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/bfg/ - Battlefield General

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Previous Thread: >>171579548

BF1's First DLC None Shall Pass is now released for Premium Users

Match 20th Update Patch Notes for CTE: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_live/comments/60j0zt/march_20th_update/

Personal/Global Stat Tracking: http://battlefieldtracker.com/
Weapon Stats: http://symthic.com/bf1-stats
Emblem Sharing: http://emblemsbf.com/

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: EU - Discord | NA -Mumble


Mumble server (VOIP and Text):
port: 64738

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Q: Community for consoles?
A: There's a community on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One called Battlefield General
Dead General
Ammo 2.0 is retarded.
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Post your top three weapons and face judgement.
>still playing this shit

>still being a turboshitter


>can easily fix the grenade spam by making the ammo pouches only give ammo (with the caveat that it will always replenish ammo to max capacity) and no gagdet ammo, while at the same time maybe giving the crate an incentive by adjusting the resupply timer
>instead do some convulted 1 step forward, 30 steps back change

sasuga DICE
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>inb4 that one anon who calls me autist hypocritically
Free for All when?
The Martini Henry will surpass the SMLE by tomorrow.

What if there was a gadget pouch?
That way good supports can dish out ammo and gadget resupplies and not use the faggot crossbow at the same time.
It's win-win.
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Forgot this.
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A-a-and done.
Dune-based melee-centric Action-RPG when? ;_;
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Post recent sessions if you dare
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Shoot at planes you shitters
Infantry can deal so much damage to strafing planefags
epic meme, infantry weapons are trash against planes

t. airchav, I always have a hearty laugh when some autist tries to spam me with a LMG and make sure he gets a nice little surprise on my next pass
No they can't.
They highest damage I've ever done to a plane on one of its runs is 50. usually its about 20 - 30. Once it passes you maintaining damage is so hard and it can get to points where it is just to far away for you to predict its movement or it is simply out of sight. And even doing about 30 damage they can verify easily heal and go back for another run, this time at you.

The best way to kill planes is by going the bomber killer. Fly up to them without shooting your main gun so they don't know your there. If you fire at them with your plane MG they start doing evasive semiquavers and it is way to hard to kill them. Fly up behind them stealthily so your almost touching and shoot your rockets, guaranteed kill.
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I haven't been doing to well this week.
Don't know why it says an hour ago because that was yesterday.
Been get packet loss all the time.
You are ONE GUY and you deal a third to half of its life
There are 31 more of you on the ground
If people weren't complete and utter shitters you had to buff plane health to high heavens
Yeah I also enjoy it when your lumbering ass makes a pass to get me, only for me to sidestep 2m and pump 50 more damage into your ass and render you useless
Yeah but that never works. The same thing could be said about shooting done stuff with stingers in old BF's.
It is a good idea, but getting it to happen is hard as fuck.
I play with only one guy most of the time, if we both go MG15 support we can straight up deny all the airspace around us, because we can single-handedly kill a plane that comes for an obvious strafe run
Two people, out of 32
Why are all the maps so fucking shit?
lol dead af
Because the design focus for maps was switched from gameplay-centric to visuals-centric
What are the most demanding settings in BF1 i wont to have 60 fps with as high graphics as possible.
>Been get packet loss all the time.
I had awful packet loss yesterday night, my ping was fine but everything was lagging all over the place
I chalked it up to my connection having an issue, is it a more widespread issue?
The others on the server were fine
What's your specs
hahaha stay mad, I shit on kids like you for breakfast.
Yeah its really weird.
For some reason some servers just give me like 1 - 4% packet loss which makes me rubber band everywhere.
Even when I have a good connection it happens and I don't know why.
The ironic thing is that Stingers had far more of an impact on helos than small arms ever will on Trench Fighters/Ground Support

Stingers force you to fly evasively, low to the ground so you risk getting exploded by a tank shell or dumbfire rocket, or flare/ECM. If you didn't, you not only ate 34 damage, but got engine disabled for an excruciatingly long time. One Stinger to a good helo pilot at least had the merit of being annoying and something that had to be dealt with

Small arms fire has no effect on planes other than dropping their HP, where they fly off and rep and come back. If they violently shook planes and destroyed their parts much easier, you bet everyone would have an incentive to shoot up aircraft more often. That's never going to happen though, since DICE's direction in this game is to make vehicles unstoppable farming machines that simultaneously pleases both bad casuals and vehicle autists

And then a pilot who isn't a dumbass realizes what you're trying to do, breaks away immediately and makes another pass 200m above and drops bombs on you again

Not everyone is a Support with MG15 Suppressive. What is the point of dealing damage to a plane when they can simply fly off and heal, and nobody else bothers to help most of the time?
gtx970 i5 [email protected] 8gb ram
There's not even need to fly low enough to take any significant damage from them. Trench Fighter can easily drop darts from halfway to the flight ceiling, where you take maybe 10 damage from infantry weapons during a pass.
Yeah that's true. A guy with a stinger could pretty much temporarily remove a heli from the game but it got its flares back.

I think AA needs to bully planes more. Even if the damage is shit they should make them get pushed around so people need to look out for htem and stuff.
>and makes another pass 200m above and drops bombs on you again
Good thing I'm not an immobile AA, then?
If I made a pilot focus all his efforts on me because I'm bothering him that much then I have essentially done my job of taking the plane out of the picture
>Not everyone is a Support with MG15 Suppressive.
Everyone but assault deals good damage to planes. A selbstlader medic can easily do 30 to a passing fighter or attack plane, for example, and a scout with good tracking can also easily deal 30 with regular bullets, and fuck their parts up with k-rounds
>What is the point of dealing damage to a plane when they can simply fly off and heal
See above, essentially removing the plane from the picture. I fly a lot, and the difference between shitter teams and teams that actually bother too look at the sky is remarkable. I have way more downtime in the latter situation, and I'm constantly down life so I'm easy food to other fighters, AA and such
This is an actual issue, the trench fighter would be balanced if he didn't have his sniping scope. It feels silly to be able to nuke AA from outside his range
post your battlefieldtracker, it's so obvious that you're some sub 1 KD shitter theorylord who gets cucked all game long
You'll be limited by your cpu before the gpu gets bothered much, I'd wager
I got a I5 4690k @ 4,4 ghz and it caps out at times
My gpu is a shitty r9 280 and I'm running on medium preset with plenty of headroom, I could probably run high preset most of the time
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Try again faggotron
Most people are so resigned .to planes farming them that they don't even bother with the simplest countermeasures
>56% win rate
>2.5 k/d
Are you a vehicle fag by chance?
Did your eyes stop tracking after the top third of the picture or something
My playtimes per kit are right there
Yeah sorry I wasn't reading it.
Your just a sniper fag.
Probably sits up hills grinding kills instead of capping objectives and winning games.
No, I'm actually constantly PTFO'ing with my m95 occupying the #1 spot on my team
Hillniggers get fuckall score and you can see mine right there
Are you done with the baseless ad hominem assumptions and bother with the actual argument now?
I'm not even the plane guy from before I just think your winrate sucks ass and doesn't really ad up with your high KD. How can you get so many kills but still lose so many games?
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>2.48 kdr, doesn't show infantry kdr
>56.90% win ratio
>Top classes are hillnigger and airchav

This is a fucking joke right
Oh and you can also clearly see how I have experience from both perspectives, plane and infantry, which allows me to make informed statements
The difference between being able to make uncontested straferuns and getting lit up whenever I come within 100m of the mob is striking, and I can clearly see the amount of damage I deal with small arms to planes when on the ground

Why are you racist, OP? That girl has to be black, OP. What are you doing, OP?! Didn't you know there were mainly black people deciding WW1 for us?
By having such a high influence that the game always balances me into the losing team on the next round, and not leaving games that are already lost when I joined them, which averages out the winrate
Any shitter mongrel can obtain a 100% w/l by leaving lost games before they end, because the stats are then voided
>I'm always on the shit team
I dunno that sounds pretty dumb.

But I didn't know that leaving games wasn't a loss. I'm going to do it more often.
>>I'm always on the shit team
That is not at all what I said what the fuck
Is this general really filled with stupid people who have nothing worthwhile to say, with the fine exception of >>171927936
>Winrate is meaningless
Well that's it then. There is no way of being able to judge people anymore. K/D is easily grind able and someone can have a high K/D and no actual use on the game.

Someone can leave games and negate win rate decreases.
BTR is shit and useless.

And doesn't Battlefield tracker only compare you to people that went onto the tracker website anyway?

What do we measure peoples skill on? How can we tell if someone is good or that they just play a lot?
>What do we measure peoples skill on? How can we tell if someone is good or that they just play a lot?
Aggregate of stats
High k/d, but low spm/total score? Camping vehicle/hillnigger
Low k/d, but high spm, high medic? Good medic
Low everything? Shitter
Fixating on one stat was always a dumb idea, it doesn't tell you the story and can easily be artificial
It's always going to be a crapshoot though, because for example playing with a squad that's not complete shit will inflate your stats tremendously. Even just running with a single medic will boost your k/d by a lot
Also infantry k/d is total deaths/infantry kills, by the way, which completely skews it for anyone who's spend time in vehicles, unless they've fixed it since then
>total deaths/infantry kills
The division is inverted, of course
What's best shotguns to you?
I like the Slug and the new one
Slug is my fav gun in thew game
I like the versatility, but I still struggle to hit people at long ranges with it, even if they're stationary
I got to go onto an empty server with a friend to figure out the bulletdrop
>Cavalry can survive getting headshotted by a sniper
This class just gets more and more op and I love it
>Point Automatico or A-10 Hunter at Calvary
>He still dies instantly
The A10 gets me but I've killed a lot of automaticos. They leave you with about 20 - 5 health though. You need to get 2 perfect shots or you die.
Then you just toss a health pack for yourself and do it again.
what the fuck is this weeb shit
>4 rounds of frontlines within 40 minutes
wtb good enemies
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Quality content
playing BF1 just fucking angers me now, and the ingame chat is nothing but hostilities, everyone is in a bad mood. I've lost count how many times I've said "DICE, FOR FUCKS SAKE" outright since the patch.

time to whip out the exit bag...
poorgoy here
is the zombie room on fort vaux still there
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ya think

Good for gadgets.

