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/scg/edg/ Star Space Dangerous Citizen Elite General #125: VISIONs

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Thread replies: 779
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Star Citizen Information:
>FAQ for newfags
>CitCon2016 Full Presentation:
>Star Citizen Official YT
>Subscriber Vault pics and JPoint Magazine Archive
Referral code randomizer:
Elite: Dangerous information:
Be aware, Thargroids are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace with unknown intentions. it is advised you shoot the fuck out of them whenever possible.
Gamescom info:
>Frontier Official YT
>Other games:
If it doesn't have a general, post it here; just don't get upset about sharing. If it DOES have a general, please go. We don't need your baggage.
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.
Shitty old kike thread: >>166281814
Morning, suckers.
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Good morning, anon.
What should I be looking at if I'm aching real bad for a freelancer fix? Open world pirate/trader kind of thing. I picked up EVERSPACETM which seems alright but it just made me want to play something that looks as nice as it does but lets me roam freely doing my own thing in a gameworld.
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>VISIONs of ded Edition
I'm sorry, but did Star Citizen already flop? Oh, that’s right. The game isn’t even finished yet. In fact, it’s only half done. Does not having perfect physics in alpha count as a fail? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still in development? CIG is still working right now and they have been the best kickstarter developers in the history of kickstarters for how many years now? They’re competing against some of the worst developers in the world who just happen to have a lead because they’re making much smaller games. But you know what? They still fucking suck. CIG is one of the best fucking studios in the world, they made 2.6 last year and would have released 3.0 if the backers didn’t whine. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you’re going to be embarrassed when CIG release Star Citizen and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Mass Effect Andromeda just flopped when it really needed to succeed just like the Call of Duty did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-CIG topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like the devs because they’re good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking devs on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
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Atv soon, hopefully it's better than last weeks.

Also Ben should never appear on camera ever again.

Mfw no Dan Te Man community manager.
god it's so easy to trigger sc fags because deep down they know they wasted money

Fuck that shit! Rocket chair!

When's the retaliator ejector going to function anyway
Or starfarer ejection pods far that matter

Good question lol. Also what stops the attacker of actually targeting the pods? Or are they easily maneuverable and can warp out like in eve? Who knows?

>also... fuck I miss Dead Space! Fags canceled the series but that shit is better than mass effect.
Well if it's anything like the existing ejection seats they'll be small and hard to see enough to act as protection. I have never visually seen someone eject, though the scoreboard tells me they did.
Poor pasta, senpai.
Make one for ED

That might be bad news for me because I was really hoping for the ability to scan wrecks so that players could salvage. If pods are undetectable so will wrecks (at least theres that possibility) and salvage may be limited to scripted missions instead of just shooting any NPC/player and be able to extract something.

If thats the case, salvage will suck!
What is the most New Flash Wave ship in the Star Citizen?
avenger definitely
is this game play to win yet?
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What the fuck happened to this neutron star? No way I'm charging my FSD in that.
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As a comparison, this is a normal one.
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Does anyone else get legitimately scared by stuff like this? Like the time I jumped into a system between 2 very close stars I actually jumped out of my chair. Also was too afraid to get too close to the black hole in Maia. For some reason, just the natural hazards and bleakness of space really freak me out way more than cheesy aliens do. Im betting with VR it would be too spooky to play for me.
>Does anyone else get legitimately scared by
A screenshot of something not scary?


>What is the most New Flash Wave ship in the Star Citizen?

OK I will try to make a new one since you don't appreciate/recognize it. Nu-4chan.
What game is this?

That spaceship looks awesome.
>OK I will try to make a new one

Please don't. You have no skill for it.
Elite Dangerous.
Don't play it. It's shit.
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Normal black holes like the one in Maia are harmless, which makes no sense. But Sagittarius A* will fuck you up if you get close.

I definitely suggest you get as close as you can to a black hole, hard to show in a screenshot but everything will be warped when you look around. Quite trippy.

>Does anyone else get legitimately scared by stuff like this
Considering I've been away from the bubble for 3 days now and I'm planning on cashing in a 60MCr mission + exploration data, yeah, I got a bit scared when that fucker showed up on the screen. The jets from it was huge, and once you are in one you lose control of your ship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxyoX65Edv0

Are there more pictures of those ships at least?
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Here's mine after 3 days of exploring. I need a new paintjob.
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Another one, this one from behind + Sagittarius A* in the background.
Neat, thanks.
Looks like an anus
The Great Galactic Anus
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I missed the last Anniversary sale. When is the next time Ill be able to buy The Rack?
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>mfw just discovered my corvette is immune to the 4 reverb cascade torpedo meta
>because of a secondary bonus to shield generator module integrity
buy what?
the rack m8
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>hitting the ECM just as a fucking cloud of packhounds bears down on you, triggering it correctly and flying through a swarm of inert missiles
>fagging torps hard by swinging around and watching them drift by, temporarily scrambled until they simply pop, PD blasting away on their reinforced casings the entire time

hilarious module

watch out for the eight-torp stealth asp, though

it will fucking ahab you
It's a lot of fun for 30 bucks. Hating it yet still playing and posting what 2/4 of the thread is. 1/4 is hating on dads, and the last I'd actually discussion and helping noobs.

If you like space and wanna try it out for 30 bucks you'll have a good time, it's not really fleshed out though, which is where the hate comes from. You end up doing the same thing over and over again eventually. And the $30 expansion adds more of the same.

Personally I enjoy the game when I'm looking to just chill, it's not an action/adventure game, it's relaxing.

>inb4 you're only happy cause it's cheap
True, I'd be mad if I paid 60.
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I have a friend who has a 650m/s viper with torps and pack hounds, we're gonna practice

I plan to build a similar thing but on a DBS, which I could stealth with and I have midnight paint on it
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DBS/E is a good platform for silent sunning stealthery as the hulls run so fucking cold to begin with.

my courier does 820m/s with cascade mines, an imperial hammer or plasma accelerator, and then lighteight drag packhounds or a penetrator FSD rocket. eager to slip into a larger cmdr-on-cmdr engagement and just fucking blitz by bombing everything as it was made to do. still not certain as to the efficacy of its tiny ~360MJ shield that could allow for the hitting and running but I've got some modules to try putting together a rather substantial hull tank that won't weight it down too much if ever necessary. torps come off to me as a tremendous hardpoint investment for something that can readily be defeated while you get like eighty buster mines for the slot

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Five bucks.

Was it worth it?
Two factions at 17 draconis are at civil war and one of them is giving 8-15 missions spawns of massacre missions. you can make upwards of 350-400 mil per stack of missions in an hour and a half of shootan dudes
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Looks all right, I guess.

Ten bucks.
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>when you bought both coriolis bobbleheads

the standard one is very reflective and tends to catch the orange holo-glow as it rotates in the dark of space and looks really, really neat.

wireframe is capable of catching light in cool ways as well but i'm ultimately not sure which i like more. both indeed rotate around on an improper axis for a coriolis.

the chrome paintjobs are wicked though for sure, i've caught my corvette reflecting barnard's loop in some screenshots and it's just an eerie inky black when in normal space buzzing around

o lawd not again
they still havent patched that?
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Glad to see my proudest purchase, Carrie, still popular.

Go get her on the next sale.

You can expect to see her on sale either when 3.0 comes out and they do an exploration related sale. Or wait till next December, like every year.
my nigga

why would they? people are doing the missions as intended.
It's chrome.

The way it's implemented (the same faction asking you to kill several of the same ships multiple times) is causing forumdads to grumble that it's a bug.
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>bannerlord and 3.0 coming out end 2016/early 2017
>hurr durr

everyone is lying, ASSHOLES
Yeah, made 400kk on a vulture today.
Wait, starting OP with a picture from Elite:Dangerous? You can do that?

I... I didn't knew
Apparently the lack of meaningful updates caused plebbit to start having autistic fits of rage about muh controller balance again. It's still incredible how people convince themselves that their $200 plastic dildo is the superior input device because 'muh skill'. Not only that, they somehow believe that accessible mouse controls are detrimental to the appeal of the game and instead of balacing weapon sizes they want CIG to remove gimbals entirely.
I know what you mean, the vastness of space scared the shit out of me when I was a kid and those feelings came back when I started playing this.
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Is black holes pulling you into them literally as soon as you enter the system a thing? That's just what happened to me, was pulled out of supercruise as well, thankfully only 1% damage on the hull.

Picture relevant, my screen 1 second after entering the system.
Did you have your throttle up and just fly into the fucking thing? they can't draw you around in supercruise right now as far as i know.
My throttle was up, yes. But it took less than a second, usually you are put at a decent distance away from the object you jumped to. I guess I was put extremely close since black holes have a tiny radius compared to other stellar objects.
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> Also what stops the attacker of actually targeting the pods? Or are they easily maneuverable and can warp out like in eve? Who knows?

Believe it or not, the idea of Chris Robert is that killing people will be frowned upon.
Destroy someone's ship (fair) : 1000 bounty on your head
Kill pilot who ejected (unfair) : 10 000 bounty on your head

Silly we know... I don't understand how it got in his head that every single player behind a video game don't instantly turn into a serial&massively-parallel killer that Vanduul would be proud of.
ATV when?
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you can be dropped in supercruise rather close to objects with large drop-zones such as red dwarves, neutron stars, and black holes. they're intended to be partially hazardous and if you're not cautious you can fly into them real fast a result. doing so with a neutron star can now get you killed pretty promptly if your angle is fubar enough
Ah, that explains it. Thanks.
2 weeks

You don't know real fear until you exit a jump inside a star.
>mfw 17D is 170+ LY away

kill me now.

Just get a fuel scoop and an extra fuel tank, lad. Not too bad. What ship are you in?
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well, right now I'm in the middle of nowhere in a mining/trader type 6. but I'd probably take my Vulture parked at TZ Arietis

>my fucking face when
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Use an asp/dbe/conda/hauler taxi to get there and then transfer your combat ship. It'll take ~1 hour, though.
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You can always self destruct, anon.
cant afford the conda. of the other 3, which has the best jump range?
stop shilling your videos here, goon
Asp, but they all are pretty close.
>no video all year

is he feelin ok???
i hear he's making a new video commando o7

That's the difference between a pulsar and a more sedate neutron.
so wait, how do neutron star FSD boosts work? is it only a Horizons thing?
>bombing courier

mixed feelings.
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Well, this is an interesting system. That star is fucked. Planets do orbit around in the game, right? What will happen here because that black hole's orbit goes through the yellow star.

I thought all neutron stars in Elite was pulsars.
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It is hard to see the black hole in that picture, but it is there.
Can I repurpose my t6 for exploration?
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yo what
How can you tell if your Kill Warrant Scanner worked and you'll get the extra bounties?
Discovery Scanners have that Inception boom sound.
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it should say "completed" on the HUD right under the progress bar that fills up as you scan your target
it says "completed" on the KWS
"and after that, all the subsequent patches"

LMAO ded. He avoids saying 3.0. DS was right (again).
ayooooooo hol up CMDR
>can only pin one blueprint

but why? id pull up a website with the blueprints and alt tab anyways, so why not be able to view multiple?
"what we're aiming to do in the fairly near term"
>giving artists the tools they need to create customizable missions (3.0)

They haven't even started on it, it seems.
Fuck that's what I thought, thanks. I guess my last 3 kills were just really unwanted guys kek.
>ATV is literally an hour of Tony Z talking about pipe dreams

I used to love listening to Tony Z talk but now I'm just angry as it's nowhere near anything like that and he's constantly saying "when 3.0 rolls out it will all begin!". So where the fuck IS 3.0?

I'm bitter and mad.
>through the star

It won't. The star is orbiting the BH at the same time.

>all pulsars

They all have polar jets but that doesn't necessarily make them pulsars
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Tony Z is an alright guy, but hearing him talk about their AI every couple of months and basically always saying the same thing is somewhat concerning.
Based on the last few Tony Z videos, the S42 delay and the fact that they're still working on basic NPC shit like sitting down at a table I get the impression that their AI is fucked beyond belief and they can't get it to run the way they want it to.
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Where you exploring right now, anon?
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you're your own worst enemy in such a ship and collisions have to be avoided at all cost, you'll indeed just ram and die if you're not careful and even glance. had a few strafes at a gunship once when i had the chance in a random hazres and he did indeed sure enough clip me eventually, the build wasn't very complete back then though.

this said i never intended to be trying to go and shitbomb people running solo in such a ship, more aimed at fangdangling around in engagements where i'm not necessarily welcome while being so fast that I can't be driven off or really dealt with in a fashion that wouldn't pull someone away from a perhaps more important role than dealing with the interceptor looming around waiting to smack people's shields or condemn someone to death with an FSD disruptor while plinking away in between with a super-penetrating hammer or phasing accelerator. i've got enough leeway with the build that it could pack in a rather heavy long range gun without much speed loss on the right-side offensive mount for more versatility in engagement range.

i might add that kite-combat laden it can accommodate a 3A FSD that'll push it to 36ly in a pinch using just about the full volume of the reduced-size tank per jump, meaning that while fuck can it get around, I need to be aiming between KGBFOAM systems in order to make it viable as every jump needs to be scooped if i want to go that far. in terms of a generally fun craft that can be used for errands, mild combat, and getting around, little comes close. being potentially such a gadfly in any encounter just makes it all the better.
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> Full NPC Crew for Capital Ship comfirmed
powertripping org leader on suicide watch
Currently making my way back from SagA*. I'm done for today.

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Forgot the screenshot of my current location.
So, can I get from ranger to elite in a single trip to the core with tourists?
Why do limpets drones randomly explode when collecting debris?
If you have any material selected when you launch it, it will only collect that specific material. Make sure to unselect before you launch them.
What time?
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So it seems like 3.0 closer to christmas?
I'm pretty sure they're going to give us 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.6.5 +++++++ every other month with minor bug fixes to buy time for the 3.0 team to fix the AI.
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Only 1 year delay!
On top of the 2 year delay, of course.
Plus the 3 month delay of 2.6.

But at least we get a flight balance (spending 5 minutes tweaking an xml file) and some bug fixes.
That sounds pretty cool. I've just bought ED last week, how exactly do I take advantage of this?
They also time out, how long depends on your conrtoller.
They're retarded and will crash into wreckage and asteroids
It's around this, frankly you can just watch the entirety of their Q&A it's interesting
This seems to be the case
Do you have a heavily armed combat ship? Because it involves going into conflict zones and killing AIs in other heavily armed combat ships.
Is there a faster way to Navy rank in the Fed? Trying to get the Sol permit but each mission only give be a few percent.
I figure this is the norm, but maybe there are mission the have a better percentage boost?
I have a Python but I can only afford or power multi cannons and pulse lasers at the moment.
No confirmation of full NPC capitals there.

