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/ng/ - Nioh General

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Thread replies: 1042
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>he doesn't fucking know V.2 edition

>What does each element do?

>What should I do with the armour/weapons I don't want/use?
Purple/Blue = Disassemble (Then use the blue mats to forge a purple if you have enough)
Yellow/White = Sell or you can give it to the kodamas for amrita and the odd free item.

>What does the summoning candle do?
It returns your guardian spirit to you when you die along with the amrita you collected.

>Should I use soul match?
Honestly, no, not unless you have basically finished the game and have a weapon with some really great stats. As you progress you will get a steady flow of new weapons and armour that is better than what you have. Don't waste your money on soul matching until later.

>Why do people keep mentioning "smithing texts"?
Bosses tend to drop pieces of their armour and weapons when you defeat them. Very rarely they will drop a smithing text which allows you to forge their armour/weapon.

>Which clan should I join? (clan unlocked through progression)
Whichever one has a bonus that you think will benefit your build the most.

Beta guide that could still be useful : http://pastebin.com/VEHby7kd

list of smithing texts:
important question:

are Kusarigama fun

I want to go full naruto
yes op as fuck.
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Yes. All stances are versatile and strong and lets you shit on everything. It's also the ninja go-to weapon of choice if you wanna dress up like Hanzo and shit.

Good in literally any situation, it's main stat is the ninjutsu stat.

Kusari + some points into magic will carry you through NG.
you forgot best girl Tome
japan produces plenty of porn

knock yourself out
There's practically no porn of the game whatsoever. It's insane.

the stunning lack of jap fanart really cements the notion it apparently didn't do very well over there
I've found maybe 5 pieces of ANY Nioh fanart
what's better, power pills or carnage talisman?
Well, aren't Souls and its ike only popular in the west anyway?

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Can I give Attack effects to my other armor pieces if they're already full of effects? I have a few gauntlets with transferable attack stats but my armor doesn't have room for more. I wish I had seen this before upgrading them to +6....
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You're right. FTFY.
Carnage + Steel talismans. Steel cancels out the armor debuff you get from Carnage.

Power Pill adds 30% dmg.
Carnage adds 90%.
Why is Lightning the best element?

Why is Wind the fucking worst?
>no mothfu
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Thats a weird fucking way of spelling Water.
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>tfw killed Saika so fucking hard he just disappears and I don't get the key to the door
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i heard Tome is a boy.
Is it true?
I wasn't saying Water. I said Lightning.
>game is so good waifu shit does not exist

really makes you think.
Moth is a boy.
Then you're factually wrong. My mistake.
Wasn't there a titty pic of Fuku last thread?

Also there's a Western pic of Hino-Enma getting double teamed by generic oni
Of course, no woman is that good at being a blacksmith. They have a cute CUTE penis underneath their clothes. But they're too scared William will hate them for their dick so they never come onto him.
>muramasa constantly refers to her as a girl
no, you deviant
got it, thanks
Stop trying to force your shitty meme in every fucking thread.
I said Mothfu not Mothboi.
That was quick for him to get a spot.
You think Water is a better element than Lightning. You're in no position to pass judgement on whether or not anybody else is wrong.
So tome is a girl NICE!
Def best girl

There is no mothfu. Moth is a boy.
Well damn. Nioh must be pretty popular if WIRRAM appears in other games at all, and already so fucking soon.
if a beat NG+, do i have to make a new save to play the dlc mission when they came out? or will i be able to play them in my current save?
>Japan only

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hmmmmmm Marie
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>that fucking voice
This is happening way to soon for them to be doing it because Nioh is popular. It's more likely they're putting him in because Nips love musou games, so it's free advertising for Nioh.
What is with you and that moth girl ? She's basically a reskin of saoroise
what's with the all "320 lvl weapons are a glitch" from the previous thread?
WilliamXMarie OTP confirmed.
Is NG+ actually fun?
She has tits, a girl's facial structure, a girl's voice, and is referred to as "she" and "daughter" by muramasa and her lore descriptions. Fuck off.

Wouldnt mind if she had a penis though desu
I'm sure they'll try to make Willy a posterboy for TK.
Nah mate. I KNOW its better and my knowledge is backed by the closest thing we have to science in this game: empirical evidence.
It lowers defenses of all kinds so your normal damage hits for more, your elemental damage hits for more, elemental damage procs much easier, and makes elemental debuffs last longer.

You can follow up lightning if thats your shtick but its second pony to Water. Earth could arguably be better than lightning depending on the enemy.
Is the same game but with more damage sponges. Nothing else changes. Play only if you are autistic and want better loot for higher numbers.
Is way of the strong just the same levels again but with more health, more snipers and you now have to press reforge a thousand times on all of your gear?
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they fit together 2bh
fuckin nerd lmao
>Got a weapon to +7
>Can't get it higher because NO divine weapons are dropping for me any more.

Wasted like 60 ochoko cups so far, its like the second I beat thousand eyes someone just flipped the off switch on the drops. Even got 320 gear in storage ready to soul match but holy shit I just can't get any drops. I got about three +1s, that's about it.
I wouldn't go as far to say that they're not popular at all in Japan, but the west certainly likes them better

Now that I think about it though, Demon's Souls was almost exactly the same
it was totally barren for a long while with the occasional Maiden in Black image and even now the collection is pretty small.
the only thing we can do is wait
Seriously what the hell is that voice
I just said MOTHFU, not Mothboi or Mothpucci, or Mothgirl(male).
I will marry that Mothfu and they will fill the role as my wife regardless of genitalia whether they like that or not.
This, no reason lightning would be better than water when you can have both and the latter makes the former easier to proc and stronger.
I have +10 weapon, two +10 armor pieces rest +9

step it up senpai
>I have
stopped reading.
You have to kill yourself before the mothman will like you. Contract leprosy.
You really think a spirit of justice will listen to someone forcing gender roles on them? He's gonna fly off and disappear like he did to William.
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Merrows are literally hookers of the sea.
>Lowercase S
Stopped reading.
Objective tier list of elements

Water > Wind > Lightning > Earth > Fire
Moth femboy fits my aesthetic better than Tinkerbell mermaid.

Also I wanna cosplay as Yoshitsugu and I need his spirit for that.
Wind is bottom rung and I say this as somebody who runs a Saika's Yatagarasu build that gives my gun wind damage and uses a wind enchanted sword most of the time.

Wind is dogshit. It's only useful if it's being one half of a discord trigger. It might be top tier on PVP though, the effect isn't bad for PVP.
I just died three times in a row to the same hotwheel, with active Change scroll AND 100% ready phoenix. Neither just... activated at all.
What gives?
Anyone else sick of hosts summoning every revenant they come across? I help with the first, help with the second after doing frustration gestures and then stand back and make them deal with it for the third summon onwards, doing frustration gestures every time.
Wind is an effect that fucking sucks to be afflicted with but is pointless to use yourself.

Water > Earth = Lightning > Fire > Wind
I guess it's shit if you're bad enough to no be able to break ki. Wind proc literally doubles how much ki gets broken per hit.
I said whether mothfu likes it or not. My bitch my rules.
Social Justice. Bitch already said he wants a world where the weak and ruled don't have to fear the strong and rulers. Why do you think they made mothfu look like a pucciboi or literally every woman to be in some form of power?
Does anyone know just how high Clan bonuses go? I need to know if it's worthwhile to commit to a clan that's seemingly lackluster but high potential
>build for poison
>its near impossible to inflict it on bosses

God damn it.
Why do you even co-op?
>Decide to use sloth
>Fuck up my dodge timing 90% of the time
I just can't put up with this favourite conquered spell. I'm so used to playing fast.
>I guess it's shit if you're bad enough to no be able to break ki

Every other effect is better. That's all there is to it. Ki-break improvements are nice, but the rest of the effects are significantly superior.
Throw one bomb and circle them until it's on?
Yeah, that gets pretty annoying sometimes.
Why? Just fight them, with two people it should take seconds. Don't get summoned if you don't want to help the host do whatever he wants to do.
Use the poison cloud on big and/or slow bosses.

The cloud deals out poison proc based on the target's resistance, and will generally be able to trigger poison in everything in the game.

After that, you should be able to maintain the status by poison shurikens.
To help them get through a level, beat it and get amrita and glory for it. Probably more than if I help some shithead fight two dozen revs and then we have no healing for the boss, die and lose half.
You would be wrong for thinking that. Water is the only objectively superior status.
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>HA! you thought you had defeated me bu-oh okay
>Free Sloth
>Slowed Ki Regen
>Damage over time

No. Ki break changes aren't very good.
That's dumb Anon, your Homorongikingokongi Branch still works, and most levels have an abundance of drops points. In the time you spend following the host around like a bitch you could have just left and helped two other people who aren't wasting your time.
Holy shit Saika just give me your sword text
I can stop beating the shit out of you like a red headed stepchild if you just hand it over
I had to kill him an obscene amount of times for it. It was really really upsetting. I farmed him for like 5-6 hours.
Fucking waterfags even carry their beverage elitism over to video game status effects.
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I want this weapon.
Earth doesn't cause slow regen, it causes actions to cost more ki.

Plus you're also leaving out the part where most things in the game are immune to lightning and fire making their element procs worthless since it'll never happen.
My dudes a super strong guy and it doesn't matter if you kill him because he has 3 spare bodies that all share his conciousness waiting in safety
And hes the master of all elements and magic and hes a master ninja

Also he can steal your guys spirit
>still using mid stance attacks only
Holy shit.
I his name Coldsteel Shogun?
>most things in the game are immune to lightning and fire
Untrue. No more enemies are immune to those effects than any other element.

>it causes actions to cost more ki
is arguably even better than slowing ki regen.
Good for you. That's still on the list of texts I have to get, but currently I'm grinding for Sakon's spear.
It goes up by 2 factors. Staying with them WHILE being a high ranker and winning.
If you can't make either happen then just go with whatever.
Well my dude's also super strong and everyone loves him because he can use their spirit without just stealing it and everyone wants his help so they like him even more and even your guys friends like him and they teach him how to be a samurai and a ninja and to use magic and he can't die ever and he's a master of every weapon and he can turn super saiyan whenever he wants and basically your guy sucks
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lmao fucking DSP
yeah well my guy eats poop and says "OHOO"

so you better watch you'reselfs
Do people seriously watch incompetent whiny fat fucks like this play videogames and pay money too?
No, that's why his channel is failing.
Believe it or not there are people more casual than DSP. This one streamer rage quit on the beach at the beginning of the game.
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>He thinks that 320 Gear was intentional

I can't wait for them to outright delete all the equipment or for it all to revert to 150 specs. It's a waste of time.
Was that one who claimed to be a "Souls veteran"?
He's toptier by normie standards so yes.

That being said i'd pay money to watch Sips do livestreams of it or Penguinz0 do how-to's on it.
have the devs said it's a glitch?
no comment from them so far
This is my favorite new meme.
Wow, really? Who?
>jumping wirriam

That's still better than autismoboros' dash and slash strat.
It's fucking obvious that it is

>Nearly impossible to trigger
>Ignores the Divine 150 +10 deal which is clearly quite well thought out and intentional
>Creates a massive power jump that trivializes the game
>Tome and Muramasa say nothing about it
>Acts like a glitch (You gear has a chance of being the same level as your highest currently completed level)

It's not a meme. It's common sense you powergaming fucktard.
shut up callum
That's what I'm saying, he's not gonna be happy if you call him a her.
Maybe if you stopped fucking every phallic object that moved you'd feel average sized dicks like you were made too, fucking cavern cunt.
datamining is confirming its intentional.
Wtf senpai? Fire is literally the one element that applies the fastest and easiest on EVERYTHING. Fire Shuriken, Mega bombs and Phoenix guardian talisman all guarantee nearly instant fire debuff.
>datamining is confirming its intentional.

That sounds like a gigantic load of horseshit. Cite me some sources.
>It's fucking obvious that it is

It is obvious that it is the devs said it is a glitch? I don't get it, you didn't answer my question, you just went off on a rant.
This faggot.

I'm at the way of the strong.

According the the wiki you can take two items of the same tier and combine them to make one of a higher tier, eg.

(+1) + (+1) = (+2);

Is there a limit to this, or could you theoretically get a (+150) level item?
(+10) is the cap.
>that comic
A bunch of girls have told me that they prefer smaller penises because they hate having their cervix pounded so I don't get it.
Who cares what makes him happy?
>massive power jump
what, of like, 100 AR? you are the only person it bothers
so just kill summons for the red demon armour, and soul match it until you have +10 everything?
What's not to get about nu-male cisgender commics being posted by a cheap troll?
>I don't have any common sense or experience with games

If it looks, talks and walks like a duck: it's a duck. It completely invalidates the Divine Upgrading systems and I can't fucking emphasize this enough: It's so hard to trigger it's almost certainly a glitch. The low chance of it occuring and the fact that it's totally undocumented by the game and invalidates/circumvents a quite intentional gear progression system with divine upgrading makes this pretty much a fucking fact.

