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/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1170

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 251

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"How can the other girls even compete?" Edition

Last Thread: >>168348150

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is now available on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/524580/

Neptune and Noire will be guest characters in Compile Heart's upcoming Gun Gun Pixies game: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/464/1464619/

NepNep Connect Chaos Chanpuru Opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hs9hezCdDQ
Chaos Chanpuru Gameplay Explained: http://www.siliconera.com/2017/01/25/nep-nep-connect-chaos-chanpuru-shows-us-play-strategic-card-game/

4GO Things:

4 Goddesses Online was one of the top sellers in Japan for its launch week: http://gematsu.com/2017/02/media-create-sales-2617-21217
4GO's first DLC revealed, seems to be a consumable items set: http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201702090077/
First Hour of 4GO Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGvyJWGWXA
Interview with 4GO producers: http://www.4gamer.net/games/358/G035855/20170127103/
>How can the other girls even compete?
By not having retarded followers
>no main pastebin
>no Chaos Chanpuru trailer update
>not including the 1 hour of translated 4GO gameplay
Jesus fucking christ
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Well? Do you?
Main pastebin:

Fuck OP
go fuck yourself, autist
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Thoughts on this game?
Decent game if you like the main goddesses, but i wished it worked on pstv
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Pick one.
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I like plutie.
>Blanc is scaled without compensating for the hat/ahoge
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>measuring Blanc's height by her hat
>human Vert is taller than Purple Heart
Schut whoever made this image, every single character is scaled wrong
I want to hug peashy.
Histy looks smaller in this than i expected.
>ignore oracles
>create some windows-tan OC
>make oracle plushies anyway
Shit was confusing.
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I love big nep!
A reminder that neps are small asf, even gearnon is towering Iris Heart
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smoller is cuter.
I'm 164cm
Does anyone even read the OP? I don't, and as far as I can tell people are way more likely to read the first few posts than the OP itself. Why do we even have links? Is it just a dumb tradition or is it just a retard forcing it like that faggot who made a duplicate thread?
IMO, links are primarily useful to take up some space and maybe include some useful info that some folks might look at from time to time. I mean, without the links, the OP would look pretty empty.

Still, I don't think it's something that we need to be autistic about if a thread doesn't have every single link we want it to have
It's mostly wanting to have one place to put all relevant info in, but no one ever reads it anyway so it's useless.
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Kei in a dress.jpg
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Did Chika even show up for a single frame in the anime?
why is kei dressed like a girl?
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It is rumored that Kei might actually be a girl.
Should have a "Cute but not my type" choice
I miss Chika.
I missed Pururut.
>no pastebin
I'm moving to >>168490140 because OP is a fuckwit.
Compa might not be my favorite but she's love.
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no Chika.jpg
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And this was Chika's turn but since Vert has no little sister she was left out.
>Why do we
Stop saying "we". You're too much of a newfag to fit in. This is why this thread is shitty.
I'd hit it.
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I'm still mad.
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>18 votes for "she's ugly"
gee whiz, seems like some autist got triggered or something and decided to spam votes
Why are you talking of yourself in the third person?
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Noire fans are a little petty, huh?
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>nobody cares about oracles
>guess they must be pretty unremarkable
>play Nepgear's game
>mini-Green Heart actually has enough personality to be part of the main cast
It hurts.
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>big nep will never be in 4go
Chika is fucking garbage.
They take after their goddess, I guess.
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Voted for "She is, but her personality ruins it", but she isn't ruined at all, if ever she's perfect precisely because her personality still makes her too innocent for being defined "hot" - that's why it "ruins" it.
I think they're just creepy.
Why do you answer to yourself?
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It's well-known that Noire has the worst fans.
They're the kind that would write a fanfic about themselves leading Noire to victory while gathering a group of cute girls or whatever.
Okay but why do you keep answering to yourself?
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I am desperately in love with CyberConnect2. She's ruined me for other women.
She's shit. Like all cats.
CC2 is pretty cute.

He's not me.
A cat girl with a shit butt.
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I really really love Nepgear.
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I miss K-Sha
She's a clingy schizophrenic, tho. What's so great about her?
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I miss her butt.
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do you also like naruto?
What does that have to do with CC2 at all?
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She's also for /c/reepy as fuck when she chases you while humming Halloween's theme.
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I really really love Gearnon.
BTFO like a bitch
A series CC2 is known for making involves the Naruto franchise.
well the company is nowdays best know for the naruto ultimate ninja series of games.
also parts of her design and personality are inspired by naruto himself.
>Cry in the other thread
>Whine to mods
>''Look mom, I've won the thread race''
Good job OP, you've sure showed us.
You may now go have a cookie or something.
All of that to hide the fact that OP can't even add a pastebin to the OP.
How pathetic.
Forgot about that...

I thought her design was based off of .hack though?
No you don't.
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I thought it was this.
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Yes, I do.

Gearnon is the best, I love him so much!
Wasn't it both?
I want to dress up as gearnon and go cuddle with the creepy stalker uni.
a-at least that way I'll finally get to cuddle with someone ;_;
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Ban evading and avoiding filters by changing your name, trash?
It's probably all.
How is he the best?
partialy yes, like the hat for example. but the tail, the spiky blond hair are based off naruto.
id also say her cheek tattoes kind of remind me of narutos whiskers? (i dont know what to call them)
theres also the part about their personality but i dont want to spoil anything in case youre a newfriend.
They're not exactly whiskers, but it's okay to call them like that.
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Gee, that's depressing.
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also, i just checked the wikia page for kite from the .hack series (the other character cc2 is based off of) and found this:
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (the character designer for the series) based Kite's proportions off of Naruto. At the time he had no idea that CyberConnect2 would go on to develop the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series.
Nurutu and CC2 are total shit.
Can somebody post Bululut?
I like Kei.
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you mean this?
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why do you think she would hate her sister?
Linda is a hateful anarchist, she literally hates anyone who isn't a piece of shit like her.
the box is a magical place.
underling could never be that sexy. She'll always be flat as a board.
want to bet?
Hooray more fixes! http://www.compileheart.com/neptune/4goddessesonline/dlc/?page=2
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w-what is this?!

thank fuck

I stopped joining other peoples' rooms entirely because of this and always just hosted my own rooms. Takes a ridiculous amount of time to force-quit and relogin when a freeze happens.

Now how about DLC Uzume?

Something for WonderFest 2017
A miniature fire extinguisher
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Don't tell me the noirefags are getting another figure
>Life size nep figure
>It had to be Noire
Literally why?
Statue really
So that's supposed to be a real fire extinguisher?

