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/fog/ - Fallout General

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Thread replies: 757
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As ded as ded gets edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:
http://pastebin.com/mtYCtDLV (embed)

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
http://pastebin.com/u29WKkGy (embed)

>Fallout 4
>General Information etc:
http://pastebin.com/pHrbuwt2 (embed)
>Collection of Nexus Weapon Links [this shouldn't be its own link, that's stupid]:
http://pastebin.com/Gv5vnQi0 (embed)

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Mods & Rips etc:
http://pastebin.com/q5ryvSZc (embed)

http://pastebin.com/v1adFSwj (embed)
http://pastebin.com/S2eDehza (embed)

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:
http://pastebin.com/MWEPKj5m (embed)

Old thread: >>168127956
Will someone tell me if Ninja perks can replace the 1-5 damage buff perks Rifleman/Big Leagues for sneak attacks or if my sneaks will just be eh tier?
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Baseball is fun!
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But they already exist!

Energy weapons or guns?
*cat noise*
Is there a good guide for using Wyre Bash?

Why not both.

Which game? If its Fallout 4 then Laser is the way to go. They sound so good now.

Does anyone know if you can assign the Raiders from any of the Nuka World gangs to Arena Nodes and if you can equip them like any settler?

I guess what I really want to know is are Raiders basically like standard settlers, only they HATE having to farm their own food?
What hair mod are you using?
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Brotherhood lore question:

Across all the games it was consistent that the most surefire way to become a member of the BoS is to be simply be born into it. You grow up, get trained and induced into one of the branches. But what about kids that are too shit to be considered for any of them ?

I'm talking asthma, two left hands and scatterbrain (if these are not enough make up your own) so no combat, manufacturing or scribe-work. They're still functioning human beings without mental disorders, just unfit for duty in any of the branches. What happens to them ? Do they get the most menial janitor work ? Become low level scribe assistants ? Or are just kicked out ?
Cooks, menial labor, janitors, etc.

Basically the equivalent of a highschool dropout.
Help me /vg/
>gf hates fallout 3,NV, and 4
>Says all the combat sucks
>Impossible to hit anything with ranged weapons
>With melee she doesn't take into account the range melee weapons have and so it running into everything and losing health
>having more than 1 quest at a time available or in front of her just confuses her
>says the VATS system is stupid and shouldn't exist since its not action oriented
>always mentions why she doesn't like when im playing it, or mention it
>She only plays undertale, the mario RPGs, and horror games
we've been dating 2 years and this is only now becoming an issue
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LOD-obsessed anon here, I think I fixed the memorial not showing up. Among other things.

I'd imagine it would be based on what they can do, what they like to do. Honestly someone has to do menial tasks. Midwest and East coast list Scribes as civilians, so I'd imagine they'd technically be part of that branch, at least there.

Sounds like she just prefers different types of games. The being unable to hit thing is a valid point though, the game, at least in 3 and NV, will actually curve your bullets to hit or miss based on various shit. Have her try the first two, with the patches of course. It'll be a hit or miss though with both the combat system and the interface. Otherwise try to find a game you share common ground on, giving the two of you something else to talk about might make her bring it up less often.

Also melee range is stupid, there's a mod that fixes the values. It's hard to tell if you're close enough if you're not used to melee combat in the game.
Why are you so hopelessly perverted?
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About time people started making diagonal sets
Who /comfyruns/ here? I just reinstalled NV and I'm doing a run as a James Bond knockoff. Spawned in a set of Formal Wear at the start, wearing that and nothing else, with an exception for disguises.

Weapons allowed are automatic pistols (the 9mm and .22 mostly for authenticity, but not if something requires more firepower the .45 is permitted), unarmed (knuckle type weapons are OK, powerfists are strictly out), and anything else sufficiently gadget-like. For the last one only mines and plasma grenades come to mind but my memory's spotty and there could be others.

Companions are permissable, but only female ones, and only if they are ditched as soon as their relevant questline is over.

Trying to think of a way to justify taking the House route since that's the only ending I've never actually played, but since the guy is pretty much a Bond villain I think I'm stuck with the NCR.

I'm only up to Novac now but I haven't had this much fun playing NV in a long time. What are you folks favorite runs?
C4 is gonna be pretty much mandatory for late game.
you could have remote frag mines or something like that.
something like red glare might work.

>for some reason every NPC in new vegas has the whitest skin color possible
>but only on their head
>dont even have any graphical mods installed yet
>tfw there are still no good Adeptus Astartes overhauls for Fallout 4 Power Armour system

What a massive dropped ball by the fans.

>tfw you will never roam Boston in Emprahs armour for the glory of the Imperium of Man
wasn't there a huge space marine mod that got taken down and had to be reuploaded without some sound or something?
Something something ini edits, something something bloadfacegenheadegtfiles=0 instead of=1
For Fallout 4 ? I dont see anything like that on Nexus.
Yea, I think I have it somewhere.
Literally the first google result.


>I dont see anything like that on Nexus.
Apart from that one half finished mod of course.
Not that guy but yeah I hosted it on my mega after it got taken down
Really ?? Still have the link ?
I still have it but took it down from mega, the new Nexus version is identical except for now using the vanilla sounds instead of the ones from whatever game its from
>vanilla sounds
Ah shit. Shame but i guess its better than nothing.
Post your current "roleplay" character.
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Reminder that Arcade Gannon is a cutie and also best follower.
>no individual downloads for the each of the DLC packs
>would have to download the entire game if I just wanted the DLC

Why did grimtech have to go down, I put off downloading the DLCs because I was waiting for the final version of NW and some others to be uploaded and then it went down
Which faction to choose apart from minutemen in fallout 4 ? I know this isn't just yes or no question, but I'd like to see a discussion like there were about NV with house, yes man, legion and NCR
>Which faction to choose apart from minutemen in fallout 4 ?

Minutemen were a faction? I went BoS most of the time - they actually felt like a faction they got shit done. Nothing about the Institute was ever appealing and the Railroad felt like bunch of hippies.

>discussion like there were about NV with house, yes man, legion and NCR

I think these discussions are had because people can argue who is the best for the Mojave, whereas here it's 'who's the least worst for the Commonwealth'.
Railroad is the shittest one, they feel like a shitty attempt at making something like a goofy a-team or something like that.
Don't really have the words for what I mean.

And lore wise they don't have any actual positives because they're like synth PETA and couldn't give a fuck about anything other than freeing synths.

The other factions besides the minutemen because they're the fallback one are at least vaguely interesting.
I've always saw BoS as major assholes, although really powerful with possibility to change shit assholes, but I never really looked too much into the lore - what's their motivation on stealing all the artifacts and such and keeping them locked down ?
They're basically nazis but for some reason I can't like them
Protecting man from himself.
To be fair, leaving functional military tech in the hands of random retards is not a good idea.
>what's their motivation on stealing all the artifacts and such and keeping them locked down ?

So the past doesn't repeat itself - or so they think. They hoard technology - or in the east coasts instance; destroy it - so that the uneducated average wastelander doesn't use it for wrong.

Is F4 your first Fallout.
Nah, I played NV too, I knew about the motivation of not repeating history, I just wondered if there were something deeper to that
Not really. They're a militarized cult. Some see them as technological raiders and others in slightly better light. Different chapters too.
LOD's looking decent, anon

What was it you've done so far? FNVLODGen with the various extra LOD resources + ????

I've always done that, but wondered if you somehow did more
>somebody liking a different type of a game than you is an "issue"
sounds like you're becoming an issue tbqh, check yourself before you wreck this for yourself
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>install 60+ mods
>LOOT returns 0 warnings and errors
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>install mods for the first time
>there's long instalation instructions
>just install it through mod manager and pray
>works fine
Are those just for people who want to do it manually? Can I just install all of them like that?
>that glorious feel when everything just works

not always
>>there's long instalation instructions

I hate when they do that.
Double hate when there is something actually important hidden somewhere in that wall of text, instalation instructions like im a 8yo, credits, permissions and other legal or useless trash.
I want to get the 4GB patcher and that radio that has 5 new stations, should I just fuck it and install them through nmm?
Radio station maybe, 4 gb patch I'd do manually.

Also, why does /tesg/ say to avoid NMM like the plague, use MO and /fog/ says to use NMM and that MO is the bad one?
never understood this
NMM from back then was really shit
The one you're using now isn't bad, just didn't like big files

In my experience MO works worse with 3/NV
I use NMM with 75-80 mods installed at any given time never had something break unless I forget to disable optional ESPs that get thrown in with shitty mods like live dismemberment.
Yeah I had thought about these, stealthy silenced pistol play should work well on humanoids even in late game with critical headshots, but yeah fighting anything tougher (read: deathclaws) are going to require careful planning and lots of explosives.
>Also, why does /tesg/ say to avoid NMM like the plague, use MO and /fog/ says to use NMM and that MO is the bad one?
>never understood this

/tesg/ are a bunch of retarded autist so its not weird that they throw a fit over something that works but they just dont like.
Get that animation project mod for takedowns
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>try to do run goodsprings run for once
>all the powder gangers are hostile except cobb who turns hostile when they attack me
>okay i'll just console command some ganger rep
>still hostile
>okay i'll just tai, talk to cobb, and see if they're still hostile after
>still hostile
>fuck it i'll console kill them and just do the quest hard mode i dont have time to troubleshoot one shitty quest 5 minutes into the game
>get randomly spawned inside the ground with all the buildings despawned mid-fight and the game crashes
I just won't bother then, I guess.
>mod description starts with 30 youtube videos and a 4500 world long changelog

Seriously. Fucking put the description at the very top. Is that so hard?
Anon, they're just video games.
Its hardly anything to split or care about.
She likes her things, you like yours.
Dont trip about it.

>>mod description starts with 30 youtube videos and a 4500 world long changelog

>Actual incompatibilities, requirments, useful informations and things to look out for are somewhere at the very bottom of the page.

People who do that should be banned from Nexus until they learn how to make a mod description actually useful for someone who isn;'t a complete retard.
Read what he said, don't just white knight and take her side, she actively discourages anon to do what he likes due to her personal opinion, she is the problem.
I don't mind requierments and stuff being at the bottom of the page since well, it's easy to scroll to and you don't need to go on a damn Easter egg hunt to find them.
>using LOOT
>not knowing how to do load orders


Because MO was never finished with its Fallout 4 support as the dev works for Nexus now making a new mod manager from scratch to replace NMM, but if you're using anything other than MO for 3/NV/TTW, then you're an absolute mong

NMM //is// a piece of shit, hence Nexus paying someone to make a replacement, but there's no FOMM-esque decent alt mod manager to use with FO4, so it's more NMM out of no choice and of course, the retards who would use it willingly
Why would I need to?
I'm not white knighting, she sounds like a whiny cunt, but they're /just/ video games still
>NMM //is// a piece of shit,

>its shit because its shit

Yeah, im sure some third party amateur program is waaay better than program made by the same site that hosts all those fucking mods.