The question was never "will capitals have tons of NPCs?" the Bengal is listed as needing hundreds of crew, 100% player crew will likely be impossible (and boring if it was).
The question discussed here was "will taking a capital ship out as the only player on it be viable?"
Not that they couldn't do that. I just don't think they will for gameplay reasons.
>Some of the factions there are in civil war
>Stack those massacre missions by swapping through Open/Solo
>Hop into one of the conflict zones and kill shit
>Get to Allied status for million+ payouts
You used to be able to kill skimmers with dumbfires on the cheap at Faraday Keep but Fdev hates fun and killed it.
If you're shields are good enough and you know how to fly, you should be good. Just retreat if shit gets hairy.
Just be aware your opponents will apply plasma accelerators and railguns liberally, and they will all have shield boosters and military bulkheads.
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>buy AI modules to plug in to ship consoles
>no need for NPC crew
How BTFO do you think those shitposters are right now? The ones who tell you to kill yourself if you think you should be able to hire as many as you want for your capital ship?

I think they're probably typing refund emails right now.

game never

I'm doing alien ruins grinding right now, but this sounds way more lucrative. Exactly how good does my ship need to be to pull this off? I'm in a Viper IV right now with more than enough in the bank to outfit it with whatever I'd need. (Working towards corvette)

I started yesterday.
Viper mk3 here, Really like this ship. Whats to add to my garage next? I need something more than just a dedicated bounty hunter/hit an run in conflict zone boat.
Why? Solo capitals being viable just means the meta shifts to solo capitals. That is if anything in that video had confirmed that.
Just don't expect to see many player fighters and bombers around if that happens.
Enhanced performance thrusters for your viper.
>the meta shifts to solo capitals
LOL no it doesn't. Players will be more useful than NPCs. Unless you have to pay over the top prices to hire 99% accuracy aimbots and literally "pay2win" with their cash shop, players will always be better.

I'd take 10 players in to a serious battle before I'd take 10 NPCs.
10 players all in their own solo capitals, yes
>I'd take 10 players in to a serious battle before I'd take 10 NPCs.

t. player who hasn't played overwatch or dota with other people
But you just said it's solo viable?

So it will be like Elite.
>Another balance pass coming.
What are the odds that we get Cruise mode back?

>Outposts look like they are from NMS.
Was that supposed to be impressive or just informative?

>Solo cap ships confirmed.
This is good news for pirates. The current AI is shit tier, barely. If the NPCs you can hire are as capable as the enemies in the game are now, a solo player should not be a threat.

>Multiple concurrent reputations.
Dapper gentleman pirate that heals you up and treats you to tea after jacking you for your ship confirmed?

>NPCs have memory of your actions and will judge you based on them.
Can you force AI to work for you and then be cruel to them in order to make them hate you and hate life as much as possible? I got a bit of a chub typing that.
>What are the odds that we get Cruise mode back?

We've got cruise mode in a less broken state thoiugh
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There goes any hope of S42 or 3.0 releasing anytime before Q4 this year
Not really arguing for or against cruise. Another way of saying it:

>What are the chances CIG will undo a bunch of work they took a lot of time to do in the first place?
Unless you define an argument I can't respond properly.

Are you saying viable = able to beat people using NPCs? Or are you saying viable = meta imbalanced and overpowered? Or are you saying viable = a player is able to hire NPCs in a capital ship? Because yes, they are viable, you just saw them say so in AtV. You can hire NPCs or even AI modules to take over roles on your ship. Get over it.

Terrible nu-gamers who play flavor of the month shooters aren't a good representation of players who work together in online PC games.

>has a problem with fleets in star citizen
Do you have a problem with 10 hornets killing a solo player in their hornet? Because there were more of them, etc.

Too bad that CIG disagrees with you. Tony and Chris are much better at game design than you, and I've been vindicated for trying to educate you how hiring solo NPCs isn't a problem.

Just some friendly advice, the problem you have with this issue comes from your envy of others.

>entitled nu-gamer
Why would they
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>literally no thread for 6 hours
>current thread devolved into "muh solo npc fleet" "muh wifes son" "I'm going to earn a javelin inside 1 week of casual gameplay"
>Do you have a problem with 10 hornets killing a solo player in their hornet? Because there were more of them, etc.

No, I'd have a problem with solo captials allowing 5v5 fights to be capital warfare that rejects any player that wants to fly a fighter. Cool your autism.
>trying to educate you how hiring solo NPCs isn't a problem.

And he isn't envious of your ship dude, he just doesn't want the game to revolve around soloing the biggest ships.
The Bengal being the only thing people get on one ship for would suck.
Star Citizen turning into Starsector is the spiciest topic this general gets, goons wish they were this abrasive
completely off top posts and i'm reporting but you can purchase all manner of racks, shelves, and storage furniture at places like bed bath and beyond, department stores, home depot any day of the week anon
Why are they making more balance passes? What has changed since 2.6 launched that make another change to the flight necessary? The first wave after Evocati got version H, and what was the release candidate version, R?

Literally dozens of balance passes already, they can't slow the ships down any more without it being comical, the only way to go is up.

Enjoy your solo cap ship forever alone guy, because I'm going to enjoy taking it away from you.
>Literally dozens of balance passes already, they can't slow the ships down any more without it being comical, the only way to go is up.

You think the only balance pass on flight is to add cruise back in? a thousand things they could do.

Can someone confirm this is still going on

I don't want to make the trip and find out there's a cease fire or some shit
Had a couple of close calls but I've made 5mil+ in the past hour at least, now the rewards are starting to go up. Is this supposed to be bugged because I entered the conflict, killed one guy and about 5 missions completed?
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it still works. made the trip in a hauler. just made ~10M credits. and I wasn't even allied with the faction. should make a metric shitload more this next pass
One kill counts for all of them.
I'll try to lay out why I think solo capitals will never be viable based on game design directions I expect them to take.
If the state of the game one year from release is everyone in their very own capital ship duking it out, it would leave all the players who joined in later with pretty much nothing to do besides grinding, because all dynamic events/community shit would be scaled for the average Joe in his SDSD Freudian Nightmare. Discouraging new players is an effective way to kill a game so they will have to gate the amount of capships somehow.

That's why I expect them to gate the number of capital ships in one of two ways:

>Make capships pain in the ass to fly alone.
And you won't be flying it solo unles you're a masochist.
> Make the grind for them really fucking painful.
Which would limit the number of players who can grind for them or buy them for cash, but it would mean that wallet warriors would be willing to pay literal tens of thousands of dollars to fly one. This would very likely cause many autists to make it their literal full time job to scam/take by force the ship of any Han Flyin'Solo they could find for that mad grey market dosh.

tl;dr: Flying capital ships will be either extremely painful for you, or you'll be dryhumped by hordes of profit seeking autists every time you take your ship for a ride.
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>Enjoy your solo cap ship forever alone guy, because I'm going to enjoy taking it away from you
Exactly. That's what I've been arguing. Embrace it. How does it feel to realize I was right?
If you get surrounded these guys will wreck your shit pretty quickly. If you're careful and stay with a group of friendlies and stay away from large groups of enemies.
>17 drac is back

Can you hear the constant winding up of friendship drives of /edg/lords going to make their fortunes?
Well, lets break down the common complaints about the current combat. Feel free to add anything you think I miss.

>As soon as you run out of boost you are dead.

It was explained that boost would use more energy than AB, on the whole, because you would have multiple thrusters engaged.
The same stupid people who were jousting in 2.5 are boost-jousting in 2.6. The match ups are decided by boost capacity, not any real skill.
If you spend any amount of time racing, you will know that >70% people can not negotiate a turn in their ship because they have no idea how speed affects their turning circle, hence they fly at full throttle and go screaming past the first turn, off the track, every time.

The solution to combat and racing is to dramatically increase the top speeds of all the ships, at least double what the max speeds are now. Eliminate AB, and make the throttle one sweep from zero thrust to top speed. This will force people to slow down in order to turn, and make using the throttle an integral control, like it should be. Another benefit is that precision mode is now a critical necessity instead of an option.

It's just numbers on a screen. You can't prove, in game, how fast you are going as an absolute number, beyond a certain speed. Time over distance is irrelevant here, they could make the display say anything at all and we would not know any better.
wew holy shit

I don't see fighters mentioned in that image though commando
>"solo capitals will be viable"
>"well I'm going to steal it"
>"actually they won't be viable so I'm right"


Do you want Elite or not?
They don't understand that TEST in their 50,000 fleet of Auroras against a single person in an aurora is fair, exactly like 5 people in 5 Javelins against a single aurora is fair.

The issue is their envy, not fleet dynamics.

>encounter 50,000 auroras
>run away because you can't win

>encounter 5 Javelins run by 5 players in the same place
>go on the forums and cry about it because it's not fair how you can't take them on and win
Define viable, because you don't have an argument.

I should be able to hire crew to fly my Solo javelin around the PU. If better players take it off me because NPCs aren't as good as players, that's fair. It's ideal, to me.

Bad game designers are the ones who want to limit gameplay possibilities and force their shit ideas on to others.

My idea doesn't force anything, it opens up gameplay and gives people options. Shouting down NPC crews is taking away gameplay.
>the the order
No idea who you are. I never argued against anyone having anything in any game. I'm not a scrub. If you find an exploit, I'm going to copy you, do it better than you, and see if I can't break it open more. I'm Machiavellian as fuck, please give me an opening to ruin you.

I'll never complain about someone getting ahead or finding a loophole or gaining an edge, usually because I'm too busy trying to get those things for myself. If you think I want things to be fair for anyone, in any way, you got the wrong anon, friendo.
Stop saying envy, that is not the reason.

So why exactly do you want to fly your Javelin solo? Would you want to fly a Bengal solo?
Multicrew was a mistake.
>So why exactly do you want to fly your Javelin solo?
Because it sounds fun. It opens up more gameplay options. For example instead of spamming chat for an hour to find a group of people willing to take orders from you on spectrum and sit at pointless consoles tweaking little displays, you can ask those people to fly escort fighters instead, or repair things or be boarding parties. It also accommodates roleplay and coordinated fleet battles.

Don't you think it's ironic that there are several boarding ships in the game, and hardly anyone will be able to dedicate their play style to be a drop trooper if these whiners had their own way? They'd be stuck at consoles all the time, it's boring. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear about AI modules, I think that will be great. More expensive than NPCs maybe, but definitely a good investment if you don't want to rely too much on others.

>Would you want to fly a Bengal solo?
Not really, unless it was just a casual play session while my org mates landed their ships on my deck while I fly it around. Unless it had a bunch of firepower and could be fun in fleet battles.
expecting competence from FDev
>For example instead of spamming chat for an hour to find a group of people willing to take orders from you on spectrum and sit at pointless consoles tweaking little displays

Oh I always wanted that to be the case. No one wants to sit in engine room.

As always we're all just going to have to disagree with each other and wait until any of these mechanics exist.
I like your whole post. You basically embrace the freedom of what I'm arguing for. I'm in favor of stealing whale ships. I want them to have NPC crews. I want to steal them and teabag their corpse while reading their PMs. I want everyone to have options. I've played too many shit games since 2010 to tolerate garbage and limited design.
Holy shit how long do these civil wars last? I'm already getting 5million cr missions now I'm at friendly rep and 8million+ are starting to show up for allied. I had no idea you could make this much.
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That's the whole point of this game isn't it? The gloves are off, sort of. The best spess man wins.

I'm boosting there now. How hard are the fights?
It varies. Could be days. Could be weeks.
The big thing recently was that skimmers counted for the Massacre missions, and you could just go pop those all day with no resistance and make 200m/hr. There was a settlement controlled by the target faction that spawned skimmers and had no base defenses except a random npc ship.

They did patch that, to where skimmers don't count for regular massacre missions anymore. It's still grindable for massacre missions by going to the CZ, but no more special than any other system handing out massacre missions with CZs atm.

There are still massacre skimmer missions but those are a separate thing entirely and want you to attack a specific settlement. The thing with 17D was that you got a regular massacre mission to destroy a faction's ships, but skimmers counted towards those ships.
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Your comic was almost good, so I fixed it for you.
So what makes 17 Draconis special? Why can't this be done in any system that has a civil war?
But he didn't confirm you'll be able to fly your Javelin solo.
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>Has fun getting teabagged.
I am not judging you at all, just observing.
>he can't read

Logical extension of their statement regarding hiring as many crew as necessary.

NPC + AI modules will probably be all you need, while you sit in the pilot seat. A 'commander' or navigator might be necessary but people who want to play solo would just complain and get their own way.
I had to be careful at first but it's not too bad now I've upgraded my shields and hull. I've been grinding less than 2 hours and I'm just about to go back out with over 50 million worth of missions open at friendly rep. If you have any spare money and a donate mission comes up take it to advance more quickly you'll have no trouble making it back.
Missions are in-system and skimmers used to count for massacre missions and there's a convenient base to bomb.
Wait wasn't needing to group up one of those things stopping SC being grossly p2w?
Or stopping the game having unending vertical progression like Elite does?
Ignore the cap ship debate in here its a settled issue and the people who think they will be able to solo a cap are delusional and in denial.
>settled issue
True. They will be soloable.
you will be able to start the ship and move it around solo. You will be able to hire a small (3 to 5 tops) complement of NPCs to man gunnery or engineering stations.

you will have no combat effectiveness at all in ships larger than like a starfarer.

Something like a polaris will be both defenseless and in offensively ineffective with a single human on board.
>you will be able to start the ship and move it around solo
So... flyable solo? That's what I said.
why are you faggots all obsessed with capital ships being viable solo?
only niggers think that its a good idea to fly it solo
only niggers think capital ships will become meta
only niggers think capital ships are worth for a single individual
what do you want to do with a solo cap ship?
fight 1v100 ?
fight a whole org?
do an ICC mission with a 155 meter long ship?
it would take you 30 minutes to get out your pilot seat and move to an exit
Because he bought one.
And can't socialize.
>what would you want to <explore X mechanic for?
>to <insert lots of ideas for fun and emergent gameplay here>?
>haha, you sound stupid, nigger
really you'd have to be insane to want to be in one of those things alone, things the size of the starfarer and caterpillar are already fucking spooky when you're alone and paranoid, even in a constellation or freelancer it's easy for stowaways to hide and get the drop on you. after a couple times getting shot in the back of the head and waiting a week to get their ship back they'll leave it in the hangar unless they have crew.
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>one player swatting 100 lesser poorfag plebs
>fun and emergent gameplay
Stop posting shit-tier pictures.