Well, whatever. If it's life sized, then it'll just be something they put on display instead of something noirefags can purchase. In that case, I don't really care about it.
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It's a fucking statue
A Nepgear statue already exist so heh Noire
meh, let them have their picture of a noire statue

desu if it was Neptune then I would be jealous and want it for myself. I'm glad it's not Neptune.
They're just very old.
You say that as if Neptune didn't have quite a few as well.
>it'll just be something they put on display instead of something noirefags can purchase
They've been putting a lot of 1:1 scale figures on sale lately. Just don't expect to be able to pay the price tag (+shipping)
isnt that one for the directors personal use though?
why are you so jelous? neptune is getting two new figures in july so whats the problem?
Vert, Uni, Rom, Ram, Plutia and Uzume figures when



Maybe someday

Maybe someday
Literally never
>literally everything gets nendos nowadays
>Neptunia has exactly one
>and it was a LE
Not a Vertfag but I'll buy her figure just to show appreciation of her
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top nep.jpg
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The only nep figures I want to buy right now are pic related and the angelic purple heart figure

Maybe when I have more disposable income i'll splurge on a whole collection of nep stuff
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I want to hug Witchgear so much.
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I want to give Wizardgearnon a ride on my broom!
I want to hug both of the nep sisters. They're so god damn cute.
Contain yourself, Uni.
Ride me instead of that broom
>these damn XD faces
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thats not how a XD face looks like, pic related is.
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My daughter-wives Rom and Ram are so cute.
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abnes hansen3.gif
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Why don't you take a seat over there?
Chika and Underling do look kinda similar
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:D is the superior face
Just look at how happy she is
So damn cute. She looks like she's yelling "HAPPY DAAAY".
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Is emo neppy cute?
well to be honest, i think id be a bit upset if this happened to me. i mean unless neptune wants me to literally eat her, im going to be pretty hungry.
>he thinks you can actually buy pudding in Planeptune
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I love Uzume!.

Good morning, /nepgen/.
>pudding in a can
besides thats a can of neptuna.
but instead of a fish, i got neptune.
and im still hungry. help.
CHRIST I never knew how much Ploot grows for Iris.
I mean even factoring in the heels that's absurd.
I don't know, if I opened a can of neptuna and got a cute mini neppy instead, I would be happy as fuck.
Go eat some noodles.
>Tfw reading a story where Iris Heart cries because she can't whip the MC cause 'hurr durr shonen protgonist strength. Muh Unbreakable Body'
>Then she Switches, gets spanked and fuck and now she's pregnant.
Why do fanfics have to ruin everything?
but youd still be hungry.
those are not exactly healthy.
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I could just eat something else. Hanging out with a cute mini neppy at home would make my life 10000000x better in every way. Totally worth it.
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Big Nep is for nepping!
As a spankfag, this makes me want to puke.
Would've been better if the MC is strong but won't make IH cry, fuck nor impregnated
if you say so.
i mean of couse id be happy if i had a cute mini nowa from a can but i would have to find something else to eat.
pleasing your goddess on an empty stomach isnt easy.
also, that pic makes me wonder if id like octopus dumplings.
He didn't intend to make her cry, he just forgot that she couldn't hurt him, because his retarded shounen strength helped him win a Slugfest against Title Defense level Mr.Sandman. It's fucking stupid.
This, gentlemen, is why self-insert have a horrible reputation.
Wait, the eltard wrote a fanfic?
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I miss Chika!
That's not even the worst of it.
Uni is paired up with Serah Farron from the 13 trilogy as a Nepgear replacement
Besides the ED and OP
I want to nep her Leanbox.
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Jesus. If I ever write a self-insert fanfic, it'll be "Spankfag go to Gamindustri and get killed by almost everything, even angry shopkeepers".

It'll be a perfect reenactement of the first time I played Dark Souls.
Chika was always shit 2bh

>muh vert obsession
>muh creepy fake-sister incest-love relationship thing
>muh melodramatic whining
What happened to Nepgear?
Color me suprised
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My wish finally came true I can have perma Purple Heart separate from Nep
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>having shit taste
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Too busy getting plowed by the writer's other Fanfic MC.
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Imagine if Neptune decided to transform before playing 4GO, a Neptune who acts and speaks PH-like, being regal as fuck. That would have been awesome
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Plutia is actually the same height as Nep in both forms. Though PH doesn't have huge heels.
Also, that difference is definitely not 20cm, they only grow about a head taller.
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>That would have been awesome
No, it wouldn't have. Neppy is beautiful and amazing as she is, and she doesn't need to act like purple heart
I still find it hard to believe Noire is considered small.
What the fuck is USA using? That doesn't make sense.
>Not wanting everyone to go on a state of irrational confusion about why is Neptune acting like a proper person
Here we go! Good to go!
in the second version of that ED she's replaced by her silhouette. And nowhere to be seen on both OP

You're as full of BS as Chika.
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Praise this cutie!
And fuck loligeddon for making a separate file for this scene as an ED. I didn't need this right now.
I want to hug her from behind while she sits between my legs, eating chips and playing games! She's cute and would make playing video games fun again!
I want to spoil the nep
>dogoo is above Histoire
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She's supposed to be just barely bigger than Uni and Nepgear, but it's kinda hard to believe. Maybe it's her clothes.
How old is the Nep Franchise?
Cause I kind of want the next canonical game to be the 10th Anniversary game where all the old villains come back via D4C shenanigans
Along with playable Purefoire
iirc it's like 7 years old
Or maybe it's fact her chest is visible in general. Even V Noire who covers them up, you can clearly tell they're at least TWICE as big as Uni's
dont foget she has high heels.
so wait, this is a an anime thing or what?
well when youre 197 cm like me every nep is small. and i just found out my little sister is as tall as noire. feels weird.
I can wait 3 years for a Nep Mainline game with an actual budget and all the characters coming back Except Nisa and Gust.
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I love LoliGear!
No I mean Noire's chest.
>as tall as noire
You know what to do
ah, well thats completely different matter, then.
i dont. please elaborate.
>tfw, Noire would be a much better sister for Nepgear, than Neptune will ever be.
Make your sister cosplay as Noire take pics
Well, if it wasn't for her obsession with Neptune, Nepgear would probably hang out with her even more
Neptune willingly gave her life for Nepgear once, and helped her pull the trigger, making sure she wouldn't be the only to feel guilty for Uzume's horribly and slow agony.
well if you can get us a costume for her, sure.
Fuck off retard. Noire ruined uni and turned her into an insecure tsundere mess of a cpu candidate.

