49% of WR and not bad matchups.

I want Albertcraft now!
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>Using her in Saha combo.
give me dickies~
>>bad matchups in RoB
Midrange was always weak to tempo rune, and aggro could be countered with a number of control options
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People are mad that they can't netdeck yet and their ability to think for themselves is not enough to get them a decent deck.
I tried your version and it's fine, obviously I changed stuff around like adding 2 more Alberts and putting in 2 more Lecia, but not everyone has the means to craft/owns all the cards.

Don't listen to that shitter, your deck is fine for how much it costs.
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Need concede onegai

don't fall for the frog meme
I actually had a similar problem when I wanted to add floral fencer to my deck
But you're a lesbian.
That 3 of them were Grimnir getting me down to 8 and 3 of them were lightning blast denying my skeletons
Aegis is a bad card

Stop playing it
Natural Order bait in legacy last I remember.
Remember, it's okay when MY class is broken
I DESERVE a 63% WR recompense for my 54% LR suffering
Fuck off Rowen, hold that L.
Are there really people who don't start this game by doing the story, killing all elite and elite2 AIs and THEN going into the "real" game?

What is wrong with you

>being a pve carebear casual cuck
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Is pedophilia wrong?
>reddit spacing
>being a retard on top of that
like pottery
Yeah dragon WR is abusive such 49% can't exist
>dragon is super strong now!
>still below 50% winrate

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This makes me moist.gif
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>Not getting all of the freebies possible before actually playing against people instead of going into the game unprepared.
Where's your source on that?
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I know right
because aggroshadow is cheaper and beats dragon
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Thanks Erika-chan!

>Call it commie craft and skeleton flooding
>No Death's Breath

When is gawain save sword from being dragon bait?
>Just the way you like it~!
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I'm not pretending that I'm a revolutionary or anything, I'm just saying that deck is my creation and I did not copy it from anyone, which is true, but its not like my deck is the only version floating around, there are lots of different pepe decks out there. I'm not claiming to have invented frogcraft just that particular deck.

I am someone who didn't get any fucking legendaries in TOG, couldn't make any fucking deck I wanted, so I looked to the cheapest shit I could make and created my budget original pepe deck as a result (pic related).
In the first place, I'm not autistic enough to watch shitty, retarded streamers play the game instead of playing the game on my own. Go kill yourself for watching streamers, /hsg/ cuck.
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tsk, trial by fire anon
Dragon is strong against the older decks.

Decks that stay with the times don't suffer as much. Hell, classic """"midrange"""" albertcraft that was spammed in the end of RoB cleans their asses with dragon's tears as long as they tech in fangblade and demonic strike to get past the lategame wards.
Nerf Aegis too 47% for haven is a crime
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>tfw a turn 5 Beetle Warrior is unironically an Albert

Just had a Haven concede to me because they didn't have Themis and their big 6 pp follower wasn't enough to kill it.

This is some good shit.
>make entire deck around finishing the game off at turn 6
>don't run Death's Breath
Gee, boss, I wonder why?
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>Running Death's Breath in a fucking aggro deck

That is a big fucking wombat what the fuck?
>pepe sword opponent
>t2 sword swing
>t3 frog
>t4 white general
>t5 cyclone blade
Good thing I topdecked phantom howl
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y-you d-didn't forget about her r-right /svg/? the m-march r-revolution was j-just a farce r-right? y-you're not all actually c-communists r-right?
What is this piece of shit deck?

Why use front lines with so many followers? You're going to buff people you don't want instead.

You just suck at deck building bro.
Which one of these is better?

Im saying the deck names you give it doesnt fit optimally compared to the cards out there

Its not real flood/commie craft if you dont actually use ur big flood cards from ur craft you dips.

At best that shit is Ukraine craft
No such thing yet.
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Thought on my homebrew (poverty) Cblood?
The one you've experimented with and find better to your liking, perhaps even make changes of your own.
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Isn't beetle guy 5/6 with storm at best? An evo ancient lion can easily clear remove him, plus he'd wipe fairies out.
Did you even read what I posted?
I wrote it down that was my first and original version of the frogcraft before I did any fine tuning.
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You should probably stop playing EZ Bake oven decks and develop actual strategies before you start calling other people's decks shit because you don't know how they function, you inbred monkey.
now show us each deck's individual winrate
I still don't have Cerb so I play Nep when I have shadow daylies, and it's surprisingly good, I can even beat dragonfags as long as they are retarded and fall for my lighting blast baits.

What new cards are usefull for Nep tho? Zombie party?
m8 anything in this game without ambush survive more than 1 turn ?

looks old and galretto seems shit desu
Test of strength? More like clay golem
So elf is lowest since least played or most lose?
It's the deck name /svg/ gives it.
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true grit.png
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Those were much earlier parses and don't show individual winrates
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Fuck off
Just fuck off you fucking shadownigger cunts
ME SKELETON ME GO FACE get fucked you fucking bitch
>you crafted two ouroboros, two israfils and two sibylls

Never fall for the dragon meme

>ramp dragon
>insane winrates
Yeah, nah. It's above 50% but not even the best one of the decks that are out there.
aggro shadow looks old as well. 1 or 2 new cards can make a huge difference
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I never fucking liked Nephthys, fuck that stupid card and everyone that played it. I'm tired of gimmick bullshit with Shadow and TotG finally gave the class some no-nonsense, solid cards instead of meme shit.

Try them out and see which one you like more, make your own changes as needed.
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Her name is Lou

Its short for ___
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And the end effect is the same as a Themis, an empty board, no big follower to eat up any future followers I put down, no wards, nothing stopping me from following it up with Roach/Guidance/Ancient Elf shenanigans.

It's good pressure.
Zombie party and death's ledger, maybe i'm forgetting something
holy shit, someone is actually playing forest
>0 evolves used
Is this in the gutter ranks or something?
acchi? kocchi? docchi desu?
You guys aren't claiming that everyone that uses dragon are dirt netdeckers?
Forest is STRONK.

Too bad is not autoplot and not comfy at all to play.
It is showing huge winrates against decks other than shadow
Problem is everyone is playing fucking shadow
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Is there some kind of up-to-date arena "tier list" for cards or guide as to what a good curve looks like at least?

I want to get better at it
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It's short for Best Girl
Good curve have a lot of 2pp

draft 2 average instead of 1 good and meh card
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you're right
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Post forest dicks, I'm bored of games taking 20 turns and want to play as a cute elf.
After playing aggro shadow for like 4 hours it still seems kinda bad
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That's a big Charlotte.
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That's a pretty nice animation!
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47204 concede please

>Her voice line aint updated on usamin

Any websites where there are updated voices uploaded?
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feels dragon.png
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No one can deny that her English line is better

"My name's Lou. It's short for... Lou" is better than "acchi, kocchi, docchi desu?"