Fucking autist i swear to god.
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morning, /fog/.
LOOT isn't 100% at what it does, for starters

You might want X to overwrite Y, but again, that might be something to do manually, too
They've hired the MO dev in a paid role to make them a new mod manager to replace NMM with due to the quality and functionality of MO and how lacking NMM is. Yes, that third party program is better, anon.
NMM had problems installing and uninstalling things for a long time, MO stores shit in RAM or something, I forget.
Nexus hired the guy who dev's MO, for fucks sake.
Considering they paid him (MO guy) a year salary up front to make them a new mod manager, then yh, NMM is shit
>quality and functionality of MO and how lacking NMM

What else a fucking mod manager has to do that NMM doesn't ?
It sorts your mods, it install it and downloads it without any hitch. What else do you need ? A fucking blowjob each time you install something ?
It stores mods in its own file system where they never tamper with your data folder and it allows for multiple profiles, meaning support for multiple mod setups at once; it doesn't shit the bed installing large mods and it's able to uninstall mods properly, too
Why are you so triggered?
NMM had problems installing more complex mods, and had problems uninstalling mods.
It also has features to troubleshoot incompatibility, something a mod manager definitely fucking needs.
It doesn't fuck with the base install at all, and has several other features that make it superior.
>tfw still no HALO armours mod for F4
>tfw still no Astra Militarium mod for F4

you forgot it won't overwrite files, meaning you can pick and choose what textures from what overhauls are used with absolute ease etc.

I wonder if the triggered anon worked on NMM and is bitter his work will be replaced with that from a competent dev soon
Also. Does even support third party utilities in conjunction with the program?
GUNnetwork, anon.

Does MO? Yes, totally.
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Can someone be a nice person and just leak the power armor portion for upgrades from the commonwealth? Please, it's all I want.
No I meant NMM.

someone did last thread anon
>you forgot it won't overwrite files, meaning you can pick and choose what textures from what overhauls are used with absolute ease etc.
>It stores mods in its own file system where they never tamper with your data folder and it allows for multiple profiles, meaning support for multiple mod setups at once; it doesn't shit the bed installing large mods and it's able to uninstall mods properly, too>>

Well i guess it is a problem if your an autist that has to have 10 different profiles for dem screenshot making purpose.

Most of us, normal people, just install some mods and play the fucking game.
Any mods that create a subtle Witcher 3 style xp bar?
>I'm too stupid for anything not plug-and-play

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There's no 40k mods on gun.

There is halo armor but it's locked behind the colonial rank, as is the fuckign upgrades from the commonwealth.

>have to register to enter

How about no ?
Why they cant use Nexus like normal people.
You're either really fucking stupid, or shitposting.
Also autism > normalfaggotry.
Granted there are different brands of autism, /tesg/ is nigger tier, things like doing calculus and making clocks for fun are the best types of 'tism.
Fuck off, retard normie.
Because muh e peen muh circlejerk
triggered autists.jpg

Lost on your way to /r9k/ guys ?
I feel sorry for you
Their reasoning is they don't want a download hub, but an actual community who discuss the mod, share screens and offer feedback

In reality, it's >>168307074, but when leakbro vanished, then I registered and got such a rank that I can leak shit here (like I did last thread)

Lost your way to /v/, anon?
Giving a power armor away right at the start of the game was a mistake.
gun is kind of shit at the same time it's the only real place to get ported mods...
Even if almost everyone in the Institute thinks of Gen3s as machines, I'm shocked they didn't grow more gorgeous synths to serve as fuck toys. Just keep popping them out and have a relaxing fuck after a day of work and SRB bitching at you.
No shit nigga.

They should scrap those bullshit fusion core mechanics, give PA waaaaaay later and make it much more harder to repair, maintain and unable to use any other weapons than dedicated ones ( both melee and ranged ).
This is probably the worst decision they made besides voiced protag and prewar backstory with spouse and kid
>anon doesn't say thanks for the GUN mod he moaned for for several threads

You're a cunt, anon~
>decide I want to start a new Fallout 4 playthrough
>tired of massive underwear magically appearing when I take armor off of NPCs or even my character
>get body replacer
>females only
>now it's even weirder because males have underwear while females don't
>try and find a nude male mod
>the only one which existed has apparently been wiped from existence

The fuck is going on?
Is there anything to do about DEF_UI making the Pipboy menus freeze my game for a second or so?

It's unbearable.
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>finally find one
>install it
>this happens

my sides
>it's not even fucking symmetrical
fuck me
>fuck me
Sorry, not into dickless wonders.
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Did Bethesda aimed for the most obnoxious, "want to kill on sight" reaction when they designed Prestons Garvey crew ?

>one emo that mopes around
>one junkie phony telepath or whatever
>one ultra obnoxious cunt that disses Sole Survivor, Codsworth etc.
>one holier than thou Minuteman that makes a complete stranger into his boss after one mission
>only Sturges is bro-tier, has that kind of greaser-wrench bro vibe to him
>everybody is essential ( and installing mods wont help since it will break the game if you kill them )
>no option to kill them during story
>no option to tell them to fuck off and get lost
>no option to arrange a little "accident" to those you do not like

First Little Lamplight, now this ? Its like those fags at Bethesda sit there and just think "gee how about we make the most assholish, rude and irritating character and then make him unkillable and important to the story O!"

Same here.
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What are some bomb-ass mods I should use for my brotherhood playthrough nerds ? Are there any that can make Vertibirds circle around the target before you command it to land ?
Meanwhile, the only "Essential" NPC in New Vegas was Victor, and technically, he was a program who could insert himself into any Securitron.

When is Obsidian's next Fallout game coming out?
Not Victor, Yes Man.
Victor was also essential, and could also insert himself into any Securitron.
>What are some bomb-ass mods I should use for my brotherhood playthrough nerds ?
Ditto this, but for NV.
Was he? I could swear it was only Yes Man.
You sure Victor doesn't stop being Essential after a point?
are there any good voiced radios for NV?
Is there any way to fix the subtitles in Fallout 4 from getting stuck in more or less every semi-long conversation?

Like damn. Millions of patches later and it's still a massive issue that happens so incredibly fucking often.
Rebuild body in Bodyslide.

That fixed it for me.
>get Modern Firearms
>pimp out my M14 with scope, bipod, silencer
>get some awesome outfit
>imma be a sniper now, Semper Fi motherfuckers
>cant crawl

Man. Out of these, where should I build my main base? Can't decide for the life of me.

Warwick homestead
The Slog
Nordhagen Beach
Outpost Zimonja
so is the power armor mod from the last thread for new vegas?
no, that's why I said it was for New Vegas in the post
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Yeah you can remake it in 3,
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It's Valentine's Day.

I asked her.

Here we are.
This pic is disgustingly vanilla ...
Spice shit up anon with some mods.
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I'm so happy ;~;
I'm kinda curious with the abilities of fallout 4's sculpting, why haven't we seen a Hitler or Stalin as someones player?
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I have a few.

Most are guns, extra stuff for enemies, settlement stuff, and clothes/armor though.

>the knot

typo aside, are you dogmeat?
At least get moribund world.
>brotherhood playthrough
They have like 5 quests.
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Any recommended Nora roleplaying builds for fo4?
>They have like 5 quests.
But it's brotherhood.



techno-fascists who want to keep all the fun to themselves

midwestern chapter or bust

>east coast BoS gets sent to find them and somehow misses their massive territory

>become goody-two-shoes for no reason but then end up becoming shits again for no reason

>take a perfectly fine reactor from a totally repairable aircraft carrier and put it in their dumb airship that gets blown the fuck up
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Get black widow and shit faced.
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yeah, freeze to death
Wew, that's retarded
Never played Fallout 1 or 2? Once you get in there, you'll find out that they are people and genuinely want to help the waste land.
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Are these guys hostile?


Shooting on sight is a bad way to grow your religion.

Plus what if I came here to join?
they're a crazy sect of them or something
I think that one had an actual explanation to it somewhere and wasn't just lazyness like the gunners.
Yeah they're extremists. Well slightly more extreme than the rest of radiation isis.
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>Modern Firearms
MF is shit and doesn't fit in thematically.
>but Fallout 2 had modern weapons
All of them were weird, unorthodox, or even downright experimental. Notice how all of them are bullpups? The closest thing Fallout has had to modern tacticool is the Assault & Marksman Carbines from NV, and even then they're rare specialist weapons, with a strong Vietnam vibe.
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>Copyrighted 2006
You will never get this Gauss pistol.
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If I ousted Mcnamara am I locked into wiping out the BOS for the NCR questline?
This, tacticool garbage has little place as well as showing the player is an underage chump.
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While that really does look swell, I'd rather have the pulse gun from UT or Plasma Gun from DOOM.
There's a fucking P90
Ok? I don't recall asking for it faglord.
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>download Nevada Skies
>lethal radstorm every five minutes
I like it
Emperor Faglord to you, Use it correctly next time scum.
You mean the memegun that only gained popularity because of SG1?
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We already have one, that fits Fallout better imo.

Yes. Hardin is a warmongering "Make the Brotherhood Great Again" asshat.


P90 is both bullpup and unorthodox. Very few weapons have top-loading magazines. Only ones I can think of are the P90 and G11.
Btw, any gun that has a magazine not in front of the trigger is classified as a bullpup.
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>start shooting floating balls of radiation and trowing grenades that have mushroom clouds
Ok what the fuck, how come these idiots out in the middle of nowhere wearing rags have more advanced tech than anyone I've met so far?
>damn close to finishing overhaul mod
>personally reject tacticool shit
>makes all the stock guns fill all niches anyone could want
>posters in fog at least mostly shit on tacticool

I think people are gonna like it. Its so autistic an overhaul at this point, im in the process of adding scope stability modifiers to the largest and smallest mags.
It isn't really that advanced and their guns are completely useless against anything that isn't human.
She sounds like a woman. At least you're not dating a trap.
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Because, it just wouldn't be the COMPLETE IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE(tm) without crazy religious nuts with weak writing and no consistency.
Also, radiation guns aren't too advanced for Fallout. They're actually rather basic. Just break a MF cell, and channel it towards the foe. Basically the Energy Weapons equivalent of pipe guns.

Does it come with the ability to sodomize ginger bastards, then melt their eye and half their face?
>he doesn't want the tight boipuspus
Men can women better than women.
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Why isn't this a settlement?

Oh right...the radiation
Hard to farm when you're dying of intense radiation poisoning.
Starlight Drive-In has radiation too, around that little crater, but the rad barrels are scrappable. No reason this place couldn't be the same.
Needs more retro sci fi blaster to it.
>No reason this place couldn't be the same.
Yeah let me just get down on my knees and start picking up the crater of a direct nuclear blast filled with nuclear waste
*Pumping intensifies*

Toddthesda gave up trying to be realistic, or at least consistent, long ago. Need I remind you of Mothership Zeta?
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Maybe you should pray to Atom for some fucking eyesight and hearing you idiot I'm right next to you
>Toddthesda gave up trying to be realistic, or at least consistent, long ago. Need I remind you of Mothership Zeta?
The two are unrelated and you're still a dumbass, for the effort it would take to do this it makes more sense to allow the player to just go dig a ditch to live in somewhere that isn't a radioactive crater.
Bethesda NEEDS to implement a better stealth and detection system into their next game. Once you're detected and especially if any bodies are discovered, NPCs should never go back to their regular behavior. Even if they lose you they should stay on alert with weapons drawn.
At least they made it slightly harder to get away with, stealth "skill" only taking you to 50% instead of "enemies won't detect you shaving their balls", hopefully it'll get better in the next one but that goes for everything Bethesda does.
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>the lighthouse light is a glowing one instead of a lamp
ok I laughed, bravo todd

Oh alright, i'm not getting TTW this playthroug then, maybe next one!
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Did they change the way the console works?
Haven't played for a while and now I can't get it to show with any key.
it's disabled in survival, but it's still the ~ key
Victor will stop coming back after House is gone, anyway.

yeah that actually was a pleasant surprise

still fuck you Todd
I fail to see how the CoA are so inconsistent. The faith either growing in power and splintering off into more extreme groups in the years since Fo3 and/or already having different sects at the time and the ones in Boston were just more extreme than the Megaton sect are both easily deduced explanations.
Cry more faggot. Your tears are sweet to me.
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Smelly viper leader ass.
Is there any legion dude companion mod for NV

or should i just use Delliah?
There is a Vulpes Inculta companion, gonna try it on my next playthrough.
Oh, mods will fix it.
hey, I recognize that ghoul!

that's my ghoul!
They're very related fuckface.
>aliens being more than an easter egg
>implied aliens started the Great War
>pseudo-time travel with a Samurai, Cowboy, and Astronaut
>giant Star Trek esque space battle
Toddthesda doesn't give a SHIT about Fallout, as seen in that Pete Hines tweet. If making a settlement in a middle of a nuclear crater means a MOAR EMMURSIV experience, you bet your ass Toddthesda will do it.