Noire could never hope to compare to nep as a big sister
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Uni is cute tho.
Eh? Are Noire fans really older than other fans?
Yeah. She only appeals to old players who played the eldesty consoles.
Noire gets most of her shares from men who are, on average, approximately 35 years olders than the other goddesses fans
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At least let Vert have one nice thing for once.
This is illegal. Only Neptune is allowed to have the sparkly eyes.
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How stupid are you that it doesn't make sense? It's the same as the Japanese system but with a number attached to it to more accurately denote their size. Not every C cup girl has the exact same chest. Nepgear is the best example on that chart, as her chest slightly grows when she transforms. However, it doesn't grow enough to bump her up a size, so on the Japanese chart she's listed as just C-cup in both forms. The US system however actually reflects her different sizes, Nepgear is 30B, while Purple Sister is a slightly bigger 32B. And all the sizes are a letter lower in the US because Japan's measuring for things like body sizes and clothes are skewed towards their own body types. Try ordering something directly from Japan, select the same clothing size you'd normally buy in your country, then laugh at how much smaller what you get is.
>tching tchong ling long
Just stop with these 51BA bullshit and just give the breasts radius and basta.
I kek'd
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Why so green?
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Nep is cruel to take such an opportunity from such a nice woman.
I can feel Blanc's rage from over there.
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No! Nepgear, my goddess is allowed to have them too!
No! Nepgear is for kitty ears and tails, not sparkly eyes!
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Am I the only one who loves Blanc's Famicom outfit?
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marvel at the sparkle
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It looks nice and comfy. but I like the other one better.
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>be watching the OAV
>some scrub says "conquest ending, nope I'm out"
>lasts less than 1 minute and 30 seconds
I don't like how high her skirt starts. Instead of starting at the waist, it looks like it starts right under her breasts.
Like most of the new V outfits, it's alright, but the originals are superior. Vert's Xbox outfit is equal to her 360 one though I'd say.
Neptunia really started small : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Cbgde6BNgs
I like her tomboyish look. I just wish the background was better.
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Fun fact: extroverted feeling is correlated with breast size. ENFJs and ESFJs tend to have the biggest boobs for this reason.
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Not at all, I gotta say I prefer her UD attire to her HD/SD attire.

Don't get my wrong the white coat and dress is nice since it shows off her legs, but I prefer the red dress cause I think it looks sexier. Plus the thigh highs accentuate her legs even more.

The only one I can agree with you on that point is Noire. Neptune and Blanc's V outfits are better looking (though I only prefer the parka because the dress just reminds me how much of a brat she was in V) while Vert's UD and HD outfits are on par with each other. Though if I had to pick, her UD outfit barely wins because it accentuates her breasts better and shows off those long legs of hers.
*hugs anon*
Good tastes.
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I want to make Nepgear happy by giving her things to dismantle!
Noire would be a much better sister for Nepgear than she is for Uni.
That's still too young, try 45.
I like that artstyle.
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>implying Noire is a good anything for anyone
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Too bad Chika has to go the extra mile because otherwise Vert doesn't give a shit.
She's a good target for Anonydeath.
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UD Blanc has the best costume, same as UD Noire.

UD Vert and V Neptune are meh, so yeah.
>obsession with Neptune
Interesting headcanon.
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Pity Arfoire, do not mock her. She has lived as an joke for most of her life, shamed by her's evil legacy. She is desperate for power because she is powerless.
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Also she's a cutie.
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I'd like to dismantle her virginity with my dick if you get what i'm saying.
I don't quite understand, could you be more specific?

IH was there before, mang.
Girls can't take each other virginities.
>he doesn't know about strap-ons
Lindafag is shapeshifter so don't be so sure
>let's use this fake dick when we could just use a real one and enjoy the moment
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Then why is Vert introverted and the healthiest of Neps?
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I do too.
Simplisitic artstyles are adorable.
Or the thousand uses of her snake-sword-whip
>breath smells of Mountain Dew and Doritos
>dirt accumulated under her breats from all these days of not bathing because MMOs
>let's use this fake dick and enjoy the moment as the real thing is attached to something very nasty
fixed yer typos
She might be a shut-in but she always says out loud whatever is on her mind and has no shame. She's extroverted to the point of neing indecent.
>Implying i preffer giving the dick instead of receiving it
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Saying what's on your mind has nothing to do with being intro or extroverted

Compare Neptune and Vert, who both love to play video games in their rooms all day. Neptune genuinely enjoys going outside and socializing with her citizens as long as it doesn't involve work, while Vert would rather spend time with a smaller group of people like her fellow CPUs and imoutos
Baka, some introverted types have lots of extroverted feeling. INFJs and ISFJs have it as their second most prominent function.
How is that correlated?
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Sometimes, simpler is cuter.
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I like Rei.
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best nep siblings.png
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>One of the games is literally just Vert-Sister
But Vert doesn't game alone, +GreenHeart+ is well known for being a top player and the leader of large guilds in the MMOs she plays, and she seems to be in voice chat with her guild.
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>Implying IH could take something that's already been claimed by countless Dogoos.
that Vert Bismark game
Can we really count that as extroversion? Don't hikkiNEETs do that as well?
Me on the left
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Again, Introversion doesn't mean completely non-social. I'm definitely an introverted person, but I can never have fun playing video games these days without friends. I even privately stream single player games for others to watch and comment as well because it's much more fun for me to share the experience with others
I can tell you I couldn't deal with guilds in MMOs because so many people requiring my input stressed the fuck out of me.
Sorry, but I don't think they have doritos or mountain dew in Japan.
It doesn't have the stupid ankle ribbon on one leg that Normal Blanc does, so it's an improvement. Sure the arm things aren't great either but there's TWO on each arm. God damn my OCD
Also the Japanese style clothes fit her better especially now more than ever because Nintendo is the most traditionalist company to a fault. I never understood her whole 'Snow Princess' attire because I don't think of Snow when I think of Nintendo.
Gamindustri is not Japan.
Then why is Vert who is the only US company based CPU on an island away from the Japanese centered ones?
>Sure the arm things aren't great either but there's TWO on each arm
There aren't? There's just one controller on each sleeve.
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I want to make Uzume wear cute girly clothes by telling her it would make her look super cool!
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They have both, and like every other one of their snack-foods there's a huge variety of flavors of Doritos.
She's adorable.
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karamatsu, jammin'.png
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Make it happen!
In Jung's type theory extraversion is simply having a very strong extraverted function(that would be the primary in MBTI)

Difference between extraverted and introverted is objective vs subjective

>God said it's bad, so it's bad

>It looks like shit, so it's shit

>Let's see what happens if I connect those two items

>Evidence says you are bullshitting, so you are bullshitting

>I feel this is bad, so it is

>I remember that was shit, so it still is

>I found a connection in those two completely unrelated events, so there is a pattern

>It doesn't work in my mind, so you are bullshitting me
how horrid
Just like you.
Extremely simplified, of course.

When you call Compa an ENFJ, you are saying that...