Even I admit this and I use JP voices
thick charlotte
>skeletons within skeletons within skeletons within skeletons

>no meme shit

Nep won consistently, alot.
Shadskell bricks alot and is instant concede against haven.
It was just a tempo deck with cynthias and wind gods and the like, just with some sukunas, beetle warriors and goblin princesses thrown in there.
>Shadskell bricks alot and is instant concede against haven.
You have never played Aggro Shadow in ToG.
Where can I sign up for your blog?
How do I link an account with my PC if the game doesn't allow keyboard inputs?
Right here: *unzips dick*
>Shadow is insta concede against Haven
News at 11
>Nep won consistently, alot.
As did aggro
>Shadskell bricks a lot
No it fucking doesn't
>We added cards that will finally make blood a relevant class!
>CBlood is still as awful as ever and Vampy got thrown under a bus
What did Cygames mean by this?
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I pulled 2 animated lous and 3 normal ones from the packs, I vialed them all and made JO pendants with them, kys runeshits.
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I love Loli Soulsquasher!
Stop being a netdeck shitter good blood deck exist
>literally mention I don't use dub

learn to read
>says the tree nigger while hitting face
I'm fucking tired of Ouroboros

Nerf when
>Daria is fine just look at these graphs and winrates she loses to control blood bro
Remember when people LITERALLY said this?
I think the problem was lots of big cheap wards that 1/1s could do fuck all against.
>Blood on suicide watch

Did Blood Moon decks not work well after all despite expectatons?

Also, what happened between Gran and Vampy there
Is this a newer version of this >>172833656
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This is my chance to shill my Tempo Forest!


Angel of the Word is for skelly decks, against slower, less follower-intense decks switch it out for Goblin Mage or Ivy Spellbomb
>just themis it bro
>field of 4 skeletons into eachtar

>no dub
>Being this retarded
There is an option on top of the page in case you didn't see.
Nevermind, it seems like that was the first one.
Is there any fucking deck that has 100% win rate against retarded dragoncraft? Jesus fucking christ
every card is
>clear board
Choose any two

This is fucking retarded. I am so fucking tired of fucking rowen
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Charlotte is best milf
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>tfw you play Aegis against dragon
You are right, instead of actually going for the finisher I should have kept killing more and more and more skeletons just to end up dying anyway
Kill yourself my man
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ohh thought it was just the reading language

t-thanks anon
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frogsword 2.0.png
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First post is version 1.0, second is 3.0
Here is version 2.0 that was between them.
Frog's dub is so much superior to the jap original
We must go thicker
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No problem, didn't mean to be rude.
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Get fucking rekt shadowbab.
>dragon warrior into dragon warrior into dragon warrior
remind me why people thought cudgel was somehow worse than this?

every card that trades 2 for 1 is absolutely aggravating when going second
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Play Shadow which has a 58% winrate against it. Trust me, I'm a skeleton.
>tfw you dusted frontlines
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will we ever see her again
>call him retarded
>didn't mean to be rude
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Cuckgel doesn't trigger your last words.
No deck has 100% wr against another deck, but what you're looking for is frogsword. Maybe aggro shadow if frogsword is too memey for you.
cygames doesn't test or something

dragon ramp would be ok if dragon couldn't heal through literally any damage but OTK

haven is d.shift light being able to heal through everything with 4-5p drops and having like 4 really good board clears (themis, scripture, priest, and more). I tried playing Midrange blood vs haven and I literally run out of cards, Blood has no good creature cards vs haven right now, it's ridiculous

and finally, aggro shadow just murders you before you can do anything, although you can do something like imp - imp - grimnir, etc etc

Blood has some answers for shadow, but haven and dragon just annihilate it right now, you're stuck playing stupid memes decks otherwise
Gawain will be her savior.
Where's her tail?
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Buying any more packs is probably a waste, right?

if you have 1 arriet you have ~23% chance to draw her from first to 7th turn if you go first (assuming you never keep her on mulligan and always mulligan for 2 cards), 26% if you go second

41% and 45% for 2 copies

so, you see
I hope so
>100% win rate
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Pepe Nin.jpg
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<<<<<<<< Best Frog
The two times I went against that deck as Dragon they instantly conceded to Bahamut.
I thought he was shitposting because the option was obviously there.
That's why I said
>in case you didn't see
For swordshitters, just run the old aggro sword, it's much better than this new frog memery.
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shitposters are people too
I see, but games typically dont go past t6 and when ive needed arriet ive drawn her a few turns before or topdecked her, Maybe im just lucky.
>2x albert
>centaur vanguard
>princess vanguard

i would rather run satancat's
You won't fool me with your lies Rowen, enjoy the frogs destroying your 2 millions vial deck
They should finish you long before bahamut, ideally around at turn 6 or 7. They were probably using one of the shittier variations that brick a lot.
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Post your face when the Street Fighter collab is not just a bad dream, will actually happen and you'll see completely out of place shitty SF characters as leaders in the game soon

People just want to meme. I know that the old one is better but the feeling of having a pepe in your deck is just so good.
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>haven is dshift light
>heal through everything with 4-5p drops
>board clears scripture, priest
cygames knew exactly what they were doing with this whole skeleton business

such a simple tech card yet so effective
I've put in Sexton because of that shit, fucking Hag went to far.
Even with it, it's still a fucking 3pp board clear though.
Pepe is a great addition to old aggro sword though, I seen many people run it in them
I think we might have misunderstood eachtoher.
Is the one with Frontlines or Well of Destiny the newest one?
>tech card
that's not what that means
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>pull baha with saha
>give it storm with that 2/2 follower
>can't attack face because opponent has 3 followers
>they disconnect anyways
That could have gone badly.
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Shadowlog gave their first meta report post ToG.
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>being able to ramp to baha before being wrecked by multiple 3/2 2/4 3/3 buffed followers and a 8/7 frog on t6

He bricked.
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Can't be any worse than Latham
Cammy is actually going to be the best forest leader despite being shitty 3D
I keep running into haven players using shit like forbidden ritual and candelabra, presumably for the sole purpose of countering shadow
Good think I'm just running aggro blood so all it does is give me a free turn of hitting face
Well dragon achieved it's goal of getting over 50% winrate. Can it go back to being shit now?
>anything better than Arisa

The only craft that needs a better leader option is haven
>card games
>not wahling
>forbidden ritual isn't a tech card against aggro shadow
then what is it, my friend
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Literally who
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Wait, why is going first suddenly so strong? Did the madmen actually balance the game?
now that the leggo powercreep has hit the roof. is there hope for budget decks?
>60% win chance going first
I've been playing nothing but blood's strongest turn on curve boys with blood moon and I have no answers vs 90% of haven decks.

if you aren't playing a storm b.moon or laura/azazel deck you will lose against nearly any haven variant
pepe isn't that scary without cyclone blade...

oh, finally

sydoreco is such a mess of a site, and doesn't even work properly with google translate
B-but dragon has a sub-50% winrate! It has to! Albert is the real menace!