You don't really think 100 players can't take out a solo Idris, do you?
They want to
1) wave their dicks around.
2) win pvp by being a giant ship with impenetrable shields and massive guns.
3) be autistic as fuck and play the cap ship solo without have to be a tolerable human capable of maintaining cooperative relationships with other humans
4) be a shithead without consequence because they're in a cap ship and are beyond the retaliatory power of the average individual.
5) exercise the power of a group without being part of a group.
6) win contests by paying currency.

It really does boil down to autism. Leetists want to be the best rated fighter jock, autists want to feel like leetists by engaging in unfair fights. People who want solo caps are the same people who gank lowbies in WoW. They want to pretend they're good at the game in general and pvp in particular without actually being good. They don;t want parity of power between players, they want a massive advantage so that they can feel tough while actually being completely safe from harm.

And I'm saying this as a dude that owns a polaris, Caps should and will require multiple actual humans to operate beyond simple mobility. Large multicrews will be the same. If you want to be an autistic loner with no friends because you are so personally intolerable that you literally cannot cooperate with another person then you will be stuck in ships about the size of a constellation or smaller. Meaning ships that a solo leetist in a Superhornet will still be able to shit on.
I dont think 100 players can be in one area.
>multicrew ships in ED and SC
Kinda new, what are the other players supposed to do exactly?
In SWG multicrew ships (POB) you could have a co-pilot manage the droid commands, but those were only a few and it could get boring. At some point it was changed so turret fellows could also activate them so you didn't really need a co-pilot.
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Doesn't matter specifically how many it takes cunt, you're still pushing the power of individual players to absurd differences.

>exercise the power of a group without being part of a group.
This, this is the entire point of getting in a capital ship.
You work together to become more powerful than a handful of fighters would be.
You don't get to do that alone, that's the equivalent of multiboxing.
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>mfw just got baron

h-how is the grind to baron compared to the grind to duke
>go to 17 drac conflict zone
>join faction against the order
>check transactions
>none of my kills are counting for the missions

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>tfw no 2.7
>have to wait until 3.0 before PU gets a supposed network fix to be able to play this game
I know right, I can't fly your Cutlass Red or anything
This happened to me the first time I tried Massacre missions and I never found out why. I just abandoned the mission.
anyone else getting this weird black screen bug in ED? its almost like I'm DCing from the server, but whatever I'm doing ATM still counts.
breaking something complex down to variables is always a good idea for people to understand the idea behind it.
you completely failed though, nigger.
I fucking hate autists man
You're 100% right.
Do these guys even know how fucking big the cap ships will be?
You could be boarded my 5 teams (who dont know they're boarding the same ship at the same time) and no one would know what the fuck is happening.
God fucking bless CR told us that flying a cap ship isnt automatically an instant win
well summarized my fellow anon
nigger goon
2.6.1 should fix the FPS a bit
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>plan to buy modules at Paradiso because I slimmed down for faster better jumps
>it's all F and G garbage
>nearest system with good modules is 200ly away

>low intensity conflict
>everyone is packing railguns and plasma accelerators
New to this game

What the fuck is the 'meta' for ED

I was told "Energy on your biggest, kinetics below that". Also are gimbal and turrets better than fixed? Or is the damage offset not worth the accuracy trade (assuming I can aim worth a damn)
>be a whale
>decide it's time to take the Idris-M out because you lost your Javvy flying solo, and it will be a week before the next one is ready.
>need to be careful with this one, only 2 more flyable cap ships other than this one. Might have to hang out at ArcCorp instead.
>been buying UEC at the cap every day for three weeks straight, now it's time for payback.
>buy the best, top tier NPCs for each position. No expense is spared. Almost 40 crew members are replaced with the best AI money can buy.
>got to ease into this kind of power and feel it out. No rush, I bought the permanent crew. They are here to stay.
>what would Star Fleet do?
>maiden voyage of the Kouhai Hikikomori will be to do some I.C.C. missions to honeymoon the crew.
>tfw you got a sweet name for your ship but no one sees it because no one does these starter missions anymore since real jobs are available.
>oh well, better spend some time cultivating my relationships with the crew, not only to keep them happy, but because I'm a good cap'n.
>are they ever going to fix that airlock sound bug?
>Ain't Nobody Got Time For That (Original + AutoTune)
>feels like I've worn a groove in space going back and forth to the I.C.C. probe, but Tess thinks that the ship and I are ready for bigger things, and also she doesn't have any more missions.
>time to go destroy some pleb scum miners. They won't stand a chance. This will be like Mike Tyson fighting moot.
>but first, what is with that fucking airlock? They said the premium NPCs were not meant for the maintenance NPC positions, I wonder if their AI is bugged and triggering the door or something?
>tfw you're the cap'n, but you can't order someone to go investigate weird noises, so you have to go look yourself.
>go through 12 doors and down 7 decks to reach the cargo area. I don't hear the airlock sound anymore. I'm going to be pissed if it was nothing.
>unlock main cargo door and start opening sequence.
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no it's more nuanced than that

there's four classes of damage and they go kinetic thermal explosive and absolute which is only dealt in 60% part by plasma accelerators. absolute deals flat damage beneath all resistances except raw SYS pips to my knowledge

kinetic and explosive shred hull once you worm your way beneath an opponent's shields, they can be countered in part with expensive reactive armor plating for your ship but reduces your capacity for thermal resistance. typical hull is irresistive to these two classes of damage.

thermal is most effective against shields as they are naturally irresistive to this damage type, and isn't quite as good on hull. can be super-countered with mirrored plating but that too can be expensive and you take a kin/exp hit.

fixed weapons deal the outright most damage but require skill on the player's part to effectively level-with-target and use. they are not dumb and have a small arc of gimbal themselves right where the pips sit so you're hardly being shafted. more maneuverable ships able to swing on a target typically get the most mileage

gimbals sit in the middle of damage, work around a frontal, larger arc and introduce somewhat-inherent accuracy problems as the computer struggles to hover the gun over where it needs to fire. they do less DPS but can grant you potentially enormous opportunity cost as you will be able to fire at targets off-axis with your ship with ease, increasing overall enemy fire exposure. sensor grade now contributes in how effective these are in their transverse ability.

turrets can swing the hell around 360 degrees on their surface, limited only by the contours of the ship. they deal the least overall dps, cost the most per module, and offer the greatest potential opportunity cost to be gained with slower ships incapable of turning as quickly. reasonably versatile but limited for very serious application in my eyes for most snakes.

chaff counters gimbals and turrets, fixed guns dgaf
>door finishes opening to reveal 15 griefers who try to call themselves pirates who have gathered in the cargo area.
>they thank me for unlocking the door and tell me they are taking the ship and I can leave in an Aurora if I want. Like fucking hell.
>it's time to throw down knee grow.
>stupid faggots are gonna learn. I got cheat engine now. They aren't stopping it in SM, I can slay these normie assholes with ease and be on my way.
>tfw you cheat and still get pwned, not because you don't practice at all, but because your waifu was folded weird and you weren't comfy enough to concentrate.
>i'm totally reporting these assholes this time, this has to stop.
>why the fuck do CIG nazi mods keep telling me that boarding parties are part of the game? How am I supposed to report all these cheaters if I keep getting banned from Spectrum?
>tfw the new captain of your ten benji ship taunts you in chat by offering you a crew spot.
>he is obviously multi boxing. All these "other players" keep telling me the guy is really nice and he might give me my ship back if I come play with him and his friends.
>he must think I'm the stupidest person on the planet.
>that's some stupid bait if I've ever heard it.
>i'm way smarter than they realize. They don't know how powerful I really am.
>agree to be part of griefer's crew. I'm going to double cross the fuck out of this guy.
>stupid idiot doesn't realize this is still my ship. All I have to do is sit in the pilot's chair and initiate the self destruct. Aloha snackbar motherfucker!
>captain ruins games offers for me to sit in the captain's chair after he defiled it by sitting in it. Got to keep up appearances. Politely decline and offer my services as pilot.
>retard thanks me and say I can have whatever spot I want.
>rush the pilot's seat and kick out the dumb fuck NPC. Immediately hit self destruct. Take out captain no one believes you and 20 other people that were having fun at my expense.
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Imagine if they caved into the whales who cried about losing ships during the actual launch and made the respawn timers much, much shorter.
>loling so hard it literally hurts, got to take a break. What happens online does affect you in real life, huh.
> these losers are probably plebbitors, guess I'll go lurk and drink some griefer tears when they complain about getting owned by a true space cap'n.
>there are several posts mentioning a fun play session on an Idris, that can't be it. Surely those retards are raging at how I got even with them.
>check one of the posts to see if maybe they mention my Idris and point me the right way.
>tfw you're in bizarro world because surely these people understand I had every right to blow up my own ship, and I am certainly not a griefer.
>reply to the post and out myself as the true cap'n of the Kouhai Hikikomori and explain that I owned the ship and I didn't like that griefers had taken my ship and explained that under intergalactic law, I had every right to scuttle my ship since it was taken illegally.
>tfw you're banned from Spectrum and banned and muted from every SC sub, but you own the Completionist and are actually untouchable.
When is CIG going to fix the airlock doors so they lock when I sit in the cap'n's chair? Should be a no brainer.

Fuck off retard we're finished with this topic
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Roberts bless you, anon.

Triggering faggots like you is why I write.

Hard as a diamond right now.
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>writing all that for one line
enjoyed reading it
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>when u functionally god in such a fast ship with 6971 rebuys for it
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Could you go over that one more time for me? I'm a little slow on the uptake.
whats the fastest thing I can get to elite for founders world access
Efficient beams and fixed cannons are where it's at nigga.
not using passenger missions to get elite in exploration and then use founders world to make ships
Trading, I think, is the fastest. Just try not kill yourself.
>have to make 1 billion space shekels to get elite in trading

killing myself
no you only have to earn 150 mil and passenger missions give out 1-20 mil depending if your lucky or not also its the sightseeing ones that i mean
>tiny population military economy
>buy modules

Dun goof'd.
Passenger missions count toward explorer rank?
the sightseeing ones

Why would you put your kinetics on your smaller hardpoints?

Kinetics are used against the hull, and hull is where armor toughness comes into play, causing smaller weapons to do reduced damage to bigger hulls.
its fucking broken because i was able 20% in the last rank before elite per day
I want a flying tank. A brick with lots of guns strapped onto it.

Which ship in Elite is best for this?
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when chona is on lock down
fuck my bad but i would look at the corvette
Oh God that's going to take a fuckbillion years to get. It doesn't have to be the best at it, just something that can tank a lot of hits and strap on a bunch of firepower
well alot of the fedreal ships are pretty tanky there was one instance not to long ago where the tactic used for the drop ship was to ram your face into there face

Federal Gunship.

If I made my way out to 17 Draconis as a total newbie, could I be carried by friends, or do I have to actually shoot at them and contribute
you have to shoot at them but you don't have to 'contribute'

if you land one shot on them and they explode it counts iirc
Oh man this looks fun as hell. Time to grind some Fed rank.
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Think it's worth heading out there in open to see if I can piggyback from outside of wing
This is the second time in less than an hour of running 17D and my game blanks out with a black screen to where I have to end the process. What the fuck is this about?

>doing anything like this in open

You're going to get shitstomped. The Fed faction gives out missions, but the pirate faction does as well. There's going to be a lot of people there probably in fully engineered Corvettes and Annies shooting each other with railguns and you're going to get caught in the crossfire.

Just go solo and hope to shit that enemies in CZs are leveled so you don't run into every fucking ship in there having infinite ammo railguns like I have been.
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>Fly out to the low conflict zone
>Choose New 17 faction
>Dodging Plasma and rail constantly


>people complain NPCs are braindead, which they were
>FD fixes this by giving tham rails that ignore heat, often with engie mods

Welcome to the VISION.

When you first drop into the CZ, reverse or turn around and get some distance. Don't choose your faction right away and fly into the center. Once you can see the furball and you let everyone pick their targets, go ahead and choose your faction and fly into the fray. Find a Corvette or Anaconda and fly with it, it is now your battle buddy. Fight whatever it fights. If shit gets too hot and you can't shake off enemies (especially if they're spamming you with plasma, and double especially if you're in a large ship), jump out and wait for your shields to recharge, then jump back in and repeat. Return to the station to repair if you have to. Remember that reloading your shield cell banks is much cheaper than having to foot a repair bill.

Went in solo but my weapons are F, for fucking awful.

What's the nearest half decent place to upgrade?
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this was a good decision
It does it to everyone its a known issue.
meant to link to

Yeah and from the research I did, it's been a known issue for over six fucking months.
go to Fehu and do scan missions. I was getting 6% per stack of mission from Marquis to Duke. It was by far the most effective way to grind imp rank. extra cash wasn't that bad.
>The Fed faction gives out missions, but the pirate faction does as well. There's going to be a lot of people there probably in fully engineered Corvettes and Annies shooting each other with railguns and you're going to get caught in the crossfire.

literally nobody sides with the Order. I'm out there now in a Vulture. everyone's just shooting the shit in public chat in between shitstomping the waves of Order ships.

that being said, I wouldn't recommend anything weaker than a Vulture simply because the NPCs are packing some serious heat for it being a low intensity CZ. the fucking suicide bomber railgun eagles are the worst.
its been happening to me too. oddly enough, its usually right as I destroy a ship.

I've got a Viper IV but my weapons feel like pea shooters. Not even noticable damage in solo, let alone open.
yeah, def get at least a vulture or better first. farm RES for a while if you have to.

Don't worry about missing out. 17 Drac goes into civil war every week or so. Not to mention others like Fehu also have pretty good civil war massacre mission payouts. Massacre missions were just fixed and everyone is doing them as intended so just focus on getting a solid A rated combat ship of at least a Python/Vulture/FDL/Xship and maybe some engineer stuff for it.
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goddammit why is it not giving me the 5mil and up ones anymore?

can you only hold so many at a time or something?
It takes more than an hour for me to stack all 15mil+ missions.
Why does your shitty game's GUI have to be in one color always, doesn't that grate on you at all?
what are you talking about? all I did was change the orange to purple.
I like elite dangerous.... but i didnt played it very much...... i bought it since like.... june 2014, when it was still not even finished ... the game was in beta....
i really liked it , and i wish i could play again... but i know its stupid, but the main reason i stopped playing is... my favorites ships i so wanted to pilot,.... the pilot seat was at the right of the cockpit, and like i didnt wanted that... i wanted to pilot at the left like my country... and just for that i stopped playing cuz it were my favs ships and we cant change the pilot seating, so it was bad....

i mean, the adder, and the imperial ships, were the ones i wanted to play the much...

beside this, the game is a big game....

i came to elite dangerous.... because , i dunno if you know them, but the old videogame ' elite 2: frontier' on the pc.... was a true 'iconic game..... really unique and crazy.....

because elite 2 frontier, was like a game from the early 90s.... so , limited in size and graphics..... yet..... the creator made a beautiful game that is so huge... it was a whole galaxy ( 100 billions star systems ), all generated, that you are inside, and go where you want....

so elite dangerous is kinda like a followup game of the franchise, but willing to put that at today's possibilities ( realistic graphics, more and more features, and online play )
anyways.... i guess another big thing that i dont like about elite dangerous, is the fact that its an ' online only' game......

it cant play like the previous titles of the franchise, which is an offline game...
that looks like my old monitor when its VGA connector broke
am I the only one here who likes purple?

fuck, at least it doesn't burn my retinas like the orange.
it's not that it's purple, it's the fact that it's pink-purple
What will be developed first, Star citizen or general artificial intelligence? If artificial intelligence gets developed first, will it able to develop better space sim before star citizen gets released?
Remember in November when cultists said they would probably be getting 3.0 in December? Remember at the end of December when cultists said they would probably be getting 3.0 in or before March?