Maybe they should tell the guys not to pound their cervix. I am capable of doing so, but do not, because it hurts my GF.

It's a lot more than 100 AR.
I crafted a pretty nice set of Justice Ministry armor. But pretty much.

Now you're attacking my character and deflecting, but you still didn't answer my question. Did the devs say its a glitch? I mean, I'm not asking you for your deepest darkest secrets here, its a fairly simple and straightforward question, yes or no?
The sources are individual dataminers. Suppose they probably threw it up on reddit.
how much AR is it? do you even have one?
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>tfw no Yasakani
>not protecting Janome-Cho-kun's smile
>Only devs can define a glitch
It's obvious. You go ahead and call me when they say everything is working as intended.

I saw somebody gain like 300 AR or so in a screenshot.

If you can't prove to me your claims, I will not give them any consideration.

People CAN'T datamine PS4 games. Bloodborne STILL hasn't been datamined.
>Creates a massive power jump that trivializes the game
I don't get it, you can beat level 320 missions so what exactly is being trivialized?
>this game sucks, it's artificial difficulty
>the frames dips under 30fps
What a load of bullshit.
Best way to farm divine gear with high+? preferably more than 3 or 4.
He gets to be probably the first openly gay guardian spirit. He's literally being Step One in his own dream/life goal.
I don't believe your anecdotal evidence of the AR increase. I've never seen a screenshot of a 320 being that significantly better.

However, I have seen webms of people very quickly melting bosses with 150 weapons, so I doubt the difference is very consequential anyway.
>It's obvious.
I didn't ask your opinion, why are you still so angry? Yes or no? Did the devs say it is a glitch?
>you can beat level 320 missions so what exactly is being trivialized?
Divine +10 progression for one thing. They wouldn't develop that whole system of reaching +10 and then just trivialize it with higher level gear. The divine +10 system was clearly designed to slow down the gear ladder in NG+ and let you focus on building sets, soul matching and reforging stuff. Without it, NG+ has the same issue and NG where your gear become irrelevant every so often because of your advancement.
Potential new missions later. Co-op won't be as much fun because you're gonna fucking hose everything so quickly.

Getting too strong is never fun.
Those boss melts happen because of buff stacking. Which is OP as fuck too, but clearly working as intended.
>the reward for beating the highest level of difficulty is the final tier of gear
It actually makes perfect sense when you take a second. Most people would be done with their 150+10 by the time they finish their first 320 mission, some people might even need near full +10 gear to finish that mission.
This guy is right about the data mining shit.

The ps4 CPU is absolutely air tight. Every line runs with at least 2 layers of encryption. People have managed to decrypt output data to the HDMI port, but not even close to decrypting CPU input.
But that's clearly and obviously the end of the gear ladder. 150 +10 is the end. This would be like Souls rewarding you with a +11 when you clear NG+ but only 0.0000001% of the time.

If there was a clearly defined or reliable way to get 320 shit, it would be different. But there isn't, and it's even starting to come out that it's easier to forge a 320 for certain weapon classes than it is for others, which further emphasized the unintentional and glitch driven underpinnings of this whole situation.
PS4 can be decrypted very easily. Here's one such example:

The issue you have understanding the situation is that you are attempting to compare this game's loot system with the Souls loot system. That is a very flawed comparison. This game's loot system is that of an isometric ARPG akin to Diablo, Torchlight, or Path of Exile.

The final-tier that is 320 gear makes sense when you look at it from that kind of perspective.
is it possible to soul match or reforge magic speed boost on my helm?
i finished that mission with +3 gear
cool dude
Kinda lazy desu, I'm like 4 missions into Strong and have a +5 weapon
The one you forged.
Anyone has the list of all the unique developer helmets and masks that can be found? Some Anon posted it few days ago.
>t you are attempting to compare this game's loot system with the Souls loot system
No I'm not. I'm trying to apply common fucking sense to it. I'm using Souls as examples to try and smash this shit through your thick fucking skulls.

>The final-tier that is 320 gear makes sense when you look at it from that kind of perspective.
Not when it's nearly impossible to trigger and ignore the entire divine + upgrading system. Can you go to 320 +10? No? Then it's a fucking glitch. It's OBVIOUSLY a fuckup.
Is there a list of reforge reroll pools?
I'm no expert on the topic, but can you not soul match a 150 +10 into a 320 +10? Does it lose the +10?
>nearly impossible to trigger
A friend and I got it to trigger in about 10 minutes from each other
>Can you go to 320 +10?
>A friend and I got it to trigger in about 10 minutes from each other
Good job. You got lucky. It's well known that the chance is less than 1/100 and probably sits at 1/500 or worse.

Prove it. Show me.
you CAN make your 320 to plus 10 retard, it just costs millions of gold to go from each level to the next
>all of the Red Demon revenants are slowly being phased out by Kingo/WotW mixed revenants

does everyone just use cookie cutter shit?
You cannot apply common sense when comparing apples and oranges. Not only are they different colors, they have different skins and tastes.

What I'm saying is that you don't seem to have the experience of loot systems which are similar to the one chosen for Nioh. It's not such an abnormal thing to have this end game, final tier sort of thing that is gated behind RNG time sinks. It's normal for some genres.
>does everyone just use cookie cutter shit?
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>less than 1/100 and probably sits at 1/500 or worse
That's not nearly impossible if you can easily forge 100 weapons in 5 minutes.
>Prove it.
Dude seriously, I just put together Kingo's / WotW like three days ago and never saw it on anybody.

I just looked at stats, and figured out how to get lots of damage. I'm not saying I'm some sort of proto-hipster here dude, but there's only so many set bonuses to work with and people are going to gravitate towards the ones that have the optimal stats since you can just refashion anyway.
it's not even that, gear spreads virally from dead shitters to people who fight revenants


Yes. The answer is always yes. Retards want to "know" they're strong but they don't want to put effort in or think, so they ask people or mimic what they see.

>What I'm saying is that you don't seem to have the experience of loot systems which are similar to the one chosen for Nioh
That's wrong, but not only is it wrong, you're still ignoring the core of the fucking argument: EVERYTHING ABOUT 320 GEAR BEHAVES AND ACTS LIKE A GLITCH. IT'S NOT ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. THE WHOLE THING HAS A GIGANTIC GLITCH STINK ALL OVER IT.
Man I was just getting on to complain that literally EVERY revenant was red demon. But now that you mention it I am seeing a bit of kingo now mixed in.
muh personal incredulity

fuck off retard
you just got blown the fuck out kiddo >>169014952
I'm convinced the only people that die in this game wear either red demon or warrior of the west. I have never actually seen anyone wearing anything other than those outside of the crazy gauntlet yokai forever side missions.
Why do you retarded fucking faggots never post the link to the old thread? Fucking morons, I swear.
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You are sperging and freaking out so badly. Here, look at this. >>169014952

You need to calm the fuck down dude. Go take a walk outside or something, because every tiny little fiber of your being is so devoted to damage control right now, even though nobody here knows who you are.

We weren't trying to make you look stupid, or feel bad, we were trying to share information with you. But now you've gone and insulted people, and acted like a child, so I hope you feel like shit.
Jesus christ that attack
If you are so in the right, and so well informed and educated, why are you afraid to directly answer my question? have the devs said it's a glitch?
So does change to attack skill get you more AR than change to attack heart, or is it just so you can wield something else?

Are those your ideal rolls for a 1kat?
>That's not nearly impossible
Yes it is. It requires absurd amounts of grinding. None of the other gear progression elements ask for that.

>A fucking Kusarigama right in the picture.
More evidence that it's glitch driven. otherwise it wouldn't be easiest to trigger a 320 on kusarigama

Well done. You proved your claim. I have no idea why you tried to make the claim without including the proof in the first place

Let me ask both of you. Did it go directly to 320 +10? Shouldn't you be asked to follow the gear progression as normal and go from +1 -> +2 etc? It would make more sense if going to 320 was a reset and you had to go to +10 again.
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put it to +1 real quick to shut this guy up
i cant, its not divine
>Are those your ideal rolls for a 1kat?
>no A+

make it divine real quick to shut me up

lol fuck, sorry
What new weapons types will they add?
>Well done. You proved your claim. I have no idea why you tried to make the claim without including the proof in the first place
You started with your claim that there is no 320+10. Stop talking about things you have not researched one bit.
>Did it go directly to 320 +10?
No, 320+8 first. Would have saved a lot of money going to 150+10 first,
>None of the other gear progression elements ask for that.
To get a weapon to +10 you need 512 +1. Even if you start with +5 you still need 32 of those. They only drop in those high level mission with a small chance.
Is that the only difference between your current and ideal setup?

Just trying to get opinions and input so I can determine what I want my final stats to be.
Dual pistols or those big fuck off clubs.
>Did it go directly to 320 +10?
No, look at the pictures it's a 150+10 soul forged with a 320 weapon.
Why are you ignoring the question though? have the devs said it's a glitch?
Please respond.
>You started with your claim that there is no 320+10
Because nobody had posted any or talked about it. You should. If you're a powergaming retard, big numbers should make you feel special and you'd probably want to brag.
>They only drop in those high level mission with a small chance.
They drop all the time and I can soul match them to make them if I want. Not only that, but there's isn't some fishy fucking bullshit where it's easiest to upgrade your divine gear if you're doing a Kusarigama.
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Jesus Christ read the fucking thread before posting, PLEASE
hopefully we will get living weapon lasers in dlc
Because your question is moronic. Show me the devs telling us it's NOT a glitch. Because as it stands, the symptoms point to glitch. I cannot believe you guys still think it's intended even after it came out that it's easier to do when making kusarigamas.
>this level of salt and being a sore loser
Here's some pasta for you, anon. Eat up.

1) "Running Water Maedate Kabuto" location : "The Trail of the Master" sub mission in "Tokai" region

2) "Water Buffalo Horn Kabuto" location : "Memories of Death-Lilies" main mission in "Tokai" region...

3) "Shuri-no-suke's Kabuto" location : unknown

4) "Golden Shachi Zudate Kabuto" location : unknown

5) "Koreto-hyuga's Kabuto" location : unknown

6) "Khakkara Ushirodate Kabuto" location : "The Ogress" submission in Kinki Region

7) "Rabbit Ear Wakidachi Kabuto" location : "Sekigahara" main mission in "Sekigahara" region

8) "Rabbit Ear Kabuto" location : "The Samurai from Sawayama" main mission in "Omi" region

9) "Butterfly kabuto" is obtainable from revenant in wrecked ship (where flying bolt is) in "The Conspirators" sub mission in "Chugoku" region

10) "Female Demon Visor" location: the iga escape

11) "Wakan kabuto" location: bridge of bone
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Can you refashion things to the Tanuki helm? I found one but I can't find it in the refashion list.
I know the answer, I want YOU to answer it. If you're so afraid to answer such a simple question, then even you don't believe in your own argument.

I asked you a question, did they or did they not say it is a glitch? I've been asking you all day, do you really not have the balls to answer?
hopefully short swords Okatsu and that winged faggot use
>huge emphasis on charge attacks and mobility
>combos with ninjutsu and firearms
>wall jump attacks
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thank you
This is missing at least one. I got the Lucky Tanuki Kabuto from a devenant in the Silver Mines mission NG+
I should add that they drop from dev revenants iirc
Everybody says this, but where are they getting it from?
Moth looked pretty feminine to me.
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>Show me the devs telling us it's NOT a glitch.
I'm not even that guy, I'm just sick of you asking over and over. Who fucking cares if that guy says it, stop arguing with anonymous people on the internet you pathetic loser. You have the answer in the thread. Stop asking.
Saika uses a regular Katana. You can forge it and everything. He just uses an edgy stance/grip

That tweet doesn't exist. It doesn't show up when you look at the actual website.
pls respond
Where is the pvp mode?
>Because nobody had posted any or talked about it.
> If you're a powergaming retard, big numbers should make you feel special and you'd probably want to brag.
The game's been out for more than 2 weeks. Forging a 320 takes 30 minutes.
>They drop all the time and I can soul match them to make them if I want.
Dude, +5 don't drop all the time and take some time to farm.
hopefully nowhere
Don't see you bitching about the faggot going "ITS A GLITCH!" every other post.