>Elf from the most played class when it all started to currently the least play class

The genocide is real boys.
>hey let's give dragon bahamut with storm
Pure aegis decks require only 2 legos.
What are you gonna do when she becomes a real card?
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>no salamander
>no saha/irasfil into Bahamut into grimnir

Yeah, he got fucked.
>going second in 2k17
Dragon actually wants to go first now. It's much better especially against aggro.
>elf over 50% win rate

How? Someone explain
How is Sword so low when it has frogs at least? What the fuck?
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I have the weirdest boner.gif
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>Street Fighter sucks fucking dick but it's the only fighting game that 99% of Americans either know or care about that isn't Smash.

Haven is the only craft where both leaders are actually good.

- Both of Forest's are shit
- Isabelle is kind of annoying but Erasmus is cool
- Rowen is bitchmade and Forte is cute but a huge dork
- Mordecai is fucking lame
- Vampy is just obnoxious, Urias is way better.
Shadow's had bahamut with storm since last expac
Arisa is bland.
Forest playrate is still 6.5% too high.
it has no tutor, what would you do if you don't draw any?
If I was sitting there just taking everything to the face I could potentially see that.
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>How? Someone explain
This japanese streamer had almost 75% win rate in master's over 150+ games. Wait a week or two and people will start to flock back to forest.
Tyrant is standard. It's also unreliable shit.
So what does the new Storm Haven list look like?
>Retarded bird man
How can someone have this much shit taste?

Vampy and Forte are the best
Luna, Mordecai and Rowen are all good.
Arisa, Urias are alright.

Really the only lame leaders are both of haven and Isabelle
Ignore totg statistics. The meta is rather volatile right now and Gawain release may be able to shake things up.
Arisa is the cutest character ever.
That webm is with the first iteration of the deck.

We can play the 'just unlucky and got fucked' game all day.
Tempo Forest is only three legos and five golds.
Awful taste
>it has no tutor
half the deck is literally card draw and tutor for card draw
Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
>going first is better

nice extra evolution point, 2ndbabs
Why do people hate Eris again?
She's cute. The only flaw is her dumb hat, otherwise she's perfect.
The fuck kind of deck is he playing? Also does he use some site to track his wins and losses or did someone else do that for him?
>Mordecai is fucking lame
>Both of Forest's are shit
worst fucking taste
We can also play the "just got lucky and won that one game" game all day
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Is it still pretty viable?
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scripture and cudgel are not board clears
haven is not a dshift
you can't outheal storm/combo damage from dragon or even aggro
elana is garbage this expan because bahamut still a thing and lightning blast is a thing.
don't know much about blood-haven matchup tho
>still no Gawain
Uh, shadowbabs?
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You can see her heart break when you dont kill the aiela so she can lightning blast your board next turn, so sad.
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Eris is an angel!
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>blood keeps getting solid tools without ever going over the top
>this means it's guaranteed to keep getting good cards for the foreseeable future
>meanwhile other overbuffed classes will get shat on
The best feel
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How common is it that the least played class has the highest winrate?

My experience is that most classes are the least played BECAUSE it's weak. That's how it works with every other game and class. But Forest seems like it actually rewards good gameplay. Otherwise it wouldn't be a full head about the other least played classes.
otk blood is autowin against aegis haven
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Eris is a hag!
>there are retards who still honestly believe Gawain is going to change ANYTHING
Forest is too difficult for most people.
Those are the only things he got right. Mordecai is terrible. The only people that willingly swap Luna are skeleton memers.
Guess I should star Catacombs huh.
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Eris is fun
>How can someone have this much shit taste?
>Really the only lame leaders are both of haven and Isabelle

the irony
Bad art. Same problem as Isabelle imo. Whoever drew those two can't into eyes and faces.
Pretty standard Roach + 2x Wolf/Bolt. Most notably from the new cards, he ran 3x Crystalia Aerin and 1x Elf Queen.
Frog is a fucking meme, it bricks too often and gets fucked by the most played classes' abundance of targetless board clears.
Beetle is literally albert and most players make the mistake of letting Sukuna live translates to 6/6 straight into their faces. Add to the fact that you have 3 different ways to end any given game (Warden, Silverbolt, Roach), and obscene ways to prolong them (I've pulled off 10+ heal with Queen pretty regularly) and you suddenly question why people are saying Elf is dead.

It remains as the true thinking man's craft, requiring understanding of the meta, resource management, the matchup and the most suitable wincon you should go for.
You can toss in a couple of Forbidden Rituals and have it completely viable against Aggro Shadow which is the most played deck i'm sure.
so you get the boner from the guy in the background and not the girl right
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Winged Patriot Garuda.png
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Fuck Moredecai, I hate that damn card and him as a leader by extension.
Yeah but then 40 other games happened that Ive won so I dont think thats right.

Its okay wallet dragon, it happens every expansion.
>There are retards who honestly believe Gawain is going to change NOTHING
shadow had abysmal winrate when it had current forest's play rate in DE, aggro shadow was barely scraping 50% if I remember correctly

but forest doesn't have a craft that hard counters them like shadow did back then
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Eris is uninteractive!
>no Zell into literally anything or Forte
He's not living his life correctly.
So basically roach face?
Frog is fucking trash. Your winconc get fucking killed by Orthrus/Tribunal/AoE. It's beyond me how people think that shit is actually good.
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not that guy but if it's that guy that i think he played this

i watched how he lost to pepe btw

so you enjoy playing as a girl right
>11pm PT
Speaking of Isabelle, Merlin leader fucking W H E N
It's amazing how Final Fantasy has given the world garudas and they ended up being so popular in many other games as well.
Dragon players try to stop us by dropping Rahab and Sybl, but it does not help them at all. We just cyclone or remove them and keep hitting face.
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poo in lou.png
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My name is Lou! It's short for....free vials!
Not SV related. I think you need to be bullied again shitposter.
>I have no idea what six drop commanders there are

I'm sure Otohimeme will become relevant because you can play her a turn earlier than usual.
Just remove the modified copy and have steam check the files for integrity and replace the missing file?
Right after Cerberus leader.
She's 17 y/o, she's just in best age
>not SV related
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you mean lou leader, right
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Get memed on shadowbabs.
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The boner is from the girl getting the shit beat out of her. Erika ryona when?

