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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1006

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 775
Thread images: 193

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>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8 - Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13 - Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23 - Granblue Shodown
1/23 - 1/30 - Guild Wars (Earth)
1/31 - 2/8 - New Event

Magnas, HLs and old summon raids are 3bp. New summon raids (Athena, Baal, Odin, etc) are still 5bp. AP costs unchanged.
This is a permanent change and not a Magnafest.

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: http://pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread
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>another fucking month without being able to make my first gw character because ebin no four celestial beasts
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How do you match up to Yari's greatest rival?
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What do I do in this stupid game once I run out of berries?
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Quality memes from /svg/
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>Cheaper than 2 rolls
What a used whore
This makes me feel so sad for light players.

wtf I would buy that for only 5 bucks

even if that face is THAT
They really fucked up with the face
hard mognes and casino
Because none will compare?
Eh it could be worse.
Her voice makes me moist.
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How did a general for a mobile phone game make it to 1000 threads?
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a lot of spam posts
because it is THE mobile game, where do you come from?
It's also a psuedo MMO so that makes it even more autistic.
Sometimes I forget these threads are supposed to be about GBF.
We have weapons grade autism.
>/ssg/ started 6 months earlier
>419 threads


Autism and buyer's remorse. 90% of people here have invested literal thousands into te game, so they're going to remain dedicated to something they've spent more on than people do on real games.
>decide to buy the suptix
>click the banner
>network error
Soccer spirits went to shit so fast it's not even funny.
>showed immense favoritism to wind since it was -the- p2p element
>started censoring their own characters
>all new events were only doable by p2p teams
I just bought a sup tix with paypal but I don't even have money in my bank account. How long before I get banned?
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>summon rate up

holy shit kmr
RIP to your paypal account


I think you mean sunk cost fallacy, but yes, this game preys on the human psyche.
MC and his crew are a bunch of mass murderers. How many guards and bandits have they slaughtered so far in all the stories? They were just doing what they had to do to feed their families.
>tfw no unknown race rate up

That's racist.
>I think you mean sunk cost fallacy,
Yeah, that.
+1 fest?
You say that as if most modern games don't do that, especially gacha and gacha clones.
Come Grande with (You)

They don't kill them, they just knock them unconscious and bring them back to Grancypher to satiate Lyria's unending lust
That would actually have made this gacha worthwhile.
seems like a trap
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>need wind attacker
>didn't ticket yakuza
did i goof up
lyria is always horny?
the generic erun in metera's fate has a better Yakuza voice than Yuisis.
Don't worry, teasel's in bed.
Fuck you, Lyria's a pure little boy.
You're fucked
She travels on an open airship in the sky with wind constantly blowing around, wearing literally nothing but a short half-translucent white dress. How could she not be?
You never noticed?
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Who would be better in GW: her or Birdman?
Dont reply to it, he's been trying to push that shitty meme for a while.
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Thanks for the certs.
Got a gold cert. Thank you!
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>that one doujin where she finds out gran prefers draph women so she rounds them all up and has them all fucked by bandits while gran watches
lyria is stone cold man
Fuck off retard.
How do I level my units to 100 efficiently without wanting to kill myself?
i want to believe
Trying too hard to falseflag, please to back to whichever shitty site you came from.
>Pretending to be a SEAnig
This is the new low
Place them in your sub party while you do other shit. It'll be slow but you won't want to kill yourself like you would if you were spamming Co-op or Angel Halo.
That's just how IRC types
How do you play this game without wanting to kill yourself?
>This guy still shitposting about IRC when they havent been relevant for months

wew lad
Yuel's smile is a ray of sunshine that gives me hope.
People who whale, are you doing it out of disposable income or are you degenerate spenders?
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Go back to Facebook
>using the word "lad"
>which resulted to his death
Tell me that's not a real article
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I'll decide wether this is the game for me laddie. And it would behoove you not to put words in my mouth lest I put my fist in yours.
So if I get hit by a car right now I can blame 4chan for it right?
Well that article is better edited, at least.
Do you ever get tired of forcing this shitty meme?

It was funny maybe the first or second time but it stopped being funny after you posted it on every thread and kept beating the dead horse.

Yes I know its reddit, I grabbed it off google. The original link triggers the spam filter and I cant be fucked to go around it.
>Dec 13 2012
wew lad
How important is having an Athena post-101? Thinking of ticketing one. Is it generally better to bring appropriate carbuncles unless she's MLB?
You're aware that most of the posts in /gbfg/ every day are built upon memes from before you came here, right?
Actually it reminds me that "lest" is a word.
Not at all. She's a good stat stick and universal buncle for a single turn when you need a damage cut, Otherwise, try to cross her or use buncles. You can easily live without.
Imagine if instead of Sethlans, it was Shiva you could spark. Would all the people that whaled 5k+ for Shiva be angry?
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>No flip chests from Amakusa Extreme

Fucking hell, I need 2 more Katanas for Windmemes.

Being new is suffering.
Unticketable summons have never been sparkable. Fuck off with your if
Come Grande with (You) Part 2

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I can't remember why I play this over FGO.
Alright, thanks. Might hold off on it for a bit in that case, at least until I have the stones lying around to MLB it.
Then go play FGO
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Not as bad as the intro paragraph suggested. Though it's not as if proper grammar is particularly hard.
No. Sunken cost fallacy will keep me shackled to this game forever. If I'd spent more than $40 on KanColle I'd probably still be playing that, and this has milked me for over a hundo a month.
FGO doesn't have an english version
What's the name of the anime
What is best to buy first in casino?

Got my first 2,5 mil, should i just grind like mad for 77 mil prize or buy something else+daily pots?
Active Raid
I've heard a lot of bad things about it, though
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How does the door know she's coming?
Sometimes I wish I'd spent so much that I felt shackled to the game. Then I'd buy something like a Zoi code or similar status symbol weapon/character.