Taking money from them is like taking candy from a baby without parents who was abandoned on a doorstep. Also the baby has no arms and legs, and its mouth is taped up. And its paralysed, blind, and deaf.
> taking candy from a baby
>Also the baby has no arms and legs, and its mouth is taped up. And its paralysed, blind, and deaf.
How did the baby get the candy in the first place?
Also how does said baby own any candy at all, it can't even hold it
The stranger who left it there also dropped off a bag of assorted candies, obviously.
doesn't make it the babby's candy
I feel as if you mighty be deliberately missing the point.
The thought of space scares the fuck outta me like nothing else, but even if every jump to a new system makes my heart skip a beat I am still awestruck by the beauty of it all (I seriously wish we could choose how close we are to the stars when we jump however)
Is the Diamondback Scout better than a Viper mk III for aggressive dogfighting?

Also, why isnt there a free tutorial or something for people to test the game a little?
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>literally nobody sides with the Order
tfw in conflict zone and weaving in and out of enemy ships and like BLAM BLAM BLAM gank all the mother fuckers god damn i feel like such a bad ass this is the greatest fuckign game ever why couldnt i be born 1000 years later so i coudl do this shit irl ffs
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They're fucked
You'd be one of those 10 trillion peasants.
I had no idea what I was doing and they seemed to have much more massacre missions on offer at the time. It did the trick though I only spent a couple of hours on it but was already getting 6 million credit missions by the time I stopped last night.
>The The Order ships
>The The
Good band
>Chris roberts doesn't have a star citizen tattoo but a number of fucking fans do.
Cool it down boys.
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You think this is real boys?
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I don't even know anymore
at this point does it matter?
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I wish space sims had never made a resurgence so I would never had to acknowledge these people.
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Any large fan base has these people stop being a baby.
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Why does this one have so many
space sims cater to autists for starters
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Please help the Order.
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fuck the order, I want my Corvette
What's the Courier even good for?
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excited about star citizen

today's the day
prepare to wait four years, anon
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Someone posted these on r/starcitizen as inspiration for first gen planetary play construction. and like god damn thats neat as hell. They cost $43,000 which is more than my two story 3 three bedroom with a full attic and basement house, but Imagine cart a bunch of those and maybe a few larger structures out to some backwater world in the racks of a starfarer to set up an Ad Hoc base.
Oh fuck me >>166728140

todays the day for what?
I'm out of the loop. What is significant about today?
I'm going to say no, just because the viper has more internals. Otherwise, they're pretty close.
Does anyone know offhand how many more hours until the "server tick" happens for ED?
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Thx brabo.

Now, what passenger missions are the best to level up my exploration rank and where do I get them?
why is everyone so hyped about the idris
its the worst designed ship ever
its 240 meters long and can carry 3 gladius
Gladius: 20 m length and 16m beam
F-15: 19,5 m length and 13 m beam
Idris: 240m lenght can carry 3 gladius
USS Hancook, built during WW2, 271 meters, can carry up to 100 fighter jets.

BALANCE you autistic nigger
As an aside, the F-15 is a pretty big fighter, I doubt a ship built during WW2 can carry 100.
there is one carrier which is 332m long which can carry 85 though
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F-15 isn't carrier capable, I'm sure you could get 100 in there if you double stacked them. They are going onto and leaving the ship by crane, so it doesn't matter.
To my knowledge, you have to do sightseeing missions. Then the cash you get from the mission will be counted towards your exploration rank. Just like the money you get from exploring.

I'm currently doing >>166491776 which will net me 60MCr towards Elite. You need 150MCr exploration money for Elite rank if I remember correctly.

Just be careful so >>166605057 doesn't happen.

Where to get them? I got mine from Deciat. But they seem to pop up everywhere from time to time.
nigger doesn't get my point
even if you can stack only 50 on the carrier, thats still close to 20x more planes carried than the shitty idris
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F-15 can't fly off an Idris either, didn't matter if only had 3 or 50, leaving by crane.
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After I thought about it some more, if you were going to transport F-15s with an Idris, you would probably crate them up, since F-15s aren't meant for carrier duty. In that case I agree with the other anon, only being able to carry 3 crated up F-15s seems a little small.

We should probably make a thing about getting more room for crated up F-15s on the Idris, because this specific circumstance leaves Idris owners at a big disadvantage.

>CIG taking care of the poor Idris owners when?
I did 17D skimmers to get my Anaconda, but I miss my Python. It was so damn versatile. My Anaconda can jump 30LY and tear through Corvettes like a hot knife through butter, but I can't land anywhere but Starports and I turn like a dead whale.
Python was the first ship I fully engineered. Its a beast, a little more jump range and its perfect.
I only bothered with engineering once I got my Anaconda, but I imagine an engineered Python would feel amazing. Like a giant Cobra on speed and steroids.

Offhand question, but my friend is currently in a Vulture and keeps bitching because he gets his shields destroyed in CZs. He's looking for an upgrade but doesn't know what to get. What would be a good step up? I was thinking a Dropship or some heavy farming for a Python.
>he gets his shields destroyed in CZs
My engineered vulture doesn't have this problem.
This video spells it out.

for CZs I haven't done them in a serious capacity in anything less than my Python but I could easily see a fedship, FDL, or Vulture to be just fine engineered, especially fedship.
My non-engineered Vulture never had that problem. He really doesn't know when to back off of NPCs in a conflict zone.

I'm thinking he should get a FDS. It's tankier. He'll have to grind some rep first, though.
The problem with CZs is that you can take every tip, be extra careful and still have to deal with NPCs mobbing you as they continue to spawn in just because they aggro you first. The only way to alleviate this that doesn't waste your time fixing it is run the largest and tankiest ships and kill them as they come or play in a wing.
That earth-like in 17 Draconis looks pretty comfy. When will we be able to land on it and kill stuff on it?
In 3303
>Taking the civil war fighting to the planet itself

Jesus, Living in 17D must be absolute hell.

A endless civil war propped up by mercenary and corporate interests
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I've seen some Star Trek Online mentioned and discussed a bit here few days ago so I'll just leave a note that there's a free ship today for everyone.

Isn't The Order a crazy cult, too? FD should put some CGs there or explore 17D more.
Or nerf it into oblivion
Yes, retarded people like this need to be told and thoroughly convinced that they're retarded so they never say some dumb shit like that again. And then he'll teach Jimmy "Chris Roberts" Threesacks not to say dumbfuck shit and that tiny sector of humanity will be repaired
what tier is it?

I think FD's solution to 17D is to keep every ship with railguns and never fix the black screen bug.
sadly 5, but there is one for each faction.
there's also a tier 6 science ship to be earned for doing some minor shit from the anniversary event
That's some advanced game balancing.
aw shame, I was tempted to update and log on for that.

It kind of makes sense that the funding of this civil war and general experience of the suvivors is becoming this extreme

I can understand that too to be fair, but the black screen crash has been around for almost half a year and it's still barely even addressed by FD, and it affects more than just 17D. It took FD 3 fucking months to fix Powerplay in a time where it was completely and utterly broken, and it was finally fixed only because of community outcry. How long is it going to take them to fix CZs if the only people that usually complain are "exploiters?"
does anyone else just have missions randomly fail all the time in ED? I go to a mission board and sometimes half the missions I accept fail instantly, even shit like donation missions

I've had it happen to me once, and it was after I quickly turned in like 15 missions, so that may have something to do with it. Anything that involves mission stacking is pretty borked right now.
there's a different free thingie every day this week, they're slowly stepping up the game, started with clothes, then some skill tokens, and today a t5 ship. Who knows what will we get for the last two days, but I guess a T6 would be too much of a treat.
hmm I may update just in case. I think I'm 53 or so.
so beta for commanders is at the end of feb? mite b fun.
Happens all the time with donation missions and sometimes with others, but some never fail.
Finally bought a PC lads and been thinking about getting the freelancer since the start of 2014. Running a single 1070 card, but planning on getting another once the game comes out.

Should I just get the Freelancer, or listen to the Pastebin?
>a) game is dead before this kid is able to play and appreciate it, he never knows the significance of his middle name

>b) this kid is encouraged to play the game at the age of 5 and up, and we get to deal with shitbombs like these during crew hiring so often that voip screening and age listing become requirements
One of the passenger missions disappeared from the transactions menu right after I accepted it and now I have 5 passengers stuck in my cabin. What do?
>$43,000 which is more than my two story 3 three bedroom with a full attic and basement house

where do you live, Nairobi? Arizona? that's literally Detroit or worse pricing.
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If you wanna feel like flying a space burka, be my guest.

I would rather get a Cutlass IF the rework is good.

So..... wait with buying.

I'm waiting for the cutlass to MAYBE ugprade my Titan.
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Seems like it turned to shit when they were trying to release Star Marine. Almost as if they had no idea what they were doing and had to make something from scratch.

Who /not hopeful/ here?
kek I'll read all that red after this post, maybe, but you have to realize how bad this looks? for you? it's like ding release, ding ding ding, release release release, regular schedule, then a whole shitload of red tex where you make excuses for why things are still progressing normally (2.6 which you put in orange to make it seem questionable is still perfectly inline with the previous releases) when really you assure us they're falling apart, just not in any way we can see. just like every goon chart that gets invalidated in a month or two. now I notice that 90% of the "SHIT'S GOING BAD, CITIZENS!" content is in the future. how sad for you.
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>Not wanting to do an hero and blow up an opponent constellation

On Uni holidays, and working like a madman so i have the cash. If I want something more powerful, is a hornet a better choice? When is the cutlas being reworked?
what's the best way to do these? I've heard there's some good ways to optimize how you run the surface scan missions but I'm not sure about the strategy for it
The red text is their own words and end-of-2016 schedule which they hyped up for Citizencon and the anniversary sale. They said 2.6 was imminent with 3.0 not far behind. Now in January we have them saying how their pipeline for 3.0 isn't even set up properly yet.

If you don't believe me go back and watch some AtV and other round table / town hall videos from August - November period and see them tell us it's close.

From Citizencon 2016 to Citizencon 2017 (12 months) we were supposed to get up to 4.0 and now we're 9 months away from that target and don't even have the 2 intermediate 2.6 patches.

It's not that I'm a goon, or fearmongering, it's just that I'm noticing their delays and bullshit announcements / schedules.

It's not acceptable for them to wait for holiday sales and big marketing events to hype people up and pretend that content is closer than it actually is, and then go through months of silence hoping that people forget what you did.
>months of silence
>I'm not a goon
double lamo
>weekly AtV
>hey guize i bet you were looking forward to 3.0 news?
>haha no here's some guy from the art team to show you how we put clothes on the only male model in the game in the rush up to citizencon
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>Solo capital ship debate
>people arguing against fun

How hard will it be for people to get that bigger ship don't mean better ship?
I know 10 years of shitty game broke players' standard but that's not an excuse to be retarded.

If you have 10 players and still manage to die against 20 npc in a capital ship, it just mean you suck. We are not going to nerf a game 90% npc because you are too stupid to use torpedo bomber or play better.

And no need to fear about seeing too many capital ships, the running cost alone can make a player spend 10h grinding to captain for 1h operating one, and if that's not enough the game will be instanced & 90% npc
Capital ship being viable solo don't mean they'll be so common they'll replace Aurora for "high-level players" abandon that shitty WoW logic, it just mean that from time to time a singles player will be able to afford their running cost and have fun in any way they want.

No one care if autist feel too insecure to play a game without someone to hold their hands.

> we aren't going to build a game that lets you fly capital ships and then make it so you never get to, you can count on that.”

Not cringy enough
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He's right, you know?
>If you have 10 players and still manage to die against 20 npc in a capital ship, it just mean you suck
Exactly, but they don't want NPC crews for muh reasons.
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This STO event is good for gear upgrading, but a lot of grind required.
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Dont waste your hard earned student money on a game that we have no idea off being fun or not in the end.

You can buy the ships early 2018 instead.

CIG will most likely sell ships till the last minute before launch, and we all know that if they give us a late 2018 release date it will most likely be released in summer 2019, MAYBE.

3.0 is still far away and you wont have anything really meaningful to do until 3.2 or 3.3.
How fucking rich are you people that you can play games like these? I wish I could too :(
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I'm new to space games. Is Elite:Dangerous worth getting into? Never played any space game except 5 minutes of x2.
if you are the kinda person that just likes chill grinding then yes
How autistic are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
I forgot to mention I have a real shit rig. gtx 750 ti
I'm less than the 4chan average, but a little higher than the normal average. So like a 5?
Then you probably won't like it.
>We're pleased to confirm that Elite Dangerous: The Commanders (2.3) beta will be landing the week ending February 26!

>With the content development now reaching it's final stages, we’ll soon be able to start sharing more news and updates on exactly how the features will look and work. There will be more detail about how the core features will function in our upcoming dev spotlight as well as showcasing all of the content in our pre-beta stream!

>Look out for much anticipated features such as Multicrew and Commander Creator, as well as a number of other improvements and changes. Bring your friends or invite new crew mates to pack that extra punch you might need in key situations, and add more personality to your Commander with an all-new visual upgrade.

What space game would I like :(
You have to upgrade your autism to at least a 7.
At the moment, I would say Elite is the only space sim game worth getting into, if any is worth getting into at all. So it's not like you got much choice. Unless you want to play old games.
I just want a space sim but maybe this guys right and im not autistic enough. X2 nearly fried my brain after a few minutes. Also this Elite review on steam says every mission variant is pretty much the same thing over and over, is that true?