Garudas are from Hindu folklore you goober
Good, pure good girl.
Once all of the FotM poorfags hop off of Dragon the win ratio is going to go up and they can finally nerf it
>Next rank in: 323
>Next rank in: 438
>Next rank in: 724

I give up.
>I never played this deck and only saw people playing inferior versions of it
>But I'll talk shit about it anyway
>final fantasy invention

At least google that stuff before you say it, it's embarrassing.
Nobody like a dead fish in bed.
But that just brings her into the most contested slot

Why drop a 5pp otohime when you can drop a 4pp Albert or monika

When will we get Sophomore Lou and Senior Lou?
Why does Orthrus get different voice lines after evolving? She doesn't even change (unlike Lucifer or Sukuna for example)
How does aggro shadow deal with big wards?
Why is Lou so hot?
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>love Melvie's illustration
>love Nao's voice
>her effect is shit
You are fucking retarded.

Don't ever reply to me again.
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>It's amazing how Final Fantasy has given the world garudas

i really chuckled

likely the funniest thing i have read today
>Wasted a evolution point to play an Albert for four points on turn 5 instead of using that point on albert on turn five for five points

>play a turn 4(5)PP on turn 5

Deadmoon, DoD or concede.
That's clearly gbf, If you haven't noticed yet. That's as shit but not the same character.
And you think Bahamut is a dragon summon, not some universal fish too, right?
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i rather wonder why she wears multiple crosses, is she religious? no vaginal sex et cetera
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Garuda was invented by digimon pal.
This would make it very hard to hate rune though.
In fact it could make me a dirty rune playing degenerate.
You can play her in Dirtrune. At least she isn't completely unplayable.
Burglar emblem when?
Who said pure girl's going to bed?
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Religious means only vaginal in missionary position is allowed, anon
Drop reapers and ram everybody else into them while having them infused with skeletons.

this is too easy
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>discard OTK beats dickshift
What a time to be alive.
Burglar Leader when?
is it water fairy?

garuda was invented by roger zelazny :^)
there's always mating press

shit's pretty much hardcore missionary
I'd kill myself if I were you

Or you. Either way, kill your miserable selves.
>say something retarded
>I-I w-was just baiting.

It's not going to work. Nobody would even think about baiting with something so stupid, unless they did it unintentionally.
Great card in tempo rune, against slow decks.
Too bad tempo rune isn't that great and you can't play it against other aggro decks.
Hehe sure buddy
You are new to 4chan I see
...for shadow?
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>Venomous Pucewyrm came from Tarnished Grail
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Orthrus 2.jpg
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Has to make up for making her a goblin when her sister is a top-tier legendary.
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Candelabra is a good meme. Why I haven't seen anyone besides myself testing it? It makes all those delayed by 1 turn removals instant and they are pretty good as instant removals.
delet this
Weak shitpost, you forgot *tips medora*
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need to win a pm

It's ok anon, at least you've learned something new today.
>Aegis mirror
>you go second
I hate how this game is fucking rigged for me.
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>tfw conceding dragon mirrors because I actually get bored and don't want to play anymore
This is a first for me
>when the bait works even better than expected
>with a class that gets to late game earlier
>with a class with far more reach an options

Not every class should have the ability to do something like that. Not even Sword and Forest should be able to. It's just ANOTHER strong option for Dragon, a class that already does everything better than everyone else.
Seriously, though. What happened to going first vs going second?
>dragons in general
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>write jibberish

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Do I craft a 3rd one and join in with the memes?
I'll give another (you) since you are on a roll today
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>50 packs later
>no ToG legendaries still
>but I have 13 Grimmnir somehow
Fuck off
>aggro Vampire
I can only assume this is Snake OTK.
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Post chuuni
No, that's vengeance vampire.
Haha epic troll guiz :^)
nice to see not even aggro shadow with that winrate could surpass daria's playrate at the start of the rob
I got 4 Zeus and that's pretty much it

kill me
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Theres no one else id rather brick too.
For some reason, almost no one is running DoD or hard removal right now.
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>enemy leaves my Ourobors on table
>starts flooding the board thinking I'll have to trade
eat shit sword, you're no longer king of the arena
>top kek
>reddit spacing
2 Is enough memery, 3 is meme overload, might not win games.

I love mirrors don't know why shitters don't like to put some brain
Grimnir or
turn 3 Rahab
afterwards fucking sybil
saha luci

I just auto concede to healwardgon nowadays.
I love Sukuna and her big, fat tattas, she has won me so many games it's not even funny.
Then how do I win if I don't draw him?
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>be rank A2
>be on winstreak of 5
>as commie shadow
>get matched against AA3 player
>he's playing dragon
>he bricks so hard he only played 2 cards, dragon oracle and draconic fervor
Dumb dragon players, your own deck is fucking with you. Try not to put 15 cards that cost 8PP+ next time
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Guys, if anyone wanna try the "pick your opponent's deck" take 2 arena, join here!

gety rekt by a 50,9% deck
Like usual.

With skeletons and shit.
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i dont even.png
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likely they mean the real midrange though, aggro sword is around 53%

i wonder why face dragon has such a high winrate, it uses almost no new cards, doesn't it
>Running Rap Dragon
Is this the storm version with Genesis Dragons?
You go first, you win.
That deck dies to it's own draw more than anything.
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>reddit spacing

Stop trying to force this meme ive seen you use it atleast four times now, seperating your sentences from the green text isnt a reddit thing you mong.
Not him but of course it is, stupid frogtard
Are you talking about "running ramp dragon" ? It's not face dragon. It's ramp dragon focused on storm followers. Usually don't run SahaLuci and even Bahamut.
Forget mage Rowen, where are my priest Rowen memes?

Hey, I saw you in /hsg/ too. Have team 5 admitted that they stole rush?
Better star your Grimnirs, that shit is definitely going to get nerfed.
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Forest is actually pretty good to my surprise. Both tempo and wolfbolt are tier 1.5 at least. The current meta is anti midrange and combo friendly which is perfect for forest. It may change if Sword takes off when Gawain breaks out of jail.
Any Dragonbros here? Is Rahab essential, if I already have 3 Grimnir?
Post dick.
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Why cant I post a picture of a brick without people assuming this is common. Last game I bricked was last night, stop trying to hate on pepe.
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>Aerin has replaced Tia in pretty much every list.
The saddest.
vengeance vampire it's also likely those weird azazel and mary+soul dealer decks, and snake with belphegor

snake can be considered midrange too
Not a dragonfag, but when playing against them Rahab cockblocks me more often than Grimnir.
>lunacuck filling his entire side with buffed shit, almost spending his entire hand to do it
>lightning blast
>Humph, I'm leaving!
anyone have pepecraft deck that isnt too expensive?