Because I don't feel like talking about realism in a universe with talking mutants & ghouls
Joking aside, it's implied the cult os larger than it appears in Fallout 3, with an NPC in Megaton talking about how their labor was invaluable to Megaton's construction.

Don't claim that Modern Forearms is somehow justified or lore-friendly, and we're good.
>this ass ravaged rant of a sperg called out on his autism
No, MZ and digging out a crater with your hands to make a settlement there have absolutely no relation whatsoever.
Is there some sandbox overhaul for Fallout 4 that deactivates the plot, makes all the characters killable, all locations accessible one way or another and just gives you a random equipment at start in random location ?

>inb4 Frost

>Don't claim that Modern Forearms is somehow justified or lore-friendly, and we're good.
Who cares ? Its fun and well made mod - its all that counts.
Wasn't the aliens starting the war thing cut from the game?
Toddthesda doesn't give a shit about Fallout and its consistency, as evidenced by MZ. If they wanted to, they would make that shithole into a settlement. Would some random wastelander be able to repair power armor? No, they wouldn't. Or build a massive concrete arena in one gameday? Nope. Toddthesda doesn't care.

As long as you like it, thats all that matters.

Don't think so, but I'm not sure.

> just gives you a random equipment at start in random location ?


>all locations accessible one way or another

The only way to do this is by finishing the main quests

There was an alternate start mod that finished all the quests up to the Institute relay one when you made a new character but it was janky and also meant you started at level 10+ from all the exp
>Toddthesda doesn't give a shit about Fallout and its consistency, as evidenced by MZ. If they wanted to, they would make that shithole into a settlement. Would some random wastelander be able to repair power armor? No, they wouldn't. Or build a massive concrete arena in one gameday? Nope. Toddthesda doesn't care.
You keep ranting about a DLC and Todd as if it makes your dumb ass any less illogical. You would need to terraform the entire glowing sea to live there because even if you put down concrete to cover the extremely radioactive crater the wind would just blow irradiated dirt straight back over to you. Pushing the blame to Todd won't change the fact that you're backpedaling real hard.
Its Frost isnt it ?

>The only way to do this is by finishing the main quests
>There was an alternate start mod that finished all the quests up to the Institute relay one when you made a new character but it was janky and also meant you started at level 10+ from all the exp

Okay so maybe not everything but the most important open world locations with random enemies, cell regeneration for dat endless combat and loot etc.

>FO2 has multiple instances of space ship crash landings
>FO2 has talking deathclaws
>FO2 has talking radscorpions
>FO2 has talking plants
>FO2 has multiple instances of time travel

But that's all fine it's todd who is inconsistent
>>FO2 has multiple instances of space ship crash landings
>>FO2 has talking deathclaws
>>FO2 has talking radscorpions
>>FO2 has talking plants
>>FO2 has multiple instances of time travel

Keyword here : as an EASTER EGGS, not actual plot points/major events.
>muh easter eggs!!!!!

Every time an Obsidrone is BTFO they resort to this "defense"


Don't be lazy anon

Yeah, as easter eggs, deal with it.

No one tried to make a plot point or major part of the game out of talking plants or deathclaws in F2.
People who unironically use obsidrone/obsidiot/bethdrone whatever buzzwords you use for your faggotry should be banned desu, such cancer.
this didn't happen when /cfog/ was a thing, this kind of low functioning autism was gone then
Yes, that's how it would work in real life, I agree. However, Fallout is different, and, while a more sensible entry like, I dunno, any non-Bethesda game, would agree with you, Bethesda's Fallout doesn't care, and would make a settlement there if they wanted to.

>easter egg
>ex machina known as FEV
>weird thing
No it's not fine when Todd does it, but Fallout 2 doesn't try to justify most of this stupid shit. It's either references or easter eggs. 2 was literally Memes: The Game.

Fucking Pete Hines apologists.
I wasn't aware Mothership Zeta was a major part of the game.
Thanks, i will check those out.

Have some titties for being helpful.
SFW because muh bans.

I'll try it too, thanks.

Of course it is. It wasn't just a fun, silly, inconsequential DLC. It was the most important product in the entire Fallout franchise.
>everyone going full retard
Now this is/fog/
>/fog/ will never be a general that makes pong using the contraptions dlc
feels bad
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>I don't like dialogue. It's long and boring and gets everywhere.
What did he mean by this?
Hold up there sonny, "pong" isn't consistent with Fallout lore.
Fancy way of saying "im a ADD riddled drooling retard.
It is, actually. Computers were advanced enough in Fallout to play very basic games. Very VERY basic. Pre-Tetris basic.

I have ADD and I like long dialogue.
Are there literally any decent mods for the PS4 Fallout 4?

>tfw poorfag

yeah the mod where you buy a pc you fucking loser
So I decided to do another New Vegas playthrough, and god damn willow is such a mary sue, why do people like her?
The same reason people like ENBs, tacticool armor & weapons, and nude body mods:
Copy data, open geck, swap the models, make a new biped model list for the robotic hands and apply to all, make a sperate texture for the t45 pauldrons using the metal one as a base so it matches the bos one without the logo, find a Lyons pride texture on Nexus fit fallout 4, use the normals and environment maps from the dragbody folder

As for the Ashur and outcasts, I made textures by editing the dragbody ones, but the meshes are a different story, in that I fucked them up
Still looking for those Nora builds.
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Gender doesn't really matter dude.
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Anyone got an idea why I'm not screening component tags(steel, gear) when hovering over stuff using DEF_UI and VIS?
>dat hud colour

I dig it, what RGB is that ?
Does anyone have any clue if there's a way to use contraptions to deposit into containers besides the conveyor endpoint things, like a mod or something.

Found a modded sorter that can sort by item category (armor, clothing, etc.), and having an automated sorting system would be nice
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What retard decided to disable the console if you're playing survival?

No Todd, I don't use it to cheat, I use it to unbug myself your broken fucking game. Even if I was using it to cheat, who are you to dictate how I enjoy my singleplayer experience?
Strange, i can open console when playing Survival. I use it all the times to take screenshots.
But then again im using shitload of mods.
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There's mods to enable console and cheevos

I actually don't see the reasoning behind disabling console

it's not like you're playing survival in a competition or something if a player wants to play survival but add like 200 caps or something why would you stop him

it's not like you lose anything on it
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Here is the furthest I can run FO4 on Linux under Wine 2.1.

If any of you care.
I care that you care anon
Anons, this mod : http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13762/?

Does it have the option of starting normal game of F4 or will i fuck my game by using this ?
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I know I say this a lot, but in all seriousness

why isn't this a settlement
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Libertalia would make a terrible settlement. Enjoy settlers constantly being unable to sandbox properly or getting SUNK.
>become goody-two-shoes for no reason but then end up becoming shits again for no reason
>implying they're not the heroes in F4 purging Boston of scum

>take a perfectly fine reactor from a totally repairable aircraft carrier and put it in their dumb airship that gets blown the fuck up
Where does it say that the ship they took it from was in good state in-game ?
Or better yet, an actual town with NPCs, stores and quests? Far too many interesting locations are just raider dungeons.

why didnt beth finish their game
>an actual town with NPCs, stores and quests?

There is shit like that in Fallout 4 ?
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if she doens't like it, tell her to eat shit and go fuck herself with shit fantasy 15
thanks man.
Of course anon, what do you think settlement building is for?
wanna know how I know you're a blatant virgin?
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New gun from asXas
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This is actually a very self-aware criticism of Fallout 4 gameplay and was included as an inside joke.

Tell her it's ok that she doesn't like it, but also tell her that she doesn't have to shit on it every time you mention it, because it is something you like.

Just tell her these things and be clear. Despite what comedians say, women aren't actually complicated. We want a lot of the same things you do.
Raider Overhaul would be kind of neat but it's starting to feel like I'm playing a Halloween shooter or something with all these dumb skull suits around
>Sit on chair in front of Tato patch for a few hours, watching and waiting for Marcy and everyone else to go to bed
>Wait for her to go her room and into bed
>Sneak in and close the door behind me
>Sandman kill her
>See if anyone else is awake in the house
>Drag her body out the back door
>Carry her all the way to the vault and hide her

Patching her to be killable is the best thing Beth has ever done.
Do synths have pain receptors?
Set ugridstoload to 7. There's a skyrim guide to setting up the correct numbers for the other settings. Also using the noise textures. Shame about Vurt's, I liked how those plants look. I heard that the TTW version has LOD for it though, somehow. Not sure why the NV version doesn't if it does though.
God, bloody mess is the best.
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Why don't we get to build big ass wind turbines like raiders and gunners do? All we have is the pocket sized version
>Patching her to be killable is the best thing Beth has ever done.>>

Wait, that bitch is killable even without mods ?? You just made my day :]
Her and Jun.
I let Jun live though.
Sure, he's a bit of a sadsack but he puts work in and seems nice.
I tend to make him the supply line dude for Sanctuary. Figure meeting others and seeing some of the better parts of the commonwealth may be good for the soul.

I try to be more empathetic with Marcy though. She's a bitch but she's a had a rough life.
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>check wikia hearing that
>Mama Murphy can die from OD
>Marcy is killable now
>so is Jun

Now, just tell me Preston can die somehow and i will be the most happy person on the entire planet.

Just give the man a rifle and some raider to shoot.
If that does not help - consider selling him to slavery, give the fucker something to mope about.
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Motive for the Enclave to leave the Capital Wasteland when they are fucking winning, /fog/? I'm trying to stay close enough to canon that they need to fuck off so Maxson can rebuild and Make Them Great Again in time for FO4, but if you bomb the Citadel the Brotherhood practically disappears (despite having likely 95% of their forces outside in the field), and a squad with a sentrybot even 'retakes' Project Purity.

I... I kind of won without meaning to win quite this hard.

No reason to stay, as occupying the Purifier would turn the population against them? Brotherhood regrouping and it not being worth the effort? Anything?
>tacticool armor & weapons
But those are cool
Willow is just
>lol I'm so quirky I wanna be friends with everyone and I have a very op gun for early game and serve nothing but a self insert into OTHER people's gameplay
MxR was a mistake
How useful is tagging sneak going to be on an unarmed character in fallout 2?
>install game
>Install mods
>Try to start game
>Goes black instantly
>No missing masters
>No outdated f4se messages
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No idea, I'd suggest
instead anyways, unless all you want is the faction starts. For sure has a normal start option even in the full version, and you don't have to put up with trying to role play a character and having to hear about having a son.
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>comment section full of ponyfags
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I need more /fog/

What're some hidden gems for Fallout 4_
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Good, that one i already have.
>three posts
>one of them is the first one commenting on the second's icon
>so two total
>"full of"
I hate them too but I think you're being silly.