have the devs said it's a glitch?
I've heard there was a bug that made things not show up in the refashion list despite owning them. I think the fix was putting it in the storehouse and taking it back out.
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oh shit
Honestly thought you were the same guy. Wish you would all stop posting anytime
Why should I? Why would I go around googling this shit? I'm literally not going to ever create 320 gear until the game has content that's challenging enough to make it worthwhile.
>+5 don't drop all the time and take some time to farm.
+1 does and you can combine them to get up to +5s
>The game's been out for more than 2 weeks. Forging a 320 takes 30 minutes.
What the fuck does that have to do with what I said? I said that I figured if they could be +10, people who had them would fucking say so. +10 320 sounds a lot more impressive than just 320.
Did not work. I'm scared to disassemble it. Is it easy to get another?
>beat nobunaga
I'd love to see kelley and aku exchanging notes
Hahaha. That must be the biggest damage anybody has ever received.
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Whats a good stat build if I want to mainly use ninjutsu and spears? I'm at the third region so I've got a fuckload of amrita to dump into my stats
I hope the DLC adds a loli Nobunaga
I don't usually refashion personally, but I thought you needed the text in order to refashion certain gear like sets.
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So what new weapon type would you people want to get added in the DLC?
Or you would rather have additional movesets of existing weapons?
I really want a staff.
>I'm a chuckster!
body, skill

this game is ez to build
You mean like a magic staff of a Bo staff?
I suppose it could be a mixture of both.
I'd personally really want them to expand on the fist movesets.
Spear handles just like one. Same goes for Naginata. I -literally- don't understand people who think it would be different. Play spear for awhile. All the animations would fit for a Naginata and or a Staff. The only exceptions being maybe the impalement type animations being a bad fit for a staff.
>But first we're going to have to talk about parallel universes
>Why should I?
Because you wanted to know if 320 +10 exist? Are you retarded?
>+1 does and you can combine them to get up to +5s
Again, to get one +10 you need to forge 512 +1s. That shit takes forever.
>What the fuck does that have to do with what I said?
>a powergaming retard
Like, it's not hard to get a 320 weapon and see how they work if it only takes 30 minutes. It's not like I had to waste hours to get one and see what happens to my +x weapons if I soulmatch.
>I said that I figured if they could be +10, people who had them would fucking say so. +10 320 sounds a lot more impressive than just 320.
No, you went full retarded. Stop shitposting and learn how to use google.
>Because you wanted to know if 320 +10 exist?
No I didn't. I was making a claim I believe to be true in order to undermine the 320 defense force who desperately don't want to consider themselves to be exploiters or whatever else. Turns out I was wrong.
>Again, to get one +10 you need to forge 512 +1s. That shit takes forever.
No. You don't. You can just save up a shitload that dropped naturally. I find them all the time.
>Like, it's not hard
I never implied it's hard. Just that it's tedious and only relevant if you're a powergaming fucktard.
Well you did have the bat spirit anon.
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this one
Whats the normal level for endgame NG+. I don't want to feel like a scrub for over leveling but I'm also noticing this annoying power creep all of a sudden.
if they were going to put a new weapon in the game, even if it looked kinda like an old weapon, they'd probably make the moveset different. Are you literally retarded?

Also Nagita werent used like spears, Again are you literally retarded?

Also staffs werent used like spears, Again are you literally retarded?

Like, honestly why do you even speak? Why did you commit your retard comment to text for all of use to have to read? If they are going to make a NEW weapon class, of course it'll be fucking different then the other ones we have. Just like your tiny cuck dick isnt anything like a real dick, the spears/staffs/naginata would be different.
Nunchaku, bo staff, huge ass swords, dual tantos or wakizashi, bare handed getting its own skill tree. Mostly the first two though.

For ranged, I'd be surprised if dual pistols weren't added.
I'm saying your fucking naginata and staff are already in the game. Play spear. It's got everything those other weapons could offer.

>Also staffs werent used like spears
Have you played spear? Have you seen the fucking moveset?
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What would happen if you had the "Prevent instant death" Ninjutsu active when that happened?
What is Shinka's guardian talisman ability supposed to do? It debuffs enemies immediately with earth which is nice, but it also puts a "buff" on you that looks like a defense bonus, but none of my stats are changed and I take the same damage from anything I've tested on.
Hyper armor, as far as I know. It's pretty damn handy
Impartial observer here, the difference between spear, staff and naginata in how they play would be so little as to be negligible. You need to cool your jets, m80.
I don't get why people ask what stats to use for their build. The stats are very simple and the game literally tells you exactly what each stat does and you can see exactly what changes when you select a stat to increase. Wish people would just read the damn UI
Oh shit. I can see some use in that. So Shinka is good for very heavy armor builds I suppose.

I mean otherwise I'd just dodge everything.
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Show me those perfect charms, I need something to keep going through these difficult times.
I was level 100 when clearing NG. Queens eyes mission is level 145 . I cleared with a breeze without a single death. Level doesn't matter that much to be honest.
>I have literally no idea how a staff and naginata are used and don't care to even look it up and im completely retarded.

Fucking youtube it you shit. Educate yourself.

Read the above, then also add that you are fucking stupid as shit. IF THEY ARE ADDING A NEW CLASS THEY'D MAKE IT DIFFERENT. Like are you so dumb that you can't even comprehend the most obvious shit?
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>using Chidori in a middle of humanoid group launches them all and juggles for almost all their HP
I like this mystic art way more than Fluidity so far.
Of course they would. But they wouldn't probably just add a class that isn't fucking identical to one that's already in the game. Making staff or naginata have a noticeable or appreciate level of differentiation from spear would be nearly fucking impossible. At least something like Kanabo has potential as a weapon sitting between 1 kat and axe in terms of potential playstyle and behavior. Same for Odachi or something as the an alternate "heavy" weapon to go with axe. Naginata and staff would both amount to "twirling spinning long reach weapon" which is already filled by spear.
They would if they did, but anon is saying that the weapons are too similar I function and that the devs would instead choose more unique weapon types. Literally no one is saying that if the devs added those weapons they would have the same moveset as the spear.
Do 2kat masteries effect other weapon types? I assume not but I really need to clarify.
>I was making a claim I believe to be true in order to undermine the 320 defense force who desperately don't want to consider themselves to be exploiters or whatever else.
So you're shitposting without any knowledge about the topic in hopes to anger some Anons. Good job. Gold star.
>No. You don't. You can just save up a shitload that dropped naturally. I find them all the time.
I think you don't realize how much time it takes to get even one weapon to +10. Now do the same for your 3 other weapons. And your 5 armor pieces. We're talking about 1024 +1 melee weapons, 1024 +1 ranged weapons and 2560 +1 armor pieces. Even if you get 100 +1 in 30 minutes that would take 24 hours of straight up farming. For one set. You would have to do the same shit if you ever decide to change any equipment. Meanwhile you can have a whole 320 set in 2 hours if you're lucky. No tell me what is more tedious.
>Just that it's tedious and only relevant if you're a powergaming fucktard.
Getting +10 is fucking tedious and took longer than getting a weapon to 320. Obviously an oversight. Nobody drops +10 weapons and is clearly not necessary to beat the game and only for powergaming fucktards, but I don't see you complaining about them.
The mystic arts? No, they're exclusive to that weapon type.
Remember that time where William screamed "GO, SOARISE!"
I appreciate it, anon.
Do you also happen to know what Saoirse's talisman attack does aside from the immediate 0->100 water debuff? I see two buffs that I have no idea what they are, sometimes at random I get a third buff.
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If William becomes a popular character KT will pump out endless games with him.
Ben Peel trapped for life in a contract where he has to shout anime phrases in Belfast accented English.
More Amrita Gain, Better compass, and when used in Living Weapon, Amrita extraction on hit.
I really hope Billy will get himself some of that Katsudon puss in the DLC.
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>TFW could have infinite amrita if I only had an app that let me rapid-fire square button through remote play.
>I have no idea how a staff and naginata are used, and don't even care to look it up. I like seeing my words used on the monitor inbetween masturbation sessions.

Honestly, your both fucking stupid. The fact that you have no idea what you are talking about and don't care to find out is baffling. You don't need to argue this point, you can just have been wrong and move on you made a stupid claim you didn't understand and now you're inevitably in wrong town.

I'm just going to explain this shit to you because you're a fucking retard.

A naginata is not a spear, and doesn't function as a spear, and if you used it like a spear you'd break it. The reason is because a naginata is a fucking slashing weapon, if ANYTHING it'd behave more similar to an axe then a spear, just to start off with. A naginata is designed to be used with side slashing motions and slow heavy sweeps. In addition to that you could pull forward your hands and use it as a heavy katana blade, more similar to how our longsword were used.

If you have any doubt that they are used 100% differently then you can just look up why the spear eventually replaced the naginata. Because you can weild a spear side by side and it requires no finesse or skill, you stick the pokey end at the enemy. A naginata like a pike has a sweetspot for sweeping, but unlike a pike doesnt usually have a good straight poke.

Staffs are used so fundamentally different than a spear that it's hilarious. Read a fucking book sometime. Pick up a god damn magazine. Watch a informative movie. Enrich your retard lives.
I am playing on a tablet. Is 10 times harder but is comfortable on bed.
Okay... not sure what that has to do with what I said, but good for you, I guess.
What does that bird do?
Nothing. Is the worst guardian in the game.
No one is disputing anything you're saying, but those differences that you're talking about would not translate to differences in gameplay the way they would in real life. If you think otherwise, feel free to explain how staves, spears, and naginatas would function in-game and how they would have their own play styles and situational use like the weapons that are already in.

Also calm down. Your mental state over something so trivial is not healthy.
gives you buffs when you get amrita, based on your stance

high is attack, mid is defense, low is ki recovery
>one of two guardians to give attack buff that stacks with carnage
>worst in game
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The fuck outta here.gif
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>see Nobunigga do all this rad element switching shit with berd
>it's a pain in the ass to do it myself and infinitely less convenient than a talisman
stupid berd
We know how they're used, you clown. We know they're different in reality. We're saying that their translation from real life to the game would end up with a weapon negligably different to the spear.
anyone have a download for the OST? been looking everywhere
>implying the attack buff is more than the 12.5% you get from kato anyway
I turned the music off after the same theme got played for 3 or 4 bosses.
why the fuck are you so angry nigga, calm the fuck down before you have an aneurysm, it's just fucking video games
There are no bad guardians.
except daiba washi
do the second tier skills in ninja skills boost the damage or just lower the capacity cost and do skills that apply to the normal bombs apply to the bombs you make?
daibi washi is top tier spirit lad
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JAV DASD-358 looks like Tome
Forgot Atlas Bear being outclassed by Kato
Not him but I really liked this aspect of Nioh. Just five weapons but each one has a tight and polished moveset where everything has some kind of situational advantage. Each one can unlock stupidly powerful Fuck You moves as well. Bloodborne did this too, stripping out unnecessary weapons that players wouldn't use anyway. I like this system over the one in Dark Souls where some swords just have objectively superior movesets to others. It's a tradeoff but I like picking up a new pair of 2kat and knowing how to use it immediately.
Can someone post the "Pronounced Giant Toad" image?
Not-phoenix is my baby.
I suck so dying is a problem but the revive trigger is making NG+ manageable without resorting to aged cheese.
you can't die to drop your lv320 weapon right? does that prove it's a glitch?
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>you can't die to drop your +10 weapon right? does that prove it's a glitch?
You can't drop a +5 weapon either.
Does it prove that's a glitch as well?
Yes, I agree 100%. I think Bloodborne had an absolutely perfect balance in that respect. 5 definitely seems like too few but they did a pretty good job considering, with stances and skills being able to extend each type's moveset by quite a lot compared to any one weapon in Souls or even Bloodborne.

IMO though 1 and 2kat are slightly boring, being a bit spammy and less nuanced than spear or kusari
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>trying to roll +A stat

You do understand the stat increases with familiarity right? You can't roll an A+ right away

How many hours have you wasted?
use your whetstones
meant A sorry.
Dude B/C scaling turns into A+ with max familiarity
can you roll Spear with A Dex? Only get A Skill.
C become B- with max familiarity mate
that's a jap preorder helmet, not a unique one like those
What aboutu B?
B is only A. You need A/A- for A+
1kat was my bread and butter for the longest time and I warmed up to 2kat once I got the million slashes moves.
It makes me feel like an e-peen bad motherfucker doing flashy moves and shit during co-op. No regrets.
Fucking love the spear, it and the kusa are great easy-to-pick-up-difficult-to-master weapons. Spear gets a bad rep because the reach makes it almost too effective for pokey play.
I like 2kat more than 1 in general but I really, really hate the skills. Way too over the top, I think they just look silly.

I love the spear because in any game with a spear I've wanted one with a cool, varied, spinny moveset but it's only ever been boring pokey shit. Nioh spear's moveset makes me splooge every time.
>low stance quick attack combo
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>look it up
>transexual anal
>doesn't even look like Tome
Sengoku Basara is the stupidest shit.
is there anything you have to do before being able to forge lv320 shit?
I just beat way of the samurai with a heavy armor 2kat build with pretty heavy magic investment. It felt really fucking powerful, perhaps too powerful. The only thing that really gave me trouble was husbando and waifu on ice. Now I'm trying spear/1kat. Anyone willing to give some advice on skill point investment? What is shit that I really don't need? I can spend about 190 samurai skill points so no shortage. I got a 2kat that scales A+ heart so I'm doing 30 in body, heart, and skill. 15 dex and 12 magic for certain uses, and using the enko spirit. Yes I'm a partial red memeon shitter.
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I just bought the manga.
Touch your elbow with your tongue.
That fucking set is already glorious and will look good with the dragon helm.
Did you get a code for the helmet?
They're so over the top and silly, same with axe's spin2win. Will's supposed to be this gruff seasoned fighter but he still does goofy anime moves, I love it. I'm just glad the characters don't yell out their moves' names when they do them.
Spear is amazing. Any idiot can poke their way through the bosses with it but it's a beautiful and versatile weapon once you learn it.
Except spearfall, holy shit that move is broken.
Don't know. It hasn't arrived yet. It'll be here In few days.
Everyone would think the dragon helm was gross overdesigned garish shit if it wasn't rare
beat NG+ hundred eyes
how do you pronounce the fire dog spirit name?