Personally I just want to be a space drug smuggler for people.
Well, with Elite you either awaken your inner Dad and embrace the grind, or you realise that you're doing the same thing over and over again and stop playing.
I just realized I probably have to buy the version that comes with the expansion too. Fuck. Thats a lot more money.
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Wait for 3.0, don't forget to buy the season pass.
Maybe. It is impossible for any of us, or anyone else to know if you will enjoy Elite. Can you set your own goals, or do you want games to do it for you and just follow along.
Just play Eve.
I don't know what im looking at.
Eve has always seemed autistic as fuck to me.
I think I know what im looking at now but what are the odds I can register and download this game in time.
B-but its fun, and you can bully carebears
I cant afford monthly shit.
Can someone please respond.
I'm interested in this debate.
Turrets, power managment n shiet. Nothing interesting.
Pretty sure I read or heard something that a 4 manned ship should be as good as 4 1 manned ships or something like that.
>Nothing interesting.
You can literally your ship with your palls. How is that not cool, y'know what im sayin?
Impossible for that to be the case unless manned crew stations are cheat code generators
Everybody wants to be Kirk. No one wants to be Scotty
Yeah, but your pals want to their ships with you.
>Wait for 3.0
Just like Star Citizen.

E:D = vision
SC = fidelity
Dunno about ED, but in SC other crew members will manage stuff like shield energy distribution, sensors and scanning, turrets if there are any...

There's also repairs, which will be done manually by walking up to the damaged component (could be right next to you or on the opposite corner of the ship depending on where the enemy is hitting you) and either fixing it or replacing it altogether.
>common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary npc crew members
>each gives stats boost
>autopilot ncp to fly through cruise mode(cash shop only)
Cant you have a drone on ship to handle this crap? Why would you go to malfunction component by yourself, chocking to death from smoke?
We're all just waiting for space sims to become good again aren't we? We'll have actual IRL hyperdrives before then.
Waiting for a good space sim (to be finished) is like watching a person enter a black hole.
They could fly the SLF
Or they could fly an actual ship.
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I'm pretty sure SpaceX will have a man on the Moon before SC to be released and ED to get good.
SpaceX has no interest in the moon
Are there plastic surgeons in the year 3303?
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Uranus then! Fuck!
how do I know what space sim is right for me?
You can hire NPCs as crew members and make them do whatever task you don't want to do.
>do you like autistic grinding?
>do you like throwing money at something that will never happen?
Do I need to get the expansion or is it for gay nerds?
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Of course you do.
Hey its a "buy my game" meme for autists! This is neat!
>do you like autistic grinding?
Star Trek Online. It's got more content than E:D but no first person ship combat.
Is STO a space sim?
Im buying E:D without the expansion.
Am I retarded?
No memes please.
I play Space Engine and know exactly what you're talking about
Not in the beginning. But you want to eventually get it so you can modify your ship components. It also allows you to land on planets without any atmosphere, usually to do missions or collect materials for said modifications.
Thanks. Makes the game sound better now!
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I think simulation is subjective.
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>Did not get the pun
t. autist that hates fun
Final question for E:D

K+M or Joystick?
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k+m is good enough.
Either is fine to my knowledge, you won't be at a disadvantage if you're using K+M. Some even argue it is the best controls for PvP.
What are the pedals used for?
that would make for some exciting gameplay though

>human crew all gets slaughtered by enemy assassin
>just you and the assassin left on the ship in a tense duel of cat and mouse
>as a bonus your ship could be heavily damaged and stuck in deep space
I bought a game for the first time in years.
I bought E:D.
Im autistic now.
>not intentionally ignoring "Uranus huehue" puns
You should be tending to your wife's son.
Wait, are you considered a dad if it's your wife's son? Because if you are not, then who are flying all the cobras.......
wives are for cucks anon.
Fuck off.
rust belt New York
Make sure to fix the default K+M controls if you're planning on using them.

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this has already happened to me numerous times, pic related.
>cheeky fuckers in edgy armor slinking around my ship on Olisar
>run up to the cockpit, already a pirate heavy in the pilot's seat
>hide in the lower bunks until we launch
>he fakes me out by dropping from quantum immediately
>catches me on the ladder and kills me
>respawn and give chase in mustang, still have hud marker for the ship
>they're being shits and idling between designated jumps
>eventually they try to come back to Olisar but get run off by security
>finally catch them unawares at kareah trying to drop their crimestat
>sneak on board and wait for them at the loading elevator
>ship starts taking off, wtf
>someone /else/ got on before me and is stealing my ship from the thieves
>waltz on up and blow his fucking brains across the console and go happily on my way with no crimestat, stranding the original hijackers at pvp station
Is there any space weed in E:D for me to carry across the galaxy?
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I make a shitload selling them to the Federation factions in my system, lessens their influence too.
I am become Escobar, destroyer of souls.
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Onionhead, anon
Nah son.
I want to push the hard shit.
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The best part is it's "legal" here.
Narcotics, performance enhancers are banned in some systems. There's a few illicit rare commodities like onionhead and aganippe rush.

You gotta sell bootleg liquor to Federation theocracies for the true prohibition era experience.
Weed is also legal.
>bootleg liquor
Fuck the feminists.
Alright so do you guys have like a group in game?
Finally my dream of selling Sour Spaceshuttle OG across the galaxy is reality.
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Coke and Gold is all I haul
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Is weed actually in the game?
Its everywhere maaaaan
How do I into E:D? kek
Grind at resource extraction sites. Grind bulk trading. Try not to commit suicide.
If you want to do missions, stay at 1 system. Higher reputation with the minor faction means they pay more.

If you're interested in flying the Fed or Imperial ships, make sure you get mission from a faction tied to that superpower.
I know nothing about dem ships
17 D R A C O N I S
Me. It was something like my 4th day after buying the game, and I didn't realise that the cargo I was supposed to be delivering was still in my ship, and was now marked as stolen goods. I got obliterated as I left the station.
Don't they leave automatically if you dock somewhere? You could try landing at a different station.
2 tutorials done.
Tutorials are boring. The real game is more fun.
Whats the upcoming 2.6.1 "Super Hornet Update" about?
No, but you'll end up buying it eventually.
Why do you lie to him?

So guys, what IS "the Grind", exactly?
You can play Solo but it still needs to query the server.
I cant fucking kill the first guy in the advanced combat tutorial
holy shit
How the fuck am I supposed to kill the last two???
It's hard for a new player. You could always try the real game now instead. Fixed mount weapons at first are hard to learn.
No clue what to fucking do when starting the game.

Tried to accept a mission.

Then couldnt find where it was in the UI to find out where to go.

Then I got a fine for blocking a pad.

Then I quit the game.
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There are some tutorials and gameplay videos on youtube if you're confused. The galaxy & system map will show you where to go.
Did all the playable tutorials so ill assume I should check out the other tutorial options available in game. This game is massive.
Overwhelmingly massive.
The audio is pretty nice too. Just wait until you jump to other star systems, fuel scoop, lots of neat things. I like the combat.
I'd hazard a guess at vertical thrust.
No one linked today's Happy Hour?


The dev present today is Josh Harman aka the character art guy.

New info includes that CIG is doing some outsourcing for hair to a UK contractor. They have done up to 30 hair styles so far.
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So, the giveaway ship in STO is actually pretty decent. 8 weapon slots, 4 eng console, 4 tac console, and an interesting unique command tac console. Very decent beam boat simply because of the Lt. universal boff station.

Put an Intel officer with Override Subsystem Safeties in both slots with EPS flow consoles for max transfer rate, and this bitch will wreck. The only thing keeping this ship from Tier 6 is the Boff consoles. The universal is great, but none of the others are specialized.

Very nice, easy to build ship for free. GG Cryptic.
I overshoot every fucking thing and I end up 20 literal hours away from where I can be and I cant jump.
Maybe this game isnt for me.
restarting save for the fourth fucking time
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Wrong thread. STO is bad btw.
Don't be discouraged! Give it a chance.
Ive gone through 3 saves in 1 hour effectively getting no where.
Did all the tutorials.
Just blew up crashing into the sun as I type this.
4 saves.
I've never reset my save and my start was crazy deaths too.
you have "saves" in ED? I thought this game was an mmo
Yeah but you can wipe all your money, ships, etc. I have no idea why you'd want to do that. Roleplayers maybe.
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>mfw making millions and millions off of 17D
a miserable pile of credits
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There is no general for STO, I'm not the only one that posted about the game in this thread, or ones from the past few days.

There is an anniversary event with daily and weekly giveaways going on right now. If you complete a special daily quest 15 times, you get a tier 6 ship for free.

Once this is over, there will be nothing to discuss until the next event.

People who are waiting on SC but don't want to grind mindlessly in ED could do a lot worse.
You mean like stations? Set your speed to blue.
STO is a grind too. They even cap you on certain currencies you can earn per day or whatever. I liked the beta more when it was only up to Commander. All I did was pvp all day long.
We might have to expand the scope of the general to encompass all space sims beyond Wait Citizen and Grind Dangerous. I mean this general briefly died yesterday.
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I'm playing Squad/Mech Warrior: Living Legends/and finishing my back log while waiting for 3.0
and then wait 24 minutes to get there
Who ever designed the menus for this game is a fucking retarded piece of shit
Ive been looking for 10 minutes to bind my fucking landing gears im literally just going to fucking uninstall this piece of shit game
I use a HOTAS so I just remember which switch to flip for landing. Also there's a thing you can disable to stop making the menus have some weird animation. It's in settings somewhere.
You're not wrong if you are trying to minmax or get in the 100k club. I just like making ironic and comical bridge and away teams, and giving my ships funny names like the USS Pig Vomit. Playing the content takes a lot of time, and pug PvE queues are fun too, especially in the Mike Hawk.

Hawken is pretty good also, but the devs are console cucks and have almost abandoned the PC version.
This is a fucking amazing game dude.
Im sitting on this landing pad with my landing gear down.
Read down in the center the landing guide has turned blue.
And all I get is a loud beeping in my ear as my fucking space ship scrapes against the bottom of the landing pad.
Im literally in the blue, literally where you're supposed to land, and it wont land.
Now if you want to fucking tell me this is some how my fault and not game please kill your self.
This stupid fucking piece of shit game is broken, you cant even fucking park.
have never found a torrent for this
Thats cool im sure you didnt get stuck 20 hours away from an objective with the game telling you you cant fucking speed up or jump dick weed
Have you aligned the ship so it points the same way as the arrows?
The fucking map shit doesn't even point the right way to go. It says go to landing pad 02 and I do, but the highlighted way point is fucking completely another direction BUT IM ON THE RIGHT FUCKING PAD FUCK THIS GAME FUCK THE MAP FUCK THIS GAME
I'm such a fucking noob. I spammed trading missions and went straight for a Python after buying the game but forgot to learn how to actually fly and combat. I've already died twice trying to get massacre bucks in 17D I'm barely in profit.
Post a screenshot when you're on the pad and I will show you
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The free ships are never top-tier and even the best ones always have an intentional flaw in them. There's only 1 ship that seems to come close to my perfect setup.

Undine Nicor Bioship (T5-U)
console slots
turn rate
boff slots

only T5-U

I look for 5 tac slots and 4 sci so I can put plasma proc consoles in there.

But there's so many consoles in the game and only 11 max to fit them in, you can't really win. But at least you get a lot of customization in the game, interesting meta.
Just wait until you encounter these fucking monsters: >>166650010
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I fucking rage quit and went to watch a youtube video
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No doubt they only give you an ok ship. They want that Zen when you upgrade it and then get greedy for a proper tier 6 when the giveaway ship isn't enough.

Cryptic is blatant about selling everything for Zen, but at least you can convert game time into Zen. Also I like that selling keys means a little less than a week's worth of refined Dil will get you enough Zen for a key which sell for ~4-5m credits on the exchange. If you use the key and get a tier 6 ship, those can go for hundreds of millions.
I opened too many boxes and ran out of EC when the Cardassian box was out. No luck.
It's a sucker move. You are better off selling the keys until you have enough for the ship you want. Cost less keys that way. Let the whales open the boxes.
At least all I spent was EC and not real money. Eventually I bought the Galor for cheap because some retard was screaming about how it was bad and he had two. Sometimes it's okay to keep zone chat on. The best part was that he used the money I gave him to buy keys and he didn't get a thing.
The grind used to be too much but I got like 200 omega upgrades last year, used 110 to get lots of epic gear, saved a bunch of others. Now I have 2 packed Vonphs in my inventory, and like 750million EC and I have plenty of traits and gear, I don't need to grind.

As for ships, I don't care as much as I used to, it's more fun to play how you want to than trying to check off a list of requirements to make reach some meta dps achievement which other people in the DPS leagues shit all over with their super-secret 1million DPS builds using exploits and unpopular consoles.

I'd rather fly around in a ship I like with OK dps than fly ugly ships. And what I found is that Cryptic's solution to DPS inflation was to just nerf the shit out of players in PVE by giving enemies more hitpoints and armor rating. In their defense, easy mode space gets boring more quickly, but at least it looks cooler than dragging them out with noob pugs.
I'm still kind of a noob about the deep end game. Is that what the Omega shit with Q right now is all about? Should I grind this pretty hard to get good gear and sit back? That would be fucking comfy.

I may throw Cryptic a few more duckets for a subscription while I level my RomFed. Romulans really are the superior race, it's unfortunate their leaders were that awful. Space Germans, really.
>I overshoot every fucking thing
Set your speed to max until you're 7LS away, turn throttle down to blue zone and now play with it to "keep your distance" no more than 6LS away, less than that and you'll overshoot, keeping it at 7S is probably the safest.
you didn't look very hard
>tfw you'll never be Gul tier.
I would be lying if I said I didn't want a roster full of fanboy ships.
We need more shows like DS9
Just have Avery Brooks read the phone book. Good god why doesn't he get more work?
forgot the link

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To upgrade a mk XII beam to XIV you need a lot of tech points. Omega upgrades are those orange epic ones that you get from this current event. You have to craft them from 3 omega fragments. You craft omega fragments from 3 shards. You craft shards from 3 slivers. You craft 3 slivers from 1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow particle which are the ones you collect.

The good thing about the omega upgrades is that they don't require any dilithium to use and they give lots of tech points.

Get your calculator out to figure out how many you're going to need.

100 omega = 300 fragments = 900 shards = 2700 slivers = 2700 R/B/Y each.

You should aim to score 2400 to 2500 on each little minigame to get the max reward. It's not all bad because sometimes you get extra slivers, shards or fragments when you complete them.

If you're a neet and like grind, look up the best places to grind particles (red = DS9 or dilithium mining asteroid). Don't move, find a spot where you stand still and they keep spawning there, like a corner of a room or in orbit in space like Drozana station. I took a handful of beams and consoles up to epic last time but I also used around 100 major research boosts from the exchange, it increases the success % of each upgrade meaning you need less of the omega upgrades.