Forest is perfectly fine for me too, but then if the game dragged too long everyone else will have their win con now. Last time I would only gurantee lost to sword in a long game, but now Haven, Dragon and even Shadow can fuck me up if I didn't draw answers in time.
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I think I might be a fucking genius guys
Standard case of wrong reportings. In actuality it's a decent amount lower and regular Ramp is a little higher.
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no, i am talking about face dragon that's off screen

im silly, sorry
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Not him go back2leddit and whine to them about it if they do it so much.
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Sorry, this week we held it on friday since i had stuff to do on saturday.

I can do one today around 2 or 3pm PT. No stream though, unless some kind streamanon shows up.
Does SV have a kind of "track your performance" tool or site like HS does?
What do you guys use to track your longterm percentages?
Mind posting a decklist?
I don't
The guy playing storm blood w/ Meme Dealer is on
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>CBlood as I know it is dead.

I guess I have to be snakelord now and finish games faster.
Feels bad.
I enjoyed my 20+ turn slugfests.
I don't have the vials+cards to play Dragon either.
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Could really go for an envybear stream rn.
What a brutal time for eurobros
I still use Tia in tempo. You can bounce Tia back and combo her again for 6/6 rush ward which is really useful for tempo in late game when you run out of resources. Wolfbolt has more otk cards so probably doesnt need Tia as much.
i would prefer a cheaper and less meme-y list
Go back to /r/Shadowverse faggot.
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>mfw chandelbara of prayers + this thing
Luna could only cast those 3 emotes, but I could feel the anger from miles away
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drown yourself in semen
we have.

can't find the link tho
I'm tempted to build it because I opened up 3 Belphs
how would you miss face dragon for ramp, face dragon doesn't ramp after all
Man I really regret crafting three snakes. I was so excited for Control Blood's new tools, but they got instantly kicked out of the meta by Haven and Dragon.

This Storm based deck seems fun, but extremely gimmicky. There's no way I'm going to craft the Soul Dealers for a meme deck that will be T3 by the end of next week. It's a shame because I have everything, but them.

Liking Control Blood is so frustrating. It barely even uses a lot of its tools anymore. I wanted a day where Bloody Mary was relevant. If she was a 5/4 instead of a 4/5, things would be completely different right now.
>game dragged on too long
Just Jungle Warden bro.

>mfw because of Luna the match up of Forest vs Haven become even less favourable

Fuck man.
I still prefer Tia in bolt. Aerin compared to Tia is 'do nothing' against control, unless played at 8+ turn. And compared to Fairy Beast against aggro shes fully countered by dod, only heals for 1 in this case.
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>watching subhuman trannies
B-But /svg/ said Shadow autowins against Haven.
>tfw u give yourself 50000 gold with cheat engine and buy a ton of packs
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that's hot
the scrub's guide to winning games: banner
Post link m8.
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>Guys look at my political views about transsexuals LOOK at them heh glad I redpilled you right??
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Z Moves.gif
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>Have a bunch of Skeletons on board
>Enemy Sword plays Quickblader and Cyclone Blade
I couldn't even get mad at that, shit was funny.
>not just giving yourself all the cards
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Storm Ramp Dragon is the version that doesn't run the Saha/Luci engine right?
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Are these the only classes being played right now?

There is not enough Jungle warden against 5 sneks

There is not enough Jungle warden against Aegis + Thermis

There is not enough Jungle warden against sword as usual

There is not enough Jungle warden against Baha + Blast

Rune and Shadows, depends on what they have, might work out.
Forest tempo runs out of cards so fast I doubt Tia can save it. I don't see the point of playing tempo when you can just play roach combo
shut the fuck up mentally ill faggot
Blood still has sneks.
Rune thinks they can counter Dragon.
Sword and Forest still think they will prevail.

Something like that.
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hi /pol/
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which of you guys send this?
plz be one of u
I thought storm overrides Bahas weakness?
aggro and face sword are doing fine
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Whining about trannies is not card games. Go back to the proper board on which such discussion is appropriate, fag.
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>/hsg/ invades because blizzard is shit and always has been
>redditers invading because 4chan is just better
>watching streams instead of playing games

>still no vagabond frog Pepe reaction image
Guy got a point. If you have any experience using CE, altering numbers like gold is easier than altering a specific integer (amount of a certain card) among a set (all cards). I think the game client has protection against that, though.

Still, if the madman did manage to hack his gold the numbers on his local client and the one in Cygames' server won't agree and that's grounds for a ban.
shut the fuck up mentally ill faggot
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>Tfw Atomeme is finally viable
I am worried, anons, I don't want Cygames to touch Atom or the frozen Mammoths.
But Baha's arithmomania kicks. He needs to make sure there are only one or less follower before he can go face.
I don't go to /pol/, it's Iiterally reddit. Trannies are still abominations.
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100% well adjusted female :^)
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No cats allowed
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funny picture friend
What is the Atomy list people are running? I've always wanted him to be strong.
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Tfw you give your pepe a cheeky fencer buff before dragon's sixth turn
>discord shitters are also trannies
Life must suck
Just Kaguya bro.
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>tfw getting a fuckhuge Aina against a skelington army
>There is not enough Jungle warden against 5 sneks
If they got sneks up at turn 6 you should already be winning. Blood Moon + Baphomet? That's at least two dead turns where they don't actually do anything.

>There is not enough Jungle warden against Aegis + Thermis
Aegis only comes up at turn 9, by then you should have gotten enough beetle/roach damage to face to survive a hit from Aegis and get 8 or 10 Warden damage to face turn 10.

>There is not enough Jungle warden against sword as usual
Sword is a joke rn I don't know what problem you're having with it. Maybe tech in Angel of the Word? Warden is a big ward on turn 5 besides they'll have trouble removing it especially if they have to waste a turn NOT developing a board instead.

>There is not enough Jungle warden against Baha + Blast
Jungle Warden is the best response to Baha if you haven't drawn your hard removal because it ensures they're not going to throw Forte or something worse in your face, they HAVE to Lightning Blast or use a second Bahamut.
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>touching two niche cards

Then again, I would like to see a tourney where atomeme is meta.
Why would you even watch someone stream it? Sv is so boring to watch. It is better to play it yourself. It is the exact opposite of hearthstone.
for the new ideas
I can only imagine how much a dragon's heart sinks when I play my shadow reaper as my fifth follower, and evolve him to keep him from being killed by breath
Not an argument.
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>forest is still literal-joke-tier
I watch jp stream because they keep creating new decks all the day.
post dick
You watch streamers that actually homebrew and explain his plays.