But I don't care and I'm not invested enough into this kusoge.
Thanks. Here is your (You)
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Thanks for the feather
I love unintentionally funny anime, I hope it's one of them.
I'm glad I'm not the only person that thought the door was fucked up. It ruined the whole webm.
Forget the 77m for now. You want to grind enough for 4 copies of anat and also enough to buy all the monthly restocked stuff like the summon uncap stones and steel bricks.
And also the berries/pots of course
Buy Anat. Buy steel bricks if you need them for buncles/class weapons. Christina is useless unless you need her weapon for gun stones.
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Invest it by playing the slots. Just one good jackpot and your casino woes are gone forever!
Because it's good.
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It was a nice mecha, but it was pretty boring in all honesty.
FGO is the better game desu. Everyone even nakamura is migrating.

KMR is purposely killing gbf
Do people play it because they like the game? Or just because it's Fate series? I honestly am sick tired of the fate series, and I tossed all my fate merchandise years ago. I can't see how anyone still likes it/would play FGO.
I would play FGO if it was in English and the sprites weren't so shitty
Is there list of common raid phrases for 6-man? Like if someones asking for bishop or sparta.
Who should I replace Gawain with, if anybody?
When someone told me the sprites looked like they could've been from Adventure Quest I immediately uninstalled the app
>アロレ - arrow rain
reading kata is so dumb desu
Feena a cute, but she's less useful than Gaw replace her.
Feena and Rosetta have fanastic synergy for simple stuff.
It's super boring. If you thought GBF was vapid, FGO is a whole new world of trash
Reddit tier list finally has Dark.

That is to say, it has S. Zoi and Cerberus(?) and almost everyone else just says "WIP" but I guess if you have S. Zoi listed you pretty much got it covered.
You guys should thank for every tier list for keeping the thread alive
>giving a shit about reddit tier list
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bea bulies confirmed reddit
So is Vampy not integral to every dark team anymore? What happened to that?
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I want to fuck my daughteru
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Relax, anon. Your wife Vania is S tier.
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Delete this
Only yourself to blame.
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Source required, for science.
I hope you sleep with one eye open anon. So you can watch me castrating you.
Only if you do it with your mouth
What's the drop rate for Gadaner Gems on Very Hard? I can't do Extreme
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Oh you're cute Yugu.
I can't use my mouth and a microscope at the same time.
I don't think you know what castration is
I don't think you know what a joke is.
The blue sky crystals are the real timegate.
You can literally farm all the GW mats in a single day
How many pots you need for those mats?
daily hard and two boat HL drain all my nature AP
What should I do with my extra AP?
I'm level 90 and around chapter 70 so I don't know what I should be farming
>people still think the mechanic is hard
spimply eric
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I wish there was a way to completely delete characters from your list
I think you posted the wrong picture, anon.
What the fuck. No, you don't use her 2 on her 12 after her TA is locked in. You want her to keep working around the clock and picking up all those buffs
Then who'll clean the deck?
So i guess every zodiacs will be either doraf/erun/harvin/unknowns but no human huh?

That's racist.
>keep working around the clock
You thought you'll get (You) for this huh
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when will water be saved again?
Same. Any time something goes missing I know exactly who stole it and pawned it for more birth control.
She only extends her buff durations if she TAs in a proper turn with that buff. So if you lock in 12 then all her TAs will extend her 12 buff but now her 8 even though you embrak'd on the previous turn and have the 8 buff up. So you need her to keep going around and TAing to keep up her buffs.
>after 7 months finally bought altair using SD
>don't feel like playing the game anymore
what is this i dont know what's going on
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>there's an actual beatard who understands how all this shit works here
What's your stance on the raped/wasn't raped debate?
Her eyepatch pisses me off
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you became a kek like this guy
She obviously wasn't raped. But I could care less if people want to force the meme because I enjoy the doujins.
>all that shit to keep her going while S.Zoi killed everything with just one button.

Reminds me why people thinks she's best dark DPS again?
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Anyone who isn't a deluded mentally challenged waifufag wouldn't care and would more than likely participate in the shitposting. It's fun and funny, why wouldn't you? Even cygames joins in.
Isn't me (>>165647642) btw. She was definitely raped by every midget. At least twice.
I was referring to the pun but it looks like it wasn't intentional
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What? Fuck sake.

>Turn 1 press her 3.
>Turn 2 press her 1.
>Never press a button again for the rest of the battle.

So many fucking buttons.
I'm content with that answer. Thank you for your contribution, beatard, raped or not your wife is one of my favorite characters for event content.
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Nice try, fuccboi.
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Fight me.
What? That's not how it works at all.
serious question:
aren't you suppose to deal TA every turn to make Beato viable character during fight and keep her sexy buffs active 24/7?

that's why she sucks in early game and she become only good in raids where people spam Double Trouble III and you play SS or Warlock with GW dagger

I actually got her last magnafest but didn't bother to even uncap and level her since I'm not able to provide perma TA buff for my team
>mfw main water
>building light as secondary
>spending pendants on guns
>knowing snek wont drop any
>saving damascus for swords

end me
>Bea's sword is literally the backwater weapon
>Has no backwater passive
>tfw bought enough distinctions for all Tier IV classes
>still need to play casino for the gun elements

Source on no more R/SR promotions?
>the Naru x Izmir x Sen x Cuc x Monki x DJ x Cog x Gran full color doujin is finally scanned



>not to mention other new doujins specially with Naru
Not every turn, but every TA extends her buffs for an amount of turns that I forget, with no cap.
Just use her 3 on turn 1 and use her 1 every time it's up and she's on 8 o'clock. Her own TA is formidable enough as is.

time to kick good guy Ves and put Beato in his place
DJ x Vira x Naru x s. Zoi / Beato x Danua

full waifu team here we go
On the last 2 Rares for GW Weapon upgrade, what does 1-4 and 4-3 mean?
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Just wait for this

Fuck I want it bad
>up summon rate
>really tempted to roll because I have shit summons

fucking die
Why is Vyrn such an arsehole? I wish he'd stop bullying my crew. Stupid Lizard
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so I just ticketed Yuel

what team I could build around her with characters I have atm?

until now I was using h. Bear / Clarisse / Sen / (random 2 characters in back row that I want to level up in the meantime)
>Gran: Fuck off I don't want you on my ship
>Lyria & Vee: Ignore him you're with us now
miria in the last slot for free rage
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What did he mean by this?
Fully uncap Yuel as soon as you can.