Also don't choose shit weapons or consoles to upgrade. Use the wiki to browse and pick your favourites, also join Nerds of Prey public help channel if you want to learn and lurk. /channel_join NoP Public Service
Thumbnail made me think it was Bridge Commander.
>don't choose shit weapons or consoles to upgrade
What I mean is
x beam array mk XII [acc]x2 [crth] is garbage, the modifiers aren't really so useful, and you should only really upgrade very rare anyway if you're going for epic mk XIV.

The best ones to upgrade for profit are are mk II [dmg]x2 [pen] (usually antiproton)
If you do this you buy them at mk II in the exchange and play RNG lottery to upgrade them and sell them as mk VII [dmg]x3 [pen] and then buy more upgrade materials to try upgrading more.

[dmg]x3 [pen] is the best for tactical officers since they take advantage of attack patterns utilizing the category 1 damage of the [dmg] modifier.
[crtd]x3 [pen] is the best for sci/eng officers since they don't get that buff, and rely on super huge crits from crtd %.

So if you're selling these weapons, check the prices in the exchange, you can make a lot of money doing it. But if you wanted 'the best', as far as I'm aware, these 2 options are best for DPS.

Unfortunately lockbox weapons don't get the [pen] modifier, so you're likely going to want [crtd]x4 or [dmg]x4 (I'm unsure which has the best DPS, but it may be as above with regards to attack pattern multipliers).

[acc] is for PVP and not much use
[crth] isn't as useful because of consoles and skills/traits getting it to a decent leve.

Also ignore the crap like [over] and other gimmick procs that were added with the new crafting system. Except [pen], it's good for DPS.
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Senpai, notice me. I stopped at mk XII gear because I'm an idiot and knew I would waste a bunch of dil chasing gear and being stupid so I've been sitting on it. I've got 165k refined dil. What should I do? Start buying keys and selling for EC?

This is my best DPS ship. I've cleared 40k with it on CE advanced, but I wasn't looking forward to the upgrade grind, although a temporary grind for omega upgrades wouldn't be too bad.
I've been stacking crit severity because probability manipulation gives me the crit chance.

Is rep gear not good? I thought about the radiant anti proton from Species 8472 rep as an option.
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Threadly reminder that DS is completely off his rocker.
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Cannons aren't that great, but if you enjoy them whatever.

Get the iconian shield and warp core, the 4 set is good for group DPS.

Also get the
Console - Science - Plasma-Generating Weapon Signature Nullifier Mk XIV [DrainX]
from the fleet embassy. You only have room for 2 on your current ship.

For tac consoles, I use
Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Locator Mk XIV [AP]

Your gimmick console is OK since it's free and does tetryon dmg. If you wanted to upgrade I'd say get the iconian full set to epic and leave the warp core at ultra rare since there's no benefit from upgrading further.

Consider playing around with torps, full spread III and kemocite laced weaponry I (3 mil on the exchange). Try putting turrets in the rear instead of omnis and trying scatter volley/rapid fire out with your torps, that way your console abilities aren't split between beams and cannons.

Also, your first weapon slot does not draw weapon power, only 2 through 8 does, so always put your heaviest weapon in slot 1, and any torp in slot 3 or 4 as it gives weapon power a chance to recover during its firing cycle.
>Federal BRRRRRTship is a magnificent dakka platform
>fuckterrible jump range

Can Engineers mitigate this? I haven't done anything with them, I have no idea how to do Engineer stuff
so whats the nearest HIgh Tech system to D17? I really don't wanna make 36+ jumps to where I started from
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Radiant AP is from the iconian reward packs or the rep store. They aren't bad, it's just you can't be too picky with the modifiers on them.

Romulan plasma goes well with the space set experimental beam for example, but you can't have [crtd]x4 on them or [crtd]x3 [pen]. That's why rep gear isn't as popular.

You can still make it work, and have fun with it.
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I kinda don't like the cannons, the ship is too fast to use them correctly. I was using override safeties with probability manipulation to do silly crit damage, but I had to basically sit still to use it.

I'm going full splodey. Been saving up for exactly that anyway.

So many anti brotons. Where's a hunk to look?
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The Krenim 3 piece set is tetryon and would go well with your Vorgon tetryon console.

If you had a ship with 3 aft weapons (you currently do) you could fit the kinetic cutting beam and the 2 Krenim weapons aft, which is a turret and omni beam all giving forward fire. Just an idea you could play with.

Also, but unrelated, the MACO shield has a cool visual when flying through sector space, if you haven't seen it. Unfortunately it doesn't work in the visual equipment slot.

>tfw can't rice my ship out
Is the Engineers stuff actually worth it? It seems like a major pain in the ass.
Depending on how heavy your setup is, a very lucky G5 FSD range boost can get you to 18-20ly
I've never actually done anything with the Engineers, which ones do I talk to for maximum BRRRRT and FSD range?
Absolutely, but not necessary unless you're planning on doing PvP. Modified FSD is always good though.
>I kinda don't like the cannons, the ship is too fast to use them correctly. I was using override safeties with probability manipulation to do silly crit damage, but I had to basically sit still to use it.
That's the problem I have. Even pilot ships are way faster now, and there's so much particle effects and energy weapons on screen you can't really see what's happening when you're zooming around.

You see most people sitting in one spot tanking damage. That's why I use dual beams, they have better damage than single beams and more than cannons at more than 7K distance (if I remember correctly).
G5 Multicannons: Todd "The Blaster" Mcquinn
G5 FSD: Felicity Farseer or Elvira Martuuk

Thanks dawg, I'll start on this after I funnel away enough money to not worry about rebuys
>thread turns to Star Trek Online and Elite: Dangerous
>thread quality skyrockets, literally the best it's been in over 2 years
What is it normally about? I just joined a few days ago.
meta-meta-discussion of vaporware
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That's why I went with the krenim turret and warp core. It procs pretty often, and even boss level ships get their shields stripped quick.

I haven't gotten around to the MACO set, but elite federation combat squad is weapons grade cringe.

I'm going to do a Torp/Mine boat. I've been saving the ones I want to use. This should be pretty hilarious.
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A Cult
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The thread will be more lively when SC actually releases.
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Mines suck. But, you can get some interesting ones.

I know the Breen torp launcher is slow to fire but it might work well with aft mines.
What's this D17 skimmer shit I keep hearing about? Does Naitis still pay out well?
Too bad we'll all be forumdads by the time that happens
Killing skimmers for massacre missions at Faraday Keep in the 17 Draconis system. Skimmers used to count as ships and you could stack missions to print spacedosh. Fdev stopped the gravy train because too many people were having fun. Doing it the "normal way" by wading into the railgun/PA fuckfest conflict zones still works but it's not nearly as fast or easy as loading up a cheap viper with dumbfire missiles and carpet bombing skimmers.

Naitis is the same thing as the old 17D but it's a little harder.
who here hyped for multicrew
I assume he doesn't actually know anything about eve
Not me. I have no friends
SWG JTL had all this, and combat was so fast paced everything except turrets didn't really matter that much, especially in PvP.
I mean, it was okay and fun RP-wise to have someone dedicated to ops (droid commands) and repairs, but those roles were kind of uneventful most of the time.
Unless combat ends up slow as fuck and/or they add some sort of engaging mini-game to operate those stations or whatever, I can't see it being much better.
I'm not a dad but I don't see anything wrong with this scenario you have a problem with (except the cuck part). No one should be forced to PVP.
Let me guess, he's in the Mobius safe space.
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When 2.3 hits we can find other /edg/ members and play around

I was hyped for it once upon a time, before it actually came out. Now I'm glad I never backed it or bought it. I get a feeling anybody claiming to be hyped by it now are either fanboy dads, or just people trying to justify spending money on it.
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E:D isn't getting NPC multicrew because Braben is a cunt, so no. Randoms won't want to play the Scotty for someone else's Kirk.
It's like $30 or so. Better than buying Steam games and never playing it.
>google search expecting some grisly death cult
>fucking Zoroastrian tower of silence
one of the oldest religions around you tit
You can buy a good game instead though. There's plenty you can get instead for $30
Fuck, how do I get rid of bounties
Leave the system and wait it out or buy a cheap ship and let the authorities kill you.
Anyone got that link to that shit hot pve vulture a few threads ago?
Is that combat CG worth doing? Or should I just keep playing the Naitis skimmer mission lottery (which hasn't been rolling super well for me)
If you got an engineered vulture or larger combat ship go for it. anywhere from 100-400 mil per stack at 17D depending on how picky you are

Yeah, just like /edg/lords play together now, right?


I feel like deep down he has a point. Elite would have been better if they had made it a single player experience instead of trying to make it into the hybrid abomination, choc full of proc-gen, that we have right now

>100-400 mil per stack

Where the fuck are you getting these missions? I've gone from 60mil to 300mil over the course of an afternoon's worth of play but how are you getting that much for a stack of missions? I'm getting usually 1 - 12 mil per mission. Should I cherrypick only 10+ mil missions and refresh the board until I have a full stack?
The Vaadwaur cluster is so nasty. Those mines are relentless. It's fucking great watching them chase a sip down and finish it off.

I'm working on my big boy ship since the Xyphius didn't have enough consoles. This will be fun.
I don't know what any of that second sentence means.
I'm picky, the most I ever saw a mission go for was 21 mil.

stick to RES bounty hunting if you want money for combat.
I'm also looking for this
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All these forum wankers complaining about lack of NPC multicrew. Here's what would happen if we got NPCs.

>veteran players with tonnes of money hire a full set of npc crew
>NPC crew make their Corvettes even stronger than they already are
>2.3 gameplay amounts going to a station and hiring crew to buff your ship, then using the character creator to create your perfect qt

Braben did the right thing.
This. If you want perfect qts hire players.

This is why multicrew is retarded. It's either:

A) More expansion bait by forcing players to get Horizons in order to get crew so they don't get outplayed by people with engineers and now arbitrary stat boosts from crew
B) Dad sits in his wife's son's ship and does silly minigames to roleplay or give stat boosts, or pilot fighters (when they could be just flying their own ship.) No one bothers except dads.

This works in Artemis Bridge Sim, where the whole game revolves around it. In Elite, it's going to be a stupid gimmick that no one bothers.
Lets get real here. Based on previous patches this is what we can expect from FD

Multicrew is going to be one open seat for all medium+large ships.
Only one job, aiming the guns for you while the pilot flies
No new modules like seated turrets. but you got a dedicated guy on the guns so that means no need for gimbals or turrets ever.

That's it. Now you don't have to be disappointed because this is what you can expect.
oh also if you die in multi crew everyone but the pilot gets a non interactive black screen when they die and have to kill the process to get back.
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Frontier has already confirmed there up up to four seats available depending on the ship.

The concept art looks pretty interesting, but I'm always ready to be disappointed. I still want to be in this seat in the Cutter though.
I just want someone to fill all those empty seats. Triggers my autism hard. They could be glorified docking computers for all I care.

>Multicrew is going to be one open seat for all medium+large ships.
>one open seat

I got confused when you said only one seat. I thought that was silly, why would they only allow for one other person in your ship? Why not two or four? But then I remembered that you can only have ONE active fighter, regardless of you having two crew members with you and having a hangar bay with two fighters.


>oh also if you die in multi crew everyone but the pilot gets a non interactive black screen when they die and have to kill the process to get back.

I fully expect this and have been predicting this ever since they announced multicrew. I expect no less from Ftroop.
In that case its even worse, someone flies, another manages pips and the last guy shoots. Fourth guy can't do anything yet (gotta wait for 3.0)
>your perfect qt
There is literally one passable looking female in the entire elite universe

something went very wrong in the future
Clearly not our timeline.
Searching the galaxy for qt bridge bunnies is the true endgame.
I don't know. Hard to tell but from the concept art it almost looks like that seat can control what part of the shields to strengthen. I'm hoping Frontier are a lot more creative than we anticipate.
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>tfw finally got snek

how to outfit?
The random number generator is what went wrong. Soon we will be able to handcraft our perfect spacefus.

I never look forward to main features from their updates. The QOL and immersion shit they've added is great, even though I feel like they should've been in the game from the beginning. The new station interiors, flight controllers, mostly fixed missions, all great stuff. I'm hoping they add people and trucks driving around on the stations so they look more lively, like ground crew coming to actually stick shit in your ship to refuel and unload cargo.

All the main features they release are always hot garbage, and they always come out broken and require atleast 3 months to fix. On the plus side, along with the big updates come more exploits to save tortured souls from grinding.
Outfit for what purpose?
more CZ farming

>CZ farming

I hope you have 500+ million to spare.
A grade everything apart from D grade sensors and life support. Mad amounts of shield boosters so you can survive longer in CZs. Shield cell banks aswell. Choose whatever hardpoint set ups you like.

Throw in a fighter bay too, once your npc crew member hits expert and above they start to become really effective.
a rank everything save life support and sensors

all OC multicannons with all but one having doing thermal and the last one corrosive

prismatics (or regular shields) with therm resist
shield boosters in every slot but one with resistance boost (will need rank 1 or 2 overcharged PP but don't get 5)
last slot a heat sink

two A rated SCBs

I wouldn't hull tank at all, maybe a few module protectors if you are just going to CZ with it, you'll have plenty of time to get out of dodge if you get mobbed and will have insane shield strength and save a lot of cash.

fill out the rest of the slots with what you want.
Is there an easy way to find Hazardous RES?
I always hated how we get an exact number for hull but have to squint at fading rings for shield with a finger over the SCB button.
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Hory shet are torpedoes fun. I had no idea I was sitting on a mountain of torp gear. I'm not sure which one to go with ultimately, so I'm kind of doing a rainbow torpedo build.

What are the fastest firing torpedoes? That might be fun.
>haven't played since a little after Horizons
>hop into a CZ to make some money
>fucking every NPC has rockets and railguns now

Jesus Christ this is a fucking NIGHTMARE
Isn't it glorious

FD did it in response to people claiming that NPCs were too easy, but I think they went a little overboard. You definitely need to invest more heavily in defenses and pick your battles carefully, and when shit hits the fan you need to be ready to fuck off immediately.
It's terrifying.

Side note, are cannons good again? I will always have a soft spot for the Viper because of the beta and having hyperspeed cannon duels, but I won't dive back in with that loadout unless cannons are actually viable
It's better this way.
Fixed cannons are awesome.

It's a hell of a lot better than effortlessly cleaving through enemies like before, but I wish there would have been another way to do it than just giving every enemy the most powerful weapons in the game to compensate.
if im autistic enough to grind oldschool runescape am i autistic enough to grind Elite Dangerous?
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yep but on the plus side you get board of grinding you can go see some cool views
Fixed cannons got buffed big in the last patch. Gimballed cannons are kinda shit since the gimballed projectile is so slow. You might as well go fixed for its much faster projectile. Small gimballed beams (efficient or lightweight if you can) + fixed med cannons (overcharged or sturdy) seems like the way to go on a Viper.
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Thanks, lads.