It's funny that I found it in the first place (I'm pretty sure I was the first one to link it here) because I was just looking for a quick-start mod that wasn't a saved game.
Space Marine Armours ?
CBBE Hardbody ( dem abs on female *drool* ) ?
Scrap Everything ?
Better Female Walk ( butt jiggle ) ?
Sirius Assault Suit ?
Something from Lovers Lab ?

Post list of mods i will gladly see what you have.
Sure, hang on. I've been looking at that Space Marine one just now
>A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time being
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Mirelurks were pre-war!
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C-Can synths get pregnant?
But weren't there FEV tests before le war?
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>mirelurk runs away from us
>looks like someone wanted their seafood to go
Cait's jokes are the best :3
Cait is easily worse girl
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>Homeplate key is 2000 fucking caps
>Well, I'll just pickpocket it from her then
>She doesn't have it on her
>Ahh, must be in her desk then, that's why it's locked.
>Wait for her and the guard to fuck off
>Pick it
>Not in there

>The key doesn't exist until you decide to fork out the obscene amount of dosh necessary for the shitty house


Between Cait, Piper, and Curie, its a difficult choice for bottom of the barrel
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This is why you boot up the game after each mod which isn't a basic texture replacer
>me obvious shooodie etempt ooof een Ireesh excent eeesn't et ool det destractin' ooor ennoooyen'
what was the mod or edit to make terminals faster during that "accessing maglocks" shit?
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You could use Darker Nights and PipBoy flashlight.
Maybe Outfit Switcher for dem RP ?
Star me Up is also good.
Maybe FROST ?

I use many of mods that you also use ( apart from visuals because potato rig ) so i cant really tell anything about what mod should you use.
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I love her. Our opinions differ. Which is ok.

and her accent is an amalgamation of that entire region's accents that formed over time from them not being separate nations, but rather all wastelanders.
Thanks anyway, definitely getting a couple of those. I have most of the graphical mods I want, so it's just a case of neat other stuff now
Look dumbass that's now how baseball was played.
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atleast we can report the spergfucks from /v/ who keeps dividing this already low pop /fog/
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Reminder Moira is adorable, cute, and funny!
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I've had it with these fucking ghouls in that fucking settlement.

Seriously though, do they respawn when you throw them outside or something? I feel like this is the third time I have to dispose of the bodies in sunshine tidings.
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Uh, you don't get to bring weebshit in here.
What level should I minimum be to go into nuka world, I know the quest unlocks at 30 but I just want to go there since this run was mostly made as a raider run. Debating if I should find the institute first or just go there now/soon. (only time I played Nuka World was when I was like level 80-90 ages ago when it first came out first time taking an alt there)
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Well, finally playan F4 for the first time. Decided to mod it too. Damn fun, really, although I can already definitely see all the gripe people have with it.
Now, people are all about how Curie is nice and dandy. I like her (especially as a bot), but god DAMN, when supervisor White of Graygarden spoke to me the I almost creamed my monitor apart.
Holy fuck that's a sexy voice and personality.

Halp, I don't want to like bots
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If you've got a good ranged weapon/something to deal with the robots, level 10-20. Then again, you can just get the handmade rifle from whatshisname the pack leader.
What is your excuse for not playing FO4 in survival mode?
hmmm, have you met KLE0? ADA?

just embrace it fampai
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Just give in.
But anon i play Survival mode only ...
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Because of pic related. My life is pain, especially when in combat...
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I already beat it a few times over.
Any waifus yet?
Was considering that since it's a full auto character. Even though it doesn't fit the vibe it's too good a weapon to pass up unless I happen upon a random energy weapon with the same modifier.
Any tomatoes yet?
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And now the Cambridge eyebot somehow got himself stuck in my drive-in. I don't want to destroy the little guy but he's starting to get annoying.
Skyrim has 8k immersive tomato texture. What have you got?
About to start survival run, wish me luck boys.
I'm playing NV for the first time and I can't decide who to side with. I am RPing and a sheriff/cowboy and am torn between House and independent; I feel independent would be better but it kind of screws over the Strip.

Also, if I go independent, do I still get the 38 as a house?
Cripple a leg, mate
>do I still get the 38 as a house?
You don't get to continue playing after finishing the game.
Independent is just House with the Brotherhood alive. But yeah you get to keep the Presidential Suite regardless.
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How is this attractive? Am I a normie?
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Friendship ENDED with Croup Manor
Fall into the pit of robophilia and realize that the Fallout robofus are garbage and their art is even moreso.
>mandatory "GET OUT NORMIES REEEE" post

>Bethesda quality
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no we as a separate beings just get turned on by different things
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my butt.png
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next thing you'll be saying is that you don't get an immense hardon from the thought of curie getting her cyborg asshole knotted by dogmeat while she shoves her face in nora's hairy muff for science
Not him, but I am moderately hard right now at the thought.
see, this guy's getting it
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I'm in the middle of a fucking random ass cave how did you find me
Yeah it's really frustrating how some settlement borders are seemingle designed just to annoy you. I feel the same way about Jamaica Plain.
he's very good at finding people

malcolm holmes is actually an expert tracker and has been following you since you were a wee lad
>installed NV and start modding
>download FOMM
>asks me to login to the Nexus to use the package manager
>alrighty then
>lets me log in but if I try the "stay logged in" option it crashes
No thanks.
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oh wait this one is better
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I'm not getting an immense hardon from the thought of curie getting her cyborg asshole knotted by dogmeat while she shoves her face in nora's hairy muff for science
>nora's hairy muff

Disgusting pig, Nora is shaved.

Damn he's good.

you might be broken, bud
If you didn't paint the wall blue you need to get the fuck out of my face right now.
>FOMM needing a log in to nexus

You sure you're not using Nexus mod manager? Because I don't remember needing to be logged into Nexus for FOMM. (Granted it's been awhile so I could of forgotten and not realized it, but I was using FOMM to fuck with my load order while the internet was out so I doubt it)
FCO is nasty

Yeah, it's definitely FOMM. I didn't remember it either.
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That's weird as fucking shit, no idea.
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I've done most of the quests in the commonwealth except faction quests. I haven't joined any faction yet, and I've got the main quest paused at finding Virgil. But I've done most every thing else possible, including settlements.

When should I do Far Harbah.
When should I do Nuka World.
Shieeet, just met KLE0

Also, I like Curie's robot body. Her "eye"-orbs are just adorable when they follow you around like that. I checked out her human body, and it's kind of boring in comparison.
(Although you can't fuck a Mr Handy chassis though hmm)

Now this is just illegally alluring

I have a bigger problem I think. Just finished a quest where I saved a deathclaw egg. The mother became friendly afterwards. I stood for 7-10 minutes and just admired the model close-up

Now I kind of want to marry it lol
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>using Start Me Up mod
>set difficulty on survival
>make my character, beat up scarred shaved slim girl
>make up elaborate backstory about some raiders fucktoy that escaped with nothing but a PiPBoy and pistol after slitting the throat of a guy who tried to rape
>choose drifter start near Vault 111
>ok imma gonna RP the shit out of this, i have a SS mod so i will capture and enslave raiders and shit
>first quest - Investigate Vault 111
>cool maybe i will find something, after all im butt naked in the forest with handful of caps and ammo
>get to the Vault ( literally few steps )
>game crashes
>tfw forgot to save ( i use Survival save mod )

FUCK THAT SHIT, i guess im going to go with skipped default start after all

mod curie synth form
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I had that NCR guy show up in that underwater home mod. And then he got lost in it. A few days later I go to the entrance area for whatever reason, only to find him there. Then security kicked in. RIP.

Try it again and remember to save. The game has crashed as I approached certain areas, only for it to never happen again, even when I reload and repeat the exact same series of events.
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>Original mission of occupying the Purifier is no longer viable, as it is widely known to be a civilian operation now, led by the security of Rivet City. Even if they wanted to occupy DC for the symbolic reasons, a place to rebuild, between the Brotherhood performing guerilla attacks on them, the Super Mutants, and raiders, they could be trapped in a fruitless war of attrition they simply don't have the manpower to win.

Does this sound like reasonable rationale for abandoning DC (though not the Pitt, Zeta, and a base in Point Lookout) after blowing up the Citadel?

Enclave losing is canon bucko.

If you want an Enclave in FO4 it's Augustus Autumn's bunch or a branch from Chicago or elsewhere.
No, because it's strongly implied that the Capital Wasteland went to shit and the Children of Atom practically control it now.
Wait so do folks use Nexus mod manager for fallout 4 or are things like mod organizer not a real thing for it?
>some dumb cult that only had barely a dozen members went on to best the BoS and control DC in a time span of 20 years
Jesus Christ Todd
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I-... I don't know senpai...
(Only found four on the nexus, but maybe there are better synth-Curie mods elsewhere?)

Sure, but unless you go rooting around the Prydwen logs, a case can be made for the Citadel getting nuked and then rebuild later. Even the progression from Lyons, to Sarah dying shortly after can fit, if you squint.

It is Autumn's lot I'm playing. I'm just surprised by how little fight the Brotherhood has left if you nuke the Citadel (half of them didn't like Lyons anyway). I need to justify the Enclave leaving DC, despite basically winning.


First, source please. And second, that would actually sort a demolished Brotherhood, and Enclave withdrawal.
MO2 exists but it was never stable, and generally a hit or miss if it even worked at all, and support has ended for it, at least by the original dev. I don't think anyone has picked it up yet.

Said dev is working on building a new NMM from the ground up, but we haven't gotten any updates on that since October, so in the meantime we're not getting any real updates for NMM, easy bug fixes aside. And since they're building it from scratch and making sure they "do it right the first time", who knows when we'll get any sort of release?
When did this general become /tesg/ 2.0?
not enough waifuposting
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Romanceable assultron companion when?
You've literally never played FO2, you tryhard dweeb

You go to the very vault the talking deathclaws inhabit for the ///main/// quest

I love FO2 and agree Beth doesn't "get it" (it being both Fallout and also 2's meme mania), but c'mon
>(Although you can't fuck a Mr Handy chassis though hmm)
don't wanna give too much away, but if you can fug a robobrain...


robot companions>human companions
The ambient music in 4 is pretty nice.
One track in particular but I can't find the name of it which is frustrating.

Sounds kind of spooky, like someone is plotting something.
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Holy fuck, you guys weren't kidding.
Purified water meta is too strong.
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wut da fugg
What? In FO4? Shieeeeeet, who?

Also yeah robots are better companions, definitely

Yeah it's nice. I'd much rather listen to it than the Diamond City radio
how come the mods for fallout 4 are so shitty
re-playability mod when?
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>some guy and his waifu
>died in each other's arms
I must exterminate raiders
>Try it again and remember to save. The game has crashed as I approached certain areas, only for it to never happen again, even when I reload and repeat the exact same series of events.>>

This time it worked and now im saving like every 30 seconds because im paranoid.
I like Travis and his little quest line.
Can't see why he gets so much hate

what the FUCK

also download so you can actually see what you're going to say

get loving Curie


same shirt day?
gilda in vault 118
>Defend the bounty hunter camp
>Go inside to talk to Randall
>every object is now for some reason spawned right in the middle of the shack and nothing is fixing it

I mean I can still talk to him and shit (after using the console to delete some shit) but this is a bit fucking weird. Even the door spawned there.
Got new vegas and downloaded MCM mod, but when i go into my start menu the MCM isnt there?