Sen/Yuel/Clarisse Frontline
Bear/Miria Backline
Put Barawa in the Backline if you believe in your own luck.
Wait for her 5*
>Sen/Yuel/Clarisse Frontline
>Sen 1st

shouldn't Sen be last? Usually I was letting her attack 1st turn to get at least 40% ougi bar, then making her charge her 3rd skill for 6~8 turns and then using 1st skill to get 70%+ ougi for full party ougi

unless with Yuel I should change the way how I use Sen?
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how fast time passes for you /gbfg/ while being addicted to this game?
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Daily reminder that Vampy is core
I wasn't listing order just members sorry.

Yeah, Sen last Yuel Second after MC and Clarisse in the middle.
I got a cute boyfriend from /gbfg/ after 2 years so it's worth it
It's now 2017.
I want to cum inside Vampy's core.
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can someone post the MS paint drawn asanagi korwa doujin story? pretty please!
BTW since your team is mostly Erun I'd recomend getting a Baha Spear.
chicken and waffles for breakfast?
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H-How did you meet him?
How do you do your extremes? I just press auto and go do other things like check /gbfg/. I don't bother with th. Do you?
I'm working on baha dagger atm so dunno if it's worth wasting baha horns on spear I will use for month or two only. Then I will make baha sword since fire isn't my main (water&dark and I have lots of human&unknown&cows in those elements)

thanks for the tips
That's how I do maniacs and hells.
If you ever get excess baha horns (which you will) consider getting a spear if your fire team doesn't get more human or if you haven't reached HL yet to Coda a dagger.
So why is Earth GW Axe better for Berserker than a Ygg Sword? I dun geddit
It is not
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>plain dmg vs. def down
I wonder.
It probably is until the sword gets 4*
Three-Tiger Axe

ougi effect:
Awakened - Inflicts 30% Defense DOWN.
Fully upgraded - Inflicts 35% Defense DOWN.

also if you have GW Axe then you probably also use Sarasa and she (and MC as Zerk) gets bonus atk from axe weapon proficiency + not to mention you probably also have 2~3 unknown earth axes from idols event

dunno stat wise tho.

so which one is right way to do?
312 or 311?
See >>165647848
Thanks for the gold and silver cert
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thanks <3 !

thanks for the horn
I'm not being fucking retarded in using the casino moonlight stones to uncap my carbuncles right?
No, that's the way to do it
you are doing the right thing
It lasts 10 seconds so basically it does nothing. The optimal build is 5/3/2 or 6/2/2 so you can use the GW axe for stats in a sub slot. Also weapon proficiency boost is mostly pointless and Sarasa gets the bonus from swords and axes both. Ygg sword's ougi multipler becomes normal with 4* and as a zerker you almost always reach the damage cap with ougi so Ygg sword is always better than any other swords/axes.
if you aren't farming a rabbit that's the only use they have
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>15+ runs
>the one time i forget to put TH on i finally get a flip
The antiplacebo.
what if I have bunch of same buncles?

I have 6 light buncles and I'm not sure if I should use them to uncap 1 or 2 or go full autistic mode and grind casino until I become empty inside
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On to the coda now
Still need so much angel fodder to make all the guns 150 fuck
Ah, all right.

Rabbit seems to be a pain to get so I haven't bothered. Do two rabbits stack? Like guest + your own?
you never need more than 3 mlb buncles of an element, but once you uncapped all your buncles, you should uncap the rest and break them for elements
You're going to use max 3 buncles of same element ever all things considered, so you can upcap using 3 of them.
If you have Yuisis, Korwa and Monkey do yourself a favor and drop the dagger for a bow.
>Ygg sword's ougi multipler becomes normal with 4*
What do you mean?
how to get so many gun mats oniichang
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>doujin with granxgirls, he always top
>doujin with granxguys, he always bottom

I don't get it, as MC he should be top all the time.
Gran's a turbo fuccboi, he's only top because the girls aren't aggressive enough sexually to be top.
what the best way to farm berries without using bots/scripts for casino/co-op?
Ygg sword has horrible ougi multiplier before 4*, meaning its ougi does shit damage like SR weapons.
I got two codas before I even got one SL15 magna. Earth cups are next to impossible to get.
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Not the only use, you might want quartz
He short.
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I prefer Gandalf's sword.
The exp stacks at least. I noticed it when farming halo. Not sure about drops, but I'd assume they do too.
He tops girls because nips don't like power bottoms in their vanilla porn unless they're cray cray like vira
Neat to know, thanks guys.
>30% HP
>DA/TA when monkey and korwa already provides it

>manlet can't be top
Says who?
>Gran's anime voice
>he sounds 40
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>see 19/30 Kirin in pub raid list
>had to use berries because I had less than 5 BP
>raid is already full
>SK15 DA/TA that stacks with monkey, korwa and GW dagger
You'll hit damage cap as wind with Korwa without the dagger anyway.
You only need 6 for 2 SK15 swords.
At least until they release 4* for Baal weapons
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He can, but it's usually tied to size difference fetish and the art for that is pretty grotesque as a rule.