Bad for explosives.

Maybe weebs are just better than you, sweetie?
That's a really cute nose on that avatar
So did anyone find a continuation of the "A Beginning" myth in the DLC yet?
I know there's the houses on the DLC Maps, but I haven't heard that anything came from them yet other than the Up easter egg.
I love not being able to use 90% of emblems on emblemsbf.com because I don't have the special shapes from the other games.
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>use nothing but the autismatitico for 6 months


im saying there mentally ill sweetie
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>not making your own emblem
how do you live with yourself?
I don't have enough chromosomes for that kind of thing.
How many dynamite sticks do you need to pop a tank? Mines, for example, deal 50 each
thats pretty well made
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>killed by faggot with 23 service stars on the arty truck
there was also that zombie room Easter egg on fort vaux that no one answered my question about
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>farming kills with OP noob-friendly guns
please keep autism in the discord and refrain from making future OPs
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why can't he just keep it to himself?
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>not wanting OC that keeps the thread on life support
are they ever gonna have any DLC weapons unlockable with warbonds. i'm sitting on 9500 and i already have pretty much everything i want to use.
You only get warbonds up until level 75 - enough to buy everything buyable in the game. Warbonds are not a real in-game currency.
i know. i am level 75. i don't wanna buy everything just yet.
You might as well. They're most certainly not going to allow anything else but vanilla stuff to be bought with warbonds.
but why. for me at least if you unlock absolutely everything in a game so early on (only had it since xmas), the game feels empty
jesus christ
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>play as medic
>run over to res people, get close
>they skip


its like they wait for me to get close
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>mfw people actively avoid anon even in video games
Has anybody ever played a round and everything is in like a sepia filter? Playing Kaiserschlact operation and the third round everything looks like a really old picture.
that's because at the end of the round before you went out of map somehow
Ah I see. I did, I was in the backseat of a plane.
It goes away if you go out of bounds and back again
>be fighter plane
>enemy fighter comes out of spawn
>shoots me while passing
>then goes on to kill infantry, ignoring me
>rape him
Do people have a deathwish or something
>tfw I never get any skins for my BAR
You can't see me!
grade a asshole
How do I hit with the Slug?
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>haha you made a grammatical mistake looks like i win
Treat it like a Infantry variant of bolt action
yeah but DICE shouldn't give players/teams that suck extra handholding. that's basically what that post was asking for

That's fucking brilliant. Man and I thought getting in snippers field of vision to disrupt their niggerstan was fun. Holy shit.
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what did he mean by this?
fuck if i know
>can't get Bludgeon pieces in newest revision anymore
I'M AT 4/5

>play round of operations
>25 kills
>only 1 headshot with Mp 18 Optical

B-but I was doing my best....fuck
All you losers trying to get headshots with the MP18. I don't have that problem, because I don't have the DLC!
Haha why don't you buy it then
Play domination
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>spend at least 12 games trying to get those damn mp18 headshots to unlock the ribbeyroles
>it's sub-par
The new shotgun is great though
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i dont believe you at all
>12 games
kek I'm on my 20th and still only 9 headshots
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It ties the autistico for best assault primary.
nice going to have to go austism farm that next. Currently autism farming for the Lebel. becuese muh historical significance.
just finished dune actually and and apartly theirs a squeal. which is funny since paul is ridiculously OP at that point .
What would a Dune FPS entail? The only thing I know about the franchise is the Lynch movie
The ribbeyrollercoaster's upward kick makes it a headshot machine.
I can see why there was a headshot challenge to unlock it.
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More knives and swords, less guns. Personal shields. The reason they didn't use personal shields on Dune was because they drew Sandworms.

Although using a lasgun against a personal shield would be interesting.


Battlefield 40000, when?
Quick /bfg/ how do we fix the RSC and Chauchat?
by making them bolt actions!
Nothing wrong with either.
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>Run over by arty truck in December
>63 Service Stars
>Name's Artytruck_is_OP
>#20 worldwide on PC
>proceeds to do donuts over my corpse
>complaining about the Glorious RSC...

shit taste confirmed.
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>mfw the packet loss icon won't go away and i'm teleporting around
jesus fucking christ people this thread was so active less than a week ago
Its going to be okay. Believe in the bogans
hype died
I played against that guy too, absolute faggot
Wew, just had a 2 hour, 20 minute Frontline battle.
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>shoot someone three shots with my autoloading marksman close range
>he kills me
>realize my ping is three digits
fucking kill me now irl pls
the worst is when you're flying and you randomly die because the server registered that you crashed but your system didn't
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Servers down for anyone else?
So what are they doing g to the operations? How are they going to make it less of a shit show to join a game?
Anyone here from Asia?
Community seems dead literally 5 - 10 people everytime I play.
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>conquer hell ops, attacker
>on our second attack and we've only reached the third sector of ballroom
>get killed by frag xbow
>the faggot has 4 service stars with it
>spawn into a bomber turret
>the moment we start taking AA fire the autistic pilot just starts flying up until it stalls out
>bail out
>see a heavy tank
>start running away
>get killed by a fucking trench fighter a few seconds after i start running
>the asshole's emblem is just "follow @" some shitty name
life is suffering
How do you report emblems?


Same thing the heavy revolvers should have. High enough damage to score a one shot headshot in cqc with a quick falloff to prevent stepping on bolt actions past shotgun range

M/v is fine, damage is fine, RoF is fine. Spread is god awful. Buff it's negative spread increase per shot and buff its minimum spread. For a gun the relies so heavily on accuracy to be effective past 13m it's horribly inaccurate, even bipoding you aren't as accurate as other LMGs
escape>scoreboard>select player, report emblem

that's how it works on PC
Even if the zombies were indicative of some new game mode or something, you know it'll take DICE a year minimum to release it
if they are working on it, i imagine that they would release it with Apocalypse, since it's the last DLC, and a zombie mode would definitely fit in with the theme
thread revive
>tfw blew up three enemy tanks with the st. chamond gas tank tonight
>got rank 1 tanker (lol)
>finished the "25 kills in a st chamond" part of that medal

How bad do you have to be to die to a time-fused round that only does 13-17 damage to armor?
This community is fucking garbage. No one plays back to basics, no one plays hardcore. You little rat fucks just want to run around with automatic weapons. i would unironically beat the fucking shit out of every one of you.
I don't play those because no one else does. I'd rather a bad game then a dead one
Anyone else here only play exclusively infantry variant rifles for the scout class? I think it's a good fast paced fighting style.

Typically use the Gewehr 95 and can two-shot an enemy no problem.
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>can't get Bludgeon pieces in newest revision
Yeah, I do too.
A shame DICE was all "M1903 Infantry? Nobody wants that."
Go play RO2 you miserable fuck and stop shitting up the game for the rest of us
Is the sawtooth knife in the same melee category as the hatchet/shovel?
>Got the Kolibri legendary
Fuck these shitty packs
It can only cut wire
Getting sweet spot kills with the Gewehr 98 infantry is pretty tough.
I'd imagine 100-150m kills with irons would be a little tough, not to say I don't take those shots when possible like a madman.
Maybe I'm just so used to the Martini.
No I mean is it a heavey weapon like a hatchet, doing 55 damage?
Or is it like a fast knife.
Yeah it's the same archetype as the hatchet
i'd play back to basics if it allowed at least a small number of vehicles
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sure is ded in here
Can someone convince me to use any melee weapon other than the hatchet? I literally don't think there is a reason to touch any melee that can't two shot, break wood or cut wire.
swing speed
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>Next Cowadooty is WW2

If this isn't an April Fools and it and recreates the original 2003 Call of Duty experience, time to drop Battlefield until 1944 releases in 2019. Unless DICE somehow manages to fuck that one up even more, which I'm sure will happen thanks to Ammo 2.0 and other stupid shit

Would rather see this recreated though
I just want a good Vietnam game with realistic log flume physics
Why do I want something that needs three swings to kill compared to two?
Jesus Frontlines is such a shit game mode.
The enemy pretty much spawns on the place you need to attack and the objectives are way to huge.
if your main does a lot of damage and you need a quick follow up it beats out the slower weapons
Why do people tea bag in this game?
Like most of the time I see it down to people the people weren't even doing that much or anything worth tea bagging over. I get more confused then I do angry when someone tea bags me.
it's like it's 2012 all over again
Tea bagging an elite class after a bayonet charge is a must.
Frightful armor does well to hide peevish nature.
Though for unwarranted cases I suspect it's because they were playing with friends and wanted to look cool.
Yeah it must of been the last one.
If you play like a total cancer shitter I'm taking your tags and bagging you
Yeah that's fair enough. Tea bagging should be teh salt in the wounds, the thing that makes them madder after you've already screwed with them. Tea bagging someone out of know where then its just a regular kill is just silly.
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try day of infamy its made by the same guys who made insurgency but way better and its coming outta early access quite soon
>yfw technical behemoth for losing team is siccing zombies on the winning team
I wonder what the trailer for In the Name of the Tsar will be like
>32 man teams with access to vehicles vs unlimited waves of zombies
now that's how you would do zombies in a bf game
There would have to be different zombie classes because it'd be easy money just running them over with the artillery truck up close, then doing it's thing from a far.
Any vehicle should be impervious, really.
Don't get me started on the planes.
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>mfw fully crewed landship with the blood splatter skin driving through a horde of zombies
i really hope DICE goes through with this
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BF Crusade when

Ranger - Crossbow with Optical variants. Bow with different arrow variants.

Sergeant - Spear or Sword. Fuck knows what variants they'll have but since it's DICE they'll let Europeans use scimitars or some shit and vice versa

Sapper - War Picks? War hammers?