I put the esp all the way at the bottom, i uninstalled, reinstalled but still nothing works

what the fuck is going on?
Daily reminder that drugs are good, mmmkay?


You forget that NV is a hellish abomination of coding that decides on a whim whether to simply crash or warp the known universe into a perverse parody of itself, and mods only give this terrible entity access to even greater and more terrible power.
pls help
That's fair enough.

I feel blessed honestly because only one other person I've found (after a quick google search) has experienced this warping of matter.

Ever since I installed the 'series' of mods my game has gone into overdrive with the instability. It's almost not worth it, but damn is it a good series.

It's just a shame he didn't continue the New Vegas Killer branch. That was fun as hell, and I loved Bobby Bass.
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Pair the Bounties mods with shit like Kidnapped by Fiends, Redesigned 3, and NCRCF and you can wind up with a really dark game.
do you think sunny fucked her dog?

>kidnapped by fiends

w-what happens
anyone find out if gun ported some titanfall 2 armor?
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Am I missing anything? About to start a new playthrough.
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>mannequin race

y tho...
I forgot to get rid of it. I just got rid of the Super Mutant race because the hands look like shit.
I haven't had any real issues, the only two I've had is, in this run the Mago bunker thing fucked up so it'd freeze whenever he captured me, so I just had to console command the lock open and kill him, and then the episode with the warping objects.

Oh and also Russell fucks up a bunch of random NPC's with TTW installed. (Honestly I'm glad I gave TTW a run but jumping though so many fucking hopes sometimes to get it to play nice is annoying and I find my self just wanting to finish this shit so I can do something else)

Haven't played New vegas killer yet.

There's no fucking way that ship is ever going to be sea worthy, you'd have to be completely retarded to ever think it would.

>200 fucking years of metal fatigue to its entire structure and its broken in fucking half

The ship isn't floating it's caught on the bottom of the harbor.
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You probably have an idea of what you're doing but heres mine to bump the DED THREAD
that crazy nigga in the sunken part of the carrier had plans to repair it and take it out to sea, didn't he?

then they exiled him because they wanted to do some stupid shit with project purity despite the fact that the GECK could literally do so much more than that
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Isn't there a Space Marine mod on Nexus?
Well actually I've had bouts of framedrop in III here and there whenever I shoot some guns, I got that occasionally before but usually pcb cleared it up.
One, half finished Power Armour.
Hardly anything fap worthy.

Fade to blacks, it's not a Sexout mod or anything, but you get raped and pumped full of all sorts of chems; and then naked and with you Pip-Boy taken you have to stumble around trying to scrape enough useless junk together to buy it back off one of the fiends and/or use your... charms. Then, you have to escape. It's pretty immersive.
>No, because it's strongly implied that the Capital Wasteland went to shit and the Children of Atom practically control it now.
No it fucking isn't, not in the slightest. The multitude of BoS tapes and talking to them mention that it's now basically safe and the only thing they have to shoot is the occasional ghoul or mutant.

They would have to basically rebuild the entire ship to make it float again.

Is there a mod that adds power armor to general raider and gunner spawn tables?

Holy shit thats OP

I'd rather be able to give companions perks

ok that webm made me chuckle hard
>dat Stars and Stripes bra
>dem mega huge titties

God Bless America !
mod link pls
if they can build a fucking airship, they can rebuild a carrier

and if they can build an airship and pull a bunch of vertibirds out their ass, they can easily make those jets on deck functional, especially since they're just folding wing F/P-80s

instead they decide to make the most ridiculous show of power that ends up getting blown out the fucking sky by a bunch of jackasses with retarded crank-lasers in a revolutionary war-era fort with ancient cannons

especially with the sheer amount of chinese and american jets laying around the US
>i have a SS mod so i will capture and enslave raiders and shit
Link? I want slaves to farm.

If they can build an airship and a fleet of vertibirds they don't need a fucking ship you dumbass. The only reason the minutemen hit it was because the story demanded it, a group of dudes who can't hit the side of a fucking barn and have a range of less than a mile suddenly become crack shots and hit a perfect volley on it.

Not him but here you go.
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I've had her romanced for almost 3 in-game years now.

Perhaps I should download that marriage mod, for immersion's sake. I bet its not voiced though.
>Link? I want slaves to farm.
F4 Slavery System from Lovers Lab.
What's with the return to the trip, Buff? Just curious.
Beyond the first two quests for Rhys and the Scribe, do I need to keep doing shit for them or are those radiant quests?
>CBBE feels abandoned
>still has terrible seams around lower arm/ upper wrist & neck
>unique skimpy armors are lacking
>loverslab still progressing but nothing tangible yet

As we approach year 2 of fallout what can we expect from the modding scene.
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Looks neato but I think I'll give it a bit to update, they still have some kinks to iron out. Really I just want a way to have people that I can kill without the other settlers getting pissy or involved. Basically I want to organize executions of criminals, selling of slaves at my market and hunting the most dangerous game of all in an extremely elaborate maze at one of the settlements.
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Thanks for the heads up.
Its bad enough with Preston already muddying up my mission log with his filler chores
why build an overcomplex mess when you can just put vertibirds on the decks of an already proven design? not to mention the fact that a carrier can hold dozens of vertibirds, the prydwen can only hold like 4

the carrier, in every way, is more practical than the prydwen

there is a reason we don't use airships anymore

it's because
>they're mechanical hells
>they're dangerous and if something goes wrong, a crash WILL kill everyone
>they're beyond impractical anyway

the cons outweigh any need to modernize one and airships, while cool, are still retarded
The Brotherhood did NOTHING wrong.
At least the BoS make theirs optional you have to say yes they don't just throw it at you.

We do use airships though they just stopped being so popular after the Hindenburg you dumbass. There's a company currently developing airships for freight. The BoS has zero fucking interest being out at sea, they want to go in land and the Prydwen allows that. This isn't reality where the US AF has a bead on everything bigger than a bird, nobody has AA and even if they did the thing can float higher than it could see them. More importantly, the entire fucking point was to show shock and awe when they float in over the mountains and they can't do that with with a rusted out air craft carrier.



He's Chinese obviously.

Try Wonder Body. As long as you don't care about bodyslide, it is a great replacer designed to play nicely with the vanilla UV. Incredible textures. Designed with unique bodies in mind. And most important for eventual sex mods; the pussy, ass, and armpits don't spill their spaghetti when you pose it.
have you ever heard a jet flyover? all you have to do is one low flyover and people will be shocked and awed

that's what they did, they just did low flybys with F-15s and scared the shit out of any dipshits below them

and you don't have to be out at sea when the entirety of the prydwen's stay was off the coast of the airport, just like a carrier would

a carrier with jets and vertibirds would've been a lot fucking better than some dinky shitbox that can only shit out vertibirds that get shot out of the sky by raiders with .38s

the fact that probably the only functional nuclear reactor is in a heap of debris on a flooded airport is just a waste
Yeah try to take an aircraft carrier inland dumbfuck.

I mean what good would a carrier do if they want to go back to the core region (if they do) they'd then have to go around though panama canal, assuming it's not blocked, fighting Rad Krakens and god knows what the fuck else along the way, or they can fly there.

Besides the common wasteland plebeian can't shoot them down by any means.
wasnt the maiden voyage of the prydwen flying over to the west coast? remember reading something about that
>Having to deal with mutant squids and mutant whales and good knows what other aquatic horrors
the last time the BoS took airships inland, they got dropped out of the sky by the sheer amount of bullshit weather

why build something you only use to move along the coast when a carrier could do the same exact thing, hold a lot more people, and carry a lot more aircraft?

and, chances are, the common wasteland plebeian doesn't have access to torpedoes or divebombers

you're either dealing with turbokrakens or radioactive tornado-hurricanes

the wasteland is a rough place, anon
But they have nothing to fight with their fucking jets, their vertibirds are TROOP TRANSPORTS

>Tfw there will never be a Fallout set in the sunken ruins of Atlanta
>why build something you only use to move along the coast
They didn't move along the fucking coast they come from the west they just take a position over the coast because it's out of reach of the shitters.
Sounds like a good quest mod
I'd rather they did the underwater vault with the sea monster Beth cut 2bh. Some meshes and textures are done but they'd have to do the rest by scratch.
Ayy they got some decent shit going on now though, not quite what I wanted but not bad.

just fucking jerry-rig a bunch of missile launchers/fat mans to the jets and voila, instant CAS

and that's if they somehow can't find the .50 or 20mm rounds for their main guns and if they somehow can't find proper bombs or rockets for them

it's still barely inland, maybe a couple dozen miles at best

an airship would've been infinitely more practical because you would either have control over most of the east coast or you would be fully capable of going to somewhere that isn't america
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This is the best armor in the vanilla game?
>maybe a couple dozen miles at best
And that's a couple dozen miles further than the carrier could reach you retard
>the last time the BoS took airships inland, they got dropped out of the sky by the sheer amount of bullshit weather

Which happened ages ago, and in a specific area, there's been nothing really confirming the weather is still fucking insane, besides Kells off handedly mentioning the airships, and that they don't know. Top that off with the majority of tactics either being considered non cannon, with only vague off hand mentions in 3 and 4.

Yeah weather probably has pockets of complete and uttershit if something like the glowing sea alone can spark up rad storms still, but you have to remember the Eastcoast BoS probably has records of what shit was like between the Core Region and DC so they can prepare accordingly.

Besides it's doubtful that they could fix Rivet city, if anything building a new boat would of been smarter.

I don't think it was, at least I can't see anything saying it was.
>try to change load order in NMM
>random plugins changing position even when I don't touch them
holy shit I hate this piece of garbage

jesus fucking christ i dont remember it have so much armor and mr
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post favorite screens of the day lads
how do you know that the weather patterns are predictable? every now and then there's still radstorms in boston, and a radstorm on ground probably isn't anywhere near as bad as a radstorm in the sky, with radioactive lightning everywhere

and they could've easily built another boat, if not several with the amount of shit around DC, up to and including an actual aircraft carrier

shit, with the amount of bullshit laying around DC they could've built a fleet of battleships

which raises the question, is the missouri still a museum boat in fallout timeline or is it in active service, and if it's a museum boat, are there a bunch of radioactive hawaiians manning the USS missouri?
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Not of the day, but the Moribund world lighting looks great.
What's with your brotherhood making a Navy boner?

It'd just be the same as them using an airship to launch stuff, only they're in the bay instead of over the airport, maybe it holds a few more vertibirds, but then it just makes any travel take far longer, and there's nothing of value in the sea.

Sure it's fine if we assume they just want to remain on the coast and near the sea at all times, but if they want to go anywhere inland, they'd be fucked.

tbqh they're fucked anywhere they go without a proper supply chain

It's even stated in FO4 that they've overextended themselves in the commonwealth and need halp
By travel being far longer I mean if they want to go anywhere that isn't right on the east coast.
I don't want the brotherhood to have a navy

in fact I want anyone BUT the brotherhood to have a navy because FUCK the brotherhood, they're a bunch of turboshits
Hahaha yeah that was my reaction too
Not my pic, though; found it on one of the "better" Curie mods lol

Holy crap, Loving Curie looks neat. Gonna go with it. Thanks!
(I don't suppose adding small mods like this during a game destabilizes it too much?)

On a totally unrelated note, god damn how let down I was when I tried the junk jet. I mean, it looks bad-ass as hell, right? Like a damn retrofuturistic jet turbine. So naturally, my first thought was "holy fucking shit. You probably feed junk into this thing, charging it with mass, which it melts down like a hand-held crucible turbine of sorts, before hosing down enemies with a constant stream of superheated turbine exhaust matter."
...Nope! You just lug objects. Oh well
Yeah but out of the known major factions, only other people who'd have a need for it would be the NCR to just spread up and down the coast quicker.