I'm fine with Gran bottoming for all the cute boys, honestly. That Feather doujin was the best.
Anyone knows when is Djeeta's Radio Show thing? i remember it was going to happen soon.
The latest one aired 5 days ago.
Quit talking about cups you hackers you're jinxing my flips. I want katanas not this shit.
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Bingo is a scam and super bingo a lie.
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What happens if you sell your Proto Bahamut? Are you R I P?
Casino and farmed the new year event for gun drops along with magnas
I also made a nebuchad so I have no idea how people have so many problems with gun elements since I only drew one gacha weapon

I play Siete/Monkey/Petra for almost everything so I will stick with the dagger
I'm f2p so no Korwa
>do my maniacs
>no flips
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>notifications aren't working for me

I'm out lads
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>gonna do my maniacs
>renown farm team
Darn is there a link to it anywhere?
Does chapter 13 mushroom really drop the sword? I've got 3 fist from it.

Baal is not getting 4* anytime soon
I mean they are 3* and are already better than swords at 80%
would it be better to pull now for an SSR summon or pull in the legfest?
Please bring half AP back
I want to spam angel halo for summons so I can level them
It's fucking impossible right now to level summons
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Spam it now anon. Don't you want that platinum rank shop? Just use all your pots now. You can always pay for more, right?
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>when you want the lad at minimum hp but the numbers don't let you

worst feeling
Is this from maniac?
I already spent $5 on elixers for co-op please leave me alone sierokarte
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>Buying pots
You're not cute, Sachi.
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Do you buttheads want anything? Anything but Chev and Celeste.
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>15th jan
>not even 150 drops yet

Tia would be nice.
Would totally leech though. Not strong enough to survive any magna yet.
Bought team space and stashes too.

This game has ruined me.
Tia HL
Thanks but no thanks, just capped my renown an hour ago. If you have HL chev then I could go for it.
I have nothing to do, /gbfg/..

Please motivate me!
Here you go
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Open up, anon.

Whoops, meant for: >>165652379
Ack, just joined Tia. I'll come after I get honors.
Thank you
>use oh my bahamut
>it deals 9 million damage

Holy shit Pengy.
We aren't even finished yet.
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Last Tiamat.
What do you do after ayer's and sarasa's counter runs out? Not 100% sure on how to run them effectively.

>still a month away from t4 class
Thanks for the fist and selfie.
I practically only use my earth team to kill snake so it's whatever
Sarasa can take a hit or two but with Ayer I just put him at minimum hp and don't even bother using counter, if he dies he dies
Reminder to buy those distinctions.


Gah I guess I'll finish GWC next 1/2 event. Too pots intensive.
how many pots you spend already?
Just 20 a day for Journey drops.
I'm using Lunalu for 2X Miserable mist. Am I doing it right?
Thanks for selfie.
I thought MM doesn't stack.
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>Must get platinum for the fire showdown
>Nothing to spend AP on
I don't think GW can save this
Click the enemy and see whether there are 2 copies of each debuff active. Spoiler: there aren't.
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I haven't even hit gold yet
should i get a bahamut dagger or bahamut gun, currently rank 50 with a light grid running lucio/ferry/juliet.
Meant for>>165653950
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dfw need 22 blue crystals
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Wow so difficult
just slime blast and split the costs with another person. you'll actually gain AP pots.
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I got platinum last month for the colab but that was disappointing in the end

Really need to farm this again for the fire showdown, guess I'll just spam gw like fuck to get the individual honor reward since my main element is wind
Dagger son
Fuccboi hero wannabe.
If you're going to be gay about it, Six.
I want doraf girl with a flat chest.
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>haven't been in platinum since 2 months ago
I can't wait for the anniversary.
You dont use ferry for her damage so she can wait for coda upgrade
>20 a day
How do you not run out?
>dark skin
All of them? What's even his appeal aside from those squinty eyes on his creepy fox-face?
>3 away from gold
How much does it take for platinum? I might make it this month.
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Same tbhfam.
You what, negro?
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got this from dao
how good it is?

i dunno, apparently chev guns + cosmos gun + baha gun is a thing?
Question, Tiamat SSR leader effects even the SR weapon? What's the minimum amount of them out of 9 would be good?
>dark skin
>all this engrish in this thread
literally any of them
gr8 b8 m8
Pretty good in celeste pool. You need at least two, really.
What do you get for hitting platinum?
Fug. Gonna have to hit GW pretty hard. Maybe I'll try and empty out 8 boxes and get enough daggers for 2.
500 crystals and a chance for 10 draw ticket.
girls can't be cute.
I want to breed with Morrigna!
A chance?
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500 guaranteed, the 10 roll isn't

Okay but which one
All of them!
Give me blue.
She's the dirtiest of all SSRbuncle raids. The water whale is also medusa tier annoying.
Wait people actually run olden Cortanas? I thought they were a meme.
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Normal/Hard loot table
Your life is a meme
Oh so it's a 50% chance on getting a 10 roll?

By your words I was thinking taht it was something akin to a share chest where you roll a number and see if you get a 10roll.
Character versions of them when?
>Oh so it's a 50% chance on getting a 10 roll?
HAH! Not even close.