Then again, most might just enjoy watching some raging nerds for the salt.
You can still roach with tempo. It isnt exactly correct to call it tempo anymore since feena and gobu can tutor roach. Tempo is faster than wolfbolt on roach combo since wolfbolt may not run 3 feena and bricks more often. 5/6 Beetle warrior on turn 5 is a strong tempo play and set up for lethal for roach combo. Cynthia now is used more often as a bait but she can really surprise your opponent.
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Forest is sleeper good, but requires brain.
Rune is meme-tier. Daria is tier 3 and dirtrune's big guy is only good against DShift; otherwise it's atomy-tier.
Sword has the meme frog, but Gawain literally just become playable so just sit and see whether he can make commander sword great again.
Blood is tier 2. Turns out sacrificing turn 3 and 5 for sneks that can only trade for 1 when they finally hit board isn't such a good idea.
Don't ever use Vampy picture and reply to me, Libcuck.
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>mfw ramming that bahamut cock into the hags face
Where is your aegis now
Zell is a perfectly fine and balanced card

I think they need to nerf zell
This is ridicolous
You can't give a deck with this much healing and sustain and power such crazy burst
It is not, stop bitching.
Dude just play combo roach instead of relying on a turn 10 card.
I like to watch streamers on Nico who make their own decks, I usually watch this one Dragoncraft player to get ideas for my own decks.
wow thanks for the redpill XD net neutrality is for KEKS!

I never touch Feena for forest. I am still using the ancient DE version, just subbing some cards for the new beetle.
Between last night and this morning I finished a good Shadow deck and finished all the Elite 2 fights, and am sitting on 800 gold. I've poured all my daily and mission gold up until now on classic packs, and the only non-classic I've opened are the free packs given at each new expansion drop. Which of the two would be better to use the 800 gold on?
Zell will be nerfed to only be able to target Dragoncraft cards. Screencap this.
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shaodw vesre ladder.png
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Am I good yet got 13 place in the world
Holy shit. That deck actually working really well. I regret vialing my Dealer so much.
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>mfw on a 10 win streak with a shitty self made Forest deck

I am on A2 tho, so that might explain it's success.
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How can I improve this deck?

I'm thinking
-3 soul conversion and replace with skullcradles
+2-3 rabbit necros
-1 cerb
-1 phantom howl
-2 wind god
Maybe 1 more sould squasher and maybe I can fit sexton in their for utility against haven.
Are necroassassins and lurching corpses worth it to remove big wards?
>rune is Tier 3
>d shift only has 1 good match up right now
>daria is suddenly garbage due to powercreep
>dirt runes big guy is too easily countered
Thinking back, next to noone predicted this

A lot of anons where even
>"lmao daria is still going to shit all over the meta"
>"nice, 3 more months of albertcraft"
When we looked at the new cards
Post your legos. Standard has a very wide pool so it's unlikely to get what you want.
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Fuck, some anon lied to me then. Oh well, at least I didn't spend any vials on Saha. Ramp storm variant is working out for me great.
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>Play a deck that requires you surrender half your early game and autolose against skellies
You can't fool me Luna, I'll stick to my actually working deck that doesn't suicide against the current meta.

Recommend some niconico stream. Twitch streamers are all cancer (and I've tried them already).
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Some people like Elta, but it is very situational.
In-game friend system is fucking worthless anyway.
just have found it on reddit

baphomet on mastema and stolen life in aggro/midrange sounds interesting

Thoughts about Immortal Thane in commie shadow? I saw some lists run one, but i have been playing with 2 for a while, and they put good work in the deck. The only downide is that sometimes you brick, but i don't think a single more copies is that much worse.
Thanks anon.

Tornis was good when he streamed ranked, but he stopped playing or at least stopped streaming Shadowverse after reaching Masters
Feena is really really good against dragon and haven. Ideally all ep should be spent on feena so you can maximize your roach combo potential. Tempo play is still possible if the opportunity arises. Dragon esp now likes to horde ep for zell and let their guard down when they shouldnt.
>lose every game to aggro shadow as mid shadow
Somehow still climbed 500 points after all that
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What the fuck.
I had nothing. His brick must have been collosal.
literally how when you have death breath and more removal

But them EPM needs evo point too.
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t. Friendless anon
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>-1 cerb
>-1 phantom howl

>removing your wincon consistency
why would you do that
If its unranked he probaly couldnt be arsed to play against sword.
When Im trying to dirt rune meme I insta concede against all haven players because I know its no fun allowed.
>not fighting as well as you can in unranked and roping them when you are about to lose
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do i spend 50 dollars on shadowverse or the new hearthstone expansion
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Play Reno Wolfbolt it's the new meme
This expansion is cancer.
New cards are so powerful that its impossible to make fun meme decks without any craft besides sword wrecking you with insta rape shit.
That deck looks pretty fun, I'm gonna give it a shot.
play wolfbolt

does vagabond frog shows off his crotch?
it's lewd

btw shadowlog has a separate entry "frog sword", it's not a meme!
So you're trying to say those random japs that you've never spoken a worth with before are your "friends"?

You are wasting your own time too just so you know.
>Heh if you support SJWs you're fucking reddit
>You're also reddit if you hate SJWs HAH everyone who isn't me is reddit
I'm starting to think maybe you're worse than reddit.
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Are we in a one deck meta?
Feena gives you 1 0pp too.

Epm is not very useful now since the best use for her was to combo with tia on turn 5 but that is no longer a viable tempo play vs dragon since they will simply clear your board and heal back. Games go on a bit longer than they used to. 0pp fairies are not as necessary. It is good for comboing with beetle + roach on turn 5 for a 10hp burst vs aggro shadow though
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i cant grind for 3 legendaries per deck
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>Skeleton Nigga Squad
>Not fun
I have to get this gif remade with Skeletons and Rowen.