Or Kah-to?
i see, thanks
"Gi-ant Dog-go"
"Ka" like from cat and "To" like from tomato.
How many purples can you get on a weapon?
Oh it is. And I don't want to wear it. I just want to have it.
Is it just me or are the levels in the second half of the game much shorter?
Not really. You just die less, so there's less backtracking.
"Giant Toad"
Not really.
You probably just have the confidence you not inch yourself forward.
>doing Torii gate
>helping people with bosses
>some red demon shitter with a spear summons me
>it's skeleton boss level
>he is at the start
>immediately summons revenants
>help someone else
>get summoned again
>it's red demon shitter

Fucking hell. What's it with summoning people to kill revenants
Anyone has a gif or webm of that (now dead) guy with a fedora sheating his katana with style?
Everytime I sheathe my katana slowly after every kill reminds me of that guy.
>Sekigahara Reloaded
>Host just attacks the crystals, doesn't purify them
>Figure he wants to do a no purification run of Doshi, I'm up for that
>He just runs around killing shit, doesn't jump in
>Turns out he didn't speak to Tenkai

End me
I have

>Close Combat Attack Life Drain
>Close Combat Attack Ki reduction (Fixed)
>Damage from behind
>Guard Ki reduction
>Change to attack (Heart)

on my katana, what should I reroll and what should I be looking for?

I'm thinking life drain for familiarity/proficiency bonus damage?

Currently doing 2121 damage
You need familiarity A+.
I don't know man, I played the beta and alpha to death so I haven't really been inching myself forward. The levels would be even shorter if I wasn't going for the kodama on my first playthrough of the level.
damage from behind is way better than familiarity in my opinion
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Why am I so bad? I literally cannot parry ANY attacks. I see all these webms of people flawlessly parrying bosses and I hardly ever pull them off in time. Human bosses have like three trillion different attacks and I can never time them well, is there a trick to it? I had no issue in any of the souls games parrying but this one is making me want to die
Personally I only go for parries vs high stance.
Are they mutually exclusive?
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Latter I believe. As far as I can tell "ei" denotes the "ay" sound. Kanbei, Hiei, etc
Cheers mate.
It just becomes like a sixth sense after a while. Don't be dissuaded by failure
Kah Toe
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git got
you can only have one dmg+ effect on a weapon at a time
But I have change to attack from Heart and damage from behind on the same wep here
how good is a super high dex build with the full iga ninja set?
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I was told otherwise.
exactly which effects belong to the same category isn't 100% known yet.
change to attack is in a different pool from the other damage stats
>not having both katana parries equipped for maximum style
>add fun parry system
>doesn't work against majority of enemies

good game
lol not even close
>(now dead)
But... that's wrong you fucking retard.
>using parry
>not using parry
>Not using parry, but always failing it
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I'm positively sure i found the worst roll possible
How do you always fail something you don't do?
I wew'd
You miss all the shots you don't take.

Sorry m8
Pretty much, time to shard it.
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Wrong pic
atk dmg seems pretty fucking good
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Please tell me there's an Ogress/hanya mask I can get. I need it.
>nobunaga has all these rad TENGEN KUJAKU moves
>all you can do is his shitty power up move
where are my lightning bolts
where are my ice crystals
where is my flame leap
where are my earth mines
where are my wind blades
do the second tier skills in ninja skills boost the damage or just lower the capacity cost and do skills that apply to the normal bombs apply to the bombs you make?
It's element swap, not power up? You're not a boss character to have cool shit
They should honestly have just kept peacock from the player if they wanted it to seem really good in nobu's hands instead of giving you this half arsed shit
You can equip all versions and they stack in capacity, so you can have 21 Kunai, etc.
Are Smithing Texts Items or Equipment?

As in, should I be rolling item find or equipment find on my gear for grinding?
>he doesnt know

You got it from the third final demo.
Is there a better set for discord/onmyo/elemental damage than the memedemon set? That on-fire bonus seems to be the best option from what I've seen.

I really hope they add an onmyo-oriented set in the DLC. Onmyo power and unlimited%, maybe a bonus for Hi-Nezumi or the turtle.
They are items, you take itokuri and pray
Can Benkei drop a divine hood?

Smithing texts are items
>he didn't even play the last change demo
Can you equip them?
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Where the fuck do i get these in divine form

Any chance revenants can drop it?
>Giving me news from my own country
That's why I said you're wrong you fucking retard.
nope cant get it anymore
I think I found the most autistic host yet
He walks everywhere
He's dead? That's too bad.
Ogress is theoretically supposed to drop the mask or text
No idea, but the Onmyo damage bonus is pretty shit. Magic scaling would be better.
Are you sure it's not a drop like Onryoki helm or Nue mask?
Sounds pretty funny. Webm it.
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can you make a build with hand cannons or is ammo too limited and the gun itself too slow
You aren't Nobunaga. Only Nobunaga is amazing enough to use its full potential.
Where's his rifle? Didn't Nobunaga have a mega hardon for firearms?
I want to start a game show called Nobu or Cao Cao
Nigga literally everyone with a guardian gets to do cool shit that you don't. The least they could have done was give Saoirse something baller that makes William into a boss type player character but no, that shit is in their musou game instead.
>Onryoki helm

This is a drop? Are you sure? This was the reward for beating the alpha. If it does indeed drop then all boss helmets and masks can drop as well.
I got it and other anons too.
Was confirmed like day 1.
Plot twist, Nobunaga is actually Cao Cao. Just like Araki and Keanu Reeves it turns out that Cao Cao aka Oda Nobunaga is an immortal fairy that chooses when and where to resurface.

Soon CaoNobu CaoNaga will return, probably to take over America or the EU, and that will be that with robots, macross missile pods, and railguns becoming real things.
having FREE living weapon gauge does make you a boss character champ
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Since clans are account wide, do the bonuses work if I make a new character?
FREE as PS+ games.
Then ogress mask can definitely drop. Going to start farming her now cus I missed that last demo too.
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You're not a boss character. You're just a shitter with a quick fill bar and a guardian that runs out in no time at all.

Meanwhile musou william can bring down waves crashing into enemies, throw long range water slashes, and iai into a tsunami.
He sprinted around the boss room refusing to fight it so I branched out
I have them but forgot where I got them. Must be rare because I only have one set.
Prove it
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William literally can call on Saoirse as much as Nobunaga can mid fight and self buff while bypassing its own cooldown. Not to mention the fact the fucker is unable to die in battle.
He may not do ridiculous stuff with it, but that's boss tier.
Hey /ng/, I'm having trouble getting the last couple missions done where you can't summon anyone so now I'm thinking maybe I should respec my character to use the spinny scythe thing. Kusarigama? Anyway, what stats do you think I should have at 126?
also checkpoint resurrection is an insane superpower
the port out the mission is floating out of reach, help
>Prove that fake thing is fake.

By showing you it doesn't exist?

Are you that moron that lost his shit over 320 weapons?
Better make sure your old charachter doesn't get erased
Any sign of the OST yet?
Your old character is gonna get erased. Trust me. It's happen to a few. I was getting those CE save errors and they overwrite a second save

Luckily for me the second save was a low lv character and not my main. Backup your save to a USB. If you have 2 characters it will be three files
Transformation tiers:


Le sneaky birb ninja, nobu, kelley, mothfriend

Red Meme, Warrior of the Wank


Everything else
What are the restrictions for damage from behind on a weapon? The only other attack boost on it is attack heart a+ but I cannot get this shit
What qualifies as Critical condition? I see lots of things that do (x) when in critical state, but how low is that? 25% health? lower?
Name one worthwhile track on the OST
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>finally found 2kat set
>it's a heavy set
Master Swordsman is the greatest shit man. Full set practically drags it back into B agility alone, negates the ki spending heavy armor requires, and boosts 2kats best moves.
pretty sure it's 30%.
also yes it does apply to your living weapon as long as you activate it while under 30% HP.
Heavy armor's not that bad specially if it's the ones that you can knock down to B agility
off the top of my head the kyushu map, cave music, the london music, the london bosses song, the song that plays for the ogress, both versions of okatsu's song

Right there. There are other sources as well. Prove that this piece of piece of news is falsified, which is easily done by simply showing the evidence you have that contradicts it, you retard.
>superior in any way
flashing life bar
Goddamn bastard Sakon drop you spear text already.
le funny racist meme
>no option to test how something looks in reforge mode

Wasted oppertunity desu
Yasuke's shit because they turn him into a manlet. Edgy bird boy is a faggot. Nagayoshi is top tier.
How much damage built-in kusarigama attack buff adds exactly? How it compared to carnage?
Can 1kat zerg a boss, using Iai, like 2kat and axe?

What's the best armor set for 1kat?
How do you get those -1 set requirement accessories?
They should have just made two armor slots for each piece. One where you can put your actual armor and another where you can put in your unlocked fashion.
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>Warrior of the Wank
He's hot with his helmet off, imo

L o L
kill yourself nigger lover
1kat has the strongest iai on paper but using them is tricky because they have a slow fucking charge or execution time even if you take ki sheathing move, meanwhile sign of the cross allows you to spam that shit so fast bosses won't be quick enough to stop you

there's no single best set for 1kat as far as i can tell, it's better to use hybrid gear with bonuses to attacks you use
Bathhouse, you can farm the one corpse behind the locked door to the right of the first shrine until you get it. You have to go up the stairs and across the gap to get in there.
Dad, no one wants you here, go back to jacking off to cuckold porn since you can't get over leaving Mom like a fool and are lashing out by becoming everything she hates.
Prove me wrong.
Oh, wait. You can't.
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Okay, I'll give it a shot.
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>kusarigama is so strong there's only one set that includes it and no sets that buff its special attacks
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Certain people are salty that they either:
A: are unable to clear wots to unlock the ability to craft them
B: do not possess the autistic tendencies to mash x and savescum for many hours
Seriously what the fuck am i doing wrong if Suzaku lasts like forever and Tengen doen't despite having better stats? Does amrita gain on Suzaku mean that much and where can i even get it, on normal magatamas only?
Still on my first playthrough
I just made it to the Sekigahara region and I'm worried that my non-stop consumption of this game is starting to burn me out on it. I've completed every side mission so far and went back to grind a few bosses and nab some titles
I'm just worried that if I hit up something else I'll lose track and not come back here

send help
I got the text from the twilight mission for her.
Get magitamas with LW/amrita gauge additions and amrita earned. Get lucky and you basically double your gauges and successful kills/hits restore a fair amount. You can almost make an infinite living weapon build if done correctly.
>It's so hard to trigger it's almost certainly a glitch
By this logic rolling A skill on a reforge is also a glitch
>co op game
>still get hatemail for helping too much

This is fucking hilarious.
Is it bad to raise stamina? I finally have the set I want but it puts me at 88% and that blows
kill yourself nigger lover
When farning for a 320 weapon how many divine fragments should i be using
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1, if your 320 comes out not green just soulmatch
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Here's a helpful video.
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you already posted this dumb shit on /v/, fuck off
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>beat gorillion eyes on NG+
where do I sign up to get my free 320 now?
>he goes to /v/

Please stay there.

>That picture

Those two cheating fuckers would definitely hang out.
>many hours
half an hour tops
>Death Counter: 186
That has to be a joke.
I had over 650 when I finished it for the first time.
Lets not pretend any of you finished the game with less than that. Bunch of try hards here.
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>finished both NG and NG+ with under 15
literally and I do mean unironically, acquire proficiency
Lmao sure you did.
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Can anyone post some good stat/item builds for around level _70? I want to switch shit up
There's not much reason to use other stances except for the crawlers.
>under 15
>he actually died

Finished the entire thing, NG+ and twilight missions with a wooden train sword naked and 0 deaths.
playing super safe is boring to be quite honest family
>decide to help people on hino
>get summoned
>first one walks off the cliff for the small ledge containing a single corpse to loot
>almost dies on impact and a yoki finishes him off
>second summon
>be and guy are blasting through shit from the get go
>randomly stops
>maybe 5 minutes of just sitting in a pause menu
>got bored halfway through and start pushing his body towards the cliff
>right before i push him off
>get a paragraphed message asking me to stop killing shit and showing him "secrets" like that hand crank platform
>ask him why even summon then
>says the game gets hard sometimes so having someone that can step in and help is good
>uh...but...no. fuck it.
>decide its basically free loot and start texting while he kills shit
>first rev he instantly kites it back to me
>just kick it off the cliff
>get past the first shrine
>instantly bumrushes the yoki spawn
>somehow gets knocked down by the actual spawn animation damage
>just lies there
>not even trying to stand up or dodge or block
>gets gibbed a few seconds later
>get summoned again
>maybe 10 minutes in and i get spammed by a bot "u suc" 20 something times
>instantly followed by 3 paragraphed messages telling me how shit i am at the game, breathing, thinking, sex, and life in general ontop of why didn't i help him more and how could i just let him die and he's gonna kick my ass etc. etc.
>reflexively report him to PSN cause they actually ban people when its text-based salt and thus incriminating evidence they can see from overwatch comp
>wake up to 20 spam messages of "u fucer!" today

So turns out the fanmail banning isn't just dedicated for the overwatch community. Spread the word and the salt.
>wooden train sword
Do it barehanded, then we can talk.
Except youve had no hand in the creation of the game and are merely going off assumptions based on experiences in previous games to try and support your claim that its a glitch. None of what you said even qualifies it as a glitch, you're just whining about it being too hard to obtain an extremely op piece of gear, which according to you, makes it a glitch.
>do it barehanded
as opposed to playing with what, your feet? are you retarded?
I just looked up the stats and I have 157 deaths after completing Way of the Strong. And I do not mean that as some kind of brag. I do not consider myself a great video game player.
>it's a revenant reads all of your inputs and takes forever to die episode
I hate it
Is NG+ even worth playing?
Are you?
Some of them are harder than bosses. They block everything you throw at them.
Don't lie to me, /ng/.
Give me the completely raw truth.