>Objective morality system based on what is commonly accepted as right or wrong in her society
This is the strongest function, meaning she has a strong concept of good and bad and does her best to be perceived as good(so like being 101% kind and well-mannered)

>Subjective way to perceive connections between things
Usually leads to being very imaginative with a worldwide view instead of focusing on your present reality. Guess everyone can notice how much Compa isn't "present"

>Objective perception with senses.
Likes things that look cute, dislikes things that look like shit.
Reacts directly and instinctively to what's in front of her.
It's an inferior funciton, so it has way less influence than the first 2 ones

>Subjective logical system
Her claims must be sound to her, there is no need to prove her anything with facts and evidence. As long it makes logical sense according to her, it's accepted as truth
This is the repressed and weakest function, that makes Compa fall for everything you tell her as long it makes sense in her mind.
>Italian specialty flavored American snack made and sold only in Japan
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I want to bully adult Peashy!
I mistyped.
There are two overall, one on each arm.
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You mad?
Can I spank adult Peashy or will she break all my limbs?
Wouldn't pretty much every nep do that? Except Nepgear cause she's such a pushover.
Tekken wouldn't. She would enjoy it too much.
And I'd like to see Histoire try it (lol).
It would take her 3 days just to start
I can spank her more than 72 times before she can retaliate.
>Tekken wouldn't. She would enjoy it too much.

As if a weakling Anon could satisfy Tekken's masochistic tendencies, she wouldn't feel anything
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I wanna marry Uzume because she thinks shit's cool as fuck.
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Uzume is getting married!.jpg
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I'm afraid she's taken anon.
Noire's husband is cheating on her?
Normal Histy might do it in 3 hours.

(((adult))) neptune's got brought back
Hey, that's the gun from L4D2.
Pump and Dump C-Sha
Literally Adult Nep's pistol
>Wanting to take a little kid on a date
>Not a grown-up and mature lady like Arfoire
>Petty Tantrum: The Character
Just because your an old hag doesn't mean your not childish.
But that's Noire's, anon.
Who's guns are who's? The SIG on top is definitely Neptune's, the pocket revolver looks like Noire's, and IIRC a friend told me that Vert uses muskets so the repeating rifle lookalike is Blanc's?

They should bring back more guns in Nep games
>"a friend told me"
>he didn't play HDN
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Why not both?
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Holy shit I'm signing for ASIC
Lolifoire is okay too
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So how is Arfoireanon looking?
>Start playing ADF

>starts playing ADF
>Tiara has a ugly blue outfit
Getting a refun.
Amazing how there are still yurifags who want him gone from the game
Yurifags are retarded. What else is new?
They are the same Yuri fags that insist all neps are gay
But they aren't.
Yes? son.
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Do you have an armor?
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Guessing by >>168511085 he's probably picrelated
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Didn't we already assumed that Arfoirenon is Dagoth Ur?
Why the fuck Altair?

Why the fuck Dagoth Ur?
Why not The Legend, Father of Giants?
Of course i do, little scrub.
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Why so sleepy today, /nepgen/?
Playing ADF, call me when Fang stop being a lazy ass person.
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Did someone say smol?
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Tomoe a qt.
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Blanc is the only character who got an outfit that might actually be superior to her original in Victory. I like both of her outfits a lot though.
But sleepy time
>Blanc is the only character who got an outfit that might actually be superior to her original in Victory.
Bait gets weaker the more threads get made
>piracy in her loli stage
So Keygens?
Actually they're all handguns. Top to bottom:

HDD weapons were even better, Vert had a gunlance and Blanc had a revolver-axe.
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It actually took me a while to realize that the cool outfit in RB1 came from V
Alright, alright. Neptune too.
Vert outfit is better, only surpassed by her 4GO outfit.

>4GO >V > PP's idol outfit >>>>>> mainline outfit
>inb4 Spank-Devilotte gets triggered hard
My wife Blanc is the cutest.
I personally think the only character in V who's outfit is worse is Neptune's.

Which fucking sucks because everyone in that game gets worse as a person.
>PP's idol outfit
i forget were those even unlockable
I disagree.
>I personally think the only character in V who's outfit is worse is Neptune's.
Lol most people who don't play Neptunia wouldn't even differentiate both outfits, just like I used to. Stop this meme.
Jersey Dress>Hoodie

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Devilotte Death-Satan III (I think)
That skirt is too short.
Wow, nice. A picture that isn't giantess crap.
as if that was a bad thing.
I want Plutie to bully me
I often like this guy's neps more than the originals. Though maybe it's just the VN format, makes them seem more static.
Agreed. That Plutia deserves a trip to the headmaster's office to get acquainted with the paddle.
You wouldn't let your gf go outside like that.
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>That skirt is too short.
It's perfect then.
I don't think you'd be making the calls with a gf like that.
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Much like Noire's dress is.

Which is why I like it over her V outfit.

This is going to be you after she's done with you. You sure about that?
>doesn't like short skirts

Plutia is not that bad in her normal form. Stop believing the Plutia haters who have demonized her through the years.
>sexy bully Plutie
>bad influence nep-nep goading her on
I love everything about this
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oh really?
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Dumb frogposter
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i have no idea what youre talking about.
What's with that res?
>plutia will never bully you until you submit like that one doujin
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>like that one doujin
Look at this slut.
well said, my friend.
blessings of kek be upon you.
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That's not Plutia-related, you lying bastard
Maybe I should have mentioned that. Still worth a fap though.
The only ones that lose are Vert and Noire, they lose a lot of flair for simpler, more monochrome outfits.
Neptune is about the same. Blanc is arguably better
That's not Pururut
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Only in RB1 as far as I remember.
those aren't from PP you dumbass. those are from V.
Also on V as well, and there's also an Idol event as Vert convinces everyone to perform as one until Chika gets ass angry and stuff.
Those are from V as DLC which predates PP
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I admit I haven't played PP yet.
Don't forget that you have to get the true ending to see it.
He has a couple of those.
I didn't play V and didn't see anything like that in RB3, what's with that?
Is it because I didn't download the makers DLC?
Did you get the true ending? If not, that's why.