That said a group of factions in the gulf coast area fucking with each other with hobbled up Navy's could be cool as shit I'll give you that.
fucking Bethesda

game glitched up, I wanna tell the Brotherhood about those synth fuckers in Far Harbor but Commander Negro won't talk about anything but little boys
I mean, the boomers would LOVE an aircraft carrier

also, that reminds me of my old pitch for FALLOUT ERIE which revolved around the area surrounding lake erie and also naval battles out the ass between canadians and americans
If you stand still while wearing power armour does the core still drain?
the core only drains when you either run or use actions that require AP
I'm not certain, but I don't think basic melee attacks drain power either
The armor on it depends on what level you complete the mission, and whether or not you go back to have Kent upgrade it (I think max upgrade comes at Lv45).
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hahaha god damn it

(I remember someone once suggested a raider-mod which would enable you to convert the Minutemen into your personal raider faction, making Preston into PISTON GRAVY lol)
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How's Sexout for NV, is it any good? What are the good quest mods that use the animations? I want to get IMMERSED.
Party boy/girl worth the investment? I haven't found that much alcohol so far even though I made a point of stockpiling it.
>armour crafting is 3 points deep in strength

Who decided this.
Armor pieces aside, the Railroad armor is still better but it weighs a dead brahmin and a half. Silver Shroud definitely has the best armor/weight ratio.
You can basically guarantee quantums from lunchboxes by drinking one of each type of alcohol
the "addiction-free" part is covered by chem resistance, so it really doesn't matter
Also, highest tier of ballistic weave is stronger, and you can wear armor pieces on top of it if you apply it to the right outfit.
>tfw perfectly filling up the gaps in the minutemen castle so it's flush with the rest of the wall

Using enhanced shaders on a new playthrough of NV.
Is it me or is the AA seriously ass. Like it's so fucking bad compared to the regular AA.
I did a playthrough of NV last july using enhanced shaders and I don't remember it looking this awful.
Depends on your build.

If you are a melee or unarmed build, it very much is worth it as Dirty Wastelanders are stupidly good to begin with and get stupidly better with the perk.
I think it's shittier than skyrim's sexlab, but still tolerable.

Also depends on what kinks yer willing to witness or indulge in.
Yeah, it's ass. I couldn't get the anisotropic filtering to work at all, I think it looked worse than vanilla with it set to 0. It was a pretty big performance hit for not actually doing any of the advertised things aside from shadows.
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After about a month long break, I'm back in the FO4 mod again.

Those other generals couldn't hold my attention for long.
>Buffscale is back
Just when I thought it was over and the general could start repairing the damage you did,
Why do you do this to us?
jk, welcome back lizard man of thicc waifus
>2000 caps
>in any Fallout

You dun goofed anon.
Didn't even think about the great lakes, or the boomers, boomers just need to relocate which they more or less do after the end of NV if I remember the ending right.

I mean don't get me wrong I think a navy thing would be interesting, I just think the airship fits the BoS more. (Even if rednecks LARPing as the 1700s kill it, let's admit it, a 'state of the art' airship is the level of not keeping it simple the BoS does at times)
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I haven't touched NV in like, two years. I don't remember the game being this fucking dark. Is this an ENB's doing?

Homeplate is pretty useless anon

I don't think you can even put any robots in there

If you want to make a home, Sanctuary is one of the better places to make one when first starting out.
I figure the sentiment is more that the game just outright refuses to provide you with another option. Though I'd also argue that in the specific case, stealing the key would be too obvious, it's not like stealing the key for an in-and-out mission/theft/murder. I mean maybe you could squat in it without getting caught?

You'd be the one that installed it. Looks like it could also be a sweetfx thing too though.

I want a good settlement to build a factory and town at

Why are Starlight and Spectacle the only fucking options
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Thanks for the help, turns out I did have SweetFX shitting up the game. God it was practically painful to look at.

I made a Nuka bottling plant at the Nuka World settlement.

All the materials needed grown on site by robots.
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Its a really good settlement for making massive factory type buildings, the upper floor produces various food items too, like Fancy Lad snack cakes and the like.
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What does tape on guns do? Hold it together? Weather proof it?

Also why would you use this much??
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>I'm standing in front of the guy who destroyed boston
What would you say.
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>there are people that don't keep both rings on them at all times

Hold it together? Not much, asXas has a tendency to throw the blue tape on everything, and other people even copy that and throw it on their guns. Not entirely sure why the in-joke started or caught on.
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For all your SS knows, he's the reason your waifu is dead and son is missing, and your home town is a dump, so....vehement rage?
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tape is retarded, silencer is retarded.

>lmao tape ayylmao xd
But you miss out on his weapon.
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I don't know what to do.
I am finding it hard to enjoy Fallout 4, like it's story, atmosphere, characters and so on.
I don't explore every part of the map like I used to, the roleplaying part that I like in Fallout is butchered so I can't even make my character interesting.
The game is easy and I am playing it on Survival Difficulty.
And the performance is crap, breaks my immersion.

I don't know what to do, should I just stop playing it and wait for some more mods to come in that would make it fun? Like a Doctor Who mod.
Usually I am against modding my first playthrough but it's so boring.

I just want to beat the game and never touch it again but what's the point of beating the game if I don't even like it.
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>Implying I want some shitty Commie sword

Why would I want that when I have a full suit of X-01?
>He romanced Piper
>he doesn't want to pipe her
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I get the feeling that whatever he rewards me with is going to be worse than his cool outfit.

But just like the pilots of the Enola Gay can't be held accountable, I won't hold him accountable.
I got you, anon.

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Happily married men usually get married again quickly after losing a loved one. So I kinda roleplayed with that.

Also its pretty useful to have an extra pair of hands holding a lot of stuff for me, and covering my back as well. FO4 is the only fucking Bethesda game where I didn't want to ditch the companion the second I was done with them.

I only had mild flashbacks to terrible Bethesda companions in Nuka World, where Piper kept fucking setting off all the goddamned traps in the gauntlet.
Which companions are the best in each game?

What gun is that tbqh
I saw your post on Loverslab. Post screenshots of Power armor fucking.

FO1 - Tycho
FO2 - Cassidy? Marcus? Robodog?
FO3 - Fawkes? Charon?
FO4 - Any robot (Though Ada is cutest)
FNV - Boone
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Just played through dead money for the first time

holy shit what an expansion. The first half had me playing a true battle of attrition for the first time in any fallout game ive ever played. I was told that it was good but I didnt expect to finish it actually feeling satisfied that I overcome some kind of challenge

And yet there's tons of people who think Dead Money is utter SHITTTT

Personally it's the only FNV DLC that I finished
dead money is the patricians choice for NV expansions. Just serves as more evidence that the people paid to review games are fucking worthless
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The mediafire has all my shit in one place, but that's part of it.


The result was a little fucked

Who else but Buffscale?
Why boone and Charon?

Boone is a fucking sniping deathmachine.
Charon was selected because I don't remember. Doggo and Robobutt are the worst companions in FO3.
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Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road > Old World Blues

Best part of each
Dead Money = Setting
Honest Hearts = Joshua Graham
Old World Blues = Doctor Dala
Lonesome Road = Elite Riot Gear

Excuse me sir you've forgotten your saturation
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yeah the shader desaturizes the fug out of the game but I like it for muh atmosphere
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>What are you going to do with the other missiles down there?
Ok this is getting worse and worse. I'm second guessing my decision.

spoiler: he lets you use them
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The radioactive glow of a nuclear submarine superreactor really highlights Cait's beauty though :3

This quest was worth it now
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Why would a communist military installation have a bunch of nuka cola merchandise, one of the greatest symbols of capitalism?
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Why would a pre-war military installation have a bunch of Jet behind a terminal-locked storeroom?

Its a reference to a movie I think

And the movie iirc was based on actual events

Bethesda canon:
Myron is a hack
Jet is pre-war

Obsidrone canon:
Todd is a hack
Jet is post-war
because Jet is pre-war.

Not sure why so many people take a god damn drug dealer as a reliable narrator.
Bethesda has the ultimate say so in the matter as the owner of the franchise. The sooner you realize this the better.

Personally, I think every Fallout game takes place in a closely related but separate continuity, just like the franchises of Terminator and Mad Max
Whatever you have to tell yourself.
>that's the joke
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What ending should I go for in a NV cowboy run? I feel like NCR would be the best but I've done NCR three times now and haven't completed the game since. I kind of want to do a House run but I don't feel like that would be in character for a survivalist mercenary.
>I kind of want to do a House run but I don't feel like that would be in character for a survivalist mercenary.
Why not dumbass he's paying you isn't he?
>A survivalist mercenary
>Doing anything other than the bidding of the highest fucking bidder in the Mojave

No really no other end in makes sense besides House unless your character is an anarchist or has a power fantasy.

No other faction will pay more or desire a mercenary more than House. That's specifically why hires you.
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Jesus tap dancing Christ I can't believe I didn't realize that.
I think I might be genuinely retarded.
remove yourself
you stand in the way of /fog/ and pong

>Literally the game starts out with the player character getting shot while working for House

To be honest if your character doesn't finish House run he's a fucking terrible mercenary I wouldn't hire
>go to random site
>hey guys, about to do my first new vegas playthrough. what are some essential mods?

every time
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>he is on a important mission
>a very important mission
>he is going to avenge his wife and save his son
>in the meantime, he helps other people
>a lot of other people
>he clears out buildings full of ghouls with cancer for 10 caps
>he clears out raider camps and gets 5 caps and a flu shot because all the raiders has AIDS
>he fetches techno-stuff for BOS and gets a scolding in return, because the BOS cannot into trading with scavengers
>he builds a little society and is constantly swamped with aid requests from the settlements
>he teams up with a militia and is constantly spammed with quests from the dodgy "all in but name"-leader
>he has caused innumerable ragequits where players starts all over and doesn't consider to let the "empire" sprawl out untill erry settler can be armed to the teeth
>also not until he can build reactors and has the maxxed out strong back perk
>he is on a very important mission
>he does it for free
>it ain't me starts playing
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Shanty market in my shanty town. Complete with shanty high rise bar for the citizens and a hole in the ground full of dirty water for the peasantry as well as a high rise barracks for my guards and a (relatively) spotless doctors office. The one with the radio above it is where the proles get their vegetable rations and the others get their quality cooked meals.
Just play NV, don't expect any decent mods for Fallout 4 for a while, all there is that is worth getting are visuals, gameplay, performance mods. While they help my enjoyment personally, not enough to justify playing the entire game.
>still no functional hide helmet/hat button

Man. Fuck this shit.
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good mod
Post old screenshots
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Since you ask so nicely.

What key takes screenshots in F4 ?
Im doing this by console but its frankly irritating as fuck.
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FalloutNV 2015-07-26 14-15-07.jpg
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>all these massively unnecessary .png

I want /v/ to go and stay gone

You're right, but that's a very uncompressed JPG, still.
PNG's were a mistake.
only phoneposters complain about filesize
Or people who have shitty internet and is forced to wait like 10 seconds to load the image.
I'm going to try and bloat the filesizes of all my screenshots just for you
This is why I post oversized PNGs exclusively. Phoneposters are a blight on 4chan and anything that makes the site unusable for them is fair game.
I'm on fantastic capless internet posting from a desktop, FYI

only morons don't realise how pointless PNG is here, so don't let me stop you from being retards, anon
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Did you say post screenshots?
Hahaa you sound so sad.
>unlimited 4G
Deal with it.
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Riddle me this /fog/ :
Why arent there any teenagers in F4 ( and 3/NV ) ??
We have kids, adults and old, but not one teenage girl/guy ..