Medic - Who knows what they used back then

Elite Classes
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>that didly feelerino when nobody shootaronis the tankadoodly
>low playerbase
yes its still there, its in the hallway connecting E to B
no it doesn't make noises anymore
What's the It Aint Me of Battlefield 1
any news from the cte? what magical thing did dice implement now?
Nothing since Ammo 2.0 beta

Don't worry they'll fuck it up somehow. It'll probable have pay to win mechanics or some shit
>Battlefield: Korea
>Suicide is Painless starts playing
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Threadly reminder to shoot as strafing planes


Literally 'it ain't me'.
Everyone playing new World of Warcraft patch or Mass Effect I bet.
Why do the DLC guns sound so much more satisfying then the default ones?
post yfw dice add character customization but the race of the classes is the only thing that can't be changed
that seems to be the case with every dlc, i love the ribeyrolles despite not offering anything special, its just satisfying to use..

it was active because the release of new dlc..
unlike other generals, battlefield doesn't offer good waifus nor memes, so it dies quickly.
maybe when platoons make a comeback it will make this place lively again.
we should seriously have a battlefield general discord server.
What is the best assault tank variant?

where can an australian play bf2?
how do you keep the zeppelin alive longer?
Kill flak
Is there anything more satisfying then posting up with an MG15 and an ammo crate and single handedly holding down a chokepoint?
The spot light one
If you start tracking a different medal, do you lose progress on the current one you were tracking? Cunt game keeps forgetting what medal I'm tracking and tracking something else.
night map when?
easier said than done
no, stats are updated in realtime
you can kill someone, alt-tab to the stats site, and your kills count will have updated
>shoot a man point blank in the chest with a Gewehr
>77 damage

>shoot a man from 100 yards with a Gewehr

each bullet got a tiny jetengine inside of it and naturally it has not come up to speed yet when launched, until 100 yards out

throw a penny off a skyscraper. does it have the same force when you initially throw it as it does when it hits the ground? no, when it hits the ground it has more.

same thing here. gravity helps put more force into the bullet as it drags it down

It's a gameplay mechanic.
had a thousand people online the last time i played besides even at 400 i never had a problem finding a game
i miss troll physics
How do I have fun in this game? Whenever I'm defending/attacking, there's always 500 enemies coming at a time, even when I manage to kill one enemy, there's still 499 left to fuck me up. Staying with my team usually doesn't help. What do?
git gud
How do I git gud with shotguns?
Are you actually retarded? A bullet loses more energy the longer it flies due to air resistance. A bullet has maximum force just as it travels the gun barrel.

You don't.

The exact same crosshair placement can result in anything from no damage at all to a one-shot kill.
Magical thing called practice.

Here's some real tips though: aim well, it's obviously not a weapon you can charge and spray with, when you see a target take a moment to aim correctly before shooting. Pick your moment, don't fire on someone as soon as you see them, if you are chasing it can be a good idea to shoot even if they're out of range, they'll either keep running which lets you shoot again, or they'll stop to turn around and see what happened, if that happens you'll have caught up to them a bit more and can finish them off before they fire back. If you're running at someone also with a shotgun, wait until you're in a one hit kill kind of range before firing, they will likely be trying to get closer to you to do the same, you need to act first. I've won a lot of shotgun v shotgun duels just by running right at them and firing before they do. If you want to train your aim with the shotgun, switch to slugs.
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>when you're doing so well that someone says "nice hacks cuck, recorded and reported"
>tfw trying to get 50 kills with the A10 Slug
>tfw I keep missing
Don't just follow the pack towards the objective.
Try to flank the enemy or just take uncommon paths.
If you can get behind the majority of the enemy you will get tons of easy kills.
Tha mane. Too many anti Trump or anti Pepe's. Too many commies and Chinese.
Hey man I'm Chinese
Do you have a gay ass people army flag or other communist symbols?
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I'm treating this as a veiled "post emblems" request
Oh no. Fuck those guys. They dishonor my kind.
No it's not. If he does not sport any communist regalia then I do not bully.
I just want to see some emblems and give this thread some liveliness
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How do I be a gud counter sniper?

All I want to do is stay low and kill enemy hillniggers as a hill nigger. Is there a way to prevent the scope from glaring? When do they see the glare? Do I have to look directly at them?

Alright then. No emblem report for you. I am sad the communist regime has shit upon your ancestors.
Use marksman variants. SMLE works wonders as a counter hillnigg hillnigg weapon.
Glare is from direct look.

My best method is to use a periscope to spot them, then before you get up from crouching imagine where they'd be in the middle of the screen when you do. That ability to acquire them in the scope a split second faster before they can acquire you will be their undoing.

But do mind, periscope has a glare too and idiots will try to shoot it when you're comfy behind cover.

> I am sad the communist regime has shit upon your ancestors.

Thanks man
>How do I be a gud counter sniper?
Know where they will appear.
Look for their glint first.
Get the center of your screen as close to their glint or position as possible without ADS.
ADS in and make it quick, you only need tiny adjustments if you spotted them correctly.
Use the m1903 sniper for them sick 300 meter headshots.
If you're standing in the open and they are behind cover, strafe and let them shoot first.
They won't one-shot you but you may have enough time from their reload to line up a nasty headshot.

>tl;dr be faster and don't ADS for too long.
Just unlocked the Lebel Infantry, damage is great and it sounds very good too. Loving it thus far boys.
>that double cock bolt action
unf, yes.
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Hey, faggots. Been awhile since I've given away some battlepacks. These fuckers are super hard to find now. This one is for 4 of them.
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This one is also for 4
Thanks bro!
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And this is for 1
4 whites for pistols
infantry is pretty amazing. Sniper is better. probally the best Sniper variant out of them all.
Okay so if I hold them on the side of my scope to judge distance they won't see a glare? Or is it if they are in my scope regardless?
I'm pretty sure that when you can see them it counts as looking directly at them.
Shiiiiieet. Guess gotta be quick or go noscope and periscope
Pretty much.

So you can either
1. Periscope to get the drop on them. Shoot them before they shoot you.

2. Infantry or Marksman variant for no glares. Take your time, but you have to get good shooting skills.
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>Attacking in Ops, Conquer Hell
>mfw its literally impossible to capture 2nd section point B in Argonne
Train never helps either when the driver believes the best way to use it is to stay in spawn firing shells
Me too lol

git gud
>gooks with Helicopters

Nigga wut
>countersniped for the first time with the A10 slug

Jesus fuck that felt good

The Soviet Union provided them.
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>greatest community in the world
I fucking hate bf1. I wish i could still play bf4 with friends but they all love bf1. Why is this game so shitty
I want to strangle the fucking faggot who suggested "20 MP18 Optical headshots lmao" for the ribroller.
24/7 Fort De Haux is your friend anon. hip fore at thier heads.
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I swear BF1 has given me carpal tunnel syndrome.

Also the A10 slug is horrible for doing follow up shots after the first one.

Honestly I'd rather go back to the vanilla maps and sneak up on snipers on Suez like I did for the other gay headshot medal challenges.

When did Conquest map rotation switch to new maps only and is there a way to change it back?
>point blank headshot only does 39 damage
>3 headshots to kill

This shit is Kolobri tier.

Halfway done at least.
What gun? Mp18 Optical?

Yep. This is suffering.
I know your feel my 朋友.

Took me about 20-30 games since I can't aim for shit and I prefer killing my enemy than trying to aim for the head in a regular fight.
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>2 guys prone facing me
>kill both of them
>somehow don't headshot either despite aiming right at it

I think it has to do with lag. Sometimes I fire directly at someone and I know the crosshair is on their body. Somehow it doesn't register and I find myself dead a few seconds later.

But yeah that's happened to me about 5 times. It's fucking suffering.

>next life
>run through gas,
>bump straight into an enemy putting his mask on
>panic fire

The game's just making fun of me at this point.
Sometimes I go a whole round without a headshot but at the very last minute the game grants me one even though I was blindfiring

I just heard the headshot ping on my last shot and still got an ordinary kill. Don't know whether it's lag or what.

Just got a last minute headshot of my own.

15/20 5 in one round is not bad.
buckhorn users just kill yourselves already
Might be lag. The headshot ping might have been coming before the killshot but the game fucked up and played the sounds out of order

5 is really good (for me anyways). I average about 2-3 per round
>got 15 kills with M97 in one round, didn't stick
>got 5 headshots with 1895 sniper in one round, didn't stick
fuck this
>AA sights

easy to use if it's not the Lewis/Huot
better than defaults on some LMGs
I know both those feels.

Do the first objective before you do the one-rounders.
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I did do the first objectives, it just wouldn't register.
Got 10 periscope spots in one absolutely trashed round of conquest on giant's shadow.
It was actually funny seeing people die as soon as they were spotted.
Well fuck. Dice fix your fucking game. That bug has been there since CTE.

>tfw red silhouettes begin showing up across the whole map

Thank you based semi-useful hillfag.
I would use the periscope more often if I didn't get so many kills with K bullets and tripwires

Your sensitivity is too high and is allowing you to wrist aim.
I find the spot flare to be more reliable though if the periscope is in a good position it can really turn the tide of a gunfight.
The best use of the periscope to me is spotting vehicles and stationary weapons so assaults/our vehicles/planes can take them out
>spot an artillery truck
>nothing happens to it over the next 10 minutes as the team is too busy doing something else
>he's also 700m away so no one can touch him even if they try

But he wasn't. Idiot was camping on an objective.

Had to switch classes to take it out
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if we can have the technology to spot teammates we want to revive, we should be able to spot tanks we want to destroy (as squad leader)
I'd pay just to hear some more badass lines when designating targets.

Even something simple like "KILL THAT FUCKING FUCK"

>I've spotted an enemy hillnigger!

>Blow that airchav the fuck out you cunts
>Naval DLC
>ANZACs added
>they have the most colorful lines
>every recorded file has some form of the word "cunt" in it

That objective was the first time I'd used a Periscope because I'm not usually of the hillnigger persuasion.

It was pretty damn funny sitting miles away from everything and just watching everything I highlighted get shot to shit.
Reminds me of the commands from Chivalry.
>They're penetrating us FROM THE REAR!
>Come you fools, to the purpose!
>Somebody get that bloody Archer!
>That's a big sword! Are you compensating for something?!