You also get some pretty strong gear from that.
The Lv.900 boss was fucking underwhelming 2bh.
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I got to the true ending on my first playthrough.
Before proceeding with any story event, I always do a full swipe across all nations for chirper and events.
So if it was anywhere in RB3, I guess it was part of that DLC pack.
>there were actually 2 DLC packs, one for unwanted makers and another for oracles
Well, I guess it's as good a time as any other to replay RB3.
Nope, the idol stuff wasn't DLC. I believe you had to view one an event somewhere in Hyperdimension next to the event that starts New Game+.
>・Vert's Idol Promotion
>An event will become available in Leanbox (Hyperdimension).
No, go to Hyperdimension's Leanbox, look for HDVert's chirper, if it's not there, you must have accidentally played the scene already and just forgot, then check the galleries
how the hell would you manage to avoid the dlc packs, they're even free
I stand corrected. Though in my defense, it's been a while since I first played RB3.
I thought there was only one pack, my memory card was pretty much full and I didn't care about the many makers and their myriad of scenes.
I do care about oracles, IF and Compa, but alas I wasn't aware of their pack.
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What, I don't wanna waste my shares in some girl who isn't even a nep!
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I love Uni!
Oh no
Oh lord, Uni went full yandere. Now we know the true reason Uninon has disappeared.
Uni needs to clean her face, jeez
Oh no, what did you do to Uninon?
Control this Nep posting retard of yours in our thread please >>168543557
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Get nepped on faggot, fuck your shitty korean grinder
>6 out of 86 pictures are nep pictures
>"All this nep posting"
Fuck off retard

by the way, not every nep fan even comes to nepgen, so piss off
sorry senpai, he is his own man, we cant do anything about him.
/Nepgen/ shitposting spilled into the mainline games, how do you expect us to contain the autism?
That guy's not with us. We don't know him. He's your problem, not ours.
Nepfags need to go. Dumb smelly weebs.
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Why is Histoire so cute?
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Because she's adorable
Hey, that's cheating. Sparkly eyes are too cute, only Neptune should be allowed to use them.
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Those aren't Neptune's trademark, you know.

Unlike Super/Ultra Histy's emoticons.
Waaah, Ministy 2cute
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Histy is objectively the cutest in all dimensions
Ministy is objectively cuter. And she doesn't hesitate to tear Bitchtune a new asshole.
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How about no? Neptune is obviously the cutest. Histy is a huge bitch.
Do your job for once neptune
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Super/Ultra Histy are best.

Hyper Histy a shit.
I wouldn't call Hyper Histy a shit. Not as cute as the other 2 but still cute on her own merit.
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I mean she's cute, but not AS cute.

I'd kill to have a UD Histy by my side.
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can we just give mini neppy wings and have her instead?

That's what I really want.
How can you nep a mini nep though
I don't need to nep her. Just having her hanging out by my side would be great.
>the only reason to have someone around is to fuck them
self-insertfags are the worst
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>tfw flying mini neppy insists on staying in the room while you fap to nep doujins
Why else would you someone around?
New yurishitter boogeyman everybody.
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I want to hug little Histy-wisty for 6 hours!
Truth. I want to schlick her until her cunny is all dried up.
Ministy/Super Histy is not for lewd, you barbarian!

She's for recieving hugs and kisses from after a hard day of work.
Fuck off, spammer.
You can be her mom if you want, but I'll stick with being her lover.
If you try to kiss Histoire, you're suck her. You have to kiss her little hand very gently with the extremety of your lips.
Hey, a hug and kiss on the cheek is enough for me.
I'll cum my shares on Histy so much that the shares' miraculous powers would make her grow into human size and I can finally fuck her
Sounds good.

I wish I could draw, I would draw Histy presenting her small little hand and Anon trying to kiss without crushing it.
just fuck her the way she is. use her as an onahole
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Would you a neptune?
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Nep FPS or NepPS for short starring Uni when?
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Would it shut her up for awhile?
But we're both girls.
The opposite
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post tits
Can't these dumb porn artists do anything right? Supposed to be blue stripes smdh. Unless they are Nepgear's and she is just wearing them, then that's hot.
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Look at the way they're stretching, they're clearly Nepgear's.

Not perfectly shaped to Neptune's ass like her own would be.
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delete this
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Now we need MAGES.
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smol oh.jpg
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I'll take a smol OH, tyvm.
That would be cute, too, but I need my little nepper
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>Melee/Gun combos
Literally RWBY-tier. I love it!
Hey Bertie.
This fuckin pun.
They are crazy expensive.
>nep making casual conversation inbetween the moans

That's kinda hot
It is. Personally I'm imagining it in her English voice since I don't know Japanese.
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I want her to call me a pervert in her cute/teasing voice while I bang her.
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nep and pudding.png
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i drew this picture for nep
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Guys guys...

M A G E S .
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I love NepNep with all my heart!
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Just finished the Conquest ending for the first time.
black screen
Neptune has left
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MAGES. a cute

Little more than 100 bucks.

I'd buy it.
Is there a kind enough anon to dump the Deluxe pack for ADF yet?
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Super cute! I want to h*ld her h*nd.
Coincidentally I was just looking into starting a Figma collection after finally getting Blanc, Noire, and Neptune out of their boxes from the LEs. That was already getting high in price.
figma is a specific line of action figures, fyi

not trying to get worked up over semantics but it can cause confusion
Figma - figurine smegma?
those are nendos
No they are not. Nendoroid is a branding, not a blanket term for things that mildly resemble them. Neptune does have a Nendoroid but the ones mentioned in that post are trading figure tier.
Did you cry, anon?
I did
I felt it a little. I also went to talk to Mina knowing damn well I was going to feel like a bastard afterwards. I was right.
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this ending is fucked.png
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Neither nep deserved a fate like this
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I feel like I was the only one happy when certain CPUs were removed from the party/existence.
Killing Blanc and her sisters was the hardest for me
They were too innocent and only fought in defense, not to mention Ram and Rom having to watch their older sister get stabbed before meeting the same fate soon after
I'm surprised they even saw this ending as an option, way out of place in a nep game.
> way out of place in a nep game

I know and i loved it, yes it was sad, but it was nice to see a good change of pace to the lighthearted plots the games have.
>Nepgear's reaction to killing Underling is to sigh and say 'I should have done that ages ago'
Pretty sure the party's collective asshole clenched at that moment as they took a second to consider again whether this was a good idea.
I loved that part desu
Underling was a bitch and deserved what they got
Pudding Overdrive
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I like nep.
For those who have played 4GO, who are the most overpowered party members?
Nepgear and Noire
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Reminder that tangerines kick ass.
Noire and Vert.
No surprise there, I guess. It seems like it's series tradition at this point to make her super strong in every game.

These are kind of surprising, rarely see magic get to shine in ARPGs.
I'm curious, what makes them so powerful compared to the rest of the cast (I was also hoping someone would have said Rom)
>way out of place in a nep game
In my opinion Conquest is supposed to be the joke ending of mk2/RB2. The ending itself and its requirements are so ridiculous, it's like Compa and IF realized how boring and overly-serious the game turned out, so they thought "Hey, why don't we take this stuff up to eleven for shits and giggles?" and just went through with it.
No clue about Nepgear as I didn't really use her much but for Vert, she has the most desirable buffs in the game and can also heal.
Basically, she's the MVP for the support role and makes Blanc obsolete.
Uni and Vert.
>Buff yourself with Vert
>Snipe everything from the distance with Uni
Literally legalized cheating.
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Nepgear is OP because of the function of magic. It's more effective for breaking the enemy's guard and also does quite a bit of damage
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>You're going to be the new CPUs
Yeah, for a whole minute
Are any of the CPU form characters worth using? I never hear anyone talking about them...
Green Heart's pretty great for the same reason as Nepgear. Didn't really use the others much.
dunno, I haven't gotten them yet.