Is is another thing that Bethesda engine is not capable of like climbing leaders, crawling or making attractive females without help of the modders ?
Damn you're ugly.
what are those signs from?
Yeah, i removed that blush, looked bad.
Quite a few of them are a bit shit but the rest are decent. Not shit as in poor quality just too specific or esoteric to be of any actual use.

It's mostly just a time/effort thing.

A new teenager "race" means new models, new clothing, new animations and so on.
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Anon is a cunt. But thanks for the mod, Mod-person. Mods are great, and you should feel good for having creativity and the generosity to share.
These people are meant to have gone through hell, fighting their way across the commonwealth and losing their home, family and friends for days on end until you meet them.
Same reason all the signs are written in English and they have RobCo terminals.
TCL is essential

git gud
todd is the one that needs to git gud
"OK Zenimax we can either cut content to hit a holiday release for lots of cash or spend time fixing all the bugs in our interesting side missions that really add to the game and release in March." ~ Todd, probably
why make them their own thing when you can just shrink an adult model i.e. Sunny Smiles

like >>168399146 said, it's simply an effort-thing
Why isn't fallout 1.5 in fallout 1&2 pastebin ?
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*PING intensifies*

And ? So what ?

>why make them their own thing when you can just shrink an adult model i.e. Sunny Smiles
Yeah, my bad - why should developer put some actual effort into their game.
>Yeah, my bad - why should developer put some actual effort into their game.
You do realise we're talking about Todd and Co. here?
Baseball Grenades Explode on Impact
Boss Chests Contain Legendaries
Companion Tracker
DLC Ammo in the Commonwealth
More Obvious Low Health
NPC's Travel
Old World Radio Boston
Power Armor Airdrop
Proper Flyers and Posters
Super Mutant Redux
Survival Saving via Holotapes
True Frags
UIVats Critical Executed Replacer(Players says cool stuff on crits)
Vault 1080
Wasteland Salon

I also like "The Avenger". I took the half damage version, and had a blast killing all of them deathclaws.
>vault 1080
>jewvidia's toddray shilling mod
That's wichcraft, sorcery AND voodoo dipped peanut butter and rolled in chocolate.
It was fun and well made, it's not like ya had to pay for it.
Wait is that true? the Yangtze was one of the few sections of the game that actually gave me a sense of wonderment and made me want to help the poor old captain go home, but shitty inconsistencies like that kinda spoil it for me.
Bravo Toddler.

>justifying cheating because you're trying to break the game by climbing on shit you're not supposed to
Would have thought it would have been dogshit
Jack, I am the best.
I honestly liked it.
Or people who realise that even if _you_ have a gigabit line 4chan's connection is still two cans tied together with string.
>Yeah, my bad
I was being sarcastic, as evident by saying it's just lack of effort thereafter
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>Jump into a dumpster to search for drugs
>Either get permanently stuck or be forced to leave power armor you may have been wearing
Oh darn this is what I get for scavenging, gosh Bethesda with your unconventional well thought out traps, what valiant game designers.
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blame nukemoot, and yourself
Post your favourite player character you've ever played as across 3/NV(TTW)/4

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Fuck Assaultron lasers
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I'm pretty sure I was the first to openly roleplay the traveler from the critically acclaimed motion picture "Potion Seller" from the first day of Fallout 4's release, so I carry that with pride.
My brother also modeled his character after a Justin Kuritzkes video.
KOSMOS mod when
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Whats the comfiest settlement ?

Dont have to be big, it just have to be empty, just for me, loner and scavenger and his wife and sex slaves - no NPC, no annoying essentials etc.
We got, like, Tomacco or something
Red Rocket is top comfy, though I always thought it was far too close to the start of the game.
I have a really hard time making a face in my head using those spider eyes. I would always be looking deeply into her laser orifice.

Yeah, i would prefer something more secluded.
Something surronded with walls from 2-3 sides would be the best.

Im fond of building my own autist caves.
Spectacle Island
Hangman's Alley is literally an alley with only 2 entrances, I think. The build height is also quite generous.
It's not Coastal Cottage.
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Good good, i like it.

>Spectacle Island

Any boats mods ? It would be kinda immersion breaking to swim there all the time.

>inb4 fast travel - i have it off always.
Hell nah the build height in hangman's is incredibly shitty, you can barely build 2 stories houses and can't go above the surrounding buildings. Even if you could the buildable area is blocked by those ugly ass power lines. Don't count on that settlement to be anthing bigger than a couple shacks
Wouldn't boat mods be basically a fancier way of fast travel? If you're in survival mode just get the caravans mod.
>Don't count on that settlement to be anthing bigger than a couple shacks

Exactly what i want. One fancy shack to serve as bedroom, one as workshops and one as dining/rec room.
Maximum comfy.

I meant mod where you can build boat and actually sail around. Like in Witcher 3.
There's this but I'm unsure how buggy it is
Those clowns in big Town and I suspect sunny smiles were supposed to be teenagers
Radiation causes people to skip puberty now. Instant adults at age 13.
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Holy shit we DO have Tomacco!
I like your waifu mate, she looks a lot like 50s pulp women.
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Do any of the settlements apart from Sanctuary and the kids in the southern farm have essential? You can literally murder all the farmers to get their workshop instead of doing the fetch quest including named ones like the Abernathys.
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Looks just as gnarly and horrific as the deathclaw themselves
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And based on deathclaw size, that dick is probably about as long as your arm.
I was under the impression that whole shitload of NPC's are essentials in F4.
Like that guy you meet at Thicket Excavations - one little quest giver and he is essential.

He is just a big boy.
Lol deathclaw dicks xDD

Fucking faggots.
You thought wrong, if he wasn't he'd get mauled immediately by the crabs and you'd never see the second half dumbass.
>no finisher animations for bayonets
>no finisher animations for deathclaw dicks tearing you in half
Generally the ones that are essential are the ones that move around a long distance or have to do combat to some degree including that raider. It wasn't so prevalent in FNV because NPCs rarely even left their safe zone let alone went on a long journey into direct combat. Funny thing is Lorenzo is not essential and if you're a high level he can very easily die on his journey which ruins your plan to turn him into a mysterious semen well.
I remember in Oblivion some NPCs had incredibly complex schedules, including visiting other NPCs in cities on the other side of the map. Some of these were involved in quests and weren't essential, so they usually ended up getting murdered by bandits in glass armor. Essential characters don't bother me in those kinds of situations.
Well you wanted to know which settlements could be just you and your waifu and the answer almost all of them you'd just have to kill the current inhabitants. For comfy living you'd be better off with one of the empty ones though like Croup Manor or the Coastal Cottage or the one crawling with bloodbugs.
is there a mod that already has the Sanctuary settlement built and shit?
i really can't be bothered to do another base building episode
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It's ambiguous. They're made *with* FEV, but are physiologically closer to humans than Super Mutants. They lack a healing factor and stims work on their immune systems. Only recently have they begun to start working out biological imperfections, such as needing to eat or sleep and that's still a fairly new development (hence why they still have so many Gen 1 and 2 models in circulation).

It is also said that there is no medical test that exists to distinguish a current Gen 3 synth from a natural-born human being. You'd think a quick check of the patient's reproductive health and anatomy would be enough to raise a few red flags.
>Replay NV up to level 18
>Don't have fun

I'm having a crisis of faith
True Storms or Vivid Weathers for FO4?
looks like a knock off version of die antwoord
buff is there a mod where you can convince curie that she's fine as she is but still romance her

she's just so fucking adorable as a roboob
>implying there's not
Maxson looks the way he does at 20, think about it.
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There's a glitch where you can keep her robot form when she's supposed to be a synth.

As for a mod, I'm not sure. I never romanced Curie. I tried raising her disposition once, for 3 hours or so I was with her, I rescued a synth from raiders and got a "Curie disliked that" so I sent her back to Sanctuary.


Oh, thanks. If you like her, I've got her edit on Nexus.

yes but only Danse
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Is there a mod where you can turn Nora into a hulking sultry deathclaw?
I think I read somewhere that radiation hurts provisioners assigned to Spectacle Island.

Is this true and, if so, can be negated by picking a ghoul settler for the job?
If you kill house, he becomes hostile
Robot provisioner with mister handy thruster on bottom
>True Storms
Hands down.

>dat thunder sound
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Yeah I think its pretty clear some of the NPCs are in their teens.

Some of the BoS recruits and raiders might be as young as 15. I doubt all the raiders and enemies you fight in the game are """"of age"""" to be worm chow.

And how old was Kasumi, again? 16? 17?
>tfw finished Corvega Assembly Plant

Christ how i hate that location.
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This is as close as it gets
any mods that make NV followers less boring?
Radiant really liked sending me there on my playthrough...
it's not enough, man. It's never enough.
>deathclaw monstergirl

Fuck it, i will never set my foot there anymore ..
Strange, wiki lists Sullt Mathis as not essential.. Is it like Marcy thing ?
Or you just remember it wrong and he was never essential just protected
>essential just protected
Essential is immortal and protected is what ?

I tried to kill him and he kept getting up like Dogmeat but it was before most patches and before DLC's so maybe its something they changed.
Protected is he gets knocked over and only you can deal the final bit of damage to kill him, settlers have it.
So its definetely not the case because it was i who tried to kill him and i couldn't.
>So its definetely not the case
And yet he isn't essential.
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no thanks faggot

Actually, I just remembered. There is a full body textured deathclaw girl mod...on Nexus I think?

But its still got a humanoid face.

Actually there IS a mod (in progress) of what you're looking for, I've been trying to find screenshots of it, but can't. It was posted on tumblr or something. Guy said she'd have face flexes and everything.
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So are you trying to become an youtube celebrity and get ad money?
Quote from wiki :

"If Sully is killed before starting the quest, the quest can be started by turning the valves underwater, though the reward is fairly reduced."
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How much fps you gettan.
>being this assblasted that nobody wants to watch your le epiq playthrough
Advertising is against the rules isn't it?
>dat resolution
damn nigga I thought I had a toaster
That image is quite jarring in the dark.

I'm not running on high. I have shadows on medium, and godrays on low, and when its updated, shadowboost.

I get like 60 FPS indoors, 30 FPS lowest (like in areas with tons of buildings, to 60 FPS outdoors.


I'm not really sure why he keeps doing it, I think he really is trying to become a youtube celebrity and make money...with his My Little pony modded New Vegas Lets plays...
buying a new pc won't make you entertaining you shitstain, in case it wasnt obvious from the like/dislike or the fuck all views
technically speaking, small bertha, that kid on the dock in far harbor that tells you to go fuck off and clear out a logging station of spooks, is supposed to be somwhere between 13-15

that's why I was able to post the story of nora buttfucking her on hentaifoundry yo
Whuddayour specs?
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>that's why I was able to post the story of nora buttfucking her on hentaifoundry yo
I see. At least you aren't >>168411151 this faggot so that's something right?
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Oh, haha, me too.
>that's why I was able to post the story of nora buttfucking her on hentaifoundry yo>>

Link ? Im asking for a friend.
>Clearly you haven't seen my more recent content.
nobody has seen any of your content lmao

GTX 780
8 GB DDR3 Ram
i5 Cpu (Bottleneckin the fuck outta my shit)

I planned on doing a full PC upgrade last year, but decided not to. This was back when FO4 would crash every 20 minutes, but that seems to have stopped. I'll probably upgrade when the next TES comes out.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but no one wants to watch a video of a 7 year old game ran on the lowest settings, filled with MLP mods. Do you ever wonder why you have so many dislikes on your shit?
just search "small bertha" and you'll find the only story there
Well people watch Al playing FNV but they watch for Al and he's at least entertaining.
you know what else alchestbreach has that this guy dont?


nice buzzword

OR...they might be disliking your videos because they...you know...*disliked* it.
>i5 Cpu (Bottleneckin the fuck outta my shit)
Probably not true my man, very few things in vidya and even recording are CPU intensive enough to warrant anything better than an i5.