When I did that challenge I couldn't help but shoot at the people I spotted.
I did the work of spotting them, you bet their heads are mine.

>red silhouettes of corpses on the floor

Scout is the easiest class to get free points
>spawn on objective
>pop flare
>Spot Assist +100
>Spot Assist +50
>Spot Assist +25

It blows my mind that there are people who don't use the flare.
>tfw you're clueless but you run into a scout who has even less situation awareness

>be looking for people to headshot with the Mp18 optical
>turn around to see an enemy scout looking out the same window
>doesn't notice me

Some people are straight up retarded.
>come out of Fort de Vaux
>there's a Scout up on the wall and I can only see his head
>quickly run to the base of the wall
>back up slowly
>he still hasn't seen me
>tap fire one, two, three times into his head
>12/20 headshots with MP18

I wish everyone was this dumb.
It's the sound.
If you don't crank up the volume then people will sneak behind you all the time.
Before I learned this I was cavalry bait all day.
Oh how the tides have turned.
>spawn on Monte Grappa
>meet downed Pilot coming around the corner of the trench
>headshot him as he prones
>Medic right behind him instarevives
>get a second free headshot

Truly my greatest ally.
>cavalry thinks he can Ichabod Crane me for an easy kill
>drop to the ground and AT rocket him into oblivion
>cavalry gets stuck
>unload a full autistmatico mag

Fuck your armor I've got more lead than a Roman aqueduct
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reminder to report nazis
Assault class is best for taking them down if you use your gadgets.
Just laying dynamite and proper positioning can own them so hard.
Not to mention smgs whittle horse health down like nothing.

>people actually get so butthurt by a picture they report it

On PS4 every third person has a swastika for a logo. Doesn't bother me any.
>spawn in plane
>no damage
>suddenly explode
>presume tank shell
>killed by Automatico M1918

So this is the power of 9 mm...
A complete BF1 will shit on BF4 any day
2 MP18 headshots to go lads, I think I'm going to make it.
god damn the artillery duels you can have on empire's edge are some of the most fun i've had in an FPS in a while
You can do it
don't listen to him >>172074384
you can't

1 left.

I didn't play BF4 but it honestly sounds better than 1

>no dedicated grenade button
>more varied and interesting weapons and vehicles
>attachments and ammo types
>no regenerating ammo idiocy

And BF1's retarded roller coaster of balance just gets worse over time

And done.

>no dedicated grenade button

Where did you get that idea?
I dunno
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>Join game on Ballroom Blitz
>Join squad and spawn on a grounded pilot at A
>He's upstairs in the building just hiding as there's a shit ton of enemies on A
>Resupply him, he drops a flare. I run downstairs to get some kills
>This goes on for several minutes as I occasionally go back upstairs to resupply him so he can drop some more flares
>Enemies eventually get tired our of shit and swarm/destroy the building

That was fun
but you also have all that lock-on bullshit. i swear, like half of the time i was in a vehicle in bf3 or 4 i was listening to a lock-on tone. you would get rekt by kiddies that couldn't even aim.
>get on roof of main building of Ballroom Blitz
>survive forever and kill everything
It'S great, you can run all around the big building and there's a big flat part where you can regen and wait for your squad to spawn
>tfw my one and only friend ditched me and bf1 to play killing floor 2 with his real life friend
why even live anymore?

>in Landship as gunner
>getting hit
>guy backs up
>blow up
>presume we hit a mine
>killed by the Kolibri

I'm not making this shit up. I do not understand.
If you shoot a mine it blows up and whatever weapon you shot the mine with gets kill credit
You were blown up by someone shooting at a mine with a kolibri

Well shit lads I know how I'm getting my Kolibri service star now.
Holy fuck that was fun. Flanked and periscoped and sniped 12 before being shot. WEW
I assumed that, just cant wrap my head around gooks flying heli's
Really wish you could destroy that chateau to prevent reefing bullshit. It's fun to do it but holy fuck there's no way to get people off unless planes care
You can directly buy the Ribblerobble skin with scrap this week if you missed it in the last revision

One of my favorite skins in the game
I want the Lebel skin it's pretty dank.
Most of the time I only use weapons that I have Legendary skins for.
i only care about the chauchat skin.
>defending C on frontlines
>camping next to one of the exits of the bunker
>an entire squad comes out
>kill them all with my 10-a one by one
>win the game after 94 minutes
rambo revive
Is there an accuracy difference for SLRs using Buckhorn sights over regular iron sights?

Or is it merely preference?
preference, but i feel like they're more accurate because they're more focused on a single point than the default sights, if you know what i mean.
what is the gimmick of the m1903?
>running around with my new Chauchat
>get killed 5 times by a lvl 94 guy with 79 stars on the BAR telescopic
Do some people seriously not get bored of things, ever?
100 to 150 meter sweet spot.
In that sweet spot, nobody is going to shoot back at you because you are too far away.
Unless they are another sniper.
It shoots the second fastest cartridge in the game so lining up headshots are easier.
guys what do i get, battlepack, or ribey skin?
>Get killed by someone
>50 plus service stars
I have no idea how people can use the same gun and class non stop.
battlepack because the battlepack could be anything, even a rebeye skin
I'm closing in on 3 stars with ONE gun, but have at least one star with 17
It has to be so fucking boring using nothing but Automatico/Hellriegel/BAR/1895 sniper/etc
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>B flag on Suez
>see on my map that there's a guy in the neighboring house marked by a spotting flare
>assume he's on the second floor like me
>want to toss a grenade in there
>window shutter is closed
>shoot a big enough hole in the shutter to throw a grenade through
>throw grenade in
>get the kill
who else /tactics/ here
>tripwire in door
>shoot it
>assault camping in the corner burns to death
>C flag on Argonne Forest.
>Flame trooper becomes available
>Hide behind rock
>Random Support guy picks it up.
>Bayonet charge as he's putting on the mask.
Never stood a chance.
I've done this multiple times already.
The sexual gratification is real.
You can actually put on a gasmask before picking up the Flame kit to speed up the equip time
That's actually really nice to know, I hate the helpless moments when picking up a kit
Whoa nice pro-tip.
Never share that again.
I like my easy elite kills.
>sniping on Amiens,
>sees enemy AT mines
>Their Heavy tank is rolling up
>shoot at the landmines with Kolibri
>fuckin wipe entire squad
Feels good mang
You didn't care who he was until he put on the mask.
Big guys want hot heads to shoot at them.
What they don't want is a bayonet charge with no survivors.
DICE is the most progressive developer in the world, who else would make a game that everyone would embrace who's sole purpose in that game is to be the biggest faggot imaginable? With smiles on their faces too! Keep playing BF1 fags.
thanks for the bump shithead
How much scrap are you lads sitting on?

~1100 here, would have about 2700 if I scrapped all of my score boosts (now useless to me)
Most I had was 2950
I'm currently at ~1700
I had ~2000 until tonight when I bought an enhanced and superior pack and got the Legendary Gasser and Kolibri skins
Been waiting for a Gasser skin since I unlocked that shit
That's about the same amount for me too. I'm saving up for the legendary M95 skin
I buy a new 900 battlepack when I can so I can try and get the puzzle pieces.
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like 600 now
>mfw 4 kolibri skins in a row
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>mfw this legendary >>172100425 was my first Kolibri skin since the early days of:
>royal edict
>royal order
This trench periscope is fucking trash. It never does its stupid spot thing.
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>want scrap
>inner collector doesn't want to throw away royal edict/royal order/veteran cavalry/royal guard/etc. skins even though they're shit
I scrap every white skin unless I don't have a better one for that weapon
But now DICE has these weird unique white skins that don't look much different but have names.
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40 scraps because of this >>172101190
that being said, royal edict looks nice on the autistico, and veteran guard looks nice on a lot of guns
Most I've had was around $4000, currently at about 1300. Keeping anything new whether I want to use it or not, and scrapping duplicates, puzzle pieces, and squad XPs. Have about 50 skins at this point.
There's something so satisfying about sniping so many cunts with an infantry variant gun, that a bunch of them have to resort to shooting rockets at you. git gud scrubz
>BC2 ruined by helicopters
>BF3 ruined by jets
>BF4 ruined by helicopters
>BF1 ruined by planes


will dice ever learn?
>scrapping puzzle pieces
For what purpose?
How does someone even get 100 service stars?
>assault has Hellriegel, Automatico, Ribeyrolles, and the shotguns
>now dice is unironically going to give them a hellriegel with 120rnd magazine and a bipod
>meanwhile medic gets a sniper variant of a gun no one uses
No. They've always been shit at balancing.
>tfw you really liked the Pieper after using it for your challenge
>tfw it's not available to regular classes
Ribey seems pretty amazing. guess the 20 fucking headshots wasn't just a waste after all. Recoil doesn't seem at all bad. mabye it's just me but does the gun barley move at all during Recoil?
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>36 different 24/7 Fort de Vaux CQ servers
>0 24/7 Amiens CQ servers
Why aren't there any 24/7 servers for the best map?
I love the Russian 1895 infantry and Trench (it hauls ass in Fao operations when you're going CQC)
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>12 service stars with the limpet charge
A bunch of Russian soldiers with gas masks dancing to HardBass
Of BF1? Zadji Zadji.
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>tfw been using it for months now
fugging plebs
on PS3 at least, helis in BC2 weren't much of an issue unless they had a very competent pilot in them, which was rather rare. and the helis themselves were only on a few maps.
>BC2 ruined the series..
nothing after that matters.
>Apocalypse DLC
>Dice manages to find some obscure WW1 tech on locking on
>homing gas grenades
>it's a fucking pigeon with a gas grenade strapped to it
Join a gym, lawyer up, go to school
If it only does the regular spotting go out and back into ADS. It's a bug.
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haven't played since december reinstalled for this update. did dice pander to sky cancer again? AA is trash.
Yup AA got nerfed
Apocalypse is going to have more than likely the Annihilator 1. AKA the Tommy gun. also probably going to get a browning 30 cal for the Support class.
Top kek

Lol the salt is fucking real
Tank fags btfo
>Medics can now "spot" dead players to let them know they are attempting to come save them. The dead player will see a notification in the bottom left (where nearby medics are listed), and the medic will get an objective-indicator on the corpse. This feature was suggested in a thread here a couple of months ago, and we're very happy to finally test it on the CTE.

have anyone tested this yet
Has anyone else had issues with their FPS dropping lately?