I was playing every day, then something came up and I stopped playing for a while. I'll pick it back up again sometime. It's a fun game that I enjoyed so far.
BH is also pretty great.

BH/Noire/GH/Vert is actually a REALLY solid party.

BH = Tank/DPS Hybrid
Noire = DPS
GH = Nuker/Phys DPS Hybrid
Vert = Support
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not even once
No clue what you're talking about; it's a highly efficient party.
It's a shit party for people who don't like Neptunia.
It's probably one of the stronger party combos out there.
Noire/Vert is a very strong combo in 4GO and GH is a top tier nuker. BH is also a very strong physical DPS. You really can't go wrong with the party.
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You need to go back
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Help. I want Ram and Rom, but I only have 878MB left, and still have some items/outfits/weapons to make. I'm on Chapter 8 if that means anything.
Lady Orange Heart is so cute.
You can't get all of the candidates until NG+.
I haven't made the coliseum yet either. Will there be one last 1024MB drop before game's end?
Even if you don't use any MBs, you still can't get all of them.
I read >>168579768 first new character plan I got was Uni, but I haven't made her. I now want to know if it would be possible to get Ram or Rom at the point in the game I am at. I've made none of the little ones yet.
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As far as I remember, you can't. Not until NG+. If it's just the plan you want, I think you can still get it.
when the fuck is iffy going to announce 4go localization plans?
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You return home and encounter these semen demons.
What do you do?
Probably very soon. Maybe alongside an announcement about porting SeHa girls to Steam.
Cum inside their ears then plug them with my fingers so they can feel how their ears are full of cum.
I need some renders of Neptune's face!
Thanks for the new fetish.
Well ending the game did not give me any MB for NG+, so I guess I'm going through it again. Should I go back a save and build the Coliseum and get the rest of the little ones' plans, then try for True ending?
You can only get certain coliseum fights after getting the candidates, so you should probably make them first. I think you need to go through at least three NG cycles to get all coliseum fights.
I want to use speculums to spread Neptune's vagina and ass and use a ring gag to hold her mouth open then put live spiders, cockroaches and centipedes inside all three holes and plug them up. I wonder what kind of expressions, squirming and screams she'd make.
>Nepfags: not even once
Watch them break into tears after I reveal to them they're actually a one-game throwaway characters for a Vert's spinoff
Serious question, why does it seem that everyone here hates yuri even when we already know that some neptunia characters are lesbians? Also am i the only one that thinks that vert is bi?
I believe all of them are bi desu, it's just there are no prominent male characters to take their interest which is why they go the other way
Why are there no good Neptune doujins /nepg/?
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Neps are pure and innocent

Compa as MC fucking when?
Yuri is boring shit. The only lesbians are joke characters like RED and Million Arthur. Vert is likely bi though.
Some people say that all women are essentially bisexual. Since none of them ever seem to interact with men, they're basically prison gay.
We don't. It's just the same autist who gets [triggered] and throws a hissy fit every time it's mentioned.
There are no good Neptunia doujins at all, though at least some of them are fappable.
What's happening?
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<-To be continued
I'm so tired...
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I want to take a bath with Nepgear! I would love to wash every inch of her body.

I love Nepgear.
That guy's not a nepfag. Nobody who loves neppy would ever do those disgusting things to her.
We don't hate yuri. We hate yurifags. If yurishitters weren't so insufferable, then maybe yuri would be more welcome here.
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Please not this shit again
Don't try to find excuses for the ugliness of your own heart
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What do you see in this image?
I see my wife neppy making a silly and cute face as she probably says something to tease her friend Noire.
Yes, we. Fuck off yurishitter.
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Your favorite nep will fall in love and marry you, but you have to pick another nep for her to mess around with on the side. Do you do it, and if so, who do you pair her up with?
Neptune's hand right on Noire's crotch.
Do I get to mess around with her too?
I'll compromise by saying not right away, but it would be possible for you to convince the other nep to let you join in if you can get her to like you.
Then I choose Blanc and Nep. Semi-loli three ways all day.
1) Yes.

2) I pair Neppy up with Nepgear because nepcest is the best, also she should be easy for neppy and I to convince to let me join in
Yeah, Nepgear would totally be fine with Neptune, Vert or Uni.
Vert seems like the dominant type who would try to compete with you to be main girl 2bh
I want to break neppy's fingers. I would start from her toes, breaking them with swift motions. I would leave both big toes for last, since they would be the hardest and most painful. I'd take my time, to enjoy Neptune's cries, the snapping sound and sensation and her immediate, loud scream. After that I would enjoy leaving her on the ground for a while, unrestrained but unable to escape, and then I would lay on her back and one of her arms to pin her down and stretch her other arm in front of her face so she can see everything. I'd take my time, stretching and caressing her slender fingers, and then grabbing one and taking my time so she can anticipate it, her breath quickening, her body trembling and her cries begging me to stop. Then I would mercilessly snap all her fingers, starting with the little finger, twist them around, bend them in abnormal positions. If she loses consciousness due to shock, the pain of the next finger in line breaking would wake her up, or the twisting, grinding agony as I bend her broken fingers. It would be glorious.
Nepgear because bitches love Nepgear
I'd marry Vert, and happily let Nepgear be the third wheel. Win win win

Also you stole my pic that I was going to reply with
Just fuck them together and exchange and whatever, jesus
No, Vert and I will treat Nepgear like our surrogate daughter and little sister. Please do not cheapen them both as interchangeable objects of lust
I marry Uzume and she can mess around with nepsy. Nepgear can join in as well, and I get to befriend or even fuck them down the line if I get lucky. Planeptune has the best CPUs.
This is the most awful thing I've read all week. Kill yourself.
I want to make neppy happy. I would start by getting her some delicious pudding, handing it to her with a spoon so she can enjoy it. I would leave more pudding for later, since I know she would want more sometime. I would let her take her time, enjoying Neptune's smile, the sight of her enjoying the pudding and the sound of her delight as she thanks me. After that I would play her favorite video games with her, with my arms wrapped around her body as she sits on my lap, and then we would both relax and have fun playing games together. We would take our time, playing cooperatively or competitively depending on what she wants to do, and then I would listen to her as she gets too into it and starts trash talking in that cute little voice of hers. Then I would take her to bed with me for a nap, holding her in my arms and listening to her talk about her day. If she gets tired and slips into a calm sleep, I would lay with her and listen to her gentle breathing, quietly enjoying the presence of my beloved goddess. It would be glorious.
No, Hell no, Nepgear is not for sharing with others, she's for wholehearted love and lewding. She's mine.
This is the cutest thing I've read all week. Feel proud of yourself.
>Fall in love
>lets you pick her a fuckbuddy to cheat on you with
I'd rather have you go back to Cuckblr and take your "love" with you.
Gearnon is for marrying and having a healthy monogamous relationship with!