There are 500 10 roll tickets that go out like a lottery to 500 random people among all the thousands of players who reached Plat that month.
albert 5* soon
Rosamia is getting it, back the fuck off
And she'll still be shit.
Desu NE
I know
Go away pretzel.
Oh, that sucks.
>Albel is super strong in SV
>Shit in GBF
KMR will save him
At level 100 you can heal her and she gains no hostility while on the mask

I have no idea how to fix skill 2
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>not wanting her to draw hostility away from lucio
>she gains no hostility while on the mask
Lame desu. I only use her as a sacrifice.
remove pretzel hair
Yeah let me just dogememe jita away and do a rosamia/lucio/ferry/juliet team

Because I'm not replacing the bottom 2
>Luci is shit in SV
>broken in GBF

Really activates your neurons
If they want to put cuckbait characters in the game that's fine, I understand appealing to different fetishes. But don't make them fucking core units. I don't want to think about her riding Romeos dick every time I use her in a raid. Keep them as SRs like Almeida or shit SSRs like Aliza.
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Luci isn't shit in SV, especially with Saha now.
Self insert fags are the real cancer
That's what sidewinder change is for, isn't it?
when they finally reunite is the moment when I block out the event it happens in and I go full denial

She thinks he's dead, so she doesn't even care to talk about him which is nice.
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It's okay because Romeo is cucking her too.
>juliet cares about romeo
Nice meme.
She literally starts fantasizing in the middle of the street about sucking his dick in her skill fate.
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He's less than a cup of tea to her
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>That Vaseraga/Almeida/Zeta doujin
>Die, You Crazy Funster!

What did they mean by this?
Arriet 5* when?
>It's Not Much Of I Expected

What did they mean by this?
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So does this go in regular celeste build that doesn't use zoi? Can anyone post a standard non-zoi boat pool?
Not nearly enough Almeida action
4 Axes/2 Claws
>Likes: Songbirds, Juliet

What did he mean by this?

What did they mean by this?
4 axe 2 claw is standard for any dark pool. You expand out to more claws as needed if you have Zoi until you reach the point where you're comfortably hitting damage cap.
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>flavor of the month
>has more art than ice doraf and slut dancer
>She will never give you JOI
>3 weeks of all mognes hosts possible
>2 portraits and 1 fodder SSR out of red chests and nothing else
>5 flips during the hosts
So, the """"red chest"""" buff coming up is just them putting the usual rates after the stealth nerf.
>slut dancer
Please don't call my wife that.
If I use the 150 pots from my alt can I go from 116 to 120
>it's that anon once again

you really want people to hate this slut don't ya?
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>3 more yuisis art from twitter in the last 6 hours

thanks japan
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Yuisis is mai waifu.
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>stealth nerf
>bigger flavor of the month than the others flavor of the month means it's not a flavor of the month
>tfw 100 away from gold
Feels good.
>FotMfags fighting each other
All of your waifus last only a month anyway.
What the fuck are you even saying?
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>the more popular the X, the more haters it gets
>tfw haven't been platinum since September
Feels good not to be a goy.
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They'll be sold out worldwide within an hour of release, though.
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superior blondes.png
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Reminder that Wind is the blonde element.
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>tfw Yuisis is next year's hug pillow
>Honkey element
So white!
>They'll be sold out worldwide within an hour of release, though.
Are you stupid
That's Dark though.
at level 100 its auto revive replaces the survive at 1 hp thing

first skill removes 25% cost hp gives 500 (or 1000) dmg a turn but you can heal

third skill gains echo

they ignore the second skill exists
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>doesn't even have the best and strongest blonde
Anyone have an idea when beasts is going to run again? I have pretty much all the GW char mats except the gold bar, since I was still low rank when beasts ran last time.
Hey, I don't know if they're already out yet. Plus that's pretty much what happens with Amiibos/Nendroids from popular anime and games.
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Yuisis looks a bit like Metera.
Oh, so you're a newfag to buyfagging. That's understandable.

Stuff like "selling out immediately" doesn't happen with these types of figures. Hell, if this is like the idol set, they'll probably release it as a GSC exclusive which is made to order anyway.
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>tfw took it easy last magfest
>tfw have enough seeds/balms for 10 kirin trains
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tfw no monki.png
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Are you sure about that?

N-Next year.

>3 doujins posted on exhentai with Izmir (b-but she is suppose to be dead right? Fenrir bow nerfs killed Izmir hype right?) in a less then a week and the C91 delivery train ain't slowing down
>0 lewds or with slut dancer
>Yakuza waifu still didn't got quality lewd art just some random safe simple doodles
>Izmir is still getting new art from time to time

it's like no one is interested in drawing #523 and #524 Erun female characters

>so many female Erun characters in game
>only 19 female Dorafs
>Doraf girls get more doujins and overall lewd art

no one likes fox ear sluts (except Sen) beside 4chan, twitter and tumblr

>Light has Lucio
>broken please nerf

>Dark has Six, DJeanne, and Naru
>perfectly fine

erun=human>unknown>harvin>shit>doraf>a pile of shit>zoi
Anthuria has doujins though, they just aren't scanned. The fact that she even got doujins despite coming out right before C91 basically is a testament that she is popular.

Yuisis came out way too late to get anything for C91
Reminder that a single one of Lucios abilities is over twice the damage of another SSRs. Also Vaseraga needs them to be in overdrive to even do half that.
being so much delusional
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Yuisis is CORE!
She kinda is.
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Yuisis is core cute.
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The Queen's armpit.

Worship them.
>Get fucking Beato
End me.
So where's the source on them not upgrading R/SRs anymore? Sounds like bullshit.
Her sword is okay at least.
You can actually get 10+ pots/day from just shop/casino, you'll never run out unless you spend everything at once.
>Fire showdown coming soon
>Thought of grinding it with butter knives
Wish I rolled Varuna
You can get 5 from casino daily, and about 12 from the shop. That said, getting them from the shop needs island mats, and grinding for those in itself costs a decent amount of AP considering you need 10 per half pot.
>where's the source of them not wanting free money
whoever said it's ass probably
Korwa has better armpit.
Is there certain quests that you should be doing for the island mats?
Running the R chara quest for feathers is basically free pots.
I usually just spend 6-10 a day and only more when I have nothing to do that day. 20 a day seems unsustainable
Yeah, but they are necessary to get Platinum Journey.
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C-Chev swords!
R character quest on Port Breeze is cheap and gives a good yield for pot mats. Can't remember the others off the top of my head, you can check wiki.