The game's been running smooth for me since release, but as of recently I've found that after a few minutes of playing, the game's fps will drop significantly.

Its strange because if I alt-tab out of it and back in real quick, the game with run at normal speed for a few seconds and then will drop back to a low FPS. Wtf is going on?
I wish there was a way to decline to be revived. I always feel guilty as fuck when I'm dead and there's 2-3 soldiers laying in ambush waiting to get a double kill as soon as the medic revives me.
I hate amiens
I just never do well on that map and I despise the layout

>comes to 4chan
>complains about amiens

Look where you are, kid.
Sorry anon I don't get it
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>hate amiens
I'll slaughter you it's the best vanilla map and the closest to seine crossing.
Eh its okay. Nothing amazing.
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Who yolo spam here
Alright you asked for it
St. Quentin's Scar
Sinai Desert
Fao Fortress

Ballroom Blitz
Monte Grappa
Empire's Edge

Mediocre to bad
Argonne Forest

Bandaid tier
Giant's Shadow with fog

Shit Dice what are you doing tier
Giant's Shadow
Lol no way. Sniper heaven is a garbage map.
Yeah well I'm a sniper :^)

Amiens is an anagram of animes.
Well I could have gotten that. nice one anon
replace fao with amines and you have a list.
>Read up on the fate of the Char 2C
>developed too late to be deployed in WW1
>mobilized in WW2
>entire unit stuck on the fucking rails, had to be scuttled
>captured and scrapped by Germans

That's just depressing. Would've wanted to see what would've happened if they actually saw action. From the sounds of it, they would've been outclassed, outmaneuvered, and probably blown to bits.
I love the introduction clip when it spawns
>that engine sound
The engines were taken from zeppelins. Fucking nice.

>Last intact Char2C was seen in East Berlin
>disappeared one day and nobody knows where it went

One of these days we'll just find it in somebody's abandoned garage.
Kinda unrelated, but reminded me of this story
>Apocalypse DLC adds all manners of prototype tankettes with randomized appearances and weaponry
dice might as well remove the repair tool because nobody uses it anymore
i miss the engineer class

Real tanks don't have HP bars, so a single hit can render it useless.

In WWII it wouldn't stand a chance. The armour is medium tank tier while it's the size of a super-heavy.
Would probably be more useful for being a semi mobile turret or linebreaker.

Reminds me of the Malcador tanks in 40k. Too shit to do anything other than plow through infantry. Can't deal with actual tanks with turrets.

The French tactic in WWII was to use the tanks like bunkers, which failed spectacularly.
I guess they should've stuck to making baguettes

I report people with Nazi symbols. Not because it offends me, but because muh historical accuracy.

When have to ever seen a historically accurate emblem?

Wouldn't it become ahistorical when switching sides, if nothing else?

Or is it only swastikas you follow this rule for?

I've seen quite a few good custom German Empire ones and French ones.

You're right about switching teams, but Nazism is completely out of place for WWI. If you want to be an egdelord Fascist, at least get some Arditi emblems, most of whom became the vanguard of Mussolini's party post war, with the whole blackshirt uniform being based on the Arditi's uniform

>I-I'm not offended I just report swastikas because they're historically inaccurate despite almost all emblems depicting things from the future

Ok, kid.
>Want to report an emblem
>Forget the guys name
>Get to scoreboard screen
>Can't see anyone emblem so I don't know how to report
So dumb. Why don't emblems appear at the end of the game instead of player icons?

I never said it was rational, I'm just a historical autist.
For that "Get 25 kills with the DLC Behemoth" achivement, do I need to be on the main gun or just anywhere in the vehicle?
i thought it saw actual combat in WW2?
what's the cheapest place i can get this game reliably?
Mugging next to a gamestop?
probably anywhere but do it with the main gun just to be safe, with dice you never know.
Pigeon Artillery Strike gadget for Support when? I miss the BF4 UCAV for removing shiggy and disabling vehicles
Is the autoloading marksman good for medic? I've been playing since release, but have always stuck to whatever that one is with 26 shots or something (I suck with weapon names). But the autoloader is so damn fast that I think it's worth the 5 round clip. I think I'm doing even better with it, but it's hard to tell. Seemed like the huge magazine size of the other one was a waste, I only ever used maybe eight bullets before reloading anyway and it's a lot slower.
My boi
When are they gonna remove Suez from the game?
why don't more people use the madsen. the magazine at the top relay isn't that big of a deal at all
>gets balanced onto the shit team
>can't carry the shit team to a win
Git gud I've got the same kd but better win loss since I'm not a vehicle faggot hill nig
this should do it the way CoD does it. if you leave a match before it ends, it counts as a loss for you
ONE CAN ONLY SPECULATE what would've happened if AA was buffed

I like having some range as a support.

>Monte Grappa above Giant's Shadow
>Argonne above anything
they wont, however they ignored the massive feedback on how to improve it and basically did whatever they wanted to do from the get go..
fucking dice.
The general playerbase latches on to meme weapons and refuses to let go

see: BAR over all LMGs, Hellriegel over Autismatico and Ribeyrolles, Frag over incendiary/gas/impact, etc.
and then those same people complain about lack of depth
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Von Richthofen, I'm Luftstreitkräfte.
>30 rounds
>no range
>that huge magazine covering half your screen
if you have at least a basic sense of spatial awareness it's not an issue
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Why is my bro such a shit gunner, can anyone give him tips?

Video of proof
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What did BAR users mean by this?
>that sensitivity

jesus h. christ
Looks like he's doing ok to me, killing other planes is what the gunner on the attack plane should be doing, not shooting at ground targets.
Seems like he needs to spot more and learn about leading targets + bullet drop
also that, the moment where he spazzed out was pretty great.
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>no range
You cant see whats going in that part and no matter how good your awareness is it will get you killed
time for /bfg/ to die a sweet and peaceful death

Maybe things will be better when platoons are out

In other words goodbye forever
lol not today nigger
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still waiting on people to post more emblems
I just let someone on that one site make them and take from them
i haven't seen people teabagging in an FPS since MW3, and that was 5 years ago. i've never seen teabagging in a battlefield game before (been playing since bc2). what's going on?
tags don't really mean all that much anymore since you get them from bayonet charging and are just easy kills in the first place
BAR telescopic is the best support weapon, and probably the best all round weapon in the game

prove me wrong
That's not the Mg15 suppressive
Bullets in WW1 were actually tiny rockets that accelerated until they hit Max speed and then slowed down after their fuel depleted
The benet mercie is the best gun in the game without a doubt
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>mfw Gyrojet firearms in WWI
i actually thought this was how guns and ammunition worked when i was a little kid, except that the ""bullets"" didn't run out of fuel and just kept going forever
I once asked my friends if you shoot a bullet in the air, does it fall back down eventually. they all laughed at my retarded question and for a very long time after that I assumed a bullet would just go into space if you shot it up in the air
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Okay, what's the deal with the DLC weapon unlocks?

Are there actually meant to be progress counters next to each requirement (e.g. get 15 kills in a round with the 1909 telescopic) or does the stupid circle next to them mean that you can't actually unlock the weapon?

The UI in this game is fucking garbage.
Mortar buff when?
plane nerf when? seriously all LMG's should be doing 200% damage against planes. it's fucking retarded an MG 15 only does pitaful damage to them.



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>unfunny meme picture
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This is what I mean, by the way.

Is it like this for everyone else?
>planes literally made of wood and cloth
>MGs firing giant hunting rounds
>damaging parts almost never happens
>somehow doesn't travel through the plane and maim the pilot

It only shows your progress in game
So where the hell do I find that?
soldier customize from the main menu or 'customize' from the deploy screen
It shows percentages too
I was in the soldier customize menu when I took that screenshot.

Never, you'll take your worst playable class and enjoy it. I'm glad they are letting us resupply our gadgets without you.
Okay, I'm not getting any progress at all on any of the new weapons I'm trying to unlock, does it require some other bullshit DLC or what?
MG15 fires the 7.92 mauser round.

it's almost as big as a 308. somehow it does the same damage as a Pistol to a plane....

where as the MG15 that are mounted on the planes somehow does massivly more damage, despite having the same round....

Dice Please fuck off. seriously.
huh, I guess it only works from the customize screen accessible from the redeploy screen
Just checked mine and the main menu customize didn't work.
The "get 15 kills with x weapon in one life" progress resets even if you complete it, if the first challenge isn't complete.
40+ kills with the M97 for nothing woo.
In one round, not one life lol

This is bullshit, those are the same guns that damage light vehicles but when I'm on foot I can only hurt the driver/passengers
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do you have the DLC?
>if the first challenge isn't complete.
Fuck, what?

Does that mean I have to unlock the Chauchat low weight first, then the telescopic?

I've got the deluxe edition and see no option to buy any more DLCs, so I guess?

Fucking EA, the UI for bf1 and origins is such a mess.
No, it means that the when the challenge is "50 kills with X weapon/15 kills in one round with Y weapon" you should complete the 50 kills first or you'll be wasting your time trying to complete the other half.
Every fuckin dice game does this it sucks. Look at all the fuckin 5.56 guns in BF4, same caliber, different damage. Fuck you dice
I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that you'll get the dlc march 28th.
the deluxe edition gives you all the DLCs, but the premium pass gets the DLC sooner

also I'm pretty sure that if you are able to unlock the guns you'll see "0/50" or "0/15" inside those circles

but yes, dice really should be more clear about this shit
Jesus fucking christ, don't people go to college to work on this kind of shit?