IS this game worth my $60 if I enjoy atmosphere, exploration and mystery like hidden areas and bosses, or is it going to amount to grinding for marginally better gear for hours like The Division?

Can I get through this game without either being a flawless combat specialist who fights naked or grinding for hours? Can I just get through with what I find in the game or am I gonna be grinding the same level a couple times to get strong enough for the next?

I am looking for a new game and this one seems to get high praise. I need something to play.
I've spent most of the game using low-stance axe.

If I enjoy that kind of gameplay, what else do you guys think I'd like? I already like spears a lot, too.
Hi griever.
Did a Dojo Set run the second i got that shit. Finished ng-ng+ with 19 deaths and 8 were from before i actually switched to the set.
Turns out knowing i'll die to anything instantaneously if they so much as look at me keys me up enough to actually Git Gud.
Why are you paying $60 for a game?
faster way
If you're that tight for money, I would wait for a sale regardless of the quality of the game.

That said, I got it for """free""" and I wouldn't have felt bad paying full price for the game. I also really enjoy loot games, so take that however you want.

It's genuinely one of the better controlling games I've played.
If you are looking for a Dark Souls experience you are not going to get it. This is more of a third person Diablo game and like every arpg ever the first normal playthrough is easy and you dont need to spend hours farming or looking for the perfect stat rolls. That all comes in NG+. Exploration is weak because nothing good ever comes from corpses and chests and there are no hidden levels and bosses. Is a straight forward game.
>tries to attack
>tries to block
>god of wind
>kusari try to get distance
>hammers try to do their retarded highstance swing
>hammers beyblade
>just sign of the cross them and they whiff their shit by a mile
>1/2kat try to guard break in lowstance for some reason
>just blockpoke them till they fuck up and i shrike
>spear try to keep this weird middle ground so all i have to do is make them turtle by walking forward slowly
>spear always has highstance so i just shrike them if they aren't turtling
>2kat with caster hat fires off a sloth and lifeseal before they even spawn and i'm already dead
Every. Time.
>no hidden levels and bosses
there certainly are some
Name ONE (1) hidden level
You can totally get through the game without either of those
The bosses are a lot easier than you'd expect them to be. I only went back to grind a couple of them, and even that was because I liked his gear rather than any survival necessity

I'd say go for it. The japanese flavor also gives it, in my opinion, a cool-ass atmosphere
the missions you unlock with other missions as a prerequisite count, like the one you get after the 2kat mystic art dojo

the amount of people that come here to ask about what mission they missed in Omi can attest to that. and lots of missions have random midbosses or areas with an optional boss fight
Some missions don't unlock without proficiency in weapons.
you don't have to grind at all, ever
What exactly pleiades talisman does, ups the rate at which your LW charges?
I don't understand. He is mad that you killed enemies without effort?
Yes. From all sources.
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>spent entire first playthrough blind not knowing that 200 toughness activates extremely powerful HA
Jesus fuck it's like a completely different game now.
Is there any need in higher values?
increases amrita gained
Only if you block often.
Is there a standard minmaxed 200 toughness set yet?
It's a lot of fiddly loot but it drops a lot and at appropriate levels.

Then again you didn't need to grind first playthrough of Division either.
Red Memeon Set
Red Demon can hit 200 toughness?
it can with the Ii clan bonus
WIth Ii clan bonus and toughness from prestige. You can have A agility and 200 toughness at I think 15 stam, maybe even less.
Do guardian spirit talismans scale with spirit or magic? I want to keep shredding things with the electric rape shibes
does its comparatively lower defense not matter?
Kingo's is a better option puts you right around 200 and doesn't force you into a certain clan. Also more defense if youre concerned about that.
>William loses to Nobunaga

turned off my game there, I'm not a fucking cuck who loses.
But what about set bonuses?
Don't think anyone has done serious testing on how the Defense works in this game. The thing is you never want to tank hits in this game, but in the off chance that something does hit you, your attack will still go through. No stagger also means you can get out quicker and heal.
Kingos has great bonuses for damage stacking, lots of damage from behind and close combat damage.
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What now spearcucks
Compared to medium it won't make much difference and things like tatenashi are in its own league

Ahahahahaha nice cuck element, buddy. Come back another time.
Oh boy, the water autist is still here.
hello ugly set autist
Since close combat damage and familiarity bonus are mutually exclusive, at what % does close combat damage outperform A+ familiarity?
>x6 Sloth
lmao fucking conquered bitch ass faggot
Some people are retarded autist who get really mad when you go around killing everything fast. They think you are ''stealing'' kills from them.

ay infinite xp glitch
Don't brag about gear when your gear isn't that good is all I'm saying, kid.
What are the best sets for Ninjutsu? I already have the one you got from dojo training and Hanzos set too. I dont know where is the next.
This mission is such a fucking mess holy shit
>thinking you can beat oda
You're cucking yourself for even thinking that.
>takes out massive demons easily
>can't beat le ebin superjap xdd NIPPON BANZAIIII

kill yourself weeb!!!
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Is there a single fucking game where spears are as fun to use as here?
Don't think so.
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>start this level
>see bunch of soldiers coming with me
>awwww shit this is awesome its gonna be a big battle
>they all die in 1 second and I am left facing all 20 enemies by myself
Musoushit maybe
He's literally the king of demons and rules the underworld with an iron fist while fucking his icebitch and told kelley to fuck off and got away with it. He told to their face a fucking demi-god, the man you can barely beat after he's spent most of his powe, to fuck off and got away with it with that demi-god still mostly powered and you think thats a man you can beat?
It has nothing to do with his spirit being folded a thousand times or raping more women than you've ever seen.
No, this spear is fucking rad
Hm? Kelly was a pussy-ass bitch who got laid out easily once he stopped running.
this is so slow it's not worth it
It isn't though? Unless this game has some sort of AFK detection (doesn't seem so) you can set the head, go to sleep and come to like maxed amrita
>yamata no orochi
w h y
Kelley is an extremely weak shitter though.
He's shit when he impersonates Muneshige.
He's shit in terms of direct power.
Both he and Hundred Eyes are mostly dangerous because they are master manipulators though Hundred Eyes certainly puts way better fight.
He stopped running cause he was out of god juice. You beat what was essentially a baby now that you're hopped up on said god juice. Oda had none of that and he was still more powerful than max level kelley.
i worked it out, i'm only getting 11 million per an hour doing this with full amrita gear and 2 charms giving +28% amrita while using living weapon and suzaku.
moooore POOWWEEERRRRRRR *sonicspeed dashes at you from across the globe and turns into a youkai while dashing towards you eventually reaching WORLDEND COMET velocity* DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *crashes into you and erases your existence*
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Why is he such a likeable character?
I was genuinely happy when he survived.
You fight Kelly literally 1 minute after Nobunaga tells him to fuck off. Are you saying he jizzed his entire god power in the meantime?
Oym naht afder youwe.
Fuck him and birdman. I wish I could have killed them after the fight.
You're doing something wrong. A proper build is 40 mill per hour.
Where are you getting the idea that Kelly loses power throughout the game from? And if Nobunaga tells max power Kelly to fuck off, then you also fight him at max power considering it happens almost within the same scene.
Birdman is an asshole but Shima is just a loyal soldier.
Yes or did you not pay attention?
Just fought a revenant and when I parried him he would always recover before I got my Iai slash off, is there some sort of gear that makes you recover from stamina depletion slightly faster or was it a weird glitch?
He was only stallin fer toime.
Who the fuck is birdman?
Why would that not make anyone mad? How is that fun for the host?
This. I did a little testing and it seemed as though the familiarity bonus adds about 10% more damage at A+. However, the familiarity from your currently equipped ranged weapon may apply to your melee weapon as well, meaning it might be best to equip a ranged weapon with familiarity and a melee weapon with close combat damage.
Nothing of the sort happens, are you so infatuated with Nobunaga that you're making up shit to make him seem even more OP than he is?
The Hannah-Barbera cartoon.
Saika Magoichi
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Which region can I farm low level Divine gear? Talking like +1 to +3. If it's even based on region.
It's a purple armor upgrade and there's a spirit that does it too.
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>this fight against the clone kelleys
>Umi on Way of the Strong
>he megabeams during mad spinner
>survived with 40% HP
>had carnage and talisman of steel up
>342 toughness and 1400 defence

Did his beam not scaled up to one shot or did hyperarmor save me?

Kingo is great, centipede is easy to farm even early on. Makes sense why people are going for it.
It was easy, but maybe I just thought so because I did the two gank spank sub-missions after Orochi first.
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that looks like gundam 079 but i don't remember that scene?
>1400 def
>talisman of steel
you know armor actually work in this game right? this isn't das
Easy? I can't even kill the first one before the other two are shoving their dildos up my ass. Maybe my damage isn't high enough?
Considering William beats Dee who had way more Amrita power than Kelly ever did, you're full of shit.
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I was trying it out as someone said on here it offsets the carnage debuff
Because it's from G Gundam.
what the fuck is his weapon, 320?
In case canyone was wondering, ki reduction effects affect LW gauge usage.
Centipede was an awful boss.
Is it just me or was there a sudden power creep going into the Sekigahara missions in Way of the Strong. I'm doing like half the damage I was doing before.

I'm worried I fucked something up respeccing but all I did was get rid of the stamina and omnyo magic levels I didn't need and dumped it into heart.
>do it again for way of the strong
>poison rock gets stuck in the wooden structure somehow
>indestructible poison area
he shows his gear at the end
considering it's Suzaku I bet he just has a lot of critical health bonus
>Mitsunari's face when he realises Sakon is still alive
mai kokoro, it goes dokidoki
Centipede was a weakly designed boss, I wouldn't call it awful.

If you have a handle on the game mechanics at all, it shouldn't pose a problem at all unless something actually breaks like >>169042545.
Is Saika as irritating a boss as I feel he is, or am I just bad at the game?
He's a pushover like every human boss.
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people always get upset when i post that but i named it yojimbo because i have a whole series of pictures from that movie not because of whatever character is the focus of the shot.
423 attempts. No 320 weapon. Where is the best ppace to farm for gold and crafting material? I've been farming giant frog brawl
What if I'm 20 levels below the recommendation?
best way to farm for weapon +4 or higher? Been farming oda+yuki and have like a million armor pieces but only couple weapons every few runs
Mission level means nothing about difficulty. it's just the level of gear you'll find there
Means nothing, you're actually overleveled if you're up to par with the mission levels. What weapon are you using, though? It might just be that 1kat and 2kat shit on human enemies.
I've glitched 4 now and I'm still only getting 36 mil an hour
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i teared up when nagamasa gave mitsunari his cloak.
put equipment drop rate and luck on your stuff, you can transfer luck to every piece of armor.
A level 70 Onikiba Kusarigama. 490 attack with max familiarity

I haven't had much need to upgrade it much or forge a new one, but I might be hitting a wall at this point. Can't seem to do much damage because of all the shit he's throwing at me unless I manage to knock him on his ass with the chain sweep

My muramasa is level 43, and I only really have it for the Iga set bonus
>axe hold triangle 3 slash skill
>turns off the AI for every humanoid boss

Easy game
Got only one and it gives me 11 mill, too. Did some testing, Amrita gain gear doesn't do shit. Same with Suzaku LW with two 28% amrita gain charms. I can go completely naked and get the same amount as fully geared in LW.
>twitch slash mtqcapture
>150 deaths
>only at umi bozu

fookin ell
if you do it on coop does it give more amrita?
Can someone kindly help me out here?
And when do the Twilight missions switch?
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he's worse than dps
why is the dojo so /comfy/
pff i have that many deaths on muneshige alone.
No idea if coop influences the amount of Amrita you gain from Yokai on hit, because that seems to be the problem with my +Amrita earned gear. Looks like it only works for Amrita from kills.
dear god, why?
Does the attack value shown for weapons include a familiarity bonus in consideration for divine weapons because I can only make my weapons weaker through soul forging.
Hanzo's is the best since it allows you free shinobi boxes (better version even) through living weapon use, and Aya has 19% base unlimited ninjutsu with a retarded fast recharge speed.
>gamabunta stacks 2 explosive bombs and make Phil's ass go wooooooooow
>do the second tier skills in ninja skills boost the damage or just lower the capacity cost

i want to know this as well
well 40 of them are from the fight with honda.

i dunno man, i never touch magic, maybe that's why.

i also have a hundred plus deaths on the super onyroki fight (the one with kintoki)

but i also oneshot umibozu,white tiger, ii naomasa, honda, obsidian samurai, nobunaga, kelley, orochi and the final boss.

i have no idea where i fall on the skill spectrum.
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I've beaten all of NG+ with it using Kunais, finished the 320 mission with ~45 skill and 99 dex.