I mean yeah, but that's only 2 per day and like 20 per month. Later island mats aren't as common in drops and cost more AP to farm.
Uncap them.
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Just MVP your magnas they said

>roll Varuna last week
>roll a second last night
I wish I had a pool to use these
Aren't the mats besides the Golonzo and Ch1 ones an AP deficit?
2x CH 25 SR quest yields 2 half pots.
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Is it worth it to waste an elixir on this shit rupie-wise?
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chev sword.png
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>naru even comparable to lucio
>six only buffs himself while lucio does as much damage as him while buffing the whole party
>Djeanne is the one who might be comparable
yeah I'm light and I believe lucio deserves nerfs.
so does S zoi and korwa though.
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No chev sword in 2 magnafest ;_;
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>lucio does as much damage as him
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It drops 10k rupie.
I haven't really checked, but I'd believe it.
Lucio solely made dark irrelevant in baha HL gold bar hunting autismfest.
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from an extreme no less
How many do you have in total, anon?
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What does a magna pool with Olden Cortana look like? I want to build a dark pool on the side using them and I think they'd make a good option since I don't have any dark unknowns anyway. Would something like this work?
>inb4 2 baha
Again, no unknowns. I figure the baha weapons also help with the HP loss from the cortanas. Also, I have Zoi.
Bless your poor soul, I hope you get a nice drop soon.
Have you even compared Lucio's kit to any one of theirs?
I'm sure you believe that.
>muh drawbacks
See, your first mistake was going fire.

Colo sticks are a myth.
>40% passive light damage increase
>ougi buffs his light damage even further
>25% party wide atk buff that stacks with rage
>90% echo that basically doubles his already doubled damage
I'm so sorry Lucio made your autistic kitty irrelevant.
I'm not. I'm light. Though I have Yuel/Percival so I figured to try getting shit for it for shits and giggles.
You're cute.
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Who else fits into super sentai team aside Rosamia and Nicholas?
It's the reality. His x9 (18) nuke is utterly broken against high armor bosses, not to mention his other buffs and high damage output.
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>using male on light
lucio sucks desu
good argument, not like dark players are the kind of people to have one anyway :^)
>Light's best attacker is shittier than a free dark character

>no Ferry
>no Juliet
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>/gbfg/ trying to meme that Six is somehow better than a character that hits just as hard while also buffing the entire party on baha HL
>Has no argument when told they're wrong
Really makes Heles think.
>No Ferry
Where the fuck is your juliet
>rage stick
>useless debuffer
>amira the busted
nice team fag
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>hits just as hard
Do you honestly believe Lucio can't TA for damage cap on baha HL? You're not this dumb, are you?
>muh optimized team
>muh mvp desu
>dark players can't even into character types
sasuga darkfags
Guys I have a problem. I have a 5.43 inch dick and i play dork.

How do I fix this?
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I wish the 4koma artist drew gbf h doujins
Never happening though
This team is like my team 2 years ago. Just replace Lucio with Io and Jeanne not having a 5* yet
Let me play with it!
That's a perfectly fine size considering you're never going to use it except for masturbation.
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I want Siete and warlock DJ making smug blonde kids together.
my mind can't decide
pits or tits
Why not both
Total of 5 from drops.
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Fucking luckshitter.
Did you see all them chev bits? I wouldn't call that luckshitting
They need to draw more characters in a pose that shows off their feet!
>I just realized that 4koma artist is literally stripping Naru... all those straps can't hold pressure of her breasts (and it started even in previous 4koma with Naru)
what you're complaining about then you little piece of shit?
shut the FUCK up.
Die, luckshitter.
>5 swords in 800 bits
>not luckshitting
let's not be stupid anon
>5MLB swords
>800 bits
>wind sword flip on VH Amakusa
It's a new years miracles.
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I am.... Getting there!
>tfw the only thing you're missing is a gold bar and cygames refuses to rerun beasts

Fuck me
I'm so sorry
I like how high pitched Amakusa sounds.
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Gambare, anon!
On the topic of earth, who pairs better with Ayer and Korwa? Sarasa or Eight?
Okto is Korwas BFF
probably february, that's a very likely time
Will the next Guild Event really suck that hard for non-windroaches?

I guess I could try grinding a halfway decent* Windteam (have Gawain and Petra) in a week. The SSR wind sword from the samurai showdown eventt is supposed to be decent, right?
I have to wait a month just to get okto, fuck
no one knows.
It might be really bad, it might not, we need numbers on the damage reduction from other elements first.
Looking closer to his portrait, he really shave his beard (common trait of adult male doraf) doesn't it?
beasts would have returned in december but then the KMR transition happened and arcanum got shelved and forced beasts into the november slot, so yeah. It's usually 2 months between each rerun so February is highly likely.
Not really. Tzaka and Redluck didn't shave. Octo needs to shave his beard to put on makeup.
Yeah, multiple katanas is fine. You can use pretty much anything with large att up in a poverty wind pool since you can just use Anat+Anat.
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Where can I get these? They aren't on Nyaa and googles no use.
Playable Olivia fucking when?
>Just discovered Flower Knight Girl
Goodbye Granblue
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Relatively new player here (Rank 40), is there any crew around here that take in newbies like me? Would be much appreciated.
I am not going there
Sure. Post ID.
Why are you so dead /gbfg/?
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It provides a great dopamine rush, FOR FREE. Plus the art is really good.
Rin what the fuck have I told you about taking from Nana's stash?