I love Gearnon.
yurifags should just go to /u/, this thread is for waifus
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/u/ is full of people too creepy for a girl like me!
i don't care???
No Uni, you don't love Gearnon.
What nep is into femdom?
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Do nepgenners have a favorite Neptune?

Personally, sometimes I think I may like one Neptune over the other, but then I think about it and realize they're all great in their own ways.

RB1 Neptune was probably nep-nep at her best due to the circumstances, being amnesiac and having to bring the goddesses together etc.

RB2 Neptune was a great big sister who showed how much she really cared, who liked the toot her little sister's horn, and who would do anything for her (even giving her own life).

RB3 Neptune was very cute and likable, even if she was extremely bratty and selfish. For every inconsiderate and bratty thing she says, there are like 5-10 ridiculously funny and cute things as well.

VII neptune is probably the most mature of them all, for what it's worth. She kept her charm and funniness from the other games, but also had some interactions where she seemed more grown up than before. It also showed how much she cares about the people of her nation.

I just can't pick a favorite.
big nep. a neptune that acts fully self aware of her usual antics rather than playing dumb about it constantly alongside the dash of extra maturity was very nice.
obviously iris heart/plutia
I prefear VII and rb1neptune, in rb2 she isnt all that relevant and in rb3 she is just annoying
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fite me bish
I want Nepgear to scold at me and keep her eyes on me in everything I do!

I love Nepgear.
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That was one hell of a joke though. Execution was masterful
I feel really bad about Chika.
>keeps trying to get Vert's attention
>get ignored beautifully every time
>only moment when Vert thinks of her is when she's on the verge of getting killed
I don't even like Chika but come on. Give her a boon once in a while.
And even when it isn't. He (they? I consistently got two replies to such posts) throws a tantrum everytime waifufags, male characters or self-inserts are criticized in any way or form.
Of course, the "yurishitter" monicker is thrown around no matter what.
yeah, well, that's what happens when you act like a cancerous yurishitter

>whining about "wahhh why are there boys in my game??"
>then whine about people telling you to fuck off
>After that I would play her favorite video games with her, with my arms wrapped around her body as she sits on my lap
Because they played the games, not just one, not just a spin off
>answering the ban evading retard
Male characters in Neptunia games are always irrelevant, why would anyone complain about that?
Surely there are more idealogies than just waifu and yuri.
Sure. Just not for that guy.
There are only two ideologies : the wrong one, and mine.
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Why are there boys in my game GODDAMN CH
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GearUni or UniGear?
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I want to take a nice comfy bath with Gearnon and scrub every inch of his body!

I love Gearnon.
I want to watch Gearnonanon take a nice comfy bath with Gearnon and scrub every inch of his body!

I love Gearnonanon.
I want to capture Gearnonanonanon's loving expression as he watches Gearnonanon scrub every inch of Gearnon's body!

I love Gearnonanonanon.
This is spiralling out of control.
I want to grab everyone who posts in /nepgen/, and lock them in a mansion, give them weapons, and watch them trying to survive an army of cats.
Hello /nepgen/

I am from /dfog/.

Can you please pick up your shit posters? They seem to have gotten out and are bothering us.

With love,
No, you can keep them.
Not gonna lie, it's so much funnier watching nep posters in other generals than it is dealing with our own off-topic shitposter here.
Is there spanking in /dfog/?
Only for moms
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My neppy would be more likely to crack a joke acknowledging that she's a drawing on some wooden thingy instead of pretending that she isn't.
If you all don't shut the fuck up
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Blanc, of course.

Then politely ask Vert if I could join in.
Artists seem to prefer GearUni but it makkes no sense.
Uni is /fit/ and competitive while Nepgear is an insecure geek, it makes more sense for Uni to take the initiative.
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New canvas.png
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I made this cuz I was bored
why is she in superdimension lastation?
Probably because Histy used the remaining shares to transport her there before she met the revived DoS destroyed Gamindustri.
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The real question is : how is she inside?
I wish Nepgear would stalk me.
so what, did histy want her to make friends with noire and uni of that dimension firsts before meeting her sister?
How long will it take to make the other Nepgear stop her?
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Brown University.jpg
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No, you don't.
Yes, I do. I would love every second of it.
brown university?
Why is Uni shitposting instead of being useful?
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I love Chika!
thats not uni, thats unistalker.
What's the difference?
uni is uni, unistalker is a stalking gay anon who stalks gearnon.
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the same brown university that was used as backgrounds for katawa shoujo?
Hi I have been playing FFF ADF and I just finished the goddess route with Eryn and Tiara can someone tell the flags to get on the Vile god and Vile goddess routes?
I don't think there's one than one brown University.offices lily
Show her actual face dammit
i think it depends on how many sword you pull out of the goddess.
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I'm going to marry Neptune and give her several beautiful meme children!
Guys, I married Gearnon!!!!!!
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>Steam forum
>"Remove the guy already", " He ruins the yuri"
>One friendly bath scene to show how Eryn and Tiara got closer
what went wrong?
Even steam people are better than what we have here
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yeah man yurishitters ruin fucking everything with their autistic cancer
Where is this CG cut from? I've never seen it before.
When you find Gearnon's chirper in VII
How is this related to us?
Yurishits are retard, wow, who didn't saw that coming?
like how many for each ending? I know you don't get enough fairy's your first play through to get on the other routes but I don't know the exact number
I do all the sub events
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I want to barge in on Vert!
I actually like Vert when she's in panic, it makes me my dick diamonds for strange reasons
its photoshop
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4go blanc2.png
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I want to do disgusting, unspeakable things to this blanc.
You mean like holding hands?
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vert fh3.jpg
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You. Get out.
I like nep.
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Bert is so lovely!
Nice Neptunia discussion
It's in the OP and basically the poor mans Neptunia
Oh I guess it is, carry on then
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Blame geb and fanfics for making yurifags think the neps are gay.
>Game comes and goes around the male MC
>Yurifags go full retarded because of the male MC

It's like complaining why MGQ MC is a male instead of a female.
>ask Vert if I can join in on that Dfc action