It's good enough to do that but you need set up to do real damage (weakness/lifeseal/shadowround). Lifeseal so they constantly stay in the red, basically lets you hit 1.5-2k ticks per kunai.

Also a nice perk of it is the Suppa/cat walk abuse, I literally just skip the entire missions to the boss for the most part from using these, but you can use those on any build really so it's not really a ninja exclusive thing. Only thing Ninja build has over other builds that use ninjutsu is the ability to use ninja abilities infinitely, so if that sounds fun you would probably enjoy it. If you just want Dex for Kusari damage then there's better non Iga builds for it, but Kusari still scales great and Iga allows you to spam ninja skills.
Just found a way to farm Elixirs...
Store all your Elixirs in the storehouse.
Start any mission (works best on a region that you've found a lot, if not all, Kodamas)
The game will give you the base Elixirs you can have (that's why this works best on a region with a lot of Kodamas unlocked).
Use Himorogi Fragment (recommended to use, just make sure you don't have a lot of amrita) or Himorogi Branch.
and repeat!
>i have no idea where i fall on the skill spectrum
"stupid and lucky" is where
Anybody wanna help a brother out on biggo skeleton? ;_;
it's quicker to type than "beat on first attempt"
Standing in the glowing spots charges and sustains Living Weapon.

You have NO excuse for having a hard time with him. You have fucking infinite super mode.

stand on the ledge where he tries to hit you with his hands

hit his hands

go up and hit his head

repeat until dead
You know you're supposed to hit the head, right?

but i just checked and three boss fights account for like 98% of my 452 deaths. NG+ is also a breeze at the moment.
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But it already has an established meaning and it doesn't mean that. Oneshotting is where you kill something or are killed by one hit. For example, dumbfuck hosts keep getting oneshotted by Umi-senpai's retard beam.
well apologies for the incorrect lingo i guess.
Yeah ik
Where did all these faggots started coming from? Shouldn't they fuck off back to other videogames

I feel like cancer from dsg is leaking here, I thought their game was a masterpiece since it came on PC
Okay, just checking because I didn't know that when I first fought him.
no u
Yo, if I killed one and sold it, would I be able to redo the mission and nab it again, or am I fucked? Also, do they have a set rarity, or could they vary?
whats the point of farming elixirs like that when kodama blessing gives you like 100+ elixirs through normal play in like 2 hours?
>have found the 150 kodamas
>equip kodama blessing
>do any mission
>end with a bunch of elixirs
If you need to farm elixirs then you suck.
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I have some questions

what are the best inherent stats to roll for when forging?

and why isn't the full obsidian set showing in my refashion menu?
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I want to redo my skills and try something new. What should I go for?
*inheritable stats, and for armor specficially
heavy armor kusarigama.

wreck human enemies like no other.
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Ne, shitteru?

You can fire a Hamaya Arrow into a Yokai realm cloud to dispel it without having to fight the yokai inside it.
The description on them says so.
>being optimistic enough to believe everyone reads item descriptions
How do people rocking two melee weapons and two ranged weapons not kill themselves? Shit looks so fucking unaesthetic.
Can uh... someone post these...
for science of course...
does the book of reincarnation give you all the amrita back or do you need to grind it out again?
its for early game. it doesnt really matter for late game
Wooden cannon + Wood Tanegeshima look fucking great with eachother on your back.
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Oh, right.
but fighting yokai is fun
except maybe on rooftops

>onyudo and raven tengu

Giant skeletons are underrated in how annoying they are as well.
Where the fuck do I find the text for saisetsu-shin sake?
up yo mamma pussy!! >:D
So near as I can tell, it's pretty much stacking amrita earned and close combat while in critical. Does proficiency bonus even do anything for this?
>dodge behind skelly when he's winding up
>kill him in a couple of hits
His sweep is fucking annoying though.
Been trying to summon someone on ng+ conspirators for like 3 hours, what's the deal?

He's nothing by himself, but he's seemingly always paired with other yokai and his running axe swing comes out like he's using a halberd in blighttown.
>just helped a guy clear the first part of Demon King Revealed
>he's clapping
>Axe man comes running up and slams him in the back killing him
Had a giggle about that
This doesn't work for me. What am I doing wrong?
I'm on the way buddy
Been gone two days, can anyone update me on any new information we found out since then?
Who drops smithing text?
>he doesn't know
You can switch to NG+ and back to normal anyways.
"very hard" missions coming next month, pvp and first dlc coming in april

the 2kat master
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Neat it works. Will leave this overnight.
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When do you guys time your parries?
Right when they thrust their weapon or before it makes contact with you?

>People complaining about how slow it is
>I have work and class for the next four days
>Will come back to max level with no real grinding required
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Been using this build for NG and random farming, but how should i respec for 1kat/2kat?

Also, does getting to NG+ fuck with something other than the blacksmith exploit? Because the dual sword fucker just won't drop the armor smithing text

Another thing, is there no NG+ dojo? I'm too lazy to progress through the missions right now
Easy infinite EXP glitch. If that yokai touches that part of the stairs he glitches and cant move. Hit him 1 time with an arrow and he burst into an amrita pinata.

There are much faster ways to get EXP but that requires gear farming and preparation first. This one is just the easiest. AFK mode.
>taking a photo of your screen
Fugging the crystals is harder than Mr. Skelly.
get rid of spirit summon and sloth
for this boss you want weakness/ carnage and an elemental buff
It's okay, he's distracted you can proceed. :^)
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Parries have different timings. Haze can be done the moment before an attack hits, whereas the unarmed parry needs a good second and a bit before that, and the rest sit in between. Then there's Earthly Flow, which is just weird.
what helmet?
Do you have to hang on to shitty items to keep their appearance to refashion things? Or is it like, once I've found an item, its saved in a library for me to use
Parrying in this game makes no fucking sense to me. When do you press?
is there a digital version?
I beat the boss earlier by retard flailing at his head with lmao 2kat, no magic required.
Ah, a new meme.
Saw that in the OP, so nothing besides that like
how to get 320 weapons more easily?
So when should I start worrying about grinding smithing texts and soul matching?
I just finished mr.skelly but I feel like I'm just lacking in general when it comes to smithing new armor and weapons.
I pretty much rely on farming revenants and random armor drops.
No you can get rid of it.
Except for rare kabutos.
2kat parries are fucking weird
it depends on which parry you're using, they work slightly differently.
How to bait them into the exact spot you need?
Got a webm or youtube video showing how?
I'd like to do this, I got a full time job that demands double shifts at times.
Does the mystic art for any one weapon work with every weapon like the passives?
Notice that some descriptions don't name the weapon so that's why I'm asking.
Just got into way of the strong mode. What is the first thing I should really be working towards as a goal?
Is 2kat parry best?>>169052434
The only 2kat parry worth using is The Shrike, which is damn good. Basically guarantees you iai, finisher, iai. It destroys human bosses.
Just play through it dude. You'll be getting Divine+ drops along the way and you build from there.
getting sets you like and the accessory that reduces set bonus requirements by 1
Rare Kabutos?
Thanks. Is light armor still going to be viable or should I consider moving to medium?
how in the fuck do I beat this big skelly guy / does anyone want to help me beat this big skelly guy?

also I hope I'm almost fucking done with this game already. horizon comes out next week and then breath of the wild so I need my backlog cleared
some dev revenants have unique helmets like butterfly kabuto and rabbit kabuto.
Tickle his feet, then run up the side and rub your dick on his face
Can never get The Shrike to work.
I use the word rare loosely.

I'm rolling light just fine.
yeah I've gotten that far but when his feet are out of health I can't bait him to put his head on the ledge
>getting Horizon
You basically just parry before you get hit like the 1kat parries. It's pretty intuitive imo.
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p-pls respond
as long as you have B agility or better you're good
If you used carnage + weakness + element you should've killed him on 2nd time his head drops.
>buying a launch console

what the fuck
NG or NG+?
If you're in NG+ just wait untill you finish last mission before stressing about that. And if you're in NG just wait untill you finish the last mission in NG+.
horizon looks like fun

Zelda looks like fun and will be played on my Wii U

it'll be okay anon
how does a ubisoft style tedious collectathon game look fun?
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>horizon looks like fun
*pokes you*
I'm trying but can't seem to get it off in time.
If you stand on a ledge (not the head ledge) he'll try to slam you with his hands. You can break them and stun him like you can his feet. This is what I did since I'm not a carnage autismo.
>BotW comes out next week
holy fuck I completely forgot
too many games coming out, how the hell am I supposed to keep up

Isonade's +100 life on kill and this +195 life on kill kusarigama makes me feel like i'm fucking invincible. If I take a hit it's like two or three quick beatdowns and i'm topped up. What's a better special ability?

Also: is light armor really worth it? I know what the difference is between agility types, but sometimes I look at how much defense I could get from bumping up to 30+/70+ and reconsider.
Shit games can still be fun for some people.
Although Horizon doesn't look fun at all so I don't know what that guy is on.
Horizon's animation is as bad if not worse than Bioware how could you even.
that's why I'm trying to finish this 90 hour repetitive grindfest as soon as possible. gotta keep the backlog clear like I said
>90 hour repetitive grindfest
this game is no where near that long and you never need to grind.
I'm on NG currently and I'm just trying to get smithing texts but they're such a low drop that I'm tempted to just wait and level everything in the magic tree and get the talismens that increase drops so I have a better chance at doing so.
I guess it is if you suck
A rank agility + low stance has a noticeable amount of iframes on dodge, so if you like playing a dodge centric playstyle it's pretty worth it.
Well getting toughness to 200 can be quite a game changer and is when you start really getting hyper armor so you're not getting stunlock comboed to death by enemies so much. Although it's up to personal preference. Although you'd definitely have to chance up your build a bit to accommodate heavier armor.
Or rather, the base game. I haven't finished it yet.
what's the best Change to Attack stat to get, guessing Skill?
no reason not to use weakness and carnage for him because he can't hit you when he's stunned anyway
It's called exaggeration. I have only put 22 hours in so far.

It feels repetitive and grindy since you fight the same 5 enemies throughout the entire game. Bonus points if the area you're in is foggy or on fire.
Depends on the weapon.
is it always better to get the stat it naturally scales in? talking spears and kusarigama specifically

Red Demon + Kato I found that I didn't even need to pay attention to ki pulsing. It made water sword spamming a bit easier too.

B agility in medium is manageable but more than anything else I miss the long dodges.

Team Ninja in their infinite wisdom has made skill scale the best. Skill scaling on a weapon is going to do more damage than other stats.
>lmao 3kelley
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>axe attack/ defense +10 (atlas bear)
is this just adding 10 damage onto my axe that already does over 1 thousand or is it a multiplier?
Hmm. Thanks. This gives me something to think about.

I've been going through the game and always trying to equip something with either +item/luck/equipment and then using my charm slots for +radar things.
What had me really thinking about swapping up was the +enemy radar Heavy Helmet which let me swap Isonade for the Paired Raikens' treasure sense (which I haven't seen on anything else yet).

Just use divination talismans, they're great
+10 PER LEVEL!!!
Do I need PS+ to fight player revenants?
Will I only see developer placed revenants without?

Also, I'm assuming no, but can I either be summoned or summon co-op without PS+?
>no weapons in between 159 and 319
>people actually try to argue it's intended
No the 2kat the shrike's window is much much smaller than any of 1kat's parries. You need to be perfect or get fucked.
but there are, there's level 190 and level 240 weapons
>treasure sense
Who cares?
Well actually you can trigger it to create any level but it will only create stuff that's as high as the highest mission you've tackled so far.

And then there's the whole thing where Hakujin Kusarigama is more likely to be a 320? Like that's some pokemon style bullshit like how to trigger a mew spawn by fighting a slowpoke so the numbers involved in slowpoke's code cause a mew to spawn.
I'm level 147, roughly how much amrita do I need to hit 750?
you can do everything except coop without ps+

so you can fight player revenants and take part in clan battles. just no coop. however i heard ps+ is free for a few days in some places, maybe look into that while you can

Am I the only one that feels like Windstorm from 2kat is extremely unfair?