FGO's art and UI along with the terrible sprite animations just seem so low-budget
>never spent a single penny
>can mvp grandes and 6 man just fine
>still progressing to mvp baha HL
feels comfy desu
I want to sexually FUCK a /gbfg/ slut
Post your IDs RIGHT NOW!
it doesn't seem, it is
>tfw can beat whales and dolphins ranked 150+ with relative ease having only spent enough to cover the cost of a regular game
>tfw one of those people that can cuck /gbfg/ raid starters out of a normal Baha MVP in 2-3 turns whenever people post them here
Feels good.
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>an hero's cuck
Tzaka's gonna get raped?
Do that crossfate already
Slut! Slut!
I really want GW to come sooner
Is the carbuncle in the shop the same as a gacha carbuncle?
The wind carbuncle is not in the gacha
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PSA: If you want your 5* character to use it's non-5* voice lines, just chance this portrait to one of it's previous ones.
Now your Jeannu can stop sounding like a man.
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What game are you playing right now, anon?
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Akari 26.png
268KB, 508x671px
The about-to-go-to-the-gymn one.
We need that psycho bitch Luna in GBF.
Should I just blow my 10-draws on this summon event?
Or just switch her to Djeanne on your Light team and enjoy best Jannu
Yes! You're my favorite poster!
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I prefer Gbf art to Shadowverse, but Luna is Platinum Grade semen demon.
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Luna is my daughterwife and not a psycho bitch.

Don't post lewd images of her.
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How old is this semen demon again?
Old enough.
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The flipped and recolored images piss me off.
Are only flying sprouts and wheat stalks worth it to farm for half pots or have there been newer and better options
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You keep yelling this but there is no erune male in this game cuter than Drang.
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Technically speaking the most efficient way to farm half elixirs is to leech coop, since it's free. That said, you might spend several hours and only get like 1 drop.
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Drang is cute but he is already taken and Shao is obj. the cutest, gacha Drang never.
Now that you mentioned it, I realized it annoys me too.
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Yes. Slimy Shrooms are "okay" but only if you need to farm Hallowed Souls.
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Thanks doc
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Delete this immediately kenzoku.
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Shit's random as hell. When I self-host I sometimes I get 2 on my alt in 5-6 runs and as of now I've not gotten a single pot on my main in days

Just sprouts, shrooms and wheat I guess? The others aren't worth it in terms of efficiency right?
Really makes you think
Arisa for Wind, Erika for Light, Isabelle for Earth, Rowen for Fire, Luna for Dark, Urias for Fire or Dark, Eris for Light or Dark or Water.
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>tfw Shadowverse made me want to use Albert in GBF
>can't because there's no real reason to disturb the Light C O R E unless I'm full Chev Swords

Life is difficult.
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Never thought there would be a day I would say this but man I really love cock.
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why don't you just admit that you didn't even bother searching?
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How much?
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Taken by DJ?
But that's the case for most of the male cast.
I want to pull on Vampy's tail and make her bark like a bitch in heat!
why is /svg/ shitposting in /gbfg/ again
>taken by a non-canon girl

Really made me think.
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Honestly I think you're likely mixing up the tems "cute" and "cum-hungry". Because nothing about his face is cute and everything is cum-hungry in *all* of the pictures you posted up to this day, Shaoposter.
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>not taken by sturm
Shao is pure !
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A lot. I swear I'm not gay just because I love cock.
Fuck you, I play control
Imagine Vampy has a potato in her mouth while saying thisbecause I can't be arsed to make the text sound like she is crying
>S-Stop! Why do you want to rip out Vampy-chan's fangs?
>Eh... You just want to do mean things? N-No... Kenzoku... Do you hate Vampy-chan?
>No, please no.
>You're doing it because you like me? I don't get it... I-If I did something wrong I'll apologize. No, no, no, no more please.
That's the gist of it, greatest love story ever told
Fuck you, I play Dimension Dorothy.
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Fuck you, I play nothing because no one wants to fight me.
>You're doing it because you like me? I don't get it... I-If I did something wrong I'll apologize. No, no, no, no more please.
I get it, I totally get that feeling
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I want to cuddle with Vampy while she feeds on my neck!
No one wants to fight me either, most of the people I play against in ranked leave as soon as I drop Dimension Shift. Half the time I don't even have lethal, I just play it because they're likely to leave.
Nib nib?
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>no cute vampire girl to nib nib on you
Life sucks
What is the point of these images?
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Is the boosted drop rate host red chest alredy implemented or was I just lucky?
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You're a cruel one. I got Face Dragon, Storm Haven, Unga Bats and Shadow Neptits but I'm not even that good, everyone can fuck me over easily.
Shit tier meetup

They boosted drops of magna weapons in general to speed up new players. I've gotten 3 chev swords since the 3bp change.
you're just lucky
Boosted drop rate on red chests is just a cygames meme at our expense.
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Vampys 5* will make her core again.
Who is the artist?
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I'll shove a chev sword up your ass, you dumb cunt
Only if I get to keep it after. SSR only.
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weeblate it trans
Wh-What am I looking at in that picture? Candy cane?
I already asked you to delete this picture of me nya.
This artist is really inconsistent eh
You people are trying really hard to make me dislike Sen.

Why can't you make like the Swordposter and get killed?
Leave leaf
>Amira fate episode
>beat it with shitty snek grid
very :thinking:
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Now that you've made this post I'm going to make the stupidest most cancerous shitposts with Sen just to piss you off. Tell me who else you like so I can ruin them too.
>implying I liked Sen to begin with

Dumb autist.
>not liking Sen to begin with

Dumb autist.
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>Not liking Sen

Dumb autist.
>Lets his opinion of fictional characters be dictated by the people who post them in a 4chan thread
>Calls others autists
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Kantai Fantasy
>liking meme girls

/gbfg/ in general.