The biggest bottlenecks today are
>RAM speed
>HDD speed
nah man gotta be a strawfred kruger
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Why did Cait's parents wait until she was 18 to sell her into slavery?
Her dad doesn't like them that old
ESRB ratings
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Low functioning autism is really something, isn't it.
The only people who even see your videos are probably newfags that came here looking for mod advice and immediately closed the tab.
But that doesn't make sense.
Being sold and abused as a child could be in backstory or implied, no one said it should be shown on screen.

Its definitely bottlenecking. I forgot to mention its also an old and slow i5. Its at least 7-8 year old technology, maybe one of the first i5 generations ever made.

I have the minimum requirements on everything except that, and the game crashed a LOT due to shadows for some reason. Using shadowboost made the crashing go from once every 30 minutes to almost never, and if it did crash, was a mod related crash.
>and the game crashed a LOT due to shadows for some reason.
Everyone has problem with shadows they fuck with my 1070
>His posts were deleted

Barring a ban, prepare for a tantrum the likes of which you have never seen.
so you didnt get banned?
He might be ban evading, which means that all you've gotta do to get rid of him from now is let the maidos know.
Who is he?
The autist that advertises his really bad lets play of NV here

That is just the tip of the iceberg with that guy. He used to go to /tesg/.

He's actually beaten up his sister and got probation iirc because she didn't like My Little Pony. And he's done dozens more stupid shit, starts a shitstorm almost EVERY TIME he enters a thread...he's like the Chris-Chan of /vg/.
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Nah Chris-chan is still accidentally entertaining
>including visiting other NPCs in cities on the other side of the map
I have no recollection of this, though it's been about a decade since I played Oblivion, but that's neat as fuck
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>no decent alternative start mods for FO4
>FROST is too much of a drastic change for me
just end it now, I don't want to suffer through the same shit again
The countess of Leyawiin is releated to the countess of Chorral and I think one visits the other, she rides there with a guard iirc.

Reminds me of the traders in F3 that could easily get murdered by a wandering abomination with 1000hp they had no chance in hell of killing and Beth threw on every patch of dirt in the wasteland after you hit level 15.
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best PC coming through
It was going to be even more complex than that, but I understand why they toned it down.
what's the rest of your spec? Do you have slow RAM?

I'm on a 1070 playing at 2560x1440 and I get totally smooth frames, city or not, w/ all the settings maxed out (and then some)
I wish there was more mad scientist mods, we get all this settlement shit shoehorned in but you can barely make any mad science shit to stick in them. I want to build a death ray instead of MM artillery and shit like that. I want my own teleporters and cloning labs and bizarre shit that fits the theme. I had to settle for just sticking random computer stacks around a concrete room with a few work benches and the robot workbench.
well theres a mod that lets you build a synth machine but it has a fuckton of bugs and theres a big chance your synths come out as rad roaches
Fucking this, why can't I make my own army of feral ghouls
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>Fo1= Tycho
>Fo2= Marcus, Cassidy Senior and everyone's favorite deathclaw
>Fo3= Fawkes, Sydney, Dogmeat
>FNV= Cass, Rex, Boone, ED-E and Arcade
>Fo4= Piper, Curie, MacCready, ADA, Valentine, Cait, George Clooney.
surely you know of some weird out there mad sciencey mods
What would happen if I spawned in a bunch of npc residents to populate Diamond city and other places in the game that torrent player settlements?
>What would happen if I spawned in a bunch of npc residents to populate Diamond city
They'd just stand around doing idle animations until the cell refreshed probably
He probably meant properly through the CK
Any mode that makes lamps give more light? Some of them are pitifully weak compared to the basic lightbulb.
>Vault 88 becomes available at level 20
>Go there at level 20
>Everything two shots me and ghouls take 50 hits to die

Truly exceptional

You've already got the boobs. Now you need red anime hair
Did you meet the radscorpions that live there yet?
There's a really big chance the first minutemen radiant quest (the one at Tenpines Bluff) will send you there, probably because the location is linked to the Concord raiders. Only other location for that quest I've seen was Walden Pond, which is way easier.

>Becomes available

Actually you can go there at level 1. I started a new game in Vault 88 once before. Git gud.
>There's a really big chance the first minutemen radiant quest
Pretty sure that one is guaranteed to send you there, I've never not been sent there.
Fuck hiroyuki, I haven't been able to post here for days because he has blocked all mobileposting. This general is already dead enough withot this greedy faggot chink trying to sell passes.
>no decent alternative start mods for FO4

>Full version: makes over 800 dialogue edits with voice and lip sync so you don't have to play as the "concerned parent" character, replacing those with voiced and lip-synced lines from the rest of the game (so it's the original voice actors).
I'm posting from a mobile, so, "it works on my machine"
>blocking mobileposting
At least you didn't get banned because some faggot with a proxy was shitposting on /a/.
> I rescued a synth from raiders and got a "Curie disliked that"

Well she's one of the few companions that like when you join the BoS. She's a best.
>spend 4 hours building up Starlight Drive-in
>die like an idiot to the frag mine on the stairs inside the big movie screen because you can't sprint in build mode
>last save was 4 hours ago

That's what I get for trying to be creative in survival mode I guess.
Nope, just in game. There aren't any mods that populate the cities and I don't know how to use the ck

>Pick up a piece of junk
>[Ada liked that]

Other companions SWERVE
why does Danse of all people whine when you pick up junk, he used to be a professional junk picker
There aren't? I might make one even though FO4 bores me to treats, just for something to kill time with
>Obsidian gets away with having an underaged hooker in the form of the Atomic Wrangler's crier, already talks about rape
>FO3 even allows mustache twirling evil characters to sell children into slavery
I don't think it was the esrb they were worried about,
This. They didn't want FO4 being pulled from the shelves of muh walmart
Pls do
Not to mention he likes when you use that junk to mod shit.
Despite what it says on the box, the target audience for Fallout 4 was young teenagers.
seems about right
>more fps than rpg
>very straight forward
>dumbed down mechanics
You're not wrong, it's the most PG-13 shit I've ever seen in an "adult" game
They're going to be nameless, tho, (i.e. Diamond City Resident) because I loathe named NPCs who have no real dialogue
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bad language and over the top violence are A-OK
>no whores across an entire wasteland
it simply wouldn't happen, where there's humans, there's going to be prostitutes
What's the point of having ratings in the first place if you're still constrained by effectively having to make the game suitable for everyone?
Quill-weave visits her lesbian lover in Chorrol every month.

Though she is essential until her fighter's guild quest is complete.
They aren't and there are games that do sexy times without intense backlash. A lot of it is self imposed by publishers who think a couple rambling articles on no-name websites actually means lost sales. With Bethesda it's because despite the M rating they already decided their intended audience was young teens, as already stated. They don't want parents or salesmen to actually start enforcing the M rating because they flashed some tiddies.
As long as it feels populated
I just don't get that, even in Fallout 3 the first bar you come across has one. Why did they feel like it'd be poorly received this time around? is it because of the dead spouse thing?
>Yuo see Ivan
>When your stock is booze
>And your suppressor is booze
>Yuor gun will be too drunk to make the kicking
>And your bullets too drunk to make the noise
True canon:
Myron is a hack
Todd is a hack
Jet is shit...literally
Comments on those:

>project nevada
Only bother with Core and maybe Cyberware if you get it, Equipment is loaded with stuff other mods do better and Rebalance is inferior to JSawyer variants.

Use it as a base, it's better than the default textures for certain, but again, other mods might be subjectively better...but not nearly as comprehensive.

>Nevada Skies
Too much attempted, too little realized. Go for something more recently updated, or at least simpler - one of the 'realistic lighting' mods is generally a good go, and Fellout is a halfway decent fallback. Project Reality never.

>Mission Mojave
This mod claims to fix bugs and yet causes more than before; go with Yukichigai's patch, it's regularly updated and has COMPREHENSIVE documentation. Also, unlike MM, it ONLY deals with bugs - all 'adjustments' are in separate mods.

Now, recommendations of my own:

>Darnified UI
Because the default UI is SHIIIIIIIIIIT, and most other options have bizarre bugs.

>New Vegas Redesigned (2 or 3)
I used 2 for the longest time, but I find 3 works well now. It uses Fallout Character Overhaul as a base, then makes every character not look like a reject from a failed Chinese Resident Evil bootleg...on heroin. Also, it has updates.

>NVSE, NVSR, NVAC, JIP, Lutana, 4GB patcher (the latest update now directly patches the game's executable)
Absolutely essential. Seriously.

If you use any interface mods. No more having to deal with install order (for the most part, some mods are still tetchy).

>A customized conflict resolution patch
Use xEdit and check through your mods occasionally (especially before you start) for conflicts, then carry through as overrides the things you want to keep. Make it yourself, it WILL be unique to your modlist.

>A customized gameplay tweak patch
This is essentially like what JSawyer's mod became - a bunch of non-essential tweaks. Again, unique to your modlist.

You will lament its nonexistence in Fallout 4.
At this point the tape is just a forced meme.
It doesn't even look good because of all the shitty creases and wrinkles.
>not using a jetpack
>not stacking boxes and climbing out
>not sending your companions in to get shit instead of diving in like a hobo
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Okay guys. riddle me this :

FROST ( i have many other mods and im not sure if he will be okay with all of them )


Start Me Up + Survival Mode + try to start as far as i can from Sanctuary Hills and avoid Vault 111 to never trigger the plot ??

Which one would be better ?
>no finisher animations for deathclaw dick bayonets
FROST if you want a completely autistic revamp of the entire game that makes enemies nearly unkillable and ammunition scarce as fuck.

The latter, with Silent Protagonist, for an experience closer to FO3/NV.
>enemies nearly unkillable

But i have Modern Firearms, i reckon this would limit this particular problem a little.
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How many of you have killed this guy?
>Snipe a molerat from 100 yards
>8 molerats suddenly tunnel up around me

Molerats were a mistake
At what point can I ice Marcy and Jun?
I think once you get to sanctuary
If you can even find guns, maybe.
It adjusts damage percentages so headshots are really your only hope.
Okay, so i will just make normal Start Me Up with Survival and shitload of RP on my part.
Thanks for the help.
>tfw have CBBE Hardbody installed for dem sweet sweet abs on a girl
>tfw bikini/lace underwear mods switch my body to simple CBBE slim default

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I paused the first time. After that I realized that raiders are still 'evil' because Todd can't into morality. SS = Good, Raiders = Bad. That's it.

From the raiders perspective, the SS is evil
>still no bash
Fallout 4 is kill

What is this, star wars?
The SS isn't the one who goes around stringing up corpses on hooks, and putting heads on stakes.
Didn't realize he was a raider the first time around, thought it'd be a neat quest giver and he just started shooting me when I walked near.

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