You clearly don't know what a cuck actually is, do you?
Yurifags think everything would improve if things had female MCs instead of males. They discuss how to Improve self insert franchises like Idol master and Kancolle and everyone says just make admiral/producer a girl as if people weren't allowed to have their SI franchises
Yurifags were already stupid. They didn't need Geb.
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Fucking seriously? I can't tell if you're joking or serious.
So exactly what boogeyman are you two chasing off? Do we need to build a wall to ward them off?
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I personally have nothing against yurifags (well, the non-autistic ones anyway),, desu. Though to add to your point, it doesn't help that there are some scenes in the game that can be taken out of context and twisted.
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Those are the two autists I failed to reach. The wall is inside their pitiful hearts and can only be torn down by themselves.
>implying they are wrong
You are one.
You stalking them on their own board now?
How can he shitpost here otherwise?
Yeah, that's a shame. If it wasn't for that scene where Neptune and Noire eat pudding, that general would be a lot more peaceful with a lot less retards spamming "OMG THEY EAT TOGETHER THEY SO GAY".
I'm a regular at /u/ anon. Who says you need to be a yurifag to go to /u/?
Theres good things to find there if you ignore the most retarded yurifags
What things, if you donb't enjoy yuri?
Oh, you know. ACTUAL discussion about Neptunia.
He's not saying he hates yuri as a whole. Just those yurifags who put 2 and 2 together and somehow get 23.
You are not making any sense
I don't hate Yuri, I don't go around saying "they should have made madoka a boy and its a better anime" like yurifags do with non Yuri shows. That's exactly my point. FFF doesn't need to pander to Yuri because it was never Yuri in the first place
>put 2 and 2 together and somehow get 23
You mean it's not supposed to?!?
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Fight for the right to live.
I understand and I agree, but why bring it here?
What a nice mane.
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>implying it's not just one autist talking to himself
Anon, I...
I'm not the original poster, just felt like agreeing considering I have a heavy basis to do so thanks to my experience with these specimens.
My friend Fang's fuckbuddy Tiara is so cute.
>replying to yourself
That or you're a newfag who doesn't have him in his filter list.
> Yuri fags discussing anything other then how gay the neps are

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You best keep it low or I'll get you dismembered anyday
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At least they're probably mentioning in-game events and scenes, I guess.
It would be the easier thing to do.
I swear that if geb draws a picture of both Nep and noire taking the cock, and just one, most yurifags would stop bothering with neptunia.
My wife Noire's girlfriend Neptune is so cute.
I want Uzume and Kurome to fight for my cock
The games needed more edge.
Go back to bed Noire, the old men are waiting.
I wouldn't
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Holding a gun to the head is probably the best chance you have to get her to draw Neptune like that.

Not like gebs is the only one drawing Neptunia yuri. Just the easier to find/less lewd one.
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>a new game just released
>/nepgen/ is so completely ded
>all thanks to the parasite who's even autistic enough to use filter to make this his own safespace
Sometimes I don't know what to say..
I want to spank that brat, and I'm not even spankfag.
Nah, give him more money than all of his yurifags can give him and he would do it. Also he's a western artist and the one who has shat out more nepnoway pictures than anyone could ever do, so losing him would be a big deal
I want to say that Pururut a cute
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Hey, wait a second...
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Plutie is a cutie
You forgot your name zombie.
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For Noire maybe but after what she said about Neptune I doubt you could get that pic drawn.

Not like a single pic can negate what has already been and probably will keep getting drawn.
Oh, so all of the anti-yuri rage is just 'cause some fag got banned from /u/?
Give it a rest, autismo.
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Orange Butt.jpg
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I love Uzume!.

Good afternoon, /nepgen/.
Head canon art negates itself, I don't need to do anything.
>Head canon art
Where I come from we call that "fanart".
Although I don't know about that phenomena of yours, I've never seen it happen.
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Orange Heart is lovely dayo
There's fanart of canon events, like nep eating pudding, then there's fan art of non canon events, like the drawing you posted. That's what head canon art is
Of course you're not me.
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Orange Heart a cute
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Yeah, shitposters tend to do that. They "forget" to put their name in. Or they make themselves look stupid and then claim they got totally hacked.
Why doesn't he go make a yuri nep thread on /a/?
/a/ hates yurifags and especially the ones who make Yuri threads of non Yuri shows.
I need that ass.
I should try making a yuri thread there out of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.
>This much mental gymnastics
Jesus fucking christ
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Let me ask you differently : is that picture from that tranny geb based on an event that happens in one of the games, and if yes, which one?
Yeah Neptune having lesbian sex with noire is totally not head canon. I get it you love your geb, but he's not the one who writes the mainline games
People aren't allowed to discuss it because it's not based on a canon event?
>that tranny geb
Maid Dragon can be considered Yuri and the threads are popular because of the Loli fan service, not because of yuri
Why is this even a debate? This is nepgen, not /u/. If you want to talk about your delusional yuri headcanon, then fuck off to /u/. You aren't wanted here.
I can't help but notice that :
1) if you don't understand something, you just go "muh mental gymnastic",
2) when asked a clear question, you don't answer.

Therefore, the conclusion is that trying to reason you was a waste of time.
>only 6 threads
When I went right after watching the episode there were easily double that.
Are people allowed to discuss official art?
>You aren't wanted here.
You aren't either. Go take your medicine before your schizophrenia gets worse.
Since when is Noire this forward? Oh man, Neptune must have really flipped her switch.
I just saved someone's screencap
It's not canon, that's why it's OOC.
Looks canon to me.
It's fan art, who the fuck cares? Very rarely does fan art depict canon events.
>not the one who writes the mainline games
Careful there, you're pretty much putting several spin-offs in the same level as fan art.
Which games does it come from?
Since never, that was made in the hdn days when no one even shipped nepnoway.
All of them.
So none of them, okay.
That's the opposite of all.
Neptune and Noire have steamy lesbian sex in literally every game...
They went at it especially hard when nep came back from zero dimension the first time.
Im obviously talking about art, and geb draws head canon art, not canon art, that's the point and you cant argue about it because you know its true
kys yourself retard.

There's your official art
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Feel free to migrate whenever you're reeeeeeeady~
Plutie is such a cutie.
And again, who the fuck cares? People draw whatever they want and it happens so often that nobody ever needed to create such a distinction.
I know its official, there's also official art of the characters interacting with what you can imagine its semen, piss and penises but hey, I don't care about it because despite being official, it never happened
Uhh please delete this, Ram with a watergun never happened in game, it's headcanon, it's impossible she'd ever do that
You can imagine it, doesn't make that what it is you retard.
With this, there's no imagining required.
youre a squid now
youre a cpu now
Delete yourself
If anything, "Ram never became a squid"

Pururut already delivered >>168612974
Prove it.
Of course because it would be improper or +18. Japan doesn't have issue with girls skin ship because their waifu remains pure like that, they're nothing like western yurishitters. The meaning behind the artist us obvious though, so yeah I can imagine because it was made easy for me to imagine, this is not my fault. Also comparing tsunako art to some western artist is just dumb, don't do it again.
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