It's been too long.
I just bought the game earlier today and I dont know what the fuck to do.
I loved RS
do missions for a bit after i do some grinding tomorrow i may be able to help you if you want
How do I know who you are?
CMDR courcyplayer add me in game
Will do.
Haven't played in awhile but these new stations have been needed. This game would be more awesome if they kept updating and adding variety.
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post your
space truckan playlists
the game may suck but the soundtrack is p good.

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how badly do you think FDev is going to fuck up multicrew?
What the fuck is going on with the planet in that webm
After the less then stellar releases of 2.1 and 2.2, 2.3 will be the final nail in the coffin. 2.3 will be so bad that the ensuing controversy will be enough to finally kill the game.

Elite will not even make it to the 3rd season.
Bullshit. The dads will keep playing no matter what.
This. Nostalgia is strong.
This E:D streamer is just flying around killing people.
Why he do dis?
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I guess that's how it orbits

>final nail in the coffin. 2.3
yeah prob
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I wish these faggots that have never played Open mode would shut the fuck up.
The more they complain the more FD feels justified in keeping Solo mode and not making any progress on PvP gameplay. The more people refuse to even try PvP the less anyone can balance weapons and engi upgrades because so few people are using them on other players.

Literally every time FD tries anything these fuckers complain. FD needs to stop listening to forumdads. Their ideas are terrible.

Here's how you fix PvP:
First and foremost, it shouldnt be so fucking expensive. This is the main reason people dont want to even try PvP. You have to grind like a motherfucker to just have a single go at PvP. Rebuy costs really ought to be reduced depending on a system's security level. I'd be surprised that FD hasn't learned anything from their Beta servers (where rebuy is hardly a thing) but FD constantly ignores feedback from them so yeah. I can understand death costing you your missions, crew, and cargo, but it shouldnt cost you literal hours of your time. This is why parts of the community seem to hate each other so much, and FD is the root cause because they sometimes seem to forget that Elite Dangerous is a video game.
Remove the RNG element from Engineers. It's bad enough to hunt down the materials. Even with reduced costs, it's still a pain in the ass to use a slot machine every time you want anything. NO ONE likes this shit. Make it tweakable. As in you drag those numbers yourself, but it costs you in terms of mass/heat/credits/materials.
Let people just buy the weapon effects. "You have to spend some of the reputation you've earned with me" is seriously the most autistic thing I've ever seen in a game.
The more that people can use these, the more they can be balanced. It's hard to test anything when getting it is random.

Do this and you can also introduce a PvE mode (no CGs) and remove Solo/Private. The dads can either adapt or dust off the Commodore.
I agree with what you said. Fun fact, you can get the old Elite for free from Frontier's store if you own the game.
Bullying is fun. You should give it a try.
I can't I just got the game :(
Especially during community goals
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>mfw you get on Mobius, bro up with a forumdad, then self destruct the ship

Surely FD arent stupid enough to let a shithead like me pull something like that off.
I wonder if posting that fun fact every time a dad talks shit would get you B& from the forums.
>bro up with a forumdad

Good luck with that. Most of them abhor multiplayer.
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>Banned from Mobius forever
>Worth it
>Fun fact, you can go play the game you want to turn this into for free if you go to the store.
Because he was abused as a child.
so wait a minute. how in the hell do you A rank a vulture without running into power issues? I don't get it. I understand the vulture is supposed to be a little power starved.
Very carefully. Try using module power priority.
and where the hell do I find A-ranked weapons? I'm hopping around High-Tech systems but nobody has any in stock.

I am. its difficult.
Vulture has shit for power. You have to let go of some shit. You could also try to engineer your way through it but engineered power plants have drawbacks.
Check a site like Inara
>but engineered power plants have drawbacks.
Good grade 1 is enough, and it has minimal to no drawbacks.

Fun fact: The grade 1 low emissions mod can actually end up with a net output gain of up to 8% through a secondary effect while also reducing your heat output by up to 20%
Grade 1 mods in general are nice.
so uh...are engineers still a bitch to grind for?
New to the thread and game. What's a forum dad? People who played the original(s) and say KIDS THESE DAYS and MUH SOLO GAME?
No more commodities required so they're less of a pain in the ass. Unlocking them still sucks.
Many forum dads did play the original Elite, and get upset when FD strays too far from the original game design (aka, make the game actually work as a multiplayer game).
However, anyone that dickslaps people on the forums with an overly condescending "stop being entitled!" attitude can be labeled a forumdad regardless.
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>mfw I can only get about 10 kills before I have to run away back to the station and repar in 17D
>already have missions that require 40+

I wish I wasn't so cheap and lazy and would just go buy a better ship already, but I'd rather keep this gravy train rolling
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what are you in right now? I'm in a Vulture and it isn't too terrible.

wait until you get 84+
Is it worth hiring the most expensive pilot for your ship launched fighters? Those fuckers take a lot of pay...

Viper MkIV

I wish they sold better ships at this backwater piece of shit station
so how exactly do FSD boosts work with those? how do I do it? do I need horizons or something?


I dont think players give much of a damn about their bounties. You need to think on eve terms.

Nothing stops a friend of the criminal to shoot him, claim said bounty and split with the perpetrator.
Will the next SC patch fix the flight model?
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You could grind one up so they're cheaper but still effective but all crew under Expert are retarded and won't do power distribution.

Or you could just hire for looks. Personally, I'm trying to grind up a harem of bridge bunnies for NPC multicrew (whenever that is).
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that's actually a good question

they have at least acknowledged this bug
>Or you could just hire for looks
too bad ED character gen is fucking garbage
>Proudly made in the UK
It's part of the grind.
Never actually played the game but started to theorycraft ships to rob npc traders in E:D:



Out of curiosity, what did I do wrong and why do they suck lol? Also how slow is cobra with armor?
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>Thrusters Destroyed
>No Auto-Field maintenance unit
>No materials

Most builds Ive seen dont actually use one but they do use fuel scoop instead.

How much autonomy does a ship without fuel scoop have? Also what prevents you from actually docking and repair instead of repairing in the field? Can you take damage to thrusters even if you are facing the enemy? Im a complete noob.
That picture is actually quite understandable.
Only shitty game force PvP when alternative exist since forever.

Just like everything there's good and bad ways of doing multicrew.
E:D is unlikely to do it good because it is not built right for solo in the first place.

They didn't looked at what was cool with spaceship then made a game around that, they made a sandbox with spaceship then as an afterthought added a gameplay.
PVE piracy isn't too difficult and shouldn't need HRPs. Sensors and life support should be D-rated to save on power and weight and the diminishing returns on higher are too great. The power plant MUST be A-rated to save on heat which will be a problem if you're going to be doing any silent running. Hatchbreaker limpets are not necessary since you can just shoot out the cargo hatch.

Use https://coriolis.edcd.io/ that one is out of date.
I'm setting up 2 huge gimballed beams for my corvette with level 5 efficient mods, is there any point in getting any of the special effects? Thermal shock reduces damage I read
Completely new to the general and it seems like most of it is shitposting.

Where are you guys getting the info that 3.0 isn't gonna be here till december? I don't see anything on their site or in their videos that indicates this

obviously the track record for release targets is subpar but I figured it takes them a bit to gather steam and now that they (seem to) have a proper engine and system chugging along, updates will come more frequently. Maybe I'm just retardedly optimistic but I feel like they've gotten better with updates over the years

Reboot & repair & pray


The Cobra MkIII is the fastest ship in the game after Horizons-modded class 2/3 fighters.

I'm not sure where you're going with the module grades all over the place.


Hits from what looks like the front can end up hitting your engines depending on the angle, especially if your ship has a large engine profile while also being flat, like the Cobra. eg: a hit from the front but also slightly above could impact the top of your ship towards the rear, and if that hit breaches the hull and intersects the engines they'll take damage.

Then there's railguns, which will draw a line straight through your entire ship from the point of impact and cause damage to anything in the way.

Thx. Out of curiosity, how noticeable are acceleration penalties with military bulkheads? They seem heavy (number wise).
>Where are you guys getting the info that 3.0 isn't gonna be here till december?
No official sources for this, but it's a combination of:
-CIG fucking up everything that has to do with dates or schedules
-The announcement of 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 which we will get mid/late February at best
-Shitposters/CONCERNfags doing their thing.

I'm expecting 3.0 to drop between June and August. No idea about SQ42.
It all depends on the optimum mass for your thrusters. It shows your speed on the top left on Coriolis and there's the movement summary in the bottom right.
Is new cutlass gonna fit in the Polaris' Hangar?
>How much autonomy does a ship without fuel scoop have?

You can dock and refuel at any starport and at most outposts. What a fuel scoop does is allow you to avoid making pit stops when you're traveling beyond the range of your fuel tank, or allow you to travel through uninhabited space where there are no refueling stations at all.

>what prevents you from actually docking and repair instead of repairing in the field?

Even without a field maintenance unit you can perform emergency repairs on completely broken modules from your functions tab, so you should always be able to limp to a dock provided you don't run out of life support and your ship holds together.

PROTIP: Don't try to land at planetary ports if your thrusters are badly damaged.
I'm a new player and I got in on the civil war bullshit, so I'm at 200m now. Should I go get an Anaconda?

I have my eyes on the Federal Corvette. But I'm unsure how bad the rep grind is.

My "recruit" mission wanted me to smuggle some shit 250ly.
Ahh okay. I can definitely see that happening. I was worried I'd missed some announcement
A fully kitted out anaconda will run you 600+ million
You forgot the fact that both S42 and 3.0 heavily rely on AI, which isn't even remotely close to being functional. They effectively lied again by claiming that the vertical slice was 'only days away' from being done and Tony Z said that they're just now starting to build mission design tools for artists.
Plus we've never seen any proof of their AI working or even being capable of doing what they want it to in S42 and the PU. Not even shitposting, but it's pretty much confirmed that they have yet to do the majority of their AI work. If I had to guess I'd say Q4 for 3.0 maybe and no Squadron at all this year.
Man, I really hope you're wrong.

I'm happy to see how much progress this game has made, but they really ought to just keep their mouths shut about update timelines and targets and just stick to a "it's ready when it's ready" mindset. False promises suck more than far-out release dates
I thought that they got Kythera to do the AI.
that has been abolished since forever, Frankfurt does that now

Long since finished their contract and left. Chris then junked all the work and told them to do it all over again.

The sooner they get rid of Chris the more likely this game will release.

So, what, I should do this until I have the 675m for a fully kitted Corvette before I break off to do all the rep stuff?
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What the fuck Chris. He seems to get rid of everything. I guess it's possible that their work wasn't good... I'm still hyped for the real beta PU but I doubt that's coming out this year.
>no Squadron at all this year.
Man if that happens the shitstorm will be real.
Also if you're still in the thread;
Run Crystaline Entity Advanced a lot, it's good for dilithium and only takes 2 minutes or less.

Do the Klingon admiralty chain exclusively, 10 assignments in 10 days is 30,000 dilithium reward.

Try buying the cheapest under-valued crafting mats and re-listing them as more expensive to make profit? Probably not that great.

Look for anti-proton beam array mk XII [crtd]x2 [pen] on the exchange and the mk VII [crtd]x3 [pen] version on the exchange, see how much profit there is on each beam and consider upgrading them but I think it might be too costly.

What I did to get a good amount of EC is to craft those mk II beams, 6 at a time, and trash the ones that are garbage and sell the good ones for RNG upgraders to use. You might get 1 in 30 as [crtd]x3 or [crtd]x2 [pen] or [dmg]x2 [pen] or [dmg]x3. These are the best crafted ones to sell, check the prices of each.

Don't be a scumbag and buy keys and re-list them at a higher price. I remember keys used to be 1 million, they've been over 5 million. Bots spamming the exchange to buy cheap and sell higher, it's not right. Sure buy them cheap if you're going to open boxes. You could always look for other items to re-list higher. It's the lockbox items which sell well, but the new system has flooded the market with them so they've come down in price. Rare ships have gone from 750mil on the exchange to maybe 150 or so, since we can choose which to unpack from reward boxes. Try useful things like bonus mark pools, they sell minutes after i list them on the exchange. I put them as the cheapest price per unit by 1 or 2 EC below a competitor.

According to this week's ATV the AI system was mostly done but they had a lot of trouble tying it all up with the animation system. So the AI behaviour was working but it all looked a lot worse than it should have. We obviously have no way to verify this statement but it does match what Erin Roberts said at the time.
You should have a shitload of rep from 17 Draconis. Rep rolls over through the ranks so when you return to the bubble core you should be able to knock a bunch of ranks out.

Oh so it doesn't cap when I fill the bar? So I'm getting all the ranks even if I don't do the missions?

Fuckin' great.
>According to this week's ATV the AI system was mostly done but they had a lot of trouble tying it all up with the animation system.

Honestly that makes me feel a little better. Sounds way more optimistic than "they haven't even built the AI yet!!"

I swear, I'm usually pretty jaded to 4chan alarmist posts but when it comes to SC I get fucking autistic.

The new ATV is like 90% on AI, so give that a watch.
Is anyone transcribing these like the old RTVs? Making it through an hour video of the most obnoxious person on their payroll isn't worth it for any amount of information
the new ATV is also 90% Tony Zurovec talking about it like it doesn't even exist yet
It's be the end of SC.

Refunds galore and lots of cultists tears.

Chris and gang will become pariahs as they so richly deserve.
>Tony Zurovec talking about it like it doesn't even exist yet

But they literally talk about technical issues getting the AI system to work with the animation rigs.

Why would they note that as a blocker if the AI system didn't exist?
That's because he likes to talk about the final implementations and where things are going forward (very quickly and interspacing every three words with "you know").
This what?
He's been talking about the same final implementations for 3 years now, every time he gets upboated on le plebbit, and every time it sounds like they're probably be finished with planning soon
This is why Chris Roberts likes him so much, Zurovec is a constant hype machine. He gets Chris' blood boiling with MUH FIDELITY, always phrasing things in terms of systems he can actually deliver, and always complex enough that it sounds like he knows what he is talking about.

All of the Austin studio has been doing ??? for the last 3 years as far as we can see. Everything that has actually gotten done came from elsewhere.
Lads, Elite dangerous question. I'm trying to bounty hunt in a RES, but the police npc's keep killing the pirates. It's pretty frustrating. Is there any way around this?
Follow the police, steal their kills, also haz RES don't have police.
Thermal vent. You won't build up any heat at all, plus its great if you're taking heat damage or need to use a scb.