Spend it on this
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post ranked theme music for red army shadow
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>play wolfbolt
Why do you insist on making me abandon the deck I'm perfectly satisfied winning with consistently just to get a deck that gets run over by aggro Shadow? Shove off Luna! If I was your parents I'd be GLAD to be dead!
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Big Aina.jpg
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Aina is pretty good when facing other unga bunga players
Should I craft Elf Queen for Wolfbolt?
I hope your skeletons shat out more skeletons.
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Post three of a kinds.
>saha,zell+ ouro and forte
>aegis with haven core removal
3 deck meta
Any other deck is either a counter to these or sub 40% winrate
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Orthrus 104521020.png
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then do it, no one's stopping you

How triggered do dragoncucks get?
>draw right cards
>have bad draws
this is just a shitty luck simulator
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Is this even a meta? Its just, insert wincon, circus.
Those skeletons were shat out by other Skeletons. It was a pretty rough game, I did not prevail in the end, he had 2 HP remaining.
Your money, your choice. Personally I'd tell you to get some more bucks and buy Nier Automata. But if you're hurting to complete your card collection you can spend that 50 dollars on a prebuilt and the rest of the crystals on daily deals.
How do you build Aegis?
Lightning Blast
I had triple oracle today, but didn't screen it
>muh yoko taro

I'm going to craft a 3rd Atomeme now, you better not be fucking bullshiting me

To be honest I find it so frustrating to go first because I gimp EPM into my deck. Maybe I should finally sub in some Feena.
Not necessary, you dont have to use any ToG cards to make it work.
>btw shadowlog has a separate entry "frog sword", it's not a meme!
Where? Site is full chingchong
No she sucks 7 mana 4 4 is garbage and you usually heal for 10.
the new 6 mana gold is good though while faerie beast is always good.
Like every CCG.
It's not about playing, it's about building your deck right so you draw the right cards more often than the other guy. The actual gameplay only exists because there is no other way to judge who built the better deck.
There isn't only one way to do it
So many variations possible
The only thing they have in common is the aegis wincon and the 3*themis,cudgel,tribunal
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yeah that's why i don't usually do them on sunday.
we can try 1pm PT too


As usual min. 8 players are required to get this off the ground.

Shit, this dude actually does look like Trotsky
How many packs are we going to get for this maintenance?
Got his list? He opened it for like 2 seconds and then went right back into playing. I got 3 memedealers lying around and am missing pretty much only lauras and diab drains. Might craft them.

Need 8 more private matches, pls help
Elf queen is entirely optional. You need Aerin x2 at least. Jungle Warden x2 if you want to include him in your list.
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Based eggs.
You can safely liquify Pluto, Zinistra and Jeanne. Since you liked shadow it might be worth if to aim for a third Eachtar and another Atomy (which will enable you to play atomammoth and midrange).

Your Dragon and Blood collection is pretty nonexistent so if you want to work towards that you'd want to spend gold ToTG packs for useful dragon and blood legos.
i am pretty sure fairy beast is usually better

you can bounce elf beast too
>pull animated tia
>tia isn't played anymore
She doesnt make or break the deck but she has nice stats that trades well vs dragon when you most need it if you evolve her.
Do it fgt. It's fun.
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Slightly stronger Fairy Beast that can't be bounced. Optional. You'll live with just using fairy beast.
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para Storm Blood.jpg
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Here you go famalam
>allowing others to decide what you play

Sure. Let that donkey ride on you.
How do I join?
Why is Isabelle so obsessed over Kyle?
I thought people went back to Tia after the Gobu nerfs.
Queen is 6/6 which makes her the best follower in a wolfbolt deck besides a bufffed soccer mom. 8/8 kills all saha pulls except baha and zeus.
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fixed his eye
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also how to use it.png
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big dick
Try the link again, now it should work
i missed the check mark but you got the idea/
Is storm haven dead? Fucking Cygames giving 0 support..
is is just me or has shadowlog not updated yet?
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Is there a better feeling?
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You don't have to tell me why you run such a pleb deck Luna, but you'll have to eat those eggs.
Thanks senpai. But man I still need 7 golds. That's still 5.6k vials. I'll wait a few days to check how Gawain is performing and will then blow the rest of my vials.
Wolfbolt is just fine with beast or aerin. Queen is better in a Tempo deck that likely won't have many cards left by turn 7.
it's actually pretty strong right now

they didn't update their interface, when some anon posted they have the new data i manually typed 13 because it's for the 13th week

my screenshot has the address
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another day another dork.jpg
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here you go
Are there any Dark Jeanne decks yet?
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nah, it's the best
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>people praising frogsword are playing against decks like this
No wonder you guys think pepe is playable...
I just did the 1200 pack. Enough for two weeks of daily deals and Bison later.
This is your dog for today.
>not testing out stuff when meta is still fresh
Dark Jeanne was supposed to be their support I believe.
No, the card is garbage.
Storm Haven? They got that -1 CD amulet thing. Shit's great.
>kills your renos, dogs, mainyus, and birds
She makes more sense in gsun though, since they have tougher followers and with lion, jeanne and chalice have a fuckton of 2-damage aoes.
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>B rank
I'm not surprised.
What happened to save data deleter in the game files?
I can only play on mobile now.
Good bitches know their places.
Forest has lower winrate across the board when goes first. It is just fact. Feena helps you draw. In some situations bouncing gobu back and draw again may be optimal like vs control haven which has no offensive at all and is futile to try tempo.
The deck isn't bad, but you are forced to play it as if we were still in RoB because they didn't get shit.
The fact that aggro is less prevalent in this meta and that Ramp is a very common thing makes the deck much more viable.
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This is what people actually believe and then they get peped.

>last one was another pepecraft that drew better
Thanks for the info
>tfw you didn't vial your 2 Kaguyas, patiently waiting for the day the effect would actually be useful
That said it's still shitty design that there's one class-specific card in the entire game that counters it.
>b rank
it has 52% or so

also stop it, it got fucking candelabra
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storm haven with a pegasus kel finisher
Cards that Heal and do something else (or cards that give healing extra effects, see; elena) are fucking cancerous.

When will cygames fucking realize this? They gave dragon like 4 or 5 of these kinds of cards.