You block a first hit and spin. Rinse and repeat to kill any humans. I find myself doing it honestly without realizing it half the time. It makes things trivial.
I figured it out and now this is my question >>169055446
2kat has far, far more potent things against humans than fucking Windstorm of all things.
>forge a weapon
>comes with familiarity A+
>every "change to attack (stat)" comes as a C
I'm missing something? Or it's just bad luck?
From 250 to 750 you need 10m per level.
i have A familiarity and A+ body on my axe

Such as? I use 3kat mostly. I'd love to know other tricks. Is water sword good? I remember it pushing things out of its damage so I have avoided it.
Assuming this is true, that would be about 5000000000 amrita.
I'm gaining 1000 amrita per second, which makes 8 hours give me about 28800000. I would need to afk for about 58 days to get enough exp to hit 750 from 250.
Maybe I should just hit 250 and then look for amrita equips..
I only have 36% bonus amrita
If you corner an enemy, or use it on an enemy that doesn't flinch, the DPS is retarded. ESPECIALLY if you get momentum, the mystic art, which reduces stamina usage every time you hit an enemy, and stacks

are you using suzaku spirit?
The Shrike->iai->finisher->iai

God of Wind III loop combo into grapple->iai->finisher->start over

Even bosses die effortlessly before this.

Good to know. What are other good skills for 3kat if you don't mind me asking?

I'm doing the double onyudo boss and it's frustrating.
I can actually see the 1000 counter going up, but it's like maybe 2000 per second?
Benefit of the doubt and make it 2500 per second and I still need 27 days to reach 750.
I'm using spirit waifu. She's giving me a flat 20%.
God of Wind III is godlike once you learn the timing to get the double slice. It demolishes basically anything. The Shrike is an instant parry that lets you follow it up with whatever you want, really

suzaku gives you more with living weapon, which you will have unlimited uptime on. Also I've got 4 skulls trapped while letting it sit.
Can you get more skulls while the other sits there?
Is 2kat the strongest weapon at peak potential?

Yeah I have four trapped.

I have never once got the timing to get the double slash. Any advice? I forgot I even had it because the input never seemed to work for me. Is it only possible in a certain stance?
Just practice on air for a while and it'll click. You can't have experimented much if you never managed to pull it off. Works for both mid and low stance.
>tfw good enough for 1kat parry but too shit for 2kat parry
Try timing it with the kick hitç practice on some schmucks and try to press the button when the kick hits and WIRRIAM's leg is in the middle of it's arc
Where are the others?
Do I need to be careful about roaming too far away?
In my experience, you need to press the button again just as your kick lands/your foot is straight forward. You CANNOT mash, or it will fail

i find the shrike to be easier than any 1kat parry, using it makes me feel like a shitter

but it's so fuckin cool
>tfw finally on the last region
>tfw finally on the last region
>tfw finally on the last region

You can trap them on that staircase. I have two of them overlapped and the others are nearby.
I roamed too far.. ;-;
how much stamina do you need to have b agility with master swordsman set

the bonuses seem nice but heavy armor is wack af in this game

You just have to go upstairs to the spooky gitarooman to get him to spawn extras. He won't spawn any more than 4 from what I've seen.

Shit! Thank you gents. I was hitting after the kick as the slash came out. Did it with your advice and I can do it almost every time.

Fucking cheers.
>the fucking delay for the screenshot button
even worse than the dodge delay
it isn't delayed
only the notification is
The ps4 is a slow piece of shit console.
Now you just need to learn The Shrike.
Change the timing on your PS4 settings.
wat. Ive been cooping just fine and I do not have PS+. where did you get this shit from?
>taking a screenshot after the first displays the camera icon, ruining your screenshot
PS+ is free till the 23rd

Don't have it yet but I was going to respec soon so I'll grab it asap.

Know anything about 1kat? I have no idea what skills are the best there honestly.
did you not read the second thing i said, dumbo?
why reply if you didn't finish reading a whole post first?

not a single game on psn has free online multiplayer
except I have none of the PS+ features right now, so thats clearly false
>make brothers account main acc on my ps4
>get free ps+ without paying
>can play all his games
feels good
>summon someone
>their connection is bad
>enemies start teleporting

Why is this? I am the host. Should they teleport and lag just for him?
>not a single game on psn has free online multiplayer
I don't have any PS+ too and can do everything coop.
It says it right on PSN, retard.
>just running through the level at this point
Jesus this game really drags on
Guys, where do I find Derrick in The Queen's Eyes? I've scoured the entire fuckin' level and can't find a damn thing.
*clears throat* ahem

F2P games can be played without plus. Let it Die is one of then.
f2p shit doesn't count, obviously. you knew that but thought you were smart for saying it anyways

let it die doesn't even have multiplayer

Why are you summoning help if you do not intend to use it?
Oh, not full free PS+, but free PS+ multiplayer

>our dragonhead glitch is the onihead slitch
why are the worst dynamic themes also the most expensive?
How are some revenants able to damage be even though I'm blocking?
Just got a visitor's dragon kabuto for the first time. Trying to get the fox helm and tanuki kabuto now. Would anyone be okay dropping a grave somewhere to get either one or know a popular location for me to do so? In return I could definitely drop my grave with the visitor one.
>people actually think the coop is free
enjoy it until it ends retards, then it's back to solo for you
>implying I've ever needed to cheese any part of the game, start to finish
you must be bad :)
>being a shitter who needs to get boosted
sasuga /vg/
Can you guys get off your lazy ass and make a new thread already.
>not beating ng and ng+ solo with no cheese then doing coop missions for fun afterwards

sour grapes poorfags ;)
We can't post images. No image means no new thread
What do the hiragama fragments from the spider castle mission do?
I don't need coop because I'm not a shitter.
just got the dragon kabuto finally
was going to help farm it with a friend but it disappeared
>just finished doing two cucks on NG+
>only thing between me and 100% now are nobu-onna
grant me strength, /ng/.
>implying its sours grapes to not want to play the game on easy mode
nice try, kiddo

I tried coop a few times but 100% of the time it was just to have the host die on some boss. literally pointless
Remove a chunk of armor plating from the boss' legs for every one you find.
We literally can't you fucking retard.
If YOU got up off YOUR ass and tried it instead of bitching at everyone for a new thread you'd know that
have some of you fuckers really finished NG+? do you ever do anything besides play this mediocre button mashy ARPG?
>playing with shitters
>not even good enough to keep shitter hosts alive

pretty pathetic lad
..they also get you a guardian spirit. the more important part
I thought you got Itokuri for finishing the mission. That's new.
>go into a general thread dedicated to a game
come up with a more pointless question and you'll earn a prize
>ninjutsu build
>dont know if I should pick bunny spirit for +75 ninjutsu power or bat spirit for unlimited jutsu
>not even good enough to keep shitter hosts alive
your sour grapes at being bad is really obvious. Im sorry you can only play games on the easiest setting, its really sad.
>hey guise what do u think of for honor
t. literally destitute 3rd world shitters
What is the best guardian for farming?
You're mom because she's such a pig :)(
can you paralyze any boss? Besides umi-bozu i mean...
now you're really stretching
>h-he called me bad and I can't deny it.. I know, Ill say hes from a third world country... oh god why am I so bad at this game?
If you're using Iga bat is a must.
Assuming I can get these 4 skulls to work, it will still take 5 days and a few hours to hit 750..
Any suggested place to farm Revs?

Also I am looking for a good 1kat to transfer a Heart scaling for double Heart A+. Any suggestions or just one with fully reforgable attributes?
is full Iga needed for the kunai-spam and bomb-spam builds?
Battle of Ohashi Bridge seems to be the go-to
already got the plat solo a week ago when there wasn't free psn
For longer periods of play (coop) yes, it gives you free shinobi boxes every 2 minutes. If you're just rushing a boss down 21 kunai + Shadowround + high dexterity is probably enough.
okay. so now why would you ever want to play with idiots who drown themselves?
Fucking hell.

Hundred Eyes would be a fucking cakewalk if it wasn't for having to juggle a shitload of eye-lasers with his amrita shard machine gun.
so i can do the laughing gesture as they fade into nothingness
do you need anything other than that? i.e. Carnage+Devigorate or guardian spirit?
crowd control (Spear or kusarigama) made that part easy as fuck
Itospidey for general farming. If you're aiming at a specific boss then Gyobunny gives twice as much if you kill them with LW active.
Carnage is close combat only.

Because ninjutsu builds are item heavy you don't have much room for too many spells/abilities.

The only musts are Shadowround and Weakness, after that the next best pick up is probably lifeseal since it prevents ki regeneration.

Also remember it's unlimited ninjutsu, not unlimited onmyo, so you have to be careful stacking too many onmyo abilities you may rely on.
got it, thanks friend

Yeah but bridge is mostly 1 star revs. Need to find something higher level.
Free shinoboi boxes every 2 minutes?
One of the Iga set passives is recover 43% ninjutsu items after using living weapon, and Aya (spider) has an insanely fast build up for gaining LW (takes like 3-5 kills I think), so it's even better than Shinobi boxes.
Is infinite living weapon viable post-patch or do you need to constantly drain spirit stones to keep it up? I made a 2kat that can2hko most everything, but wanting to make a spirit build with tanuki.

or any build with tanuki.
Good tip, that trivialized it.

That's what I get for sticking to 1kat for the whole game like an autist.
Why would I use spider, when Bat gives me like 20% unlimited jutsu?

dont forget 2 fans with 15%+ human item drop assuming you want texts
game has you start with 2 weapons for a reason, lol. I did 2kat and Kusarigama most of the game, and that mid stand kusarigama was invaluable crowd control
No fucking clue why I typed spider, Bat is Aya. Bat has I think the shortest or 2nd shortest LW build up.
Now that I have 4 skulls on the stairs.. after an hour of trying.

How long till I can go hit max level?
Will all the Dojo missions still stay unlocked when I enter NG+? Haven't done the mystic art ninja mission yet.
Can any weapon get a magic/spirit to attack effect? I've got body and heart, just need to know if I'm wasting my time
You can switch between NG and NG+ at your will.
just picked up a weapon with "onmyo magic damage bonus - A". does that mean I'm gonna do a shit ton of damage now when I use buffs? magic stat is at 25 btw

ng is a separate map, you can go back to it at any time and do any of the missions, including dojos.
I beat the entire game with 1 kat, never had a reason to change.
I bet your mother's proud of you.
yes, apparently it does. Jesus fucking Christ I melt bosses now
What guardians should I level up?
How likely is it that there'll be a sequel?
Every single one.
What should I prioritize? I got Spidey and Enko at 30.
Oh sweet, guess I'll just do side missions later.
please respond
i'd bet on a "spiritual successor" kind of deal more than direct sequel

with the dlcs we're already getting the last big events in japan for like 250+ years. and just sending old man william to some other country would feel too out of place. hopefully they do something with the amazing framework they made for Nioh though
The one you use most.
Passives from other weapon tree still work with other weapons, right?
What's a good weapon to pair with Kusarigama for a discord/onmyo buff/some ninjitsu build? Can't decide between 2kat, 1kat, or spear.
14 body
20 heart
10 Stam
10 str
20 skill
15 dex
10 magic
13 spirit

I tend to regularly use 3kat and get bored and use spear and Kusarigama..less seriously or for a new approach of something doesn't work.

I tend to use 1 or 2 projectile scrolls, makibIshi, second chance on bosses and maybe power pills for ninjutsu and sloth for annoying onyudo or one eye oni, elemental weapon of choice for bosses, lifeseal for human bosses and the spirit summon spell. I know there is some other supplemental shit that is good beyond that...

I have questions. What quality of life stuff am I missing in ninjutsu and onmyo? I have several respec books and I'm thinking about using one finally. Any suggestions on that front to fix things to be more helpful to my playstyle?
Yes. Raikiri comes with change to attack (spirit) as default.
I thought about this, and they REALLY wrote themselves into a corner. There's not really anything left after the Date/Sanada stuff, and part of the draw was the foreign samurai deal, which never happened prior to that. Plus, they can't really do any other culture's setting because Nioh is a Japanese thing.
Do you think having beaten the main game without touching NG+ is enough for the DLCs or will I be cucking myself by not going through way of the strong before they're released?
I've tried making a new thread but my upload keeps failing.

I did my best, guys.

They could do one about Yasuke finding his way into Nobby's service. I'd be on that like ugly on a redneck.
They can introduce time travel
Yeah I was thinking either Yasuke, or a prequel with pirate William pillaging the seas with the lads

i'd fucking love the latter option, but i'm not sure they could pull it off without it being too cheesy
Sometimes there's no need for a second games.
Maybe they can write an original story
How do I level my Clan bonuses?
I don't think they do.
that's true. but if they don't do anything more with the systems they've created then Team Ninja is going to die
It depends which ones, but certain ones do.