I have the same set up what other hardpoints do you use?
not the same guy but my thermal vent beam is in the large HP underneath, I use two small sturdy (for the heat reduction and armor piercing) plasma rails, two pack hounds and two huge long range high yield cannons which I'll most likely replace by long range PAs once I grind more mats
I don't really know which hardpoints to use for the smaller ones yet, I have a corrosive shell size 3 gimball MC, not sure if I should get smaller guns with corrosive instead.
I honestly can't figure out what guns to get, the beams seem cool tho, I got pretty good rolls too.
I put the corrosive on one of my small hardpoints since that way you dont lose ammo capacity on the class 3 damage dealer. Gimballed multicannons on medium and large hardpoints and a turreted scrambeled spectrum burst laser with long range mod on the other small hardpoint. Since small hard points are pretty useless I figured I would use them both as debuff weapons.
Is that usesful for PvE? I've avoided rails/plasma because of the ammo limit.

How do you have your shields modded? I've recently changed from reinforced shields to thermal resistance. But I'm still trying to weigh up what balance between capacity and resistances is best for overall damage reduction.
What does the spectrum scrambler do?
Also, the special effects should have downsides
any idea what they might be?
Also did you make the corrosive small hardpoint a turret of gimball?
I've heard you can get unlimited ammo for at least rails through Engineers. It will slightly lower your damage though.
Cheers for the reply, will take your advice.

I find it less disturbing that they haven't finished the AI than that they haven't built it enough to even start doing missions yet.

As in, they haven't been making any missions except for proof of concept scripted stuff and SQ42 setpieces

That's quite terrifying considering mission building is a huge part of the actual game.
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>Mysterious far away things are now 10 minutes away
But that is complete horseshit. It took me 2 days to reach Sagittarius A* with 42LY jump. Roughly 10 hours playtime. That's about 600-700 jumps.
This is the one section I have trouble with. What's an acceptable risk for a mission. It seems like every time I try a mission that is not 100%, it will fail.

I'm going to subscribe while I level my RomFed, so I'll use the monthly Zen to buy keys to sell. Keys were right at 4mil last I checked, probably a little higher during the event. I'm also sitting on an small pile of refined Dil waiting for a good reason to spend it.

Also, what is the least grindy way to get purple doffs?
It causes random malfunctions when hitting the enemies hull, they will recover from them but the effect can happen every ten seconds. It's really great when you get lucky and the laser causes your targets thrusters to break.

What special effects? You can always check Inara if you want to find out.
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>been exploring for almost a week now after fucking my shit up by accepting a transport mission I shouldn't have picked at my gear level
>won't reach destination until today or tomorrow
>round trip will probably last the same if not more because can't play as much as I want to
>these fuckers want it to be just like this, if not worse
I don't understand, is that one of those so called dads? I thought they had to take care of their families and 5 or 6 businesses so they had no time to waste.
gimball. I'm only going to need it when my other gimball weapons can hit the target.
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What's wrong with these people?
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Where are/did you exploring anon, I'm currently heading home after a trip to SagA*.
Special effects like corrosive and thermal vent, I can't seem to find info about their effects on inara
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I don't recall the exact name of the system but it was near Colonia.
I might pay a visit to the core as well while I'm at it, not like the detour will take much time in comparison.
Make sure to claim your free ships for admiralty tokens. You get one from the Tholian TNG mission with Tasha Yar. Check the promotion/legacy tabs. ANY ship you can get for free or easily, do it. Check the zen store tabs.

Search for these admiralty ships on the exchange;
Nihydron destroyer
Kazon heavy raider
Malon battlecruiser
APU cruiser

Also you can get mirror ships there too. Then make sure you reclaim any ship from the zen store that you might not have activated on the admiralty system.

Remember to drydock the ships you don't use but don't want to destroy like those I listed above. You can dismiss any ship you can reclaim from the zen store or get from a mission, they are usually low-tier anyway. You want as many ships as possible to be registered for admiralty, but they don't have to stay in your roster. Got a cheap mirror ship that registered? You can throw it away if you have a full dry dock and roster.

I have like 200 admiralty ships or more on my Fed because I collect them on mission success and have enough ships not to need them.

Personally I skip 50dil reward ones, like 10, 10, 10 requirements. But try not to use skip tokens, just assign a runabout to them. I see them as bonuses if they succeed and literally don't care if they fail. Go for the ones with 500dil and the bonus 1000 they sometimes have. Assign good ships for them, anything over 80% is ok but they still do fail... I always go for 95% or more on important admiralty missions. The Voth reward ship can do (10 of 10) on its own because it has a bonus to stats when solo.

Also use the sto.wiki, get a list of doffs you want and just go get them. The best free way is to do doff missions every day. Also, check the doff chain assignments page on the wiki. For example, you fly to a (valid) nebula on the mega map and when you get there a popup says 'start doff assignments for <nebula>', you basically just need materials from the replicator like provisions. You send doffs on a 20 hour assignment and there's like 7 in the chain. At the end you can get a purple doff from each nebula and if you only get blue you can just repeat it until you get them, it opens up repeatable assignments. Also do ghosts of the jem'hadar chain and project chrysallis.

Remember to join NoP Public Service channel for questions.
Thermal Vent: Vents heat from ship when hitting target. Increased heat if you miss your shots (not a problem with gimball)

Corrosive shell: Hull takes 20% extra damage from all sources. Overall reduced ammo capacity (I think its 25%). I use high capacity magazine to make up for the loss.




What should I put on the multicannons?
Which ones?
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>Remember to drydock the ships you don't use
Lol, I wish that was a problem
>nebula mission.
That makes a lot more sense. I didn't know you got a good doff for doing that
Nice. Plenty to do there without watching endless loading screens

>tfw you wish for the perfect game and it has ED's galaxy with SC's physics and STO's story and depth.
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>ED's galaxy with SC's physics and STO's story and depth

E:D's ships
SC's capital ships, fidelity and aliens
EVE Online ships
SC fidelity
E:D fast travel
STO community, loot tables, customizability and meta depth
>General has existed before the hangar module
>Once had a 4 hour argument with some chucklefuck around the TR4 engine not fitting in the Avenger and how it was a component clown car
>More shit has been released now than back then by an order of magnitude but still having the same stupid conversations

we need 3.X
They have built enough to start mission, they said so in the last ATV
But they would be simplistic mission and the animation would look clunky, meaning a first impression that will stay forever (even if it get better later, you'll already be less entertained by the other mechanic)

So rather than publishing a dozen of "fetch & kill" mission, they want to keep it until they can do complex mission with 2/3 plot twists that you cannot guess and will always ask you something different.

A fetch mission only need 50% of the AI, but if the twist require 90% they don't want to give you something boring & predictable as a first impression (remember : the PU is only to TEST things, not be fun by itself)

You got it wrong.
Dads are peoples who don't want to look like "kids playing games" they want REALISM(tm)
Also they know SHIT about game design but will never admit it.
The mediums and the large
E:D's galaxy is its own worst enemy though m8
>we need 3.X
I think the problem with 3.0 is that it's basically almost the whole game, i.e. approaching feature complete. When a player jumps in the PU, it has to feel like the end game will be. And because 2.6 is a million lightyears away, they are struggling to put it out.

4.0 is jump points and will only add an animated fast travel link between locations of the same type, it's not that much of a problem, just a few lines of code.

The AI and NPC interaction is really a huge part of the game. I just wish they didn't keep hinting it will be soon.
plasma slug is the absolute best for PVE. You basically get one large beam laser in the slot of one small hardpoint, DPS-wise and ammo wise since the corvette fuel tank is big enough to make plasma slug effectively infinite ammo

best coupled with sturdy to mitigate the damage penalty thanks to armor piercing and also, heat reduction so you can fire forever. NPCs use SCBs way too late so you can always burst them down, making feedback cascade useless for PVE. Even for PVP feedback cascade is next to useless since the nerf
I use grade 5 overcharged with autoloader.
Have you tried to rails on the medium hardpoints?

reddit disgusts me for their exaggerated optimism.
4chan disgusts me for their pessimistic realism.
so about how many hours worth of content is there in SC atm?
If 3.0 launches in December something horrible has gone wrong. 3.0 should be here hopefully by July more likely September.
the medium hardoints are too far apart to use fixed weapons there. gimballs or seekers only. Pack hounds are goat because sound, macross effect and top tier spellcasters
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I"m actually incredibly optimistic if they can launch Sq42 in Q2 or Q3.
NPC crew for fighters only.
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3.0 is when all the major tech hurdles are gone. No more long delays do to experimental backend systems.
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>New concept sale!
>It's a MISC submarine.
>You will never park above a water planet
>You will never deploy your fishing boat out of the cargo bay
>You will never spend the day catching alien fish
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But what if the fish catches you?
Thank you based anon
>not using your ship as a boat/submarine
Congratulations! You've figured out what a Sandbox game is!

In this day and age when everything is themepark and people need to be taken for a ride to be entertained, there are people who want to sit in the sandbox and go their own way. We WANT to make that left turn at Albuquerque.

E: D has been scratching that itch for me. Letting me pick and choose what I feel like doing when I enter the game and letting me change my mind partway through instead of locking me on a specific goal all the time. If you really need a goal to feel like you're having fun, then make one or go play a themepark game. Otherwise look for a group and make their goal your own. You don't even have to join them, just keep an eye on what they're doing and join in.

Frontier already created a meaningful reason to log in every night. Now it's your turn. If you can't then you need to find another game.

In this day and age when everything is themepark and people need to be taken for a ride to be entertained, there are people who want to sit in the sandbox and go their own way. We WANT to make that left turn at Albuquerque.

E: D has been scratching that itch for me. Letting me pick and choose what I feel like doing when I enter the game and letting me change my mind partway through instead of locking me on a specific goal all the time. If you really need a goal to feel like you're having fun, then make one or go play a themepark game. Otherwise look for a group and make their goal your own. You don't even have to join them, just keep an eye on what they're doing and join in.

Frontier already created a meaningful reason to log in every night. Now it's your turn. If you can't then you need to find another game.
In Elite Dangerous I learned one thing.

ASP Explorer decked out should be the first big purchase every new player should make ASAP. Deck the thing out, You will not regret it.

Also, What do You Ladies and gents think about the Type-9? I really want to replace my type 7
I totally get what you're saying, about theme park vs sandbox games here, but I have to disagree with you about Elite being a sufficient or good example of a sandbox game.

Sure, it doesn't take you by the reigns and lead you around, but at the same time, it doesn't have enough systems in place. Sure you can go wander the galaxy and pick and choose what your actions for the day will be, but they all feel so meaningless.

Add more systems that would matter to the player. I don't just mean features like space legs and avatars though, I mean like player ownership. Nothing creates emergent gameplay like players being able to create, even if in limited scope, and this is where ED fails.
not only that but D rated everything and lower rank PP thrusters and power distro so you can hit that magical 54ly Aspex
comfy space cow, use frag turrets on top and railguns around your cockpit
trade anaconda is superior to type 9 in everything
just like python is superior to type 7
as you've already seen we are infected with the same goon shitposters as RSI but they have free reign here because the mods are cucks and don't care. we just laugh at them anyway.
So soon I will have my cutter
What do I put on it so I can win 17D with it
this retard trying to draw attention to already invalidated points.
All pack hounds
Oh fuck off. I just spent an hour stacking missions then when I get to the conflict zone there's a ceasefire.
fuck are you talking about faggot, RSI is not reddit
>Dads are peoples who don't want to look like "kids playing games" they want REALISM(tm)
So taking more time to do shit is real?
But if I fucking upgrade my ship and specialize it so it doesn't take as long, how's that not real.

>Frontier already created a meaningful reason to log in every night.
I've searched with google and I found a fdev forum post with this same text.
Thanks for the "lecture" but I already played UO extensively back in the day.
maybe you can fill an hour or two with comm station repairs and pirate fighting in the PU.
>tfw I want to kill him
>tfw he likely plays Solo exclusively
>So taking more time to do shit is real?
It's often the case for space travel.
Usually developers have to cheat to keep space game fun, even when the ship are already FTL.

>But if I fucking upgrade my ship and specialize it so it doesn't take as long, how's that not real.
If you are referring what I think, the dad's "problem" is that it is inconsistent with the game's lore for system to be so rapidly accessible.

That's of course, another example of a dumbass not understanding that game are made to be fun before pretending to be real.
Do any experienced players know when the civil war will start again, if ever? Also why are there so many plebs just sitting around in the conflict zone doing nothing when people could team up and continue the massacre missions? I just waited around for a while until there were about 5 of us in wing and as soon as the fighting started the faggots all ran.
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they don't look similar at all beyond the colours.
>Usually developers have to cheat to keep space game fun
Exactly, even at large FTL speeds a single galaxy can be fucking huge, it's okay to develop your own lore around long-travel elements to keep things interesting: wormholes, jumpgates, hyperspace...

>If you are referring what I think
What I mean is that I've been playing for a couple weeks only and I can already see a clear progression regarding FSD jump distances/time played so it's not like you can cover 50LY+/jump in a starting sidewinder, and also how some ships/outfits are more suited to improve that particular aspect while neglecting others such as firepower or defense. I can't really see how any this is wrong from any perspective: lore, gameplay and realism.

>inconsistent with the game's lore
Are we talking "real" lore already set by fdev or the usual fanboy head-canon.
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>SC cultist denial
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*tips remlok*
>They'd have to finish writing the code for undocking first.
Ok that got me
>pattern recognition of a 3 year old
sometimes I forget goons were a thing in EVE
new tred where
Just let it rest for a few weeks
No fucking way, I long for 2.3 memes and more vision.
then make a /edg/ thread then faggot
me? do it yourself thread cuck
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This wouldn't be any problem if they just used it to quickly photobash some internal concept art, but of course somebody just had to publish it in the newsletter.
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cig has used all kinds of unlicensed art before and nobody gave a shit then so why would the now

there were fucking LOGOS from another game (strike vector) clearly visible in BMM concept art which was used to sell the ship

sandi was photoshopped in to an image with the B U C C by throwing her head on a poorly edited stock image of a woman in a dress

not to mention this piece of shit, which I made like 2 years ago and DS recently found and retweeted

>both factions still hiring mercenaries to massacre each other

How are these two ideas compatible?
they're not the ones shooting at each other, they're just paying some fag to do it for them
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>collect a bunch of missions
>really tired
>wake up

Should I expect this to be broken or am I fucked
are players not in a position to break the ceasefire? you are an agent of one participant after all.

The difference is if you open fire on The Order in the CZ, now the New 17 will leave you out to dry. It'd be you vs 6 dudes with plasma and rails.

At least, I think so anyway.
Someone make a new thread.

Sometimes...and sometimes too often CIG is not acting like a company making a >100 mil game.
am I too late for 17 Draconis?
how long until next war?
alright hold on
How'd I do

>sometimes I forget goons were a thing in EVE
How? They were a dominant force for a huge part of the game's lifetime
just come to open play we got like 6 cmdrs fighting the order by ourselves

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