Technically the 7.92 is larger and packs more of a punch than .308, but yeah, the damage balancing in most shooters are stupid when you actually know a thing or two about how guns work.
bump before going to bed, night battlebros.
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Here's mine. Flag of the BNR with a Byzantine cross. I'm not even religious. I just have it there to piss off Saudis and other scum
you have to own the dlc which isn't for sale yet, the only way to get it currently is to have premium
>the deluxe edition gives you all the DLCs
no, that's the ultimate edition which is basically just a deluxe+premium bundle
Am I supposed to activate which weapon quest I'm doing or something
I swear to god I'm doing the objective listed for it but it doesn't count my progress towards it or something
read carefully, the weapon assignments are very specific

Also don't do the quests you have to do in a single round before you've completed the other quest for that weapon.
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>Playing literally any map
>Spawn and crest hilltop
>See half a dozen scope glints looking at me from far away
>Fire 1 shot at each of the them with iron sights 2x zoom
>Get 6 marksman headshots
>Proceed to molest enemy snipers all game while dropping enemy soldiers rushing objectives
>Finally get killed by Russian Sniper faggot in prone who isn't even fucking moving
>Spawn and shoot him in the head
>Win game, 40-1
>All enemy snipers got a ballpark of 5-20

Why the fuck do retards not realize that scopes are LAUGHABLY crippling?
I don't get how they can remain in the same place after every kill they get.
Like I'm not going to get revived/respawn and go directly to where I saw them in the kill 'cam' if possible?
Holy shit I wasted all my scrap just to get that piece of filth 5 times, and you'd think I would get some fucking puzzle pieces with it but no 5 fucking squad boosts fuck
The sniper periscope is like a flame and hillniggers moths flock to it. Why? Can they destroy it?
on the contrary, some autist at dice made all the 5.56 guns do the same max damage, differing them by their min damage according to barrel length (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense either)
It gives off a flickering glint.
It means someone is trying to snipe but not using a higher magnification.
That means they're lining up your headshot, knowing it's easier for them with 10x zoom than you with 2x or 4x.
So is it at least helping my team having them distracted with me while I spot them all the live the long day?
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>where as the MG15 that are mounted on the planes somehow does massivly more damage, despite having the same round....
it's actually an MG14 Parabellum
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>tfw just got my second service star on the arty truck
a-am i part of the cancer now?
how old were you
I can get pretty autistic and fire 15 shots in a sniper duel at the same guy.
It won't help if you've overwhelmed the other team and they're just sniping from their base.
You've already won at that point.
I feel like I'm the only person that loves the Lewis Suppressive
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I quite like the Lewis Suppressive, the issue is I'm rarely playing Support.

More or less, but a question I need an answer to is: am I?

>we are likely getting it as a 700rpm 100 round suppressive belt fed lmg in next expansion

I'm ready
>We're finally gonna have proper AA infantry

My body is so ready
what gun? thought russia was next
What operations or maps will we be getting?

We gonna a see some tannenburg?
What's the actual likelihood that the playerbase for the DLC dies the way people are claiming it will in the next month or so? I'm a super casual and understand the concept but have no experience with it happening

>tfw premium dlc launched in the middle of a blizzard so I got antsy and bought it
>immediately began to regret it since the game still suffers the same balancing issues but with prettier maps
It really depends how to community takes Ammo 2.0, grenade spam and planefags can only be tolerated for so long.
nah i like it a lot too. watching your bullets make contact with your target when you're leading it by like 5 feet is a great feeling
My problem is the team balancing more than anything. A good 3/5th of the games I play are completely one sided. In Rush/Operations one team just pushes the other to the end of the map, or can't progress at all. There's no middle ground, no feeling that you can try harder and make a difference once the direction of the round is clear. Conquest is again either being totally dominated or a merry-go-round of taking the same flags repeatedly, but the shitty scoring makes it impossible to cover large leads made early in the game by the other team.

And the horrible irony is that Frontlines now creates stalemates by default, so instead of balanced fights we have unwinnable ones.
I think the operation match making is broken as fuck. I swear I have to join an operation five fuckin times before I get a non empty one. And then I am sitting waiting with only a hand full of other asshats waiting pissing away time.

They need some sort of list of all active games so you can just join insta rly instead of having to sift through servers by joining. Hell a mini waiting lobby for each operation would be great.

what does zu man mean
>got a stationary weapons service star getting like 25 kills with the siege gun on Verdun Heights

That map is fucking terrible
Just like WW1
>hear grunting sounds
>didn't know what it was
>go underground in Verdun

>Trench raider jumpscares from a corner and whacks me in the head
I think I need to make a meme out of that scene from The Shining
Trench raider busting through the door with a screaming medic/scout/whatever
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It's ok, I'm on my 35th for fighter planes.
When do siege howitzers become available on conquest maps?
same time as behemoths: when you're way behind and have no hope of winning unless the enemy team collectively shits the bed
>killed by a tank
>level 110
>rank 50 tanker
>100 service stars on heavy tank

if the holocaust actually happened, these people deserve to have died in it
>start off conquest bad but we catch up
>it's like 600 to 740
>hold 3 or 4/5 flags all the rest of the came
>fighting hard, don't give them an inch
>game ends something like 920 to 1000
How do you make a comeback in this game without holding all the flags? It's like the point rate barely changes after a certain point in the game
Got the sgjroen finally and it sucks ass
How is this better than the model 10 a hunter or slug?
Is the slug the best assault weapon?
It feels like most conquest matches are decided in the first 5 minutes by who rushed to the "contested" points faster.
especially true on:
>Monte Grappa
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Well, I bought premium on release like a fucking idiot and have been playing with the DLC since it went into early access and I still haven't been able to find a full match of frontlines. Occasionally I'll queue into a server with 4 or 5 people but that's the best so far.

This game is a disaster on every front and all of the popular BF youtubers doomsaying about how this is Hardline 2.0 and won't survive 2018 aren't wrong.

No one gives a shit about consoles keeping this franchise alive temporarily - console players also played BF:H in droves and look what that accomplished. If the PC crowd drops a BF game, the game will die, that's not elitism it's backed up by trends. The playercount trend for this game is EXTREMELY bad and it's been out for five short months. Almost a direct mirror of Hardline in the amount of people dropping it and going back to previous BF titles. Today for example, BF4 has 50% of the amount of players that BF1 has. What's that going to look like in 2 months? BF4 will overtake BF1 in playercount by the end of the year and it's saddening to say that, this game had tremendous potential.
>and I still haven't been able to find a full match of frontlines
Do you live in Australia or something
>Post recent sessions
>Posts old sessions he's already posted
Wow congratulations on being a skycancer
this general moves at snail's pacing.
Fucking do it.
No way. I'm on ausfag and there are at least 4 full
Rate my calvary skills boys

>If the PC crowd drops a BF game, the game will die
How can you be so wrong? There are way more people on console then PC and they are what bring in the money. As long as Console players buy it, the game will live.
Just look at CoD, a complete disaster on PC 3 games in a row, but they still make more games as console players eat it up and bring in a tonne of money.
PC is the minority now days.
>Like the Masden
>Huge ass clip in the way though
How do I use this?
Ask the Brazilian police. It's 2017 and they still use it.
>Every fucking asssult on the planet is using the Hellriegel
Fucking sick of this bullshit
Hellriegel is trash that is only viable on consoles due to shitty controls tee-bee-haitch
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>mfw a player keeps referring to the dreadnought as a sub
>mfw no face
Pretty good except for that part in the middle where the audio went out.
Conquest tickets not being influenced by player deaths is the highest form of casual cancer to happen to BF.
Good for me since I die so fucking much
Didn't they change that? Or did they add it back a again?
>always on top of the score board when using the hellriegel
yeah no.
What would you do when Dice announces the Hellriegel Marksman
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>tfw you realize the ribbyrolly is just a worse MP18 with a bipod gimmick

That's not what Jackfrags thinks
But I played a match earlier were both teams held the same amount of flags and had similar points, but one team was ticking up much faster. Did I just imagine that?
Where does it say Conquest doesn't count death? It was like that in the beta but they removed it. I am not seeing any patch notes saying they brought it back so deaths do count.
Jackfrags is shitter that gets carried by his fellow youtubers, so you can safely ignore his thoughts


Pick one
Don't arm me or my sons's MCOMs ever again.
it's really not th that big of a deal
Is there any way to find out how many frontlines games I've won?

I want to see how far I am from getting the dogtag
can't complete the 15 kills challenge for new medic gun. should i kill myself y/n?
What is supposedly wrong with the Autoloading 8?

I heard many complaints about it, but just used it and it's fine.
I've missed the last couple of patches, what's the best tank+kit nowadays?
I used to run Heavy+Breakthrough so my gunners have the big guns on the sides, that still good?
Anything better than it?
>retards bitching at train driver in Amiens in Operations to drive further back out of enemy gunfire
>you literally physically cant because you get pushed back into the sector you're currently fighting for when you try to drive back into the last sector
When will brainlets learn
They changed that, they do count now
I always take the tank hunter landship because even if I tank I still snipe
>BF4 menu theme
>cool electronic UNTZ DU DU DU DU DUUUU DUNNNN

>BF1 menu theme
>some high pitched sandnigger woman screaming YATZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
What did they mean by this
It would be improved if player deaths didn't count. The gamemode should be about strategizing and cooperating, not kill farming.

>>some high pitched sandnigger woman screaming YATZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I have never heard that.

It's either the Battlefield theme or sombre piano music for me.
Stay in the menu for more than a minute

There's a vocals section in BF1's main menu if you wait long enough.
ITT: easily triggered alt-righters

t. cuck
breakthrough is good with comms

heavy assault is still the best for solo
The worst is that fucking Pirates of the Caribbean theme
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>mfw dice finally fixed "on route" to "en route"
Oh finally, now the game is actually playable
>do Quickplay for operations because joining them manually makes me join an empty server 90% of the time
>only getting the 2 new operations
They're so fucking boring.
the bedouins of the arab revolt were highly renowned for their yahtzee playing, you fucking racist
what did you just say about my trusty ribbeyrolles?
Truly a weapon to surpass metal gear
What's the best support primary?