The backstab from Ninjitsu is universal. The Ki+ and Vs. Yokai Field passives from Onmyo apply to you permanently, not any weapon.
William gets sent to the year 220 China
How about the passives when health drops to 30%, do those stack?
then we might finally get SOMETHING set in the Genpei war.
Can someone else try making a new thread? No matter how much I try, it keeps rejecting my images.
I'm fairly certain that anything listed as a passive applies to William, not to any weapon, unless it explicitly states "when using X weapon".
They do, only when it states if it uses the weapon like mystic arts will they not, but for the increased damage at x life, increased ki, hp, etc it's universal.
We should probably make a new thread soon, yeah?
on it
my image got rejected too
i can't make a new thread
How do you get that kodama in the bathhouse level that shows up on the map by the spiral staircase?
Look around the spiral staircase
william is canon immortal

the sequel will be set during the meiji restoration. william, now "willy," owns an eccentric irish tourist pub, but under the table he's still willing to hunt yokai...for the right price

screenshot this post
Just by being in them for a while and winning the clan battle.
I'm retarded
Noice, going to get all those nice passives.
And the pub's called "merrow may cry" I take it.
yep, 10 heart plus passives gets you more ki that pumping a decent amount into heart
I like this idea. Big willy style still working for the Tokugawa shogunate 250 years later, fighting alongside the shinsengumi. Lots of yokai popping up because of the bloody revolution.
Was losing skill points when you respec just a meme? Losing ones that you get from improving your skill stat makes sense, but people were saying you lost ones from locks too, this was bullshit right?
he's immortal but he still ages normally
that comes naturally to raikiri, I'm talking about any other item (oni sakon's spear in this case)
It's bullshit, people thought you lost skill points from prestige but.
You don't get skill points from prestige.
i'm at demon king revealed, and when i respec i can buy fuckall, i'd assumed i'd found a ton of locks
people are retarded
they had like 20 magic/ninjutsu then respeced and thought they lost points. when in reality they only lost the points from leveling, the stupidly thought you'd keep those points too

honestly just don't ever believe kneejerk reaction posts like that
how much amrita does it take to go from level 250 to level 750?
I thought level is capped at 150?
why would you possible think that?
Max level is 750
Max gear level is 320 as far as we know
5000000000 amrita
Levels 250 to 750 are apparently 10 mil each.
I think the amrita cost to level up caps at 10 million.
>tfw 99 heart
I'm invincible, senpai.
So what's everyone doing now that they've finished NG and Way of the strong? I need some ideas because the games hit a dry spell now for me until the DLC comes out.
there has to be a faster way for the infinite amrita glitch
Hunt for trophies? Meme build (Ninjutsu meme build is starting to get popular here)? Troll coops?
make yourself ridiculously op, farm glory to get better clan bonuses.
there's not much to do
doesn't another oni-bi spawn near the stairs on the other side as well that you can do the same thing to? or is that what people are already doing?
I'm collecting amrita while resurrecting Japan's most powerful Overlord and returning civil war back to it's people, all the crystals will be mine and England will have world Domination. First spain, then the world!

Platinumed, the ninjutsu build thing could be fun, and as for coop my Plus just ran out and am waiting for a bit to renew because I don't play too much multiplayer. So I guess i'll be doing some build experimenting or going back to Yakuza 0 for now.
Nier is around the corner so just do some Yakuza 0.
Finishing Gravity Rush 2 and hanging around here offering advice to whoever needs it.

which is nobody because my advice is garbage
You can get as many as you want but the game lags if you put too many, it's still slow with 4 of them glitched.
Nier, For Honor, Mass Effect Andromeda, Breath of Wild all coming very soon. Or in For Honor's case, already out.
So when do smithing texts begin to drop? Do I have to be on NG or NG+ or do I just need to grind alot?
>For Honor
>For Honor, Mass Effect Andromeda
How can you have such shit taste, especially ME after ME3 turned out.
What's the amrita-speed diference from NG glitch to NG+ glitch? Is it worth slogging through Way of the strong as fast as possible just for it?

Also, could some kind soul drop some good multiplier equipment rev somewhere?
as if he'd work for shogun scum like them, he's be a glorious ishin shishi.
they can drop whenever, on ng or ng+. most named bosses and enemies have smithing text drops, usually multiple texts for their weapons and armor sets

stack item drop rate (specifically items drop, not equipment) and stack luck as high as possible. the more item rate, the less useless equipment drops, and the more luck means more chance for those items to be purple drops ie smithing texts
massive difference in exp
What's the fastest way to farm for the magatama? Some people say the mine mission but that shit sucks.

>William fights Ruroni Kenshin and other characters from Tokaiden

wooo laddie
Ieyasu is more scum though.
I have high hopes that it'll be better.
I wana make sick webms and post it on /FHG/ because I have a full time job and no friends
>Have to do hino-enma twilight for the free materials
>Decide to get glory as well andei yokai realm
>lv150+ guy, NG+ gear
>Should be easy
>Guy takes a while looking at the inventory
>Proceeds to slowly kill every enemy
>I rush to the boss cuz fuck it
>Barely start the boss fight and he's already dying
>At hino-enma
>I just wail at her for a bit, taking lots of her life
>Not breaking a sweat for this, not even using carnage or-
>He uses sloth
>He uses sloth on a boss he should be able to kill in a less than a minute by bashing square on your head
This ain't worth the glory
i have gotten about 8 from ginchiyo request. the mission can be done in 1 minute 20 seconds, and the reward is always an accessory

people swear by the bathhouse mission but i've never had one drop there
>lucky tanuki kabuto
>has no luck on it
well if he continues to stay on the winning side he will fight with not against "kenshin" or more likely his real life counterpart Kawakami Gensai
You clearly haven't seen any of the promotional material. ME:A is shaping up to be hot garbage.
ishin shishi were imperialists not shogun supporters.
No, but I dipped my foot into /meg/ and I was up to my waist in shitpost, the other half was covered in vomit.

I'm not preordering it, I'm not buying it at full price.
But I'll be watching it after it releases and maybe get it preowned

How does God of Wind loop?
does gold earned affect mission rewards?
William dueled friendly people, but yeah good point.

I figured, i heard there was a monk you kill or body you loot in the bathhouse mission.
For Honor is good.

ME:A though? Kill yourself.
>Shion Sakon
>Having some trouble with him
>Ninja shit means my HP is less than optimal
>Can get stunned to death
>That rising spiral hit almost always kills me
>Getting mildly irritated
>Suddenly something clicked
>Stunlock the fuck out of him
>Flux my ass off
>Trip him every other movement
>Don't give him a chance to go into the Living Weapon more than once
>Whoop his ass
>Suddenly get the Crusher title

I am erect
Is there an izuna drop in this game I wasn't aware of?
>Mass Effect Andromeda
yes and it's done by izuna
nier is great, shut up.
it's boring shite that will have no playerbase in 3 weeks
claws/fist weapons are the most obvious and fun choice imo

a blowdart would be pretty cool with various status darts
Didn't they say something about new game modes and 6 more heros coming soon?
Mad casual.
it's gonna be the same shit as siege
where you'll have to either pay up or dedicate your life to the game to unlock shit
It comes with the season pass, actually. So yeah it's paid.
it literally does not get more casual than For Honor. i played the closed betas and the open beta. the game has a low entry barrier and an even lower skill ceiling. after a day of playing you'll have experienced all there is to experience

but that's enough about that

new thread when
you didn't play the demo nor did you play Nier 1
>the game has a low entry barrier and an even lower skill ceiling. after a day of playing you'll have experienced all there is to experience
Objectively wrong. Don't shitpost about games you don't understand.
i haven't played the demo but i did complete nier 1.

from what i've seen automata seems solid.
you still playing the single player campaign, bud? :)
Demo was great, it had a lot of ass________
you're objectively a ubisoft cocksucker if you can't see the game for what it is

there's a reason it's dying already. you can like it all you want, but in a month you'll be playing 1v1s with 5 other people.
>the game has a low entry barrier and an even lower skill ceiling. after a day of playing you'll have experienced all there is to experience
>while posting in the Nioh general
Really makes you think.
>get summoned to Umi's waters of newbies
>host not moving
>wait 1 min
>still not moving
>decided to be a dick and move his body into a water
>host drowns
>actually got 47 glory for nothing
>msg notification
>"you a bitch"
I feel bad for laughing at this.
>there's a reason it's dying already
Except it's not? Don't shitpost just because we can't make a new thread.
>i haven't touched it since the beta
>it's dying already
Niggas shouldn't afk, you deserved that 47 glory. His life worth a low level rev
the ass game was strong. the combat mechanics were not.

I don't agree but we shall have to see.
I'm already ng+, is there still a way to trigger the infinite patronage point glitch with Tome? I did the mission where you rescue muramasa in NG+ but it doesn't trigger the glitch
What glitch?
>hurr comparing 2 entirely dissimilar games to make myself seem smart xdddd

for honor is a multiplayer game, it's worth as much as its multiplayer longevity is. nothing more. it's too shallow to keep an major audience

i just said i played the open beta which was a few days ago, AND i've played a friend's copy for a while. even at high ranks the game doesn't change. you'll get bored of it too once the honeymoon phase is over in a few days
google must be difficult for you, huh? how about you do that instead of answering questions with even dumber ones?
She has a dialogue about thanking you for finding her grandfather that will repeat and give you patronage points every time it comes up
3 different weapons to try out in the demo. Strong and light attacks that could be combined, speculated that combos can be somewhat changed with the programming system. Weapon combos linking into each other because can carry two separate weapons at once.
It looks promising to me. My 2 complaints were the forced camera and the low enemy variety. I also hope that aerial and ground combat are optional to switch between and not forced. I hate aerial combat.
Give me a quick rundown on 2kat parries, how the fuck does earthly flow work?
just use Shrike
You activate before the attack hits... Are you a dumbo baby or something?
but earthly flow looks cool as fuck, especially as a finisher
*decapitates you really fast*
>What's a better special ability?

life on amrita gain
no fk u fgt
earthly flow feels like you need to completely escape the attack hitbox or something weird like that
>just use the hardest parry to use
>feels like you need to completely escape the attack hitbox or something weird like that
Stop with your retard talk.
it's a reaction parry
you can use it before or just as an enemy attacks

the timing is super lenient
Nah 1kat parry is super lenient, not 2kat shit.
any weapon types a newfag should avoid until they've played the game for a while?
In my limited experience to trigger the psh nothin personnel you need to have the attack 'hit' you during the sidestep, but it seems like actually hitting the enemy with your own swing cancels its possibility entirely
you get skill points from proficiency
i use both Shrike and Haze constantly with 3kats and they're both incredibly easy to do
is it just me or do 1katana skills affect other weapons
I think it's cool that the transformations you unlock at the hidden tea house are shared amonngst all your saves.
Basic skills like flux or the ki-pulse dodging is shared amongst all weapons, regardless of which one you buy them for originally
I thought I noticed 2kat iai become faster with the 1kat iai pulse skill but maybe I'm talking shit and it was always like that
You're talking shit, yeah.
It gives you 20% more gold you dink.
>Can't post new images
>Can't make new threads
>These are the only 4chan threads we will ever have until this place gets shutdown

we made it nioh general
thats not really luck though. thats pretty pre-determined and set in stone
>boards are getting wiped out slowly as threads are killed off of the last pages

this is it, it's all over for real this time
You asstalking but the other passive skills that don't mention weapon names(to use it) are shared and not exclusive to a weapon.
We've been at pg10 for hours though.
what did i miss? why can't new threads be made?
/v/ just lost page 10
Something broke and unable to post images which in turn means no new threads.
>4chan ends with all threads just slowly sinking into oblivion

i cant handle this
>/v/ just lost page 10
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

We are all one, sinking together into the abyss
I think my game is bugged.

I have a Sword with water elemental damage, it applies what i think is paralysis(Purple lightning symbol)

I have a Spear with fire damage, it does the same exact thing.

I am the first story mission of the 5th region.

What gives?
You have the spider guardian equipped, and enough spirit to activate it's "paralysis" effect, which replaces any element you have with...you guessed it. Paralysis.
you're using the spider spirit you silly fuck
Too bad it wasn't the whole board.

Now why the fuck would a spirit guardian completely override the Elemental effect on your weapon?

That's dumb as shit.
15 spirit best spirit
For people who want that effect. There's like 22 spirits, pick a different one.
because that's one of its effects

if you don't want the paralyze but want to keep the spider then take points out of spirit
Guys, relax. There's no way 4chan is dying. Posting bullshit happens sometimes. I'm sure it'll be better soon.
I miss moot...
>trigger unlimited ammo
>and frugality
>free cannon shell from nowhere
>tfw want to rush last mission just to respec into ninja build for NG+ with unlimited ammo and shurikens that explode into thousands od dmg
post williams
/ \
New thread went up on /v/ 4 minutes ago it seems.
red demon shitter
*picture of oda nobunaga with a flintlock rifle
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Finally hanzo gave me the iga set.
Now I need the weapons.
And then I'm free from this faggot until I decide I need him again
File: Your waifu a shit.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Your waifu a shit.webm
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