>ha ha let's see how long we can call her a dog it's so funny xD
I guess it's the group ID: 10197489
This fetish is superior to armpits desu.
Why is Atago, Nagato, and Tenryuu in there twice
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This is the sort of person we share a thread with.
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Armpits and midriffs walk hand in hand
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>all fanart

Step the fuck up.
>w-w-why don't you like my memes :((((

Stupid lizardposter.
where are the vagina bones
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>fucking your father figure

is vampys little sister the biggest degenerate in the game?
it reminded me that I need to do the feet and pantyshoot/cameltoe versions
Because Tenryuu is the best!
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The crossdressing didn't give it away?
>Reading homoshit
You are the degenerate
Imma need a link to this, onii-senpai
doujin name
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what girl has the puffiest vulva?
It's not homo if both are men
Don't do that - my dick won't be able to handle it.
But Veight is a girl????
Source onegai.
I'm using butter knives to mvp anything not yugu and buying Chev guns.

Will I have a Chev gun grid done on a basic level or mlb a Knife first?
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Lucifer armpit.png
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Missing the crown jewel.
God damn anons, it's the second thing after searching.
>girl having sex with a guy
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02 (4).jpg
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>not reading cute girls(male) doing lewd things

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There's even more.
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Post the source fag, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, it's cute
>not buying yugu swords
How you do plan on beating Macula HL for the urns?
Or is it me for fapping to this
just go off ele like any normal person
>with fery + lots of clicking
>spark 300 for lucio
>finds out six is stronger
well even my djeane can TA cap for baha hl when set up properly :/ with 1 buff + carbuncle
meanwhile six doesnt even need carbuncle :/
That's some high functioning autism work
Girls (male) are still legitmate girls to me.
because i will do it with light later on
also i have some from running COC
Thank you, my dude.
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>waiting at Raid list for Chev to pop up
>finally does
>jump in room
>get kicked back to the home screen cause "lol you must be inactive!"
>quickly try to jump back in
>"This Raid Battle has ended"

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that's cute
>setting up lucio with ferry, lots of buffing
>darkfag with six already end their 4th auto attack turn

what's your point?
>waiting at Raid list for Chev to pop up

Ok but why
>He thinks you need Ferry to make Lucio TA and hit cap
Use raidfinder you new faggot.
Just use tweetdeck anon-kun.
>tops 2 turn cap dmg without ferry
No bully

I think I'll do that

Keep telling yourself that gayboi
KYS fujoshitter

I will add Olivia if she will be playable and her pits will be visible

actually... I probably need to update it + also add female summons
This sis good but I'd prefer Veight to be more submissive.
That retard really thinks Lucio can hit 440ks in Baha HL. I bet he doesn’t even have him or plays light.
Please don't post angry emoticons.
I think it's just a buttmad waifufag who plays dark and hates that Six is so good so he tries to badmouth him at every opportunity.
Six is fucking ugly.
D-Delete this, anon! Delete this now!
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Holy shit.
Six deserves to be nerfed. They nerfed Harezena for the same thing.
Can we not, I just fapped earlier.
How the fuck do people STILL not know what a fujo is in 2017
What makes you think he's a waifufag?
Is Song worthwhile?
You guys know that Ferry's third skill doesn't get you closer to the damage cap right? Bonus damage is damage on top of your regular damage, it doesn't have anything to do with the ~440k damage cap.
Fuck yes, though I prefer when he does hung shotas fucking women silly.
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really activates my Voltage-gated Ca++ channels
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N-new showdowns?
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>not hung women fucking shotas silly
0-4: roll naw
5-9: wait till feetfest
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>not hung shotas fucking shotas silly
Oh, we're going places
Ignore that and roll now
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>not shotas hung up and fucked silly
>skeleton 1+
wuv wuv
If you're looking to mvp race, no. If you want a good debuffer for a tough raid she's very worthwhile. Even when I'm racing she's always first spot in the backrow in case things get hairy. She also has a kice 3 turn +50% buff on her first skill which is nice.
who the fuck made that doujin with the crossdressing shota that fucked that lesbo with his big dick?
Theoricaly, how many Gadamer Gems can a Hard Battle drop?
>tfw your slutty girl (male) is a sneakerhead
His goal is to discredit Six, it has nothing to do with Lucio. It's the same person that claims "Dark is the only element with an all female core" and when you bring up Six he goes on about how he's irrelevant now because of Lucio or other nonsense.

Too easy to read.
fuck zoi and fuck shitskins.
Can Jeanne/Lucio/Juliet work at all?
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>thought the anime was starting this season
>it's actually the next one

Seems like we still have three months until this threads die for good.
This one?

fuck vyrn and fuck tokage
A dead thread is better than dealing with you retards.
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Strange narrative you got going.
>denki shogun
Praise be.
THis one always makes me laugh
t zoi fag
fuck off and eat shit nigger.
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I'm no idiot! I'm very smart! I'm a genius!
I hope a terrorist sect cuts your head off as an example.
Shut up Skull
Gonna be big one day! Yahoooo!
Fuck off you midget
>english Vampy sounds cute
How long does it take for trial characters to rotate?
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>Rolled cow scam gacha in hopes of Forte.
>Got Gold Moon.

One day.
>log in dmm
>2nd SSR ticket pinboard hasn't happened
nice lie dmmtards
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Midget! Nerd!
s-should i roll or wait till legfest ?
why does no one like naru anymore
Not good for racing.
Too much exposure.
Roll now. Follow your heart!
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Clarisse is here to motivate you!
>Height shaming

Can you not? Big things come in small packages.
Nemone is a dumb baka.
Yes, keep telling yourself that.
The trial characters in the training room shit. Right now it's some "Planned character" and 2 others.
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Same reason they've always disliked her: too many button presses, long animations. Makes her terrible for MVP race setups. Neechang is still good though.
Thread posts: 775
Thread images: 193

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