Also, what mortar variant should i use?
Is this not the most beautifully sound edited game?
>That batatatatatatatatatatat of the heavy Mags
>That mortar launch and airburst sound
>The HOooooooOoooooHooooooooOOO of the armored train
>The sound of the general arms fire during fighting on operations where everyone is close together in the cluster fuck
>The would or death screams especially those that are hit or Die by fire
>Especially that Aaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhggg death from gas
>The howl, scream, and thud of howitzer shells
If it's a map or area you're attacking with buildings go HE for dat sweet debris kills, otherwise airburst.

I love the MG15 suppressive to shoot down airplanes. I always watch the skies and spot enemy planes then assist friendly fighters or bombers from the ground.
I stick to HE in case a tank wanders in

The THUMMB of the landship cannons firing from inside, or the roar as your team makes the charge uphill in Monte Grappa free of enemy fire
The sound of flak bursting around me as tail gunner in bombers or fighters gets me rock hard.

That plus the black puffs with red and white internal flashes is just spectacular.
the fire screams always get to me a little bit.

I swear sometimes I'll hear a YEAAAAARRGH scream from bodies that have landed near me after an explosion.

Makes me feel like I'm losing it.
i hear that too. honestly it doesn't make sense because they should be dead if they're sent flying through the air. it only makes sense when the plane you're in gets destroyed and your dude is flung out. i think the game has a set amount of time for a body to be in the air before it starts screaming. sometimes i even hear it when a guy gets shot off his horse. DICE fix this pls
remember when the brit assault was also black?

I'm black and it confuses me and somewhat bothers me that the German scout is black.
I never played bf4, is it a better game than bf1? Should I try it out? I have all the dlc from the giveaways.
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>RSC1917 is a better Autoloading 8
>the weird click-tick sounds the A7V and landship make when they aren't on flat ground
>cocking your revolver when you switch to/away from it
>reloading the AT rocket gun
>sounds of airship parts falling off
>Operation Kaiserschlact
>Opening of amien
>Whatever the Germans are screaming at the start of the map while artillery is hammering around the city before the rape whistle is blown.

Gives me chills every time

Run HE mortar for vehicles, and infantry hiding in buildings

The support weapons are are varying levels of useful, the best is probably the BAR telescopic but the BAR storm is good enough if you just want a discount assault rifle. Other wise it's

>mg15 N.A. Suppressive/lightweight for engaging in lots of mid range 1v1s

>madsen storm/trench for mid range offensive play

>BAR telescopic for winning 2v1s in cqc while still being deadly in mid range 1v1s. Bipoding makes this thing arguably as deadly as bolt actions and it's the best counter sniping option in the support kit

>benet mercie for long range effectiveness and non existent recoil

>Lewis gun suppressive for mid range flanking. Ability to fire 50 rounds before overheating means you can burn through a crowd but lower RoF requires you shoot them from behind.

>chauchat is a true meme gun that is best in class for cqc TTK but drops out of usefulness past 12m where any other LMG feels better in comparison.
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You forgot the Huot

You forgot the best part

>their stat tracker shows 36000+ kills with the heavy tank


The MG14 parabellum was spotted on the coverart for the next expansion. 600-700rpm belt fed lmg. And the class currently doesn't have a bullethose beyond the BAR which is more of a precision weapon with its 20 round mag
So when's Ruski DLC coming out?
The french maps are all boring and stale (for operations, the only mode I like).

Verdun Heights is the best purely gameplay wise, but is incredibly badly balanced for operations leading to defenders winning roughly 90% of the time on the map.
Fort Vaux (when you actually get to it, for once) is also a shitshow. Lose first sector rather quickly, then literally get handed a free win because attackers have to funnel towards defenders through narrow hallways and defenders just spam explosives.
Soissons is just a big empty NOTHING with some buildings strewn throughout it. Nothing memorable about it other than SIX TANKS LMAO. Defenders usually lose this one through the sheer fact that attackers have 6 fucking tanks.
Rupture, again, is a map with 0 memorable features other than the pretty flowers. Attackers get absolutely raped here because their tanks literally spawn out in the fucking open, in sight of the defenders. Can get killed instantly upon spawning all the way back at spawn. Behemoth usually eats shit here because he's got no cover anywhere.

I really fucking hope snow maps will be good.

I guess you are right

>the huot which is a highly precise LMG that unfortunately has the second lowest RoF of the 23 max damage LMGs while sharing the lowest minimum damage of 15 with the Lewis gun, and second lowest mag size of all LMGs at 26. That being said its accuracy is the same as a bipoded BAR even when standing so it's extremely versatile for mobile defensive play.
I think Dice screwed up with the pairings for Operations, even if it's historically accurate (fuck you historyfags by the way, I hate seeing people defend the Verdun Heights shitshow because "it's supposed to be a slaughter"). I think that Verdun and Soissons would be the better pairing. Attackers get fucked on the first infantry map, but if they make it they get a field of tanks to cover the rest of the map in presumably their last battalion. Rupture/Fort Vaux would be the other in that order.

As it is, two infantry clusterfucks and two tank rapings is not fun to play, and gets old very fast.
>want to use the Huot more but have to wait until the new variant is available to unlock because
>lol 300 kills
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>mfw when I only have three or more service stars on maybe 6 guns
>2 stars with 4 weapons, nearing 3 with one
>18 or so weapons have 1 star
thanks famiglia
>saw a guy with 100 stars on the arty truck

Holy fuck these people exist

how are you supposed to use the arty truck anyways?

I'm torn on the new variant. Yes the huots sights suck, but so do optical sights. Wish it was a telescopic version so that we wouldn't have to give up the bipod just to see our targets
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>Team getting ass kicked
>Get in airship
>Team can't hold objectives for shit
>Flags get capped by the enemy the second I move off of them
>Autismos screeching at me to MOBE DA AIRSHIPP REEEE
>mash the spawn token at the beginning of the round.
>If you don't get your truck, don't spawn, just wait at the screen until it's available
>once you have your truck either stay in your team HQ or drive out to a flat/high spot near the edge of the map
>lob shells at planes, cap points, known camping spots until you kill something
>if scary assaults try to get you, kill them with your laser LMG or just drive away trailing a smokescreen
>under no circumstances set foot (tire) on a flag
To use it you need the utmost level of autism. First to use it enough day in day out. Learning to aim and optimize reloading and finding all the good spots on the maps. Second and most important, you need a very peculiar form of autism. The angry rage filled kind that makes you be the absolute fucking first and only person to spawn into an arty truck. No one NO ONE else can use it and if they do you rage type until you quit and fine a new server and try again. You have no idea how hard you want to click that arty truck. If someone takes it you do everything in your power to make sure it gets noticed then destroyed so you can spawn in it. Only you.
>match stagnating between point b on suez
>Dude rolls up in flanker tank
>Scout pops out
>Tank rolls into enemy side
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I've seen screen related when someone once took an arty truck at the begining of the map. The guyspent almost all match reeeeing that he should get it since he has so and so amount of stars. Once he got it I tracked him down and jumped on it blocking his field of view based on gun position.

Oh god his reeeeing was delightful. We didn't even lose either.
You'r enot supposed to right?

I meant how to play as a good arty truck not the camper type.

Top fucking kek

BF 1 makes me want to buy toy figures of the tanks

I like the St Chamond's shape a lot.
>try out the chauchat
>go back to the huot
I got too used to that things accuracy, can't wait to see how the optical variant will fare
more like jackfags amirite guys?
it's a nice touch, I can't help but smile everytime I hear it ingame
I'm excited for the huot optical but I really like the chauchat
killing three or four (stupid) people with one mag at close range is really nice

You can do the same with the BAR telescopic while not sacrificing mid and long range performance.

The chauchat legit needs its minimum spread and spread decrease per shot buffed so that it can actually function as an LMG. The gun demands precision to be even remotely effective so it shouldn't shoot around your targets even when bipoded.
>fuck you historyfags
t. reddit
yes, you are rite.
the sights on optical variants are actually quite good. i don't know why you all hate them so much.
>infinite grenades

When are they going to get rid of this fucking garbage?
>when is <dice> going to do <something not retarded>
Reddit is the place I always see them
nah, i never see them on reddit. and when they do appear there, they get shat on.
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So whats battlefest gonna be like?
extremely painful
Your a big girl
what reticle are you using? I simply can't get used to that shit
>try to revive someone
>game won't let me revive them because it thinks I'm hitting the debris on top of them
>get hit with the syringe cooldown
>die like a fucking retard because I'm standing there looking at a dead body instead of paying attention to my surroundings

Für dich
>hey, hey, did you know that it didn't actually happen this way in history? I read a Wikipedia article and the battle actually didn't ha-

No, fuck off. Nobody thinks you're smart for knowing publicly available trivia. Battlefield has not EVER been realistic or true to history in its fifteen years of existence.
Is the Masden Lightweight the best variant or should I use the storm/trench?
Storm/trench is better, use it like a BAR with more bullets
The bipod isn't worth it because you'll just be staring at the giant magazine while looking for targets
I like both the trench and the low weight.
On Amiens I would use the trench but Monte Grapa I'd use low weight.
Depends on the common engagement points I guess.
how do I start a match from scratch instead of joining an operations thats already over and sitting through 10 years of loading screens
how do I join an operation in progress instead of a totally empty server with 115 ping?
ITT we post shit maps with absolutely zero redeeming qualities of any kind
>Monte Grappa
>Empires Edge
>[sniping intensifies]
Suez is easily one of the worst maps in the game.
Verdun heights is Hillnigger; The Map.

I unironically like Suez.
It's good Martini-Henry bait.
yea, still biggest gripe is M98B and .338 Semi

Same caliber, way different damage models
Barrel length does have an affect on muzzle velocity and therefore energy.
Has anyone had FPS drops lately? Been able to run the game fine for months, and now for the past week or two, my FPS drops pretty noticeably after 3-5 minutes of gameplay
>Argonne: take the bridge first, win the game
any map with planes right now
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Fuck why did they make you kill people 50 people with lewis meme supressive.