And what's funniest about these cards? Cygames said in an interview they "wanted to make the game faster"

When an aggro player concedes a game it's pretty fast tbqhdesu.
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>pepeshitter drops frog turn 2
>is only able to hit face once with it before it got Orthrus'd

damn, i wanted to make a webm how pepe into albert ruined my game today because simone a shit but for some reason exactly that replay is broken, all the other work

They said on an interview about TotG that they wanted to make the game slower.
kys aggrofag
>candelabra in aggro
It's worse than Dogma in nearly every situation. Candelabra was for Eidolon/Seraph decks.
>complaining about dealdelane and 50,9% WR dragon
is the prebuilt havencraft deck any good?
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pepe is 3pp
>play aggro blood against dragon

Thank god at least shadow aggro still manages to fuck up this absolutely retarded class.
I guess bitching like a 5 year old for two months does get mommy and daddy to give them what they want just so they'd shut up.
Might as well play competitive coin flipping if that's their idea of making the game faster.
we see your ranked score, it's 15575, also we see your red gem too

i mean i wouldn't point at it but you are blatantly lying

storm haven isnt aggro, it's midrange/tempo
It's the worst one, only get it if you want the Jeanne sleeve.
Haven decks are pretty cheap in general anyway.
>Might as well play competitive coin flipping
That's what this game has always been.
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Dear Discardbros.
Don't be afraid to drop dragonnewts to distract aggro cancer (they're literal removal b8).
>watching paraneko
>all those forestfuckers

So they finally came out from their hibernation?
Play OTK Blood if you want to win against all the Haven and Dragon players on ladder as Blood.
crying just like you are right now?
Dragon isn't even out of control. It can brick hard and not drawing any ramp can severely limit the deck. It's sitting around a 50% WR.
does he still play aggro blood?
>All the aggrofag tears
Serves you right you faggots. Hear the dragons roar.
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>drop Salamander Breath on Pepe the turn before evolve
When will you people learn to stop dropping other followers?
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luna purge.jpg
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luna is the chemo of this meta
25649 please concede.

If you rematch I will concede
>he thinks aggro gives a fuck about dragon

all dragon killed was midrange decks,
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What's your favourite craft /svg/?
Mine's Veggiecraft.
tutorial how to make these? is there a way to make them look good when you place them on the board? i fear i would get like their head cut off. Does animated look like crap?
you got me, ill go back to hearthstone now
dragoncraft or havencraft
pure waifu or dragonslut
What's a good discard decklist?
as an aggro player I pretty much need a perfect hand to beat dragon
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No, it's that dealer deck, and he is bricking badly with it.
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Thanks Forte!
>most played deck with highest win ratio
Nothing you do matters because lol turn 4 Salamander.
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this is what happens when you let it roam free
Jap streams are always so comfy
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Who thought Aegis taking 3 turns to win with AFTER turn 9 was a good idea? Is that why hes called Aegis? BECAUSE HE TAKES AGES
pure waifu
there there
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Forte is pure though
How do you beat Dragon jesus fuck.
They heal better than both Cblood and Haven combined.
I think you're a fucking fuckstain but pretty cool that luna man.
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tfw dragon has killed all midrange which allows me to play forest without getting raped by board flood.
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I just think the ideas behind the deck are stupid. I really like that they are trying to make use of the zeppelin card, but it's gimmicky and the best outcome is usually to get two wolves.

3PP 4/4 is great stat wise, but often times a dead draw. The deck seems to brick almost as much as a control deck might, and isn't as fast as an aggro deck.

Plus there is the issue of trying to be in Vengeance when people are using Forest, Frog Sword, and Aggro Shadow. All three of these decks can do massive damage in one turn. This Blood deck doesn't even run Revelation so it doesn't really have an answer to anything.
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>forte is pure
aegis haven consistently shits on dragon
surviving that long with that deck isn't terribly difficult unless you brick and it does well against certain popular decks.

Playing a lot of dragon lately and whenever I go up against aegis my chances of winning aren't the best unless I draw incredibly well.
pure whore I agree
Please respond

Reinstalling the game doesnt work either
>carrots and eggs
Cooking something serious
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Stop insulting the mighty Dork, or you will pay for it.
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>Japan has probably convinced hundreds of players to waste vials on Meme Dealers
I kinda wish we could have decks of only 1 and 2 cost cards like in MTG.
can you relink your device to your account?
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Just replace the pngs in the unity3d with the 1024x1024 image of your choice (has to be stretched from a 853x1024 for best effect).

The animated version looks bad due to the unmatching masks. That will take some time to figure it out.
>play dragon
>queue into 3 different aggro shadow
>switch to aggro shadow
>queue into haven
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I like mine.
>Yuito Kimura: The game will be a lot slower than now and it will take more turns to finish the game, so different cards will see more play compared to the current environment. When it comes to the moment when you actually manage to finish the game, the actual impact will be bigger, is what we’re expecting. And we have a couple of cards that utilise the class mechanics, like Necromancy and Vengeance, so it’ll be important to effectively use your class’ unique mechanics.

All according to plan, apparently.
nobody stops you :^)
how does aggro shadow actually beat dragon?
do you think the dork shaves

this is important
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My 5 slot is pretty starved
Should I swap Thanes for Gob Princesses?
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I think she does.
>get swarmed by turn 4
>lol just bahamut it bro xD
Make that slut 5pp and she's staple otherwise she isn't competing with general or Garuda
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Yeah, memes.
I didn't draw that second Altered Fate ;_;
any decent aggro deck can beat dragon if they don't get a good opener
Or just Salamander
By swarming the board, and burst with Cerb.
Dragon has literally no way of clearing Shadow's board efficiently.
Someone give me some frog meme deck please
Do I just not understand how to play aggro shadow because I can't "swarm" anything and half the time I end up with an empty board by turn 4 because I get outvalued or everything gets removed
You get swarmed and even if they try to counter with salamander they are greeted by a shit ton of skeletons.
And you still have the 11 damage cerb howl combo.
Salamander leaves behind tons of skelly
>draw salamander against aggro shadow

I thought I was going to make it out ok but my day got ruined by skellies
rahab into salamanders
If Saha summons a Storm card, can it hit face or does Storm get overriden to Rush by her effect?
who has better hentai, Eris or Farte
whats the source of the ghost pic? did you use the bordered card art from rage of bahamut?
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how will havenbabs ever recover

Decklist bro?
Saha > bahamut > zell evolve hits 13 to face
It's a ball to the wall aggro deck, and is the best bet for Blood right now. It doesn't brick as often as you think, you can reliably activate Vengeance on turn 4 and Drain/Vamp Kiss/the 1/4 ward are enough to buy you 1-2 extra turns to get some damage in.
What if she summons Gilgamesh or Zeus? Can they hit face like that?
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>that feel when you literally go second 9 times in a row
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Archived image for the deleted pixiv link from the artist. Unfortunately, this is the best I could find unless we could bug the artist for a higher definition.
lack of Eris hentai is extremely disappointing
Is the undub in the OP latest?
nope, i would rather play azazel otk leaving aside aggro blood
Azazel OTK bricks even harder than Aggro. Enemy play ward and you're simply fucked.
Just do it manually fuckface, it isn't that annoying.
Do you even run Catacomb?
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>tfw you will get 2 legendarys from the maintanance packs
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34869 help a brother out
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wait, envy is a dude?
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Have you ever seen a girl?
Thread posts: 810
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