It's such a meme gun.

It's no fun.

It's arguably better than the chauchat past 12m
>really good with Selb 1906
>can't use the Automatico at all when I play assault
Am I the anti-shitter?
>stream with mic
>get like 3 viewers a stream
>stream without mic
>get like 8 consistent viewers
no I'm the same way
except for the 'really good' part
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>set my master plan for Argonne Forest into action today
>beginning of round
>go scout, equip 1903 experimental/1895 trench, flares, smoke grenades, and SNIPER SHIELD
>sprint straight to C
>shoot flare, pop smoke on bridge, get comfy in my shield
>cap the point with no casualties

hilarious when it works out.
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I'll assume the lack of posting is because everyone ran out to try my Argonne strat

I'm going to, it sounds crazy enough to work.
What do you stay there the whole game?
strike the last two maps off the list and replace them with suez and you're good
How many people still play BF4? Thinking of going back.
No, just your first spawn in order to cap C more safely.
If you survive for a while you can put the shield down in choke points to force people to jump over it.
You're better off switching to tripmines later, to leave at home points to fuck with back cappers.
jesus christ

What kind of tripmines do you use? Regular or Incendiary?

So this is the power of the austistico and grenade spam
>100% accurate representation of the Great War
I switch them every life, different types persist through lives, like if you lay AT mines as an Assault then switch to Medic.
My favorite is HE even though I never get kills with them
So useless if i already cap c without dying with far superior classes
>he doesn't have fun trying out stupid meme tactics
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We need more Battlefield 1 Pepe's!
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What are the chances this will end up in MP
I have a GTX 760 and run 60fps on medium. Just play a bit with the settings until you get the settings you want.
Pretty fucking high since it's already made.
Maybe they'll call it the Automatico Experimental because the normal recoil will be way too high for use with a scope.
God do I love playing a few rounds of planewhoring at the moment, the salt is unreal
>those people desperately hogging the AA only to get dart-sniped off it
>get called hacker
feed me your tears
High muzzle velocity + large bullets = cleaner wounds. Lowering one variable or the other makes wounds worse.

This is because a large bullet at a low muzzle velocity (think .45 acp) will tumble creating large wound channels.

Conversely a small bullet going at a very vast muzzle velocity will break apart inside the body (5.56 nato does this)

I suppose dices reasoning is that having some distance gives the bullet time to slow down. What's more interesting is the fact that the BAR and the 1903 fire the exact same cartridge yet there is a huge discrepancy in damage between the two rifles. Funny how game mechanics works isn't it?
What the 3rd variant of the Automatico should've been, instead of giving it a fucking Trench version when it's already ridiculously strong at CQB
I have difficulty separating Automatico Trench and Storm. They both fill about the same function. One better with hip fire and one better with ADS. Factory is what, the balance between both?
sort of. factory regains accuracy faster after each time you pull the trigger than the other variants.
So factory is a bit more forgiving if you miss or burst fire
all of them except scar, sinai, rupture and soissons.
>As a dedicated pilot I take offense to this. I specifically clear out objectives, stop incoming cappers, and take out the lone wolfs who make it all the way back to A and are trying to cap. Tell me, how am I not adding anything to my team or game? Yesterday I took out two enemies running with limpit charges towards an oblivious stationary arty truck driver. I saved his ass. I do a lot for my team and ungrateful bastards like yourself need to give credit to the good pilots. All those kills are one less enemy you have to take down.
Yo I fucking suck as the trench raider. Tried him 3 times and killed a total of 2 people. Shit is hard when you're not in the right situation. Frustrating because it seems like such a fun class too.
>you're helping the team by saving a stationary atry truck
what an absolute retard. that's a slot that could be used for someone actually ptfoing
Tanknigger detected
>trench raider
More like trench screamer

Motherfucker always grunts so hard whenever he gets shot, tosses grenades, or whacks poor fucks on the head.

Stay indoors and jumpscare bitches when they go down dark hallways.
I love how you can hear him grunting from miles away
>grunting intensifies
>Shift + F + W at a moment's notice
The way he runs is hilarious too. He's an absolute madman.
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Trench Raider is one of the most powerful elites, no other dude can

- Self-heal and support a group of teammates
- Manually equip gas masks or take them off when they're not needed
- Normal infantry run speed
- Impervious to normal melee strikes in the front, like MG08/VP Sentry
- Dispatch a group of enemies extremely quickly with no limited magazine/overheat mechanic

The only other Elite that is this level of effectiveness at its intended design purpose is the Tank Hunter
But you have to be in the correct circumstances. Otherwise it's hard as fuck to play as him or get where you need to be.
I saw a trench raider engaging a support in a gunfight once.

Was funny
Just stay in buildings or on objectives.
I got like 20 kills in one life as Trench Raider at Objective C on Veredun Heights.
But then again everyone was staring at one stairway and none shot at me.
He's actually pretty fucking versatile, there's only a few situations why you'd get fucked

- Caught out in the open with no cover
- Lit up by 10 million people gunning for him
- Trapped by explosive spam

You can actually work your way around those using the tools available to you, while other Elites get fucked by something as simple as 1 gas nade or someone standing 50m away from them
Ah. The stairway panic grenade train.

I get caught up in that in Monte Grappa's B bunker
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nope, i just enjoy large maps that have a decent mix of infantry and vehicular combat.
you know... like how a battlefield map should be.
Man fucking B on that map is relentless. You can be going back and forward capping that for ages. A on Fao can be pretty brutal as well.
don't die yet!
Isn't the dlc supposed to be available for purchase today? I can't find it.
probably in the next few hours
just buy premium

i just flew down to new orleans today for a family trip that lasts until saturday. imagine how i feel
>Fort Vaux as France Assault
>Jerry starts funneling through one of the trenches
>Throw gas at the chokepoint
>Hop over the berm and throw dynamite behind them
>Literally rack up 6000 points from gas and dynamite combo
>End up getting 7 kills with just dynamite

Reminds me of the ol' "EOD Bot distraction while squaddie runs in throwing C4 everywhere" trick in BF3/4
I dreamt that screens were leaked confirming Japan and Belgium in DLC.
why do airchavs have such a massive victim complex?
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i refuse to believe that someone genuinely asked for this..
>75 kills on landship

Never used one before.

Do I have to be a tanker or just one of its gunners?

How does one landship
I don't want to be that guy with >20 stars in a tank
You can just be a gunner, easier than waiting for a spawn token sometimes.

Squad support is the best all around
Tank Hunter rapes enemy tanks but does shit against infantry
Mortar is...ok I guess
Sweet. That's some good news. Thanks anon.
>Tank Hunter rapes enemy tanks but does shit against infantry

What? No. The tank gun is a one shot kill against infantry and the iron sights are pretty accurate.
I guess I should've said "infantry at close range"
The tankgewehr is indeed great for killing everything in the game
Fair enough. I'm not a fan of the sawed off to be honest, but then again when I actually get the tank killer I usually hide in some bushes.

>that annoying feeling when ten scrubs and you are all running for an elite kit and you realize over halfway there you aren't going to get it.
Any tips for playing as a tanker?

So far I've read to not crash onto objectives because that's how to get surrounded. Go around the edges of the map. And what else...
don't die
Well I didn't die...

because I didn't get to spawn as a tanker.

Some dipshit spawned as an AA truck but instead of engaging the enemy drove circles around the map. Fucktard abandoned the truck and an enemy support that was tailing it stole it GTA style.

Most hilarious shit I've seen.
I just won the arabian operation as attacker for the first time
Ask me anything
Been playing since last October or so, and I honestly think I've gotten close at the last section of the last map but come to think of it I've never fully won.

Must have been a real garbage defending team.
Could we get these for the elite classes too pls?
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damn son
Doing that tends to end the same way as hopping on an AA: the plane drops a hot sticky load on you for an instakill before flying away to repair.
DICE devs each need a foot long artillery shell shoved up their asses for what they've done to AA guns.
Yeah a single gle guy shooting a plane is fucked but even if two guys coordinate or just happen to shoot up at the same time a few feet apart so only one gets bombed that plane bitch is going down.
I managed to sit around at E on San quentin scar with the tank hunter, took out 5 tanks, 3 bombers, 1 attacker and fighter, and a fuckload of infantry
Yeah, they squandered their train and we lucked out with a sandstorm on the first two sectors of the last map
I'm that anon. Sorry, I was on break, couldn't see your posts last thread, autist.
Landship noob anon here.

Played a few matches trying all the landhsip variants out.

Not sure what I wanted to do with this one. I've got 2 eager gunners but I can't drive into the fray because of the weapons I use. I feel bad for the 2 guys who are just sitting with me wasting time while I deploy smoke and gas objectives to death.

I feel like a piece of shit hillnigger camping on an elevated area with the Tankhunter Landship.

Is that how it's supposed to be played? Enemy vehicles get spotted and I fuck them up with impunity?

>Squad Support
The autocannon was a bit odd to aim due to how quickly the projectiles dropped. I got many points for spamming the crates but this one seems to be the easiest variant to use.
Madsen is actually my favorite gun, and I do the best with it. Can kill people at surprisingly long ranges.
somebody make a weebshit-free OP please
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>I come to 4chan to avoid anime
I cant unlock the chauchet, it says i need 15 kills in one round with m1909 telescopic and ive done it four times now, seen it go 15/15 ingame and whenever the game is done, this just resets
can dice make one thing right for once, holy fuck this bug riddled piece of shit game i regret spending money on this shit id rather wipe my mouth with my grandfather's morning shit
I just had the same bug, for the second time
I fucking hate telescopic variants
i googled and apparently you need the mortal kills first ahahahahha ncie one dice u got us!!!
jesus this makes me so frustrated
Pick your landship poison:
>Squad support
Slaughters infantry but not tanks
>Tank hunter
Slaughters tanks but not infantry
It's shit
>get hit by gas that penetrates the concrete wall and gaint layer of earth
I guess I like tank hunter the most. Just need to go find enemy tanks. As long as I don't drive into an enemy squad the team can usually cover my ass
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